Peer Review Guide Updated
Peer Review Guide Updated
Peer Review Guide Updated
2. Did the author provide enough background information about the o No o Partially o Yes 0 1 2
phenomenon being studied?
3. Is the background information correct? o No o Partially o Yes 0 1 2
4. Did the author make the guiding question clear and explain how the o No o Partially o Yes 0 1 2
guiding question is related to the background information?
Reviewers: If your group made any “No” or “Partially” Author: What revisions did you make in your report? Is there anything you decided
marks in this section, please explain how the author to keep the same even though the reviewers suggested otherwise? Be sure to
could improve this part of his or her report. explain why.
3. Did the author sufficiently explain their evidence (ex. how he/she o No o Partially o Yes 0 1 2
analyzed the data)
NOTE: This may show mathematical calculations with the data using a
4. Is the analysis of the data (i.e. processed data) shown appropriately and o No o Partially o Yes 0 1 2
free from errors?
Reviewers: If your group made any “No” or “Partially” Author: What revisions did you make in your report? Is there anything you decided
marks in this section, please explain how the author to keep the same even though the reviewers suggested otherwise? Be sure to
could improve this part of his or her report. explain why.