Social Media User Behavior AND Implications Based ON Social-Applied Psychology Perspective
Social Media User Behavior AND Implications Based ON Social-Applied Psychology Perspective
Social Media User Behavior AND Implications Based ON Social-Applied Psychology Perspective
Abstract- Social media becomes a new tool for many areas to sentence, it could be conclude that traditional media is no
perform functions and works, such as political campaign media, longer being dominant medium accessed. People need to
advertising, and teaching. However, the use of social media establish their social relationship is the main reason why
nowadays also raises excessive effects which could be serious most people using social media as daily media. This
problems if it was not overcame as soon as possible. There are condition cannot be obtained when they are accessing
some social media use behaviors that should be observed, such as
selfie, cyber war, online shopping, user-personalization, and
traditional media.
shared-culture. Through the study of social psychology, it is Cyberspace as well as social media is a great
expected that readers have more comprehensive perspective in revolution that changes human behavior, where all
looking at the phenomenon of social media hegemony as part of friendship relationship is done through "digitalization" -
contemporary social reality. using new media (internet) run through social networking
sites. This added reality must be adaptable and integrated
Keywords: social media, selfie, cyber war, online shopping, within the scope of social psychology studies everywhere
user-personalization, shared-culture and pervasive (can penetrate various fields of science and
study) [2]
Nowadays, it is almost certainly that everyone who
has smartphone also has a social media (even more) The term of social media is composed from two
account, such as Facebook, Twitter, Path, Instagram, and so words, namely "media" and "social". "Media" is defined as
on. It has been common that changes communication way in a means of communication [3] [4].While the word "social"
the digital era currently. The evolution occurred in the field is defined as a social reality which individual’s action
of technology and internet innovation led to not only bring contributes to society. This statement confirms that in fact,
new media. Various aspects of human being, such as the media and all software are "social" or in the sense they
communication and interaction, also changes that were are product of social processes [5].
never expected. The world seems have no limits (borderless) From the above explanation, it can be concluded
- no secrecy can be covered. We know people activity that social media is a communication tool used by users in
through social media, while we do not know and never meet social processes. However, to draw up the definition of
in person. social media, we need to look at the development of
Social media becomes "new weapon" for many individual relationships with media tools [1]. Characteristics
fields. Political campaigns on 2014 involves much of social of computer work in Web 1.0 based on the introduction of
media roles. Companies put their attention to managing individuals to other individuals (human cognition) residing
social media and establishing good relationships with their in a network system, while Web 2.0 based on human
online customers (in the network). Advertisement has been communication in the interpersonal network [1]. Finally, in
changed from traditional way which is followed with high Web 3.0 the technological characteristics and relationships
cost producing. It is a challenge as well as a reality that are evident from how humans (co-operation) work [6].
cannot be denied. The presence of social media and the Thus, it can be explained that the form of social
growing number of users day by day provides an interesting media is basically not rather different from the existence and
fact how the power of the internet for life [1]. workings of computers. Three forms of social, such as
Research were conducted by Crowdtap, Ipsos recognition, communication, and cooperation can be
MediaCT, and The Wall Street Journal in 2014 involves 839 analogous to the workings of computers which also forms a
respondents with the range number of age of 16 to 36 years system like a system between individual and society [1].
old shows that the respondents spent their time to access Presently, online activities conducted by users
internet and social media is 6 hours 46 minutes each day is around the world are fairly massive and intensive. There are
higher than accessing traditional media [1]. In other many motives and goals that underlie users in accessing
online services, especially social media. We will present
some analysis of the most recent content issues relating to re-uploading their selfie photo or still doing it, but with a
the social media use which are considerable interest to certain evaluation.
academics and researchers. Second, selfie is a form of digital narcissism [1].
Taken selfie indicates that users are designing themselves
and as the result, in addition to self-existence, as well as
Social Media and Recent Issues performing in front of people or other social media users to
Selfie impress them [7].
One of the phenomena in the advancement of A selfie photo also must be viewed from the
internet technology and cyber culture is selfie. This word background of the photograph object. Many photos of
has also officially become a new word written in the Oxford themselves with the background of a particular location and
English Dictionary dictionary in 2013 and simply means it shows that user is in that place. On another occasion, a
'self-image disseminated through social media' [1]. selfie in a public transportation, such an airplane, is to show
According to Saltz, selfie as an instant self-portrait, created they were on it. Uploading selfie becomes a symbol that
with a smartphone camera and immediately disseminated or users are realizing their existence that is not just as a photo
transformed over the internet as a form of instant visual object, but there is a certain intention on.
communication about where we are, what we do, what we Third, selfie can also indicate that users do self-
think, and who would see the photo [1]. disclosure in social media. In Lewin's postulation [8], the
Historically, self-images appear and can be viewed living field of an organism is like a spider web consisting of
in unison with the presence of photography tools on mobile several regions. These areas may progressively increase or
phones. Unlike digital photos using DSLR or other be static, both in number and extent, depending on the
prosumer, using a mobile phone, photos taken can be nature of the organism, whether disclosed or closed. Selfie
directly uploaded on social media right away. This reality as a growth media of one's living area because it leads them
brings up a novel in, users want to share their moments or to be open to share photos of themselves in front of
activities with other friends on social media networks. followers through their social media accounts.
Further reality, by uploading selfie in own social media The further effect of self-disclosure is the
aims to the exsistence of uploader and showing off what interaction and communication with other users will be
they have achieved so far. Therefore, a selfie photo cannot closer. Even in some cases, uploading selfie photos leads
be judged just from the facial, expression and style. increasing new friendships, resulting wider social
Analysis of selfie photo should involve other points, such as networking, or in other words, the area of one's life will be
context, moment, building, place or environment that more spacious.
becomes an image of ourselves [1]. Cyberwar
A research conducted by the Opinium Institute in Did you remember the phenomenon of fanaticism
the UK involves 2005 respondents with the range number of supporters of Jokowi and Prabowo in contesting 2014
age about 18 to 24 years in 2013 showed that there were election back then? Both of groups competed each other
over a million self-made photos each day. This social reality before the election was held until several months later.
of cyber shows that the power of self-images is a cultural The atmosphere of zeal to rowdy caused by
artefact that can be interpreted from different points of view. opinions or news related to the figure of Jokowi or Prabowo
Social media is an arena for displaying photos of themselves becomes an inevitable color. There are many Jokowi
and users get reciprocity from the publication [1]. stereotypes used as 'weapons' by Prabowo's supporters, such
There are several reviews that can be presented in pro-communist, pro-Shia, and nasab obscurity (family
this study related to the phenomenon of doing selfie using lineage). And vice versa, Prabowo's stereotype which is
the perspective of social psychology. First, the activity as a often used as 'weapon' by the Jokowi camp is a number of
form of self-existence. Doing selfie and spread it on social human rights violation cases.
media is not just focused on the user's self-appearance. Stereotypes becomes basic material of belief in
Selfie is an effort of self-representation in social media, an individuals and groups (collectively), and in certain
attempt to be considered exist in the network. Someone who situations, beliefs becomes prejudices that can further ignite
does selfie is also trying to construct his social identity by discriminatory or other noncooperative behaviors, such as
maximizing or minimizing the positive or negative their slander and group hostility [9].
character to maintain its self-esteem [7]. According to some experts, collective behavior is
A hype selfie photo is marked by numerous defined as an action taken jointly or simultaneously in a
compliments, 'thumbs up' or 'likes' (featured in Facebook) or manner similar to a large number of people in group of
'heart' (featured in Path) then individual could feel satisfied particular situation or event, which can be unusual actions
and more compelled re-doing selfie and upload it in social [10] [11].
media. However, when the condition is reversed, the The behavior embodiment of Jokowi and Prabowo
individual may feel ignored and unappreciated by his social supporter groups uniquely occurs massively in the online
environment. The situation could be trigger as desire not to environment or struggling in the constellation of social
media collected in certain communities. Unreasonable
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 118
debate and hoax wars seems to be usual feed in our social of blurring reality in the community—spending on the needs
media stream, besides news or supporting status for them. or form of an impulsivity.
There are several determinants of collective Social networking sites like Facebook that initially
behavior, such as structural conduciveness, which is a factor only serve as a site of friendship and exchange of
of social situation structure that facilitates collective information among friends or close relatives, has now
behavior, such as religious, ethnic, ideological, and racial switched function as a marketing ground of a company or
diversity in a region; structural strains, namely disparities, online store in the scale of home industry. Not just social
incompatibility between social groups, ethnic, religious, and networking sites like Facebook. Other online media such as
others that provide opportunities for various forms of forums, blogs and micro-blogs such as Twitter can be a
tension [10]. The greater of structural tension, the greater of place to conduct e-commerce activities in cyberspace.
collective behavior chance; general belief, which is a very For consumers, online shopping will be very high
trustworthy rumor and then disseminated; precipitating if they are satisfied with the quality of services from the
factor, which is a factor supporting the suspicion and online sales system on the site. Customer satisfaction while
anxiety conceived by society; mobilization of participants, shopping online and customer satisfaction after making a
the embodiment of collective behavior led by the leadership, purchase into an indicator where an online store site can
either to move away from dangerous situations or to retain its customers by increasing interest to shop back to
approach people who are considered targets of action. the site [13].
Group membership is considered to increase the One of the main goals of marketing strategy is to
effectiveness of individual action, within the group of change consumer attitudes toward a product through a
individuals who belong to the group will change the way process of persuasion. In many theories of social
they behave according to the norms applicable in the group psychology about attitude, it is explained that there is a very
[10]. Individuals in a row of masses, regardless of work, close relationship between attitudes and behavior. Based on
characteristics, intelligence, or other attributes, will react the theory of social psychology that supports the close
directed by a collective mind or group mind [12]. relationship between attitudes and behavior when applied to
They will react to group thinking and produce consumer behavior it can be concluded that if a person's
behaviors that are different from the behaviors when they attitude is positive to a product, then the person will buy it.
are separated from the group. The contagion effect will Changing consumer attitudes so they buy or consume a
spread the emotions and behavior causing individuals in a product can be done through a process of persuasion.
mass to react in the same way. Persuasion is the conversion of one's beliefs and attitudes
Related to the behavior of Jokowi and Prabowo toward an object in a certain direction desired by the
supporters, a particular set of social media users initially persuasionist [14].
exhibits turmoil and reaction with a process called milling, a The information processing model is an approach
process which individuals become increasingly tense, that explains that the learning process influences one's
anxious, and excited [12]. By increased emotion, excitement attitude through a process of persuasion [15]. According to
and mutual stimulation, people are more likely to act this approach, in order for consumers to buy a product, then
impulsively under the influence of shared impulses called there is a learning process passed. The learning process is as
collective mind or group mind. follows: interested, understanding, and believe the claims
If the intensity of this process increases, then social contained in an ad. This learning process will make it easier
contagion will arise involving rapidly impulses for them to experience a change in attitude that culminates
dissemination or or conscience [12]. These social in the behavior of buying an advertised product. It happens
transmission often causes social media users becomes more because the result of the process is stored in a person's
active in behaving together, though in online situation. memory of a certain message which can be used as a basis
Furthermore, the shared enthusiasm in the for processing perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors
collection of users may involve circular reaction processes associated with the existence of a product.
(circular reactions) [12]. Thus, when a person becomes To promote business products online, many
anxious, restless or excited, then the emotion and behavior companies are competing to make advertising as attractive
will become a model that is transacting others. This mutual as possible. Not only advertisement product are attempted to
stimulating process produces a spiral of circular feelings and attract the audience, promotional expansion through various
actions social media is also done, such as Facebook, Instagram,
Online Shopping Twitter, Snapchat, and others. Even as a marketing strategy
Shopping lifestyle in Indonesia is always changing also picking up a number of famous names to review the
over time, especially electronic shopping trends adapted to products as they offer. In other words, the more interesting,
various social media, ranging from the attractiveness of unique, and widespread the marketing of the product, the
banner ads, video tutorials, discounts, payments through easier it is to remember, recognize, and will be bought.
joint accounts to the system after payment received (Cash User Personalisation
On Delivery). The company's success to utilize e – The widespread use of Twitter and Facebook has
commerce in marketing its products is followed by the irony provided a new approach to social science research. It
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 118
requires certain techniques to analyze and interpret data A scheme is a basic component of social cognition
using computer science methods. This technique allows defined as a mental framework or structure that helps people
researchers to be able to generate insights from large-scale organize social information and guide its processing [9].
data sets. The words used on Facebook were a surprisingly Schemes revolve around a particular subject or theme and
reliable personality indicator [16]. The researchers used a the scheme is shaped by the culture in which we live.
language prediction algorithm to make efficient, large-scale Schemes have a powerful effect on three basic
personality assessments. Automatic language-based model processes: attention, encoding, and retrieval [9]. In relation
of the nature, showing results consistent with self-reported to attention, the scheme acts as a filter: information that is
personality measurement of participants. consistent with the schema is more concerned with
Certain phrases can predict certain personality processing in human consciousness, while inappropriate
traits [16]. For example, people who has high score in information is often ignored unless the information is so
neuroticism on self-reported are more likely to use words, extreme that we are unwilling to pay attention to it, such as
such as sadness, loneliness, fear and pain. Analyzing this the strategy used in hoaxes by using bombastic headlines.
data may provide new connections that may not be visible in Consciously or not, the information received by users of
traditional written questionnaires and surveys. social media while digesting the hoax news encourages for
In addition, researchers also found that there are similar news-feeding because their mental schemes are
many similarities throughout the country, in the form of congruent for a particular theme or preference.
emoticons associated with positive emotions and curse
words, as well as aggression associated with negative
emotions [16]. There are also differences that lead to a III. CONCLUSION
special cultural correlation for emotional expression. The hegemony of social media can be seen through
The social media phenomenon which also attracts the perspective of social psychology (applied), including the
the author's attention is the rampant user accounts that concepts, theories and the results of social psychology
deliberately install profile photos instead of him, without research in the behavior of individuals related to topics
profile photos, and without a clear identity [1]. In addition related to social media use activities such as selfie,
to unidentifiable user accounts, the irony of social media cyberwar, online shopping, personal user-personalisation,
users' behavior is also reflected their attempts to reconstruct and culture shared. Human behavior which is increasingly
an identity through a specific status tag or distribution of a inseparable from the (reality) of the virtual world should be
page's link just to 'explain' to users about who and how or a serious concern, so in each sub-theme of social media
just the opposite: not represent user identity at all. behavior as mentioned above can be followed up as a
Culture Shared research idea for enthusiasts of social psychology studies in
Lately appeared pages and blogs are not credible. particular, related disciplines and expected from the
They do not hesitate to use provocative attributes, such as research results of each sub-theme obtained specific results
the word of "spread it" or similar bombastic words. and discussions that enrich the study of the behavior of the
Frequently used messages are "share to another, share, or use of social media.
save". Sometimes accompanied by threats such as chain
letters in the past [1]. References
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