S.B. Sborshchikov, N.V. Lazareva, Ya.V. Zharov Basic Theorizes of Regulatory Impact Logistics in Investment and Construction
S.B. Sborshchikov, N.V. Lazareva, Ya.V. Zharov Basic Theorizes of Regulatory Impact Logistics in Investment and Construction
S.B. Sborshchikov, N.V. Lazareva, Ya.V. Zharov Basic Theorizes of Regulatory Impact Logistics in Investment and Construction
December 2014
This article discusses the methods and models based on the principles of logistics of construction,
connected with sustainable (balanced and optimal) development of construction investment and construction
activity. Based on the performance taking place in the sphere of investment of the main and auxiliary
construction processes, logistics, a new approach to dealing with the notion of a homeostatic state is proposed
- the notion of dynamic optimum. With this approach, the objective of sustainable development investment and
construction activities and its subsystems is to sustain its optimal trajectory. This definition implies the optimum
identification and verification of industry and corporate level. The authors propose the variety of links between
subsystems of construction investment, as well as between its areas of growth, which are only part of overall
sustainable development providing optimal development of the individual subsystems. In order to determine
the trajectory of sustainable development it is necessary to accurately delineate using the methods of logistics
space border of construction investment, which can be reached at set time intervals. Knowing these boundaries
is of particular importance for the development of long-term forecasts, operational and production plans, and
for the effective management of subsystems.
Key words: investment, construction, management subsystem, development trajectory, dynamic
optimum, management mechanisms.
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About the authors: Sborshchikov Sergey Borisovich — Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of
Technology, Organization and Management in Construction Industry, Moscow State University of Civil
Engineering (MGSU), 26 Yaroslavskoe shosse, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation; tous2004@mail.ru, +7
(495) 583-47-52;
Lazareva Natal’ya Valer’evna — Assistant Lecturer, Department of Technology, Organization and Management in
Construction Industry, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU), 26 Yaroslavskoe shosse, Moscow, 129337,
Russian Federation; nata_0986@mail.ru;
For citation: Sborshchikov S.B., Lazareva N.V., Zharov Ya.V. Osnovnye teoreticheskie polozheniya logistiki reguliruyushchikh
vozdeystviy v investitsionno-stroitel’noy sfere [Basic Theories of Regulatory Impact Logistics in Investment and
Constructiom]. Vestnik MGSU [Proceedings of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering]. 2014, no. 7, pp. 174—183.