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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: G168 − 17

Standard Practice for

Making and Using Precracked Double Beam Stress
Corrosion Specimens1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation G168; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope* 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 This practice covers procedures for fabricating, 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
preparing, and using precracked double beam stress corrosion D1193 Specification for Reagent Water
test specimens. This specimen configuration was formerly E8/E8M Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Ma-
designated the double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen. terials
Guidelines are given for methods of exposure and inspection. E399 Test Method for Linear-Elastic Plane-Strain Fracture
1.2 The precracked double beam specimen, as described in Toughness KIc of Metallic Materials
this practice, is applicable for evaluation of a wide variety of E1823 Terminology Relating to Fatigue and Fracture Testing
metals exposed to corrosive environments. It is particularly G15 Terminology Relating to Corrosion and Corrosion Test-
suited to evaluation of products having a highly directional ing (Withdrawn 2010)3
grain structure, such as rolled plate, forgings, and extrusions, G35 Practice for Determining the Susceptibility of Stainless
when stressed in the short transverse direction. Steels and Related Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys to
Stress-Corrosion Cracking in Polythionic Acids
1.3 The precracked double beam specimen may be stressed G36 Practice for Evaluating Stress-Corrosion-Cracking Re-
in constant displacement by bolt or wedge loading or in sistance of Metals and Alloys in a Boiling Magnesium
constant load by use of proof rings or dead weight loading. The Chloride Solution
precracked double beam specimen is amenable to exposure to G37 Practice for Use of Mattsson’s Solution of pH 7.2 to
aqueous or other liquid solutions by specimen immersion or by Evaluate the Stress-Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of
periodic dropwise addition of solution to the crack tip, or Copper-Zinc Alloys
exposure to the atmosphere. G41 Practice for Determining Cracking Susceptibility of
1.4 This practice is concerned only with precracked double Metals Exposed Under Stress to a Hot Salt Environment
beam specimen and not with the detailed environmental G44 Practice for Exposure of Metals and Alloys by Alternate
aspects of stress corrosion testing, which are covered in Immersion in Neutral 3.5 % Sodium Chloride Solution
Practices G35, G36, G37, G41, G44, and G50. G49 Practice for Preparation and Use of Direct Tension
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the Stress-Corrosion Test Specimens
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the G50 Practice for Conducting Atmospheric Corrosion Tests
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- on Metals
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 3. Terminology
1.6 This international standard was developed in accor- 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- 3.1.1 stress corrosion cracking (SCC) threshold stress
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the intensity, KIscc—the stress intensity level below which stress
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom- corrosion cracking does not occur for a specific combination of
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical material and environment when plane strain conditions are
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. satisfied.

1 2
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee G01 on Corrosion For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
of Metals and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee G01.06 on Environmen- contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
tally Assisted Cracking. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2017. Published December 2017. Originally the ASTM website.
approved in 2000. Last previous edition approved in 2013 as G168 – 00 (2013). The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
DOI: 10.1520/G0168-17.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

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G168 − 17 Discussion—Terms relative to this subject matter on crack growth versus time curve is shown schematically in
can be found in Terminologies G15 and E1823. Fig. 1 (9). When wedging forces occur, they can invalidate
further results and the test should be ended.
4. Summary of Practice 6.1.2 Crack-tip blunting or branching out, or both, of the
4.1 This practice covers the preparation and testing of plane of the precrack can invalidate the test. For valid tests, the
precracked double beam specimens for investigating the resis- crack must remain within 610° of the centerline of the
tance to SCC (see Terminology G15) of metallic materials in specimen.
various product forms. Precracking by fatigue loading and by 6.1.3 Drying or contamination of the corrodent in the crack
mechanical overload are described. Procedures for stressing during interim measurements of the crack length may affect the
specimens in constant displacement with loading bolts are cracking behavior during subsequent exposure.
described, and expressions are given for specimen stress NOTE 1—Do not allow corrodent in the crack to dry during periodic
intensity and crack mouth opening displacement. Guidance is measurements to avoid repassivation at the crack tip and the resulting
given for methods of exposure and inspection of precracked change in corrosion conditions. Remove one specimen at a time from
double beam specimens. corrodent. For tests conducted in deaerated test environments or in
environments that contain readily oxidizable species or corrosion
products, interim crack length examinations may produce changes in the
5. Significance and Use conditions at the crack tip that can, in turn, affect cracking behavior during
5.1 Precracked specimens offer the opportunity to use the the subsequent exposure period.
principles of linear elastic fracture mechanics (1)4 to evaluate 6.2 Interferences in Visual Crack Length Measurements:
resistance to stress corrosion cracking in the presence of a 6.2.1 Corrosion products on the side surfaces of the speci-
pre-existing crack. This type of evaluation is not included in men can interfere with accurate crack length measurements.
conventional bent beam, C-ring, U-bend, and tension speci- Corrosion products on these surfaces may be removed by
mens. The precracked double beam specimen is particularly careful scrubbing with a nonmetallic abrasive pad. However,
useful for evaluation of materials that display a strong depen- for interim measurements, a minimum area of surface should
dence on grain orientation. Since the specimen dimension in be cleaned to allow for visual crack length measurements if
the direction of applied stress is small for the precracked reexposure is planned.
double beam specimen, it can be successfully used to evaluate 6.2.2 Measurement on side grooved specimens may be
short transverse stress corrosion cracking of wrought products, difficult if the advancing crack travels up the side of the groove.
such as rolled plate or extrusions. The research applications This is especially difficult with V-shaped grooves. Adjustment
and analysis of precracked specimens in general, and the of the direction and intensity of the lighting may highlight the
precracked double beam specimen in particular, are discussed location of the crack tip.
in Appendix X1. 6.2.3 Often the crack length measured at the specimen
5.2 The precracked double beam specimen may be stressed surface is less than in the interior, due to decreased stress
in either constant displacement or constant load. Constant
displacement specimens stressed by loading bolts or wedges
are compact and self-contained. By comparison, constant load
specimens stressed with springs (for example, proof rings,
discussed in Test Method G49, or by deadweight
loading require additional fixtures that remain with the speci-
men during exposure.
5.3 The recommendations of this practice are based on the
results of interlaboratory programs to evaluate precracked
specimen test procedures (2, 3) as well as considerable
industrial experience with the precracked double beam speci-
men and other precracked specimen geometries (4-8).

6. Interferences
6.1 Interferences in Testing:
6.1.1 The accumulation of solid corrosion products or oxide
films on the faces of an advancing stress corrosion crack can
generate wedge forces that add to the applied load, thereby
increasing the effective stress intensity at the crack tip (6-9).
This self-loading condition caused by corrosion product wedg- NOTE 1—Schematic of the influence of corrosion product wedging on
SCC growth versus time curves in a decreasing K (constant displacement)
ing can accelerate crack growth and can prevent crack arrest test. Solid lines: actually measured curve for case of corrosion product
from being achieved. The effect of corrosion product wedging wedging that results in increase in crack growth with time; asterisks
indicate temporary crack arrest. Dashed lines: true crack growth curve
excluding the effect of corrosion product wedging (9).
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of FIG. 1 Effect of Corrosion Product Wedging on Growth Crack
this standard. Versus Time Curve

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G168 − 17
triaxiality at the specimen surface. Alternatively, some condi- specimen should be parallel; the machined notch should be
tions produce an increase in crack length at the surface due to centered; and the bolt holes should be aligned and centered. A
availability of the corrodent. Ultrasonic methods can be used to typical bolt loaded specimen is shown in Fig. 4.
obtain interim crack length measurements at the interior of the 7.1.3 Recommendations for determining the minimum
specimen but not near the specimen surface. specimen thickness, B, which will ensure that plane strain
6.2.4 Transport of species in solution in the through- conditions are maintained at the tip of an SCC crack, are
thickness direction can be important for precracked double discussed in Brown (1) and Dorward and Helfrich (8). Based
beam specimens. This may affect measurement of crack length on a conservative estimate for plane strain conditions, the
since it can produce curvature of the crack front (that is, minimum specimen thickness shall be calculated as B ≥ 2.5
variation in crack length from the edge to the center of the (KIc/σYS)2, where KIc is determined per Test Method E399 and
specimen). σYS is the 0.2 % offset yield strength in tension per Test
Method E8/E8M. For bolt loaded precracked double beam
7. Specimen Size, Configuration, and Preparation specimens, the thickness, B, may also be influenced by the size
7.1 Specimen Dimensions and Fabrication: of the loading bolts and the minimum thickness needed to
7.1.1 Dimensions for the recommended specimen are given support the bolt loading.
in Figs. 2 and 3. As a general guideline, specimen dimensions 7.1.4 The specimen half-height, H, may be reduced for
should ensure that plane strain conditions are maintained at the material under 25 mm (1 in.) thick. The minimum H that can
crack tip (1, 10). While there are no established criteria for be used is constrained by the onset of plastic deformation upon
ensuring adequate constraint for a plane strain SCC test, some precracking or stresses in the leg of the specimen since this
guidelines are given herein regarding specimen dimensions influences the calculation of K. Outer fiber stresses shall not
(see 7.1.3). exceed the yield strength of the test material during precrack-
7.1.2 Specimen machining shall be in accordance with the ing or stressing.
standards outlined in Test Method E399. The principal consid- NOTE 2—The effect of notch geometry on specimen compliance and
erations in machining are that the sides, top, and bottom of the stress intensity solutions, noted in, Note 4, 8.1.3, and Note 5, is

NOTE 1—All dimensions in mm (in.). Top and front views are shown for smooth specimen only; side view is shown for both smooth and side grooved
NOTE 2—For Chevron notch crack starter, cutter tip angle 90° max.
NOTE 3—Radius at notch bottom to be 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) or less.
NOTE 4—Crack starter to be perpendicular to specimen length and thickness to within 62°.
NOTE 5—Initial COD (∆) may be increased to 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) to accommodate COD gage.
NOTE 6—All surfaces 32 µin. or better, tolerances not specified 60.127 (0.005).
NOTE 7—For V-shape side groove, continue with Chevron cutter on surface to machine grooves. For U-shape side groove, machine groove with radius
cutting tool such as a ball end mill, size equal to notch height.
NOTE 8—Loading bolt holes shall be perpendicular to specimen center lines within 65°.
NOTE 9—Center line of holes shall be parallel and perpendicular to specimen surfaces within 62°.
NOTE 10—Center line of holes shall be coincident within 60.127 mm (0.005 in.).
NOTE 11—The crack length at the start of the exposure test (a0) is achieved by fatigue or mechanical precracking. Precracking length shall extend 2.5
to 3.8 mm (0.10 to 0.15 in.) from the tip of the machine notch at the specimen surface, see
FIG. 2 Detailed Machine Drawing for Smooth Face and Side Grooved DCB Specimen

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G168 − 17
susceptible material that are loaded in constant deflection to
high starting stress intensities may require additional crack
growth to achieve crack arrest as defined in 10.1.
7.2 Specimen Configuration:
7.2.1 The recommended specimen configuration includes a
sharp starter notch, which may be either a straight through or
chevron configuration. The chevron configuration is recom-
mended for both the fatigue and the mechanical overload
precracking operations (see Fig. 2).
7.2.2 The use of side grooves is optional. They may be
helpful if any difficulty is experienced in keeping the crack in
the center of the specimen. The side groove configuration may
be machined with the chevron V-shaped cutter or with a
U-shaped radius cutting tool. The depth of each side groove
should not exceed 5 % of B, such that the net thickness, Bn, will
be at least 90 % of B.
7.2.3 Specimens machined from rectangular product can
have six possible orientations (see Test Method E399) relative
to the direction of loading and the direction of crack
propagation, namely, S-L, S-T, T-L, T-S, L-T, and L-S. In
wrought products, the S-L orientation is usually the most
critical and is the most frequently used to avoid crack branch-
7.2.4 More detailed discussions of the factors described in
NOTE 1—All dimensions in mm (in). Tolerances not specified 60.127
this section are given in Brown (1), Sprowls et al (6), and
(60.005). Sprowls (9).
NOTE 2—Suggested material: Strong enough not to fail in tension 7.3 Specimen Preparation:
during loading or mechanical precracking.
7.3.1 Specimen surfaces along the path of expected crack
NOTE 3—Bolt head design optional. Commercial stainless steel socket
head cap screws or hex head bolts are satisfactory. propagation may be polished to assist in crack measurement.
NOTE 4—Use one rounded end and one flat end bolt for loading each 7.3.2 Specimens shall be cleaned and degreased prior to
specimen. Commercial bolts or screws should be modified accordingly. precracking and testing. Successive ultrasonic cleaning in
NOTE 5—To avoid galvanic corrosion between dissimilar bolt and acetone and methyl alcohol is suggested. Specimens shall not
specimen metals, see 8.2. be recleaned after precracking to prevent contamination of the
FIG. 3 Machine Drawing for DCB Loading Bolts crack with cleaning or degreasing chemicals. If cleaning of the
side surfaces of the specimen following precracking is
necessary, then this should be performed by lightly wiping
these surfaces and not by immersion of the specimen into the
cleaning or degreasing media.
NOTE 3—Only chemicals appropriate for the metal or alloy of interest
shall be used. All chemicals shall be of reagent grade purity.
7.3.3 Specimens shall be fully machined, including surface
grooves, prior to precracking. Precracked specimens shall be
stored in a dry atmosphere prior to environmental exposure.
7.3.4 Fatigue Precracking: Fatigue precracking shall be performed under sinu-
soidal cyclic loading with a stress ratio 0.05 < R < 0.2, where
R = Pmin/Pmax. Any convenient cyclic load frequency may be
used for precracking. The maximum stress intensity factor (Kmax) to be
applied during fatigue precracking shall not exceed two thirds
NOTE 1—An optional bolt is shown which has a recessed hexagonal of the target starting stress intensity for the environmental
socket to accept an Allen wrench. exposure.
FIG. 4 Bolt Loaded Precracked Double Beam Specimen The fatigue precrack shall extend 2.5 to 3.8 mm
(0.10 to 0.15 in.) from the tip of the machined notch at the
magnified as H is reduced. specimen surface. The plane of the crack shall be within 610°
7.1.5 The overall length of the specimen, L, can be in- of the centerline of the specimen. The resulting crack length,
creased to allow for more crack growth. Specimens of SCC ao, shall be measured on both specimen surfaces, and the two

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G168 − 17
values averaged. The measuring instrument shall have an V o ·E
K Ia 5
accuracy of 0.025 mm (0.001 in.). The stress intensity factor during precracking shall
2.309·H ·
1 0.673 DF2
· 1 1 1.5 · S D
2 1.15·
a0S DG 2

be computed from the following equation (2, 11): (2)

KI 5
3.464·P·a· 1 1 0.673
a D (1)
KIa = stress intensity factor at crack arrest, Mpa-m1/2 (ksi-
~ B · B n ! 1⁄2 ·H 3⁄2 in.1/2),
where: Vo = crack mouth opening displacement, m (in.),
KI = stress intensity factor, MPa-m1/2 (ksi-in.1/2), E = Young’s Modulus, MPa (ksi),
P = applied load, MN (klbf), ao = starting crack length at start of exposure test, m (in.),
a = crack length, m (in.), Co = distance from load line to COD gage attachment
B = specimen thickness, m (in.), location, m (in.), and
Bn = specimen thickness at the machined notch for face H = specimen half height, m (in.).
grooved specimens, m (in.) (Bn = B for smooth face 7.4 Residual Stress Effects—Residual stresses can have an
specimens), and influence on SCC. The effect can be significant when test
H = specimen half height, m (in.). specimens are removed from material in which complete stress
NOTE 4—The stress intensity solutions provided by Eq 1, Eq 2, and Eq relief is impractical, such as weldments, as-heat treated
X1.2 are based on theoretical compliance of specimens of the recom-
mended configuration in Fig. 2. They have been validated by the work of materials, complex wrought parts, and parts with intentionally
Fichter (11). However, significant deviation in starter notch geometry and produced residual stresses. Residual stresses superimposed on
specimen half height may result in inaccurate KI values (12, 13). the applied stress can cause the local crack-tip stress intensity
7.3.5 Mechanical Precracking: factor to be different from that calculated from externally Specimens that are precracked by mechanical over- applied forces or displacements. Irregular crack growth during
load shall be precracked immediately prior to, and as the initial precracking, such as excessive crack front curvature or out-of-
step of, the environmental exposure test initiation. It may be plane crack growth, often indicates that residual stresses will
convenient to support the specimen in a vise during the affect subsequent SCC growth behavior. Changes in the zero-
mechanical precracking procedure. Mechanical precracking force value of crack mouth opening displacement as a result of
may be difficult on higher toughness materials; for example, precrack growth is another indication that residual stresses will
aluminum alloys with KIC > 25 MPa-m1/2. Regardless of the affect the subsequent SCC growth.
material toughness, mechanical precracking is also difficult for
specimens that are machined with the crack propagation 8. General Procedure
direction normal to predominant grain orientation; for 8.1 Stressing Procedure:
example, L-T or S-T (see Test Method E399) orientations in
rolled plate. 8.1.1 Precracked double beam specimens may be stressed
either in constant displacement or constant load. The constant Crack mouth opening displacement, Vo, shall be
displacement condition may be achieved by a wedge inserted
monitored with a clip-on crack mouth opening displacement
in the machined notch or by loading bolts. The constant load
(COD) gage during precracking. A typical COD gage is
described in Test Method E399, Annex A1. condition may be achieved through the use of dead weight
loading or approximated with the use of proof rings with The mechanical precrack shall be extended 2.5 to
adequate compliance to minimize load reduction that will
3.8 mm (0.10 to 0.15 in.) from the tip of the machined notch at
occur during the test due to crack growth in the specimen (3).
the specimen surface. The resulting crack length, ao, shall be
measured on both specimen surfaces, and the two values 8.1.2 Suggested loading bolts are shown in Fig. 3. A
averaged. The measuring instrument shall have an accuracy of precracked double beam specimen stressed in constant dis-
0.025 mm (0.001 in.). placement with two bolts is shown in Fig. 4. The loading bolts The resulting stress intensity after mechanical pre- shall be tightened until the crack mouth opening displacement
cracking will be KIa, the stress intensity for mechanical crack (Vo) reaches a value corresponding to the desired target starting
arrest. If KIa is greater than the target starting stress intensity, stress intensity value for the measured precrack length. The
then KIa shall be used as the starting stress intensity for the bolts shall be tightened in small increments, alternating be-
stress corrosion test (that is, Kio). If a mechanically precracked tween the two, such that the specimen is deflected symmetri-
specimen is inadvertently overloaded, no attempt shall be made cally about the centerline. Another approach is to mount the
to reduce the initial stress by partially unloading the specimen. nonstressed end of the specimen in a vice and use two
This will produce compressive stresses at the crack tip, which wrenches, turning both wrenches simultaneously and attempt-
will retard or prevent crack initiation. If KIa is less than the ing similar movement of both wrenches.
target starting stress intensity, then adjustment of crack mouth 8.1.3 The required crack mouth opening displacement to
opening, Vo, should be made following procedures provided in achieve the target starting stress intensity level is calculated
8.1 (Eq 3). with the following relationship (11). Crack mouth opening The resulting stress intensity factor, KIa, should be displacement during loading shall be measured with a clip-on
computed from the following equation (11): crack opening displacement (COD) gage.

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G168 − 17

V o 5 2.309 · S D
K Io
· H 1/2 · S ao
10.673 D F
· 1 1 1.5 · S D
to periodically clean the specimen surfaces with a mild,
noncorrosive polish to facilitate detection of the crack tip (see

2 1.15· S DG
6.2). During constant immersion exposure, the specimens
should be immersed such that the tip of the mechanical
where: precrack is at least 6 mm (1⁄4 in.) below the solution surface.
Vo = crack mouth opening displacement, m (in.), Bolts or wedges made from electrochemically similar materials
KIo = starting stress intensity, MPa-m1/2 (ksi-in.1/2), are recommended. However, if dissimilar materials are utilized
ao = starting crack length, m (in.), for bolting or wedges, then these items shall not be in contact
Co = distance from load line to COD gage attachment with the test solution or they shall be coated to isolate them
location, m (in.), from the test solution.
H = specimen half height, m (in.), and The level of solution must be monitored to ensure
E = Young’s Modulus, MPa (ksi).
that the corrosive environment is reaching the crack tip region
NOTE 5—Eq 3 does not account for starter notch geometry effects
(chevron notches, and so forth); however, specimen dimensions have been
of the specimen. If the test solution consists of an aqueous
selected that minimize errors in specimen compliance. Significant devia- electrolyte and is in an open container, for example, synthetic
tion in starter notch geometry and specimen half height may increase seawater or other aqueous solution exposed to air, it is
compliance errors (12, 13). necessary to periodically provide additional water to compen-
8.2 Exposure Conditions: sate for evaporation.
8.2.1 The environmental testing conditions will depend on NOTE 6—Make up water shall be reagent water as defined by Type IV
the intent of the test but, ideally, shall be similar to those of Specification D1193.
prevailing for the intended use of the alloy or comparable to the Replacement, aeration, deaeration, or gas saturation
anticipated service conditions. Ideally, the specimens should be of the aqueous test solution will depend on the intended
stressed in the test environment. However, if this is not purpose of the test. In general, aqueous solutions should be
possible, the stressed specimens shall be exposed to the test replaced weekly. Alternatively, the solution can be monitored
environment, either gaseous or liquid, as soon as possible after for solution evaporation, contamination by corrosion products,
stressing. Multiple, and preferably replicate, specimen should depletion of reactive species, changes in pH, and periodic or
be used where possible. continuous replenishment implemented (see 8.3). For some
8.2.2 For the specimens precracked by mechanical applications in which it is critical to maintain certain test
overload, the specimens can be precracked with the corrodent conditions, it may be desirable to provide a replenishment
already present. In some cases for naturally aerated system to ensure adequate aeration, deaeration, gas saturation,
environments, this can be achieved by affixing strips of tape to or otherwise preparation and maintenance of the bulk solution.
both surfaces of the specimen and then adding solution 8.3 Environmental Monitoring:
dropwise while performing the mechanical precrack. This 8.3.1 Environmental parameters are of vital importance in
procedure can also be used during stressing of the fatigue stress corrosion testing; therefore, careful monitoring and
precracked specimens. control is required. Temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved
8.2.3 If the corrodent is introduced during the precracking oxygen content, concentration of reactive species, and elec-
operation, the time at the end of the load application shall be trode potential are variables that can affect stress-corrosion
considered as the starting time for environmental exposure. For cracking processes and should be monitored where appropri-
other cases, the starting time for the test shall be when the ate.
specimens are exposed to the test environment. 8.3.2 For aqueous solutions, the solution temperature and
8.2.4 For atmospheric and other vapor phase exposures, the pH shall be measured and recorded with each crack length
bolt loaded end of the specimen shall be coated with an measurement. Other environmental parameters may also be
electrically insulating coating prior to exposure to prevent monitored as appropriate to the purpose of the specific test.
degradation of the knife edges and to prevent any galvanic
interaction between dissimilar metals (specimen and loading 9. Interim Specimen Inspection
bolts). The coating must not be so stiff that it would restrict 9.1 Crack length measurements should be made periodically
movement of the specimen arms. This coating may not be to establish crack growth behavior. The frequency of these
required during exposure to very mild environments, such as interim measurements will depend upon the particular test
indoor, inland, or rural atmospheres. requirements and the material-environment combination as
8.2.5 Specimens may be exposed to aqueous and nonaque- crack growth kinetics are different in each case. For constant
ous corrosion solutions either by constant immersion, alternate displacement exposure, the crack growth rate decreases as the
immersion, or by periodic dropwise application of the solution test progresses, requiring more frequent measurements at the
on a regular, predetermined schedule, whichever is deemed start of the test and less frequent measurements as exposure
appropriate for the test exposure. Coating of the bolt, wedge, or continues. Once a familiarity with crack growth rate is
stressing fixture is not necessary for dropwise application. obtained, measurement frequency can be adjusted such that
Where appropriate, dropwise addition of solution reduces measurements are made for a constant crack growth interval.
corrosion on the faces of the specimen, which facilitates visual 9.1.1 If needed, interim crack length measurements should
or ultrasonic inspection for crack growth. It may be necessary be made by means of a visual, or equivalent, technique capable

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G168 − 17
of resolving crack extensions of 0.025 mm (0.001 in.). Tech- aluminum alloys and certain other materials where there is a
niques have been developed to ultrasonically measure crack distinct difference in appearance between the stress corrosion
length at various positions across the specimen width, and to fracture surface and the final mechanical fracture surface. In
continuously monitor crack length by electrical resistance some cases, it may be necessary to cool the specimens in liquid
(potential drop) or by mechanical devices. The validity of these nitrogen and then pull them to failure, thus differentiating the
techniques should be verified by destructive examination of stress corrosion crack from the low temperature mechanical
specimens of the same materials with stress corrosion cracks of fracture.
varying length prior to using these techniques for actual test 11.2 Constant Load Test—The specimen shall be removed
measurements. from solution and from the stressing hardware. If the sample is
9.1.2 Interim crack length measurements made by visual not fractured, then the specimen shall be handled and crack
inspection shall be made on both sides of the specimen, and the length measured by the same procedures given for constant
crack length defined as the average value of these measure- displacement specimens.
ments. Crack lengths are to be determined from measurements
of the distance from the loading point to the noncracked 11.3 Final Crack Length Measurement:
ligament. 11.3.1 The final stress corrosion crack length, af, shall be
measured on the fracture surface. Final crack length shall be
10. Duration of Exposure the average of five measurements taken at the specimen center
10.1 This practice is concerned primarily with procedures line, midway between the centerline and each side surface, and
used with a variety of precracked double beam specimens and on each side surface. For face grooved specimens, the surface
methods of applying stress. Exposure times, criteria of failure, is defined as the base of the surface groove. Crack lengths shall
and so forth, are variable depending on the application and are be determined by measuring the final overload fracture liga-
not specified herein. ment and subtracting L – Co – af. The measuring instrument
shall have an accuracy of 0.025 mm (0.001 in.).
10.2 Test duration for specimens loaded in constant dis- 11.3.2 Symmetry of the crack front shall be evaluated based
placement will be different for each alloy-heat treatment/ on measurements made in accordance with 11.3.1. The crack
environment combination, and should be determined by evalu- shall be considered symmetric if (1) the difference between any
ation of the interim crack growth during specimen exposure, two measurements is within 10 % and (2) each surface mea-
where possible. Test termination should be considered when surement is within 10 % of the average crack length. Devia-
crack length measurements indicate the crack growth rate has tions greater than these shall be included in the specimen
decreased to near 10–9 cm/s (10–6 in./h), or less (3). For report.
materials qualification purposes, the final crack growth rate for
test termination may be agreed upon between the user and the NOTE 8—Asymmetry in crack growth indicates nonuniform crack
driving force, which may be related to eccentricities in specimen loading,
material vendor.
residual stresses in the material, anisotropy of material properties or
NOTE 7—Corrosion product wedging usually prevents adequate decel- resistance to stress corrosion cracking, or to errors in specimen machining.
eration of an advancing crack and will invalidate the result from any
continued exposure. This is particularly true if increasing crack growth 12. Report
rate is noted during the exposure.
12.1 The results of stress corrosion tests with precracked
10.3 For constant load specimens, the end of the test should specimens shall be considered unique for a specific material-
be when the specimen fractures or when the period of exposure environment combination, but should be independent of the
has been sufficiently long to characterize the cracking behavior methods used for precracking, stressing, introduction of
of the material. corrodent, and inspection. Report the following information for
10.4 In some cases in which hydrogen embrittlement crack- each specimen:
ing is being evaluated with the precracked double beam 12.1.1 Specimen identification number;
specimen, the time required to charge the specimen with 12.1.2 Material name or specification code, chemical
hydrogen in the test environment may be an important consid- composition, heat treatment, and mechanical properties, prod-
eration in determining the appropriate test duration, which may uct type, and dimensions of starting material;
depend on the diffusivity of hydrogen in the material at the test 12.1.3 Specimen orientation;
temperature and other factors. 12.1.4 A summary of precracking parameters;
12.1.5 Method of stress application, test type (that is,
11. Post Test Examination constant load or constant deflection), and starting stress inten-
11.1 Constant Displacement Tests: sity level;
11.1.1 The specimen shall be removed from the solution and 12.1.6 Type of corrodent (for example, aqueous NaCl),
the loading bolts or wedges removed. nominal composition, and mode of exposure. Other informa-
11.1.2 The specimen may be placed in a test machine and tion necessary to adequately characterize the exposure
subjected to cyclic load to mark the end of the stress corrosion conditions, such as temperature, pH, active aeration,
crack. Fatigue marking should continue until the crack has deaeration, gas saturation, concentration of reactive species,
been extended by 1 mm (0.05 in.) on both surfaces. The flow velocity, and replenishment, should be recorded as appro-
specimen shall then be loaded to failure to expose the crack priate;
faces. Final fatigue crack marking may not be necessary for 12.1.7 Test duration;

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G168 − 17
12.1.8 Interim crack length measurements and measurement 13. Keywords
technique used (if made) and time period during the test when 13.1 crack growth rate; double cantilever beam specimen;
the measurements were made; KISCC; plateau velocity; precracked double beam specimen;
12.1.9 Final crack length, including both the five
precracked specimens; stress corrosion cracking; threshold
measurements, and the average value;
stress intensity
12.1.10 Any variations of conditions specified herein.


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Precracked specimens offer the opportunity to use the crack growth rate increases until specimen fracture occurs at
principles of linear elastic fracture mechanics to evaluate KIf, (see Fig. X1.1, b and c). Estimates of KIf and KIscc, based
resistance to stress corrosion cracking. Precracked specimens on knowledge of the material-environment combination of
may be used to determine threshold stress intensity level, KIscc, interest, will facilitate selection of starting stress levels to
stress corrosion crack growth rate, da/dt as a function of stress optimize the range of da/dt versus K, which can be determined,
intensity, and plateau velocity (K-independent crack growth and to define the threshold stress intensity. In the constant
range), as illustrated in Fig. X1.1. KIscc provides a means to deflection test, the starting stress intensity level should be high
predict combinations of material flaw size and service stresses, enough to define the plateau velocity but low enough to allow
which could result in stress corrosion cracking (1, 9). All for crack growth deceleration within the specimen length, and
results should be considered unique for a given material- definition of KIscc. For the constant load test, the starting stress
environment combination. intensity level should minimize crack growth in the very low
X1.1.1 Crack growth rate decreases until crack arrest occurs da/dt regime while attaining plateau velocity before specimen
during exposure for specimens stressed in constant displace- fracture. Although the da/dt - K curve must include an
ment (see Fig. X1.1, a), which defines a threshold value for
stress corrosion cracking, KIscc. During constant load exposure,

FIG. X1.1 Schematic Representation of Crack Growth Data Obtained From Prescribed Double Beam Specimen (a) constant displace-
ment test (b) constant load test (c) crack growth rate as a function of stress intensity

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(UFRJ) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro ((UFRJ) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
G168 − 17
inflection point, a crack plateau velocity may not occur in where:
certain combinations of material, environment, and starting ai = interim crack length, m (in.),
stress intensity (KIo). KIi = stress intensity level associated with the measured
X1.2 Test Results crack length, MPa-m1/2 (ksi-in.1/2),
VLL = load line crack opening displacement, m (in.),
X1.2.1 The results obtained from precracked specimens are H = specimen half height, m (in.), and
based on measurements of crack length at specific times and E = Young’s Modulus, MPa (ksi).
correlation with stress intensity for each crack length. Crack
length measurements should be made at scheduled time X1.2.3.1 The final stress intensity level, KIf, should be
intervals, depending on how rapidly the crack is expected to calculated with Eq X1.2, based on the final crack length, af,
grow while in test. Exposure time should be recorded when measured, as described in 11.2. The final stress intensity level
measurements are taken. calculated at test termination is considered an indication of the
threshold value only if the crack growth rate is within the range
X1.2.2 The rate of crack growth, da/dt, associated with a
particular crack length, ai, should be determined from the slope described in 10.2. Results apply to a specific combination of
of the crack length versus time curve (Fig. X1.1, a or b) material, its metallurgical condition, and corrodent.
generated from the interim crack length measurements. Various X1.2.4 Linear fracture mechanics has been well established
approaches are discussed in Sprowls, p. 260, (9) for calculating as a basis for materials characterization, including stress
the slopes, with the object of determining the da/dt - K curve corrosion cracking. In practice, it is most practical to define
(Fig. X1.1, c), from which plateau velocities and threshold KISCC as the level of stress intensity associated with some
stress intensities are derived. generally acceptable and definably low rate of crack growth
X1.2.3 For the constant displacement test, the stress that is commensurate with the design service life. Such
intensity, KIi, should be based on VLL, the total initial displace- characterization requires that linear elastic fracture mechanics
ment at the load line, as this is the only displacement that does and plane-strain conditions be satisfied. However, for certain
not change with increasing crack length (assuming rigid bolt low-strength (or high toughness, or both) materials, existing
analysis). The load line displacement should be determined data show that stress corrosion cracking can occur under
from the following relationship (9): conditions that deviate from plane strain conditions, and that
Vo stress corrosion cracking is by no means limited to, or is most
V LL 5 (X1.1)
111.5· S D
2 1.15·
ao S D 2
severe under, plane strain loading conditions (5, 9). In these
cases, the application of linear elastic fracture mechanics is no
where: longer valid, and the parameter KISCC is no longer meaningful.
Similarly, when testing materials with a high resistance to
VLL = load line crack opening displacement, m (in.),
Vo = crack mouth opening displacement at COD gage stress corrosion cracking, loading to high percentages of KIc
attachment location, m (in.), may cause a relaxation of stress due to creep. In this case, the
ao = starting crack length, m (in.), and apparent KISCC values can also be meaningless. The symbol Kth
Co = distance from load line to COD gage attachment has been used to identify threshold stress intensity factors
location, m (in.). developed under test conditions that do not satisfy all of the
The stress intensity level, KIi, associated with the interim requirements for plane strain conditions. Design calculations,
crack length, ai, should be calculated from the following using such values, should not be employed unless it is clear
relationship (9): that the laboratory tests exhibit the same stress state as that for
1.732·E·V LL
the intended application. Nevertheless, properly determined
K Ii 5 (X1.2) Kth values can be useful for ranking materials for resistance to
4·H ·
1 0.673 D 2

stress corrosion cracking.

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(UFRJ) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro ((UFRJ) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
G168 − 17

(1) Brown, B. F., “The Application of Fracture Mechanics to Stress (8) Dorward, R. C., Hasse, K. R., and Helfrich, W. J., “Marine Atmo-
Corrosion Cracking,” Review 129, Metallurgical Reviews, Vol 2, sphere Stress Corrosion Tests on Precracked Specimens from High
1968. Strength Aluminum Alloys: Effect of Corrosion Product Wedging,”
(2) Domack, M. S., “Evaluation of KIscc and da/dt Measurements for Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol 6, No. 4, July 1978, pp.
Aluminum Alloys Using Precracked Specimens,” Environmentally 268-275.
Assisted Cracking: Science and Engineering, ASTM STP 1049, (9) Sprowls, D.O., “Corrosion Testing and Evaluation,” Metals Handbook
ASTM, 1990, pp. 391-409. Vol. 13 - Corrosion, ASM International, Materials Park, Ohio, 1987,
(3) Wei, R. P., and Novak, S. R., “Interlaboratory Evaluation of KIscc and p. 268.
da/dt Determination Procedures for High-Strength Steels,” Journal of (10) Endo, K., Komai, K., and Yamamoto, I., “Effects of Specimen
Testing and Evaluation, Vol 15, No. 1, January 1987, pp. 38-75.
Thickness on Stress Corrosion Cracking and Corrosion Fatigue of an
(4) Hyatt, M. V., “Use of Precracked Specimens in Stress-Corrosion
Aluminum Alloy,” Bulletin of the JSME, Vol 24, No. 194, August
Testing of High Strength Aluminum Alloys,” Corrosion, Vol 26, No.
1981, pp. 1326-1332.
11, November 1970, pp. 487-503.
(5) Sprowls, D. O., Shumaker, M. B., Coursen, J. W., and Walsh, J. D., (11) Fichter, W. B.,“The Stress Intensity Factor for the Double Cantilever
Evaluation of Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility Using Frac- Beam,” International Journal of Fracture, Vol 22, 1983, pp. 133-
ture Mechanics Techniques, NASA-CR-124469, May 1973. 143.
(6) Sprowls, D. O., Coursen, J. W., and Walsh, J. D., “Evaluating (12) Perez, T. E., Herrera, R., Hatcher, P. R., and Szklarz, K. E., “A
Stress-Corrosion Crack-Propagation Rates in High-Strength Alumi- Modified KIscc Calculation for Double Cantilever Beam Specimens,”
num Alloys with Bolt Loaded Precracked Double-Cantilever-Beam Corrosion, 93, Paper 142, Houston, TX, 1993.
Specimens,” Stress Corrosion - New Approaches, ASTM STP 610, (13) Peel, C. J., and Poole, P., “The Application of Double Cantilever
ASTM, 1976 , pp. 143-156. Beam (DCB)Testing to Stress Corrosion Cracking of Aluminum
(7) Novak, S. R., and Rolfe, S. T., “Modified WOL Specimen for KIscc Alloys,” Royal Aircraft Establishment Report, No. 80046, 1980.
Environmental Testing,” Journal of Materials, Vol 4, No. 3, Sept.
1969, pp. 701-728.


Committee G01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (G168 – 00
(2013)) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved November 1, 2017.)

(1) Corrections to the drawing in Fig. 2. (4) Revisions to 7.1.3 to directly state thickness criteria that
(2) Revisions to 7.2.2. Note 7 to indicate differences in tooling had previously referenced Test Method E399.
for U-shaped vs. V-shaped grooves.
(3) Correction to the formula for calculating stress intensity in

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