Chen2007 Article EngineeringCharacterizationOfR

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J Mater Sci (2007) 42:9867–9876

DOI 10.1007/s10853-007-1713-8

Engineering characterization of recycled asphalt concrete

and aged bitumen mixed recycling agent
J. S. Chen Æ C. C. Huang Æ P. Y. Chu Æ K. Y. Lin

Received: 2 December 2006 / Accepted: 21 March 2007 / Published online: 29 July 2007
 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2007

Abstract A recycling agent is commonly used to restore Introduction

the aged bitumen to a condition that resembles that of the
virgin bitumen. Three reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) Decreasing supplies of locally available quality aggregate
stockpiles were sampled, and the aged binders recovered in many regions around the world, growing concern over
from RAP binders were mixed with recycling agents at ten waste disposal, and the rising cost of bitumen binder have
levels to produce bitumen blends. The blends using virgin resulted in greater use of reclaimed asphalt pavement
bitumen as the softening agent exhibited a significantly (RAP) for road construction. Experience has indicated that
different rheological behavior from ones using the rejuve- the recycling of asphalt pavements is a beneficial approach
nating agent. The addition of a recycling agent could shift from technical, economical, and environmental perspec-
up or down the master curve of the blend vertically, tives [1–3]. After several years of service, the binder in the
depending on the engineering properties of the recycling reclaimed asphalt pavement becomes aged and much stiffer
agent. A normalized viscosity ratio (NVR) model was used than desired. The degree of aging depends on many factors,
to characterize the rheological properties of aged bitumen such as temperature, air void content of the mixture, and
mixed with softening and rejuvenating agents. An inter- chemical composition of the binder. The aged bitumen
action parameter was introduced into the model to consider present in a RAP has physical properties that make it
the physico-chemical reaction between aged bitumen and undesirable for reuse without modification. If the recycled
recycling agent. This mixing rule was compared to the pavements show excessive deterioration, the cost and
method specified in the blending chart by the Asphalt resource saving realized during pavement service may be
Institute (AI). The blending chart was shown to be appli- lost through excessive maintenance. Materials have been
cable to determine the amount of the softening agent developed to restore the old binder to a condition suitable
required to meet the target viscosity. The NVR model for reuse. This concept is not new and has been the subject
appeared to be a better tool for the rejuvenating agent to of a number of extensive studies [1–6].
predict the viscosity of a recovered bitumen blend than the In hot-mix-plant or in-place asphalt recycling opera-
AI chart. tions, new binder and aggregate are mixed together with
reclaimed asphalt material in order to reduce the negative
influence of aging to a minimum. The new binder should
be a recycling agent so that the final mix of old and new
binders will have an acceptable consistency and a sound
chemical constitution. The recycling agent selected for
blending with the aged binder can be categorized into two
J. S. Chen (&)  C. C. Huang  P. Y. Chu  main types as follows: softening agent and rejuvenating
K. Y. Lin agent. The softening agent such as AC-5 and AC-10 lowers
Department of Civil Engineering, Sustainable Environment
the viscosity of the aged bitumen. The rejuvenator is
Research Center, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701,
Taiwan, Republic of China commercially available and is aimed to restore the physical
e-mail: [email protected] and chemical properties of the aged binder [4–6].

9868 J Mater Sci (2007) 42:9867–9876

It concerns some highway engineers that RAP may act develop an equation to predict the viscosity of such a mix
as a black rock, i.e., the aged binder in RAP may not have [11]. The Arrhenius equation is a function of individual
any interaction with virgin bitumen. Complete blending phase times its fraction, and is expressed as follows:
will not exist if RAP is a black rock. Often, the question of
whether or not RAP should be considered as a black rock is ln gmix ¼ fold  lngold þ fnew  lngnew ð1Þ
raised. If RAP behaves like a black rock, the assumption
using a blending chart in the design of recycled asphalt where g is the viscosity; the subscripts mix, old and new
concrete may not be valid. It is imperative to study the refer to the resulting blend, aged bitumen and the recycling
interaction between new and old binders in mixtures con- agent, respectively. In Eq. (1), the letter f may represent a
taining RAP. mass function, a mole function, or a volumetric function.
Common practices call for extracting the aged bitumen The Asphalt Institute (AI) develops a blending chart that
and mixing it with virgin materials in order to determine is commonly used to determine the quantity of a recycling
the amount of the recycling agent required. Several binder agent to be added to the old binder to restore the properties
selection procedures were developed in the 1970’s and of aged bitumen according to the Arrhenius equation [7]. A
1980’s for recycled asphalt pavements. These procedures similar approach is also adopted in ASTM D 4887 to
which primarily consist of selection of virgin bitumen or a estimate the amount of a new agent for the aged bitumen
rejuvenator have remained largely unchanged over the [8]. The percentage of a new agent required to obtain a
years. Traditional determination of the RAP quantity certain target viscosity could be determined on a weight
allowed for addition to an asphalt mix is based on the basis by the use of a viscosity blend chart as illustrated in
viscosity measurement of a blended binder. The approach Fig. 1. The 60 C viscosity of the aged bitumen is plotted
for estimating the content of RAP to be used has been on the left-hand vertical scale as point A. The 60 C vis-
documented by the Asphalt Institute and in ASTM D 4887 cosity of the new agent is plotted on the right-hand vertical
[7, 8]. scale as point B. A straight line is drawn to connect points
However, the extent to which aged bitumen will be A and B. Then a horizontal dash line through the target
changed by a recycling agent during the hot-mix procedure, viscosity intersects the component viscosity line (AB) at
and hence the characteristics of the recovered bitumen point C. The projection of point C yields the estimate of
blend and the resulting performance, has not been widely percent virgin bitumen or rejuvenating agent required to
reported. For example, in some cases the viscosity of the meet the target viscosity in the blend. As shown in Fig. 1,
recovered bitumen blend has been considerably lower than the Arrhenius equation takes into account the physical
the target viscosity [9]. Large errors may require actual filling of a new agent into the old matrix.
blending to determine the viscosity of a mix. Epps et al.
(1980) indicated that some degree of trial and error
blending may be necessary to achieve an estimated
viscosity for a recycled binder [10]. Aged bitumen
Although many previous recycling studies have been A
conducted, few tools have been developed to explain the New agent
viscoelastic properties of recovered bitumen mixed with
softening and rejuvenating agents. Instead, most of recy-
Viscosity at 60°C (poise)

cling projects have been conducted using whichever recy- 104

cling agents are available. This may or may not result in C
pavements with better performance than the original bitu-
men. The goal of this study is to propose a mixing rule that 103
Target B
could better characterize the rheological behavior of the viscosity
recovered bitumen blend.

Theoretical background

A recovered bitumen blend composed of aged bitumen

mixed a recycling agent can be considered as a composite 10
0 20 40 60 80 100
liquid mixture. From the viewpoint of composites, the
New agent in blend, R (%)
recycling agent is the liquid phase and aged bitumen is the
matrix phase. Arrhenius (1887) was the first person to Fig. 1 Blending chart by Asphalt Institute

J Mater Sci (2007) 42:9867–9876 9869

Bitumen is a complex binder consisting of different lnðgmix =gold Þ Iinter
chemical compound. A physico-chemical interaction NVR ¼ ¼ fnew  1 þ
lnðgnew =gold Þ lnðgnew =gold Þ
would occur when a recycling agent is mixed with an  
2 Iinter
oxidized binder. The Arrhenius equation needs to be þ fnew  ð7Þ
lnðgnew =gold Þ
modified to characterize the interaction. The mixing
equation is rearranged as follows [12]: Equation (7) is a second-order polynomial regression
incorporating an independent variable (i.e., fnew) in making
ln gmix ¼ fold  lngold þ fnew  lngnew þ fold  fnew  Iinter ð2Þ
predictions of NVR. Since the viscosity of each phase is
where Iinter is the interaction parameter. measured individually, the interaction parameter (i.e., Iinter)
This general pattern as shown in Eq. (2) is exhibited by could be then estimated.
many naturally occurring phenomena that change with
adding a new material. Examples are salty water, air cir-
culation and petrochemical products. Evidences indicate Materials and methods
that the engineering properties of bitumen are proportional
to the degree of molecular association in terms of func- Recycled asphalt concrete
tional groups. The above equation can be rewritten to ob-
tain a dimensionless viscosity by subtracting the viscosity Three RAP projects ranging in age from 4, 6 to 10 years
of the aged bitumen: were chosen for comparison, and they are called RAP-1,
RAP-2, and RAP-3, respectively. These recycled projects
ln gmix  lngold ¼ fold  lngold  lngold þ fnew  lngnew were selected in order to have their construction in the
þ fold  fnew  Iinter ð3Þ same time frame, by the same contractor if possible, similar
mix design, and traffic. To determine if blending occurs
This equation is expressed in the following form: between the aged binder and the recycling agent, the
researchers evaluated the properties of mixtures with three
gmix different scenarios representing standard practice, total
ln ¼ lngold ðfold  1Þ þ fnew  lngnew
gold blending and black rock.
þ fold  fnew  Iinter ð4Þ The recycled asphalt concrete was prepared by mixing
reclaimed asphalt pavements, new aggregate and virgin
The total mass fraction is equal to 100%, i.e., fold + bitumen (AC-10). The reason why an AC-10 was used is
fnew = 1. We can substitute (–fnew) for (fold–1), and rear- that the rejuvenating agent would be mixed just as well as, if
range this equation as follows: not better, with aged bitumen if an AC-10 is found to be
blended well with RAP. The mixes consisted of three RAP
ln ¼ fnew  lngold þ fnew  lngnew þ fold  fnew  Iinter sources and one RAP ratio, i.e., 40%. Under the current
Public Construction Commission quality assurance/quality
¼ f new  ðlngnew  lngold Þ þ fold  fnew  Iinter assurance specifications in Taiwan, a maximum of 40%
g RAP is allowed in the surface mix. The mixes were
¼ f new  ln new þ fold  fnew  Iinter ð5Þ
gold designed based on the RAP mixture design process by the
gnew Asphalt Institute [7]. Limestone was the aggregate used for
Dividing both sides of Equation (2) by ln gold , we all mixes. An overall mixture gradation is listed in Table 1.
obtain This mixture is a dense gradation having a nominal maxi-
mum aggregate size of 12 mm. The relative proportions of
lnðgmix =gold Þ Iinter
¼ fnew þ fold  fnew  coarse and fine aggregates were held constant for different
lnðgnew =gold Þ lnðgnew =gold Þ
  mixtures to maintain the same aggregate gradation. The
Iinter total binder content was also kept constant for each mixture.
¼ fnew  1 þ fold 
lnðgnew =gold Þ Three mixtures cases were designed to simulate three
Iinter possible interactions as follows: standard practice (SP),
¼ fnew  1 þ ð1  fnew Þ 
lnðgnew =gold Þ total blending (TB), and black rock (BR). The standard
ð6Þ practice represented a real paving process in which a new
AC-10 binder and aggregate were mixed with RAP. This
The normalized viscosity ratio (NVR) for mixing is, case described what occurs in real world between new and
then, derived as follows: old binders in recycled asphalt concrete. The total blending

9870 J Mater Sci (2007) 42:9867–9876

Table 1 Aggregate gradation

Sieve size (mm) 37.5 25 12.5 9.5 4.75 2.5 0.63 0.3 0.075
Percent passing 100 100 94 71 57 45 24 18 5.5
Note: Binder content: 5.1%, VMA: 16.5%

started with a new AC-10 binder physically mixed with blending. The concentration of recovered binder ranged
recovered bitumen. The blended binder was then mixed from 10% to 100% at an interval of 10% by weight of the
with virgin aggregate and extracted RAP aggregate. The blend. Blends without any recycling agents were used as
black rock was to mix a new AC-10 binder with virgin the control blends. After aged bitumen was weighed into
aggregate and extracted RAP aggregate without aged bin- tins, the softening or rejuvenating agent was added and
der. This process was to simulate the ‘‘black rock’’ case mixed at 155 C for 5 min to produce a homogenous blend.
where no interaction between new and old binders occurs. The mixer applied a constant mixing speed of 150 rpm to
Each case had three replicates for measuring the engi- ensure no voids created in the blend.
neering properties of asphalt mixtures containing 40% Five different types of low-viscosity recycling agents
RAP. were selected for blending with aged bitumen. The recy-
The rationale behind this experimental design is ex- cling agents are further classified into two major types:
plained as follows: If RAP is a black rock, SP and BR softening agent and rejuvenating agent (RA). Table 3 lists
should have similar results. If RAP is mixed well with the the basic properties of the recycling agents provided by the
new binder, SP and TB should produce similar results. If Chinese Petroleum Corporation (CPC). The softening
RAP is mixed partially well with the new binder, the re- agents used in this study were fuel oil, AC-5 and AC-10
sults of SP should be between the results of TB and BR. viscosity-graded bitumen. The reason of selecting fuel oil
in this study is that contractors sometimes use fuel oil to
Recovered bitumen binder (RBB) reduce the viscosity of recycled asphalt mixtures to meet
the target viscosity. Two rejuvenating agents were used to
Cores were taken at each reclaimed asphalt pavement for restore the old binder to the AC-20 classification range.
recovering binder using trichloroethylene to separate bitu- The rejuvenating agents are a petrol lubricant type used to
men from the mineral aggregate according to ASTM D modify the old binder and compensate the aging process.
2172 and D 5404. The asphalt-solvent mixture was sub- These two types used were RA-75 and RA-250 graded
jected to centrifuge extraction before final distillation of the according to ASTM D 4552.
solvent to ensure complete removal of aged bitumen from
aggregate. The recovered bitumen was then characterized
Engineering properties
by the viscosity, the penetration value and the softening
point. The results are presented in Table 2. The recovered
The indirect tension test was conducted to exam how well
bitumen binder taken from RAP-1, RAP-2 and RAP-3 was
RAP was mixed in the recycled asphalt concrete. The
labeled as RBB-1, RBB-2 and RBB-3 with the viscosity of
resilient modulus and the indirect tensile strength were
21,500, 33,100 and 45,600 poise, respectively. Note that
measured for asphalt mixtures containing 40% RAP. Each
these values show a limited range of viscosity for aged
test had three replicates. The repeated-load indirect tension
binders, and they are representative of RAP found in
test for determining the resilient modulus was conducted
by applying compressive loads with a haversine waveform
according to ASTM D4123. The load was applied verti-
Recycling agent
cally in the vertical diameter plane of a cylindrical speci-
men of asphalt concrete through a curved loading strip. The
After the recovered bitumen binders were produced, they
resulting horizontal deformation was measured and used to
were consequently mixed with recycling agents by melt
calculate the resilient modulus (Mr) by the following
Table 2 Physical properties of recovered bitumen binder equation:

60 C viscosity 25 C penetration Softening point P  ðm þ 0:27Þ

(poise) (dmm) (C) Mr ¼ ð8Þ
RBB-1 21,500 48 63
where, P = repeated load, m = Poisson’s ratio, t = thick-
RBB-2 33,100 32 66
ness of specimen, H = total recoverable horizontal defor-
RBB-3 45,600 21 68

J Mater Sci (2007) 42:9867–9876 9871

Table 3 Properties and

Specific 60C Flash Asphaltene Saturate Aromatic Resin
composition of recycling agents
gravity viscosity point (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%)
(poise) (C)

AC-10 0.99 1,010 256 12.6 23.5 38.6 25.3

AC-5 0.99 560 236 10.5 31.5 40.2 17.8
Fuel oil 0.92 4 138 1.8 68.8 13.8 15.6
RA-75 0.96 63 225 2.3 7.1 82.7 7.9
RA-250 0.99 319 230 3.2 12.4 72.2 12.2

A Poisson’s ratio was calculated using the measured actuator then applied a sinusoidal strain. Viscoelastic
recoverable vertical and horizontal deformation. The ten- properties at different temperatures and frequencies were
sile strength (ST) was calculated as follows: obtained. A specific strain level was determined at each
testing temperature for each sample running a strain sweep
2  Pult at 100 rad/s prior to any frequency sweep. The strain was
ST ¼ ð9Þ
ptD kept low enough so that all tests were performed within the
linear viscoelastic range. The actual strain and torque were
where, Pult = ultimate applied load required to fail speci-
measured and input to a computer for calculating various
men, t = thickness of specimen, D = diameter of specimen.
viscoelastic parameters, including complex modulus (G*)
and phase angle (d). The G* is a measure of the total
resistance of a material to deformation when repeatedly
sheared. The d is an indicator of the relative amount of
The Brookfield Model DV-II Viscometer and the thermosel
recoverable and non-recoverable deformation. Three sam-
temperature control system were used to measure the vis-
ples were measured for each aged bitumen-recycling agent
cosity of the bitumen cement at application temperatures.
system. It is observed that all CV’s are less than 10%. The
This rotational viscometer is a spindle-type viscometer that
low CV value indicates that the data can be measured
is operated according to ASTM D 4402. The viscosity in
within good precision.
poise was calculated by multiplying the viscometer cali-
bration factor, and can be directly read from the Brookfield
Viscometer. Each aged bitumen-recycling agent pair had
Results and discussion
three replicates. The viscosity at 60 C is generally used
for grading bitumen blends by their consistency. The
Blending condition
coefficient of variation (CV) is the ratio of standard devi-
ation to mean value, and used as an evaluation of the
Figures 2 and 3 show the test results of indirect tensile
repeatability of measurements. A CV value less than 5%
strength and resilient modulus for mixtures containing 40%
for all the samples shows that the results are repeatable,
RAP. Each value in the figure represents the average of
and the blends used in this study were homogenous.
three samples. The coefficient of variation of indirect ten-
sile strength and resilient modulus is 12% and 15%,
Dynamic shear rheometer
respectively, which are comparable with values reported by
The rheological properties of aged bitumen/recycling agent
Standard Practice
blends were measured by a dynamic shear rheometer
Indirect Tensile Strength (kPa)

Total Blending
(DSR) over a broad range of temperatures. The DSR is an
Black Rock
AR-500 model manufactured by the Carri-Med Corpora- 1,200

tion. For tests at 40 C and higher, a 1-mm gap and a

25-mm diameter plate were used. For tests below 40 C, a
2-mm gap and an 8-mm diameter plate were used.
Approximately 1 g of binder was applied to the bottom
plate, covering the entire surface, and the plate was 0
mounted in the rheometer. After heating to the test tem-
perature of the binder, the top plate was brought into Fig. 2 Indirect tensile strength of asphalt mixtures containing 40%
contact with the sample and the sample was trimmed. An RAP

9872 J Mater Sci (2007) 42:9867–9876

3,000 Standard Practice 100000

AC-10 AC-5
Total Blending
RA-250 RA-75
Resi lient Modulus (MPa)

2,400 Black Rock 10000 Fuel Oil

Viscosity (poise)

0 20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 3 Resilient modulus of asphalt mixtures containing 40% RAP
Weight Fraction of Aged Asphalt (%)

Fig. 4 60 C Viscosity of RBB-1 blends

other researchers [13]. As more aged RAP is included in
the asphalt mixture, the ability of the mix resistance to
deformation is increased. The RAP-3 mixtures with the The addition of fuel oil has relatively little influence on
most aged bitumen exhibit the highest indirect tensile the viscosity of the RBB-1 blend. The slow increase in
strength and resilient modulus, as logic would indicate. viscosity indicates that the mutually solubility of fuel oil
The indirect tensile strength of black rock possesses and aged bitumen is poor. As listed in Table 3, fuel oil
lower values, and is significantly from that of standard contains 68.8 wt% saturates that exceed the maximum
practice and total blending. The concept of black rock limit of 30 wt% specified in ASTM D 4552 for a recycling
refers to RAP’s which are coated with aged binder and agent. Saturates are non-polar viscous oils that are rela-
experience incomplete blending with the recycling agent tively incompatibility with aged bitumen. Two distinct
during production. Figures 2 and 3 demonstrate that the phases were observed to be present in the fuel-oil blend,
standard practice, i.e., the real world scenario, mixtures are and there existed phase separation leading to the low vis-
closer to total blending than to black rock. With 40% RAP, cosity value. The other two RBB blends mixed with fuel oil
there exists no significant difference between standard also show similar results; therefore, it is inadequate to use
practice and total blending. The standard practice speci- fuel oil as a softening agent.
mens are more similar to total blending than to the black
rock. Test results indicate that a significant amount of
bleeding occurs between the aged bitumen and the virgin Rheological properties
binder. This observation is in agreement with results
reported by other researchers [14, 15]. Note that the find- The experimental data of RBB-1 results in a fairly smooth
ings are limited to the testing of three RAP materials and viscoelastic function as shown in Fig. 5. The other two
the recycling agents in this study. Asphalt mixtures con- recycled bitumen binders and their blends also show a
taining very high RAP contents or very stiff RAP may similar trend. The aged binders and their blends are dem-
behave differently from the findings presented here. onstrated to be a thermorheologically simple material
because the time-temperature superposition is valid for
these binders. At very short loading times, the complex
Viscosity modulus approaches a limiting value called the glassy
modulus, which has a value close to 4 GPa as shown in
Aged bitumen was recovered from a RAP and blended with Fig. 5. This glassy modulus results from the stiffness of
softening or rejuvenating agents to produce recycled bitu-
men binder. The first experiment was performed using
RBB-1 as the aged bitumen mixed with softening and 1E+10

rejuvenating agents. The content of aged bitumen varied 1E+08

Log (G*), Pa

from 0% to 100% in 10% increments. As shown in Fig. 4, 1E+06 Predicted value

the viscosity of the RBB-1 blend increases with increasing Experimental data
the weight fraction of aged bitumen, but decreases with
decreasing the viscosity of the recycling agent. In general, 1E+02

two softening agents (i.e., AC-5 and AC-10) and two 1E+00
1E-10 1E-08 1E-06 1E-04 1E-02 1E+00 1E+02 1E+04 1E+06
rejuvenators (i.e., RA-75 and RA-250) are successful in
Log (time), sec
restoring the aged bitumen to the AC-20 specification
range except fuel oil. Fig. 5 Master curve for RBB-1

J Mater Sci (2007) 42:9867–9876 9873

carbon–carbon backbone of which bitumen is largely established by SHRP suggest that the average maximum
formed. At very long loading time, the slope of the log-log weekly temperature reached by a pavement, the value of
plot of complex modulus versus time approaches negative G*/sind should remain above 1 kPa at a frequency of
one, indicating that a viscous flow exists and RBB behaves 10 rad/s for a bitumen to resist pavement rutting. Figure 7
as a Newtonian fluid. For this reason, an asymptote drawn shows the G*/sind versus target viscosity for the RBB-2
through this portion of the master curve is called the vis- blend. Since the pavement temperature in summer is close
cous asymptote. The intermediate region is located around to 60 C in Taiwan, the test was conducted at the mean
the intersection of the glassy and viscous asymptotes, and highest weekly average temperature 60 C. A recovered
the deformation occurring during this region is related to bitumen blend set at a target viscosity would meet
the delayed elastic behavior. According to the time-tem- G*/sind = 1 kPa requirement. The data obtained for RBB-
perature principle, the long loading time can be an indi- 1 and RBB-3 blends also demonstrate similar observations.
cator of bitumen being treated in high temperatures. This is logical because the addition of RAP increases the
A set of master curves for RBB-3 mixed with softening G*/sind value of bitumen, thus enhancing the resistance to
and rejuvenating agents is shown in Fig. 6. With marks for permanent deformation. The blend using the low-viscosity
every experiment point would clog the figure and confuse softening agent shows higher G*/sind values than one
readers. For the reason of clarity, the individual data were using the rejuvenating agent. Note that the G*/sind value is
omitted and the master curves were constructed from the a function of complex modulus and phase angle, but this
time-temperature superposition principle. A standard ref- parameter is not linearly correlated with viscosity.
erence temperature was selected at 25 C in this study. A
smooth curve can be formed for the RBB-3 blends, as Normalized viscosity ratio
demonstrated in Fig. 6. The time-temperature superposi-
tion principle is shown to be a useful means of analyzing Figure 8 shows the normalized viscosity ratio (NVR)
rheological data for the recovered bitumen blend. plotted as a function of mass fraction for the RBB-1 blend.
The blends mixed with softening agents, i.e., AC-10 and The dotted lines present the predicted values, indicating
AC-5, show higher complex moduli than ones mixed with that blends mixed with both softening and rejuvenating
rejuvenating agents, i.e., RA-75 and RA-250. Since the agents can be modeled using the NVR equation. The pre-
general shape for all curves is similar, it is believed that the dicted values are comparable with those measured from the
viscoelastic characteristic of the blend inherits from the viscometer. Low-viscosity bitumen softening agents (i.e.,
aged bitumen. Furthermore, both softening and rejuvenat- AC-5 and AC-10) behave differently from rejuvenating
ing agents could shift up or down the master curve of the agents (i.e., RA-75 and RA-250). The data for low-vis-
blend vertically, respectively, depending on the engineer- cosity softening agents do not converge to a single
ing properties of recycling agents. The complex moduli for grouping of data as would be expected by the AI nomo-
RBB-3 are higher with AC-10 than with RA-75. This is due graph. The AC-10 blend is better predicted by the AI
to the fact that the basic engineering property of AC-10 is nomograph, but the AC-5 blend exhibits positive deviation.
higher than one of RA-75. The same trend is also observed This suggests that the RBB-1 blend mixed with a softening
in RBB-1 and RBB-2 blends. agent having viscosity relatively closer to that of aged
Another approach to rheological characterization of bitumen could be better described by the Arrhenius
recovered bitumen blends involves analysis of the complex equation.
modulus and the phase angle developed by the Strategic
Highway Research Program (SHRP). The specifications
G*/si nδ at 60C (kPa)

1E+10 6 RA-250
1E+08 5
Log (G*), Pa

1E+06 AC-10
1E+04 AC-5
RA-250 2
1E+02 RA-75 1

1E+00 0
1E-10 1E-08 1E-06 1E-04 1E-02 1E+00 1E+02 1E+04 1E+06 1000 2000 3000
Log (time), sec Target Viscosity (poise)

Fig. 6 Master curves for RBB-3 blends mixed with 40% aged Fig. 7 Rheological parameter, G*/sind, changing with target viscos-
bitumen ity for RBB-2 blends

9874 J Mater Sci (2007) 42:9867–9876

1 1

Normalized Viscosity Ratio (NVR)

Normalized Viscosity Ratio (NVR)

AC-5 AC-5
AC-10 AC-10
0.8 AI 0.8 AI
RA-250 RA-250
RA-75 RA-75
Predicted Value Predicted Values
0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Weight Fraction of Aged Bitumen (%) Weight Fraction of Aged Bitumen (%)

Fig. 8 Normalized viscosity ratio for RBB-1 blends Fig. 9 Normalized viscosity ratio for RBB-3 blends

The positive deviation may result from the instability significant deviation between the rejuvenating agent and
between aged bitumen and softening agent AC-5. During the softening agents. AC-5 and AC-10 show positive
bitumen oxidative aging, the saturates remain the same deviation from the AI nomograph with the aged bitumen,
while the solubilizing aromatics decrease in quantity. In while RA-75 and RA-250 exhibit negative deviation.
Table 3 the saturate and aromatic contents of AC-5 are Similar results are also observed for the RBB-2 blend. It is
31.5% and 40.2%, respectively. The aromatics react with demonstrated in Fig. 9 that a relatively high-viscosity
oxygen to produce asphaltene, which causes the asphaltene rejuvenating agent (RA-250) shows moderate deviation
content to increase. Because the saturates and asphaltenes compared to the other rejuvenating agent (RA-75). The
are not soluble in one another, the increase in asphaltene, deviation from the AI method seems to be related to the
accompanied by the decrease in solubilizing aromatics, viscosity difference between aged bitumen and recycling
leads to instability. The positive interaction shows that the agent. Note that there is more scatter among the mixture
AC-5 blend is more viscous than would be predicted by the data for RBB-3 blends than for RBB-1 blends, even though
AI mixing rule. these blends have similar viscosities. This implies that the
RA-75 and RA-250 show negative deviation as illus- rheological behavior of a recovered bitumen blend could be
trated in Fig. 8. Rejuvenating agents tend to reestablish the altered by the choice of rejuvenating agent.
compatibility and performance of the old material. The
physico-chemical interaction between aged bitumen and Comparison
rejuvenator takes longer time to reach a stable condition in
which the fluxing of the existing binder takes place grad- Table 4 lists the viscosity difference between experimental
ually by migration. As listed in Table 3, the saturate con- and predicted values. All of the data collected for the
tent of the rejuvenating agent varies from 7% to 12%, and recycling agents were arranged on the plot of NVR versus
aromatic content from 72% to 83%. The rejuvenating agent weight fraction of aged bitumen. The NVR values were
is rich in aromatics and low in saturates, which could obtained from fitting the data into the Eq. (7). The tradi-
improve the compatibility and ductility of aged bitumen. tional blending chart developed by AI was used to estimate
The rejuvenating process continues to occur after mixing, the viscosity of the blend for comparison. The selection of
leading to further softening of the aged bitumen. The 2,000 poises as the target viscosity is due to the fact that
negative interaction indicates that a blend of aged bitumen most highway agencies choose this value for recycled
and rejuvenator is less viscous than would be predicted by asphalt concrete. Table 4 shows that the viscosity of the
the AI mixing rule. It is reported that full rejuvenation is recovered bitumen blend predicted by using the NVR
usually achieved within about 3–6 months after the com- mixing rule differs significantly from those predicted by
pletion of the rejuvenating [16]. The negative deviation the AI blending chart.
implies that a rejuvenating agent would gradually restore It is obvious in Table 4 that the NVR mixing rule pre-
the rheological properties of a binder to their original dicts the viscosity value much closer to the measured one
condition by fluxing the oxidized binder. than the AI blending chart. The AI nomograph procedure is
The NVR results for RBB-3 mixed with softening and best at predicting the low-viscosity bitumen softening
rejuvenating agents are shown in Fig. 9. Values predicted agent data such as RBB-1 and RBB-2. The AI nomograph
by the normalized viscosity ratio equation are in good results in relatively low viscosities for both RA-250
agreement with ones obtained from experiments. There is and RA-75. The AI method appears to underestimate the

J Mater Sci (2007) 42:9867–9876 9875

Table 4 Differences between experimental data and predicted viscosity values

jð1Þð2Þj jð1Þð3Þj
Source Recycling agent Measured (1) NVR (2) AI (3) ð1Þ  100 ð1Þ  100

RBB-1 AC-5 2,124 2,068 2,306 2.6 8.6

AC-10 2,293 2,196 2,499 4.2 9.0
RA-75 2,081 2,195 1,821 5.5 12.5
RA-250 2,055 2,132 1,752 3.7 14.7
RBB-2 AC-5 2,091 1,987 2,334 5.0 11.6
AC-10 2,116 1,998 2,352 5.6 11.2
RA-75 2,174 2,365 1,667 8.8 23.3
RA-250 2,142 2,337 1,598 9.1 25.4
RBB-3 AC-5 2,095 1,902 2,494 9.2 19.0
AC-10 2,112 1,915 2,498 9.3 18.3
RA-75 2,167 2,367 1,472 9.2 32.1
RA-250 2,123 2,047 1,321 3.6 37.8

viscosity of blends mixed with recycling agents. The softening agent or a rejuvenating agent generally causes
underestimation of viscosity by the AI method would lead a decrease in complex modulus for aged bitumen, but
to a high RAP content applied to pavement construction. the degree of softening varies significantly. A notice-
The NVR model is shown to be adequate to estimate the able low viscosity of the fuel oil blend mixed with aged
proper amount of rejuvenating agents used in aged bitu- bitumen is observed. This change in blend properties
men. This is because the NVR equation involves the suggests that the addition of fuel oil seems to have the
interaction parameter that demonstrates through positive least effect on the viscosity of the RBB blend among
and negative deviation for recycling agents, whereas the AI these five additives.
method only considers the filling effect of a recycling agent • The relationship between viscosity and blend’s mass
on a recovered bitumen blend. fraction can be well described by the normalized
viscosity ratio (NVR) model. The NVR model includes
an interaction parameter that explains the physico-
Conclusions chemical action between blend components. Blends
mixed with softening agents and rejuvenating agents
The reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) used in this study behave differently from each other. The low-viscosity
was obtained from three different aged pavement projects. softening agents have positive interaction parameters,
Three possible interactions between the aged binder and implying that a blend of aged material and low-
the virgin binder were considered, i.e., standard practice, viscosity bitumen may be more viscous that would be
total blending and black rock. The recycling agents applied predicted by the traditional mixing method.
to RAP included three softening agents and two rejuve- • The negative deviation from rejuvenating agents is
nating agents. The addition of the recovered binder was shown in viscosities below those predicted by the current
from to 10% to 100% at in interval of 10% by weight of the standard mixing rule. NVR data for all of the recycling
blend. According to the limited materials and tests con- agent blends show little variation between measured and
ducted in this study, the following conclusions could be predicted values. It is also imperative to indicate that the
drawn: significant results obtained may be limited to the
materials used and the test conditions applied in this test.
• For asphalt mixtures containing 40% RAP, the standard
practice (i.e., the real world scenario) mixtures are
Acknowledgements The authors are very grateful for the National
closer to the total blending. RAP does not appear to act Science Council (NSC93-2211-E-006-068) and the Taiwan Industrial
like a black rock for asphalt mixtures containing 40% Asphalt Association providing financial supports.
RAP. RAP should not be considered as a black rock
because significant bleeding occurs between RAP and
virgin binder. References
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