Mataram 10 (Respons)

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Timestamp Full Name Majors / Program Study Email

9/10/2020 8:23:32 Baiq. Nesa Supriantini Keperawatan [email protected]

9/10/2020 8:23:37 Muhammad Nur HusnullahKeperawatan m.nurhusnullah17@gmail.
9/10/2020 8:23:50 Rizhka Vionita Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:23:53 Fitria Septiana Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:24:20 I made wega adnyana Keperawatan wega.adnyana1998@gmail
9/10/2020 8:25:41 Anelia Augustina Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:28:08 Bunga Puspita Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:29:14 Glesia hardinarti Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:30:06 M. Nur Wahyu Farhan Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:30:06 Ardi Nata Pratama Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:30:27 Elda Fakhira Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:31:29 Muhammad Aoza'i Keperawatan aozaimuhammad334@gmai
9/10/2020 8:32:19 Arista Ananta Dewari Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:32:32 Anjali Karismaya Puri Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:32:41 Ika Rifni Yuliantami Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:32:51 Muhamad hardiawan Keperawatan muhamadhardiawan21@gm
9/10/2020 8:32:59 Tania Hidayat Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:33:57 Hamzan wadi Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:34:42 Syahrul ramdoni Keperawatan syahrulramdoni1722@gmai
9/10/2020 8:35:17 Nur azizah Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:35:27 Rizqi Amalia Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:35:41 Kiki hadryanti ayu nisa Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:38:26 Risna Damayanti Keperawatan risnadamayanti1097@gmai
9/10/2020 8:40:44 Dwik Puspita Ayu Lestari Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:41:15 Elsa Fardian Sapitri Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:43:08 Nadya Farinyna Siswandi Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:44:13 Segina Hugab Rilla Keperawatan segina.smanti2016@gmail
9/10/2020 8:46:32 dira dwiyuwindriani Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:48:54 Ike Aryani Rahayu Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:48:54 I Gede Agus Irawan Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:49:07 Baiq Feni Widianingsih Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:49:55 LALE DWI KARTIKA PUTRKeperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:50:08 Baiq Azila falasifa Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:50:30 Safira Meylani Putri Keperawatan safirameylaniputri05@gmai
9/10/2020 8:53:29 I Gusti Agung Ayu Switari PKeperawatan switaripratikasitarasmi@gm
9/10/2020 8:54:59 M.ALDY HELIAN TEDRI Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:56:38 Nana Apriliani Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:58:20 Lina Solihan Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 8:59:11 Rianti Puspita Cahyani Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:00:24 Eva wardhani putri Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:00:42 Siti haulah Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:01:02 Maresa Trisuharsi KurniawaKeperawatan maresatrisuharsi0103@gma
9/10/2020 9:02:23 Ni Kadek Sulastri Astuti Keperawatan kadeksulastri1997@gmail.
9/10/2020 9:03:39 Lala Wahyu Rahmatullah Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:05:03 M. Fikri Yadiansyah Keperawatan m.fikriyadiansyah927@gma
9/10/2020 9:08:13 Dwik wahyuni Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:11:44 Ni Made Ayu Ari Supramawa
Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:13:00 Husnul uyun Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:13:08 Meilya Dwi Astika Putri Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:15:49 FEBI RIZKIA Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:16:27 Laely Fuziani Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:16:31 Kardinah dwi septyaningru Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:16:39 Sirlia Oktaviana Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:17:19 Wirana Ecy Septana'im Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:17:43 Arifianti Nurcahyani Puji LeKeperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:17:52 Afni Dewi Aprilia Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:18:30 Ni Kadek Yuni Sugiari Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:19:21 Ermayana Haeni Keperawatan ermayanahaeni43@gmail.
9/10/2020 9:20:50 Luh Cakrawartya Bella ApsKeperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:21:27 Shopia Apriliany Keperawatan shopiaapriliany26@gmail.
9/10/2020 9:21:28 NIA WULANDARI Keperawatan Wulandarinia1122@gmail.
9/10/2020 9:21:52 NIRWATI Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:22:20 Rizki maulana soes ariantoKeperawatan rizkimaulanasoesarianto1
9/10/2020 9:22:56 Wayan mita yuliantini Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:23:19 Novita Sri Wardani Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:23:24 NI PUTU GRAHITA KIRANKeperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:28:41 maesuro Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:29:03 Iskandar syah Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:29:08 I Gede Panji Santika Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:29:29 Yuni Lestari Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:29:45 Alif Akira Satria Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:29:53 Aprilianti firdaus Keperawatan apriliantifirdaus11@gmail.
9/10/2020 9:30:07 Miskan Pebriani Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:30:16 Erlina lestari Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:30:52 Rohliana selvia Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:34:21 Siti Hasanah Keperawatan nanasitihasanah899@gmai
9/10/2020 9:34:29 Lalu Amrullah Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:34:56 Ni Made Indi Aprianti Budi Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:36:20 Ni Putu Puspa Amerti PutriKeperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:36:27 Apriliza Yanti Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:36:52 Balqis Muthi'ah Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:37:05 Juwita chesia wati Keperawatan juwitachesiaw123@gmail.
9/10/2020 9:37:46 desty alma triana Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:38:34 PANDE MADE DWI SURYKeperawatan pandemadedwisuryana@gm
9/10/2020 9:39:48 Andiny Rizkita Lesya Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:40:07 Ida Royani Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:40:58 WIDIAWATI Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:41:18 Kadek Wiwik Indriani Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:41:43 Muhamad muzakkir irfan Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:42:29 Laila nadia Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:43:07 Ribka Todingan Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:43:09 Dwi suci rhamdanita Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:46:33 Widya Juniantina NusantariKeperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:48:20 Regina Salsa Gandi Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:51:05 Eva Kharisma Aprilia Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:52:22 Ilham suryanata Keperawatan ilhamsuryanata70@gmail.
9/10/2020 9:53:19 Lalu Trisna Agung PratamaKeperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:54:03 Ridhallah Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:54:23 Ayu Nanda Eliski Keperawatan ayunandaeliski99@gmail.
9/10/2020 9:58:24 Bagas ariya dwie anandq i Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:58:40 Siti Masruroh Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 9:59:41 asya zahara ulfiana Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 10:00:01 irfan idrus Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 10:19:12 I NYOMAN JANU ARIMBAKeperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 10:19:51 Ni nyoman sukawati Keperawatan nyomansukawatini@gmail.
9/10/2020 10:21:24 Wahyudi Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 10:26:08 Nurul Hikmawati Keperawatan nurulhikmawati36@gmail.
9/10/2020 10:27:35 Hidayatul Aini Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 10:33:42 WINDARIA Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 10:36:00 Amira mansur Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 10:46:57 Tri Nianda Agusmania PutrKeperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 11:20:11 Lilik sugianti Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 11:33:53 TIYA WULANDARI Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 11:48:42 Septi ayu wulandari Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 12:11:08 RISTA KARENINA Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 12:12:10 mariana Keperawatan [email protected]
9/10/2020 12:16:18 Larasati Keperawatan [email protected]
Phone Number Comment
085333910049 bagus
087881031068 Hadir
087850166093 Hadir
085237122294 Gak ngerti
081803617806 Good
081994833263 Memuaskan
082340065008 Sangat membantu
085930216582 👍👍👍👍
085961547233 Ya
082340968108 Mudah di pahami
08980268604 Mudah dimengerti
085954744317 Good
082340408860 Penejelasan bagus dan mudah dimengerti
087711122419 Good
087861863952 Fighting
081775129123 👍
083129746456 Hadir pak
081913654658 Hadiirr
087765029134 Semangat 💪
082340637621 Excellent
085933004965 Mantap
087860436429 👍
081339732082 No comment
087865041616 Good job
087723470958 Belajar
081997680434 Hadir
087754539945 Alhamdulillah
085253738575 no coment
085155058688 👍👌
087810218432 Amazing
87759741591 Lebih baik dari sebelumnya
081805307397 Good
087851015503 Suara pemateri kadang menggema
087756036635 Mudah dimengerti
081943553504 Saya telah memahami mengenai materi listening hari ini
087802002322 Sangat menarik
85932223292 Mudah di mengerti
0895331161195 Mohon diingatkan kembali absen agar tidak lupa setiap sesi kemungkinan banyak yang belum abse
087805931699 Hadir
081805377263 Semoga ilmu yg didpatkan bermanfaat
089682308986 Hadir
087858155855 Ok
082339637024 Suara kurang jelas karena kadang bergema
087863443010 Suara sering macet
085338877965 Materi yang sangat bagus.
6287854228052 Hadir
087865483743 Hadir
081999194127 Akan lebih baik microfon peserta di unmute otomatis saja , karna ada suara yg sangat mengganggu
08881095876 Semangat
085963977349 Hadir
087849095234 Yess
087860424820 Hadir
082342605068 Absensi
082339434653 Hadir
082247904396 Penjelasannya mudah di mengerti
082340756283 Gooddd
082359142210 Suara kurang jelas
087892687221 Mantap
087864336515 Bagus
085338916891 hadir
085238386556 Hadir
087861649028 HADIR
081237152954 Lebih baik lagi
08980715624 Lebih baik lagi
087861580866 Lebih baik lagi
08990647774 Bagus sekali
081999747100 good
083129026989 Good
081337376403 Nice
081996261194 Good
087751345725 👍
085205550754 Hadir
081917942865 Suaranya jelas
087864517823 hadir
081936711221 Bisa di mengerti
085237176527 good
081936124873 Baik
085205829318 Good
087865670402 suaranya terkadang putus-putus
087881032962 good
083129073431 Better
082339874036 Hadir
08971601053 hadir
082340826679 present
08970420657 ..
085337951882 Hadir
087758528455 Kepada bapak/ibu terimakasih telah memberikan ma
081938905341 -
087761800145 Yes
087753161159 Seru
087701674425 Thankyou for all of the theory
082146948305 Good job
087701118760 -
087862236921 tolong materinya di bagi
083129046556 suara bergema
087756204773 Awesome :))
081803405218 Y
085337536766 Pembahasan bikin cepet bosan
0895806458708 Toefl preparation
085237776976 .
081917528282 👍
087713807734 hadir
087850738078 Hadirr
085338664538 toefl
085337246902 Good
085954437277 Di permudahkan
81936673278 Y
08175748725 .
082359121559 nice
085239688512 Nice
987865657353 Good
087863402353 Semangat
085337980323 Ikut tofle
087852053642 Ikut Toefle
085333010592 Hadir
087856280817 hadir
085205270443 -
kinan banyak yang belum absen
suara yg sangat mengganggu

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