Catalogue Cigre

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The key takeaways are that the catalogue lists publications that can be purchased from CIGRE, including technical brochures, session papers, symposia papers, and records of the ELECTRA journal. It provides information on the structure and contents of the catalogue, ordering procedures, and intellectual property policies.

The different categories of documents listed in the catalogue are technical brochures, sets of session papers, sets of symposia papers, and records of the ELECTRA journal on 4 CDs.

For each item in the catalogue, a short presentation of the contents is given along with the selling price and details such as the number of pages or file size.




The catalogue lists the publications which can be purchased from CIGRE, by both
members and non members. There are other documents, which are available for
CIGRE members only.
In the Catalogue are listed the following:
-The CIGRE Technical Brochures, which are comprehensive technical reports
issued by CIGRE Study Committees. They are usually available in hard copy and
electronic format, unless otherwise stated.
-The sets of papers or discussion contributions from the most recent CIGRE
Sessions and Symposia.
A set of 4 CDs in which are recorded the contents of ELECTRA from 1967 to 2000.

For each item in the Catalogue a short presentation of the contents is given, as well
as the selling price and some details such as number of pages, file size…

Structure of the Catalogue

Documents in the Catalogue are in four categories.

Table of Contents

There is a table of contents at the beginning of the Catalogue, with a total of 22 lines
(19 for the Technical Brochures, 1 for the Sessions, 1 for Symposia and 1 for
ELECTRA). A hyperlink gives direct access to the related part of the catalogue, to
facilitate the search.

Technical Brochures

Within the overall area covered by CIGRE Study Committees (numbered A to D),
brochures are listed under the different fields of interest of the SCs, but a number of
brochures are relevant to more than one field.
The first group of brochures are those of more general character, within the scope of
The second group are the brochures dealing with the specific area of the first Study
Committee, starting with the ‘A’ Committees. A1 - Rotating Electrical Machines); then
the group of brochures related to the field of A2 and so on up to D2 – Information
Systems and Telecommunications.
Two more lists are given: one in numerical order, giving: number, title of the
Technical Brochure and field of interest (through the related SCs, A1…; the other in
alphabetical order, giving: title, number and field of interest.
Set of Session Papers

In this category are the sets of Session Papers and Proceedings of recent Sessions,
given in chronological order. (Only the whole set can be bought, not an individual
paper )

Set of Symposia Papers

In this category are the sets of Papers presented at Symposia, and, when available,
the Proceedings (discussions record). These documents are given in chronological
(year) order.

4 CDs record of the contents of the journal ELECTRA from 1967 to 2000.

Ordering publications

Please use the ORDER FORM (available on the website)

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Standard delivery is by air-mail. On request delivery can be by special mail (courier):
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Means of payment (cheque, transfer, credit card) are specified on the Order Form.

- Orders can be posted to CIGRE (21 rue d’Artois – 75008 Paris),

emailed ([email protected]) , or faxed (+33 1 53 89 12 99)

- Enquiries should be directed to: [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected] (for membership

Intellectual ownership of CIGRE documents.

All documents are protected by CIGRE © copyright.

Ownership of a CIGRE publication, whether in paper form or on electronic support
only infers right of use for personal purposes. Are prohibited, except if explicitly
agreed by CIGRE, total or partial reproduction of the publication for use other than
personal or transfer to a third party
Collective members are allowed to make the document available for internal use by
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Commercial use or transfer outside the company is prohibited.

1 TABLE OF CONTENTS _________________________________________________ 3

2 TECHNICAL BROCHURES _____________________________________________ 4
2.1 CIGRE - General - CIGRE ________________________________________________ 4
2.2 A1 - Rotating Electrical Machines __________________________________________ 6
2.3 A2 - Transformers _______________________________________________________ 8
2.4 A3 - High Voltage Equipment_____________________________________________ 12
2.5 B1 - Insulated Cables ____________________________________________________ 19
2.6 B2 - Overhead lines _____________________________________________________ 25
2.7 B3 - Substations ________________________________________________________ 34
2.8 B4 - HVDC and Power Electronics ________________________________________ 42
2.9 B5 - Protection and Automation ___________________________________________ 53
2.10 C1 - System Development and Economics ___________________________________ 60
2.11 C2 - System Operation and Control________________________________________ 67
2.12 C3 - System Environmental Performance ___________________________________ 72
2.13 C4 - System Technical Performance _______________________________________ 74
2.14 C5 - Electricity Markets and Regulation ____________________________________ 89
2.15 C6 - Distribution Systems and Dispersed Generation _________________________ 92
2.16 D1 - Materials and Emerging Technologies _________________________________ 93
2.17 D2 - Information Systems and Telecommunications __________________________ 98
2.18 List in numerical order _________________________________________________ 109
2.19 List in alphabetical order _______________________________________________ 126
3 SET OF SESSION PAPERS ____________________________________________ 143
4 SET OF SYMPOSIA PAPERS __________________________________________ 146
5 ELECTRA PAPERS___________________________________________________ 153

2.1 CIGRE - General - CIGRE

REF. 001 1974

25 CIGRE sessions (1921-1974 )- General Bibliographic Index
This document gives information about the first CIGRE Sessions 1921-1974. It is organized in three main parts :
List of papers from 1921-1974, List of authors and list of Papers published in ELECTRA.

Member Price: 8 Euros Non member Price: 16 Euros 182 pages , file: 14.1 MB

REF. 032 1972

Final report of the UHV Ad Hoc Group
The report shows how the question was asked by the IEC, how the Ad Hoc Group was formed, how it worked,
and what were the main results. It has been worded from seven detailed reports by 7 CIGRE Study Committees,
which, in their own scope, have had the possibility of bringing parts of the answer to the specific problem.

Member Price: 10 Euros Non member Price: 20 Euros 33 pages , file: 2.7 MB

REF. 035 1989

SC 33/23 JWG 33/13.09
Monograph on GIS very fast transients.
With the introduction of GIS a new type of overvoltages called "fast transients" was created. They contain
frequencies far above those arising in conventional open-air substations and have thus caused unexpected
problems for the GIS insulation or the insulation of other equipment connected to it.

Member Price: 37 Euros Non member Price: 74 Euros 208 pages , file: 14.4 MB

REF. 231 2003

Definition and classification of power system stability.
Addresses the issue of stability definition and classification in power systems from a fundamental viewpoint and
closely examines the practical ramifications. Aims to define power system stability more precisely; provide a
systematic basis for classifying power system stability; and discuss linkages to related issues such as power
system reliability and security.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 30 pages , file: 2.31 MB
REF. IAC 1998
Important Achievements of CIGRE
Resulting from the work of the Study Committees over the past 20 years, this brochure shows the contribution of
CIGRE to the development of electrical energy in the world. It includes an Executive Summary by the President of

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 100 pages
2.2 A1 - Rotating Electrical Machines

REF. 002 1988

SC 11 WG 11.01
Report on large turbine generator maintenance practices.
Preventive maintenance of generators is an important contribution to the improvement of their availability. The
number and nature of the maintenance tasks as well as the periodicity depend largely upon the machine type, its
design and its duty type. These practices are generally agreed between the manufacturer and the user.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 38 pages , file: 1.5 MB

REF. 116 1997

SC 11/14 JWG 11/14.09
Guide for preliminary design and specification of hydro
stations with HVDC unit connected generators.
Several technical and economical reasons strongly suggest that in certain HVDC applications it is of great
advantage to simplify the rectifier station via a direct connection of hydro generating sets to 12 pulse converter
groups. The proposed arrangement is referred to in HVDC literature as "Unit Connection".

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 230 pages , file: 12.9 MB

REF. 119 1997

SC 14 WG 14.05
Interaction between HVDC convertors and nearby synchronous
machines.Final report.
It is not uncommon that HVDC convertor stations and generators are situated electrically and geographically
close to each other. This follows from the fact that HVDC links are often built to transmit power from a generating
station to a load centre or another part of the power system. Examples of this are the Itaipu and IPP schemes. In
these cases the HVDC and generator stations are designed more or less in parallel which means that overall
good design can be achieved by appropriate coordination.

Member Price: 11 Euros Non member Price: 22 Euros 43 pages , file: 1.42 MB

REF. 138 1999

SC 39/11 JWG 39/11
Exchange of services between large electricity generating
plants and high voltage electric power systems.
Public electricity supply systems have developed into very complex and interconnected systems, whose
components are highly dependent upon each other. Careful management of the relationship between the
components is crucial to the provision of a secure, reliable and economic supply of electricity to the end-user

Member Price: 23 Euros Non member Price: 46 Euros 100 pages , file: 4.63 MB
REF. 257 2004
SC A1 WG A1.01.06
EL CID (Electromagnetic - Core Imperfection Detector) Testing
of Large Steam-Turbine-Driven Generators
EL CID technique was originally dvised in UK and developed as portable test equipment for inspection and repair
of rotating electric machine.
The paper briefly discusses the technique, its benefits and its limitations.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 12 pages , file: 0.638 MB

REF. 258 2004

SC A1 WG A1.01.06
Application of On-Line Partial Discharge Tests to Rotating
Partial Discharges (PD) is a phenomenon which has been known for more than 100 years, which applications
developed mainly in the 80s.
PD testing for rotating machines has now gained widespread acceptance as a maintenance decision support tool
and the purpose of this paper is to be a guidance document on the appropriate use of PD technology,for on-line

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 12 pages , file: 0.564 MB
2.3 A2 - Transformers

REF. 096 1995

SC 12 WG 12.09
Thermal aspects of transformers.
Contains chapters on : Heat run test procedure; Direct measurement of the hot-spot temperature; A survey of
facts and opinions; Lifetime evaluation; Dissolved gas analysis; Analytical determination of winding hot spot
factor; Experimental determination of power transformer hot spot factor; Survey of power transformer overload
field practices.

Member Price: 23 Euros Non member Price: 46 Euros 180 pages , file: 6.22 MB

REF. 156 2000

SC 12 WG 12.15
Guide for customers specifications for transformers 100 MVA
and 123 kV and above.
This document has been prepared as an aid to customers and manufacturers of power transformers in the
preparation of specifications for purchasing transformers. Its aim is to highlight some of the important topics that
should be considered for includion in an enquiry document. Wherever possible guidance and other practical
information about such topics are provided to explain their purpose and significance in transformer enquiries.
Clearly it is not possible to address all the issues that may arise. Neither is the document in any way intended to
be a complete and applicable specification.

Member Price: 24 Euros Non member Price: 48 Euros 75 pages , file: 3.33 MB

REF. 157 2000

SC 12 WG 12.17
Effect of particles on transformer dielectric strength.
The effect of particles on the dielectric strength of insulating oil has long been recognized by researchers and
much effort has been devoted in attempts to characterize this effect. However, only few experiments have been
carried out with insulated electrodes and even then, the extrapolation from test set-up to full-size transformers is
very difficult given the effect of the oil volume on the probability of breakdown.

Member Price: 12 Euros Non member Price: 24 Euros 44 pages , file: 1.8 MB

REF. 170 2000

SC 12/15 JWG 12/15.13
Static electrification in power transformers
Interfacial phenomena; methods and devices including test set-ups with plane flow or rotating flow, filter methods;
CIGRE test cell : method and device, numerical flow calculation, time characteristic of leakage current, impact of
liquid and solid insulating components; mini-static tester : repeatability and reproducibility, impact of temperature
and moisture. Evaluation of methods. Standardisation of methods. References.

Member Price: 21 Euros Non member Price: 42 Euros 84 pages , file: 4.24 MB
REF. 204 2002
SC 12 WG 12.22
Guidelines for conducting design reviews for transformers 100
MVA and 123 kV and above.
A guide to customers of power transformers for conducting design reviews with manufacturers. A design review is
a planned exercise to ensure there is a common understanding of the applicable standards and specification
requirements, and to provide an opportunity to scrutinise the design to ensure the requirements will be met, using
the manufacturer's proven materials and methodology. The document does not include design limits or

Member Price: 13 Euros Non member Price: 26 Euros 20 pages , file: 0.243 MB

REF. 209 2002

SC 12 WG 12.19
The short circuit performance of power transformers.
Service conditions-questionnaire et conclusions. Design calculations: magnetic field and force calculations;
mechanical stress calculations. Design review procedure; description of radial and axial forces; manufacturing
issues; references. Monitoring: winding movement detection techniques, standardisation and optimisation
techniques, problems of interpretation, winding slackness, on-line monitoring, recommendations, references.
Includes: questionnaire, summary of responses, detailed information on failures.

Member Price: 13 Euros Non member Price: 26 Euros 44 pages , file: 0.921 MB

REF. 211 2002

SC 21/22/23/12/13 JTF 23/12/13/21/22.16
General overview on experience feedback methods in the field
of electrical equipment
The reliability of network components and systems is a major concern for manufacturers of electrical equipment
and utilities. Reliability techniques, derived from the aeronautical and nuclear industries have been used in the
field of electrical systems and have now reached maturity. Thus CIGRE Committees have considered reliability to
be an important characteristic of network components and reliability is still the subject of many discussions and
exchanges of experience.

Member Price: 14 Euros Non member Price: 28 Euros 25 pages , file: 0.643 MB

REF. 227 2003

SC A2 WG A2.18
Life management techniques for power transformers.
Emphasis on common goals and benefits and a vocabulary of commonly used terms. A presentation of general
knowledge and theoretical issues: basic failure concepts, condition, classification,recommendations on failure
identification. Detailed appendices with examples and checklists, catalogue of defects and faults. A summary of
dangerous effect of degradations factors is proposed. Methodologies. Diagnostic and monitoring techniques …

Member Price: 28 Euros Non member Price: 56 Euros 130 pages , file: 0.99 MB
REF. 240 2004
SC B4/A2 JTF B4.04/A2.01
Analysis of HVDC thyristor converter transformer performance
A presentation of performance summaries with failure areas described and classified as bushings, valve windings,
AC windings, static shields, load tap changers, core and magnetic shields or internal connections and leads
together with short descriptions of the failures. Present transformer test methods are also evaluated for adequacy.
Comparisons with the previous report are included.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 30 pages , file: 0.646 MB

REF. 248 2004

SC A2 WG A2.20
Economics of transformer management.
Guide designed to help transformer and asset managers perform economic evaluations of proposed solutions. A
list of key parameters has been established covering technical, operational, economical, environmental and other
strategic aspects that arose during the early development of the guide. Some models and flow charts have been
included. Intended mainly for transformer managers/asset managers managing high-voltage electric systems.
Includes 4 parts : Risk management, Specification & Purchase, Operation & Maintenance, Repair vs.replacement.

Papier +CD
Member Price: 35 Euros Non member Price: 70 Euros

REF. 254 2004

SC D1 TF D1.01.09
Dielectric response methods for diagnostics of power
The dryness and ageing state of the oil-paper insulation is a key factor in both the short and long term reliability of
a power transformer since moisture has deleterious effects on dielectric integrity and insulation ageing rates.
Today the water content of the cellulose of a transformer in service is determined indirectly via moisture
measured from oil samples according to IEC 60422.

Member Price: 22 Euros Non member Price: 44 Euros 42 pages , file: 1.45 MB

REF. 296 2006

SC D1/A2 JTF D1.02/A2.11
Recent developments on the interpretation of dissolved gas
analysis in transformers.
Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) is widely used for monitoring faults in insulating fluid-filled HV equipment in service.
New DGA laboratory extraction techniques have been introduced into revised IEC Publication 60567 and
interpretation of DGA results have been deeply revised in 1999 in IEC Publication 60599. Following questions
about the typical gas concentration and rates of increases observed in service, raised by IEC TC14
(transformers), a joint TF started in 2001 to clarify the isssue and examine other aspects of DGA interpretation
which needed clarifications or improvements.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 32 pages , file: 1.6 MB
REF. 298 2006
SC A2 WG A2.23
Guide on transformer lifetime data management
Transformer lifetime data management is important for a cost efficient, risk minimized and efficient asset
management and maintenance process in the utility. Based on transfromer engineering view an analysis is made,
a generic data model derived and the related information technology aspects shown. The guide should support
the interested professional and ease the decision of the utility regarding its lifetime data strategy.

Member Price: 40 Euros Non member Price: 80 Euros 90 pages , file: 2.19 MB
2.4 A3 - High Voltage Equipment

REF. 007 1980

SC 34 WG 34.03
Non-conventional current and voltage transformers.
For some years new concepts of current and voltage transformers for HV and EHV transmission systems have
been investigated and developed to the stages of laboratory models or prototype units installed for trials on
transmission systems. One of the aims of this development was to design measuring devices of improved
transient performance, as compared with the conventional CT's, CVT's and VT's in order to reliable and faster
fault clearance times.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 173 pages , file: 10.4 MB

REF. 023 1985

SC 38 TF 38.04.03
An annotated bibliography on UHV AC substation equipment.
Contains sections concerning : Insulation co-ordination; Switchgear; Shunt reactors; Surge arresters; Power
transformers; Current and voltage measuring equipment, Station design and operating experience, Testing
facilities, Index of authors.

Member Price: 11 Euros Non member Price: 22 Euros 56 pages , file: 3.78 MB

REF. 034 1989

SC 33/14 JWG 33/14.05
Guidelines for the applications of metal oxide arresters
without gaps for HVDC converter stations.
This guide for metal oxide arresters without gaps for HVDC converter stations is a supplement to the application
guide for insulation coordination and arrester protection of HVDC converter stations published in Electra No.96
(Oct. 1984). It gives basic information about metal oxide material and basic arrester characteristics which will be
of value when designing and specifying an arrester protective scheme and specifying the arresters.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 38 pages , file: 3 MB

REF. 047 1996

SC 13 WG 13.04
Line-charging current switching of HV lines. Stresses and
testing. Parts 1 & 2.
The brochure deals mainly with line-charging current switching for voltages 72.5 kV and above, by circuit-
breakers and switches, provided the latter have a limited time spread between pole contact parting. The report
does not deal with medium-voltage line-charging current switching even if the basic phenomena are the same.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 60 pages , file: 2.56 MB
REF. 050 1995
SC 13 WG 13.02
Interruption of small inductive currents.
This brochure contains the ELECTRA articles prepared by WG13.02 and it aims at presenting the theoretical
background to IEC 1233. The test circuits and test procedures prescribed in the IEC report differ somewhat from
those proposed by 13.02. Since they are in principle equivalent, the IEC proposals have been adopted in this
brochure. When new experience is available this is taken into account.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 232 pages , file: 11.2 MB

REF. 057 1990

SC 23 WG 23.07
Paper-oil insulated measurement transformer.
The document is a set of papers issued in Electra expected to be complete enough and useful for manufacturers
or users of equipment : i.e. General considerations; Design and construction; Checking and monitoring; Failure
survey; Endurance - testing - life test; Non standardised stresses and Quality assurance.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 75 pages , file: 4.26 MB

REF. 059 1990

SC 15/33 JWG 15/33.08
Session 1990 : Dielectric diagnosis of electrical equipment
for AC applications and its effects on insulation
coordination. State of the art report.
The present report prepared after three WG meetings, presents the state of the art of the diagnostic methods
available today, to the WG members knowledge, to verify the dielectric conditions of insulating materials used in
electrical equipment for AC applications. The WG has taken into account as much as possible all the previous
work on the subject performed with CIGRE SC and WG and references to the relevant papers have been made.

Member Price: 11 Euros Non member Price: 22 Euros 34 pages , file: 3.25 MB

REF. 060 1991

SC 33 WG 33.06
Metal oxide surge arresters in AC systems.
The development of the zinc oxide varistors to be applicable to the protection of transient overvoltages in HV
systems, introduced an equipment with qualities very much different from the qualities of the up to then well
known surge arresters with silicon carbide resistors and series spark gaps. The correct application of this new
type of surge arrester needed more detailed knowledge about the transient behaviour of the system and the
arrester stresses caused by the system during different operating conditions.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 87 pages , file: 8.41 MB
REF. 072 1992
SC 33 WG 33.07
Guidelines for the evaluation of the dielectric strength of
external insulation.
This Guideline deals with the dielectric strength of external insulation, namely air gaps and insulators, with special
reference to transient overvoltages. The aim is to illustrate the general trends in dielectric strength as a function of
the most important influencing parameters and to give methods and criteria for its evaluation.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 87 pages , file: 3.04 MB

REF. 083 1994

SC 13 WG 13.06
Final report of the 2nd international enquiry on HV circuit-
breaker failures and defects in service.
The studies include items such as : Use of diagnostics; Maintenance policy; System reliability study data; Kind of
operating mechanism; Comparison of metal enclosed versus non metal enclosed reliability; Impact on testing;
SF6 gas leakages.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 176 pages , file: 9.56 MB

REF. 085 1994

SC 38 WG 38.04
Ultra high voltage technology.
The brochure presents the state of the art of UHV technology with focus on : UHV system planning, performance
and reliability aspects; UHV transmission lines; UHV substations and equipment; UHV testing facilities and new

Member Price: 9 Euros Non member Price: 18 Euros 31 pages , file: 2.65 MB

REF. 114 1997

SC 13/14 WG 13/14.08
Circuit-breakers for meshed multiterminal HVDC system. Final
HVDC multiterminal (MTDC) Systems permit the exchange of energy between a number of HVDC substations.
The particular advantage of the meshed system is that this exchange can continue even when one of the
interconnecting lines is out of service. Investigations have shown that the performance of MTDC systems can be
improved by installing HVDC circuit-breakers at appropriate locations.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 115 pages , file: 2.7 MB
REF. 134 1998
SC 13 WG 13.CC.03
Transient recovery voltages in medium voltage networks.
Items considered : TRV and circuit configuration ; TRV for the first, second and third pole to clear ; Collection of
TRV field data ; TRV under short line fault ; TRV in case of transformer fed faults ; TRV in cade of series reactor
limited faults ; TRV in case of faults at the secondary side of transformers ; clearing faults near capacitor banks ;
arc-circuit interaction ; topology of test circuits to represent realistic system conditions.

Member Price: 27 Euros Non member Price: 54 Euros 113 pages , file: 5.67 MB

REF. 135 1998

SC 13 WG 13.01
State of the art of circuit-breaker modelling.
A comprehensive overview on the state of the art. An edition which is a compilation of three reports: Practical
application of arc physics in circuit-breakers. Survey of calculation methods and application guide ; Applications of
black box modelling to circuit-breakers ; and, Survey on analytical and graphical tools for circuit-breaker
behaviour description.

Member Price: 21 Euros Non member Price: 42 Euros 90 pages , file: 6.03 MB

REF. 158 2000

SC 33 TF 33.04.01
Polluted insulators : a review of current knowledge.
The performance of insulators used on overhead lines and overhead distribution lines and in outdoor substations
is a key factor in determining the reliability of power delivery systems. The insulators not only must withstand
normal operating voltage, but also must withstand overvoltages that may cause disturbances, flashovers and line
outages. The reduction in the performance of outdoor insulators occurs mainly by the pollution of the insulating
surfaces from air-borne deposits that may form a conducting or partially conducting surface layer when wet.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 170 pages , file: 2.46 MB

REF. 165 2000

SC 13 WG 13.08
Life management of circuit-breakers.
Current life experience of high and medium voltage circuit-breakers of older and current design; determination
and evaluation of residual life expectancy, possibilities and procedures; risk assessment; possibilites for life
extension such as monitoring, maintenance procedures, availability and maintainability; testing; economic impact
taking into account additional expenditures of preventive measures, reduction of reliability etc; legal,
environmental and strategic aspects; changes in network condition.

Member Price: 24 Euros Non member Price: 48 Euros 140 pages , file: 7.87 MB
REF. 167 2000
SC 13 WG 13.09
User guide for the application of monitoring and diagnostic
techniques for switching equipment for rated voltages of 72.5
kV and above.
Condition monitoring and diagnostic techniques are playing an increasingly important role in the design, life cycle
cost evaluation, commissioning, operation, maintenance and end of life determination of substation equipment.
Users need guidance on the applicability and implications of the various techniques and how their benefits can be
evaluated.The report gives guidelines for the application of monitoring and diagnostic techniques covering all
switching technologies and including disconnectors and earthing switches as well as circuit-breakers.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 160 pages , file: 0.91 MB

REF. 211 2002

SC 21/22/23/12/13 JTF 23/12/13/21/22.16
General overview on experience feedback methods in the field
of electrical equipment
The reliability of network components and systems is a major concern for manufacturers of electrical equipment
and utilities. Reliability techniques, derived from the aeronautical and nuclear industries have been used in the
field of electrical systems and have now reached maturity. Thus CIGRE Committees have considered reliability to
be an important characteristic of network components and reliability is still the subject of many discussions and
exchanges of experience.

Member Price: 14 Euros Non member Price: 28 Euros 25 pages , file: 0.643 MB

REF. 239 2003

SC A3 WG A3.10
Fault current limiters in electrical medium and high voltage
Contains 4 major parts : - Part A : Fault current limiters - state of the art; B: Functional specification for a fault
current limiter; C: Fault current limiters - system demands; D: Fault current limiters - testing. An extensive
reference list regarding limiting technology is included as part of the brochure.

Member Price: 35 Euros Non member Price: 70 Euros 80 pages , file: 1.39 MB

REF. 259 2004

SC A3 WG A3.12
Failure Survey on Circuit Breaker Control Systems
This brochure gives a summary of the results of the survey whicgh was conducted on the frequency and nature of
the failures. It gives a world wide overview of the experience with different technologies.

Member Price: 35 Euros Non member Price: 70 Euros 34 pages , file: 0.866 MB
REF. 262 2004
SC A3 WG A3.07
Controlled Switching of HVAC CBs: Benefits & Economic Aspects
Part 3 of the work conducted on the subject of "Controlled Switching of HV AC circuit breakers"
It deals with generic technological ad economic aspects. Benefits are considered in relation to the cicuit
breaker,the switched load and the whole power system.Additional costs and disadvantages are discussed when

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 33 pages , file: 0.904 MB

REF. 263 2004

SC A3 WG A3.07
Controlled switching of HVAC CBs - Guidance for further
applications including unloaded transformer switching…
Part 2 of the work conducted on the subject of "Controlled Switching of HV AC circuit breakers".
This part complements part 1 and discusses switching cases which are less developed or still subject of
theoritical development. It also reports on the possibility of using the technique to uprate existing installations
(uprating and retrofitting)

Member Price: 35 Euros Non member Price: 70 Euros 55 pages , file: 2.52 MB

REF. 264 2004

SC A3 WG A3.07
Controlled switching of HVAC CBs - Planning,Specifications &
Part 1 of the work conducted on the subject of "Controlled Switching of HV AC circuit breakers".
This part gives guidance to the user on how to approach controlled switching projects and, in particular, how to
study,specify, and test circuit breakers and controller systems.

Member Price: 35 Euros Non member Price: 70 Euros 55 pages , file: 1.13 MB

REF. 304 2006

SC A3 WG A3.11
Guide for application of IEC 62271-100 and IEC 60694. Part I
The Guide for Application of IEC 62271-100 and IEC 62271-1 provides background information on the
requirements in the noted standards for high-voltage circuit-breakers as well as related standards and technical
reports. The Guide also addresses other major subjects frequently raised in connection with circuit-breaker
application but not covered by the standards. It is intended to meet the needs of utility, consultant and industrial
engineers and, to facilitate its use and handling, it is published in two brochures, the first dealing with general
subjects and the second with making and breaking tests.

Member Price: 50 Euros Non member Price: 100 Euros 108 pages , file: 1.8 MB
REF. 305 2006
SC A3 WG A3.11
Guide for application of IEC 62271-100 and IEC 60694. Part II
The Guide for Application of IEC 62271-100 and IEC 62271-1 provides background information on the
requirements in the noted standards for high-voltage circuit-breakers as well as related standards and technical
reports. The Guide also addresses other major subjects frequently raised in connection with circuit-breaker
application but not covered by the standards. It is intended to meet the needs of utility, consultant and industrial
engineers and, to facilitate its use and handling, it is published in two brochures, the first dealing with general
subjects and the second with making and breaking tests.

Member Price: 70 Euros Non member Price: 140 Euros 185 pages , file: 2.55 MB
2.5 B1 - Insulated Cables

REF. 005 1976

SC 21 WG 21.02
Current ratings of cables for cyclic and emergency loads.
The document provides methods for calculating rating factors for cyclic loads and for calculating the response of a
cable to a suddenly applied step function load.

Member Price: 17 Euros Non member Price: 34 Euros 35 pages , file: 2.6 MB

REF. 086 1994

SC 33 /21/14 JWG 33/21/14.16
Overvoltages on HVDC cables. Final Report.
The number of HVDC projects using long DC cables is increasing, mostly for submarine power transmission. A
larger number of such HVDC schemes are already in operation or in planning stage. The economic design of DC
cables is very important, because the cost of DC cables is high in proportion to the total cost of HVDC submarine
cable transmission.

Member Price: 9 Euros Non member Price: 18 Euros 55 pages , file: 5.51 MB

REF. 089 1994

SC 21 WG 21.06
Accessories for HV extruded cables. Types of accessories and
This work categorises the types of accessory designs available for use on HV cables with extruded insulation for
AC transmission voltages of 60 kV and above. The typical types of extruded cable insulation being low density
polyethylene (LDPE), high density polyethylene (HDPE), crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE) and ethylene propylene
rubber (EPR).

Member Price: 17 Euros Non member Price: 34 Euros 100 pages , file: 5.89 MB

REF. 104 1996

SC 36/21 JWG 36.01/21
Magnetic fields in HV cable systems. 1. Systems without
ferromagnetic component.
Considerable work has been done on the magnetic fields due to overhead lines, but relatively little has been
published on the fields from underground cable systems. The report details the levels of magnetic field that occur
in various typical situations. The analysis is restricted to underground cable systems without ferromagnetic
component; for which analysis is relatively easy.

Member Price: 9 Euros Non member Price: 18 Euros 30 pages , file: 1.29 MB
REF. 110 1996
SC 21/22 JWG 21/22.01
Comparison of high voltage overhead lines and underground
cables. Report and Guidelines.
It is intended that these guidelines will serve as a reference document when overhead and underground options
for transmission circuits are being compared and when possible routes are being negotiated with the relevant
authorities. The comparison is made under the following headings : system planning and operation,
environmental, technical, cost and future perspectives.

Member Price: 23 Euros Non member Price: 46 Euros 68 pages , file: 3.82 MB

REF. 177 2001

SC 21 WG 21.06
Accessories for HV cables with extruded insulation
Companion document to "Improved design criteria of overhead transmission lines based on reliability concepts".
Contains the technical background of reliability based design in more detail. An output of CIGRE WG22.06
involved in reliability based design of overhead transmission lines for many years.

Member Price: 46 Euros Non member Price: 92 Euros 280 pages , file: 6.3 MB

REF. 182 2001

SC 21 WG 21.16
Partial discharge detection in installed HV extruded cable
Fundamental principles of PD testing, different types of sensors and signal processing functions. Users guide on
the practical importance of PDD using circuits with and without integrated sensors, information on safety aspects,
selection of measuring frequency, test results, practical recommendations. Description of 8 PD methods with
representative impression in present testing options. Future trends - expectations for immediate and more distant
future. Fundamental and practical information. User support to understanding the complicated field of on-site

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 60 pages , file: 0.865 MB

REF. 194 2001

SC 21 WG 21.17
Construction, laying and installation techniques for extruded
and self-contained fluid filled cable systems.
The focus of general public concern on the environment results in the use of underground lines being considered
since they offer alternative or interesting complementary solutions for the bulk transmission of electrical energy.
This leads to the installation of underground cables in some areas, where overhead lines would automatically
have been considered in the past.

Member Price: 46 Euros Non member Price: 92 Euros 150 pages , file: 1.5 MB
REF. 199 2002
SC 38 TF 38.01.11
Superconducting cables. Impact on network structure and
A distillation of many discussions on the possible impacts of superconducting power cables in power transmission
systems in the future. Only oxide superconductors are discussed. In order to clarify the possibility of using SC
cables, the Task Force collected and discussed worldwide background data concerning underground (or
undersea) cables and analyzed the trend of SC cable applications in future power grids.

Member Price: 28 Euros Non member Price: 56 Euros 59 pages , file: 1.5 MB

REF. 210 2002

SC 21/15 JTF 21/15
Interfaces in accessories for extruded HV and EHV cables.
Although interfaces in joints and terminations of extruded HV cables have been identified as crucial parts, some of
the mechanisms related to ageing are not well understood. For this reason, a task force was set up to study the
behaviour of interfaces between solid insulating materials in accessories for HV and EHV extruded cables. The
results are reported in this brochure.

Member Price: 12 Euros Non member Price: 24 Euros 13 pages , file: 0.835 MB

REF. 211 2002

SC 21/22/23/12/13 JTF 23/12/13/21/22.16
General overview on experience feedback methods in the field
of electrical equipment
The reliability of network components and systems is a major concern for manufacturers of electrical equipment
and utilities. Reliability techniques, derived from the aeronautical and nuclear industries have been used in the
field of electrical systems and have now reached maturity. Thus CIGRE Committees have considered reliability to
be an important characteristic of network components and reliability is still the subject of many discussions and
exchanges of experience.

Member Price: 14 Euros Non member Price: 28 Euros 25 pages , file: 0.643 MB

REF. 218 2003

SC 23/21/33 JWG 23/21/33.15
Gas insulated transmission lines (GIL)
Techical information to be of assistance in the design of circuits using GIL: definition and description of GIL;
general technical characteristics and their comparison with O/H lines and conventional cables; continuous and
short-term current rating of directly buried GIL, sensitivity analysis to design parameters. Insulation and
overvoltage aspects from a long term reliability point of view. Mechanical corrosion and installation aspects of
directly buried GIL. Environment considerations. Economic aspects. Recent GIL projects and R&D programmes.

Member Price: 50 Euros Non member Price: 100 Euros 261 pages
REF. 219 2003
SC 21 WG 21.01
Testing DC extruded cable systems for power transmission up to
250 kV
Tests apply to the complete HVDC cable system as installed and as intended to function. Wherever possible the
tests have been based on existing recommendations, standards and practices. New tests have however been
introduced where required by considerations specific to the new technology. New technology may involve the use
of many different materials such as thermoplastic or cross linked polymers and differing manufacturing processes.
Tests are largely functional and not specific to one material or manufacturing process.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 27 pages , file: 0.509 MB

REF. 229 2003

SC B1 WG B1.20
High temperature superconducting (HTS) cable systems.
High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) cable systems seem to promise a number of fascinating advantages
for bulk power transmission. The state of the art of the technology is presented, with the results of the work of the
WG on HTS systems components and issues of specifications and testing. Many questions remain still open
,especially about its practical application and competivity. These issues will have to be studied later when feed-
back experience will be available .

Member Price: 22 Euros Non member Price: 44 Euros 40 pages , file: 0.986 MB

REF. 247 2004

SC B1 WG B1.02
Optimization of power transmission capability of underground
cable systems using thermal monitoring
This report is aimed primarily at the user and reviews the technologies currently available. Results of a survey
provide some indication regarding the current utilization of both cable temperature monitoring and dynamic cable
rating systems. Some recommendations are proposed in connection with the application of these systems and
identifies possible future development trends.

Member Price: 37 Euros Non member Price: 74 Euros 80 pages , file: 1.18 MB

REF. 250 2004

SC B1 WG B1.19
Technical and environmental issues regarding the integration
of a new HV underground cable system in the network.
The design of underground lines should address the technical and environmental issues concerning their
integration in the network,during the design, installation, operation and upgrading stages. WG B1.19 report
provides guidelines for the design of transitions between OHL and underground cables.It deals with land AC
extruded cables, but some sections are applcable to DC and/or submarine and SCFF cables.
One chapter is dedicated to Enviromental Impact Assessment. It presents an example of of ageneral method for
the evaluation of impacts and offers a typical table of contents for an environmental evaluation report.K

Member Price: 45 Euros Non member Price: 90 Euros 176 pages , file: 5.169 MB
REF. 268 2005
SC B1 WG B1.05
Transient voltages affecting long cables
Long cables are subjected to lower lightning overvoltages than short cables due to the cable “self-protective”
effect. This paper investigates the possibility of utilizing the full range of IEC impulse levels instead of the current
practice of using the highest level. Calculated results of lightning overvoltages vs. impulse levels are provided for
a cable inserted in an overhead line, for a number of cable types and system voltages. It is shown that for cable
lengths that are of tens of kilometers it may sometimes be possible to even adopt the lowest IEC impulse level.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 45 pages , file: 1.25 MB

REF. 272 2005

SC B1 WG B1.03
Large cross-sections and composite screens design.
The core of large cross-section HV and EHV extruded cables are genarally segmental, to reduce losses due to
the skin effect. The TB gives details on both theoritical and experimental approach, from which the WG could
propose recommendations for evaluating the a.c. resistance of these cores, to be taken into account when
calculating the cable current carrying capacity. It describes the calculations of losses in composite screens,
combination of a bundle of wires and a metallic sheath (or a foil) and proposes a method of calculating the
permissible short-circuit current of this kind of metallic screens.

Member Price: 54 Euros Non member Price: 108 Euros 87 pages , file: 1.56 MB

REF. 279 2005

SC B1 WG B1.04
Maintenance for HV cables and accessories
This Technical Brochure is based on the report prepared by CIGRE WG B1.04. The attention will be focused on
the present utility practices regarding maintenance, the failure modes for the usual cable systems and the related
diagnostic methods, and recommendations to utilities for effective and efficient maintenance. One of the main
recommendations is that maintenance should be based on a clear strategy and elaborated in a clear maintenance
plan. Finally the TB indicates that maintenance trends are moving to so called predictive maintenance.

Member Price: 34 Euros Non member Price: 68 Euros 96 pages , file: 1.02 MB

REF. 283 2005

SC B1 WG B1.18
Special bonding of high voltage power cables
Special sheath bonding has been used for over 40 years to help reduce cable system losses.
Previous articles in ELECTRA 28, 47 and 128 addressed the subject, however it was considered that certain
issues should be updated in the light of more experience and recent developments in analytical techniques. The
results are published in this TB.

Member Price: 48 Euros Non member Price: 96 Euros 105 pages , file: 1.62 MB
REF. 297 2006
SC D1 TF D1.02.05
Practical aspects of the detection and location of PD in power
For enhancement of the reliable operation of power cable networks preventive PD diagnosis tests are increasingly
performed. In order to assess the insulation condition on the basis of the obtained data, fundamental knowledge
on the PD occurrence is required.The Brochure deals with both theoritical analysis and experimental studies on
the wave propagation of PD pulses in power cables. Furthermore practical aspects of the detection and location
of PD faults are discussed.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 24 pages , file: 1.09 MB

REF. 303 2006

SC B1 WG B1.06
Revision of qalification procedures for high voltage and extra
high voltage AC extruded undergroud cable systems
In 2002, WG B1.06 has been launched to deal with the revision of qualification procedures of underground HV
and EHV cable systems with possible changes in cables or accessories. WG B1.06 has completed this task in
recommending a simplified "extension of qualification" test procedure for changes in EHV cable systems. For HV
systems, a prequalification procedure is recommended for cable system design with high stresses when no earler
experience is available.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 92 pages , file: 1.73 MB
2.6 B2 - Overhead lines

REF. 048 1995

SC 22 WG 22.06
Tower top geometry.
The study is to define clearances between live conductors and earthed structures under the action of wind. This
case is particularly significant for suspension towers equipped with I-type suspension insulator sets. In addition to
insulator swing the following requirements may also affect the tower top geometry : Clearances between
conductors in mid-span; Provisions for conductor galloping and Distances for live line maintenance.

Member Price: 11 Euros Non member Price: 22 Euros 48 pages , file: 2.14 MB

REF. 081 1994

SC 22 WG 22.07
Foundation testing
With the change in design philosophy from a deterministic to a probabilistic approach, the necessity for
determining the strength distribution for individual components of an overhead transmission line has increased.
The report gives recommendations on the procedures to be undertaken during the testing of foundations from the
initial planning stage through to test evaluation and acceptance.

Member Price: 29 Euros Non member Price: 58 Euros 59 pages , file: 2.22 MB

REF. 085 1994

SC 38 WG 38.04
Ultra high voltage technology.
The brochure presents the state of the art of UHV technology with focus on : UHV system planning, performance
and reliability aspects; UHV transmission lines; UHV substations and equipment; UHV testing facilities and new

Member Price: 9 Euros Non member Price: 18 Euros 31 pages , file: 2.65 MB

REF. 109 1996

SC 22 WG 22.06
Review of IEC 826 : Loading and strength of overhead lines
The brochure comprises 4 different chapters : 1) Questionnaire on use and application of IEC 826; 2) Application
example of IEC 826; 3) Analysis of recent transmission line failures; 4) Improved design criteria of overhead
transmission lines based on reliability concept.

Member Price: 23 Euros Non member Price: 46 Euros 140 pages , file: 5.16 MB
REF. 110 1996
SC 21/22 JWG 21/22.01
Comparison of high voltage overhead lines and underground
cables. Report and Guidelines.
It is intended that these guidelines will serve as a reference document when overhead and underground options
for transmission circuits are being compared and when possible routes are being negotiated with the relevant
authorities. The comparison is made under the following headings : system planning and operation,
environmental, technical, cost and future perspectives.

Member Price: 23 Euros Non member Price: 46 Euros 68 pages , file: 3.82 MB

REF. 141 1999

SC 22 WG 22.07
Refurbishment and upgrading of foundations.
This report provides an outline of good practice on the refurbishment and upgrading of existing overhead
transmission line support foundations. Possible reasons for foundation deterioration are reviewed, which may
result from such diverses causes as early-age concrete cracking to damage by frost forces. the critical nature of
the inspection and testing strategy are considered, with attention focussed on the economics of the
inspection/testing regime, the use of alternative strategies and the different levels of foundation inspection
together with the actual inspection test methods.

Member Price: 38 Euros Non member Price: 76 Euros 160 pages , file: 104 MB

REF. 147 1999

SC 22 WG 22.14
High voltage overhead lines. Environmental concerns,
procedures, impacts and mitigations
Electricity utilities involved in transmission development, maintenance and operation face increasingly severe
challenges as a result of heightened environmental awareness, more comprehansive legislation and standards
and growing public expectations and concerns.These trends will have a major influence on the approach of
companies to the management of both new projects and existing transmission assets.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 104 pages , file: 110 MB

REF. 174 2000

SC 22 WG 22.06
Load control devices on overhead transmission lines.
Electricity utilities need to design overhead lines to withstand potential cascade failures of towers which could
occur as a result of exceptional icing or rupture of conductors. Some utilities simply design the lines with section
towers at frequent intervals and other utilities use special devices called 'load control devices' (LCD) the function
of which is to limit the stresses applied to the towers in cases of exceptional longitudinal loads.

Member Price: 12 Euros Non member Price: 24 Euros 20 pages , file: 0.334 MB
REF. 175 2000
SC 22 WG 22.13
Management of existing overhead transmission lines.
Can you answer the following questions : Can you quantitatively justify investments in you O/H transmission
system ? Can you predict the probability of you next O/H transmission line failure event ? Do you collect the right
data when you have a failure event ? Do you know the present capability of you OHTL components ? Could you
manage these data effectively if you did collect them ?

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 185 pages , file: 2 MB

REF. 178 2001

SC 22 WG 22.06
Probabilistic design of overhead transmission lines
Companion document to "Improved design criteria of overhead transmission lines based on reliability concepts".
Contains the technical background of reliability based design in more detail. An output of CIGRE WG22.06
involved in reliability based design of overhead transmission lines for many years.

Member Price: 35 Euros Non member Price: 70 Euros 124 pages , file: 1.6 MB

REF. 179 2001

SC 22 TF 22.06.01
Guidelines for field measurement of ice loadings on overhead
power line conductors
When criteria for ice loading on overhead transmission lines are established, experiences from existing lines and
line networks are of great economical value. This document describes the importance of such data and
procedures for collecting them. Guidelines for company routines as well as recommendations for tools, training
and observation procedures are given. Includes two sets of observation forms : for collecting fundamental and
accurate information on ice loadings and shedding on various conductor types and a simplified set for collecting
basic information.

Member Price: 12 Euros Non member Price: 24 Euros 28 pages , file: 0.415 MB

REF. 184 2001

SC 22 WG 22.03
Composite insulator handling guide
With a view to preventing failures this documents serves to describe how critical damage can occur in the field
and the measures that should be taken to avoid such damage. Typical problems are illustrated to show the
defects that can be introduced by inappropriate treatment and construction practices, to indicate the possible long
term effects of such defects and to assist in their identification to facilitate the rigourous inspection of composite
insulators prior to line commissioning.

Member Price: 12 Euros Non member Price: 24 Euros 25 pages , file: 13.8 MB
REF. 196 2001
SC 22 WG 22.08
Diaphragms for lattice steel supports.
Following a review of the available standards worldwide, it became obvious to the WG there was little definitive
documentation addressing the application, design or requirement for horizontal diaphragms (plan bracing) within
lattice steel supports.SC22 compiled a questionnaire concerning the design "rules" currently employed within the
industry addressing its scope to self-supporting and guyed lattice steel supports. 21 responses were received and
are published in this brochure.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 41 pages

REF. 206 2002

SC 22 WG 22.07
The design of transmission line support foundations - an
Transmission line foundations provide the interlinking component between the support and in-situ soil and/or rock.
The interrelationship between the support type and the applied foundation loadings are considered, together with
the methods of determining the engineering properties of the in-situ soil and/or rock. Two principal categories of
foundations have been considered: separate and compact. The major types applicable to each category are
reviewed e.g. monoblock, spead, drilled shaft, pile, anchor, direct embedment of poles, etc…

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 75 pages , file: 3.4 MB

REF. 207 2002

SC 22 WG 22.12
Thermal behaviour of overhead conductors.
In most countries the demand for electric power is constantly increasing, and there is a corresponding
requirement to increase the power transferred by transmission and distribution lines. A solution would be to build
new lines, but this may not be feasible on account of economic or environmental considerations. Hence, there
may be pressure to increase the load transfer capacity of both new and old lines.

Member Price: 13 Euros Non member Price: 26 Euros 45 pages , file: 1.37 MB

REF. 211 2002

SC 21/22/23/12/13 JTF 23/12/13/21/22.16
General overview on experience feedback methods in the field
of electrical equipment
The reliability of network components and systems is a major concern for manufacturers of electrical equipment
and utilities. Reliability techniques, derived from the aeronautical and nuclear industries have been used in the
field of electrical systems and have now reached maturity. Thus CIGRE Committees have considered reliability to
be an important characteristic of network components and reliability is still the subject of many discussions and
exchanges of experience.

Member Price: 14 Euros Non member Price: 28 Euros 25 pages , file: 0.643 MB
REF. 216 2002
SC 22 WG 22.12
Joints on transmission line conductors: field testing and
replacement criteria
Description of the tests currently available to determine the condition of joints in order to establish their quality and
ability for a reliable and continuing service especially when an increase in electrical load is expected. For example
when increasing the operating temperature of a line. It should be noted that this is not exclusive to ACSR joints.

Member Price: 10 Euros Non member Price: 20 Euros 8 pages , file: 0.485 MB

REF. 230 2003

SC B2 TF B2.08.01
Assessment of existing overhead line supports.
Results of a questionnaire comparing worldwide information about practices on assessment of all types of existing
overhead line supports: inspection techniques, causes and types of defects and management criteria to
undertake actions, especially routine maintenance, repaire, life extension, refurbishment and upgrading of
supports. Includes: self supporting lattice steel structures; guyed lattice steel structures; self supporting hollow
steel section structures; steel poles; concrete poles, wood poles.

Member Price: 50 Euros Non member Price: 100 Euros 260 pages , file: 8.3 MB

REF. 244 2004

SC B2 WG B2.12
Conductors for the uprating of overhead lines
Methods for increasing the thermal rating of existing overhead transmission lines : weather data and load profiles
fed into computer programs - real-time monitoring - re-assessment of electrical clearances under an existing line -
replacement of existing conductors,

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 50 pages , file: 0.769 MB

REF. 251 2004

SC B2 WG B2.11
The mechanical behaviour of conductors and fittings.
The Brochure compiles work previously published on the behaviour of conductors and fittings, as spacers and
space dampers.Futures updates are planned when new information will be available.

paper +CD
Member Price: 35 Euros Non member Price: 70 Euros
REF. 256 2004
SC B2 WG B2.16
Current Practices regarding frequencies and magnitude of high
intensity winds
The technical brochure focuses on the description of the extreme meteorological events and provides their main
characteristics. A review of the overhead lines design rules is given.

Member Price: 35 Euros Non member Price: 70 Euros 48 pages , file: 2.517 MB

REF. 265 2005

SC B2 WG B2.15
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for overhead lines
This BT presents a broad examination of LCA and LCA methodologies. A summary is given on how LCA
developed and how it is classified and outlined in the ISO 14040 series. Included is a full review of work done in
Scandinavian countries on LCA. An explanation and comparison is provided on various LCA software packages,
and some studies dealing with the overhead line as a system are included. Finally conclusions and
recommendations are presented.

Member Price: 95 Euros Non member Price: 190 Euros 168 pages , file: 2 MB

REF. 273 2005

SC B2 TF B2.11.04
Overhead conductor safe design tension with respect to Aeolian
The TB deals with "Overhead conductor safe design tension with respect to Aeolian vibrations". Part one
considers single unarmored, unprotected conductors of the most common types. Part two deals with single
conductor lines protected by means of Stockbridge-type vibration dampers set up at span extremities. Part three
deals with bundled conductor lines ( twin horizontal bundles, triple apex-down bundles and quad horizontal

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 42 pages , file: 0.96 MB

REF. 274 2005

SC B2 WG B2.15
Consultation models for overhead line projects.
The TB examines "best practice" consultation approaches for overhead line projects, to provide a reference for
those invoved in delivering projects in challenging circumstances. Five detailed cases studies are included with
the findings of an international survey of "best practice" approaches.The nature of consultations, legislative
requirements, timescales, impact of market restructuring, society expectations, use of new technologies and
consultation requirements associated with international financing are examined. In concluding, key ingredients for
success are identified.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 51 pages , file: 4.07 MB
REF. 275 2005
SC C4 WG C4.2.02
Methods for measuring the earth resistance of transmission
towers equipped of earth wires.
The Technical Brochure reports the responses from a questionnaire regarding this subject some years ago.The
used methods are described and analysed.Their pros and cons are discussed. The widely used method based on
injected high frequency current has been theoritically analysed.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 19 pages , file: 0.75 MB

REF. 277 2005

SC B2 WG B2.11
State of the art survey on spacers and spacer dampers
The Technical Brochure presents a general description of the different types of spacers and spacer dampers
used on overhead transmission lines with bundled conductors. The material requirement is reviewed and also the
different types of clamping systems currently used. Mechanical, dynamic, electrical and environmental design
characteristics are covered. The state of the art survey includes a review of the actual experience gained with
current practice and the results of a questionnaire summarising the most common problems occurring.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 51 pages , file: 1.14 MB

REF. 278 2005

SC B2 WG B2.06
The influence of line configuration on environment impacts of
electrical origin
The aim of the TB is to show how different design parameters of overhead lines affect on electrical impacts and
the way to reduce these impacts by using appropriate parameters. The design parameters considered are the
phase configuration, the number and diameter of sub-conducts per each phase, the phase to phase distance and
the clearance to ground. The impacts include electric and magnetic fields, radio interference and audible noise.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 57 pages , file: 1.08 MB

REF. 281 2005

SC B2 WG B2.07
Design and Installation of micropiles and ground anchors for
OHL support foudations
The overview of micropiles and anchors is written to provide advice and information to generalist overhead line
engineers as well as to specialist foundations engineers. For the former the TB describes the foundations and
explains their advantages. For the latter it provides information, data and references covering all aspects of
design and construction. Also included are many photographsillustrating the system.

Member Price: 32 Euros Non member Price: 64 Euros 66 pages , file: 14.4 MB
REF. 284 2005
SC B2 WG B2.03
Use of corona rings to control the electrical field along
transmission line composite insulators
The Technical brochure shows that it is most important to control the electrical field near the HV and ground ends
of Hv overhead line composite insulators. This can be achieved by fitting the insulator with corona rings. Their
size and position are critical to correctly control the electrical field. The insulator manufacturer is best equipped to
correctly define the dimensioning and location of these rings.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 25 pages , file: 0.87 MB

REF. 289 2006

SC B2 WG B2.06
Reliability Based Design Methods for Overhead Lines
Advantages, Applications and Comparisons
This Technical Brochure promotes Reliability Based Design (RBD) methods for Overhead Lines and provides
recommendations to make Standard IEC 60826 Ed.3, October 2003 and other relevant RBD Codes (ASCE 74,
EN 50341) more consistent. Section I summarizes advantages of probabilistic methods over deterministic
methods as well as the key features of IEC 60826, and its companion document, CIGRÉ TB No. 178. In Section II
possible interpretations of IEC 60826 are clarified by application examples. Section III compares the other RBD
Codes with IEC 60826 to assess the significance of any major difference.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 106 pages , file: 3.18 MB

REF. 291 2006

SC B2 WG B2.16
Guidelines for Meteorological Icing Models, Statistical
Methods and Topographical Effects
Atmospheric icing is a complex phenomenon involving many basic processes affected by large variations over
time and space and influenced by topography. The brochure attempts to provide guidelines to overhead line
designers with respect to icing models and statistical methods including topographical effects. These guidelines
are generally provided from a meteorological point of view with relevant background material.

Member Price: 40 Euros Non member Price: 80 Euros 116 pages , file: 5.82 MB

REF. 294 2006

SC B2 WG B2.06
How overhead lines are redesignd for uprating/upgrading-
Analysies of the replies to the questionnaire.
The scope of the questionnaire was to collect and compare worldwide best practices on uprating and/or
upgrading works on overhead transmission lines in order to assess the reasons, the design requirements and the
results achieved.This TB describes the correlation noticed between actions such as increasing transmission
capacity and structural reliability, improving line performance and extending remaining life.The methods and tools
for uprating/upgrading are summarized. Finally some didactic cases are provided as well as the remarkable
results from the statistical analysis of the results.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 102 pages , file: 1.01 MB
REF. 299 2006
SC B2 WG B2.12
Guide for the selection of weather parameters for bare
overhead conductor ratings
This paper provides an overview on the process for selecting weather parameters for application of TB 207.The
brochure recommends conservative base-line ratings which can be applied universally. It also recommends
methods for safe use of higher ratings, based on either line specific weather studies or real time rating equipment.

Member Price: 25 Euros Non member Price: 50 Euros 57 pages , file: 0.61 MB

REF. 306 2006

SC B2 WG B2.03
Guide for the assessment of old Cap & Pin and Long-Rod
transmission line insulators made of porcelain or glass: What
to and when to replace
Guide for the assessment of old Cap & Pin and Long-Rod transmission line insulators made of porcelain or glass:
What to check and when to replace.
Based on the results of a series of standard IEC tests carried out on insulators that were in service for periods
from 11 to 45 years, a test procedure has been established to determine the state of old insulators and to decide
on the safe time for their replacement.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 37 pages , file: 1.17 MB

REF. 308 2006

SC B2 WG B2.07
Foundation Installation – An Overview
The aim of the Brochure is to provide an overview of the methods and procedures adopted for the installation of
the different types of support foundations. To achieve this overall aim, an extensive literature review has been
undertaken to identify how the influences described above interact with the installation process.

Member Price: 80 Euros Non member Price: 160 Euros 112 pages , file: 7.7 MB
2.7 B3 - Substations

REF. 006 1987

SC 23 WG 23.02
Mechanical effects of short-circuit currents in open air
The short-circuit current levels in HV and EHV networks have been increasing considerably in recent decades
and further increases may be expected in the future. High levels of short-circuit current in substations results in
high mechanical stresses and in some cases, displacements, on bus systems, connections to apparatus,
substation equipment and bus supports.

Member Price: 21 Euros Non member Price: 42 Euros 103 pages , file: 7.08 MB

REF. 009 1985

SC 34 WG 34.02
Final report on computer based protection and digital
techniques in substations.
Digital computer technology has been applied in electric power substations for many years. Data acquisition,
alarms, status monitoring and supervisory control systems have all been converted to digital computer systems to
some extent, and in many cases these systems are entirely digital in nature. Protection of power apparatus and
systems is a function that has been considered for conversion to digital computer technology during recent years.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 54 pages , file: 4.22 MB

REF. 023 1985

SC 38 TF 38.04.03
An annotated bibliography on UHV AC substation equipment.
Contains sections concerning : Insulation co-ordination; Switchgear; Shunt reactors; Surge arresters; Power
transformers; Current and voltage measuring equipment, Station design and operating experience, Testing
facilities, Index of authors.

Member Price: 11 Euros Non member Price: 22 Euros 56 pages , file: 3.78 MB

REF. 044 1993

SC 23 WG 23.10
Earthing of GIS. An application guide.
Electra No. 151 (Dec. 1993). Whilst, over the past few years, numerous papers have been written on the subject
of transient ground potential rise in GIS and the consequences in relation to earthing, so far as the WG is aware
no international document has been published dedicated entirely to the earthing of GIS installations.

Member Price: 11 Euros Non member Price: 22 Euros 22 pages , file: 2.02 MB
REF. 069 1992
SC 23 WG 23.04
General guidelines for the design of outdoor AC substations.
The purpose of this document is to provide a simple guide to the design of an outdoor, AC substation, from the
system requirements, through the selection of the most suitable site, to the design of the equipment to be
installed. It gives advice on the general principles, refers to relevant IEC standards and CIGRE reports, and gives
an indication of the economic factors involved.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 25 pages , file: 1.52 MB

REF. 080 1993

SC 23 WG 23.08
Choice and application of large variable speed drives in power
The report surveys all practicable types of large variable speed electrical machines (> 200 kW) and their control
systems as applied in the past and as used today. The possible circuits are described and the speed torque
diagrams are shown.

Member Price: 29 Euros Non member Price: 58 Euros 57 pages , file: 1.74 MB

REF. 088 1994

SC 23 WG 23.05
Design and maintenance practice for substation secondary
The report deals with the main features of substation secondary systems. It includes in its scope relay-based and
computer-based equipment. The emphasis in much of the report is on large-scale transmission substations.
However, many of the systems discussed are applicable also to subtransmission and distribution level substations
even though they are generally less complex.

Member Price: 19 Euros Non member Price: 38 Euros 101 pages , file: 4.71 MB

REF. 098 1995

SC 23 WG 23.08
Overvoltages and overvoltage protection in the generator main
electrical circuit in power stations.
This report deals with overvoltages and overvoltage protection in the generator main electrical circuit in power
stations. it includes earthing practice of the generator circuit, such as neutral point treatment of generator and
generator transformer. Different kinds of overvoltages are described, together with their origin. Methods for
calculation of overvoltages are presented as well as protection systems to minimise the effects of overvoltages.

Member Price: 9 Euros Non member Price: 18 Euros 54 pages , file: 1.85 MB
REF. 105 1996
SC 23 WG 23.11
The mechanical effects of short circuit currents in open air
substations. (Rigid and flexible bus bars). Vol.1. An updated
revision. Vol. 2. Data base of reference tests.
This document is a revision of the earlier CIGRE brochure (No.6) published in 1987. Although the text is based on
the former brochure, some parts of which explicitly remain unchanged, other sections have been fully modified
and others cancelled because they are no longer relevant.

Member Price: 23 Euros Non member Price: 46 Euros 160 pages , file: 9.76 MB

REF. 117 1997

SC 23 WG 23.10.01
SF6 recycling guide. Re-use of SF6 gas in electrical power
equipment and final disposal.
All significant aspects of the recycling of SF6 gas used in electrical power equipment. Recommendations for the
design of electrical equipment using it to allow ease of recycling, appropriate handling and recycling procedures
and essential features of gas handling and recycling equipment. Identifies the origins, quantities and deteriorating
effects of contaminants to be expected in SF6 and proposes purity standards to allow safe re-use. A final disposal
concept is proposed to remove SF6 from the ecocycle and transform it into environmentally comptatible
substances. General recommendations for handling for manufacturers, users and producers. Recommendations
for further studies.
This Brochure is replaced by an updated version, TB 234

Member Price: 14 Euros Non member Price: 28 Euros 46 pages , file: 0.307 MB

REF. 125 1998

SC 23 TF 23.10.03
User guide for the application of gas-insulated switchgear
(GIS) for rated voltages of 72.5 kV and above.
WG 23-04 has published general guidelines for the design of outdoor AC substations (Publ.-69). Apart from some
minor comments the scope was limited to air-insulated switchgear (AIS). Therefore all points which are specific
for GIS for rated voltages of 72.5 kV and above or different from AIS are covered by this new application guide.
Selection of most suitable site, area requirements, environmental factors and substation layout are described

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 83 pages , file: 5.24 MB
REF. 150 2000
SC 23 WG 23.02
Report on the 2nd international survey on high voltage gas
insulated substations (GIS) service experience
Reliability, economic advantage for lige cycle cost and physical compactness of HV GIS have resulted in their
widespread use over some 30 years. Many Users' approach to its application is still rather unique. GIS technology
can however contribute very effectively to increasing the relaibility of new substations and to improving the asset
life cycle of existing ones. For the user to be able to decide on GIS he needs data on which to judge his
investment and maintenance decision. WG 23.02 has created a database to be updated every 5 years with the
results being accessible through CIGRE channels.

Member Price: 29 Euros Non member Price: 58 Euros 150 pages , file: 9.26 MB

REF. 152 2000

SC 23/39 JWG 23/39
An international survey of maintenance policies and trends
General information about the utilities that responded. Quality of information is generally good but it is necessary
to bear in mind that due to the nature of the information requested (e.g. replacement costs, type of equipment,
age etc) much of the information was estimated. 64 responses were entered into a computerised database.
Analysis of the general information obtained. Further details of the construction of the database and calculation of
composite size and age factors used in the analysis are also given. The method used for detecting correlation
between answers is also given.

Member Price: 46 Euros Non member Price: 92 Euros 112 pages , file: 193 MB

REF. 161 2000

SC 23 WG 23.03
General guidelines for the design of outdoor AC substations.
(2nd version).
Evolving techniques and the opening market have contributed to new aspects which have made a revision of the
brochure issued in 1992 (Ref. 69). The purpose of this document is to provide a simple guide for designing an
outdoor AC substation, considering the systems requirements, the most suitable site, and design of the
equipment to be installed. It provides advice on the general principles, relevant IEC standards and CIGRE
reports, as appropriate, and also takes the economic factors involved.

Member Price: 14 Euros Non member Price: 28 Euros 50 pages , file: 2.78 MB

REF. 162 2000

SC 23 WG 23.01
Questionnaire concerning aspects on planning - design -
operation and maintenance of future substations.
In Cigré report 23-207 of 1996 "The future substation : a reflective approach" a number of conclusions were made
which to a great extent is forming the base for this questionnaire. 49 responses were received : 30 from utilities -
16 from manufacturers and 3 from consultants.

Member Price: 14 Euros Non member Price: 28 Euros 50 pages , file: 0.26 MB
REF. 163 2000
SC 23 TF 23.02.01
Guide for SF6 gas mixtures.
This guide addresses the issues of using an SF6 mixture where SF6 is diluted by one other gas, typically nitrogen
or CF4, added at a concentration in the range of 5 to 90%. The practical application of SF6 mixtures in electrical
equipment requires an understanding of their performance, both environmental and functional, as well as
methods and equipment for handling gas mixtures.

Member Price: 14 Euros Non member Price: 28 Euros 50 pages , file: 0.254 MB

REF. 197 2002

SC 23 WG 23.04
Design guidelines for power station auxiliaries and
distribution systems
The objective is to present an overview of the current practice and state of the art of auxiliaries power supplies for
electric power stations. It is intended to be a support for design engineers. The overview considers the basic
design of auxiliaries power supplies particularly regarding the process of developing the main electrical scheme
and selection of rated voltages as required in the development of specifications.

Member Price: 14 Euros Non member Price: 28 Euros 50 pages , file: 0.44 MB

REF. 201 2002

SC 23/39 JWG 23/39.14
Maintenance outsourcing guidelines
In CIGRE 2000 Session papers concepts of outsourcing were reviewed including business models, assessing the
risk through outsourcing exposure and the development of contractor-owner relationships. These guidelines
attempt to review these in a systematic manner. Part I discusses the general issues around the development of a
service options strategy, Part 2 focuses on the analysis of outsourcing opportunities, Part 3 considers some more
general aspects of outsourcing and Part 4 discusses key performance indicators.

Member Price: 25 Euros Non member Price: 50 Euros 60 pages , file: 0.974 MB

REF. 211 2002

SC 21/22/23/12/13 JTF 23/12/13/21/22.16
General overview on experience feedback methods in the field
of electrical equipment
The reliability of network components and systems is a major concern for manufacturers of electrical equipment
and utilities. Reliability techniques, derived from the aeronautical and nuclear industries have been used in the
field of electrical systems and have now reached maturity. Thus CIGRE Committees have considered reliability to
be an important characteristic of network components and reliability is still the subject of many discussions and
exchanges of experience.

Member Price: 14 Euros Non member Price: 28 Euros 25 pages , file: 0.643 MB
REF. 213 2002
SC 23 WG 23.04
Engineering guide on earthing systems in power stations
To identify the current practice of safety earthing systems in power stations. To give suggestions and useful
proposals for planning, design, calculation and construction of earthing systems in order to provide safe and
effective installations. Useful for checking of existing earthing systems. The report is intended to be an
engineering guide including reference to different rules and standards as applied in various countries. Special
attention is given to current practice for different types of power stations.

Member Price: 25 Euros Non member Price: 50 Euros 65 pages , file: 1.66 MB

REF. 214 2002

SC 23 WG 23.03
The mechanical effects of short-circuit currents in open air
substations. Part II. Companion brochure to No. 105
A technical base for the methods to be suggested in substation design against short circuit mechanical loading.
To understand the technical background behind IEC methods,to think about system design taking into
consideration SCC loads at early stage and not simply verify structures against SCC loads, to give them trend to
decrease SCC loading for uprating, refurbishement as well as designing of new substations.To help equipment
suppliers when providing new design not only for static loads but also for dynamic loads.

Member Price: 40 Euros Non member Price: 80 Euros 210 pages , file: 9.25 MB

REF. 218 2003

SC 23/21/33 JWG 23/21/33.15
Gas insulated transmission lines (GIL)
Techical information to be of assistance in the design of circuits using GIL: definition and description of GIL;
general technical characteristics and their comparison with O/H lines and conventional cables; continuous and
short-term current rating of directly buried GIL, sensitivity analysis to design parameters. Insulation and
overvoltage aspects from a long term reliability point of view. Mechanical corrosion and installation aspects of
directly buried GIL. Environment considerations. Economic aspects. Recent GIL projects and R&D programmes.

Member Price: 50 Euros Non member Price: 100 Euros 261 pages

REF. 221 2003

SC B3 WG B3.03
Improving the impact of existing substations on the
To assist asset owners and designers to identify and address key environmental issues of existing substations.
Presents various methods to reduce the environmental impact of existing substations and offers management
strategies and case studies of international efforts. Includes discussions on: aesthetics - audible noise - release of
insulating oil - site contaminants and remediation - managing SF6 gas - reduction of electromagnetic fields.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 65 pages , file: 4.32 MB
REF. 233 2003
SC B3 WG B3.05
Application policy for computer-based control systems in
substations: a review.
Case studies from seven utilities about their application policy for computer-based control systems in substations.
The application policy and the relevant experience of the utilities are given under the headings of costs -
architecture - EMC - functionality - communication - reliability - flexibility - operation - maintenance and
relationship with the vendor. Conclusions are drawn about similarity.

Member Price: 25 Euros Non member Price: 50 Euros 40 pages , file: 0.675 MB

REF. 234 2003

SC B3 TF B3.02.01
SF6 recycling guide. Revised version 2003.
Reviews all significant aspects of the recycling of SF6 gas used in electrical power equipment. Recommendations
for the design of equipment using SF6 to allow ease of gas recycling and appropriate gas handling and recycling
procedures - essential features of handling and recycling equipment. Identifies origins - quantities and
deteriorating effects of contaminants to be expected in SF6 used in electrical power equipment and proposes
purity standartds to which SF6 gas should be reclaimed to allow its safe re-use.

Member Price: 35 Euros Non member Price: 70 Euros 64 pages , file: 0.69 MB

REF. 252 2004

SC B3 WG B3.01
Functional specification and evaluation of substations.
Liberalisation of energy markets has led to new requirements from asset owners for high voltage substations.
New concepts and solutions have been developed by solution providers. In response to this challenge two task
forces looked at effective ways of evaluating substations, both for conventional solutions and solutions involving
innovative concepts. The results of the work of these Task Forces are published in this brochure.

Member Price: 40 Euros Non member Price: 80 Euros 110 pages , file: 1.687 MB

REF. 253 2004

SC B3 WG B3.03
Substations physical security trends.
In response to the growing concern for the security of substation physical assets an international survey was
undertaken to assess the use and effectiveness of various security measures for the prevention - detection and
control of unauthorized human intervention during the construction - operation and maintenance of substations.
This brochure presents the results and includes case studies of security measures to prevent unauthorised
access to substation property and protect substation assets raising awareness about substation physical security
issues and employee safety.

Member Price: 22 Euros Non member Price: 44 Euros 46 pages , file: 0.835 MB
REF. 276 2005
SC B3 TF B3.02.01
Guide for the preparation of customised “Practical SF6
handling instructions”
Guide for the preparation of customised "Practical SF6 handling instructions".
State-of-the-art procedures, equipment, tools and instruments are described and suggested to minimize on-site
SF6 handling losses down to the minimum functional level for the equipment. The safety issue as well as the
personal protection equipment are also treated. Each module is stand-alone so that it can be used to compile a
customized operating manual for "Practical SF6 handling instructions".

Member Price: 32 Euros Non member Price: 64 Euros 71 pages , file: 0.99 MB

REF. 300 2006

SC B3 WG B3.03
Guidelines to an optimized approach to the renewal of existing
air insulated sbstations
There are growing needs of renovation of substations, which have to meet the present requirements on cost
control and environmental acceptance. The TB analyses more particularly the requirements for renewal, the
methods for condition assessment and the possible options, and proposes optimal approach to the problem.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 116 pages , file: 1.88 MB
2.8 B4 - HVDC and Power Electronics

REF. 000 1994

SC 14 WG 14.02
A summary of the report on survey of controls and control
performance in HVDC schemes.
A survey questionnaire on HVDC controls and control performance was formulated and copies submitted for
completion to DC schemes. This report serves as a data collection and summary of general control
arrangements, strategies and parameters used in the schemes for which questionnaires were returned. For some
schemes having significant and relevant operational experience, control performance was reported on and a
summary analysis is contained.

Member Price: 21 Euros Non member Price: 42 Euros 198 pages , file: 8.47 MB

REF. 003 1987

SC 14 WG 14.04
Compendium of HVDC schemes throughout the world.
The Compendium wants to give a survey of the HVDC systems all over the world in detailed fashion. Many datas
are required for these descriptions and they have not been obtained from many systems. Those systems, for
which not all data is available are described as far as possible. The compendium can only be updated if all
receipients support the work and send information on latest available data.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 232 pages , file: 3.52 MB

REF. 025 1986

SC 38 TF 38.01.02
Static var compensators.
The rapid development of semiconductor devices and control techniques within the last two decades have
enabled the development of controllable shunt reactive compensation devices with rapid response for electric
power system applications. In recognition of the potential applications and the impact of such a flexible system
design tool on future electric power systems CIGRE decided to form an Ad-Hoc Group to review the progress on
the subject.

Member Price: 40 Euros Non member Price: 80 Euros 125 pages , file: 9.36 MB

REF. 034 1989

SC 33/14 JWG 33/14.05
Guidelines for the applications of metal oxide arresters
without gaps for HVDC converter stations.
This guide for metal oxide arresters without gaps for HVDC converter stations is a supplement to the application
guide for insulation coordination and arrester protection of HVDC converter stations published in Electra No.96
(Oct. 1984). It gives basic information about metal oxide material and basic arrester characteristics which will be
of value when designing and specifying an arrester protective scheme and specifying the arresters.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 38 pages , file: 3 MB

REF. 051 1996
SC 38 WG 38.01.06
Load flow control in high voltage systems using FACTS
The brochure gives an overview on the impact of different FACTS controllers on the system and presents
examples of the use of such equipment in the system. It is written for engineers to understand the basic
interactions between the FACTS equipment and the system when solving system problems.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 90 pages , file: 2.4 MB

REF. 065 1990

SC 14 WG 14.03
AC harmonic filters and reactive compensation for HVDC with
particular reference to non-characteristic harmonics.
This paper summarises a report prepared by WG14-03 (Filtering and reactive compensation for HVDC) and is a
complement to the paper published in Electra No. 63 (1979). The brochure included details on : Importance of
non-characteristic harmonics, Generation of non-characteristic harmonics, Impact on AC and DC networks,
Disturbance criteria, Transient operating modes, Solutions selected for recent links etc.

Member Price: 37 Euros Non member Price: 74 Euros 60 pages , file: 3.37 MB

REF. 068 1992

SC 14 WG 14.07
Guide for planning DC links terminating at AC locations having
low short-circuit capacities. Part 1. AC/DC interaction
Part I of the Guide AC/DC system interaction phenomena, discusses the effects of various aspects of interactions
between AC and DC systems on the design and performance of DC schemes connected at locations where the
AC system appears as high impedance. Part II : Planning guidelines, considers the impact of the interactions and
their mitigation on economics and overall system performance.

Member Price: 37 Euros Non member Price: 74 Euros 110 pages , file: 8.25 MB

REF. 077 1993

SC 38 WG 38.05.04
Analysis and optimisation of SVC use in transmission systems.
The thyristor controlled static var compensator is in widespread use in power transmission systems, although it is
a relatively new shunt reactive power compensation device. With the aim to enlighten the possibilities and
limitations of employing SVC's for voltage control and stability improvement a study has been performed on the

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 53 pages , file: 4.23 MB
REF. 078 1994
SC 14 WG 14.01.02
Voltage and current stresses on thyristor valves for static
var compensators.
The application of SVC employing thyristor valves in power transmission systems has been rapidly increasing in
the past decade. Nevertheless there is no International Standard for testing of the valves. As an essential step in
developing a guideline the TF undertook a thorough review of the electric stresses experienced by the thyristor
valves in operation.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 25 pages , file: 2.64 MB

REF. 082 1994

SC 38 WG 38.01.05
Use of DC converters for VAR control.
This brochure is intended as an application guide for system planners and operators as well as equipment
engineers who want to evaluate control strategies for DC converters. It starts with an explanation of DC converter
capabilities and how this can be evaluated for var control.

Member Price: 29 Euros Non member Price: 58 Euros 90 pages , file: 5.7 MB

REF. 086 1994

SC 33 /21/14 JWG 33/21/14.16
Overvoltages on HVDC cables. Final Report.
The number of HVDC projects using long DC cables is increasing, mostly for submarine power transmission. A
larger number of such HVDC schemes are already in operation or in planning stage. The economic design of DC
cables is very important, because the cost of DC cables is high in proportion to the total cost of HVDC submarine
cable transmission.

Member Price: 9 Euros Non member Price: 18 Euros 55 pages , file: 5.51 MB

REF. 092 1995

SC 14 WG 14.03.02
DC side harmonics and filtering in HVDC transmission systems
The report deals with the harmonic voltages and currents of concern on the DC side of HVDC transmission
systems. Its aim is to provide some guidance to both users and suppliers of HVDC links in such a way that a
common understanding could be established in the area of DC side harmonics and filtering.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 94 pages , file: 5.4 MB
REF. 093 1995
SC 14 WG 14.01.02
Guidelines for testing of thyristor valves for static var
The application of static var compensators using thyristor valves in power transmission systems has been rapidly
increasing in the past decade. Nevertheless there is no international standard for testing of thyristor valves for
SVC. The scope of the work was limited to SVCs for power transmission systems. SVC for industrial applications
(e.g. flicker control, control of voltage fluctuations caused by motor starting) are not in the scope.

Member Price: 14 Euros Non member Price: 28 Euros 61 pages , file: 3.6 MB

REF. 097 1995

SC 14 WG 14.12
System tests for HVDC installations.
This guide is structured in eight parts and should give potential users guidance, regarding which course of action
should be taken in planning commissioning activities. Structure of the tests and a brief statement of the purpose
of the individual group of tests is presented. Commissioning an HVDC system is a very complex task which may
affect more than the actual contract parties.

Member Price: 23 Euros Non member Price: 46 Euros 145 pages , file: 4.92 MB

REF. 103 1996

SC 14 WG 14.05
Commutation failures. Causes and consequences.
Many aspects of the impact and role of the HVDC system on the rest of the power system can be studied and
analysed without a detailed knowledge of the actual design and behaviour of the conversion process taking place
in the HVDC convertors, but a more detailed scrutiny of a number of phenomena requires a more detailed
knowledge and modelling of the HVDC system and of the DC conversion process.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 75 pages , file: 2.63 MB

REF. 112 1997

SC 14 WG 14.17
Semiconductor power devices for use in HVDC and FACTS
During the recent years there has been a growing need for better utilisation of high voltage transmission systems.
Power electronic equipment, having an inherent fast controllability, offers solutions to transmission system
problems such as load flow and stability. Therefore, engineers are increasingly studying the potential of such
equipment to make transmission systems more flexible and adaptive to changing requirements.

Member Price: 17 Euros Non member Price: 34 Euros 75 pages , file: 5.04 MB
REF. 113 1997
SC 14 WG 14.01.03
Test circuits for HVDC thyristor valves.
In conformity with the usual classification of the specified tests into two major categories, dielectric tests and
operational tests, the report is in two parts : Part 1 - Dielectric tests which deals principally with test circuits for
verifying the high voltage characteristics of the valve, and Part 2 - Operational tests, which deals principally with
test circuits for verifying the turn-on, turn-off and current related characteristics of the valve.

Member Price: 23 Euros Non member Price: 46 Euros 99 pages , file: 4.2 MB

REF. 114 1997

SC 13/14 WG 13/14.08
Circuit-breakers for meshed multiterminal HVDC system. Final
HVDC multiterminal (MTDC) Systems permit the exchange of energy between a number of HVDC substations.
The particular advantage of the meshed system is that this exchange can continue even when one of the
interconnecting lines is out of service. Investigations have shown that the performance of MTDC systems can be
improved by installing HVDC circuit-breakers at appropriate locations.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 115 pages , file: 2.7 MB

REF. 115 1997

SC 14 WG 14.07
Guide for planning DC links terminating at AC system locations
having low short-circuit capacities. Part II : Planning
Guidance on planning and design of DC links terminating at AC system locations having low short-circuit
capacities relative to the DC power infeed. The Guide is limited to those aspects of interactions between AC and
DC systems which result from the fact that the AC system is 'weak' compared to the power of the DC link (i.e. AC
system appears as a high impedance at the AC/DC interface bus). Some more general aspects of the design and
planning of HVDC transmission schemes are described only when this adds to the understanding of the
interaction phenomena and for the sake of completeness of the guidelines.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 53 pages , file: 3.94 MB

REF. 116 1997

SC 11/14 JWG 11/14.09
Guide for preliminary design and specification of hydro
stations with HVDC unit connected generators.
Several technical and economical reasons strongly suggest that in certain HVDC applications it is of great
advantage to simplify the rectifier station via a direct connection of hydro generating sets to 12 pulse converter
groups. The proposed arrangement is referred to in HVDC literature as "Unit Connection".

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 230 pages , file: 12.9 MB
REF. 119 1997
SC 14 WG 14.05
Interaction between HVDC convertors and nearby synchronous
machines.Final report.
It is not uncommon that HVDC convertor stations and generators are situated electrically and geographically
close to each other. This follows from the fact that HVDC links are often built to transmit power from a generating
station to a load centre or another part of the power system. Examples of this are the Itaipu and IPP schemes. In
these cases the HVDC and generator stations are designed more or less in parallel which means that overall
good design can be achieved by appropriate coordination.

Member Price: 11 Euros Non member Price: 22 Euros 43 pages , file: 1.42 MB

REF. 123 1997

SC 14 WG 14.18
Thyristor controlled series compensation.
The application of power electronic thyristor valves in HVDC and SVC technologies has enabled the development
of controllable series devices with rapid response for use in electric power transmission systems. With growing
environmental, regulatory and financial constraints facing the electric utility industry, technical advancements and
economic solutions which allow increased utilization and relaible operation of transmission systems have potential
benefits for utilities and their customers.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 70 pages , file: 4.77 MB

REF. 127 1998

SC 14 WG 14.11
Guide for upgrading transmission systems with HVDC
Following the installation of the first HVDC transmission scheme between Sweden and the Island of Gotland in
1954, over 60 HVDC schemes throughout the world have been installed. Since their initial installation many of the
HVDC schemes have been upgraded in various ways. By reviewing both what has been achieved in terms of
upgrading and what potentially is possible to accomplish in an upgrade, this guide provides direction and the
latest information on the subject.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 60 pages , file: 3.44 MB

REF. 130 1998

SC 14 WG 14.23
Operational guidelines and monitoring of HVDC systems
Major advances in technology for controlling HVDC systems has led to greater efficiency in operation and
maintenance, as well as providing a reduction in staff. The quality and reliability of an HVDC system is directly
dependent on the type of monitoring implemented. Recent developments now allow implementation of computer
based information systems with significant improvements in the delivery and presentation of data necessary for
supporting the operation.

Member Price: 10 Euros Non member Price: 20 Euros 30 pages , file: 0.251 MB
REF. 136 1999
SC 14 TF 14.01.04
Fire aspects of HVDC thyristor valves and valve halls.
Survey of the possible causes of fires in valves and valve halls; assistance to users in the areas of specification,
engineering and construction; comparative information on fire detection and protection systems; fire alarm and fire
control sustems; guidance with fire-fighting, operation and maintenance; guidance to actions after a fire. This is
also a reference document for discussion with insurance companies.

Member Price: 23 Euros Non member Price: 46 Euros 100 pages , file: 0.646 MB

REF. 139 1999

SC 14 WG 14.30
Guide to the specification and design evaluation of AC filters
for HVDC systems.
The principal purpose of the document is to give guidance to those responsible for : preparing the a.c. filtering
aspects of Technical Specifications for HVDC projects ; evaluating the proposed designs, and monitoring the
subsequent project. The main objective is to enable informed judgements to be made and future Technical
Specifications to be written, such that the resulting a.c. filters are effective yet economical and are non under or
over designed.

Member Price: 38 Euros Non member Price: 76 Euros 250 pages , file: 1.23 MB

REF. 143 1999

SC 14 WG 14.25
Cross-modulation of harmonics in HVDC schemes
Harmonic cross-modulation is a term used to describe the variety of frequency interactions around the two
converters that comprise and HVDC link and the effect on and interactions with the DC system and both AC
systems. Because there are two converters involved, as well as two AC systems and any number of coupled
frequencies, the number of interactions to be considered is infinite. Questions to be answered are : which
interactions are the strongest, and whether they are likely to cause steady state or transient problems, and how
to determine these interactions.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 30 pages , file: 1.87 MB

REF. 144 1999

SC 14 WG 14.19
Static synchronous compensator (STATCOM)
Rapid developments of solid state power electronic devices in the last three decades have led to the development
and widespread application of static var compensators (SVCs). These shunt connected reactive compensation
equipment provided an important means for enhancing electric power transmission system performance.
Continued rapid developments in power electronic devices and control techniques let to utilisation of gate turn-off
thyristor (GTO) devices to form new power electronic shunt compensation equipment which offered more robust

Member Price: 34 Euros Non member Price: 68 Euros 214 pages , file: 7.08 MB
REF. 149 1999
SC 14 WG 14.29
Coordination of controls of multiple FACTS/HVDC links in the
same system.
Power electronics applications in high-voltage electric power systems date from the early 1970s when converters
for HVDC systems bagan using thyristors to replace mercury arc valves. Since the mid-1970s all new HVDC
systems have employed thyristor valves. Advances in power electronics have extended the application of fast
switching currents to AC systems as well, resulting in the technology commonly known as FACTS, Flexible AC
Transmission Systems. This document is intended to provide guideliens into the kinds of interactions that can
occur and the means of analysis and design that are available to assure that a coordinated response is achieved
and adverse interactions are avoided.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 135 pages , file: 19.9 MB

REF. 160 2000

SC 14 WG 14.27
Unified power flow controller (UPFC)
The result of a dialogue between utilities and manufacturers concerning the application of the unified power flow
controller (UPFC). its purpose is to provide comprehensive information on the physical nature of such devices, the
functions they can provide, the value of these functions for utilities, the way to implement them in the network, the
problems to anticipate and the obstacles that may exist regarding cost-effective implementation.

Member Price: 21 Euros Non member Price: 42 Euros 120 pages , file: 3.21 MB

REF. 183 2001

SC 14/37/38/39 JWG 14/37/38/39.24
FACTS technology for open access
Summary of the present state of the art on the key technological developments in the FACTS area, addressing in
particular the open access aspects of networks and the scope for the application of FACTS devices therein.
Contains the approved terms of reference. Definition of FACTS includes conventional devices such as phase
shifting transformers, series capacitors and HVDC links for completeness and the possibility of combining them
with FACTS devices to improve HVAC transmission system flexibility and control.

Member Price: 27 Euros Non member Price: 54 Euros 80 pages , file: 14.2 MB

REF. 186 2001

SC 14 WG 14.20
Economic assessment of HVDC links
HVDC has been a viable technique since the 60's and has played a vital part in both long distance transmission
and in the interconnection of systems. Its relative economic position has been much discussed over 30 years and
this report is both an update of those considerations and a review of the present position. It reviews many aspects
of transmission development common to both AC and DC transmission with a concentration on the specific
aspects of DC as they give advantage or extra dimension to the long distance transmission of electrical power.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 71 pages , file: 0.787 MB
REF. 202 2002
SC 14 WG 14.26
HVDC stations audible noise
The principle purpose of this guide is to give specific recommendations to those responsible for preparing the
audible noise aspects of technical specifications for HVDC projects, evaluating the proposed designs and
monitoring the subsequent project. The main objective is to enable future technical specifications to be written
and informed judgements made, such that the resulting outdoor audible noise levels fulfil applicable regulations
and standards.

Member Price: 25 Euros Non member Price: 50 Euros 100 pages , file: 0.679 MB

REF. 205 2002

SC 14 WG 14.31
Custom power - State of the art.
Custom power is a concept, based on the use of static controllers in the distribution system or in some instances,
rotating machines, for the electric utilities to supply value-added power with the reliability and power quality
requested by the customers. It includes consideration of all aspects of power supply that impact individual
customers, including harmonics, inter-harmonics, voltage dips, overvoltages, range of steady state voltage and
frequency variations and phase unbalance, in addition to the abover consideration fo reliability.

Member Price: 28 Euros Non member Price: 56 Euros 110 pages , file: 4.05 MB

REF. 215 2002

SC 14 WG 14.32
HVDC converter stations for voltages above +/- 600 kV
The scope of the work is to review the current state of HVDC converter stations up to 600 kV and the problems
associated with it and to investigate in detail what needs to be done to expand the technology to voltages above
600 kV and specifically to 800 kV. Parallel operation of converters is not considered in this document.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 40 pages , file: 0.776 MB

REF. 222 2003

SC B4 WG B4.05
On voltage and power stability in AC/DC systems
Significant new results concerning the definitions of voltage and power stability on AC/DC systems.

Member Price: 25 Euros Non member Price: 50 Euros 79 pages , file: 0.97 MB
REF. 223 2003
SC B4 WG B4.28
Active filters in HVDC applications
This report presents both DC and AC active filters including the existing installations. The items of the report are
nearly arranged in two consecutive parts, the first treating the DC application, while the second covers the AC
filters. As active DC and AC filters share many concepts subjects may be dealt with in both parts.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 53 pages , file: 0.99 MB

REF. 237 2003

SC B4 WG B4.19
Static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) for arc furnace and
flicker compensation
The brochure describes the application of STATCOM for arc furnace and flicker compensation. Starting from the
measured flicker of an actual arc furnace, performances of the actual SVC compensation and the calculated
STATCOM are compared. An utility application is presented which demonstrates the accuracy of the calculation

Member Price: 40 Euros Non member Price: 80 Euros 165 pages , file: 4.56 MB

REF. 240 2004

SC B4/A2 JTF B4.04/A2.01
Analysis of HVDC thyristor converter transformer performance
A presentation of performance summaries with failure areas described and classified as bushings, valve windings,
AC windings, static shields, load tap changers, core and magnetic shields or internal connections and leads
together with short descriptions of the failures. Present transformer test methods are also evaluated for adequacy.
Comparisons with the previous report are included.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 30 pages , file: 0.646 MB

REF. 242 2004

SC B4 WG B4.35
Thyristor controlled voltage regulators: Parts 1 and 2
A two part report containing three non-conventional methods of voltage regulation by reactive power control :
voltage controlled static var compensator, shunt capacitor bank series shorting and special delta star switching.
The second part explores the feasibility of static on-load transformer tap changers.

Member Price: 35 Euros Non member Price: 70 Euros 70 pages , file: 1.06 MB
REF. 269 2005
SC B4 WG B4.37
VSC Transmission
This Brochure describes VSC Transmission technology, i.e. HVDC transmission using Voltage Sourced
Converters. A comparison with Line Commutated HVDC technology is provided. The WG found no technical
reason why this technology could not be used at high voltage and power, and concluded that such development
would depend solely on the perceived commercial return on the R&D investment.

Member Price: 60 Euros Non member Price: 120 Euros 82 pages , file: 2.48 MB

REF. 280 2005

SC B4 WG B4.33
HVDC and FACTS for distribution systems
The development of new high power electronic switches has made it possible to implement Voltage Source
Converters (VSCs) and other converters for usage in power systems. These converters offer now applications in
distribution systems too, where they can resolve problems of environmental or planning restrictions and, as they
are fast acting, they can either eliminate or mitigate frequently appearing power quality problems.

Member Price: 32 Euros Non member Price: 64 Euros 63 pages , file: 1.42 MB
2.9 B5 - Protection and Automation

REF. 007 1980

SC 34 WG 34.03
Non-conventional current and voltage transformers.
For some years new concepts of current and voltage transformers for HV and EHV transmission systems have
been investigated and developed to the stages of laboratory models or prototype units installed for trials on
transmission systems. One of the aims of this development was to design measuring devices of improved
transient performance, as compared with the conventional CT's, CVT's and VT's in order to reliable and faster
fault clearance times.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 173 pages , file: 10.4 MB

REF. 008 1983

SC 34 WG 34.01
Harmonisation of protection policies for power stations and
generators and of protection policies for HV networks.
The power generating units and the transmission network operate as an interactive system. Faults and switching
actions in the network cause electrical system transients which stimulate torsional oscillations along the turbine
generator shaft. In the past, the generator three-phase terminal short-circuit was considered as the most critical
mechanical stress condition for the turbine generator unit.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 44 pages , file: 2.32 MB

REF. 009 1985

SC 34 WG 34.02
Final report on computer based protection and digital
techniques in substations.
Digital computer technology has been applied in electric power substations for many years. Data acquisition,
alarms, status monitoring and supervisory control systems have all been converted to digital computer systems to
some extent, and in many cases these systems are entirely digital in nature. Protection of power apparatus and
systems is a function that has been considered for conversion to digital computer technology during recent years.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 54 pages , file: 4.22 MB

REF. 010 1986

SC 34 WG 34.03
Use of equipment built-in automatic testing - self-checking
and monitoring with a view to improving reliability.
The increasing sizes of power networks with increasing transfer of energy and fault current levels have stressed
the importance of reliable fault clearing. Great care is taken in circuit design, selection of components, careful
production and quality control to assure reliable fault clearing. Nevertheless components in the fault clearing chain
will degrade by time or fail suddenly and cause either failure to operate or incorrect operation.

Member Price: 14 Euros Non member Price: 28 Euros 45 pages , file: 2.28 MB
REF. 011 1986
SC 34 WG 34.04
Evaluation of characteristics and performance of power system
protection relays and protective systems.
This report is intended to provide guidance on the tests required to establish the characteristics and performance
of power system protection relays and protective systems, leaving the issuing of a standard to IEC. These
functional tests are performed as a part of a type test program. The diversity of types of protection relays and
protective systems prevents the definition of a universal type test programme.

Member Price: 21 Euros Non member Price: 42 Euros 101 pages , file: 2.23 MB

REF. 012 1969

SC 34/35 JWG 34/35
Protective gear in modern power systems often uses information from various distant points on the power system
and the transmission of such information involves the use of telecommunication techniques. The document is
aimed at reviewing the principal methods of teleprotection having regard to the properties of the various
telecommunication systems.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 317 pages , file: 17.3 MB

REF. 013 1987

SC 34 JWG 34/35.05
Protection systems using telecommunication.
Telecommunication connected to or included in protection systems seems to be more common when
transmission power systems are extended and developed. The increasing integration of telecommunication in the
protections systems necessitates a good overall view of protection and telecommunication problems and of
course power system problems as well. This report promotes mutual appreciation of the problems experienced by

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 132 pages , file: 6.69 MB

REF. 038 1989

SC 34 WG 34.01
Digital protection techniques and substation functions.
The report summarises the findings and recommendations of WG34.01, dealing with various aspects of digital
computer techniques for protection of electric power systems and the impact of an integrated hierarchical
structure on all protection and control tasks. An important part of the report is defining the structure for collection
and description of significant test cases for protection and control.

Member Price: 41 Euros Non member Price: 82 Euros 176 pages , file: 8.15 MB
REF. 049 1995
SC 34 WG 34.02
Adaptive protections and control.
The concept of adaptive protection evolved during the 1980's. By then, digital computer based relaying was well
accepted. Most relaying functions have been shown to be amenable to digital computer implementation and the
satisfactory field experience with these devices has allayed the fears of protection engineers about the
survivability of computer relays in the harsh environment of electric utility substations.

Member Price: 23 Euros Non member Price: 46 Euros 124 pages , file: 3.97 MB

REF. 064 1992

SC 34 WG 34.04
Application guide on protection of complex transmission
network configurations.
This guide is primarily aimed at the application engineer who has a basic protection knowledge but needs expert
assistance to plan and operate the protection of more complex transmission systems. This publication may
however, also be of interest to experienced engineers as it contains recent information collected through analysis
of the responses to a world-wide survey questionnaire issued in 1989.

Member Price: 29 Euros Non member Price: 58 Euros 153 pages , file: 6.26 MB

REF. 067 1992

SC 35 WG 35.01
Renewal of existing telecontrol systems.
The utilisation of digital computers in electric power control systems is now widespread around the world. On the
basis of the acquired experience the operating life of a telecontrol system ranges from 10 to 15 years. Several
factors intervene over the years to render the telecontrol system obsolescent. The hardware is certainly one of the
main reasons.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 31 pages , file: 1.7 MB

REF. 084 1994

SC 34 WG 34.05
Application of wideband communication circuits to protection.
Prospects and benefits.
The document starts with a general introduction dealing with the trend towards digital communication and the
need for wideband communication, giving a brief comparison of the different transmission media and an overview
of the different types of protection systems. It also gives a short survey of the present practices and future trends
and presents some opportunities for new applications.

Member Price: 21 Euros Non member Price: 42 Euros 92 pages , file: 4.97 MB
REF. 087 1994
SC 34 WG 34.06
Maintenance and management of protection systems.
The growing size and complexity of power systems generate increasing needs for maintenance and management
efforts to optimise investment and renewal costs. On the other hand the rapid development of information
technology can provide a new approach to reduce life cycle costs. SC34 has considered these aspects from the
point of view of protection and control systems.

Member Price: 14 Euros Non member Price: 28 Euros 61 pages , file: 3.31 MB

REF. 088 1994

SC 23 WG 23.05
Design and maintenance practice for substation secondary
The report deals with the main features of substation secondary systems. It includes in its scope relay-based and
computer-based equipment. The emphasis in much of the report is on large-scale transmission substations.
However, many of the systems discussed are applicable also to subtransmission and distribution level substations
even though they are generally less complex.

Member Price: 19 Euros Non member Price: 38 Euros 101 pages , file: 4.71 MB

REF. 128 1998

SC 34 WG 34.08
Protection against voltage collapse
This report marks a milestone in the actual comprehension of the complex phenomenon called "voltage collapse"
in power transmission systems. It offers an in-depth survey of our present knowledge about this typical system
disturbance, restricting the analysis to the so-called "long-term" variant, the one for which it seems most feasible
to develop some sort of system protection to cope with.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 80 pages , file: 4.55 MB

REF. 140 1999

SC 34 WG 34.01
Reliable fault clearance and back-up protection.
The scope of the work covers back-up protection policies, including breaker failure protection, for lines,
transformers and busbars of a primary transmission network. it defines input data and describes a theoretical and
reasonable approach to evaluate the necessity and performance of a general back-up protection system
assuming the input data is known. A description of the moste wide-spread and near-future back-up protection
systems and the principal advantages and disadvantages of each solution. Application of the previous theoretical
approach to the different solutions described.

Member Price: 49 Euros Non member Price: 98 Euros 402 pages , file: 22.2 MB
REF. 159 2000
SC 34 WG 34.10
Analysis and guidelines for testing numerical protection
The question of how to test numerical relays has become an important topic over the last few years. The
protection functions of the relay and the transient currents and voltages are still the same, but it is the present
state of technology that offers new possibilities and makes the number of functions in the relay more complex. It is
generally agreed that testing numerical protection should be different from older techniques.

Member Price: 21 Euros Non member Price: 42 Euros 120 pages , file: 0.649 MB

REF. 180 2001

SC 34 WG 34.03
Communication requirements in terms of data flow within
Electric utilities all over the world have been undergoing radical changes in their market and regulatory structure.
A basic trend in this restructuring process has been the replacement of traditional expansion planning and
operation procedures, based on centralised optimisation, by market oriented approaches.
A study of communication requirements in terms of data flow within substations covering communication of all
functions usually performed i.e. all tasks of protection, control, monitoring, measuring, disturbance recording etc.
The complete definition of all communication requirements has to provide the rating guide for existing/coming
communication networks/busses and the basis for the definition of standards.

Member Price: 27 Euros Non member Price: 54 Euros 112 pages , file: 0.679 MB

REF. 187 2001

SC 38 TF 38.02.19
System protection schemes in power networks
The institutional changes taking place in the Electricity Supply Industry all over the world are drastically changing
the approach to quality of supply. Where it previous represented a National target it is currently developing
towards a purely commercial issue between a supplier and its customers.The aim of the CIGRE WG is to
examine quality of supply from the customers point of view instead of from a system approach as has been done
in the past.

Member Price: 34 Euros Non member Price: 68 Euros 190 pages , file: 2.43 MB

REF. 192 2001

SC 34/35 JWG 34/35.11
Protection using telecommunications
Deregulation in both the telecommunication and electric power industry, together with new telecommunication
network technologies and advances in numerical protection, has resulted in the need to reconsider traditional
methods of delivering teleprotection schemes and their associated bearer services. Fibre-optic technology is
commonly deployed in new telecommunication networks for inter-station communication and utility-owned and
public telecommunication networks from third parties are available for protection purposes.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 175 pages , file: 2.24 MB
REF. 200 2002
SC 34 WG 34.08
Isolation and restoration policies against power system
This report discusses characteristics of severe system disturbances and describes measures applied by utilities
against wide-spread blackouts, including currently applied special protection schemes against power system
collapse. Normal protective relays used for fault clearance are not considered. Emphasis is placed on:
circumstances which could lead to severe disturbances; utilities policies for preventing system collapse; SPS in
operation; performance of SPS against disturbances; interaction of SPS and the power system.

Member Price: 35 Euros Non member Price: 70 Euros 80 pages , file: 0.74 MB

REF. 212 2002

SC 34 WG 34.09
Report on survey to establish protection performance during
major disturbances
The objectives of the questionnaire were to review significant disturbances since 1986 (i.e. where load loss
exceeded 1 system-minte or generation loss exceeded 10% peak demand) ; identify and categorise the cause
and nature of the disturbances ; to collect user experience relating to behaviour of protection and control systems
during such disturbances.

Member Price: 25 Euros Non member Price: 50 Euros 60 pages , file: 0.794 MB

REF. 232 2003

SC B5 WG B5.09
Optimisation of protection performance during system
Attempts to identify the potential vulnerabilities of protection schemes in the event of major disturbances and
recommend strategies to optimise protection performance. Given the rapid pace of technology development
reference is also made to possible future improvements in such defence schemes.

Member Price: 50 Euros Non member Price: 100 Euros 180 pages , file: 4.64 MB

REF. 236 2003

SC B5 WG B5.01
Conformance testing guideline for communication in substations
Modern substation automation systems rely on IEDs and serial communication.The objective of the work is to
provide guidelines for testing communication in substations up to interoperability, with a view of giving a broader
approach and not only answering the case of a specific standard.It covers the test system, the test
configuration,the test scenrios for the evaluation of performances,and the evaluation/acceptation criteria.

Member Price: 16 Euros Non member Price: 32 Euros 30 pages , file: 0.527 MB
REF. 246 2004
SC B5 WG B5.07
The automation of new and existing substations: why and how
.Discusses the impact of modern secondary equipment in substations to utilities. Overall and not individual
functions are discussed. It applies to new substations as well as for refurbishment of secondary equipment in
existing substations. The purpose is to assist engineers who have not yet had experience with modern secondary
equipment. It provides useful information gained by utilities, manufacturers and system integrators

Member Price: 24 Euros Non member Price: 48 Euros 120 pages , file: 1.32 MB

REF. 270 2005

SC B5 WG B5.O1
Auto-reclosing and local system restoration
The Technical Brochure describes the current state of the art of autoreclosing, examines how it may be further
improved, using new technologies and the automatic system restoration.
The Brochure contains also the results out of a survey, which collected established local practices, problems and
possible improvements from different utilities and manufacturers throughout the world.

Member Price: 40 Euros Non member Price: 80 Euros 132 pages , file: 1.29 MB

REF. 295 2006

SC B5 WG B5.17
Relay software models for use with electromagnetic transient
analysis programs
Relay models have been used for performing a variety of protection studies. It started with the practices of
building prototypes, a practice which remained in use when solid state technology was introduced in
manufacturing protection relays and continued even after the introduction of digital electronics technology.
Gradually it was replaced by using computer programs that modelled the performance of relays, which purpose
was to study the impact of the operation of relays on system performance. Models of relays are now being used in
designing relays, analysing system performance and studying the impact of relay operation on system security.

Member Price: 40 Euros Non member Price: 80 Euros 112 pages , file: 1.55 MB

REF. 307 2006

SC B5 WG B5.09
Remote on-line management for protection and automation
The report handles the application of Information Technology (IT) for the remote, on-line management of
Substation protection and automation systems. Examples of core Information Technology that might be applied
are presented to highlight the operational advantages of such enabling technologies. It is the belief of SC B5 that
remote, on-line management will play a fundamental role in helping utilities to integrate capabilities within a
scaleable enterprise.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 35 pages , file: 0.64 MB
2.10 C1 - System Development and Economics

REF. 022 1987

SC 37 WG 37.03
Methods of forecasting demand for electricity.
The concept of electricity demand forecasting covers in fact a number of diverse activities, corresponding to
different purposes. Forecasts may concern either the short-term, for budget or actual management purposes, or
the long-term, to support investment planning. They can be done at national, regional or local levels, being then
particularly useful for planning of generation capacities, of the transmission and interconnection network and of
distribution networks.

Member Price: 10 Euros Non member Price: 20 Euros 10 pages , file: 1.07 MB

REF. 024 1986

SC 38 TF 38.01.03
Planning against voltage collapse.
Extensive version with all appendices. It is well known that transmission of active power is dependent on the
voltages at both the sending and receiving ends of a transmission system. The most well known steady state
limitation to power transmission on a system occurs when the electrical angle between the voltage sources at the
two ends reaches 90 .

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 61 pages , file: 3.42 MB

REF. 025 1986

SC 38 TF 38.01.02
Static var compensators.
The rapid development of semiconductor devices and control techniques within the last two decades have
enabled the development of controllable shunt reactive compensation devices with rapid response for electric
power system applications. In recognition of the potential applications and the impact of such a flexible system
design tool on future electric power systems CIGRE decided to form an Ad-Hoc Group to review the progress on
the subject.

Member Price: 40 Euros Non member Price: 80 Euros 125 pages , file: 9.36 MB

REF. 056 1996

SC 37 WG 37.13
Environmental aspects of links between power system planners
and decision makers in the energy area.
The report does not focus on the necessity of communication as such, or whether communication actually is
desired, but rather addresses means to improve the communicative process and where experiences gained have
shown interesting or encouraging results.

Member Price: 23 Euros Non member Price: 46 Euros 45 pages , file: 4.1 MB
REF. 070 1992
SC 38 WG 38.03.10
Composite power system reliability evaluation. Vol.II
This guide supplements Part I (Doc. 26) as an example and comparison of results for combined generation and
transmission network reliability evaluations. The key new materials presented here are the results of combined
transmission and generation reliability analysis of an actual operating power system. The report presents a
complete example, including the data required, the assumptions to be made and the techniques available for the

Member Price: 46 Euros Non member Price: 92 Euros 170 pages , file: 8.49 MB

REF. 071 1992

SC 37 WG 37.09
International experiences in improving the links between power
system planners, the general public and decision makers in the
energy policy area.
New electric power facilities can be accepted and sited, but only if the dialogue with all those concerned is
successful. There is always a risk that permissions and licenses from authorities and energy policy decision
makers are revised and changed, if the proper dialogue with the general public has not taken place in advance of
authority decisions.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 66 pages , file: 3.87 MB

REF. 077 1993

SC 38 WG 38.05.04
Analysis and optimisation of SVC use in transmission systems.
The thyristor controlled static var compensator is in widespread use in power transmission systems, although it is
a relatively new shunt reactive power compensation device. With the aim to enlighten the possibilities and
limitations of employing SVC's for voltage control and stability improvement a study has been performed on the

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 53 pages , file: 4.23 MB

REF. 082 1994

SC 38 WG 38.01.05
Use of DC converters for VAR control.
This brochure is intended as an application guide for system planners and operators as well as equipment
engineers who want to evaluate control strategies for DC converters. It starts with an explanation of DC converter
capabilities and how this can be evaluated for var control.

Member Price: 29 Euros Non member Price: 58 Euros 90 pages , file: 5.7 MB
REF. 085 1994
SC 38 WG 38.04
Ultra high voltage technology.
The brochure presents the state of the art of UHV technology with focus on : UHV system planning, performance
and reliability aspects; UHV transmission lines; UHV substations and equipment; UHV testing facilities and new

Member Price: 9 Euros Non member Price: 18 Euros 31 pages , file: 2.65 MB

REF. 099 1995

SC 37 WG 37.07
Interaction between transmission and distribution system
The scope of the WG is defined on three main subjects : 1. Voltage levels for transmission, sub-transmission and
distribution systems; 2. Size and density of substations and transformer capacities; 3. Architecture of
transmission, sub-transmission and distribution networks. This report is meant to be an executive summary of the
work carried out. The Group produced four main technical reports which are added as appendices.

Member Price: 21 Euros Non member Price: 42 Euros 156 pages , file: 7.8 MB

REF. 127 1998

SC 14 WG 14.11
Guide for upgrading transmission systems with HVDC
Following the installation of the first HVDC transmission scheme between Sweden and the Island of Gotland in
1954, over 60 HVDC schemes throughout the world have been installed. Since their initial installation many of the
HVDC schemes have been upgraded in various ways. By reviewing both what has been achieved in terms of
upgrading and what potentially is possible to accomplish in an upgrade, this guide provides direction and the
latest information on the subject.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 60 pages , file: 3.44 MB

REF. 137 1999

SC 37 WG 37.23
Impact of increasing contribution of dispersed generation on
the power system.
The traditional large power plants are now challenged by dispersed generation whose growth will certainly have
consequences on the power systems. Several different scenarios are possible. They much depend on the driving
forces (economic, legislation, regulation and environmental obligations). However, many technical effects are
awaited. They concern generation, planning the development of the systems or its operation etc.

Member Price: 14 Euros Non member Price: 28 Euros 52 pages , file: 3.1 MB
REF. 154 2000
SC 38 TF 38.05.08
Techniques for power system planning under uncertainties.
Until recently transmission planning used to be a very well defined set of methods and tools for deciding
reinforcements to the transmission system. Traditional sources of uncertaintly existed (demand growth, fuel
prices, security of fuel supplies, lines and generator breakdowns). In some cases, deterministic criteria were used
so that the system could be operated at all load levels to withstand some unscheduled contingencies without
instability, cascading or interruption of load. In other cases uncertainties were taken into account, with known
probability laws. This time has gone …

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 40 pages , file: 12.1 MB

REF. 176 2000

SC 37 WG 37.27
Ageing of the system. Impact on planning.
In the past the driving force for system odernisation has been load growth : equipment was replaced because its
rating or characteristics were no longer compatible with the changing requirements due to steady and
considerable load growth. Nowadays in the low growth environment that prevails in many countries - many assets
are rated sufficiently to fulfil their roles in electricity transmission up to the expiry of their lifetimes.

Member Price: 41 Euros Non member Price: 82 Euros 150 pages , file: 1.68 MB

REF. 183 2001

SC 14/37/38/39 JWG 14/37/38/39.24
FACTS technology for open access
Summary of the present state of the art on the key technological developments in the FACTS area, addressing in
particular the open access aspects of networks and the scope for the application of FACTS devices therein.
Contains the approved terms of reference. Definition of FACTS includes conventional devices such as phase
shifting transformers, series capacitors and HVDC links for completeness and the possibility of combining them
with FACTS devices to improve HVAC transmission system flexibility and control.

Member Price: 27 Euros Non member Price: 54 Euros 80 pages , file: 14.2 MB

REF. 188 2001

SC 37 WG 37.28
Quality of supply. Customers requirements
The institutional changes taking place in the Electricity Supply Industry all over the world are drastically changing
the approach to quality of supply. Where it previous represented a National target it is currently developing
towards a purely commercial issue between a supplier and its customers.The aim of the CIGRE WG is to
examine quality of supply from the customers point of view instead of from a system approach as has been done
in the past.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 40 pages , file: 1.97 MB
REF. 191 2001
SC 38 TF 38.06.01
Methods to consider customer interruption costs in power
system analysis
Electrical power utilities have to continually make decisions regarding the level of investment that should be
provided in their systems. Low levels of investment can result in generally unreliable supplies while excessive
investment can result in unnecessary expenditures with a resulting increase in the cost of electricity energy to
customers. These considerations have always been of considerable importance to utilities. The restructuring and
privatisation of many electricity supply systems has however imposed additional considerations on many utilities.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 100 pages , file: 5.31 MB

REF. 198 2002

SC 37/38/39 JWG 37/38/39
Glossary of terms used in the electricity supply industry.
Glossary of: Electrical quantities; electricity systems; system operation; electricity market; entities in the electricity
market; electrical plant primary, secondary and general. Refs. NERC - NECA - IEEE.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 96 pages , file: 1.66 MB

REF. 199 2002

SC 38 TF 38.01.11
Superconducting cables. Impact on network structure and
A distillation of many discussions on the possible impacts of superconducting power cables in power transmission
systems in the future. Only oxide superconductors are discussed. In order to clarify the possibility of using SC
cables, the Task Force collected and discussed worldwide background data concerning underground (or
undersea) cables and analyzed the trend of SC cable applications in future power grids.

Member Price: 28 Euros Non member Price: 56 Euros 59 pages , file: 1.5 MB

REF. 203 2002

SC 38 TF 38.05.10
Optimal network structure in an open market environment
The focus of this report is on network planning in the "new environment" of a liberalised electricity market. The
development of the network is viewed from different stakeholders' objectives. The stakeholders in the
transmission network are groups or individuals who have a stake in, or an expectation of the development and
performance of the network. An open network exists when all market players meet equal admission rights and
obligations. This required that the grid be administered through a transparent set of rules such as a grid code.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 40 pages , file: 0.634 MB
REF. 220 2003
SC 37 WG 37.30
Network planning in a deregulated environment.
The overall objective of the study is to analyse the need for development of the medium and long term
transmission planning approach in deregulated surroundings. This includes identification and analysis of the
changing conditions and the key issues determining the system reliability and need for transmission capacity.

Member Price: 35 Euros Non member Price: 70 Euros 172 pages , file: 2.49 MB

REF. 235 2003

SC C1 WG C1.31
Management of transmission capacity and access : impact on
system development.
Overall aim is to define transmission capacity, identify the options for managing transmission capacity and assess
the impact of management of transmission capacity on system development..

Member Price: 25 Euros Non member Price: 50 Euros 66 pages , file: 1.52 MB

REF. 271 2005

SC C6 WG C6.02
Connection of generators and other customers - rules and
The Brochure presents the rights and duties of generators and other customers connected to the network. On the
basis of an extensive questionnaire information was gathered from 18 power systems. The report covers the
definition of connection, procedure for connection, ownership, tariffs and contractual agreements. Furthermore the
transmission service is discussed and also the impact of the connection on the transmission network. The
connection of dispersed generation is considered separately.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 49 pages , file: 0.79 MB

REF. 282 2005

SC C1 WG C1.26
Planning issues for newly industrialised and developing
countries fron ASEAN
This TB documents the issues, methods and approaches to carrying out power system planning undertaken by
these countries. The TB acts as a reference for regional utilities to benchmark planning methods and strategies.

Member Price: 78 Euros Non member Price: 156 Euros 141 pages , file: 26.4 MB
REF. 293 2006
SC C1 WG C1.3
Electric Power System Planning with the Uncertainty of Wind
The Technical Brochure deals with the uncertainty that faces system developers and operators resulting from the
rapid increase in wind farms.

Member Price: 60 Euros Non member Price: 120 Euros 142 pages , file: 5.72 MB

REF. 309 2006

SC C1 WG C1.1
Asset Management of Transmission Systems and Associated CIGRE
The TB develops the main aspects of the concept of Asset Management definition, core processes, relationship
between Asset Owners, - Asset Managers – Service Providers, cores competences, policy and experiences with
outsourcing. Methodologies to take decisions on Run/Repair/Refurbish/Replace are given, including Asset Health
Indicators, Operations & Maintenance costs, re-investment costs, maintenance strategy and

Member Price: 70 Euros Non member Price: 140 Euros 109 pages , file: 2.4 MB
2.11 C2 - System Operation and Control

REF. 018 1987

SC 35 WG 35.01
Structure of telecontrol centres and overall systems.
The methods for designing telecontrol systems vary very much in different countries due to different conditions,
e.g. power production and grid, as well as of an organisational nature. One is also dependent on the techniques
and economics of the control system components, e.g. computers and communication equipment. The report
discusses the most common methods for designing telecontrol systems, but many other methods could and will
be applied in the future.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 143 pages , file: 5.8 MB

REF. 031 1985

SC 39 WG 39.04
Nuclear power plant performance in power system control. A
review of international practice.
Part I of the paper presents an overview of the design principles from a control and performance viewpoint of the
power reactors and nuclear steam supply systems adopted for nuclear power stations by 21 countries. Part II is a
compilation and analysis of an international survey of the NSSS by reactor and plant type, control systems and
the capability of NSSS to withstand load rejection and continued operation at low load.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 140 pages , file: 5.3 MB

REF. 033 1989

SC 39 WG 39.03
Methodologies in power systems operations planning
This brochure reports the results of an enquiry conducted with some 30 utilities from all over the world. Its aim is
to illustrate the methodologies adopted by power industry to set-up generation strategies or schedules, taking due
account of the requirements for economy and security of operation.

Member Price: 20,5 Euros Non member Price: 41 Euros 31 pages , file: 2.99 MB

REF. 036 1989

SC 39
Control of power systems during disturbed and emergency
SC32 (later 39) supported a WG on the control of power systems during disturbed or emergency conditions for
some 12 years. During that period 9 Papers - some surveys, some giving analysis and developments in the
subject - were published in Electra or at Sessions. The brochure summarises their contents. It also refers briefly
and selectively to complementary work on reliability of supply.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 42 pages , file: 3.06 MB
REF. 051 1996
SC 38 WG 38.01.06
Load flow control in high voltage systems using FACTS
The brochure gives an overview on the impact of different FACTS controllers on the system and presents
examples of the use of such equipment in the system. It is written for engineers to understand the basic
interactions between the FACTS equipment and the system when solving system problems.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 90 pages , file: 2.4 MB

REF. 053 1990

SC 39 WG 39.05
Bulk electricity system operational performance. Measurement
systems and survey results.
This brochure contains information concerning : Objectives for BES operations management; Measurement
philosophy; Security measurement system; Survey of utility disturbance performance; Results of disturbance
survey; Quality measurement system; Survey of delivery point performance; Results of delivery point survey;
Measurement system for BES frequency; Results of frequency quality survey, etc....
In French : ref. 054 (054.pdf)

Member Price: 13 Euros Non member Price: 26 Euros 26 pages , file: 1.3 MB

REF. 090 1994

SC 38 WG 38.06.04
The use of expert systems for power system restoration.
The brochures comprises the following parts : A survey of the already developed expert systems for restoration; a
study on strategy in restoration expert systems; and finally the lessons learned from the development of these
systems. It may be useful for power system operation and control experts, when considering the possible
applications of expert systems to assist the operators during restoration.

Member Price: 19 Euros Non member Price: 38 Euros 103 pages , file: 4.78 MB

REF. 101 1995

SC 38 WG 38.02.12
Criteria and countermeasures for voltage collapse.
Based on many incidents that have been experienced, the electric power industry is increasingly concerned with
bulk power system voltage instability and collapse. There is now a large literature on voltage stability analysis
methods. Production grade simulation software is also now available. There is relatively little information available
however on reliability criteria and effective voltage collapse countermeasures.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 118 pages , file: 6.06 MB
REF. 126 1998
SC 38 WG 38.04.01
Unit commitment
The Unit Commitment problem is the problem of scheduling the generation units to be operated and their power
output, during a certain time period (typically from one day to one week). Generating units should meet the
demand for electricity at each point in time (typically each hour), at the lowest total production cost, and without
violating their technical constraints.

Member Price: 21 Euros Non member Price: 42 Euros 100 pages , file: 41 MB

REF. 138 1999

SC 39/11 JWG 39/11
Exchange of services between large electricity generating
plants and high voltage electric power systems.
Public electricity supply systems have developed into very complex and interconnected systems, whose
components are highly dependent upon each other. Careful management of the relationship between the
components is crucial to the provision of a secure, reliable and economic supply of electricity to the end-user

Member Price: 23 Euros Non member Price: 46 Euros 100 pages , file: 4.63 MB

REF. 148 1999

SC 38 TF 38.02.14
Analysis and modelling needs of power systems under major
frequency disturbance. Final report.
The content of the task force final report is certainly not an extensive or exhaustive inventory of all the theoretical
and practical frequency related topics but the result of the shared experience of the task force members in that
field. Due to their relatively disperses geographical origin and related power system size, it represents a
reasonable overview of today's situation in the matter.

Member Price: 27 Euros Non member Price: 54 Euros 110 pages , file: 4.91 MB

REF. 152 2000

SC 23/39 JWG 23/39
An international survey of maintenance policies and trends
General information about the utilities that responded. Quality of information is generally good but it is necessary
to bear in mind that due to the nature of the information requested (e.g. replacement costs, type of equipment,
age etc) much of the information was estimated. 64 responses were entered into a computerised database.
Analysis of the general information obtained. Further details of the construction of the database and calculation of
composite size and age factors used in the analysis are also given. The method used for detecting correlation
between answers is also given.

Member Price: 46 Euros Non member Price: 92 Euros 112 pages , file: 193 MB
REF. 166 2000
SC 38 TF 38.02.16
Impact of interactions among power system controls.
Survey on power system control systems, both continuous and discrete - the tools and techniques used in their
analysis and the methodologies used in their design; Examine and compare the tools, techniques and design
methodologies identified; Propose guidelines on the coordination of control systems with overlapping spheres of

Member Price: 46 Euros Non member Price: 92 Euros 294 pages , file: 3.46 MB

REF. 171 2000

SC 38 TF 38.04.04
Long term operation planning of hydro-thermal power systems
A wide range of methods for long-term operation of both thermal and hydro systems have been in use for many
years. Many of the methods are based on the same basic algorithm principles but quite different in
implementation. Various approximations are used tailored to system characteristics. This report addresses the
state-of-the-art methods for long-term operation planning in pure hydro - pure thermal and in hydro-thermal
systems. The focus is on optimization methods.

Member Price: 27 Euros Non member Price: 54 Euros 110 pages , file: 0.751 MB

REF. 187 2001

SC 38 TF 38.02.19
System protection schemes in power networks
The institutional changes taking place in the Electricity Supply Industry all over the world are drastically changing
the approach to quality of supply. Where it previous represented a National target it is currently developing
towards a purely commercial issue between a supplier and its customers.The aim of the CIGRE WG is to
examine quality of supply from the customers point of view instead of from a system approach as has been done
in the past.

Member Price: 34 Euros Non member Price: 68 Euros 190 pages , file: 2.43 MB

REF. 198 2002

SC 37/38/39 JWG 37/38/39
Glossary of terms used in the electricity supply industry.
Glossary of: Electrical quantities; electricity systems; system operation; electricity market; entities in the electricity
market; electrical plant primary, secondary and general. Refs. NERC - NECA - IEEE.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 96 pages , file: 1.66 MB
REF. 201 2002
SC 23/39 JWG 23/39.14
Maintenance outsourcing guidelines
In CIGRE 2000 Session papers concepts of outsourcing were reviewed including business models, assessing the
risk through outsourcing exposure and the development of contractor-owner relationships. These guidelines
attempt to review these in a systematic manner. Part I discusses the general issues around the development of a
service options strategy, Part 2 focuses on the analysis of outsourcing opportunities, Part 3 considers some more
general aspects of outsourcing and Part 4 discusses key performance indicators.

Member Price: 25 Euros Non member Price: 50 Euros 60 pages , file: 0.974 MB

REF. 208 2002

SC 39 WG 39. 01
The needs and environment of control centre operators during
power system restoration. A benchmark questionnaire survey.
A presentation of the results of a questionnaire survey on power system restoration, covering operator needs and
the changing industry environment. Responses were received from 36 organisations all over the world and the
analyses are presented in two parts: Part I - Business, which deals with organisational and strategic aspects of
restoration and the influence of market liberalisation on restoration. Part II - Domain, which anlyses domain
specific issues related to restoration: operator problems in restoration, ideal needs and their current availability
and the gaps

Member Price: 14 Euros Non member Price: 28 Euros 30 pages , file: 0.445 MB

REF. 243 2004

SC C2 WG C2.01
Improving resilience in power control centres
An examination of the factors influencing utilities, or those segments which are responible for Power Control
Centre operations, to examine the risks posed to continuous and satisfactory operations of their enterprises. The
forces which generate a need for increased resilience are summarised; the technological developments which act
as enabling factors in increasing resilience are summarised. Steps that can be taken to increase resilience are
examined. System and equipment design, staff training and business continuity planning steps are also

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 25 pages , file: 0.529 MB
2.12 C3 - System Environmental Performance

REF. 056 1996

SC 37 WG 37.13
Environmental aspects of links between power system planners
and decision makers in the energy area.
The report does not focus on the necessity of communication as such, or whether communication actually is
desired, but rather addresses means to improve the communicative process and where experiences gained have
shown interesting or encouraging results.

Member Price: 23 Euros Non member Price: 46 Euros 45 pages , file: 4.1 MB

REF. 071 1992

SC 37 WG 37.09
International experiences in improving the links between power
system planners, the general public and decision makers in the
energy policy area.
New electric power facilities can be accepted and sited, but only if the dialogue with all those concerned is
successful. There is always a risk that permissions and licenses from authorities and energy policy decision
makers are revised and changed, if the proper dialogue with the general public has not taken place in advance of
authority decisions.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 66 pages , file: 3.87 MB

REF. 147 1999

SC 22 WG 22.14
High voltage overhead lines. Environmental concerns,
procedures, impacts and mitigations
Electricity utilities involved in transmission development, maintenance and operation face increasingly severe
challenges as a result of heightened environmental awareness, more comprehansive legislation and standards
and growing public expectations and concerns.These trends will have a major influence on the approach of
companies to the management of both new projects and existing transmission assets.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 104 pages , file: 110 MB
REF. 221 2003
SC B3 WG B3.03
Improving the impact of existing substations on the
To assist asset owners and designers to identify and address key environmental issues of existing substations.
Presents various methods to reduce the environmental impact of existing substations and offers management
strategies and case studies of international efforts. Includes discussions on: aesthetics - audible noise - release of
insulating oil - site contaminants and remediation - managing SF6 gas - reduction of electromagnetic fields.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 65 pages , file: 4.32 MB

REF. 250 2004

SC B1 WG B1.19
Technical and environmental issues regarding the integration
of a new HV underground cable system in the network.
The design of underground lines should address the technical and environmental issues concerning their
integration in the network,during the design, installation, operation and upgrading stages. WG B1.19 report
provides guidelines for the design of transitions between OHL and underground cables.It deals with land AC
extruded cables, but some sections are applcable to DC and/or submarine and SCFF cables.
One chapter is dedicated to Enviromental Impact Assessment. It presents an example of of ageneral method for
the evaluation of impacts and offers a typical table of contents for an environmental evaluation report.K

Member Price: 45 Euros Non member Price: 90 Euros 176 pages , file: 5.169 MB

REF. 265 2005

SC B2 WG B2.15
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for overhead lines
This BT presents a broad examination of LCA and LCA methodologies. A summary is given on how LCA
developed and how it is classified and outlined in the ISO 14040 series. Included is a full review of work done in
Scandinavian countries on LCA. An explanation and comparison is provided on various LCA software packages,
and some studies dealing with the overhead line as a system are included. Finally conclusions and
recommendations are presented.

Member Price: 95 Euros Non member Price: 190 Euros 168 pages , file: 2 MB
2.13 C4 - System Technical Performance

REF. 020 1974

SC 36 WG 36.01
Interferences produced by corona effect of electric systems.
Description of phenomena. Practical guide for calculation.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 113 pages , file: 4.3 MB

REF. 021 1980

SC 36 WG 36.01
Electric and magnetic fields produced by transmission systems.
Description of phenomena. Practical guide for calculation.

Member Price: 35 Euros Non member Price: 70 Euros 139 pages , file: 7.12 MB

REF. 023 1985

SC 38 TF 38.04.03
An annotated bibliography on UHV AC substation equipment.
Contains sections concerning : Insulation co-ordination; Switchgear; Shunt reactors; Surge arresters; Power
transformers; Current and voltage measuring equipment, Station design and operating experience, Testing
facilities, Index of authors.

Member Price: 11 Euros Non member Price: 22 Euros 56 pages , file: 3.78 MB

REF. 024 1986

SC 38 TF 38.01.03
Planning against voltage collapse.
Extensive version with all appendices. It is well known that transmission of active power is dependent on the
voltages at both the sending and receiving ends of a transmission system. The most well known steady state
limitation to power transmission on a system occurs when the electrical angle between the voltage sources at the
two ends reaches 90 .

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 61 pages , file: 3.42 MB
REF. 025 1986
SC 38 TF 38.01.02
Static var compensators.
The rapid development of semiconductor devices and control techniques within the last two decades have
enabled the development of controllable shunt reactive compensation devices with rapid response for electric
power system applications. In recognition of the potential applications and the impact of such a flexible system
design tool on future electric power systems CIGRE decided to form an Ad-Hoc Group to review the progress on
the subject.

Member Price: 40 Euros Non member Price: 80 Euros 125 pages , file: 9.36 MB

REF. 026 1987

SC 38 WG 38.03
Power system reliability analysis. Application guide.Part I.
The document is intended as an application guide to power system reliability analysis. It presents an overview of
system reliability concepts and an outline of the methodologies whereby these concepts are applied. It concerns
the application of analytical methods to power system reliability evaluation based on pragmatic concepts and
principles. Its purpose is to cover reliability aspects in the fields of power generation and transmission from the
system point of view.

Member Price: 44 Euros Non member Price: 88 Euros 142 pages , file: 8.21 MB

REF. 027 1987

SC 38 TF 38.01.03
Methods for reactive power optimisation.
Three questions arise with regard to the problem of organization techniques and modelling : a) Which methods
are available for solving an optimization problem ? b) How can these methods be used in reactive power planning
? c) Are these methods sufficiently efficient for solving the general reactive problem, or is there any need for new
methods and tools to be established ?

Member Price: 10 Euros Non member Price: 20 Euros 6 pages , file: 0.773 MB

REF. 028 1987

SC 38 TF 38.02.04
Advanced analytical tools in evaluating power system dynamic
and security performance. Results of a questionnaire.
Answers to the questionnaire are divided into the following subjects : a) Load flow aspects. Analytical techniques.
State estimation, Contingency evaluation, Operators load flow, Sensitivity analysis, Optimal load flow, Stochastic
load flow. Multiple solutions. b) Stability aspects. Voltage stability, Steady state stability, Transient stability, Long
term stability.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 69 pages , file: 2.3 MB
REF. 029 1988
SC 38 TF 38.02.07
An international survey of the present status and the
perspective of expert systems on power system analysis and
The growing needs for supplying vast amounts of electric energy with high quality have necessitated more
sophisticated approaches to power system planning, operation and control. The above requirements have so far
been achieved partly by great efforts of experienced operators and partly by the introduction of partially
automated systems which have become possible by the active application of advanced analysis techniques.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 246 pages , file: 8.8 MB

REF. 030 1989

SC 38 TF 38.03.01
Reactive power compensation analyses and planning procedure.
The brochure contains chapters concerning : Analysis and planning procedure, Reactive power sources, Load
demand and modelling, Planning against voltage collapse, Reactive power optimization methods and techniques.

Member Price: 14 Euros Non member Price: 28 Euros 90 pages , file: 3.63 MB

REF. 039 1990

SC 33 WG 33.02
Guidelines for representation of network elements when
calculating transients
This report gives guidance to all experts as well as to beginners who have to deal with any kind of electrical
transient phenomena in power systems, how to represent network elements to achieve an acceptable accuracy
for their calculations.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 30 pages , file: 1.56 MB

REF. 055 1990

SC 33 SC 33
Distorsion and attenuation of travelling waves caused by
transient corona.
This brochure reports on the results of experimental and analytical studies which were performed during several
years of collaboration between Electricité de France and the Polytechnical Institute in Bucarest (Romania).

Member Price: 41 Euros Non member Price: 82 Euros 75 pages , file: 5.46 MB
REF. 059 1990
SC 15/33 JWG 15/33.08
Session 1990 : Dielectric diagnosis of electrical equipment
for AC applications and its effects on insulation
coordination. State of the art report.
The present report prepared after three WG meetings, presents the state of the art of the diagnostic methods
available today, to the WG members knowledge, to verify the dielectric conditions of insulating materials used in
electrical equipment for AC applications. The WG has taken into account as much as possible all the previous
work on the subject performed with CIGRE SC and WG and references to the relevant papers have been made.

Member Price: 11 Euros Non member Price: 22 Euros 34 pages , file: 3.25 MB

REF. 061 1997

SC 36 WG 36.01
Addendum to Doc.20 : Interferences produced by corona effect
of electric systems.
As far as we know, the corona phenomena and its consequences are a very complicated problem. Since
decades, the engineers are concerned with this question and the actual solutions are more or less adequate.
Partial electrical discharges in air at the atmospheric pressure around overhead line conductors and under all the
possible weather conditions are a real complex exercise.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 120 pages , file: 3.23 MB

REF. 063 1991

SC 33 WG 33.01
Guide to procedures for estimating the lightning performance
of transmission lines.
The primary aim of the guide is apply modern knowledge about various aspects of the lightning discharge -
including the striking process, the discharge parameters and the overvoltage disturbance mechanism, as well as
the related transmission line overvoltage response - in a set of practical engineering procedures, whereby the
expected lightning performance of a line may be estimated with a reasonable degree of confidence.

Member Price: 34 Euros Non member Price: 68 Euros 61 pages , file: 3.85 MB

REF. 070 1992

SC 38 WG 38.03.10
Composite power system reliability evaluation. Vol.II
This guide supplements Part I (Doc. 26) as an example and comparison of results for combined generation and
transmission network reliability evaluations. The key new materials presented here are the results of combined
transmission and generation reliability analysis of an actual operating power system. The report presents a
complete example, including the data required, the assumptions to be made and the techniques available for the

Member Price: 46 Euros Non member Price: 92 Euros 170 pages , file: 8.49 MB
REF. 072 1992
SC 33 WG 33.07
Guidelines for the evaluation of the dielectric strength of
external insulation.
This Guideline deals with the dielectric strength of external insulation, namely air gaps and insulators, with special
reference to transient overvoltages. The aim is to illustrate the general trends in dielectric strength as a function of
the most important influencing parameters and to give methods and criteria for its evaluation.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 87 pages , file: 3.04 MB

REF. 073 1992

SC 38 WG 38.02.08
An International survey of the present status and perspective
of long-term dynamics in power systems.
The objectives of the questionnaire survey are : (1) Experience of major disturbances in various countries; (2)
Needs and objective of LTD analysis; (3) Current status and perspective of analytical tools.

Member Price: 34 Euros Non member Price: 68 Euros 150 pages , file: 4.53 MB

REF. 074 1993

SC 36 WG 36.01
Electric power transmission and the environment. Fields, noise
and interference.
It is well known that the operation of the electrical systems and equipment can alter the electromagnetic
conditions in their vicinity and that this can lead to various effects. The annoying effects reported result mainly
from electrostatic or electromagnetic induction in metallic objects or structures not well connected electrically to
the ground.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 63 pages , file: 71 MB

REF. 075 1993

SC 38 WG 38.02.10
Modelling of voltage collapse including dynamic phenomena.
The brochure describes modelling and simulation techniques for voltage stability analysis. Dynamic analysis is
clearly required for fast forms of voltage collapse. Fast or transient voltage collapse usually involves induction
motor loads and motor stalling (or re-acceleration difficulty) following faults.

Member Price: 37 Euros Non member Price: 74 Euros 150 pages , file: 6.96 MB
REF. 086 1994
SC 33 /21/14 JWG 33/21/14.16
Overvoltages on HVDC cables. Final Report.
The number of HVDC projects using long DC cables is increasing, mostly for submarine power transmission. A
larger number of such HVDC schemes are already in operation or in planning stage. The economic design of DC
cables is very important, because the cost of DC cables is high in proportion to the total cost of HVDC submarine
cable transmission.

Member Price: 9 Euros Non member Price: 18 Euros 55 pages , file: 5.51 MB

REF. 090 1994

SC 38 WG 38.06.04
The use of expert systems for power system restoration.
The brochures comprises the following parts : A survey of the already developed expert systems for restoration; a
study on strategy in restoration expert systems; and finally the lessons learned from the development of these
systems. It may be useful for power system operation and control experts, when considering the possible
applications of expert systems to assist the operators during restoration.

Member Price: 19 Euros Non member Price: 38 Euros 103 pages , file: 4.78 MB

REF. 091 1995

SC 38 WG 38.02.11
Indices predicting voltage collapse including dynamic
Most coltage collapses turn out to have a critical time scale of the order of a few minutes. This is just slow enough
to be within the scope of what an operator can handle, but leaves absolutely no time to waste before appropriate
action should be taken. Hence the world-wide interest in reliable early detection of voltage instability risks and
accurate indication of the endangered areas.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 94 pages , file: 2.61 MB

REF. 094 1995

SC 33 WG 33.01.02
Lightning characteristics relevant for electrical enginee ing:
assessment of sensing, recording and mapping requirements in
the light of present technological advancements.
Power systems are always exposed to some extent to lightning caused disturbances. Unfortunately, lightning
protection design and protection devices do not always provide the desired reduction of damage. Sometimes, the
reason is that designs are based on lightning data which are not always properly used, since records show that
parameters can present different values at different geographical locations.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 37 pages , file: 2.72 MB
REF. 095 1995
SC 36 WG 36.02
Guide on the influence of high voltage AC power systems on
metallic pipelines.
Cases of close proximity of high voltage structures and metallic pipelines become more and more frequent.
Therefore there is a growing concern about possible hazards resulting from the influence of electrical systems :
safety of people making contact with the pipeline, damage to the pipeline and to cathodic protection equipment.
All these problems can be mastered but this control requires a serious consideration of the influences.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 135 pages , file: 3.14 MB

REF. 100 1995

SC 38 WG 38.02.09
Assessment of practical fast transient stability methods :
performance comparison.Phase II.
Power systems are increasingly being planned with heavier loading on existing transmission circuits to cope with
increasing power transfers without constructing new lines. This has meant that the system is planned and
operated closer to the transient stability limits. This Phase II report covers a. Stability limits on power flows; b.
Higher-order machine models and c. AVR and governor models.

Member Price: 9 Euros Non member Price: 18 Euros 28 pages , file: 0.764 MB

REF. 101 1995

SC 38 WG 38.02.12
Criteria and countermeasures for voltage collapse.
Based on many incidents that have been experienced, the electric power industry is increasingly concerned with
bulk power system voltage instability and collapse. There is now a large literature on voltage stability analysis
methods. Production grade simulation software is also now available. There is relatively little information available
however on reliability criteria and effective voltage collapse countermeasures.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 118 pages , file: 6.06 MB

REF. 102 1995

SC 38 WG 38.02.08
Long term dynamics. Phase II. Final Report.
The aim of the second phase of TF38.02.08 was 1. To proceed to a practical assessment of the performances of
simulation tools; 2. To provide the researchers or practicioners with benchmarks or test systems to be used for
the assessment of existing tools or of new developments in the field of LTD.

Member Price: 38 Euros Non member Price: 76 Euros 374 pages , file: 12.5 MB
REF. 104 1996
SC 36/21 JWG 36.01/21
Magnetic fields in HV cable systems. 1. Systems without
ferromagnetic component.
Considerable work has been done on the magnetic fields due to overhead lines, but relatively little has been
published on the fields from underground cable systems. The report details the levels of magnetic field that occur
in various typical situations. The analysis is restricted to underground cable systems without ferromagnetic
component; for which analysis is relatively easy.

Member Price: 9 Euros Non member Price: 18 Euros 30 pages , file: 1.29 MB

REF. 111 1997

SC 38 WG 38.01.07
Analysis and control of power system oscillations.
Power systems contain many modes of oscillation due to a variety of interactions among its components. Many of
the oscillations are due to synchronous generator rotors swinging relative to one another. The electromechanical
modes involving these masses usually occur in the frequency range of 0.1 to 2 Hz. Particularly troublesome are
the intra-area oscillations, which typically are in the frequency range of 0.1 to 1 Hz.

Member Price: 27 Euros Non member Price: 54 Euros 200 pages , file: 14.6 MB

REF. 118 1997

SC 33 WG 33.01.03
Lightning exposure of structures and interception efficiency
of air terminals.
A review of lightning parameters derived from field measurements of real and triggered lightning and experimental
data published in the scientific literature is presented to define the parameters needed for the simulation of
lightning phenomenon. In particular the relationship between the negative charge in the downward leader channel
and the lightning current amplitude of the first stroke is derived.

Member Price: 14 Euros Non member Price: 28 Euros 88 pages , file: 4.23 MB

REF. 120 1997

SC 38 WG 38.04.03
Methods and tools for transmission costs.
Many countries have experimented with several transformations in their power sectors. These transformations
have one or more of the following characteristics : improvement in the efficiency of the electric power sector;
introduction of competition in generation under the hypothesis that this competition will lead to technological
improvements, better services and least cost.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 138 pages , file: 4.23 MB
REF. 121 1997
SC 38 WG 38.02.13
New trends and requirements for dynamic security assessment.
Power system security can be defined as the art and science of the "survival" of power systems. In order to
ensure their survival, power systems are operated within certain power transfer limits, commonly referred to as
security limits. If such limits depend on steady state feasibility or adequacy criteria, they are called steady-state or
static security limits; otherwise, if such limits depend on transient or long-term stability criteria, these are referred
to as dynamic security limits.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 100 pages , file: 5.57 MB

REF. 122 1997

SC 38 WG 38.04.02
Application of optimisation techniques to study power system
network performance.
The focus is on the application of optimisation methods and techniques to improve the planning and operation of
the network. The search for an optimal solution can consist of several steps of which some are done automatically
and some require user interaction for the selection of next step. Seen from a very broad point of view it is possible
to define the whole process as optimisation (the definition is constrained to those parts which can be formulated

Member Price: 19 Euros Non member Price: 38 Euros 115 pages , file: 6.31 MB

REF. 124 1997

SC 36 WG 36.04
Guide on EMC in power plants and substations.
As electrical generating stations, substations, control centres and networks have become more complex, their
required standards of reliability have become more demanding. These needs have been met by the widespread
use of electronic systems, based on increasingly high-speed and low-power semiconductor technology. These
systems provide the major computing power and the readily accessible information that make on-line automation

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 177 pages , file: 6.65 MB

REF. 126 1998

SC 38 WG 38.04.01
Unit commitment
The Unit Commitment problem is the problem of scheduling the generation units to be operated and their power
output, during a certain time period (typically from one day to one week). Generating units should meet the
demand for electricity at each point in time (typically each hour), at the lowest total production cost, and without
violating their technical constraints.

Member Price: 21 Euros Non member Price: 42 Euros 100 pages , file: 41 MB
REF. 129 1998
SC 38 TF 38.03.11
Methods and techniques for reliability assessment of
interconnected systems.
Policies concerning the power sector have been changing in the recent past all around the world and the
electricity supply industry (ESI) has entered a period of restructuring. In some countries the process has been
almost completed, even if feedback from the experience could modify the "original" framework. In others it is still
under way.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 60 pages , file: 4.12 MB

REF. 142 1999

SC 33 TF 33.04.07
Natural and artificial ageing and pollution testing of
polymeric insulators
The purpose of the report is to review the current state of knowledge on ageing and pollution tests for polymeric
insulators; this review deals with outdoor polymeric insulations including, but not limited to : composite line
insulators defined in IEC 1109 ; composite line post insulators defined in IEC project 1952 ; hollow composite
insulators defined in IEC project 1462 ; insulators for other applications using similar technology. The test
procedures that have been reviewed are also generally applicable for RTV coated ceramic insulators, hybrid
insulators and resin based insulators for outdoor use (e.g. expoxy resin). However specific evaluation criteria for
these insulators are not discussed.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 45 pages , file: 3.12 MB

REF. 145 1999

SC 38 TF 38.01.08
Modeling of power electronics equipment (FACTS) in load flow
and stability programs : a representation guide for power
system planning and analysis
The document covers the following devices : SVC, STATCOM, BESS, SMES, TCSC, SSSC, TCPAR, UPFC,
HVDC, SCDC. Each section has been written so that it can be read independently from each other; A survey on
existing tools and practices on FACTS is given before the descriptions of the various FACTS device models in the
succeeding sections.

Member Price: 24 Euros Non member Price: 48 Euros 106 pages , file: 0.684 MB

REF. 148 1999

SC 38 TF 38.02.14
Analysis and modelling needs of power systems under major
frequency disturbance. Final report.
The content of the task force final report is certainly not an extensive or exhaustive inventory of all the theoretical
and practical frequency related topics but the result of the shared experience of the task force members in that
field. Due to their relatively disperses geographical origin and related power system size, it represents a
reasonable overview of today's situation in the matter.

Member Price: 27 Euros Non member Price: 54 Euros 110 pages , file: 4.91 MB
REF. 151 2000
SC 33 WG 33.07
Guidelines for insulation coordination in live working
The Guide contains the main aspects to be taken into consideration in the assessment of insulation coordination
during live working on overhead transmission lines; the basis rules and influence factors for the determination of
the minimum distances to be maintained between parts at different potential, including the worker himself, are
given as well as for the evaluation of the risk of insulation failure.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 72 pages , file: 3.07 MB

REF. 154 2000

SC 38 TF 38.05.08
Techniques for power system planning under uncertainties.
Until recently transmission planning used to be a very well defined set of methods and tools for deciding
reinforcements to the transmission system. Traditional sources of uncertaintly existed (demand growth, fuel
prices, security of fuel supplies, lines and generator breakdowns). In some cases, deterministic criteria were used
so that the system could be operated at all load levels to withstand some unscheduled contingencies without
instability, cascading or interruption of load. In other cases uncertainties were taken into account, with known
probability laws. This time has gone …

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 40 pages , file: 12.1 MB

REF. 155 2000

SC 38 TF 38.02.17
Advanced angle stability controls.
This report provides industry guidance in solving stability problems with new or relatively new technologies. The
technologies include control theory and applications, power electronics, microprocessor controllers, signal
processing, digital and optical transducers and telecommunications. There is great opportunity for synergism in
these areas. The goals are new control strategies that are effective and robust. Effective in an engineering sense
means "cost-effective". Control robustness is the capability to function appropriately for a wide range of power
system operating and disturbance conditions.

Member Price: 35 Euros Non member Price: 70 Euros 210 pages , file: 9.1 MB

REF. 158 2000

SC 33 TF 33.04.01
Polluted insulators : a review of current knowledge.
The performance of insulators used on overhead lines and overhead distribution lines and in outdoor substations
is a key factor in determining the reliability of power delivery systems. The insulators not only must withstand
normal operating voltage, but also must withstand overvoltages that may cause disturbances, flashovers and line
outages. The reduction in the performance of outdoor insulators occurs mainly by the pollution of the insulating
surfaces from air-borne deposits that may form a conducting or partially conducting surface layer when wet.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 170 pages , file: 2.46 MB
REF. 166 2000
SC 38 TF 38.02.16
Impact of interactions among power system controls.
Survey on power system control systems, both continuous and discrete - the tools and techniques used in their
analysis and the methodologies used in their design; Examine and compare the tools, techniques and design
methodologies identified; Propose guidelines on the coordination of control systems with overlapping spheres of

Member Price: 46 Euros Non member Price: 92 Euros 294 pages , file: 3.46 MB

REF. 171 2000

SC 38 TF 38.04.04
Long term operation planning of hydro-thermal power systems
A wide range of methods for long-term operation of both thermal and hydro systems have been in use for many
years. Many of the methods are based on the same basic algorithm principles but quite different in
implementation. Various approximations are used tailored to system characteristics. This report addresses the
state-of-the-art methods for long-term operation planning in pure hydro - pure thermal and in hydro-thermal
systems. The focus is on optimization methods.

Member Price: 27 Euros Non member Price: 54 Euros 110 pages , file: 0.751 MB

REF. 172 2000

SC 33 TF 33.01.02
Characterization of lightning for applications in electric
power systems.
This document evolves as a continuation of a previous report (No. 94). Both documents are aimed at providing
insight into lightning parameters for application in the electric power industry. It now discussed the role that
different lightning parameters play in the creation of surge overvoltages that may produce line insulation
flashover. The possibility to use lightning current estimates as the base predictor of other parameters is
addressed both for negative and positive flashes. An overview of protection design is described.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 34 pages , file: 0.549 MB

REF. 185 2001

SC 38 TF 38.01.10
Modelling new forms of generation and storage
Several new generation and storage technologies have the potential to significantly impact power system
performance. Most of these new technologies are well suited for distributed generation and storage applications
and are connected at the MV distribution level. This form of generation is termed Dispersed Generation or
Embedded Generation; On-site generation is another term frequently used in the USA. It should be noted
however that new generation technologies are also found in larger installations of some 100 MWs, e.g. recent
development of off-shore Wind Energy Conversion Systems.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 185 pages , file: 10.2 MB
REF. 189 2001
SC 21/33 JWG 21/33
Insulation coordination for HVAC underground cable systems
Increasing environmental and aesthetic concerns regarding the utilisation of overhead electrical power
transmission lines are resulting in a growing need to progress the use of underground alternatives. This increases
the importance of looking for opportunities to further reduce the cost ratio between overhead and underground
distribution and transmission. One approach is to address the inherent costs associated wtih the cable system by
reducing the required withstand capability in line with the actual service requirements rather than traditional levels
in particular the transient overvoltage performance.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 60 pages , file: 0.871 MB

REF. 205 2002

SC 14 WG 14.31
Custom power - State of the art.
Custom power is a concept, based on the use of static controllers in the distribution system or in some instances,
rotating machines, for the electric utilities to supply value-added power with the reliability and power quality
requested by the customers. It includes consideration of all aspects of power supply that impact individual
customers, including harmonics, inter-harmonics, voltage dips, overvoltages, range of steady state voltage and
frequency variations and phase unbalance, in addition to the abover consideration fo reliability.

Member Price: 28 Euros Non member Price: 56 Euros 110 pages , file: 4.05 MB

REF. 222 2003

SC B4 WG B4.05
On voltage and power stability in AC/DC systems
Significant new results concerning the definitions of voltage and power stability on AC/DC systems.

Member Price: 25 Euros Non member Price: 50 Euros 79 pages , file: 0.97 MB

REF. 231 2003

Definition and classification of power system stability.
Addresses the issue of stability definition and classification in power systems from a fundamental viewpoint and
closely examines the practical ramifications. Aims to define power system stability more precisely; provide a
systematic basis for classifying power system stability; and discuss linkages to related issues such as power
system reliability and security.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 30 pages , file: 2.31 MB
REF. 238 2003
SC C4 TF C4.02.25
Modeling of gas turbines and steam turbines in combined cycle
power plants.
A comprehensive document describing the dynamic characteristics of combined cycle power plants, their control
and protection and modeling of such plants in power system stability studies

Member Price: 25 Euros Non member Price: 50 Euros 120 pages , file: 3.7 MB

REF. 261 2004

SC C4 WG C4.07
Power Quality Indices and Objectives
The report first provides an overview of existing indices and objectives and then presents power quality data
gathered by the working group from several different countries across a number of monitoring points over a
number of years.The WG recommendations are given. Concerning harmonics, flicker and voltage unbalance, site
and system indices and objectives are given for planning levels and for future voltage characteristics at HV and
EHV. Concerning voltage dips and interruptions, indices are given with reference to various standards for
enabling performance to be assessed and reported in a consistent manner.

Member Price: 60 Euros Non member Price: 120 Euros 98 pages , file: 2.122 MB

REF. 266 2005

SC C4 WG C4.02
Protection measures for radio base stations sited on power
line towers
The technical brochure is a reduced version of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T)
Recommendation regarding the installation of Radio Base Stations on Power line Towers, prepared with CIGRE.
The full recommendation is available from ITU.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 9 pages , file: 2.73 MB

REF. 275 2005

SC C4 WG C4.2.02
Methods for measuring the earth resistance of transmission
towers equipped of earth wires.
The Technical Brochure reports the responses from a questionnaire regarding this subject some years ago.The
used methods are described and analysed.Their pros and cons are discussed. The widely used method based on
injected high frequency current has been theoritically analysed.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 19 pages , file: 0.75 MB
REF. 287 2006
SC C4 JWG C4.4.02
Protection of MV and LV networks against lightning – Part I :
Common topics
This brochure presents basic information and principles related to lightning protection of Medium Voltage (MV)
and (LV) networks. The present material constitutes the first part of a 3-part guide. Parts 2 and 3, to be published
later, will deal specifically with the application to MV (Part 2) and LV (Part 3) networks. This part provides first a
survey of different sources of overvoltages, as well as a review of the most widely accepted and well established
methods of evaluating the expected rate of direct lightning strokes and induced lightning overvoltages. The
document describes in addition the characteristics of lightning overvoltages, general characteristics of surge
protective devices, and earthing systems.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 53 pages , file: 1.57 MB

REF. 290 2006

SC C4 JWG C4.2.02
AC Corrosion on Metallic Pipelines due to Interference from AC
Power Lines - Phenomenon, Modelling and Countermeasures
AC corrosion has been a matter of concern for pipeline owners and corrosion specialists for many years.
Therefore, the CIGRE/CIRED Joint Working Group C4.2.02 has in cooperation with CEOCOR prepared a this
guide,which describes and links the mechanisms for electrical interference with the mechanism for corrosion.

Member Price: 40 Euros Non member Price: 80 Euros 110 pages , file: 2.86 MB
2.14 C5 - Electricity Markets and Regulation

REF. 120 1997

SC 38 WG 38.04.03
Methods and tools for transmission costs.
Many countries have experimented with several transformations in their power sectors. These transformations
have one or more of the following characteristics : improvement in the efficiency of the electric power sector;
introduction of competition in generation under the hypothesis that this competition will lead to technological
improvements, better services and least cost.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 138 pages , file: 4.23 MB

REF. 181 2001

SC 38 TF 38.05.09
Methods and tools for contracts in a competitive framework
Electric utilities all over the world have been undergoing radical changes in their market and regulatory structure.
A basic trend in this restructuring process has been the replacement of traditional expansion planning and
operation procedures, based on centralised optimisation, by market oriented approaches

Member Price: 24 Euros Non member Price: 48 Euros 74 pages , file: 0.728 MB

REF. 190 2001

SC 38 TF 38.05.07
Methods and tools for costing ancillary services
An overview of ancillary service concepts and practices in a number of markets and a description of means by
which the costs of various services can be measured, quantified and allocated. General methodology for the
allocation of ancillary service costs for services that can be considered as common goods. Tools based on
notions of allocation based primarily on an extension of marginal costing to situations where revenue
reconciliation is necessary. Many markets operate successfully with the need for guaranteed allocation of fixed
costs but there are circumstances that suggest the use of allocation methods for the recovery of certain

Member Price: 23 Euros Non member Price: 46 Euros 130 pages , file: 0.904 MB

REF. 191 2001

SC 38 TF 38.06.01
Methods to consider customer interruption costs in power
system analysis
Electrical power utilities have to continually make decisions regarding the level of investment that should be
provided in their systems. Low levels of investment can result in generally unreliable supplies while excessive
investment can result in unnecessary expenditures with a resulting increase in the cost of electricity energy to
customers. These considerations have always been of considerable importance to utilities. The restructuring and
privatisation of many electricity supply systems has however imposed additional considerations on many utilities.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 100 pages , file: 5.31 MB
REF. 195 2001
SC 38 TF 38.05.12
Portfolio and risk management for power producers and traders
in an open market.
Electricity markets in Europe, South America, Australia and the USA have been liberalised or will be opened in
the near future, respectively. In consequence the power business undergoes a fundamental change. In the past
electricity markets were monopolies. After the liberalisation power producers as well as customers face a market
risk with prices which can be very volatile.

Member Price: 22 Euros Non member Price: 44 Euros 125 pages , file: 0.852 MB

REF. 198 2002

SC 37/38/39 JWG 37/38/39
Glossary of terms used in the electricity supply industry.
Glossary of: Electrical quantities; electricity systems; system operation; electricity market; entities in the electricity
market; electrical plant primary, secondary and general. Refs. NERC - NECA - IEEE.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 96 pages , file: 1.66 MB

REF. 203 2002

SC 38 TF 38.05.10
Optimal network structure in an open market environment
The focus of this report is on network planning in the "new environment" of a liberalised electricity market. The
development of the network is viewed from different stakeholders' objectives. The stakeholders in the
transmission network are groups or individuals who have a stake in, or an expectation of the development and
performance of the network. An open network exists when all market players meet equal admission rights and
obligations. This required that the grid be administered through a transparent set of rules such as a grid code.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 40 pages , file: 0.634 MB

REF. 235 2003

SC C1 WG C1.31
Management of transmission capacity and access : impact on
system development.
Overall aim is to define transmission capacity, identify the options for managing transmission capacity and assess
the impact of management of transmission capacity on system development..

Member Price: 25 Euros Non member Price: 50 Euros 66 pages , file: 1.52 MB
REF. 301 2006
SC C5 WG C5.4
Congestion management in liberalized market environment
This paper is based on the survey conducted by WG C5.4 on congestion management. It describes market
conditions and institutional arrangements in the 18 countries participating in the survey, and internal and cross-
border congestion management. The interaction with the electricity market is dsicussed, considering allocation of
transmission capacity, market schedule, congestion management tools and payment for the costs incurred. The
survey shows that there is a tendency towards the use of market-based methods.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 60 pages , file: 0.93 MB
2.15 C6 - Distribution Systems and Dispersed

REF. 137 1999

SC 37 WG 37.23
Impact of increasing contribution of dispersed generation on
the power system.
The traditional large power plants are now challenged by dispersed generation whose growth will certainly have
consequences on the power systems. Several different scenarios are possible. They much depend on the driving
forces (economic, legislation, regulation and environmental obligations). However, many technical effects are
awaited. They concern generation, planning the development of the systems or its operation etc.

Member Price: 14 Euros Non member Price: 28 Euros 52 pages , file: 3.1 MB

REF. 271 2005

SC C6 WG C6.02
Connection of generators and other customers - rules and
The Brochure presents the rights and duties of generators and other customers connected to the network. On the
basis of an extensive questionnaire information was gathered from 18 power systems. The report covers the
definition of connection, procedure for connection, ownership, tariffs and contractual agreements. Furthermore the
transmission service is discussed and also the impact of the connection on the transmission network. The
connection of dispersed generation is considered separately.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 49 pages , file: 0.79 MB
2.16 D1 - Materials and Emerging Technologies

REF. 004 1977

SC 15 WG 15.03
Breakdown of gases in uniform fields.
The Technical Brochure gives Paschen curves for nitrogen, sulphur hexafluoride, hydrogen, carbon dioxyde and

Member Price: 17 Euros Non member Price: 34 Euros 43 pages , file: 3.38 MB

REF. 059 1990

SC 15/33 JWG 15/33.08
Session 1990 : Dielectric diagnosis of electrical equipment
for AC applications and its effects on insulation
coordination. State of the art report.
The present report prepared after three WG meetings, presents the state of the art of the diagnostic methods
available today, to the WG members knowledge, to verify the dielectric conditions of insulating materials used in
electrical equipment for AC applications. The WG has taken into account as much as possible all the previous
work on the subject performed with CIGRE SC and WG and references to the relevant papers have been made.

Member Price: 11 Euros Non member Price: 22 Euros 34 pages , file: 3.25 MB

REF. 066 1992

SC 15 WG 15.01.02
Statistical analysis of dielectric test results.
The brochure is the attempt of TF15.01.02 to give missing information in the form of a detailed guide for the
analysis of the results of any kind of dielectric tests by means of statistical methods based on the principle of the
maximum likelihood. The other classical methods, except the most simple graphical method are not considered
since the advantages of the likelihood approach have been shown already.

Member Price: 35 Euros Non member Price: 70 Euros 63 pages , file: 3.99 MB

REF. 169 2000

SC 15 WG 15.09
Advanced materials - Final Report
The status of materials suitable for cables - switchgear - transformers - substation and overhead lines are
reviewed. Some opportunities and suggestions are noted. In many cases individual CIGRE Study Committees are
focussed on state-of-the-art technology; however new opportunities do exist. Advanced materials issues relate to
definition - methods of reporting and proprietary concerns - all of which are addressed.

Member Price: 23 Euros Non member Price: 46 Euros 135 pages , file: 0.0674 MB
REF. 170 2000
SC 12/15 JWG 12/15.13
Static electrification in power transformers
Interfacial phenomena; methods and devices including test set-ups with plane flow or rotating flow, filter methods;
CIGRE test cell : method and device, numerical flow calculation, time characteristic of leakage current, impact of
liquid and solid insulating components; mini-static tester : repeatability and reproducibility, impact of temperature
and moisture. Evaluation of methods. Standardisation of methods. References.

Member Price: 21 Euros Non member Price: 42 Euros 84 pages , file: 4.24 MB

REF. 182 2001

SC 21 WG 21.16
Partial discharge detection in installed HV extruded cable
Fundamental principles of PD testing, different types of sensors and signal processing functions. Users guide on
the practical importance of PDD using circuits with and without integrated sensors, information on safety aspects,
selection of measuring frequency, test results, practical recommendations. Description of 8 PD methods with
representative impression in present testing options. Future trends - expectations for immediate and more distant
future. Fundamental and practical information. User support to understanding the complicated field of on-site

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 60 pages , file: 0.865 MB

REF. 210 2002

SC 21/15 JTF 21/15
Interfaces in accessories for extruded HV and EHV cables.
Although interfaces in joints and terminations of extruded HV cables have been identified as crucial parts, some of
the mechanisms related to ageing are not well understood. For this reason, a task force was set up to study the
behaviour of interfaces between solid insulating materials in accessories for HV and EHV extruded cables. The
results are reported in this brochure.

Member Price: 12 Euros Non member Price: 24 Euros 13 pages , file: 0.835 MB

REF. 224 2003

SC D1 JAG D1.02/TC
Emerging technologies and material challenges. (Panel 2002)
To review the emerging technologies and material challenges to enable introduction of newer concepts to more
rapidly and more efficiently meet the challenges that will result from the drivers now facing the EPI. The document
integrates a report on prospects for energy services in 2020.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 68 pages , file: 1.26 MB
REF. 225 2003
SC D1 JAG D1.02/TC
Electrical power systems 2020. (Panel 2002)
Report on the Panel Session at the 2002 CIGRE Session. 4 invited contributions and the ensuing discussions.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 60 pages , file: 0.796 MB

REF. 226 2003

SC D1 WG D1.11
Knowledge rules for partial discharge diagnosis in service
A discussion of the possibility of interpretation (knowledge) rules to support PD diagnostic of service aged HV
components. Based on systematic experience from this field it evaluates and classifies PD quantities which are
found useful for diagnosis monitoring of different HV components, particularly for different insulation systems of
HV components like instrument and power transformers, distribution and transmission power cables, GIS,
generator stator insulation general characteristics of typical PD quantities are also evaluated.

Member Price: 50 Euros Non member Price: 100 Euros 93 pages , file: 15.697 MB

REF. 228 2003

SC D1 WG D1.11
Service aged insulation. Guidelines on managing the ageing
A new methodology to analyse and manager service aged insulation. In contrast to the usual focus on
accelerated aging in a laboratory this approach starts from scientific observations on aged or failed in-service

Member Price: 22 Euros Non member Price: 44 Euros 40 pages , file: 0.986 MB

REF. 254 2004

SC D1 TF D1.01.09
Dielectric response methods for diagnostics of power
The dryness and ageing state of the oil-paper insulation is a key factor in both the short and long term reliability of
a power transformer since moisture has deleterious effects on dielectric integrity and insulation ageing rates.
Today the water content of the cellulose of a transformer in service is determined indirectly via moisture
measured from oil samples according to IEC 60422.

Member Price: 22 Euros Non member Price: 44 Euros 42 pages , file: 1.45 MB
REF. 255 2004
SC D1 WG D1.14
Material properties for non-ceramic outdoor insulation. State
of the art.
An urgent need was indicated for material standards which define the physical properties of polymers applied for
outdoor insulation. This report lists the important material properties for polymeric materials already used in
outdoor installation and where applicable the standardised test methods already existing including the minimum
requirements. If no standardization tests are available then test methods reported in literature are summarised.
Categories considered : housing materials (in general a silicone rubber, EPDM,EVA etc); core materials (FRP
etc); structural materials (Epoxy etc).

Member Price: 35 Euros Non member Price: 70 Euros 75 pages , file: 1.507 MB

REF. 260 2004

SC D1 TF D1.03.10
N2/SF6 Mixtures for Gas Insulated Systems
The brochure presents the insulating properties of N2/SF6 mixtures, and the techniques for using such mixtures
in gas insulated lines (GIL). Since the presentation is based on fundamental physical principles, it gives the
reader the in-depth knowledge of gas breakdown needed to understand the problems which may arise during the
manufacture or operation of N2/SF6 insulated equipment, and to develop new applications for gaseous insulation.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 34 pages , file: 1.879 MB

REF. 286 2005

SC D1 TF D1.02.08
Instrumentation and measurements for in-service monitoring of
high voltage insulation
The Technical Brochure summarizes the work performed by TF D1.02.08: "High Voltage Test and Measuring
Technique" and presents an overview of today applied methods for In-Service Monitoring of High Voltage
Insulations and conclusions regarding the state of the knowledge on the applicability. General guidelines for the
design, operation and integration of monitoring sytems are given.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 14 pages , file: 0.57 MB

REF. 288 2006

SC D1 TF D1.12.1
Guide for space charge measurements in dielectrics and
insulating materials
The guide covers space charge measurements in dielectrics and insulating materials and gives a description of
the physical background of methods for space charge measurements. It also guides through the most important
aspects in selecting the values of the important components of the measuring system to achieve the required
accuracy and sensitivity for the type of insulation to be investigated by a particular measurement method.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 52 pages , file: 3.52 MB
REF. 292 2006
SC D1 TF D1.11.04
Data Mining Techniques and Applications in the Power
Transmission Field
There are increasing demands to better exploit system and equipment databases. Data mining is part of a
broader process termed knowledge discovery in databases. Essentially, it is the application of relatively novel
approaches to find undiscovered meanings in data accumulations. The aim is to find patterns that are not readily
predicted by established theory and unlock the information held within the data. TF D1.11.04 in association with
WG D1.11 has investigated and reported on data mining utilization, methods and on a few relevant power
transmission applications.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 40 pages , file: 0.9 MB

REF. 296 2006

SC D1/A2 JTF D1.02/A2.11
Recent developments on the interpretation of dissolved gas
analysis in transformers.
Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) is widely used for monitoring faults in insulating fluid-filled HV equipment in service.
New DGA laboratory extraction techniques have been introduced into revised IEC Publication 60567 and
interpretation of DGA results have been deeply revised in 1999 in IEC Publication 60599. Following questions
about the typical gas concentration and rates of increases observed in service, raised by IEC TC14
(transformers), a joint TF started in 2001 to clarify the isssue and examine other aspects of DGA interpretation
which needed clarifications or improvements.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 32 pages , file: 1.6 MB

REF. 297 2006

SC D1 TF D1.02.05
Practical aspects of the detection and location of PD in power
For enhancement of the reliable operation of power cable networks preventive PD diagnosis tests are increasingly
performed. In order to assess the insulation condition on the basis of the obtained data, fundamental knowledge
on the PD occurrence is required.The Brochure deals with both theoritical analysis and experimental studies on
the wave propagation of PD pulses in power cables. Furthermore practical aspects of the detection and location
of PD faults are discussed.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 24 pages , file: 1.09 MB
2.17 D2 - Information Systems and Telecommunications

REF. 009 1985

SC 34 WG 34.02
Final report on computer based protection and digital
techniques in substations.
Digital computer technology has been applied in electric power substations for many years. Data acquisition,
alarms, status monitoring and supervisory control systems have all been converted to digital computer systems to
some extent, and in many cases these systems are entirely digital in nature. Protection of power apparatus and
systems is a function that has been considered for conversion to digital computer technology during recent years.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 54 pages , file: 4.22 MB

REF. 012 1969

SC 34/35 JWG 34/35
Protective gear in modern power systems often uses information from various distant points on the power system
and the transmission of such information involves the use of telecommunication techniques. The document is
aimed at reviewing the principal methods of teleprotection having regard to the properties of the various
telecommunication systems.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 317 pages , file: 17.3 MB

REF. 013 1987

SC 34 JWG 34/35.05
Protection systems using telecommunication.
Telecommunication connected to or included in protection systems seems to be more common when
transmission power systems are extended and developed. The increasing integration of telecommunication in the
protections systems necessitates a good overall view of protection and telecommunication problems and of
course power system problems as well. This report promotes mutual appreciation of the problems experienced by

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 132 pages , file: 6.69 MB

REF. 014 1974

SC 35 WG 35.04
Memorandum on power line carrier systems.
The memorandum is intended to provide information on the already extensive and growing use of high frequency
power line carrier systems by the power authorities in many countries. Since such telecommunications systems
are operated over open wire lines designed for the bulk transmission of energy, there can in principle be some
radiation of high frequency energy and conversely the communication system may itself suffer interference from
other systems.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 60 pages , file: 4 MB

REF. 015 1979
SC 35 WG 35.04
Guide on power line carrier.
The increasing complexity and interconnection of power networks has resulted in the continuing development and
application of power line carrier in many countries. There is a need to supplement and bring up to date existing
information on PLC and to incorporate information on the current state of the art, together with a sufficient
theoretical treatment of the subject so as to assist in the better understanding of the basic aspects of PLC

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 274 pages , file: 13.3 MB

REF. 016 1985

SC 35 WG 35.04
Guide for planning of power system telecommunication networks.
The objective of this guide is to bring together information on the varieties of services required for power system
telecommunications networks and on the typical properties of the various possible methods in order to assist in
the choice of method and thus to facilitate the planning of future networks. The design of a power authority
telecommunications network may differ widely from one country to another as dictated by the geographic
conditions, the economics ...

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 44 pages , file: 3.2 MB

REF. 017 1987

SC 35 WG 35.04
Guide on mobile radio for the electricity utilities.
A reliable and effective communications network is an essential feature of an electricity undertaking's operational
and engineering functions, contributing to the safety of personnel, the public and plant, and optimising the
available resources of the organisation. As a result, the quality of service to the customer is considerably
enhanced. Mobile radio enables the communication network to be extended to the man in the field.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 149 pages , file: 7.2 MB

REF. 018 1987

SC 35 WG 35.01
Structure of telecontrol centres and overall systems.
The methods for designing telecontrol systems vary very much in different countries due to different conditions,
e.g. power production and grid, as well as of an organisational nature. One is also dependent on the techniques
and economics of the control system components, e.g. computers and communication equipment. The report
discusses the most common methods for designing telecontrol systems, but many other methods could and will
be applied in the future.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 143 pages , file: 5.8 MB
REF. 019 1989
SC 35 WG 35.06
Overall impact of digital techniques for transmission systems
(Substation control).
This report does not attempt to give a precise description of the possible solutions but should be treated as a
guide for persons working in this field rather than a collection of definitive recommendations. Whilst the report is
confirmed to transmission application, many of the techniques discussed are applicable to distribution systems.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 54 pages , file: 2.8 MB

REF. 037 1989

SC 35 WG 35.02
Guide for planning of power utility digital telecommunications
The planning guide does not propose exact recommendations for network selections or equipment selections.
However descriptions of possible alternative solutions and evolution paths are postulated. Particularly the guide
attempts to highlight the various items to be considered when a power utility is planning the transition to a digitally
based network.

Member Price: 35 Euros Non member Price: 70 Euros 129 pages , file: 7.27 MB

REF. 040 1994

SC 35 WG 35.01
Guidelines for software project control.
The purpose of the report is to provide guidelines for customer and supplier project control to ensure quality in
developing software for telecontrol system projects. The report is focusing on project management from a
software point of view and is therefore intended as practical manual for the software management, rather than as
a general project management manual.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 75 pages , file: 3.55 MB

REF. 041 1995

SC 35 WG 35.01
New telecontrol systems architecture. Open systems.
The power utilities are undergoing significant changes including deregulation, increased competitions, take-overs,
mergers and down sizing. Top utility management is emphasing innovative approaches to better planning and
operations. As power utilities transform into the 90's, the business of operating a power system has become very
complex and is changing rapidly. Environmental concerns are leading to emissions trading and operating

Member Price: 11 Euros Non member Price: 22 Euros 45 pages , file: 2.4 MB
REF. 042 1994
SC 35 WG 35.02
Mobile radio systems in power utilities.
SC35 published a first Guide on Mobile Radio in Power utilities in 1985. Since that date many new mobile radio
systems have been introduced or are planned. This new brochure takes care not to repeat the earlier works and
therefore readers will need to refer back to the original guide on matters of principle and for the details and
descriptions of basic and conventional systems.

Member Price: 37 Euros Non member Price: 74 Euros 145 pages , file: 6.8 MB

REF. 043 1994

SC 35 WG 35.02
Telecommunication network management in power utilities.
This report includes a description of telecommunication networks and their use in power utilities, the needs,
reasons and requirements for telecommunications network management; Descriptions of existing
telecommunication network management systems; a description of trends in management, the concept of an
integrated network management system....

Member Price: 32 Euros Non member Price: 64 Euros 105 pages , file: 5.57 MB

REF. 045 1994

SC 35 WG 35.04
Optical fibre planning guide for power utilities.
The guide sets out to provide all the necessary information required by a power utility not schooled in the
technology to plan and define an optical telecommunications system. Power utilities may be considering optical
telecommunications systems for their own technical and business requirements or for third party business
ventures outside the needs of the utility.

Member Price: 15 Euros Non member Price: 30 Euros 85 pages , file: 6.82 MB

REF. 046 1997

SC 35 WG 35.01
Database management for telecontrol systems.
To perform real-time control it is necessary to handle information. Progress in technology allowed a tremendous
increase in the use of microprocessors in industrial equipment, hence information began to appear organized in
databases structures and the software and control centres became more elaborated, increasing the number of
applications with specific requirements in terms of information performance.

Member Price: 11 Euros Non member Price: 22 Euros 39 pages , file: 0.321 MB
REF. 052 1990
SC 35 WG 35.01
Availability of telecontrol systems. Questionnaire on
The growing use of computerised control systems in electric power networks has increased the importance and
interest of their availability performance and maintenance arrangements. This paper describes the results of a
study on this subject which has been carried out by WG01 of SC35.

Member Price: 24 Euros Non member Price: 48 Euros 86 pages , file: 2.93 MB

REF. 058 1990

SC 35 WG 35.04
Evaluation of the questionnaire : Fibre optics for power
utilities communications.
The information given ranges from general aspects to applications, parameters of typical systems, optical fibre
cables and also to commercial and legal questions. These results will be used for the future activities of the
Working Group.

Member Price: 16 Euros Non member Price: 32 Euros 25 pages , file: 1.25 MB

REF. 062 1991

SC 35 WG 35.03
Requirements and performance of packet switching networks with
special reference to telecontrol.
Power utilities are already using packet switching networks for many purposes, ranging from real-time to
administrative data and from inter-utility to intra-utility communications and there is a general interest in this kind
of network. Nevertheless there are no requirements yet set for such technology in the field of telecontrol.

Member Price: 16 Euros Non member Price: 32 Euros 25 pages , file: 2 MB

REF. 067 1992

SC 35 WG 35.01
Renewal of existing telecontrol systems.
The utilisation of digital computers in electric power control systems is now widespread around the world. On the
basis of the acquired experience the operating life of a telecontrol system ranges from 10 to 15 years. Several
factors intervene over the years to render the telecontrol system obsolescent. The hardware is certainly one of the
main reasons.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 31 pages , file: 1.7 MB
REF. 076 1992
SC 35 WG 35.01
Man machine interface using full graphics.
There is a major change in technology in progress in the energy control centres today, and this will reflect in the
use of work stations with full graphics in the man-machine interface. Semi-graphics display technology has been
used in the power industry for some years. It provided high speed display response at reasonable cost and was
sufficient and flexible enough for many implementations, particularly in the field of transmission telecontrol.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 44 pages , file: 1.7 MB

REF. 079 1993

SC 35 WG 35.03
The use of the transport layer in telecontrol systems.
The brochure gives an overview of the possibilities and implications of the introduction of a transport layer in
telecontrol systems in the context of the ISO seven layer architecture for the interconnection of open systems.

Member Price: 13 Euros Non member Price: 26 Euros 26 pages , file: 2.2 MB

REF. 084 1994

SC 34 WG 34.05
Application of wideband communication circuits to protection.
Prospects and benefits.
The document starts with a general introduction dealing with the trend towards digital communication and the
need for wideband communication, giving a brief comparison of the different transmission media and an overview
of the different types of protection systems. It also gives a short survey of the present practices and future trends
and presents some opportunities for new applications.

Member Price: 21 Euros Non member Price: 42 Euros 92 pages , file: 4.97 MB

REF. 106 1997

SC 35 WG 35.04
New opportunities for optical fibre technology in electricity
The brochure provides utilities with ideas for maximising the utilisation of deployed optical cables. In addition,
widespread deregulation of the telecommunications service industry has meant that utilities are now able to offer
telecommunications services to external customers and many utilities have already sought additional business
opportunities by developing their networks beyond the requirements for their own business.

Member Price: 17 Euros Non member Price: 34 Euros 59 pages , file: 5.69 MB
REF. 107 1997
WG 35.07
Power system communication in the high speed environment.
The brochure focuses on the present high speed transport and access technologies being considered and
employed by various utilities. Special attention is given to the operational services, their requirements and how
they can be realised on top of these technologies. It is noted that the technologies have not reached full maturity,
that the standardisation process is still incomplete and that the employment of these technologies needs special

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 114 pages , file: 8.33 MB

REF. 108 1997

SC 35 WG 35.08
Business opportunities for power utilities in the
telecommunications market.
The purpose of this brochure is to provide the telecommunications managers of power utilities with information on
the business opportunities for their organisation to enter the telecommunications market, the potential benefits to
the core utility business, the risks involved and the steps necessary to plan and implement a successful entry into
the market. It is intended to enable those decision makers to formulate a strategic response that best meets the
needs of their utility.

Member Price: 17 Euros Non member Price: 34 Euros 70 pages , file: 0.343 MB

REF. 131 2001

SC 35 WG 35.04
Wavelength multiplexing for electricity utilities using
optical fibres
The report provides an assessment of the range of optical fibre cable solutions available, by type e.g. OPGW,
ADSS, rather than by design. it also examines the key issues which will influence an electricity utilities decisions
and proposes a method of evaluating the options to identify the one which most closely matches the utility's
critical needs, with measurements against time, cost and quality targets.

Member Price: 27 Euros Non member Price: 54 Euros 66 pages , file: 4.7 MB

REF. 132 2001

SC 35 WG 35.04
Optical fibre cable selection for electricity utilities.
The use of overhead power line routes by electricity utilities to develop a telecommunications right of way has
now become common place throughout the world. The aerial optical fibre cabling technology used to exploit these
rights are either additional to or replacement for the existing earth wires or phase conductors and in these
situations form an integral part of the power transmission system.

Member Price: 24 Euros Non member Price: 48 Euros 86 pages , file: 5 MB

REF. 133 2000
SC 35 WG 35.04
Preventive and corrective maintenance for optical cables on
overhead power lines.
The use of overhead power line routes by electricity utilities to develop a telecommunications right of way has
now become common place throughout the world. The aerial optical fibre cabling technology used to exploit these
rights are either additional to or replacement for the existing earth wires or phase conductors and in these
situations form an integral part of the power transmission system.

Member Price: 18 Euros Non member Price: 36 Euros 40 pages , file: 0.308 MB

REF. 146 1999

SC 35 TF 35.13.02
Knowledge based applications in SCADA/EMS. A practical
Computer technology is now at a state where providing fully supported real-time intelligent alarm processing will
help control centre operators with incident analysis and service restoration. Many intelligent applications installed
in operational control centres have been for test and development purposes. This has advanced the technology
and this report fills a need to distribute the lessons learnt to allow practical application.

Member Price: 12 Euros Non member Price: 24 Euros 20 pages , file: 0.221 MB

REF. 153 2000

SC 35 WG 35.07
The use of IP technology in the power utility environment.
This document addresses the new issues presented by internetworking technologies. The emphasis is on the
application of these technologies for power utility applications. A comprehensive explanation of the IP technology
has been included. Special interest has been devoted to those aspects that are relevant for the implementation of
IP networks in the power utilities environment. It mainly develops the IP over ATM models since they are the most
commonly used in present and future implementations. Other emerging architectures such as IP over SDH or OP
over Dark Fibre are also mentioned.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 107 pages , file: 8.77 MB

REF. 164 2000

SC 35 WG 35.09
Report on digital power line carrier.
Technology aspect defining a digital PLC. Coexistence of digital PLC and analogue PLC in the same network.
Application side and what can be gained with the new solutions. Planning and performance parameters. List of
the requirements that are applicable for a digital PLC, guidelines on how to specify them and remarks about
transmission parameters.

Member Price: 14 Euros Non member Price: 28 Euros 50 pages , file: 2.18 MB
REF. 168 2000
SC 35 TF 35.13.03
Communication concepts for control systems.
SCADA systems have been in service for many years in power utilities for operation and control of their electrical
systems. Traditionally data communications for telecontrol within SCADA systems for electricity utilities is based
on well proven solutions. Nevertheless they continue to evolve due to recent developments in
telecommunications, computers and standardisation areas which have allowed the addition of more features and
flexibility, finally challenging the traditional solution.

Member Price: 21 Euros Non member Price: 42 Euros 90 pages , file: 0.496 MB

REF. 173 2000

SC 35 TF 35.05
Use of GSMph2+ as mobile radio system for power utilities.
The impressive commercial success of GSM and the widespread use of mobile communications have made it
essential to investigate the possibilities for power utilities to use either public GSM networks or mainstream
commerical mobile technology based on the GSM standard for their internal radio communication needs. GSM
networks are available in more than 140 countries and serve more than 100 million GSM terminals per year in a
great variety of designs.

Member Price: 26 Euros Non member Price: 52 Euros 75 pages , file: 0.335 MB

REF. 192 2001

SC 34/35 JWG 34/35.11
Protection using telecommunications
Deregulation in both the telecommunication and electric power industry, together with new telecommunication
network technologies and advances in numerical protection, has resulted in the need to reconsider traditional
methods of delivering teleprotection schemes and their associated bearer services. Fibre-optic technology is
commonly deployed in new telecommunication networks for inter-station communication and utility-owned and
public telecommunication networks from third parties are available for protection purposes.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 175 pages , file: 2.24 MB

REF. 193 2001

SC 35 WG 35.13
Alarm handling techniques
Alarm processing is an area with a low standardization level. Current systems from different providers have
customization possibilities that make alarm applictaions completely different on each implementation.
Summary of the current situation for alarm handling and the different techniques with the intention of having a
reference to improve this area of cantrol systems. It focuses on alarm handling for system operation but adds
new ideas for use of alarms in other areas.

Member Price: 12 Euros Non member Price: 24 Euros 25 pages , file: 0.379 MB
REF. 217 2002
SC 35 WG 35. 07
The benefits of mobile data. How can they be realised ?
The aim is to provide utility company managers and technical staff with a view of what has been achieved to date
using a range of telecommunications technologies and to look at emerging technologies in order to understand
what options will be available in the foreseeable future. The report is not restricted to the telecommunications
elements of mobile data - it seeks to look at the business drivers within utility companies and to explain how these
needs can be met by the implementation of new technology.

Member Price: 35 Euros Non member Price: 70 Euros 66 pages , file: 1.38 MB

REF. 241 2004

SC D2 WG D2.15
All-optical backbone technology
Outlines backbone technologies such as multiplexing methodology, amplifier technology, fibre technology,
maintenance technology and measurement technology, to realize economical and efficient all-optical backbone

Member Price: 40 Euros Non member Price: 80 Euros 80 pages , file: 2.2 MB

REF. 245 2004

SC D2 WG D2.15
New optical access technology
New optical technologies for access networks are outlined in this report including the access methods, cable
technology, installation technology and maintenance technology required to realise economic and efficient optical
networks for access networks..

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 50 pages , file: 0.972 MB

REF. 249 2004

SC D2 WG D2.07
Integrated service networks for utilities.
This work - together with two previously published technical brochures and a number of papers - completes a
comprehensive set of publications that offer a complete view of the broadband technologies and their use in the
power utility environment.

Member Price: 35 Euros Non member Price: 70 Euros 101 pages , file: 3.346 MB
REF. 267 2005
SC D2 WG D2.09
Strategies for utility companies seeking to move to improved
Need for mobility is a long standing requirement of the Electricity Supply Industry. Today liberalization,
unbundling, cost-reduction thrust and out-sourcing possibilities offered by telecommunications operators lead to
consider new strategies for the provision of the telecommunication services. The objective of the technical
brochure is to present the various needs with their context, and to analyse the qualities and risks of the different

Member Price: 35 Euros Non member Price: 70 Euros 37 pages , file: 3.49 MB

REF. 285 2005

SC D2 WG D2.14
White paper on medium voltage powerline communication (PLC)
Medium Voltage powerline Communications (PLC) networks could generate a new source of revenues by offering
broadband Internet access, telephony and other value added services to existing electric customers. Furthermore,
Electrical distribution Companies operating in a competitive deregulated environment and facing up the currents
boundary conditions must combine costs optimization with customers and regulators requirements to improve
Quality of Service (QoS) and Energy Efficiency. Broadband PLC would allow the creation of Intelligent Distribution
Networks improving the efficiency of utilities core business.

Member Price: 30 Euros Non member Price: 60 Euros 77 pages , file: 3.52 MB

REF. 302 2006

SC D2 TF D2.08
Digital power line carrier equipment - present use and future
This Technical Brochure presents experience, based on a questionnaire, from power utilities using digital power
line carrier (DPLC) links. The Brochure also deals with the different aspects of implementing DPLC links in a
network, including a detailed procedure for planning the links.

Member Price: 20 Euros Non member Price: 40 Euros 28 pages , file: 0.54 MB
2.18 List in numerical order

REF. 000 A summary of the report on survey of controls and

control performance in HVDC schemes. B4

REF. 001 25 CIGRE sessions (1921-1974 )- General Bibliographic


REF. 002 Report on large turbine generator maintenance

practices. A1

REF. 003 Compendium of HVDC schemes throughout the world. B4

REF. 004 Breakdown of gases in uniform fields. D1

REF. 005 Current ratings of cables for cyclic and emergency

loads. B1

REF. 006 Mechanical effects of short-circuit currents in open

air substations. B3

REF. 007 Non-conventional current and voltage transformers.


REF. 008 Harmonisation of protection policies for power

stations and generators and of protection policies for HV
networks. B5

REF. 009 Final report on computer based protection and digital

techniques in substations. B3/B5/D2

REF. 010 Use of equipment built-in automatic testing - self-

checking and monitoring with a view to improving reliability.

REF. 011 Evaluation of characteristics and performance of

power system protection relays and protective systems. B5

REF. 012 Teleprotection. B5/D2

REF. 013 Protection systems using telecommunication. B5/D2

REF. 014 Memorandum on power line carrier systems. D2

REF. 015 Guide on power line carrier. D2

REF. 016 Guide for planning of power system telecommunication

networks. D2

REF. 017 Guide on mobile radio for the electricity utilities.

REF. 018 Structure of telecontrol centres and overall systems.

REF. 019 Overall impact of digital techniques for transmission

systems (Substation control). D2

REF. 020 Interferences produced by corona effect of electric

systems. C4

REF. 021 Electric and magnetic fields produced by transmission

systems. C4

REF. 022 Methods of forecasting demand for electricity. C1

REF. 023 An annotated bibliography on UHV AC substation

equipment. (1968-1985). A3/B3/C4

REF. 024 Planning against voltage collapse. C1/C4

REF. 025 Static var compensators. B4/C1/C4

REF. 026 Power system reliability analysis. Application

guide.Part I. C4

REF. 027 Methods for reactive power optimisation. C4

REF. 028 Advanced analytical tools in evaluating power system

dynamic and security performance. Results of a questionnaire.

REF. 029 An international survey of the present status and the

perspective of expert systems on power system analysis and
techniques. C4

REF. 030 Reactive power compensation analyses and planning

procedure. C4

REF. 031 Nuclear power plant performance in power system

control. A review of international practice. C2

REF. 032 Final report of the UHV Ad Hoc Group CIGRE

REF. 033 Methodologies in power systems operations planning C2

REF. 034 Guidelines for the applications of metal oxide

arresters without gaps for HVDC converter stations. A3/B4

REF. 035 Monograph on GIS very fast transients. CIGRE

REF. 036 Control of power systems during disturbed and

emergency conditions. C2

REF. 037 Guide for planning of power utility digital

telecommunications networks. D2
REF. 038 Digital protection techniques and substation
functions. B5

REF. 039 Guidelines for representation of network elements

when calculating transients C4

REF. 040 Guidelines for software project control. D2

REF. 041 New telecontrol systems architecture. Open systems.


REF. 042 Mobile radio systems in power utilities. D2

REF. 043 Telecommunication network management in power

utilities. D2

REF. 044 Earthing of GIS. An application guide. B3

REF. 045 Optical fibre planning guide for power utilities. D2

REF. 046 Database management for telecontrol systems. D2

REF. 047 Line-charging current switching of HV lines. Stresses

and testing. Parts 1 & 2. A3

REF. 048 Tower top geometry. B2

REF. 049 Adaptive protections and control. B5

REF. 050 Interruption of small inductive currents. A3

REF. 051 Load flow control in high voltage systems using FACTS
controllers. B4/C2

REF. 052 Availability of telecontrol systems. Questionnaire on

availability. D2

REF. 053 Bulk electricity system operational performance.

Measurement systems and survey results. C2

REF. 055 Distorsion and attenuation of travelling waves caused

by transient corona. C4

REF. 056 Environmental aspects of links between power system

planners and decision makers in the energy area. C1/C3

REF. 057 Paper-oil insulated measurement transformer. A3

REF. 058 Evaluation of the questionnaire : Fibre optics for

power utilities communications. D2
REF. 059 Session 1990 : Dielectric diagnosis of electrical
equipment for AC applications and its effects on insulation
coordination. State of the art report. A3/C4/D1

REF. 060 Metal oxide surge arresters in AC systems. A3

REF. 061 Addendum to Doc.20 : Interferences produced by corona

effect of electric systems. C4

REF. 062 Requirements and performance of packet switching

networks with special reference to telecontrol. D2

REF. 063 Guide to procedures for estimating the lightning

performance of transmission lines. C4

REF. 064 Application guide on protection of complex

transmission network configurations. B5

REF. 065 AC harmonic filters and reactive compensation for

HVDC with particular reference to non-characteristic
harmonics. B4

REF. 066 Statistical analysis of dielectric test results. D1

REF. 067 Renewal of existing telecontrol systems. B5/D2

REF. 068 Guide for planning DC links terminating at AC

locations having low short-circuit capacities. Part 1. AC/DC
interaction phenomena. B4

REF. 069 General guidelines for the design of outdoor AC

substations. B3

REF. 070 Composite power system reliability evaluation. Vol.II


REF. 071 International experiences in improving the links

between power system planners, the general public and decision
makers in the energy policy area. C1/C3

REF. 072 Guidelines for the evaluation of the dielectric

strength of external insulation. A3/C4

REF. 073 An International survey of the present status and

perspective of long-term dynamics in power systems. C4

REF. 074 Electric power transmission and the environment.

Fields, noise and interference. C4

REF. 075 Modelling of voltage collapse including dynamic

phenomena. C4

REF. 076 Man machine interface using full graphics. D2

REF. 077 Analysis and optimisation of SVC use in transmission
systems. B4/C1

REF. 078 Voltage and current stresses on thyristor valves for

static var compensators. B4

REF. 079 The use of the transport layer in telecontrol

systems. D2

REF. 080 Choice and application of large variable speed drives

in power plants. B3

REF. 081 Foundation testing B2

REF. 082 Use of DC converters for VAR control. B4/C1

REF. 083 Final report of the 2nd international enquiry on HV

circuit-breaker failures and defects in service. A3

REF. 084 Application of wideband communication circuits to

protection. Prospects and benefits. B5/D2

REF. 085 Ultra high voltage technology. A3/B2/C1

REF. 086 Overvoltages on HVDC cables. Final Report. B1/B4/C4

REF. 087 Maintenance and management of protection systems. B5

REF. 088 Design and maintenance practice for substation

secondary systems. B3/B5

REF. 089 Accessories for HV extruded cables. Types of

accessories and terminology. B1

REF. 090 The use of expert systems for power system

restoration. C2/C4

REF. 091 Indices predicting voltage collapse including dynamic

phenomena. C4

REF. 092 DC side harmonics and filtering in HVDC transmission

systems B4

REF. 093 Guidelines for testing of thyristor valves for static

var compensators. B4

REF. 094 Lightning characteristics relevant for electrical

enginee ing: assessment of sensing, recording and mapping
requirements in the light of present technological
advancements. C4

REF. 095 Guide on the influence of high voltage AC power

systems on metallic pipelines. C4
REF. 096 Thermal aspects of transformers. A2

REF. 097 System tests for HVDC installations. B4

REF. 098 Overvoltages and overvoltage protection in the

generator main electrical circuit in power stations. B3

REF. 099 Interaction between transmission and distribution

system planning. C1

REF. 100 Assessment of practical fast transient stability

methods : performance comparison.Phase II. C4

REF. 101 Criteria and countermeasures for voltage collapse.


REF. 102 Long term dynamics. Phase II. Final Report. C4

REF. 103 Commutation failures. Causes and consequences. B4

REF. 104 Magnetic fields in HV cable systems. 1. Systems

without ferromagnetic component. B1/C4

REF. 105 The mechanical effects of short circuit currents in

open air substations. (Rigid and flexible bus bars). Vol.1. An
updated revision. Vol. 2. Data base of reference tests. B3

REF. 106 New opportunities for optical fibre technology in

electricity utilities. D2

REF. 107 Power system communication in the high speed

environment. D2

REF. 108 Business opportunities for power utilities in the

telecommunications market. D2

REF. 109 Review of IEC 826 : Loading and strength of overhead

lines B2

REF. 110 Comparison of high voltage overhead lines and

underground cables. Report and Guidelines. B1/B2

REF. 111 Analysis and control of power system oscillations. C4

REF. 112 Semiconductor power devices for use in HVDC and FACTS
controllers. B4

REF. 113 Test circuits for HVDC thyristor valves. B4

REF. 114 Circuit-breakers for meshed multiterminal HVDC

system. Final Report. A3/B4
REF. 115 Guide for planning DC links terminating at AC system
locations having low short-circuit capacities. Part II :
Planning guidelines. B4

REF. 116 Guide for preliminary design and specification of

hydro stations with HVDC unit connected generators. A1/B4

REF. 117 SF6 recycling guide. Re-use of SF6 gas in electrical

power equipment and final disposal. B3

REF. 118 Lightning exposure of structures and interception

efficiency of air terminals. C4

REF. 119 Interaction between HVDC convertors and nearby

synchronous machines.Final report. A1/B4

REF. 120 Methods and tools for transmission costs. C4/C5

REF. 121 New trends and requirements for dynamic security

assessment. C4

REF. 122 Application of optimisation techniques to study power

system network performance. C4

REF. 123 Thyristor controlled series compensation. B4

REF. 124 Guide on EMC in power plants and substations. C4

REF. 125 User guide for the application of gas-insulated

switchgear (GIS) for rated voltages of 72.5 kV and above. B3

REF. 126 Unit commitment C2/C4

REF. 127 Guide for upgrading transmission systems with HVDC

transmission B4/C1

REF. 128 Protection against voltage collapse B5

REF. 129 Methods and techniques for reliability assessment of

interconnected systems. C4

REF. 130 Operational guidelines and monitoring of HVDC systems


REF. 131 Wavelength multiplexing for electricity utilities

using optical fibres D2

REF. 132 Optical fibre cable selection for electricity

utilities. D2

REF. 133 Preventive and corrective maintenance for optical

cables on overhead power lines. D2
REF. 134 Transient recovery voltages in medium voltage
networks. A3

REF. 135 State of the art of circuit-breaker modelling. A3

REF. 136 Fire aspects of HVDC thyristor valves and valve

halls. B4

REF. 137 Impact of increasing contribution of dispersed

generation on the power system. C1/C6

REF. 138 Exchange of services between large electricity

generating plants and high voltage electric power systems.

REF. 139 Guide to the specification and design evaluation of

AC filters for HVDC systems. B4

REF. 140 Reliable fault clearance and back-up protection. B5

REF. 141 Refurbishment and upgrading of foundations. B2

REF. 142 Natural and artificial ageing and pollution testing

of polymeric insulators C4

REF. 143 Cross-modulation of harmonics in HVDC schemes B4

REF. 144 Static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) B4

REF. 145 Modeling of power electronics equipment (FACTS) in

load flow and stability programs : a representation guide for
power system planning and analysis C4

REF. 146 Knowledge based applications in SCADA/EMS. A

practical approach D2

REF. 147 High voltage overhead lines. Environmental concerns,

procedures, impacts and mitigations B2/C3

REF. 148 Analysis and modelling needs of power systems under

major frequency disturbance. Final report. C2/C4

REF. 149 Coordination of controls of multiple FACTS/HVDC links

in the same system. B4

REF. 150 Report on the 2nd international survey on high

voltage gas insulated substations (GIS) service experience B3

REF. 151 Guidelines for insulation coordination in live

working C4

REF. 152 An international survey of maintenance policies and

trends B3/C2
REF. 153 The use of IP technology in the power utility
environment. D2

REF. 154 Techniques for power system planning under

uncertainties. C1/C4

REF. 155 Advanced angle stability controls. C4

REF. 156 Guide for customers specifications for transformers

100 MVA and 123 kV and above. A2

REF. 157 Effect of particles on transformer dielectric

strength. A2

REF. 158 Polluted insulators : a review of current knowledge.


REF. 159 Analysis and guidelines for testing numerical

protection schemes. B5

REF. 160 Unified power flow controller (UPFC) B4

REF. 161 General guidelines for the design of outdoor AC

substations. (2nd version). B3

REF. 162 Questionnaire concerning aspects on planning - design

- operation and maintenance of future substations. B3

REF. 163 Guide for SF6 gas mixtures. B3

REF. 164 Report on digital power line carrier. D2

REF. 165 Life management of circuit-breakers. A3

REF. 166 Impact of interactions among power system controls.


REF. 167 User guide for the application of monitoring and

diagnostic techniques for switching equipment for rated
voltages of 72.5 kV and above. A3

REF. 168 Communication concepts for control systems. D2

REF. 169 Advanced materials - Final Report D1

REF. 170 Static electrification in power transformers A2/D1

REF. 171 Long term operation planning of hydro-thermal power

systems C2/C4

REF. 172 Characterization of lightning for applications in

electric power systems. C4
REF. 173 Use of GSMph2+ as mobile radio system for power
utilities. D2

REF. 174 Load control devices on overhead transmission lines.


REF. 175 Management of existing overhead transmission lines.


REF. 176 Ageing of the system. Impact on planning. C1

REF. 177 Accessories for HV cables with extruded insulation B1

REF. 178 Probabilistic design of overhead transmission lines


REF. 179 Guidelines for field measurement of ice loadings on

overhead power line conductors B2

REF. 180 Communication requirements in terms of data flow

within substations B5

REF. 181 Methods and tools for contracts in a competitive

framework C5

REF. 182 Partial discharge detection in installed HV extruded

cable systems B1/D1

REF. 183 FACTS technology for open access B4/C1

REF. 184 Composite insulator handling guide B2

REF. 185 Modelling new forms of generation and storage C4

REF. 186 Economic assessment of HVDC links B4

REF. 187 System protection schemes in power networks B5/C2

REF. 188 Quality of supply. Customers requirements C1

REF. 189 Insulation coordination for HVAC underground cable

systems C4

REF. 190 Methods and tools for costing ancillary services C5

REF. 191 Methods to consider customer interruption costs in

power system analysis C1/C5

REF. 192 Protection using telecommunications B5/D2

REF. 193 Alarm handling techniques D2

REF. 194 Construction, laying and installation techniques for

extruded and self-contained fluid filled cable systems. B1
REF. 195 Portfolio and risk management for power producers and
traders in an open market. C5

REF. 196 Diaphragms for lattice steel supports. B2

REF. 197 Design guidelines for power station auxiliaries and

distribution systems B3

REF. 198 Glossary of terms used in the electricity supply

industry. C1/C2/C5

REF. 199 Superconducting cables. Impact on network structure

and control. B1/C1

REF. 200 Isolation and restoration policies against power

system collapse B5

REF. 201 Maintenance outsourcing guidelines B3/C2

REF. 202 HVDC stations audible noise B4

REF. 203 Optimal network structure in an open market

environment C1/C5

REF. 204 Guidelines for conducting design reviews for

transformers 100 MVA and 123 kV and above. A2

REF. 205 Custom power - State of the art. B4/C4

REF. 206 The design of transmission line support foundations -

an overview. B2

REF. 207 Thermal behaviour of overhead conductors. B2

REF. 208 The needs and environment of control centre operators

during power system restoration. A benchmark questionnaire
survey. C2

REF. 209 The short circuit performance of power transformers.


REF. 210 Interfaces in accessories for extruded HV and EHV

cables. B1/D1

REF. 211 General overview on experience feedback methods in

the field of electrical equipment A2/A3/B1/B2/B3

REF. 212 Report on survey to establish protection performance

during major disturbances B5

REF. 213 Engineering guide on earthing systems in power

stations B3
REF. 214 The mechanical effects of short-circuit currents in
open air substations. Part II. Companion brochure to No. 105

REF. 215 HVDC converter stations for voltages above +/- 600 kV

REF. 216 Joints on transmission line conductors: field testing

and replacement criteria B2

REF. 217 The benefits of mobile data. How can they be realised
? D2

REF. 218 Gas insulated transmission lines (GIL) B1/B3

REF. 219 Testing DC extruded cable systems for power

transmission up to 250 kV B1

REF. 220 Network planning in a deregulated environment. C1

REF. 221 Improving the impact of existing substations on the

environment B3/C3

REF. 222 On voltage and power stability in AC/DC systems B4/C4

REF. 223 Active filters in HVDC applications B4

REF. 224 Emerging technologies and material challenges. (Panel

2002) D1

REF. 225 Electrical power systems 2020. (Panel 2002) D1

REF. 226 Knowledge rules for partial discharge diagnosis in

service D1

REF. 227 Life management techniques for power transformers. A2

REF. 228 Service aged insulation. Guidelines on managing the

ageing process. D1

REF. 229 High temperature superconducting (HTS) cable systems.


REF. 230 Assessment of existing overhead line supports. B2

REF. 231 Definition and classification of power system

stability. C4/CIGRE

REF. 232 Optimisation of protection performance during system

disturbance B5

REF. 233 Application policy for computer-based control systems

in substations: a review. B3
REF. 234 SF6 recycling guide. Revised version 2003. B3

REF. 235 Management of transmission capacity and access :

impact on system development. C1/C5

REF. 236 Conformance testing guideline for communication in

substations B5

REF. 237 Static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) for arc

furnace and flicker compensation B4

REF. 238 Modeling of gas turbines and steam turbines in

combined cycle power plants. C4

REF. 239 Fault current limiters in electrical medium and high

voltage systems A3

REF. 240 Analysis of HVDC thyristor converter transformer

performance A2/B4

REF. 241 All-optical backbone technology D2

REF. 242 Thyristor controlled voltage regulators: Parts 1 and

2 B4

REF. 243 Improving resilience in power control centres C2

REF. 244 Conductors for the uprating of overhead lines B2

REF. 245 New optical access technology D2

REF. 246 The automation of new and existing substations: why

and how B5

REF. 247 Optimization of power transmission capability of

underground cable systems using thermal monitoring B1

REF. 248 Economics of transformer management. A2

REF. 249 Integrated service networks for utilities. D2

REF. 250 Technical and environmental issues regarding the

integration of a new HV underground cable system in the
network. B1/C3

REF. 251 The mechanical behaviour of conductors and fittings.


REF. 252 Functional specification and evaluation of

substations. B3

REF. 253 Substations physical security trends. B3

REF. 254 Dielectric response methods for diagnostics of power
transformers. A2/D1

REF. 255 Material properties for non-ceramic outdoor

insulation. State of the art. D1

REF. 256 Current Practices regarding frequencies and magnitude

of high intensity winds B2

REF. 257 EL CID (Electromagnetic - Core Imperfection Detector)

Testing of Large Steam-Turbine-Driven Generators A1

REF. 258 Application of On-Line Partial Discharge Tests to

Rotating Machines A1

REF. 259 Failure Survey on Circuit Breaker Control Systems A3

REF. 260 N2/SF6 Mixtures for Gas Insulated Systems D1

REF. 261 Power Quality Indices and Objectives C4

REF. 262 Controlled Switching of HVAC CBs: Benefits & Economic

Aspects A3

REF. 263 Controlled switching of HVAC CBs - Guidance for

further applications including unloaded transformer switching…

REF. 264 Controlled switching of HVAC CBs -

Planning,Specifications & Testing A3

REF. 265 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for overhead lines B2/C3

REF. 266 Protection measures for radio base stations sited on

power line towers C4

REF. 267 Strategies for utility companies seeking to move to

improved mobility. D2

REF. 268 Transient voltages affecting long cables B1

REF. 269 VSC Transmission B4

REF. 270 Auto-reclosing and local system restoration B5

REF. 271 Connection of generators and other customers - rules

and practices C1/C6

REF. 272 Large cross-sections and composite screens design. B1

REF. 273 Overhead conductor safe design tension with respect

to Aeolian vibrations B2

REF. 274 Consultation models for overhead line projects. B2

REF. 275 Methods for measuring the earth resistance of
transmission towers equipped of earth wires. B2/C4

REF. 276 Guide for the preparation of customised “Practical

SF6 handling instructions” B3

REF. 277 State of the art survey on spacers and spacer dampers

REF. 278 The influence of line configuration on environment

impacts of electrical origin B2

REF. 279 Maintenance for HV cables and accessories B1

REF. 280 HVDC and FACTS for distribution systems B4

REF. 281 Design and Installation of micropiles and ground

anchors for OHL support foudations B2

REF. 282 Planning issues for newly industrialised and

developing countries fron ASEAN C1

REF. 283 Special bonding of high voltage power cables B1

REF. 284 Use of corona rings to control the electrical field

along transmission line composite insulators B2

REF. 285 White paper on medium voltage powerline communication

(PLC) networks D2

REF. 286 Instrumentation and measurements for in-service

monitoring of high voltage insulation D1

REF. 287 Protection of MV and LV networks against lightning –

Part I : Common topics C4

REF. 288 Guide for space charge measurements in dielectrics

and insulating materials D1

REF. 289 Reliability Based Design Methods for Overhead Lines

Advantages, Applications and Comparisons B2

REF. 290 AC Corrosion on Metallic Pipelines due to

Interference from AC Power Lines - Phenomenon, Modelling and
Countermeasures C4

REF. 291 Guidelines for Meteorological Icing Models,

Statistical Methods and Topographical Effects B2

REF. 292 Data Mining Techniques and Applications in the Power

Transmission Field D1
REF. 293 Electric Power System Planning with the Uncertainty
of Wind Generation C1

REF. 294 How overhead lines are redesignd for

uprating/upgrading-Analysies of the replies to the
questionnaire. B2

REF. 295 Relay software models for use with electromagnetic

transient analysis programs B5

REF. 296 Recent developments on the interpretation of

dissolved gas analysis in transformers. A2/D1

REF. 297 Practical aspects of the detection and location of PD

in power cables B1/D1

REF. 298 Guide on transformer lifetime data management A2

REF. 299 Guide for the selection of weather parameters for

bare overhead conductor ratings B2

REF. 300 Guidelines to an optimized approach to the renewal of

existing air insulated sbstations B3

REF. 301 Congestion management in liberalized market

environment C5

REF. 302 Digital power line carrier equipment - present use

and future applications D2

REF. 303 Revision of qalification procedures for high voltage

and extra high voltage AC extruded undergroud cable systems B1

REF. 304 Guide for application of IEC 62271-100 and IEC 60694.
Part I A3

REF. 305 Guide for application of IEC 62271-100 and IEC 60694.
Part II A3

REF. 306 Guide for the assessment of old Cap & Pin and Long-
Rod transmission line insulators made of porcelain or glass:
What to and when to replace B2

REF. 307 Remote on-line management for protection and

automation B5

REF. 308 Foundation Installation – An Overview B2

REF. 309 Asset Management of Transmission Systems and

Associated CIGRE Activities C1

REF. IAC Important Achievements of CIGRE CIGRE

2.19 List in alphabetical order

25 CIGRE sessions (1921-1974 )- General Bibliographic Index


A summary of the report on survey of controls and control

performance in HVDC schemes. REF. 000 B4

AC Corrosion on Metallic Pipelines due to Interference from AC

Power Lines - Phenomenon, Modelling and Countermeasures REF.
290 C4

AC harmonic filters and reactive compensation for HVDC with

particular reference to non-characteristic harmonics. REF. 065

Accessories for HV cables with extruded insulation REF. 177


Accessories for HV extruded cables. Types of accessories and

terminology. REF. 089 B1

Active filters in HVDC applications REF. 223 B4

Adaptive protections and control. REF. 049 B5

Addendum to Doc.20 : Interferences produced by corona effect

of electric systems. REF. 061 C4

Advanced analytical tools in evaluating power system dynamic

and security performance. Results of a questionnaire. REF. 028

Advanced angle stability controls. REF. 155 C4

Advanced materials - Final Report REF. 169 D1

Ageing of the system. Impact on planning. REF. 176 C1

Alarm handling techniques REF. 193 D2

All-optical backbone technology REF. 241 D2

An annotated bibliography on UHV AC substation equipment.

(1968-1985). REF. 023 A3/B3/C4

An international survey of maintenance policies and trends

REF. 152 B3/C2

An International survey of the present status and perspective

of long-term dynamics in power systems. REF. 073 C4
An international survey of the present status and the
perspective of expert systems on power system analysis and
techniques. REF. 029 C4

Analysis and control of power system oscillations. REF. 111


Analysis and guidelines for testing numerical protection

schemes. REF. 159 B5

Analysis and modelling needs of power systems under major

frequency disturbance. Final report. REF. 148 C2/C4

Analysis and optimisation of SVC use in transmission systems.

REF. 077 B4/C1

Analysis of HVDC thyristor converter transformer performance

REF. 240 A2/B4

Application guide on protection of complex transmission

network configurations. REF. 064 B5

Application of On-Line Partial Discharge Tests to Rotating

Machines REF. 258 A1

Application of optimisation techniques to study power system

network performance. REF. 122 C4

Application of wideband communication circuits to protection.

Prospects and benefits. REF. 084 B5/D2

Application policy for computer-based control systems in

substations: a review. REF. 233 B3

Assessment of existing overhead line supports. REF. 230 B2

Assessment of practical fast transient stability methods :

performance comparison.Phase II. REF. 100 C4

Asset Management of Transmission Systems and Associated CIGRE

Activities REF. 309 C1

Auto-reclosing and local system restoration REF. 270 B5

Availability of telecontrol systems. Questionnaire on

availability. REF. 052 D2

Breakdown of gases in uniform fields. REF. 004 D1

Bulk electricity system operational performance. Measurement

systems and survey results. REF. 053 C2

Business opportunities for power utilities in the

telecommunications market. REF. 108 D2
Characterization of lightning for applications in electric
power systems. REF. 172 C4

Choice and application of large variable speed drives in power

plants. REF. 080 B3

Circuit-breakers for meshed multiterminal HVDC system. Final

Report. REF. 114 A3/B4

Communication concepts for control systems. REF. 168 D2

Communication requirements in terms of data flow within

substations REF. 180 B5

Commutation failures. Causes and consequences. REF. 103 B4

Comparison of high voltage overhead lines and underground

cables. Report and Guidelines. REF. 110 B1/B2

Compendium of HVDC schemes throughout the world. REF. 003 B4

Composite insulator handling guide REF. 184 B2

Composite power system reliability evaluation. Vol.II REF. 070


Conductors for the uprating of overhead lines REF. 244 B2

Conformance testing guideline for communication in substations

REF. 236 B5

Congestion management in liberalized market environment REF.

301 C5

Connection of generators and other customers - rules and

practices REF. 271 C1/C6

Construction, laying and installation techniques for extruded

and self-contained fluid filled cable systems. REF. 194 B1

Consultation models for overhead line projects. REF. 274 B2

Control of power systems during disturbed and emergency

conditions. REF. 036 C2

Controlled switching of HVAC CBs - Guidance for further

applications including unloaded transformer switching… REF.
263 A3

Controlled switching of HVAC CBs - Planning,Specifications &

Testing REF. 264 A3
Controlled Switching of HVAC CBs: Benefits & Economic Aspects
REF. 262 A3

Coordination of controls of multiple FACTS/HVDC links in the

same system. REF. 149 B4

Criteria and countermeasures for voltage collapse. REF. 101


Cross-modulation of harmonics in HVDC schemes REF. 143 B4

Current Practices regarding frequencies and magnitude of high

intensity winds REF. 256 B2

Current ratings of cables for cyclic and emergency loads. REF.

005 B1

Custom power - State of the art. REF. 205 B4/C4

Data Mining Techniques and Applications in the Power

Transmission Field REF. 292 D1

Database management for telecontrol systems. REF. 046 D2

DC side harmonics and filtering in HVDC transmission systems

REF. 092 B4

Definition and classification of power system stability. REF.

231 C4/CIGRE

Design and Installation of micropiles and ground anchors for

OHL support foudations REF. 281 B2

Design and maintenance practice for substation secondary

systems. REF. 088 B3/B5

Design guidelines for power station auxiliaries and

distribution systems REF. 197 B3

Diaphragms for lattice steel supports. REF. 196 B2

Dielectric response methods for diagnostics of power

transformers. REF. 254 A2/D1

Digital power line carrier equipment - present use and future

applications REF. 302 D2

Digital protection techniques and substation functions. REF.

038 B5

Distorsion and attenuation of travelling waves caused by

transient corona. REF. 055 C4

Earthing of GIS. An application guide. REF. 044 B3

Economic assessment of HVDC links REF. 186 B4

Economics of transformer management. REF. 248 A2

Effect of particles on transformer dielectric strength. REF.

157 A2

EL CID (Electromagnetic - Core Imperfection Detector) Testing

of Large Steam-Turbine-Driven Generators REF. 257 A1

Electric and magnetic fields produced by transmission systems.

REF. 021 C4

Electric Power System Planning with the Uncertainty of Wind

Generation REF. 293 C1

Electric power transmission and the environment. Fields, noise

and interference. REF. 074 C4

Electrical power systems 2020. (Panel 2002) REF. 225 D1

Emerging technologies and material challenges. (Panel 2002)

REF. 224 D1

Engineering guide on earthing systems in power stations REF.

213 B3

Environmental aspects of links between power system planners

and decision makers in the energy area. REF. 056 C1/C3

Evaluation of characteristics and performance of power system

protection relays and protective systems. REF. 011 B5

Evaluation of the questionnaire : Fibre optics for power

utilities communications. REF. 058 D2

Exchange of services between large electricity generating

plants and high voltage electric power systems. REF. 138

FACTS technology for open access REF. 183 B4/C1

Failure Survey on Circuit Breaker Control Systems REF. 259 A3

Fault current limiters in electrical medium and high voltage

systems REF. 239 A3

Final report of the 2nd international enquiry on HV circuit-

breaker failures and defects in service. REF. 083 A3

Final report of the UHV Ad Hoc Group REF. 032 CIGRE

Final report on computer based protection and digital
techniques in substations. REF. 009 B3/B5/D2

Fire aspects of HVDC thyristor valves and valve halls. REF.

136 B4

Foundation Installation – An Overview REF. 308 B2

Foundation testing REF. 081 B2

Functional specification and evaluation of substations. REF.

252 B3

Gas insulated transmission lines (GIL) REF. 218 B1/B3

General guidelines for the design of outdoor AC substations.

REF. 069 B3

General guidelines for the design of outdoor AC substations.

(2nd version). REF. 161 B3

General overview on experience feedback methods in the field

of electrical equipment REF. 211 A2/A3/B1/B2/B3

Glossary of terms used in the electricity supply industry.

REF. 198 C1/C2/C5

Guide for application of IEC 62271-100 and IEC 60694. Part II

REF. 305 A3

Guide for application of IEC 62271-100 and IEC 60694. Part I

REF. 304 A3

Guide for customers specifications for transformers 100 MVA

and 123 kV and above. REF. 156 A2

Guide for planning DC links terminating at AC locations having

low short-circuit capacities. Part 1. AC/DC interaction
phenomena. REF. 068 B4

Guide for planning DC links terminating at AC system locations

having low short-circuit capacities. Part II : Planning
guidelines. REF. 115 B4

Guide for planning of power system telecommunication networks.

REF. 016 D2

Guide for planning of power utility digital telecommunications

networks. REF. 037 D2

Guide for preliminary design and specification of hydro

stations with HVDC unit connected generators. REF. 116 A1/B4

Guide for SF6 gas mixtures. REF. 163 B3

Guide for space charge measurements in dielectrics and
insulating materials REF. 288 D1

Guide for the assessment of old Cap & Pin and Long-Rod
transmission line insulators made of porcelain or glass: What
to and when to replace REF. 306 B2

Guide for the preparation of customised “Practical SF6

handling instructions” REF. 276 B3

Guide for the selection of weather parameters for bare

overhead conductor ratings REF. 299 B2

Guide for upgrading transmission systems with HVDC

transmission REF. 127 B4/C1

Guide on EMC in power plants and substations. REF. 124 C4

Guide on mobile radio for the electricity utilities. REF. 017


Guide on power line carrier. REF. 015 D2

Guide on the influence of high voltage AC power systems on

metallic pipelines. REF. 095 C4

Guide on transformer lifetime data management REF. 298 A2

Guide to procedures for estimating the lightning performance

of transmission lines. REF. 063 C4

Guide to the specification and design evaluation of AC filters

for HVDC systems. REF. 139 B4

Guidelines for conducting design reviews for transformers 100

MVA and 123 kV and above. REF. 204 A2

Guidelines for field measurement of ice loadings on overhead

power line conductors REF. 179 B2

Guidelines for insulation coordination in live working REF.

151 C4

Guidelines for Meteorological Icing Models, Statistical

Methods and Topographical Effects REF. 291 B2

Guidelines for representation of network elements when

calculating transients REF. 039 C4

Guidelines for software project control. REF. 040 D2

Guidelines for testing of thyristor valves for static var

compensators. REF. 093 B4
Guidelines for the applications of metal oxide arresters
without gaps for HVDC converter stations. REF. 034 A3/B4

Guidelines for the evaluation of the dielectric strength of

external insulation. REF. 072 A3/C4

Guidelines to an optimized approach to the renewal of existing

air insulated sbstations REF. 300 B3

Harmonisation of protection policies for power stations and

generators and of protection policies for HV networks. REF.
008 B5

High temperature superconducting (HTS) cable systems. REF. 229


High voltage overhead lines. Environmental concerns,

procedures, impacts and mitigations REF. 147 B2/C3

How overhead lines are redesignd for uprating/upgrading-

Analysies of the replies to the questionnaire. REF. 294 B2

HVDC and FACTS for distribution systems REF. 280 B4

HVDC converter stations for voltages above +/- 600 kV REF. 215

HVDC stations audible noise REF. 202 B4

Impact of increasing contribution of dispersed generation on

the power system. REF. 137 C1/C6

Impact of interactions among power system controls. REF. 166


Important Achievements of CIGRE REF. IAC CIGRE

Improving resilience in power control centres REF. 243 C2

Improving the impact of existing substations on the

environment REF. 221 B3/C3

Indices predicting voltage collapse including dynamic

phenomena. REF. 091 C4

Instrumentation and measurements for in-service monitoring of

high voltage insulation REF. 286 D1

Insulation coordination for HVAC underground cable systems

REF. 189 C4

Integrated service networks for utilities. REF. 249 D2

Interaction between HVDC convertors and nearby synchronous
machines.Final report. REF. 119 A1/B4

Interaction between transmission and distribution system

planning. REF. 099 C1

Interfaces in accessories for extruded HV and EHV cables. REF.

210 B1/D1

Interferences produced by corona effect of electric systems.

REF. 020 C4

International experiences in improving the links between power

system planners, the general public and decision makers in the
energy policy area. REF. 071 C1/C3

Interruption of small inductive currents. REF. 050 A3

Isolation and restoration policies against power system

collapse REF. 200 B5

Joints on transmission line conductors: field testing and

replacement criteria REF. 216 B2

Knowledge based applications in SCADA/EMS. A practical

approach REF. 146 D2

Knowledge rules for partial discharge diagnosis in service

REF. 226 D1

Large cross-sections and composite screens design. REF. 272


Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for overhead lines REF. 265 B2/C3

Life management of circuit-breakers. REF. 165 A3

Life management techniques for power transformers. REF. 227


Lightning characteristics relevant for electrical enginee ing:

assessment of sensing, recording and mapping requirements in
the light of present technological advancements. REF. 094 C4

Lightning exposure of structures and interception efficiency

of air terminals. REF. 118 C4

Line-charging current switching of HV lines. Stresses and

testing. Parts 1 & 2. REF. 047 A3

Load control devices on overhead transmission lines. REF. 174

Load flow control in high voltage systems using FACTS
controllers. REF. 051 B4/C2

Long term dynamics. Phase II. Final Report. REF. 102 C4

Long term operation planning of hydro-thermal power systems

REF. 171 C2/C4

Magnetic fields in HV cable systems. 1. Systems without

ferromagnetic component. REF. 104 B1/C4

Maintenance and management of protection systems. REF. 087 B5

Maintenance for HV cables and accessories REF. 279 B1

Maintenance outsourcing guidelines REF. 201 B3/C2

Man machine interface using full graphics. REF. 076 D2

Management of existing overhead transmission lines. REF. 175


Management of transmission capacity and access : impact on

system development. REF. 235 C1/C5

Material properties for non-ceramic outdoor insulation. State

of the art. REF. 255 D1

Mechanical effects of short-circuit currents in open air

substations. REF. 006 B3

Memorandum on power line carrier systems. REF. 014 D2

Metal oxide surge arresters in AC systems. REF. 060 A3

Methodologies in power systems operations planning REF. 033


Methods and techniques for reliability assessment of

interconnected systems. REF. 129 C4

Methods and tools for contracts in a competitive framework

REF. 181 C5

Methods and tools for costing ancillary services REF. 190 C5

Methods and tools for transmission costs. REF. 120 C4/C5

Methods for measuring the earth resistance of transmission

towers equipped of earth wires. REF. 275 B2/C4

Methods for reactive power optimisation. REF. 027 C4

Methods of forecasting demand for electricity. REF. 022 C1

Methods to consider customer interruption costs in power
system analysis REF. 191 C1/C5

Mobile radio systems in power utilities. REF. 042 D2

Modeling of gas turbines and steam turbines in combined cycle

power plants. REF. 238 C4

Modeling of power electronics equipment (FACTS) in load flow

and stability programs : a representation guide for power
system planning and analysis REF. 145 C4

Modelling new forms of generation and storage REF. 185 C4

Modelling of voltage collapse including dynamic phenomena.

REF. 075 C4

Monograph on GIS very fast transients. REF. 035 CIGRE

N2/SF6 Mixtures for Gas Insulated Systems REF. 260 D1

Natural and artificial ageing and pollution testing of

polymeric insulators REF. 142 C4

Network planning in a deregulated environment. REF. 220 C1

New opportunities for optical fibre technology in electricity

utilities. REF. 106 D2

New optical access technology REF. 245 D2

New telecontrol systems architecture. Open systems. REF. 041


New trends and requirements for dynamic security assessment.

REF. 121 C4

Non-conventional current and voltage transformers. REF. 007


Nuclear power plant performance in power system control. A

review of international practice. REF. 031 C2

On voltage and power stability in AC/DC systems REF. 222


Operational guidelines and monitoring of HVDC systems REF. 130


Optical fibre cable selection for electricity utilities. REF.

132 D2

Optical fibre planning guide for power utilities. REF. 045 D2

Optimal network structure in an open market environment REF.
203 C1/C5

Optimisation of protection performance during system

disturbance REF. 232 B5

Optimization of power transmission capability of underground

cable systems using thermal monitoring REF. 247 B1

Overall impact of digital techniques for transmission systems

(Substation control). REF. 019 D2

Overhead conductor safe design tension with respect to Aeolian

vibrations REF. 273 B2

Overvoltages and overvoltage protection in the generator main

electrical circuit in power stations. REF. 098 B3

Overvoltages on HVDC cables. Final Report. REF. 086 B1/B4/C4

Paper-oil insulated measurement transformer. REF. 057 A3

Partial discharge detection in installed HV extruded cable

systems REF. 182 B1/D1

Planning against voltage collapse. REF. 024 C1/C4

Planning issues for newly industrialised and developing

countries fron ASEAN REF. 282 C1

Polluted insulators : a review of current knowledge. REF. 158


Portfolio and risk management for power producers and traders

in an open market. REF. 195 C5

Power Quality Indices and Objectives REF. 261 C4

Power system communication in the high speed environment. REF.

107 D2

Power system reliability analysis. Application guide.Part I.

REF. 026 C4

Practical aspects of the detection and location of PD in power

cables REF. 297 B1/D1

Preventive and corrective maintenance for optical cables on

overhead power lines. REF. 133 D2

Probabilistic design of overhead transmission lines REF. 178

Protection against voltage collapse REF. 128 B5

Protection measures for radio base stations sited on power

line towers REF. 266 C4

Protection of MV and LV networks against lightning – Part I :

Common topics REF. 287 C4

Protection systems using telecommunication. REF. 013 B5/D2

Protection using telecommunications REF. 192 B5/D2

Quality of supply. Customers requirements REF. 188 C1

Questionnaire concerning aspects on planning - design -

operation and maintenance of future substations. REF. 162 B3

Reactive power compensation analyses and planning procedure.

REF. 030 C4

Recent developments on the interpretation of dissolved gas

analysis in transformers. REF. 296 A2/D1

Refurbishment and upgrading of foundations. REF. 141 B2

Relay software models for use with electromagnetic transient

analysis programs REF. 295 B5

Reliability Based Design Methods for Overhead Lines

Advantages, Applications and Comparisons REF. 289 B2

Reliable fault clearance and back-up protection. REF. 140 B5

Remote on-line management for protection and automation REF.

307 B5

Renewal of existing telecontrol systems. REF. 067 B5/D2

Report on digital power line carrier. REF. 164 D2

Report on large turbine generator maintenance practices. REF.

002 A1

Report on survey to establish protection performance during

major disturbances REF. 212 B5

Report on the 2nd international survey on high voltage gas

insulated substations (GIS) service experience REF. 150 B3

Requirements and performance of packet switching networks with

special reference to telecontrol. REF. 062 D2

Review of IEC 826 : Loading and strength of overhead lines

REF. 109 B2
Revision of qalification procedures for high voltage and extra
high voltage AC extruded undergroud cable systems REF. 303 B1

Semiconductor power devices for use in HVDC and FACTS

controllers. REF. 112 B4

Service aged insulation. Guidelines on managing the ageing

process. REF. 228 D1

Session 1990 : Dielectric diagnosis of electrical equipment

for AC applications and its effects on insulation
coordination. State of the art report. REF. 059 A3/C4/D1

SF6 recycling guide. Re-use of SF6 gas in electrical power

equipment and final disposal. REF. 117 B3

SF6 recycling guide. Revised version 2003. REF. 234 B3

Special bonding of high voltage power cables REF. 283 B1

State of the art of circuit-breaker modelling. REF. 135 A3

State of the art survey on spacers and spacer dampers REF. 277

Static electrification in power transformers REF. 170 A2/D1

Static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) REF. 144 B4

Static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) for arc furnace and

flicker compensation REF. 237 B4

Static var compensators. REF. 025 B4/C1/C4

Statistical analysis of dielectric test results. REF. 066 D1

Strategies for utility companies seeking to move to improved

mobility. REF. 267 D2

Structure of telecontrol centres and overall systems. REF. 018


Substations physical security trends. REF. 253 B3

Superconducting cables. Impact on network structure and

control. REF. 199 B1/C1

System protection schemes in power networks REF. 187 B5/C2

System tests for HVDC installations. REF. 097 B4

Technical and environmental issues regarding the integration
of a new HV underground cable system in the network. REF. 250

Techniques for power system planning under uncertainties. REF.

154 C1/C4

Telecommunication network management in power utilities. REF.

043 D2

Teleprotection. REF. 012 B5/D2

Test circuits for HVDC thyristor valves. REF. 113 B4

Testing DC extruded cable systems for power transmission up to

250 kV REF. 219 B1

The automation of new and existing substations: why and how

REF. 246 B5

The benefits of mobile data. How can they be realised ? REF.

217 D2

The design of transmission line support foundations - an

overview. REF. 206 B2

The influence of line configuration on environment impacts of

electrical origin REF. 278 B2

The mechanical behaviour of conductors and fittings. REF. 251


The mechanical effects of short circuit currents in open air

substations. (Rigid and flexible bus bars). Vol.1. An updated
revision. Vol. 2. Data base of reference tests. REF. 105 B3

The mechanical effects of short-circuit currents in open air

substations. Part II. Companion brochure to No. 105 REF. 214

The needs and environment of control centre operators during

power system restoration. A benchmark questionnaire survey.
REF. 208 C2

The short circuit performance of power transformers. REF. 209


The use of expert systems for power system restoration. REF.

090 C2/C4

The use of IP technology in the power utility environment.

REF. 153 D2
The use of the transport layer in telecontrol systems. REF.
079 D2

Thermal aspects of transformers. REF. 096 A2

Thermal behaviour of overhead conductors. REF. 207 B2

Thyristor controlled series compensation. REF. 123 B4

Thyristor controlled voltage regulators: Parts 1 and 2 REF.

242 B4

Tower top geometry. REF. 048 B2

Transient recovery voltages in medium voltage networks. REF.

134 A3

Transient voltages affecting long cables REF. 268 B1

Ultra high voltage technology. REF. 085 A3/B2/C1

Unified power flow controller (UPFC) REF. 160 B4

Unit commitment REF. 126 C2/C4

Use of corona rings to control the electrical field along

transmission line composite insulators REF. 284 B2

Use of DC converters for VAR control. REF. 082 B4/C1

Use of equipment built-in automatic testing - self-checking

and monitoring with a view to improving reliability. REF. 010

Use of GSMph2+ as mobile radio system for power utilities.

REF. 173 D2

User guide for the application of gas-insulated switchgear

(GIS) for rated voltages of 72.5 kV and above. REF. 125 B3

User guide for the application of monitoring and diagnostic

techniques for switching equipment for rated voltages of 72.5
kV and above. REF. 167 A3

Voltage and current stresses on thyristor valves for static

var compensators. REF. 078 B4

VSC Transmission REF. 269 B4

Wavelength multiplexing for electricity utilities using

optical fibres REF. 131 D2

White paper on medium voltage powerline communication (PLC)

networks REF. 285 D2
CD ROM 1996 Session Papers
This CD-ROM includes :
- the preferential Subjects for the 1996 Session.
- the reports for all the Groups

Member Price: 60 Euros

Non member Price: 120 Euros

CD ROM 1998 Session Papers
This CD-ROM includes :
- the preferential Subjects for the 1998 Session
- all the Reports for all the Groups
- the special Reports
- the report for Panel 1 (in english only)
- the reports for Links University-Cigre (in English only)

Member Price: 75 Euros

Non member Price: 150 Euros

CD ROM 1998 Session Discussions
This CD-ROM includes :
- the list of Papers
- the Group Discussion contributions (including the L.U.C.Workshop) in the original language
- the General Reports
- the list of Speakers

Member Price: 75 Euros

Non member Price: 150 Euros

REF. CD98+
CD ROM 1998 Session (SET Papers + Discussions)
The item consists of the 1998 Session papers CD and the "Proceedings " CD.

Member Price: 100 Euros

Non member Price: 200 Euros

CD ROM 2000 Session Papers
This CD-ROM includes :
- the preferential Subjects for the 2000 Session
- the reports for all the Groups (in the original language or bilingual)
- the digests of the reports
- the Special Reports (in english only)
- the reports for Panel 1 and 2 (in english only)

Member Price: 75 Euros

Non member Price: 150 Euros

CD ROM 2002 Session Discussions
This CD-ROM includes :
- the opening Speech (bilingual)
- the Panels papers
- the presentation of the new CIGRE organization
- the General Reports
- the contributions for all the Group Meetings
- the list of speakers

Member Price: 50 Euros

Non member Price: 100 Euros

CD ROM 2002 Session Papers
This CD-ROM includes :
- the list of reports
- the reports for all the Groups (in the original language or bilingual).
- the digests of all the reports (bilingual).
- the Special Reports (in English)

Member Price: 75 Euros

Non member Price: 150 Euros

REF. CD02+
CD ROM 2002 Session (SET Papers + Discussions)
The item consists of the 2002 Session papers CD and the "Proceedings "CD.

Member Price: 100 Euros

Non member Price: 200 Euros

CD ROM 2004 Session Papers
This CD-ROM contains :
- the papers discussed at the 2004 Session. Following the organisation set-up, the papers are listed under the
respective Discussion Groups and, witin each Group, under the corresponding Preferential Subjects.
In 2004, 16 Discussion Group meetings were held who altogether handled 45 PreferentialSubjects. The total
number of papers discussed was 344.

Member Price: 75 Euros

Non member Price: 150 Euros

REF. CD04+
CD ROM 2004 Session (SET Papers + Discussions)
The item consists of the 2004 Session papers CD and the "Proceedings" CD.

Member Price: 100 Euros

Non member Price: 200 Euros

CD ROM 2004 Session Discussions
The 2004 Proceedings comprise the following :
- The opening Addresses
- Contributions and reports relevant to the Panel Discussions
- For each Group : The Special Report, the contributions to the discussions and the General Report
- List of contributors
- List of Session Delegates

Member Price: 50 Euros

Non member Price: 100 Euros
CD ROM 2006 Session Papers
This CD-ROM contains the papers discssed at Session 2006.
- Papers are listed by Discussion Groups and Preferential Subjects.
-16 Discussion meetings were held , which discussed 390 papers, on 45 Preferential Subjects.

Member Price: 75 Euros

Non member Price: 150 Euros
REF. STOD 1981
STOCKHOLM : Transmission lines and the environment
Resume of the discussions of the papers of the Symposium.

Member Price: 12 Euros

Non member Price: 24 Euros

REF. STO 1981

STOCKHOLM : Transmission lines and the environment.
The aim of the Symposium was to provide guidance on the design of transmission lines based on an
examination of present knowledge of the various phenomena which result from the relationship between
the lines and the environment. Of interest to Researchers, Scientists and Engineers concerned with
theoretical or applied work.

Member Price: 58 Euros

Non member Price: 116 Euros

REF. FLO 1983

FLORENCE : Control applications for power system security.
The aim of the Symposium was to assess the state of the art of centralized and decentralized control of
electric power systems, in particular the impact of control computers, application programmes, interactive
schemes, new concepts and devices on the security of supply and to widen the discussion and interaction
among scientists, industrial researchers, consultants and users in this field.

Member Price: 52 Euros

Non member Price: 104 Euros

REF. RIO 1983

RIO DE JANEIRO : Hydraulic generators and synchronous
compensators. (papers)
Topics covered by the Symposium include : Outstanding achievements of the last decade; Technical
problems specific for hydrogenerators - Interface with the turbine; Quality and reliability of
hydrogenerators and synchronous compensators; Trends in hydro electric construction.

Member Price: 52 Euros

Non member Price: 104 Euros

REF. DAK 1985

DAKAR : Electrical power systems in developing countries.
The development of electric power systems in countries where consumption per head is low gives rise to
specific technical and economic problems. Which means of generation should be chosen and for which
type of consumption ? What type of transmission, interconnection and distribution systems ? Why rely on
any particular security of supply criterion rather than any other, in the planning and operation of these
systems ? How can major constraints to be observed be identified ? What will be the future developments
in the techniques used ?

Member Price: 78 Euros

Non member Price: 156 Euros
REF. BRU 1985
BRUSSELS : High currents in power systems under normal,
emergency and fault conditions. (papers)
Aim : To assess and discuss the present situation, future needs and developments in the field of high
continuous and temporary service currents, high short-circuit and earth fault currents in HV, EHV, UHV
grids and power station primary circuits.

Member Price: 66 Euros

Non member Price: 132 Euros

REF. BOSD 1987

BOSTON : AC/DC Transmission. Interactions and Comparisons.
Contributions to the discussions of the papers of the Symposium.

Member Price: 24,5 Euros

Non member Price: 49 Euros

REF. BOS 1987

BOSTON : AC/DC Transmission. Interactions and Comparisons
Discussion of methods of analysis and modelling related to the interaction between HVDC converter
stations and their controls with their associated AC systems. Discussion of methods of application of static
VAR compensators to meet stability and voltage requirements of AC/DC transmission systems.
Comparison of the techniques, economics and reliability of AC and DC transmission systems.

Member Price: 72 Euros

Non member Price: 144 Euros

REF. VIE 1987

VIENNE : New and improved materials for electrotechnology.
The limits of current technology are frequently set by the availability or otherwise of suitable materials.
Materials may be used for constructional purposes or in more active roles as a consequence of their
special electrical, magnetic, insulating, dielectric or other physical properties. Concerns are new or
improved materials and their applications in electrical apparatus. Solids, liquids or gases with novel
properties that can be utilised in electrotechnology. Information on the performance of these materials.

Member Price: 71 Euros

Non member Price: 142 Euros

REF. BOUD 1989

BOURNEMOUTH : Digital Technologies in Power Systems .
Needs, Opportunities, Impact (discussions)
Resumé of the Discussions of the Symposium.

Member Price: 15 Euros

Non member Price: 30 Euros

REF. BAND 1989

BANGKOK : Operation of electric power systems in
developing countries. (discussions)
Contributions to the discussions of the papers of the Symposium

Member Price: 15 Euros

Non member Price: 30 Euros
REF. BAN 1989
BANGKOK : Operation of electric power systems in
developing countries. (papers)
Establishment of a knowledge and experience base for operation and maintenance of electric power
systems in developing countries. Discussion levels of control technology relative to operational objectives
and dispatching complexity. Discussion of the role of system study tools for operation and control.
Discussion of the organisational structures and staffing objectives. Discussion of appropriate methods for
the education and training of craftsmen and professionals for operation and maintenance of electric power
systems within established or proposed organizational structures.

Member Price: 70 Euros

Non member Price: 140 Euros

REF. BOU 1989

BOURNEMOUTH : Digital Technologies in Power Systems .
Needs, Opportunities, Impact. (papers)
Examination of present and expected needs for, and opportunities offered, by digital techniques in the
fields of power system operation, communication, protection and control. Presentation and discussion of
experiences arising from the implementation of digital techniques in power systems covering hardware
and software aspects. Technical and organisational impact of the increased use of digital technology on
power utilities and manufacturing industries.

Member Price: 70 Euros

Non member Price: 140 Euros

REF. MON 1991

MONTREAL : Electric power system reliability (papers)
The Symposium is part of the continuing examination of the questions dealing with electric power system
reliability. It was first discussed jointly by the three Study Committees during the 1986 General Session;
then followed by a Round Table discussion during the 1988 Session. The Symposium presented an
opportunity to discuss the latest progress including results of studies dealing with composite system
analysis and expert system developments. However its aims were focused towards practical applications
dealing with problem areas in power system planning, design and operation.
Member Price: 61 Euros
Non member Price: 122 Euros

REF. MOND 1991

MONTREAL : Electric power system reliability.
Discussions of the papers of the Symposium

Member Price: 28 Euros

Non member Price: 56 Euros

REF. PAR 1991

PARIS (Leningrad) : Compacting overhead transmission
lines. (papers)
Compacting overhead transmision lines enables reducing space occupation for the same transmissible
electric power, or increasing the transmissible power for the same space occupation. The space
occupation of overhead lines is determined by the air clearances which should : comply with the line
caracteristics; withstand the applied stresses; keep within acceptable limits the phenomena which may
unfavourably affect the environment; comply with construction and operational requirements

Member Price: 58 Euros

Non member Price: 116 Euros
REF. BER 1993
BERLIN : Diagnostic and maintenance techniques. (papers)
The Symposium was centred around : Diagnostic and maintenance techniques for electrical components
(components means the elementary components of the networks : breakers, switchgear, transmission
lines, transformers etc...); Impact of maintenance and diagnostic requirements on component design
practices. Maintenance strategies of utilities : targets, guidelines and constraints; Diagnostic and
maintenance techniques for substations and Consequences on the power system.

Member Price: 61 Euros

Non member Price: 122 Euros

REF. BERD 1993

BERLIN : Diagnostic and maintenance techniques
Résumé of discussions of the Berlin Symposium.

Member Price: 30 Euros

Non member Price: 60 Euros

REF. LAU 1993

LAUSANNE : Power system electromagnetic compatibility.
The aim of the symposium was to discuss problems of power system electromagnetic compatibility. In
addition to being subject to interferences of external origin, electric power systems are also potential
victims of disturbances generated within the power system itself. In the present context of increasing use
of electronic and digital technologies in power systems, it is particularly important to discuss the issues
involved and exchange knowledge at an international level. This symposium provided an international
forum for discussion of all aspects of electromagnetic compatibility relevant to power systems.

Member Price: 64 Euros

Non member Price: 128 Euros

REF. LAUD 1993

LAUSANNE: Power system electromagnetic compatibility.
Resume of the discussions of the Symposium papers.

Member Price: 30 Euros

Non member Price: 60 Euros

REF. HEL 1995

HELSINKI : Integrated control and communication systems.
Increasing communication between control centres, power stations and substations presents new
challenges to information architecture design. Advances in ditigal technology enable designers to
centralise or decentralise equipment and functions in a way which optimises information flow. However,
operational requirements such as speed and reliability must be carefully considered. Integrated systems
require standardization of signalling and equipment interfaces in order to avoid unnecessary overhead.
Changes in utility structures and the advent of multi user environments also create new needs for
education and end user training.

Member Price: 79 Euros

Non member Price: 158 Euros
REF. TOK 1995
TOKYO : Power Electronics in power systems. (papers)
With the increasing use of power electronic technologies in power systems, it is of particular importance to
discuss the issues involved concerning : a) The system planner's view on needs of the power system and
how power electronics can contribute to solving the problems at hand; b) Help in understanding the
properties and behaviour of power electronic controllers and how they can be modelled to study the
behaviour of power systems (not only transmission systems) ; c) Increase awareness of engineers with
regard to ongoing developments in power electronic controllers and power devices.
Member Price: 76 Euros
Non member Price: 152 Euros

REF. TOKD 1995

TOKYO : Power Electronics in power systems. (discussions)
Résumé des discussions/Résumé of discussion meetings.

Member Price: 23 Euros

Non member Price: 46 Euros

REF. TOU 1997

TOURS : impact of open trading on power systems. (papers)
The scope of the Symposium is to define the role of the system operator in relation to the operation and
planning in generation, transmission and distribution in function of industry structural changes; to discuss
the impact from and on the generation units including IPP, embedded generation etc...; to define the role
of system planners in the same context; to discuss the impact on analysis of power systems and to define
the need for new tools to analyse power systems faced with new organisational changes; to discuss
methods to organize open trading, ancillary services and transmission pricing.

Member Price: 45 Euros

Non member Price: 90 Euros

REF. TOUD 1997

TOURS : impact of open trading on power systems.
Résumé des discussions/Résumé of discussion meetings.

Member Price: 23 Euros

Non member Price: 46 Euros

REF. NEP 1997

NEPTUN : Impact of DSM, IRP and distributed generation on
power systems. (papers)
Brief review of the available technologies for DSM, storage and economical characteristics, experiences of
application, strategic programs. It will then focus on how these issues impact on power sytem planning
and operation and on IRP applicability, by trying to identify new strategies and business opportunities for
the ESI. Consideration of the possible new market of providing ancillary services (reserve, frequency, and
voltage control etc) in connection with DSM and distributed generation applications.

Member Price: 46 Euros

Non member Price: 92 Euros
REF. LON 1999
LONDON: Working Plants and Systems harder. Enhancing the
management of plants and power systems. (papers)
To define the state of the art on innovations in maximising the capabilities of transmission and generation
plants. This includes new plant technologies, dynamic rating of equipment, new methods of analysing,
planning, controlling, communicating, protecting, monitoring, maintaining and operating power systems as
well as non-technical aspects like financial constraints, open networks, new structures in power industry,
environmental and other externalities. Finally to discuss how these conditions will influence the trend of
"Working Plant and Systems Harder".

Member Price: 61 Euros

Non member Price: 122 Euros

REF. KUAL 1999

KUALA LUMPUR : Power Systems issues in rapidly
industrializing countries. (papers)
The symposium deals with the following topics: Supply to rapidly growing cities abnd areas; development
of interconnections,national and international; supply to areas not yet industrialized; system planning
issues and generation topics.

Member Price: 50 Euros

Non member Price: 100 Euros

REF. IGUA 2001

IGUACU : Gas and Electricity networks: complementarity or
competition? (papers)
With the increase in the use of gas for power generation the question of complementarity and competition
between gas and electricity networks could shape the future of energy companies.
The objectives of the Symposium are: compare gas utilization with other primary energy, which optimal
location of generation, compare large and dispersed generation, which cooperation between gas and
electricity and what mid term perspectives for development of networks?

Member Price: 50 Euros

Non member Price: 100 Euros


CAIRNS : Behaviour of electrical equipment and components
in tropical environment. (papers)
Stresses characteristic of tropical environments. Insulation aspects. Thermal and structural aspects.
Operation and maintenance. Part of the CIGRE initiatives for scientific and technical exchanges
undertaken so far in a number of countries. Reflects the CIGRE endeavours to ever better respond to the
needs of developing social-economical systems.
Member Price: 46 Euros
Non member Price: 92 Euros


MONTREAL : Quality and Security of Electric Power Delivery
Systems. (papers)
The purpose of the Symposium is to explore the issues related to the quality of service provided by
electric power delivery systems and how these systems need to be designed and operated to ensure a
secure and robust service.
The Symposium is organized in a Plenary session and in 8 sessions dedicated to the following subjects:
-System Frequency and Stability
-PowerQualityand System Security Indices
-Power Quality Disturbance Mitigation (2 sessions)
-System Operation and Protection in today's Market (2 sessions)
-Dispersed Generation
-Monitoring and Characterizing System Performance.
Member Price: 50 Euros
Non member Price: 100 Euros


SHANGHAI : Development and operation of interconnections
in a restructuring context. (papers)
In many countries the electrical network is not fully interconnected and the best technical solution to
achieve interconnection has to be found. At the same time the electricity industry is being restructured
and interconnecting independent energy markets presents technical challenges. It is therefore timely to
consider interconnection development and operation options:
-examine the benefits of interconnecting electrical networks and the development strategies,
-review the interconnection design options and the technologies available,
-identify the operational issues, the security problems of large interconnected systems, the protection
-consider the impact of the restructuring of the electrical supply industry,
-assess the political, environmental and social implications of interconnections.
reorganised in slovenia from 5-7 april 2004
Member Price: 50 Euros
Non member Price: 100 Euros


ATHENS : Power Systems with Dispersed
Generation,Technologies,Impacts on Development, Operation
and Performances. (papers)
In many countries the power systems experience the emergence of dispersed generation, very often in a
context of deregulation of the electricity supply industry.
The topics addressed are :
- Technologies/ Design/Issues
- Impact on Distribution and Transmission Development
- Impact on system operation and control centres tools
- Impact on system performance- wider issues
Member Price: 50 Euros
Non member Price: 100 Euros


NEW ORLEANS : Congestion Management in a Market
Environment. 2nd CIGRE/PES Symposium. (papers)
With the opening of electricity markets and changes in the power flows, the issue of available transmission
capacity is of more and more importance. Market orientated answers and real-time solutions are
implemented or under consideration; diligent management of existing assets and timely investment
decisions to increase capacity and to improve the managment systems are fundamental.
This Symposium discusses the congestion management issue for internal and cross border exchanges,
covering six subjet areas:
- International Practices for Congestion Management
- Tariffs and Pricing
- Operations for Congestion
- Information Technology Issues
- Experiences with Congestion Management
- Tools for Congestion Management
Member Price: 50 Euros
Non member Price: 100 Euros
CD 30 years of ELECTRA
The set consists of 4 CDs which record the contents of ELECTRA from 1968 to 2000.
CD1: from ELECTRA N 1 to 65 + Special 1972,
CD2: from ELECTRA N 66 to 134,
CD3: from ELECTRA N 135à 167,
CD4: from ELECTRA N 168 to 190.

Member Price : 76 Euros
Non member Price: 152 Euros

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