SMART Mobile Data Collection June22nd
SMART Mobile Data Collection June22nd
SMART Mobile Data Collection June22nd
The purpose of this training resource is to provide a guide on how to collect field data using automated
processes (SMART Mobile and CyberTracker). The intended target groups for training are field rangers,
other frontline staff and ecological monitoring staff who work on site in terrestrial and marine protected
areas, community conservancies, private reserves and other conservation areas.
The training handbook was prepared by the SMART Training Taskforce, a group of dedicated SMART
users who work broadly across geographic regions, sites and situations where SMART is being
implemented, in terrestrial and marine environments. The Training Taskforce is one working group under
the SMART Partnership which currently comprises of the following organizations: Frankfurt Zoological,
Global Wildlife Conservation, North Carolina Zoo, Panthera, Peace Parks, Wildlife Protection Solutions,
WCS, WWF, and ZSL.
This training resource covers the practical aspects of field data collection using patrol forms, navigation
using GPS, data recording on handheld devices using SMART Mobile in conjunction with configured data
models, and data upload to SMART. The first section of the handbook introduces the rationale for law
enforcement monitoring and the use of field patrol data for decision-making and adaptive management.
The second section covers methods of data collection using logbooks, patrol forms, GPS, smartphones and
SMART Mobile, and special applications (ecological monitoring and profiles data collection). Examples
from some of the >1000 SMART implementation sites are used to provide context. In the final section, core
tasks of the data collector for ensuring SMART data can be useful for adaptive management are presented.
Photo Credits:
Cover Image: Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
Back Cover: James Slade/GWC
Table of Contents
Purpose .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................................. 2
Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 2
1. Introduction: the SMART Approach for Law Enforcement Monitoring (LEM) ......................................... 5
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 What data to collect? Why? ................................................................................................................. 6
1.3 What is the benefit of having geo-referenced data? ............................................................................ 6
1.4 Importance of data management......................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Data quality and why it is important ..................................................................................................... 6
1.6 Information needs for the implementing agency .................................................................................. 6
1.7 Why SMART? Reasons for choosing SMART over other LEM monitoring tools .................................. 7
2. Information needs and sources of data ................................................................................................. 7
3. How are field data collected for use with SMART? ............................................................................... 8
3.1 Automated data collection using handheld devices ............................................................................. 8
3.2 SMART Mobile and CyberTracker (Classic) – What’s the difference? ................................................. 9
4. Automated data collection using SMART Mobile ............................................................................. 12
4.1 Installing and using SMART Mobile ................................................................................................... 13
4.2 SMART Mobile setup ........................................................................................................................ 15
4.2.1 Prepare to install SMART Mobile (both kiosk or non-kiosk)......................................................... 15
4.2.2 Prepare your SMART Connect for SMART Mobile (both kiosk or non-kiosk) .............................. 15
4.2.3 SMART Mobile setup in non-kiosk mode .................................................................................... 16
4.2.4 SMART Mobile setup in Kiosk Mode ........................................................................................... 20
4.2.5 SMART Mobile Setup continued (both kiosk or non-kiosk) after installation of the SMART Mobile
software on the device ......................................................................................................................... 25
4.3 Preparing to record observations with SMART Mobile ...................................................................... 31
4.4 Recording observations using SMART Mobile .................................................................................. 36
4.5 Detailed Steps for Recording Observations using SMART Mobile ..................................................... 38
4.6 Importing SMART mobile patrols into SMART ................................................................................... 44
4.7 Report bugs and other feedback on SMART Mobile .......................................................................... 46
4.8 Exporting patrol data for sharing ....................................................................................................... 47
4.9 Field exercise: Data collection using SMART Mobile equipped devices ............................................ 48
5. Automated data collection using CyberTracker (Classic) .................................................................... 48
5.1 Preparing to record observations with CyberTracker (Classic) .......................................................... 48
5.2 Recording observations using CyberTracker ..................................................................................... 51
5.3 Detailed Steps for Recording Observations in CyberTracker ............................................................. 53
5.4 Importing CyberTracker Patrols into SMART ..................................................................................... 58
5.5 Exporting patrol data for sharing ....................................................................................................... 61
6. Special applications ............................................................................................................................ 62
6.1 Mobile Data Collection using SMART Connect ................................................................................. 62
7. Using SMART for adaptive management; tasks for the data collector ................................................ 63
Frequently Asked Questions................................................................................................................... 65
Android settings and troubleshooting SMART Mobile.............................................................................. 67
Annex 1: Enhancements of SMART mobile over Cybertracker Classic ................................................... 72
● Ranger patrols - Patrol teams collect and record data on where they go and what they see, such
as human activities (e.g., signs of poaching, habitat encroachment, timber cutting), interventions
(e.g., arrests, issuing of fines, confiscations of weapons and other restricted or banned equipment)
and/or observations of wildlife and habitat features.
● Data input – Patrol teams report their patrol activities through a debrief, and patrol data and routes
are checked for quality and/or errors and are then stored in the SMART patrol database.
● Mapping and reporting - Data are processed into highly visual tables, charts, and maps showing
patrol effort, coverage and results, forming the basis for patrol analysis and evaluation.
● Feedback and evaluation - Regular meetings with rangers are held to discuss patrol effort,
effectiveness and results to ensure all stakeholders are kept informed and to demonstrate the value
of ranger efforts.
● Strategic planning - Managers, rangers, and other stakeholders plan adaptive patrol strategies
based on analysis of previous results and set new patrol targets. These plans are communicated to
the field staff and the cycle begins again.
Fig. 2. Decisions made using data will only be as good as the data that has been collected.
endangered species and threats. For example, managers of national parks and marine protected areas
require information on human impact in order to implement plans for managing recreation areas and other
managed use zones. Wildlife sanctuaries and game reserves are set up to protect focal species, so
managers require information on the distribution of those species and the spatial and temporal distribution
of threats to wildlife and their habitats. Community conservancies are established to manage human use of
lands, so managers need to assess impacts on natural resources that may be used by local people.
1.7 Why SMART? Reasons for choosing SMART over other LEM monitoring tools
SMART is the world’s leading tool for conservation law enforcement monitoring (LEM) and protected area
management1. SMART LEM enables the collection, storage, communication, and evaluation of data on
patrol efforts, patrol results, and threat levels, along with feedback from decision-makers to the frontline.
Data collection is possible through the use of paper forms plus GPS, or via handheld digital devices.
Available in multiple languages, data analysis is facilitated by an easy-to-use query wizard (see: SMART
Essentials Training Handbook, page 59). Implementation of SMART LEM can enhance law enforcement
effectiveness, improve morale of protection teams, and reduce threats to wildlife and other natural
resources at numerous sites across the world1. When effectively employed, to create and sustain
information flow between rangers and conservation managers as part of the SMART Approach, SMART
LEM can be used to substantially improve protection of wildlife and their habitats.
Data useful for answering such questions will come from various sources. Including, but not limited to:
1. Patrol data. Field patrols conducted by law enforcement staff and community rangers produce data
on human activities, especially those that pose a threat to the conservation area, data on area
coverage and presence as well as data such as resource use (e.g. vehicles, stations) and workforce
hours spent in the field. They may also collect vital information on the wildlife or other resources
protected by the conservation area.
2. Intelligence. Surveillance conducted by special monitoring and investigation teams, informants,
and wildlife crime hotlines produce data useful for creating intelligence records and networks on
wildlife crime and other illegal activity.
3. Incidental records. Reports from other sources, such as community members, tourists and/or tour
operators, produce data on observations of rare or endangered species and human activities,
including marked animals or individuals of special interest.
See 2018 SMART Annual Report
4. Special events. Data collected by camera-traps, acoustic devices and drones may produce
useable records about human or wildlife activity and movement.
a) b) c)
d) e)
Fig. 4. The user interface includes a) smooth scrolling, b) easy to use lists, c) high-resolution icons, d) dark
mode, e) multi-language support (including support for a broader range of languages), and font scaling to
allow text to be easily read.
Modern state of the art mapping - The state-of-the-art mapping in SMART Mobile, includes the ability to
complement online base maps with offline maps generated directly from SMART desktop (Fig. 5).
a) b) c)
Fig. 5. The user experience includes map features such as a) pinch-zoom, b) map rotation and c)
navigation follow mode.
Navigation to previous observations and detailed sighting history views – this feature turns SMART
mobile into a functional navigation device (Fig. 6). Other mapping features of SMART mobile are;
Sightings, Incidents, Tracks are visible
Offline maps overlaid on base map
10 online base maps: OpenStreetMap, National Geographic, Satellite, Oceans, etc.
Offline mode where no basemap is required
Layers can be turned on and off
Navigation with realtime pointer
Detailed data
Satellite view
Smooth panning, pinch-zoom and rotation
Rotate to north at top button
Zoom in, zoom out buttons
Follow modes: user, follow, navigation
Co-ordinates in decimal degrees, degrees minutes seconds, degrees decimal minutes and UTM
a) b) c)
Fig. 6. a) View your sighting history a) in the field, b) individual sightings can be edited without
disrupting patrols/surveys, c) supports users to navigate to previously visited locations.
Multi-leg patrols - Patrol type can now be changed while the patrol is in progress. Also, patrols can
now be easily paused and resumed. When paused the track timer is disconnected, ensuring
that SMART delivers an even more accurate measure of effort (Fig. 6).
Fig. 7. New functionality for multi-leg patrols allows changes to patrol metadata on the fly.
Desktop demo version for training - SMART Mobile also has a Desktop demo version for Windows which
works exactly the same as the mobile version that can be used for training. The GPS simulation can be
customized for your location as part of the training.
Robust kiosk mode - We’ve built a robust kiosk mode that locks the device for use only
by SMART Mobile. Kiosk mode can be exited with a pin.
Simple, Customizable, Themes - Ability to customize the look and appearance of SMART Mobile from
within SMART selecting theme colors and your own project icon.
Independent incidents during patrols/surveys - During or outside of a patrol or survey, observations can
be recorded independently from a patrol or survey. These observations are recorded as independent
incidents in SMART (Fig. 8).
a) b)
Fig. 8. a) If you are collecting ecological records data on a mission but have a protocol of recording human-
wildlife conflict or poaching signs independently, b) you can now easily record these as independent
incidents without interrupting your overall data collection
Additional details are provided in Annex 2. Instructions on how to use both SMART Mobile and
CyberTracker Classic are outlined below. Please consider above and information contained in Annex 2
before you decide which application you want to use.
To use SMART Mobile:
You must have an Android device, version 4.4 or higher (iOS is not currently supported, but is
planned for a release later this year). You can view what Android version you have in the device’s
System Settings.
You must have installed SMART Desktop version 6.3 (earlier versions are not supported).
If you use SMART Connect, you will need SMART Connect version 6.3 (earlier versions are not
You must decide whether you want to use the kiosk mode version or the non-kiosk mode version of
SMART Mobile (see below).
SMART Mobile is available in a kiosk mode version. This version needs to be specifically chosen
and requires additional steps to set up so it is imperative that you decide whether or not this is
necessary before selecting the version of SMART Mobile you plan to use (e.g. kiosk vs. non-kiosk).
NOTE: To avoid losing data, before making any changes to SMART, always sync your
desktop and make a backup of your Conservation Area.
E. Click the “...” button and browse to the folder where you saved the APK file and select it and
click Next.
G. Click Next.
H. Select the device you would like to export to. If the device is not shown check that it is in file
transfer mode and refresh the list. Always select internal storage if given the option of SD
card. Ensure to de-select SD card option.
I. Click Copy application to selected devices. This ends the desktop setup, now go and
check your device for the SMART Mobile application.
J. Now looking at your device, install the SMART Mobile Application (see screenshot examples
a. On your Android device, use the file manager to find the SMART Mobile APK file.
b. Select the SMART Mobile APK file to launch the installation.
c. Select Install
d. Once the installation has finished, select Done.
e. You will be prompted to “delete the installation package”. Click Yes.
K. You may be prompted to switch your Android device’s home launcher app to SMART. If you
receive this message, do NOT select switch launcher apps. (Note: This prompt may be different
on your device.)
For information on what kiosk mode is and whether you should use it, refer back to 4.2 SMART
Mobile Setup page 15.
E. Click Next.
F. Now you must install the driver which allows this computer to install kiosk mode onto your
device. Select install / reinstall driver.
G. Right click on “android_winusb” (file type: Setup Information) and select install.
H. Click Next.
I. Factory reset the device by opening settings on your device and selecting “Factory Data
J. Wait for the device to restart.
K. Follow the instructions and press skip when asked to create an account.
L. Change the time and date back to the correct date and time using the settings on the device.
M. Change the GPS settings in location to use GPS only.
N. Enable “Developer Mode” > About phone > software information and tap on the build number
(or version) 10 times to access developer mode.
O. Enable “USB debugging” by opening the settings, search for USB debugging under developer
options and toggle this on.
P. Connect your device to your computer – select “allow USB debugging” if prompted and select
Q. Configure your device by selecting “Provision the device”.
R. Click Finish.
4.2.5 SMART Mobile Setup continued (both kiosk or non-kiosk) after installation of the SMART
Mobile software on the device
NOTE: For SMART 6 these configurations apply to both SMART Mobile and Cybertracker Classic.
You will configure properties for both here.
Creating and exporting configurable models to SMART Mobile is much the same as for CyberTracker
Classic. However, SMART Mobile enables the use of icons which display on the device instead of, or
alongside, text in order to assist in cases where field staff are unable to read the instructions or work better
with images. In order to enable these on your device you need to edit your configurable model.
Locate the configurable model you plan to export to your device and select Edit. For each group, category
and attribute you are able to decide whether you want to display text, image or both text and image.
SMART comes pre-loaded with a set of icons for the default data model. If your data model uses the same
category you can simply use “Image: Data Model (Default Image)”. If your data model does not have a
default image (or you would prefer a different icon) you can do this by selecting “Custom” under “Image”.
You can then select an icon from your hard drive (or select another built-in SMART icon) and associate this
with your group, category or attribute.
Once you’re happy with the structure and design of your configurable model click Save.
Optional step: Check what your configurable model looks like in the simulator
SMART Mobile Desktop Simulator Instructions for Windows (64 Bit)
Download the zipped SMART Mobile simulator program files
The SMART Mobile desktop simulator is the file in the SMART Mobile
delivery folder.
Extract the files to a local folder on your computer.
Open SMART desktop and export a Patrol Package to file.
o When exporting to a file, set the filename to C:\users\<YourName>\Downloads or
C:\users\<YourName>\Desktop, being sure to replace <YourName> with whatever your local
user name on the machine comes out as.
o NOTE: The Patrol Package must be in Downloads or on the Desktop, because the simulator
can scan both of those locations for patrol package files.
o NOTE: The exported file MUST have a ZIP extension.
Navigate to the location where you extracted the SMART Mobile simulator program files and open
the executable file (SMART_Mobile.exe).
Click on the configurable model and run SMART Mobile on the desktop.
NOTE: When updating a configurable model for example to add new employees added to list) and needing
to update the devices, if it’s the same patrol package name, SMART Mobile will overwrite it. Just go
through the same workflow as before to export the configurable model to the device.
● Start the SMART Mobile application by tapping on the SMART Mobile icon on
your home screen. You will see a screen that looks like the one above.
NOTE: SMART Mobile can accommodate multiple configurable models for example for different
patrol mandates or objectives. In the example below the device can be used either for recording law
enforcement or wildlife patrols, each with its own unique configuration.
● Tap on the configurable model for the field activity you want to undertake.
If you need to exit from SMART Mobile after you have selected the configurable model enter the default exit
pin code “1234” and press the green button, or have your SMART data manager enter the correct pin
code. See: SMART Technical Training Manual: Module 9: CyberTracker Plug-In and Smart Mobile for more
details on pin codes and ‘Kiosk mode’.
After selecting the configurable model, you are ready to begin recording the Patrol Configuration
Select Start Patrol then you will see a screen to enter the patrol configuration
The GPS automatically starts to look for satellites and will return the location after achieving a 3D fix
o SMART Mobile will not allow a patrol to start until it has gotten a location (i.e., you will see
coordinate in the “Location” box). This may take a few minutes if the device is new and
getting a GPS location for the first time or hasn’t been used recently.
Then select the Patrol Mandate. This will correspond with the configured data model being used
For Employees scroll down the list and check the boxes next to the names of staff participating in
the patrol
Select the Leader by highlighting his/her name, then click the arrow in the upper left of the screen to
go back to the Employees menu, then check the tick box in the upper right of the screen
If you want to specify objectives or comments those will require entering text into the relevant fields,
then check the tick box in the top right of the screen
When you are finished entering the patrol configuration check the tick box in the top right of the
screen. This will take you to the Patrol screen from where you can begin to record observations
From the patrol screen you may end, pause or change your patrol, simply select “Patrol” to enter the menu
at the bottom of your screen.
You should select Pause patrol when the team is not actively engaged in search activity for example when
taking a meal break, when waiting for radio orders from a patrol supervisor, or if a vehicle is broken down.
You can only pause a patrol if you checked the pause patrol box in the Cybertracker settings. Hit Pause
patrol again to restart the patrol after it was paused.
Note: The ‘Pause Patrol’ function must be enabled in the CyberTracker properties for it to be visible on
patrol (See Section 4.2.5 – above).
You may want to change the transport type, mandate, employees or leader during the patrol as the
situation requires. A significant enhancement in SMART Mobile is the ability to change patrol metadata
during the patrol. For example, if your patrol began as a foot patrol and later continued by vehicle, you
would use this function to change your patrol transport type from “foot” to “vehicle” with the ease of a few
taps, rather than having to end and restart your patrol with different data. The device will make a note of
when and where this occurred for more accurate information on your patrols. Once you download the data
to SMART, the different sections of the patrol will automatically display as different patrol legs.
You would select End patrol after you have completed your patrol route, have returned to your station or
have stopped recording observations and do not plan to resume again for the rest of the day or evening.
a) b) c)
Select ‘Make observation’ at the top of the screen to record patrol observations (below a) relating to
SMART data model categories (wildlife, human activities, features and patrol movements etc). In the
example below an observation of human activity is recorded b) then details of people encountered is
recorded c) along with a photo d). To finish entering data for an observation select the tick box at the top
right of the screen (see red box in top-right of d below). Once the observation has been recorded, save the
incident selecting the green button at the bottom right of the screen (below e).
a) b) c)
d) e)
Multiple observations can be made at each location (incident). Each time a new observation is
added select ‘Make Observation’.
In the example below, a person was encountered at a camp with a wildlife carcass. This
represents three unique pieces of data (observations) at one location/event (incident) that should be
collected as part of the data model. To begin, the observer first enters the relevant details for the
person (below a-d) and clicks on the white check in the top right of the screen (below d). This
completes the data entry for Observation #1 (the person) at the incident. The observer would then
go through the process again for both the camp (e-h) and the carcass (i-l), making sure that each
time the relevant details of the observation are recorded. After entering all of the relevant data for
each observation and ticking the white check at the top of the screen, the observation will appear in
list of observations recorded at that incident (below m). Note, that below in (m), both ‘Camp’ and
“Carcass” appear beneath “People – direct observation”. Once all observations have been recorded
at the incident, save the incident selecting the green button at the bottom right of the screen (below
a) b) c)
d) e) f)
g) h) i)
j) k) l)
SMART mobile allows you to use your device for navigation with a multi-featured map;
Sightings, Incidents, Tracks are visible
Offline maps overlaid on base map
10 online base maps: OpenStreetMap, National Geographic, Satellite, Oceans, etc.
Offline mode where no basemap is required
Layers can be turned on and off
Navigation with realtime pointer
Detailed data
Satellite view
Smooth panning, pinch-zoom and rotation
Rotate to north at top button
Zoom in, zoom out buttons
Follow modes: user, follow, navigation
Co-ordinates in decimal degrees, degrees minutes seconds, degrees decimal minutes and UTM
2. SMART Mobile will create one or more JSON files for each project and place it in a new folder
called “/SMARTdata”
For offline use, to import the data collected in SMART Mobile directly to SMART Desktop:
A. Connect your mobile device to your computer using the cable
B. Make sure device is connected for ‘file transfer’
C. Open SMART Desktop and go to Field Data>SMART Mobile>Import…
C. Select to Import From your Device and SMART will automatically pull your data from your device.
D. Alternatively you can transfer the data from the SMARTDATA folder on the device to a folder on the
desktop, and from there Import from Files to SMART. Click the Green cross and select the file to
E. Once the file is ready for import select whether you want to Create a New Patrol or Add to Existing
Patrol Leg
F. Once imported the New Patrol will appear in the list of patrols in the Patrol View
A. Compile the relevant details about the bug reported or your user experience feedback in
an email:
a. In the Subject of the email:
i. Enter a short description of the bug or feedback.
b. In the Body of the email, provide a more detailed description of the bug reported including
the following information:
i. SMART Mobile version and build installed (e.g., Version 1.0 Build 261)
ii. Mobile device used
iii. For bugs:
1. What behavior was expected
2. Steps to reproduce the issue
3. Feedback on if the issue is a blocker to further use
iv. Your name (so we can contact you with any questions about your bug report or
c. Add any relevant Attachments to the email, such as:
i. Screenshots
ii. Bug report zip file exported from SMART Mobile
If you need assistance with using SMART mobile or Cybertracker Classic, please contact the SMART
Program Manager ([email protected]).
4.9 Field exercise: Data collection using SMART Mobile equipped devices
Divide into teams to conduct a practice patrol around the training site
Collect data on the handheld devices; record the patrol configuration, then start taking observations
at simulated crime scenes
Try to be vigilant and observant, especially for signs of human activity, wildlife, and features. Also
record the start and end of a patrol, and any changes in movements of the patrol teams such as rest
stops or change of transportation (foot to vehicle, vehicle to foot etc.)
When the patrol is finished, import your data to SMART via the SMART Mobile or CyberTracker field
data interface. Compare patrol results between teams.
● Start the CyberTracker application by tapping on the CyberTracker icon on your home
screen. You will see a screen that looks like the one below.
● Tap on the configurable data model which has been exported to the device. There may be
several data models available so tap on the one that is designated for your patrol. In the
example below the name is “Sundarbans.”
If CyberTracker starts with the screen as shown below, enter the default exit pin code “1234” or have your
SMART data manager enter the correct pin code. See: SMART Technical Training Manual: Module 9:
CyberTracker Plug-In and Smart Mobile for more details on pin codes and ‘Kiosk mode’.
You should see one of the two screens below (Note: To begin a CyberTracker patrol you will need to see
the 2nd screen right side below as this means the GPS has acquired a satellite connection):
● If the 1st screen appears, tap on back arrow on the bottom of the screen. The 2nd screen should
● Tap on Start New Patrol to ‘Begin Patrol’ and tap on Forward icon at the bottom right corner of the
● Wait for the GPS signal to Begin Patrol (See yellow highlights in the display screen below).
Note: You need to see the GPS coordinates like the right screen below.
● Complete the Patrol Configuration screens to define the Patrol characteristics (See section 3.3.3 below
for detailed steps for recording an observation in CyberTracker)
Note: By tapping on the forward arrow at the bottom right corner of the screen you can skip optional
sections. This may be enabled/disabled when setting up the configurable data model.
Make Loads the configured data model (in this example, “Sundarbans”)
Observation to allow entry of observations
Displays the time interval when GPS track points are collected. If
there is no number visible in the triangle, then the device will not
record track information. Check the interval after installation of
CyberTracker with a simulated patrol and make the necessary
changes in ‘Field Data > CyberTracker Properties > GPS (tab) >
Track Timer’ in SMART on your computer and re-export the patrol
to the smartphone or tablet.
Note: The detailed steps below reference the specific example data model, ‘Sundarbans’ – at each site, the
information will differ depending on the configurable data model used.
Practical exercise
● Tap on Data Model “Sundarbans” (or the equivalent on your device) at the top of the screen.
Then tap on Forward icon at the bottom right corner of your screen.
● Tap on Start New Patrol at the top of the screen and wait for GPS signal (see yellow highlights
in the example under 3.3.1). Once the GPS signal appears, tap on the Forward icon .
Note: You can tap on an empty part of the screen to bring up the keyboard so you can type in Objectives or
● Select “Team Members” then tap on Forward icon .
● Select “Team Leader” then tap on Forward icon .
● Select “Make Observation” then tap on Forward icon .
● Select “Position” then tap on Forward icon .
● Select “Patrol Start” then tap on Forward icon .
● Select “Save As New Waypoint” then tap on Forward icon .
● Tap on “Save” icon (the Arrow pointing down into a box) on the left side of Forward icon
to capture your GPS location and save your data.
● Wait for the GPS coordinate to be 100% completed (see left figure below). Now “Next Task”
screen appears, and you are ready to record another observation (see right figure below).
To end the patrol, you have to take a Patrol End Waypoint. For this, tap on Make Observation
> tap on Forward icon > tap on Position> tap on Forward icon > tap on Patrol End > tap
on Forward icon > tap on Save as New WayPoint> tap on Forward icon > tap on SAVE
icon and wait for GPS to be completed 100%.
Note: For using CyberTracker/SMART Mobile for advanced patrolling, such as multiple leg, split,
transportation change and/or leadership change during a patrol, please refer to Field Practical: Data
Collection for Multi-Leg Patrols (see: SMART Technical Training Manual: Module 3 Patrols, page 74)
Practical exercise
Use the example below to “Make Observation” of the Position of where the patrol ended and then stop
tracking by completely finishing the patrol using “End Patrol”.
• Now tap on “End Patrol” on the display screen and then on Save icon to capture your GPS location
and save your data. Wait until the GPS is completed to 100%.
● To exit from the Cyber Tracker application, if necessary and you have the permission to do so,
select “Exit Cyber Tracker” then tap on the Forward icon and enter 1234 (if numeric pad
appears) This password may be changed by Administrators in the “CyberTracker Properties”
under the “Field Data” tab in SMART.
● Press the power button once to turn off the smartphone or tablet to save battery power. Be
careful not to turn off the device completely by holding the button for too long!
Note: For recording any data you need to select the observation type on the top of the screen
every time, then tap on the Forward icon .
● To take a photo, you will need to tap on the screen with the tip of your finger when it asks Tap to
Capture, then face the camera towards the subject and tap on the screen to record a photo, then
tap on the Forward icon to save the photo.
Note: you need to have allowed photos to be taken when designing your configurable model – see:
SMART Technical Training Manual, page 210.
● If you want to take more photo then tap Yes and repeat the process, otherwise tap No. Then tap on
End Observation Group> tap on Forward icon and then on Save icon .
● When asked to Type in Text, tap on an empty part of the display screen to bring up the keyboard.
● If you want to go back one step, tap on the Back icon .
Note: For recording multiple observations in a single waypoint (also known as an ‘Incident’) follow
the instructions below:
● Start making a single observation about a live animal sighting (e.g., Spotted Deer).
● Tap on Make Observation.
● Tap on Animal and then on Forward icon .
● Select Species “Spotted Deer” and tap on the Forward icon . Then follow next steps one by one
as appears on the screen.
● Tap on Save As New Waypoint.
● Now you will see the screen below. Select a single patrol, then click on Add, then Add as new
patrol. Click OK.
● Add As New Patrol - Creates a new patrol from the selected CyberTracker data. You
will always add your patrol as a new patrol in the database by using Add as New Patrol
● Add as a New Leg – Creates a new patrol leg from the CyberTracker data. If you
conduct a multi-leg patrol, you will add CyberTracker data from different legs by using
Add as a New Leg option.
● Import From File - If the CyberTracker patrols were not assigned in SMART after import
and disconnecting the device, the files are located in the CyberTracker folder for that
particular Conservation Area. If you select this option, SMART will access the folder
automatically and allow you to assign these patrols.
● Delete - Deletes the selected imported CyberTracker patrols. (Note: You will never
delete anything, except maybe practice or accidental patrols). Important: Deleted
patrols cannot be recovered.
Important: Once a patrol has been imported, it is automatically deleted from the device.
Note: You can review the patrols and observations by double clicking on the patrols from the patrol
list on the left side in the window. Then you can see the summary of your patrol effort and map of
your patrol route.
6. Special applications
Here we have discussed the use of SMART Mobile/CyberTracker for patrol data collection. Mobile data
collection is also available for special applications such as ecological monitoring via the ecological records
plug-in and for information gathering via the Profiles plug-in. Methods for data collection using these plug-
ins are discussed in separate training handbooks.
For more information on how to use SMART Connect together with your mobile data collection devices (see:
SMART Technical Training Manual: Module 13: Connect Plug-in).
At sites that have implemented SMART Connect, field teams can potentially upload patrol data in up to real-
time across cellular or WIFI-enabled networks using handheld devices, with data made available to managers
via dashboards. For example, the Philippines Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DENR)
has centralized the collection of forest-threat data across more than 200 community and provincial offices.
This has worked in such a way that daily updates on patrol effort are possible.
7. Using SMART for adaptive management; tasks for the data collector
As mentioned in Section 1, SMART is designed to help improve the protection of conservation areas
through streamlining the conversion of field data collected by rangers into information on human activities
and threats to wildlife that can be used for strategic planning. For this process to work, a SMART database
should receive regular updates and be managed effectively. The data manager plays an important role in
making sure that data and information flows happen. The key tasks are described below:
1. Ensure data are collected - Patrols should be conducted on a regular basis to ensure protection
and monitoring activities and associated data flows. Patrols can be scheduled for each team, station
or planned by using the Planning Module in SMART (see: SMART Technical Training Manual:
Module 6: Planning and Intelligence).
2. Ensure data come in on time - There should be a directive for what happens to the data once
patrol teams have brought in their devices from the field. A responsible person should be assigned
to upload data to the SMART database. Patrol data should be entered as soon as possible after
patrols are completed so as to ensure that events requiring action such as poaching, encroachment,
harvest of wildlife or other resources or other illegal activities are quickly brought to the attention of
the manager. This should be done as a part of the routine debrief process for patrols, so data can
be reviewed, corrected and input together with the team who collected the data.
If data are being transferred manually or where SMART Connect is deployed but connectivity is limited
or absent, a system should be set in place to ensure regular transfer of data from the field to the data
manager. For example, waypoints, tracklogs and field forms may be submitted to the data manager
within a set timeframe.
3. Ensure data a correct - Data needs to be checked for quality and accuracy by the data manager
before it gets incorporated in basic analysis (queries and summaries) and appears in reports. At the
end of each patrol a debrief should be done with the team collecting data. The debrief should
involve the following steps;
1. Verbal report from the patrol leader to his/her supervisor on the patrol including patrol
objectives, patrol mandate, team composition, route of travel, major results (wildlife,
threats encountered, actions taken)
2. Upload the data to SMART and run the quality assurance tool on the data. Further
information on how and what to check for, as well as how to use the SMART Quality
Assurance tool, can be found in the SMART Quality Assurance Module Handbook.
4. Ensure feedback from the manager is followed up on - Further considerations for adaptive
management under the SMART approach are discussed in the SMART Adaptive Management
Training Handbook.
If you have a phone with you that takes photos, you can use that. If not just carry on your patrol as normal
and describe the observations as best as possible using comments and/or during the patrol debrief.
I’m running SMART on a Mac computer but cannot import patrols from CyberTracker, why?
The desktop application of CyberTracker is only available for the Windows OS, meaning that the import or
export of Patrol/Survey Configurable Models or data collected from the field cannot be currently done on a
Mac OS or Apple computer not running Windows.
My Android device will not connect to my computer and I can’t install CyberTracker/import patrols,
what can I do?
1. Make sure the device is plugged into the computer and enabled to ‘Transfer Files’. To do this, swipe
down on the top of the screen and change from ‘USB Charging’ to ‘Transfer Files’. - This is a
common issue with getting the .apk file for CyberTracker for the first installation.
2. With the device plugged in, ‘Export the Patrol Configurable Model’ to the device, the first time, you
should get an error message saying that Before CyberTracker can be used it must be installed on
the device.
3. Check the ‘File Manager’ for the .apk file. It should appear near the bottom of the Internal Storage
window. Here, you will need to give the device permission to open the file.
4. Once it is installed, you can resend the Patrol Configurable Model to the device and it should work.
If the device has been disconnected, follow Step 1 again.
Figure 8. Devices not properly set to ‘Transfer Files’ under USB settings is a common issue when using
CyberTracker/SMART Mobile. Photo: J.Slade/GWC
For most SMART Mobile users we recommend turning off advanced location features, as these
“high accuracy” setting are often less accurate in the places we work.
Below are details on how to set you phone to use GPS only location settings based on this guidance from
Android 10
1. Open your device’s Settings app.
2. Tap Location.
3. Tap Wi-Fi and Bluetooth scanning.
4. Turn both Wi-Fi scanning and Bluetooth scanning to off.
5. Go back a screen
6. Turn Emergency Location Services off
Android 9
To change location settings:
1. Open your device's Settings app.
2. Tap Security & Location
If you have a work profile, tap Advanced.
Turn Location on. Tap Location.
Scan for nearby networks: Tap Advanced Scanning. Turn Wi-Fi scanning or Bluetooth scanning off.
Turn emergency location service on or off: Tap Advanced Google Emergency Location Service.
Turn Emergency Location Service off.
Android 4.4 – 8.1
1. Open your phone's Settings app.
2. Tap Security & Location. If you don't see "Security & Location," tap Location.
3. Tap Mode.
4. Then pick: Device only: Use only GPS. Don’t use Google Location Services to provide location
information. This can estimate your phone's location more slowly and use more battery.
Android 4.1 – 4.3
1. Open your phone's Settings app.
2. Under "Personal," tap Location access.
3. At the top of the screen, turn Access to my location on
4. Then pick GPS satellites: Lets your phone estimate its location from satellite signals, like a GPS
device in a car.
- Projects are the survey or patrol configurable models packaged for use with SMART mobile
- Multiple projects can be installed with their own maps and settings
- Customizable project icon
Support for Patrols, Surveys and Independent Incidents
- Different configurable models run at the same time
- Possible to select a “Survey” or “Patrol”
Export data to SMART Desktop
- Data can be exported to a format that can be imported directly from the device into SMART desktop
Upload data to SMART Connect
- Upload data the SMART Connect server when online
- No data are lost if offline
Multi-language data model support
- Support for multiple languages if configured on SMART desktop
Time correction
- Automatic UTC time zone detection
- Automatic daylight saving detection
Data entry
- Selecting data model with icons
- Lists with icons
- Trees with icons
- Pictures which are automatically rotated and scaled
- Composite sightings at the same location
- Trees can be flattened into lists
Patrols and Surveys
- Change metadata quickly during the course of a patrol
- Change metadata can have disabled attributes, e.g. “Armed” can only be specified when a patrol is
Independent incidents
- Entry during patrol without losing what was being done
Sighting history
- Summary views of patrol sightings and independent incidents
- Detail view of individual sighting
- Editing past sightings without interfering with the patrol (can be disabled)
- Picture view for previously captured pictures
Kiosk mode
- Allows the device to be locked for SMART Mobile use only
- Customizable exit pin
Track timer
- Customizable by distance