Traitify BigFive Manual
Traitify BigFive Manual
Traitify BigFive Manual
Introduction Validity
Key Benefits 3 Overview 24
Construct Validity 24
Personality And The Big Five Five Key Points 25
Overview 4 Traitify Big Five Inter-correlations 26
Personality And Life 5 Criterion-Related Validity 26
Personality And Work 5
Building The Traitify Big Five Overview 28
Overview 8
Visual Format 8 Fairness
Me/Not Me 8 Overview 30
Design Process 9 Gender Differences In The Big Five Dimensions 30
Age Differences In The Big Five Dimensions 31
Using The Traitify Big Five Ethnicity Differences In The Big Five Dimensions 31
Overview 11
SaaS 11 References 33
API 11
Traitify Big Five dimensions List of Traitify Big Five Trait Descriptions. 36
Overview 12
Narrative Descriptions 12 Appendix-2
Solving Problems 12 Example Predictive Validity Coefficients 37
Delivering Results 13
Engaging With People 14 Appendix-3
Influencing People 15 Rotated Component Matrix for the Traits 38
Managing Pressure 17
On-Screen Feedback 18
Overview 19
Standardizing The Big Five 19
Scaling The Traitify Big Five 21
Overview 22
Internal Consistency 22
Test-Retest Reliability 22
Introduction 3
The Traitify Big Five assessment is a new and dynamic visual personality questionnaire. It
provides an extremely efficient means of measuring the five main dimensions of personality,
while maintaining the accuracy and validity of the results.
It’s a fun and interactive way of gathering key personality data. It has applications in any
situation where personality drives an aspect of decision making or self-exploration, for example
in recruitment, recreation or relationships.
It utilizes Traitify’s unique visual format and robust delivery system - a fully scalable system
which has to date delivered millions of assessments.
Key Benefits
The questionnaire is based on over 50 years of international research. It is driven by the most
widely recognized and respected model of human personality: the Five Factor Model.
The Big Five personality domains have been shown to be directly predictive of many aspects of
work performance, satisfaction, engagement, leadership potential, motivation, counterproductive
work behavior and so on.
The questionnaire is visual. This means that the ‘questions’ take less time for the brain to process,
and the experience is far more engaging. Typical completion time is 4 minutes, and 90% finish the
questionnaire1 .
The response is a simple “Me/Not Me”, a format that makes responding quicker and more decisive.
Compared to other questionnaires this also reduces the effects of questionnaire fatigue.
Unlike traditional questionnaires, Traitify’s innovative design means that multiple data points
are obtained from each response. Apart from making the questionnaire a highly effective way of
gathering information, this also makes it harder to ‘game’.
On-screen results are presented in both a visual and text-based format. Users can drill down into
more detail as required, and clear and actionable information is provided. This provides recruiters
with the know-how to act, and individuals with powerful personal self-insights.
And The Big person may score highly on Extraversion and on the
social traits (e.g. interactive, friendly) associated
with it, but not on the thrill seeking traits (e.g. thrill-
The model is often referred to as the ‘Big Five’, or Like many concepts in psychology, there are a
OCEAN, and encompasses a set of five broad factors number of people who can claim to be the fathers
or dimensions, namely: Openness to Experience, of the FFM, but it’s worth mentioning that the
Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness original breakthrough came as a result of the re-
and Neuroticism (often labelled as its opposite, analysis of work conducted by Raymond Cattell in
Emotional Stability). the late 1940’s (Cattell, 1946; Russell & Karol, 1994).
Beneath the five dimensions are groups of traits. A He constructed a personality model based on the
person who scores highly on a dimension is more analysis of natural language. The idea was that a
likely to score highly on most of the traits in that ‘lexical’ approach would identify an exhaustive list of
dimension, but not necessarily all of them (Crede, words used to describe personality, and thus of all
Harms, Blacksmith & Wood, 2016). For example a the possible personality traits.
Personality And The Big Five 5
When looked at in relation to the other Big Five and with mental health issues (Soldz & Vaillant, 1999.)
factors, Extraversion correlates weakly and negatively With regard to the other factors, Neuroticism
with Neuroticism, and weakly and positively correlates weakly and negatively with Agreeableness
with Openness to Experience (Van der Linden, Te and Conscientiousness. It also has a weak negative
Nijenhuis & Bakker, 2010). relationship with Extraversion and Openness (Van der
Linden, Te Nijenhuis & Bakker, 2010).
Those with Agreeable personalities place an Personality And Work
emphasis on compassion, generosity and trust. The relationship between personality and workplace
They are less concerned with power, achievement or performance is one of the best established. The Big
ego-related activities. In reality, the highly agreeable Five are predictive of both job competencies and
person is motivated by the need to fulfill social more specific work behaviours.
obligations, which often comes from a genuine
concern with the welfare of others (Roccas, Sagiv, There is a great deal of evidence which supports
Schwartz, & Knafo, 2002). the influence of personality on career choice,
training outcomes, job performance, integrity,
Those high in agreeableness are likely to have counterproductive work behaviour, teamwork,
warm, positive and satisfying relationships, live work attitudes and motivation, job satisfaction,
long lives and give back to their community (Ozer attendance, worker turnover, management potential,
& Benet-Martinez, 2006). Generally high levels of leadership and occupational health.
agreeableness are related to good life adjustment Overall the research demonstrates that different
(Soldz & Vaillant, 1999). patterns of the Big Five map onto different
performance criteria, and that as composite
At the Big Five level, Agreeableness correlates
predictors - where all the Big Five factors are included
weakly with Extraversion, is negatively related to
- they have predictive power. Specifically they have
Neuroticism, and is weakly and positively related to
validities in the 0.41 - 0.54 range3 . This is illustrated in
conscientiousness (Van der Linden, Te Nijenhuis &
the Table-14 on page 7.
Bakker, 2010).
Other composite validities include impressive
correlations with teamwork, (0.47) and training
Neuroticism (0.44) - (Barrick, Mount & Judge, 2001); organizational
Neuroticism, or the lack of Emotional Stability over citizenship (0.43) - (Borman, Penner, Allen &
time, is negatively related to self-esteem, self-efficacy
and internal locus of control (Judge, Erez, Bono,
& Thoresen, 2002). It is also correlated with low Correlations run from -1.0 (perfect negative) to +1.0 (perfect
motivation and ineffective goal setting (Judge & Ilies, positive). Not much, especially continuous attributes like human
personality, ever gets close to -1.0 or +1.0. And correlations
2002). are not probabilities: 0.6 doesn’t mean that something works
6/10 times. The useful thing to know is that the square of
the correlation is the proportion of variance in Y that can be
The reactive and impulsive aspects of Neuroticism accounted for by knowing X, or vice versa. As a reference point,
relate positively to hedonism (pleasure without correlations that are greater than 0.3 equate to the top third of all
responsibility) and negatively to benevolence and psychological ‘effect sizes’.
conformity (Roccas, Sagiv, Schwartz, & Knafo, 2002). 4 The figures in the table are meta-analytic correlations, except
Long term research has demonstrated that for the Multiple Rs. Adjustments have been made for low criterion
reliability and restriction of range. The * indicates the 95%
Neuroticism is related to the inability to cease using confidence level. The table is based on a presentation by Timothy
alcohol or drugs, being unable to adjust to problems, Judge (2005).
Personality And The Big Five 7
Motowildo, 2001); goal setting (0.58) - (Judge & Ilies, Viswevaran, 1998).
2002), intention to quit (0.33) - (Zimmerman, 2008), All these large scale, mostly meta-analytic studies,
and so on. provide strong evidence that personality is predictive
across a wide range of jobs of different complexities,
Unpacking other composite validities, various from skilled and semi-skilled, through to the
combinations of the Big Five are found to be professions and management.
predictive of more specialized criteria. For example,
Conscientiousness, Agreeableness and Neuroticism As Deniz Ones, one of the most respected voices in
(Emotional Stability) are specifically correlated (0.41) personality research says:
with integrity - (Ones, Viswesvaran & Schmidt, 1993).
“Hundreds of primary studies and dozens of
The same factors, but with different weights, are meta-analyses conducted and published since
also correlated with customer service (0.39) - (Ones the mid 1980s indicate strong support for using
& Viswesvaran, 2001). By way of contrast, sales personality measures in staffing decisions.” (Ones
is mostly a question of Conscientiousness and et al, 2007.)
Extraversion - (Ones, Dilchert, Viswevaran & Judge,
2007); and managerial potential a combination
of Neuroticism (Emotional Stability), Extraversion
and Conscientiousness (0.42) - (Ones, Hough &
Job Job
Motivation Leadership
Satisfaction Performace
Openess 0.09 0.02 0.24* 0.06
Conscientiousness 0.20* 0.26* 0.28* 0.20*
Extraversion 0.16* 0.25* 0.31* 0.09
Agreeableness -0.17* 0.17 0.08 0.11
Neurotocism -0.24 -0.29* -0.24* -0.13
Multiple R 0.54* 0.41* 0.47 0.47*
Big Five
Overview way the response to a slide can be considered to be
The Traitify Big Five questionnaire is a visual more automatic than that to a traditional, completely
personality questionnaire. It is composed of 73 slides5 . verbal questionnaire. The use of a visual format, and
Each slide contains a colour image, a short text being able to tap into a more authentic reaction to
caption, and a “Me/Not Me” response option. the stimulus, also provides for very quick responding.
This is unsurprising because of the dominance of
Individual slides are keyed to up to 6 personality vision as a human sense.
traits, and subsets of slides relate to the Big Five
personality dimensions. This format is unique and Indeed research at MIT suggests that the brain
allows the questionnaire to be short, while being can process entire visual images in as little as 13
reliable and valid. The ability to obtain multiple milliseconds; a number that is 60,000 times faster
data points from each slide, and the visual format, than that for text (MIT, 2014).
result in average performance times for the entire
questionnaire of 4 minutes. Extensive text, as it is used in text-only
questionnaires, is also likely to create a ‘processing
Such an efficient method of measuring personality barrier’ for some people, especially those who are
has another important benefit. As it only takes a not psychologically savvy or who have limited self-
short time to complete the questionnaire - overall awareness.
completion rates are typically 90% - the vast majority
of people finish the entire questionnaire. This
suggests that the questionnaire is immune from Me/Not Me
the effects of boredom and fatigue, something that The “Me/Not Me” response is also designed to ease
is a key issue with long and repetitive text-based responding. The decision making load is light as
questionnaires. it invites the individual to move toward or away -
identify or not identify - with a particular image. The
Global completion rates are particularly important use of a binary approach also makes the decision
in those situations where the questionnaire is being decisive; with shades of responding being taken care
used as part of a recruitment process, or in any of by the underlying structure of the questionnaire
situation where psychological data is required at - especially the fact that each slide relates to more
scale. than one trait.
Design Process
The design process for the questionnaire mirrored
the way in which any other questionnaire would
be constructed. It was composed, developed and
ultimately refined through a series of iterative data
analyses. The process can be briefly summarized in
five steps:
These involved an examination of endorsement The aim of this step was to construct the best
rates, and slides with very high or very low rates possible questionnaire on the basis of the
were flagged for discussion, alteration, and statistical evidence, while adding in some potential
possible negative keying (negative scoring). Score redundancy in the form of a number of additional
distributions and descriptive statistics were also ‘research’ slides.
analyzed to explore the effective range of scores and
whether the score distributions were unduly skewed. Step 4 - Second Main Trial
The data from this trial, on the final selection of
At the same time it was possible to calculate the slides, are described in the technical sections.
internal consistencies for each of the five factors Essentially this trial allowed for the standardization
and to check that these were in excess of 0.7 (the of the questionnaire and for a set of representative
accepted standard). norms to be calculated. In addition, it was used to
generate a final set of internal consistency figures
Likewise the inter-correlations between dimensions and other meaningful psychometric indicators.
were computed, and the data were factor analyzed,
to ensure that the factors were distinct from each
The second trial also yielded test-retest statistics,
other; i.e. it was expected that the correlations
and evidence of construct validity, i.e. that the
between dimensions would be low, and that
questionnaire was effectively measuring the Big Five.
the correlations (and clustering) of traits within
dimensions would be high.
The aim of this step was to finalize questionnaire
The aim of this step was to generate empirical content.
evidence that could be used to refine and focus the
questionnaire. Step 5 - Ongoing Development
As the design process is an iterative process, and as
Step 3 - Intermediate Trial & Revision new sets of data become available, the Traitify team
An intermediate trial was conducted in July 2017 on a will recalculate all the key statistics and compare the
national sample of 117 US participants. performance of the questionnaire across different
groups and populations.
The questionnaire was refined once again and a
number of slides with poor psychometric properties This will also allow ideal job profiles to be
were removed. constructed when data from sufficient numbers
of candidates are available, i.e. to develop cut-off
The major changes included adding a number scores for each of the five dimensions for specific
of additional slides that were projected to have work sectors like sales, customer service, hospitality,
endorsement rates in the mid-range, rather than at accounting, administration and so on.
the extremes. Additionally work was conducted to
re-balance the questionnaire in terms of scoring, by The aim of ongoing development is to ‘tune’ the
ensuring a spread of positive and negatively keyed questionnaire and maximize its utility, reliability and
items. Note that this is also a way of controlling for validity.
‘response sets’, i.e. of limiting the effects of those who
always respond in a particular direction, irrespective
of questionnaire content.
Using The Traitify 11
Big Five
Overview API
Traitify allows organizations of any size to assess the One of Traitify’s advantages over other questionnaires
Traitify Big Five questionnaire immediately via a SaaS is its API. The Traitify API allows for the assessment
model or by a simple API integration. to be administered in any way that the organization
sees fit. There are Javascript widgets that allow an
organization to embed the questionnaire in whatever
SaaS way they wish - a website, an intranet, a mobile app,
The Traitify SaaS product allows for organizations part of their recruiting process and many others. The
to get up and running very quickly. Organizations API also allows organizations to collect results and
are given a unique URL they can distribute to their use them for any purpose they wish, some examples
users. The product can be configured to collect any would be for guiding cultural direction of their
information needed before users are given access company, analyzing their customers, and guiding
to the questionnaire. Users can take the Big Five candidates during the recruitment process.
questionnaire as well as the other questionnaires
that Traitify offers. The product can be configured to The API is simple, intuitive, and packed with
show the user their results or not. intelligent ways to get organizations up and running
quickly, while allowing them to present something
Administrators are given a suite of tools that will help comfortable and familiar to their brand.
them analyze their users in a number of ways. Users
can be searched and grouped from the user list. The
questionnaire results can be analyzed on our Insights
page in groups or per individual. Administrators can
compare users against other users or groups of users.
When viewing a user’s profile, the administrator is
given full insight into the results of the questionnaire
and can even be given a fit score that is created
against industry or company benchmarks.
Traitify Big Five
Overview the possibilities. Because they tend to be visionary,
The narrative descriptions for each of the Traitify Big they are likely to imagine how a particular decision
Five dimensions are provided below. Other aspects will play out in the future. Their big-picture capacity
of the on-screen feedback generated for recruiters/ leaves them less concerned with the details. They
individuals are described briefly in On-Screen will probably base their decisions on a ‘wide-angle’
Feedback on page 18. (strategic), future-oriented and intentionally unique
view of what is possible.
Potential benefits:
Narrative Descriptions • Creative thinker
The following are the narrative descriptions of each
• Makes rapid connections
of the Traitify Big Five dimensions. They have been
organized under their related competency title, • Develops new approaches
e.g. in a work sense ‘Openness’ relates to ‘Solving • Sees the big picture
Problems’. The ‘High’ (STEN 8-10), ‘Low’ (STEN 1-3) • Looks to the future
and ‘Medium’ (STEN 4-7) descriptions are provided in • Capacity to be visionary
each case. The method for converting to STEN scores
from raw scores is described in Scaling the Traitify Possible pitfalls:
Big Five Results on page 21. • May have ‘head in the clouds’
• May not work systematically
The descriptions are in the third person; a first person • May reinvent the wheel
version is also available. They also contain a list of • May miss some of the detail
‘potential benefits’ and ‘possible pitfalls’ that relate • May not learn from the past
to each dimension. A list of the underlying traits is • May resist structured approaches
provided in Appendix-1.
{Low score description STEN 1-3} person who can measure out the energy they invest
The candidate seems to be the sort of person who in tasks, ramping up more when they have to do
prefers to approach tasks in a flexible and often things they would normally avoid. This view of how
swift manner. This helps them to change things as work should be done is reinforced by the fact that
they go along and to react to events as they occur. they are likely to commit to tasks when they feel
They are not particularly driven by systems and fully invested in the outcome, and it’s this sense of
convention and are likely to have their own view of ownership that gives them the confidence to do their
what constitutes a job well done. Their spontaneous best work.
nature probably means they want to see rapid results
from their work, and are eager to see how things turn Potential benefits:
out. They may prefer short-term projects to longer • Balanced work style
term ones. This also suggests they may postpone • Continually prioritizes goals
tasks they consider unnecessary or unpleasant. This • Focuses on process and task
view of how work should be done is reinforced by the • Wants to achieve
fact that they may well feel restricted if they have no • Committed to shared outcome
scope to change tasks. Additionally, they are likely to • Flexible work style
be more confident when they can just ‘do it their own
way’. Possible pitfalls:
• May be slow to select suitable style
Potential benefits: • May tend to leave things too open
• Flexible work style • May not leave space for change
• Quick to pivot goals • May confound achievement with delivery
• Focuses on process • May not commit without ownership
• Wants to see results • May not prioritize end goal consistently
• Critical of purpose
• Values the end goal
Engaging With People
Possible pitfalls: Engaging with people (Extraversion) concerns
• May not follow a plan someone’s interest, investment and comfort in
• May change course too soon developing relationships with others - customers,
• May not focus on the task clients, work groups or colleagues.
• May sacrifice quality for speed
• May over-complicate purpose {High score description STEN 8-10}
• Intolerant of tedious details The candidate seems to be the sort of person who
seeks out and enjoys being with other people.
Typically, they find it stimulating to have lively
{Medium score description STEN 4-7} discussions with others, and may even enjoy getting
The candidate seems to be the sort of person who a reaction by saying or doing entertaining things.
prefers to weigh the extent to which tasks need to be When it comes to the energy they put into life,
structured, organized and planned. They are likely to they’re probably at the front of the line when there
be aware of the fact that there are things that need to is an exciting challenge up for grabs. As such they
be approached in a highly methodical manner, and are a ‘do-think-do’ kind of person who has plenty of
equally, that there are occasions when action is more enthusiasm and stamina, and a real thirst for getting
important than following a pre-planned approach. out there and making their mark.
Based on their results, they seem to be the sort of
Traitify Big Five Dimensions 15
viewpoints, with the style in which they try to dealings with other people, they are likely to push
influence or negotiate with them. for what they want and tend to be competitive and
at times impersonal. This means they will probably
{High score description STEN 8-10} come across as being firm-minded and not easily
The candidate’s view is that they are someone swayed by feelings of sympathy for others. They are
who is accommodating and open to the opinions likely to be quite happy to confront things head on,
of other people. This suggests that they tend to and can cope with criticism.
trust other people, and can be depended on to
have a consistent and forgiving viewpoint. Their Potential benefits:
results indicate that they are very loyal, and build • Questioning
relationships with other people based on mutual • Skeptical
respect. Other people’s needs are likely to influence • Wants to win
their dealings with them, and they will often be the • Speaks honestly
person who is striving for a harmonious outcome. • Negotiates impersonally
They are tuned in to those around them and are • Confronts comfortably
motivated by the ultimate welfare of other people.
This will guide the way in which they negotiate, and
Possible pitfalls:
as a rule they are likely to avoid confrontation and
• May over-prioritize logic over feeling
promote good feeling.
• May not give the benefit of the doubt
• May not value cooperation
Potential benefits:
• May damage relationships
• Accommodating
• Trusts other people • May miss what people really want
• Looks for ‘win-win’ result • May hurt or anger others
• Non-confrontational
• Negotiates through harmony
• Attuned to others {Medium score description STEN 4-7}
The candidate’s view is that they are someone who
Possible pitfalls: has a mature and streetwise view of other people
• May be too eager to comply and their views. Their first instinct is likely to be to
• May be naïve about others’ motives trust other people, but they do know that others can
• May not drive a hard enough bargain let them down. Thus, while they are a loyal friend and
• May avoid what needs to be said colleague, they do not take everything on trust. Their
• May accept a below standard outcome results indicate that they tend to have an attitude
• May be over-influenced by others’ feelings towards others that is built on openness, and a view
that people are imperfect and sometimes need
help. Therefore, when they deal with other people,
{Low score description STEN 1-3} they will search for a mutually acceptable outcome,
The candidate’s view is that they are someone who is because they know ultimately that we all need to
questioning of other people and their opinions. This work together. In this way, they are probably able to
suggests they can be quite skeptical, and need to be be direct, but are also able to temper their approach
convinced of a person’s integrity before building a with sensitivity for what will keep relationships
relationship with them. In their book, it would seem healthy and intact.
that loyalty has to be earned. Their results indicate
that they are independent-minded and quite willing Potential benefits:
to pursue their own agenda. When it comes to their • Realistic view of others
Traitify Big Five Dimensions 17
go. Their results indicate that they are someone who with other personalities; and preferences with regard
is generally calm, and not the sort to dwell on things, to work environment.
but who is also ‘on guard’ at times. They listen to
other people and take note of what they say, but are If individual results are being used to compare an
not prone to letting criticism interfere with what they individual with a particular job/career, a percentage
do. When it comes to managing their feelings, they match is provided at the top of the page. This is
tend to respond to situations in a measured manner, based on a customized algorithm developed by
as they have a good understanding of their ability Traitify.
to cope. Indeed their friends and colleagues might
well describe them as even-tempered and positive. Experienced users can also access an administration
By and large they probably feel well able to deal with page which provides additional information and
most of what life hands them. functionality.
Potential benefits:
• Even tempered
• Low level of tension
• Takes onboard criticism
• Manages feelings
• Copes with most things
• Aware of others’ emotional states
Possible pitfalls:
• May not show real feelings
• May lack energy to act quickly
• May not take criticism seriously enough
• May appear too unresponsive
• May be slow to ask for help
• May be distracted by others’ emotions
On-Screen Feedback
The individual or hiring manager can access
personality results at a number of different levels of
Table 2 - Gender
Number Percentage
Male 465 49.4%
Female 473 50.2%
Not Stated 4 0.4%
Total 942 100%
Number Percentage
American Indian or Alaska Native 8 0.8%
Asian 41 4.4%
Black or African American 164 17.4%
Two or More Race 34 3.6%
White 649 68.9%
Other 38 4%
Not Stated 8 0.8%
Total 942 100%
20 Standardization
Table 4 - Age
Number Percentage
18 - 30 years 260 27.6%
31 - 40 years 206 21.9%
41 - 50 years 166 17.6%
51 - 60 years 130 13.6%
60+ years 180 19.1%
Total 942 100%
Table 5 - Education
Number Percentage
Advanced Professional Degree 49 5.2%
Associate’s Degrees 126 13.4%
Bachelor’s Degree 351 37.3
Elementary or High School (only) 9 1.0%
High School Diploma 197 20.9%
Master’s Degree 152 16.1%
Trade School 46 4.9%
Not Stated 12 1.3%
Total 942 100%
The mean and standard deviations of raw scores for the standardization sample are as follows:
Dimension Mean SD
Openness 53.19 18.62
Conscientiousness 61.45 19.33
Extraversion 50.08 26.13
Agreeableness 60.10 18.45
Emotional Stability 54.55 21.21
Standardization 21
Construct Validity
In August 2017 the Traitify Big Five research
questionnaire was completed online by a
representative sample of the US general population.
The sample was balanced in terms of gender, ethnic
origin, age and education.
Traitify Big Five Inter-correlations across these roles. However, in the period 2017-
Table 11 presents the inter-correlations for the five 2018, multiple statistically significant correlations
personality dimensions. The correlations are based have been obtained. These range from 0.164 to
on trait summation scores. 0.581, across different types of performance ratings
such as customer satisfaction, manager ratings of
These results compare favourably with those from overall performance, customer engagement, work
other short-form questionnaires. For example, in the quality and reliability. See Appendix-2 for further
BFI and IPIP-NEO, C is relatively highly correlated information.
with A (0.49; 0.55) and the inverse of ES (N) (-0.48;
-0.61); and N with E (-0.41; -0.54) and A (-0.48; -0.35). In addition, and when it is available, Traitify uses
In all cases the Traitify Big Five intercorrelations are termination data as a criterion. For instance, using
lower for C (with A, 0.22; with ES, 0.43) and ES (with E, a 2018 sample of 4,381 retail workers, we were able
0.32; with A, 0.17.) to use logistic regression to significantly predict
likelihood of being terminated (R2=0.016, p<0.01).
In addition, those Traitify Big Five dimensions with In this case employees who were very high in
sizeable correlations are in the direction that would Extraversion and lower in Openness were more likely
be expected. To take two examples, it is usual for to be terminated.
Emotional Stability (-N) to be significantly correlated
with Conscientiousness and Extraversion. It’s important to note that third party studies have
also produced significant results. A 2018 study using
Finally, given the size of the sample it is unsurprising call center workers, and a range of independent
that all of the correlations show statistical ratings, provided a predictive validity figure of 0.236*,
significance. using overall performance as the criteria. This was
supported with figures for ratings of customer service
of 0.246*, professionalism of 0.368**, and against the
Criterion-Related Validity employer’s own internal employee rating of 0.227*
The Big Five criterion-related validity results, (Note: *p<0.05, **p<0.01).
which have been obtained from a broad range of
customers, indicate predictivity across a number of
business sectors. Naturally figures vary as they are a
product of the predictor (the questionnaire) and the
quality and extent of the criterion data.
Conscien- Emotional
Openness Extraversion Agreeableness
tiousness Stability
Agreeableness 0.17*
Emotional Stability
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Component Number
Table 14: Means and Standard Deviations for Each Traitify Big
Five Dimension for Males and Females
Females Males
Openness r = .18**
Conscientiousness r = .17**
Extraversion r = -.02
Agreeableness r = .12**
Emotional Stability r = .18**
Finally, we compared those who consider themselves as being from Hispanic origin with those who did not.
There were no significant differences in means for these two groups across any of the Big Five dimensions
Table 17: Means and Standard Deviations for Each Traitify Big Five
Dimension for Those of Hispanic Origin and Those Not of Hispanic Origin
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Appendix-1: Traitify Big Five Trait
Creative: original, artistic and imaginative.
Open-minded: having a mind receptive to new ideas or ideas contrary to one’s own beliefs.
Playful: free thinking and fun-loving.
Visionary: can imagine how actions and ideas pursued in the present will affect the future.
Whimsical: values the capricious aspects of an activity.
Imaginative: able to think symbolically and play with ideas.
Ambitious: having a strong desire to achieve.
Can delay gratification: can manage and delay one’s appetites and desires.
Committed: to pledge oneself to a position on an issue or to another person.
Confident: having a sense of one’s worth (a sense of mastery/competence).
Self-discipline: the ability to make yourself do things that you think should be done.
Orderliness: valuing organization and logic.
Friendly: warm and easily approachable and engaging.
Attention-seeking: provoking a response from others.
Interactive: prefers the company of other people.
Enthusiastic: experiencing a lively interest in something.
Thrill-seeking: craving excitement.
High-energy: possessing high stamina and motivation.
Altruistic: devoted to the welfare of others or the greater good.
Compassionate: feeling deep sympathy and sorrow for others who are misfortunate.
Forgiving: allowing room for error or weakness in others.
Accommodating: willing to do what someone else wants.
Loyal: devoted to ‘friendships’ with important others.
Steady: dependable, even and consistent.
ES (N-)
Calm: an internal sense of peacefulness.
Positive: thinking that a good result will happen.
Easygoing: can ‘go with the flow’ and adjust preferences when needed.
Robust: strong, resilient and healthy.
Deliberate: careful and measured in deciding and acting.
Regulated: able to modulate and cope with one’s changing emotional state.
Appendix-2: Example Predictive 37
Validity Coefficients
Industry Criterion Sample Size Multiple R Dimensions
Customer service Voice and Chat 965 0.396** O*
(Recruiter Call Center) (online) ratings (Position and B5 as
variables) E**