Media Discourse On Islam in The Western Balkans - Harun Karčić I Ivan Ejub Kostić
Media Discourse On Islam in The Western Balkans - Harun Karčić I Ivan Ejub Kostić
Media Discourse On Islam in The Western Balkans - Harun Karčić I Ivan Ejub Kostić
H. Karčić I I. E. Kostić
and platforms of such rhetoric in two Western Balkan countries – Bo-
snia and Herzegovina and Serbia. This work employs the critical dis-
course analysis method to study the pervasive representation of
Islam and Muslims in a number of leading Bosnian Serb and Croat
owned newspapers in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as in a num-
ber of high-circulation newspapers and tabloids in Serbia published
over the course of one year (August 2018-August 2019). MEDIA DISCOURSE
Following the collocation and concordance of the most frequent ON ISLAM IN THE
ISBN 978-9926-471-37-8
Media Discourse on Islam
in the Western Balkans
Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
Harun Karčić and Ivan Ejub Kostić
This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing
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ced Studies.
The views and opinions expressed in this book are those of the author and not necessarily those of the publisher.
The publisher is not responsible for the accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites, if cited,
and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.
ISBN 978-9926-471-37-8
1. Kostić, Ivan Ejub
COBISS.BH-ID 41588742
Harun Karčić and Ivan Ejub Kostić
Sarajevo, 2020
Foreword.................................................................................................................. 7
Since the September 11, 2001 attacks, there has been a spike in
both the scholarly study of Islam as well as in the study of Mu-
slims around the globe, with perhaps an over-emphasis on Arab
Muslims living in the Middle East. At the same time, considera-
ble scholarly attention has been paid to the negative media por-
trayals of Muslim populations living as minorities in Europe and
the United States – where researchers have concluded that re-
presentations of Muslims in Western media are often associated
with violence and conflict. Such Western representations of
Islam and Muslims centered on notions of conflict and violence
have established Islam as a perceived material threat to establi-
shed ‘Western values’ and what is commonly referred to as the
‘Judeo-Christian heritage’.
However, though due attention has been paid to the repre-
sentation of and discourse revolving around Muslims living in
the West, there has been a lacuna in the study of Muslims living
in the Balkans and how they are represented in media. This is a
major gap in the study of Muslims living in a region where Islam-
ophobic rhetoric peaked in the 1990s and played an instrumen-
tal role in justifying large-scale massacres of thousands of Bos-
niak Muslims and Kosovar Albanians that in the end resulted in
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
Constructing the Internal Enemy:
A Discourse Analysis of the Representation
of Islam and Muslims in Bosnian Media
Harun Karčić
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
Muslims and Islam have been a major point of interest for the
media in recent decades. Several empirical studies strongly sup-
port the notion that Muslims are a highly stigmatized and nega-
tively associated category in Western media.2 The association of
Muslims with terrorism, violence and cultural otherness gained
prominence and intensity in the years following the September
11 attacks and shows little sign of abating. According to a recent
Pew Research Center study, between 8% and 26% of respondents
polled in 15 West European countries felt that Islamic teachings
promoted violence and between 23% and 41% agreed with the
statement that “Muslims want to impose their religious law on
everyone else.”3 Given the role played by media in shaping public
opinion, the negative representation of Islam and Muslims fur-
ther entrenches already existing stereotypes and plays a decisive
role in how Muslims and Islam are perceived.
Despite Muslim voices becoming increasingly vocal in the
W est and awareness of Islamophobia growing, the climate of
fear over Muslims and Islam as a religion has persisted and ex-
panded, alongside the rise of right-wing populist leaders in ma-
jor democracies such as the United States and European Union.
While some media are blatantly Islamophobic, others are more
subtle and their framing of Islam and Muslims implicit and am-
bivalent. Discourse Analysis and Media Attitudes: The Representa-
tion of Islam in the British Press offers a meticulous study of one
example of the discourse on Islam and Muslims in Europe.4
There have also been numerous reports and studies on other
2 “UK media’s portrayal of Muslims ‘misleading and negative’: study“, Al Jazeera En-
glish, July 9, 2019.
trayal-muslims-misleading-negative-study-19070810455053 9.html, (accessed
14 September 2019).
3 E. Bleich, J. Souffrant, E. Stabler, and A. M. Van der Veen, “Media Coverage of Mu-
slim Devotion: A Four-Country Analysis of Newspaper Articles, 1996–2016“,
Religions, 2018, 9, 247.
4 P. Baker, C. Gabrielatos, and T. McEnery, Discourse Analysis and Media Attitudes:
The Representation of Islam in the British Press (Cambridge: Cambridge Univer-
sity Press, 2013).
Constructing the Internal Enemy
5 “The One Percent Problem: Muslims in the West and the Rise of the New Populi-
sts,” Brookings, (ac-
cessed 14 September 2019).
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
Constructing the Internal Enemy
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
Constructing the Internal Enemy
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
Constructing the Internal Enemy
discourses to create their texts, while the third puts text into
context and examines links between language and social prac-
tice.15 While the CDA approach can deploy a range of different
techniques, the focus generally lies on the analysis of words and
their textual context, including some not explicitly related to
Muslims but often raised and discussed alongside any reference
to Islam and Muslims. The analysis begins by presenting contin-
uous topic categories that are then further exemplified using
short quotes or headlines from articles within each category.
Newspapers are some of the oldest forms of political commu-
nication in the world and still retain significant influence, even
with the emergence of the internet and social media as fora for
mass communication. Research has shown that “even short expo-
sure to a daily newspaper appears to influence voting behaviour
and may affect turnout.”16 In other words, newspapers are still
vital in shaping mass political orientation. Teon A. van Dijk argues
in “Opinions and Ideologies in the Press” that the ideologies and
opinions presented in newspapers are not personal and, even
when they represent the author’s opinions and beliefs, they are in
fact representing the views of the media outlet and are framed by
their social, political and institutional context.17
Bosnia and Herzegovina is divided into two highly autono-
mous political, security and administrative units – the predomi-
nantly Serb-populated Republika Srpska and the overwhelming-
ly Bosniak-Croat Federation of BiH – so we have selected high-cir-
culation newspapers from both entities. The selection from the
Republika Srpska is Glas Srpske, a major newspaper with a high
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
Constructing the Internal Enemy
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
“Croatian People’s
“Vital national interest – Assembly: Bosnia entering “Bosniaks aim for Serb
Bosniaks play card 13 new turmoil as key posts in Council of
times, Croats only twice.”20 political posts all held by Ministers.”22
20 “Nacionalni interes - Bošnjaci ‘povlačili’ 13, a Hrvati samo dva puta“, Večernji list,
July 14, 2019. pov-
la-cili-13-a-hrvati-samo-dva-puta-1325932 (accessed 14 September 2019).
21 “HNS: BiH Ulazi U Novu Krizi Jer Sve Ključne Pozicije Drže Bošnjaci”, Dnevni
list, August 1, 2019.
zi-jer-sve-kljucne-pozicije-drze-bosnjaci (accessed 14 September 2019).
22 Ž� .D. “Bošnjaci naciljali srpska mjesta u Savjetu ministara“, Glas Srpske, March 20,
li-srpska-mjesta-u-Savjetu-ministara/280887 (accessed 14 September 2019).
23 Ivo Š� imunović, “Bošnjaci žele uzeti sve od Hrvata: crkvu, povijest i pravo na
život u Bosni” Večernji list, June 12, 2019.
ni-1325641 (accessed 14 September 2019).
24 “KARAMATIĆ� : Bošnjaci Pričom o NATO-U Sprječavaju Dogovor U BiH”, Dnevni
list, August 27, 2019. pri-
com-o-nato-u-sprjecavaju-dogovor-u-bih (accessed 14 September 2019).
25 Darko Momić, “Skandalozan zahtjev: Bošnjaci traže da se Harvard odrekne Iz-
raela“, Glas Srpske, April 16, 2019.
Constructing the Internal Enemy
26 “Postoji spremnost za formiranje vlasti, ali Bošnjaci opstruiraju”, Vecernji list, May
11, 2019.
27 V.K., “NATO razumije politiku neutralnosti, ali Bošnjaci ne”, Glas Srpske, June
11, 2019.
mije-politiku-neutralnosti-ali-Bosnjaci-ne/286085 (accessed 14 September
28 Zoran Krešić, “Hrvati ‘zamrznuli’ entitet, Bošnjaci bi se trebali odreći domi-
nacije“, Večernji list, April 13, 2019.
ti-zamrznuli-entitet-bosnjaci-bi-se-trebali-odreci-dominacije-1312948 (ac-
cessed 14 September 2019).
29 “‘Zaratili’ koalicioni partneri”, Dnevni list, July 29, 2019. https://www.dnevni-
30 Darko Momić, “Bošnjaci ponovo slavili tursku okupaciju“, Glas Srpske, March 20,
vo-slavili-tursku-okupaciju/280852 (accessed 14 September 2019).
31 Maja Ereš, “Zapad, koji je najutjecajniji u BiH, ne zna što bi s njom“, Večernji list,
March 11, 2019.
u-bih-ne-zna-sto-bi-s-njom-1305870 (accessed 14 September 2019).
32 “Vratio se iz Austrije da izazove mržnju među Hrvatima i Bošnjacima“, Dnevni
list, August 9, 2019.
33 “Orićev prijatelj poziva Bošnjake da se naoružaju“, Glas Srpske, April 21, 2019.
va-Bosnjake-da-se-naoruzaju/282887 (accessed 14 September 2019).
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
“Cvijanović: Political
“Bosniaks want to elect
Sarajevo is blocking
Serb representatives in the “Krajišnik: Muslims
everything in Bosnia and
Herzegovina-Neretva committed atrocities
Herzegovina, but the Serb
canton.”34 against themselves.”35
Republic is functional.”36
“Why it is dangerous and “Dramatic warnings from
“Banning the Pride parade
harmful for Bosniaks to the few remaining Serbs:
would be shameful and
elect the Croat member of The Federation will soon be
proof that Sarajevo does not
the Presidency for the third home only to Bosniaks and
want European values.”38
time.”37 Croats.”39
“Display of pathological
“Karamatić: Bosniaks are
hatred; Sarajevo is trying
using all the NATO talk to “Bosniaks are celebrating
to silence Zagreb in
prevent the formation of a non-existent holiday.”42
advocating for Croat
equality in Bosnia.”40
34 Marko Karačić, “Bošnjaci žele izabrati predstavnike Srba u HNŽ� -u”, Večernji
list, February 15, 2019.
ti-predstavnike-srba-u-hnz-u-1301001 (accessed 14 September 2019).
35 “Krajišnik: Muslimani činili zločine protiv svog naroda”, Dnevni list, April 26, 2018. -nar-
oda/ (accessed 18 December 2019).
36 “Cvijanović: Političko Sarajevo sve blokira u BIH, ali Srpska funkcioniše”, Glas
Srpske, July 30, 2019.
ise/289552 (accessed 14 September 2019).
37 “Zašto je opasno i štetno da Bošnjaci u BiH i treći put biraju hrvatskog pred-
stavnika“, Večernji list, September 17, 2018.
predstavnika-1270271 (accessed 14 September 2019).
38 “Zabrana parade ponosa bi bila neviđena sramota i dokaz da Sarajevo ne želi
europske vrijednosti!”, Dnevni list, August 26, 2019. https://www.dnevni-list.
39 Ž� eljka Domazet, “Dramatično upozorenje malobrojnih Srba: U FBiH će ostati
samo Bošnjaci i Hrvati“, Glas Srpske, May 15, 2019. https://www.glassrpske.
40 Zoran Krešić, “Pokazala se patološka mržnja, Sarajevo pokušava ušutkati Zagreb u
lobiranju za jednakopravnost Hrvata“, Večernji list, July 31, 2019. https://www.
ti-zagreb-u-lobiranju-za-jednakopravnost-hrvata-1335729 (accessed 14 Septem-
ber 2019).
41 “KARAMATIĆ� : Bošnjaci Pričom O NATO-U Sprječavaju Dogovor U BiH”, Dnevni list,
August 27, 2019.
to-u-sprjecavaju-dogovor-u-bih (accessed 14 September 2019).
42 D. Momić, Ž� . Domazet, “Bošnjaci slave nepostojeći praznik“, Glas Srpske, Novem-
ber 26, 2018.
ci-slave-nepostojeci-praznik/274007 (accessed 14 September 2019).
Constructing the Internal Enemy
43 “Dodik: Bošnjaci imaju dugoročan plan korak po korak devastirati RS“, Večernji list,
January 29, 2019.
can-plan-korak-po-korak-devastirati-rs-1297525 (accessed 14 September 2019).
44 “Dodik: Bošnjaci riskiraju da BiH ne postoji!”, Dnevni list, June 25, 2019. (ac-
cessed 14 September 2019).
45 “Zašto su fabrike oružja u BiH u rukama Bošnjaka”, Glas Srpske, February 11, 2019.
ja-u-BiH-u-rukama-Bosnjaka/278634 (accessed 14 September 2019).
46 “Kao što Bošnjaci odbijaju treći entitet, Hrvati nikad neće prihvatiti unitarnu
BiH“, Večernji List, August 4, 2018.
(accessed 14 September 2019).
47 “HDZ I HNS: SDA Izbjegava Poštivanje Izborne Volje Naroda U BiH”, Dnevni list,
July 21, 2019.
nje-izborne-volje-naroda-u-bih (accessed 14 September 2019).
48 “Dodik: Bošnjaci teško uzurpiraju prava Srba i Hrvata”, Glas Srpske, August 27,
sko-uzurpiraju-prava-srba-i-hrvata/291411 (accessed 14 September 2019).
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
Constructing the Internal Enemy
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
Pride parade would be shameful and proof that Sarajevo does not
want European values”57 and “Bosniaks once again celebrate Turk-
ish occupation”58 (which accuses Bosniak Muslim of celebrating the
Ottoman conquest of their native country). Their behaviour is pre-
sented as irrational and deviating from existing values, norms and
principles. All political actions taken by Bosniak Muslim politicians
and Bosniaks generally are considered from the Bosnian Croat and
Bosnian Serb point of view. Those two groups are depicted as nor-
mal and Eurocentric and are positively socially represented, while
the third group is the outlier. There is over-emphasis on the Bos-
niak Muslims’ ethnicity and their cultural (i.e. Islamic) difference is
depicted as being more complex than any of the other problems
facing the country, such as high-unemployment, low-wages and
rampant corruption. The Bosnian Croats in particular are depicted
as the nation carrying and epitomizing European values, the same
values Bosniak Muslims are depicted as lacking.
Then there is repeated use of the term political Sarajevo,
which might at first sound benign to the average non-Bosnian
reader. This is seen in such articles as “Cvijanović: political Sara-
jevo is blocking everything in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but the
Serb Republic is functioning”59 and “Croatian People’s Assem-
bly: political Sarajevo is nervous and hysterical.”60 It is worth
noting that Bosnian Croat and Bosnian Serb media often use
Constructing the Internal Enemy
61 Ivo Š� imunović, “Bošnjaci žele uzeti sve od Hrvata: crkvu, povijest i pravo na
život u Bosni.” Večernji list, June 12, 2019.
ni-1325641 (accessed 14 September 2019).
62 “Nacionalni interes - Bošnjaci ‘povlačili’ 13, a Hrvati samo dva puta“, Večernji
list, July 14, 2019.
ci-povlacili-13-a-hrvati-samo-dva-puta-1325932 (accessed 14 September
2019). *The ‘vital national interest’ is a political veto enshrined in the Consti-
tution of BIH which technically allows any given ethno-national political party
to torpedo another ethno-national party’s parliamentary act/move if deemed
dangerous to their national interests.
63 Zoran Krešić, “Hrvati ‘zamrznuli’ entitet, Bošnjaci bi se trebali odreći domi-
nacije“, Večernji list, April 13, 2019.
ti-zamrznuli-entitet-bosnjaci-bi-se-trebali-odreci-dominacije-1312948 (ac-
cessed 14 September 2019).
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
64 Marko Karačić, “Bošnjaci žele izabrati predstavnike Srba u HNŽ� -u.” Večernji
list, February 15, 2019.
ti-predstavnike-srba-u-hnz-u-1301001 (accessed 14 September 2019).
65 “Dodik: Bošnjaci imaju dugoročan plan korak po korak devastirati RS“, Večern-
ji list, January 29, 2019.
ju-dugorocan-plan-korak-po-korak-devastirati-rs-1297525 (accessed 14 Sep-
tember 2019).
66 Ž� arko Ivković, “Davor Marijan: Za rat Hrvata i Muslimana kriv je Alija Izetbegović”,
Večernji list, December 8, 2018.
jan-za-rat-hrvata-i-muslimana-kriv-je-alija-izetbegovic-1287712 (accessed 14
September 2019).
67 Ž� arko Ivković, “Davor Marijan: Za rat Hrvata i Muslimana kriv je Alija Izetbegović”.
68 Zoran Krešić, “Da je BiH normalna, u Predsjedništvu Hrvat ne bi bio protiv
Pelješkog mosta.” Večernji list, July 21, 2019.
ta-1333553 (accessed 14 September 2019).
Constructing the Internal Enemy
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
74 “Kao Š� to Bošnjaci Odbijaju Treći Entitet, Hrvati Nikad Neće Prihvatiti Unitarnu
BiH“, Večernji List, August 4, 2018.
(accessed 14 September 2019).
75 “KARAMATIĆ� : Bliži se kraj BiH, Bošnjaci će moliti za “bašča državicu”,’ Dnevni
list, July 16, 2019.
njaci-ce-moliti-za-basca-drzavicu (accessed 14 September 2019).
76 “Dodik: Bošnjaci riskiraju da BiH ne postoji!” Dnevni list, June 25, 2019. (ac-
cessed 14 September 2019).
77 Maja Ereš, “Zapad, koji je najutjecajniji u BiH, ne zna što bi s njom“, Večernji list,
March 11, 2019.
u-bih-ne-zna-sto-bi-s-njom-1305870 (accessed 14 September 2019).
Constructing the Internal Enemy
78 “Ovo su osobe koje su se predale u Siriji, oni će biti vraćeni u BiH”, Večernji list,
March 13, 2019.
dale-u-siriji-oni-ce-biti-vraceni-u-bih-1306429 (accessed 14 September 2019).
79 “Č� ak 16,9% Mostaraca navelo da podržava ISIL“, Dnevni list, May 4, 2019. (ac-
cessed 14 September 2019).
80 Darko Momić, “Bošnjački zvaničnici veličaju terorizam”, Glas Srpske, August 27,
nici-velicaju-terorizam/291373 (accessed 14 September 2019).
81 Hassan Haidar Diab, “U BiH su došli nakon ratovanja u Afganistanu. Išli su u džihad
po cijelom svijetu“, Večernji list, February 17, 2019.
lom-svijetu-1301385 (accessed 14 September 2019).
82 “Bosanka iz ISIL-a osuđena na 6,5 godina zatvora u SAD-u”, Dnevni list, https://
83 Darko Momić, “Spisak terorista iz BiH sve veći“, Glas Srpske, June 29, 2019.
BiH-sve-veci/287340 (accessed 14 September 2019).
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
84 Hassan Haidar Diab, “Hrvatska pred velikim sigurnosnim izazovom: Tko su dži-
hadisti koji se vraćaju u BiH?” Večernji list, February 24, 2019. https://www.
disti-koji-se-vracaju-u-bih-1302901 (accessed 14 September 2019).
85 “Zbog pridruživanja ISIL-u podignuta optužnica protiv Ibre Ć� ufurovića“, Dnevni
list, July 15, 2019.
nuta-optuznica-protiv-ibre-cufurovica (accessed 14 September 2019).
86 Darko Momić, “BiH ponovo u centru svjetske pažnje zbog terorizma”, Glas Srpske,
June 28, 2019.
vo-u-centru-svjetske-paznje-zbog-terorizma/287269 (accessed 14 September
87 “Ovo su vođe balkanskih džihadista“, Večernji list, January 27, 2019. https://www. (accessed 14
September 2019).
88 “PRST U OKO ZAPADU: Bošnjačka vjerska i politička elita odala počast lideru
Muslimanskog bratstva”, Dnevni list, June 24, 2019. https://www.dnevni-list.
ru-muslimanskog-bratstva (accessed 14 September 2019).
89 Dragana Orlović, “Zemlja rizika“, Glas Srpske, July 24, 2019. https://www. (accessed
14 September 2019).
90 Davor Ivanković, “U BiH se vraća stotinu boraca ISIL-a, SOA pojačava provjere”,
Večernji list, March 20, 2019. /u-bih-se-vraca-sto-
tinu-boraca-isil-a-soa-pojacava-provjere-1307924 (accessed 14 September 2019).
91 Zoran Krešić, Goran Sudar. “Mudžahedini iz rata siju smrt po BiH u miru“,
Večernji list, February 13, 2019.
ini-iz-rata-siju-smrt-po-bih-u-miru-1300549 (accessed 14 September 2019).
92 “Srpska upozorava na rizik od terorizma i migrantske krize u BiH“, Glas Srpske,
May 6, 2019.
Constructing the Internal Enemy
“Without additional
“ISIL terrorist: Edvin
security measures, Bosnia
Babić, known as Osman “Terrorism a constant
at higher risk of facing
from Sarajevo, threat.”95
terrorism from returning
ISIL fighters.”93
“Intelligence agencies
“Deported from Slovenia
preparing new operation: “Jihadi Delić under special
because of radicalism.
Women and children of surveillance.”101
They returned to Bosnia
Bosnian ISIL fighters to be
and Herzegovina.”99
deported to Bosnia?”100
93 Zoran Krešić, “Bez mjera veći rizik od terorizma u BiH i na Balkanu povratkom
ratnika iz ISIL-a”, Večernji list, May 20, 2019.
isil-a-1320360 (accessed 14 September 2019).
94 “TERORIST ISIL-a: Predao se Edvin Babić zvani Osman iz Sarajeva”, Dnevni list,
March 5, 2019.
zvani-osman-iz-sarajeva (accessed 14 September 2019).
95 “Terorizam stalna prijetnja“, Glas Srpska, January 21, 2019. https://www.
96 Zoran Krešić, “Bivši pripadnici ISIL-a uskoro stižu u BiH.” Večernji list, May 15,
bih-1319294 (accessed 14 September 2019).
97 “Pristaša ISIL-a iz BiH osuđen u Berlinu“, Dnevni list, February 27, 2019. https:// (accessed 27 Feb-
ruary 2019).
98 “Terorista iz BiH iz Sirije pobjegao u Libiju?” Glas Srpske, March 3, 2019. http://
gao-u-Libiju/279916 (accessed 14 September 2019).
99 “Protjerani iz Slovenije zbog radikalizma. Vratili se u BiH“, Večernji list, March 24,
vratili-se-u-bih-1308744 (accessed 14 September 2019).
100 “OBAVJEŠ� TAJNE SLUŽ� BE PRIPREMAJU AKCIJU: Organizira se povratak žena i
djece bosanskih ISIL-ovaca?” Dnevni list, February 19, 2019. https://www.dnevni-
na-i-djece-bosanskih-isil-ovaca (accessed 14 September 2019).
101 V.Z., “Džihadlija Delić pod posebnom prismotrom“, Glas Srpske, January 17,
ic-pod-posebnom-prismotrom/277062 (accessed 14 September 2019).
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
102 Davor Ivanković, “Ne treba izmišljati, islamisti iz BiH jesu prijetnja.” Večernji list,
March 15, 2019.
sti-iz-bih-jesu-prijetnja-1306848 (accessed 14 September 2019).
103 “Australija preuzima djecu poginulog bosanskog teroriste“, Dnevni list, June 26,
skog-teroriste (accessed 14 September 2019).
104 Veljko Zeljković, “Za džihad u BIH spremno 10.000 mudžahidina” Glas Srpske, Janu-
ary 16, 2019.
BiH-spremno-10000-mudzahedina/277007 (accessed 14 September 2019).
105 “Ovo su osobe koje su se predale u Siriji, oni će biti vraćeni u BiH” Večernji list,
March 13, 2019.
dale-u-siriji-oni-ce-biti-vraceni-u-bih-1306429 (accessed 14 September 2019).
Constructing the Internal Enemy
106 Hassan Haidar Diab, “Hrvatska pred velikim sigurnosnim izazovom: Tko su dži-
hadisti koji se vraćaju u BiH?” Večernji list, February 24, 2019.
disti-koji-se-vracaju-u-bih-1302901 (accessed 14 September 2019).
107 “OBAVJEŠ� TAJNE SLUŽ� BE PRIPREMAJU AKCIJU: Organizira se povratak žena i
djece bosanskih ISIL-ovaca?” Dnevni list, February 19, 2019. https://www.dnevni-
na-i-djece-bosanskih-isil-ovaca (accessed 14 September 2019).
108 Hassan Haidar Diab, “U BiH su došli nakon ratovanja u Afganistanu. Išli su u džihad
po cijelom svijetu“, Večernji list, February 17, 2019.
lom-svijetu-1301385 (accessed 14 September 2019).
109 Hassan Haidar Diab, “Hrvatska pred velikim sigurnosnim izazovom: Tko su dži-
hadisti koji se vraćaju u BiH?” Večernji list, February 24, 2019.
disti-koji-se-vracaju-u-bih-1302901 (accessed 14 September 2019).
110 Hassan Haidar Diab, “Hrvatska pred velikim sigurnosnim izazovom: Tko su
džihadisti koji se vraćaju u BiH?”.
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
111 “PRST U OKO ZAPADU: Bošnjačka vjerska i politička elita odala počast lideru
Muslimanskog bratstva”, Dnevni list, June 24, 2019. https://www.dnevni-list.
ru-muslimanskog-bratstva (accessed 14 September 2019).
112 “Ovo su vođe balkanskih džihadista“, Večernji list, January 27, 2019. https:// (acces-
sed 14 September 2019).
113 “Australija preuzima djecu poginulog bosanskog teroriste“, Dnevni list, June 26, 2019.
riste (accessed 14 September 2019).
Constructing the Internal Enemy
114 “TERORIST ISIL-a: Predao se Edvin Babić zvani Osman iz Sarajeva”, Dnevni list,
March 5, 2019.
zvani-osman-iz-sarajeva (accessed 14 September 2019).
115 “Zbog pridruživanja ISIL-u podignuta optužnica protiv Ibre Ć� ufurovića“, Dnevni
list, July 15, 2019.
ta-optuznica-protiv-ibre-cufurovica (accessed 14 September 2019).
116 “Orićev prijatelj poziva Bošnjake da se naoružaju“, Glas Srpske, April 21, 2019.
va-Bosnjake-da-se-naoruzaju/282887 (accessed 14 September 2019).
117 “Zašto su fabrike oružja u BiH u rukama Bošnjaka”, Glas Srpske, February 11, 2019.
ja-u-BiH-u-rukama-Bosnjaka/278634 (accessed 14 September 2019).
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
arm themselves but, in case of another war, they will have plenty
of weapons at their disposal. Similarly, in articles such as “10,000
Bosnian mujahedeen ready for jihad,” “A high-risk country,”
“These are the leaders of Balkan jihadis,” “Bosnia once again at the
centre of world attention because of terrorism,” and “16.9% of
Mostar citizens say they support ISIL,” Bosnian Croat and Bosnian
Serb media deploy the number game as an ideological tool to
strengthen their argument that Bosniak Muslims pose a security
threat, without however backing up their figures with reliable
sources. The reference to “mujahedeen” fighters, a now non-exist-
ent war-time military unit, is a clear attempt to link alleged Bos-
niak Muslim extremists today to the 1992-1995 war for inde-
pendence and, however retroactively, present the Bosnian Croat
and Bosnian Serb war against Bosniak Muslims as a “war on ter-
ror.” Moreover, all this talk of radical Bosniak Muslim fighters be-
ing ready and waiting to wage war frames them in a sleeper cell
narrative and casts suspicion on them (and on anyone displaying
similar physical features) as a potential security threat. Such a
suspicious tone towards Bosniak Muslims intertwines with the
Bosnian Serb and Bosnian Croat public’s opinion of the recent
war and heightens fears of Bosniaks as the dominant ethno-na-
tional population. It also casts doubt on them as a “suspect com-
munity” and a symbolic threat to the two other ethnonational
groups - Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Serbs.
The third major theme associated with the terms “Muslim” and
“Islam” is the issue of migrants and the notion of a Christian
Europe. Even though the term “Christianity” was initially not
Constructing the Internal Enemy
118 “Katolika u BiH sve manje, ne uživaju ista prava kao i drugi građani“, Večernji
list, August 3, 2019.
je-ne-uzivaju-ista-prava-kao-i-drugi-gra-ani-1262051 (accessed 14 Septem-
ber 2019).
119 “JAJAČ� KA AJA SOFIJA’ Medžlis tvrdi da je crkva njihova džamija, a franjevci žele
zajednički spomenik kulture“, Dnevni list, July 30, 2019. https://www.dnevni-
vci-zele-zajednicki-spomenik-kulture (accessed 14 September 2019).
120 “Š� tajerska garda’ brani granice od muslimana”, Glas Srpske, September 5,
121 “Dovodili migrante u kuće kod Ljubuškog, a oni uništili sve što se uništiti mo-
glo i pobacali križeve“, Večernji list, August 20, 2019. https://www.vecernji.
unistiti-moglo-i-pobacali-krizeve-1339731 (accessed 14 September 2019).
122 “Fotije: Kosovska bitka je borba za čitavu hrišćansku Evropu”, Glas Srpske,
June 27, 2019.
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
123 “Iz kojih i kakvih zemalja dolazi najviše migranata u BiH”, Večernji list, August
12, 2019.
najvise-migranata-u-bih-1337793 (accessed 14 September 2019).
124 “Dodik: Rješenje da se BIH podijeli”, Dnevni list, August 6, 2019. https://www.
125 “Otkriven spomenik Janku Sibinjaninu”, Glas Srpske, July 22, 2019. https://
126 Ž� eljko Andrijanić, “Migranti mogu urušiti gospodarstvo Europe, a u BiH može
doći do sukoba“, Večernji list, July 4, 2019.
ba-1329981 (accessed 14 September 2019).
127 “Balkan postaje tampon zona za migrante“, Dnevni list, July 15, 2019. https:// (accessed 14
September 2019).
128 “Notr Dam zvonio u čast srpske vojske“, Glas Srpske, April 15, 2019. http://
129 Ivan Markešić, “Postoji li kršćanski identitet zapadne Europe ili je on mit?”,
Večernji list, april 23, 2019.
130 “HOĆ� E LI MIGRANTI TRAJNO OSTATI U BiH?”, Dnevni list, August 27, 2019. (accessed
14 September 2019).
131 Veljko Zeljković, “Migranti u Banjaluci postali ozbiljan problem“, Glas Srpske,
February 6, 2019.
Constructing the Internal Enemy
132 “Migranti prave kaos u Bihaću: Jednog napali sjekirom, drugi teško ozlijeđen“,
Večernji list, August 11, 2019.
je-en-1337828 (accessed 14 September 2019).
133 “Najteže tek dolazi, migrantska trasa širi se na HNŽ� , Ž� ZH i HBŽ� ”, Dnevni list,
August 10, 2019.
trasa-siri-se-na-hnz-zzh-i-hbz (accessed 14 September 2019).
134 Darko Mamić, “Lukač: Migranti neće ostati u Srpskoj“, Glas Srpske, July 17, 2019.
ti-nece-ostati-u-srpskoj/288594 (accessed 18 December 2019).
135 Braco Selimović, “Nasilni migranti siju strah po Hercegovini”, Večernji list, April
26, 2019.
136 “Kriza eskalira, država bez odgovora”, Dnevni list, June 6, 2019. https://www.
137 “Karan: Postali smo posljednja brana migrantima za ulazak u EU“, Glas Srpske,
June 18, 2019. Po-
138 “Srbi protiv migrantskog centra u Medenom Polju”, Večernji list, August 26,
139 “Povećan broj migranata u ZHŽ� -u, pojačana kontrola”, Dnevni list, August 5, 2019.
140 Darko Momić, “Migrantima u Sarajevu svjesno lažu o dočeku u Banjaluci”, Glas Srp-
ske, February 7, 2019.
Migrantima-u-Sarajevu-svjesno-lazu-o-doceku-u-Banjaluci/279509 (accessed 14
September 2019).
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
141 “Iz kojih i kakvih zemalja dolazi najviše migranata u BiH”, Večernji list, August
12, 2019.
najvise-migranata-u-bih-1337793 (accessed 14 September 2019).
142 “Migranti prave kaos u Bihaću: Jednog napali sjekirom, drugi teško ozlijeđen“,
Večernji list, August 11, 2019.
en-1337828 (accessed 14 September 2019).
143 Ž� eljko Andrijanić, “Migranti mogu urušiti gospodarstvo Europe, a u BiH može
doći do sukoba“, Večernji list, July 4, 2019.
ba-1329981 (accessed 14 September 2019).
144 “Dovodili migrante u kuće kod Ljubuškog, a oni uništili sve što se uništiti mo-
glo i pobacali križeve“, Večernji list, August 20, 2019.
istiti-moglo-i-pobacali-krizeve-1339731 (accessed 14 September 2019).
Constructing the Internal Enemy
violent – going so far as to throw out the crucifixes from the hou-
ses of Croat-Catholics who were kind enough to host them.
Then there is the narrative of migrants and refugees as pre-
senting an active cultural threat. The threat is conceptualised on
perceived cultural differences between native Bosnians as the
in-group and Muslim migrants as the out-group. Bosniak Mus-
lims are often portrayed as being the most welcoming towards
migrants and refugees. Without stating it directly, the articles
allude to their shared religious affiliation with Middle Eastern
and Asian migrants. On the opposite end, Bosnian Serbs and
Bosnian Croats are depicted as vigilant and wary of the presence
of Muslim migrants in the country. This is evident in articles like
“The number of migrants in the West Hercegovina Canton is in-
creasing, security stepped up,”145 “Serbs against a migrant cen-
tre in Medeno Polje”146 and in the afore-mentioned article “They
gave refuge to migrants in Ljubuški, but migrants destroyed
their homes and threw out the crucifixes.”147 It was also appar-
ent in “Violent migrants sowing fear in Hercegovina,”148 which
painted migrants from Algeria, Syria and Libya as causing trou-
ble, robbing businesses and terrifying the local population in
the town of � apljina, which is inhabited predominantly by Bos-
nian Croats. The references in these articles to Herzegovina,
West Herzegovina Canton, and the towns of Č� apljina and Ljubuški
are no accident. Anyone acquainted with Bosnian ethnic demo-
145 “Povećan broj migranata u ZHŽ� -u, pojačana kontrola”, Dnevni list, August 5, 2019.
146 “Srbi protiv migrantskog centra u Medenom Polju”, Večernji list, August 26, 2019.
147 “Dovodili migrante u kuće kod Ljubuškog, a oni uništili sve što se uništiti mo-
glo i pobacali križeve“, Večernji list, August 20, 2019.
148 Braco Selimović, “Nasilni migranti siju strah po Hercegovini”, Večernji list, April
26, 2019.
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
149 Darko Momić, “Darko Ć� ulum za Glas Srpske: Migranti neće ostati u Srpskoj“, Glas
Srpske, August 4, 2019.
150 Veljko Zeljković, “Migranti u Banjaluci postali ozbiljan problem“, Glas Srpske, Fe-
bruary 6, 2019.
Constructing the Internal Enemy
151 “Otkriven spomenik Janku Sibinjaninu”, Glas Srpske, July 22, 2019. https://
janinu/288979 (accessed 18 December 2019).
152 “’Š� tajerska garda’ brani granice od muslimana”, Glas Srpske, September 5,
153 “Notr Dam zvonio u čast srpske vojske 1389“, Glas Srpske, April 15, 2019.
154 “Katolika u BiH sve manje, ne uživaju ista prava kao i drugi građani“, Večernji
list, August 3, 2018.
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
155 “Katolika u BiH sve manje, ne uživaju ista prava kao i drugi građani“, Večernji list.
156 Darko Momić, “Konstanin Dobrilović, lider austrijske Hrišćanske-slobodarske
platforme: Snažna evropska desnica važna i za Srpsku“, Glas Srpske, May 16,
157 Darko Momić, “Konstanin Dobrilović, lider austrijske Hrišćanske-slobodarske
platforme: Snažna evropska desnica važna i za Srpsku“.
158 “Fotije: Kosovska bitka je borba za čitavu hrišćansku Evropu”, Glas Srpske, June
27, 2019.
Constructing the Internal Enemy
ing from Pakistan, Syria, Iran and Iraq.159 It is worth noting that
the term “Christianity” in the articles cited above seems to be
used more often to refer to a vague set of values and cultural
concepts than in any religious sense. The anti-migrant and an-
ti-Muslim narratives that now dominate Bosnian Croat and Bos-
nian Serb newspapers seem to have been imported from West-
ern European far-right discourses, in which Islam is framed in
the context of a cultural war between the Christian West and the
Muslim world. Despite both being highly fragmented in reality,
Muslim and Christian Europeans are both thus depicted as mon-
olithic communities united in possession of their respective uni-
tary cultures, ideologies and values.
159 “Karan: Postali smo posljednja brana migrantima za ulazak u EU“, Glas Srpske, June
18, 2019.
160 Adem Džaferović, “Ž� ene bivših boraca ISIL-a nisu mete za odstrel“, Oslobođen-
je, March 13, 2019.
161 “SOA: Odbacujemo sve navode o naoružavanju selefija, tražili mo od OSA-e da se
očituje“, Dnevni avaz, March 13, 2019.
162 Ibrahim Prohić, “Jesu li muslimani u BiH problem?”, Oslobođenje, August 1,
163 “Zašto Bošnjaci neće da liče na Bakira Izetbegovića“, Dnevni avaz, august 12, 2018.
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
“Islamophobia: lessons from the “Are we ready for the return of jihadis
Srebrenica genocide.”164 and the remnants of ISIL?”165
Constructing the Internal Enemy
172 Aldijana Zorlak, “Blizu stotinu bh. državljana čeka na povratak u BiH iz sirij-
skih kampova: Š� ansa za drugi život?” Oslobođenje, June 27, 2019. https://
173 E. Trako, “Selefije iz Dubice ogorčene: Prave od nas mete“, Dnevni Avaz, Mar-
ch 17, 2019.
174 Fahrudin Bender, “Nermin Ogrešević: Bošnjaci su narod koji je trenutno naju-
groženiji u BiH“, Oslobođenje, February 14, 2019. https://www.oslobodjenje.
175 E. Halimić, “Novi migrantski val dolazi u BiH”, Dnevni avaz, October 13, 2019.
176 Edina Kamenica, “ Migranti su Krajini donijeli i benefite: Ljudi vide nove migran-
te kada dolaze, ali ih ne vide i kada odlaze”, Oslobođenje, October 23, 2019.
177 S. Degirmendžić, “Duraković: Holanđani su poslali ljude u smrt, a presudom se
izruguju i vrijeđaju nas“, Dnevni avaz, July 19, 2019.
ruguju-i-vrijedaju-nas (accessed December 18, 2019).
178 “Tuđman: Neće biti muslimanskih područja, osim kao mali dio hrvatske drža-
ve“, Oslobođenje, March 31, 2019.
179 K. Kešmer, “U BiH stiže novih 25.000 migranata!”, Dnevni avaz. February 16, 2019.
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
180 Fikret Karčić, “O muslimanskom pitanju u Evropi“, Oslobođenje, August 22, 2019. a-
181 Alena Beširević, “Fra Ivo Marković: Kršćani nisu pogledali šta je islam i ko su
muslimani, te šokirani širenjem odgovarali su samo napadima i ratovima“, Oslo-
bođenje, March 24, 2019.
182 Ibrahim Prohić, “Jesu li muslimani u BiH problem?”, Oslobođenje, August 1, 2019.
183 Muhamed Filipović, “Borba Bošnjaka za nacionalni identitet i priznavanje njihovih
državnih i građanskih prava“, Dnevni avaz, June 9, 2019.
Constructing the Internal Enemy
184 Hajrudin Somun, “Š� ta je Kolinda porekla da je rekla”, Oslobođenje, August 9, 2019.
185 E. Trako, “Selefije iz Dubice ogorčene: Prave od nas mete“, Dnevni Avaz, March
17, 2019.
186 “SOA: Odbacujemo sve navode o naoružavanju selefija, tražili mo od OSA-e da se
očituje“, Dnevni avaz, March 13, 2019.
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
187 Adem Džaferović, “Ž� ene bivših boraca ISIL-a nisu mete za odstrel“, Oslobođen-
je, March 13, 2019.
Constructing the Internal Enemy
the journalists of Dnevni Avaz, while at the same time harshly crit-
icising many of the later political moves and measures by their
archenemy, the Party of Democratic Action (SDA).
There was a significant number of texts about the 1992-1995
genocide of Bosniak Muslims and its repercussions today, either
in the form of discrimination against Bosniak Muslims in the Re-
publika Srpska or Islamophobic statements coming from Bosnian
Serb and Bosnian Croat politicians. For example, “Dodik inten-
tionally insulting the victims of genocide and Bosniaks as a na-
tion” and “The Dutch sent people to their deaths, now they are
poking fun at them” touch on the plight of Bosniak Muslims living
in a post-genocidal society – particularly Srebrenica – and the
everyday challenges they face. Unlike Bosnian Croat and Bosnian
Serb newspapers, which frame Bosniak Muslims as responsible
for the war, the Bosniak-owned newspapers depict them as the
actual victims and the Bosnian Croats and Serbs as perpetrators.188
When it comes to migrants and refugees in Bosnia and Her-
zegovina, Dnevni Avaz has been significantly more sensationalist
and negative in its reporting, with such headlines as “25,000 new
migrants coming to Bosnia and Herzegovina,”189 “Apocalyptic
scenes from Velečeva near Ključ: this is where the women and
children are living.”190 and “A new wave of migrants coming to
Bosnia and Herzegovina.”191 It often used references to natural
188 “SBB: Dodik planirano nastavlja da vrijeđa žrtve genocida i Bošnjake”, Dnevni
avaz, August 20, 2018.
irano-nastavlja-da-vrijeda-zrtve-genocida-i-bosnjake; S. Degirmendžić, “Du-
raković: Holanđani su poslali ljude u smrt, a presudom se izruguju i vrijeđaju
nas“, Dnevni avaz, July 19, 2019.
nas (accessed 18 December 2019).
189 K. Kešmer, “U BiH stiže novih 25.000 migranata!”, Dnevni avaz. February 16, 2019.
190 “Apokaliptične slike iz Velečeva kod Ključa: Ovdje borave djeca, žene, trud-
nice...”, Dnevni avaz, July 29, 2019.
191 E. Halimić, “Novi migrantski val dolazi u BiH”, Dnevni avaz, October 13, 2019.
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
Constructing the Internal Enemy
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
Attitudes toward Bosniak Muslims
and Kosovar Albanians and historical
revisionism in the Serbian media:
Reaffirming the Greater Serbia project
In this part, we monitored three daily newspapers in Serbia, Po-
litika, Novosti and Informer, from August 1, 2018, to August 31,
2019. Over the period, the three papers printed a total of 1,020
daily issues. Given the significant amount of data involved, we se-
lected only newspaper articles that featured the Serbian words for
“Islam,” “Muslim/s”, “Bosnia”, “Bosniak”, “Bosnian Muslims”, “Ko-
sovo”, “Kosovar Albanians” and “Albanians”. All articles containing
these keywords were then further filtered for ones on Bosnia and
Herzegovina (B&H), Kosovo, or Serbia. For this chapter, we rando-
mly selected 38 articles from each newspaper for critical discourse
analysis, hoping to disclose the ideological assumptions implicit in
written text or oral speech.1 It aims to explore systematically the
1 S.L.T. McGregor, Critical Discourse Analysis: A Primer (Halifax: Mount Saint Vin-
cent University, 2010).
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
Reaffirming the Greater Serbia project
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
Reaffirming the Greater Serbia project
Selected Articles from the daily newspapers, Politika, Novosti and Informer
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
23 Years After War Still Our Neighbours Are Bosnia On Alert! Two
Segregation Among Getting Us Involved In The Hard-Boiled ISIS Terrorists
Schoolchildren New Zealand Massacre Coming Back From Syria!
Reaffirming the Greater Serbia project
after the end of the war. In the same interview, Dodik referred to
crimes committed in the 1990s as “myths and lies”. Of the crimes
that have been turned into myth, Dodik singled out the genocide in
Srebrenica, which he stated was never proved at the Hague Tribu-
nal. According to Dodik, the Srebrenica myth was created with the
political purpose of “tarnishing the Serbian people” and using it as
needed to provide a rationale and legitimacy for attacking Serbia, as
with the NATO bombing campaign in 1999.4 In an interview a year
earlier, Mladen Ivanić, the then Serb member of the B&H Presiden-
cy, said Serbs had to follow the example of the Kosovar Albanians
“who enjoyed the status of an autonomous province for decades,
while the Republika Srpska has existed for barely two decades”. Ac-
cording to him, that is precisely where potential solutions for the
future are to be found, because “what is currently unrealistic will
not necessarily remain so for ever”. Ivanić was of course alluding
unequivocally to the secession of Kosovo from the Republic of Ser-
bia as an example for the Serbs in the Republika Srpska to imitate
patiently.5 An article entitled “Chair Of B&H Presidency Projects His
Idea On Map – Dodik ‘Unites’ Territories of Serbia and Srpska”6 in
Novosti provides probably the most glaring example of attempts to
achieve the unification of the Republika Srpska with the Republic
of Serbia. It referred to a recent interview given by Milorad Dodik
4 Opinion pieces featured in Politika reflect their authors’ views. Regular con-
tributors include Prof. Nenad Kecmanović, PhD, formerly of the Faculty of Po-
litical Sciences in Belgrade and now Political Advisor to Milorad Dodik. In his
opinion pieces, like Dodik, Professor Kecmanović insists on the impossibility
of Serbs surviving within Bosnia and Herzegovina due to its “centralization,
unitarization, i.e. Bosniak hegemony” (Politika, 4 December 2018). According
to him, B&H is in a “terminal phase” just like the SFRY before its breakup (Poli-
tika, 2nd November 2018). Also like Dodik, he denies the Srebrenica genocide,
which he says “places the Republika Srpska under international anathema,
ignoring the context of local Serb casualties and the political causes of the out-
break of civil war (in B&H)”. In the same article, Kecmanović accuses the Bos-
niak leadership of falsifying the recent census to make B&H a “Bosniak/Mus-
lim” majority state. He holds that in this process of “demographic engineering”
Bosniak political elites rely on “mujahideen and Salafis” and in future will also
count on “migrants from Muslim countries” (Politika, 9 September 2019).
5 Politika, 26 August 2018.
6 Novosti, 9 April 2019.
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
There are those who are trying to show us we are small, not worthy
of making decisions about our own lives. That is why it is important
we are here now in Belgrade to show you that the Republika Srpska
belongs to you and to tell you that Serbia belongs to us... [and that]
The Serb people today need to gather around their state and na-
tional ideas and finish what was left unfinished in the past.
meyer-america-accepts-border-change-in-balkans/ (accessed 1 October 2019).
8 Politika, 4 September 2018.
Reaffirming the Greater Serbia project
an-countries-differ-in-religious-commitment/ (accessed 1 October 2019).
10 Novosti, 25 January 2019.
11 Novosti, 25 January 2019.
12 Novosti, 30 March 2019.
13 Informer, 16 August 2019.
14 Informer, 14 February 2019.
15 Informer, 30 November 2018.
16 Politika, 19 November 2019.
17 Politika, 31 July 2019.
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
Reaffirming the Greater Serbia project
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
police officers. The author places the entire case in a context of Bos-
niak ethnic and religious intolerance for Serbs, stating that the po-
lice tortured the three detainees using “electrocution” and “testicle
crushing”, shouting at them “you’ll end up childless... you mother-
fucking Chetniks”, and that the three Serbs being interrogated were
“violated with umbrellas and forced to listen to Adhan and to pray
Salat al-Janazah (the Islamic funerary prayer)”. This narrative is a
vulgar manifestation and continuation of such texts as “Serbian
People Disappearing From B&H Federation” from Politika, which
accuses Bosniaks from the B&H Federation of “not want[ing] to see
Croats let alone Serbs in it”, while implying that they are carrying
out national-ethnic engineering with the aim of “cleansing the Fed-
eration of Serbs systematically” in both a “political and a biological”
sense.29 The existential threat at the political level is presented in an
article entitled “Bosnian Serb Leader At Gunpoint: Plan To Assassi-
nate Dodik”, published in Informer. In this text, the claim is made
that the Director of Coordination of B&H Police Units has issued
orders forbidding the Republika Srpska Police entry to Sarajevo,
which apparently suggests a covert operation aimed at paving the
way for the assassination of Milorad Dodik, just as, Informer claims,
happened at Potočari, in an incident that nearly “nearly ended in
the assassination of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić”. The same
article also features an official statement from the Republika Srps-
ka cabinet, stating that Milorad Dodik and his associates had re-
ceived death threats that they would be “burned alive”.
Reaffirming the Greater Serbia project
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
Mostar”.39 All these texts aim to link B&H and Bosniak Muslims to
violent paramilitary takfir-jihadist groups such as al-Qaeda and
the Islamic State of Syria and the Levant, while at the same time
“rationalizing” attempts by Bosnian Serbs to break away from a
state union that is “dysfunctional” and of “questionable value”. In
the text entitled “Smells Like The 1990s!...”, Dževad Galijašević, a
vocal proponent of conspiracy theories and Islamophobic ideas in
Serbian society, comments:
Just recall the 1990s and how wars in the Middle East were
transplanted to the Balkans by the political agency of Western
countries. All of this is reminiscent of that period. The United
States is withdrawing its military from Syria, reducing its pres-
ence in the Middle East, while concentrating its troops and forc-
es towards Iran and the Balkans. American forerunners have al-
ready arrived in the Balkans. …[evident in the] soldiers of the
defeated so-called Islamic State, [and B&H has] is prepared to
receive them... and they will not come there unorganized.
The other texts serve basically the same purpose, using a range of
topics to achieve their aim, applying various perspectives to affirm
the idea that Bosnia is fertile ground for the extremist ideology of
radical Islamic groups that threaten the stability of the country and
the region and the safety of the Serb people. To name a few, there
are allegations of links between Bosnian Muslim political parties
and al-Qaeda and the individuals who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks
on New York, claims of plans by the Bosniak political ruling party to
cleanse the country of Serbs and replace them with Afghan settlers,
assertions about returnees from Syrian battlefields to be given a
warm welcome by the Bosniak Muslims, etc. In addition to the texts
listed in the table, the idea of “Islamic threat” was prominently fe-
atured as topic of the week in Politika on 14 July 2019, in an article
entitled “The Green Transversal: The Balkan Corridor Of Instabili-
ty”, which we will now analyse in more detail.
Reaffirming the Greater Serbia project
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
html (accessed 1 October 2019).
Reaffirming the Greater Serbia project
This idea implies that Turkey will reach out across Albania and
Kosovo and Metohija, along the route that extends from Ulcinj to
the Preševo Valley, thus separating Serbia and Montenegro, pene-
trating through the Sandžak and across Užice, to reach Sarajevo. It
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
Reaffirming the Greater Serbia project
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that stress the values of the Serb people’s “martyrdom, sacrifice
and fearlessness”, while at the same time promoting a very specific
religious and national symbolism. This is all expressed primarily
in a very rich cycle of epic poetry on various aspects of the Battle
of Kosovo, which dates largely from the period when the Serbian
national identity was being formed in the 19th century and was
therefore used as the cornerstone for building the national ide-
ology, by combining two very powerful narratives permeated by
distinct anti-Islamic sentiment, name a clerical-ecclesiastical and
a national-romantic narrative. American scholar of Islam Michael
Sells has defined the nationalist ideology created by amalgama-
tion of these two narratives through his coinage Christoslavism.
This ideology’s main characteristic is the emphasis it puts on the
Kosovo Battle as a “cosmic conflict between good and evil”, that
is, a conflict between Serb Christian knights led by Prince Lazar,
represented in epic poetry as embodiment of the entire Serb nati-
on, on one side, and Muslims or Turks, characterized as “heathen”
and “detractors of the Cross”, on the other side.43 Identifying Prince
Lazar with the entire Serb nation means his death at the Battle of
Kosovo also meant the “death of the Serbian nation”, for which the
Turks/Muslims were responsible. It is precisely on this basis that
the role of archetypal enemy, the ultimate Other, in Serb national
consciousness was transferred to those Southern Slavs who adop-
ted Islam as their religion later on in history. Seen as having sided
with the invaders, they were perceived as “race traitors” who had
betrayed the “faith of their ancestors”. This is why Muslim South
Slavs and Kosovar Albanians have been systematically racialized
in Serb tradition and depicted as “genetically faulty” “moral fre-
aks”. Over the centuries, such ideas have begotten a deeply ingra-
ined urge for and obsession with revenge that Serb nationalists
nurtured and directed against South Slav Muslims and Kosovar
Reaffirming the Greater Serbia project
Albanians.44 The first opportunity for revenge came after Serbia gai-
ned independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1878. From then on,
the nationalist Serbian political elite systematically strove to enlar-
ge Serbia’s territory to encompass everywhere Serbs lived and any
regions they believed Serbia had an “historical” right to. The first
opportunity to pursue these goals arose with the outbreak of the
Balkan Wars (1912-1914) and then during and after the First Wor-
ld War (1914-1918). During that period, numerous atrocities and
crimes were committed against the Muslim populations of central
and southern Serbia, Kosovo, and the Sandžak. To this day, these
pogroms remain unfortunately under-researched, especially with
regard to ethnic cleansing of the Turkish population of the Balkans
as the Slavic, non-Muslim nation-states of Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece,
and Montenegro were being created. American historian Justin Mc-
Carthy, a leading authority on this issue in his very valuable book
Death and Exile: Ethnic Cleansing of Ottoman Muslims 1821-1922,
has tried to shed light on the atrocities committed against Muslims
in the Western Balkans during the 19th and first half of the 20th
century. Other important sources also outline unambiguously the
fate of Balkan Muslims in the early 20th century, including the Car-
negie Foundation’s Report on the Balkan Wars, published in 1914,
and the very valuable first-hand reports of Russian Marxist Leon
Trotsky, who was sent in 1912 by the Kievskaya Myslin newspaper
as its correspondent to cover the events of the Balkan Wars. The
statistics provided by McCarthy tell us that the Muslim population
on the territories that would later be incorporated into Yugosla-
via dropped from 1,241,076 to 566,478, or by as much as 64 per-
cent, between 1911 and 1923.45 The Carnegie Foundation’s Report
states that 80% of Muslim villages were demolished and burned
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
Reaffirming the Greater Serbia project
Emergency! Shqiptars
Kosovo – Fake State KFOR Also Backs Thaçi’s Preparing Criminal Plan:
Founded On Terrorism Assault Greater Albania To Be
Realized By New Year
On-The-Scene With
Great Menace Lurking!
Representatives Of Our
Shqiptars Plotting
Independent Kosovo A People In Gjakova:
Diabolical Plan Against
Risk To World Peace Albanians Aim To
Serbia: Revolt Underway
Eradicate All Serbian
In Preševo
Emergency! Shqiptars On
West Threatens Serbia: Set Rampage Over Kosovo And
Greater Albania By Back
Foot In Kosovo And You Metohija: Shqiptars Attack
Will Be At War With NATO Serbs Using Teargas And
pendence-from-serbia-idUSHAM53437920080217 (accessed 1 October 2019).
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
Vulin: Paramilitary
Ramush Defends ‘Borders’ Vučić Not Bluffing: Will
Formations Formed In
And Calls For War Send Army To Kosovo
Kosovo Paramilitary Serbs Shot At, Old People Serbs In Kosovo Still Being
Pushes Region Over Edge Beaten Up Tortured By Shqiptars!
Reaffirming the Greater Serbia project
Realization Of Criminal
Stefanović: Prishtina Aim ROSU Assault: They Project, Serious
Is To Expel Serbs From Threatened To Open Fire Provocation From Peć:
Kosovo And Metohija On Us Shqiptars Create Greater
Prishtina Has Started To New Weapon Of The Great Two Devils Join Forces:
Carry Out Economic Ethnic Powers: Creating A Milo Andthaçi Usurp
Cleansing Kosovar Orthodox Church Serbian Churches
Perfidious Action By
Serbia Considers Using
Government In Prishtina: Serbian Church Under
Military In Kosovo And
Serbian Churches Turned NATO Attack
Into Catholic Temples
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
Reaffirming the Greater Serbia project
55 Texts from Table 2 foreground the vulnerability of Serbs in Kosovo and the risk of
ethnic cleansing and so help create a febrile atmosphere in Serbia. The following
texts spread this kind of victimhood propaganda: “Vučić Comments On Moves By
Pristina: They Want To Cleanse Kosovo Of All Serbs” (Novosti, 22 November 2018),
“On-The-Scene With Representatives Of Our People In Gjakova: Albanians Aim To
Eradicate All Serbian Traces” (Novosti, 2 September 2018), “Horror! Wicked Plans Of
Terrorists In Kosovo: Shqiptars Planned To Slaughter Serbs” (Informer, 26 July
2019), “Serbs On Kosovo Still Tortured By Shqiptars!” (Informer, 15 Jun 2019),
“Emergency! Shqiptars On Rampage On Kosovo And Metohija: Shqiptars Attack
Serbs Using Teargas And Bats” (Informer, 4 May 2019), “Ana Brnabić: Prishtina Dis-
criminates Against Anything Serbian” (Politika, 20 November 2018), “‘Stefanović:
Prishtina Aims To Expel Serbs From Kosovo And Metohija” (Politika, 11 December
2018), “Prishtina Has Started To Carry Out Economic Ethnic Cleansing” (Politika, 22
November 2018), “Serbs Shot At, Old People Beaten Up” (Novosti, 29 May 2019).
H. Karčić and I. E. Kostić / Media Discourse on Islam in the Western Balkans
telling the public what Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić had
already stated openly on November 6, 2018, viz. that if a Kosovan
Army were formed Serbia would “consider using military force
to prevent any new ethnic cleansing of Kosovo Serbs”. The Prime
Minister’s statement was followed by statements by other sen-
ior Serbian officials, such as Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin,
who said “it is clear to everyone that the Kosovan Army is not an
army but a terrorist organization” with only one goal, “to clash
with Serbia and Serbs”, adding “that it may have grave conse-
quences and jeopardise the security of the entire region”. These
statements by Brnabić and Vulin were followed by basically
identical messages from Marko Djurić, the Head of the Office for
Kosovo and Metohija, and Interior Minister Nebojša Stefanović,
who both accused the Kosovo authorities of systematically striv-
ing to expel Serbs and labelled the Kosovo Army “paramilitary”,
just as their fellow government officials had done. Another thing
to provoke uproar among Serbian officials was the decision by
Kosovo officials in November 2018 to impose a 100% tariff on
Serbian exports to Kosovo. Following this decision by the Koso-
vo authorities, negotiations on normalizing relations between
Serbia and Kosovo, mediated by EU officials, were suspended.56
Reaffirming the Greater Serbia project
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Reaffirming the Greater Serbia project
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Radical Party, and the Socialist Party of Serbia, which had ruled
the country during the criminal 1990s, took power. From that
point on, there has been a rise in most direct forms of:
refusal to accept responsibility for crimes committed in Bosnia,
Croatia and Kosovo; vindication of the destructive essence of na-
tionalism; promotion of war criminals and setting them on a ped-
estal as national heroes, and refusal to recognize the legitimacy of
the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.
Public discourse has been colonized by an authoritarian friend-en-
emy dichotomy, where the enemies are non-Serbs, the interna-
tional community, and any individual or organization in Serbia
trying to examine the past with open eyes and insist the country’s
path to democracy requires prior condemnation of crime and a
straightforward rejection of the nationalist heritage.65
Reaffirming the Greater Serbia project
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Reaffirming the Greater Serbia project
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also for many other cases of war crimes or ethnic cleansing com-
mitted in B&H and Kosovo, which they have never covered. We
mention only a few: Prijedor, Foča, Banja Luka, Višegrad, the siege
of Sarajevo, the massacre in Tuzla, Račak, Suva Reka, Vučitrn, Ora-
hovac, Pusto Selo, Izbica, Š� trpce, and many others.
Such media coverage has, of course, significant implications
for how the public perceives the wars of the 1990s, best evidenced
by a survey on “The Public’s Knowledge of the 1990s, War Crimes,
and War Crimes Trials” conducted by Demostat.75 When asked
what had happened in Srebrenica in 1995, only 12% of the sam-
ple said it was genocide, with as many as 40% saying they did not
know. Even more disturbing is that, when asked “which city was
under siege for four years during the wars of the 1990s”, 78% of
the population claimed not to know. Particularly important in the
context of an uninformed citizenry is that the youngest respond-
ents were least well-informed about the events of the 1990s (only
6% were well-informed while 84% wereuninformed).
To conclude this section of our analysis on the politics of
remembrance, it is worth noting a thirty-part feuilleton pub-
lished in Politika that presented a completely distorted and revi-
sionist picture of the role of Patriarch Pavle and the Serbian Or-
thodox Church during the wars of the 1990s. The feuilleton fea-
tured excerpts of a book by Deacon Aleksandar Praščević, Patri-
arch Pavle on Islam and Muslims (1990-1997). The parts pub-
lished in Politika abounded in inconsistencies and deliberate
disregard for the ample historical sources on Patriarch Pavle
and the Serbian Orthodox Church’s attitude during the wars of
the 1990s and their shameful (in)direct support to the genocid-
al politics of Serb forces in B&H.76
mnjenja_Sudjenja_za_ratne_zlocine_Demostat.pdf (accessed 1 October 2019).
76 For more details on Aleksandar Praščević’s feuilleton, see Ivan Ejub Kostić,
“Prećutkivanje istine” in Preporod, no. 22/1128, 2018, pp. 16-17.
Reaffirming the Greater Serbia project
The dissemination of the nationalist politics of remembrance and
revisionist narratives about crimes committed in the 1990s is
highly effectively carried out through the mass media, whose lan-
guage and style help them reach “ordinary” people and the mas-
ses. It results in war criminals being perceived as national heroes
and the crimes themselves “rationalized”, as explained in the abo-
ve quote from Nenad Dimitrijević. In our conclusion, it is worth
looking at The Ten Stages of Genocide written by Gregory Stanton,
professor at George Mason University.77 Professor Stanton defines
denial as the last, tenth, stage of genocide. During this post-geno-
cidal stage, mass graves are excavated, and attempts are made to
conceal the evidence of crimes committed and the perpetrators
themselves. There is a denial that the crimes were even committed,
while the victims are blamed for what happened to them. Serbia
has already passed through most of this stage and is now in an ele-
venth phase of “triumphalism”, added to the aforementioned ten
stages by Professor Hariz Halilovich, in his paper on “Globalization
and Genocide”. According to Halilovich, the stage of “triumphalism”
is characterized by the fact “that the perpetrators, their sponsors,
and the politics and ideologies behind them no longer seek to deny
the atrocities, but rather to glorify them, celebrating and humilia-
ting the survivors by erecting monuments to the perpetrators of
crimes in the places of massacres”.78 This creates a “culture of tri-
umphalism” in which the media play a key role. We have already
cited a survey on how unaware the Serbian public is of the crimes
committed in the 1990s, but another important aspect of the sur-
vey should be pointed out, namely the ethnic distance revealed
77 Gregory Stanton, “The ten stages of genocide”, in Genocide Watch, 2017. Avail-
able via
(accessed 1 October 2019).
78 Hariz Halilovich, “Globalization and Genocide”, in Ali Farazmand (ed.), Global
Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance (Springer
International Publishing AG, 2017).
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The aim of this work is to provide an insight into the major drivers
Harun Karčić and Ivan Ejub Kostić
H. Karčić I I. E. Kostić
and platforms of such rhetoric in two Western Balkan countries – Bo-
snia and Herzegovina and Serbia. This work employs the critical dis-
course analysis method to study the pervasive representation of
Islam and Muslims in a number of leading Bosnian Serb and Croat
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ber of high-circulation newspapers and tabloids in Serbia published
over the course of one year (August 2018-August 2019). MEDIA DISCOURSE
Following the collocation and concordance of the most frequent ON ISLAM IN THE
ISBN 978-9926-471-37-8