Introduction To Robotics - Core

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Introduction to Robotics -- Core

Overview This beginning robotics course uses VEX EDR Robotics parts and RobotC software to introduce the student
to basic programming as well as problem solving strategies. This course will involve students in the
development, building and programming of robots to accomplish various tasks. Students will work hands-
on in teams to design, build, program and document their progress. Topics may include motor speed, gear
ratios, torque, sensors, program loops, project documentation and decision-making. For second semester
projects, students are broken into teams of three. Each team has a project manager, a builder, and a
Objectives • Design robots and use RobotC programming software for specific activities and scenarios
• Use and analyze gear ratios, torque, timing, sensors, and program loops
• Collaborate in groups and teams
Assessment Students are assessed through quizzes and group projects focused on building design, programming, and
project management skills.

Course Essentials

Equipment Cost/Unit

VEX Parts (Super kit) $1,100 each (1 set/3 students)

Computers to Run RobotC $0 if you already have some, $500-600 per computer if you need to purchase

First Semester Outline:

Unit 1: Robotics Building Basics Safety, Parts Identification, Build a basic clawbot
Unit 2: Gears and Drivetrain speed Motor Mechanics, Gear Ratios, Wheels and Drivetrains
Unit 3: Gears and Lifting Mechanisms, Throwing Mechanisms, Torque
Unit 4: Sensors Types of Sensors, Application of Sensors
Unit 5: Programming Basics Documenting the Process, Basic programming structure, Commenting code,
Basic commands
Unit 6: Shaft Encoders Distance Calculations, Using Shaft encoders instead of time

Second Semester Outline:

Unit 7: Auto-straightening and Accelerate with autos-straightening, Basketball Slalom Drill, Understand
Variables Variables in programming
Unit 8: Line Followers and Follow a Mardi Gras parade route and “throw” a bead
Conveyor Systems
Unit 9: Bump and Limit Switches Sentry simulation, Bump into a wall
with Functions
Unit 10: Understanding Robodunk for March Madness using potentiometer to raise and lower arm
Unit 11: UltraSonic Sensors Robodunk using Ultrasonic Sensor to detect distance away
Unit 12: Final Project Using all sensors, build a robot within the design parameters that can
successfully navigate through a mystery maze

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