Deber 9

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Investigación de Operaciones II
Deber N°9

Sebastián Morán (00203020)

15.1-3. Consider the following parlor game to be played between two players. Each player begins with three
chips: one red, one white, and one blue. Each chip can be used only once. To begin, each player selects one of
her chips and places it on the table, concealed. Both players then uncover the chips and determine the payoff
to the winning player. In particular, if both players play the same kind of chip, it is a draw; otherwise, the
following table indicates the winner and how much she receives from the other player. Next, each player
selects one of her two remaining chips and repeats the procedure, resulting in another payoff according to the
following table. Finally, each player plays her one remaining chip, resulting in the third and final payoff.


Las estrategias 1 y 4 del jugador 2 están dominadas por la estrategia 3.

Las estrategias 1 y 2 del jugador 1 están dominadas por la estrategia 3.
La estrategia 2 del jugador 2 está dominada por la estrategia 3.
Por lo tanto, la estrategia óptima es la estrategia 3 para cada jugador y la recompensa resultante es 2
al jugador 2.
15.2-5. Find the saddle point for the game having the following payoff table.

Use the minimax criterion to find the best strategy for each player. Does this game have a saddle point? Is it a
stable game?


La mejor estrategia es la estrategia 3 para el jugador 1 y la estrategia 2 para el jugador 2, el resultado resultante es 1
para el jugador 2. El juego es estable con un punto de silla
15.3-2. Consider the following parlor game between two players. It begins when a referee flips a coin, notes
whether it comes up heads or tails, and then shows this result to player 1 only. Player 1 may then (i) pass and
thereby pay $5 to player 2 or (ii) bet. If player 1 passes, the game is terminated. However, if he bets, the game
continues, in which case player 2 may then either (i) pass and thereby pay $5 to player 1 or (ii) call. If player
2 calls, the referee then shows him the coin; if it came up heads, player 2 pays $10 to player 1; if it came up
tails, player 2 receives $10 from player 1.

(a) Give the pure strategies for each player. (Hint: Player 1 will have four pure strategies, each one
specifying how he would respond to each of the two results the referee can show him; player 2 will
have two pure trategies, each one specifying how he will respond if player 1 bets.)

(b) Develop the payoff table for this game, using expected values for the entries when necessary. Then
identify and eliminate any dominated strategies.

(c) Show that none of the entries in the resulting payoff table are a saddle point. Then explain why any
fixed choice of a pure strategy for each of the two players must be an unstable solution, so mixed
strategies should be used instead.

(d) Write an expression for the expected payoff for player 1 in terms of the probabilities of the two
players using their respective pure strategies. Then show what this expression reduces to for the
following three cases: (i) Player 2 definitely uses his first strategy, (ii) player 2 definitely uses his
second strategy, (iii) player 2 assigns equal probabilities to using his two strategies.
15.4-5. The A. J. Swim Team soon will have an important swim meet with the G. N. Swim Team. Each team
has a star swimmer (John and Mark, respectively) who can swim very well in the 100- yard butterfly,
backstroke, and breaststroke events. However, the rules prevent them from being used in more than two of
these events. Therefore, their coaches now need to decide how to use them to maximum advantage.

Each team will enter three swimmers per event (the maximum allowed). For each event, the following table
gives the best time previously achieved by John and Mark as well as the best time for each of the other
swimmers who will definitely enter that event. (Whichever event John or Mark does not swim, his team’s
third entry for that event will be slower than the two shown in the table.)

The points awarded are 5 points for first place, 3 points for second place, 1 point for third place, and none for
lower places. Both coaches believe that all swimmers will essentially equal their best times in this meet. Thus,
John and Mark each will definitely be entered in two of these three events.

(a) The coaches must submit all their entries before the meet without knowing the entries for the other
team, and no changes are permitted later. The outcome of the meet is very uncertain, so each
additional point has equal value for the coaches. Formulate this problem as a two-person, zero-sum
game. Eliminate dominated strategies, and then use the graphical procedure described in Sec. 15.4 to
find the optimal mixed strategy for each team according to the minimax criterion.

(b) The situation and assignment are the same as in part (a), except that both coaches now believe that
the A. J. team will win the swim meet if it can win 13 or more points in these three events, but will
lose with less than 13 points. [Compare the resulting optimal mixed strategies with those obtained in
part (a).]

(c) Now suppose that the coaches submit their entries during the meet one event at a time. When
submitting his entries for an event, the coach does not know who will be swimming that event for the
other team, but he does know who has swum inpreceding events. The three key events just discussed
are swum in the order listed in the table. Once again, the A. J. team needs 13 points in these events to
win the swim meet. Formulate this problem as a two-person, zero-sum game. Then use the concept of
dominated strategies to determine the best strategy for the G. N. team that actually “guarantees” it
will win under the assumptions being made.

(d) The situation is the same as in part (c). However, now assume that the coach for the G. N. team does
not know about game theory and so may, in fact, choose any of his available strategies that have
Mark swimming two events. Use the concept of dominated strategies to determine the best strategies
from which the coach for the A. J. team should choose. If this coach knows that the other coach has a
tendency to enter Mark in the butterfly and the backstroke more often than in the breaststroke,
which strategy should she choose?

Estrategias para A.J. Equipo: 1- John no nada mariposa.
2- John no nada hacia atrás.
3- John no nada braza.
Estrategias para G.N. Equipo: 1- Mark no nada mariposa.
2- Mark no nada hacia atrás.
3- Mark no nada braza.
Deje que las entradas de pago sean el total de puntos ganados en los tres eventos por A.J. Equipo cuando un

un par de estrategias son elegidas por los equipos. Entonces la matriz de pagos se convierte en:

Estrategia 2 de A.J. El equipo está dominado por la estrategia 1 y la estrategia 1 de G.N. El equipo está dominado

por estrategia 2. Cuando eliminamos estas estrategias obtenemos la tabla:

Por lo tanto, John siempre debe nadar hacia atrás y debe nadar mariposa y braza cada uno con probabilidad .
Además, Mark siempre debe nadar mariposa y debe nadar golpe de espalda y pecho cada uno con probabilidad 0.5 .
En consecuencia, el equipo de A.J. puede espere obtener 0.5 y puntos en promedio en tres eventos.

(b) Las estrategias para los dos equipos son las mismas que en (a). Si: 34 denota el total de puntos ganado por A.J.
Equipo, deja que: 34 sea la nueva recompensa que se define como:

0.5 si AAj gana

0.5 si Aj pierde

La mejor estrategia es dominada por estrategia 1 y la estrategia 1 de GN es dominada por la estrategia 2, estas son la
solución optima.
15.5-1. Consider the odds and evens game introduced in Sec. 15.1 and whose payoff table is shown in Table

(a) Use the approach described in Sec. 15.5 to formulate the problem of finding optimal mixed strategies
according to the minimax criterion as two linear programming problems, one for player 1 (the evens
player) and the other for player 2 (the odds player) as the dual of the first problem.
(b) Use the simplex method to find these optimal mixed strategies.


Solución optima: x1=x2=y1=y2=0.5 ; x3=y3=0

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