Final Group 3 Written Report Project Calamitire

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Republic of the Philippines


Pablo Borbon Main II, Batangas City, Philippines 4200
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering


Group 3

Alcazar, M-Jay D.
Carandang, Aimee Lorraine D.
Gatdula, Kayla Rose M.
Luzon, Mark Christine G.
Pasia, Jan Mico C.

Final Requirements in
ENGG 401
Introduction to Engineering

Presented to:

Engr. Nomer Sarmiento

I. Given Topic
 Calamities and Environmental Issues

II. Project Title

 Project CalamiTire

III. Task Specific Goals

 Exercise and reinforce team skills: cooperation, delegation
 Design a working vehicle, adhering to strict materials constraints
 Document your design process, from initial brainstorming through final testing
and evaluation.
 Build, test, redesign your vehicle as necessary
 Present your vehicle for testing and evaluation by your peers

IV. Project Requirements

 The group are task with designing and constructing an equipment or any
objects/things that can help people in the community during the occurrence of
calamities and environmental issues. The final production model of the project
will be tested for at least one feature is functionable.

V. Engineering Design Process Method

a. Ask: Identify the Need & Constraints
A disaster is a sudden, calamitous event that seriously disrupts the
functioning of a community or society and causes human, material, and
economic or environmental losses that exceed the community’s or society’s
ability to cope using its own resources. Though often caused by nature,
disasters can have human origins. In terms of environmental problem.
Philippines is a country that prone to the calamities because it is
located along the Ring of Fire, or typhoon belt―a large Pacific Ocean region
where many of Earth's volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur. Now, it is a
huge problem in the Philippines because many people experience the ferocity
of natural disasters like volcanic eruptions, typhoons, earthquakes, landslides,
extreme flooding, wildfire, lightnings, tsunamis and etc.
Environmental issues are harmful effects of human activity on the biophysical
To the countries in the world, Philippines is one of the best in terms of
natural resources and also, we will see here some of the most beautiful places
like beaches, mountains and etc. but across of that, Philippines is top in terms
of environmental issues happened like pollution, illegal mining and logging,
deforestation, dynamite fishing, landslides, coastal erosion, wildlife extinction,
global warming and climate change.
 Why it is important to solve?
We all know that calamities―man made or natural disasters,
and environmental issues can damage infrastructure, cut the
occupation of many people and sometimes it turns to kill number
of people. It is important to solve because by solving these kinds
of problems we will lessen or reduce the risk from calamities and
for us to not have any regrets in the end because of the causes
brought of the said disasters and environmental issues.
To be more specific, the possible solutions to the specific
possible choice of problem is to inform/prepared/lessen the risk
and to have care and concern to the environment.

 Possible Objectives:
 To lessen the risk of people in the disaster and
environmental issues occur.
 To inform and prepare people to the disasters.
 To lessen the number of people died.
 To have a concern to environment.

b. Research the Problem

Here in Batangas we experienced the January 2020 Taal Volcano
Eruptions and it followed by number of earthquakes jolts in the province until
now. Also, Batangas is a province that experienced the strong typhoons and
winds that causes house damaged, landslides and flashfloods. In terms of
environmental issue, we not denied that Batangas is a polluted province but
not in all categories, and the environmental issues are still occurring.

c. Imagine: Develop: Possible solutions

The group leader give task to him and to his member to think their ideas and
solutions about the above-mentioned problems.

i. M-Jay Alcazar
Project Descriptions:
Every year, most of the provinces here in the Philippines are
experiencing an extreme flooding and sometimes it happened in day and
night time. Moreover, the extremely flooding causes a number of killed
people because more people do not know how to swim and they not
know what to do during the flooding. In line with this problem, I
proposed a project which is the TIRE INTERIOR SAVER. This TIRE
INTERIOR SAVER can make a huge help to more people because this
TIRE INTERIOR SAVER is made in 2 big inflated tire inner tube with
two handles in the right and left side, also it has a 3 mini water proof
boxes with cover above the tire inner tube. The three water proof boxes
in front contains: (1) the emergency red light and alarm, including the
battery and wirings, (2) the flashlight, emergency flashlight if the battery
in the first box is gone, (3) the emergency phone with sim, containing
load and full battery also the phonebook number contains emergency
Project Objectives:
The objectives of this project are;
 To help the community in time of flooding
especially at night time.
 To help the stranded people to contact their
families and authorized persons.
 To help people to survive in extreme flooding
 To save lives
 Etc.
Project Sketch: (*draft)

ii. Aimee Lorraine Carandang

With the frequent occurrence of earthquakes, something that would help
people to be aware of is needed. Hence, this prototype is proposed to
monitor upcoming earthquakes. Earthquake alarms are now made
available in the market so I decided to innovate it into Earthquake
Monitor. This project aims to detect whether the earthquake which
occurred will have an aftershock and its possible time, magnitude, and
1. To alarm the people if there is an earthquake
2. To help people prepare for the possible aftershock

iii. Kayla Rose Gatdula
Project name: WiMea
Project Description:
WiMea is an improvise wind speed gauge. Using windmill (miniature)
and speedometer (for bicycle). It uses Code table data sensor and code
table data receiver attached to one of the blades to measure the speed of
the wind. Every spin of the blade where the code data sensor is attached
will be recorded through code data receiver and will transmit the data
into speedometer. The kilometer per hour speed of the wind will be
shown in code display screen.
How to install the code table data sensor and receiver:
1. Unscrew the magnetic head by hand and install it to the blade.
2. Install the inductor on the front pole of the windmill.
3. The head alignment between the two sensors, shall not be greater
than 3mm.
Project objectives:
Batangas is one of the provinces that usually affected by typhoons and
strong winds flow. Most likely trees and houses (roofs) are more
destroyed. Relevance to this calamity, power interruption is a difficult
thing to handle during typhoon. Residence can’t be updated of the wind
level a typhoon has. Knowing Filipino’s, we are practiced acting/moving
only during the calamities so having a device with us that will give
information is a must (aside from phone).
With all of these, a table of speed translation will be given. Through
those interpretation, the family who uses WiMea will be warned about
the possible things that will happen having that kind of wind speed
This project aims to:
1. Measure the wind speed in kilometer per hour.
2. Interpret the speed to the possible thing that will happen in that
wind speed.
Project Sketch: (*draft)
iv. Mark Christian Luzon
Earthquakes are unpredictable, it can happen anytime. So, I decided to
design an automatic doorknob. A doorknob that has a sensor and a
controller. Once the controller or button are pressed the door will
automatically open. There is 1 button every 10 doors and its located in
control room of a building. I come up with this idea because of high/tall
buildings and hotels, so people can go out easily and quickly when
earthquake strikes and also when there is a fire. I hope that this doorknob
will be helpful to anyone who avails and try to use it.

v. Jan Mico Pasia

Nowadays, calamities and disaster can occur anytime. Every people
can be saved if they are alert on what is happening on their surroundings.
Like now on what is happening on our country there are so many
typhoons that take lives of many innocent peoples. But through this
device it can easily deliver message that alert many people on your
barangay that have an access or phone number that is saved on the
POCKET ALERT. POCKET ALERT has a feature that can deliver a
message that contains an alert message that will be send on your phone if
the calamity, typhoon, earthquake etc. occurs. This device is inspired by
pocket wi-fi.
 To help residents of the barangay on occurring typhoon or
 To make the residents more prepared.
 To lessen the cases of people’s death.
d. Plan: Selecting a promising solution
Through the group’s brainstorming they come up with the idea of choosing the
combination of the interior saver and the pocket alarm. They named the
project “CalamiTire”, a shortcut for ‘Calamity tire’, which can be a great help
during floods.

e. Create: Build a Prototype

 Project Descriptions
Every year, the country experienced at least 20 typhoons that results to
extreme flooding which happens during day or night. This a causes the
death of many Filipino’s most especially those who do not know how
to swim. In line with this, the CalamiTire project was developed. This
is made up of inflatable tire with handles on the side and a waterproof
box which contains emergency needs such as Flashlights, batteries,
power bank and the pocket alarm. This device can easily deliver
message that will alert people who have an access or phone number
that is saved on the pocket alert about a possible calamity. Pocket Alert
has a feature that can deliver a message that contains an alert message
that will be send on your phone if the calamity, typhoon, earthquake
etc. occurs. This CalamiTire also comes with a raincoat that an owner
could wear while using the CalamiTire.
 Project Materials
o Inflatable Tire
o Box
o Tape
o Raincoat
o Batteries
o Flashlight
o Power bank
o Cloth (for handle)
 Project Objectives
The objectives of this project are:
 To help the community in time of flooding especially at night
 To help the stranded people to contact their families and
authorized persons.
 To help people to survive in extreme flooding
 To save lives
 Project Sketch

f. Testing and Evaluating Prototype

A member of the group tested the prototype by using it in the Taal lake
assuming that there is flood. The result proved that this project can be a great
help during floods. The size of the tire is perfect for anyone, the handle is
strong enough for the user to hold and the emergency kit is perfectly placed at
the back which is covered by the raincoat when someone is using it.

g. Improve: Redesigning the Prototype as needed

The improvement and redesigning of the prototype is not needed since the it is
already functioning properly.

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