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Aquacultural Engineering
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Keywords: A water streamer was designed for the purpose of enhancing cost-efficient circulation between the water surface
Inland aquaculture and bottom of shrimp aquaculture ponds. We took direct measurements of the water current field induced by the
Paddle-wheel aerator designed aerator in a large rectangular reservoir of dimensions (L)50 × (W)19 × (D)1.3 m3 and compared the
Circulation results with those of a standard Taiwanese paddle-wheel aerator. Vertical circulation between the surface and
Water current field
the bottom induced by the paddle wheel aerator was less than that by the designed aerator. Furthermore, the
Dissolved oxygen
paddle-wheel aerator consumed more electric power than the designed aerator. The structures of water current
Turbulent mixing
induced by the two aerators are elucidated, and the advantages and disadvantages of the aerators are discussed.
Auxiliary employment of the designed aerators may contribute to delivery of high DO water throughout the
pond, which is more efficient than a paddle wheel aerator.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Itano).
Received 28 December 2018; Received in revised form 13 March 2019; Accepted 27 March 2019
Available online 29 March 2019
0144-8609/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T. Itano, et al. Aquacultural Engineering 85 (2019) 106–113
T. Itano, et al. Aquacultural Engineering 85 (2019) 106–113
T. Itano, et al. Aquacultural Engineering 85 (2019) 106–113
Fig. 6. (upper) Top view of the centrifugal water stirrer, CWS, designed for the
purpose of shrimp cultivation and water stirring in a shallow, wide pond. The
original idea of this stirrer is taken from a Japanese patent provided by Inaba
(2005). (lower) Side view of a paddle of the water stirrer, in the form of an
inverted L. The submerged part of the paddle is shaded (revised from Inagaki
Fig. 4. Plan and side views of a commercial small paddle-wheel aerator, TA- et al., 2017).
55H, manufactured by Team Aqua Co. Ltd., Taiwan (revised from Itano et al.,
2018). Gray region indicates that the side view corresponds to water in the converter of reduction gears and pulleys with a ratio of 1:311, the shaft
equilibrium state with the aerator floating on the water. The aerator on the rotates at T = 4.3 rpm under water resistance. The paddles rotate in the
pond surface produces a jet-like water stream downwards with remarkable clockwise direction in the top view of the figure. Three extra floats and
splashing, releasing air bubbles into the water. The amount of water corre-
the main body (not illustrated in the figure) support the motor weight
sponding to the volume of the surface layer under the shaft passed by a paddle
as well as the paddles and shaft over the water surface, and sustain the
is represented as ΔV m3, which is approximated to 2.0 × 10−3 m3.
motor and the shaft in the vertical direction such that the three paddles
are almost horizontal and submerged at a depth of 160 mm.
Primarily, the paddles rotating at the surface induce azimuthal
water circulation around the shaft on the horizontal plane at the sur-
face. If the motor operate continuously, the layer of the horizontally
circulating water gradually expands in the horizontal direction and
thickens in the depth direction, and finally water at the bottom of the
reservoir starts circulating in the bottom plane, which may form an
Ekman layer at the bottom of the reservoir. Moreover, the rotation of
the paddles push water away from the surface towards the radial di-
rection due to centrifugal force partly attributable to the sweptback
angle of the beams against the radial direction. Owing to these effects,
water under the CWS is lifted up from the bottom, and the paddle ro-
tation produces secondary circulation between the surface and the
bottom in the reservoir. It should be noted that such circulation be-
tween the surface and the bottom in the reservoir is not expected for
Fig. 5. A centrifugal water stirrer “CWS” installed at the center of Katayama paddle-wheel aerators prevalent in aquaculture. The optimal volu-
civic outdoor pool (September 2017). metric flux induced by the CWS working under a constant electric
power of 25 W is estimated to be 920 m3/h based on the original patent.
“centrifugal water stirrer” (Fig. 5). The prototype of CWS is inspired by
a Japanese patent provided by Inaba (2005) and practical centrifugal 3. Measurements
surface aerators (cf. Cancino et al., 2004), which is not widely adopted
in aquacultural ponds for the time being. Fig. 6 shows the top and side Reservoir. The present measurement of the water velocity field in-
views of the CWS. A stainless steel paddle in the shape of an inverted L duced by the aforementioned mechanical aerators was carried out at
(L 545 mm× W 200 mm), shown in the side view, is mounted on a Katayama civic pool of Suita city, Osaka, Japan. The measurements
horizontal beam (1260 mm). The beam is attached to a vertical shaft were taken on several calm days in the autumns of 2016 and 2017,
with a sweptback angle of 7.6 ° via a center cylindrical float (ϕ 386 mm during which public swimming was on hold. The Japan Meteorological
× H 200 mm), such that the distance between the shaft and the tip of Agency officially provides wind speed measured every 10 min at an
paddle is 1190 mm. The center cylindrical float rotates together with observatory station in Toyonaka city adjacent to Suita city. The wind
the shaft and the three paddles. Connected to an electric motor speed during the measurement periods was less than 4.1 m/s at max-
(3IK15A-CW2E, 1200 rpm, Oriental Motor Co., Ltd.) via a torque imum. This civic pool possesses an indoor reservoir and three outdoor
reservoirs, among which the largest is an outdoor reservoir of about 0.1
T. Itano, et al. Aquacultural Engineering 85 (2019) 106–113
T. Itano, et al. Aquacultural Engineering 85 (2019) 106–113
Fig. 10. Velocity field of the water current induced by CWS on the y–z plane.
Measurements were taken at three different depths, z = 0.1 m, 0.6 m, 1.1 m.
figure, we may conclude that the aerator located at the origin provides
a horizontal and almost unidirectional jet stream downwards
throughout the reservoir under consideration. Thus, a fluid element
travels along a horizontal path in a trajectory resembling the Arabic
numeral “8”. In fact, from the data obtained at several grid points at
x = 0 and 6 m < y < 12 m, a downward jet-like flow, uy, is inter-
polated as approximately uy =−0.014y + 0.26. Moreover, if we as-
sume the incompressibility of the water current and the mirror sym-
∂u ∂u
metry on the x = 0 plane, then ∂zz = − ∂xx = 0.014 /s. Thus we obtain
uz = 1.4 mm/s on the y axis as a rough estimation on the vertical
component of water flow in the downstream.
Velocity field by CWS. The mean water velocity fields induced by
CWS, (u¯ x , u¯ y ) , taken at the horizontal planes at z = 0.1 m and z = 1.1 m
are mapped in Fig. 11. The error bars at the tip of each vector represent
those in Fig. 9. We note that, compared with the error bars in Fig. 9, the
fluctuation of water current induced by CWS is relatively small even
Fig. 9. Velocity field of the water current induced by TA-55H. Measurements
were taken at two horizontal planes, (upper) z = 0.1 m and (lower) z = 1.1 m. near the aerator. The small fluctuations at all the grid points suggest
that the current is relatively steady and that the water current structure
estimated from the mean velocity measured is robust.
1 T
u¯ i (x , y, z ) = T
∫0 ui (t , x , y, z )dt
1 T
σ (ui (x , y, z )) = T
∫0 (ui (t , x , y, z ) − u¯ i (x , y, z ) ) dt 5. Discussion
where i (i = x, y, z) is the component index and T is the total mea- Note that the velocity fields at the surface and bottom planes in
surement time. Fig. 11 are remarkably different, which is in contrast to Fig. 9. The
azimuthal component of the induced velocity fields are clockwise in
4. Velocity field both cases. Therefore, the horizontal circulation common in Fig. 11
may be attributed to shear stress between the surface and bottom
Velocity Field by TA-55H. The velocity field, (u¯ x , u¯ y ) , in Fig. 9 is the planes. In contrast, the radial component of water current on the sur-
mean water current induced by TA-55H. The measurements were taken face and bottom planes are positive and negative, respectively. Taking
at several grid points at the two horizontal planes, (shallow) z = 0.1 m into account that the velocity field is incompressible, we can deduce the
and (deep) z = 1.1 m downstream of the aerator. The average and
variance were obtained from sequential raw data taken for T = 600 s
per measurement at a grid point. The x and y error bars centered at the
tip of vectors represent a fluctuation of the water current estimated
from the standard deviation, ± σ(ui(x, y, z)) for i = x, y.
As shown in the figure, TA-55H induces a unidirectional jet stream
downwards along the y axis from the origin. The magnitude of the
water current is more than 200 mm/s at the measurement grid closest
to the aerator. The jet stream is dispersed and reduced downstream
away from the aerator. Under the restriction of the reservoir wall,
certain return currents were observed within 4 m from the side walls
located at x = ± 9, which would probably be weaker in a larger re-
servoir, such as a commercial aquacultural pond.
It should be noted that the water current at the bottom of the re-
servoir (z = 1.1) is similar to that at the surface (z = 0.1). This simply
suggests that the water current at the bottom is induced via shear stress
attributed to the surface current, which is driven primarily by the
aerator. Accordingly, this implies that the mean flow does not largely
contribute to the vertical circulation expected for the purpose of mixing
high DO water between the surface and the bottom of the reservoir.
Such mixing in the vertical direction is dependent on unsteady turbu-
lent flow inherent to the jet stream, which is reflected in large fluc-
tuations near the origin, as shown in the figure.
velocity field by CWS on the vertical cross section. We additionally
measured the mean water velocity field on the y-z plane, (u¯ y , u¯ z ) , which
is mapped in Fig. 10. The error bars spanned at the tip of each vector Fig. 11. Velocity field of the water current induced by CWS. Measurements
represent the current fluctuation observed in the time series. From the were taken at two horizontal planes, (upper) z = 0.1 m and (lower) z = 1.1 m.
T. Itano, et al. Aquacultural Engineering 85 (2019) 106–113
T. Itano, et al. Aquacultural Engineering 85 (2019) 106–113
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civic outdoor pool as an experimental reservoir. Finally, we would like 2018. Water circulation driven by a paddle-wheel aerator in rectangular reservoir.
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