Van Dijk G. Introduction To Harmonic Analysis and Generalized Gelfand Pairs

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de Gruyter Studies in Mathematics 36

Editors: Carsten Carstensen · Nicola Fusco

Niels Jacob · Karl-Hermann Neeb
de Gruyter Studies in Mathematics
1 Riemannian Geometry, 2nd rev. ed., Wilhelm P. A. Klingenberg
2 Semimartingales, Michel Métivier
3 Holomorphic Functions of Several Variables, Ludger Kaup and Burchard Kaup
4 Spaces of Measures, Corneliu Constantinescu
5 Knots, 2nd rev. and ext. ed., Gerhard Burde and Heiner Zieschang
6 Ergodic Theorems, Ulrich Krengel
7 Mathematical Theory of Statistics, Helmut Strasser
8 Transformation Groups, Tammo tom Dieck
9 Gibbs Measures and Phase Transitions, Hans-Otto Georgii
10 Analyticity in Infinite Dimensional Spaces, Michel Hervé
11 Elementary Geometry in Hyperbolic Space, Werner Fenchel
12 Transcendental Numbers, Andrei B. Shidlovskii
13 Ordinary Differential Equations, Herbert Amann
14 Dirichlet Forms and Analysis on Wiener Space, Nicolas Bouleau and
Francis Hirsch
15 Nevanlinna Theory and Complex Differential Equations, Ilpo Laine
16 Rational Iteration, Norbert Steinmetz
17 Korovkin-type Approximation Theory and its Applications, Francesco
Altomare and Michele Campiti
18 Quantum Invariants of Knots and 3-Manifolds, Vladimir G. Turaev
19 Dirichlet Forms and Symmetric Markov Processes, Masatoshi Fukushima,
Yoichi Oshima and Masayoshi Takeda
20 Harmonic Analysis of Probability Measures on Hypergroups, Walter R. Bloom
and Herbert Heyer
21 Potential Theory on Infinite-Dimensional Abelian Groups, Alexander Bendikov
22 Methods of Noncommutative Analysis, Vladimir E. Nazaikinskii,
Victor E. Shatalov and Boris Yu. Sternin
23 Probability Theory, Heinz Bauer
24 Variational Methods for Potential Operator Equations, Jan Chabrowski
25 The Structure of Compact Groups, 2nd rev. and aug. ed., Karl H. Hofmann
and Sidney A. Morris
26 Measure and Integration Theory, Heinz Bauer
27 Stochastic Finance, 2nd rev. and ext. ed., Hans Föllmer and Alexander Schied
28 Painlevé Differential Equations in the Complex Plane, Valerii I. Gromak,
Ilpo Laine and Shun Shimomura
29 Discontinuous Groups of Isometries in the Hyperbolic Plane, Werner Fenchel
and Jakob Nielsen
30 The Reidemeister Torsion of 3-Manifolds, Liviu I. Nicolaescu
31 Elliptic Curves, Susanne Schmitt and Horst G. Zimmer
32 Circle-valued Morse Theory, Andrei V. Pajitnov
33 Computer Arithmetic and Validity, Ulrich Kulisch
34 Feynman-Kac-Type Theorems and Gibbs Measures on Path Space, József Lörinczi,
Fumio Hiroshima and Volker Betz
35 Integral Representation Theory, Jaroslas Lukeš, Jan Malý, Ivan Netuka and Jiri
Gerrit van Dijk

Introduction to Harmonic Analysis

and Generalized Gelfand Pairs

≥ Walter de Gruyter
Berlin · New York
Gerrit van Dijk
Mathematical Institute
Leiden University
2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands
E-Mail: [email protected]

Series Editors
Carsten Carstensen Niels Jacob
Department of Mathematics Department of Mathematics
Humboldt University of Berlin Swansea University
Unter den Linden 6 Singleton Park
10099 Berlin, Germany Swansea SA2 8PP, Wales, United Kingdom
E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected]
Nicola Fusco Karl-Hermann Neeb
Dipartimento di Matematica Department of Mathematics
Università di Napoli Frederico II Technische Universität Darmstadt
Via Cintia Schloßgartenstraße 7
80126 Napoli, Italy 64289 Darmstadt, Germany
E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected]

Mathematics Subject Classification 2000: 43-01, 43-02, 43A85, 22Bxx, 22Dxx

Keywords: Fourier theory, harmonic analysis, Gelfand pairs, locally compact groups, Haar

앝 Printed on acid-free paper which falls within the guidelines of the ANSI
to ensure permanence and durability.

Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek

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ISBN 978-3-11-022019-3

쑔 Copyright 2009 by Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, 10785 Berlin, Germany.
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Printed in Germany.
Cover design: Martin Zech, Bremen.
Typeset using the author’s LATEX files: Kay Dimler, Müncheberg.
Printing and binding: Hubert & Co. GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen.

This book is intended as an introduction to harmonic analysis, and especially to my

favorite topic, generalized Gelfand pairs. It is aimed at advanced undergraduates
or beginning graduate students. The scope of the book is limited, with the aim of
enabling students to reach a level suitable for starting PhD-research. It is based
on lectures I have given in several places, most recently at Kyushu University in
Fukuoka, Japan (2008). Student input has strongly influenced the writing, and I
hope that this book will help students to share my enthusiasm for the beautiful
topics discussed.
Starting with the elementary theory of Fourier series and Fourier integrals, I
proceed to abstract harmonic analysis on locally compact abelian groups. Here I
follow the classical paper [7] of H. Cartan and R. Godement. It turns out that the
vi Preface

technique they developed works as well for Gelfand pairs .G; K/, where G is a
not necessarily abelian locally compact group, and K is a compact subgroup of
G. This approach is based on my thesis [51]. Finally I develop part of the theory
of generalized Gelfand pairs .G; H / where H is a closed, possibly noncompact,
subgroup of G. The basic ideas are due to E. G. F. Thomas, see for example [49],
and several applications are from my own work [52]. I also draw on papers by
J. Faraut and V. F. Molchanov to deal with examples related to the generalized
Lorentz group.
There is relatively little expository literature on generalized Gelfand pairs, and
there is no standard reference. For further reading, I recommend my Kyushu Lec-
ture Note [53].
The main prerequisites for the book are elementary real, complex and func-
tional analysis. In the later chapters we shall assume familiarity with some more
advanced functional analysis, in particular with the spectral theory of (unbounded)
self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert space. Some knowledge of distribution theory
and Lie theory is also assumed. References to these topics are given in the text.
For terminology and notations we generally follow N. Bourbaki. Proofs follow-
ing theorems, propositions and lemmas are written in small print. The index will
be helpful to trace important notions defined in the text.
Thanks are due to my colleagues and students in several countries for their re-
marks and suggestions. Especial thanks are due to Dr. J. D. Stegeman (Utrecht)
whose help in developing the final version of the manuscript has greatly improved
the presentation.

Leiden, September 2009

Gerrit van Dijk

The picture shows Snellius’ quadrant. Snellius (1580–1626), best known for Snell’s law on the
breaking of light, used this quadrant to measure the earth. It is now on display in the Museum
Boerhaave at Leiden. The building of the Leiden Mathematical Institute is named after Snellius.
A replica of the quadrant was offered to me on the occasion of my retirement and placed in the hall
of the Snellius building.

Preface v

1 Fourier Series 1
1.1 Definition and elementary properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Convergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Uniform convergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Some facts about convergence of Fourier series . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5 Parseval’s theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.6 Generalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 Fourier Integrals 7
2.1 The convolution product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Elementary properties of the Fourier integral . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 The inversion theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4 Plancherel’s theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.5 The Poisson summation formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.6 The Riemann–Stieltjes integral and functions of bounded variation 13
2.7 Bochner’s theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.8 Extension to Rn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3 Locally Compact Groups 25

3.1 Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2 Topological spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.3 Topological groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.4 Quotient spaces and quotient groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.5 Some useful facts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.6 Functions on locally compact groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

4 Haar Measures 32
4.1 Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.2 Invariant measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.3 Weil’s formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.4 Haar measures for specific groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.5 Quasi-invariant measures on quotient spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.6 The convolution product on G. Properties of L1 .G/ . . . . . . . . 45
viii Contents

5 Harmonic Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups 49

5.1 Positive-definite functions and unitary representations . . . . . . . 49
5.2 Some functional analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.3 Elementary positive-definite functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.4 Fourier transform, Riemann–Lebesgue lemma and Bochner’s the-
orem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.5 The inversion theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.6 Plancherel’s theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5.7 Pontryagin’s duality theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
5.8 Subgroups and quotient groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.9 Compact and discrete abelian groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
6 Classical Theory of Gelfand Pairs 75
6.1 Gelfand pairs and spherical functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6.2 Positive-definite spherical functions and unitary representations . . 79
6.3 Representations of class one . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.4 Harmonic analysis on Gelfand pairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.5 Compact Gelfand pairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs 89
7.1 Euclidean motion groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
7.2 The sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
7.3 Spherical harmonics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
7.4 Spherical functions on spheres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
7.5 Real hyperbolic spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
8 Theory of Generalized Gelfand Pairs 131
8.1 C 1 vectors of a representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
8.2 Invariant Hilbert subspaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
8.3 Generalized Gelfand pairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
8.4 Invariant Hilbert subspaces of L2 .G=H / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs 152
9.1 Non-Euclidean motion groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
9.2 Pseudo-Riemannian real hyperbolic spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
A The Averaging Mapping on the Space RnC1 195
A.1 Special case of a theorem of Harish-Chandra . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
A.2 Results of Méthée . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
A.3 Results of Tengstrand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
A.4 Solutions in H0 of a singular second order differential equation . . 205
A.5 Expression of Mb f
./ in terms of Bessel functions . . . . . . . . . 208
Contents ix

B The Averaging Mapping on the Space X 210

B.1 Special case of a theorem of Harish-Chandra . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
B.2 Analog of Méthée’s results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
B.3 Tengstrand’s results for X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
B.4 Solutions in H0 of a singular second order differential equation . . 213
Bibliography 217
Index 221
Chapter 1
Fourier Series

Literature: [12], [25], [61].

1.1 Definition and elementary properties

We denote by T the unit circle in the complex plane. Functions on T can be
identified with periodic functions on the real line R, for example with period 1,
via the mapping x 7! e2 ix .x 2 R/. All functions are supposed to be complex
valued. Set
 L1 .T /: the space of Lebesgue measurable periodic functions f on R with
period 1, satisfying kf k1 D 0 jf .x/jdx < 1,
 L2 .T /: the space of LebesgueR 1measurable periodic functions f on R with
period 1, satisfying kf k2 D . 0 jf .x/j dx/1=2 < 1.

Notice that L2 .T /  L1 .T /.
Let f 2 L1 .T /. The nth Fourier coefficient an of f is defined by
Z 1
an D f .x/ e2 i nx dx

P1 n 2 Z,
2 i
the set of integers. We also write an D an .f /. The series
nx is called the Fourier series of f . The series does not need
nD1 an e
to converge for all x, and, moreover, if convergence takes place, the sum is not
necessarily equal to f .x/.
Here are some elementary properties:

an .˛f C ˇg/ D ˛ an .f / C ˇ an .g/ for all f; g 2 L1 .T /;

˛; ˇ 2 C and n 2 Z;
jan .f /j  kf k1 for all f 2 L1 .T / and n 2 Z: (1.1.2)

If f is any function, integrable on the interval Œa; b, then one has
Z b
lim f .x/ e2 i nx dx D 0:
jnj!1 a

This is easily shown by approximating f with continuously differentiable func-

2 1 Fourier Series

tions on Œa; b and then applying partial integration. In particular we thus obtain
lim an .f / D 0 for all f 2 L1 .T /: (1.1.3)

Furthermore we have:
If f 2 L2 .T /; then 1nD1 jan j is convergent
P (1.1.4)
and one has 1 nD1 jan j  kf k2 :
2 2

The latter result is nothing but the Bessel inequality in the Hilbert space L2 .T /
with respect to the orthonormal system ¹e2 i nx ºn2Z . In fact, as we will see later
in Section 1.5, we have equality.

1.2 Convergence
In this section we start finding criteria for the convergence of the Fourier series
of f . P
Let f 2 L1 .T / and define SN .f; x/ D N nDN an .f / e
2 i nx . We may write

N Z 1
SN .f; x/ D f .t/ e2 i n.t x/ dt (1.2.1)
nDN 0
Z xC 12
sin.2N C 1/.t  x/
D f .t/ dt
x 12 sin .t  x/
Z 1=2
sin.2N C 1/y
D ¹f .x C y/ C f .x  y/º dy:
0 sin y
sin.2N C1/y
The function y 7! sin y is called the Dirichlet kernel of SN . If we take
R 1=2 sin.2N C1/y
f .x/ D 1, then we get 0 sin y dy D 12 . Fourier already posed the
following question. Does SN .f; x/ converge to f .x/ at each point x? In almost
all points x? In at least one point x?
We shall say that a function f on R has a discontinuity of the first kind at x if it
is discontinuous at x and both one-sided limits f .x C 0/ D limh#0 f .x C h/ and
f .x  0/ D limh"0 f .x C h/ exist and are finite.
We have the following result:

Theorem 1.2.1. If f .x/ is a periodic function with period 1, which is continu-

ous on every finite interval, except for finitely many discontinuities of the first
kind, then SN .f; x/ converges for all x where the one-sided limits f 0 .x C 0/ D
limh#0 f .xCh/f
and f 0 .x  0/ D limh"0 f .xCh/fh
exist and are
1.3 Uniform convergence 3

finite to 12 ¹f .x C 0/ C f .x  0/º. In particular, SN .f; x/ converges to f .x/ at all

points where f is differentiable.
From the conditions on f it follows that f is bounded and f 2 L1 .T /. Then we have for
all x, applying (1.2.1),
Z 1=2
f .x C 0/ C f .x  0/
SN .f; x/  D .y/ sin.2N C 1/y dy;
2 0

¹f .x C y/  f .x C 0/º C ¹f .x  y/  f .x  0/º
.y/ D :
sin y
For every x for which f 0 .x C 0/ and f 0 .x  0/ exist and are finite, the function  (as a
function of y) is continuous on Œ0; 12 , except for at most finitely many discontinuities of
the first kind. Hence  is bounded on Œ0; 12  and integrable. The theorem now follows from
the remarks just preceding (1.1.3).

1. f .x/ D x  12 .0 < x < 1/, f .0/ D f .1/ D 0 and f is periodic with
period 1. We obtain a0 D 0, an D  21i n .n 6D 0/. Applying Theorem 1.2.1
gives x  12 D  1 1nD1
sin 2 nx
n for 0 < x < 1. Taking x D 14 , we get
 1 1 1 1
D 1  C  C   :
4 3 5 7 9

2. The “saw”: f .x/ D jx  12 j .0  x  1/ and periodic with period 1. We

obtain: a0 D 14 , an D 1.1/
2 2 n2
.n 6D 0/. Applying Theorem 1.2.1 gives
ˇ 1 ˇˇ
2 X cos 2.2k C 1/x
ˇ 1
ˇx  ˇD C 2 for 0  x  1:
2 4  .2k C 1/2
P 2
Taking x D 1 we get 1 1
kD0 .2kC1/2 D 8 . Observe that the Fourier series
converges uniformly to f .x/ in this case.

1.3 Uniform convergence

We now investigate the (uniform) convergence of the Fourier series itself.

Theorem 1.3.1. If f is a periodic function with period 1 and Fourier coefficients

an , continuous on each finite interval except for at most finitely many discontinu-
ities of the first kind, then we can integrate f by integrating its Fourier series term
4 1 Fourier Series

by term. For all x we have

Z x X an
f .t/ dt D a0 x C .e2 i nx  1/:
0 2 i n
Let for 0  x  1; F .x/ D 0 ¹f .t/  a0 ºdt, so that F .0/ D F .1/ D 0 and F 0 .x  0/ D
f .x  0/  a0 ; F 0 .x C 0/ D f .x C 0/  a0 for all x. Extend F periodically to R.
Denote the Fourier coefficients of F by An . By partial integration we find, for n 6D 0,
Z 1 Z 1
1 an
An D F .x/ e2 i nx dx D f .x/ e2 i nx dx D :
0 2 i n 0 2 i n
From the inequality
Xq ˇ ˇ X q 1=2  Xq 1=2
ˇ an ˇ 1
ˇ ˇ jan j2

2 i n nDp nDp
4 2 n2

.0 < p  q or q  p < 0) it follows, taking into account that f 2 L2 .T / and (1.1.4), that
the Fourier series of F convergesP1absolutely2and uniformly on R. From Theorem 1.2.1
P it follows that F .x/ D nD1P A n e i nx
for all x. Hence, in particular, A0 C
n6D0 A n D F .0/ D 0, so A0 D  n6D0 2 i n For every x with 0  x  1 we thus
have Z x X an
f .t/dt D F .x/ C a0 x D a0 x C .e2 i nx  1/:
0 2 i n

A function f on R is said to be smooth if:

(i) f is continuous,
(ii) f is, in addition, continuously differentiable except at a set of points of which
each bounded interval contains only finitely many, and
(iii) at these points the left and right limit of the derivative f 0 exist.

Theorem 1.3.2. Let f be periodic with period 1 and smooth. Then the Fourier
series of f converges uniformly to f .x/.
We shall apply Theorem 1.3.1. One clearly has f .x/ D 0 f 0 .t /dt C f .0/. Notice that
f 0 fulfills the requirements of Theorem 1.3.1. So applying this theorem we get for all x
with 0  x  1,
X an
f .x/  f .0/ D a0 x C .e2 i nx  1/:
2 i n
Here an is the n Fourier coefficient of f . In particular we have a0 D 0 f 0 .t /dt D 0. So
th 0

X an
f .x/ D f .0/ C .e2 i nx  1/
2 i n
 X an  X an
D f .0/  C e2 i nx :
2 i n 2 i n
n6D0 n6D0
1.4 Some facts about convergence of Fourier series 5

This series, with sum f .x/, converges absolutely and uniformly (see proof of Theo-
rem 1.3.1) and is the Fourier series of f .

Example 2 (Section 1.2) provides a nice application of Theorem 1.3.2.

Remark 1.3.3. Alternatively, Theorem 1.3.2 can be proved without using The-
orem 1.3.1 (which is of P independent interest). Indeed, by Theorem P11.2.1 we
have f .x/ D limN !1 nDN an e 2 i nx for all x. The series nD1 jan j
convergent, since for n 6D 0, an D a2
is clearlyP n .f /
i n (see above). Hence we have
f .x/ D 1 nD1 an e
2 i nx , the series being absolutely and uniformly convergent.

1.4 Some facts about convergence of Fourier series

Throughout this section f is periodic with period 1.
1. There exists a continuous function f whose Fourier series diverges at one
given point only (Du Bois–Reymond 1876, Fejér 1911).
2. There is a locally integrable function f for which the Fourier series diverges
almost everywhere (Kolmogoroff 1923).
3. There is a locally integrable function f for which the Fourier series diverges
everywhere (Kolmogoroff 1926).
4. Let E be a set of Lebesgue measure zero. There exists a continuous function
f for which the Fourier series diverges on E only (Kahane, Katznelson 1965).
5. If f 2 L2 .T /, then SN .f; x/ converges a.e. to f .x/ (Carleson 1966), cf. [48,
Chapter 7].
6. If f 2 Lp .T / .p > 1/, then SN .f; x/ converges a.e. to f .x/ (Hunt 1968).
A new proof has been given by Fefferman (1973), see [16].

1.5 Parseval’s theorem

Let f be a continuously differentiable function on R with period 1. By Theo-
rem 1.3.2 the Fourier series of f converges uniformly to f .x/. In particular we

Lemma 1.5.1. Every periodic continuously differentiable

P function f can be uni-
formly approximated by trigonometric polynomials N nDM an e
2 i nx .

Corollary 1.5.2. The mapping f 7! .an .f //1 1

nD1 from L .T / to the space c0
consisting of all sequences of complex numbers cn with limjnj!1 cn D 0 is injec-
6 1 Fourier Series

This mapping is far from being surjective (see [12, p. 37]).

Corollary 1.5.3.PLet f be continuous and periodic

Pwith period 1 and Fourier co-
efficients an . If 1
nD1 nja j < 1, then f .x/ D 1
nD1 an e
2 i nx .

We now turn to functions in L2 .T /. By Lemma 1.5.1, every P f 2 L2 .T / can

be approximated in L2 -norm by finite linear combinations N nDM an e
2 i nx .

Therefore ¹e 2 i nx ºn2Z is an orthonormal basis of the Hilbert space L .T /. This



Theorem 1.5.4 (Parseval). For every f 2 L2 .T / its Fourier series converges to f

in L2 -norm. In particular
jan .f /j2 D kf k22 : (1.5.1)

Example. Let f .x/ D x  12 .0 < x < 1/, f .0/ D f .1/ D 0 and f periodic with
P 2
period 1. Relation (1.5.1) then yields 1 1
nD1 n2 D 6 . Similarly, taking f .x/ ,
P 4
we obtain 1 1
nD1 n4 D 90 , etc.

1.6 Generalization
The previous sections can be generalized to functions on T n , or, in other words, to
functions f D f .x1 ; : : : ; xn / on Rn with the property f .x1 Ck1 ; : : : ; xn Ckn / D
f .x1 ; : : : ; xn / for all k1 ; : : : ; kn 2 Z. Writing for f 2 L1 .T n /
Z Z 1 Z 1
f .x/dx D  f .x1 ; : : : ; xn / dx1 : : : dxn
Tn 0 0
and using the notation .x; y/ D niD1 xi yi if x D .x1 ; : : : ; xn /, y D .y1 ; : : : ; yn /,
the Fourier coefficients of f 2 L1 .T n / are given by
ak D f .x/ e2 i .x;k/ dx

where k D .k1 ; : : : ; kn / 2 Zn .
2 2
Let  D @ 2 C    C @ 2 be the Laplace operator and assume that m f exists
@x1 @xn
P is a continuous function for some f 2 L1 .T n /. Then the Fourier series
k2Zn ak e
2 i .x;k/ of f converges uniformly to f .x/ as soon as m  Πn2 . We
leave this as an exercise.
Chapter 2
Fourier Integrals

Literature: [1], [6], [19], [44], [38], [25].

2.1 The convolution product

We first devote some words to the convolution product of functions on R. All
functions that we consider are again complex-valued.
Let f and g be two Lebesgue integrable functions on R. Then the function
.x; y/ 7! f .y/ g.x  y/ is measurable on R2 and one has
Z 1Z 1 Z 1 Z 1
jf .y/ g.x  y/jdxdy D jf .y/jdy jg.x/jdx D kf k1 kgk1 :
1 1 1 1

By Fubini’s theorem the integral

Z 1
f .y/ g.x  y/ dy (2.1.1)

exists then for almost all x. We write

Z 1
.f  g/ .x/ D f .y/ g.x  y/ dy;

and call it the convolution product of f and g.

Also, by Fubini, f  g is an integrable function and one has

kf  gk1  kf k1 kgk1 :

From the well-known Hölder inequalities we conclude that the convolution product
f  g, defined by the same formula (2.1.1), exists everywhere if f 2 Lp and
g 2 Lq where p1 C q1 D 1; p  1. Furthermore we have, in summary,

Theorem 2.1.1. (i) If f; g 2 L1 .R/, then f  g 2 L1 .R/ and kf  gk1 

kf k1 kgk1 .
(ii) If f 2 Lp .R/, g 2 Lq .R/ . p1 C q1 D 1, p > 1/, then f  g is a continuous
function which vanishes at ˙1. In addition we have kf gk1  kf kp kgkq .
8 2 Fourier Integrals

(iii) If f 2 L1 .R/ and g 2 L1 .R/, then f  g is a bounded continuous function.

One has kf  gk1  kf k1 kgk1 .
The result in (ii) can be proved by approximating f and g by continuous func-
tions with compact support. In (iii) we approximate f by such functions. In both
cases one applies that continuous functions with compact support are uniformly

Remark 2.1.2. In the same way, by applying Minkowski’s inequality, one shows:
if f 2 L1 and g 2 Lp (p  1), then f  g 2 Lp and kf  gkp  kf k1 kgkp .

Notice that the convolution product, if it exists, is commutative. Let us define

e.x/ D f .x/ .x 2 R/. Then L1 .R/ is, with the addition, the L1 -norm, the con-
e, a standard example of a commutative
volution product and the involution f 7! f
Banach algebra with involution.

2.2 Elementary properties of the Fourier integral

We now introduce the Fourier integral and present some of its properties.
For f 2 L1 .R/ we define
Z 1
f .y/ D f .x/ e2 ixy dx .y 2 R/: (2.2.1)
b the Fourier transform of f , also denoted by f
We call f bDFf.
We list some elementary properties (without proof):
(a) .c1 f1 C c2 f2 /b D c1 f
b 1 C c2 f
b2 for c1 ; c2 2 C and f1 ; f2 2 L1 .R/.
b.y/j  kf k1 ; f
(b) jf b is continuous and limjyj!1 f b.y/ D 0 for all f 2 L1 .R/
(compare this with (1.1.3)). The latter result is often called the Riemann–
Lebesgue lemma.
(c) .f  g/b D f
b bg for all f; g 2 L1 .R/.
e/b D f
(d) .f b for all f 2 L1 .R/.
(e) Let .L t f /.x/ D f .x  t/, .M f /.x/ D f .x/,  > 0. Then

.L t f /b.y/ D e2 i ty f
h ib
e2 i tx f .x/ .y/ D .L t fb/.y/;

1 b y 
.M f /b.y/ D f
for all f 2 L1 .R/.
2.3 The inversion theorem 9

1. Let A > 0 and ˆA the characteristic function of the closed interval ŒA; A.
Then b̂A .y/ D sin y
.y 6D 0/, b̂A .0/ D 2A.
2. Set ´
1  jxj for jxj  1,
.x/ D
0 for jxj > 1,
(triangle function). Then  D ˆ1=2  ˆ1=2 , so .y/ b D sinyy .y 6D 0/,
.0/ D 1.
3. Let T be the trapezoidal function:
<1 if jxj  1,
T .x/ D 2  jxj if 1 < jxj  2,

0 if jxj > 2:
b.y/ D
Then T D ˆ1=2  ˆ3=2 , hence T sin 3y sin y b.0/ D 3.
.y 6D 0/ and T
4. Let f .x/ D eajxj ; a > 0. Then f D a2 C42a
2y2 .
b.y/ D
eax ; a > 0. Then we get by complex integration f
q f .x/2 D
5. Let
2 2 2
  y =a
a e . In particular F .ex / D ey .
For a proof we might refer to [41].

2.3 The inversion theorem

Theorem 2.3.1. Let f 2 L1 .R/ and x be a point where f .x C 0/ and f .x  0/
exist. Then one has
Z 1
lim b.y/ e2 ixy e4 2 ˛y 2 dy D f .x C 0/ C f .x  0/ :
˛#0 1 2
Step 1. One has
Z 1
b 2 2
f .y/ e2 ixy e4 ˛y dy
Z 1 Z 1
2 ˛y 2
D f .t/ e2 i.xt/y e4 dt dy
1 1
Z 1 Z 1
2 ˛y 2
D f .t/ e4 e2 i.xt/y dy dt by Fubini’s theorem
1 1
Z 1 Z 1
1 .xt/2 =4˛ 1 2 =4˛
D p f .t/ e dt D p f .x C t / et dt:
2 ˛ 1 2 ˛ 1
10 2 Fourier Integrals

Step 2. We now get

Z 1 ² ³
b 2 2 f .x C 0/ C f .x  0/
f .y/ e2 ixy e4 ˛y dy 
1 2
Z 1
1 2 =4˛
D p Œ¹f .x C t/  f .x  0/º C ¹f .x  t /  f .x  0/º et dt
2 ˛ 0
Z ı Z 1
1 1
D p  C p    D I1 C I2 ;
2 ˛ 0 2 ˛ ı

where ı > 0 still has to be chosen.

Step 3. Set .t / D jf .x C t/  f .x C 0/ C f .x  t /  f .x  0/j. Let " > 0 be given.
Choose ı such that .t/ < "=2 for jtj < ı, t > 0. This is possible, since lim t #0 .t / D 0.
Then we have jI1 j  "=2.
Step 4. We now estimate I2 . We have
Z 1 p Z
1 2 =4˛ 2 ˛ 1 .t /
jI2 j  p .t/ et dt  p dt:
2 ˛ ı  ı t2
R1 .t/
Now ı t2
dt is bounded, because
Z 1 Z 1 Z 1 Z 1
.t / jf .x C t/j jf .x  t /j jf .x C 0/  f .x  0/j
dt  dt C dt C dt
ı t2 ı t 2
ı t 2
ı t2
2 1
 2 kf k1 C ¹jf .x C 0/  f .x  0/jº :
ı ı

Hence lim˛#0 I2 D 0, so jI2 j < "=2 as soon as ˛ is small, say 0 < ˛ < .
Step 5. Summarizing: if 0 < ˛ < , then
ˇZ ˇ
ˇ 1
f .x C 0/ C f .x  0/ ˇˇ
ˇ b
f .y/ e 2 ixy 4 2 ˛y 2
ˇ e
2 ˇ < ":

Remark 2.3.2. (a) Under the conditions of Theorem 2.3.1 one shows in a similar
Z 1
lim b.t/ e2 ixt e˛jt j dt D f .x C 0/ C f .x  0/ ;
˛#0 1 2

and also
jt j b.t/ e2 ixt dt D f .x C 0/ C f .x  0/ :
lim 1 f
˛!1 ˛ ˛ 2
2.3 The inversion theorem 11

(b) One can show, by careful reconsidering our proof, that for every f 2 L1 the
three above limits converge almost everywhere to f .x/. One uses the so-called
Lebesgue set of f . See [19], [44].

(c) If f 2 L1 and if x is a point where f .xC0/, f .x0/, f 0 .xC0/ and f 0 .x0/

exist, then one can show, almost in the same way as in the proof of Theorem 1.2.1,
lim b.t/ e2 ixt dt D 1 Œf .x C 0/ C f .x  0/:
R!1 R 2

b belong to L1 and f is continuous in x, then

Corollary 2.3.3. If both f and f
Z 1
b.y/ e2 ixy dy D f .x/:

b  0. If f is continuous in x D 0, then one

Corollary 2.3.4. Let f 2 L1 and f
has f 2 L and therefore

Z 1
f .0/ D b.t / dt:

Corollary 2.3.3 is easily proved by applying Lebesgue’s theorem on dominated

convergence; Corollary 2.3.4 is a consequence of Fatou’s lemma.

Remark 2.3.5. When does f b belong to L1 ? Here differentiability of f plays a

role (as in the case of Fourier series). One has for example:
If f 2 L1 , f continuously differentiable, f 0 2 L1 \ L2 , then f b0 .y/ D
b b
.2 iy/ f .y/, hence f 2 L (use Theorem 2.4.1 for example).

Applying this to ' 2 Cc .R/, we easily get b
' 2 L1 and, using Corollary 2.3.3
for ',
Z 1 Z 1
f .x/ '.x/dx D b.x/ b
f ' .x/dx
1 1

b D 0, then f D 0 almost everywhere. Consequently:

for all f 2 L1 . Hence, if f

Corollary 2.3.6. The mapping F W L1 ! C0 .R/ is injective.

Here C0 .R/ is the complex vector space of continuous functions f on R satis-

fying limjxj!1 f .x/ D 0.
12 2 Fourier Integrals

2.4 Plancherel’s theorem

b 2 L2 and kf k2 D kf
Theorem 2.4.1. If f 2 L1 \ L2 , then f bk2 .

Let f be a function in L1 \ L2 . Then f  e

f is in L1 and is a continuous function.
Moreover .f  ef /b D jf j2 . According to Corollary 2.3.4 we have jb
f j2 2 L1 , hence
f 2 L . Furthermore

Z 1 Z 1
f e
f .0/ D jf .x/j2 dx D jb
f .y/j2 dy:
1 1

So kf k2 D kb
f k2 .

The Fourier transform is therefore an isometric linear mapping, defined on the

dense linear subspace L1 \ L2 of L2 . Let us extend this mapping F to L2 , for
instance by
Z k
F f .x/ D lim f .t/ e2 ixt dt .L2 -convergence/:
k!1 k

We then have:

Theorem 2.4.2 (Plancherel’s theorem). The Fourier transform is a unitary opera-

tor on L2 .
For any f; g 2 L1 \ L2 one has
Z 1 Z 1
f .x/b
g .x/dx D b
f .x/g.x/dx:
1 1
R1 R1
Since both 1 f .x/.F g/.x/dx and 1 .F f /.x/g.x/dx are defined for f; g 2 L2 ,
and because
ˇZ 1 ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇ f .x/.F g/.x/dx ˇ  kf k2 kF gk2 D kf k2 kgk2 ;
ˇZ 1 ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇ .F f /.x/g.x/dx ˇ  kF f k2 kgk2 D kf k2 kgk2 ;

we have for any f; g 2 L2

Z 1 Z 1
f .x/.F g/.x/dx D .F f /.x/g.x/dx:
1 1

Notice that F .L2 /  L2 is a closed linear

R 1subspace. We have to show that F .L 2/ D L .
2 2

Let g 2 L , g orthogonalRto F .L /, so 1 .F f /.x/g.x/dx D 0 for all f 2 L . Then,

2 2
by the above arguments, 1 f .x/.F g/.x/dx D 0 for all f 2 L2 , hence F .g/ D 0.
Since kgk2 D kF gk2 , we get g D 0. So F .L2 / D L2 .
2.5 The Poisson summation formula 13

2.5 The Poisson summation formula

This formula, which is of independent interest, plays an important role in algebraic
number theory.

Theorem 2.5.1. Let f be a continuous L1 -function such that

(i) n2Z jf .x C n/j is uniformly convergent on Œ0; 1,
P b
(ii) n2Z jf .n/j is convergent.
P P b.n/.
Then one has n2Z f .n/ D n2Z f
The function .x/ D n2Z f .x C n/ is periodic with period 1, and continuous (by (i)).
Its Fourier coefficients are
Z 1 XZ 1
2 i nt
an D .t/ e dt D f .t C k/ e2 i nt dt
0 0
XZ kC1
D f .t/ e2 i nt dt D b
f .n/:
By (ii) we have jan j < 1; hence, since  is continuous,
.x/ D an e2 i nx .by Corollary 1:5:3/:

So we get X X
f .n/ e2 i nx D .x/ D f .x C n/:
n2Z n2Z
The theorem now follows by taking x D 0.
Example. Take f .x/ D eax with a > 0. We get
X  X  2 n2 =a
e D e :
n2Z n2Z

This gives a well-known identity for theta functions in algebraic number theory.

2.6 The Riemann–Stieltjes integral and functions

of bounded variation
We introduce the Riemann–Stieltjes integral for functions from R to R. Our ap-
proach resembles that in [59, Chapter I].
We begin with the Riemann–Stieltjes integral on a closed interval Œa; b. From
now on g is an increasing function on Œa; b. Let f be a bounded function on Œa; b.
14 2 Fourier Integrals

We denote by V a partition of Œa; b:

a D x0 < x1 <    < xn D b:

SV D .supi f / .g.xi /  g.xi 1 //;
i D1
sV D .infi f / .g.xi /  g.xi 1 //:
i D1

supi f D sup¹f .x/ W xi 1  x  xi º
infi f D inf¹f .x/ W xi 1  x  xi º:
Set S D infV SV , s D supV sV . The function f is called Riemann–Stieltjes (R-S)
integrable with respect to g if S D s. The common value is denoted by
Z b Z b
f .x/ dg.x/ or f dg:
a a

The function g is called a weight function.

The following theorem can be proved similarly to the case g.x/ D x, the case
of the Riemann integral.

Theorem 2.6.1. (i) The function f is R-S integrable with respect to g if and only
if for any " > 0 there is a partition V of Œa; b such that SV  sV < ".
(ii) If f1 and f2 are R-S integrable with respect to g, then so is ˛1 f1 C ˛2 f2 for
all ˛1 ; ˛2 2 R. Moreover
Z b Z b Z b
.˛1 f1 C ˛2 f2 / dg D ˛1 f1 dg C ˛2 f2 dg:
a a a
(iii) If f1 , f2 are R-S integrable with respect to g and f1  f2 then f1 dg 
Rb a

a f2 dg:
(iv) If f is R-S integrable with respect to g, then so is jf j and
ˇZ b ˇ Z b
ˇ ˇ
ˇ f dg ˇ  jf j dg:
a a

(v) Any continuous function on Œa; b is R-S integrable on Œa; b.

2.6 The Riemann–Stieltjes integral and functions of bounded variation 15

Here are some more properties.

Theorem 2.6.2. (i) Let g be a continuously differentiable weight function. Then

for all continuous functions f on Œa; b one has
Z b Z b
f dg D fg 0 dx:
a a

(ii) Let g1 and g2 be two weight functions on Œa; b and ˛1 , ˛2 positive real
numbers. Then ˛1 g1 C ˛2 g2 is a weight function on Œa; b and
Z b Z b Z b
f d.˛1 g1 C ˛2 g2 / D ˛1 f dg1 C ˛2 f dg2 ;
a a a

for all continuous functions f .

(iii) Let g be a weight function on Œa; b. The set of points of discontinuity of g is
(iv) Let g and h be two weight functions on Œa; b. Let g.x/ D h.x/ at all points
x where g is continuous. Then one has
Z b Z b
f dg  f dh D f .b/ Œg.b/  h.b/  f .a/ Œg.a/  h.a/;
a a

for all continuous functions f .

(v) Let g be a weight function on Œa; b. Then a f dg D 0 for all continuous
functions f if and only if g.x/ D constant.

Clearly, (i) is easily shown applying the mean value theorem. For (iii) one considers the
union of the sets Vn D ¹x W g.x C 0/  g.x  0/  1=nº. The proof of the remaining
properties is easy and is left to the reader.

Clearly, one may assume that weight functions g are normalized by g.a/ D 0
and g left continuous, applying the above properties (iv) and (v). For such weight
functions g1 ; g2 one has
Z b Z b
f dg1 D f dg2 for all continuous f if and only if g1 D g2 : (2.6.1)
a a

A linear form on C Œa; b, the space of real-valued continuous functions on Œa; b,
is called positive if .f /  0 when f  0.
16 2 Fourier Integrals

Theorem 2.6.3 (Representation theorem of F. Riesz, without proof). Let be a

positive linear form on C Œa; b. Then there exists a weight function g on Œa; b
such that Z b
.f / D f dg
for f 2 C Œa; b.

Definition 2.6.4. Let g be a real function on Œa; b.

(i) The total variation Vab .g/ of g on Œa; b is defined by
n ±
Vab .g/ D sup jg.xi /g.xi 1 /j W a D x0 < x1 <    < xn D b; n  1 :
i D1

(ii) The function g is said to be of bounded variation (b.v.) if Vab .g/ < 1.

Here are some properties of functions of bounded variation:

(a) Any monotone function g W Œa; b ! R is of b.v. and Vab .g/ D jg.b/  g.a/j.
(b) A continuously differentiable function g is of b.v. and Vab .g/  M.b  a/,
where M D sup¹jg 0 .x/j W x 2 Œa; bº.
(c) Not every continuous function is of b.v. Consider for example on Œ0; 1 the
g.x/ D x sin .1=x/ if x 6D 0; g.0/ D 0:
(d) If g W Œa; b ! R is of b.v., then g is bounded.
(e) If g W Œa; b ! R is of b.v., then g is Riemann-integrable.
(f) If g W Œa; b ! R is of b.v., then for all c 2 Œa; b,
Vac .g/ C Vcb .g/ D Vab .g/:

Lemma 2.6.5. A function g W Œa; b ! R is of b.v. if and only if there are weight
functions g1 and g2 on Œa; b such that g D g1  g2 .
By property (a) above, weight functions are of b.v. So if g1 and g2 are weight functions,
g D g1  g2 is of b.v. Conversely, let g be of b.v. Then choosing g1 .x/ D Vax .g/ and
g2 D g1  g, g1 and g2 are weight functions.

Let now g be of b.v. and select weight functions g1 and g2 such that g D g1 g2 .
For continuous functions f W Œa; b ! R one defines
Z b Z b Z b
f dg D f dg1  f dg2 : (2.6.2)
a a a
This definition is clearly independent of the selected splitting g D g1  g2 of g.
2.6 The Riemann–Stieltjes integral and functions of bounded variation 17

In particular one may assume g.a/ D 0 and g left continuous.

One can even write g.x/ D g1 .x/  g2 .x/ with weight functions g1 and g2
satisfying Vax .g/ D g1 .x/ C g2 .x/. Indeed, choose
g1 .x/ D ŒVax .g/ C g.x/;
1 x
g2 .x/ D ŒVa .g/  g.x/:
Then we immediately obtain Vab .g/ D Vab .g1 / C Vab .g2 /. In particular
ˇZ b ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇ f dg ˇ  kf k1  Vab .g/ (2.6.3)

for all f 2 C Œa; b.

We are now going to define the Riemann–Stieltjes integral on the line R.
Let g be a function on R, which is of b.v. on every closed bounded interval
Œa; b. Denote by Cc .R/ the linear space of all real-valued continuous functions
on R with compact support. For any f 2 Cc .R/ the integral
Z 1 Z b
f dg .D f dg if Supp f  Œa; b/
1 a

exists and one has

ˇZ b ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇ f dg ˇ  kf k1 Vab .g/
if Supp f  Œa; b. Observe that 1 f dg is well-defined. The function g is said
to be of bounded variation on R if

sup Vab .g/ < 1:


Clearly, such a function g is bounded. Again we can write g as a difference of two

bounded weight functions. Moreover one can then easily define
Z 1
f dg

for any bounded continuous function f .

The number V .g/ D supa;b Vab .g/ is called the total variation of g. Again one
has ˇZ 1 ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇ f dg ˇ  kf k1 V .g/:
Here are some results (which we state without proof).
18 2 Fourier Integrals

Theorem 2.6.6. (i) Let be a real continuous linear form on C Œa; b, provided
with the supremum norm. There exists a function g of b.v. on C Œa; b such
that .f / D a f dg for all f 2 C Œa; b. Furthermore, k k D Vab .g/.
(ii) Let be a continuous linear form on Cc .R/, provided with theR 1supremum
norm. There exists a function g of b.v. on R such that .f / D 1 f dg for
all f 2 Cc .R/. Furthermore, k k D V .g/.

Remark 2.6.7. The above theory has motivated Bourbaki to give the following
definition, see [5, Chapter IV] and also Chapter 4.
 Let X be a locally compact topological space and C .X / the linear space of
the real-valued continuous functions on X with compact support.
 A measure on X is a real linear form on C .X / such that for any compact
subset K  X,
j .f /j  CK kf k1
for all f with Supp f  K. Here CK is a constant, only depending on the
choice of K.
 The measure is said to be bounded if CK can be chosen independently of K,
hence if is a continuous linear form on Cc .X / with respect to the supremum

Up till now we have been considering integration of real-valued functions. In

an evident way one can extend the theory to complex-valued functions.
Finally we give two important theorems (see [59]).

Theorem 2.6.8. Let g1 ; g2 ; : : : be left continuous weight functions on R such that

jgn .t/j  M for all n and t (M > 0, a constant). There exists a subsequence
n1 < n2 < n3 <    and a weight function g such that
lim gnk .t / D g.t / .t 2 R/:
Moreover, Z Z
1 1
lim f dgnk D f dg
k!1 1 1
for all f 2 Cc .R/.

Theorem 2.6.9. Let f; f1 ; f2 ; : : : be continuous functions on R, jfn .t /j  M for

some M > 0 and all n; t and let limn!1 fn .t / D f .t / for all t 2 R. Let g be a
function of b.v. on R. Then
Z 1 Z 1
lim fn .t / dg.t / D f .t / dg.t /:
n!1 1 1
2.7 Bochner’s theorem 19

Theorem 2.6.8 is a consequence of a theorem from functional analysis saying

that the unit ball in the dual of a normed space is sequentially compact in the
weak topology. Theorem 2.6.9 is a variant of Lebesgue’s theorem on dominated
convergence applied to the measure corresponding to g (i.e. to dg1 and dg2 if
g D g1  g2 ).

2.7 Bochner’s theorem

Definition 2.7.1. Let ' be a complex-valued function on R. It is said to be positive-
definite if for any n and any n-tuple of real numbers x1 ; : : : ; xn and any n-tuple of
complex numbers 1 ; : : : ; n the following inequality holds:

i j '.xi  xj /  0:
i;j D1

We shall denote by P the set of all positive-definite (p.d.) functions ' on R.

Here are some examples of functions in P: ' D 1, ' D u  e
u .u 2 L2 /,
' t .x/ D e2 ixt .x 2 R; t 2 R/.
Some properties. Let ' 2 P. Then
(a) '.0/  0,
(b) j'.x/j  '.0/ for all x,
(c) ' D e
To prove these properties, consider the positive-definite matrix
'.0/ '.x/
'.x/ '.0/

Let g be a bounded weight function on R. Then the integral

Z 1
'.x/ D e2 ixt dg.t /

exists for all x 2 R and ' is continuous (apply Theorem 2.6.9).

Theorem 2.7.2. Let g be a bounded weight function on R. Then

Z 1
'.x/ D e2 ixt dg.t /

is a continuous function in P.
20 2 Fourier Integrals

We only have to show that ' is p.d. So let x1 ; : : : ; xn in R, 1 ; : : : ; n in C. Then

n X
n Z 1
j k '.xj  xk / D j k e2 ixj t e2 ixk t dg.t /
j;kD1 j;kD1
Z ! !
1 X
n X
2 ixj t
D j e 2 ixk t
k e dg.t /
1 j D1 kD1
Z ˇX ˇ2
1 ˇ n ˇ
D ˇ 2 ixj t ˇ
ˇ j e ˇ dg.t /  0:
1 j D1

This is one part of Bochner’s theorem. The second part says:

Theorem 2.7.3. Let ' 2 P be measurable (so ' 2 L1 ). Then there exists a
bounded weight function g on R such that
Z 1
'.x/ D e2 ixt dg.t / .a:e:/:

Bochner himself assumed ' continuous and showed that the equality holds
everywhere. F. Riesz weakened the condition on ' in the form as stated in the

Corollary 2.7.4. Any p.d. function ' 2 L1 \ P coincides a.e. with a continuous
p.d. function.
We shall show Theorem 2.7.3. We begin with a few lemmas.

Lemma 2.7.5. Let ' 2 P. For any " > 0 the function given by .x/ D
e"x '.x/ .x 2 R/ is in P.
It is well known that r Z 1
"x 2  2 t 2 ="
e D e e2 ixt dt:
" 1
" X
j k .xj  xk /

X Z 1
2 t 2 ="
D j k '.xj  xk /  e e2 i.xj xk /t dt
Z ²X ³
2 t 2 ="   
D e j e2 ixj t k e2 ixk t '.xj  xk / dt  0:
2.7 Bochner’s theorem 21

Lemma 2.7.6. Let ' 2 L1 \ P. There exists 2 L2 such that

(a) ' D F ,
(b) .x/ D b
' .x/ a.e.,
(c) .x/  0.
Since j'j2  '.0/ j'j, the function ' belongs to L2 \ L1 . By Parseval’s theorem there
is 2 L2 with ' D F . Property (b) is now immediately seen by applying the inverse
Fourier transform F : F .F / .x/ D .x/ D F '.x/ D b ' .x/ as functions in L2 , so a.e.
It remains to show property (c): b
' .x/  0 for all x. We know that

n X
j k '.xj  xk /  0 and hence e2 i t .xj xk / '.xj  xk /  0:
j;kD1 j;kD1

Integrating this expression with respect to x1 ; : : : ; xn from 0 to N yields:

 the terms with j D k give nN n '.0/,
 the terms with j 6D k give n.n  1/N n2 0 0 e2 i t .xu/ '.x  u/ dxdu.
Together we get
n'.0/N n C n.n  1/N n2 e2 i t .xu/ '.x  u/ dxdu  0:
0 0

Divide this expression by n.n  1/N n2 and let n ! 1; we obtain

e2 it.xu/ '.x  u/ dxdu  0:
N 0 0

We shall compute this expression. We have

Z N Z N Z N Z N u
1 1
du e2 it.xu/ '.x  u/ dx D du e2 i tx '.x/ dx:
N 0 0 N 0 u

Changing the order of integration in the latter expression yields

Z N Z N x Z 0 Z N
1 1
e2 i tx '.x/ dx  du C e2 i tx '.x/ dx  du
N 0 0 N N x
Z  Z 0
x  x
D e2 i tx '.x/ 1  dx C e2 i tx '.x/ 1  dx
0 N N N
Z N  jxj 
D e2 ixt '.x/ 1  dx
Z 1
D e2 i tx '.x/N .x/ dx;
22 2 Fourier Integrals

where N .x/ D . xn / (for the definition of the triangle function , see Section 2.2).
Therefore Z 1
e2 i tx '.x/N .x/ dx  0 for all N > 0:
Now limN !1 N .x/ D 1 for all x. By Lebesgue’s theorem on dominated convergence
one obtains, since ' 2 L1 ,
Z 1
e2 i tx '.x/ dx  0 for all t 2 R:

b N . Then for any ' 2 L1 one has

Lemma 2.7.7. Set ıN D 
lim ıN  '.x/ D '.x/ a.e.
N !1
 N x 2
Recall that ıN .x/ D N1 sinx if x 6D 0; ıN .0/ D N .
(a) Assume firstly that ' 2 L1 . Then one has
lim ıN  '.x/ D lim b
N  '.x/
N !1 N !1
Z Z 
N 1
jt j  2 iyt
D lim 1 e '.x  y/ dt dy:
N !1 N 1 N
Changing the order of integration (Fubini’s theorem) gives
Z N 
jt j  2 ixt
lim ıN  '.x/ D lim 1 e b
' .t / dt D '.x/ a.e.
N !1 N !1 N N
by Remarks 2.3.2 (a) and (b).
(b) Let now ' 2 L1 . Set for s > 0,
'.t/ if jt j  s,
's .t / D
0 if jt j > s.

Then 's 2 L1 . Hence, according to (a),

Z s
lim ıN .x  t/ '.t/ dt D '.x/ for jxj  s; a.e.
N !1 s

Furthermore we have
ˇZ ˇ Z
ˇ ˇ 1 j'.t /
ˇ ı .x  t/ '.t/ dt ˇ  dt
ˇ N ˇ N 2 .x  t /2
jtjs jt js
1 dt
 k'k 1 for jxj < s:
jt js .x  t /
N 2 2
So for jxj < s we obtain limN !1 jt js ıN .x  t / '.t / dt D 0. Hence
Z 1
lim ıN .x  t/ '.t / dt D '.x/ a.e.
N !1 1
2.7 Bochner’s theorem 23

We now arrive at the proof of Theorem 2.7.3.

For n D 1; 2; : : : let 'n .x/ D ex =n '.x/. Then clearly 'n 2 L1 \ P by Lemma 2.7.5,
and by Lemma 2.7.6 there exist n 2 L2 with
'n D F n; n .x/ Db
' n .x/ a.e.; n .x/  0:
We claim that n 2 L1 . One has
Z 1 Z 1
ıN .x  t/ 'n .t / dt D N .t / e2 ixt n .t / dt (2.7.1)
1 1

for all x 2 R.
For x D 0 this gives
Z 1 Z 1
ıN .t/'n .t / dt D N .t / n .t / dt:
1 1

Z 1 Z 1
N .t / n .t / dt  j'n .t /j ıN .t / dt  'n .0/kıN k1 D '.0/:
1 1
By Fatou’s lemma (N ! 1), 1 n .t / dt converges, so n 2 L1 and k n k1  '.0/
for all n. Ru
Now define gn .u/ D 1 n .t / dt .u 2 R/. Observe that we may assume n to be
continuous. The functions gn are bounded weight functions satisfying 0  gn .u/  '.0/
for all n D 1; 2; : : : .
Furthermore, by (2.7.1),
Z 1 Z 1
ıN .x  t/ 'n .t / dt D e2 ixt N .t / dgn .t /:
1 1

By Lebesgue’s theorem .j'n .t /j  '.0// we now have

Z 1 Z 1
lim ıN .x  t/ 'n .t / dt D ıN .x  t / '.t / dt:
n!1 1 1

Since jgn .t /j  '.0/ for all t 2 R, by Theorem 2.6.8 there exists a sequence n1 < n2 <
   and a weight function g such that
Z 1 Z 1
lim N .t / e2 ixt dgnk .t / D N .t / e2 ixt dg.t /:
nk !1 1 1

Hence Z 1 Z 1
ıN .x  t/ '.t/ dt D N .t / e2 ixt dg.t /:
1 1
Let now N tend to infinity and apply Lemma 2.7.7 and Theorem 2.6.9. We obtain
Z 1
'.x/ D e2 ixt dg.t / a.e.
24 2 Fourier Integrals

2.8 Extension to Rn
b to functions f 2
One easily can extend the definition of the Fourier transform f
1 n
L .R / by Z
fb.x/ D f .y/ e2 i.x;y/ dy .x 2 Rn /
where .x; y/ D x1 y1 C    C xn yn if x D .x1 ; : : : ; xn /, y D .y1 ; : : : ; yn /.
Similar theorems hold as in the case n D 1, but the proofs might be more in-
volved. In particular the proof of Bochner’s theorem seems difficult to generalize.
It is done by Bochner in [1, Author’s Supplement], and by F. Riesz and E. Hopf,
see [58, pp. 122–123] for precise references. In Chapter 5, Section 5.4, we shall
prove this theorem by putting the theory of the Fourier transform in a new context.
Chapter 3
Locally Compact Groups

Literature: [3], [29], [33], [34], [35], [38], [58].

3.1 Groups
We recall a few simple facts from elementary algebra. Let G be a group with unit
element e. We denote the inverse of x by x 1 . The group G is said to be abelian
or commutative if xy D yx for all x; y 2 G. We assume that the reader is familiar
with the notions of homomorphism, isomorphism, kernel of a homomorphism,
denoted by ker f , isomorphic groups, subgroup H of G, coset spaces G=H and
H nG, canonical projection, normal subgroup. The coset space G=H is a group as
soon as H is normal, and then called the quotient group or factor group. If f is a
homomorphism of G onto G 0 , then G 0 ' G= ker f . Q
Let G˛ .˛ 2 I / be an indexed family of groups. The set G D ˛ G˛ is a group
if the product is defined by .x˛ /:.y˛ / D .x˛ y˛ /. G is called the direct product of
the G˛ . The product of two groups G1 and G2 is commonly denoted by G1  G2 .

3.2 Topological spaces

We recall some elementary notions.
 A topological space X is a set X wherein one has selected certain subsets, which
are called open, such that
(a) the empty set ; and X are open,
(b) if .U˛ /˛2I are open, then ˛2I U˛ is open,
(c) if U1 and U2 are open, then U1 \ U2 is open.
 A collection B of open sets is called a basis of the topology of X if every open

set can be written as a union of elements of B.

 A collection C of subsets of a set X can serve as a basis for
S a topology as soon
as C is closed under taking finite intersections, ; 2 C and C 2C C D X (take
arbitrary unions as elements of B).
26 3 Locally Compact Groups

 The complement of an open set is called a closed set. A neighbourhood of a

point x 2 X is any subset which has x as interior point, i.e. any subset which
contains an open set U with x 2 U .
 The topological space X is said to be Hausdorff if for any pair of points x; y 2
X there are neighbourhoods U of x and V of y with U \ V D ;.
 A collection of neighbourhoods of x is called a neighbourhood basis of x if any
neighbourhood of x contains a neighbourhood from the collection.
 We say that X satisfies the first axiom of countability if every point of X has a
countable neighbourhood basis.
 The space X satisfies the second axiom of countability if X has a countable basis
for its topology.
 The space X is called discrete if each subset of X is open.
˛2I X˛ we denote the product of a collection of Q
 By topological spaces
.X˛ /˛2I . A basis for the topology is given by the products ˛2I Y˛ ; Y˛ open
in X˛ ; Y˛ D X˛ for all but a finite number of ˛. The product of two topological
spaces X1 and X2 is commonly denoted by X1  X2 .
 Let Y be a subset of X . Call V  Y open if V is of the form V D Y \ U with
U open in X. Thus Y becomes itself a topological space, a topological subspace
of X, with the induced topology.
 A topological space X is called compact if X is a Hausdorff space and satisfies
the following property: any open covering of X contains a finite sub-covering.
 A subset Y of X is called compact if Y is compact in the induced topology.
 The space X is called locally compact if X is a Hausdorff space in which every
point has a compact neighbourhood (equivalently: X is a Hausdorff space in which
every point has a neighbourhood basis consisting of compact neighbourhoods).
 A locally compact space X can be compactified (made compact) by adding one
point. This is called the one-point compactification or Alexandrov compactifica-
 Call this compactification X 0 and set X 0 D X [ .1/. The open neighbourhoods
of 1 are given by the complements of the compact subsets of X; the topology of
X induced by the topology of X 0 coincides with the original topology of X .
 Let X .˛ 2 I / be compact spaces, then
˛ ˛2I X˛ is also compact (Tychonov’s
3.3 Topological groups 27

 The product of finitely many locally compact spaces is again locally compact.
 A topological space is said to be countable at infinity if X is the union of count-
ably many compact subsets.
 A mapping f W X ! X 0 is called continuous if the inverse image of any open
(closed) subset of X 0 is open (closed) in X . The mapping f is said to be an open
mapping if the image of any open set in X is open in X 0 .
 The spaces X and X 0 are said to be homeomorphic if there exists a bijection
f W X ! X 0 such that f and f 1 are continuous.
We conclude this section with a technical result without proof.

Theorem 3.2.1. Let X be locally compact, K  X a compact subset, U open

in X with K  U . There exists a real-valued continuous function f on X with
0  f  1 and such that f .x/ D 1 on K, f .x/ D 0 outside U .
The proof of this theorem is based on Tietze–Urysohn’s extension theorem (see,
e.g., [34, pp. 43–44]).

3.3 Topological groups

See [3, Chapter 3] and [33].
Let G be a group, whose underlying space is a Hausdorff topological space. The
group G is called a topological group if both maps .x; y/ 7! xy .G  G ! G/
and x 7! x 1 .G ! G/ are continuous.

Examples. R, R , GLn .R/, GLn .C/, T , Z, C, H, SU.2/, any Lie group, the field
of p-adic numbers Qp , the ring of adèles Ak , the ring of idèles Ik (k an algebraic
number field), any finite group; every (abstract) group is a topological group with
the discrete topology.

The mappings x 7! xy and x 7! yx .y 2 G; fixed) are homeomorphisms of G.

So neighbourhoods of y are of the form Uy or yU , where U is a neighbourhood
of e. The mapping x 7! x 1 is also a homeomorphism between G and G. With
U also U 1 is therefore a neighbourhood of e.

Some properties
(i) Every neighbourhood U of e contains a symmetric neighbourhood V , i.e. a
neighbourhood satisfying V D V 1 .
Take V D U \ U 1 .
28 3 Locally Compact Groups

(ii) Every neighbourhood U of e contains a neighbourhood V of e with V 2  U .

There exist neighbourhoods V1 , V2 with V1 V2  U , since xy depends continuously on

.x; y/. Take now V D V1 \ V2 .

Similarly we have
(ii0 ) For every n there is a neighbourhood V of e with V n  U .
(iii) Let K  G be compact, U open and K  U . There exists a neighbourhood
W of e with W K  U .

For any k 2 K there is a neighbourhood V of e with V k  U and a neighbourhood W

of e with W 2  V . SinceT
K is compact, there exist k1 ; : : : ; kn and W1 ; : : : ; Wn such that
K niD1 Wi ki . Set W D niD1 Wi . Then we have

n [
WK  W Wi ki  Wi2 ki  U:
iD1 i D1

(iv) If K1 and K2 are compact subsets of G, then so is K1 K2 .

K1 K2 is the continuous image of K1  K2 under the mapping .x; y/ 7! xy.

(v) The product of two open subsets of G is open. The product of two closed subsets
of G (even of two closed subgroups) need not be closed. p Take for example in R
(the additive group of real numbers) F1 D Z, F2 D Z 2. But if F is closed and
K compact, then FK is closed.

If x … FK, then F 1 x \ K D ;. Hence there is a neighbourhood V of e with F 1 x \

K V 1 D ; by property (iii). So F 1 xV \ K D ;, or xV \ FK D ;.

(vi) A subgroup H of a topological group is a topological group itself with the

induced topology.
A homomorphism from G1 to G2 is a continuous algebraic homomorphism.
Two topological groups G1 and G2 are called isomorphic if there is a bi-continuous
algebraic isomorphism from G1 to G2 .
A topological group is called locally compact if the underlying space is locally
compact. In a similar way we speak about compact, discrete,. . . groups. One easily
The group G is locally compact if and only if e 2 G has a compact neighbour-
A locally compact group is said to be compactly generated if G (as a group) is
generated by a compact subset of G. Clearly such a group is countable at infinity.
3.4 Quotient spaces and quotient groups 29

We finally mention here two results without proof.

(vii) Any locally compact group with a countable neighbourhood basis of e is
metrizable. Every locally compact group is complete. (See [3], Chapter 9, §3,
no. 1 and Chapter 3, §3, no. 3.)

3.4 Quotient spaces and quotient groups

Let G be a topological group and H a subgroup of G. The left cosets of H form the
points of a new topological space, the quotient space G=H , with topology defined
as follows. Let H W G ! G=H be the canonical projection H .x/ D xP D xH .
A subset E  G=H is said to be open if H .E/ is open in G. In other words: the
open sets of G=H correspond to the subsets UH  G with U open in G.
One easily shows that G=H is a Hausdorff space if and only if H is a closed
subgroup of G.
If H is a closed normal subgroup of G, then G=H is a topological group, the
quotient group G=H .
Let H be a closed subgroup of G. Then G=H is locally compact if G is locally
compact. More generally (without proof), let G be a topological group and H a
closed subgroup. Then G is locally compact if and only if H and G=H are locally
The canonical projection H is not only continuous, but also open.
Observe that any open subgroup of a topological group G is closed.
Let G be a topological group, f a (continuous) homomorphism of G onto G 0 .
The kernel of f , ker f , is a closed normal subgroup of G and G= ker f is alge-
braically isomorphic to G 0 . In order that this isomorphism is also a topological
one, f must be an open mapping. This holds under specific conditions, for ex-
ample if G and G 0 are locally compact, while G satisfies the second axiom of
countability and G 0 satisfies the first one. It is a consequence of Baire’s theorem:
If a complete metric space is the countable union of closed subsets, then at least
one of these subsets contains a non-empty open subset.

According to Section 3.3, property (vii), G and G 0 are metrizable. Choose a dense se-
quence .xn / in G and let U be a compact neighbourhood of e and V a symmetric com-
pact neighbourhood with V 2  U . The compact sets xn V cover G. Hence the com-
pacts sets f .xn / f .V / cover G 0 . Now G 0 is a complete metric space. According to
Baire’s theorem at least one of the sets f .xn / f .V / is a neighbourhood of, let us say,
f .xn / f .v0 / D f .xn v0 /. Therefore f .v01 xn1 / f .xn /f .V / D f .v01 /f .V / is a neigh-
bourhood of f .e/, and also f .v01 /f .V /  f .V 2 /  f .U /. It is now clear that the image
of any open subset of G is open in G 0 . So f is an open mapping.
30 3 Locally Compact Groups

Proof of Baire’s theorem.

S Let .M; d / be a complete metric space, Vn closed in M (n D
1; 2; : : :/ and M D 1 nD1 Vn . Suppose no Vn has an interior point. Then V1 6D M and
M nV1 is open. There is x1 2 M nV1 and a ball B.x1 ; "1 /  M nV1 with 0 < "1 < 1=2.
Now the ball B.x1 ; "1 / does not belong to V2 , hence M nV2 \B.x1 ; "1 / contains a point x2
and a ball B.x2 ; "2 / with 0 < "2 < 1=4. In this way we get a sequence of balls B.xn ; "n /
B.x1 ; "1 / B.x2 ; "2 /    I 0 < "n < n ; Bn \ Vn D ;:
For n < m one has d.xn ; xm / < 1=2n , which tends to zero if n; m ! 1. The Cauchy
sequence ¹xn º has a limit x 2 M since M is complete. But

d.xn ; x/  d.xn ; xm / C d.xm ; x/ < "n C d.xm ; x/ ! "n .m ! 1/:

So x 2 B.xn ; "n / for all n. Hence x … Vn for all n, so x … M , a contradiction.

3.5 Some useful facts

(i) Let G be a locally compact group, H a closed subgroup of G. For every
compact set KP  G=H there exists a compact set K  G with H .K/ D K.
Let V be a compact neighbourhood of e in G. Because KP is compact,
S one can find finitely
many si 2 G such that KP is contained in the image of K 0 D niD1 si V under H . Now
1 P
K 0 is compact. Take finally K D K 0 \ H .K/.

(ii) The product of arbitrary many topological groups is again a topological group.
Observe that ˛2I G˛ , G˛ discrete, is not necessarily discrete as soon as
Card.I / D 1 and Card.G˛ /  2 for all ˛ 2 I (it is compact if all G˛ are
(iii) The mapping .x; y/ 7! xy from G  G to G is open as is .x; y/ 7! xy 1 and
.x; y/ 7! x.
This follows from the definition of the product topology.

(iv) Any locally compact group is the union of open (and hence closed) subgroups
which are compactly generated.
Indeed, take GV D n1 V n with V an open symmetric neighbourhood of e with com-
SG is the
pact closure. Clearly
union of all such GV , which are compactly generated, since
clearly also GV D n1 V , where V is the closure of V .

(v) A locally compact group or quotient space, which has countably many ele-
ments, is discrete.
This follows from Baire’s theorem and Section 3.3, property (vii).
3.6 Functions on locally compact groups 31

3.6 Functions on locally compact groups

(i) Let f be a real- or complex-valued function on the locally compact space X
(or even with values in a complex vector space) and set Vf D ¹x W f .x/ 6D 0º.
The closure of Vf is usually called the support of f , denoted by Supp f . By
Theorem 3.2.1 there exist non-zero complex-valued functions on X with compact
Let us denote by Cc .G/ the set of all continuous complex-valued functions with
compact support on the locally compact group G. A complex-valued function
f on G is called right (left) uniformly continuous if, given " > 0, there is a
neighbourhood U of e such that

jf .yx/  f .x/j < " .jf .xy/  f .x/j < "/

for all y 2 U and x 2 G.

Any complex-valued continuous function f on G with compact support is right
and left uniformly continuous.
Let K D Supp f . Choose " > 0 and a compact symmetric neighbourhood U of e. For
any point a 2 KU there is a neighbourhood Va of e such that jf .ya/  f .a/j < "=2
for y 2 Va . Select neighbourhoods WS a of a with Wa  Va . T
The Wa cover KU , hence
there are a1 ; : : : ; an such that KU  iD1 Wai ai . Set W D niD1 Wai . For x 2 G and

y 2 W \ U we now have

jf .yx/  f .x/j D 0 for x … UK:

For x 2 UK we get, if x 2 Wai ai ,

jf .yx/  f .x/j  jf .yx  f .ai /j C jf .ai /  f .x/j  "=2 C "=2 D "

for y 2 W \ U . A similar proof applies for the left uniform continuity.

The same result holds for the functions in C0 .G/, the space of continuous
complex-valued functions f on G which vanish at infinity, i.e. the functions f
satisfying: for any " > 0 there is a compact subset K"  G such that jf .x/j < "
for all x … K" .
(ii) Let H be a closed subgroup of G. A complex-valued function F on G is of the
form F 0 ı H , where F 0 is a function on G=H if and only if F is left H -invariant,
i.e. F .xh/ D F .x/ for all x 2 G, h 2 H . The function F is continuous if and only
if F 0 is continuous. This follows immediately from the definition of the topology
of G=H .
Chapter 4
Haar Measures

Literature: [5], [38], [58].

4.1 Measures
We follow the approach to measure theory of A. Weil and N. Bourbaki.
(i) Let X be a locally compact space and set as before Cc .X / for the space of
complex-valued continuous functions on X with compact support, and denote by
C0 .X/ the space of complex-valued continuous functions on X which vanish at
Observe that C0 .X / is the completion of Cc .X / with respect to the supremum
norm kf k1 D sup jf .x/j.
Let Cc .XI R/ be the subspace of real-valued functions in Cc .X /.
A real (complex) measure on X is a real (complex) linear functional on
Cc .XIR/ (Cc .X /) such that for any compact set K  X there exists a constant
MK > 0 satisfying
j .f /j  MK kf k1
for all f 2 Cc .X I R/ .Cc .X // with Supp f  K.
The measure is called positive if .f /  0 as soon as f  0, for all f 2
Cc .X/. Clearly is a real measure in this case. We shall also write
.f / D f .x/d .x/ D f d :

Sometimes we shall delete the suffix “X ” if the space is clear from the context.
The connection between our approach and the set-theoretic one is as follows
(see, e.g., [22, §9]):

Theorem 4.1.1 (Riesz representation theorem). If I W Cc .X / ! R is a positive

measure (in our approach), then there exists a unique regular Borel measure on
X such that for all f 2 Cc .X I R/
I.f / D f d :
4.1 Measures 33

(ii) A complex measure is completely determined by its restriction to the space

Cc .XI R/. Any real measure can be uniquely extended to a complex measure. Let
be a complex measure. Then also defined by .f / D .f / .f 2 Cc .X //
is a complex measure. Set 1 D C 
2 and 2 D 2i . Then 1 and 2 are real
measures and D 1 C i 2 (where 1 and 2 are being considered as complex
A real measure is the difference of two positive measures.
Let be a real measure. Define
.f / D sup0gf .g/ for f 2 Cc .X /, f  0. This
gives, after extending it to Cc .X I R/, a positive measure, and D

(iii) If is a positive measure, then

ˇZ ˇ Z
ˇ ˇ
ˇ f .x/ d .x/ˇ  jf .x/jd .x/ .f 2 Cc .X //:
ˇ ˇ

Assume .f / 6D 0, j .f /j D  .f /. Then .f / is a real number and 0 < .f / D

.Re.f //  .jf j/ D .jf j/, since jj D 1.

(iv) Every positive linear form on Cc .X / (i.e. every complex linear form on
Cc .X/ with .f /  0 if f  0) is a positive measure.
One has, similar to (iii), with the same proof, j .f /j  .jf j/ for all f 2 Cc .X /. Let
K  X be a compact set and gK 2 Cc .X / such that gK .x/ D 1 on K, gK  0. Then one
has for all f 2 Cc .X / with Supp f  K: f D fgK and

j .f /j  .jf jgK /  kf k1 .gK /:

(v) A bounded measure is a measure for which M > 0 exists with j .f /j 

M kf k1 for all f 2 Cc .X /. Hence is a continuous linear form on Cc .X /
(or C0 .X/) with respect to the sup-norm. The norm of is defined by k k D
supkf k1 1 j .f /j. The bounded measures form a Banach space, denoted by
M 1 .X/. Clearly M 1 .X / is the dual of C0 .X /.
(vi) Support of a measure. Let O be an open subset of X such that .f / D 0
for all f S2 Cc .X / with Supp f  O. If the O˛ .˛ 2 I / have this property,
then also ˛2I O˛ has. This follows easily from the lemma stated below. Let U
be the largest open subset with this property. The complement of U , which is a
closed subset of X, is called the support of : Supp . The measures with compact
support form a dense subset in M 1 .X /.

Lemma 4.1.2 (Partition of unity). Let X be a locally compact space. Suppose

that O1 ; : : : ; Om are open subsets of X and let K be a compact subset such that
34 4 Haar Measures
K m i D1 O functions i 2 Cc .X / with Supp.i /  Oi and such
Pi .mThere existP
that i  0, i D1 i  1, m i D1 i D 1 in a neighbourhood of K.
Select compact sets Ki  Oi such that K  mi D1 Ki . According to Theorem 3.2.1 there
exist functions i 2 Cc .X / with Supp i  Oi , i D 1 on a neighbourhood of Ki ,
0  i  1. Now set 1 D 1 and

i D i .1  1 /    .1  i 1 / for i D 2; : : : ; m:

Then 1 ; : : : ; m satisfy the requirements. Observe that

i D 1  .1  1 /.1  2 /    .1  m /:

Proposition 4.1.3. Let be a measure on X . Then .f / D 0 for all f 2 Cc .X /

satisfying f .x/ D 0 for x 2 Supp .
Let f 2 Cc .X / vanish on the support of and let K be an open set with compact closure
such that Supp f  K. Then j .'/j  MK k'k1 for some positive constant MK and all
' 2 Cc .X / with Supp '  K. Choose for each " > 0 a function '" 2 Cc .X / such that
'" D 1 near Supp \ K and such that k'" f k1 < ". Then

j .f /j D j .'" f /j  MK "

for all " > 0, so .f / D 0.

4.2 Invariant measures

Let G be a locally compact group. A measure on G is said to be left-(right-)
invariant if Z Z
f .a x/d .x/ D f .x/d .x/
( G f .xa/d .x/ D G f .x/d .x/) for all f 2 Cc .X / and all a 2 G. Notice
that if is a left-invariant measure, then L defined by
L /D
.f f .x 1 / d .x/ .f 2 Cc .G//

is a right-invariant measure.

Examples.  G D R; d .x/ D dx, the Lebesgue measure.

 GD R ; d .x/ D dx
R 2 R1
 G D T ; .f / D 2 0 f .ei / d ŒD 0 f .e2 i / d .
4.2 Invariant measures 35

 If G is a discrete group, e.g. G D Z or G is a finite group, then Cc .G/

consists of functions on G with finite support. The measure defined by
.f / D f .x/;

called the “counting measure”, is an invariant measure on G.

All the above measures are bi-invariant (i.e. both left- and right-invariant).
 Let now G be the group of matrices
0 1
with  > 0, 2 R. Then a
d d d d
left-invariant measure is given by 2
, a right-invariant measure is 

Later on we will give more examples. The following theorem holds:

Theorem 4.2.1 (Haar 1933, existence; von Neumann 1934, uniqueness). Every lo-
cally compact group admits a left-invariant positive measure, which is non-trivial
and unique up to a positive constant.

Notation and terminology. We call such a measure from now on a left Haar
measure and denote it also by dx. So for a left Haar measure we have
f .a1 x/dx D f .x/dx .f 2 Cc .X //:

Alfred Haar (Budapest 11 October 1885–Szeged 16 March 1933). Hungarian mathematician, in

1912 professor at the universities of Cluj and Szeged. He has publications on many subjects in
analysis and algebra, in particular group theory.
John von Neumann (Budapest 28 December 1903–Washington D. C. 8 February 1957). Has been
assistant of Hilbert at Göttingen and professor in Princeton, USA. He went to the USA in 1937. He
is the founder of modern computer science and was one of the greatest mathematicians of his time.
See his Collected Papers.

Properties of the Haar measure

(i) Let be a left Haar measure on G, f 2 Cc .G/, f  0. If f is not identically
zero, then .f / > 0.
Suppose there exists f0 2 Cc .X /, f0  0 with f0 .x0 / > 0 for some x0 2 G and
.f0 /PD 0. Let f 2 Cc .G/, f  0 be arbitrary. There are a1 ; : : : ; an in G such that
x 7! niD1 f0 .ai1 x/ is strictly positive on Supp f . Then there is a scalar  > 0 with
 f0 .ai1 x/  f .x/

for all x 2 G and hence .f /  0. So .f / D 0 for all f 2 Cc .G/, f  0, and therefore

.f / D 0 for all f 2 Cc .G/. This is a contradiction.
36 4 Haar Measures

A straightforward consequence is: Supp D G, and every compact neighbour-

hood of e has strictly positive Haar measure.
(ii) The proof of existence of the Haar measure is long and ingenious, but you don’t
learn more from it than that the Haar measure exists. Proofs can be found in [5,
Chapter 8], [58], [29], [34], a.o. The uniqueness is easy to show. We shall show:

Proposition 4.2.2. If 1 is a positive and 2 a complex left-invariant measure on

G, then there is a complex constant c such that 2 D c 1 .
We apply Fubini’s theorem: if 1 and 2 are measures on X and Y respectively (X and
Y locally compact spaces), then one has for any k 2 Cc .X  Y /
k.x; y/ d 1 .x/d 2 .y/ D k.x; y/ d 2 .y/d 1 .x/:

Let 1 be a positive and 2 an arbitrary complex left-invariant measure on G. Given

f; g 2 Cc .G/ the function .x; y/ 7! f .x/g.x 1 y/ is continuous on G  G and has
compact support. So
“ Z Z
f .x/ g.x 1 y/ d 1 .x/d 2 .y/ D f .x/ d 1 .x/  g.y/ d 2 .y/ D 1 .f / 2 .g/;

by Fubini’s theorem. This is also equal to

Z ²Z ³ Z ²Z ³
1 1
f .x/g.x y/d 1 .x/ d 2 .y/ D f .yx/g.x / d 1 .x/ d 2 .y/
Z ²Z ³
D g.x 1 / f .yx/ d 2 .y/ d 1 .x/:

Now fix f 2 Cc .X /, f  0 with 1 .f / 6D 0. Define F .x/ D f .yx 1 / d 2 .y/. Then
we have Z Z
1 .f / g.x/ d 2 .x/ D g.x/F .x/ d 1 .x 1 /

for all g. Consequently d 2 .x/ D .x/d 1 .x 1 / with .x/ D F1.x/

.f /
Since Supp 1 D G, there is only one continuous function determined by the relation
d 2 .x/ D .x/ d 1 .x 1 /. So is independent of the choice of the function f , hence

F .e/ 2 .f /
.e/ D D
1 .f / 1 .f /

is independent of f , so 2 .f / D c  1 .f / for all f with f  0, 1 .f / 6D 0. By (i) this

is true for all f , so 2 D c 1 for some constant c 2 C.

(iii) For many locally compact groups a left Haar measure is also a right Haar
measure. A group with this property is said to be unimodular. This is certainly the
4.2 Invariant measures 37

case for abelian groups. In other situations there is a modulus, which we are now
going to introduce.
Let dx be a left Haar measure on G. For any a 2 G,
f 7! f .xa1 / dx .f 2 Cc .G//

is again a left-invariant and positive measure. Hence there is a constant .a/ > 0
such that Z Z
f .xa1 / dx D .a/ f .x/ dx (4.2.1)
for all f 2 Cc .G/ and a 2 G.
The mapping  is a continuous homomorphism from G into RC and is inde-
pendent of the choice of dx. It is called
 the Haar modulus of G.
If G is the group of matrices 0 1 with  > 0, 2 R, then its Haar modulus
is equal to  W 0 1 7! 1 .
Furthermore, Z
f 7! f .x/ .x 1 / dx
R 1 /.x 1 / dx is again a left Haar
is a right Haar measure. Hence f ! 7 G f .x
measure, so
f .x 1 /.x 1 / dx D c f .x/ dx .f 2 Cc .G//

for some c > 0. Replacing f .x/ by f .x 1 /.x 1 /, which is again in Cc .G/,

implies c 2 D 1, hence c D 1. Therefore
1 1
f .x /.x / dx D f .x/ dx: (4.2.2)

It also follows Z Z
f .x / dx D f .x/.x 1 / dx; (4.2.3)

or dx 1 D .x 1 /dx.

Remark 4.2.3. The null sets, the local null sets and the measurable sets for the left
and right Haar measure coincide. In any non-unimodular group there are open sets
which are integrable for the left Haar measure, but not for the right Haar measure.

Compact groups are unimodular: .G/ is compact in RC , hence equal to ¹1º.
(iv) The group G has finite Haar measure if and only if G is compact.
38 4 Haar Measures

Take f 6D 0, 0  f  1, f 2 Cc .G/. Let C D Supp f . If G is not compact,

there is a sequence .an /n1 in G such that the subsets an C are mutually disjoint for
nS 1. Indeed, choose a1 arbitrary and if a1 ; : : : ; an have been selected, take anC1 outside
. nmD1 am C / C 1 . Then we have
f .an x/ dx D N f .x/ dx
G 1nN G

and 1nN f .an1 x/  1 for all x and all N . This would imply that the Haar measure
is unbounded, leading to a contradiction.

(v) Define for any function f on G and any element a 2 G the function La f by
La f .x/ D f .a1 x/ .x 2 G/. In practice the following situation often occurs.
In some open neighbourhood V of e in G a positive measure dV .x/ 6D 0 is given
which is locally left-invariant: for all f 2 Cc .G/ with Supp f  V one has
f .a1 x/ dV .x/ D f .x/ dV .x/

for all a 2 G with Supp La f  V .

Then dV .x/ is the restriction to V of a unique left Haar measure dx on G, and dx
can be defined explicitly in terms of dV .x/.
See [38, Chapter 3, §3]. The idea of the proof is clear. Select a symmetric open neigh-
bourhood U of e with U 2  V . For all f 2 Cc .G/ with Supp f  U we have by
assumption Z Z
f .y 1 x/ dV .x/ D f .x/ dV .x/ (4.2.4)
for all y 2 G with Supp Ly f  U .
Let now f 2 Cc .G/ be such that Supp Ls f  U for some s 2 G. We shall say that f
has ‘small support’. We define for such f (with respect to V )
f .x/ dx D .Ls f /.x/ dV .x/:

This definition depends only on f , not on s 2 G, because of property (4.2.4). In this

way we get a left-invariant integral for f 2 Cc .G/ with small support. We have to show
(a) Every f 2 Cc .G/ can be written as a finite sum f D fn with fn 2 Cc .G/ and
with small support; if f  0 then we can take fn  0 for all n.
(b) If n fn D j gj , where fn ; gj 2 Cc .G/ and all fn ; gj have small support, then
n fn .x/ dx D j gj .x/ dx.
If (a) and (b) are shown to be true, the definition of G f .x/ dx for f 2 Cc .G/ arbitrary,
is obvious.
4.3 Weil’s formula 39

4.3 Weil’s formula

(i) Let H be a closed subgroup of the locally compact group G. The group H is
itself locally compact and thus has a left Haar measure, say d . For f 2 Cc .G/
we consider Z
x 7! f .x / d .x 2 G/:

This is, in fact, a function on G=H , which we shall denote by TH f . So

.TH f /.x/ f .x / d .xP D H .x//: (4.3.1)

The function TH f vanishes outside H .Supp f /, so it has compact support. It is

also a continuous function on G=H . We shall show a little more.

Lemma 4.3.1. Let f 2 Cc .G/ and " > 0. There is a neighbourhood U" of e such
that for all x 2 G Z
jf .y 1 x /  f .x /j d < "

for all y 2 U" .

Let V be a compact symmetric neighbourhood of e and take g 2 Cc .G/, g  0, such that

g.x/ D 1 on V  Supp f . Then

jf .y 1 x/  f .x/j  jf .y 1 x/  f .x/j g.x/ .x 2 G; y 2 V /:

Set Mx D 1 C H g.x / d . Given " > 0 there is a neighbourhood U."; Mx / of e,
contained in V , such that
jf .y 1 x/  f .x/j < "=Mx

for all y 2 U."; Mx / and x 2 G. Hence

jf .y 1 x /  f .x /j  "=Mx  g.x /

for all y 2 U."; Mx /, x 2 G, 2 H .

This implies that TH f is continuous, so TH f 2 Cc .G=H / for all f 2 Cc .G/. In
particular, TH g is continuous and has compact support. Now replace Mx by M D 1 C
sup TH g.x/P and U."; Mx / by U" , applying the right uniform continuity of f . This gives
the lemma.

We now have: TH is a linear mapping from Cc .G/ into Cc .G=H /. We shall

show that TH is surjective.
40 4 Haar Measures

Set KP D Supp fP for fP 2 Cc .G=H /. There is a compact subset K  G with H .K/ D K. P

Take g 2 Cc .G/, g  0, g.x/ > 0 for all x 2 K. Then TH g.x/ P Now
P > 0 for all xP 2 K.
define ´
fP ı H .x/ TH g.
if x 2 H1 P
f .x/ D H .x//
0 otherwise:
Then f is continuous, in Cc .G/, and TH f D fP.

(ii) Let now H be a closed normal subgroup of G. Then the quotient space GP D
G=H is a locally compact group, see 3.4. Denote its own Haar measure by d x.P
Consider Z
f 7! P d xP
TH f .x/ .f 2 Cc .G//:
This is a positive linear functional on Cc .G/, hence a measure. It is not identically
zero and left-invariant. Therefore there is a positive constant c such that
P d xP D c
TH f .x/ f .x/ dx

for all f 2 Cc .G/.

Suppose now that two out of the three Haar measures on G, H and G=H are
given. Then we normalize the third one such that c D 1. We then have
Z ²Z ³ Z
f .x / d d xP D f .x/ dx .f 2 Cc .G//;

which is often denoted in a formal way by dx D d d x.

This formula is called Weil’s formula, after the French mathematician André
Weil (1906–1998).
(iii) Let G D G1  G2 and let dx1 and dx2 be left Haar measures on G1 and
G2 respectively. Then dx D dx1 dx2 is a Haar measure on G. Weil’s formula is
actually a generalization of this result.
(iv) Let H be a closed normal subgroup of G. Denote its Haar modulus by H .
Let  be the Haar modulus of G. Then . / D H . / for all 2 H .
Fix  2 H and set f .x/ D f .x1 / for x 2 G, f 2 Cc .G/. Then we have by Weil’s
formula Z ²Z ³ Z Z
f .x / d d xP D f .x/ dx D f .x1 / dx:
Hence Z Z
H ./ ¹f .x / d º d xP D ./ f .x/ dx;

so H ./ D ./ for  2 H .

4.4 Haar measures for specific groups 41

4.4 Haar measures for specific groups

In this section we consider Haar measures for specific groups. Proofs are omitted
and left to the reader.
(a) Let G D GL.n; R/ denote the group of n  n real matrices x D .xij /1i;j n .
For every x D .xij / the Q
matrix entries give a global coordinate system on G. In
these coordinates dx D dxij =j det xjn is both a left and a right Haar measure.
The group G is thus unimodular. The same holds for its subgroup SL.n; R/ of
n  n real matrices with determinant 1, since it is a closed normal subgroup of G.
(b) Let ST1 .n; R/ be the group of n  n real matrices x D .xij / with xi i D 1 .1 
ij D 0 .1  j < i  n/. This group is unimodular. The Haar measure is
i  n/, xQ
given by i <j dxij if we choose xij .i < j / as global coordinates.
2 2
(c) The group G D GL.n; C/ it topologically an open subset of C n D R2n . The
Haar measure is given by
Y dzij d zij
.z D .zij / 2 G/:
j det zj2n

The group G is unimodular.

For those readers that are familiar with Lie groups, we remark that the following
groups are unimodular:
(i) Lie groups G with the property that Ad.G/ is compact,
(ii) connected semisimple and reductive Lie groups,
(iii) connected nilpotent Lie groups.

4.5 Quasi-invariant measures on quotient spaces

Literature: [38, Chapter 8].
Let H be a closed subgroup of a locally compact group G and consider the quo-
tient space G=H . If H is normal then G=H has a Haar measure and Weil’s for-
mula holds. We shall now consider a generalization of Weil’s formula for arbitrary
closed subgroups H . This important generalization is due to Mackey and Bruhat.
Recall that TH , previously defined, is a surjective linear mapping from Cc .G/
to Cc .G=H /.
(i) Let and P be complex measures on G and G=H respectively, such that
Z ²Z ³ Z
P x/
f .x / d d . P D f .x/ d .x/ .f 2 Cc .G//: (4.5.1)
Compare this formula with Weil’s formula.
42 4 Haar Measures

Replace in (4.5.1) the function f by f defined by

f .x/ D f .x1 / . 2 H; x 2 G/:

Then clearly satisfies

H ./ f .x/ d .x/ D f .x1 / d .x/ . 2 H; f 2 Cc .G//: (4.5.2)

Conversely, let satisfy (4.5.2). Then there exists a unique measure P on G=H
such that (4.5.1) holds.
Fix f 2 Cc .G/. For all g 2 Cc .G/ we have
Z ²Z ³
f .x/ g.x / d d .x/
Z ²Z ³
D f .x/g.x / d .x/ d
Z ²Z ³
D H . 1 / f .x 1 /g.x/ d .x/ d (by (4.5.2))
Z ²Z ³
D g.x/ f .x / d d .x/:
We can choose g such that H g.x / d D 1 for all x 2 Supp f . Hence, if H f .x / d D
0 for all x 2 G, then G f .x/ d .x/ D 0. Now set . P fP/ D G f .x/ d .x/ for fP 2
Cc .G=H /, where f is such that f 2 Cc .G/, TH f D fP. The functional P is well-defined
and is a measure on G=H . Indeed, if KP  G=H is compact, take then f1 2 Cc .G/
such that TH f1 D 1 on K.P For all fP 2 Cc .G=H / with Supp fP  KP one can now take
f D .fP ı H / f1 and therefore
ˇZ ˇ
ˇ ˇ
j . P ˇ
P f /j D ˇ f .x/ d .x/ˇˇ  CKP kfPk1 ;
where CKP D G jf1 .x/j d j .x/j, which is independent of fP. The measure P satisfies
formula (4.5.1).

Let be a measure on G. Then condition (4.5.2) is necessary and sufficient for
the existence of a measure P on G=H which satisfies (4.5.1)
(ii) Now take a special kind of measure: d .x/ D q.x/ dx, q a continuous func-
tion on G, dx a left Haar measure. The relation (4.5.2) becomes
f .x / q.x/ dx D H ./ f .x/ q.x/ dx . 2 H /:
4.5 Quasi-invariant measures on quotient spaces 43

Hence (4.5.2) is equivalent to

f .x/ q.x/ ./ dx D H ./ f .x/ q.x/ dx;

hence with
H ./
q.x/ D q.x/ .x 2 G;  2 H /: (4.5.3)
One can show that there always exists (i.e. for any H ) a continuous and strictly
positive function q on G that satisfies (4.5.3) (cf. [38, Chapter 8, §1.7–1.9]).
Take such a function q. Then there exists a positive measure dq xP on G=H such
Z ²Z ³ Z
f .x / d dq xP D f .x/q.x/ dx .f 2 Cc .G//: (4.5.4)

If H is a normal subgroup, then we can take q D 1 and we get Weil’s formula,

with dq xP D d x.
(iii) Let again q be a continuous, strictly positive, function on G satisfying (4.5.3).
y .x/ .xP D H .x//: (4.5.5)
Notice that indeed y is a function on G=H . The group G acts on G=H by

ƒy .xH / D y 1 xH .y 2 G/:

These are homeomorphisms of G=H . The measure dq xP has the property: for all
fP 2 Cc .G=H / one has
fP.ƒy x/
P dq xP D fP.x/ P dq xP
P y .x/ .y 2 G/: (4.5.6)

Choose f such that TH f D fP and apply (4.5.4).

P a quasi-invariant measure on G=H . If y depends only on y

We call dq .x/
P then dq xP is said to be relatively invariant. If y D 1 then dq xP is a
(not on x),
G-invariant measure on G=H .
(iv) Suppose there is a continuous and strictly positive function r on G such that
.a/ r.xy/ D r.x/ r.y/ .x; y 2 G/;
.b/ r. / D .
H .
. 2 H /:
44 4 Haar Measures

If we then set q.x/ D r.x/, then (4.5.3) holds. Furthermore we obtain y .x/ P D
r.y/, so that dq xP is relatively invariant. Thus there exists a relatively invariant
measure dr xP on G=H such that for all fP 2 Cc .G=H / one has
P P dr xP D r.y/
f .ƒy x/ fP.x/
P dr xP (4.5.8)

and (4.5.4) holds with q D r. In particular: if

H . / D . / . 2 H /; (4.5.9)

then there exists an invariant positive measure on G=H .

Conversely, if G=H admits a relatively invariant positive measure, then one
might take r.y/ as in (4.5.8). One concludes that (4.5.7) (a) and (b) are satisfied
and that r is continuous and strictly positive on G. In the case of an invariant
measure, so r D 1, the property (4.5.9) follows from (4.5.7) (b).

Example. Let H be a closed unimodular subgroup of G, so H D 1. Take r.x/ D

.x/1 . Then G=H admits a relatively invariant measure. If H is compact, then
G=H admits an invariant measure. The same holds if H is any closed normal
Let both G and H be unimodular, then G=H admits an invariant measure. If G
is unimodular and G=H admits an invariant measure, then H is unimodular.

(v) We shall now consider a practical example, where q can be determined in a

simple way.
Assume G D G1 H , where G1 and H are closed subgroups with G1 \H D ¹eº.
So every x 2 G can be written uniquely in the form x D g1 h .g1 2 G1 ; h 2 H /.
Let us assume in addition that g1 and h depend continuously on x. Then x 7!
.g1 ; h/ is a homeomorphism from G onto G1  H .

Example. The Iwasawa decomposition of a semisimple Lie group, G D K  H ,

H D AN . For SL.2; R/ we have for example
®  ¯
K D cos  sin  W 0  < 2 ;
sin  cos 
® et 0  ¯ ®  ¯
A D 0 et W t 2 R ; N D 10 x1 W x 2 R :

H .h/
Define q as follows. For h 2 H let q.h/ D .h/
and for general x 2 G set

q.x/ D q.h/ if x D g1 h .g1 2 G1 ; h 2 H /:

4.6 The convolution product on G. Properties of L1 .G/ 45

Then q is continuous, strictly positive, and satisfies (4.5.3). Since q.g1 x/ D

q.x/ .g1 2 G1 ; x 2 G/, the measure dq xP is invariant under G1 . Since G=H
is topologically isomorphic to G1 , the measure dq xP is a left Haar measure on G1 .
So formula (4.5.4) becomes here
Z ²Z ³ Z
f .g1 h/ dh dg1 D f .x/ q.x/ dx .f 2 Cc .G//
G1 H G

or, if we replace f by f =q,

Z Z ²Z ³
f .x/dx D f .g1 h/ dh dg1 .f 2 Cc .G//: (4.5.10)
G G1 H H .h/

Special cases of (4.5.10):

(a) G is unimodular. Then
Z Z ²Z ³
f .x/dx D f .g1 h/ H .h / dh dg1 .f 2 Cc .G//:
G G1 H

Notice that H .h1 /dh is simply a right Haar measure on H .

(b) H is normal. Then
Z Z ²Z ³
f .x/dx D f .g1 h/ dh dg1 .f 2 Cc .G//:
G G1 H

This is also a direct consequence of Weil’s formula.

We leave it to the reader to show that several of the formulae derived above also
hold for functions f 2 L1 .G/ etc. In most cases an exact formulation obvious.

4.6 The convolution product on G . Properties of L1 .G /

Literature: [29, §35], [34, §28].
As before, G will be a locally compact group with left Haar measure dx. We
denote by L1 .G/ the set of (equivalence classes of) complex-valued integrable
functions on G.
(i) Similar to the case G D R (see Section 2.1), we can define the convolution
product of f; g 2 L1 .G/ by
.f  g/ .x/ D f .y/ g.y 1 x/ dy .x 2 G/: (4.6.1)
46 4 Haar Measures

One has f  g 2 L1 .G/ and kf  gk1  kf k1 kgk1 . With this operation as

multiplication, L1 .G/ is an associative algebra and f 7! kf k1 is a norm on
L1 .G/. Even L1 .G/ is a Banach algebra. Moreover there is an involution on
L1 .G/, f 7! f  , given by

f  .x/ D f .x 1 / .x 1 / .x 2 G/:

One clearly has kf  k1 D kf k1 and .f  g/ D g   f  . So L1 .G/ is a Banach

algebra with involution.
(ii) Similar to the case G D R we have:

Theorem 4.6.1. If f 2 L1 .G/ and g 2 Lp .G/ .p  1/, then f  g 2 Lp .G/ and

kf  gkp  kf k1 kgkp .
e.x/ D f .x 1 / .x 2 G/.
For any function f on G set f

Theorem 4.6.2. (a) If f 2 Lp .G/, g 2 Lq .G/ . p1 C q1 D 1, p > 1/, then

f e g k1 
g is a continuous function vanishing at infinity. In addition, kf e
kf kp kgkq .
(b) If f 2 L1 .G/ and g 2 L1 .G/, then f eg is a bounded continuous function.
Furthermore, kf  eg k1  kf k1 kgk1 .

(iii) Fix a real number p  1. For any function f on G set

Ly f .x/ D f .y 1 x/ and Ry f .x/ D f .xy/ .y/1=p .x; y 2 G/:

The operators Ly and Ry are isometries in Lp .G/ for all p  1. Furthermore the
mappings y 7! Ly f and y 7! Ry f are continuous from G to Lp .G/ for each f
in Lp .G/. This follows immediately using Section 3.6 (i).
(iv) The Banach space Lp .G/ .1  p < 1/ is separable (i.e. has a countable
dense set of elements) if G satisfies the second axiom of countability.
(v) The convolution algebra L1 .G/ is commutative if and only if G is an abelian

If G is abelian, then G is unimodular, so we have for f; g 2 L1 .G/,

f  g.x/ D f .y/ g.y 1 x/ dy D f .xy 1 /g.y/ dy
D g.y/f .y 1 x/ dy D g  f .x/:
4.6 The convolution product on G. Properties of L1 .G/ 47

Let, conversely, L1 .G/ be commutative. Take f; g 2 Cc .G/. Then

0 D f  g.x/  g  f .x/ D Œf .y/g.y 1 x/  g.xy/f .y 1 / dy
D f .y/ Œg.y 1 x/  g.xy 1 /.y 1 / dy:

Since this holds for all f 2 Cc .G/, we get g.y 1 x/ D g.xy 1 /.y 1 / for all x; y 2 G
and all g 2 Cc .G/. Taking x D e we get  D 1, so g.xy/ D g.yx/ for all x; y 2 G and
all g 2 Cc .G/. Since Cc .G/ separates the points of G, we obtain xy D yx for all x and
y. So G is an abelian group.

(vi) The algebra L1 .G/ has a unit element if and only if G is discrete.
Let G be discrete and let us assume that every point in G has mass equal to 1 with respect
to the Haar measure. Let ı be the function that is equal to 1 at e and zero elsewhere. Then
ı is the unit element of L1 .G/, i.e.
f  ı.x/ D f .y/ ı.y 1 x/ D f .x/;

similarly ı  f D f .
Conversely, let L1 .G/ have a unit element, called ı. We assert that there is a positive
lower bound for the masses of the non-empty open subsets. Indeed, otherwise there would
R for any " > 0 an open neighbourhood V of e with mass V < "2and therefore one with
V jı.x/jdx < ". Choose a symmetric neighbourhood U with U  V and let be the
characteristic function of U . Then we have for x 2 U
1 D .x/ D  ı.x/ D ı.y/ .y 1 x/dx D ı.y/dy  jı.y/jdy < ":
G xU V

We get a contradiction. So there is ˛ > 0 such that the mass of all non-empty open sets
is greater than or equal to ˛. Select now an open subset V with compact closure. Then
mass V  n˛ for n D 1; 2; : : : as soon as V contains at least n points. So any open set
with compact closure is finite, so any point is open, hence G is discrete.

(vii) The algebra L1 .G/ has an ‘approximate unit’; even more: given f 2 Lp .G/
.1  p < 1/ and " > 0, there exists a neighbourhood V of e such that kf  u 
Rf kp < " and ku  f  f kp < " for all u 2 Cc .G/ with u  0, Supp u  V and
G u.x/ dx D 1.

Take h 2 Lq .G/ . p1 C D 1/. Then one has

ˇZ Z ˇ
ˇ ˇ
j.u  f  f; h/j D ˇ u.y/ ¹f .y x/  f .x/ ºh.x/ dydx ˇˇ
 khkq kLy f  f kp u.y/dy;
48 4 Haar Measures

by Hölder’s inequality. So ku  f  f kp  G kLy f  f kp u.y/dy. Now choose V such
that for all y 2 V one has kLy f  f kp < " (see (iii)). Then ku  f  f kp < ".
For f  u the proof is similar, but a little more complicated because the group G need
not be unimodular.

Otherwise formulated: select for any neighbourhood V of e a function u D uV

as above. Then limV !¹eº uV f D f and limV !¹eº f uV D f for f 2 Lp .G/
(convergence in Lp .G/). The family ¹uV º is called an approximate unit.
(viii) By Theorem 4.6.1, the space Lp .G/ .p  1/ is a left L1 .G/-module. One
In the space Lp .G/ the closed left L1 .G/-submodules coincide with the closed
left-invariant subspaces.
Let M be a closed left L1 .G/-submodule of Lp .G/. Choose an approximate unit ¹uV º.
If f 2 M , then also .Lx uV /  f 2 M for all x 2 G. But .Lx uV /  f D Lx .uV  f / !
Lx f if V ! ¹eº in Lp .G/. Hence M is left-invariant.
Let now M be a closed left-invariant subspace of Lp .G/. Set Ann.M / D ¹g 2 Lq .G/ W
.f; g/ D 0 for all f 2 M º. Then f 2 M if and only if f 2 Ann.Ann.M //. Let now
h 2 L1 .G/, f 2 M , g 2 Ann.M /. Then
“ Z Z
.h  f; g/ D h.y/f .y 1 x/g.x/ dydx D h.y/ f .y 1 x/g.x/ dx dy D 0:

So h  f 2 M .

As a corollary we have:
In L1 .G/ the closed left-(right-)ideals coincide with the closed left-(right-)invari-
ant subspaces.
(ix) One can extend the convolution product to M 1 .G/, the space of bounded
measures on G. For 1 ; 2 2 M 1 .G/ define
1  2 .f / D f .xy/ d 1 .x/d 2 .y/ .f 2 Cc .G//:

The product is well-defined (use Section 3.6), M 1 .G/ is thus a convolution algebra
and L1 .G/ can be regarded as a subalgebra of M 1 .G/, by associating to f 2
L1 .G/ the measure f .x/ dx.
Chapter 5
Harmonic Analysis on
Locally Compact Abelian Groups

Literature: [7].
In this chapter G will be a locally compact (later on, abelian) group, satisfying the
second axiom of countability, with left Haar measure dx.

5.1 Positive-definite functions and

unitary representations
(i) Unitary representations
Let H be a complex Hilbert space with scalar product denoted by h ; i. We set
End.H / for the algebra of continuous linear operators on H and denote by GL.H /
the group of invertible elements in End.H /. An operator U is said to be unitary if
U U  D U U D I .
A representation of G is a pair .; H / of a Hilbert space H and a homomor-
phism  W G ! GL.H / such that the mapping .x; v/ 7! .x/v from G  H to
H is continuous.
One calls .; H / a unitary representation if .x/ is a unitary operator for all
x 2 G.

Lemma 5.1.1. Let  be a homomorphism of G into GL.H / such that .x/ is

unitary for all x 2 G. Then the following statements are equivalent:
(a) .x; v/ 7! .x/v is continuous from G  H to H ,
(b) x 7! .x/v is continuous for every v 2 H ,
(c) x 7! h.x/v; wi is a continuous function on G for each pair of vectors v; w 2

Remark 5.1.2. Lemma 5.1.1 is also true without the assumption of unitarity of
.x/. However, the proof becomes more difficult, see [57, Prop.]. The
proof of Lemma 5.1.1 (for unitary ) is straightforward.

A linear subspace H1  H is called invariant if .x/H1  H1 for all x 2 G.

50 5 Harmonic Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups

If .; H / and . ; W / are representations of G, we denote by HomG .; / the

space of all bounded operators A W H ! W satisfying A .x/ D .x/ A for all
x 2 G. Such operators A are called intertwining operators. The two representa-
tions are said to be equivalent if there is an A 2 HomG .; / which is bijective.
If .; H / and . ; W / are both unitary representations, then we say that  and
are unitarily equivalent if there is an isometric bijection in HomG .; /.

It is known that equivalence for unitary representations implies unitary equivalence. This
can be seen by applying polar decomposition of continuous linear operators, see for ex-
ample [8, 2.2.2].

A representation .; H / of G is called irreducible (also: topologically irre-

ducible) if the only closed invariant subspaces of H are ¹0º and H itself.
It is customary to denote by GO the set of unitary equivalence classes of irre-
ducible unitary representations of G.

Lemma 5.1.3. Let .G; H / be a unitary representation.

(a) If H1  H is an invariant subspace, then so is H ? .
(b) If H1  H is a closed subspace and P is the orthogonal projection of H
onto H1 , then H1 is an invariant subspace if and only if P commutes with
.x/ for all x 2 G.

For unitary representations we have the following criteria for irreducibility.

Theorem 5.1.4. Let .; H / be a unitary representation. The following criteria are
(a) The only orthogonal projections commuting with all .x/ .x 2 G/ are the
zero operator and the identity operator I.
(b) HomG .; / D C  I (Schur’s lemma).
(c) Every vector v 6D 0 in H is cyclic, i.e. the closure of span..G/v/ is H .
(d) .; H / is irreducible.

Criterion (a) implies (b). This is commonly proved with the spectral decomposition of

bounded self-adjoint operators. Let A be in HomG .; /. Then A R 1 2 HomG .; /.
So for the proof we may assume A to be self-adjoint. Write A D 1 dE (spectral
decomposition of A). Since .x/A.x 1 / D A for all x 2 G, the same holds for all E :
.x/E .x 1 / D E for all x 2 G. By (a) we get E D O or I . So A D c I for some
constant c. So (a) and (b) are equivalent. The criteria (a) and (c) are easily shown to imply
irreducibility and to be equivalent, applying Lemma 5.1.3 (b). Furthermore, (a) and (d)
are equivalent, again by this lemma.
5.1 Positive-definite functions and unitary representations 51

Let .; H / be unitary and f 2 L1 .G/. For any pair of vectors v; w 2 H the
integral Z
f .x/ h.x/v; wi dx
exists and one has
ˇZ ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇ f .x/ h.x/v; wi dx ˇ  kf k1 kvk kwk:

Therefore A 2 End.H / exists with kAk  kf k1 and

hAv; wi D f .x/ h.x/v; wi dx .v; w 2 H /:

We shall write A D .f / (also: fO./), so in particular k.f /k  kf k1 .

Examples. 1. Let G be as before. For s 2 G let Ls be the operator on L2 .G/

defined by
.Ls f /.x/ D f .s 1 x/ .f 2 L2 .G/; x 2 G/:
We shall denote the mapping s 7! Ls by L. One verifies that .L; L2 .G// is a
unitary representation of G, the left regular representation. Let  be the Haar
modulus of G. For s 2 G let Rs be the operator on L2 .G/ defined by

.Rs f /.x/ D 1=2 .s/ f .xs/ .f 2 L2 .G/; x 2 G/:

Denoting the mapping s 7! Rs by R, one easily checks that .R; L2 .G// is a

unitary representation of G as well, the right regular representation.
For f 2 L2 .G/ define f 0 2 L2 .G/ by

f 0 .x/ D 1=2 .x/ f .x 1 /:

Set Af D f 0 . Then A is a unitary operator from L2 .G/ onto L2 .G/ and, in

addition, A 2 HomG .L; R/. Therefore L and R are unitarily equivalent.
2. Any irreducible unitary representation of a locally compact abelian group G
is one-dimensional. This follows at once from Schur’s lemma. If .; H / is such
a representation, then one can write .x/ D .x/I for all x 2 G, where  is a
(continuous) homomorphism of G into T . We call  a (unitary) character of G.
We leave it to the reader to show that in the case G D R the characters are given
by y .x/ D e2 ixy .x 2 R/, where y runs over R.
The following results are standard, and will not be proved here. See [53].
3. Any finite-dimensional representation of a finite group is equivalent to a unitary
52 5 Harmonic Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups

4. Any representation of a compact group on a Hilbert space is equivalent to a

unitary representation.
5. The group G D SL.2; R/ admits no non-trivial finite-dimensional unitary rep-

(ii) Positive-definite functions

We begin with an unusual definition.

Definition 5.1.5. A complex-valued locally integrable function ' is said to be

positive-definite if
'.x 1 y/ f .x/ f .y/ dxdy  0
for all f 2 Cc .G/.

Such a function ' defines in a natural way a Hilbert space H' as follows. For
f; g 2 Cc .G/ define
.f; g/' D '.x 1 y/ f .x/ f .y/ dxdy: (5.1.1)
This gives a positive sesqui-linear Hermitean form on Cc .G/. Let K' D ¹f W
.f; f /' D 0º. From the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality (which holds for such forms)
it follows that K' is a linear subspace of Cc .G/. In a natural way we thus have on
Cc .G/=K' a genuine scalar product. Let H' be the Hilbert space completion of
this space.
For s 2 G let Ls be defined on Cc .G/ by Ls f .x/ D f .s 1 x/; x 2 G. It is
clear that .Ls f; Ls g/' D .f; g/' for f; g 2 Cc .G/. Thus Ls can be uniquely
extended to a unitary operator on H' . We even obtain a unitary representation of
G on H' : .L; H' /. To show the continuity of this representation, it suffices to
show that
s 7! .Ls f; g/'
is continuous for any pair f; g 2 Cc .G/. It even suffice to show the continuity at
s D e. One has
ˇZ Z ˇ
ˇ ˇ
j.Ls f  f; g/' j D ˇ '.x 1 y/ ¹Ls f .x/  f .x/º g.y/ dxdy ˇ
ˇZ Z ˇ
ˇ ˇ
Dˇ '.y/ ¹Ls f .x/  f .x/º g.xy/ dxdy ˇ
 kLs f  f k1  kgk1  j'.y/j dy;
5.1 Positive-definite functions and unitary representations 53

where K is a compact subset of G, depending on Supp f and Supp g. Now apply

Section 4.6 (iii).

Theorem 5.1.6. Any bounded positive-definite function ' (i.e. ' 2 L1 ) coincides
almost everywhere with a continuous positive-definite function.

Let V be a neighbourhood of e and choose ¹uV º as in Section 4.6 (vii). For f 2 Cc .G/
one has Z
.f; uV /' ! f .x/ '.x/ dx as V ! ¹eº: (5.1.2)

.f; uV /' D f .x/ uV .y/ '.x 1 y/ dxdy
D uV .x/ f .y/ '.x 1 y/ dxdy D uV .x/ f  e
' .x/ dx

! f e
' .e/ as V ! ¹eº;

because f  e
' is continuous. Furthermore we have for f 2 Cc .G/
ˇZ ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇ f .x/ '.x/ dx ˇ  k'k1=2
1 kf k' : (5.1.3)

j.f; uV /' j2  .f; f /' .uV ; uV /'  k'k1  kf k2'
for all V . So we can extend f 7! G f .x/ '.x/ dx to a bounded linear form on H' .
Consequently " 2 H' exists such that
.f; "/' D f .x/ '.x/ dx for f 2 Cc .G/:

Then also Z
.Ls 1 f; "/' D f .s 1 x/ '.x/ dx

and Z
.f; Ls "/' D f .x/ '.s 1 x/ dx

for f 2 Cc .G/. We now have

.f; g/' D .f; Ls "/' g.s/ ds (5.1.4)

for all f; g 2 Cc .G/.

54 5 Harmonic Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups

Both sides of (5.1.4) are continuous in f , hence (5.1.4) holds for all f 2 H' and
g 2 Cc .G/. In particular
."; g/' D ."; Ls "/' g.s/ ds D .g; "/'
D '.s/ g.s/ ds
for all g 2 Cc .G/. We may conclude that '.s/ D ."; Ls "/' almost everywhere. The
right-hand side is continuous (and positive-definite).

Remark 5.1.7. (1) Apparently any bounded continuous positive-definite function

' is of the form '.x/ D h"; .x/"i .x 2 G/, where  is a unitary representa-
tion of G on a Hilbert space H and " 2 H .
(2) The vector " 2 H' is cyclic: is .f; Ls "/' D 0 for all s 2 G and for some
f 2 H' , then .f; g/' D 0 for all g 2 Cc .G/ (see (5.1.4)), hence f D 0.
(3) Given a unitary representation .; H / of G and " 2 H , then the function
'.x/ D h"; .x/ "i is continuous and positive-definite. Indeed we have
f .x/ f .y/ h"; .x 1 y/ "i dxdy
D f .x/ f .y/ h.x/"; .y/ "i dxdy D k.f /"k2  0
for all f 2 Cc .G/.
(4) One can show (exercise): if .; H / is a unitary representation of G with cyclic
vector v, and '.x/ D hv; .x/vi .x 2 G/, then .; H / is unitarily equivalent
to .L; H' / by means of a unitary intertwining operator A W H ! H' which
maps v to ".
(5) Any continuous positive-definite function ' is also positive-definite in the fol-
lowing sense: for any n, any n-tuples x1 ; : : : ; xn 2 G and ˛1 ; : : : ; ˛n 2 C
one has
X n
˛i ˛j '.xi1 xj /  0:
i;j D1
The converse is also true (cf. [8, 13.4.4]).
Similar to Section 2.7 one can show:
Lemma 5.1.8. Let ' be a continuous positive-definite function. Then
(a) '.e/  0,
(b) ' D e',
(c) j'.x/j  '.e/ for all x.
In particular, any continuous positive-definite function is bounded.
5.2 Some functional analysis 55

We conclude this section with two exercises:

(1) If '1 and '2 are continuous positive-definite functions, then the pointwise
product '1  '2 is also a continuous positive-definite function.
(2) Let ' be a continuous positive-definite function with '.e/ D 1. The set of all
x 2 G for which '.x/ D 1 is a closed subgroup of G.

5.2 Some functional analysis

(i) Weak topologies
Let X be a normed complex linear space with dual space X  . The weak topology
on X, denoted by .X; X  /, is the weakest topology such that all linear forms
x 7! .x; x  / .x  2 X  / are continuous.
A weak neighbourhood basis of x0 in X is given by the sets of the form

O.x0 I x1 ; : : : ; xn I "/ D ¹x 2 X W j.x  x0 ; xi /j < " .i D 1; : : : ; n/º;

where x1 ; : : : ; xn 2 X  and " > 0.

Provided with this topology X is a topological vector space.
A sequence ¹xn º in X converges weakly to x0 2 X if limn!1 .xn ; x  / D
.x0 ; x  / for every x  2 X  .
The norm topology is stronger than the weak topology, hence a weakly closed
linear subspace of X is certainly strongly closed.

Theorem 5.2.1. A strongly closed linear subspace L of X is also weakly closed.

If x0 … L, then x0 2 X  exists with x0 .L/ D ¹0º and .x0 ; x0 / D 1 (Hahn–Banach’s
theorem). So O.x0 I x0 I 1/ \ L D ;. Hence the complement of L is weakly open.

One also provides X  with a weak topology, denoted by .X  ; X /. It is the

weakest topology making all forms x  7! .x; x  / .x  2 X  I x 2 X / continuous.
A neighbourhood basis of x  2 X  is then determined by finitely many elements
x1 ; : : : ; xn in X and " > 0:

O.x0 I x1 ; : : : ; xn I "/ D ¹x  2 X  W j.x   x0 ; xi /j < " .i D 1; : : : ; n/º:

Notice the difference between the way of defining .X; X  / and .X  ; X /. If

X is reflexive both definitions are similar.

Theorem 5.2.2 (Alaoglu’s theorem). For any normed linear space X the unit ball
S  D ¹x  W kx  k  1º in X  is compact in the weak topology .X  ; X /.
56 5 Harmonic Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups

Assign to every Q x 2 X the compact disk Cx D ¹ 2 C W jj  kxkº. The Cartesian

product P D ¹Cx W x 2 X º consists of all (uncountable) “sequences” ¹x º with x 2
Cx for all x 2 X . According to Tychonov’s theorem P is compact in the product topology.
Any x  2 X  is determined by its values .x; x  / .x 2 X/. Assign to x  2 S  the
“sequence” ¹x º D ¹.x; x  /º. Since kx  k  1 we have jx j  kxk, so x 2 Cx and
¹x º 2 P . By x  7! ¹.x; x  /º we get a mapping from S  onto a set T  P . From the
definitions of the topology in P and S  it follows that this mapping is topological. It is
therefore sufficient to show that T is closed in P .
Take a point ¹ x º in T , the closure of T . Every neighbourhood of this point contains
an element of T , thus a continuous linear form on X; we shall show that ¹ x º shares this
property with its neighbours. For x0 ; y0 2 X let z stand for x0 ; y0 ; cx0 or x0 Cy0 .c 2 C/,
while " > 0. The set of all elements ¹x º 2 P with jz  z j < " is a neighbourhood
of ¹ x º and contains a point ¹.x; x  /º of T . This yields four inequalities, e.g. j.x0 C
y0 ; x  /  x0 Cy0 j < " for z D x0 C y0 ; we get

j x0 Cy0  x0  y0 j < 3"; jc x0  cx0 j < .jcj C 1/ " for all " > 0:

Consequently ¹ x º 2 T , so T D T .

(ii) The adjoint of an operator

Let X and Y be complex normed linear spaces and T a continuous linear operator
from X into Y , so T 2 Hom .X; Y /. We shall write End.X / for Hom.X; X /. For
y  2 Y  the mapping x 7! .T x; y  / is a continuous linear form on X , because

j.T x; y  /j  ky  k kT k kxk;

so in X  . Call this form T  y  . We thus have

.T x; y  / D .x; T  y  / .x 2 X; y  2 Y  /:

We immediately see that T  2 Hom .Y  ; X  /. The operator T  is called the

adjoint of T (this definition is due to Banach). We observe that kT  k  kT k.

Lemma 5.2.3. Let T 2 Hom.X; Y /. Then kT  k D kT k.

From kT xk D sup¹j.T x; y  /j W ky  k  1º (by Hahn–Banach’s theorem) it follows

kT  k D sup kT  y  k D sup sup j.T x; y  /j

ky  k1 ky  k1 kxk1

D sup kT xk D kT k:

Observe that there is a slight difference with the definition of the (Hilbert-)
adjoint of A 2 End.H /, when H is a Hilbert space.
5.2 Some functional analysis 57

The proof of the next theorem is left to the reader.

Theorem 5.2.4. Let X and Y be complex normed linear spaces.

(a) If T 2 Hom.X; Y /, then T  W Y  ! X  is continuous with respect to the
weak topologies of Y  and X  .
(b) If T 2 Hom.X; Y / and S 2 Hom.Y; Z/, then .S T / D T  S  .
(c) The adjoint of the identity operator on X is the identity operator on X  .

The mapping T 7! T  is therefore an anti-isomorphism from End.X / into

End.X  /.

(iii) Krein–Milman’s theorem

For the first part of this paragraph we refer to [34, I §3] and [4].
Let X be a real or complex vector space. One calls X a topological linear space
or topological vector space if X is provided with a Hausdorff topology such that
addition and scalar multiplication are continuous operations.
A topological linear space X is said to be locally convex if zero has a neighbour-
hood basis consisting of symmetric convex sets (i.e. sets S satisfying: if x 2 S
then also ˛x 2 S for all scalars ˛ with j˛j  1).
Let K be a convex set in a locally convex space X, which contains zero as an
interior point. The set K thus contains a symmetric convex neighbourhood U of
zero. Let x 2 X. There exists ı > 0 such that ˛x 2 U for j˛j < ı and thus
˛x 2 K for j˛j < ı. So x 2 ˛1 K for j˛j < ı.
Define p.x/ D pK .x/ D inf¹ˇ W ˇ > 0; x 2 ˇKº .x 2 X /.

Lemma 5.2.5. The function p is a convex functional: p.x/  0; p.x C y/ 

p.x/ C p.y/; p.˛x/ D ˛p.x/ for ˛ > 0.
Clearly p.x/  0. Furthermore it easily follows from the definition of p that p.˛x/ D
˛p.x/ for ˛  0. For any " > 0 we have x 2 ¹p.x/ C "º K. So p.x/C" 1
x 2 K and
(similarly) p.y/C" y 2 K. Since K is convex, we also have .1  t / p.x/C" x C t p.y/C"
1 1 1
K for 0  t  1. Solving t from the equation 1t
D t
gives t D p.x/Cp.y/C"
Substituting this value of t yields: p.x/Cp.y/C" 2 K, so x Cy 2 .p.x/Cp.y/C2"/ K for
all " > 0. This gives p.x C y/  p.x/ C p.y/ C 2" and hence p.x C y/  p.x/ C p.y/.

Clearly p D pK is symmetric, i.e. p.˛x/ D j˛j p.x/ (˛ a scalar, x 2 X ), as

soon as K is a symmetric (convex) set.
For any x 2 K we have p.x/  1. On the other hand, if p.x/  1 then x 2 K.
So p.x/  1 for all x … K.
58 5 Harmonic Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups

Notice that p is continuous on X . Therefore the set KP of interior points of K

is equal to KP D ¹x W p.x/ < 1º. Furthermore the boundary of K is equal to
KnKP D ¹x W p.x/ D 1º.

Examples of locally convex linear spaces are: normed linear spaces, normed linear
spaces X provided with the topology .X; X  / and X  provided with .X  ; X /.
The following lemma is interesting, but it is not used in this section. Neverthe-
less, we like to mention it.

Lemma 5.2.6. A locally convex linear space admits sufficiently many continuous
linear forms to separate its points.
Let x0 6D 0 in X . According to the above theory there is a symmetric convex functional
p with p.x0 / > 0. Set f .˛x0 / D ˛p.x0 /. The function f is a linear form on Cx0 , such
that jf .x/j  p.x/ for all x 2 Cx0 and f .x0 / D p.x0 /. According to Hahn–Banach’s
theorem, f can be extended to a linear form on X such that jf .x/j  p.x/ for all x 2 X .
Since p is continuous, f is continuous as well.

After these introductory remarks, we can formulate Krein–Milman’s theorem.

Let K be a set in a locally convex linear space X . A point x0 2 K is said to
be an extremal point of K if x0 can not be written in the form t a C .1  t /b for
some a; b 2 K and 0 < t < 1. We shall denote the set of extremal points of K
by ext.K/. Example: X D Rn , K D ¹x W kxj  1º; ext.K/ D ¹x W kxk D 1º.
By co .K/ we denote the closed convex hull of K, the smallest closed convex set
containing K.

Theorem 5.2.7 (Krein–Milman). If K is a compact subset of a locally convex lin-

ear space X and E the set of its extremal points, then co.E/ K. So co.E/ D
co.K/ and co .E/ D K if K is convex.
We shall prove this theorem in a number of steps. The proof is similar to the
one given in [10, V §8].
First of all we take X real and we shall write Xr to emphasize this fact.
Let S1 and S2 be non-trivial subsets of Xr . We shall say that S1 can be sepa-
rated by S2 if there exists a continuous linear form u 6D 0 on Xr and a constant c
such that u.S1 /  c and u.S2 /  c. We shall write in that case S1 sep S2 .
The next proposition is evident.

Proposition 5.2.8. Let S1 and S2 be as above. Then one has:

(a) S1 sep S2 if and only if S2 sep S1 (symmetry).
(b) S1 sep S2 if and only if S1  S2 sep ¹0º (transitivity).
(c) S1 sep S2 if and only if S1  x sep S2  x (x 2 X).
5.2 Some functional analysis 59

Lemma 5.2.9 (Separation theorem). Let M and N be non-trivial, disjoint, convex

sets. Assume that M has an interior point m. Then M sep N .
According to Proposition 5.2.8 (c) we can take m D 0. Fix p 2 N . Then p 2 M  N
and p is an interior point of M  N . Hence zero is an interior point of Q D M 
N C p. Since M \ N D ;, we have 0 … M  N , so p … Q. The set Q is a convex
neighbourhood of zero. Then pQ is defined and define up .˛ p/ D ˛ pQ .p/ .˛ 2 R/. We
have pQ .p/  1. Extend (using Hahn–Banach’s theorem) the linear form up on R p to
all of Xr , satisfying jup .x/j  pQ .x/ for all x. Then up .Q/  1, up .p/  1. Hence
Q sep ¹pº, so M  N sep ¹0º, so M sep N .

Lemma 5.2.10. Let C be a closed convex subset of Xr and p … C . Then there is

u 2 Xr and " > 0 such that

u.C /  c  " < c D u.p/:

The set p  C is closed and convex, 0 … p  C . There is a convex symmetric neighbour-
hood U0 of 0 with U0 \ .p  C / D ;. By the separation theorem there exists u 2 Xr and
a constant d with u.p  C /  d and u.U0 /  d , u 6D 0. We may assume d > 0, since
u 6D 0. Hence u.p/  u.C / C d . In addition u.p/  u.p/  d  u.C /. Take c D u.p/
and " D d .

We shall now consider the complex case. So let Xc be a complex locally convex
linear space. Of course, Xc can also be seen as a real locally convex linear space,
which we call then Xr . If f 2 Xc , then Re f 2 Xr . Conversely, every g 2 Xr is
the real part of some f 2 Xc ; indeed take

f .x/ D g.x/ C ig.ix/:

The correspondence f 7! Re f from Xc to Xr is one-to-one (and onto). The

following lemma is obvious.

Lemma 5.2.11. Let C be a closed, convex subset of Xc and let p … C . Then there
is u 2 Xc and " > 0 such that

Re u.C /  c  " < c D Re u.p/:

Let K be a subset of a real or complex linear space. A non-empty subset A of K

is called an extremal subset of K if the following property is satisfied: if a strictly
convex combination ¹tk1 C .1  t/ k2 j 0 < t < 1º, of two points k1 ; k2 2 K
is contained in A, then both k1 and k2 belong to A. An extremal subset of K
consisting of a single point is an extremal point of K.

Lemma 5.2.12. Any non-empty compact subset of a locally convex linear space
has extremal points.
60 5 Harmonic Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups

Let K  X be compact, X locally convex, K non-empty. Denote by A the (non-empty)

family of closed non-empty extremal subsets of K. We T order A by inclusion. One easily
sees that if A1 is a totally ordered subfamily of A, then A2A1 A is a non-empty, closed,
extremal subset of K, which is a lower bound for A1 . By Zorn’s lemma there exists a
minimal element A0 in A. Suppose that A0 contains at least two different points p and
q. Then we can find x  2 X  with Re x  .p/ 6D Re x  .q/. Hence A1 D ¹x W x 2 A0 ,
Re x  .x/ D infy2A0 Re x  .y/º is a proper, non-empty, subset of A0 . On the other hand,
if k1 ; k2 2 K and tk1 C .1  t/ k2 2 A1 for some 0 < t < 1, then k1 ; k2 2 A0 . According
to the definition of A1 we even have k1 ; k2 2 A1 . So A1 is a proper, closed, extremal
subset of A0 , which yields a contradiction. Hence A0 contains only one point, an extremal
point of K.

Lemma 5.2.13. Let K be a subset of a linear space, A1 an extremal subset of K

and A2 an extremal subset of A1 . Then A2 is an extremal subset of K.
The proof of this lemma is easy and left to the reader.

We are now ready to prove Krein–Milman’s theorem.

Let there exist a p 2 K with p … co.E/. By Lemma 5.2.11 there is a x  2 X  , a constant
c and " > 0 with Re x  .p/  c, Re x  .co .E//  c C ". Set

K1 D ¹x W x 2 K; Re x  .x/ D inf Re x  .y/º:


The set K1 is a closed extremal subset of K and K1 \ E D ;. By Lemma 5.2.13 , K1 has

no extremal points. But this contradicts Lemma 5.2.12. So co .E/ K. The remaining
statements are clear.

5.3 Elementary positive-definite functions

Let P0 be the set of all continuous positive-definite functions ' on G satisfying
'.e/  1. We identify P0 with the subset of L1 .G/ consisting of the positive-
definite functions ' with k'k1  1. Clearly P0 is weakly, i.e. .L1 ; L1 /-,
closed, so by Alaoglu’s theorem it is weakly compact. It is therefore a compact
convex subset of the space L1 .G/, which is clearly a locally convex linear space
with respect to the topology .L1 ; L1 /. By Krein–Milman’s theorem we con-
clude that P0 is the closed convex hull of its extremal points.

Lemma 5.3.1. The extremal points of P0 are given by

(a) the zero function,
(b) the functions ' 2 P0 with '.e/ D 1 (' continuous), which satisfy the condi-
tion: if ' D '1 C '2 .'1 ; '2 2 P0 / then there is   0 such that '1 D ',
'2 D .1  /'.
5.3 Elementary positive-definite functions 61

The functions of type (b) are called elementary positive-definite functions.

Theorem 5.3.2. Let ' be a continuous positive-definite function on G with '.e/ D

1. Then ' is elementary if and only if the associated unitary representation of G
in H' is irreducible.
Let ' be an elementary positive-definite function with '.e/ D 1 and let .L; H' / be as
usual. Then '.x/ D ."; Lx "/' .x 2 G/ where " a cyclic vector with k"k' D 1. We shall
show that .L; H' / is irreducible. Let P be an orthogonal projection onto a closed linear
subspace of H' , which commutes with all Lx .x 2 G/. We may then write
'.x/ D ."; Lx "/' D .P "; Lx "/' C ."  P "; Lx "/'
D .P "; Lx P "/' C ."  P "; Lx ."  P "//' .x 2 G/:
Hence .P "; Lx "/' D  ."; Lx "/' for some   0 and all x 2 G, so P " D  ", and since
" is cyclic and Lx commutes with P , P D  I , so P D 0 or P D I . This proves the
Let now ' be continuous, positive-definite, '.e/ D 1, and let .L; H' / be irreducible.
Suppose ' D '1 C '2 for some '1 ; '2 2 P0 . It is clear that .f; f /'1  .f; f /' for all
f 2 Cc .G/.
Since j.f; g/'1 j2  .f; f /' .g; g/' .f; g 2 Cc .G//, it follows that .f; g/'1 defines a
bounded sesqui-linear form on H' . Therefore there exists a self-adjoint A 2 End.H' /
.f; g/'1 D .Af; g/'
for all f; g 2 Cc .G/. Furthermore we have, for all f; g 2 Cc .G/,
.ALs f; g/' D .Ls f; g/'1 D .f; Ls 1 g/'1 D .Af; Ls 1 g/' D .Ls Af; g/'
for all s 2 G, hence ALs D Ls A for all s 2 G. By Schur’s lemma we get A D  I for
some   0. Consequently, .f; g/'1 D  .f; g/' for all f; g 2 Cc .G/, so '1 D '. This
completes the proof of the theorem.

We now proceed with the special case that G is abelian.

Theorem 5.3.3. Let G be an abelian locally compact group. The elementary

positive-definite functions are precisely the unitary characters of G.
Let  be a unitary character of G. Then clearly .e/ D 1 and
Z Z ˇZ ˇ2
1 ˇ ˇ
.x y/ f .x/ f .y/ dxdy D ˇ .x/ f .x/ dx ˇ  0 .f 2 Cc .G//;

so  is positive-definite, and it easily follows that dim H D 1. Hence .L; H / is irre-

ducible and thus  elementary.
Conversely, let ' be an elementary positive-definite function. Then the space H' is
one-dimensional, Lx D .x/ I , where  is a unitary character of G. Moreover '.x/ D
."; Lx "/' D .x/ for all x 2 G, since k"k' D 1.
62 5 Harmonic Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups

5.4 Fourier transform, Riemann–Lebesgue lemma

and Bochner’s theorem
From now on G will be abelian in this chapter.

(i) The dual group

The unitary characters of G and the zero function together form the set of extremal
b Clearly,
points G 0 of P0 . The subset of all unitary characters will be denoted by G.
b is an abelian group with respect to pointwise multiplication.

Theorem 5.4.1. (a) The set G 0 is closed in the topology .L1 ; L1 /, hence G 0 is
b is locally compact.
weakly compact and thus G
(b) On Gb the topology .L1 ; L1 / coincides with the topology of uniform con-
vergence on compact subsets of G.

Remark 5.4.2. (1) The topology of uniform convergence on compact subsets has
b K  G com-
the following basis (and neighbourhood basis): fixing 0 2 G;
pact and " > 0, we consider

b .0 ; K; "/ D ¹ 2 G
U b W j.x/  0 .x/j < " for all x 2 Kº:

(2) Pontryagin defined the above topology on G b in case G

b is countable, Van Kam-
pen considered, independently, the more general situation where the group G
satisfies the second axiom of countability.
b is
(3) Provided with the topology of uniform convergence on compact subsets, G
a topological group.

We shall now give the proof of Theorem 5.4.1.

(a) Let 'n 2 Gb converge weakly to '0 2 P0 ; '0 6D 0. (If G does not satisfy the second
axiom of countability, we have to consider filters instead of sequences.)
Take f1 ; f2 2 L1 .G/. From the relation
.f1  f2 /.x/ 'n .x/ dx D f1 .x/ f2 .y/ 'n .x/ 'n .y/ dxdy

we get the same relation for '0 . Writing

.f1  f2 /.x/ '0 .x/ dx D f1 .x/ f2 .y/ '0 .xy/ dxdy;
5.4 Fourier transform, Riemann–Lebesgue lemma and Bochner’s theorem 63

we obtain '0 .xy/ D '0 .x/'0 .y/ for all x; y 2 G. We know '0 .e/ 6D 0 and thus, in
particular, we have '0 .e/ D 1. Since '0 is bounded, we finally get j'0 .x/j D 1 for all
x 2 G, hence '0 2 G b. Therefore G 0 is weakly closed.
(b) Let ' 2 G b. A weak neighbourhood U.'I f1 ; : : : ; fn I "/ \ G b of ', (f1 ; : : : ; fn 2
L I " > 0) always contains a neighbourhood of the form U .'I K 0 I "0 /. Indeed, for suffi-

ciently large K 0 and sufficiently small "0 , the relation j'.x/  .x/j < "0 for all x 2 K 0
ˇZ Z ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇ fi .x/ '.x/ dx  fi .x/ .x/ dx ˇ < "

for i D 1; : : : ; n.
Conversely, let U b.'; K; "/ be given. We shall show that this set contains a set of the
b for some f1 ; : : : ; fn 2 L1 and "0 > 0. This is more difficult
form U.'I f1 ; : : : ; fn I "0 / \ G
to show. The proof is in two steps.
(1) Let f 2 L1 .G/ be given. For any K and " > 0 there is a weak neighbourhood V' of
' such that
ˇZ Z ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇ f .xy/ '.y/ dy  f .xy/ .y/ dy ˇ < "

for all x 2 K and  2 Gb \ V' .

(2) Select f such that G f .x/ '.x/ dx D6 0. There is a weak neighbourhood U' of '
such that
ˇR ˇ
ˇ f .xy/ '.y/ dy R f .xy/ .y/ dy ˇ
ˇ G ˇ
ˇR  R
ˇ f .y/ '.y/ dy f .y/ .y/ dy ˇ

for all x 2 K and  2 U' \ G
It now easily follows from (2) that j'.x/  .x/j < " for all x 2 K and  2 U' \ G b,
hence U' \ G bU b.'; K; "/.
Let us first show (1). There exists a neighbourhood W of e in G such that G jf .xy/ 
f .y/j dy < "=3 for all x 2 W . The translates W z .z 2 K/ of W cover K. Hence there
are z1 ; : : : ; zN such that .W zn /1nN already cover K. Set fn .y/ D f .zn y/. Choose V'
such that
ˇZ Z ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇ fn .y/ '.y/ dy  fn .y/ .y/ dy ˇ < "=3

b. This means
for 1  n  N and  2 V' \ G

ˇZ Z ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇ f .z n y/ '.y/ dy  f .zn y/ .y/ dy ˇ < "=3:
64 5 Harmonic Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups

b, then
Choose z 2 K, say z 2 W zn . Then we have: if  2 V' \ G
ˇZ Z ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇ f .zy/ '.y/ dy  f .zy/ .y/ dy ˇ
ˇZ ˇ ˇZ ˇ
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
 ˇ ¹f .zy/  f .zn y/º '.y/ dy ˇ C ˇ ¹f .zy/  f .zn y/º .y/ dy ˇ
ˇZ ˇ
ˇ ˇ
Cˇ f .zn y/ ¹'.y/  .y/º dy ˇ

< ":

Statement (2) follows easily by choosing U' smaller than V' , namely such that for
sufficiently small "0 > 0 in addition holds
ˇZ Z ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇ f .y/ '.y/ dy  f .y/ .y/ dy ˇ < "0 :

b is thus a locally compact group, the dual group of G. The elements

The group G
of G we denote by x,O y,O zO etc. and we shall write .x; x/
O for x.x/.
O Observe that xO
may be the zero function.

(ii) The Fourier transform of functions in L1 .G /

The Fourier transform fO of a function f 2 L1 .G/ is defined by
O D O dx
f .x/ .x; x/ .xO 2 G 0 /:

It is immediately seen that fO is continuous on G 0 in the weak topology of L1 .

Moreover fO.0/ D 0.
We shall identify now the point zero of G 0 with the point “1” (infinity) of G.
Adding the point 1 makes G compact, the one-point compactification of G. We b
thus get the Riemann–Lebesgue lemma: fO, restricted to G, b vanishes at infinity.
Here are some properties of the Fourier transform:
(i) fO is continuous on G;
b jfO.x/j b f 2 L1 .G/,
O  kf k1 for all xO 2 G,
(ii) .f C g/b D fO C gO .; 2 CI f; g 2 L1 .G//,
(iii) .f  g/b D fO gO .f; g 2 L1 .G//,
(iv) .La f /b.x/ O fO.x/
O D .a; x/ O .a 2 GI f 2 L1 .G//,
O D .aO f /b.x/
(v) .LaO fO/.x/ b f 2 L1 .G//,
O .aO 2 GI
e D fO
(vi) f .f 2 L1 .G//.
5.4 Fourier transform, Riemann–Lebesgue lemma and Bochner’s theorem 65

We conclude that the set of all fO with f 2 L1 .G/ is an algebra under the
pointwise multiplication, called F 1 .G 0 /, with the following additional properties:
(1) any F 2 F 1 .G 0 / is continuous on the compact space G 0 ;
(2) if F 2 F 1 .G 0 /, then F 2 F 1 .G 0 /;
(3) F .0/ D 0 for all F 2 F 1 .G 0 /. If xO 6D yO then there exists F 2 F 1 .G 0 / with
O 6D F .y/.
F .x/ O
By Stone–Weierstrass’ theorem, every complex-valued continuous function on
G0 which vanishes at xO D 0, can be uniformly approximated
R by functions from
b satisfying
F 1 .G 0 /. So if is a bounded measure on G fO.x/
O d .x/O D 0 for
R b
all f 2 L .G/, then D 0. This remains true if b
O d .x/
O D 0 for f in a
dense subset of L .G/.

b . Bochner’s theorem
(iii) Inverse Fourier transform of a measure on G
b Set
Let be a bounded measure on G.
.T  /.x/ D O d .x/:
.x; x/ O

By approximating by measures with compact support, and observing that .x; x/ O

is continuous on G  G b (use the topology of uniform convergence on compact
sets), it follows that T  is a bounded continuous function on G. Furthermore we
have, if f 2 L1 .G/,
Z Z °Z ±
O O d .x/
f .x/ O D O dx d .x/
f .x/ .x; x/ O
bG b
Z ° Z ± Z
D f .x/ O d .x/
.x; x/ O dx D f .x/ .T  /.x/ dx:
G b

Let T W L1 .G/ ! C0 .G/b be given by Tf D fO. Then clearly T  is the adjoint

of T .
b T  is one-to-one.
Because the image of T is dense in C0 .G/,

b W  0; k k 
Theorem 5.4.3 (Bochner’s theorem). Let M0 D ¹ 2 M 1 .G/

1º. Then P0 D T .M0 /:
b/; C0 .G
(1) M0 is closed in the topology .M 1 .G b//, so by Alaoglu’s theorem compact.
b/ and L1 .G/.
(2) T  is continuous with respect to the weak topologies on M 1 .G
(3) T  .M0 / is compact in the topology .L1 .G/; L1 .G//.
66 5 Harmonic Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups

(4) T  .M0 /  P0 .
(5) T  .M0 / is convex and contains G 0 .
(6) By Krein–Milman’s theorem we now have T  .M0 / D P0 .

Notice that T  W M0 ! P0 is a topological bijection with respect to the weak

topologies considered above.

5.5 The inversion theorem

(i) Formulation of the theorem
Let again G be a locally compact abelian group, G b its dual group. The dual group
is a locally compact group with respect to the topology of uniform convergence on
compact subsets. Let d xO be a Haar measure on G.b This measure is determined up
to a positive constant, which we now shall fix.
Let V .G/ be the set of all complex linear combinations of continuous positive-
definite functions on G (the so-called Fourier–Stieltjes algebra of G). As usual,
b the set of bounded measures on G.
denote by M 1 .G/ b The operator T  , defined in
Section 5.4, maps M .G/ one-to-one onto V .G/.

Set V 1 .G/ D V .G/ \ L1 .G/; V 2 .G/ D V .G/ \ L2 .G/. For any f 2 V.G/
b such that
there is a unique measure f 2 M 1 .G/
f .x/ D O d f .x/
.x; x/ O .x 2 G/:

Theorem 5.5.1 (Inversion theorem). The Haar measure d xO on G b can be normal-

ized in such a way that for any f 2 V .G/ one has d f .x/
1 O D fO.x/O d x.
O More
explicitly: if f 2 L .G/ is a complex linear combination of continuous positive-

definite functions, then fO 2 L1 .G/

b and
f .x/ D O fO.x/
.x; x/ O d xO

O independent of f .
for a suitable normalization of d x,

Before we proceed with the proof, we give a few remarks. If f 2 Cc .G/ then
f f e 2 V 1 .G/. So f  g 2 V 1 .G/
e 2 Cc .G/ is positive-definite, hence f  f
for all f; g 2 Cc .G/. Consequently, V .G/ is dense in L1 .G/. In a similar way

V 2 .G/ is dense in L2 .G/. Furthermore V 1 .G/  V 2 .G/ since the functions in

V .G/ are bounded.
5.5 The inversion theorem 67

(ii) Proof of the theorem

We shall present a proof which is a combination of the one by Cartan and Gode-
ment [7] and Rudin [39].
(a) If f; g 2 V 1 .G/, then gO d f D fO d g .

Set T 0 . / D T  . / for all bounded measures on Gb. Then we have

T 0 .gO d f / D .x; x/ O g.
O x/
O d f .x/
O D O .y; x/
.x; x/ O g.y/ dy d f .x/ O
G b
Z °Z ± Z
D .xy 1 ; x/
O d f .x/
O g.y/ dy D f .xy 1 / g.y/ dy D g  f .x/:
G b

In a similar way T 0 .fO d g / D f  g .x/. Since T 0 is one-to-one, statement (a) follows.

b as follows:
(b) Define (see [39]) the functional
on Cc .G/
k.x/ b

.k/ D O
d g .x/ .k 2 Cc .G//;
b O x/
G g. O

where g is a function in V 1 .G/ such that gO is strictly positive on Supp k. This

functional is well-defined.

(1) Given k 2 Cc .G b/, at least one function g 2 V 1 .G/ exists with the above property.
Indeed, for every xO 2 Supp k there is a u 2 Cc .G/ with u. O x/
O 6D 0. Hence also .u 
u/O .x/
O D ju. O 2 > 0, the function u  e
O x/j u being in V 1 .G/. There is a neighbourhood of xO
where .u  e
u/O .y/
O > 0 for yO in that neighbourhood. Applying the compactness of Supp k,
we can take for g a function of the form g D u1  e u1 C    C uN  euN with functions
ui 2 Cc .G/.
(2) The definition of
.k/ does not depend on the special choice of g. Let f 2 V 1 .G/ and
fO be strictly positive on Supp k, then we have by (a)
k.x/ O
k.x/ O
d f .x/O D g.x/ O D
O d f .x/ fO.x/ O
O d g .x/
bG fO.x/
O G fO.x/
b O g.
O x/
O G fO.x/
b O g.
O x/
d g .x/:
b O x/
G g. O
b hence
is a
(c) The functional
is a non-trivial positive linear form on Cc .G/,
non-trivial positive measure on G.

is linear:
.˛1 k1 C ˛2 k2 / D ˛1
.k1 / C ˛2
.k2 /. To see this, select therefore g 2
V 1 .G/ such that gO is strictly positive on Supp k1 [ Supp k2 .

is positive: take g of the form g D u  e
1 u1 C    C uN  e
uN with ui 2 Cc .G/. Then
g is a positive measure, by Bochner’s theorem.
68 5 Harmonic Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups

is non-trivial: take f 2 V 1 .G/, f 6D 0. Then d f 6D 0. So there exists k 2 Cc .Gb/
with b O O b O
k d f 6D 0. Consider now
.k f /. Observe that k f 2 Cc .G /. We have
.k f / D
R k fO
G gO
d g for g 2 V 1 .G/, gO strictly positive on Supp k. Furthermore we have
O k O k

.k f / D f d g D gO d f D k d f 6D 0:
G g O b
G gO bG

(d) The measure
is a Haar measure on G.
For yO0 2 G b let .LyO0 k/.x/
O D k.yO01 x/
O .k 2 Cc .G b//. We have to show that
.LyO0 k/ D

.k/ for all k 2 Cc .G b/. Observe first of all that if g 2 V 1 .G/ and yO0 2 G
b then g0 D
yO0  g 2 V .G/Rand gO 0 D LyO0 g,
O g0 D LyO0 g . The latter property follows from the
identity g.x/ D G .x; x/ O d g .x/,
O hence
g0 .x/ D .x; yO0 x/ O d g .x/
O D .x; x/ O d g .yO0 x/ O D .x; x/ O d.LyO0 g /.x/
(by definition).
We now arrive at the invariance of
Let k 2 Cc .G b/ and yO0 2 G b. Take g 2 V 1 .G/ such that gO is strictly positive on
yO0  Supp k. Then we have
k.y0 x/ O
k.x/ 1 k.x/ O

.LyO 1 k/ D O D
d g .x/ 1
d .
g 0O
y O
x/ D O
d g0 .x/
b O x/
G g. O b O yO0 x/
G g. O b O 0 .x/
G g O
O As we already saw under (c), for every f 2 V 1 .G/
We shall write for
also d x.
one has Z

.k fO/ D k d f b
.k 2 Cc .G//:
So b G
k fO d xO D b G
b or fO.x/
k d f for all k 2 Cc .G/ O d xO D d f .x/ O for f 2
O b
V .G/. Since f is a bounded measure, this implies that f 2 L .G/. In addition
1 1

we have Z Z
f .x/ D O d f .x/
.x; x/ O D O fO.x/
.x; x/ O d xO
bG b
for all f 2 V 1 .G/ and all x 2 G. This completes the proof of the inversion

(iii) Corollaries of the inversion theorem

Corollary 5.5.2. Let f 2 L1 .G/ be continuous and positive-definite. Then fO is a
positive function on G.
By the inversion theorem d f .x/O D fO.x/ O hence fO.x/
O d x, O  0 for all xO because f is a
positive measure and fO is continuous.
5.6 Plancherel’s theorem 69
In particular we have fO.e/
O D b
f .x/ dx  0.
b and set f .x/ D
Corollary 5.5.3. Let F 2 L1 .G/ O F .x/
.x; x/ O d x.
O If f 2
L .G/, then F .x/ O
O D f .x/O almost everywhere.

Observe that f 2 V 1 .G/ since F .x/ b/. Hence by the inversion theorem,
O d xO 2 M 1 .G
f .x/ D b .x; x/ O
O f .x/
O d x. 0
O d xO D fO.x/
O Since T is one-to-one, we get F .x/ O d x,
O so
F D f almost everywhere.

Remark 5.5.4. If f 2 V 1 .G/, then fO 2 V 1 .G/.


b/. If we write f in the form f D f1 f2 Ci.f3 f4 /

By the inversion theorem fO 2 L1 .G
with fi  0, fi 2 L .G/, then the functions fOi are clearly continuous and positive-definite

b. Hence fOi 2 V 1 .G
on G b/.

Later on we shall see, applying Pontryagin’s duality theorem, see Section 5.7,
that the converse of Remark 5.5.4 is also true.

5.6 Plancherel’s theorem

Let f 2 L1 .G/ \ L2 .G/. The function g D f  f e is then in V 1 .G/ and gO D
jf j . By b O 2 b
R the inversion 2theorem gO 2 L .G/, hence f 2 L .G/. Moreover,
2 1

g.x/ D b G
O jfO.x/j
.x; x/ O d x, O in particular
g.e/ D jfO.x/j
O 2 d xO D jf .x/j2 dx:

We have thus shown:

Lemma 5.6.1. If f 2 L1 .G/ \ L2 .G/, then fO 2 L2 .G/

b and kf k2 D kfOk2 .

The Fourier transform T is therefore an isometric linear mapping from the dense
b We can extend T isometri-
linear subspace L1 .G/ \ L2 .G/ of L2 .G/ to L2 .G/.
cally to L .G/.

Theorem 5.6.2 (Plancherel). T is an isometry from L2 .G/ onto L2 .G/.
b \ L2 .G/
We start with some preparations for the proof. Let F 2 L1 .G/ b and
set, as usual,
.T F /.x/ D O F .x/
.x; x/ O d x:
70 5 Harmonic Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups

Then T 0 F certainly is a bounded continuous function. For any f 2 L1 .G/ \

L2 .G/ we have
f .x/ .T F /.x/ dx D fO.x/ O d x:
O F .x/ O
G bG

Notice that fO 2 L2 .G/,

b hence
ˇ Z ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇ f .x/ .T 0 F /.x/ dx ˇ  kfOk2 kF k2 D kf k2 kF k2 :
Thus f 7! hf; T 0 F i D G f .x/ .T 0 F /.x/ dx can be continued to a continuous
linear form on L2 .G/, hence T 0 F 2 L2 .G/ and kT 0 F k2  kF k2 .
b is the Fourier transform of
Lemma 5.6.3. Every function F  G .F; G 2 Cc .G//
a function in L .G/ \ L .G/.
1 2

One easily verifies that T 0 .F  G/ D T 0 .F /  T 0 .G/. Because both T 0 F and T 0 G are in

L2 .G/, T 0 .F  G/ is in L1 .G/, hence by Corollary 5.5.3, F  G is the Fourier transform
of T 0 .F  G/. We also have of course T 0 .F  G/ 2 L2 .G/.

Proof of Plancherel’s theorem

b (a Banach space in a Banach space is
The space T .L2 .G// is closed in L2 .G/
b Hence
closed). From Lemma 5.6.3 it follows that T .L2 .G// is dense in L2 .G/.
T is onto. This completes the proof of Theorem 5.6.2.

Corollary 5.6.4 (Uniqueness theorem). The Fourier transform is one-to-one on

L1 .G/.
Let f 2 L1 .G/ and fO D 0. For all u 2 Cc .G/ we have f  u 2 L1 .G/ \ L2 .G/ and
.f  u/bD 0, therefore by Lemma 5.6.1 f  u D 0. Taking an approximate unit for u, it
follows that f D 0.

5.7 Pontryagin’s duality theorem

b defined by
To any x 2 G we assign the character ˛.x/ 2 G
O D .x; x/
˛.x/.x/ O b
.xO 2 G/:
Notice that ˛.x/ is continuous.

Theorem 5.7.1. The mapping x 7! ˛.x/ is an algebraic and topological isomor-

phism of G onto G.
5.7 Pontryagin’s duality theorem 71

Pontryagin [35] has proved this theorem for compact and discrete groups, while Van Kam-
pen [54] gave a proof for locally compact abelian groups satisfying the second axiom of
countability. Compare this with Remark 5.4.2 (2).

The proof is in four steps:

(1) ˛ is an algebraic isomorphism from G onto ˛.G/,
(2) ˛ is a topological isomorphism from G onto ˛.G/,
(3) ˛.G/ is closed in G,
(4) ˛.G/ is dense in G.

Lemma 5.7.2. The functions of the form u  v with u; v 2 Cc .G/ separate the
points of G.
Let a 2 G and let U be a neighbourhood of the unit element e. We shall show that there
exists a function f of the required type with f .a/ 6D 0, Supp f  aU . Let V be a
symmetric neighbourhood of e with V 2  U and chooseRk 2 Cc .G/ with the properties:
k  0, k.x/ D k.x 1 / .x 2 G/, Supp k  V and G k 2 .x/ dx D 1. Then f D
La .k  k/ D La k  k satisfies the above conditions.

We shall now prove Theorem 5.7.1 step by step

b Suppose
(1) The mapping ˛ clearly is an algebraic homomorphism from G to G.
that for certain x; y 2 G we have .x; x/
O D .y;Rx/ b If f 2 V 1 .G/
O for all xO 2 G.
we then get, by the inversion theorem, f .x/ D b
O fO.x/
.x; x/ O d xO D f .y/. Since
all functions of the form u  v .u; v 2 Cc .G// are in V 1 .G/, it follows from
Lemma 5.7.2 that x D y. So ˛ is one-to-one.
We have shown: a locally compact abelian group has sufficiently many characters. In
a more general setting one can show: a locally compact group admits sufficiently many
irreducible unitary representations (proved by I. M. Gelfand and D. Raikov, for compact
groups by H. Weyl).

(2) The following result from general topology is very useful here.

Lemma 5.7.3. Let X be a locally compact topological space and F a family of

complex-valued continuous functions on X satisfying
(a) all functions in F vanish at infinity,
(b) F separates the points of X ,
(c) there is no point in X where all functions in F vanish.
Then the weak topology on X defined by F (i.e. the weakest topology on X such
that all functions in F are continuous) coincides with the topology on X.
72 5 Harmonic Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups

Let X1 be the compactification of X by 1. The functions in F can be viewed as con-

tinuous functions on X1 vanishing at 1. Let F be the topology on X1 defined by F .
This topology is Hausdorff by (b) and (c). Clearly F is weaker than the existing topology
on X1 . Since X1 is compact, the two topologies coincide on X1 , so on X (use that any
compact subset in a compact Hausdorff space is closed).

Let B be the complex linear space spanned by functions of the form u  v with
u; v 2 Cc .G/. The space B is dense in L1 .G/. Notice that B  V 1 .G/.

Lemma 5.7.4. T .B/ is dense in L1 .G/.
Let f 2 Cc .Gb/, f  0. Set g D b/. By Plancherel’s theorem
f , so f D g 2 , g 2 Cc .G
there is u 2 Cc .G/ with

kg  uk
O 2<" ." > 0; given/:

Then we now have

kf  .u  u/bk1 D kg  g  uO  uk
O 1
 kg.g  u/k
O 1 C ku.g
O  u/k
O 1  kgk2 kg  uk
O 2 C kuk
O 2 kg  uk
O 2
 kgj2 " C .kgk2 C "/ " D " .2kgk2 C "/:

We now apply Lemma 5.7.3 to F D T .B/. Any open neighbourhood of x 2 G

is given by

U.xI f1 ; : : : ; fn I "/
° ˇZ Z ˇ ±
ˇ ˇ
D y2GWˇ fOi .x/
O .x; x/
O d xO  fOi .x/
O .y; x/
O d xO ˇ < " for 1  i  n ;
bG bG

where f1 ; : : : ; fn 2 B. Transfer this neighbourhood to ˛.G/:

U.˛.x/I f1 ; : : : ; fn I "/
° ˇZ Z ˇ ±
ˇ O ˇ
D ˛.y/ W ˇ O ˛.x/.x/
fi .x/ O d xO  fOi .x/
O ˛.y/.x/
O d xO ˇ < " for 1  i  n :
G bG

b b it follows now from

b have norm equal to 1 in L1 .G/,
Since all elements of G
Lemma 5.7.4 that the transferred topology on ˛.G/ coincides with the restriction
b L1 .G//
b on G b
b to ˛.G/. Hence ˛ is a topological iso-
of the topology .L1 .G/;
morphism from G onto ˛.G/.
(3) A subgroup of a locally compact group, which itself is locally compact in the
induced topology, is closed.
From this we immediately conclude that ˛.G/ is closed in G.
5.8 Subgroups and quotient groups 73

Since G satisfies the second axiom of countability, G is metrizable and complete by Sec-
tion 3.3 (vii). If H  G is locally compact, the same holds. A complete subspace of a
complete space is certainly closed.

b Then there is a 2 G b
b and a neighbourhood
(4) Suppose ˛.G/ is not dense in G.
Ua of a such that Ua \ ˛.G/ D ;. There exists a function F of the form F D
b with F .a/ 6D 0 and Supp F  Ua (see the proof of
F1  F2 .F1 ; F2 2 Cc .G//
Lemma 5.7.2). By Lemma 5.6.3 there is H 2 L1 .G/ b such that
O OO H.x/ b
F .x/ O x/
.x; O d xO .xOO 2 G/:
Hence b G
.x; x/ O d xO D 0 for all x 2 G. Since T 0 is one-to-one, H D 0 a.e.,
O H.x/
so F D 0, which gives a contradiction.
The theorem now follows from (1), (2), (3) and (4).

5.8 Subgroups and quotient groups

b W .x; x/
Given a closed subgroup H of G, let H ? D ¹xO 2 G O D 1 for all x 2 H º.

Theorem 5.8.1. Let H be a closed subgroup of G. Every element x of G with

O D 1 for all xO 2 H ? belongs to H .
.x; x/
The proof is based on the following lemma.

Lemma 5.8.2. In order that f 2 V .G/ is right-invariant under H , it is necessary

and sufficient that Supp f  H ? .
The condition is clearly sufficient. Now assume f .xh/ D f .x/ for all x 2 G and h 2 H .
Then we get Z Z
O .h; x/
.x; x/ O d f .x/
O D O d f .x/
.x; x/ O
G b
for all x 2 G and h 2 H . Therefore .h; x/ O D d f .x/
O d f .x/ O for all h 2 H , so .h; x/
O D1
for xO 2 Supp f .

Proof of the theorem

Clearly H  .H ? /? . From Lemma 5.8.2 we see that any H -invariant f 2 V.G/
is also .H ? /? -invariant. It is thus sufficient to construct, for every x … H , a
function f 2 V .G/, invariant under H , with f .x/ 6D f .e/. This can easily be
achieved by working on G=H and applying Lemma 5.7.2. This completes the
74 5 Harmonic Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups

Corollary 5.8.3. Let H be a closed subgroup of G. Then .G=H /b ' H ? and

b ' G=H
H b ?.

The first statement is easy: the natural isomorphism is clearly an algebraic isomorphism.
It is also a topological isomorphism since any compact set in G=H is the image under the
projection H of a compact set in G, see Section 3.5 (i). The second statement follows by
duality and Theorem 5.8.1.

5.9 Compact and discrete abelian groups

b is compact.
Theorem 5.9.1. If G is discrete, then G
It suffices to show that 0 2 G 0 is an isolated point (notations as in Section 5.4). Let us
consider the function " on G satisfying ".e/ D 1, ".x/ D 0 for x 6D e. Clearly " 2 L1 .G/.
Let us take the usual counting measure on G as Haar measure. So every point of G has
mass equal to one. The Fourier transform b b and
" is the function that is equal to 1 on G
satisfies b
".0/ D 0. Since b " is continuous on G 0 , the theorem follows. Moreover, by the
inversion theorem, the dual Haar measure on G b has total mass 1.

b is discrete.
Theorem 5.9.2. If G is compact, then G
Indeed, let us take the Haar measure on G with total mass 1. Let now ".x/ D 1 for all
x 2 G. One clearly has b O D 1. One also has .y; x/
".e/ O b O Db
".x/ b, y 2 G.
O for all xO 2 G
So, if b O 6D 0, then .y; x/
".x/ O D 1 for all y 2 G, so xO D e. O Hence b O D 0 for all xO 6D e.
".x/ O
Hence G b is discrete and, by the inversion theorem, its dual Haar measure is clearly seen to
be the counting measure on G b.
Chapter 6
Classical Theory of Gelfand Pairs

Literature: [15], [18], [21], [51].

6.1 Gelfand pairs and spherical functions

(i) Definition of a Gelfand pair
Let G be a locally compact group with left Haar measure dx and let Cc .G/ be, as
usual, the convolution algebra of continuous, complex-valued functions on G with
compact support. Let KRbe a compact subgroup of G with normalized Haar mea-
sure d k (i.e. vol.K/ D K d k D 1) and denote by Cc# .G/ the space of functions
in Cc .G/ which are bi-invariant with respect to K, i.e. functions f which satisfy

f .kxk 0 / D f .x/ .x 2 GI k; k 0 2 K/:

The space Cc# .G/ is a subalgebra of the convolution algebra Cc .G/. Given f 2
Cc .G/, notice that the projection
f .x/ D
f .kxk 0 / d kd k 0 (6.1.1)

is in Cc# .G/.

Definition 6.1.1. The pair .G; K/ is said to be a Gelfand pair if the convolution
algebra Cc# .G/ is commutative.

The first example of a Gelfand pair is that of an abelian locally compact group
G with K reduced to the unit element, K D ¹eº. We shall meet other examples in
the next chapter.

Proposition 6.1.2 (C. Berg). Let .G; K/ be a Gelfand pair. Then G is unimodular.

Let  denote the Haar modulus of the group G. One has

f .x/ dx D f .x 1 / .x 1 / dx
76 6 Classical Theory of Gelfand Pairs

for any function f 2 Cc .G/. So it is sufficient to show, applying the projection (6.1.1) to
f , that for any f 2 Cc# .G/ one has
f .x/ dx D f .x 1 / dx;

because  is bi-K-invariant.
Let g be a function in Cc# .G/ equal to 1 on the compact set Supp f [ .Supp f /1 . We
get Z Z
f .x/ dx D f  g.e/ D g  f .e/ D f .x 1 / dx:

Proposition 6.1.3. Let G be a locally compact group and K a compact subgroup

of G. Assume there exists a continuous involutive automorphism of G such that

.x/ 2 Kx 1 K

for all x 2 G. Then .G; K/ is a Gelfand pair.

For f 2 Cc .G/ set f  .x/ D f . .x//, x 2 G. The mapping f ! 7 
G f .x/ dx is a
left-invariant positive measure on G, hence there exists a constant c > 0 such that
f  .x/ dx D c f .x/ dx:

Since 2 D 1, we get c 2 D 1, so c D 1. This implies .f  g/ D f   g  for all

f; g 2 Cc .G/. On the other hand we have, for f 2 Cc .G/,

.f  g/L D gL  fL

where fL.x/ D f .x 1 / .x 2 G/.

For f , bi-invariant with respect to K, one has by assumption fL D f  , so, if f; g 2
Cc .G/,
.f  g/ D .f  g/L D gL  fL D g   f  D .g  f / ;
hence f  g D g  f .

(ii) Spherical functions

Let .G; K/ be a Gelfand pair.

Definition 6.1.4. Let ' be a continuous, bi-K-invariant function on G. The func-

tion ' is called a spherical function if the functional  defined by
.f / D f .x/ '.x 1 / dx
6.1 Gelfand pairs and spherical functions 77

is a non-trivial character of the convolution algebra Cc# .G/, i.e.

.f  g/ D .f /  .g/

for all f; g 2 Cc# .G/.

If G D R and K D ¹0º, the spherical functions are the exponential functions

'.x/ D ex . 2 C/:

The spherical functions play the role of the exponential functions for the Gelfand

Proposition 6.1.5. Let ' be a continuous function on G, bi-invariant under K,

' 6D 0. Then ' is a spherical function if and only if for all x; y 2 G
'.xky/ d k D '.x/ '.y/;

where d k denotes the normalized Haar measure on K. In particular, '.e/ D 1.

This relation replaces the functional relation of the exponentials.

We apply the projection mapping (6.1.1) again. Moreover observe that f 7! fL is an

automorphism of Cc# .G/. Set
ˆ.f / D f .x/ '.x/ dx .f 2 Cc .G//:

For any f; g 2 Cc .G/ we have

® ¯
ˆ.f #  g # /  ˆ.f # / ˆ.g # / D '.xy/  '.x/'.y/ f # .x/ g # .y/ dxdy
Z Z °Z ±
D '.xky/ d k  '.x/'.y/ f .x/ g.y/ dxdy:

From this relation the proposition follows easily.

Proposition 6.1.6. Let ' be a bi-K-invariant, continuous function on G. The func-

tion ' is spherical if and only if
(a) '.e/ D 1,
(b) for every f 2 Cc# .G/ there is a complex number .f / such that f  ' D
.f / '.
78 6 Classical Theory of Gelfand Pairs

Let ' be a spherical function and f 2 Cc# .G/. Then by the previous proposition
f  '.x/ D f .y/ '.y 1 x/ dy
Z °Z ±
D f .y/ '.y 1 kx/ d k dy
D '.x/ f .y/ '.y 1 / dy;

because of the left K-invariance of f .

If, conversely, ' satisfies (a) and (b), then the mapping
f 7! f .y/ '.y 1 / dy D .f /

clearly is a non-trivial character of Cc# .G/.

(iii) Bounded, symmetric and positive-definite spherical functions

Denote by L1 .G/# the space of integrable functions on G which are bi-invariant
under K. This is a convolution algebra too. Suppose now that .G; K/ is a Gelfand
pair. Then L1 .G/# is a commutative Banach algebra, even with an involution
given by
e.x/ D f .x 1 /
f  .x/ D f .x 2 GI f 2 L1 .G/# /:

We are interested in the Gelfand theory of this algebra; cf. [29, §23].

Theorem 6.1.7. Let ' be a bounded spherical function. The mapping

f 7! .f / D f .x/ '.x 1 / dx

is a character of L1 .G/# , and each non-trivial character of L1 .G/# is of this form.

If ' is a bounded spherical function, the result follows from the fact that Cc# .G/ is dense
in L1 .G/# . Let us prove the converse. Let  be a non-trivial character of L1 .G/# . By [29,
§35A], any such  is continuous with norm equal to 1. Therefore there exists a function '
in L1 .G/, bi-invariant under K, with k'k1 D 1 and such that
.f / D f .x/ '.x 1 / dx:

The relation .f  g/ D .f /  .g/ gives

.f  '/.x/ g.x 1 / dx D .f / '.x/ g.x 1 / dx:
6.2 Positive-definite spherical functions and unitary representations 79

This being true for all f; g 2 Cc# .G/, we get

.f  '/.x/ D .f /  '.x/ a.e.

Hence, by Proposition 6.1.6, the function ' coincides a.e. with a spherical function.

We conclude that the spectrum of L1 .G/# (the space of its maximal ideals) can
be identified with the bounded spherical functions. Actually, the supremum-norm
of a bounded spherical function equals one. Among these spherical functions there
are some that correspond to symmetric maximal ideals, namely all ' that satisfy the
relation ' D e
' . Since we shall discuss harmonic analysis on L1 .G/# , the positive-
definite spherical functions take our attention. Let us recall that such functions are
automatically bounded and symmetric, see Lemma 5.1.8.

6.2 Positive-definite spherical functions and

unitary representations
The general theory of positive-definite functions and their relation to unitary rep-
resentations was discussed in Section 5.1. We will use the notations and results of
that section in relation with this theory.
Let  be a unitary representation of G. For every function f 2 L1 .G/ the
operator .f / was defined in Section 5.1. In a completely similar way, we define
. / for any bounded measure on G. By abuse of notation we shall write
. / D .x/ d .x/:

be a measure on K;
may also be considered as a measure on G with
compact support, hence as a bounded measure, hence .
/ is defined. In particular
.h/ is defined for every function h 2 L1 .K; d k/.
Let us denote the space of bounded measures on G by M 1 .G/ (as before, see
Section 3.7). Clearly M 1 .G/ is a Banach algebra under convolution. An involu-
tion is given by  D e , where e is defined by e .f / D .fe/ .f 2 Cc .G//. The
subspace of bi-K-invariant bounded measures will be denoted by M 1 .G/# ; it is a
-subalgebra under convolution and the above involution.
Let e denote the characteristic function of K. Consider again a unitary
R represen-
tation  of G on a complex Hilbert space H . The operator .e/ D K .k/ d k,
defined on H , is an orthogonal projection, call its image He ; it is the space of
vectors in H fixed under the K-action. We have

. / .e/ D .e/ . / D . /
80 6 Classical Theory of Gelfand Pairs

for all bounded bi-K-invariant measures on G. Therefore

. /He  He ; . /He? D ¹0º

for all 2 M 1 .G/# . Here He? denotes the ortho-complement of He in H . So

by restricting the -representation 7! . / of the algebra M 1 .G/ to M 1 .G/# ,
we actually get a -representation of M 1 .G/# on the closed subspace He . We call
this representation e .

A -representation  of a -algebra A on a Hilbert space H is a homomorphism  of A

into End.H / such that .a / D .a/ for all a 2 A.
Such a representation  is called non-degenerate if the closed subspace of H generated
by the vectors .a/ .a 2 AI 2 H / equals H . It is called irreducible if there are no
non-trivial closed invariant subspaces.
There is a one-to-one correspondence between unitary representations of G and non-
degenerate -representations of M 1 .G/. See [8, 13.3]. If  is an irreducible unitary
representation of G, then the associated -representation of M 1 .G/ is irreducible and
conversely. Indeed, apply that .ıx / D .x/ for x 2 G, where ıx is the point mass
concentrated at x.

Lemma 6.2.1. Let  be an irreducible unitary representation of G on a Hilbert

space H . Then either He D ¹0º (and hence e D 0) or e is a (topologically)
irreducible -representation of M 1 .G/# on He .

Assume that He is non-trivial. The -representation 7! . / of M 1 .G/ on H is

irreducible, since  is. Let be a vector in He , 6D 0. Since is cyclic for , the vectors
. / where runs through M 1 .G/, span a dense subspace of H . Hence the vectors
.e/. / D .e/. /.e/ D .e   e/ span a dense subspace of He .

To any continuous positive-definite function ' on G we have associated a uni-

tary representation  of G on some Hilbert space H , such that '.x/ D h"; .x/ "i
.x 2 G/, where " is a cyclic vector for  in H (cf. Section 5.1). Let us assume
that '.e/ D 1. The representation  is irreducible if and only if ' is elementary
(Theorem 5.3.2). Again He can be defined.

Lemma 6.2.2. The cyclic vector " belongs to He if and only if ' is bi-K-invariant.

Suppose " 2 He . Then clearly ' is bi-K-invariant. Assume now that ' is bi-K-invariant.
Then we have for all x 2 G and k 2 K

h"; .x/ "i D '.x/ D '.k 1 x/ D h"; .k 1 i.x/ "/ D h.k/ "; .x/ "i:

Since " is a cyclic vector, we get .k/ " D " for all k 2 K, so " 2 He .
6.2 Positive-definite spherical functions and unitary representations 81

Lemma 6.2.3. Let  be a unitary representation of G on H admitting a K-invari-

ant cyclic vector. If dim He D 1, then the representation  is irreducible.

Let T be a continuous linear operator on H commuting with all .x/; x 2 G. In particular

we then have T .k/ " D .k/ T " for all k 2 K, hence .e/ T D T .e/. Therefore
T .He /  He and hence T " D  " for some complex number . For arbitrary x 2 G we
obtain T .x/ " D .x/ T " D  .x/ ". So T D  I where I is the identity operator on
H , because " is a cyclic vector. Consequently  is irreducible (Theorem 5.1.4).

The preceding lemmas were independent of the commutativity of the algebra

Cc# .G/.From now on we renew for this section the basic assumption that Cc# .G/
is commutative.

Lemma 6.2.4. Let A be a commutative -Banach algebra and  a non-trivial -

representation of A on a Hilbert space H . If  is irreducible then the dimension
of H is equal to one.

The proof is similar to that of Theorem 5.1.4 and is left to the reader. In other words:
Schur’s lemma holds in the context of -representations of -Banach algebras.

Theorem 6.2.5. Let ' be a continuous, positive-definite function, that is bi-K-

invariant, and satisfies '.e/ D 1. Then ' is a (positive-definite) spherical function
if and only if ' is elementary.

Let ' be elementary, whence the representation  on H associated with ' is irreducible.
Set '.x/ D h"; .x/ "i .x 2 G/, " a cyclic vector in H . Since " 2 He by Lemma 6.2.2,
e is an irreducible -representation of M 1 .G/# on He , by Lemma 6.2.1. By assumption
Cc# .G/ is commutative and hence so is M 1 .G/# , because Cc# .G/ is dense in M 1 .G/# .
Therefore, by Lemma 6.2.3, dim He D 1. For all f 2 Cc# .G/ we now have
f ' D f .y/ h"; .y 1 x/ "i dy

D he .f / "; .x/ "i D .f / h"; .x/ "i D .f / '.x/ .x 2 G/;

where .f / is a constant depending on f . From Proposition 6.1.6 it now follows that ' is
a spherical function.
Conversely, let ' be a spherical function. Then f  ' D .f / ' for f 2 Cc# .G/, where
.f / is a constant depending on f . If we write this down more explicitly, we obtain

he .f / "; .x/ "i D f  '.x/ D .f / '.x/ D h.f / "; .x/ "i .x 2 G/:

Hence e .f / " D .f / ", since " is a cyclic vector. Now " is also a cyclic vector for e in
He , so we have dim He D 1. By Lemma 6.2.3  is irreducible and hence ' is elementary.
This completes the proof.
82 6 Classical Theory of Gelfand Pairs

Corollary 6.2.6. Two positive-definite spherical functions are equal if and only if
the irreducible unitary representations associated with them are (unitarily) equi-

Let '1 ; '2 be two positive-definite spherical functions. After obvious identifications we
may restrict ourselves to the following situation: there exists an irreducible unitary repre-
sentation  of G on some Hilbert space H admitting two cyclic vectors "1 and "2 such
that '1 .x/ D h"1 ; .x/ "1 i; '2 .x/ D h"2 ; .x/ "2 i, x 2 G. By Lemma 6.2.2 we have
"1 2 He , "2 2 He . Since dim He D 1, we have "1 D  "2 for some complex  with
jj D 1. Hence '1 .x/ D '2 .x/ for all x 2 G and the corollary follows.

6.3 Representations of class one

In this section we present a criterion for the commutativity of the convolution alge-
bra Cc# .G/ in terms of certain properties of the irreducible unitary representations
of G. Also we determine the representations which are associated with positive-
definite spherical functions.

Proposition 6.3.1. The algebra Cc# .G/ is commutative if and only if for every ir-
reducible unitary representation  of G on a Hilbert space H the subspace He of
K-fixed vectors is at most one-dimensional.

First assume that Cc# .G/ is commutative. Let  be an irreducible unitary representation of
G on H . Suppose He 6D ¹0º. By Lemma 6.2.1, e is an irreducible -representation of
M 1 .G/# on He . Hence dim He D 1 because M 1 .G/# is also commutative.
The converse is due to the fact that Cc# .G/ possesses sufficiently many one-dimensional
-representations (assuming that dim He  1 for any irreducible unitary representation of
G on a Hilbert space H ). Indeed, take a function f 2 Cc# .G/, f 6D 0. By well-known
results, due to Gelfand and Raikov (cf. [8, 13.5 and R13.8]), we can find a continuous ele-
mentary positive-definite function ' on G satisfying G f .x/ '.x/ dx 6D 0. Denote the ir-
reducible unitary representation of G associated with ' by . Let '.x/ D h"; .x/ "i .x 2
G/, " a cyclic vector in H . Then we have
f .x/ '.x/ dx D f .x/ h"; .x/ "i dx D h.f / "; .e/ "i 6D 0:

Therefore .e/" 6D 0 and hence He 6D ¹0º, so, by assumption, dim He D 1. Thus e is a

one-dimensional -representation of Cc# .G/ on He and e .f / 6D 0. We have shown that
Cc# .G/ possesses sufficiently many one-dimensional -representations. To complete the
proof, we observe that for any two functions f1 ; f2 2 Cc# .G/ and any one-dimensional
-representation  of Cc# .G/ we have  .f1 f2 f2 f1 / D 0. Hence by the considerations
made above f1  f2 D f2  f1 . So we have shown that Cc# .G/ is commutative and the
proposition follows.
6.4 Harmonic analysis on Gelfand pairs 83

Definition 6.3.2. An irreducible unitary representation  of G on a Hilbert space

H is said to be of class one if the subspace of K-fixed vectors He is non-trivial.

Corollary 6.3.3. Let .G; K/ be a Gelfand pair. The positive-definite spherical

functions on G correspond one-to-one to the equivalence classes of irreducible
unitary representations of G of class one.
This follows easily from Theorem 6.3.1 and Corollary 6.2.6.

6.4 Harmonic analysis on Gelfand pairs

In this section we assume that .G; K/ is a Gelfand pair. We shall present a sketch
of the most essential part of the abstract harmonic analysis for .G; K/. The well-
known tools of harmonic analysis on abelian groups will appear frequently (see
Chapter 5). In almost all cases we shall omit proofs.

(i) The dual space Z

Let P0# be the set of continuous, bi-K-invariant, positive-definite functions ' on
G with '.e/  1. We may consider P0# as a convex subset of L1 .G/. Clearly
P0# is weakly closed, i.e. .L1 ; L1 /-closed, so by Alaoglu’s theorem it is weakly

Proposition 6.4.1. T he extremal points of P0# consist of the set of positive-definite

spherical functions and the zero function.
Compare this proposition with Lemma 5.3.1. Denote by Z the set of positive-
definite spherical functions, provided with the topology .L1 ; L1 /.

Proposition 6.4.2. (a) The space Z is locally compact.

(b) The topology on Z coincides with the topology of uniform convergence on
compact subsets of G on Z.
The proof is similar to that of Theorem 5.4.1.
The space Z is called the dual space of the pair .G; K/.

(ii) The Fourier transform on L1 .G /#

Definition 6.4.3. The Fourier transform fO of a function f 2 L1 .G/# is the func-
tion defined on Z by
f .'/ D f .x/ '.x 1 / dx .' 2 Z/:
84 6 Classical Theory of Gelfand Pairs

The following properties hold:

(a) fO is a continuous function on Z, vanishing at ‘infinity’; furthermore, we have
jf .'/j  kf k1 for all ' 2 Z,
(b) the mapping f 7! fO is a linear transformation,
(c) .f  g/bD fO  gO for all f; g 2 L1 .G/# ,
e/bD fO for all f 2 L1 .G/# .
(d) .f
Furthermore, one has the usual property: any continuous function on Z that van-
ishes at infinity can be approximated uniformly on Z by functions of the form
fO .f 2 Cc# .G//. We refer to Section 5.4 (ii).

(iii) The analog of Bochner’s theorem

Let C0 .Z/ be the space of continuous complex-valued functions on Z that van-
ish at infinity, provided with the supremum norm. Denote by M 1 .Z/ the space
of bounded complex measures on Z and by V .G/# the space of all complex lin-
ear combinations of continuous positive-definite functions on G that are bi-K-
Define the mapping T  W M 1 .Z/ ! L1 .G/ by
.T  /.x/ D '.x/ d .'/:

One easily checks that T is the adjoint of T , defined by Tf D fO .f 2 L1 .G/# ).

Clearly image.T  /  V.G/# . Since image.T / is dense in C0 .Z/, T  is injective.
Observe that T  2 P0# if is a positive measure.
Set M0 .Z/ D ¹ 2 M 1 .Z/ W is positive; k k  1º.

Theorem 6.4.4. T  maps M0 .Z/ onto P0# .

Again Krein–Milman’s theorem is crucial in the proof of Theorem 6.4.4; com-
pare with Theorem 5.4.3. One can even show that T  is a homeomorphism from
M0 .Z/ provided with the topology induced by .M 1 .Z/; C0 .Z// onto P0# pro-
vided with the topology induced by .L1 ; L1 /.

(iv) Inversion theorem

Set V 1 .G/# D V .G/# \ L1 .G/.
To any f 2 V 1 .G/# there corresponds, by Theorem 6.4.4, a unique measure
f 2 M 1 .Z/ such that
f .x/ D '.x/ d f .'/ .x 2 G/:
6.4 Harmonic analysis on Gelfand pairs 85

Theorem 6.4.5. There exists a unique positive measure

on Z such that d f .'/ D
fO.'/ d f .'/ for all f 2 V 1 .G/# . More precisely: a unique positive measure

on Z exists such that for all f 2 V 1 .G/# one has

(a) fO 2 L1 .Z;
(b) f .x/ D Z'.x/ fO.'/ d
.'/ .x 2 G/:
The proof is similar to that of Theorem 5.5.1 and depends heavily on the com-
mutativity of the algebra L1 .G/# .

(v) Plancherel’s theorem

be the positive measure on Z obtained in (iv).

Theorem 6.4.6. For every f 2 Cc# .G/ one has

(a) fO 2 L2 .Z;
(b) G jf .x/j2 dx D Z jfO.'/j2 d
If one extends the mapping f 7! fO from C # .G/ to L2 .G/# , the closure of C # .G/
c c
in L2 .G/# , one obtains an isometric isomorphism from L2 .G/# onto L2 .Z;
For f 2 Cc# .G/, set g D f  e
f . Then g 2 V 1 .G/# and hence gO 2 L1 .Z;
/. Moreover
g.x/ D O
g.'/ '.x/ d
for all x 2 G, by (iv). Since g.'/
O D jfO.'/j2 .' 2 Z/ and g.e/ D G jf .x/j2 dx, we
obtain Z Z
jf .x/j dx D
jfO.'/j2 d

It follows that f 7! fO can be extended isometrically to L2 .G/# with values in L2 .Z;

We will show that this mapping is surjective. The arguments have to be different from
those in 5.6. Let F be a continuous function on Z with compact support. Let " > 0 be
given. Functions F 0 and u exist (F 0 2 Cc .Z/; u 2 Cc# .G/) such that (˛) uO is strictly
positive on the support of F , (ˇ) F D F 0  u.
By (ii) F 0 can be approximated uniformly on Z by a function of the form hO .h 2
Cc# .G//, so we have
jF 0 .'/  h.'/j <"
for all ' 2 Z. We obtain, using (˛) and (ˇ),

jF .'/  .u  h/O.'/j D jF .'/  u.'/ O

O h.'/j D ju.'/jjF
O 0 O
.'/  h.'/j  " ju.'/j
for all ' 2 Z. Therefore
jF .'/  .u  h/O.'/j2 d
.'/  " ju.'/j
O 2
86 6 Classical Theory of Gelfand Pairs

Since " was arbitrary, we conclude that we have embedded T .L2 .G/# / as a dense subspace
into L2 .Z;
/. The theorem now follows easily.

Remark 6.4.7. (1) If G is abelian and K D ¹eº, the set Z has a structure of an
b Furthermore,
is a Haar measure on G.
abelian group, it is the dual group G. b
(2) We clearly have the inclusion

/  Z:

In certain cases this inclusion is strict, as we shall see later on from the exam-
(3) The measure
is commonly called the Plancherel measure for the Gelfand
pair .G; K/.

6.5 Compact Gelfand pairs

We recall some properties of representations of compact groups G.
(a) Any representation of G is equivalent to a unitary representation.
(b) Any irreducible unitary representation is finite-dimensional.
(c) Any unitary representation is the direct sum of irreducible unitary represen-
For the above, and more, we refer to [53].
Let G be a compact group and let K be a closed subgroup of G. We assume
that .G; K/ is a Gelfand pair and we denote by dx and d k the normalized Haar
measures on G and K respectively.

Theorem 6.5.1. Every spherical function is positive-definite. Let .; H / be the

unitary representation associated with a spherical function '. The space H is
finite-dimensional. Let  be the character of , i.e.

.x/ D tr .x/ .trace of .x//:

Then Z
'.x/ D .x 1 k/ d k
and Z
j'.x/j2 dx D ;
G d
where d is the dimension of H .
6.5 Compact Gelfand pairs 87

(a) Let .; H / be an irreducible unitary representation of G with a vector ", fixed under K
and with norm equal to 1. The function ' defined by

'.x/ D h"; .x/ "i .x 2 G/

is a positive-definite spherical function. Since G is compact, H is finite-dimensional. The

subspace He of K-fixed vectors in H is one-dimensional R and spanned by ", by Proposi-
tion 6.3.1. The projection on He is given by .e/ D K .k/ d k. Consider an orthonormal
basis of H , say "1 ; "2 ; : : : ; "d , such that "1 D ". We have .e/ "i D 0 for i  2 and
tr .e/.x/.e/ D '.x 1 / D tr .x/.e/ D .xk/ d k;
R 1
hence '.x/ D K .x k/ d k.
(b) Let ' be a spherical function and set

V' D ¹f D  ' j 2 M0 .G/º

where M0 .G/ denotes the space of measures of the form

D ai ı x i .x1 ; : : : ; xN 2 G/:

Let us first show that V' is finite-dimensional. For h 2 C # .G/ set

Th f D f  h .f 2 V' /:

Then Th leaves C.G/ invariant and is a compact operator. If f is a function in V' , then

Th f D  '  h
D  .h/' D .h/f

where Z
.h/ D '.x 1 / h.x/ dx:
So V' is an eigenspace of Th with eigenvalue .h/. We can obviously choose h such that
.h/ 6D 0, hence V' is finite-dimensional.
Consider V' as a subspace of L2 .G/ and define the unitary representation  of G on
V' by
..x/f /.y/ D f .x 1 y/:
Let .e/ be the orthogonal projection on the subspace .V' /e of the K-invariant functions
in V' . We have
.e/.  '/ D . / '
where Z
. / D '.x 1 / d .x/;
88 6 Classical Theory of Gelfand Pairs

hence dim.V' /e D 1 and .V' /e is spanned by '. Moreover, .; V' / is irreducible by
Lemma 6.2.3, since ' is also a cyclic vector in V' .
Observe that for each function f in V' one has

f  ' D .'/ f: .1/

Consider an orthonormal basis f1 ; : : : ; fd of V' and set

H.x; y/ D fi .x/ fi .y/:

The function H is called the reproducing kernel of the space V' : for all f 2 V' one has
f .x/ D H.x; y/ f .y/ dy: .2/

Comparing the relations (1) and (2) yields

.'/ H.x; y/ D '.y 1 x/:

Taking x D y and integrating over G, we obtain

.'/ d D '.e/ D 1;

fi .x/fi .y/ D d '.y 1 x/;

so ' is positive-definite. Moreover

j'.x/j2 dx D .'/ D
G d
h'; .x/ 'i D '.x/:
This completes the proof of the theorem.

Observe that a fine example of a compact Gelfand pair is given by G D G 0  G 0

where G 0 is a compact group and K D diag G D ¹.x; x/ W x 2 G 0 º. One shows
that this example yields the ‘classical’ analysis on compact groups (Peter–Weyl
theorem, etc.). For more examples we refer to the next chapter.
Chapter 7
Examples of Gelfand Pairs

Literature: [15], [21].

7.1 Euclidean motion groups

(i) Introduction
Consider on Rn the usual scalar product
.x; y/ D x1 y1 C    C xn yn ;
where x D .x1 ; : : : ; xn /, y D .y1 ; : : : ; yn /. The group of Euclidean motions of
Rn is the semi-direct product
G D K Ë Rn
with K D SO.n; Rn /. Elements of G are written as pairs g D .k; a/ with k 2
K; a 2 Rn . Such a pair has to be viewed as the product of the rotation k and the
translation over a, considered as operating on Rn :
gx DkxCa .x 2 Rn /:
Hence the product in G is given by
.k; a/ .k 0 ; a0 / D .kk 0 ; k 0  a C a0 /:
Clearly .k; a/ D .k; 0/ .1; a/. Define the mapping by .k; a/ D .k; a/. Then
is a continuous involutive automorphism of G and
.k; a/ D ..k; 0/ .1; a// D .k; 0/ .1; a/ D .k; 0/ .k; a/1 .k; 0/:
So .g/ 2 Kg 1 K for all g 2 G, hence .G; K/ is a Gelfand pair, by Proposi-
tion 6.1.3.
This fact can also be seen in another way. Functions on G that are bi-invariant
under K can (by restriction) be identified with functions f on Rn satisfying
f .k  x/ D f .x/ .x 2 Rn ; k 2 K/;
so with so-called radial functions, and the convolution product of two such func-
tions corresponds with the ordinary convolution product on Rn . Hence Cc# .G/ is
a commutative convolution algebra.
90 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

(ii) Spherical functions

Denote by  the Laplacian on Rn , i.e.

@2 @2
D C    C :
@x12 @xn2

This differential operator is invariant under the group G, which means that for any
g 2 G and any function f of class C 2 on Rn one has

.Lg f / D Lg .f /;

.Lg f /.x/ D f .g 1  x/:
If f1 and f2 are two functions of class C 2 on Rn , f1 with compact support, then

.f1  f2 / D f1  f2 D f1  f2 :

Theorem 7.1.1. Let ' be a bi-K-invariant function on G, considered as a radial

function on Rn . This function is a spherical function if and only if
(1) ' is C 1 ,
(2) there exists a complex number  such that ' D ',
(3) '.0/ D 1.
(a) Suppose first that ' is a spherical function. For all continuous radial functions f with
compact support we have
f  ' D .f / '
where Z
 .f / D '.x/ f .x/ dx:

If we take f of class C 1 such that .f / 6D 0, we see from this relation that ' is C 1 and
f  ' D .f / ' D .f / ';
' D '
.f /
D :
.f /
(b) Let now ' be a C 1 function on Rn , radial and solution of the equation

' D '
7.1 Euclidean motion groups 91
for some  2 C. Considered as a function of r D kxk D x12 C    C xn2 , ' is a regular
solution of the differential equation
d 2' n  1 d'
C D '
dr 2 r dr
and therefore (see [14]) it is proportional to the function J .r/ defined by
n X
k  r 2k
J .r/ D  (7.1.1)
2 kŠ .k C n2 / 2
p ! 2n
n r
D I n2 . r/;
2 2 2

where I is the modified Bessel function of index

Observe that different  give different solutions. Assume now, in addition, that we have
'.0/ D 1. Let f be a radial function on Rn , continuous and with compact support. The
function D f  ' is then radial, C 1 and again solution of
 D ;
hence D C ' for some constant C , depending on f , given by
C D .f / D '.x/ f .x/ dx;

f  ' D .f / ';
so ' is a spherical function, by Proposition 6.1.6.

Let now s be a complex number and 2 Rn a vector of length equal to 1. The

function f defined by
f .x/ D es.
is an eigenfunction of the Laplacian:
f D s 2 f:
Consider the integral Z
's .x/ D es.
;x/ d . / (7.1.2)
S n1
where S n1 is the unit sphere in R and
n the normalized surface measure on
S n1 . The function 's is radial, C 1 and satisfies
's D s 2 's ; 's .0/ D 1;
so that 's is a spherical function. Conversely, if ' is a spherical function then there
exists s 2 C such that ' D 's . Clearly 's D 's .
92 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

The preceding integral can be made explicit using spherical coordinates:

. n2 / 
's .r/ D '.r; s/ D p esr cos  sinn2 d : (7.1.3)
. n1
2 / 0

For n D 3 we get
'.r; s/ D ;
while for general n, using the power series expansion of the exponential function,
we obtain
n X
1  sr 2k
'.r; s/ D 
2 kŠ .k C n2 / 2
 n   sr  2n
D I n2 .sr/:
2 2 2

Compare this expression with (7.1.1).

(iii) Bounded spherical functions

Proposition 7.1.2. The spherical function 's is bounded if and only if Re s D 0.

If Re s D 0 then it follows from (7.1.2) that j's .x/j  1 for all x 2 G. If Re s > 0, we
shall show that
. n2 / 2 2 esr
'.r; s/
p n1
.r ! 1/:
 .sr/ 2
From (7.1.3) we get, by an elementary substitution,
. n2 / 1
's .r/ D '.r; s/ D p esrt .1  t 2 / 2 dt;
 . n1
/ 1

and, setting t D 1  ur , we obtain

. n2 / esr 2r
n3 u  n3
'.r; s/ D p esu u 2 2 du:
 . 2 / r n1
2 0 r

For Re s > 0 we get, using Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem,

Z  u  n3
su n3 2 . n1 /2 2
lim e u 2 2 du D 2
r!1 0 r s 2
7.1 Euclidean motion groups 93

(iv) Positive-definite spherical functions

Proposition 7.1.3. The spherical function 's is positive-definite if and only if one
has Re s D 0.
If 's is positive-definite then it is bounded and hence Re s D 0 by Proposition 7.1.2.
Conversely, we have to show that 'i .
2 R/ is positive-definite. Let us use the integral
representation (7.1.2) of 'i . Then we get

N Z ˇXN ˇ2
ˇ ˇ
'i .xj  xk / cj ck D ˇ cj ei .
;xj / ˇ d . /  0:
S n1 j D1

Notice that for Euclidean motion groups the set of bounded spherical functions
coincides with the set of positive-definite spherical functions.

(v) Plancherel measure

Let f be a radial function in L1 .Rn /. Then the Euclidean Fourier transform F f
of f is again radial, so F f is a function of the radius s. We shall write F f .s/,
with abuse of notation. There is a nice relation with the spherical Fourier transform
b of f defined by
f Z
f .s/ D f .x/ '2 i s .x/ dx:
b.s/ D
f f .x/ e2 i s.x;
/ d . / dx
Rn S n1
D F f .s/;

where s 2 R, s  0. This implies that for sufficiently regular radial functions f

on Rn (e.g. f D u  v with u; v 2 Cc .Rn / and both radial)
Z n Z
2 2
f .0/ D F f .x/ dx D fO.s/ s n1 ds:
Rn . n2 / 0

Hence the Plancherel measure for the Euclidean motion group, with respect to
SO.n; R/, is equal to
2 2 n1
.s/ D s ds;
. n2 /
where we have identified the dual space Z with Œ0; 1/ via the correspondence
s $ '2 i s . This identification is easily seen to be a homeomorphism. The proof
is left to the reader.
94 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

(vi) Representations of class one

Let for y 2 Rn , y .x/ D e2 i.x;y/ .x 2 Rn / be a character of Rn . One easily
sees that y .k  x/ D k 1 y .x/ for x 2 Rn , k 2 K. So K acts on the characters
of Rn . Let us denote for y 2 Rn , Ky the stabilizer of y , which coincides with
the stabilizer of y; it is a closed subgroup of K. Let d kP denote the normalized
K-invariant measure on K=Ky .
We now define a unitary representation of G by inducing the representation
1 ˝ y from Ky Ë Rn to G.
The Hilbert space Vy consists of the measurable functions f on G satisfying
(a) f .ga/ D y .a/f .g/ .g 2 GI a 2 Rn /,
(b) f .gk/ D f .g/ .g 2 GI k 2 Ky /,
(c) K=Ky jf .k/j2 d kP < 1.
The Hilbert norm is given by kf k D . P 1=2 . The representation
jf .k/j2 d k/
y is defined by
.y .g/f /.g 0 / D f .g 1 g 0 / .g; g 0 2 G/:
One easily verifies that y is a unitary representation of G on Vy , called the repre-
sentation induced by 1 ˝ y .
There exists (up to scalars) only one function fixed by K in Vy , namely
f0 .ka/ D y .a/ .k 2 K; a 2 Rn /:
Observe that kf0 k D 1. So dim.Vy /e D 1.
The function f0 is also cyclic in Vy . Indeed, assume that .y .g/f0 ; f / D 0 for
all g 2 G, where f 2 Vy . Then clearly, taking g D a 2 Rn ,
e2 i.a;ky/ f .k/ d kP D 0 for all a 2 Rn ;

hence Z
O  y/ f .k/ d kP D 0

for all h 2 hence f D 0 (the functions hO are dense in C0 .Rn / with

L1 .Rn /,
respect to the supremum norm).

Theorem 7.1.4. (a) The unitary representations y .y 2 Rn /, induced by 1 ˝ y

from Ky Ë Rn to G, are irreducible.
(b) Two representations y and y 0 are equivalent if and only if kyk D ky 0 k:
(c) The representations y exhaust the set of irreducible unitary representations
of class one (up to equivalence).
7.2 The sphere 95

Statement (a) follows from Lemma 6.2.3, (b) follows from Corollary 6.2.6, since for all
a 2 Rn
.f0 ; y .a/f0 / D 1
f0 .a k/d k DP e2 i.a;ky/ d kP
K=Ky K=Ky
D e2 i.a;
/kyk d . / D '2 i kyk .a/:
S n1

Statement (c) is now an immediate consequence of this computation, Proposition 7.1.3 and
Corollary 6.3.3.

7.2 The sphere

For m  2, let G D SO.m/, the real special orthogonal group of the quadratic
.x; y/ D x1 y1 C    C xm ym ;
where x D .x1 ; : : : ; xm /; y D .y1 ; : : : ; ym / 2 Rm . This group acts transitively
on the sphere S m1 in Rm , and the stabilizer of the point e1 D .1; 0; : : : ; 0/ is
isomorphic to SO.m  1/. We shall show that .G; K/ is a Gelfand pair.
Let x D .x1 ; : : : ; xm / D g  e1 be an element of S m1 . Clearly, we can find
k 2 K such that k  x D .x1 ; 0; : : : ; 0; y/ with y 2 D x22 C    C xm
2 . Let A be the

subgroup of G consisting of the matrices of the form

0 1
cos 0 sin
@ 0 Im2 0 A; 0  < 2:
 sin 0 cos
Here Im2 is the .m  2/  .m  2/ identity matrix and the zeros denote the
appropriate row and column vectors respectively. Then there is a 2 A such that
a  .x1 ; 0; : : : ; 0; y/ D e1 . Therefore g  e1 D k 1  .a1  e1 /, or g D k 1 a1 l
for some l 2 K. In other words, G D KAK.
Now define the involution by
.g/ D JgJ .g 2 G/
where J is the matrix J D diag.1; 1; : : : ; 1/. Clearly, leaves G invariant, and
also K, whereas .a/ D a1 for a 2 A. Therefore .g/ 2 Kg 1 K for all g 2 G
and we conclude from Proposition 6.1.3 that .G; K/ is a Gelfand pair.
To determine the spherical functions of the pair .G; K/ we shall now develop, in
a separate section, the theory of spherical harmonics. This will also give the com-
plete set of class one representations and their dimensions, hence the Plancherel
measure. Observe that each spherical function is positive-definite, since G is com-
pact (Theorem 6.5.1).
96 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

7.3 Spherical harmonics

A suitable reference for this section is [44].

(i) Notations and main theorem

Let S D S m1 be, as before, the unit sphere in Rm , m  2. For n  0, consider
the linear space …n of polynomials P .x/ D P .x1 ; : : : ; xm /, homogeneous of
degree n, with complex coefficients. So

P .x/ D n P .x/ .x 2 Rm ;  2 R/: (7.3.1)

Writing for any multi-index ˛ D .˛1 ; : : : ; ˛m / 2 Zm


x ˛ D x1˛1    xm

and j˛j D ˛1 C    C ˛m , one thus has

P .x/ D c˛ x ˛

for suitable c˛ 2 C.
Let Hn D ¹P 2 …n W P D 0º, the subspace of harmonic polynomials, and
Hn D ¹P jS W P 2 Hn º; (7.3.2)
the space of restrictions to S of polynomials in Hn , the space of spherical har-
monics of degree n.
Observe that H0 D …0 , H1 D …1 . We shall regard the spaces Hn as linear
subspaces of L2 .S /, the Hilbert space of L2 -functions on S with respect to the
normalized G-invariant measure ds on S and scalar product
.f j g/ D f .s/ g.s/ ds .f; g 2 L2 .S //:

Clearly, G acts on L2 .S / and also on each Hn , because  is a G-invariant differ-

ential operator, as follows from the equality

U.g/f .s/ D f .g 1  s/:

The mapping U is a (continuous) unitary representation of G on L2 .S /. Call Un

the restriction of U to Hn , so Un .g/ D U.g/jHn .g 2 G/.
For later reference we mention the following proposition.
7.3 Spherical harmonics 97
Proposition 7.3.1. The dimension of …n is equal to n .

To see this, observe that …n is spanned by the monomials x ˛ D x1˛1 x2˛2    xm

˛ D .˛1 ; : : : ; ˛m / 2 ZC , j˛j D ˛1 C    C ˛m D n. Regard these monomials as

coefficients in Y Y X
.1  xj t/1 D xjk t k :
1j m 1j m k0
Then dim …n is the coefficient of t in .1  t/
. So
1 dn m .n C m  1/Š mCn1
dim …n D .1  t/ j tD0 D D :
nŠ dt n nŠ .m  1/Š n

We now come to the main theorem of this section.

Theorem 7.3.2. Let m  3.

(1) One has L2 .S / D 1 nD0 Hn .
(2) All spaces Hn are irreducible under Un .
(3) The irreducible representations Un on Hn are pairwise inequivalent.
(4) If m D 3, any irreducible representation of SO.3/ is equivalent to one of the
representations Un .

The proof of this theorem will be given in the following subsections.

(ii) We first show

Lemma 7.3.3. For any pair .n; k/ with n 6D k, Hn and Hk are orthogonal sub-
spaces of L2 .S/.
We shall use spherical coordinates in Rm . Let x 2 Rm , x 6D 0, and write x D .r; s/ with
r D kxk, s D x=r 2 S . One has
Z Z 1 Z
f .x/ dx D !m r m1
dr f .r; s/ ds
kxk1 0 S

with !m D m vol¹x W kxk  1º.

Now apply Green’s formula
Z Z 
@v @u 
.uv  vu/ dx D !m u v ds
kxk1 S @r @r

and take u D P 2 Hn , v D Q 2 Hk . For P 2 Hn we of course have

P .x/ D P .rs/ D r n P .s/;

98 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

hence @P
D nr n1 P .s/. Similarly for Q. So we get from Green’s formula
.kPQ  nQP / ds D 0 or .k  n/ PQ ds D 0:

Hence Hn ? Hk if n 6D k. Notice that with Q also Q, the complex conjugate of Q,

belongs to Hk .

(iii) The next step is

Lemma 7.3.4. 1 nD0 Hn is a dense subspace of L .S /.

PLet P denote the set of restrictions to S of arbitrary polynomials, so P ' … D

n0 …n . We shall show
Proposition 7.3.5. One has P D 1 nD0 Hn .

Lemma 7.3.4 then follows, since P is dense in C.S/ (in the topology of uniform
convergence) by Stone–Weierstrass’ theorem, and since C.S/ is dense in L2 .S /.
To show Proposition 7.3.5 we introduce some notions which are useful in their
own right.
For P 2 … we denote by P .@/ the differential operator
 @ @ 
P .@/ D P ;:::; :
@x1 @xm
So, if P is in …k , i.e. X
P D a˛ x ˛ ;
P @ ˛ @ ˛
then P .@/ D j˛jDk a˛ . @x / , where . @x / D . @x@1 /˛1 : : : . @x@m /˛m .
We introduce a Hermitean form on … by
hP; Qi D P .@/Q .0/:
Clearly, hP; Qi D 0 for P 2 …k , Q 2 …l with l 6D k. Furthermore
˛ ˇ ˛Š if ˛ D ˇ,
hx ; x i D
0 if ˛ 6D ˇ.
Here ˛Š D ˛1 Š    ˛m Š. P P
So, if P; Q 2 …k , P .x/ D j˛jDk a˛ x ˛ , Q.x/ D jˇ jDk bˇ x ˇ , then
hP; Qi D a˛ b˛ ˛Š:

Hence hP; Qi defines a scalar product on ….

7.3 Spherical harmonics 99

Lemma 7.3.6. For each n  2 one has …n D Hn ˚ kxk2 …n2 .

P @2
Let  be the usual Laplacian,  D miD1 @x 2 . Then  maps …n into …n2 for all n. One
hkxk P; Qi D P .@/Q.0/ D hP; Qi

for P; Q 2 …. So  is the adjoint of multiplication by kxk2 . This holds in particular for

P 2 …n2 , Q 2 …n .
The mapping P 7! kxj2 P from …n2 into …n is injective, thus  W …n ! …n2 is
surjective. Now consider the mapping

P 7! jxk2 P

on …n . This operator is self-adjoint with kernel Hn and image kxk2 …n2 , which are
mutually orthogonal. So the lemma is proved.

Corollary 7.3.7. For every n  0 one has

…n D kxk2k Hn2k :
okΠ12 n

The proof is by induction on n.

The proof of Proposition 7.3.5 is now clear, since kxk2 D 1 on S.

Corollary 7.3.8. We have

.n C m  3/Š .m C 2n  2/
dim Hn D :
.m  2/Š nŠ
Observe that dim Hn D dim …n  dim …n2 .

Remark 7.3.9. Let P 2 …k . Then P .@/ W …k ! …nk is surjective and …n D

ker P .@/ ˚ P .x/ …nk (orthogonal direct sum). The proof is similar to the proof
of Lemma 7.3.6.

(iv) Irreducibility of the representations Un

We will now show that the spaces Hn are irreducible under Un . To do this, we use
the fact that any Hn contains a special simple function, a so-called zonal function,
which spans the space of K-fixed vectors in Hn and is cyclic in Hn . The result
then follows from Lemma 6.2.3.
For t 2 S consider the linear form

f 7! f .t/
100 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

on Hn . There is a unique function Z t 2 Hn with the property

.f j Z t / D f .t/ .f 2 Hn /: (7.3.3)

We introduce the notation

Z.s; t / D Z t .s/ .s; t 2 S /:

The function of two variables Z is called the reproducing kernel of Hn , since any
function f 2 Hn is reproduced by means of (7.3.3).
It is easily checked that Z is G-invariant

Z.g  s; g  t/ D Z.s; t /

for all g 2 G and s; t 2 S . In particular, if we consider Z.s; e1 / D Zn .s/, this

function is in Hn and is K-fixed. Therefore Zn only depends on s1 : there is a
function fn W Œ1; 1 ! R with

Zn .x1 ; : : : ; xm / D fn .x1 /

for all x D .x1 ; : : : ; xm / 2 S . So Zn is constant on the spheres x22 C    C xm

2 Dc

(c a constant), and is therefore called a zonal function.

Lemma 7.3.10. The function fn is a polynomial of degree at most n.

The function Zn is the restriction to S of a polynomial,
p homogeneous of degree n. For
1  t  1 we have fn .t / D Zn .t; 0; : : : ; 0; 1  t 2 /; so
fn .t / D ck .1  t 2 / 2 tk
where ck 2 C. Since we also have fn .t / D Zn .t; 0; : : : ; 0;  1  t 2 / (notice that n > 2),
we get ck D 0 for n  k odd. This completes the proof of the lemma.

We shall now use spherical coordinates on S in more detail:

x1 D cos 1 ;
x2 D sin 1 cos 2 ;
x3 D sin 1 sin 2 cos 3 ;
xm1 D sin 1    sin m2 cos m1 ;
xm D sin 1    sin m2 sin m1

where 0  m1 < 2, 0  k <  for k < m  1.

7.3 Spherical harmonics 101

Writing, for x 2 Rm , x D rs where r D kxk, s D x=r 2 S , one has

dx D r m1 dr d .s/
with d .s/ D sinm2 1 sinm3 2    sin m2 d 1 d 2    d m1 .
The surface measure on S is G-invariant and the surface of S is equal to
Z m
2 2
!m D d .s/ D :
S . m
For any F 2 Cc .Rm / one has
Z Z 1°Z ±
F .x/ dx D F .rs/ d .s/ r m1 dr;
Rm 0 S
and if ' is a continuous function on S only depending on s1 and hence a zonal
function, then '.s/ D f .s1 / and
Z Z 
'.s/ d .s/ D cm f .cos / sinm2 d ;
S 0
where cm is a positive constant not depending on the choice of '. Taking ' D 1
one can easily compute the positive constant cm . Observe that d .s/ D !m ds.
Change of coordinates t D cos gives
Z  Z 1
f .cos / sin d D f .t / .1  t 2 / 2 dt:
0 1
So we have

Proposition 7.3.11. Let ' be a continuous zonal function on S , '.s/ D f .s1 /.

Then there is a positive constant c, not depending on the particular choice of ',
such that Z Z 1
'.s/ ds D c f .t/ .1  t 2 / 2 dt:
S 1

Proposition 7.3.12. The polynomials fn , n  0, satisfy the condition

Z 1
fn .t / fk .t / .1  t 2 / 2 dt D 0
if n 6D k.
From the orthogonality Hn ? Hk follows
Zn .s/ Zk .s/ ds D 0 .n 6D k/:

But the function s 7! Zn .s/Zk .s/ is a zonal function corresponding to fn .t /fk .t /. The
proposition now follows from Proposition 7.3.11.
102 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

Corollary 7.3.13. The degree of the polynomial fn is precisely n.

Use the Gram–Schmidt procedure for orthogonalization.

Observe that fn is even if n is even, odd if n is odd.

Corollary 7.3.14. The polynomials fn , n  0, form a complete orthogonal system

in L2 .Œ1; 1; .1  t 2 / 2 dt /.

Proposition 7.3.15. For any n  0 one has fn .1/ D dim Hn .

Observe that fn .1/ D Zn .e1 / D Z.e1 ; e1 /. But the reproducing kernel Zn of Hn is G-
invariant, so Z.e1 ; e1 / D Z.g  e1 ; g  e1 / for all g 2 G, so Z.e1 ; e1 / D Z.s; s/ for all
s 2 S . Integrating over S we obtain
Z.e1 ; e1 / D Z.s; s/ ds:

Now select an orthonormal basis '1 ; : : : ; 'dn in Hn where dn D dim Hn . Then clearly

Z.s; t / D 'i .s/'i .t /:

Z dn Z
Z.s; s/ ds D j'i .s/j2 ds D dn :
S iD1 S

Remark 7.3.16. For m D 3 the polynomials fn =fn .1/ are precisely the Legendre

For m  3 the polynomials fn =fn .1/ are called Gegenbauer polynomials or

ultra-spherical polynomials. See, e.g., [56].

Proposition 7.3.17. Let ' 2 Hn be a zonal function. Then ' is a scalar multiple
of Zn .
Since ' 2 Hn is zonal, we have '.s/ D f .s1 /. This function f satisfies, using Proposi-
tion 7.3.12, Z 1
f .t/fk .t / .1  t 2 / 2 dt D 0

for all k 6D n, because Hn ? Hk . Since the fk form a complete orthogonal system, f

must be a multiple of fn , so ' D cZn for some complex scalar c.

Proposition 7.3.18. The zonal function Zn is a cyclic vector in Hn .

7.3 Spherical harmonics 103

Let ' 2 Hn be such that Z

Zn .g 1  s/ '.s/ ds D 0

for all g 2 G. We have to show that ' D 0. Now, since Zn .g 1 s/ D Z.s; ge1 / D Z.s; t/
with t D g  e1 , we get Z
'.t/ D Z.s; t / '.s/ ds D 0
for all t 2 S , because Z is the reproducing kernel of Hn .

Corollary 7.3.19. The spaces Hn are irreducible under Un .

This clearly follows, as said before, from Propositions 7.3.17 and 7.3.18 and Lemma 6.2.3.

(v) Equivalence and more

Proposition 7.3.20. The irreducible unitary representations Un on Hn are pair-
wise inequivalent.
This is most easily seen by comparing the dimensions of the spaces Hk . Let dk D dim Hk .
Then a simple computation shows that dkC1 > dk for all k  0.

For m D 3 we get dk D 2k C 1. So the statement about SO.3/ in Theo-

rem 7.3.2 follows from the well-known representation theory of SO.3/, or rather
of SU.2/, since SO.3/ ' SU.2/= ˙ I . We indeed get odd dimensions only. See,
e.g., [24], [45]. The irreducible unitary representations of SU.2/ are given by the
natural action of SU.2/ on the space Vn of homogeneous polynomials in two com-
Pn variables z1 and z2 of degree n (n D 1; 2; : : :/, so polynomials of the form
c z
kD0 k 1 2
k nk
z . It is clear that only for even n the element I acts trivially.
Therefore dim Vn D n C 1 is odd.
This completes the proof of Theorem 7.3.2.

Theorem 7.3.21. For any n  2 one has

Hn D span¹.˛1 s1 C    C ˛m sm /n W ˛12 C    C ˛m
D 0º

where .s1 ; : : : ; sm / 2 S and .˛1 ; : : : ; ˛m / 2 C m .

For m D 2 the statement is clear, since dim Hn D 2 for n 6D 0. For m > 2 it is sufficient to
observe that the right-hand side is a G-invariant subspace of Hn , so equal to Hn because
Un is irreducible.

In the case of SO.2/ we have dim Hn D 2 for n 6D 0, and these spaces are
spanned by .s1 C i s2 /n and .s1  i s2 /n . Setting n cos  sin  D ei n we get
sin  cos 
Un D n ˚ n for n 6D 0. The space H0 is one-dimensional and U0 D 0 .
104 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

(vi) Radial parts

(1) Define the function q W Rm n¹0º ! S m1 by
x xm 
q.x1 ; : : : ; xm / D ;:::;
r r
where r D kxk.
The mapping q is a C 1 mapping onto S m1 , that is submersive. Let  be the
Laplacian on Rm and let  be the Laplacian on S m1 . Then for any C 1 function
F on S m1 one has
.F ı q/ D .F / ı q: (7.3.4)
(2) Let Q W S m1 ! Œ1; 1 be defined by
Q.s1 ; : : : ; sm / D s1 :
Then Q is a submersive C 1 mapping from ¹s 2 S m1 W s1 6D ˙1º onto .1; 1/.
Let f be a C 1 function on .1; 1/ and let L be the radial part of . Then
.Lf / ı Q D .f ı Q/: (7.3.5)
(3) Computation of  on Hn
Clearly, for m  3,  acts on Hn as a scalar since it commutes with the action
of G (apply Schur’s lemma): F D F , where F is the restriction to S m1
of a harmonic polynomial P , homogeneous of degree n. So P D 0. We shall
compute F , or more precisely the eigenvalue , while our result below also holds
for m D 2.
We have
x xm 
F ı q .x1 ; : : : ; xm / D P ;:::; D r n P .x1 ; : : : ; xm / .r 6D 0/:
r r
A simple computation gives
.r n P .x// D n.n C 1/ r n2 P .x/  n.m  1/ r n2 P .x/
 @P @P 
 2n r n2 x1 C    C xm C r n P .x/:
@x1 @xm
@P @P
x1 C    C xm D nP .x/;
@x1 @xm
because P is homogeneous of degree n (Euler’s equation). So finally we get
.r n P .x// D n.n C m  2/r n2 P .x/:
F D n.n C m  2/ F
on Hn .
7.4 Spherical functions on spheres 105

(4) Computation of L on Œ1; 1

Let f be a C 1 function on Œ1; 1. We shall compute an expression for Lf . We
have .Lf / ı Q D .f ı Q/ and therefore
.Lf / ı Q ı q D .f ı Q ı q/
where q is defined in (1). Let us compute the right-hand side. Notice that Q ı
q.x1 ; : : : ; xm / D xr1 . We get
@  x1  < xi x3 1 df . x1 / if i 6D 1,
dt r
f D
@xi r : r 2 x12 df x1
. / if i D 1,
dt r

8 2 2
ˆ x x 2 x .r 2 3x 2 /
@2 x  < ir 6 1 ddtf2 . xr1 /  1 r 5 i df dt r
. x1 / if i D
6 1,
f D  2 2 2
@xi2 r :̂ r x 1 d 2 f x1
. /  3
.r 2 x12 / x1 df x1
. / if i D 1.
r 3 dt 2 r r5 dt r

x  r 2  x12 d 2 f  x1  x1 df  x1 
f D  .m  1/ :
r r4 dt 2 r r 4 dt r
Hence, taking r D 1,
d 2f df
.Lf /.t / D .1  t 2 /
 .m  1/t :
dt 2 dt
So the polynomial fn defined in (iv) (cf. Lemma 7.3.10) satisfies the differential
d 2u du
.1  t 2 / 2  .m  1/t C n.m C n  2/u D 0:
dt dt
It follows, see [56] for the notation, that this is the differential equation of the
Gegenbauer polynomials, hence
fn =fn .1/ D Cn 2

7.4 Spherical functions on spheres

We continue what we did in Section 7.2. Let m  3. Recall Zn , the zonal function
in Hn , and set 'n D Zn =Zn .e1 /. We know that Zn .e1 / D dn D dim Hn . The
function 'n can be considered as a bi-K-invariant function on G.

Theorem 7.4.1. The spherical functions of the Gelfand pair .G; K/ are precisely
the functions 'n , n 2 N.
106 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

Let us first show that 'n is a spherical function. Let f be a bi-K-invariant, continuous
function on G and set D f  'n . This function is bi-K-invariant again and, considered
as a function on S , an element of Hn , and moreover a zonal function, so is a multiple
of 'n , i.e.
D f  'n D n .f /'n
with Z
n .f / D f .g/ '.g 1 / dg:
Hence, by Proposition 6.1.6, 'n is a spherical function. Since the functions 'n constitute
a complete orthonormal system in the space of zonal functions in L2 .S /, the functions 'n
are the only spherical functions.

Since the group G is compact, the functions 'n are positive-definite. Moreover,
the representations Un of G on Hn exhaust the set of class one representations, up
to equivalence. We leave this fact as an exercise.
Consider the function f on Rm given by

f .x/ D .x1 C ix2 /n ;

which is a harmonic polynomial, homogeneous of degree n (by Theorem 7.3.21).

Restrict this function to S . Then f 2 Hn . Consider now
.s/ D f .k  s/ d k .s 2 S /:

This is a zonal function in Hn with .e1 / D 1, hence D 'n . Applying spherical

coordinates, we have the following explicit integral formula:
m2 . m1
2 /

'n .s/ D Cn 2
.cos '/ D p .cos ' C i sin ' cos /n sinm3 d ;
 . m2
2 / 0

where we substitute s1 D cos ' in s D .s1 ; : : : ; sm /.

7.5 Real hyperbolic spaces

In this section we follow mainly [15].

(i) Introduction
For n 2 N, n  2, let SO.1; n/ be the special orthogonal group of the quadratic
Œx; y D x0 y0  x1 y1      xn yn ;
7.5 Real hyperbolic spaces 107

where x D .x0 ; x1 ; : : : ; xn /, y D .y0 ; y1 ; : : : ; yn / are elements of RnC1 . Let

J be the matrix diag.1; 1; : : : ; 1/. Then clearly SO.1; n/ consists of the real
.n C 1/  .n C 1/ matrices g with det g D 1 and

JgJ D t g 1 :

So we evidently have t g 2 SO.1; n/ for all g 2 SO.1; n/. It is an exercise to show

that the set of all g 2 SO.1; n/ satisfying g00 D Œge0 ; e0  > 0 is a subgroup G of
SO.1; n/, where e0 D .1; 0; : : : ; 0/ 2 RnC1 .
Indeed, it is therefore sufficient to show that Œx; y > 0 for all x; y 2 RnC1 with
x0 > 0, y0 > 0 and Œx; x D Œy; y D 1. The group G is clearly an open subgroup
of SO.1; n/ of index 2.
Let X D ¹x 2 RnC1 W x0 > 0; Œx; x D 1º. It is called a one-sheeted hyper-
boloid. By a similar reasoning as above one shows that G acts on X . Let K D
SO.n/ be the stabilizer of e0 in G and define the subgroup A of G by
8 0 1 9
< cosh t 0 sinh t =
A D at D @ 0 In1 0 A W t 2R :
: ;
sinh t 0 cosh t

Let x D .x0 ; x1 ; : : : ; xn / 2 X . There is a k 2 K such that k x D .x0 ; 0; : : : ; 0; ˛/

where ˛ 2 D x12 C    C xn2 . Notice that x0 > 0 and x02  ˛ 2 D 1. Then we can
find t 2 R with
a t  e0 D .x0 ; 0; : : : ; 0; ˛/:
So x D k 1 a t  e0 and consequently


and G acts transitively on X. Moreover, G turns out to be connected. Since G is

also open in SO.1; n/, it coincides with the connected component SO0 .1; n/ of the
identity of SO.1; n/, thus G D SO0 .1; n/.
Let w be the matrix diag.1; 1; 1; : : : ; 1/ in K. Then wa t w 1 D at for all
t 2 R. So we actually have

Proposition 7.5.1 (Cartan decomposition). The group G D SO0 .1; n/ can be writ-
ten as
where ANC D ¹a t 2 A W t  0º.
Consider now the Cartan involution on G defined by

.g/ D t g 1 D JgJ .g 2 G/:

108 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

Clearly, leaves K fixed and .a/ D a1 for all a 2 A. Therefore, because
G D KAK, we have
.g/ 2 Kg 1 K
for all g 2 G. So we have by Proposition 6.1.3:

Proposition 7.5.2. The pair .SO0 .1; n/; SO.n// is a Gelfand pair.

By Proposition 6.1.2 we may conclude that G is unimodular: its left Haar mea-
sure dg is also right-invariant. Moreover X ' G=K admits a G-invariant measure
dx. Clearly, one can normalize dg such that, fixing dx and taking the normalized
Haar measure on K,
Z Z °Z ±
f .g/ dg D f .gk/ d k d gP

for all f 2 Cc .G/. Here d gP is the notation for the G-invariant measure on X '
G=K, so d gP ' dx. See Section 4.5.
To write down an explicit form for dx, we use “hyperbolic” coordinates (similar
to spherical coordinates). One gets
Z n Z Z 1Z
f .g/ dg D 2 n sinhn1 t f .ka t k 0 / d kdt d k 0 (7.5.1)
G . 2 / K 0 K

for f 2 Cc .G/. Observe that the factor in front of the integral is the measure of
the sphere S n . So for f 2 Cc# .G/ one has
Z Z 1
f .g/ dg D A.t / f .a t / dt; (7.5.2)
G 0
where A.t/ D 2 . n
sinhn1 t:

(ii) Iwasawa decomposition

Let „ be the cone

„ D ¹ D . 0 ; 1 ; : : : ; n / 2 RnC1 W Œ ;  D 0; 0 > 0º:

One clearly has „ D KA  0 with 0 D .1; 0; : : : ; 0; 1/. Moreover G acts on „.

It is therefore sufficient to show that

Œg  0 ; e0  > 0
7.5 Real hyperbolic spaces 109

for all g 2 G. We have

Œg  0 ; e0  D Œ 0 ; g 1  e0  D x0 C xn
if g 1  e0 D x 2 X, x D .x0 ; x1 ; : : : ; xn /. Since x02 D 1 C x12 C    C xn2 , we
obtain x02 > xn2 , and thus x0 C xn > 0 because x0 > 0. So G acts transitively
on „.
To determine the stabilizer of 0 in G one has to perform an easy computation.
Define the following subgroups of G:
8 0 1 9
< 1 C 12 kzk2 zt  12 kzk2 =
N D n D nz D @ z In1 z A W z 2 Rn1 ;
: 1 ;
2 kzk
2 zt 1  12 kzk2
80 1 9
< 1 0 0 =
M ' SO.n  1/ D @0 l 0A W l 2 SO.n  1/ :
: ;
0 0 1
Observe that M is compact, N abelian (isomorphic to Rn1 ) and
m nz m1 D nm.z/ .m 2 M; nz 2 N /:
So MN is a subgroup of G and it is unimodular. Moreover Stab 0 D MN and
thus „ admits a G-invariant measure. We have G D KMAN D KAN since M
and A commute. We also have
a t nz at D net z .a t 2 A; nz 2 N /:

Theorem 7.5.3 (Iwasawa decomposition). The mapping .k; a; n/ 7! kan from

K  A  N into G is a diffeomorphism.
Let g D ka t nz . Then we have
(a) Œg  0 ; e0  D Œa t  0 ; e0  D et ,
(b) Œg  ei ; e0  D Œa t nz  ei ; e0  D Œa t nz at  ei ; e0  D Œnet z  ei ; e0  D et zi 2 for
3  i  n C 1.
So we may conclude that t; z and k depend in a C 1 way on g. In addition we see that the
decomposition of g is unique. This proves the theorem.

According to Section 4.5 (special cases of (4.5.10)) we can normalize the in-
variant measure dg on G such that

Proposition 7.5.4. For all f 2 Cc .G/ we have

Z Z Z 1Z
f .g/ dg D f .ka t nz / e.n1/t d kdt dz:
G K 1 Rn1
110 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

Let now f 2 Cc .„/. Then we get by Proposition 7.5.4 that

Z Z 1
W f 7! f .k  0 / n1 dk
K 0 
is a G-invariant measure on „. Here d k is as usual the normalized Haar measure
on K. Notice that the integral can actually be taken over K=M instead of K.
Setting B D K  0 ' K=M we might also write for the invariant measure :
Z Z 1
.f / D f .b/n1 d .b/ .f 2 Cc .„//;
B 0 

with d .b/ ' d kP .kP 2 K=M /. We also have B D ¹ 2 „ W 0 D 1º, so

B ' S n1 , the unit sphere in Rn , and d can be seen as the (normalized) surface
measure on S n1 .

(iii) Spherical functions

We define the Laplace–Beltrami (or Laplace) operator  on X in the same way as
the operator  in Section 7.3 (vi) (1).
Let q be the mapping q.x/ D xr defined on ¹x 2 RnC1 W Œx; x > 0; x0 > 0º,
where r D Œx; x1=2 . Then for any C 1 function F on X one has

 .F ı q/ D .F / ı q
@2 @2 @2
where  D     2.
@x02 @x12 @xn
The differential operator  is G-invariant:

.Lg F / D Lg .F /

where .Lg F /.x/ D F .g 1  x/ .g 2 GI x 2 X /.

Let f1 ; f2 be two C 1 functions on G, bi-K-invariant and f1 with compact
support. These functions may also be viewed as functions on X and one has

.f1  f2 / D .f1 /  f2 D f1  .f2 /:

This follows from the G-invariance of  and the commutativity of Cc# .G/.
Similar to Section 7.3 (vi) (2) we define the radial part L of . So let Q W X !
Œ1; 1/ be defined by
Q.x0 ; x1 ; : : : ; xn / D x0 :
Then for any C 1 function f on Œ1; 1/ we have

.Lf / ı Q D .f ı Q/:

7.5 Real hyperbolic spaces 111

In a similar way as in Section 7.3 (vi) (4) we can compute L and we obtain
d2 d
L D .u2  1/ C nu :
du2 du
Setting u D cosh t .t  0/, we get
d2 A0 .t / d
dt 2 A.t / dt
where, we recall, A.t / D 2 . n sinhn1 t.
So if ' is a bi-K-invariant C 1 function on G satisfying ' D ', then
d 2 ˆ A0 .t / dˆ
C D ˆ
dt 2 A.t / dt
if ˆ.t/ D '.a t /, t  0.

Theorem 7.5.5. Let ' be a bi-K-invariant function on G. We may also consider

' as a K-invariant function on X . In order that ' is a spherical function it is
necessary and sufficient that ' satisfies
(1) ' is C 1 ,
(2) there is a complex number  such that ' D ',
(3) '.e0 / D 1.
The proof is similar to that of Theorem 7.1.1 for Euclidean motion groups and
makes use of the fact that the space of solutions of the differential equation
d 2 ˆ A0 .t / dˆ
C D ˆ
dt 2 A.t / dt
that are regular at t D 0 is one-dimensional.
To find an integral form for the spherical functions, we combine the methods
from Section 7.1 (ii) and Section 7.4.
Let f .x/ D Œx; 0 s D .x0 C xn /s be defined on X, where s 2 C and
 D n1 1
2 . Since Œx;  > 0 for all x 2 X , f is clearly well-defined and a C

function for all s 2 C. Moreover, an easy computation gives f D .s   / f ;

2 2

compare with Section 7.3 (vi) (3). Set

's .x/ D f .k  x/ d k
D Œx; k  0 s d k .x 2 X /:
112 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

Then 's is K-invariant, C 1 , 's .e0 / D 1 and it satisfies again the differential
equation 's D .s 2  2 / 's , by K-invariance of . So 's is a spherical function
and each spherical function is of this form. Notice that 's D 's .
One easily verifies that
. n2 /
's .a t / D p .cosh t  sinh t cos /s sinn2 d
 . n12 / 0

for t  0.
Compare this expression with the form of a spherical function on the sphere in
Section 7.4.
Notice that 's , as a function on G, can also be written as
's .g/ D e.s/t .g k/ d k .g 2 G/ (7.5.3)

if we write g D k a t .g/ n (Iwasawa decomposition) for any g 2 G.

(iv) Bounded spherical functions

Proposition 7.5.6. The spherical function 's is bounded if and only if

  Re s  :
(a) We first show that j's .g/j  1 if   Re s  . From the integral representation
(7.5.3) for 's follows
j's .g/j  ' .g/ .g 2 G/
if D Re s. So it is sufficient to consider the case where s is real. From the same integral
representation it follows that the real-valued function s 7! 's .g/ is convex for any g 2 G.
Since ' .g/ D ' .g/ D 1, the result follows.
(b) If Re s > 0 we are going to show that

'.a t /
c.s/ e.s/t .t ! 1/

2s . n2 / 
c.s/ D p .1  cos /s sinn2 d
 . n1
/ 0

. n / .s/
D 2n2 p 2 :
.s C /
Indeed, we have for t  0
. n2 / 
.cosh t/s
'.a t / D p .1  tanh t cos /s sinn2 d ;
 . n1
/ 0
7.5 Real hyperbolic spaces 113

 if 0 < < =2 and Re s  , then j.1  tanh t cos /s j  1,
 if 0 < Re s  , then j.1  tanh t cos /s j  .1  cos /Re s .
Similar considerations hold for =2 < < . So applying Lebesgue’s dominated
convergence theorem we get the result.

Remark 7.5.7. From (b) we obtain that 's is bounded if 0 < Re s   and un-
bounded if Re s > . Since 's D 's we could also get the complete result of
Proposition 7.5.6 if we knew that 's is bounded for imaginary s. This important
fact follows from Theorem 7.5.9, where we show that 'i .
2 R/ is positive-

(v) Positive-definite spherical functions

(a) We begin with some preliminaries on positive-definite kernels. Let X be a set.
A kernel ˆ on X is a function on X  X . It is said be positive-definite if for every
N -tuple of elements x1 ; : : : ; xN in X and complex numbers ˛1 ; : : : ; ˛N one has

ˆ.xi ; xj / ˛i ˛j  0:
i;j D1

If X is a group and ' a function on X , then ' is positive-definite if and only if the
kernel ˆ defined by
ˆ.x; y/ D '.x 1 y/
is positive-definite.
In case of a locally compact group this definition agrees with Definition 5.1.5 if
' is continuous (see Remarks 5.1.7).
Let G be a locally compact group and K a compact subgroup, and set X D
G=K. A kernel ˆ on X is said to be invariant if

ˆ.gx; gy/ D ˆ.x; y/

for all g 2 G and x; y 2 X.

There is a bijective correspondence between the invariant kernels ˆ on X and
the bi-K-invariant functions ' on G. This correspondence is defined by the rela-
ˆ.gK; hK/ D '.g 1 h/ .g; h 2 G/:
The kernel ˆ is continuous (C 1 respectively) if and only if ' is. So the spherical
functions 's on G D SO0 .1; n/ correspond to kernels ˆs on the hyperboloid of
one sheet X.
114 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

(b) To determine the positive-definite spherical functions we apply the invariant

measure on „ ' G=MN , defined after Proposition 7.5.4:
Z Z 1
.f / D f .b/ n1 d .b/;
B 0 
where is the normalized surface measure on the sphere B D ¹ 2 „ W 0 D 1º.
Let H˛ .„/ denote the space of continuous functions f on „, homogeneous of
degree ˛, i.e.
f . / D ˛ f . / . 2 „;  > 0; ˛ 2 C/:
The group G acts on H˛ .„/. Let ` be the linear form defined on H1n .„/ by
`.f / D f .b/ d .b/:

Proposition 7.5.8. The linear form ` is G-invariant: if f 2 H1n .„/, then

`.Ly f / D `.f /
for all g 2 G.
Let ' 2 Cc .„/ and set Z 1
f . / D '. / n1
Then f is continuous and homogeneous of degree 1  n and the mapping ' 7! f com-
mutes with G. Moreover
`.f / D .'/:
Since any f 2 H1n .„/ can be obtained in this way, the proposition follows.

Theorem 7.5.9. The spherical function 's is positive-definite in the following two
(1) s D i
2 R,
(2) s is real,   s  .
The proof of this theorem will be given in this and the next subsection.
(a) Suppose that 's is positive-definite. Since 's is bi-K-invariant we have
's .g 1 / D 's .g/;
and since 's is positive-definite we also have
's .g 1 / D 's .g/:
So 's is real-valued, and thus s 2 D 's .0/ C 2 is real, so s is imaginary or real. Because
's , being positive-definite, is also bounded, we get either s 2 R,   s   or s 2 i R.
7.5 Real hyperbolic spaces 115

(b) We will now show that 'i .

2 R/ is positive-definite. Let Ps be the function defined
on X  „ by
P .x; / D Œx; s :
This function is called the Poisson kernel of X and is characterized by the properties
(1) Ps .gx; g / D Ps .x; / for all g 2 G,
(2) Ps .x;  / D s P .x; / for all  > 0,
(3) Ps .e0 ; b/ D 1 for all b 2 B.
Notice that Œx;  > 0 for all x 2 X , 2 „. Consider the kernel Hs on X defined by
Hs .x; y/ D Ps .x; b/ Ps .y; b/ d .b/:

By the invariance property (1) of the Poisson kernel, the homogeneity property (2) and
Proposition 7.5.8 we see that Hs is G-invariant. Moreover Hs .x; e0 / D 's .x/. So we get
Hs D ˆs : Z
ˆs .x; y/ D Ps .x; b/ Ps .y; b/ d .b/:
From this integral representation we easily deduce that the kernel ˆi ,
real, is positive-
definite, because
XN Z ˇXN ˇ2
ˇ ˇ
ˆi .xi ; xj / ˛i ˛j D ˇ ˛i Pi .xi ; b/ˇ d .b/  0:
i;j D1 B iD1

(vi) Positive-definite spherical functions (continued)

(c) Note that Œ ; 0   0 for ; 0 2 „. Set Ws . ; 0 / D Œ ; 0 s . For Re s > 0 we have
for all b 2 B
Z Z 
0 0
. n2 /
.s/ D Ws .b; b / d .b / D p .1  cos /s sinn2 d
B  . n12
/ 0
. n / .s/
D 2sC1 p 2 :
 .s C /
The following relation permits to switch between Ps .x; / and Ps .x; / for Re s 6D 0:
Ps .x; / D Ps .x; b 0 / Ws . ; b 0 / d .b 0 / .x 2 X; 2 „/:
.s/ B
The proof of this intertwining relation uses the properties (1), (2), (3) of Poisson kernels
and Proposition 7.5.8. We obtain for Re s > 0
ˆs .x; y/ D Ps .x; b/ Ps .y; b 0 / Ws .b; b 0 / d .b/d .b 0 /:
.s/ B B
From this integral representation we are going to derive that ˆs is positive-definite for
0 < s < .
116 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

Lemma 7.5.10. Let 0 < s < . For all f 2 C.B/ one has
f .b/f .b 0 / Ws .b; b 0 / d .b/ d .b 0 /  0:

The positive-definiteness of ˆs follows immediately from this lemma, for

ˆs .xi ; xj / ˛i ˛j D f .b/f .b 0 / Ws .b; b 0 / d .b/ d .b 0 /
.s/ B B
i;j D1

f .b/ D ˛i Ps .xi ; b/:

Let us prove the lemma. It is based on the following property of positive-definite kernels:
if H is a positive-definite kernel and kH k1 < 1, then for ˇ > 0, .1  H /ˇ is also a
positive-definite kernel, since
ˇ ˇ.ˇ C 1/    .ˇ C k  1/ k
.1  H / D1C H


and the product of two positive-definite kernels is again positive-definite (exercise!).

Set for 0 < ˛ < 1,

Ws˛ .b; b 0 / D Œ1  ˛.b1 b10 C    C bn bn0 /s :

For s < , Ws˛ is a positive-definite kernel, hence for all f 2 C.B/,

f .b/f .b 0 / Ws˛ .b; b 0 / d .b/ d .b 0 /  0:

If 0 < s <  we can take the limit for ˛ tending to 1, and we obtain
f .b/f .b 0 / Ws .b; b 0 / d .b/ d .b 0 /  0:

(vii) Representations of the spherical principal series

Until now we considered only representations on a Hilbert space, in particular uni-
tary representations. We shall now broaden our scope and consider also represen-
tations on a Banach space. The definition is the same as in Section 5.1. A Banach
space representation is a pair .; H / of a Banach space H and a homomorphism
 W G ! GL.H / such that the mapping .x; v/ 7! .x/v from G  H to H is
The definitions of irreducibility and equivalence of representations are the same
as for Hilbert space representations. The definitions of .f / for f 2 Cc .G/ and
7.5 Real hyperbolic spaces 117

of .h/ for h 2 C.K/ are a little more involved, but it turns out that the same
conclusions hold as in the case of a Hilbert space representation. So, in particular,
.f / 2 End.H / and .h/ 2 End.H /, where End.H / is the space of continuous
endomorphisms of H .
A next step would be to consider representations on Fréchet spaces or even on complete
locally convex spaces. We postpone this to Chapter 8.
Spherical principal series representations are those representations that are ob-
tained by induction from one-dimensional representations of the group MAN .
Let s be a complex number and let Hs be the space of continuous functions f
on G satisfying
f .xma t n/ D e.s/t f .x/
with x 2 G, m 2 M , n 2 N , a t 2 A,  D n1
2 . Let s be the representation of G
on Hs defined by
s .g/ f .x/ D f .g 1 x/:
We clearly may identify Hs with the space Hs .„/ from (v) since „ ' G=MN ,
and also with the space C.B/, by restricting the functions in Hs .„/ to B. Pro-
vided with the supremum norm (uniform topology), C.B/ is a Banach space and
s a Banach space representation.
Let ` be the G-invariant linear form on H defined in (v). Denote by h ; i the
bilinear form defined on Hs  Hs by
hf; gi D f .b/ g.b/ d .b/:

This form is continuous, non-degenerate and G-invariant:

hs .x/f; s .x/ gi D hf; gi .x 2 G/;

as follows from the invariance of `.

Let us be the function on G defined by

us .ka t n/ D e.s/t .k 2 K; t 2 R; n 2 N /:

The function us belongs to Hs and is K-invariant. Moreover, as is easily seen

from (7.5.3),
's .g/ D hus ; s .g/ us i .g 2 G/:
If s is imaginary, say s D i
, then Hi can be provided with a pre-Hilbert space
structure with squared norm
kf k D jf .b/j2 d .b/;
118 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

and i .x/ is then unitary for all x 2 G. Completing the space Hi and extending
i .x/ to this completion gives a unitary representation on a Hilbert space, which
we again denote by i . Observe that the unitary representation i is irreducible
as soon as the Banach space representation i on Hi is: if V is a non-trivial
closed invariant subspace of the Hilbert space, then V \ Hs is a non-trivial closed
invariant subspace of Hs .
The spherical function 'i is clearly positive-definite.
Now we want to make a closer study of the representations s on Hs with
s 2 i R, and s 2 R satisfying  < s < .

(1) Irreducibility
Because of the duality between s and s it is obvious that s and s are
irreducible if us and us are cyclic vectors in Hs and Hs respectively.

Lemma 7.5.11. The vector us is cyclic if s 6D  C k, k D 0; 1; 2; : : : .

Notice that us .g/ D Œe0 ; g  0 s .g 2 G/. Let be a measure on B (a continuous linear
form on C.B/) such that Z
Œg  e0 ; bs d .b/ D 0
for all g 2 G. Then clearly all K-translates of satisfy the same condition, and we may
R .b/ for some f 2 Hs by taking a suitable convolution product
thus replace by f .b/ d
f .b/ D g  .b/ D K g.k/ .Lk /.b/d k with g 2 C.K/. If we can show that the
condition implies f D 0, then clearly
R D 0 and us is cyclic in Hs .
So let f 2 Hs be such that B Œg  e0 ; bs f .b/d .b/ D 0 for all g 2 G. Then
again the same holds for s .g/f for all g 2 G. Taking g D a t and differentiating the
expression in t D 0 several times, we get for s 6D  C k .k D 0; 1; 2; : : :/
bnl f .b/ d .b/ D 0 (7.5.4)

for l D 0; 1; 2; : : :, so f is orthogonal to all M -fixed vectors in C.B/. Since the K-

translates of these vectors span L2 .B/ (see Section 7.3), and (7.5.4) also holds for the
K-translates of f , we get f D 0. Hence us is a cyclic vector in Hs .

Corollary 7.5.12. The representations s on Hs are irreducible for s 6D ˙. C

k/; k D 0; 1; 2; : : : . In particular, s is irreducible for s 2 i R, and s 2 R
satisfying  < s < . For s D  the trivial one-dimensional representation is a
sub-representation of  .

(2) Intertwining operators

Define for Re s > 0 the mapping As on Hs as follows:
.As f /. / D Ws . ; b 0 / f .b 0 / d .b 0 / . 2 „/: (7.5.5)
7.5 Real hyperbolic spaces 119
Here Ws is as in (iv). Since B Ws .b; b 0 / d .b 0 / D .s/ exists for Re s > 0, one
easily sees that As is well-defined:

j.As f /.b/j  .s/ kf k1 .f 2 Hs ; b 2 B/; (7.5.6)

where k  k1 denotes the supremum norm on C.B/.

Because of the G-invariance of the form ` (see (v) (b)), it follows that As f is
continuous, so in Hs . By (7.5.6) As is a continuous mapping from Hs to Hs .
s .x/ As D As s .x/
for all x 2 G. The mapping As is called an intertwining operator.
Let now s be real, 0 < s < . Then s is irreducible and
hf j As gi D Ws .b; b 0 / f .b/ g.b 0 / d .b/ d .b 0 / .f; g 2 Hs / (7.5.7)

is a G-invariant positive-definite form on Hs according to Lemma 7.5.10. It is

even a scalar product. We also have

hf j As f i  .s/ kf k21 .f 2 Hs /: (7.5.8)

From (7.5.7) we obtain a pre-unitary structure on Hs . Completing Hs and ex-
tending s .x/ continuously to this completion for all x 2 G, s becomes a
unitary representation. Moreover, s remains irreducible as a unitary represen-
tation. Indeed, if V is a non-trivial closed invariant subspace, then V \ C.B/ is
non-trivial and closed in the uniform topology, by (7.5.8).
The irreducible unitary representations s with 0 < s < , thus obtained, are
called representations of the complementary series.
Clearly, 's .x/ D .s/ hus j As s .x/us i .x 2 G/, see (vi). Notice that
As us D .s/ us , which gives an alternative proof of this expression for 's .

(3) Class one representations

We can now conclude that the class one representations are given by
 the unitary spherical principal series i .
2 R; i
i /,
 the complementary series s .0 < s < /,
 the trivial representation.
The associated positive-definite spherical functions are 'i ; 's and ' , respec-
120 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

(vii) Plancherel formula

In this subsection we shall determine the Plancherel measure for the pair (G; K).
We start with a summary of some (advanced) functional analysis, see [11, Chap-
ter XII] or [46, Chapter VI].

(1) Spectral theory of self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert space

Let H be a Hilbert space with scalar product denoted by . j / and A a linear
operator defined on some subspace of H , called the domain of A and denoted by
A W D.A/ ! H :
We shall assume throughout that D.A/ is dense in H . The adjoint A of A is
defined as follows: its domain D.A / is the set of elements f 2 H such that the
linear form
g 7! .A g j f / .g 2 D.A//
is continuous. For such f an element f  2 H exists such that

.A g j f / D .g j f  / .g 2 D.A//

and one sets

A f D f  :
Clearly, D.A / is a linear subspace of H , not necessarily a dense subspace.
An operator .D.A/; A/ is said to be self-adjoint if D.A/ D D.A / and A D A .
Let A be a linear operator with domain D.A/. The resolvent set of A is the
set of complex numbers z such that zI  A is a bijection of D.A/ onto H and
such that the inverse Rz D .zI  A/1 is a continuous linear operator on H . The
operator Rz is called the resolvent of A. If z and z 0 are two complex numbers of
the resolvent set of A, then

Rz  Rz 0 D .z  z 0 /Rz Rz 0

(resolvent equation). The resolvent set is open and z 7! Rz is an analytic function

on this open set. The complement of the resolvent set is called the spectrum of A.
If A is self-adjoint, then its spectrum is real. Moreover, if Im z 6D 0 then
kRz k  :
j Im zj
A spectral function on R is a mapping from R into the set of orthogonal projections
of the Hilbert space H
E W  7! E
7.5 Real hyperbolic spaces 121

such that
(a)  7! E is increasing: E1 E2 D E1 if 1  2 ,
(b) lim!1 E f D f , lim!1 E f D 0 for all f 2 H .
Observe that  7! .E f j g/ is a function of bounded variation on R, so it yields
a Riemann–Stieltjes integral or measure, called the spectral measure associated to
the spectral function. For all bounded continuous functions  on R one defines
Z 1
E./ D ./ dE ;

which means Z 1
.E./f j g/ D ./ d.E f j g/
for all f; g 2 H .
This is a bounded operator on H , and

E./ D E./ :

If  is an arbitraryR continuous function on R, one can again define E./ with

domain ¹f 2 H W j./j2 d.E f j f / < 1º. This domain is dense in H . If 
is real-valued, then E./ is self-adjoint.
Let now A be a self-adjoint operator with domain D.A/. There exists a spectral
function E on R such that Z 1
AD  dE :
This function is unique if we assume that  7! E f is left continuous for all
f 2 H , which we can. If Rz is the resolvent of A, then
Z 1
Rz D :
1 z  

From this we obtain, if " and are real numbers, then

Z 1
Im.RCi " f j f / D  d.E f j f /:
1 .  / C "
2 2

Now " . / D 1 ./"2 C"2 is well known to be an approximation of the delta-

function at , i.e.
Z 1
lim . / " . / d D ./ . 2 Cc .R//:
"!0 1
122 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

So we get
Z 1 Z 1
lim Im.RCi " f j f / ./ d  D  ./ d.E f j f / (7.5.9)
"#0 1 1

for all f 2 H and  2 Cc .R/. The latter formula is important, for it helps in many
cases to determine the spectral measure associated with a self-adjoint operator.

(2) Application: the Laplace–Beltrami operator

Let  be the Laplace–Beltrami operator on the manifold X (see (iii)) with domain
D./ D Cc1 .X /, the space of C 1 functions on X with compact support. This
domain is a dense subspace of L2 .X /. We obtain a densely defined linear operator,
which is known to be symmetric, i.e.
. f j g/ D .f j  g/
for all f; g 2 D./. Otherwise formulated:    . This rather plausible
fact follows from another view on the Laplace–Beltrami operator coming from the
theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras. We shall give a summary here.
We shall make use of the theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras to some extent.
We refer to [55] and [24]; see also [21].
Let G D SO0 .1; n/ be as before and let g be its Lie algebra consisting of the
.n C 1/  .n C 1/ matrices Y satisfying
J t Y J D Y:
The Cartan involution of G induces an involution on g: .Y / D  t Y D J YJ ,
and its ˙1-eigenspaces are given by k and p respectively,
g D k ˚ p;
where k is the Lie algebra of K consisting of the anti-symmetric matrices and p
consisting of the symmetric matrices
0 1
0 y1 : : : yn
By1 0 ::: 0 C
Y DB @ :::
0 ::: 0 A
yn 0 ::: 0
with y1 ; : : : ; yn in R. The Lie algebra g is semisimple and its Killing form is given
B.Y; Z/ D .n  1/ tr Y Z:
This form is negative-definite on k and positive-definite on p. Moreover, it is
invariant under and hY; Zi D B.Y; Z/ is a scalar product on g.
7.5 Real hyperbolic spaces 123

Any Y 2 g corresponds to both a left- and a right-invariant differential operator

on G:
d ˇˇ
.Yf /.x/ D ˇ f .xet Y / (left-invariant case);
dt t D0
d ˇˇ
.Yf /.x/ D ˇ f .et Y x/ (right-invariant case)
dt t D0
.x 2 G; f 2 C 1 .G//. This correspondence can easily be extended to U.g/, the
universal enveloping algebra of g; for example in the left-invariant case

@n ˇ
.Y1 : : : Yn /f .x/ D f .x et1 Y1 : : : etn Yn /ˇ :
@t1 : : : @tn t1 DDtn D0

The Casimir operator ! is defined as follows. Select a basis Y1 ; : : : ; Ym of g and

a dual basis Y10 ; : : : ; Ym0 of g: B.Yi ; Yj0 / D 1 if i D j , B.Yi ; Yj0 / D 0 if i 6D j .
! D Y1 Y10 C    C Ym Ym0 ;
where m D dim g. This differential operator does not depend on the special choice
of the bases and it is left- and right-invariant under G.
Let Z1 ; : : : ; Zm be another basis of g and Z10 ; : : : ; Zm
the unique dual basis. Then we
may write
Yi D sij Zj with sij D B.Yi ; Zj0 /;
Yl0 D tlk Zk0 with tlk D B.Yl0 ; Zk /:

Zi D uij Yj with uij D B.Zi ; Yj0 / D tj i ;
Zl0 D vlk Yk0 with vlk D B.Zl0 ; Yk / D skl :
Now B.Zi ; Zl0 / D j uij vlj P. This expression is equal to 1 if i D l, and equal to 0 if
i 6D l. So the same holds for j tj i sj l . We finally have

m X X
Yi Yi0 D sij tik Zj Zk0 D Zj Zj0 :
iD1 i;j;k j D1

Because the Killing form is Ad.G/-invariant, the Casimir operator is too, so ! is left- and
right-invariant under G.
124 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

Selecting orthonormal bases Y1 ; : : : ; Yl of k (l D dim k) and YlC1 ; : : : ; YlCn of

p with respect to the above scalar product, we have
! D Y12      Yl2 C YlC1
2 2
C    C YlCn :
If f is a C 1 function on G, right-invariant under K (or actually a C 1 function
on X), then
!f D !p f
where !p D YlC1 2
C    C YlCn
. One also denotes !k D Y12      Yl2 . Both
!k and !p are bi-invariant under K. Observe that !p can be viewed as a left-G-
invariant differential operator on X of the second order. Such an operator is unique
up to complex constants, so !p D c with c a real constant here.
Any left-G-invariant differential operator D on X is completely determined by its be-
haviour at e0 :
f 7! Df .e0 / .f 2 C 1 .X //:
Choosing local coordinates y1 ; : : : ; yn near e0 , where
.y1 ; : : : ; yn / $ eY.y1 ;:::;yn /  e0 2 X;
we have Df .e0 / D p. @y@1 ; : : : ; @y@n /f .e0 /, where p is a polynomial. Since D acts on
C 1 .X / ' C 1 .G=K/, the polynomial p must be K-invariant, hence a one-variable poly-
nomial in y12 C    C yn2 . So !p and , both being second order invariant differential
operators on X , are proportional.

Let f; g 2 Cc1 .X /. Then, considering Y 2 g as a right-invariant differential

operator, we easily get
.Yf j g/ D .f j Yg/
and hence
.!p f j g/ D .f j !p g/:
So  is a symmetric operator.
Any symmetric operator A has a closure, denoted by A, its graph is the closure
of the graph of A. One can show ([46]) that A D A . Clearly, A  A , since A
is a closed operator and A is symmetric again.

Proposition 7.5.13. The operator .D./; / is essentially self-adjoint, that means

.D./; / is self-adjoint. One even has  D  .
The domain D./ consists of functions u 2 L2 .X / for which there exists a sequence of
functions fm 2 Cc1 .X / satisfying
lim fm D u and lim fm D v
m!1 m!1

for some v 2 L2 .X /. Then u D v. The convergence has to be considered in the

L2 .X /-topology.
7.5 Real hyperbolic spaces 125

In the proof of the proposition we shall use the following properties: if f 2 Cc1 .X /
and h 2 Cc1 .G/, then
.h  f / D h  f D ! 0 h  f
where ! 0 D !=c, and if in addition u 2 L2 .X /, then

.h  u j f / D .u j e

where e h.x/ D h.x 1 / .x 2 G/.

Let us now prove the proposition.
(a) If u 2 L2 .X / and h 2 Cc1 .G/, then h  u belongs to the domain D./ and moreover

.h  u/ D .h  u/ D ! 0 h  u:

Indeed, let ¹fm º be a sequence of functions in Cc1 .X / such that

lim fm D u .in L2 .X //:


lim h  fm D h  u

lim  .h  fm / D lim ! 0 h  fm
m!1 m!1

D ! 0 h  u D  .h  u/:

(b) Let now u 2 L2 .X / belong to D. /: for all f 2 Cc1 .X / one has

.u j  f / D . u j f /:

Let ¹hm º be an approximate unit

R (see Section 4.6 (vii)) consisting of a sequence of func-
tions hm 2 Cc1 .G/, hm  0, G hm .x/ dx D 1. Then

lim hm  u D u .in L2 .X //:


Moreover, hm  u 2 D./  D. / for all m D 1; 2; 3; : : : and we have for all f 2

Cc1 .X /

. .hm  u/ j f / D .hm  u j f / .since  is symmetric/

D .u j e
hm  f / D .u j .e
hm  f //
D . u j e
hm  f / D .hm   u j f /:

Hence  .hm  u/ D hm   u for all m, and therefore

lim  .hm  u/ D  u:

We may conclude that u 2 D./, so D./ D D. / and  D  .

126 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

Remark 7.5.14. The domain of  D  consists of all u 2 L2 .X / such that u

“in distribution sense” is a regular distribution belonging to L2 .X /. This is easily
seen by those readers who are familiar with the theory of distributions (see, e.g.,
[41] and [43]). Others may skip this remark. The theory of distributions will play
a major role in Chapter 8.

We are now going to determine the resolvent of  and then its spectral measure.
We need some preparation.

(3) Asymptotic behaviour of the spherical functions

Set for a t 2 A, 's .a t / D '.s; t /. The function '.s; :/ is a solution of the differen-
tial equation
d 2y cosh t dy
C .n  1/ D .s 2  2 / y: (7.5.10)
dt sinh t dt
Setting z D  sinh2 t we obtain
d 2y dy
4z.z  1/2
C 2Œ.n C 1/z  n D .s 2  2 / y: (7.5.11)
dz dz
The hypergeometric function 2 F1 .a; bI cI z/ satisfies the differential equation
d 2y dy
z.z  1/ 2
C Œ.a C b C 1/z  c C aby D 0 (7.5.12)
dz dz
(see [13]). Thus we can express the function '.s; t / as
 s C  s C  n 
'.s; t / D 2 F1 ; I I  sinh2 t :
2 2 2
We shall determine the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of (7.5.10) for t !
1 and for t # 0.
(a) For t ! 1 we make use of the following relation for hypergeometric functions
(see [13]):
.c/ .b  a/  1
2 F1 .a; bI cI z/ D .z/a 2 F1 a; 1  c C aI 1  b C aI
.b/ .c  a/ z
.c/ .a  b/  1
C .z/b 2 F1 b; 1  c C bI 1  a C bI
.a/ .c  b/ z
.j arg.z/j < /:
Both functions on the right-hand side are solutions of (7.5.11). Let us now take
a D sC
2 ,b D
n 2
2 , c D  2 , z D  sinh t and set
 s C  s   C 1 1 
ˆ.s; t / D j sinh t js 2 F1 ; I 1  sI :
2 2 sinh2 t
7.5 Real hyperbolic spaces 127

Then we have for s not an integer

'.s; t / D c.s/ ˆ.s; t / C c.s/ ˆ.s; t /
. n / .s/
c.s/ D 2n2 p 2 :
 .s C /
This c-function coincides with the one considered in (iv). To see this, apply the
duplication formula of the -function.
(b) For t near 0, we apply the following method. First of all, '.s; :/ is a regular
solution at t D 0 of equation (7.5.10). To find a second solution, linearly indepen-
dent of '.s; :/, we apply the method of quadrature.
So set y.t / D '.s; t/ z.t/. Then we get
00 cosh t d'
'.s:t/ z .t / C .n  2/ '.s; t / C 2 .s; t / z 0 .t / D 0;
sinh t dt
and hence z satisfies
 Z t 
0 c cosh u
z .t / D exp  .n  2/ du :
'.s; t / t0 sinh u
We have
cosh u 1
D .1 C a2 u2 C a4 u4 C    /
sinh u u
near u D 0.
Hence (7.5.10) has a solution ‰ such that near t D 0
t 2n ; ‰ 0 .t /
.2  n/t 1n .n 6D 2/;
log t; ‰ 0 .t /
.n D 2/:
Clearly, ‰ is linearly independent of '.s; :/.

(4) Formulation and proof of the Plancherel formula

For f a continuous function on G, bi-K-invariant and with compact support, we
define its spherical Fourier transform by
f .s/ D f .x/ 's .x/ dx
where s is a complex parameter. Notice that this definition differs slightly from
b is an entire function of s. In view of (7.5.2) we may also
that in (6.4.4). Clearly, f
write Z 1
f .s/ D f .a t / '.s; t / A.t / dt:
128 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

Theorem 7.5.15. Let f be a continuous function on G, bi-K-invariant and with

compact support. Then
Z Z 1
2 1 b.i
/j2 d
jf .x/j dx D jf
G 2 0 jc.i
where c is as in (3),
n2 . 2 / .s/
c.s/ D 2 p ;
 .s C /
and  is the constant
.n1/t 2n 2
 D lim e A.t / D 2 :
t !1 . n2 /
2 0
A .t / d
(a) A formula for partial integration. Recall that L D dt d
2 C A.t / dt is the radial part

of the Laplace–Beltrami operator (see (iii)). For two functions F and G of class C 1 on
.0; 1/ we set
ŒF; G.t / D A.t / ŒF 0 .t /G.t /  F .t /G 0 .t /:
By partial integration we get, if F and G are C 2 on .0; 1/ and 0 < ˛ < ˇ,
Z ˇ
.LF  G  F  LG/.t / A.t /dt D ŒF; G.ˇ/  ŒF; G.˛/:

So if F and G are two eigenfunctions of L with the same eigenvalue, then ŒF; G is
constant. Consider in particular the functions '.s; t / and ˆ.s; t/, introduced in (3). From
the asymptotic behaviour of these functions for t ! 1 we obtain

Œ'.s; :/; ˆ.s; :/ D 2 s  c.s/:

The equation Lu D .s 2  2 / u also has a solution ‰ with asymptotics near t D 0 as

described in (3). The functions '.s; t/ and ‰.t/ form a fundamental system of solutions
of Lu D .s 2  2 / u, hence there are constants c1 and c2 (depending on s) such that

ˆ.s; t/ D c1 '.s; t / C c2 ‰.t/:

Let F be an even C 2 function on R. If F .0/ D 0, then it follows from the asymptotic

behaviour of ˆ.s; t/ near t D 0 that

lim ŒF; ˆ.s; :/.t / D 0;


and if F .0/ 6D 0,

ŒF; ˆ.s; :/ D ŒF  F .0/'.s; :/; ˆ.s; :/ C ŒF .0/ Œ'.s; :/; ˆ.s; :/;

lim ŒF; ˆ.s; :/.t / D 2  s c.s/ F .0/:
7.5 Real hyperbolic spaces 129

If, in addition, F has compact support, we get

Z 1
.zF  LF /.t / ˆ.s; t / A.t / dt D 2  s c.s/ F .0/; (7.5.13)

with z D s 2  2 .
(b) The resolvent of the closure of the Laplace–Beltrami operator. Let Ks be the
function on G defined on the complement of K by

Ks .ka t k 0 / D ˆ.s; t/ .t 6D 0/;
2  s c.s/

where k and k 0 are elements of the group K. If Re s > , the function Ks is integrable.
This follows easily from the asymptotic behaviour of ˆ.s; t/ near t D 0 and for t ! 1.
If Re s > 0, then the function Ks is in L2 .G/# at infinity, i.e.
jKs .x/j2 dx < 1 (7.5.14)

for some ı > 0, where Cı D ¹Ka t K W t > ıº.

Let f be a function in Cc1 .X / and let u be the function on G defined by

u D f  Ks :

Obviously u is right K-invariant and can thus be viewed as a function on X; it is again

C 1 and in L2 .X/ for Re s > 0, by (7.5.14). It is even in D./ for Re s > 0 (see (2),
Remark 7.5.14).
For Re s >  the mapping f 7! f  Ks can be extended to a continuous linear operator
on L2 .X /. The function u satisfies

zu  u D f .z D s 2  2 ; Re s > 0/:

This follows from (7.5.13). We may conclude that the resolvent Rz of  is given by

Rz f D f  Ks .z D s 2  2 /

if Re s > . Since s is an analytic function of z for Re s > 0, provided z … .1; 2 , and
since for the above operator Rz the function .Rz f j f / is still analytic for these values of z,
we conclude that the support of the spectral measure (see (2)) is contained in .1; 2 ,
and our Rz is indeed the resolvent everywhere.
(c) The spectral measure of the Laplace–Beltrami operator. Let f 2 Cc1 .G/# . If
 D 2 
2 ,
 0, then
lim .RCi" f j f / D Ki .x/ .e
f  f /.x/ dx;
"#0 G
130 7 Examples of Gelfand Pairs

where the limit is uniform for  in compact subsets of .1; 2 . Therefore we obtain
for any h 2 Cc .R/
Z 1
lim Im.RCi" f j f / h./ d 
"#0 1
Z 1 Z
D Im.Ki .x// .e
f  f /.x/ h.2 
2 / 2
0 G

From the relation

'.s; t/ D c.s/ ˆ.s; t / C c.s/ ˆ.s; t/
we obtain
1 '.i
; t /
Im Ki .x/ D  ;
4 jc.i
hence, if dE denotes the spectral measure of ,
Z 1 Z 1
1 d

h./ d.E f j f / D jb
f .i
/j2 h.2 
2 /
1 2 0 jc.i

(see (2)). The total measure of d.E f j f / is equal to kf k2 , hence

Z Z 1
1 d

jf .x/j dx D
f .i
/j2 :
G 2 0 jc.i
Chapter 8
Theory of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

Literature: [49], [53].

In this chapter we shall extend the theory of Gelfand pairs .G; K/ to the case where
the subgroup K is not necessarily compact. The examples that we have in mind
are G D O.1; n/ Ë RnC1 , H D O.1; n/ and G D O.1; n/, H D O.1; n  1/.
We shall introduce the theory of generalized Gelfand pairs and apply it to these
examples, later on in Chapter 9.
We assume here explicitly some familiarity with the theory of Lie groups and
Lie algebras (see [55], [21], [24]), as well as some knowledge of distribution theory
(see [41], [43]) and of the theory of locally convex topological vector spaces (see
[4], [50]).
About the theory of generalized Gelfand pairs we shall sometimes be rather
sketchy, often giving references rather than proofs. The examples (in Chapter 9)
will however be treated in detail.

8.1 C 1 vectors of a representation

Let G be a Lie group with finitely many connected components, g its Lie alge-
bra and U.gc / its universal enveloping algebra over C, realized as the algebra of
left-invariant differential operators on G. Any basis of g as a real vector space
generates the algebra U.gc /. Fix a left-invariant Haar measure dx on G. Let 
be a representation of G on the Fréchet space H . Recall that a Fréchet space is a
complete locally convex space with a countable set of semi-norms. The definition
of representation is the same as in Section 7.5 (vii). The reason for extending from
Hilbert spaces to Fréchet spaces will be become clear soon. A vector v 2 H is
called a C 1 vector if the mapping

x 7! .x/v .x 2 G/

from G to H is C 1 . Denote by H1 the subspace of all C 1 vectors in H . Given

f 2 Cc1 .G/ denote, as usual, by .f / the continuous linear operator on H
defined by Z
.f /v D f .x/ .x/v dx .v 2 H /:
132 8 Theory of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

The definition of the operator .f / is more involved than in the case of a Hilbert
space, but in principle it goes along the same route.
For all f 2 Cc1 .G/ and all v 2 H we have .f /v 2 H1 . The space of all
linear combinations of such C 1 vectors is called the Gårding subspace of ; it
is a dense subspace of H . Indeed, let ¹fn ºn1 be an approximate unit, that is a
sequence of elements of Cc1 .G/ satisfying
(a) fn  0; G fn .x/ dx D 1,
(b) there exists a decreasing sequence .On /n1 of compactTneighbourhoods of
the unit element e such that Supp fn  On for all n and n1 On D ¹eº.
Then for each v 2 H , .fn /v ! v as n ! 1. In particular, H1 is dense in H .
Given v 2 H1 , set e v .x/ D .x/v .x 2 G/. So e v 2 C 1 .G; H /. For D 2
U.gc / and v 2 H1 we define

.D/v D De
v .e/:

In particular, if X 2 g,
d ˇˇ
.X /v D ˇ .exp tX /v;
dt t D0
where “exp” denotes the exponential mapping from g to G. Obviously, we have
.D/H1  H1 , since .x/.D/v D De v .x/ .v 2 H1 ; x 2 G/. In addition,

.D1 /.D2 /v D .D1 D2 /v .D1 ; D2 2 U.gc /; v 2 H1 /:

We have obtained a representation of the algebra U.gc / on H1 .

The space H1 is also G-invariant: if v 2 H1 , then .x/v 2 H1 for all
x 2 G; moreover, we get a representation of G on H1 in this way, which we
call 1 . If we provide H1 with the topology of C 1 .G; H /, via the injection
v 7! ev , 1 .x/ becomes continuous for all x 2 G. The space H1 , provided
with this topology, can be considered as a closed subspace of C 1 .G; H /, so as
a Fréchet space. We leave the proof to the reader. Finally, 1 is a (continuous)
representation of G on H1 .
The topology on H1 can alternatively be defined by means of a set of semi-norms. Let,
for example, H be a Hilbert space and let X1 ; : : : ; Xn be a basis of g (as a real vector
space). Then the set of semi-norms k  km is given by the formula
kvk2m D k.X1 /˛1    .Xn /˛n vk2

with j˛j D ˛1 C    C ˛n ; ˛i non-negative integers, and v 2 H1 . The topology does not

depend on the choice of the basis of g.
8.1 C 1 vectors of a representation 133

1. Let G be a Lie group with finitely many connected components. Then C 1 .G/
is in a natural way a Fréchet space. The group acts from the left and for this action
every function in C 1 .G/ is a C 1 vector.
2. Let G D SO0 .1; n/ and let s .s 2 C/ be a spherical principal series representa-
tion on C.B/, see Section 7.5 (vii). Then clearly C 1 .B/ consists of C 1 vectors.
On the other hand, if f 2 C.B/ is a C 1 vector for s , then k 7! f .k 1 b/ is a
C 1 function on K for all b 2 B, so f 2 C 1 .B/.
3. Let again G D SO0 .1; n/ and consider i .
2 R/, the unitary spherical
principal series on L2 .B/. Then again C 1 .B/ consists of C 1 vectors since the
injection of C 1 .B/ into the Hilbert space L2 .B/ is continuous. The converse is
also true: each C 1 vector for i belongs to C 1 .B/. For the proof, see Exam-
ple 4. It follows also and easily from the following useful and remarkable lemma,
due to Dixmier and Malliavin [9]:

Lemma 8.1.1 (Decomposition lemma). Let G be a real Lie group.

(a) Any function f 2 Cc1 .G/ can be written as a finite sum of functions of the
form g  h .g; h 2 Cc1 .G//, where ‘star’ means convolution product.
(b) If H is a Fréchet space and  a representation of G on H , then H1 coincides
with the Gårding subspace of .
Since the injection C 1 .B/ ! L2 .B/1 is continuous, the space C 1 .B/ also
coincides topologically with L2 .B/1 , by the closed graph theorem.
4. Let again G D SO0 .1; n/ and consider now s .0 < s < /, the comple-
mentary series of G. These representations are realized on the Hilbert space Hs ,
being the completion of Hs ' C.B/ taken with respect to the scalar product
.f j g/s D hf j As gi .f; g 2 Hs /;
see Section 7.5 (vi). Write kf ks for the norm of f 2 Hs . In order to determine
the space of C 1 vectors in this case, we need some preparation. Clearly, C 1 .B/
consists of C 1 vectors, since again the injection of C 1 .B/, with its usual topol-
ogy, into Hs is continuous, by formula (7.5.8). The converse is also true: C 1 .B/
is precisely the space of C 1 vectors for s (also topologically). To show this we
study the K-decomposition for s .
Restricting s to K, we get a unitary representation of K which is the orthog-
onal direct sum of representations Ul on Hl (see Section 7.3 for notation), each
occurring once, so
Hs D Hl :
134 8 Theory of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

The scalar product on Hl , inherited from Hs , is proportional to the standard one.
To find the positive factor, it is sufficient to compute, for each l, the integral
As 'l . / D Ws . 0 ; b/ 'l .b/ db;

where 'l is the spherical function in Hl , which, as we have seen before, is a

Gegenbauer polynomial. The above integral has been evaluated in [56]:
.s C  C l/ .s C /
.s; l/ D .s/ :
.s C  C l/ .s C /
By the asymptotics of the -function: .zCa/

z ab .1 C O. z1 // .j arg zj < /,
we get
.s; l/1  const. l 2s .l ! 1/;
the constant depending only on s.
Let us decompose the C 1 vector f 2 Hs as
f D fl ;
P l
where fl 2 Hl . Then we have fl D di D1 .f j ei /s ei with dl D dim Hl and
e1 ; : : : ; edl an orthonormal basis in Hl with respect to the scalar product of Hs .
Let !k be the Casimir operator on K, considered as a left-invariant differential
operator on G; !k D X12      Xk2 in the notation of Section 7.5 (vii), where
X1 ; : : : ; Xk is an orthonormal basis of the Lie algebra k of K with respect to
B.X; Y /, B being the Killing form of the Lie algebra g of G. Then s .!k / is a
scalar on Hl , equal to a positive constant (not depending on l) times the action of
 on Hl , the latter being al D l.l Cn2/ times the identity (see Section 7.3 (v)).
We shall ignore the constant here. Now notice that for each m D 0; 1; 2; : : : and
b 2 B one has
dl X
j.f j ei /s ei .b/j D j.s .!km /f j ei /s j alm jei .b/j
i D1 i D1
dl 1=2
 ks .!km /f ks alm jei .b/j2
i D1

ks alm .s; l/1=2 dl :

 ks .!km /f
Hence lD0 fl .b/ converges uniformly to a continuous function, and this func-
P1 p
tion equals f . Even stronger, for each non-negative integer p, lD0 .!k fl /.b/
converges uniformly too.
8.2 Invariant Hilbert subspaces 135
To show that f 2 C 1 .B/, we have to prove that 1 lD0 .Dfl /.b/ converges
uniformly on B for each left-invariant differential operator D on K. So we have
to relate D to !k .
Let D D Xj , a basis element occurring in the definition of !k . Then we have
for f 2 Hl and b 2 B
jXj f .b/j2  dl kXj f k22 .norm of L2 .B//
 dl .Xj2 f j f /
 dl .!k f j f / D dl al kf k22 ;
and hence
jXj Xj 0 f .b/j2  dl al2 kf k22 ;
and therefore
jDf .b/j2  cq dl al kf k22 ;
if q D order of D, cq being a constant. So we finally get for 1  i  dl ,
jDei .b/j2  cq .s; l/1 dl al :

We may conclude that 1 lD0 .Dfl /.b/ converges uniformly to a continuous func-
tion on B, and hence f 2 C 1 .B/.
Observe that a similar reasoning may be used for the unitary spherical principal

8.2 Invariant Hilbert subspaces

Let again G be a Lie group with finitely many connected components and let H
be a closed subgroup of G. Assume throughout this chapter both G and H to be
unimodular, so that G=H admits an invariant measure (cf. Section 4.5). Fix Haar
measures dg on G, dh on H and a G-invariant measure dx on G=H such that,
formally, dg D dx dh.
Let  be a (continuous) unitary representation of G on a Hilbert space H . En-
dow H1 with its topology defined in Section 8.1. Denote by H1 the anti-dual of
H1 endowed with the strong topology (uniform convergence on bounded subsets
of the locally convex space H1 ). Any a 2 H1 is a continuous, anti-linear form
on H1 and H1 is again a Fréchet space.
The inclusion H1  H (continuous injection) and the isomorphism of the
anti-dual of a Hilbert space with itself, yield a continuous inclusion H  H1 ,
so that
H1  H  H1 :
The group G acts on H1 and the corresponding representation is called 1 .
136 8 Theory of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

As in [41] and [43], denote by D.G/, D.G=H / the spaces of C 1 functions

with compact support on G and G=H respectively. These spaces were previously
denoted by Cc1 .G/ and Cc1 .G=H /, but we shall adopt Schwartz’s notation from
now on. Endow both spaces with their usual topology. Let D 0 .G/, D 0 .G=H / be
the topological anti-dual of D.G/ and D.G=H / respectively, provided with the
strong topology. Both D.G=H / and D 0 .G=H / are reflexive, they are each other’s
dual (see [43]). For v 2 H1 , a 2 H1 we set ha; vi D a.v/ and we also
write hv; ai instead of ha; vi. Similarly we set hT; 'i D h'; T i D T .'/ for either
' 2 D.G/, T 2 D 0 .G/ or ' 2 D.G=H /, T 2 D 0 .G=H /. Denote by '0 7! ' the
canonical projection mapping D.G/ ! D.G=H / given by
'.x/ D '0 .gh/ dh .x D gH 2 G=H /: (8.2.1)
For '0 2 Cc .G/ this mapping was considered already in Section 4.3; for '0 2 D.G/ the
treatment is similar: the function ' is seen to be C 1 by applying local coordinates, while
the surjectivity follows as in Section 4.3.

For any a 2 H1 and '0 2 D.G/ we define

1 .'0 / a D '0 .g/ 1 .g/ a dg:
Then 1 .'0 / a 2 H1 . Indeed, it is easily seen that 1 .'0 / a 2 H . We leave
it to the reader to show this. Applying then the decomposition lemma (Lemma
8.1.1) the result follows.
For the representations , 1 and 1 we have the following properties:
(i)  is irreducible if and only if 1 is;
(ii)  is irreducible if and only if 1 is.
Let us show (ii). If  is irreducible, then 1 is: if V is a closed G-invariant subspace
of H1 , then V \ H is closed in H , so V \ H D ¹0º or V \ H D H . If V \ H D ¹0º
then V D ¹0º since V \ H is dense in V . Indeed, with v 2 V , v 6D 0 there is a '0 2 D.G)
with 1 .'0 /v 6D 0 and this vector is in H and in V . If V \ H D H then V D H1 .
Let now 1 be irreducible and let V be a non-trivial invariant closed subspace of H .
Then V is dense in H1 . Let '0 2 D.G/. If v 2 H1 is the limit of vn 2 V in H1 ,
then v and vn satisfy .'0 /vn ! 1 .'0 /v in H , by the closed graph theorem applied
to the mapping 1 .'0 / W H1 ! H . Therefore 1 .'0 /v 2 V , hence H1  V , so
V D H . Hence  is irreducible.
The proof of (i) is along the same lines.

A vector a 2 H1 is called cyclic if the space of all vectors of the form
1 .'0 / a .'0 2 D.G//, is dense in H .
An equivalent definition requires that span.1 .G/a/ is dense in H . In the present con-
text we prefer the definition given above.
8.2 Invariant Hilbert subspaces 137

Define now
H1 D ¹a 2 H1 W 1 .h/ a D a for all h 2 H º:

We shall say that  can be realized on a Hilbert subspace of D 0 .G=H / if there is

a continuous linear injection j W H ! D 0 .G=H / such that

j .g/ D Lg j

for all g 2 G (Lg denotes left-translation by g). The space j.H / is called an
(invariant) Hilbert subspace of D 0 .G=H /. We have the following theorem.

Theorem 8.2.1. The unitary representation .; H / can be realized on a Hilbert

subspace of D 0 .G=H / if and only if H1
H contains cyclic vectors. There is a one-

to-one correspondence between the cyclic vectors of H1 H and the continuous
linear injections j W H ! D .G=H / satisfying j .g/ D Lg j .g 2 G/. To a
H corresponds the injection j for which j  W D.G=H / ! H
cyclic vector a in H1

is given by j .'/ D 1 .'0 / a.
The proof is based on the decomposition lemma. Let ¹fn º be an approximate unit as
in Section 8.1. Let j  be the dual mapping of j , so j  W D.G=H / ! H , and define
j0 W D.G/ ! H by j0 .'0 / D j  .'/, where ' and '0 correspond as in (8.2.1). Then
clearly j0 is continuous and j0 Lg D .g/ j0 for all g 2 G. Let v 2 H1 be of the form
v D . 0 / w for some 0 2 D.G/, w 2 H . Then we have

hj0 .fn /; vi D hj0 .fn /; . 0 /wi

D h.e0 /j0 .fn /; wi

D hj0 .e0  fn /; wi:

This latter expression tends to hj0 .e0 /; wi when n ! 1. So limn!1 hj0 .fn /; vi exists
and defines, by the special properties of the topology of H1 , an element a of H1 :
ha; vi D limn!1 hj0 .fn /; vi; v 2 H1 (weak convergence of a sequence of elements in
H1 defines an element of H1 , by the closed graph theorem). Furthermore

hj0 .'0 /; vi D lim hj0 .'0  fn /; vi


D lim hj0 .fn /; . e

' 0 /vi

D ha; . e
' 0 /vi .'0 2 D.G/; v 2 H1 /:

Hence j0 .'0 / D 1 .'0 / a, and thus j  .'/ D 1 .'0 / a. Clearly, the vector a is cyclic
since j is injective. Given j , the vector a 2 H1 is unique, and clearly H -fixed. Indeed,
just replace '0 by Rh '0 , where for h 2 H , Rh ' is defined by Rh '.g/ D '0 .gh/ .g 2 G/.
The other statements of the theorem are obvious.
138 8 Theory of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

Let  be a unitary representation realized on a Hilbert subspace of D 0 .G=H /

and j W H ! D 0 .G=H / the corresponding injection. Denote by  the cyclic
vector in H1
H defined by Theorem 8.2.1. Then we set

hT; '0 i D h  ; 1 .'0 /  i .'0 2 D.G//:

The anti-linear functional T is a left and right H -invariant distribution on G.

We call T the reproducing distribution of  (or H ); it is positive-definite, bi-
H -invariant and satisfies

kj  'k2 D hT; e
' 0  '0 i (8.2.2)

for all '0 2 D.G/. Given a positive-definite, bi-H -invariant distribution T on

G, formula (8.2.2) shows the way to define a G-invariant Hilbert subspace of
D 0 .G=H / with T as reproducing distribution. Indeed, let V be the space D.G=H /
provided with the scalar product

.' j / D hT; e
'0  0 i:

Let V0 be the subspace of V consisting of the elements of length zero and define
H to be the completion of V =V0 and j  the natural projection D.G=H / ! H .
Then clearly
kj  'k2 D hT; e' 0  '0 i
for all '0 2 D.G/.
An easy calculation shows that j v is a C 1 function for all v 2 H1 . Actually

j v.x/ D h.g 1 /v;  i .x D gH 2 G=H /: (8.2.3)

Note that j can be extended to H1 (as anti-dual of j  W D.G=H / ! H1 ).

Then j.  / is precisely equal to the reproducing distribution T , considered as an
H -invariant element of D 0 .G=H /. One has

jj  .'/ D '0  T (8.2.4)

for all '0 2 D.G/.

Let 1 and 2 be two unitary representations on H1 and H2 respectively, real-
ized on D 0 .G=H / by means of the G-equivariant injections j1 and j2 . Denote the
associated reproducing distributions by T1 and T2 . Assume that T1 D T2 . Then we
have kj1 'k2 D kj2 'k2 for all ' 2 D.G=H /, thus U given by U.j1 '/ D j2 '
is well-defined and can be extended to a unitary operator from H1 onto H2 ,
commuting with the actions of G. Moreover, j1 D j2 ı U . We say that the
triples .1 ; H1 ; j1 / and .2 ; H2 ; j2 / are equivalent. We shall alternatively call the
Hilbert subspaces j1 .H1 / and j2 .H2 / equivalent.
8.2 Invariant Hilbert subspaces 139

Summarizing we have

Proposition 8.2.2. The correspondence H $ T that associates to each invari-

ant Hilbert subspace its reproducing distribution is a bijection between the set of
equivalence classes of G-invariant Hilbert subspaces of D 0 .G=H / and the set of
bi-H -invariant positive-definite distributions on G.

A bi-H -invariant positive-definite distribution T is said to be extremal if for any

bi-H -invariant positive-definite distribution T1 with T1  T one has T1 D T for
some   0. Here T1  T means hT1 ; e ' 0  '0 i  hT; e
' 0  '0 i for all '0 2 D.G/.
One has the following proposition.

Proposition 8.2.3. Let  be a unitary representation, realized on a Hilbert sub-

space j.H / of D 0 .G=H / and let T be its reproducing distribution. Then the fol-
lowing two statements are equivalent:
(i)  is irreducible,
(ii) T is extremal.

Let  be irreducible and let T1 be a positive-definite bi-H -invariant distribution on G

with T1  T . Then T1 is the reproducing distribution of an invariant Hilbert subspace of
D 0 .G=H /, thus of a unitary representation on a Hilbert space H1 realized on D 0 .G=H /.
Call the natural G-equivariant injection j1 . The mapping A given by A.j  '/ D j1 '
is well-defined and continuous since T1  T implies kj1 'kH1  kj  'kH for all ' 2
D.G=H /. Extend A to H . Then Aj  D j1 , hence jA Aj  D j1 j1 . Now A A is in
End.H / and commutes with .G/, so it is a positive scalar , by Schur’s lemma. Hence
j1 j1 D jj  and thus T1 D T .
Conversely, let T be extremal. Suppose that H1  H is a closed invariant subspace
and let P denote the orthogonal projection of H onto H1 . Then j1 ' D P j  ' where j1
is the injection j restricted to H1 and ' 2 D.G=H /. Hence

kj1 'k2 D kP j  'k2  kj  'k2 ;

or hT1 ; e
' 0  '0 i  hT; e
' 0  '0 i for all '0 2 D.G/. Here T1 is the reproducing distribution
of H1 . Because T is extremal, we get T1 D  T for some   0, hence kP j  'k2 D
 kj  k2 , so P D 0 or P D I . So H1 D ¹0º or H1 D H . Hence  is irreducible.

Denote by G the cone of bi-H -invariant positive-definite distributions and by

ext.G / the subset of the extremal distributions. It is easily seen that this set can
be identified with the set of extremal rays of G .
We can choose a so-called admissible parametrization s 7! Ts .s 2 S / of
ext.G /, where S is a topological Hausdorff space, see [49]. Fix such a space S .
140 8 Theory of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

Proposition 8.2.4 ([49, Proposition 9]). For any T 2 G there exists a (not neces-
sarily unique) Radon measure m on S such that
hT; '0 i D hTs ; '0 i d m.s/

for all '0 2 D.G/.

The measure m occurring in Proposition 8.2.4 is a special kind of a so-called
Borel measure, being a measure on the Borel subsets of S (see [43]). This mea-
sure concept is more general than the one we introduced for locally compact spaces
in Section 4.1. We do not elaborate on it; it is a topic in regular courses on mea-
sure theory, see, e.g., [40]. The result of this proposition, except for the fixed
parametrization independent of T , has been obtained by L. Schwartz and K. Mau-
rin. See [49] for references. The proof of the proposition is also sketched there.
A preliminary version was obtained by Thomas who applied Choquet’s theorem,
a generalization of Krein–Milman’s theorem. The result of Proposition 8.2.4 how-
ever is more precise.
We shall be mainly interested here in the decomposition of the distribution T 2
G given by Z
hT; '0 i D '0 .h/ dh .'0 2 D.G//;
which corresponds to the ı-distribution at the origin of G=H . This decomposition
might be called a Plancherel formula for G=H .
We conclude this section by showing that any T 2 ext.G / is an eigendistribu-
tion of all bi-G-invariant differential operators on G. We begin with a summary
of some additional well-known facts from functional analysis.
Let A be a densely defined linear operator from a Hilbert space H1 into a Hilbert
space H2 and let by A be its adjoint. Then one has:
(1) A is a closed operator. A has a closure if and only if the domain D.A / of
A is dense.
(2) If A is a closed operator, then D.A A/ is dense and A A is a positive self-
adjoint operator.
(3) If A is a closed operator, then it has a unique polar decomposition: A D
U.A A/1=2 , where U is a bounded operator H1 ! H2 , a so-called partial
isometry (cf. [34]).
Let now .; H / be a unitary representation of G on a Hilbert space H with scalar
product denoted by . j /. For X 2 g and v; w 2 H1 one has

..exp tX /v j w/ D .v j exp.tX /w/;

8.3 Generalized Gelfand pairs 141

hence the domain of 1 .X / contains H1 and 1 .X / w D 1 .X/w for

w 2 H1 . From this we easily see that for any D 2 U.gc / one has

1 .D/ w D 1 .D/w .w 2 H1 /

e 2 U.gc /. Hence 1 .D/ has a closed extension and

for some well-defined D

1 .D/ 1 .D/ is essentially self-adjoint.

Lemma 8.2.5. Let (; H ) be an irreducible unitary representation of G and z 2

U.gc / a bi-G-invariant differential operator on G. Then 1 .z/ is a scalar on H1 .

The operator 1 . ez /1 .z/ D A is defined on H1 , it is essentially self-adjoint and

commutes with 1 .g/ for all g 2 G. The same holds for the closure of A. The projections
of the spectral decomposition of the closure of A commute with all .g/ .g 2 G/, are
thus equal to zero or I . Hence A is a positive scalar. From the polar decomposition of
the closure of 1 .z/ we see now that 1 .z/ is a bounded operator, commuting with all
.g/ .g 2 G/, so 1 .z/ is a scalar operator.

Let now T 2 ext.G / and let H  D 0 .G=H / be the associated minimal in-
variant Hilbert subspace. Then T 2 H1 H and thus 
1 .ez / T D  T for z as in
Lemma 8.2.5 and  a complex scalar. So e z T D  T , since the representation  is
just left-translation. Hence T is an eigendistribution for all bi-G-invariant differ-
ential operators on G, since with z also e
z is bi-G-invariant. So we have shown:

Proposition 8.2.6. Any T 2 ext.G / is an eigendistribution of all bi-G-invariant

differential operators on G.

8.3 Generalized Gelfand pairs

We are now going to generalize the classical notion of a Gelfand pair. We adopt
the notations of Section 8.2.

Definition 8.3.1. The pair .G; H / is called a generalized Gelfand pair if for each
irreducible unitary representation  on a Hilbert space H one has dim H1H  1.

If the subgroup H is compact, then H H is dense in H1 H , so the condition

dim H H  1 is equivalent to dim H1 H  1. A classical Gelfand pair is thus also a

generalized Gelfand pair. Clearly, Cc .G/# is reduced to zero if H is non-compact,

so that the condition that Cc .G/# should be abelian, is automatically satisfied. But
how to find then a criterion in order that the condition in the definition is satisfied?
The following result is proved in [49].
142 8 Theory of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

Proposition 8.3.2. The following statements are equivalent:

(i) .G; H / is a generalized Gelfand pair.
(ii) Any unitary representation .; H / that can be realized on a Hilbert subspace
of D 0 .G=H / is multiplicity free, i.e. the commutant of .G/  End.H / is
(iii) (Bochner–Schwartz–Godement theorem) For every T 2 G there exists a
unique Radon measure m on S such that
hT; '0 i D hTs ; '0 i d m.s/

for all '0 2 D.G/.

We shall only show the implication .ii/ ) .i/.
Let .; H / be an irreducible unitary representation and assume that dim H1
> 1.
Then there exist at least two linearly independent G-equivariant injections from H to
D 0 .G=H /. Denote these injections by j1 and j2 and set H1 D j1 .H /; H2 D j2 .H /.
Provide H1 and H2 with the Hilbert space structure inherited from H by j1 and j2 re-
spectively. We clearly have H1 6D H2 (as subsets of D 0 .G=H /). Indeed, suppose that
H1 D H2 and consider j11 j2 . This is a closed linear mapping, hence, by the closed
graph theorem, a continuous mapping commuting with .G/. By Schur’s lemma we then
get j2 D j1 for some  2 C and we obtain a contradiction. Now consider the inter-
section H1 \ H2 . We shall show that it contains only zero. Provide this space with the
Hilbert space structure with squared norm kvk2 D kvk2H1 C kvk2H2 . Then G acts unitarily
on H1 \ H2 again. Denote by i the identification H1 \ H2  H1 . Then i is a continuous
mapping and i i  W H1 ! H1 commutes with the action of G, so i i  D I for some
positive scalar , hence i  D I , so H1 \ H2 H1 if  6D 0. The same then holds
for H2 , so H1 D H2 . This contradicts our assumption, so  D 0, and thus, as said be-
fore, H1 \ H2 D ¹0º. Consider finally the Hilbert subspace H1 C H2 , provided with the
scalar product with squared norm kvk2 D kv1 k2H1 C kv2 k2H2 if v D v1 C v2 .v1 2 H1 ,
v2 2 H2 /. Since H1 and H2 are irreducible and equivalent under the unitary G-action,
the commutant of H1 C H2 is clearly isomorphic to the algebra M2 .C/ of 2  2 matrices
over C, which is not abelian. So dim H1 H

We now give a criterion, which will turn out to be very useful, to ensure condi-
tion (ii) of Proposition 8.3.2. It is due to Thomas.

Proposition 8.3.3 ([49]). Let J W D 0 .G=H / ! D 0 .G=H / be an anti-automor-

phism. If J.H / D H for all G-invariant or all minimal G-invariant Hilbert
subspaces of D 0 .G=H /, then .G; H / is a generalized Gelfand pair.
The hypothesis J H D H means: if j is the injection H ! D 0 .G=H /, then
there exists a anti-unitary mapping U W H ! H such that Jj D j U on H . In
that case we have Jjj  J  D jj  . The converse is also true: if Jjj  J  D jj 
8.3 Generalized Gelfand pairs 143

then kj  J  'k2 D kj  'k2 for all ' 2 D.G=H /, hence j  ' 7! j  J  ' is a well-
defined mapping, which can be extended to an anti-unitary mapping U  W H !
H , so U  j  D j  J  and therefore j U D Jj and J.H / D H .
See [49, Theorem E] for the proof. We reproduce it here. If the minimal invariant spaces
are invariant under J , then so are the others, for instance by Proposition 8.2.4. Let H be
a G-invariant Hilbert subspace and let A be the commutant of .G/. Denote by j the
inclusion of H into D 0 .G=H /. Let A 2 A be a positive operator, H1 D .ker A/?  H
and A1=2 the continuous injection H1 ! H . The space H1 is a .G/-invariant Hilbert
subspace, j ı A1=2 the inclusion mapping. By hypothesis Jj ı A ı j  J  D jAj  , so
j U ı A ı U 1 j  D jAj  for an anti-unitary mapping U W H ! H , so UAU 1 D A
on H . Thus for any A 2 A we have A D UAU 1 , since U is anti-unitary. Thus for
A; B 2 A we have .AB/ D A B  , hence A is abelian.

An interesting way to construct such an anti-automorphism J is as follows.

Denote by D 0 .G; H / the space of right-H -invariant distributions on G, with the
relative topology of D 0 .G/. It is well known that D 0 .G=H / can be identified with
D 0 .G; H /. To see this, apply therefore the same method as in Section 4.5, for
example. Let  be an involutive automorphism of G that leaves H stable, i.e.

 .H / D H . Then define J T D T on D 0 .G; H /. To check that the hypothesis
of Proposition 8.3.3 is satisfied, it suffices to show that J T D T for all (extremal)
positive-definite bi-H -invariant distributions T on G. So we have:

Corollary 8.3.4 ([49], [53]). Let  be an involutive automorphism of G that leaves

H stable, i.e.  .H / D H . Define J T D T for all T 2 D 0 .G; H /. If J T D T
for all (extremal) positive-definite bi-H -invariant distributions on G, then .G; H /
is a generalized Gelfand pair.

Some examples of generalized Gelfand pairs

(1) The pair .G  G; diag.G  G// with G again unimodular, is a generalized
Gelfand pair. Indeed, apply Corollary 8.3.4 with  .x; y/ D .y; x/. Identifying
G  G= diag.G  G/ with G by means of .x; y/ 7! xy 1 , we have to check that
e D T for any Ad.G/-invariant positive-definite distribution on G. However, this
property is already satisfied for any positive-definite distribution on G. Indeed, for
such a distribution T one has
' 0  ' 0 i D hT
hT; e e; e
' 0  '0 i
because these expressions are real-valued, and then, by writing
4 .e D Œ.'0 C e .' C  .'0  e .' 
0/ 0/ 0 0/ 0/ 0 0 /

D i Œ.'0 C i e .' C i  .'0  i e .'  i

0/ 0 0/ 0/ 0 0 /;
144 8 Theory of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

we get
hT; e 0i
e; e
D hT '0  0i
for all '0 ; 0 2 D.G/, and thus
h'0  T; 0i
D h'0  T 0i

and hence '0  T D '0  T e for all '0 2 D.G/. These expressions are C 1
functions, and evaluating them at the unit element we get T D T
(2) The pair .G; H / where G is the semi-direct product G D H Ë N , N a closed
abelian normal subgroup, e.g. G D O.1; n/ Ë RnC1 . Take  .hn/ D hn1 .
(3) Let G and H be as usual, but now with H compact. Choose  as in Proposition
6.1.3 (so  D ). We know already that .G; H / is a (generalized) Gelfand pair. It
can also be checked that the criterion (Corollary 8.3.4) applies.
Let .G; H / be a generalized Gelfand pair and H an invariant Hilbert subspace
of D 0 .G=H /, with reproducing distribution T given by
hT; 'i D h  ; 1 .'0 /  i:
For any Ad.H /-invariant D 2 U.gc / one clearly gets 1 .D/  D   for
some complex scalar . Then one easily get that T is an eigendistribution for all
left G- and right H -invariant differential operators D on G.
Here is a result of a practical nature. Compare it with Lemma 6.2.3.

Proposition 8.3.5. Let  be a unitary representation of G on H that can be real-

ized on D 0 .G=H /. If dim H1
H D 1 then  is irreducible.

Let A 2 End.H / commute with .G/. Clearly, A and A leave H1 invariant and are also
continuous linear operators with respect to the topology of H1 . So A acts on H1 as a
continuous operator, commuting with 1 .G/. Hence A leaves H1 H
invariant, and thus
acts as a scalar  there. We now have
A1 .'0 / a D 1 .'0 /A a D  1 .'0 / a
for all '0 2 D.G/, a 2 H1
. hence A D I , because all a 2 H1
, a 6D 0 are cyclic.
Schur’s lemma now implies that  is irreducible.

Some results on the Bochner–Schwartz–Godement theorem

(1) Theorem (Bochner–Schwartz, see [43, p. 276]). A distribution T on Rn is
positive-definite if and only if it is the Fourier transform of a positive tempered
measure : Z
hT; 'i D .F '/.y/ d .y/ .' 2 D.Rn //;
where F denotes the Euclidean Fourier transform on Rn .
8.4 Invariant Hilbert subspaces of L2 .G=H / 145

(2) A similar statement for Fourier series is easily shown, since any distribution on
T (or T n ) is compactly supported. If T is positive-definite and an D hT; e2 i nx i,
then ¹an º is a tempered sequence and an  0 for all n. The converse is clear.
(3) The Bochner–Schwartz–Godement theorem for the Euclidean motion group
G D SO.n/ Ë Rn reads as follows.
Let T be an SO.n/-invariant, radial, positive-definite distribution on Rn , then
we have Z 1
hT; 'i D b' .s/ s n1 d .s/
with an even, positive, tempered measure on R, and conversely. This follows
easily from Section 7.1.
(4) For the case .SO0 .1; n/; SO.n// we have to introduce complicated spaces like
S.G/, the Schwartz space of G D SO0 .1; n/, which is outside the scope of this

8.4 Invariant Hilbert subspaces of L2 .G=H /

We keep the notation of the previous section, but for the time being .G; H / need
not be a generalized Gelfand pair. Let  be a unitary representation of G on a
Hilbert space H that can be realized on an invariant Hilbert subspace of D 0 .G=H /,
and let j W H ! D 0 .G=H / be the corresponding injection. Define  , T , j  as
before. Let ' 2 D.G=H / and '0 2 D.G/ be related as in (8.2.1).

Proposition 8.4.1. The following conditions are equivalent:

(i) j.H /  L2 .G=H /.
(ii) There exists a constant c > 0 such that, for all '0 2 D.G/,
' 0  '0 ij  c k'k22 :
jhT; e
.i/ ) .ii/. The mapping j W H ! L2 .G=H / is closed and everywhere defined on H ,
hence continuous by the closed graph theorem. This implies that j  W D.G=H / ! H is
continuous in the L2 -topology of D.G=H /, so (ii) follows.
.ii/ ) .i/. Clearly, (ii) implies that j  is continuous with respect to the L2 -topology
on D.G=H /. Write hj  '; vi D h'; j vi with ' 2 D.G=H /, v 2 H , and observe that
j v 2 L2 .G=H /, and hence j.H /  L2 .G=H /.

Observe that condition (i) implies that j , considered as a mapping from H to

L2 .G=H /, is continuous. We shall say that  belongs to the relative discrete series
of G (with respect to H ) if  is irreducible and satisfies condition (i), i.e. if  can
be realized on a Hilbert subspace of L2 .G=H /. We shall occasionally use the
terminology:  is square-integrable mod H .
146 8 Theory of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

Proposition 8.4.2. Let  be an irreducible unitary representation of G on H that

can be realized on an invariant Hilbert subspace of D 0 .G=H /. Let j W H !
D 0 .G=H / be the corresponding G-equivariant injection. The following statements
are equivalent:
(i)  is square-integrable mod H .
(ii) j.H / is a closed linear subspace of L2 .G=H /.
(iii) j.v/ 2 L2 .G=H / for at least one non-zero element v 2 H .
It is sufficient to prove the implication (iii) ) (ii). Let V D ¹w 2 H W j.w/ 2 L2 .G=H /º.
Clearly, V is a G-stable and non-zero linear subspace of H , hence dense in H . Now ob-
serve that j W V ! L2 .G=H / is a closed linear operator: if wk ! w .wk 2 V; w 2 H /
and jwk ! f in L2 .G=H /, then obviously jw 2 D 0 .G=H / is equal to f as a distri-
bution. Polar decomposition of j and applying Schur’s lemma yields: j can be extended
to a continuous linear operator H ! L2 .G=H / (a scalar times a partial isometry) with
closed image.

Remark 8.4.3. It also follows that there is a constant c > 0 such that kj vk2 D
c kvk for all v 2 H .

One has the following orthogonality relations.

Proposition 8.4.4. Let ;  0 be irreducible unitary representations on H and H 0

respectively, both belonging to the relative discrete series. Define T; T 0 and  ,  0
as usual. Then one has:
(i) G=H h.x 1 /v;  i h 0 .x 1 /v 0 ;  0 i dx D 0 for all v 2 H1 , v 0 2 H1
0 if 

is not equivalent to  0 .
(ii) There exists a constant d > 0, only depending on T , such that
h.x 1 /v;  i h.x 1 /v 0 ;  i dx D d1 hv; v 0 i

for all v; v 0 2 H1 .
Consider the invariant sesqui-linear form on H1  H1 given by
.v; v 0 / D h.x 1 /v;  i h 0 .x 1 /v 0 ;  0 i dx:

This form is continuous with respect to the topology on H  H 0 , so there is a bounded

linear operator A W H ! H 0 , commuting with the G-action, such that .v; v 0 / D hAv; v 0 i
.v 2 H1 ; v 0 2 H1 0
/, so A D 0 in case (i). In case (ii), A is a positive (non-zero) scalar,
say d , by Schur’s lemma. The “only” dependency of d on T follows from the formula:
kjj  '0 k22 D d1 kj  '0 k2 , so k'0  T k22 D d1 hT; e
' 0  '0 i for all '0 2 D.G/.
8.4 Invariant Hilbert subspaces of L2 .G=H / 147

Remark 8.4.5. Observe that kj vk2 D d kvk for all v 2 H1 . So the constant
c in Remark 8.4.3 is equal to d .

The constant d is called the formal degree of . It depends on the choice of

j (or T ). Once a canonical choice of j (or T ) is possible, d has a more realistic

Special cases
1. The group case: G  G= diag.G  G/
We begin with some elementary functional analysis on Hilbert–Schmidt and trace-
class operators on a Hilbert space (see [36, p. 99]).
Let H be a separable Hilbert space and let End.H /, as usual, denote the set of
continuous linear operators on H .

Lemma 8.4.6. Let ¹ej º and ¹fk º be complete orthonormal sets in H . Given A 2
End.H /, set
X 1
Te .A/ D kAej k2 ; Tf .A/ D kAfk k2
j D1 kD1

(0  Te .A/; Tf .A/  1). Then we have Te .A/ D Te .A / D Tf .A/.

Observe that
1 1 1
Te .A/ D kAej k D
j.Aej j fk /j

j D1 j D1 kD1
1 1

D j.A fk j ej /j 2
D Tf .A /:
kD1 j D1

Therefore Te .A/ D Te .A / and Te .A / D Tf .A/.

P 8.4.7. The operator A 2 End.H / is called a Hilbert–Schmidt operator
if j1D1 kAej k2 < 1 for some complete orthonormal set ¹ej º in H . We set
kAk2HS D kAej k2 ;
j D1

and call kAkHS the Hilbert–Schmidt norm of A.

By Lemma 8.4.6, the definition of the Hilbert–Schmidt norm does not depend
on the particular choice of the set ¹ej º. We list here a few properties of Hilbert–
Schmidt operators.
148 8 Theory of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

Proposition 8.4.8. (a) kAk  kAkHS for all Hilbert–Schmidt operators A.

(b) Hilbert–Schmidt operators are compact operators.
(c) The set of all Hilbert–Schmidt operators is a two-sided -ideal in the algebra
End.H /.
(d) kAT kHS  kAkHS kT k and kTAkHS  kT kkAkHS for all Hilbert–Schmidt
operators A and all T 2 End.H /.

Definition 8.4.9. A 2 End.H / is called a trace-class operator if A is a finite sum

of operators of the form BC , where B and C are Hilbert–Schmidt operators.

Lemma 8.4.10. Let A be a trace-class operator. Then A can be written as a finite

sum X
AD cj Aj Aj
where the Aj are Hilbert–Schmidt operators and the cj are complex scalars.
This follows from the relation
4A B D Œ.A C B/ .A C B/  .A  B/ .A  B/
 i Œ.A C iB/ .A C iB/  .A  iB/ .A  iB/
for A; B 2 End.H /.

Let A be of trace-class. By Lemma 8.4.10, the series

.Aei j ei /
i D1
is absolutely convergent and its sum does not depend on the particular choice of
the complete orthonormal set ¹ei º. We call this sum the trace of A and denote it
by tr A.
We list here some properties of trace-class operators and their trace.

Proposition 8.4.11. (a) The set J of operators of trace-class is a two-sided -

ideal in End.H /. The positive operators in J generate J as a vector space
over C.
(b) The functional tr is linear on J . Furthermore, given A 2 J and T 2 End.H /,
one has tr TA D tr AT .
Property (b) is easily shown as follows. Obviously tr UAU 1 D tr A for unitary opera-
tors U . Hence tr AU D tr UA for unitary U . Now let T 2 End.H /. For the proof we
may assume that T is self-adjoint and I  T  I , where I is the identity operator.
Then we can write T D 12 .U C U  /, where U D T C i.I  T 2 /1=2 is unitary. Therefore
tr AT D tr TA.
8.4 Invariant Hilbert subspaces of L2 .G=H / 149

Examples of Hilbert–Schmidt operators and trace-class operators are given by

kernel operators. We mention here two theorems, without proof.
Let X be a locally compact space, satisfying the second axiom of countability
and a positive measure on X. Set H D L2 .X; /.

Theorem 8.4.12 (E. Schmidt). Suppose A is a kernel operator on H with kernel

A.x; y/ 2 L2 .X  X; ˝ /, i.e.
Af .x/ D A.x; y/ f .y/ d .y/ .f 2 H /:

Then A is a Hilbert–Schmidt operator and

kAkHS D jA.x; y/j2 d .x/ d .y/:

The proof of this theorem is straightforward and is left to the reader.

Theorem 8.4.13 (J. Mercer, [36, p. 117] or [60, p. 536, Theorem 4]). Assume that
Supp D X. Let A be a positive operator in End.H / with a continuous kernel
A.x; y/. Then A is of trace-class if and only if A.x; x/ 2 L1 .X; /. This being
the case, one has Z
tr A D A.x; x/ d .x/:

Let now G be as usual and let  be a unitary representation of G on a separable

Hilbert subspace H . We shall say that  has a character if .'0 / is of trace class
for all '0 2 D.G/. The linear form

‚ W '0 7! tr .'0 /

on D.G/ is called the character of . Fixing a complete orthonormal set ¹ei º in

H , we obtain Z
‚ .'0 / D lim '0 .x/ n .x/ dx
n!1 G
where n .x/ D i D1 ..x/ ei j ei /. Consequently ‚ is the pointwise limit of the
sequence of distributions n , and thus, since D.G/ is a barrelled locally convex
space, by the closed graph theorem, a distribution (cf. [4, Chapter 3] or [43]).
Notice that the character of  already exists as soon as .'0 / is a Hilbert–Schmidt
operator for all '0 2 D.G/. This follows immediately from the decomposition
lemma (Lemma 8.1.1 (a)).
We now return to our special case. Let G1 be as usual and set G D G1  G1
and H D diag.G/. Let  be an irreducible unitary representation of G. Then 
150 8 Theory of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

can be realized on a Hilbert subspace of D 0 .G=H / D D 0 .G1 / if  is of the form

1 b̋ 2 1 where 1 is an irreducible unitary representation of G1 on H1 whose
character ‚1 exists [26]. The converse is also true if G1 is a type I group (the
groups of our examples are all type I groups) [26]. Actually, the reproducing
distribution T associated with  can be taken equal to ‚1 . This is a canonical
choice. The injection j W H1 b̋ 2 H1 ! D 0 .G1 / has the form

j.v ˝ w/.x/ D h.x 1 /vj wi .x 2 G1 I v; w 2 H1 /:

In this case Propositions 8.4.2 and 8.4.4 yield the well-known properties of square-
integrable representations of G1 . In fact, if  is square-integrable mod diag.G/,
then  D 1 b̋ 2 1 (G of type I) with 1 a square-integrable representation of
G1 (mod H , with H D ¹eº), see [2]. The converse is also true. Recall that any
square-integrable representation of G1 has a character ([2, Section 5.2.3], applying
the decomposition lemma).

2. The case H normal

Consider now the case of a pair .G; H / with H a normal subgroup. Given an
irreducible unitary representation of G on a Hilbert space H , the space H1 H is

a closed subspace of H1 which is G-invariant, and hence, since 1 is irre-
ducible, either zero or the whole space. In the latter case the restriction of  to
H is the identity representation on H , hence  can be regarded as an irreducible
unitary representation of the group G=H . Let us call this representation e  . We
may conclude: there is a one-to-one correspondence between irreducible unitary
representations e
 of the group G=H and irreducible unitary representations  of G
which can be realized on D 0 .G=H / by left translations. If e
 is square-integrable,
then  is square-integrable mod H and conversely.
We now continue the general theory. Let us assume that .G; H / is a generalized
Gelfand pair. Denote by E2 .G=H / the set of equivalence classes of (irreducible)
square-integrable representations mod H . Fix a representation  in each class,
together with its realization j on a Hilbert subspace of L2 .G=H /, and call this
set of representations S . Denote by T the reproducing distribution and by d
L formal degree of . Let H be the representation space
the of . Define Hd D
j .H / and let E be the orthogonal projection of L2 .G=H / onto Hd . Then
one has the following (partial) Plancherel formula for the relative discrete series.

Proposition 8.4.14. For all '0 2 D.G/ one has

kE'k22 D d hT ; e
' 0  '0 i:
8.4 Invariant Hilbert subspaces of L2 .G=H / 151

Notice that E' 2 C 1 .G=H / for all ' 2 D.G=H / (apply, for instance, the
decomposition lemma). So the formula in Proposition 8.4.15 is equivalent to
.E'/.eH / D d hT ; '0 i .'0 2 D.G//:

The above formulae do not depend on the particular choice of the set S. Indeed,
d T is independent of the particular choice of  in its equivalence class and of
the choice of j . In fact, d hT ; e
' 0 '0 i D kE 'k22 , where E is the orthogonal
projection of L .G=H / onto j .H /. Choose therefore an orthonormal basis ¹ei º
in H . Then ¹d j.ei /º is an orthonormal basis for j .H / and
kE 'k22 D d jhjei j 'ij2 D d jhei j j  'ij2
i i

D d kj  'k2 D d hT ; e
' 0  '0 i:

We shall now apply our theory, developed so far, to the two cases mentioned
at the beginning: G D O.1; n/ Ë RnC1 ; H D O.1; n/ and G D O.1; n/, H D
O.1; n  1/. Their Euclidean analogs were treated in Chapter 7. They gave rise to
classical Gelfand pairs and the decomposition of L2 .G=K/ had no discrete series.
There exist however classical Gelfand pairs .G; K/ admitting square-integrable
unitary representations mod K, or, equivalently, square-integrable positive-definite
spherical functions, even if G=K is not compact; see [30]. We shall see in the next
chapter that in the non-Euclidean example G D O.1; n/, H D O.1; n  1/ square-
integrable representations mod H do occur in the decomposition of L2 .G=H /.
Chapter 9
Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

Literature: [15], [28], [42].

9.1 Non-Euclidean motion groups

(i) Introduction
Let n  1 be a natural number. The non-Euclidean motion group on RnC1 is the
semi-direct product
G D O.1; n/ Ë RnC1 ;
where O.1; n/ is the orthogonal group of the quadratic form
Œx; y D x0 y0  x1 y1      xn yn ;
where x D .x0 ; x1 ; : : : ; xn / and y D .y0 ; y1 ; : : : ; yn / are elements of RnC1 .
Set H D O.1; n/. Notice that H , and therefore G, is not connected, it has four
connected components; the groups G and H are unimodular. Elements of G are
written as pairs g D .h; a/ with h 2 H , a 2 RnC1 . Such a pair has to be viewed
as the product of h and the translation over a, considered as operating on RnC1 ,
gx DhxCa .x 2 RnC1 /: (9.1.1)
It is easily checked (see the Euclidean case in Section 7.1) that , defined by
.h; a/ D .h; a/, is a C 1 involutive automorphism of G that leaves H fixed.
Observe that bi-H -invariant distributions on G are in one-to-one correspondence
with H -invariant distributions on RnC1 (natural action of H ), and that in-
duces the action T 7! TL for such distributions on RnC1 , where symbolically
TL .x/ D T .x/. Since to positive-definite bi-H -invariant distributions on G cor-
respond H -invariant positive-definite distributions on RnC1 , we may conclude
that T D T  for such distributions and therefore, by Corollary 8.3.4, that .G; H /
is a generalized Gelfand pair.

(ii) Extremal measures

Let S.RnC1 / denote the Schwartz space of RnC1, see [41], [43]. For ' 2 S.RnC1 /
we define its Fourier transform by
' .x/ D '.y/ e2 i Œx;y dy .x 2 RnC1 /;
9.1 Non-Euclidean motion groups 153

and, if T is a tempered distribution on RnC1 , we set for ' 2 S.Rn /, hT b; b

'i D
hT; 'i, thus defining the Fourier transform T of T . We recall that ' 7! b ' is an
b is again tempered if T is.
isomorphism of S.RnC1 / onto itself, so that T
We are going to determine the extremal positive-definite H -invariant distribu-
tions T on RnC1 . Recall that the Fourier transform of an H -invariant positive-
definite distribution T on RnC1 is an H -invariant positive tempered measure on
RnC1 . For invariant positive measures one has the following general result by
L. Schwartz ([42, pp. 75–76]).

Lemma 9.1.1. Let G be a group acting on a locally compact space X satisfying

the second axiom of countability, and let be a positive measure on X, invariant
under G. If is extremal under the measures with the same property, then the
support of is the closure of a G-orbit.
We reproduce the proof by L. Schwartz in our words. Let S be the support of . Then
S is clearly a G-invariant set, since is G-invariant. Assume 6D 0, so S 6D ;. We
have to show that S contains a dense G-orbit.S Take a point a 2 S , and let V be an
open neighbourhood of a. Set e V D G  V D g2G g  V . The open set V has positive
measure, because otherwise a … S . The complement Ce V of e V has measure zero; if not,
the measure could be multiplied by the characteristic function of Ce V and we would
obtain a G-invariant measure 1  that is not proportional to . Hence e V D S almost
everywhere (a.e.). The point a has a countable basis of neighbourhoods V e
V n is
n . Any T
a.e. equal to S . The intersectionT V n is also a.e. equal to S . In other words: b 2 e
e Vn
for almost all b 2 S . Let b 2 e V n for all n. The orbit e
V n , then b 2 e b of b intersects
every Vn ; so eb intersects all neighbourhoods of a. Thus a 2 e b (closure of e
b) for almost
all b. Let ¹ak º be a dense sequence in S . For every k fixed, ak 2 e b for almost all b 2 S .
Since ¹ak º is a countable set, ak 2 eb for all k, for almost all b 2 S . Consequently, ebDS
for almost all b 2 S .

So, to determine the extremal, positive, H -invariant measures on RnC1 , we

have to determine first the set of H -orbits. Set for x 2 RnC1 , Q.x/ D Œx; x.
Then the H -orbits are given by

 t D ¹x W Q.x/ D tº .t 2 R; t 6D 0/; 0 D ¹x W Q.x/ D 0; x 6D 0º; ¹0º:

Clearly, for t > 0 the orbit  t is isomorphic to O.1; n/= O.n/, whereas for t < 0
it is isomorphic to O.1; n/= O.1; n  1/. In all these cases  t carries an O.1; n/-
invariant measure, since O.1; n/, O.1; n  1/ and O.n/ are unimodular. Let us fix,
for the time being, such a measure for each t 6D 0 and call it t . Since  t is a
closed subset of RnC1 , we may consider t as a positive measure on RnC1 with
support  t . Indeed, define
t .'0 / D t .'/;
154 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

where ' is the restriction of '0 2 Cc .RnC1 / to  t . We shall denote the extension
of t to a measure on all of RnC1 again by t ; it is still H -invariant.
With a slight variation on Proposition 7.5.4, one obtains the following invariant
measure on 0 , which we call 0 :
Z Z 1
0 . / D . k  0 / n2 d  d k . 2 Cc .0 //; (9.1.2)
K 0

where K D O.1/  O.n/ and 0 D .1; 0; : : : ; 0; 1/. Let now 2 S.RnC1 / and
set for any natural number N ,
N . / D supx2RnC1 .1 C kxk2 /N j .x/j. Then
clearly Z 1
j 0 . /j 
N . / .1 C 22 /N n2 d :
Choosing N large enough we see that for n  2 the measure 0 can be extended
to a (tempered) positive H -invariant measure on RnC1 and that, moreover, the
support of 0 is equal to the set ¹x W Q.x/ D 0º. Let us call this extension 0
again. If n D 1 then 0 obviously has no extension to RnC1 . So we will assume
from now on that n  2.
Finally, the H -invariant measure with support in ¹0º is clearly the delta-function
ı at x D 0. We have the following lemma:

Lemma 9.1.2. Let be an extremal, H -invariant, positive measure on the space

RnC1 . Then is either proportional to some t .t 2 R/ or to ı.
By Lemma 9.1.1, has support equal to the closure of some H -orbit, so equal to one of
the sets ¹Q.x/ D t º .t 2 R/ or to ¹0º. Restrict to the orbit and call this restriction e

.'/ D .'0 /;

where ' is a continuous function with compact support on the orbit and '0 2 Cc .RnC1 /
is any extension of ' to RnC1 . This is well-defined by Proposition 4.1.3. Then e D c t
for some t 6D 0, or e
D c 0 or e D c ı for some positive scalar c. But then D c t for
some t 6D 0, or D c ı, or D c 0 Cc 0 ı where c 0 is another scalar. This scalar c 0 must be
positive again. Indeed, setting for ' 2 Cc .RnC1 /, ' .x/ D '.x=/ .x 2 RnC1 ;  2 R ),
we get by (9.1.2)
0 .' / D jjn1 0 .'/
and also ı.' / D ı.'/ D '.0/. Hence .' / D c jjn1 0 .'/Cc 0 '.0/. Let now  ! 0.
Then we find c 0  0. Since is extremal, we then get that is proportional to 0 or to ı.

As for the converse of Lemma 9.1.2 we have:

Lemma 9.1.3. The positive, H -invariant measures t .t 2 R/ and ı are extremal

in the cone of the measures with the same properties.
9.1 Non-Euclidean motion groups 155

Let be a positive, H -invariant measure on RnC1 with  t for some t 2 R. Then,

if t 6D 0, we have, as above, that is proportional to t . Let now  0 . Then again,
as above, D c 0 C c 0 ı with 0  c  1, c 0  0. By the same trick as in the proof of
Lemma 9.1.2 we get, for  2 R ,
c jjn1 0 .'/ C c 0 '.0/  jjn1 0 .'/
for all ' 2 Cc .RnC1 /, '  0. Now let  tend to zero again and we obtain c 0  0, hence
c 0 D 0, thus D c 0 and hence 0 is extremal. The measure ı is clearly extremal.

(iii) Tempered extremal measures

Let again n  2. We have already seen that 0 is a tempered measure on RnC1 .
The same holds for t ; t 6D 0. This is easily seen from a concrete expression
for t , which can be obtained in the same way as in Section 7.5, using hyperbolic
coordinates. We can take
Z Z 1
t .'/ D '.kau  t 1=2 e0 / sinhn1 u d k du .t > 0/; (9.1.3)
K 0
Z Z 1
t .'/ D '.kau  jtj1=2 en / coshn1 u d k du .t < 0/ (9.1.4)
K 0

for ' 2 Cc .RnC1 /. Using the same method as for 0 we see that we have to show
that for t > 0 the following integral is finite for N sufficiently large:
Z 1
Œ1 C t.2 sinh2 u C 1/N sinhn1 u du:

Similarly for t < 0. We get, taking v D sinh2 u,

Z 1
Œ1 C t.2 sinh2 u C 1/N sinhn1 u du
0 Z
1 1 n2
D Œ1 C t .2v C 1/N .v C 1/1=2 v 2 dv
2 0
Z 1
 Œ1 C 2t vN v 2 dv
Z 1
n1 n3
 .2t / 2 Œ1 C vN v 2 dv < 1
if N > 2 . So all t are tempered, as is ı. We now have

Theorem 9.1.4. The extremal, positive-definite, H-invariant distributions on RnC1

are, up to a positive scalar, given by the Fourier transform of the positive tempered
measures t .t 2 R/ and ı.
156 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

Indeed, any H -invariant positive tempered measure that is extremal in the cone of all such
measures, is also extremal in the cone of H -invariant positive measures.

The G-invariant Hilbert subspaces of RnC1 (G acting by (9.1.1)) are given by

the spaces L2 .b t / and the trivial representation. The
R space L2 .b
t / is the closure
of the space D.R nC1 / with respect to the ‘norm’ RnC1 jb ' .x/j2 d t .x/. Notice
that G acts irreducibly on these spaces.
Let  be the differential operator on RnC1 given by
@2 @2 @2
D C C    C :
@x02 @x12 @xn2

Then  b t D 4 2 t b
t for all t. Any H -invariant differential operator on RnC1 is
a polynomial in .

(iv) Plancherel formula

Let us normalize the measures t as in (9.1.3) and (9.1.4). Then one has, using
hyperbolic coordinates,
Z n Z
2 n1
'.x/ dx D 2 n jt j 2 t .'/ dt .' 2 S.RnC1 //: (9.1.5)
RnC1 . 2 / 1
We leave the proof to the reader. So we easily get the following Plancherel formula.

Theorem 9.1.5. For all ' 2 D.RnC1 / one has

Z n Z
2 n1
'.0/ D b
' .x/ dx D 2 n jt j 2 b t .'/ dt:
RnC1 . 2 / 1

(v) Class-one representations

We give here another realization of the irreducible unitary representations of G
which can be realized on D 0 .RnC1 /. They are, of course, determined up to unitary
equivalence. We call such representations class-one representations, similar to the
case of a classical Gelfand pair. We follow Section 7.1 (vi).
Let for y 2 RnC1 , y .x/ D e2 i Œx;y .x 2 RnC1 / be a character of RnC1 .
One immediately sees that y .h1  x/ D hy .x/ for x 2 RnC1 , h 2 H . So
H acts on the characters of RnC1 . Let us denote by Hy the stabilizer of y in H ,
which is a closed unimodular subgroup of H . Actually H=Hy ' H  y, the orbit
of y in RnC1 . Observe that H  y D  t with t D Q.y/ or H  y D ¹0º. Choose the
H -invariant measure t on H  y if Q.y/ D t (and ı on ¹0º) and let it correspond
to an H -invariant measure d hP on H=Hy via the mapping h 7! h  y .h 2 H /.
9.1 Non-Euclidean motion groups 157

We now define a unitary representation of G by inducing the representation

1 ˝ y from Hy Ë RnC1 to G. The Hilbert space Vy consists of the measurable
functions f on G satisfying
(a) f .ga/ D y .a/ f .g/ .g 2 G; a 2 RnC1 /,
(b) f .gh/ D f .g/ .g 2 G; h 2 Hy /,
(c) H=Hy jf .h/j2 d hP < 1.
The squared Hilbert norm is given by kf k2 D P The represen-
jf .h/j2 d h.
tation y is defined by

y .g/ f .g 0 / D f .g 1 g 0 / .g; g 0 2 G/:

One verifies that y is a unitary representation of G on Vy , called the representa-

tion induced by 1 ˝ y . Clearly, 0 is the trivial representation of G.
Notice that any f 2 Vy is completely determined by its values on H . Transfer-
ey of functions on H by just restricting the functions
ring Vy into a Hilbert space V
in Vy to H , yields a unitary representation on L2 .H=Hy /, again denoted by y ,
given by
y .h/ f .h0 / D f .h1 h0 / .h; h0 2 H /;
y .a/ f .h0 / D h0 y .a/ f .h0 / .h0 2 H; a 2 RnC1 /:
ey as follows:
Now define the mapping j  W S.RnC1 / ! V

j  .'/ D where .h/ D b

' .h  y/ .h 2 H /:

Then one easily verifies that j  has a dense image, is continuous and commutes
with the G-actions. So j D j  W V ey ! S 0 .RnC1 / gives the required G-
equivariant embedding of Vy into D .RnC1 /. Moreover, if y 6D 0,
kj  'k2 D ' .h  y/j2 d hP D
jb ' .x/j2 d t ;
H=Hy RnC1

so the reproducing distribution of y is either b

t or the function identically 1.
Therefore we have, applying Propositions 8.2.2 and 8.2.3,

Theorem 9.1.6. (i) The unitary representations y .y 2 RnC1 /, induced by 1 ˝

y from Hy Ë RnC1 to G, are irreducible.
(ii) Two representations y and y 0 are equivalent if and only if either y 6D
0; y 0 6D 0 and Q.y/ D Q.y 0 / or y D y 0 D 0.
(iii) The representations y .y 2 RnC1 / exhaust the set of irreducible unitary
representations of class one (up to equivalence).
158 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

(vi) Exercise
We have excluded the case n D 1. Treat this case and examine also what becomes
different if we replace H by its connected component SO0 .1; n/.

9.2 Pseudo-Riemannian real hyperbolic spaces

(i) Introduction
For n 2 N, n  2, let G D O.1; n/ be the orthogonal group of the quadratic form
Œx; y D x0 y0 C x1 y1 C    C xn yn
where x D .x0 ; x1 ; : : : ; xn / and y D .y0 ; y1 ; : : : ; yn / are elements of RnC1 . Ob-
serve that we use here another definition of the quadratic form than in Sections 9.1
and 7.5. Let X D ¹x 2 RnC1 W Œx; x D 1º. It is again a one-sheeted hyperboloid.
The group G acts transitively on X. Let H D O.1; n  1/ be the stabilizer of
en D .0; : : : ; 0; 1/ in G and define the subgroups A; N; M as in Section 7.5 (ii):
8 0 1 9
< cosh t 0 sinh t =
A D at D @ 0 In1 0 A W t 2R ;
: ;
sinh t 0 cosh t
8 0 1 9
< 1 C 12 kzk2 zt  12 kzk2 =
N D n D nz D @ z In1 z A W z 2 Rn1 ;
: 1 ;
2 kzk
2 zt 1  12 kzk2
80 1 9
< 1 0 0 =
M ' O.n  1/ D @0 l 0A W l 2 O.n  1/ :
: ;
0 0 1
Let x D .x0 ; x1 ; : : : ; xn / 2 X . There is an element k 2 K ' O.1/  O.n/ such
that k  x D .x0 ; 0; : : : ; 0; ˛/ where ˛ 2 D x12 C    C xn2 , ˛  1. Then we can find
t 2 R with
a t  en D .x0 ; 0; : : : ; 0; ˛/:
So x D k 1 a t  en and therefore
Let w be the matrix diag.1; 1; : : : ; 1/ in K \ H . Then wa t w 1 D at for all
t 2 R. So we actually have

Proposition 9.2.1. The group G D O.1; n/ can be written as

where A D ¹a t 2 A W t  0º.
9.2 Pseudo-Riemannian real hyperbolic spaces 159

Observe that in the expression x D ka t  en the parameter t is unique if we

assume t  0, and the parameter k is determined up to right multiplication by an
element of the subgroup M , provided t > 0. To write down an explicit expression
for the invariant measure dx on X , we use hyperbolic coordinates again an get
Z n Z Z 1
4 2
f .x/ dx D n f .ka t  en / coshn1 t dt d k (9.2.1)
X . 2 / K 0

for f 2 Cc .X/. The measure d k on K is the normalized Haar measure. No-

tice that the normalizing constant has been chosen in such a way that for f 2
Cc .RnC1 / with Supp f  ¹x W Œx; x  0º,
Z Z 1Z
f .y/dy D f .rx/r n dxdr:
RnC1 0 X
Compare these expressions with (7.5.1). Let us fix the Haar measures dg on G
and dh on H in such a way that dg D dx dh. Observe that we still have freedom
to select dg (or dh).

(ii) Iwasawa decomposition

Let „ be the cone
„ D ¹ D . 0 ; 1 ; : : : ; n / W Œ ;  D 0; 0 6D 0º:
Observe that G acts on „. Set „0 D ¹ 2 „ W n 6D 0º. Then we clearly have
„0 D HA 0 [ HA .w/ 0 , where 0 D .1; 0; : : : ; 0; 1/, both ‘cells’ being open
in „. Of course one also has, similar to Section 7.5 (ii),
„ D KA 0 :
The stabilizer of 0 in G is the subgroup MN (see Section 7.5 (ii)). We have
G D KAN and Theorem 7.5.3 holds. Also Proposition 7.5.4 remains true in our

Proposition 9.2.2. One can normalize the Haar measure dg of G in such a way
that, for all f 2 Cc .G/,
Z Z Z 1Z
f .g/ dg D f .ka t nz / e.n1/t dzdt d k:
G K 1 Rn1
Let now f 2 Cc .„/. Then this proposition implies that
Z Z 1
W f 7! f .k  0 / n1 dk
K 0 
is a G-invariant measure on „. Here d k is again the normalized Haar measure on
K. Notice that the integral can actually be taken over K=M instead of K. Setting
160 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

B D K  0 ' K=M we might also write for the invariant measure :

Z Z 1
.f / D f .b/ n1 d .b/
B 0 
with d .b/ the invariant (normalized) measure on B. We also have B D ¹ 2 „ W
0 D ˙1º and B ' S 0  S n1 where S k is the unit sphere in RkC1 .

(iii) The Laplace–Beltrami operator and its radial part

We define the Laplace–Beltrami (or Laplace) operator  on the space X as in
Section 7.5 (iii).
Let now q be the mapping q.x/ D x=r defined on ¹x 2 RnC1 W Œx; x > 0º
where r D Œx; x1=2 . Then for any C 1 function F on X one has

 .F ı q/ D .F / ı q
@2 @2 @2
where  D  C C  C 2.
@x02 @x12 @xn
In a similar way we define the radial part L of . Let Q W X ! R be defined
Q.x0 ; x1 ; : : : ; xn / D xn :
Then for any C 1 function f on R we have

.Lf / ı Q D  .f ı Q/:

We can compute L as before and we obtain

d2 d
L D .1  u2 / 2
 nu :
du du
Let now ! be the Casimir operator on G, see Section 7.5. Considering func-
tions on X as right-H -invariant functions on G, we easily see, similarly to Sec-
tion 7.5 (vii) (2), that ! acts on C 1 .X / as a real scalar times . Moreover it
follows that  is a symmetric differential operator. Notice that L is symmetric
only if n D 2.
Actually we have ! D !q on C 1 .X / where !q is defined as follows. Let  be
the involution on G (and so on its Lie algebra g) given by

 .g/ D J0 gJ0

where J0 is the diagonal matrix with entries .1; 1; : : : ; 1; 1/. The ˙1 eigenspaces
of  in g are called h and q. Clearly, h is the Lie algebra of H and q is given by
9.2 Pseudo-Riemannian real hyperbolic spaces 161

the space of matrices of the form

0 1
0 0 ::: 0 z1
B0 0 ::: 0 z2 C
B :: :: :: C
Z D Z.z1 ; : : : ; zn / D B ::: : : : C
@0 0 ::: 0 zn A
z1 z2 : : : zn 0
with z1 ; : : : ; zn 2 R. It is easily checked that  and the Cartan involution com-
mute. So q D q \ k ˚ q \ p and dim q \ p D 1. Now choose an orthonormal
basis Z2 ; : : : ; Zn in q \ k and Z1 in q \ p with respect to the form
hY; Zi D B.Y; Z/ .Y; Z 2 g/
where B is the Killing form of g, B.Y; Z/ D .n  1/ tr Y Z. Then
!q D Z22      Zn2 C Z12 :
Observe that !q is not definite. Notice also that !q is Ad.H /-invariant, so that it
commutes with left and right translations over elements of H . It can be consid-
ered as a left-invariant differential operator on X . Follow now the reasoning from
Section 7.5 (vii) (2).

(iv) Spherical distributions

We start with a definition.

Definition 9.2.3. A spherical distribution on X is an H -invariant eigendistribution

of the Laplace–Beltrami operator .

If F is a smooth function on R satisfying LF D F where L is the radial

part of , then f .x/ D F .Q.x// .x 2 X / satisfies f D f . We shall obtain
the spherical distributions by replacing F by a distribution on R of a certain type,
which we shall make precise. For that purpose we apply results by Méthée, De
Rham and Tengstrand, which are discussed in detail in the Appendices. We shall
summarize the main results here.
For x 6D ˙ en the function Q has non-vanishing differential, so we can define
the average of a function f 2 D.X / over the surfaces ¹Q.x/ D t º .t 2 R/, that
we denote by Mf .t /. One has the formula
F .Q.x// f .x/ dx D F .t / Mf .t / dt (9.2.2)

for all continuous function F on R.

162 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

The function Mf admits singularities at t D ˙1. One has

Mf .t / D '1 .t / C .t  1/ '2 .t / C .t  1/ '3 .t / (9.2.3)
where '1 ; '2 ; '3 2 D.R/ and
´ n2
Y .t/ jt j 2 if n is odd,
.t/ D n2
log jt j jtj 2 if n is even.
Here Y is the Heaviside function: Y .t/ D 1 if t  0, Y.t / D 0 if t < 0.
For simplicity of the presentation we shall restrict from now on to the case that
n is odd.
Call H the linear space of functions of the form (9.2.3). We define a topol-
ogy on H as in Appendices A and B; H becomes a complete locally convex
topological vector space. We recall (see Appendix B):

Theorem 9.2.4. (a) The mapping M from D.X / to H is linear, continuous and
(b) The adjoint mapping M 0 from H0 to D 0 .X / is injective, continuous and has
as image the space of H -invariant distributions on X .
(c) The mapping M 0 intertwines the operators  and L, that is
 ı M 0 D M 0 ı L:
We now come to the main theorem of this subsection.

Theorem 9.2.5. Let D0 .X /H be the space of H -invariant distributions T on X

satisfying T D T . Then dim D0 .X /H D 2 for all  2 C.
A fundamental system of solutions of the differential equation T D T is
given by M 0 S and M 0 T , see Section B.4. We shall apply their explicit expres-
sions later on and then write down these expressions. For the moment, Theo-
rem 9.2.5 gives sufficient information.
We are now going to construct a fundamental system in another way, namely
from the point of view of representation theory, keeping in mind Section 8.2, The-
orem 8.2.1 in particular.
Theorem 9.2.4 also has another consequence, namely

Corollary 9.2.6. The pair .G; H / is a generalized Gelfand pair.

See [52]. Fix, as before, Haar measures dg on G and dh on H in such a way that dg D
dxdh. For f 2 D.G/ set
f o .x/ D f .gh/ dh .x D g  en /:
9.2 Pseudo-Riemannian real hyperbolic spaces 163

Given a bi-H -invariant distribution T0 on G, there is a unique H -invariant distribution T

on X satisfying hT0 ; f i D hT; f o i .f 2 D.G//, and conversely. This is a well-known
fact. Let us extend the function Q from X to G by setting Q.g/ D Q.g  en / D Œg  en ; en .
To show that .G; H / is a generalized Gelfand pair, we apply Proposition 8.3.3 with
J T D T .T 2 D 0 .X //. We have to show that T D T for all bi-H -invariant positive-
definite distributions T on G. Since T D TL for such T , we shall show the following: for
any bi-H -invariant distribution T on G one has T D TL . We recall the definition of TL :
hTL ; f i D hT; fLi; fL.g/ D f .g 1 / .g 2 G; f 2 D.G//. In view of the relation between
bi-H -invariant distributions on G and H -invariant distributions on X , and because of
Theorem 9.2.4 (b), this amounts to the relation
MŒ.fL/o D Mf 0
for all f 2 D.G/. This is easily checked: for all F 2 D.R/ one has
Z 1 Z
F .t/ MŒ.fL/o .t / dt D F .Q.x// .fL/o .x/ dx
1 X
D F .Q.g// fL.g/ dg D F .Q.g// f .g/ dg;
since Q.g/ D Q.g / .g 2 G/, and we get the result.

(v) Representations associated with the cone

The representations under consideration are also called principal series represen-
tations, see also Section 7.5 (vii), where we considered these representations for
the group SO0 .1; n/. In our situation the definition is slightly different.
The stabilizer of the line R 0 is equal to the subgroup P D M1 AN where
M1 D M [ .M /. The group P is a so-called (minimal) parabolic subgroup of
G. Recall that G acts transitively on „ and Stab 0 D MN , so „ ' G=MN . In
(ii) we have also defined a G-invariant measure on „.
The representations we are considering are representations induced by one-
dimensional representations of P .
Let s 2 C; " D 0; 1 and define Hs;" to be the space of C 1 functions f on G
f .xma t n/ D sgn" Œm 0 ; en  e.s/t f .x/
where x 2 G; m 2 M1 ; n 2 N; t 2 R and  D .n  1/=2 (as usual). Let s;" be
the representation of G on Hs;" defined by
s;" .g/f .x/ D f .g 1 x/; g 2 G:
We may also realize s;" on a space of C 1 functions on „, called Hs;" .„/, de-
fined by
Hs;" .„/ D ¹f 2 C 1 .„/ W f . / D sgn"  jjs f . / for  6D 0; 2 „º:
164 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

In addition, setting B D K 0 , so B ' K=M , we can, by restricting functions on

„ to B consider Hs;" .„/ as a space of C 1 functions on B, satisfying f .b/ D
f .b/ if " D 0, f .b/ D f .b/ if " D 1. We shall denote this space by D" .B/.
Let us define the linear form ` on H;0 as in Section 7.5 (v):
`.f / D f .b/ d .b/:
This form is again G-invariant (same proof).
Denote by h ; is;" the bilinear form on Hs;"  Hs;" defined by
hf; gis;" D f .b/ g.b/ d .b/:
This form is continuous, non-degenerate and G-invariant:
hs;" .x/f; s;" .x/gis;" D hf; gis;" .x 2 G/;
as follows from the invariance of `.
If s is imaginary, say s D i
2 R, then Hs;" D Hi ;" can be provided
with a pre-Hilbert space structure with squared norm
kf k D jf .b/j2 d .b/;
and i ;" .x/ is then unitary for all x 2 G. Completing the space Hi ;" and extend-
ing i ;" .x/ to this completion gives a unitary representation on a Hilbert space,
which we again denote by i ;" .
For general s 2 C; Hs;" is a Fréchet space with the natural topology induced
by C 1 .B/ and s;" is a (continuous) representation on this space.
To study the (ir)reducibility of the representations s;" , one may follow Sec-
tion 7.5 and derive Corollary 7.5.12 again for s;" ." D 0; 1/. For a more detailed
analysis of the reducible representations at s D ˙ . C k/, k 2 N, see [32]. We
do not need it here. See however (xiv).
The bilinear form h ; is;" on Hs;"  Hs;" permits to consider Hs;" as a subspace
0 .„/ the dual of H
of the dual of Hs;" ; we shall therefore denote by Hs;" s;" .„/,
so that Hs;" .„/  Hs;" .„/. In particular, a continuous function F on „ satisfying
F . / D sgn"  jjs F . / . 6D 0; 2 „/
0 .„/:
defines an element of Hs;"
f 7! F .b/ f .b/ d .b/:

A main point is the computation of the action of the Casimir operator ! on Hs;" .
It turns out that ! acts as a scalar.
9.2 Pseudo-Riemannian real hyperbolic spaces 165

Proposition 9.2.7. For all s 2 C and " D 0; 1 one has

s 2  2
s;" .!/ D I;
2n  2
where I is the identity on Hs;" .
Pk 0
Recall the definition of !: ! D iD1 Xi Xi where X1 ; : : : ; Xk is a basis of g and
0 0
X1 ; : : : ; Xk the dual basis with respect to the Killing form B.X; Y / D .n  1/ tr XY .
We are going to select a special basis relative to the Lie algebras a of A, m of M , n of
N , n of N . Observe that g D m C a C n C n, m D k \ h; a D q \ p, a D RL with
0 1
0 0 1
L D @0 0n1 0A :
1 0 0

The Lie algebra n consists of the matrices

0 1
0 zt 0
N.z/ D @z 0 z A .z 2 Rn1 /:
0 zt 0

Notice that n  h \ p C q \ k:
Select a basis N1 ; : : : ; Nn1 of n such that
0 if i 6D j;
B.Ni ; Nj / D
 12 if i D j:

Take for example Ni D N.ei / up to a normalizing factor, where ei is the i -th unit vector
in Rn1 .
Then we have that
 N1 C N1 ; : : : ; Nn1 C Nn1 is an orthonormal basis of h \ p:
0 if i 6D j;
B.Ni C Ni ; Nj C Nj / D
1 if i D j;

 N1 C N1 ; : : : ; Nn1 C Nn1 is an anti-orthonormal basis of q \ k:
0 if i 6D j;
B.Ni C Ni ; Nj C Nj / D
1 if i D j:

Let Y1 ; : : : ; Ym be an anti-orthonormal basis of m:

0 if i D
6 j;
B.Yi ; Yj / D
1 if i D j:
166 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

L2 Xn1 X m
!D C ¹.Nj C Nj /2 C .Nj C Nj /2 º  Yj2
2.n  1/
j D1 j D1

L2 X
n1 X
D 2 ¹ Nj  Nj C Nj  Nj º  Yj2
2.n  1/
j D1 j D1

L2 X
n1 X
n1 X
D 4 Nj  Nj  2 ŒNj ; Nj   Yj2 :
2.n  1/
j D1 j D1 j D1

It is easily seen that the Lie algebra bracket ŒNj ; Nj  equals  2.n1/
for all j . So we
finally get
1 X
n1 Xm
!D ¹L2 C 2Lº  4 Nj  Nj  Yj2 : (9.2.4)
2.n  1/
j D1 j D1
Now it follows, considering L, Nj , Nj , Yj as left-invariant differential operators, that for
f 2 Hs;" we have
.!f /.g/ D ¹L2 C 2Lº f .g/
2.n  1/
1 ° d2 d ±
D C 2 f .ga t /j t D0
2.n  1/ dt 2 dt
1 ° d2 d ± .s/t s 2  2
D C 2 e f .g/j t D0 D f .g/ .g 2 G/:
2.n  1/ dt 2 dt 2.n  1/
Remark 9.2.8. It is now easy to connect !q and  as differential operators on
X . We know that  D c !q for some constant c. To determine it, consider the
function f .x; / D Œx;  on X  „. This function is G-invariant: f .gx; g / D
f .x; / for all g 2 G. As a function of x we know that x f .x; / D .2 C
1/ f .x; /, see Section 7.5. But
x f .x; / D c !x f .x; / D c !
f .x; / D .2 C 1/f .x; /
2.n  1/
since 7! f .x; / is in HC1;0 .
So c D 2.n  1/. Here we considered ! as a right-invariant differential operator
on X and „.

(vi) Spherical distributions associated with the representations s;"

For Re s >  we define continuous linear forms Fs;" on Hs;" .„/ by
hFs;" ; f i D sgn" Œb; en  jŒb; en js f .b/d .b/:
0 and moreover  0 .h/F
So F;" 2 Hs;" s;" s;" D Fs;" for all h 2 H .
9.2 Pseudo-Riemannian real hyperbolic spaces 167

For any real number x we shall write from now on x s;" D jxjs sgn" x where
s 2 C and " D 0; 1.

Proposition 9.2.9. If f is a function in Hs;" .„/, then the integral

Zs;" .f / D Œb; en s;" f .b/ d .b/

is defined for Re s > , is an analytic function of s and admits a meromorphic

extension to C with at most simple poles at s D   2k  1  " .k  0/.
One has Zs;" .f / D S n1 ns;" f1 . / d with f1 . / D 12 ¹f .1; / C f .1; /º.
Clearly, n can be taken as coordinate near any point of S n1 with n D 0. The proposi-
tion now follows from a classical result [17].

For Re s >  and for a function f in Hs;" .„/ set

us;" .f / D sC1C"
Œb; en s;" f .b/ d .b/:
. 2 / B
By Proposition 9.2.9 above, the function s 7! us;" .f / has an entire analytic exten-
0 .„/ with, moreover,
sion to all of C and one shows that for all s 2 C, us:" 2 Hs;"
s;" .h/ us;" D us;"
for all h 2 H . Observe that
0 1
Œs;" .g/ us;" .f /D Œg 1  b; en s;" f .b/ d .b/
. sC1C"
2 / B
D Œb; g  en s;" f .b/ d .b/:
. sC1C"
2 / B

Let ' 2 D.G/. Then we have

0 0
Œs;" .'/ us;" .f / D Œs;" .g/ us;"  .f / '.g/ dg
D Œb; g  en s;" f .b/ '.g/d .b/dg;
. sC1C"
2 / G B

0 .'/ u
which shows that s;" s;" is an element of Hs;" .„/ given by
0 1
Œs;" .'/ us;" . / D sC1C"
Π; g  en s;" '.g/ dg:
. 2 / G
We leave the proof to the reader (for Re s  this is clear; for other s use analytic
168 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

Definition 9.2.10. The distribution s;" is the anti-linear form on D.G/ defined by
s;" .'/ D hs;" ..'/ us;" ; us;" i:

Proposition 9.2.11. The distribution s;" is a spherical distribution:

 s;" is bi-H -invariant,
  s;" D .s 2  2 / s;" .
It is instructive to compare the construction of s;" with the construction of the
spherical functions in the Riemannian case, see Section 7.5.
We know by Theorem 9.2.5 that dim D0 .X /H D 2. Notice that s;" and s;"
(" D 0; 1) belong to D0 .X /H for  D s 2  2 . We shall show later on that
s;" D s;" . Notice that InC1 2 O.1; n/ and LInC1 s;" D .1/" s;" , so that
s;0 and s;1 span D0 .X /H provided both do not vanish.

(vii) Intertwining operators

Let f be a function in Hs;" .„/ and set
Ws;" .f / D Π0 ; bs;" f .b/ d .b/:

Theorem 9.2.12. The integral Ws;" .f / exists for Re s > 0 and is holomorphic in
this region. It can be meromorphically extended to the complex plane with at most
simple poles in N. The mapping f 7! Ws;" .f / is a continuous linear form on
D" .B/ for s … N.
In Section 7.5 (vi) we have computed Ws;0 .1/, which exists for Re s > 0. Hence Ws;" .f /
exists for Re s > 0, and is clearly holomorphic there. Identifying B D K 0 with S o 
S n1 , where S 0 D ¹˙1º, the function FC . / D Œ 0 ;  D 1  n . 2 S n1 ) vanishes
at n D 1, so at 0 . This point turns out to be a non-degenerate critical point of FC
with signature .0; n  1/. Similar observations hold for F . / D 1  n . Observe that
FC  0, F  0. Applying now Morse’s lemma and [17], the theorem follows.

Recall from Section 7.5 (vi) that

. n / .s/
Ws;0 .1/ D 2sC1 p 2 :
 .s C /
For f 2 Hs;" .„/ set
.As;" f /. / D Π; bs;" f .b/ db:
Ws;0 .1/ B
9.2 Pseudo-Riemannian real hyperbolic spaces 169

Theorem 9.2.13. (a) As a function of s, .As;" f /. / is a holomorphic function for

Re s > 0, that admits a meromorphic extension to C with at most simple poles
in   N.
(b) If s …   N, the function As;" f is in Hs;" .„/ and the mapping As;" W
Hs;" ! Hs;" is continuous.
(c) The operator As;" intertwines the representations s;" and s;" , that is

As;" ı s;" D s;" ı As;" :

According to Theorem 9.2.12 the mapping s 7! Ws;" defined for Re s > 0 with values
in D 0 .B/ has a meromorphic extension and the operator As;" may be regarded as the
convolution with the linear form Ws;0 .1/1 Ws;" on the group K, so As;" f 2 Hs;" .„/ for
any f 2 Hs;" .„/ and As;" W Hs;" ! Hs;" is continuous. Property (c) is easily checked
for Re s > 0, and hence it is valid for all s …   N by analytic continuation.

(viii) Diagonalization of the intertwining operators

We may consider the intertwining operators As;" as acting on D" .B/, the space
of C 1 functions f on B satisfying f .b/ D .1/" f .b/. Observe that B '
S 0  S n1 , where S 0 D ¹1; 1º. The structure of the O.n/-action on L2 .S n1 /,
being a closed subspace of L2 .B/, is well known from Section 7.3. Since its de-
composition into O.n/-irreducible subspaces is multiplicity free, and since As;"
commutes with the action of O.n/, As;" acts as a scalar on each irreducible com-
ponent of L2 .S n1 /. L
As in Section 7.3, let us write L2 .S n1 / D 1 lD0 Hl , where Hl is the space
of harmonic polynomials on Rn , homogeneous of degree l, restricted to S n1 .
Clearly, D" .B/ is now spanned (in the C 1 topology) by the spaces Yl;m D 0m Hl
with l C m " .mod 2/. Actually, it is sufficient to consider m D 0 and m D 1
only. To determine the scalar action of As;" on each Yl;m we introduce a special
differential operator on D" .B/, namely

d ˇˇ
s;" .L/ D ˇ s;" .a t /:
dt t D0

This operator commutes with the action of the subgroup M ' O.n  1/. So if f is
a function on D" .B/ invariant under the action of O.n  1/, then the same is true
for s;" .L/f . A function in D.B/, invariant under the action of M , depends only
on the variables 0 and n of S 0 and S n1 respectively. Notice that 0 D ˙1. We
shall write down the differential operator associated with s;" .L/ acting on such
170 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

Lemma 9.2.14. For a function f in D.B/, invariant under O.n  1/, one has
s;" .L/f D .s  / 0 n f C 0 .1  n2 / :
@ n
Write at k D lau n according to the Iwasawa decomposition. Here k; l 2 K, n 2 N and
u; t 2 R. Set Œken ; en  D n , Œke0 ; e0  D 0 , Œlen ; en  D n0 , Œle0 ; e0  D 00 . We have to
determine 00 and n0 in terms of t; 0 and n .
Starting from at k 0 D eu l 0 we get
(1) Œat k 0 ; en  D eu Œl 0 ; en ,
(2) Œat k 0 ; e0  D eu Œl 0 ; e0 ,
and hence
(1)0 sinh t 0 C cosh t n D eu n0 ,
(2)0 cosh t 0 C sinh t n D eu 00 .
From (2)0 we may conclude that 0 D 00 , and then
eu D 0 .cosh t 0 C sinh t n /:
So if f is M -invariant (only depending on 0 and n ), we have to compute
d ˇˇ sinh t 0 C cosh t n
ˇ Œ 0 .cosh t 0 C sinh t n / s
f 0 ; :
dt tD0 0 .cosh t 0 C sinh t n /
The result then follows easily.

The O.n1/-invariant functions in Hl are proportional to the Gegenbauer poly-

nomials Cl . Set
!l;m . 0 ; n / D 0m Cl 2
. n /:
We recall two relations for Gegenbauer polynomials Cl (see [13, 3.15.2 (27–30)]),
that can easily be derived from other relations for the Cl .
(a) z Cl .z/ D C  .z/ C 2Cl1
2.Cl/ lC1
C  .z/,
2.Cl/ l1
(b) .1  z 2 / dz Cl .z/ D .2 C l/zCl .z/  .l C 1/ClC1

One clearly has
.1/ .1/
s;" .L/ !l;m D al;m .s/ !lC1;mC1 C al;m .s/ !l1;mC1 ;
.1/ l C1
al;m .s/ D .s    l/ ; (9.2.5)
n  2 C 2l
.1/ n3Cl
al;m .s/ D .n  2 C l C s  / : (9.2.6)
n  2 C 2l
9.2 Pseudo-Riemannian real hyperbolic spaces 171

The operator As;" acts on Yl;m as a scalar ˛l;m .s/ and one also has
As;" ı s;" .L/ D s;" .L/ ı As;" ;
which implies
.1/ .1/
al;m .s/ ˛lC1;mC1 .s/ D ˛l;m .s/ al;m .s/; (9.2.7)
.1/ .1/
al;m .s/ ˛l1;mC1 .s/ D ˛l;m .s/ al;m .s/: (9.2.8)
So, if s   is not an integer, (9.2.7) determines the row ˛l;m .s/ (since ˛0;0 .s/ D
˛0;1 .s/ D 1) and hence determines As;" . The same holds for (9.2.8). This yields
the following theorem.

Theorem 9.2.15. The eigenvalues ˛l;m .s/ of the operator As;" are given by
Ql .s/
˛l;m .s/ D
Ql .s/
where Ql is the polynomial defined by
Ql .s/ D . C s C j  1/ .l  1/:
j D1

If s   is not an integer, then

˛l;m .s/ D ˛l;m .s/1
and thus As;" ı As;" D I on D" .B/. This can also be shown directly by using
Schur’s lemma and applying the irreducibility of s;" for such values of s.
.1/ .1/
Notice that al;m ; al;m ; ˛l;m are independent of the parameter m.

(ix) Fourier transform

Let '0 be a function in D.G/. In paragraph (vi) we have seen that the distribution
0 .' / u
s;" 0 s;" is an element of Hs;" .„/ given by
0 1
Œs;" .'0 / us;" . / D Œ ; g  en s;" '0 .g/ dg:
. sC1C"
2 / G

This function depends only on the function ' in D.X/ defined by

'.x/ D '0 .gh/ dh .x D g  en /;
since Z
0 1
Œs;" .'0 / us;" . / D Œ ; xs;" '.x/ dx:
. sC1C"
2 / X
172 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

We define:

Definition 9.2.16. Let ' be a function in D.X /. The Fourier transform of ' is the
function b
' defined on „  C  ¹0; 1º by
' . ; s; "/ D sC1C"
Π; xs;" '.x/ dx:
. 2 / X

This expression is perfectly well-defined for Re s > ; for other s we apply

analytic continuation.

Proposition 9.2.17. The Fourier transform b ' of ' 2 D.X/ has the following prop-
(a) b
' . ; s; "/ is an entire function of s,
' . ; s; "/ is a C 1 function of and belongs to Hs;" .„/,
(b) b
(c) the Fourier transform commutes with the G-action, that is

.Lg '/O.:; s; "/ D s;" .g/Œb

' .:; s; "/

for all g 2 G,
(d) the Laplace–Beltrami operator satisfies
'. ; s; "/ D .s 2  2 / b
' . ; s; "/:

Let us return to the spherical distributions s;" , which may be regarded as H -

invariant distributions on X . We may write

s;" .'/ D hb
'.:; s; "/; us;" i;

so for Re s < ,

1 b
s;" .'/ D '.b; s; "/ Œb; en s;" db:
. sC1C"
2 / B

(x) Fourier transform of K -finite functions

According to Proposition 9.2.1 any x 2 X can be written as

x D ka t  en .k 2 K; t  0/:

This expression depends only on the class kM where M is, as before, the central-
izer of A in K, stabilizing en (for t D 0 we have to choose O.1/  M ).
9.2 Pseudo-Riemannian real hyperbolic spaces 173

Because B ' K=M we may parametrize X by Œ0; 1/  B. In this coordinate

system the invariant measure dx on X is given by (see (i))
4 2
dx D A.t /dt db;
. n2 /

with A.t/ D coshn1 t. We shall also need the Laplace–Beltrami operator in these
coordinates. Here we use again that B ' S 0  S n1 and invoke the Laplacian 
on S n1 , see Section 7.3 (v). One has:

Lemma 9.2.18. In the coordinates of Œ0; 1/  B on X the Laplace–Beltrami op-

erator  is given by
1 @ @f  1
f D A.t /  f:
A.t / @t @t cosh2 t
The proof of this lemma, which the reader may postpone to a later occasion, can be given
along two lines, the differential geometric one (see, e.g., [21]) or the Lie algebra theoretic
one. We shall follow the Lie algebra approach.
We return to the notations used in the proof of Proposition 9.2.7. First let Z 2 g and
x 2 X. We define the following directional derivative of f 2 C 1 .X / at x:
d ˇˇ
.Zf /.x/ D f .ka t exp sZ  en /;
ds sD0
if x D ka t  en . This definition depends on the choice of k, so we will write Zk instead
of Z for the time being. If also x D k 0 a t  en , then k 0 D km for some m 2 M , so
Zk 0 D .Ad.m/Z/k . We also define Zk2 as

d 2 ˇˇ
.Zk2 f /.x/ D ˇ f .ka t exp sZ  en /:
ds 2 sD0
Clearly, Zk20 D .Ad.m/Z/2k .
!k D  .Nj C Nj /2k C :
2.n  1/
j D1

This operator does not depend on the choice of k anymore, since it is M -invariant, and we
just write !k D !x . It is precisely the operator !q taken at the point x. Call

Yj D Nj C Nj and Yj0 D Nj  Nj .j D 1; : : : ; n  1/:

Observe that the Yj span q \ k, whereas the Yj0 span h \ p. One obviously has

Ad.a t /Yj D cosh t Yj C sinh t Yj0 ;

Ad.a t /Yj0 D sinh t Yj C cosh t Yj0 :
174 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

Notice that
d2 d2
f .ka t exp sYj  e n / D f .ka t exp sYj exp cj sYj0  en /
ds 2 ds 2
for every choice of cj 2 R. We shall make a special choice for the cj later on.
We have
f .k a t exp sYj  en /
ds 2
D 2 f .k expŒcosh t sYj C sinh t sYj0   exp.cj Œsinh t sYj C cosh t sYj0 / a t  en /:
Taking cj D  tanh t and using the first two terms in the Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff
formula (see [55, Theorem 2.15.4]), we obtain
 h sinh2 t i
expŒcosh t sYj C sinh tsYj0   exp  sYj C sinh t sYj0
cosh t
D exp.cosh t sYj  tanh t s 2 ŒYj ; Yj0  C o .s 2 //:


d 2 ˇˇ
ˇ f .k a t exp sYj  en /
ds 2 sD0
d 2 ˇˇ 1
D 2 ˇ f .k exp.cosh1 t sYj  tanh t s 2 ŒYj ; Yj0 / a t  en /:
ds sD0 2

One has ŒYj ; Yj0  D 2ŒNj ; Nj  D 2.n1/

for all j (cf. the proof of Proposition 9.2.7).
In order to formulate in a proper way the result we have obtained so far, we define for
Z 2 k and x D k  en the differentiation operator Zk2 on S n1 by

d 2 ˇˇ
.Zk2 f /.x/ D ˇ f .k exp sZ  en /:
ds 2 sD0
As before, !S n1 D 2
j D1 .Yj /k is independent of the choice of k and we also have

X d 2 ˇˇ
!S n1 f .k  en / D ˇ f .exp sYj k  en /:
ds 2 sD0
j D1

We have now, writing f .k a t  en / D f .t; b/ D f .t; 0 ; n /,

 L2 L 1 
!q D C tanh t  ! S n1 f
2.n  1/ 2 cosh2 t
1 h 1 @  @f i 1
D A.t /  !S n1 f:
2.n  1/ A.t / @t @t cosh2 t
9.2 Pseudo-Riemannian real hyperbolic spaces 175

We know that  D 2.n  1/ !q , so we get

1 @  @f  1
f D A.t /  2.n  1/ !S n1 f:
A.t / @t @t cosh2 t
We finally have to show that 2.n1/ !S n1 coincides with the Laplacian  on S n1 . This
is easily done: we know that the two differential operators are proportional and that  acts
on the harmonic polynomial s1 Ci s2 on S n1 as the scalar .n1/, see Section 7.3 (vi) (3);
computing now the action of 2.n  1/ !S n1 on this polynomial gives the same scalar.

Consider a function ' 2 D.X /, K-finite of type .l; m/, i.e.

'.x/ D '.k a t  en / D F .t/ Y .b/ .k 2 K; t  0; b 2 K 0 /;
where Y 2 Yl;m . The function F is in Cc1 .R/ and satisfies the relation F .t / D
.1/m F .t /. We are going to make explicit the Fourier transform b ' . ; s; "/ of
such a function. Notice that, because of the K-equivariance, we must have l Cm
" .mod 2/ because otherwise the Fourier transform would vanish.
Consider Y .b/ as a function on S 0  S n1 , b D . 0 ; / with 0 2 S 0 . 0 D
˙1/ and 2 S n1 , and consider the function 7! b ' . ; s; "/ as a function on
R  S 0  S n1 :
D .0 ; / . 2 R;  6D 0; 0 2 S 0 ;  2 S n1 /:
We obtain
4 2 s;"
' . ; s; "/ D
. n2 / . sC1C" /
Z 1Z Z
 Πsinh t 0 0 C cosh t h ;  is;" F .t /Y. 0 ; /A.t /d 0 d ;
0 S 0 S n1

where, for the moment, h ; i denotes the usual scalar product in Rn . As said before,
' .b; s; "/ belongs to Yl;m again and, because of the invariance under K and the
irreducibility of Yl;m under K, we get
e .s; "/ Y .0 ;  /
' .0 ; / D s;" F
e .s; "/ only depends on .l; m/ and F (and on s and ", of course).
where F
To compute F e .s; "/ we consider a special function Y , namely
n2 n2
Y . 0 ; / D 0m Cl 2
. n /=Cl2
This function was previously also called !l;m =!l;m . 0 /. We obtain
Z 1
e .s; "/ D
F ˆl;m .t; s; "/ F .t / A.t / dt;
176 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

4 2 n2 1
ˆl;m .t; s; "/ D ŒCl 2
.1/1 (9.2.9)
. n1
2 / . sC1C"
2 /
Z Z 1 n2 n2
 Π sinh t 0 C cosh t n s;" 0m Cl 2
. n /.1  n2 / 2 d 0 d n :
S0 1

The integral equals

Z Z 1 n2 n2
Πsinh t C cosh t n s;" 0mClC" Cl 2 . n / .1  n2 / 2 d 0 d n
S0 1
Z 1 n2 n2
D Πsinh t C cosh t n s;" Cl 2
. n / .1  n2 / 2 d n :

Notice that this integral is absolutely convergent for Re s >  and all t 2 R.
ˆl;m .t; s; "/ D .1/m ˆl;m .t; s; "/: (9.2.10)

The relation
' . ; s; "/ D .s 2  2 / b
' . ; s; "/
implies that the function ˆl;m .t; s; "/, for Re s large, is a solution of the differential
1 d  du  l.l C n  2/
A.t / C 2
u D .s 2  2 / u: (9.2.11)
A.t / dt dt cosh t
The change of variable z D tanh2 t leads to the hypergeometric differential equa-
tion, and we get the following two, linearly independent, solutions of (9.2.11) on
s F . sCCl ; slC1 I 1 I tanh2 t /,
l;0 .t; s; "/ D .cosh t/ 2 1 2 2 2
‰l;1 .t; s; "/ D .tanh t/ .cosh t/s 2 F1 . sCClC1
2 ; slC2
2 I 32 I tanh2 t /.
Because of relation (9.2.10) we get
ˆl;m .t; s; "/ D ˇl;m .s; "/ ‰l;m .t; s; "/:
The numbers ˇl;m .s; "/ can be calculated and we obtain
n1 lCj"mj
ˇl;m .s; "/ D 4 2 2 2

.s    "/.s    "  2/    .s    m  l C 2/
 .1/m ;
. sCClmC1
2 /
where for m C l < 2 the nominator of the fraction has to be taken equal to 1.
9.2 Pseudo-Riemannian real hyperbolic spaces 177

4 2 n2 1
ˇl;m .s; "/ D n1
ŒCl 2 .1/1 sC1C"
. 2 / . 2
Z 1 n2 n3
 .s  /m .1/m j n jsm sgn n"Cm Cl 2 . n / .1  n2 / 2 d n :

This integral can be computed, using Rodrigues’ formula for Gegenbauer polynomials:

 d l h 1
Cl .x/ .1  x 2 / 2 D Al .1  x 2 /lC 2
.1/l .2/l
Al D ;
2l lŠ . C 12 /l
where, as usual,
.˛ C l/
.˛/l D D ˛.˛ C 1/    .˛ C l  1/:
Performing l partial integrations we get the result.

We remark that
‰l;m .t; s; "/ D ‰l;m .t; s; "/: (9.2.13)
Summarizing we now have
Z 1
' .b; s; "/ D Y .b/ ˇl;m .s; "/ ‰l;m .t; s; "/ F .t / A.t / dt; (9.2.14)

where ˇl;m .s; "/ and ‰l;m .t; s; "/ are equal to, respectively,

n1 lCj"Cmj .s    "/.s    "  2/    .s    m  l C 2/

4 2 2 2 .1/m
. sCClmC1
2 /

 s C  C l C 1 s    l C 2 3 
.tanh t /m .cosh t/s 2 F1 ; I I tanh2 t :
2 2 2
Denote by Fs;" the (continuous) mapping from D.X / to Hs;" .„/ defined by

Fs;" W ' 7! b
' .:; s; "/:

We will study its image. To do this, we introduce the sets

E.s; "/ D ¹.l; m/ W l C m " .mod 2/; ˇl;m .s; "/ 6D 0º;
178 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

and set X
Is;" D Yl;m :

Then Is;"  Fs;" .D.X //  I s;" .

The study of the numbers ˇl;m .s; "/ leads to the consideration of the following
values of s:

 C " C 2r; r 2 N; (9.2.15)

1   C "  2h; h 2 N: (9.2.16)

If s is not equal to one of these values, we have I s;" D D" .B/, so the image of
Fs;" is dense for such s. On the other hand, if r 2 N, then

E. C " C 2r; "/ D ¹.l; m/ W l C m ".mod 2/; l C m  2r C "º;

and if h 2 N, then

E.1   C "  2h; "/ D ¹.l; m/ W l C m ".mod 2/; l  m > 2h  "º:

Proposition 9.2.19. If s is not equal to one of the values in (9.2.15) or (9.2.16), in

particular if s C  is not an integer, then the set
¹s;" .'/ us;" W ' 2 D.G/º

is a dense subspace of Hs;" .„/.

In fact, this set equals

' .:; s; "/ W ' 2 D.X /º D Fs;" .D.X //:

This equality says that us;" is a cyclic vector of s;" in a generalized sense.
We end this section with a very useful corollary. Setting as in (vii),
!l;m .b/ D !l;m . 0 ; n / D 0m Cl 2
. n /;

we obtain from (9.2.12), taking m D 0:

Corollary 9.2.20. One has

1 X
jxjs;" D cl ˇl;0 .s; "/ !l;0 .x/
. sC1C"
2 / l".mod 2/

where the numbers cl are non-zero and the convergence is taken in the space
D 0 ..1; 1//.
9.2 Pseudo-Riemannian real hyperbolic spaces 179

(xi) Expansion of s;" .'/ when ' is a K -finite function

Suppose that ' is a function of the form
'.x/ D F .t/ Y .b/ .x D ka t  en ; t  0; b D k  0 /
where y 2 Yl;m with l C m " .mod 2/. We apply the expression
s;" .'/ D sC1C"
' .b; s; "/ Œb; en s;" db;
. 2 / B
which holds for Re s < , and we obtain
Z 1
s;" .'/ D ˇl;m .s; "/ ‰l;m .t; s; "/ F .t / A.t / dt
 Y.b/ Œb; en s;" db:
. sC1C"
2 / B

Applying Corollary 9.2.20 we get

s;" .'/ D 0 if m D 1:
So s;" .'/ might not vanish only if m D 0, and then
Z 1
s;" .'/ D cl ˇl;0 .s; "/ ˇl;0 .s; "/ ‰l;0 .t; s; "/ F .t / A.t / dt (9.2.17)
 Y .b/ !l;0 .b/ db .l " .mod 2//:

Theorem 9.2.21. (a) For all complex numbers s one has

s;" D s;" ." D 0; 1/:

(b) There holds s;" 6D 0 for all s 2 C, " D 0; 1.

Since s;" and s;" are spherical distributions belonging to the same eigenvalue s 2  2 ,
it follows from Theorem 9.2.5 that one can find complex numbers a and b (depending on
s and ") such that
s;" D a s;1 C b s;0 ;
since s;0 and s;1 are linearly independent. This latter fact is easily seen by taking a
function ' with Y D 1. Of course, we have to exclude some isolated values of s, but it
holds for s “in general position”. Taking functions ' with Y D 1 and Y D !10 we easily
get that s;" is proportional to s;" and then, applying that the expression (9.2.17) is even
in s, s;" D s;" . The fact that s;" 6D 0 is clear for s in general position. One can easily
show that for each s and " there is a number l with
ˇl;0 .s; "/ ˇl;0 .s; "/ 6D 0:
180 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

(xii) An intertwining relation for the Fourier transform

Theorem 9.2.22. The Fourier transform Fs;" satisfies the relation

As;" ı Fs;" D .s; "/ Fs;" ;

where As;" is the intertwining operator defined in (vii) and .s; "/ is the following
meromorphic function:
. sCC1"
2 /
.s; "/ D sCC1"
. 2 /
s;" .'/ D hAs;" Œb
' .:; s; "/; us;" i:
This distribution is again spherical with eigenvalue  D s 2  2 , and one easily shows, as
in the previous section, that s;" is proportional to s;" :
s;" D .s; "/ s;" :

To determine the factor .s; "/, we consider special functions ' 2 D.X/ of the form
' .ka t  en / D F .t/ Y" .b/, namely with Y0 D 1 (if " D 0) and Y1 D !10 (if " D 1). We
know by Theorem 9.2.15 that As;0 Y0 D Y0 and As;1 Y1 D Cs Y1 . So we obtain
Z 1
s;" .'/ D c0 ˇ";0 .s; "/ ˇ";0 .s; "/ ‰";0 .t; s; "/ F .t / A.t /dt;
Z 1    s "
s;" .'/ D c0 Œˇ";0 .s; "/2
‰";0 .t; s; "/ F .t / A.t /dt  :
0 Cs

This yields the announced formula for .s; "/. We have shown that for all ' 2 D.X/

hAs;" Œb
' .:; s; "/; us;" i D .s; "/ h b
' .:; s; "/; us;" i:

So for any function 2 D.G/ one has

0 0
hAs;" Œb
' .:; s; "/; s;" . / us;" i D .s; "/ h b
' .:; s; "/; s;" . / us;" i:
If s C  is not an integer, the functions s;" . / us;" span a dense subspace of Hs;" .„/
when runs over D.G/, hence

As;" Œb
' .:; s; "/ D .s; "/ b
' .:; s; "/;

hence we have shown the announced relation between As;" , Fs;" and Fs;" .

Remark 9.2.23. Observe that j1 W ' 7! b

' .:; s; "/ and j2 W ' 7! As;" Œb
' .:; s; "/
are both continuous G-equivariant linear mappings from D.X/ to Hs;" .„/. If s
is imaginary and non-zero, we know that s;" is irreducible and Hs;" .„/ carries
9.2 Pseudo-Riemannian real hyperbolic spaces 181

a unitary structure. It is easily seen that j1 and j2 are both continuous for this
structure as well and hence, since .G; H / is a generalized Gelfand pair, j2 is
proportional to j1 :
As;" ı Fs;" D .s; "/ Fs;" ;
first for s 2 i R and hence for all s 2 C by analytic (meromorphic) continuation.
The computation of .s; "/ has to be done as before. Thus we obtain an alternative
proof of Theorem 9.2.22.

(xiii) Asymptotic behaviour of the distributions s;" ; the c-functions

We define the functions c.s; "/ by

c.s; "/ D Ws;0 .1/:
. sC1C"
2 /

We recall, see (vii), that

2sC1 . n2 / .s/
Ws;0 .1/ D p D jŒb; 0 js db:
 .s C / B

Proposition 9.2.24. For ' 2 D.X / we set ' t .x/ D '.a t  x/ .x 2 X /. Then we
have for Re s > 

lim e.s/t s;" .' t / D c.s; "/ .s; "/ b

' . 0 ; s; "/:
t !1

Indeed, Z
s;" .' t / D b
' .b; s; "/ Œat  b; en s;" db:
. sC1C"
/ B

Since et Œat  b; en  D et Œb; sinh t e0 C cosh t en  tends to 12 Œb; 0  when t ! 1, we
get, by (xii),
.s/t 2s
lim e s;" .' t / D b' .b; s; "/ Œb; 0 s;" db
t!1 . sC1C"
/ B

D Ws;0 .1/ .s; "/ b
' . 0 ; s; "/:
. sC1C"

According to Theorem 9.2.5 the spherical distributions s;" can be expressed as

linear combinations of the distributions M 0 S and M 0 T ( D s 2  2 ), defined
in Section B.4. So

s;" D a.s; "/ M 0 S C b.s; "/ M 0 T :

182 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

We shall determine a and b by comparing the asymptotic behaviour of the distri-

butions at ˙ 1.
Recall the definition of S and T of Section B.4. It is appropriate to collect a
few formulae which play an important role in the next computations:

.c/ .b  a/  1
2 F1 .a; bI cI z/ D .z/a 2 F 1 a; 1  c C aI 1  b C aI
.b/ .c  a/ z
.c/ .a  b/ 1
C .z/b 2 F 1 b; 1  c  bI 1  a C bI
.a/ .c  b/ z

for j arg.z/j <  (see [13, 2.1.4, formula (17)]),

p  1
 .2z/ D 22z1 .z/ z C ; ()

.z/ .1  z/ D : ()

For Re s >  and s … 2 Z we have

. n2 / .2s/
2s t s .t ! 1/;
.s C / .s C 12 /
T D 0 .t ! 1/;
. n2 / .2s/
1 .s/ 2s .t /s .t ! 1/;
.s C / .s C 12 /
1  1 .s/2 . n2 / .2s/
2s .t /s .t ! 1/:
2 .s/ .s C / .s C 12 /

This follows from formula (). Recall

. n2 / .1  n2 / n1
1 .s/ D 1 1
D .1/ 2 cos s;
.s C 2 / .s C 2/
. n2 / .1  n2 / .1/ 2 
2 .s/ D D :
.s C / .s C / .s C / .s C /

If ' 2 D.X/ and t 2 R, define ' t 2 D.X / again by ' t .x/ D '.a t  x/ .x 2 X /.
If Supp '  ¹x 2 X W Œx; 0  > 0º then, because

Œx; o  D 2 lim et x/ for all x 2 X;

t !1
9.2 Pseudo-Riemannian real hyperbolic spaces 183

we have Supp ' t  ¹x 2 X W Q.x/ > 1º for t large enough. Hence

lim e.s/t s;" .' t /

t !1
D a.s; "/ lim e.s/t M 0 S x// ' t .x/ dx
t !1 X
. n2 .2s/
D a.s; "/ 222s jŒx; 0 js '.x/ dx;
.s C / .s C / X

as follows from the application of the dominated convergence theorem. On the

other hand, from Proposition 9.2.24 it follows that the left hand side equals

2s 2sCC1 . n2 / .s/ . sCC1"

2 / 1
p sCC1"
. sC1C"
2 / .s C /  . 2 / .s   C 1 C "/
 jŒx; 0 js '.x/ dx:

Applying formulae () and () several times we obtain

4 .1/C"
a.s; "/ D : (9.2.18)
. sC1C"
2 / . sC1C"
2 /

Observe that a is even with respect to s, as it should be.

In a similar way we show that if Supp '  ¹x 2 X W Œx; 0  < 0º then

lim e.s/t s;" .' t /

t !1
. n2 / .2s/ 22s
D a.s; "/ 1 .s/ 2 jŒx; 0 js '.x/ dx
.s C / .s C 12 / X
1  12 .s/ . n2 / .2s/
C b.s; "/ 222s jŒx; 0 js '.x/ dx:
2 .s/ .s C / .s C 12 / X

On the other hand, the left-hand side equals

" 2s sCC1 . n2 / .s/ . sCC1"

2 /
.1/ 2 p sCC1"
. sC1C"
2 /2 .s C /  . 2 /
 jŒx; 0 js '.x/ dx
22 . n / .s/ Z
" 2 2
D .1/ p a.s; "/ jŒx; 0 js '.x/ dx:
.s C /  X
184 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

Applying again formulae () and () we obtain

b.s; "/ D sC1C"
.s C / .s C / . sC1C"
2 / . 2 / ¹cos s C .1/C" º

Observe that this expression is well-defined and entire analytic in s.
We have obtained:

Proposition 9.2.25. If  D s 2  2 , then

s;" D a.s; "/ M 0 S C b.s; "/ M 0 T
4 .1/C"
a.s; "/ D ;
. sC1C"
2 / . sC1C"
2 /
b.s; "/ D :
.s C / .s C / . sC1C"
2 / . sC1C"
2 / ¹cos s C .1/C" º

Though this holds primarily only for Re s >  and s … 12 Z, by analytic contin-
uation it holds for all s 2 C.

(xiv) Positive-definite spherical distributions

In this subsection we determine the positive-definite spherical distributions. An
important ingredient is the fact that dim D0 .X / D 2 for each  D s 2  2 . More-
over, s;0 and s;1 form a basis of this space of spherical distributions. We shall first
determine which s;" are positive-definite. Taking into account the G-equivariant
projection of D.G/ onto D.X / given by '0 7! ' where
' .x/ D ' .g  en / D '0 .gh/ dh;

one easily sees that s;" .e0  '0 / corresponds to

s;" .e0  '0 / D b
' .b; s; "/ b .b; s; "/ db:

Let us assume that s;" is positive-definite. Then clearly s;" D e

 s;" and moreover
s;" .e0  !'0 / D s;" .! 0  '0 / D s;" .!.e0  '0 //
s 2  2
D ! s;" .e0  '0 / D s;" .e0  '0 /;
2.n  1/
9.2 Pseudo-Riemannian real hyperbolic spaces 185

where ! is the Casimir operator. Taking now 0 D '0 we get s 2  2 , hence s 2

must be real, so s 2 i R or s 2 R.

(1) Spherical distributions associated with the unitary principal series and the
complementary series
(a) Unitary principal series. In this case where s D i
2 R one has
i ;" .e0  '0 / D ' .b; i
; "/j2 db  0:

So we may conclude that

i ;" .
2 R; " D 0; 1/ is positive-definite.

(b) Complementary series. Consider now the case with s 2 R; s   … Z.

According to Theorem 9.2.22 we have
s;" . e
' 0  '0 / D b
' .b; s; "/ b
' .b; s; "/ db
D .s; "/ ' .:; s; "/.b/ b
As;" Œb ' .b; s; "/ db

and if, in addition, ' is K-finite of the form

'0 .x/ D F .t/ Y .b/ .x D ka t  en /

with Y 2 Yl;m ; l C m " .mod 2/, then

' 0  '0 / D .s; "/ ˛l;m .s/ Œˇl;m .s; "/2

s;" . e (9.2.20)
ˇZ 1 ˇ2 Z
ˇ ˇ
ˇ F .t / ‰l;m .t; s; "/ A.t / dt ˇ jY.b/j2 db:
0 B

To obtain this formula, apply (9.2.14) and (viii). In order that s;" (or s;" )
is positive-definite, it is necessary and sufficient that the sesqui-linear form on
Hs;" .„/ given by
.f; g/ 7! hAs;" f; gi
(or its negative) is positive-definite. Equivalently, since ˇl;m .s; "/ 6D 0 and
.s; "/ > 0 for  < s < , if and only if the eigenvalues ˛l;m .s/ of As;"
all have the same sign when l C m " .mod 2/. Notice that the K-finite functions
in D" .B/ span a dense subspace, see Section 8.1. The expression for ˛l;m .s/ is
given by Theorem 9.2.15. We see:
 s; " is positive-definite for  < s < .

 If s >  and s   … Z then neither s;" nor s;" is positive-definite.

186 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

(2) Spherical distributions associated with a discrete series representation and

the trivial representation
We now consider the cases where s   is a non-negative integer.
For " D 0 and s D  we have
. n
;0 .'/ D  p X '.x/ dx:

This is easily computed and ;0 is clearly positive-definite.

We are now turning to the cases s D  C 2r C " and s D  C 2r C 1  "
for " D 0; 1 respectively and r a non-negative integer. Thus we have actually to
distinguish between four cases.
Case " D 0, sr D  C 2r .r 2 N; r positive/
We apply formula (9.2.20) again and notice that ˇl;m .sr ; 0/ 6D 0 for all .l; m/
with l C m 0 .mod 2/. Let us consider the expression
lim .s; 0/ ˛l;m .s/ D ˛l;m .sr /:

It follows that
˛l;m .sr / D ˛l;m .sr / .sr ; 0/;
0 0
˛l;m .sr / D 0 for l  2r C 1 and l 7! ˛l;m .sr / is non-zero and alternates in sign
for l < 2r C 1, hence:
 Neither C2r;0 nor C2r;0 is positive-definite.

Case " D 0,sr D  C 2r C 1 .r 2 N/

We have ; 0/ D ¹.l; m/ W l C m 0 .mod 2/; ˇl;m .sr ; 0/ 6D 0º

D ¹.l; m/ W l C m 0 .mod 2/; l  m  2r C 2º:

˛l;m .sr / D lim .s; 0/ ˛l;m .s/

.1/rC1 22rC2 . 12 C r/ .2r  1 C l/

Dp :
 . C r C 1/ .2 C 2r C 1/    .2 C 2r C l/
So .1/rC1 ˛l;m .sr / > 0 for .l; m/ 2 ; 0/. Hence:
 .1/rC1 C2rC1;0 is positive-definite.
9.2 Pseudo-Riemannian real hyperbolic spaces 187

We now turn to the two cases where " D 1 and obtain in a completely similar
 Neither C2rC1;1 nor C2rC1;1 is positive-definite.
 .1/r C2r;1 is positive-definite (also for r D 0).
Since dim D0 .X /H D 2 and s;0 and s;1 form a basis of D0 .X /H for  D s 2 
2 , we now easily see that the positive-definite spherical distributions associated
with the discrete points s 2  C ZC are, up to a positive scalar, given by

.1/rC1 C2rC1;0 ; .1/r C2r;1 ; ;0 :

In particular it follows that these distributions are extremal.

Let T be one of these distributions, H the corresponding invariant Hilbert subspace of
D 0 .X /,  the unitary representation and j the equivariant injection H ! D 0 .X /. Since
T is spherical we have ! T D T for some  2 C, where ! is the Casimir operator.
Then 1 .!/ D I on H1 . If T1 is a positive-definite H -invariant distribution with
T1  T , and if .1 ; j1 ; H1 / is the associated triple as above, then the mapping A given
by A.j  '/ D j1 ' .' 2 D.X // is well-defined and continuous. Extending A to H we
get a continuous linear mapping H ! H1 intertwining  and 1 . This implies, since A
has dense image, that 1 .!/ D I on H1;1 and thus T1 is spherical again: !T1 D T1 .
So T1 is a linear combination of T and a second distribution in D0 .X /. To see that T1 is
proportional to T , it is sufficient to consider the action on K-finite functions of type .l; m/
with l C m " .mod 2/ for " D 0 and " D 1 respectively. Observe that s;" . e ' 0  '0 / D 0
if ' is of type .l; m/ with l C m .1  "/ .mod 2/. Hence T is extremal.

(3) Extremal positive-definite distributions

We summarize:

Theorem 9.2.26. The extremal positive-definite H -invariant distributions are the

following (up to positive scalars):
 i ;" .
2 RI " D 0; 1/,
 s;" .0 < s < I " D 0; 1/,
 ;0 ,
 .1/rC1 C2rC1;0 and .1/r C2r;1 .r D 0; 1; 2; : : :/:
Since, by Proposition 8.2.6, any extremal positive-definite H -invariant distribution is
spherical, the result is a direct consequence of (1) and (2).

(4) Associated class-one representations

The representations associated with the extremal positive-definite H -invariant dis-
tributions can be described as follows.
188 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

 Unitary principal series

The distribution i ;" .
2 R; " D 0; 1/ is the reproducing distribution of i ;" on
the Hilbert space completion of Hi ;" with respect to the scalar product
hf j gi D f .b/ g.b/ db:
 Complementary series
The distribution s;" .0 < s < I " D 0; 1/ is the reproducing distribution of s;"
on the Hilbert space completion with respect to the scalar product
.f; g/ D hAs;" f j gi:
 Trivial representation
The distribution ;0 corresponds to the trivial representation.
 Discrete series
The distribution .1/rC1 C2rC1;0 .r D 0; 1; 2; : : :/ corresponds to the restric-
tion of .C2rC1/;0 to the space I .C2rC1/;0 , being the closure in D0 .B/ of
I.C2rC1/;0 . See (x) for the definition of this set. We provide I .C2rC1/;0 with
the G-invariant scalar product
.f; g/ D .1/rC1 lim .s; 0/ hAs;0 f j gi;

and take the Hilbert space completion, so that .1/rC1 C2rC1;0 is now the re-
producing distribution of the unitary extension of .C2rC1/;0 to this completion.
In a similar way we proceed with the distributions .1/r C2r;1 . Each one
corresponds to the restriction of 2r;1 to the space I 2r;1 , being the closure
in D1 .B/ of I2r;1 . See again (x) for definition of this set. We provide I 2r;1
with the G-invariant scalar product
.f; g/ D .1/r lim .s; 1/ hAs;1 f j gi:

(xv) Plancherel formula

We are now ready to determine the Plancherel formula for X : the expansion of the
delta-function ı at the origin en of X into extremal positive-definite H -invariant
distributions on X , so a formula like
X1 Z 1 1 Z 
ıD i ;" d " .
/ C s;" d m" .s/
"D0 0 "D0 0
X 1
C ar .1/rC1 C2rC1;0 C br .1/r C2r;1 ;
rD0 rD0
9.2 Pseudo-Riemannian real hyperbolic spaces 189

where 0 , 1 and m0 , m1 are positive (Radon) measures on Œ0; 1/ and Œ0;  re-
spectively and ar , br are positive numbers for all r. Since .G; H / is a generalized
Gelfand pair, such an expansion must be unique, hence the data 0 , 1 , m0 , m1 ,
ar , br are uniquely determined by ı in the given parametrization of the extremal
positive-definite H -invariant distributions on X . We are going to determine 0 ,
1 , m0 , m1 , ar , br .

Theorem 9.2.27. One has

1 Z
. n2 / 222 1 X 1 d

n ıD i ;"
2 2 0 jc.i
; "/j2
C C2rC1;0 RessDC2rC1
c.s; 0/c.s; 0/
C C2r;1 RessDC2r :
c.s; 1/c.s; 1/

This formula has been inspired by the Riemannian case, and the proof is also at
several points similar to the case SO0 .1; n/= SO.n/, see Section 7.5 (vii). We shall
show that the formula is correct, but refrain from long computations. Of course,
Res stands for residue.
(1) Method of proof. A first remark is that the Laplace–Beltrami operator  is not only
symmetric on its domain D.X /  L2 .X /, but in addition essentially self-adjoint. The
proof of Proposition 7.5.13 applies to this case as well, the reader may easily check it.
Denote by  the closure of  and by R the resolvent of . We are going to determine
R , because we can then derive the spectral function  7! E of  by means of the
Z 1 Z 1
' ./ d.E f j f / D  lim Im.RCi " f j f / ' ./ d  (9.2.21)
1  "#0 1
for all ' 2 Cc .R/ and f 2 L2 .X /. We shall use the following two properties of R :
(a) For all f; g 2 L2 .X / and all  2 C with Im  6D 0 one has
j.R f j g/j  kf k2 kgk2 :
j Im j
(b) If f and g are in D.X /, then
.R f j g/ D .R f j g/:

(2) Computation of R . Let 2 D.X / and '0 2 D.G/ and let, as usual, ' 2 D.X/
be defined by Z
'.x/ D '.g  en / D '0 .gh/ dh:
190 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

Set Z
' 0  .x/ D '0 .g/ .g  x/ dg:
Clearly, e
' 0  2 D.X /. Consider now the function M. e ' 0  / in H . If we take a
right-translate of '0 over h 2 H , this function does not change, hence we get a continuous
mapping of D.X /  D.X / into H which we denote by
.'; / 7! '# :
So '# D M. e ' 0  /. This mapping is anti-linear in ', linear in .
Applying Schwartz’ kernel theorem, see, e.g., Section 4.5 in [50] and Theorem B.3.2,
one has

Proposition 9.2.28. Let B be a continuous G-invariant mapping of D.X/  D.X/ to C,

linear in the first and anti-linear in the second variable. There exists a unique element
K 2 H0 such that
B.'; / D K.'# /:
n1 n
2 2
For example, from the relation M 0 B0.1/ D .1/. n /  ı (see Remark A.3.7), where
.1/ 2
B0 is defined on H by
B0.1/ .'/ D '.1/
and ı is the delta-function at the origin en of X , we conclude
Z n1
.1/ 2 . n2 /
'.x/ .x/ dx D n hB0.1/ ; '# i:
X 2
Let us apply the proposition to the kernel
.'; / 7! .R ' j /:
If Im  6D 0, this kernel is continuous (see (b)) and G-invariant, so there exists a unique
element K 2 H0 with
.R ' j / D hK ; '# i
for all '; 2 D.X /.
Clearly, K satisfies the following equation in H0
.1/ 2 . n2 /
K  LK D n B0.1/ :

By Theorem 9.2.5 and similar to the computations in Section B.4, we have

1 .1/ 2 . n2 / .1/
K D n TC C A S C B T
4.n  2/ 2
for some complex numbers A and B.
To determine A and B we look at the behaviour of the anti-linear forms at ˙ 1 again
and take Re s > 0 in  D s 2  2 ; s … R.
9.2 Pseudo-Riemannian real hyperbolic spaces 191

(3) Asymptotics. For a function ' 2 D.X / let us set again

' .x/ D '.a  x/ . 2 R; x 2 X/:
Let ' and be two functions in D.X / and F a continuous function on R. Then we have
Z 1 Z Z
F .t/ .'# /.t / dt D F .Œx; y/ '.x/ .y/ dxdy:
1 X X

Hence, if Supp '  Supp  ¹.x; y/ W Œx; y > 1º, then

hS ; '# i D ˆ.1/ .Œx; y/ '.x/ .y/ dxdy

(see Section B.4 for the definition of ˆ.1/ ), and

hS ; ' # i D ˆ.1/ .Œx; y/ '.a  x/ .y/ dxdy
D ˆ.1/ .Œa  x; y/ '.x/ .y/ dxdy:

We have
Œa  x; y D y0 .cosh   x0  sinh   xn / C x1 y1 C    C xn1 yn1
C yn . sinh   x0 C cosh   xn /;
and thus
1 1
lim e Œa  x; y D .y0 C yn /.xn  x0 / D Œx; 0  Œy; w  0 ;
!1 2 2
where w is the matrix w D diag.1; 1; : : : ; 1/ 2 G. Suppose
Supp '  ¹x W Œx; 0  > 0º;
Supp  ¹x W Œx; w  0  > 0º:
We have for Re s > 
. n2 / .2s/
ˆ.1/ .t /
2s t s .t ! 1/;
.s C / .s C 12 /
and therefore
. n2 / .2s/
ˆ.1/ .Œa x; y/
222s e.s/t Œx; 0 s Œx; w 0 s . ! 1/;
.s C / .s C 12 /
and thus, applying the dominated convergence theorem,
lim e.s/ hS ; '# i
. n2 / .2s/
D 222s Œx; 0 s '.x/ dx Œy; w 0 s .y/ dy:
.s C / .s C 12 / X X
192 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

Similar observations hold for T and TC.1/ :

lim e.s/ hT ; ' # i D 0


lim e.s/ hTC.1/ ; ' # i
.2  n2 / .2s/
D 222s Œx; 0 s '.x/ dx Œy; w 0 s .y/ dy:
.s C / .s C 12 / X X

We also have
k'k2 k k2 ;
jhK ; ' # ij 
j Im j
since k' k2 D k'k2 . This yields the condition
.1/ 2 . n2 / .2  n2 / .2s/ . n2 / .2s/
CA D 0;
8  .s C 12 / .s   C 1/
2 .s C / .s C 12 /
hence A D  n2
8 2 . n
In a similar way, applying asymptotics at 1, we obtain in the notation of Section B.4,
² ³
. n2 / .2s/ 1  12 .s/
 1 .s/ A C B D 0;
.s C / .s C 12 / 2 .s/
1 .s/2 .s/
1  12 .s/
 cos s
D 2 A
sin s .s C / .s C /
 cos s 1
D n2
8  2 . / n sin2
s .s   C 1/ .s C /

D n2
8 2 . n2 / tg s
So we have now
n3 ² ³
.1/ 2 . n2 / 1 .s C / .1/
K D n
TC.1/  S C T : (9.2.22)
. n2 / .s   C 1/
8 2 8 2 tg s

(4) The c-functions. The c-functions were introduced in (xiii). For the formulation of
the Plancherel measure, it is convenient to have a simple expression for c.s; "/ c.s; "/.
One has, using the formulae for -functions in (xiii)
. n2 /2 cos. sCC" /  cos. sCC" /
c.s; "/ c.s; "/ D  2
 . sCC" 2
/ . 2 / s sin s
9.2 Pseudo-Riemannian real hyperbolic spaces 193

(5) The Plancherel measure. We are going to rewrite formula (9.2.21) in terms of the
variable s,  D s 2  2 . We take Re s > 0 and Re s D 0, Im s > 0 as unique solutions
of the latter equation. So Im  > 0 corresponds to Re s > 0, Im s > 0 and Im  < 0 to
Re s > 0, Im s < 0.
We start, as said, with formula (9.2.21), written as
Z 1 Z 1
'./ d.E f jf / D  lim Œ.RCi " f jf /  .Ri " f jf / './ d 
1 2 i "#0 1
with ' 2 Cc .R/ and f 2 L2 .X /, in particular f 2 D.X/. Changing to the new variables,
 D s 2  2 gives two branches, namely  2 .1; 2 /, so s 2 i R and  > 2 , so
s 2 R. Let Ks correspond to K (as usual). The line  C i " . < 2 / transforms into
the curve " , the line  C i " . > 2 / into e
 " . Similarly we obtain for   i " the curves
" and e
 " (see Figure 9.1).

Figure 9.1. The curves ˙" and e


We obtain for the right-hand side of the formula

Z 0
lim ŒhK" .v/ ; f #f i  hK" .v/ ; f #f i '.
2  2 / 2

2 i "#0 1
Z 1
 lim ŒhKe  " .s/
; f #f i  hKe
 " .s/
; f #f i '.s 2  2 / 2s ds:
2 i "#0 0
Taking into account the expression for Ks , this gives
1 1
 ImhKi ; f #f i '.
2  2 / 2
C RessDsr hKs ; f #f i '.sr2  2 / 2sr ;
 0 r

where sr , r D 0; 1; 2; : : : are simple poles of s 7! hKs ; f #f i in .0; 1/. This second

term is easily obtained by writing in a neighbourhood of a pole sr > 0 of Ks , e  " .s/ D
194 9 Examples of Generalized Gelfand Pairs

s C 12 i" C O."2 / and similarly e " .s/ D s  12 i " C O."2 /. Finally, letting ' tend to
the function 1, this gives the Plancherel formula in a more or less concrete form. What
remains to show can be formulated as follows. In the first place we have to prove that
1 1 h 1 1 i
 ImhKi ; f #f i 2
D hi ;0 ; e
f 0 #f i C h i ;1 ; e
f 0 #f i :
 2c jc.i
; o/j2 jc.i
; 1/j2
This can be seen in the following way. From formula (9.2.22) we derive for s D i
 D s 2  2 ,

1 h ° .s C / ±
ImhKs ; f #f i D  Im hS ; f #f i
8 2 . n / .s   C 1/
° .1/ ± i
C Im hT ; f #f i :
tg s
Making this formula explicit leads to a routine computation, where one applies Proposi-
tion 9.2.25. We leave this part to the reader.
In the second place, we have to show that the terms
RessDsr hKs ; f #f i 2sr
give the discrete terms with the right weights in the Plancherel formula. From the form of
Ks we see that poles in .0; 1/ occur if tg s has zeros there, so for sr D 1; 2; 3; : : : and
RessDsr Ks D .1/ n2 Tsr .Tsr D T ;  D sr2  2 /. By Proposition 9.2.25 we see
8 2 . n
that M TC2r is a multiple of C2r;1 and M 0 TC2rC1 is a multiple of C2rC1;0 . This

multiple is easily computed, applying the transformation formulae for the -function from
(xiii), and we finally obtain the weights described in the Plancherel formula.

Remark 9.2.29. The relative discrete series of the group G is easily read off from
the Plancherel formula. The corresponding distributions are
.1/rC1 C2rC1;0 and .1/r C2r;1
with r D 0; 1; 2; : : : , and
C2rC1;0 and C2r;1
with 0 <  C 2r C 1 <  and 0 <  C 2r <  respectively, where r is an integer.
Notice that if  is one of these distributions, then the Plancherel formula implies
jh; f #f ij  const.kf k22 for all f 2 D.X /;
so  belongs to a relative discrete series representation, by Proposition 8.4.1. For
all such  one has:  is a multiple of M 0 Tsr for some sr D 0; 1; 2; : : : .
It is known that the group G itself has no discrete series.

Remark 9.2.30. For more (recent) examples of generalized Gelfand pairs we refer
to [53, Chapter 8].
Appendix A
The Averaging Mapping on the Space RnC1

A.1 Special case of a theorem of Harish-Chandra

Let Q be the quadratic form on RnC1 given by

Q.x/ D x02  x12      xn2 :

As in Chapter 9, set  t D ¹x 2 RnC1 W Q.x/ D t º where t 2 R. Write

RnC1 n¹0º D RnC1
 . One has the following result.

Theorem A.1.1. There exists a mapping f 7! Mf from D.RnC1  / onto D.R/

such that for all continuous functions ˆ on R one has
f .x/ ˆ.Q.x// dx D Mf .t / ˆ.t / dt:
RnC1 R

Moreover, Supp Mf  Q.Supp f / and f 7! Mf is continuous.

This follows easily from the fact that Q W RnC1  ! R is everywhere submersive, i.e. the
differential of Q is non-zero. It is also a particular case of a general theorem of Harish-
Chandra, see [20, Theorem 1]. We shall sketch the proof of the theorem.
Take x0 2 RnC1 and set t0 D Q.x0 /. Since Q is submersive, we can choose an open
neighbourhood V of x0 in RnC1  , a neighbourhood W of 0 in Rn and a neighbourhood A
of t0 in R such that there is a diffeomorphism W V ! W  A satisfying
Q. 1 .y; t // D t for y 2 W; t 2 A:
Let !.t; y/dydt be the image under of dxjV . Then one defines for f 2 D.V /
MfV .t / D .f ı 1 /.y; t/ !.y; t/ dy:

Obviously, MfV 2 D.A/, Supp MfV  Q.Supp f / and f 7! MfV is linear and continu-
ous. Moreover, MfV is well-defined, i.e. the definition does not depend on the coordinate
system .y; t /, provided Q. 1 .y; t // D t. To define Mf for f 2 D.RnC1
 / we now use
partition of unity.

Lemma A.1.2 (Partition of unity). Let O1 ; : : : ; Ok be open sets in Rm and let K be a

compact set satisfying K  kiD1 Oi . Then there exist functions 'i 2 D.Rm / with
Pk P
Supp 'i  Oi , 'i  0, iD1 'i  1 and kiD1 'i D 1 in a neighbourhood of K.
196 A The Averaging Mapping on the Space RnC1

The proof of this lemma is similar to that of Lemma 4.1.2. The counterpart of Theo-
rem 3.2.1 is:

Lemma A.1.3. Let K  Rm be a compact set and let K  O with O open. There is
a function ' 2 D.Rm / such that 0  '  1, ' D 1 on a neighbourhood of K and
Supp '  O.
Let us prove this lemma. Let 0 < a < b and consider the function f on R defined by
f .x/ D exp. xa
/ if a < x < b and f .x/ D 0 otherwise. Then f is a C 1 function
Rb Rb
and the same holds for F .x/ D x f .t/ dt= a f .t / dt. Notice that F .x/ D 1 if x  a,
F .x/ D 0 if x  b. The function ' on Rm given by '.x1 ; : : : ; xm / D F .x12 C    C xm
is C , is equal to 1 for r  a and equal to 0 for r  b, where r D x1 C    C xm . If
2 2 2 2 2

B 0  B are different concentric open balls in Rm , then we can easily construct a function
2 D.Rm / that is equal to 1 on B 0 and zero outside B. We can find open balls Bi
and Bi0 .i D 1; : : : ; k/ such that Bi and Bi0 are concentric, the radius of Bi is strictly
larger then that of Bi0 , and such that the Bi0 cover K while the Bi are contained in O. Let
i 2 D.R / be such that i D 1 on Bi and i D 0 outside Bi . Then the function

' D 1  .1  1 /.1  2 /    .1  k / is in D.Rm / and it is equal to 1 in a neighbourhood

of K, and it satisfies Supp '  O and 0  '  1.
Let us now define Mf for f 2 D.RnC1  /. Cover Supp f with finitely many sets Vi ,
i D 1; : : : ; k, and choose a partition of unity '1 ; : : : ; 'k relative to this covering. Then
f D kiD1 'i f and 'i f 2 D.Vi / for all i . We define

Mf D M'iif :

Clearly, Mf is well-defined. It remains to show that f 7! Mf is a mapping of D.RnC1 /

onto D.R/.
Let t0 2 R and choose x0 2  t0 . As before, choose neighbourhoods V of x0 , U of
y D 0 in Rn , A of t D t0 in R such that there is a diffeomorphism W V ! W  A
satisfying Q. 1 .y; t // D t for y 2 W , t 2 A. Let !.y; t/dydt be the image of dxjV
under . Then we have for f 2 D.V /
Mf .t / D .f ı 1 /.y; t/ !.y; t/ dy:

There exist a function g 2 D.W  A/ and a neighbourhood B.t0 / of t0 such that

g.y; t/ !.y; t/ dy D 1 for t 2 B.t0 /:

Set f t0 D g ı . Then f t0 belongs to D.V / and Mf t0 D 1 for t 2 B.t0 /.

Let now u 2 D.R/. Associate to every point t in Supp u a function f t and a neighbour-
hood B.t / of t as above. There are finitely many t1 ; : : : ; tl such that Supp u is covered by
the B.ti /.
A.2 Results of Méthée 197

Let '1 ; : : : ; 'l be a partition of unity relative to this covering. Then u D '1 u C    C
'l u, Supp 'i u  B.ti /. The function f D .'1 ı Q/ f t1 C    C .'l ı Q/ f tl satisfies the
conditions f 2 D.RnC1  / and Mf D u. Hence f 7! Mf is a surjective mapping.

It is clear that f 7! Mf .t / .t 6D 0/ is a positive measure on RnC1 , since

its support  t is closed in RnC1
 ; moreover it is H -invariant, so f 7! Mf .t / is
proportional to the measure t as given by (9.1.3) and (9.1.4), for instance. For
t D 0 a similar statement holds, see (9.1.2).
Show that one actually has for t 6D 0 and f 2 D.RnC1 /
2 2 n1
Mf .t / D n jtj
2 .f /;
. 2 /
if t is defined by (9.1.3) and (9.1.4).

A.2 Results of Méthée

Let again G D O.1; n/. By Theorem A.1.1 there exists a continuous mapping
f 7! Mf of D.RnC1  / onto D.R/. If S is a distribution on R then T defined by
hT; f i D hS; Mf i is a G-invariant distribution on RnC1
 . We shall show that the
converse is also true. This result is due to Méthée [31].

Theorem A.2.1. Let M be the continuous linear mapping from D.RnC1  / onto
D.R/ defined in Theorem A.1.1 and let M 0 be the dual mapping from the space
D 0 .R/ into the space D 0 .RnC1
 /. Then M 0 maps D 0 .R/ onto the space of G-
0 nC1
invariant distributions in D .R /.
The proof is rather involved, we follow the arguments in [37]. The structure of the proof
is as follows.
1. There is a well-defined continuous linear mapping from D.R/ into D.RnC1
 /, ' 7!
˛' , such that M˛' D '.
Consequently, any distribution T on RnC1
 gives rise to a distribution S on R by hS; 'i D
hT; ˛' i .' 2 D.R//.
2. Let T be a G-invariant distribution on RnC1
 . The restriction T0 of T to ¹x W Q.x/ 6D
0º is of the form T0 D M 0 S0 for some S0 2 D 0 .R /.
Hence, if S is as in 1., then S D S0 on R , so S0 can be continued to R and the distribution
T  M 0 S is G-invariant with support in ¹x W Q.x/ D 0º.
3. Any G-invariant distribution T on RnC1  with support in Q.x/ D 0 is of the form
p. dt /Mf .t /j tD0 , where p is a polynomial in one variable.

So T D M 0 S for S 2 D 0 .R/; S D p. dt
/ ı.
198 A The Averaging Mapping on the Space RnC1

ad 1. We recall that M is surjective: to any v 2 D.R/ there is f 2 D.RnC1  / with

Mf D v (Theorem A.1.1). We are now going to construct a C 1 function ˛ on RnC1
the following properties:
(a) For any compact set K  R, Q1 .K/ \ Supp ˛ is compact.
(b) M˛ .t / D 1 for all t 2 R.
Set RnC1
C D ¹x 2 RnC1 W Q.x/ > 0º. There is 2 D.1 / with
.x/ d 1 .x/ D 1:

Set C .x/ D .x Q.x/1=2 / Q.x/ 2 for x 2 RnC1 C . Then C is C
on RnC1
C . If
K  RC is compact, then Q .K/ \ Supp C is compact. Moreover M C .t / D 1 for
t 2 RC .
In a similar way we construct  on RnC1 D ¹x 2 RnC1 W Q.x/ < 0º.
Let now v 2 D.R/ be such that v D 1 in a neighbourhood of t D 0. We know that
there is f 2 D.RnC1
 / with Mf D v. Define
<f .x/ C Œ1  v Q.x/ C .x/ if x 2 RC ,

˛.x/ D f .x/ if Q.x/ D 0,

f .x/ C Œ1  v Q.x/  .x/ if x 2 RnC1

Then ˛ has the required properties.

Let now ' 2 D.R/ and set ˛' .x/ D ˛.x/ '.Q.x//. Then ˛' has compact support and
M˛' D '. Observe that the mapping ' 7! ˛' is continuous.
ad 2. Let T be an invariant distribution on RnC1
 . The mapping

.t; y/ 7! t:y

of RC  1 onto RnC1

C is a diffeomorphism. Consider now functions f of the form

f .t; y/ D ˇ.y/ ˛.t/ .˛ 2 D.RC /; ˇ 2 D.1 //:

These functions span a dense subspace of D.RnC1

C /. Fix ˛ and consider ˇ 7! hT; f i.
There is a constant .˛/ such that
hT; ˛ ˝ ˇi D .˛/ ˇ.y/ d 1 .y/

and is a distribution on RC .

We obtain
hT; f i D h ; jtj.n1/ Mf .t 2 /i:
So there exists a distribution SC on RC with

hT; f i D hSC ; Mf i .f 2 D.RnC1

C //:
A.2 Results of Méthée 199

Similarly there is a distribution S on R with

hT; f i D hS ; Mf i .f 2 D.RnC1


So S0 D .SC ; S / is a distribution on R with

hT; f i D hS0 ; Mf i

for f 2 D.RnC1
C [ RnC1
 /. Therefore the restriction T0 of T to ¹x W Q.x/ 6D 0º is equal
to M S0 .
ad 3. Let T be an invariant distribution on RnC1
 with support in 0 . For every x0 2 0
there is a neighbourhood V where we may use a coordinate system .t; y/ .t 2 R; y 2 Rn /
as before in (A.1), so with t D Q.x/. We can write T in V as

T D ˝ Si (A.2.1)
dt i

with S1 ; : : : ; Sl distributions on V \ 0 . We call l D l.x0 / the transversal order of T

at x0 . Since T is invariant, l.x0 / does not depend on x0 2 0 ; we write l for the global
transversal order. We are going to show by induction on l that there is a polynomial in one
variable of order l such that
hT; f i D p Mf .t /j t D0
for f 2 D.RnC1  /.
If l D 0, then T is an invariant distribution on 0 , so equal to a scalar multiple of 0 .
Let our statement be true for 0; 1; : : : ; l  1. We shall prove it for l. Write near x0 2 0
the distribution T as in (A.2.1). So

@i f
hT; f i D hSi ; i .0; y/i .f 2 D.V //:

We shall show that Sl is (locally) G-invariant.

Let ˇ 2 D.V \ 0 / and take f of the form

f .t; y/ D ˛.t/ ˇ.y/

with ˛.0/ D ˛ 0 .0/ D    D ˛ .l1/ .0/ D 0 and ˛ .l/ .0/ D 1. Then hT; f i D hSl ; ˇi. Let
g 2 G be such that Supp Lg .ˇ/  V \ 0 . If x 2 V , x D .t; y/, we set g 1  x D
.t; .g; y:t //. We then have

.Lg f /.t; y/ D ˛.t/ ˇ. .g; y; t //;

and taking into account the conditions imposed on ˛,

hT; Lg f i D hSl ; ˇ. .g; y; t //i D hSl ; Lg ˇi:

200 A The Averaging Mapping on the Space RnC1

Since T is invariant, we see that so is Sl , hence hSl ; ˇi D c Mˇ .0/, where c is a constant.

Hence T  c dt l Mf .0/ is a G-invariant distribution with locally and hence, by the G-
invariance, also globally, transversal order at most l  1. Now apply induction to get the

The next step is to extend Theorems A.1.1 and A.2.1 from RnC1
 to RnC1 . This
will be done in the next section.

A.3 Results of Tengstrand

We start with the extension of Theorem A.1.1. Let n  2 and let f 2 D.RnC1 /.
Observe that Mf .t / is defined for all t , see Section 9.1. The crucial point is the
determination of the behaviour of Mf .t / near t D 0. We begin with a lemma.

Lemma A.3.1. Let f 2 D.RnC1 / and n  2. Then Mf .t / is continuous at t D 0

and C 1 for t 6D 0.
Let us apply formulae (9.1.3) and (9.1.4). We take f K-invariant, which can be done
2 n=2
without loss of generality. We then have (up to a positive constant equal to .n=2/ )
8 Z 1
ˆ jt j
f .jtj1=2 sinh u; 0; : : : ; 0; jt j1=2 cosh u/ coshn1 u du .t < 0/;
< 2
Mf .t / D Z
ˆ n1 1
:̂t 2 f .t 1=2 cosh u; 0; : : : ; 0; t 1=2 sinh u/ sinhn1 u du .t > 0/:

For simplicity we considered f as a function of two variables, C 1 and of compact sup-

port. Moreover, since f is even in the first and in the second variable, we may write
f .x; y/ D g.x 2 ; y 2 / for some g 2 D.R2 /.
So, for t < 0,
Z 1
Mf .t / D jtj 2 g.jtj sinh2 u; jt j cosh2 u/ coshn1 u du:

Substituting jt j cosh2 u D w, we get

1 1 n2
Mf .t / D g.w  jt j; w/ w 2 .w  jt j/1=2 dw (A.3.1)
2 0
1 1 n2
D g.w; w C jt j/ .w C jtj/ 2 w 1=2 dw
2 0
and similarly, for t > 0,
Z 1
1 n2
Mf .t / D g.w C t; w/ w 2 .w C t /1=2 dw: (A.3.2)
2 0
A.3 Results of Tengstrand 201

Hence lim t!0 Mf .t / D c Mf .0/ by (9.1.2), since n  2. Because Mf .t / is already

continuous at t D 0 if f 2 D.RnC1
 / (by Theorem A.1.1), we get c D 1 and Mf .t / is
continuous at t D 0 for f 2 D.RnC1 /. Clearly, formulae (A.3.1) and (A.3.2) also imply
that Mf is C 1 for t 6D 0.

Notice that (A.3.1) and (A.3.2) can be combined to one formula valid for all t
(even t D 0), namely
1 1 n2
Mf .t/ D g.z  ; z C  / .z C  / 2 .z   /1=2 dz (A.3.3)
2 j j
2 n=2
where t D 2 (again up to the positive constant equal to .n=2/ ). Though Mf .t /
is a few times differentiable at t D 0, there is obviously a singularity at t D 0. The
next theorem gives a precise result. Recall the definition of the Heaviside function
Y : Y .t / D 1 for t  0, Y .t/ D 0 otherwise.

Theorem A.3.2 (Tengstrand). The image of D.RnC1 / under the mapping M is the
space H consisting of functions on R of the form
'1 C  '2
where '1 ; '2 2 D.R/ and
´ n1
Y .t/ jt j 2 if n is even,
.t/ D n1 (A.3.4)
log jt j t 2 if n is odd.
We follow [47]. Let f 2 D.RnC1 /. Then clearly, Mf has compact support and is C 1 for
t 6D 0. We shall examine Mf .t / in O D ¹ W j j  12 º; 2 D t. It is easily seen that
Z 1
g.z  ; z C / .z C / 2 .z   /1=2 dz

is C 1 in , so in C 1 .O/.
Let first n be even. By expanding g in a Taylor series we get
X Z 1
n2 1
2Mf . / D gˇ; .0; 0/ .z C / 2 Cˇ .z   /  2 dz C w; (A.3.5)
ˇ C v
vC n2 @ g
where w 2 C 2 and gˇ; .0; 0/ D @x ˇ @y  .0; 0/.

Integration by parts (to move the .z C /-term to the .z   /-term, to get finally
.z   /1=2C 2 Cˇ C ) now gives
n1 X
2Mf . / D Y./ .2 / 2 aˇ; . /ˇ C gˇ; .0; 0/
ˇ Cv
C gˇ; .0; 0/ wˇ; C w;
ˇ C v
202 A The Averaging Mapping on the Space RnC1

where w 2 C 2 Cv .O/ and wˇ; 2 C 1 .O/. The wˇ; are independent of g. Further-
more aˇ; D .1/ 2 Cˇ bˇ; with
Cˇ C ˇ C 
. n2 C ˇ/ . C 12 /
bˇ; D 2 2 :
ˇ . nC1
C ˇ C /

By a classical result, due to E. Borel, we can find a function ' in D.R/ with
dv X
'.0; 0/ D aˇ; gˇ; .0; 0/:
ˇ C Dv

Then we have
n1 n2
2Mf . / D Y./ .2 / 2 '. / 2 C 2 Cv .O/
for all v, so Mf . / D '1 . / C . / '2 . / with '1 ; '2 2 D.R/.
To see that M maps D.RnC1 / onto H , take ' 2 H of the form ' D '1 C  '2 and
choose g in D.R2 / of the form
g.x; y/ D ˛.x/ ˇ.y/
with ˇ D 1 near y D 0, ˇ 2 D.R/ and ˛ 2 D.R/ such that 2 2 .1/v ˛ .v/ .0/ D
'2.v/ .0/ .v D 0; 1; 2; : : :/.
Set f .x; y/ D g.x02 ; x12 C    C xn2 /. Then f can be seen as a K-invariant C 1 function
on RnC1 with compact support. Moreover 2 Mf . /  '. / is in C 1 .R/, so in D.R/, and
thus, applying Theorem A.1.1, M is surjective.
The case n odd is a little more difficult, but the proof goes along the same lines. To
handle the analog of (A.3.5), i.e. the integrals
Z 1
n2 1
.z C / 2 Cˇ .z   /  2 dz;

we consider separately  > 0 and  < 0. Let  > 0. By partial integration we reduce it to
Z 1
n3 1
.z C / 2 Cˇ CC 2 .z   /1=2 dz

(up to a well-defined constant).

Now write
   1=2 X !
z   1=2
2 1=2 2k  k  N C1
D 1 D C N .z: /:
zC zC k .z C  /k .z C  /N C1

Similarly for  < 0. We finally get

X n1
2 Mf . / D  1 log jj aˇ;  2 Cˇ C gˇ; .0; 0/
ˇ C v
C gˇ; .0; 0/ wˇ; C w;
ˇ C v
A.3 Results of Tengstrand 203
where w 2 C 2 CvC1 .O/ and wˇ; 2 C 1 .O/. The wˇ; are independent of g. Further-
more, aˇ; D .1/ 2 Cˇ bˇ; , where bˇ; is as above. The proof is now easily com-

A careful look at the proof of Theorem A.3.2 also reveals the following. Define
the functionals Ak and Bk .k D 0; 1; 2; : : :/ on H by

d k '1 d k '2
Ak .'1 C  '2 / D .0/; Bk .'1 C  '2 / D .0/:
dt k dt k
Observe that Ak and Bk are well-defined: if '1 D  '2 2 D.R/, then all deriva-
tives of '1 and '2 vanish at t D 0. We see that for f 2 D.RnC1 /
Bk .Mf / D cˇ; gˇ; .0; 0/
ˇ C Dk

with cˇ; well-defined constants, independent of f . About the relation between
derivatives of f and g, observe the following.
For any .n C 1/-tuple ˛ D .˛0 ; ˛1 ; : : : ; ˛n / of non-negative integers we set
j˛j D ˛0 C ˛1 C    C ˛n and D ˛ D ˛1 @˛1 ˛ . Let us call ˛ even if all ˛i
@x0 @x1  @xn n
are even. R
For f 2 D.RnC1 / set F .x/ D K f .k  x/ d k .x 2 RnC1 /. Notice that
F is in D.RnC1 / and is even in each variable x0 ; x1 ; : : : ; xn . So only for even
˛ D .˛0 ; ˛1 ; : : : ; ˛n /, D ˛ F .0/ does not vanish and one has
.D ˛ F /.0/ D eı .D ı f /.0/;

where the eı are constants independent of f such that e˛ 6D 0. In addition we have

D ˇ; g.0; 0/ D gˇ; .0; 0/ D .D 2ˇ;0;:::;0;2 F /.0/;
.2ˇ/Š .2 /Š

where we have set F .x; 0; : : : ; 0; y/ D g.x 2 ; y 2 /. The result follows by using the
Taylor expansion of g at .0; 0/. So combining these results we have
Bk .Mf / D cı .D ı f /.0/ (A.3.6)

for all f 2 D.RnC1 /, the cı being constants not depending on f and not all equal
to zero.
We shall now provide the vector space H with a topology, that makes it a
locally convex topological space in a natural way. Put on H the strongest locally
204 A The Averaging Mapping on the Space RnC1

convex topology such that the maps ' 7! ' and ' 7!  ' from D.R/ to H
are continuous: the “topologie localement convexe finale” (see [4, Chapter II, §4,
no. 4]). The restriction of this topology on H to D.R/ and  D.R/ coincides
with the original topologies on D.R/ and  D.R/ respectively. So in particular, by
Hahn–Banach’s theorem, any distribution on D.R/ can be extended to an element
of H0 , the anti-dual of H . Let T 2 H0 . Then the restriction of T to D.R/ is
a distribution on R, that can be extended to an element S on H0 . Then T  S
vanishes on D.R/. Now consider the functional
' 7! .T  S /. '/;
which is a distribution on R with support in ¹0º, so a finite linear combination of
derivatives of the ı-function. Otherwise stated:
.T  S /. '/ D ck Bk .'/

for some positive integer m and constants ck , independent of '. Thus T D S C

P m 0
kD0 ck Bk . This gives a good insight into the structure of elements of H .
Notice that Bk 2 H0 . Summarizing we have:

Proposition A.3.3. (a) Any distribution T on R can be extended into an element

of H0 .
(b) Two extensions of the same distribution T differ by a finite linear combination
of the functionals Bk .
It is not difficult to show that f 7! Mf is now continuous on D.RnC1 /. We
will not go in detail here, but just refer to the proof in [47].
Notice that both D.RnC1 / and H are inductive limits of Fréchet spaces, so
that the closed graph theorem applies both to these spaces and their duals.
Let  be the second order differential operator on RnC1 that we defined in
Section 9.1 (iii).

Lemma A.3.4. Any G-invariant distribution T on RnC1 with support in ¹0º is of

the form T D p./ ı where p is a polynomial in one variable.
In fact, every such T has the form q.@/ ı where q is an invariant polynomial, so q.@/ D

Lemma A.3.5. Let T 2 D 0 .RnC1 / be G-invariant and with support contained

in ¹0º. Then T is a finite linear combination of the distributions M 0 Bk .
Clearly, this follows from (A.3.6) and Lemma A.3.4, since ı;  ı; : : : ; m ı span the same
.m C 1/-dimensional space as M 0 B0 ; M 0 B1 ; : : : ; M 0 Bm .
A.4 Solutions in H0 of a singular second order differential equation 205

Theorem A.3.6. The adjoint M 0 of the mapping M from H0 into the space of
G-invariant distributions on RnC1 is a continuous surjective mapping, hence an
The latter statement follows from the closed graph theorem. If T 2 H0 then clearly M 0 T
is a G-invariant distribution on RnC1 , since M is continuous. It remains to show that M 0
is surjective, since M 0 is clearly injective. So let T0 2 D 0 .RnC1 / be G-invariant. Then
the restriction S0 of T0 to RnC1  is of the form M 0 S for some S 2 D 0 .R/, by the results
0 0
of Méthée. Extend S to H and call it S again. Then Pm T  M 0S is in D .R
/, is G-
invariant and has support in ¹0º. So it is of the form kD0 ck M Bk by Lemma A.3.5, for
some constants c0 ; : : : ; cm . This proves the surjectivity of M 0 .

Remark A.3.7. From the proof of Theorem A.3.2 we get

8 n nC1
< .1/ 2nC1
ı if n is even;
M 0 B0 D
. 2 /
nC1 n1
:̂ .1/ 2  2 ı if n is odd:
. 2 /

These relations have been obtained earlier by De Rham. Notice that we also have:
M 0 Bk is proportional to k ı, so M 0 Bk D ˛k k ı. We leave it as an exercise to
compute ˛k (notice that ˛k 6D 0).

A.4 Solutions in H0 of a singular second order

differential equation
For this section we rely on [27].
2 2 @2
We begin with the radial part of  D  @ 2 C @ 2 C    C 2. If ˆ 2 C 1 .R/,
@x0 @x1 @xn
then we have
.Lˆ/ ı Q D  .ˆ ı Q/
d 2 d
where L D 4t dt 2 C 2.n C 1/ dt :
Now consider the relation
Z Z 1
f .x/ ˆ.Q.x// dx D Mf .t / ˆ.t / dt (A.4.1)
RnC1 1

for f 2 D.RnC1 /, ˆ 2 C 1 .R/.

Let L be the differential operator 4t dt d
2  2.n  3/ dt . Then one has, for

f 2 D.R /, M f .t / D L Mf .t / for all t 2 R. It follows immediately that

for f 2 D.RnC1 / one has M f .t / D L Mf .t / for t 6D 0, so L leaves H

invariant. This can also be verified directly, using the explicit expression of L .
206 A The Averaging Mapping on the Space RnC1

Moreover, L is a continuous operator. Also this fact can be shown straightfor-

wardly applying the explicit expression of L , but it also follows from the fact
that f 7! Mf is not only continuous but also open, by the closed graph theo-
rem. Now we can extend the action of L to elements of H0 : if T 2 H0 then
hLT; 'i D hT; L 'i .' 2 H /. If T is a distribution, this definition agrees with
the classical one if one takes ' 2 D.R/. If ˆ 2 C 2 .R/, then Lˆ is the same
as usual, a continuous function again. Indeed, if Tˆ 2 H0 is the element of H0
defined by ˆ, then

hLTˆ ; Mf i D hTˆ ; L Mf i .by definition/ (A.4.2)

Z 1
D ˆ.t / L Mf .t / dt
Z 1
D ˆ.t / M f .t / dt
D  f .x/ ˆ.Q.x// dx
Z 1
D Mf .t / .Lˆ/.t / dt:

We shall now determine the solutions of LT D T in H0 , which is the same

problem as the determination of all G-invariant distributions T0 on RnC1 satisfy-
ing  T0 D T0 .
The second order differential equation

d 2u du
4t 2
C 2.n C 1/  u D 0
dt dt
is singular at t D 0.
For simplicity of the presentation we shall restrict from now on to the case n
Set D n1 d
2 , so that L D 4.t dt 2 C . C 1/ dt /. Since is not an inte-
ger, we have the following two fundamental classical solutions on R : ˆ.t; ; /
P1jt j ˆ.t; ;  /. Here ˆ is an entire analytic function, namely ˆ.t; ; / D

a .; /t k with
kD0 k

. 4 /k
ak .; / D ;
kŠ .1 C /k

where .˛/k D .˛Ck/

D ˛.˛C1/    .˛Ck1/. The function ˆ can be expressed
in terms of Bessel functions, see Section 7.1 (ii).
A.4 Solutions in H0 of a singular second order differential equation 207

To proceed, let us recall the definition of the Partie finie Pf (see [43, p. 42]). One
Z 1 hZ 1
 "C1 "C2
Pf t '.t/ dt D lim t  '.t / dt C '.0/ C ' 0 .0/
0 "!0 "  C 1  C 2
' .0/ " CkC1 i
C C ;
kŠ  C k C 1
where k is such that  C k C 2 > 0, or, writing
Z 1 X

t '.t / dt D ck "Ck C c0 C o .1/;

one has Pf = c0 .
Now define the following distributions on R:
Z 1
hS ; 'i D ˆ.t; ; / '.t / dt; (A.4.3)
Z 0
hS ; 'i D ˆ.t; ; / '.t / dt; (A.4.4)
Z 1
hTC ; 'i D Pf t  ˆ.t; ;  / '.t / dt; (A.4.5)
Z 0
hT ; 'i D Pf jt j ˆ.t; ;  / '.t / dt (A.4.6)

for ' 2 D.R/.

If T 2 D.R/ is a distribution solution of LT D T , then

T D a SC C b S C c TC C d T C T0

for constants a; b; c; d and T0 a distribution with support in ¹0º. For the following
relations we apply the property

uL '  .Lu/' D Œ'; u0 ;

where Œ'; u D 4t .' 0 u  ' u0 /  4 ' u.

We have:
(a) .L  / SC D 4ı; .L  / S D 4ı,
(b) .L  / TC D 0; .L  / T D 0,
(c) L ı .k/ D .  k  1/ ı .kC1/ ,
208 A The Averaging Mapping on the Space RnC1

hence a fundamental system of distribution solutions is given by the three distri-

SC C S ; TC ; T : (A.4.7)
Now we determine fundamental solutions in H0 where .t / D Y.t / jtj . Clearly,
SC , S , TC , T can be extended to H using the expressions (A.4.3)–(A.4.6).
We then get on H :
(a) .L  / S˙ D ˙ 4 A0 ,
(b) .L  / T D 0; .L  / TC D 4 B0 ,
(c) LBk D ck BkC1 for ck 6D 0.
As to (c), apply Remark A.3.7. Indeed, the relation M 0 Bk D ˛k k ı implies the
statement, since  M 0 Bk D M 0 LBk . Applying Proposition A.3.3 we now get

Proposition A.4.1. A fundamental system of solutions of Lu D u in H0 , where

.t/ D Y .t / jt j , D n1
2 , n even, is given by S C S and T .

A.5 Expression of Mfb ./ in terms of Bessel functions

According to Section 9.1 (iii), the distribution u W f 7! Mb
./ satisfies the differ-
ential equation  u D 4 u. So we may write

f 4 2
D a./ .SC C S /.Mf / C b./ T .Mf /

for all f 2 D.RnC1 /. Here a./ and b./ are constants, depending on  only. We
are going to determine a and b. The relation Mfu ./ D jujn1 Mf . u2 / for u 6D 0,
where fu .x/ D f . xu / .x 2 RnC1 /, easily implies the following form of a and b:
n1 n1
 a./ D aC jj 2 . > 0/; a./ D a jj 2 . < 0/,
 b./ D bC . > 0/; b./ D b . < 0/.
Here aC , a , bC , b are constants, independent of . Since Mb
is continuous at
 D 0, we get bC D b D b. Moreover, from the general form of Mf it follows
that a D 0. Furthermore,
Z 1
.2/ n1
aC b.0/
Mf .t / dt D c0 f

n nC1
.1/ 2  2
with c0 D (see Section A.3), hence .2/n1 aC D c0 .
. nC1
2 /
A.5 Expression of Mb./ in terms of Bessel functions

Thus it remains to determine the constant b. For  < 0 we have

Mbf 4 2
D b T .Mf /;

for all f 2 S.RnC1 /. We are going to compute both sides of this equation with
f .x/ D f0 .x/ D ekxk . Observe that f D f b for this choice of f .
We apply the expression for Mf0 .t /, previously derived in Section A.3 for t < 0,
Z 1
Mf0 .t / D e t e2w w 1=2 .w  t / 2 dw;

up to a positive constant. This integral can be computed. We obtain

Mf0 .t / D e t p.t / .t < 0/

n2 P n2
where p.t/ is a polynomial of degree 2 , p.t / D 2
al t l with
n2 nC1 nC1
al D 2 .2/ 2 Cl .  l/:
l 2

So Mf0 .0/ D a0 D .2/ 2 . nC12 /.
Now we can easily compute the right-hand side at  D 0:
Z 0 Z 1
T0 .Mf0 / D jt j 
Mf0 .t / dt D t  p.t / e t dt:
1 0

nC1 nC1 n4

We obtain T0 .Mf0 / D 2 2  2 . n1
2  / .1  2/
2 D d0 . Hence
b D a0 =d0 .
Appendix B
The Averaging Mapping on the Space X

B.1 Special case of a theorem of Harish-Chandra

Let X be the hyperboloid in RnC1 given by
x02 C x12 C    C xn2 D 1:
It is a C 1 manifold. The group G D O.1; n/ acts transitively on X , and the
stabilizer H of en is isomorphic to the group H D O.1; n  1/. As in Appendix A,
set K D O.1/  O.n/. Let Q be the mapping on X given by
Q.x/ D xn :
The mapping Q gives a parametrization of the H -orbits on X: Q.x/ D t is an
H -orbit for all t 6D ˙1, while for t D ˙1 the set splits into two orbits.
Let X be the space X without the points en and en . It easily follows that
Q is submersive on X : if Q.x/ D 0, then xn can be taken as one of the local
coordinates near x, whereas if Q.x/ 6D 0 we can express xn in the coordinates
x0 ; x1 ; : : : ; xn1 and determine dQ.x/. In all cases we easily get dQ.x/ 6D 0 if
x 2 X .
We have the following immediate analog of Theorem A.1.1:

Theorem B.1.1. There exists a mapping f 7! Mf from D.X / onto D.R/ such
that for all continuous functions ˆ on R one has
f .x/ ˆ.Q.x// dx D Mf .t / ˆ.t / dt:
Moreover Supp Mf  Q.Supp f / and f 7! Mf is continuous.
The proof is completely similar to that of Theorem A.1.1.

B.2 Analog of Méthée’s results

Our goal is to prove the analog of Theorem A.2.1 for the space X.

Theorem B.2.1. Let M be the continuous linear mapping from D.X / into D.R/,
defined in Theorem B.1.1, and let M 0 be the dual mapping from D 0 .R/ into D 0 .X /.
Then M 0 maps D 0 .R/ onto the space of H -invariant distributions in D 0 .X /.
B.2 Analog of Méthée’s results 211

The proof is along the same lines as the proof of Theorem A.2.1; only part 1. needs to be
reconsidered. It reads:
There is a well-defined continuous mapping from D.R/ to D.X /, ' 7! ˛' such that
M˛' D '.
By abuse of notation, let M be the subgroup of H isomorphic to O.n  1/, consisting
of the matrices of the form 0 1
1 0 0
@0 m 0A
0 0 1
with m 2 O.n  1/, and let A be the (Cartan) subgroup of the matrices
0 1
cosh u 0 sinh u
au D @ 0 In1 0 A
sinh u 0 cosh u

with u 2 R. Set X C D ¹x 2 X W Q.x/ > 1º. Then the mapping H=M  RC ! XC
given by .h; u/ 7! h  au  en is a diffeomorphism and the Haar measure dx on X is given
by cC sinhn1 u d hdu, where d hP is an H -invariant measure on H=M and cC is a positive
constant. This follows easily by taking hyperbolic coordinates on X C .
Similar considerations hold for the space X  D ¹x 2 X W Q.x/ < 1º: the mapping
H=M  RC ! X  given by .h; u/ 7! h  au  .en / is a diffeomorphism and we have
dx D c sinhn1 u d hdu.
For the remaining part X 0 D ¹x 2 X W 1 < Q.x/ < 1º we take another, compact,
Cartan subgroup B consisting of the matrices
0 1
In1 0 0
b D @ 0 cos sin A .0  < 2/;
0  sin cos

and the subgroup M1 ' O.1; n  2/, embedded into H by

0 1
m1 0 0
m1 7! @ 0 1 0A .m1 2 O.1; n  2//:
0 0 1

The mapping H=M1  .0; / ! X 0 given by .h; / 7! h  b  en is a diffeomorphism and

dx D c0 sinn1 d hP 1 d , where d hP 1 is now an invariant measure on H=M1 .
Notice that Q.h  au  en / D cosh u; Q.h  au  .en // D  cosh u and Q.h  b  en / D
cos .
We are going to construct the analogs of the functions C ,  and a new function 0 .
After the change of variables cosh u D t;  cosh u D t; cos D t respectively, the
Haar measure is equal to, respectively
n2 n2 n2
cC .t 2  1/ 2 P
dt d h; c .t 2  1/ 2 P
dt d h; c0 .1  t 2 / 2 dt d hP 1 :

The definition of C is as follows. Take a function in the space Cc1 .H=M / such that
P d hP D 1. Using for x 2 X C the decomposition x D h  au  en , where u D u.t /
212 B The Averaging Mapping on the Space X

is a function of t, we set for x 2 X C

C .x/ D C .h
 au.t /  en / D cC P .t 2  1/
.h/ 2

D cC P .Q.x/2  1/
.h/ 2 :
Then C is C 1 on X C and M C .t / D 1 for t > 1. In a similar way we define 
(on X  ) and 0 (on X 0 ). Let now v˙ 2 D.R/ be such that v˙ D 1 in some small
neighbourhood of t D ˙1, and let f˙ 2 D.X / be such that Mf˙ D v˙ . Then, following
the proof of Theorem A.2.1, we construct a function ˛ with the required properties by
ˆ fC .x/ C Œ1  vC .Q.x// C .x/ if x 2 X C ,
ˆ fC .x/ if Q.x/ D 1,
< fC .x/ C Œ1  vC .Q.x// 0 .x/ if 1=2 < Q.x/ < 1,
˛.x/ D
ˆ f .x/ C Œ1  v .Q.x// 0 .x/ if 1 < Q.x/ < 1=2,
ˆ if Q.x/ D 1,
ˆf .x/

f .x/ C Œ1  v .Q.x//  .x/ if x 2 X  .
Let now ' 2 D.R/ and set ˛' .x/ D ˛.x/ '.Q.x//. Then ˛' has compact support in X
and M˛' D '. The mapping ' 7! ˛' is continuous.
For the other parts of the proof (2. and 3.), we can just copy the relevant parts of the
proof of Theorem A.2.1.

B.3 Tengstrand’s results for X

To find the analog of Section A.3, we may choose two ways: either proceed as in
Section A.3, using explicit expressions for Mf .t /, e.g. for t > 1,
Mf .t/ D const..t 2  1/ 2
Z 1 p p
 f . t 2  1 cosh u; 0; : : : ; 0; t 2  1 sinh u; t / sinhn2 u du
if f is a H \ K-invariant function, or applying Morse’s lemma. We prefer the
latter way, because it is applicable in more general situations where an explicit
expression for Mf .t / fails. That lemma reads as follows. Let Y be a real analytic
manifold and f W Y ! R an analytic function. Let y0 2 Y be a non-degenerate
critical point of f , i.e. df .y0 / D 0 and the matrix . @y@ @y .y0 // is non-degenerate,
i j
where y1 ; : : : ; yn are local coordinates on Y near y0 . Let .p; q/ be the signature
of this matrix, which is independent of the local coordinate system. Then we have:

Morse’s lemma. There are local coordinates y1 ; : : : ; yn near y0 such that f can
be written as
f .y/ D f .y0 / C y12 C    C yp2  ypC1
     yn2 :
B.4 Solutions in H0 of a singular second order differential equation 213

For a proof, and ample explanation, we refer to [23]. Applying Morse’s lemma
with Y D X and f D Q, we find that dQ.x/ D 0 if and only if x D en or
x D en ; moreover, both points are non-degenerate critical points with signatures
.1; n  1/ and .n  1; 1/ respectively. Indeed, this is easily seen by taking near en
the coordinates x0 ; x1 ; : : : ; xn1 and setting
Q.x/ D 1 C x02  x12     xn1
Similarly for x D en . We thus obtain the following theorem, similar to Theo-
rem A.2.1.

Theorem B.3.1. The image of D.X / under the mapping M is the space H con-
sisting of functions on R of the form
'1 .t / C .t  1/ '2 .t / C .t  1/ '3 .t / .t 2 R/;
where '1 ; '2 ; '3 2 D.R/ and
´ n2
Y .t/ jtj 2 if n is odd,
.t/ D n2
log jt j t 2 if n is even.
Similar to Appendix A, this section can now be completed. Of course, we have
now, instead of the two functionals Ak and Bk , four functionals with obvious
.1/ .1/ .1/ .1/
notations Ak , Ak , Bk and Bk . All these considerations result in an analog
of Theorem A.3.6:

Theorem B.3.2. The adjoint M 0 of M from H0 into D 0 .X /H , the space of H -

invariant distributions on X , is a (continuous) isomorphism.

B.4 Solutions in H0 of a singular second order

differential equation
We follow Section A.4 step by step. The operator L we are considering here is the
radial part of the Laplace–Beltrami operator  on X (see 9.2 (iii)), that is
d2 d
L D .1  t 2 / 2
 nt :
dt dt
Here L D .1  t 2 / dt
2 C .n  4/ t
C .n  2/ and

u .L '/  .Lu/ ' D Œ'; u0 ;

where Œ'; u D .1  t 2 / .u' 0  u0 '/ C .n  1/t ' u, for u; ' 2 C .2/ .R/.
214 B The Averaging Mapping on the Space X

We are going to determine classical fundamental solutions of the equation Lu D

u . 2 C/ first. Observe that this second order differential equation is singular
at t D ˙1.
For simplicity of the presentation, we restrict ourselves to the case that n is odd.
Substituting 1  t D 2z we get the differential equation

d 2u  n  du
z.z  1/ C nz  C  u D 0:
dz 2 2 dz
The same equation is obtained after substitution 1 C t D 2z. This hypergeometric
differential equation has two fundamental solutions on .1; 1/, namely
 n  n2
 1 1 n 
2 1 s C I s C I Iz and jzj 2 F
2 1 s C I s C I 2  Iz :
2 2 2 2

Here we have written  D s 2  2 ;  D n1

2 .
So we have the following solutions of Lu D u:
 on .1; 1/:
 n 1t
ˆ.1/ .t / D 2 F1 s C I s C I I ;
2 2
.1/ j1  t j  2 1 1 n 1t
‰ .t / D 2 F1 s C I s C I 2  I ;
2 2 2 2 2

 on .1; 1/:
 n 1Ct
ˆ.1/ .t / D 2 F1 s C I s C I I ;
2 2
.1/ j1 C t j  2 1 1 n 1Ct
‰ .t / D 2 F1 s C I s C I 2  I :
2 2 2 2 2

These solutions meet on .1; 1/; one has (see [13])

ˆ.1/ .t / D 1 .s/ ˆ.1/ .t / C 2 .s/ ‰ .1/ .t /; (B.4.1)

1  12 .s/ .1/
‰ .1/ .t / D ˆ .t /  1 .s/ ‰ .1/ .t /; (B.4.2)
2 .s/
. n n
2 / .1 2 / . n n
2 / .1 2 /
where 1 .s/ D and 2 .s/ D .
.sC 2 / .sC 12 /
1 .sC/ .sC/
B.4 Solutions in H0 of a singular second order differential equation 215

We now define the following distributions on .1; 1/:

Z 1
hSC ; 'i D ˆ.1/ .t / '.t / dt;
Z 1
hS.1/ ; 'i D Pf ˆ.1/ .t / '.t / dt;
Z 1
hTC ; 'i D Pf ‰ .1/ .t / '.t / dt;
Z 1
hT.1/ ; 'i D Pf ‰ .1/ .t / '.t / dt:
.1/ .1/
In a similar way we define SC , S.1/ , TC , T.1/ on .1; 1/. For instance,
Z 1
hS.1/ ; 'i D ˆ.1/ .t / '.t / dt:
Any distribution solution of LS D S can be written as
.1/ .1/
S D ˛1 SC C ˛2 TC C ˛3 S.1/ C ˛4 T.1/ C ˛5 S.1/ C ˛6 T.1/ C T0
on .1; 1/ and .1; 1/ respectively, where T0 is a distribution on R with support
contained in ¹1; 1º.
Observe that in the computation of LS.1/  S.1/ and LT.1/  T.1/ near
t D 1, we have to apply the expressions (B.4.1) and (B.4.2).
We now proceed as in Appendix A and obtain, finally:

Proposition B.4.1. The space of solutions of LS D S in H0 is two-dimensional.

Fundamental solutions are given by
.1/ .1/ .1/
 SC C S.1/ with its natural extension as 1 .s/ .SC C S.1/ / C 2 .s/ TC
to .1; 1/.
11 .s/2 .1/ .1/
 T.1/ with its natural extension as 2 .s/
.SC C S.1/ /  1 .s/ TC
to .1; 1/.
The proof is left to the reader as an exercise. We shall call these solutions S
and T respectively.
One might simplify the formulae (B.4.1) and (B.4.2) slightly by using
 . n2 / .1  n2 / D .1/ 2  .n even/,
 .s C 1
/ .s C 1
/ D 
cos s

And herewith we finish Appendix B and the book. Further reading? We recom-
mend [53].

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[59] D. V. Widder, The Laplace Transform, Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton (1965).
[60] A. C. Zaanen, Linear Analysis, North-Holland Publ. Co., Amsterdam (1953).
[61] A. Zygmund, Trigonometrical Series, 2nd edition, Cambridge Univ. Press (1959).

Alaoglu’s theorem, 55 Fourier
approximate unit, 47 coefficient, 1
averaging mapping, 195, 210 integral, 7, 8
series, 1
B convergence of, 2–6
Baire’s theorem, 29 transform, 64, 83, 171
Bessel function, 91, 208 of a K-finite function, 172
Bochner’s theorem, 19, 65, 84
Bochner–Schwartz, 144 G
Bochner–Schwartz’s theorem, 142 Gårding subspace, 132
Borel E., 202 Gegenbauer polynomial, 102, 170
Bourbaki N., 18 Gelfand pair, 75
compact, 86
generalized, 141
Cartan decomposition, 107
group, 25
Casimir operator, 123, 160
abelian, 25
character, 86
compact, 86
of a representation, 149
dual, 64
unitary, 61
locally compact, 28
complementary series, 119
quotient, 25, 29
topological, 27
algebra, 46
unimodular, 36
product, 7, 45
countability H
first axiom of, 26 Haar A., 35
second axiom of, 26 Haar measure, 35
D Haar modulus, 37
decomposition Harish-Chandra, 195
with respect to K, 133 Harish-Chandra c-function, 181
decomposition lemma, 133 harmonic polynomial, 96
Hilbert subspace, 137
E equivalent, 138
eigendistribution, 141, 144 invariant, 137
extremal Hopf E., 24
point, 59 hyperbolic space, 107
subset, 59 pseudo-Riemannian, 158
222 Index

I self-adjoint, 120
Inversion theorem, 9, 66, 84 trace-class, 147
Iwasawa decomposition, 109, 159 orthogonality relations, 146

Krein–Milman’s theorem, 58 parametrization
admissible, 139
L Parseval’s theorem, 6
Laplace–Beltrami operator, 110, 122 partition of unity, 33, 195
radial part, 104, 160 Plancherel formula, 120, 127, 156
Legendre polynomial, 102 partial, 150
Plancherel measure, 86, 93, 120
M Plancherel’s theorem, 12, 69, 85
Méthée, 197 Poisson summation formula, 13
measure, 18, 32 polar decomposition, 140
bounded, 18, 33 Pontryagin duality theorem, 70
extremal, 152 positive-definite
invariant, 34, 43 distribution, 138
left-invariant, 34 extremal, 139
positive, 32 function, 19, 52, 54
quasi-invariant, 43 elementary, 61
relatively invariant, 43 kernel, 113
right-invariant, 34 principal series
tempered, 155 spherical, 116
Mercer, 149
Morse’s lemma, 212 R
motion group radial function, 90
Euclidean, 89 relative discrete series, 145, 194
non-Euclidean, 152 representation
associated with a cone, 163
N equivalent, 50
neighbourhood, 26 induced, 94
basis, 26 irreducible, 50
symmetric, 27 of a -algebra, 80
of class one, 82, 94, 119, 156,
O 187
operator square-integrable, 150
adjoint, 56 formal degree of, 147
Hilbert–Schmidt, 147 mod H , 145
intertwining, 50, 118, 168 unitary, 49
Index 223

reproducing distribution, 138 trapezoidal function, 9

reproducing kernel, 88, 100 triangle function, 9
Riemann–Lebesgue lemma, 8, 64 Tychonov’s theorem, 26
Riemann–Stieltjes integral, 13
Riesz F., 16, 20, 24, 32 U
Rodrigues O., 177 uniformly continuous function, 31
Uniqueness theorem, 70
S unit element, 25
Schmidt E., 149
Schur’s lemma, 50
separation theorem, 59
bounded, 16
total, 16, 17
compact, 26
coset, 25
C 1 , 131
discrete, 26
cyclic, 54, 118, 137
dual, 83
vector space
Hausdorff, 26
locally convex, 57
locally compact, 26
topological, 55
quotient, 29
von Neumann J., 35
topological, 25
spectral measure, 121, 129 W
spectral theory, 120 weight function, 14
spherical Weil A., 32
distribution, 161 Weil’s formula, 39
positive-definite, 184
function, 76, 90, 110 Z
bounded, 78, 92, 112 zonal function, 99, 100
integral form, 92, 112
on a sphere, 105
positive-definite, 78, 79, 93, 113
symmetric, 78
spherical harmonics, 96
compact, 31
of a function, 31
of a measure, 33

Tengstrand A., 200
trace of an operator, 148

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