The Influence of Korean Drama To The Time Management of Female Teenagers in Manaoag, Pangasinan.

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The Influence of Korean Drama to the Time Management of Female

Teenagers in Manaoag, Pangasinan.

A Research Paper
Submitted to the Senior High School Department
WCC Aeronautical and Technological College
Binalonan, Pangasinan, Philippines

Blaquir, Mark Joseph M.

De Guzman, Jonard Y.
Geneblaza, Jhesun Stephen G.
Quinto, Jericho Karl B.

May 2018




has been accepted for

the degree of Grade 11- Science, Technological, Engineering, and Mathematics

Mr. Richard Mel Caplis

Department of Arts and Science Education
WCC Aeronautical and Technological College

and approved for the Senior High School Department

WCC Aeronautical and Technological College Binalonan Campus


Engr. Delfina Gacula

Principal, Senior High School Department
The researchers’ purpose of the study is to determine on how K-Drama influenced
teenagers on managing their time in Manaoag, Pangasinan at the same time, it is
the main problem of the study wherein, the information given by the respondents
were observed, analyzed, gathered and interpreted by the researchers. The
researchers used qualitative questionnaire method with interview method in
gathering information from the respondents with the help of the Internet via
Facebook and face-to-face interview/survey with known respondents. Six (6) of the
respondents were acquainted to the researchers and the other one (1) was known
with the help of snowball method. It was found that out of seven (7) respondents,
three (3) of them were allotting their free time for watching K-Drama and four (4)
of them were having a hard time getting rid of their hobby and sometimes watch at
inappropriate time. Together, it is concluded that it also depends on the person but
most people can handle their hobby and forget on doing important things.
Keywords: Manaoag, Teenagers on Managing Their Time, Internet-based Survey,
Qualitative Questionnaire Method
Table of Contents

Chapter I: Introduction ...................................................................... 1

1. Background of the Study ................................................................................1
2. Statement of the Problems..............................................................................1
3. Objectives of the Study ..................................................................................2
4. Significance of the Study ...............................................................................3
5. Scope and Delimitations.................................................................................4
6. Definition of Terms ........................................................................................4

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature ........................................ 5

1. Conceptual Framework ................................................................................10

Chapter III: Methodology ................................................................12

1. Research Design ...........................................................................................12
2. Research Instruments ...................................................................................12
3. Data Gathering Procedure ............................................................................13

Chapter IV: Results and Discussions .............................................. 14

1. Profile of the Respondents ...........................................................................14
2. Experience of the Respondents ....................................................................14
3. Data Analysis ...............................................................................................22

Chapter V: Conclusions and Recommendations............................ 23

1. Conclusions ..................................................................................................23
2. Recommendations ........................................................................................24

Reference List ....................................................................................................26


Chapter I


This section of the study is about how the researchers come up with studying

the influence of Korean Dramas in the time management of female teenagers in

Manaoag, Pangasinan.

Background of the Study

Korean television dramas (K-Dramas) are enjoyed in the whole world by

younger generations, especially the teenagers. Korean drama is part of what we call

the Hallyu Wave. In the Philippines, the Korean Dramas popularly known in the

country as “Koreanovelas”, was watched by millions of Filipinos since GMA 7

–one of the 3 biggest television network in the Philippines- introduced it to the

country. With its first import, the show Bright Girl. Was aired in the national

television in 2003.

Right after the air of the show, Koreanovelas quickly spread across the

country with the networks rival, ABS-CBN also aired its own imported Korean

dramas. (Correa, 2012)

Statement of the Problem

Due to the popularity of Korean dramas to the young generations, the

teenagers became addicted to what they watch. Especially young female teenagers.

A problem that teenagers face when watching Korean drama is when they

became addicted to it, they forget what their responsibilities are as the researchers

study the question, “How do Korean Dramas Influence the Time Management of

Female Teenagers in Manaoag, Pangasinan?”

In helping the researchers understand the topic, the researchers made questions that

can answer their main research questions:

1. What is the profile of the teenagers according to their Age, Weekly

Allowance, Academic Background, Location, and Family Background?

2. How do the love of teenagers of Korean dramas affect the way they

manage their time?

3. Who influenced the teenagers to watch Korean Dramas and how?

4. Whom do the teenagers watch with and why?

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study is to determine how Korean Dramas

influence the way teenagers in Manaoag, Pangasinan manage their time.

The following are the study’s specific objectives:

1. To determine the profile of the teenagers in Manaoag, Pangasinan in

a. Sex

b. Age

c. Weekly Allowance

d. Current Year level

e. Strand or Course being taken.

2. To identify the effect of Korean Drama in time management of


3. To analyze the effect of Korean Drama in academic performance of the


4. To identify the effect of Korean Dramas in their performance at home,

especially in doing chores.

Significance of the Study

Korean drama is very popular to teenagers nowadays. With interesting plots

and storylines that makes it different from others. This study gives people idea why

Korean Dramas are affecting the youth. The researchers were curios of this rapid

growth of fanatics of Korean Dramas so they tried to make a study out of it which

they related to how these teenagers manage their time in accordance with watching

K-Drama. The researchers asked every respondent on how the youth were affected

by Korean dramas in terms of managing time. This also helps in determining the

reasons on how they wake up (on what time of the day) and how they do their

chores in a given time. Since there are many people in the Philippines watching K-

Drama, the researchers chose Manaoag, Pangasinan, specifically, because the

researchers have concluded on whom of the researchers know more people that

watch K-Drama.

This study also gives other people an idea about a factor (time management)

that can be related on how K-Drama will affect teenagers, not only teenagers, but

also everyone.

Scope and Delimitations

The study is focused on seven (7) female teenagers ranging from ages

fifteen to nineteen (15-19) in Manaoag, Pangasinan.

The study was delimited to seven (7) female teenagers since one of the

researcher has relatives residing at Manaoag, Pangasinan that could help in the

gathering of data.

Definition of Terms

• Hallyu – Also known as Korean Wave, the expansion of Korean culture to

other cultures.

• Koreanovelas – Also known as Korean Dramas, which was named in the


Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Korean Wave

Korean Wave, also called “Hallyu”, is a phenomenon of Korean Culture

wherein the culture from South Korea was introduced to the world through

television networks adapting them, movies that were inspired by their culture and

the popular music that people love. The Korean Wave reached other cultures or

countries by drama and music in television, DVD, magazine, newspaper or internet.

It is more likely to be watched in downloaded format or in discs. Korean wave is

known to depict the culture of South Korea in their dramas. (Ramadhani & Linadi,


Expansion of Korean Wave to East and Southeast Asian Countries

As the Korean Wave spreads across the neighboring countries, it appeared

primarily in the Chinese television networks during the mid-1990s, after Korea had

diplomatic relations with China in the year 1992. The diplomatic relation served as

the key for the Korean dramas to get many views and adaptations to Chinese-

speaking communities. Since its expansion, the first successful Korean drama to be

aired was the show “What is Love?” aired in china in 1997 by the Chinese television

company, CCTV. (, n.d.)

Years after its first air in the Chinese televisions, Korean Wave spread

across the East and South East Asian Regions. It became a cultural trend in the

regions. With this trend, the teenagers were encouraged to go and visit South Korea.

One factor that the viewers liked about the shows, was the appeal of the Korean

stars that affects the affection of the fans. With the commitment of the fans had a

positive effects in drama satisfaction.

With the expansion of their cultures, a couple of movies and television

programs was released in the region in 1999. With Swiri (called Shiri in outside of

South Korea), an inspiring movie about the North and South Korea that gaved

Hallyu a public face, eventually becoming successful across the Southeast Asian

region. Followed by a soap opera named, “Autumn in my Heart” in 2000, continued

the excitement created by “Swiri” in the past year. All the mentioned Korean

Dramas became very popular in Korea and its neighboring countries like Hong-

Kong, China, Vietnam, Singapore and Taiwan. The success of these entertainment

programs created a huge buzz about the exploding popularity of Korean culture to

the neighboring countries. (Lee, 2015)

With Korean Wave expanding to the neighboring countries, it affects the

culture and the relationships between countries. There is a cultural synchronization,

wherein countries were able to share their economic abilities like cultural

industries. The Chinese audience became familiar with K-Pop through Korean

Dramas. With the looks of the Koreans, Chinese teenagers try to copy the styles of

their favorite stars, especially in their clothing styles, fashion and their hairstyles.

Even though Korean Dramas are very known to the region, there are still

that criticize it, with the anti-Hallyu movements. As Jang (2012) states that:

Korean TV drama are often criticized for repetitive

stereotypical stories, lack of variety in subjects, too many
coincidental elements, and the like. Entertainment news
tend to focus on individual stars and their behavioral
problems, which include arrogance, bad manners, and the

narrow- mindedness of seeing China only as another

market to make money from. Another line of criticism
concerns hallyu's negative effects on Chinese audiences,
especially youthful ones among whom Hallyu finds most
passionate fans known as ‘hahanzu’. Hallyu, it is worried,
can mislead young Chinese and prevent them from
growing up in a normal way. (Pg. 107)

As the Korean wave expands, it reached the televisions of Taiwan. Korean

dramas entered the country in ‘90s, since then, Taiwan became a major importer of

Korean dramas. Korean dramas influenced the Taiwanese people on how to view

contemporary Korean Society as a country of modern and urban elegance and

woman centeredness. (Mee, n.d.)

Analyses of the sudden rise in demand for Korean TV dramas in Asia

generally point to the substance and technique of the dramas and the appeal of the

actors, namely that the plotline and structure of the dramas are refreshing and

dynamic, the subject matter is familiar and close to everyday life, the production

skills such as set design, musical score, and camerawork are outstanding, and the

actors are physically attractive, strikingly individual, fashionable, and have strong

acting ability (Shin, 2002).

Expansion of Korean Wave to the Philippines

Korean Wave quickly spread across the East and Southeast Asian Regions

during the 1990s.

In the Philippines, Korean dramas were introduced to the Filipino viewers

when one of the country’s biggest television network aired the very first imported

Korean drama, Bright Girl. With the studies Correa published in 2012, it is said

that Korean dramas was most watched by Filipinas with ages 15-19, with Romance

Comedy as their preferred genre. With the given data, the researchers limited the

research within the ages 15-19 and the genre of the chosen Korean dramas was

Romance Comedy in accordance to the preferred genre in the study of Correa.

Filipinas like Korean dramas because of classic plots; Every Korean Drama

have a different genre and it is hard to predict what will happen next in the story.

Actors and actresses help catch the eyes of the viewers because they act

extravagantly and passionately; In addition to that, they are also good looking

(Torre, 2006).

In the survey done by TNS Global titled “Korea in Our Daily Life: A look

at Filipinos’ Awareness and Behavior Towards Korean Culture,” Filipinos watch

Korean TV shows and movies because everything that the Koreans are doing are

pleasing and appealing to see, the tempered blend of character and plot (Lee S. J.,


The Possible Effects of Korean Wave to Teenagers

Korean Dramas may influence the teenagers negatively or positively. Some

of the negative effects that Korean Dramas may bring to teenagers can be seen on

how they act, dress and talk.

The article by Kusumasari (2017), talked about the effects of Korean Drama

on how the teenagers dress, and how they imitate the actions of their idols from

their favorite Korean Drama. In the current generation, social media plays a major

role in quickly spreading trends. Their peers also play a role in how the teenagers

imitate the Korean Stars. The author stated in this article that:

The act of impersonating others can be categorized as a

behavioral imitation. This behavior mostly happened
among teenagers. Teen years are a period of intense
growth, not only physically but emotionally through some
confusion and identity crisis. (p. 201)

Some teenagers tend to bond with people whom they feel comfortable with,

because they relate their similarities and so forth. Nowadays, some teenagers tend

to study more about Korean culture. Without appropriate actions, this phenomenon

could threaten the national Identity (Kusumasari, 2017)

Kubey and Csikszentmihalyi (2002) stated that television addiction affects

many people in the world, especially the growing teenagers. The people are more

likely to remain at their houses to watch television and to sit at their favorite couch

eating popcorn.

In the article, the authors tried to tell the readers that people nowadays do

not know what bad things might happen to them while they are watching.

According to the authors, watching television can give a person negative habits,

meaning they can no longer do what they can do. They gave pieces of advice on

how to stop or lessen the addiction of the viewers at their television. The authors

also stated that the heavy viewers were more anxious than those who watch light.

Both suggested that the television networks should have educational shows to help

the viewers understand or learn new things instead of viewing what they call

“nonsense” shows. Since without the help of television, people would not learn new

things, cope with new trends and be educated.


The researchers can use this article to help them find out what the bad

effects of watching television immensely are, how the researchers can apply it to

their topic and how the researchers are going to relate the article to a young teenager

that is always focused on what he or she is watching. The researchers can also use

this article as a reference on what pieces of advice they could give the teenagers or

the people watching television immensely on how they can again, socialize with

other people and be responsible again to what their duties are. (Kubey &

Csikszentmihalyi, 2002)

The study of Meer, Jansen, & Torenbeck (n.d.), talked about the findings

regarding the expectations and challenges with issues of time management. It also

showed the two sides of students which are: 1) the one that focus on their plans in

life on how they study by themselves and 2) the one that has difficulty on their own;

This article can help the researchers because it pertains to the study of time

management of students regarding to their study and how they manage time.

Conceptual Framework

The independent variables are the person affected and the Korean Drama.

There are also many factors that can affect the person’s perspective which are their

age, educational attainment, civil status and family background. These relate to

each other in a way that can show how the person thinks while the person is

watching K-drama. They can also relate because of what they watch wherein, it

depends on the length of the episode and they find no time or less time in allotting

some of their time in other important stuffs.


Figure 1.

Consumption of Korean Dramas


Time Management

Chapter III


This section of the study aims to show the method(s) used by the

researchers. This includes the instruments used in gathering data. It is also

discussed here, the procedures in selecting respondents for this study.

Research Design

The researchers used a qualitative descriptive type of research this type of

research delineates and highlights the characteristics of what is being studied. The

researchers choose this type of research because it helps them to be able to interpret

the data where in the respondents were interviewed

The targeted respondents were seven female teenagers that were able to help

in answering the questions. In a qualitative descriptive research , there are different

methods ,but the researchers used interview method ,qualitative questionnaire

method and snowball method in this study that were distributed to the respondents

of the study

Research Instruments

The researchers used a qualitative questionnaire in gathering the

information needed. These questionnaires were distributed to seven (7) respondents

of the study wherein, six (6) of the respondents were interviewed through the use

of the internet via “Facebook” –a social media app while one (1) of the respondents

were interviewed personally. Thus the researchers were able to gather data for this


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers gathered seven (7) respondents to be in this study

wherein, six (6) of them were personally known by the researchers meanwhile, one

(1) was selected trough snowball method. Before the researchers chose the

respondents or participants as part of this study, six (6) of them were asked

personally. The respondents were given qualitative questionnaires at the same time,

interviewed .They were asked about some personal information (profile) and how

they were being influenced by Korean Dramas in the way they manage their time.

Everything in the interview was documented by the researchers that would be used

for this study.


Chapter IV

Results and Discussions

Profile of the Respondents

The researchers interviewed seven respondents who are students residing in

Manaoag, Pangasinan. All of them were female respondents. The internet became

their medium in watching Korean dramas every free time they had.

Experiences of the Respondents

Interviewee A is a 17-year old student currently residing in Manaoag. The

respondent is a senior high school undergraduate that is currently in grade 11.

According to her, no one influenced her to watch Korean dramas instead she told

us that the show that motivated her to watch Korean drama is the show, “Who are

you: School 2015.” She told the researchers that the interesting plot of the story

encouraged her to watch more Korean dramas. It became her favorite as the show

goes on. The top three (3) Korean dramas she watched were; “Who are you: School

2015, D-Day, and Doctor Stranger.” According to her, she watches by herself

because she wants silence when watching to feel the show. She watches Korean

drama as a past time and to relax. When asked about how she thinks Korean dramas

affects her, she told the researchers that Korean dramas affect her because she gets

easily attached to the Korean drama to the point that it affects her emotional and

physical aspect as well as physically. When asked about what she thinks the effects

of Korean dramas to her sleeping habit, she told the researchers that it affects her

sleeping habit since she is easily attached to what she was watching. Whenever she

finishes an episode, she like to watch again another episode. This habit leads her to

sleep late at night. Korean dramas for her does not affect her studies since she

knows how to manage her time between studies and watching Korean dramas.

Korean dramas does not affect her time in helping in the household chores because

she knows when to watch and when to do the chores. The researchers asked the

respondent if she do have an imaginary boyfriend on the actors in the Korean

dramas she watched, and she said a lot. And the effect for her is that it affects her

socialization with other people. In short, Korean dramas affects her both positively

and negatively. With the data given by the interviewee, the researchers can answer

the given research question, specifically the profile, the effects of Korean dramas

to the way they manage time, who influenced them and whom she watches with.

With the support given by the study of Correa, we can identify that the favorite

genre of the interviewee is rom-com (romance comedy).

Interviewee B is a 16-year old senior high school student currently residing

in Manaoag, Pangasinan. She is single, with a weekly allowance of PhP 300-500

and came from a neutral family. For her, Korean dramas do not specifically

influence her way of managing time. With her cousins as the one who influenced

her, she watches Korean dramas with them. With her favorite shows like “4th

Period, While you were sleeping, and Korean Odyssey.” According to her, she

watches Korean dramas for their plots and plot twists. She likes the idea that Korean

dramas do not stick in one love team. For her, Korean dramas do not stick in one

love team making them unique. In managing her time, Korean dramas do not affect

her because according to her, she doesn’t have a busy life. She watches Korean

dramas every weekends with 2-3 hours allotted time. When asked about what she

thinks the effects of Korean dramas to her sleeping habit, she told the researchers

that it do not affect her sleeping habit since she only watches every weekends. For

her, she focuses on studying more than watching Korean dramas. Korean dramas

do not affect her performance in her household chores because she knows what her

duty every night is. The researchers asked her if she does have any imaginary

boyfriend in the Korean dramas she watches and if it affects her socialization with

others, she said yes. She told the researchers that having a virtual or imaginary

boyfriend brings her shield up and she limits who she talks to because she do have

her own world. In short, Korean dramas affect her both positively and negatively.

With the data gathered, the researchers could answer the given research questions

specifically. The data given is used to answer our primary research question.

Interviewee C is a 17-year old senior high school student currently residing

in Manaoag, Pangasinan. She is in a relationship, with a weekly allowance of PhP

300-500 and came from an extended family. According to her, no one influenced

her to watch Korean dramas, she was just surprised with the way the Korean dramas

express their idea and she became attached to it. Her favorite Korean dramas are

“Hwayugi, Another Miss Oh, and Rebel: Thief who stole people.” She prefers to

watch alone because she is an introvert and she prefers to watch in full silence.

Korean dramas sometimes affect her when managing her time, as she tells the

researchers that she prefers to watch Korean dramas more than doing her tasks or

activities. She watches Korean dramas every night with an hour allotted to it. When

asked about what she thinks the effects of Korean dramas to her sleeping habit, she

told the researchers that it do affect her sleeping habit since she watches Korean

dramas every night and if the said Korean drama is good, then she would watch

another episode until she is finished watching. Even though she prefer to watch

Korean dramas instead of studying, she still gets high grades at school and tells the

researchers that she can manage her time. At home, she is doing well with her

household chores and Korean dramas does not affect her. The researchers asked her

if she does have any imaginary boyfriend in the Korean dramas she watches and if

it affects her socialization with others, she said yes. She told the researchers that

the male characters in Korean dramas are good-looking and gentle, even though

she do have crushes or imaginary boyfriends, she still managed to get along with

her peers. In short, Korean dramas affect her both positively and negatively. With

the data gathered, the researchers could answer the given research questions

specifically. The data given is used to answer our primary research question. With

the data gathered, the researchers could say in accordance to the article of Mee,

Jansen and Torenbeck (n.d.) that she do have a focus on what she does and how do

she study by herself.

Interviewee D, a 17-year old senior high school student residing in

Manaoag. She is single, with a weekly allowance of PhP 300-500 and lives in a

neutral family. According to her, she became interested to Korean dramas when her

best friend introduced it to her. Because they share the same Korean dramas, they

talked about what happened to some episodes of the said Korean drama. Her

favorite Korean dramas were “Cinderella of the Four Knight, Legend of the blue

sea, and lets fight ghost.” She prefers to watch alone when she watches Korean

dramas, to cherish every second of the show she is watching. The reason she

watches Korean drama is for the plot and plot twists, according to her, very different

from Filipino dramas. For her, Korean dramas do sometimes, affect her time

management, not at school but in their household. She prefers to watch every

afternoon, because the schedule of the schedule of her classes. When asked about

the effects of Korean dramas to her, she told the researchers that it affects her

negatively for she is more focused on what she is watching and ignore the world

around her. The researchers also asked her if she do have an imaginary boyfriend

on the Korean dramas she watches and do it have an effect on how she socialize.

She said yes. According to her, she do have a crush or imaginary boyfriend on the

Korean dramas she watches, even though she do have virtual or imaginary

boyfriend on Korean drama, she still mingles and hang out with her friends so for

her, it does not affect her socialization to other people. According to her, the only

negative of Korean dramas to her is her lack of interest in doing household chores.

She forgets her responsibility at home and she prefers to watch Korean dramas just

to skip her duty. In short, Korean dramas affect her somewhat negatively. For the

sake of skipping chores, she prefers to watch Korean dramas and this is a sign of a

difficulty on her own (Meer, Jansen, & Torenbeck, n.d.). With the data gathered we

can answer our research questions specifically the profile of the interviewee, the

person she watches with and influenced them and how do Korean dramas affect her

time management.

Interviewee E is a 17-year old senior high school student, currently residing

in Manaoag. She is in a relationship, with a weekly allowance of PhP 500-600 and


lives in a neutral family. Her best friend is the one who introduced her to Korean

dramas. She told the researchers that her best friends watches Korean dramas by

her side and when she forced her to watch a series, she quickly became attatched to

it. She loved the plot of the story. Her favorite Korean dramas were, “Moon lovers:

Scarlet Heart, Two Worlds, and School 2017.” For her, she enjoys watching with

friends because they can talk about and share to each other the feelings they

experience while watching. Her reason why she watch Korean drama is because

Korean dramas have interesting plots and they have a different plot and storyline

as compared to Filipino dramas. She also added that Korean dramas are the only

thing she think when she is bored and does not have anything to do. Her preferred

time to watch Korean dramas is at night, and she spends an hour just to watch

Korean dramas and after watching, she chats her best friend and tells her the story

of the episodes she watched. When asked what the effects of Korean dramas to her,

she told the researchers that Korean dramas affect her time to study, do her tasks

and socialize with other people. She told the researchers that she have a virtual

boyfriend from the Korean dramas she watched and it do affect her time socializing

because she prefers to talk about Korean dramas that her other friends slowly cope

up. In short, it affect her both positively and negatively but she prefers to follow

the bad effect that made her have a difficulty on her own (Meer, Jansen, and

Torenbeck, n.d.). The researcher could answer the given specific research questions

like the profile, the one who watches with, the one who influenced and the effect

of Korean dramas to the interviewee.


Interviewee F was a 17-year old, senior high school student and currently

residing in Manaoag. Single, with a weekly allowance of PhP500-600 and lives in

an extended family. According to her, her aunt influenced her to watch Korean

drama because her aunt let her watch Korean drama by her side. She told the

researchers that she was impressed by the story of the Korean dramas and she

wanted to continue it. Later, she became addicted to it. When she became addicted

to it, she preferred to watch by herself as she is an introvert. Her favorite Korean

dramas were “City Hunter, Blood and Doctor Stranger.” Her reason why she watch

Korean dramas is for the plot, plot twists and for the good-looking male characters

in the Korean drama she watches. When asked about how she thinks Korean dramas

affect her, she told the researchers that it affects her when she forgets how to

manage her time, giving more time to Korean dramas instead of doing her tasks and

becoming stubborn to study because she wanted to finish the episodes she is

watching. She have an imaginary boyfriend like any other Korean drama fans do.

She told the researchers that those crushes or boyfriends do not hinder her from

socializing but her being an introvert does. Her performance at school is not very

well, according to her. And she also forgets her role as a family member. In short,

Korean dramas affect her negatively very much. With the article of Kubey and

Csikszentmihalyi (2002), we could relate that the interviewee do have a problem in

balancing her academic performance, her performance at home and socializing.

With the data gathered, the researchers could understand and answer the specific

research question created.


Interviewee G was a 16-year old grade 11 senior high school student also

from Manaoag. In a relationship, with a weekly allowance of PhP600-700.

According to her, no one influenced her to watch Korean dramas, she is curious to

it that she watched a random Korean drama and liked it. She prefers to watch by

herself because her other friends do not watch Korean dramas. Her favorite Korean

dramas were, “Dream High 2, Uncontrollably Fond and Reply 1988.” According

to her, she tends to watch by herself because it is silent and she can reminiscent

while watching. Her reason why she watches Korean drama is to kill some time

when she does not do anything. She also balances her time in watching Korean

dramas and studying. Giving more of her time to studying made her a dean’s list.

When asked about how she thinks Korean dramas affect her time management, she

simply answered that it gives her entertainment during her spare time and she

knows how to manage her time. She have an imaginary boyfriend and for her, it

does not affect her socialization with other people because she is friendly and nice.

With her great performance at school, even at home, her performance is still good.

According to her, she knows how to balance everything she does. In short, Korean

dramas affect her positively. Like in the study of Meer, Jansen, & Torenbeck (n.d.),

they talked about the teens who knew how to focus on what their plan is and is not

hindered by anything on the path. The data gathered could help the researchers in

further understanding the effects of Korean dramas to responsible teens.



To further understand the data given by the interviewees, the researchers

will arrange them and analyse the data according to their information.

In further understanding of the topic, the researchers would break down the

topic into parts. First of all Korean drama. Why Korean dramas? Korean dramas is

so popular to teenagers nowadays, it is seen in the television or even in the

smartphones of the teenagers. As years pass by, the teenagers focus on what they

do separates away. As the result, the teenagers are affected by the sudden changes

in their academic performances, their performance at home and how they socialize

with other people. Korean drama can be broke down into parts like its genre. For

the genre, romance-comedy. It is the genre with most teenagers prefer.

The study is limited to teenagers with ages 15-19 because of the ages of the

majority of teenagers that watch Korean drama are within this range.

To further analyse the topic, Korean dramas is a section or part of Hallyu or

Korean wave, which reached the Philippines in the year 2003 when the first

“koreanovela” was aired. Years after that Philippines is still a major importer of

Korean dramas. The objective of this study is to identify the influence of Korean

dramas to teenagers. With the possible outcome as the conclusion of the study.

Based on the data gathered, some of the teenagers balances their time with Korean

drama and some do not carefully manage their time.

The results of the data gathering shows how the teenagers nowadays

manage their time, when watching their favorite show.


Chapter V

Conclusions & Recommendations

This section of the study is about the conclusions formulated by the

researchers after analyzing the results gathered and gave recommendations on how

to improve this study for future use.


The profile of the respondents were determined and the respondents were

found through interview, and snowball methods to find the selected female

teenagers. The teenagers were sorted according to their answers and created a

conclusion to answer our research question.

The researchers conclude that the age range of teenagers that mostly watch

Korean dramas is from 16-17 years old. It is concluded that the internet became

their medium for watching Korean dramas and interacting with other fans. The

teenagers talked about how they manage their time while watching Korean drama.

The researchers concluded that watching Korean drama give teenagers

positive and negative effects. Majority of the interviewed respondents told us that

it give them negative impacts, some of the do not. Some of the positive effect

Korean drama give the respondents are the enjoyment, excitement and

entertainment they experience. While the negative effects of watching Korean

dramas to the time management were; 1) the performance of the teenagers at home

changed because of lack of time in doing household chores, 2) the performance of

teenagers at school changed because of the lack of time to study. It is concluded


that because of the more time the respondents give Korean drama, the time allotted

to the other activities they are doing becomes lesser and lesser.

For the conclusion, the researchers concluded that female teenagers in

Manaoag, Pangasinan manage their time by allocating specific time to each activity

they do and giving themselves time to watch Korean dramas aside from the current

condition they have.


The researchers would like to recommend to the future researchers to

furthermore explore other factors that can affect a teenager’s behavior in

accordance with watching Korean Dramas, for the researchers focused only on how

the teenagers managed their time while a K-Drama fanatic. The recommended

additional to the present study would help on knowing more on how these factors

would really affect a student’s behavior in different aspects of life.

This study is also recommended possibly for future psychological studies

especially on the “Behavioral Psychology” branch. This study is subjected for

improvements and a broader concentration on how students would manage their

time better, not only in Manaoag but also to other parts of the country.

The researchers would like to recommend for the future researchers to interview

more young teenagers to know more about how they manage their time in

watching Korean Drama. Look for more references for further clarification of the

topic and to make it more reliable and trustworthy.


The researchers would like to recommend to the principals and school

heads of different school about the time management of young teenagers, for

them to earn more focus on their studies and school activities this can be

conducted by providing a seminar about the time management and to concentrate

more to their school activities.

The researchers would like to recommend to the Department of

Education facilities to conduct a barangay events, in where they teach every young

member and adults in the society to help them focus on their time management and

to help them focus in their study.


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