National Police of Ukraine The Central Department of National Police in Chernivtsi Region Department of Police in Chernivtsi City

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Переклад з української мови на англійську мову


The Central Department of National Police in Chernivtsi Region
Department of Police in Chernivtsi City
Russka Str., 183, Chernivtsi City, 58023, Ph./Fax: (03722) 6-08-57

03.07.17 No 7296 123/39/1 2017


This to certify, that Mr. Muhammed Thoufeek Shah Azize, was born on March
28, 1993, registered at the address: Chernivtsi City, Rudanskogo Str., 42, has really
appealed to the Department of Police in Chernivtsi City CDNPU of Chernivtsi Region in
case of lost of the next document:
- Passport of the citizen of India, which was issued on his name.
This information is registered in the Department of Police in Chernivtsi City CDNPU
of Chernivtsi Region: Register of the Unified Criminal Records by the No 7621 of
This certificate is issued to whom it may concerns.

Chief /signature/ Parashchuk V. V.

Official Round Seal / National Police / CDNP in Chernivtsi Region / Department of Police in
Chernivtsi City /

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову виконано перекладачем Теутуляком Вячеславом

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову


The Central Department of National Police in Chernivtsi Region
Department of Police in Chernivtsi City
Russka Str., 183, Chernivtsi City, 58023, Ph./Fax: (03722) 6-08-57

03.07.17 No 7297 123/39/1 2017 Mr. Muhammed Thoufeek Shah Azize

Rudanskogo Str., 42,
Chernivtsi City

Mr. Muhammed Thoufeek Shah Azize!

The Department of Police in Chernivtsi City CDNPU of Chernivtsi Region

reports, that your application is registered in the Register of the Unified Criminal Records
by the No 7621 of 02.07.2017 in the Department of Police in Chernivtsi City CDNPU of
Chernivtsi Region and is carefully examined.
Accordingly to the data of the above mentioned examination the decision about the
termination of your application had been passed. The record from the Register of the
Unified Criminal Records by the No 7621 has no criminal violation according to the
Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
You can read the examination records in the Department of Police in Chernivtsi
City CDNPU of Chernivtsi Region at the address: Russka Str., 183, Chernivtsi City.

Chief /signature/ Parashchuk V. V.

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову виконано перекладачем Теутуляком Вячеславом

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову

Seal / State Migration Service of Ukraine / Coat of Arms of Ukraine /

Date of expire July 14, 2017

This certificate is issued to the citizen of India Muhammed Azize, was born on
March 28, 1993, to appeal to the Embassy of India in Kyiv to receive the national
passport instead of the lost one. He is a resident of Chernivtsi Region.

The First Deputy Chief of USMS in Chernivtsi Region /signature/ Pyslar V. I.

Official Round Seal / State Migration Service of Ukraine / Coat of Arms of Ukraine /

July 03, 2017

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову виконано перекладачем Теутуляком Вячеславом

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову


Chernivtsi National University named after Yu. Fedkovych
58000, Chernivtsi City, Kafedralna Str., 2
No 66 14.03.2017


This is to certify that Semeniuk Halyna Ivanivna is a student of the IIIrd course
of finance and credit of the Economical Department of correspondence form of education
in Chernivtsi National University named after Yu. Fedkovych.
This sertificate is issued to whom it may concern.

Dean of the Economical Department /signature/ Biloskurskii R. R.

Secretary /signature/ Telehus N. I.
Official Round Seal / Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine / Chernivtsi National
University named after Yu. Fedkovych / Economical Department /

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову виконано перекладачем Теутуляком Вячеславом


Переклад з української мови на англійську мову

Order of the Ministry of Work
and Social Politics of Ukraine
27.08.2004 No 192
Owner of enterprise, agency, organization or its authority
(study establishment) or physical person-enterpreneur PME ISPCEM “PROSRINNA”
Legal address of
the enterprise Chernivtsi, Proisd Parkovyi, 10-B
Tel. (0372) 52-93-88
ID Code 34803130


Issued to Bohdan Mykola Orestovych

that he works in PME ISPCEM “PROSRINNA”
Form of a Job Placement Main
Holds the Position of administrator of medical equipment
ID number 3150811716

Accrued salary, Other additional

Months including sums, including Paid-up alimony
nominal (hrn.) nominal (hrn.)
January – 2015 3900,00 0,00
February– 2015 3900,00 0,00
March – 2015 3900,00 0,00
April – 2015 3900,00 0,00
May – 2015 3900,00 0,00
June – 2015 3900,00 0,00
Total amount: 23400,00 0,00

The total amount of the received income for the period from January 2015 till June 2015
excluding alimony is twenty three thousand and four hundred hryvnas 00 kopecks.
This certificate is issued to whom it may concerns.
There was no salary backpay.
The working position and salary for Bohdan Mykola Orestovych at the period of his
tourist vacation to Barcelona, Spain from September 04 till September 09, 2015 is reserved.

Head doctor /signature/ Sovva A. I.

Round seal / Private Medical Establishment International Science-Practical Center of
Eastern Medicine “Prosrinna” / Ukraine Chernivtsi /
Chief Accountant /signature/ Philipchuk L. V.
“17” July 2015 No 244

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову виконано перекладачем Шпірюк Оленою


Переклад з української мови на англійську мову

Order of the Ministry of Work
and Social Politics of Ukraine
27.08.2004 No 192
Owner of enterprise, agency, organization or its authority
(study establishment) or physical person-enterpreneur PME ISPCEM “PROSRINNA”
Legal address of
the enterprise Chernivtsi, Proisd Parkovyi, 10-B
Tel. (0372) 52-93-88
ID Code 34803130


Issued to Flora Volodymyr Mykolaiovych

that he works in PME ISPCEM “PROSRINNA”
Form of a Job Placement Main
Holds the Position of medical attendant from 06.02.2007
ID number 2937613555

Accrued salary, Other additional

Months including sums, including Paid-up alimony
nominal (hrn.) nominal (hrn.)
January – 2015 3900,00 0,00
February– 2015 3900,00 0,00
March – 2015 3900,00 0,00
April – 2015 3900,00 0,00
May – 2015 3900,00 0,00
June – 2015 3900,00 0,00
Total amount: 23400,00 0,00

The total amount of the received income for the period from January 2015 till June 2015
excluding alimony is twenty three thousand and four hundred hryvnas 00 kopecks.
This certificate is issued to whom it may concerns.
There was no salary backpay.
The working position and salary for Flora Volodymyr Mykolaiovych at the period of
his tourist vacation to Barcelona, Spain from September 04 till September 09, 2015 is reserved.

Head doctor /signature/ Sovva A. I.

Round seal / Private Medical Establishment International Science-Practical Center of
Eastern Medicine “Prosrinna” / Ukraine Chernivtsi /
Chief Accountant /signature/ Philipchuk L. V.
“17” July 2015 No 244

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову виконано перекладачем Шпірюк Оленою


Переклад з української мови на англійську мову

Public Joint Stock Company Commercial Bank “PRAVATBANK”
Naberezhna Peremogy Str., Dnipropetrovsk, 49094 Ukraine
Ph. (056) 735 32 82 free from mobile; Fax: (056) 789 66 14
E-mail: [email protected]

Of 21.07.2015 150721SV4429E8F2DCE3


This is to certify that BOHDAN MYKOLA ORESTOVYCH, IDN 3150811716,

passport serial KP 719569, issued by 1-st CRO of the DIA of Ukraine in Chernivtsi
Region on 17.06.2002 year has in the Public Joint Stock Company Commercial Bank
“PRAVATBANK” such accounts:

Card/account No Type of Currency Balance in Available Balance

account the card’s balance amount in
currency including currency
credit limit equivalent
26358623835147 Deposit USD 248.91 248.91 229.33
26358628715701 Deposit USD 2957.72 2957.22 123.70
5168757294763638 Payment USD 706.45 706.45 650.90
26351629183801 Deposit USD 309.86 309.86 285.49
Total (EUR): one thousand two hundred and eighty nine euro and forty two 1289.42

To whom it may concerns.

Course according to NBU on 21.07.2015: 1 RUR = 0.39 UAH, 1 EUR = 23.91 UAH, 1 USD =
22.03 UAH

Chief accountant /signature/ Korotina L. I.

Official round seal / Public Joint Stock Company “PRIVATBANK” / Ukraine,
Dnipropetrovsk /

Signature of an authorized person /signature/

Official Seal / Khmelnitsk Office of a Public Joint Stock Company Commercial Bank “PRAVATBANK” / This
document is valid only with the signature of Hutsul N. I. /

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову виконано перекладачем Шпірюк Оленою

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову

Public Joint Stock Company Commercial Bank “PRAVATBANK”
Naberezhna Peremogy Str., Dnipropetrovsk, 49094 Ukraine
Ph. (056) 735 32 82 free from mobile; Fax: (056) 789 66 14
E-mail: [email protected]

Of 21.07.2015 150721SV200235E2CF2E


This is to certify that FLORA VOLODYMYR MUKOLAIOVYCH, IDN 2937613555,

passport serial KP 073985, issued by Vyzhnytsia RO of the DIA of Ukraine in Chernivtsi
Region on 13.08.1996 year has in the Public Joint Stock Company Commercial Bank
“PRAVATBANK” such accounts:

Card/account No Type of Currency Balance in Available Balance

account the card’s balance amount in
currency including currency
credit limit equivalent
5168757292687284 Payment USD 651.72 651.72 600.47
Total (EUR): six hundred euro and forty seven cents 600.47

To whom it may concerns.

Course according to NBU on 21.07.2015: 1 RUR = 0.39 UAH, 1 EUR = 23.91 UAH, 1 USD =
22.03 UAH

Chief accountant /signature/ Korotina L. I.

Official round seal / Public Joint Stock Company “PRIVATBANK” / Ukraine,
Dnipropetrovsk /

Signature of an authorized person /signature/

Official Seal / Khmelnitsk Office of a Public Joint Stock Company Commercial Bank “PRAVATBANK” / This
document is valid only with the signature of Hutsul N. I. /

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову виконано перекладачем Шпірюк Оленою

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову

Logo of the Company

Thinking about you
02.10.2014 year No 154


This is to certify that Zhuk Vyacheslav Olehovych has been working in JSC
“Kyivstar” since 01.06.2004, and hold the position of an engineer of the I
category/Chernivtsi City of the line structures’ sector of the technical department (Ivano-
Frankivsk City, Uzhhorod City, Ternopol City, Chernivtsi City) of a business sub-unit for
development and support of a technical direction’s regional infrastructure.
His salary scale is 10 265, 00 (ten thousand two hundred and sixty five) hryvnas.

The working position and salary for Zhuk Vyacheslav Olehovych at the period of
his tourist vacation is reserved.
This sertificate is issued to whom it may concern.

R. O. Kudliak \signature\ Regional staff manager

Round seal / Joint Stock Company “Kyivstar” / Kyiv / Ukraine / Personnel Department / ID code
21673832 /
O. P. Savchenko \signature\ Chief of the Accounting Department; Deputy chief accountant
Round seal / Joint Stock Company “Kyivstar” / Kyiv / Ukraine / ID code 21673832 /

Legal address: Address for mail: Users’ Service Center:

Chervonozorianyi Prospekt, 51, Kyiv, 03110 Dehtiarivska Str., 53, Kyiv, 03113 Khreshatyk Str., 13, Kyiv, 01001
Tel.: +380 44 209 00 70 Tel.: +380 44 209 00 70 Tel.: +380 44 466 0 466
Fax: +380 44 232 21 84 Fax: +380 44 232 21 84

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову виконано перекладачем Шпірюк Оленою

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову

Legal address of
the enterprise 03110, Ukraine, Kyiv, Chervonozorianyi Prospekt, 51
Tel. 0322901182
ID Code 216733832

Outgoing No 10933
Of 29.09.2014


Issued to Zhuk Vyacheslav Olehovych

that he works in JSC “Kyivstar”
Form of a Job Placement Main
Holds the Position of an engineer of the I category/Chernivtsi City
ID number 2716917996

Accrued salary,
Months including Stopped (hrn.) Paid-up alimony Received (hrn.)
nominal (hrn.)
1 2 3 4 5
March - 2014 10 445, 10 1 886,37 0,00 8 558,63
April - 2014 44 241, 20 8 009,22 0,00 36 231,98
May - 2014 11 425, 81 2 063,50 0,00 9 362,31
June - 2014 13 025, 73 2 359,99 0,00 10 665,74
July - 2014 8 935, 78 1 613, 80 0,00 7 321, 98
August - 2014 27 226, 85 5 421, 06 0,00 21 814, 79
Total amount: 115 300, 37 21 344,94 0,00 93 955, 43

The total amount of the received income for the period from 01.03.2014 till
31.08.2014 excluding alimony is ninety three thousand nine hundred and fifty five
hryvnas 43 kopecks.

There was no salary backpay during the last six months.

This certificate is issued to whom it may concerns.

Chief of the Processing Department /signature/ L. M. Meita

Round seal / Joint Stock Company “Kyivstar” / Kyiv / Ukraine / ID code 21673832 /
Accountant of the 1 category /signature/ O. M. Holdovanskyi

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову виконано перекладачем Шпірюк Оленою

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову

Coat of Arms of Ukraine

Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine
Prosecutor General’s Office in Chernivtsi Region

58001, Chernivtsi, Korduby Str., 21 Ph. 51-30-35, Fax (03722) 3-53-02

27.06.2014 year No 11/451 issue-14


This is to certify that Gubchak Oleg Viacheslavovych was working in agencies of

prosecutors in Chernivtsi region since April 2004, and hold the position of public
prosecutor of the Department of procedural control of pre-trial investigation, which is
hold by agencies of internal affairs, and support an allegation by Prosecutor Office in
region since March 06, 2013 year till nowadays.
His monthly salary is 6092 (six thousand and ninety two) hryvnas.

Accrued salary, Extra accrual, Assistance to

Months including including families with Paid-up alimony
nominal (hrn.) nominal (hrn.) children
1 2 3 4 5
January’ 14 5876, 13 0,00 0,00 0,00
February’ 14 5876, 13 0,00 0,00 0,00
March’ 14 5876, 13 0,00 0,00 0,00
April’ 14 5890, 75 0,00 0,00 0,00
May’ 14 5733, 91 0,00 0,00 0,00
June’ 14 7298, 87 0,00 0,00 0,00
Total: 36551, 92 0,00 0,00 0,00
Total (written Thirty six
form) thousand five
hundred and fifty
one hrn. ninety
two cop.

The working position and salary for Gubchak Oleg Viacheslavovych at the period
of his tourist vacation is reserved.
This sertificate is issued to embassy (consulate) of foreign country.

Chief of the Department of staff development of Prosecutor Office in Chernivtsi region council of
justice \signature\ Humeniuk V.
Round seal / Prosecutor General’s Office in Chernivtsi Region / Prosecutor General’s Office of
Ukraine / Department of staff development /
Переклад з української мови на англійську мову виконано перекладачем Шпірюк Оленою

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову

Company “Diana”

60051, Kruglyk village, Khotyn District Chernivtsi Region

Account No 26007250895 with “Reiffeisen Bank Aval”, MFO 380805, ID Code 31135737
Director’s Phone No (095) 396 16 41

No 8 of July 01, 2014


This is to certify that Sokolyk Oleksandr Vasylovych held the position of deputy
director of the Company “Diana”, address: Kruglyk village, Khotyn district Chernivtsi
Region, since 01.01.2002 year. His salary for a period of the last six months is:
- January 2014 – 6200, 00 hrn.
- February 2014 – 5800, 00 hrn.
- March 2014 – 5800, 00 hrn.
- April 2014 – 5800, 00 hrn.
- May 2014 – 5800, 00 hrn.
- June 2014 – 5800, 00 hrn.

The total salary amount for the last six months is 35200, 00 hrn. (thirty five
thousand two hundred hryvnas 00 copecks).
The working position and salary for Sokolyk Oleksandr Vasylovych at the period
of his vacation from 22.08.2014 – 22.09.2014 is reserved.

This sertificate is issued to embassy (consulate) of foreign country.

Director \signature\ Hutsul A. D.

Chief accountant /signature/ Zaplitnyi V. M.
Official round seal / Khotyn District / Chernivrsi Region / Ukraine / Company “Diana”/
Kruglyk village / Coat of Arms of Ukraine /

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову виконано перекладачем Шпірюк Оленою

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову

Emblem of the Bank SBERBANK of RUSSIA

01601, Ukraine, Kyiv, Volodymyrska Str., 46
Phone: +380(44) 354-15-15, 0 800 5-03-033
Fax: =380 (44) 247-45-45
E-mail: [email protected]
ID Code 25959784, IDN 259597826652, Certificate No 100196388

Issue No 48-2/411
Of July 3, 2014


This is to certify that Sokolyk Oksana Oleksandrivna (IDN 2921909964, passport

serial KP 176457, issued by Khotyn RO of the DIA of Ukraine in Chernivtsi Region on
18.02.1997 year) has an open EURO account No 26257000977528 with JSC
“SBERBANK OF RUSSIA” (MFO 320627, ID Code 25959784).
Balance of this account at 03.07.2014 year is 10 200, 00 (Ten thousand two
hundred) EURO 00 EUROcents.

To whom it may concerns.

Manager of the Department No 2 of JSC “SBERBANK OF RUSSIA” in

Chernivtsi \signature\ Bakhur A. O.
Official round seal / Kyiv / Ukraine /Public Joint Stock Company / “SUBSIDIARY
BANK OF SBERBANK OF RUSSIA” / ID Code 25959784 No 231 /

Executer Kovernik L. I.
Phone (0372) 587 420

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову виконано перекладачем Шпірюк Оленою

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову

Emblem of the Bank SBERBANK of RUSSIA

01601, Ukraine, Kyiv, Volodymyrska Str., 46
Phone: +380(44) 354-15-15, 0 800 5-03-033
Fax: =380 (44) 247-45-45
E-mail: [email protected]
ID Code 25959784, IDN 259597826652, Certificate No 100196388

Issue No 48-2/412
Of July 3, 2014


This is to certify that Gubchak Oleg Viacheslavovych (IDN 2954316572, passport

serial KP 215481, issued by Leninskii RO of the DIA of Ukraine in Chernivtsi Region on
18.08.1997 year) has an open EURO account No 26258000977516 with JSC
“SBERBANK OF RUSSIA” (MFO 320627, ID Code 25959784).
Balance of this account at 03.07.2014 year is 4 500, 00 (Four thousand five
hundred) EURO 00 EUROcents.

To whom it may concerns.

Manager of the Department No 2 of JSC “SBERBANK OF RUSSIA” in

Chernivtsi \signature\ Bakhur A. O.
Official round seal / Kyiv / Ukraine /Public Joint Stock Company / “SUBSIDIARY
BANK OF SBERBANK OF RUSSIA” / ID Code 25959784 No 231 /

Executer Kovernik L. I.
Phone (0372) 587 420

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову виконано перекладачем Шпірюк Оленою

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову

Emblem of the Bank SBERBANK of RUSSIA

01601, Ukraine, Kyiv, Volodymyrska Str., 46
Phone: +380(44) 354-15-15, 0 800 5-03-033
Fax: =380 (44) 247-45-45
E-mail: [email protected]
ID Code 25959784, IDN 259597826652, Certificate No 100196388

Issue No 48-2/413
Of July 3, 2014


This is to certify that Sokolyk Oleksandr Vasylovych (IDN 2142219355, passport

serial KP 548452, issued by Khotyn RO of the DIA of Ukraine in Chernivtsi Region on
07.08.2000 year) has an open EURO account No 26259000977521 with JSC
“SBERBANK OF RUSSIA” (MFO 320627, ID Code 25959784).
Balance of this account at 03.07.2014 year is 3 170, 00 (Three thousand one
hundred and seventy) EURO 00 EUROcents.

To whom it may concerns.

Manager of the Department No 2 of JSC “SBERBANK OF RUSSIA” in

Chernivtsi \signature\ Bakhur A. O.
Official round seal / Kyiv / Ukraine /Public Joint Stock Company / “SUBSIDIARY
BANK OF SBERBANK OF RUSSIA” / ID Code 25959784 No 231 /

Executer Kovernik L. I.
Phone (0372) 587 420

Переклад з української мови на англійську мову виконано перекладачем Шпірюк Оленою

Перевод оригинала документа с украинского языка на русский язык

Государственный герб Украины

Перковецкий сельский совет
Кельменецкий район Черновицкая область
60122, с. Перковцы, ул. Центральная № 43, тел. 2-05-62

01.04.2014 года № 248

На № ________ от _________


Выдана Перковецким сельским советом

Кельменецкого района
Черновицкой области

Гражданину Украины, жителю с. Перковцы Кельменецкого района Черновицкой

области Зиневичу Александру Александровичу 1988 года рождения, в том, что он в браке
на территории Украины не состоял.

Справка выдана по месту требования.

Председатель сельского совета / подпись / В. Д. Билык

Круглая печать / Перковецкий сельский совет Кельменецкого района Черновицкой
области / Украина / Государственный герб Украины /

Місто Чернівці, Чернівецької області, Україна.

«02» квітня 2014 року я, ОЛІЙНИК І. М., приватний нотаріус Чернівецького
міського нотаріального округу, засвідчую вірність перекладу тексту документа з
української мови на російську мову, який зроблено мною, нотаріусом.

Зареєстровано в реєстрі за № 389

Стягнуто плати згідно ст. 31 Закону України "Про нотаріат"
Приватний нотаріус ОЛІЙНИК І. М.
Переклад з німецької мови та англійської мови на українську мову здійснено перекладачем Шпірюк Оленою
This is to certify, that Mitkevich Alena Aleksandrovna , born July 31, 1985, citizen of the
Republic of Belarus, Minsk in base of the main information center of Ministry of Internal
Affairs of the Russian Federation, Chief departmentofInternal Affairs Moscow city, Chief
departmentofInternal Affairs Moscow region has no information about previous conviction of
the aforesaid person.
Переклад з німецької та англійської мови на українську

Герб університету / Гамбургський університет

Дослідження / Вчення / Освіта

Факультет Математики, Інформатики та Природничих наук

Гамбург д.
Гамбургський університет
Факультет Математики, Інформатики та Природничих наук
-Спеціалізація Фізіка-
Юнгіусштрасе, 9, 20355 Гамбург

Підтверджувальна заява для митних органів
Дійсна заява

Ми заявляємо (Гамбургський Університет) про відправку товару організації:

Національний університет Юрія Федьковича

Відділення Фізики напівпровідників та наноструктур
Вул. Коцюбинського, 2,
Чернівці, 58012
Тел.: +380-372-526235
Факс: +380-372-552914

Кріопомпа (в наявності) – гуманітарна допомога

Тел.-№: 040/42838-2040

Ціна: прибл. Прибл. 0,00 ЄВРО

Дата: 04.10.2012 року

ЕОРІ-№: DE2590050
Підпис / підпис / Др. Слободський

Переклад з німецької мови та англійської мови на українську мову здійснено перекладачем Шпірюк Оленою

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