Malala Yousafzai

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Name: Ana Maria Rojas Castaño ID:000414400


She a. was born 12th July 1997 and she is a Pakistani activist for female education
who b. lived _ in Mingora during her childhood with her Muslim family. Her parents
are Ziauddin and Tor Peka and her younger brothers, Khushal and Atal.
The Talibans occupying Pakistan banned girls from going to school; some schools c.
closed _ and some were destroyed. As a consequence, at the age of 11 Malala
d wrote _ a blog to express her feelings and fight for her rights.
An afternoon on 9th October 2012 the girl e. took the bus to school and she was
shot three times. Luckily she f. could recover from the attack and became the
most famous teenager in the world. She then g. kept on fighting for the
access to education and other human rights.
Because of her activism Malala h.won the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize. She was the
youngest person to win this prize.

1- Write the past tense of the following verbs and complete the text.
WIN won _ - KEEP kept - BE _ was_ - LIVE lived_ - CLOSE _closed _ - TAKE took- CAN _could- WRITE _wrote

2. Answer the questions.

a. When was she born?
She was born on July 12, 1997.
b. Where did she live?
She lived in Mingora during her childhood with her Muslim family.
c. What did she do to fight for her rights?
Malala, wrote a blog to express her feelings and fight for her rights.
d. What happened in 2012?
In 2012, Malala took the bus to school and was shot three times. Fortunately, she was able
to recover from the attack, becoming the most famous teenage girl in the world.
e. How old was she when she won the Nobel Prize?
The text does not specifically inform how old Malala was, but having been born in 1997, it
would seem that in the 2014, she was about 17 years old.
A.Find out about another important activist and fill in the following chart.
NAME Greta Tintin Eleanora Ernman Thunberg
DATE OF BIRTH January 3, 2003
FOUGHT FOR Greta fights climate change and asks people to reason about the
global climate crisis. It also calls on the authorities to take
immediate action.
1. Fritt Ord Award (2019)
2. Rachel Carson Award (2019)

3. Ambassador of Conscience Award (2019)

4. Right Livelihood Award (2019)

5. International Children's Peace Prize (2019)

6. Person of the year (2019)

7. Nordic Council Environment Award (2019)

8. Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity (2020)

B.Write sentences with the ideas from the

chart. 1. Grate is an activist against
global warming.
2. Grate was born on January 3, 2003
3. Grate just 13 years old and already has 8 awards for his fight.
4. Grate, not only did he win awards for fighting against global pollution, he also won an
international award for Children's Peace in 2019.
5. Grate is a Swedish national

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