The Importance of Systematics: - 60 - R-ES-O - N-A-N-C-E - I-Ju-n-e - 2-0-0-0

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The Importance of Systematics

T C Narendran

Systematics or taxonomy, the science of classifying living organ-

isms (see Box 1), is still a neglected field in India, as compared to
most developed countries. In fact, there is a common perception
that taxonomy is an outdated and less important field ofbiologi-
cal research involving mostly cataloguing of species. As a result
of the neglect of taxonomy in India, our fauna and flora have
T C Narendran has largely been studied by European and American specialists, and
specialised in Systematic
often we have to pay foreign agencies for the identification of our
Entomology with particu-
lar reference to parasitic
own species (see also Project Lifescape - Part 1, Resonance 4 (8):
Hymenoptera. He is at 80-90; 1999).
the Department of
Zoology, University of Systematics and its Relevance
Calicut. He has done
research at the Systematic Before starting any kind of biological research, one needs to
Entomology Laboratory of know the correct scientific name of the organism on which one
the US National Musuem
is going to work. This is important because the correct scientific
of Natural History,
Washington D.C. and at name of the organism is a functional label, using which various
the Department of pieces of information concerning that organism, including all
Entomology of the Natural the past work done on it, can be retrieved and stored ensuring
History Museum, London.
ease of reference. Systematics has great releval\ce to the biologi-
cal control of pests which is itself a very important aspect of
applied bioiogy. When natural enemies are being sought or
transferred from one region to another, in order to bring about
biological control of a pest, the correct identification of both the
pest and natural enemy species is of utmost importance. Tax-
onomists through their research and assistance can help biologi-
cal control workers by:

1. Providing correct identification of pest species and informa-

This paper is based on a scientific
tion on its probable home.
lecture delivered by the author on
18th February 1999 at the Centre
2. Directing and conducting surveys for natural enemies exist-
for Ecological Sciences, Indian ing in the original home of the pest.
Institute of Science, Bangalore. 3. Making an inventory of natural enemies and alternative hosts
of the natural enemies in the country of introduction.


Box 1. Systematics, Taxonomy and Classification

Very often, the terms systematics and taxonomy are used interchangeably to refer to the science of
classification per se (this is the restricted sense in which systematics is used in most of this article).
However, many eminent workers in the field, most notably George Gaylord Simpson and Ernst Mayr, have
preferred to interpret systematics more broadly as the scientific study of the kinds and diversity of
organisms and of any and all relationships between them. These workers believe that taxonomy (a word
coined by the French botanist A P de Candolle in the 19th century) should be used to refer to the study of
the bases, principles, procedures and rules of classification, and that the term classification should be used
for the practical application of taxonomy to particular groups of organisms. In their view, systematics is
more than the science of classification, and encompasses studies on ecology, evolution and biodiversity.
Thus, some workers feel that the aims of systematics can be summarized as follows.
(a) To provide a convenient method of identification and communication.
(b) To provide a classification that expresses, as far as possible, the natural relationships of organisms.
(c) To detect evolution at work, discovering its processes and interpreting its results.

4. Providing catalogues, revisions, hand-books, keys, etc.

Systematics also has relevance for epidemiology. In order to find

remedies for illnesses caused by pathogenic organisms, the cor-
rect identification of the pathogen is absolutely essential. Tax-
onomists contributed greatly to the successful control of malaria
in Europe by providing correct identification of the Anopheline
species of mosquitoes involved in transmitting the disease caus-
ing parasites. Similarly, the work of Nathan Charles Rothschild,
a taxonomic authority on flea species, was responsible for the
discovery that the geographic distribution of different species of
rat fleas in India was one of the most important factors govern-
ing the spread of plague. Systematics is also important for
understanding factors determining the abundance and diversity
of different species making up the living world.

Identification Procedure

It is not possible for a taxonomist to become a specialist in too

many groups or families of organisms. An animal taxonomist
can expect to be an expert only in a few families or at the most in
one or two orders, especially in the case of insects where each
order or family is usually represented by innumerable species. A


Box. 2. Modern Methodologies in Systematics

Just like any other branch of biology, systematics too has benefited greatly from the recent development
of techniques for assessing genetic similarities and differences among individuals at greater and greater
levels of resolution. Nowadays, in addition to morphological characters, systematists can directly study
the genetic composition of different individuals and use this information to refine and revise our
understanding of the relationships among various taxa (for more details on reconstruction of evolutionary
pathways using genetic data see Resonance 3(2): 28-34; 1998). Similarly, with the dramatic increase in
computing power in recent times, computation intensive statistical methodologies can now routinely be
used to make comparisons of taxa based on hundreds of characters at a time, taking taxonomy closer to
the ideal expounded by John Ray in 1682, "All parts of the plant should be used for taxonomic purposes".
The use of genetic data for taxonomic purposes also brings systematics closer to realizing Darwin's desire
that classification should reflect evolutionary relationships.

taxonomist of a group of organisms will usually have all relevant

up to date published literature on the group. He will also have a
good representative collection of authentically identified speci-
mens of his group. With these items and with a sound back-
ground knowledge on the taxonomy of this group of his special-
ization, the taxonomist follows the following steps for identify-
ing a specimen sent to him by others.
Systematics is
nothing less than a Using Taxonomic Keys
thorough and
complete study of
A taxonomic key consists of hierarchically arranged diagnostic
information that presents alternatives with reference to features
the diversity of
living forms, and
of various taxa (a taxon is a taxonomic unit such as species, genus,
etc). The main objective of a taxonomic key is to separate and
its domain thus
segregate characters in such a way as to provide a series of
alternative choices. By comparing an unidentified specimen
feature by feature with the key couplets, one gradually eliminates
biology and
all the non-agreeing subgroups and arrives at the one which
agrees. For example, let us assume that there is a genus called A
studies, in addition
which contains 4 species which are: A-I, A-2, A-3 and A-4.
to the norms' and N ow let us assume that we have a specimen that we recognize as
principles of belonging to the genus A, but we are unaware of which species it
classification. is. We have a dichotomous key available as shown:


1 Antenna longer than the body 2 As a result of our

(this means, go to couplet no. 2) neglect of
= Antenna shorter than the body 3 taxonomic studies,
foreigners studied
2 Antenna with clava (club) A-I
our fauna and
= Antenna without clava A-4
because of this we
3 Length of abdomen 3 times length of thorax A-3 are often
= Length of abdomen 5 times length of thorax A-2 dependent on
them for
How do we use this key to identify our specimen? Let us say our identification of
specimen has antenna shorter than the body, with abdomen 5 our own flora and
times longer than its thorax. In that case, we look at couplet no. fauna.
1, go to couplet no. 3, and find that our specimen belongs to the
species A-2. However, if our specimen had antenna shorter than
the body, with abdomen shorter than its thorax, then it would
run up to couplet no. 3 but would not fit into the description of
either species A-2 or A-3. In such case, it is an undescribed or
new species; let us name it A-5. Now, an updated or modified key
can be prepared in order to accommodate this new species A-5 as

1. Antenna longer than the body 2

= Antenna shorter than the body 3

2. Antenna with a clava A-I

= Antenna without a clava A-4

3. Abdomen shorter than thorax A-5 sp. nov.

Abdomen longer than thorax 4
4. Abdomen 3 times longer than thorax ........... A-3
= Abdomen 5 times longer than thorax .......... A-2

The above described keys are known as simple dichotomous

keys. There are several modifications of the dichotomous key,
but it is still the most popular and easy one to work with.

Comparing the identified specimen with previous descriptions:

After using the key, if the specimen is identified as belonging to
an already known species, then the next step will be to compare


The correct the specimen, character by character, with the original descrip-
scientific name of tion (and revised descriptions, if available) of that species. If the
the organism is a specimen agrees well with the available description of that spe-
functional label, cies, then we can conclude that our specimen at hand is, say,
using which A-2. However, if the available descriptions of the species are
various pieces of poor or inadequate, we have to proceed to the next step.
Comparing the identified specimen with authenticated speci-
concerning that
mens: If an authentically identified reference collection is avail-
able, the identifier should compare the identified specimen with
including all the
the authentically identified specimen(s) of that species for recon-
past work done on
firmation of the identification. It is possible that after identifi-
it, can be retrieved
cation of a specimen using key and description, there may still
and stored.
be some differences between the identified specimen and the
authentically identified specimen of the same species. In such
case, a thorough analysis of the characters of the specimen, and a
detailed comparison of these characters with the original type
specimen of the species is essential for unequivocal identifica-
tion of the specimen.

Identification of aNew Taxon

After identifying a new species, genus or other taxon, the taxono-

mist prepares a description of the taxon based on certain 'types'.
There are various such 'types' in taxonomy, of which the impor-
tant ones are listed below.

Holotype: It is a single specimen selected by the original author

to represent the taxon and so designated or indicated as the 'type'
at the time of publication of the original description.

Paratype: After the holotype has been labeled, any remaining

specimen(s) of the holotype series can be labeled as paratypes, in
order to identify the individuals of the original type series.

Lectotype: If a type series contains more than one specimen and

a holotype has not been designated, any subsequent worker may
designate one of the specimens as the lectotype.

Syntype: If an author did not designate a holotype or lectotype,


but based his original description of a new species on a single Nathan Charles
specimen or group of specimens, they are known as syntypes. Rothschild, a
Neotype: If no holotype, lectotype or syntype is known to exist
authority on flea
(or has been lost), then the first reviser of the group may select a
species, was
specimen fitting the original description of the species fully. A
responsible for the
type specimen chosen in this manner is called a neotype.
discovery that the
Naming of New Taxa geographic
distribution of
For the sake of brevity, our discussion in this section will be different species of
restricted to the naming of new species. A general principle of rat fleas in India
both zoological and botanical nomenclature is that scientific was one of the
names of species be made up of two words that are in Latin or in most important
latinized form if derived from other languages, such as Greek. factors governing
The first word in the name is the genus name, and is capitalized, the spread of
whereas the second word is the species name and is not capital- plague.
ized. Thus, the scientific name for humans, Homo sapiens, iden-
tifies us as belonging to the species sapiens of the genus Homo.
Since names must be in latin or in latinized form, the case-
ending of the species name must agree grammatically with the
generic name. Thus, the descriptive adjective aureus, meaning
golden, retains its case-ending -us if in conjunction with a mas-
culine genus, for example Epitranus, but changes to case ending-
a if the genus is feminine (for example Brachymeria aurea) and to
case-ending -um if the genus name is of neuter gender (for
example Notaspidium aureum). Some adjectival case-endings are
the same with both masculine or feminine generic names, for
example Epitranus chilkensis (masc.) and Hockeria keralensis (fern.).

There are several kinds of names used in taxonomy, as discussed


Descriptive names: Such names describe some character of the

species, for example 'gigantica' or 'giganticus' indicating large
size, 'globosa' indicating round shape, or 'alba', 'albus' or 'album'
indicating white colour.

Ecological names: Names can also be assigned according to the

RESONANCE I June 2000 65

habitat or habit of the species, for example 'subterraneus' (living

underground) or 'arboricola' (= tree living), or according to the
manner of living such as 'aggregatus' (living in groups).

Geographical names: Names based on the locality where the

type specimen was collected, or on general distribution of species
are called geographical names, for example 'arizonae', 'arizonicus',
or 'arizonensis'. Geographical names are very useful even if sev-
eral species of the same genus are known from the same locality
since at least the geographical name clearly indicates the origi-
nallocality or region of the 'type' of the species, or the general
distribution of the species. Hence geographical names (and
names based on characters) should be given high priority in
naming a new species if these names are not already occupied.

Patronymic names: Species names can also be based on the

names of eminent persons, or of the person who collected the
specimen concerned. In naming a species after the name of a
person, the person's name (usually the surname) is taken as the
stem of a latin noun, and to this stem a genitive ending is added.
These endings are 'i' in the case of masculine name (example:
nathani from N athan,josephi from Joseph, etc) and' ae' in the case
of feminine gender (sarae from Sara, etc).

Names without definite' meaning: Sometimes latinized names

based on arbitrary combinations of letters with or without origi-
nal meaning (e.g. 'tantana', 'dantana', 'posa', etc) can be used in
order to avoid undesirable implications of meaningful names, or
in situations where relevant descriptive or geographical names
are already occupied.

Apart from the above described categories of names, names based

on host organisms, or words of other languages (such as latinized
Sanskrit words e.g. 'Tanugatra' meaning slender body) can also
be used. Very long names are inconvenient to work with and
should be avoided, as should facetious names, or those likely to
cause religious or personal offense.


Synonyms and Homonyms

If more than one name is known for a taxon, all these names are
known as synonyms. Among these synonyms, the first pub-
lished valid name is the senior synonym and the subsequent
ones are junior synonyms, of which there are two kinds. Objec-
tive synonyms are different names proposed separately for the
same specimens, or new names for supposedly preoccupied names.
Names that are synonyms only in the opinion of one or a few
workers are known as subjective synonyms.

Example: Senior synonym: Brachymeria lasus (Walker), 1841

Junior synonym: Brachymeria punctiventris (Cameron), 1911.

Homonyms arise when the same name is used for two or more
different taxa. Here, too, the senior homonym is the first pub-
lished valid name.

Example: X-us karnatakensis Jones 1950 (senior homonym)

X-us karnatakensis Rao 1960 (junior homonym)

In this example, the senior homonym is valid, and the junior

homonym needs a replacement name. As per the code of ethics
in systematics, any zoologist who finds out the homonym must,
by way of professional etiquette inform the author of the junior
homonym (in the above example Rao) and give the said author an
opportunity to propose a replacement name. If the said author is
not alive, the reviser can propose a name and in that case it will
be courteous to name the taxa after the author of the junior
homonym, e.g. X-us raoi Johns, if Johns is the reviser. In such
cases the original author (in this case Rao) of the junior hom-
onym loses the species, since it will be now associated with the
name of the reviser (here Johns).

Meaning of Author's Name in Brackets

Typically, a species name is followed by the surname of the

describing author, e.g. Myosotis collina Hoffmann. Often one

I June 2000

comes across scientific names with the author's name in brack-

ets, e.g. X-us albus (Smith). If the author's name is in brackets, it
indicates that originally the author Smith had described the
species in some other genus and not under 'X-us' and another
author later transferred it to 'X-us'.

Taxonomic Language

Taxonomic descriptions are always made very briefly and suc-

cinctly, and words like 'is', 'are', 'the', etc are not generally used.
For example: 'The anterior width of the head is two times its
anterior length' becomes 'the anterior width of head 2x its
anterior length'. Similarly 'antenna is ten segmented' becomes
'antenna ten segmented'.


Systematics today is an exciting and active branch of biology

and it is to be greatly wished that more students of life sciences
take up systematics as their research field. In its broader sense,
systematics is nothing less than a thorough and complete study
of the diversity ofliving forms, and its domain thus encompasses
ecology, evolutionary biology and biodiversity studies, in addi-
tion to the norms and principles of classification.

Suggested Reading

Address for Correspondence [1] R E Blackwelder, Taxonomy, A text and reference book. John Wiley and
TC Narendra Sons Inc. New York, 1967.
Department of Zoology [2] E Mayr and P D Ashlock,Principles ofSystematic Zoology, Mc Graw-Hill
University of Calicut Inc, New York, 1991.
Calicut 673 635, India. [3] P H Davis and V H Heywood,Principles ofAngiosperm Taxonomy, Van
Nostrand, Princeton, 1963.

Please Note
Resonance, Vo1.5, NO.,5, p.70, May 2000.
(second Photo Caption)

Seaborg received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1951 and not in 1987 as printed.


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