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ISSN 2278-4500

A Research Awareness E-Journal By IPRH

Creating Avenues | Spreading Truth

2021 | Volume 9-10, Issue 1 | Page: 01 – 55
Research Updates – Homeopathy by IPRH. Creating Avenues | Spreading Truth

Conceptualized, edited, designed and published by Dr. Saurav Arora

Initiative to Promote Research in Homeopathy (IPRH)

© IPRH 2011 – 2020. All Rights Reserved.

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Research Updates-Homeopathy by Dr. Saurav Arora is licensed under a Creative Commons

Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this ejournal is for general information and educational
purposes only. At every step it is ensured that the original citation(s) is indicated. All work referenced
here are respective works of authors/journals. The commentary added, if any, is based upon the
original work, and at no point of time intended to replace the original work. The information provided
by is to promote scientific research in Homeopathy and to keep
updating regarding research in homeopathy. The portal makes no representations or warranties of any
kinds express or implied, about the completeness, suitability or availability with respect to the website
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strictly at reader’s risk. Every effort is made to keep the website running smoothly, however, and/or the owner of IPRH takes no responsibility for, and will not be
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Editorial 1

Studies to Read
Fundamental Research
The Effect of Iodium 30c on Experimental Visceral Leishmaniasis 2
Preparation and Standardization of Escherichia coli Nosodes Sourced from Select E. coli Strains 3
A green method for determination of ethanol in homeopathic medicines using thermal infrared
Enthalpimetry 4
In Vitro Assessment of Homeopathic Potencies of Hydrastis canadensis on
Hormone-Dependent and Independent Breast Cancer 5
Silicea terra and Zincum metallicum Modulate the Activity of Macrophages Challenged
with BCG In Vitro 6
Verification of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Characterization of Traditional Homeopathically
Manufactured Metal (Cuprum metallicum) and Plant (Gelsemium sempervirens)
Medicines and Controls 7
Daily consumption of a homeopathic product decreases intestinal damage and stool
bacterial counts in mice challenged with Escherichia coli 8
Characterization of Nanoparticles in 2X, 4X and 6X Potencies of Ferrum Phosphoricum 9
Homeopathic Rhus toxicodendron Induces Cell Adhesions in the Mouse Pre-osteoblast
Cell Line MC3T3-e1 10
Anti-Tumoral and Anti-Angiogenic Effects of Low-Diluted Phenacetinum on Melanoma 11
Low-dose Drosera rotundifolia induces gene expression changes in 16HBE human
bronchial epithelial cells 12
Preparation of Coronavirus nosodes sourced from a clinical sample of SARS-Cov-2
positive patient, inactivated strain, and spike glycoprotein 13
Nanoparticle characterization of HOMOEO AGROCARE (Agro Homeopathic Drug)
by HRTEM and EDS analysis 14
Homoeopathic Viscum album (10-3) is More Cytotoxic to in vitro Culture of Human
Breast Cancer Cell Line than to Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells 15

Clinical Research
Homeopathic Treatment as an Add-On Therapy May Improve Quality of Life and Prolong
Survival in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Prospective, Randomized,
Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Three-Arm, Multicenter Study 16
Counting Polar Symptoms: How to Represent Results? 17
Individualized Homeopathic Medicines in Chronic Rhinosinusitis: Randomized, Double-Blind,
Placebo-Controlled Trial 18
Individualized homeopathic medicines and Urtica urens mother tincture in treatment of
hyperuricemia: an open, randomized, pragmatic, pilot trial 19
Development of a Prognostic Factor Prediction Model in Patients with Musculoskeletal
Pain Treated with Homeopathy: An Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis of Three
Randomized Clinical Trials 20
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Pilot Trial of Individualized Homeopathic
Medicines for Cutaneous Warts 21
Comparative Effectiveness of the Homeopathic Preparation Traumeel S in Third Molar
Extraction Surgery: A Preliminary Triple-Blind Clinical Trial 22
Individualized Homeopathic Medicines in the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder:
A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Pilot Trial 23
Evaluation of Individualized Homeopathic Treatment in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome:
A Pilot Study 24
Impact of Homeopathic Treatment on the Quality of Life of Women with Chronic Diseases:
A Randomized Controlled Pragmatic Trial 25
Individualized Homeopathic Medicines in Stage I Essential Hypertension:
A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Trial 26

Experimental Evidence Supports New Perspectives in Homeopathy 27
The Human Microbiome, Conventional Medicine, and Homeopathy 28
Homeopathy in Experimental Cancer Models: A Systematic Review 29
Homeopathic Preparations for Preventing and Treating Acute Upper Respiratory Tract
Infections in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 30
[Evidence-based homeopathy and veterinary homeopathy, and its potential to
help overcome the anti-microbial resistance problem - an overview] 31
Physicochemical Investigations of Homeopathic Preparations: A Systematic Review and
Bibliometric Analysis-Part 3 32
A Homeopathic View of the Influence of Chronic Diseases in the Manifestation of COVID-19 33
Homeopathy Assessment-Contribution of the Human Sciences 34
Effects of Highly Diluted Drugs on Experimental Infection with Trypanosoma cruzi
In Vivo: Systematic Review 35

Case Reports
Pituitary Microadenoma Treated with Individualized Homeopathic Medicine: A Case Report 36
Multimorbidity After Surgical Menopause Treated with Individualized Classical
Homeopathy: A Case Report 37
Evaluation of the Modified Naranjo Criteria for Assessing Causal Attribution of Clinical
Outcome to Homeopathic Intervention as Presented in Case Reports 38
Antimonium crudum in pediatric skin conditions: A classical homeopathic case series 39
Fibromyalgia: A Report of 2 Cases Treated With Homeopathy 39
Severe Acute Thromboinflammation: Case Report of Individualized Homeopathic Treatment 40
Appearance of Acute Inflammatory State Indicates Improvement in Atopic Dermatitis
Cases Under Classical Homeopathic Treatment: A Case Series 41

Homeopathic Treatment of Pododermatitis in Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) 42
Evaluation of the Efficacy of Crataegus oxyacantha in Dogs with Early-Stage Heart Failure 43
Experimental infection with Escherichia coli in broilers: Impacts of the disease and
benefits of preventive consumption of a stimulator of homeopathic immunity 44
The effects of road transportation with or without homeopathic remedy supplementation
on growth performance, apparent nutrient digestibility, fecal microbiota, and serum
cortisol and superoxide dismutase levels in growing pigs 45

Effect of Homeopathic Preparations on Lettuce, Parasitized or Not by Meloidogyne enterolobii 46
Effects of Homeopathic Preparations of Mercurius corrosivus on the Growth Rate of Moderately
Mercury-Stressed Duckweed Lemna gibba L 47
Systematic Review on the Use of Homeopathy in Dentistry: Critical Analysis of Clinical Trials 48

Drug Proving
Five Years of Practical Experience Using the Revised Proving Guidelines of the
Homœopathic Pharmacopœia Convention of the United States 49

International Patent Survey of Products and Processes Concerning Homeopathy 50
Data Collection during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Learning from Experience, Resulting
in a Bayesian Repertory 51
Prevalence and Likelihood Ratio of Six Objective Signs among Good Responders to
Natrum muriaticum: Multi-centre Observational Assessment 52
Trajectory of Patients Treated With Classical Homeopathy: A Retrospective Analysis 53
Use of Homeopathy in Integrative Oncology in Strasbourg, France: Multi-center
Cross-Sectional Descriptive Study of Patients Undergoing Cancer Treatment 54

Conference Proceeding
International Journal of High Dilution Research 55

Be a Research Voice

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Research Updates – Homeopathy by IPRH. Creating Avenues | Spreading Truth

World Homeopathy Day - Keep moving forward!

Life is all about challenges and our learning to overcome these challenges. Being practitioners of the
healing art, struggle is our second name, be it clinical, scientific, philosophical or social. Yes, its true.
Thing may seem easy when we enter the system as a student. But as soon as we enter homeopathy as a
professional, we are subjected to challenges of clinical and scientific realms. Its very much ok to
practice on faith but practicing, preaching and teaching scientific homeopathy is not less than a huge
challenge. It is difficult to maintain the balance of scientificity and faith.

We often come across tall claims but not supporting valid evidences. Such situations are tricky –
whether to believe them because we have “faith” or to follow the “scientificity” and subject their claims
to “methodology”. Amidst this we sometime lose our connect. At times majority of us “accepts” the
things “as it is” rather than establish the true “evidence-based medicine”.

If this would have been the scenario, Hahnemann would not have established Homeopathy as a system
of medicine. Observations are one aspect of scientific methods; the other aspect is to formulate the
right “research question” and follow the methodology of scientific methods. If we retrospectively
analyze Hahnemann’s work, we know that his methodology, scientific methods, understanding, analysis
of data and presentation of facts (for future research) was ahead of the time. We still have lot to learn,
understand and experiment in homeopathy. And this is the right time now when we should understand
our science as true practitioners of the healing art, rather than believers of something we never tried to
understand. Choice is ours!

Research has never been parted from science and cannot be. Knowingly or unknowingly, we do
research but seldom pen down or report it logically. We talk of research, but where to start a research
becomes difficult for us. Challenges, issues and learnings, would be our companion in this journey of
homeopathy learning. We must start accepting them to make ourselves equipped with latest knowledge,
to sharpen our logic and apply our intellectual abilities for betterment. We must be an active part of the
evolution so as to upgrade the system and ourselves.

Let us pledge on this world homeopathy day to keep moving forward – with scientific methods, better
clinical understanding and aim to strengthen homeopathy from the roots.

Dr Saurav Arora

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Research Updates – Homeopathy by IPRH. Creating Avenues | Spreading Truth

Studies to be Read
Abstracts of peer-reviewed studies published during Oct 2020 – March 2021. The original links are
provided with each article. For citations, original links, authors and journals should be referred.

Fundamental Research

The Effect of Iodium 30c on Experimental Visceral Leishmaniasis

Homeopathy, 2020 Nov;109(4):213-223

Background: Leishmaniasis is one of several neglected tropical diseases that warrant
serious attention. A disease of socio-economically poor people, it demands safer and
cheaper drugs that help to overcome the limitations faced by the existing anti-
leishmanials. Complementary or traditional medicines might be a good option, with an
added advantage that resistance may not develop against these drugs. Thus, the present
investigation was performed to evaluate the anti-leishmanial efficacy of an ultra-diluted
homeopathic medicine (Iodium 30c) in experimental visceral leishmaniasis (VL).

Methods: Compliant with strict ethical standards in animal experimentation, the study was
performed in-vivo in inbred BALB/c mice which were injected intravenously with 1 × 107
promastigotes of Leishmania donovani before (therapeutic) or after (prophylactic)
treatment with Iodium 30c for 30 days. In other groups of mice (n = 6 per group),
amphotericin B served as positive control, infected animals as the disease control, while
the naïve controls included normal animals; animals receiving only Iodium 30c or Alcohol
30c served as sham controls. The anti-leishmanial efficacy was assessed by determining the
hepatic parasite load and analysing percentages of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Biochemical
analysis and histological studies were performed to check any toxicities.

Results: Iodium-treated animals showed a significantly reduced parasite load (to 1503 ± 39
Leishman Donovan Units, LDU) as compared with the infected controls (4489 ± 256 LDU) (p
< 0.05): thus, the mean therapeutic efficacy of Iodium 30c was 66.5%. In addition, the
population of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells was significantly increased (p < 0.05) after treatment.
No toxicity was observed, as evidenced from biochemical and histopathological studies of
the liver and kidneys. Efficacy of Iodium 30c prophylaxis was 58.3%, while the therapeutic
efficacy of amphotericin B was 85.9%.

Conclusion: This original study has shown that Iodium 30c had significant impact in
controlling parasite replication in experimental VL, though the effect was less than that
using standard pharmaceutical treatment.

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Preparation and Standardization of Escherichia coli Nosodes Sourced

from Select E. coli Strains
Homeopathy. 2020 Nov;109(4):207-212

Background: The nosodes are well-known preparations in homeopathy that are
sourced from organisms and diseased materials. More than 40 known nosodes have
been used in homeopathic practice for over a century. Having identified the need
for scientifically developed new nosodes sourced from organisms that are currently
prevalent, the preparation of Escherichia coli nosodes from different strains of the
bacterium is presented in this article.

Materials and methods: Escherichia coli strains (E. coli ATCC 11775E, ATCC 25922,
and ATCC 8739) were identified, cultured, and tested for purity, and 20 billion cells
were processed following the nosode preparation method given in the
Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India, group N1. Serial dilution and potentization
for liquid potency were done up to 30c potency. Nosodes were prepared by two
methods: from cell-free extract (endotoxin) and from entire-cell extract.

Result: Six nosodes were developed in total. Three univalent nosodes were prepared
using individual endotoxins, one from each of the three E. coli strains; those three
univalent nosodes were also combined as "Trivalent nosode-I". "Trivalent nosode-II"
was prepared by mixing entire cells of the three E. coli strains. A mix of both Trivalent
nosode-I and Trivalent nosode-II was labeled "EC-Polynosode". The safety profile of
the potentized nosodes was documented by the non-detectability of traces of
source material (absence of contamination, live organisms, or DNA material)
through a culture test, sterility test, and molecular testing (polymerase chain

Conclusion: Different variants of E. coli nosodes were systematically and scientifically

prepared and standardized using the cultures. Homeopathic pathogenetic trials, in-
vitro efficacy studies, and clinical evaluation of E. coli nosodes (single, trivalent, or
polyvalent nosodes) will be required in future.

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A green method for determination of ethanol in homeopathic

medicines using thermal infrared enthalpimetry
An Acad Bras Cienc. 2020 Oct 12;92(3):e20181307.


In this work, a simple and fast method is proposed for the determination of
ethanol in homeopathic medicines using thermal infrared enthalpimetry (TIE).
Samples containing alcohol in a wide concentration range (from 5% to 95% v/v)
were used. Purified water or absolute ethanol was added directly into
homeopathic medicine and increase of temperature was monitored using an
infrared camera. Total volume, stirring speed and dispensing rate of solutions
were the most significant parameters studied for method optimization. A
response surface methodology (RSM) was used for optimization of the
experimental conditions. The method was validated in the following parameters:
selectivity, linearity, linear range, precision (repeatability and intermediate
precision), limit of detection and quantification, accuracy and robustness. Linear
range was obtained from 4% to 55% (ethanol, v/v). The proposed method
showed accuracy in agreement with the conventional one. The proposed
method it was demonstrated a good alternative for determination of ethanol in
homeopathic medicines, presenting low cost, fast analysis and agreement with
the principles of green analytical chemistry.

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In Vitro Assessment of Homeopathic Potencies of Hydrastis

canadensis on Hormone-Dependent and Independent Breast Cancer
Homeopathy. 2020 Nov;109(4):198-206.


Background: Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related

deaths in women. Conventional treatment such as chemotherapy, hormonal
therapy and radiotherapy has decreased the mortality rate among cancer
patients but has also revealed long-term side effects. Drug resistance and
toxicity to normal cells compound the problems associated with the use of
modern medicines. Hence, complementary or alternative treatment options are
being explored. The current study, using different homeopathic potencies of
Hydrastis canadensis, was conducted to distinguish between any effects they
might have on hormone-dependent and independent breast cancer.

Materials and methods: The cytotoxic effect of homeopathic medicine Hydrastis

on hormone-dependent (MCF 7) and hormone-independent (MDA-MB-468)
breast cancer cells was assessed using viability and colony-forming assays after
48 or 72 hours of treatment. Flow cytometry-based Annexin V-PI (propidium
iodide), caspase 3 and cell cycle analysis was performed following treatment of
cells with mother tincture or various potencies of Hydrastis (1C, 2C, 30C, 200C).

Results: Different potencies of Hydrastis displayed selective cytotoxic effects

against MCF 7 cells, but only marginal effects against MDA-MB-468. The
maximum cytotoxicity was established in the case of 1C following 72 hours of
treatment. Treatment of breast cancer cells revealed an increase in the G0/G1
cell population, along with an increase in the caspase 3 levels and induction of

Conclusion: Hydrastis may have a selective cytotoxic effect against hormone-

dependent breast cancer MCF 7 cells, leading to cell cycle arrest in the G0/G1
phase, which could be the plausible reason for the induction of apoptosis. The
results need to be validated in vivo.

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Silicea terra and Zincum metallicum Modulate the Activity of

Macrophages Challenged with BCG In Vitro
Homeopathy. 2021 Feb;110(1):52-61.


Background: The homeopathic medicines Silicea terra (Sil) and Zincum

metallicum (Zinc) modulate macrophage activity and were assessed in an
experimental study in-vitro for their effects on macrophage-BCG (Bacillus
Calmette-Guérin) interaction.

Methods: RAW 264.7 macrophages were infected with BCG, treated with
different potencies of Sil and Zinc (6cH, 30cH and 200cH) or vehicle, and
assessed 24 and 48 h later for bacilli internalization, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
and cytokine production, and lysosomal activity.

Results: Treatment with vehicle was associated with non-specific inhibition of

H2O2 production to the levels exhibited by uninfected macrophages. Sil 200cH
induced significant reduction of H2O2 production (p < 0.001) compared with the
vehicle and all other treatments, as well as higher lysosomal activity (p ≤ 0.001)
and increased IL-10 production (p ≤ 0.05). Such effects were considered specific
for this remedy and potency. The number of internalized bacilli was inversely
proportional to Zinc potencies, with statistically significant interaction between
dilution and treatment (p = 0.003). Such linear-like behavior was not observed for
Sil dilutions: peak internalization occurred with the 30cH dilution, accompanied
by cellular degeneration, and IL-6 and IL-10 increased (p ≤ 0.05) only in the cells
treated with Sil 6cH.

Conclusion: Sil and Zinc presented different patterns of potency-dependent

effect on macrophage activity. Bacterial digestion and a balanced IL-6/IL-10
production were related to Sil 6cH, though reduced oxidative stress with
increased lysosomal activity was related to Sil 200cH. Degenerative effects were
exclusively related to Sil 30cH, and potency-dependent phagocytosis was
related only to Zinc.

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Verification of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Characterization of

Traditional Homeopathically Manufactured Metal (Cuprum metallicum)
and Plant (Gelsemium sempervirens) Medicines and Controls
Homeopathy. 2021 Feb;110(1):42-51.

Background: Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) proton relaxation is sensitive to
the dynamics of the water molecule, H2O, through the interaction of the spin of the
proton (1H) with external magnetic and electromagnetic fields. NMR relaxation
times describe how quickly the spin of 1H, forced in a direction by an external
electromagnetic field, returns to a normal resting position. As a result, such
measurements allow us potentially to describe higher structuring of water in
homeopathic medicines.

Objective: The purpose of the present study was to verify whether specific NMR
relaxation times could be measured in full lines of cH dynamizations of a metal
(copper) and of a plant substance (Gelsemium sempervirens), compared with a
solvent control, a potentized lactose control and a control prepared by simple
dilution, in three production lines. It is aimed at verification of a previous publication
(2017) on two new manufacturing lines of the same starting material and controls.

Materials and methods: To monitor dilution and potentization processes,

measurements of 1H spin-lattice T1 and spin-spin T2 relaxation times were used. T1
and T2 relaxation times were measured at 25°C with a spin analyser working at a
frequency of 20 MHz. To account for its possible role as a confounding factor, free
oxygen was also measured in all samples, using a MicroOptode meter.

Results: When the values of the three production lines were pooled, a statistically
significant discrimination of NMR relaxation times between the medicines and their
controls was confirmed. We found for copper cH and Gelsemium sempervirens cH a
highly significant influence of the starting material (p = 0.008), a highly significant
influence of level of dilution (p < 0.001), and a significant influence of the O2
concentration (p = 0.04).

Conclusions: We have evidence of an obvious retention of a specific magnetic

resonance signal when a substance (lactose, copper, Gelsemium) is
diluted/potentized in pure water. This means that homeopathic solutions cannot be
considered to be pure water. O2 is a covariant and not an explanatory variable:
this factor itself is too weak to explain the NMR signal specificities in potentized
samples. Homeopathic dilutions may thus have a specific material configuration
governed not only by the potentized substance but also by the chemical nature of
the containers, the chemical nature of dissolved gases and even by the
electromagnetic environment. This sensitivity of homeopathically prepared
medicines to electromagnetic fields may be amplified by the processes routinely
applied during their preparation; because it occurs only when a dynamization has
been performed, we may call this phenomenon "dynamic pharmacy".

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Daily consumption of a homeopathic product decreases intestinal

damage and stool bacterial counts in mice challenged with
Escherichia coli
Microb Pathog. 2020 Oct;147:104269.
Escherichia coli is a bacterium normally found in the gastrointestinal tract of
domestic animals that can usually control the infection. Nevertheless, some
factors (high exposure, stress conditions, animal category, among others) can
favor the exacerbation of E. coli infection and cause of disease. Because it is a
zoonotic bacterium, it is important to control the infection, avoiding
contamination of home interiors in the case of pets. There are various forms of
treatment for E. coli; nevertheless, there are few options for prevention. In the
present study, we evaluated homeopathy. Thus, the objective of this study was
to determine whether administration of a prophylactic homeopathic in water
would minimize the negative effects of E. coli infection, as well as reducing
bacterial counts in the feces of a experimental model. Forty mice were divided
into four experimental groups (n = 10/group). Groups NC (negative control) and
PC (positive control) were not treated; in group T1, the animals received 0.002
mL/day/animal of the homeopathic in water, and animals in group T2 0.004
mL/day/animal. The experiment lasted 54 days, and on the 31st day, mice of T1,
T2 and PC groups were infected orally a 0.2 mL inoculum of 1.5 × 108 CFU of E.
coli. Euthanasia and sample collection were performed on the 40th and 54th
days of the experiment (n = 5/group/time point). Blood, liver, spleen, intestine,
and feces samples were collected from the final portion of the intestine. There
was no significant difference in animal weight between groups at the end of the
experiment. Neutrophil count was lower in PC group animals on day 40, while on
day 54, the counts were lower in T2 and PC. Lymphocyte counts were lower only
in the PC group than in the NC group on day 54. Globulins were lower in the NC
and PC groups than in T1 and T2 on day 40, remaining lower the PC group and
higher in T1 on day 54; levels of immunoglobulin IgG and IgM were higher in
groups T1 and T2, which differed from PC and NC. TNF-α levels were higher in the
T1 and T2 groups at 40 and 54 days. INF-γ levels were higher in T1, T2, and PC
compared to NC on day 40, remaining higher than NC in groups T1 and T2 on
day 54. Total bacterial count, total coliforms and E. coli counts were lower in
group T1 and higher in NC and PC on days 40 and 54, when they were lower for
T1 and T2. Histologically, no lesions were observed in extra-intestinal tissues;
however the height of intestinal crypts in the PC group was smaller than the
others on day 40. On day 54, villi and crypts of all infected groups were larger in
T1 and T2 than in NC; sizes in the PC group were higher than those of all other
groups. These data suggest that the homeopathic agent in the drinking water
improved health of the mice.
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Characterization of Nanoparticles in 2X, 4X and 6X Potencies of

Ferrum Phosphoricum
Altern Ther Health Med. 2021 Jan;27(1):12-17.
Context: Nanomedicine is a rapidly expanding field in which nanoparticles play
an integral part. They have 2 distinct characteristics, namely a small size and
large surface area, which influence a drug's permeability, solubility, and
bioavailability. The trituration technique used in the preparation of certain
homeopathic remedies is similar to some processes used to manufacture
nanoparticles. New research has confirmed the presence of nanoparticles in
homeopathic remedies. The majority of these studies use transmission electron
microscopy (TEM), alone or in combination with other methods, to characterize
the nanoparticles.
Objectives: The study intended to evaluate the use, efficacy, and application of
5 characterization techniques for investigating the presence and size of
nanoparticles in Ferrum phosphoricum (iron phosphate) in 2X, 4X and 6X
Design: Quantitative experimental study.
Setting: The study took place in the Department of Biotechnology and Food
Technology, and the Department of Chemistry (Central Analytical facility and UJ
Spectrum facility) at the University of Johannesburg in Johannesburg, South
Outcome measures: The study analyzed 2X, 4X, and 6X potencies of Ferrum
phosphoricum using: (1) ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-vis), (2) Fourier
transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), (3) dynamic light scattering (DLS), (14)
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
(EDX), and (5) transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Data were generated
through imaging and the software programs of the equipment.
Results: All 5 procedures confirmed the presence of Ferrum phosphoricum
nanoparticles and nanofibers for all 3 potencies. Using all 5 techniques permitted
characterization of different aspects of the particles, such as functional groups,
elemental iron, concentration base, and size distribution.
Conclusions: Although all 5 techniques used in the study showed the presence
of iron phosphate nanoparticles in the 2X, 4X and 6X potencies of Ferrum
phosphoricum, making them essential tools in determining the presence of
nanoparticles, UV-vis, FTIR, and TEM analysis were best suited for the analysis of
nanoparticles in high-dilution preparations such as homeopathic remedies, due
to the limitations of DLS and EDX.
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Homeopathic Rhus toxicodendron Induces Cell Adhesions in the

Mouse Pre-osteoblast Cell Line MC3T3-e1
Homeopathy. 2021 Jan 20.
Background: Rhus toxicodendron (R. tox) has been used as a homeopathic
remedy for the treatment of inflammatory conditions. Previously, we reported
that R. tox modulated inflammation in the mouse chondrocyte and pre-
osteoblastic MC3T3-e1 cell line. During the inflammatory process, cells adhere to
the extracellular matrix (ECM) and then migrate to the inflammation site. We
examine here the process of cell adhesion in MC3T3-e1 cells after their
stimulation with homeopathic R. tox.
Methods: For the cell-substrate adhesion assay, the cultured MC3T3-e1 cells were
trypsinized, starved for 1 h in serum-free media, and plated onto culture plates
coated with fibronectin (FN), 30c R. tox or gelatin, respectively. The cells were
allowed to adhere for 20 min incubation and unattached cells were washed
out. Adherent cells were measured using the water-soluble tetrazolium salt-8
assay. The intracellular signals after stimulation of R. tox were examined by
analyzing the tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK), Src kinase,
and Paxillin using immunoblot assay. Formation of focal adhesion (FA, an
integrin-containing multi-protein structure that forms between intracellular actin
bundles and the ECM) was analyzed by immunocytochemistry using NIH ImageJ
Results: Cell adhesion increased after stimulation with R. tox (FN, 20.50%; R. tox,
44.80%; and gelatin, 17.11% vs. uncoated cells [control]). Tyrosine
phosphorylation of FAK, Paxillin, and Src increased compared with that of
gelatin when stimulated with R. tox. Additionally, R. tox-stimulated cells formed
many FAs (number of FAs per cell, 35.82 ± 7.68) compared with gelatin-
stimulated cells (number of FAs per cell, 19.80 ± 7.18) and exhibited extensive
formation of actin stress fibers anchored by FAs formed at the cell periphery.
Conclusion: Homeopathic R. tox promotes the formation of cell adhesions in
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Anti-Tumoral and Anti-Angiogenic Effects of Low-

Diluted Phenacetinum on Melanoma
Front Oncol. 2021 Mar 3;11:597503.
Melanoma is the most aggressive form of skin cancer and the most rapidly
expanding cancer in terms of worldwide incidence. If primary cutaneous
melanoma is mostly treated with a curative wide local excision, malignant
melanoma has a poor prognosis and needs other therapeutic approaches.
Angiogenesis is a normal physiological process essential in growth and
development, but it also plays a crucial role in crossing from benign to
advanced state in cancer. In melanoma progression, angiogenesis is widely
involved during the vertical growth phase. Currently, no anti-angiogenic agents
are efficient on their own, and combination of treatments will probably be the
key to success. In the past, phenacetin was used as an analgesic to relieve pain,
causing side effects at large dose and tumor-inducing in humans and animals.
By contrast, Phenacetinum low-dilution is often used in skin febrile exanthema,
patches profusely scattered on limbs, headache, or flushed face without side
effects. Herein are described the in vitro, in vivo, and ex vivo anti-angiogenic
and anti-tumoral potentials of Phenacetinum low-dilution in a B16F1 tumor
model and endothelial cells. We demonstrate that low-
diluted Phenacetinum inhibits in vivo tumor growth and tumor vascularization
and thus increases the survival time of B16F1 melanoma induced-C57BL/6 mice.
Moreover, Phenacetinum modulates the lung metastasis in a B16F10 induced
model. Ex vivo and in vitro, we evidence that low-diluted Phenacetinum inhibits
the migration and the recruitment of endothelial cells and leads to an
imbalance in the pro-tumoral macrophages and to a structural malformation of
the vascular network. All together these results demonstrate highly hopeful anti-
tumoral, anti-metastatic, and anti-angiogenic effects of Phenacetinum low-
dilution on melanoma. Continued studies are needed to preclinically
validate Phenacetinum low-dilution as a complementary or therapeutic strategy
for melanoma treatment.
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Low-dose Drosera rotundifolia induces gene expression changes in

16HBE human bronchial epithelial cells
Sci Rep. 2021 Jan 27;11(1):2356.
Drosera rotundifolia has been traditionally used for the treatment of respiratory
diseases in phytotherapy and homeopathy. The mechanisms of action
recognized so far are linked to the known effects of specific components, such
as flavonoids, but are not completely understood. In this study, the biological
functions of D. rotundifolia were explored in vitro following the treatment of
bronchial epithelial cells, which are the potential targets of the pharmacological
effects of the herbal medicine. To do so, the whole plant ethanolic extract was
1000-fold diluted in water (D. rotundifolia 3×) and added to a 16HBE human cell
line culture for 3 h or 6 h. The effects on gene expression of the treatments and
corresponding controls were then investigated by RNA sequencing. The
differentially expressed genes were validated through RT-qPCR, and the
enriched biological functions involved in the effects of treatment were
investigated. D. rotundifolia 3× did not impair cell viability and was shown to be a
stimulant of cell functions by regulating the expression of dozens of genes after 3
h, and the effects were amplified after 6 h of treatment. The main differentially
expressed genes encoded ligands of epithelial growth factor receptor, proteins
involved in xenobiotic detoxification and cytokines, suggesting that D.
rotundifolia 3× could stimulate self-repair systems, which are impaired in airway
diseases. Furthermore, D. rotundifolia 3× acts on a complex and multifaceted set
of genes and may potentially affect different layers of the bronchial mucosa.
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Preparation of Coronavirus nosodes sourced from a clinical sample

of SARS-Cov-2 positive patient, inactivated strain, and spike
IJHDR Vol. 19 No. 4 (2020)

Introduction Nosodes, the homeopathic preparations sourced from biological
materials including clinical samples, cultures of organisms, and diseased tissues
have been in use against the source-specific infections as well as other diseases.
The nosodes have demonstrated some efficacy in managing epidemics, such as
influenza, dengue, and leptospirosis. This article presents the need and process
of development of nosodes from the SARS-CoV-2 to explore its prophylactic and
therapeutic potentials against certain related viral diseases. MATERIALS AND
METHODS A clinical sample of SARS-Cov-2 positive patient, based on the cycle
threshold (CT) value of the qRT-PCR, heat-inactivated SARS-CoV-2, and spike
glycoprotein all were processed for making nosodes as per the method
described in Homoeopathy Pharmacopoeia of India. Molecular tests, such as
qRT- PCR and sterility tests were performed to establish the live organisms, RNA
material, and the absence of contamination. RESULT Three variants of
Coronavirus Nosode were developed using a clinical sample, heat-inactivated
SARS-CoV-2, and spike glycoprotein. In potencies 3c and above, no detectable
SARS-CoV-2 RNA material was found by PCR. The analytical results for nosodes
were reported as compliant for sterility testing as per the IP. CONCLUSION Three
variants of Coronavirus nosodes were prepared which need to be evaluated
further through pre-clinical and clinical studies.

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Nanoparticle characterization of HOMOEO AGROCARE (Agro

Homeopathic Drug) by HRTEM and EDS analysis
IJHDR Vol. 19 No. 4 (2020)

Background: Use of Homeopathy as a therapeutic tool is still very nascent in
plant science and agriculture. Therapies used for plant growth and diseases are
not relevant for plants alone, but they also drastically influence the ecosystem of
the organic world too. Use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers was a boon
during the initial phase of green revolution around the world. Unfortunately, later
they became the major reason of chronic illnesses like cancers and a cause for
soil degradation all over. Current scenario demands the use of alternative
models in agricultural practices in-order to prevent diseases and to maintain the
health status of the population. This is also very important to get rid of the
damages done to the soil. Aims: Present study aimed at analyzing the material
content of the agro homeopathic drug, ‘Homeo agrocare’. Methdology: High
resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) and Energy dispersion
spectroscopy (EDS) was used to evaluate the material content of the drug.
Results: (1) the drug solution contains plenty of nanoparticles (NPs). (2) the size of
NPs ranges between 4.99nm - 120nm. (3) Twenty elements were identified in the
fields studied. Conclusion: Study conclusively proved the presence of NPs of the
original drug materials used in the ‘Homoeo agrocare’ drug solution. The
presence of NPs of the original drug substances suggest that the drug action of
‘Homoeo agrocare’ in plants is due to the epigenetic modifications initiated by
the NPs in the plant genetics.
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Homoeopathic Viscum album (10-3) is More Cytotoxic to in vitro

Culture of Human Breast Cancer Cell Line than to Human
Mesenchymal Stem Cells
IJHDR Vol. 19 No. 4 (2020)

BACKGROUND Adenocarcinomas can be of several types, and MCF-7 is an
adenocarcinoma of human breast cell line useful as preclinical model to screen
therapeutic agents such as ultra-diluted Viscum album, an European plant
whose extract is commonly used in cancer therapy. AIMS MCF-7 and
mesenchymal stem cells were used to evaluate the in vitro cytotoxicity of
homoeopathic Viscum album 1x10-3 (VAD3). METHODS cells were cultured for 24
hours in controlled environment (37.5oC and 5% CO2) in 96-well plates. After this
time, VAD3 was added to the culture medium in concentrations varying from 10
to 100 ?L/mL for MTT assay (evaluation of viability of cells). A control group was
maintained with culture medium only. After 48 hours, the procedures of analysis
of cells viability were performed. RESULTS MTT assay showed that the
concentrations of 42 ?L/mL and 62 ?L/mL were able to reduce cell viability to
50% in MCF-7 and mesenchymal stem cells, respectively, which means that half
of the cells cultured were dead after 48 hours in contact with VAD3.
CONCLUSION Viscum album presented higher cytotoxic action on human breast
cancer cell line culture than on mesenchymal stem cells. This medicine is
extensively used against cancer, and the use of the homoeopathic form of it
brings new possibilities as no or fewer adverse effects would be present.
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Clinical Research
Homeopathic Treatment as an Add-On Therapy May Improve Quality
of Life and Prolong Survival in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung
Cancer: A Prospective, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-
Blind, Three-Arm, Multicenter Study
Oncologist. 2020 Dec;25(12):e1930-e1955.


Lessons learned: Conventional medicine and homeopathy work well together. Quality
of life improves with additive homeopathy in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
(NSCLC). Survival improves with additive homeopathy in patients with NSCLC.

Background: Patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) have limited
treatment options. Alongside conventional anticancer treatment, additive
homeopathy might help to alleviate side effects of conventional therapy. The aim of
the present study was to investigate whether additive homeopathy might influence
quality of life (QoL) and survival in patients with NSCLC.
Methods: In this prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, three-arm,
multicenter, phase III study, we evaluated the possible effects of additive homeopathic
treatment compared with placebo in patients with stage IV NSCLC, with respect to QoL
in the two randomized groups and survival time in all three groups. Treated patients
visited the outpatients' centers every 9 weeks: 150 patients with stage IV NSCLC were
included in the study; 98 received either individualized homeopathic remedies (n = 51)
or placebo (n = 47) in a double-blinded fashion; and 52 control patients without any
homeopathic treatment were observed for survival only. The constituents of the different
homeopathic remedies were mainly of plant, mineral, or animal origin. The remedies
were manufactured by stepwise dilution and succussion, thereby preparing stable
Good Manufacturing Practice grade formulations.

Results: QoL as well as functional and symptom scales showed significant improvement
in the homeopathy group when compared with placebo after 9 and 18 weeks of
homeopathic treatment (p < .001). Median survival time was significantly longer in the
homeopathy group (435 days) versus placebo (257 days; p = .010) as well as versus
control (228 days; p < .001). Survival rate in the homeopathy group differed significantly
from placebo (p = .020) and from control (p < .001).

Conclusion: QoL improved significantly in the homeopathy group compared with

placebo. In addition, survival was significantly longer in the homeopathy group versus
placebo and control. A higher QoL might have contributed to the prolonged survival.
The study suggests that homeopathy positively influences not only QoL but also survival.
Further studies including other tumor entities are warranted.

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Counting Polar Symptoms: How to Represent Results?

Background: Polar symptoms (PS)-symptoms with opposite values-are
frequently used in homeopathy, but have many misleading entries in the
repertory. This is caused by using absolute occurrence of symptoms, causing
the same medicine to appear in both (opposite) symptom rubrics, and by
lack of comparison with other medicines. Some PS, like 'aversion/desire for
sweets' have a frequency distribution that is not evenly distributed around the
neutral value: a desire for sweets is much more common than aversion. A
desire for sweets is an indication for a specific medicine only if this desire
occurs more frequently in this specific medicine population than in the
remainder of the population. We need to find the best way to represent this
Methods: A multi-centre, explorative, prospective, observational study was
conducted by nine centres of the Central Council for Research in
Homoeopathy. Two-hundred and sixteen patients were enrolled with chronic
cough lasting more than 8 weeks, and received usual homeopathic care.
During intake, 30 general PS, 27 polar cough symptoms and 3 non-polar
cough symptoms were checked. Different ways of representing results were
explored, including two quantities borrowed from mechanics: Centre of Mass
(CoM) and Leverage.
Results: At the fourth follow-up, three medicines with more than 10 cases with
good results were identified: 20 Phosphorus, 19 Pulsatilla and 13 Sulphur. The
mean value of the frequency distribution of some symptoms in the whole
sample was considerably different from the neutral value. Comparing a
medicine population with the remainder of the respective population can
give results that differ from polarity analysis. For some symptoms, the 'distance'
(Leverage) between the CoMs of the medicine population and the
remainder of the population was clearer than the likelihood ratio (LR).
Conclusion: If the LR value is not clear about the prognostic value in PS,
notions from mechanics such as CoM and Leverage can clarify how to
interpret a polar symptom.
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Individualized Homeopathic Medicines in Chronic Rhinosinusitis:

Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial
Homeopathy. 2021 Feb;110(1):13-26.
Background: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a common disorder, with up to an
estimated 134 million Indian sufferers, and having significant impact on quality
of life (QOL) and health costs. Despite the evidence favoring homeopathy in
CRS being inadequate, it is highly popular. This trial attempts to study the
efficacy of individualized homeopathy (IH) medicines in comparison with
placebo in patients with CRS.
Methods: A double-blind, randomized (1:1), placebo-controlled, preliminary
trial (n = 62) was conducted at the National Institute of Homoeopathy, West
Bengal, India. Primary outcome measure was the sino-nasal outcome test-20
(SNOT-20) questionnaire; secondary outcomes were the EQ-5D-5L
questionnaire and EQ-5D-5L visual analog scale scores, and five numeric
rating scales (0-10) assessing intensity of sneezing, rhinorrhea, post-nasal drip,
facial pain/pressure, and disturbance in sense of smell, all measured at
baseline and after the 2nd and 4th months of intervention. Group differences
and effect sizes (Cohen's d) were calculated on the intention-to-treat sample.
Results: Groups were comparable at baseline. Attrition rate was 6.5% (IH: 1,
Placebo: 3). Although improvements in both primary and secondary
outcome measures were higher in the IH group than placebo, with small to
medium effect sizes, the group differences were statistically non-significant
(all p > 0.05, unpaired t-tests). Calcarea carbonica, Lycopodium
clavatum, Sulphur, Natrum muriaticum and Pulsatilla nigricans were the most
frequently prescribed medicines. No harmful or unintended effects,
homeopathic aggravations or any serious adverse events were reported from
either group.
Conclusion: There was a small but non-significant direction of effect favoring
homeopathy, which ultimately renders the trial as inconclusive. Rigorous trials
and independent replications are recommended to arrive at a confirmatory
conclusion. [Trial registration: CTRI/2018/03/012557; UTN: U1111-1210-7201].
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Individualized homeopathic medicines and Urtica urens mother

tincture in treatment of hyperuricemia: an open, randomized,
pragmatic, pilot trial
J Complement Integr Med. 2020 Oct 20
Objectives The quality of management of hyperuricemia has remained sub-
optimal owing to unavoidable toxicities, limitations, and dearth of novel
advances. Homeopathy has remained under-researched in hyperuricemia.
We investigated the clinical effectiveness of three treatment regimens -
individualized homeopathy (IH), Urtica urens mother tincture (UUMT), and
both (IH + UUMT) along with lifestyle modifications in a sample of 90 patients
with hyperuricemia. Methods An open, randomized (1:1:1), 3 parallel arms (IH,
UUMT, and IH + UUMT), pragmatic trial was conducted at National Institute of
Homoeopathy, Kolkata. Outcome measures were serum uric acid (primary),
Gout Assessment Questionnaire version 2 (GAQ2, secondary), and Measure
Yourself Medical Outcome Profile version 2 (MYMOP2, secondary); all
measured at baseline, and after 3 and 6 months. Intention- to-treat sample
was analyzed to detect group differences by unpaired t tests. Results Attrition
rate was 8.9% (IH: 3, UUMT: 3, IH + UUMT: 2). Groups were comparable at
baseline. Reductions in serum uric acid over 3 months were comparatively
higher (p=0.057) in the UUMT group than others, however, the differences
were narrowed over 6 months (p=0.119). Per protocol analysis of serum uric
acid level revealed similar trend of significantly higher reduction in the UUMT
group than the other two (3 months: p=0.001; 6 months: p=0.007). No
significant differences existed in reductions of GAQ2 scores among the three
groups. Few significant differences were detected in MYMOP scores over 3
months favoring IH against others (symptom 2, p=0.001 and wellbeing score,
p=0.002), and also over 6 months favoring IH + UUMT against others (symptom
1, p<0.001). Conclusion Although all three therapies showed similar
improvements, the IH + UUMT group had more positive direction of effects
than IH or UUMT alone; however, no definite conclusion could be arrived at.
Further trials are warranted with larger sample size.
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Development of a Prognostic Factor Prediction Model in Patients

with Musculoskeletal Pain Treated with Homeopathy: An Individual
Patient Data Meta-Analysis of Three Randomized Clinical Trials
Complement Med Res. 2021;28(1):46-55.
Background: Prognostic factor research methodology has not yet been
applied to randomized clinical trial data of homeopathic medicines.
Objectives: To investigate the principle of individualization in homeopathy by
developing a prognostic factor prediction model.
Method: A pooled, in-dividual patient data meta-analysis of 3 randomized
trials -investigating the efficacy of a homeopathic gel (Spiroflor SRL®)
containing Rhus toxicodendron as a key ingredient in osteoarthritis of the
knee and acute low back pain. The prognostic value of a predefined set of 5
typical R. toxicodendron symptoms was investigated by assessing treatment-
by-symptom interactions on pain as an outcome measure in a regression
Results: The pooled dataset consisted of 284 patients in the Spiroflor SRL group
and 275 patients in the control group. Adjusted for pain at baseline, a
statistically significant effect modification for the symptoms "numbness or
tingling of the affected part" (+2.0 mm VAS; p = 0.02), "amelioration by
movement" (-5.6 mm VAS; p = 0.01), and "amelioration of pain by local heat"
(+7.0 mm VAS; p = 0.02) was found.
Conclusions: Investigating aspects of treatment individualization in
homeopathy using randomized trial data and standard meta-analytical
techniques is possible. The symptom amelioration by local heat is of possible
value as a homeopathic symptom (prognostic factor) predicting an
increased likelihood of pain relief following treatment with the homeopathic
Keywords: Individual patient data meta-analysis; Prognostic factor research;
Spiroflor SRL® gel; Treatment individualization.
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A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Pilot Trial of

Individualized Homeopathic Medicines for Cutaneous Warts
Homeopathy. 2021 Mar 24.
Background: Though frequently used in practice, research studies have
shown inconclusive benefits of homeopathy in the treatment of warts. We
aimed to assess the feasibility of a future definitive trial, with preliminary
assessment of differences between effects of individualized homeopathic (IH)
medicines and placebos in treatment of cutaneous warts.
Methods: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial (n = 60) was
conducted at the dermatology outpatient department of D.N. De
Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, West Bengal. Patients were
randomized to receive either IH (n = 30) or identical-looking placebo (n = 30).
Primary outcome measures were numbers and sizes of the warts; secondary
outcome was the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) questionnaire
measured at baseline, and every month up to 3 months. Group differences
and effect sizes were calculated on the intention-to-treat sample.
Results: Attrition rate was 11.6% (IH, 3; placebo, 4). Intra-group changes were
significantly greater (all p < 0.05, Friedman tests) in IH than placebo. Inter-
group differences were statistically non-significant (all p > 0.05, Mann-
Whitney U tests) with small effect sizes-both in the primary outcomes (number
of warts after 3 months: IH median [inter-quartile range; IQR] 1 [1, 3] vs.
placebo 1 [1, 2]; p = 0.741; size of warts after 3 months: IH 5.6 mm [2.6, 40.2] vs.
placebo 6.3 [0.8, 16.7]; p = 0.515) and in the secondary outcomes (DLQI total
after 3 months: IH 4.5 [2, 6.2] vs. placebo 4.5 [2.5, 8]; p = 0.935). Thuja
occidentalis (28.3%), Natrum muriaticum (10%) and Sulphur (8.3%) were the
most frequently prescribed medicines. No harms, homeopathic aggravations,
or serious adverse events were reported.
Conclusion: As regards efficacy, the preliminary study was inconclusive, with
a statistically non-significant direction of effect favoring homeopathy. The trial
succeeded in showing that an adequately powered definitive trial is both
feasible and warranted.
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Comparative Effectiveness of the Homeopathic Preparation

Traumeel S in Third Molar Extraction Surgery: A Preliminary Triple-
Blind Clinical Trial
Homeopathy. 2021 Mar 25.
Background and aim: This preliminary study aimed to evaluate whether a
homeopathic preparation (Traumeel S) might be a good option to control
post-operative outcomes (pain, edema and trismus) associated with surgical
removal of mandibular third molar teeth. The null hypothesis was
that Traumeel S is not different from dexamethasone (gold standard) in
controlling these post-operative inflammatory complications.
Methods: A randomized, "split-mouth", triple-blind clinical trial was conducted.
Seventeen healthy patients with a mean age of 20.94 ( ± 5.83) years had their
lower asymptomatic bilateral third molars removed. Patients were
randomized to receive Traumeel S or dexamethasone pre-operatively by
injection into the masseter muscle; each patient acted as his/her own
control. At 24, 48, 72 hours and 7 days after the surgery, the pain was
evaluated according to a visual analog scale, edema through linear
measurements of the face, and trismus through the maximum buccal
opening. Wilcoxon statistics or paired t-test were used, and a significance
level of 95% was adopted.
Results: For pain, the results for Traumeel S were not different (p > 0.05) from
those of dexamethasone after 24 hours, 72 hours, and 7 days. For edema, the
results for Traumeel S were not different (p > 0.05) from those of
dexamethasone at all post-operative evaluations. For mouth opening, the
results for Traumeel S were not different (p > 0.05) from those of
dexamethasone at 72 hours and 7 days after third molar extraction.
Conclusion: With the exception of some early post-operative findings, the null
hypothesis is not rejected. Traumeel S might be a good alternative approach
to dexamethasone for controlling pain, edema and trismus after third molar
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Individualized Homeopathic Medicines in the Treatment of

Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Double-Blind, Randomized,
Placebo-Controlled, Pilot Trial
Complement Med Res. 2021 Mar 4;1-11.
Introduction: Evidence favoring homeopathy in generalized anxiety disorder
(GAD) remains scarce. The objective of this pilot trial was to test feasibility of a
definitive trial in future. We also experimented whether individualized
homeopathic medicines (IH) plus psychological counseling (PC) can produce
significantly different effects beyond placebo plus PC in the treatment of
Methods: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel arm, pilot
trial was conducted on 62 GAD patients at the National Institute of
Homoeopathy, India. GAD-7 questionnaire and Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-
A) were used as the primary and secondary outcomes, respectively,
measured at baseline and 3 months. Patients received either IH plus PC (n =
31) or identical-looking placebo plus PC (n = 31). Intention-to-treat sample
was analyzed to detect group differences using unpaired t tests.
Results: Recruitment and retention rates were 56 and 90%, respectively. Mean
age was 31.5 years; 56.5% were male. GAD-7 reductions were non-
significantly higher in IH than placebo (p = 0.122). Group differences on HAM-
A favored IH significantly (p = 0.018). Effect sizes were small to medium.
Calcarea carbonica was the most frequently indicated medicine. No serious
adverse events happened.
Conclusions: A small but positive direction of anxiolytic effect was observed
favoring homeopathy over placebo. A definitive trial appeared feasible in
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Evaluation of Individualized Homeopathic Treatment in Patients

With Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Pilot Study
Altern Ther Health Med. 2021 Mar 13;AT6318.
Background: Some studies have suggested the efficacy of homeopathic
treatment for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Objective: The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the efficacy of
individualized homeopathic treatment in patients with IBS.
Methods: The study was carried out at the National Homeopathic Hospital of
the Secretary of Health, Mexico City, Mexico and included 41 patients: 3 men
and 38 women, mean age 54 ± 14.89 years, diagnosed with IBS as defined by
the Rome IV Diagnostic criteria. Single individualized medicine was prescribed
for each patient, taking into account all presenting symptoms, clinical history,
and personality via repertorization using RADAR Homeopathic Software
(archibel, Isnes, Belgium). The homeopathic drugs were used at fifty-millesimal
(LM) potency per the Mexican Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia starting with
0/1 and increasing every month (0/2, 0/3, 0/6). Severity scales were applied
at the beginning of treatment and every month for 4 months of treatment.
The evaluation was based on comparing symptom severity scales during
Results: The results demonstrated that 100% of patients showed some
improvement and 63% showed major improvement or were cured. The study
showed a significant decrease in severity of symptom scores 3 months after
treatment, with the pain score showing a decrease 1 month after treatment.
The results highlight the importance of individualized medicine regimens using
LM potency, although the early decrease in pain observed could also be due
to the fact that Lycopodium clavatum and Nux vomica were the main
homeopathic medicine prescribed, and these medicines contain many types
of alkaloids, which have shown significant analgesic effects on pain caused
by physical and chemical stimulation.
Conclusion: This pilot study suggests that individualized homeopathic
treatment using LM potencies benefits patients with IBS.
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Impact of Homeopathic Treatment on the Quality of Life of Women

with Chronic Diseases: A Randomized Controlled Pragmatic Trial
Homeopathy. 2021 Mar 4.
Background: Despite the increasing demand for complementary and
integrative medicine, only a few studies have evaluated the effect of these
types of treatments on the quality of life (QoL) of patients with chronic
diseases. The objective of this study was to evaluate the QoL of women
treated with homeopathy within the Public Health System of Belo Horizonte,
Methods: This is a prospective randomized controlled pragmatic trial. The
patients were divided into two independent groups, one group underwent
homeopathic treatment in the first 6-month period and the other did not
receive any homeopathic treatment. In both randomized groups, patients
maintained their conventional medical treatment when necessary. The World
Health Organization Quality of Life abbreviated questionnaire (WHOQOL-
BREF) was used for QoL analysis prior to treatment and 6 months later.
Results: Randomization afforded similar baseline results in three domains of
QoL analysis for both groups. After 6 months' treatment, there was a
statistically significant difference between groups in the physical domain of
WHOQOL-BREF: the average score improved to 63.6 ± (SD) 15.8 in the
homeopathy group, compared with 53.1 ± (SD) 16.7 in the control group.
Conclusions: Homeopathic treatment showed a positive impact at 6 months
on the QoL of women with chronic diseases. Further studies should be
performed to determine the long-term effects of homeopathic treatment on
QoL and its determinant factors.
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Individualized Homeopathic Medicines in Stage I Essential

Hypertension: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled
Pilot Trial
J Altern Complement Med. 2021 Mar 23.
Objective: The present study assessed the feasibility of a definitive placebo-
controlled trial for evaluating individualized homeopathy (IH) in stage I
hypertension (HTN). Design: Double-blind, randomized (IH: 34, placebo: 34),
placebo-controlled, parallel arms, pilot trial.
Settings/Location: National Institute of Homoeopathy, India. Subjects: Patients
suffering from stage I HTN. Interventions: IH and identical-looking placebo.
Outcome measures: Feasibility issues, blood pressure (BP) and Measure
Yourself Medical Outcome Profile-2 (MYMOP-2) were assessed for 6 months.
Results: The recruitment and retention rates were 44.4% and 85.3%,
respectively. Group differences were seemingly higher in the IH group than in
the placebo group.
Conclusions: Despite challenges in recruitment, an adequately powered
efficacy trial appears feasible in the future.
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Experimental Evidence Supports New Perspectives in Homeopathy

Homeopathy, 2020 Nov;109(4):256-260.
The contentious debate between homeopathy and orthodox medicine has been
due to the fact that homeopathy is founded on a heuristic philosophy that is not
justified by contemporary scientific evidence. In this context, however, two pillars
of the method, that is, serial dilution and succussion, are poorly understood in
orthodox pharmacology. The experimental data collected in the last 10 years, by
means of electronic microscopy, electron diffraction and DNA arrays
investigations, are consistent with the presence of nanoparticles (nanoassociates)
in homeopathic medicines and seem to provide a coherent view of the essence
of the homeopathy discipline, superseding all previous speculative interpretations.
An acceptance of this new evidence is here suggested to remove, in principle,
the barrier that separates the conventional and homeopathic therapeutic
methods, and to offer new and important perspectives on future health care.
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The Human Microbiome, Conventional Medicine, and Homeopathy

Human health is intimately linked to the ecology and diversity of the human
microbiome. Together, the human organism and the human microbiome work as
a complex super-organism throughout the human life cycle. Microbiome science
provides direct evidence and substantiation of the fundamental principles of
homeopathy, including holism, psychosomatics, direction of cure, the Law of
Similars, individuality and susceptibility, minimum dose, and homeostasis. Whilst
many conventional (allopathic) medical treatments irreversibly damage the
ecology of the microbiome and trigger chronic immune dysfunction and
inflammation, the future sustainability of the entire field of medicine depends on
the ability to recognize these inconvenient biological truths and to embrace a
safer approach based on this evidence. Fortunately, one of the oldest forms of
clinically verifiable, evidence-based, and ecologically sustainable medicine, that
does not harm the microbiome, already exists in the form of homeopathy.
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Homeopathy in Experimental Cancer Models: A Systematic Review

Homeopathy. 2020 Dec 21.
Background: Complementary and alternative medicine, including homeopathy, is
widely used to improve well-being among cancer patients and reduce adverse
effects of conventional treatment. In contrast, there are few studies on the use of
homeopathic medicines to treat the disease itself. Yet, evidence of possible
effectiveness of homeopathic high dilutions in experimental cancer models has
been published during the past 20 years.
Aim: The aim of the study was to perform a systematic review of fundamental
research studies on homeopathic high dilutions in cancer.
Methods: Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guideline, we conducted a literature search in the
database PubMed for original publications, from 2000 to 2018 and in English, on in
vitro and in vivo experimental cancer models testing homeopathic high dilutions.
Results: Twenty-three articles met the inclusion criteria-14 in vitro, eight in vivo, and
one in vitro plus in vivo experimental models. Most studies were from India.
Research prominently focused on cytotoxic effects involving apoptotic
mechanisms. Intrinsic aspects of homeopathy should be considered in
experimental designs to emphasize the specificity of such effects.
Conclusion: Fundamental research of homeopathy in cancer is still at an early
stage and has mainly been performed by a few groups of investigators. The results
point to an interference of well-selected homeopathic medicines with cell cycle
and apoptotic mechanisms in cancer cells. However, these findings still need
independent reproduction.
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Homeopathic Preparations for Preventing and Treating Acute Upper

Respiratory Tract Infections in Children: A Systematic Review and
Acad Pediatr. 2021 Mar;21(2):211-220.
Background: Acute upper respiratory tract infections (ARTIs) are common and
mostly self-limiting. A range of treatments are used with the aim to cure or treat
symptoms, including widespread use of homeopathic treatments.
Objective: To undertake a systematic review and meta-analysis of trials with the
highest level of evidence, to establish the benefits and risks for oral homeopathic
remedies used to treat and prevent ARTIs in children.
Data sources: MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, AMED, CAMbase, British Homeopathic
Library, CENTRAL, WHO ICTRP and registers to March 2018.
Study eligibility, participants, and interventions: Double-blinded randomized trials
in children, treated with oral homeopathic remedies versus placebo or
conventional treatments for ARTI.
Appraisal and synthesis methods: Studies were reviewed in duplicate for inclusion,
data extraction, and risk of bias. Meta-analysis was performed on only 4
outcomes. Other outcomes were reported narratively.
Results: Eight studies (1562 children) were included. Four studies examined
treatment and 4 prevention of ARTIs. Four studies involved homeopaths
individualizing treatment versus four with non-individualized treatments. Three
studies had high risk of bias in at least 1 domain. All studies with low risk of bias
showed no benefit from homeopathy; trials at uncertain and high risk of bias
reported beneficial effects. Two individualized treatment studies (N = 155) did not
show benefit on short-term or long-term cure. Prevention trials showed no
significant outcomes: recurrence of ARTIs. No serious events were reported.
Limitations: Methodological inconsistencies and heterogeneity.
Conclusions: The effectiveness for homeopathic remedies for childhood ARTIs is
not supported in higher quality trials.
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[Evidence-based homeopathy and veterinary homeopathy, and its

potential to help overcome the anti-microbial resistance problem - an
Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd. 2020 Oct;162(10):597-615.
The basic principles of homeopathy, and its legal and scientific foundations, are
discussed in an overview to address the positions of the World Health Organization
(WHO) and the commission of the European Union (EU) on complementary
medicine. According to the WHO, the antimicrobial resistance problem poses a
global threat. The EU Commission's current One Health Action Plan requests
research in complementary medicine, the WHO urges member states to include
complementary medicine in their national health policies. Regarding external
evidence on the general use of human and veterinary homeopathy, evidence
level 1a studies are reviewed. Focusing on the external evidence on the use of
homeopathy in infections, some evidence level 1a, 1b, 2c studies, and a case
report, are described in more detail. In conclusion, evidence for the effectiveness
of human and veterinary homeopathy in general, and in particular, of
homeopathic treatment for infections, is available. Especially, individualized
homeopathy demonstrates effects at all quality levels according to Cochrane
criteria, even in the methodologically high-quality studies. As in most areas of
veterinary medicine and medicine, further good/excellent studies are necessary.
In compliance with the principles of homeopathy, further methodologically high-
quality trials focusing on the homeopathic treatment of infections are the next
logical step. The selection of the simile (individually fitting homeopathic medicinal
product) by appropriately trained homeopathic doctors/veterinarians is essential
for the effectiveness of homeopathy. Implementation of studies at university
facilities is a prerequisite for quality assurance. Consequently, further integration of
homeopathy at universities is a necessary requirement for the patients' best
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Physicochemical Investigations of Homeopathic Preparations: A

Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis-Part 3
J Altern Complement Med. 2021 Jan;27(1):45-57.
Objectives: In parts I and II of our review of physicochemical research performed
on homeopathic preparations, we identified relevant publications and analyzed
the data in terms of individual experiments, looking for the most promising
techniques that were used in the past. In this third part, we analyze the results of
the experiments seeking to extract information about the possible modes of
action underpinning homeopathic preparations.
Methods: We summarized the results from the 11 experimental areas previously
introduced, extracting the general findings and trends. We also summarized the
results in terms of specific research topics: aging, medium used for potentization,
sample volume, temperature, material of potentization vessel, and, finally, the use
of molecules to probe homeopathic samples.
Results: We identified a number of effects that appear consistently throughout the
data: Differences to controls seem to increase with: time, moderate temperature,
small samples volume, and in ionic medium, whereas high temperatures seem to
abolish differences to controls. Based on the present analysis, there is no consistent
evidence to date for the nanoparticle hypothesis to explain specific homeopathic
treatment effects. However, the quantum coherence domain hypothesis, the
dynamic water cluster hypothesis, and the weak quantum theory are still
contenders and need to be further assessed experimentally.
Conclusions: The field requires further targeted experimentation to validate past
findings reporting differences between homeopathic dilutions and controls, and
to expand these findings by specifically testing the three main working hypotheses
that are currently at hand.
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A Homeopathic View of the Influence of Chronic Diseases in the

Manifestation of COVID-19
Homeopathy. 2021 Feb;110(1):67-69.
COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) may present variable symptoms among
infected individuals, with chronic disease patients appearing as the group most
susceptible to present severe pulmonary infection, while having a higher risk of
developing complications from the disease. This study demonstrates the
relationship between the manifestation of COVID-19 and the presence of chronic
miasmatic disease, based on the works of Samuel Hahnemann. The reaction of
the individual who previously presented chronic miasmatic disease, when in
contact with the stimulus of the epidemic disease, depends on the type of
response that the organism was generating in the face of the pre-existing
situation: if it is an intense reaction and greater than that which the stimulus of
COVID-19 can generate, this individual will not develop the severe form of the
epidemic disease; if the reaction is less than that generated by COVID-19, more
intense symptoms may appear. Understanding that the presence of a chronic
miasmatic disease interferes with the manifestation of COVID-19, which may have
repercussions on other organs, can change how one must act on the treatment,
as this can alter the individual's health status.
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Homeopathy Assessment-Contribution of the Human Sciences

Homeopathy. 2021 Mar 4.
The recent questions about homeopathy raised by some sceptics have focused
an awareness on this therapy and led different protagonists among the scientific
community to seek a much-needed re-assessment. The inputs coming from
external but benevolent experts will broaden the knowledge and the
consciousness of the whole medical community, and more widely of the public,
about the meaning and the value of homeopathy. Looking at this from the point
of view of the human sciences gives a perspective on the universality of the
philosophy that underlies homeopathic thinking, which is particularly visible in the
methodological similarities between homeopathic provings and sociological or
anthropological observations. It also explains how this view of health and care
coincides with the expectations of the public, who no longer want a limited
mechanical approach to the human body or more generally to the
environment.The input to homeopathy of the human sciences, with their
methodological tools and approaches, and highlighting the possibilities offered by
mixed-methods research, could enable these notions to be heard and shared in
the wider scientific community.
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Effects of Highly Diluted Drugs on Experimental Infection

with Trypanosoma cruzi In Vivo: Systematic Review
J Altern Complement Med. 2020 Oct;26(10):866-883.
Objective: To investigate, through a systematic review, the effects of the use of
highly diluted drugs in the treatment of experimental infection with Trypanosoma
Design: The authors searched for scientific publications in the databases PubMed,
Web of Science, SCOPUS, LILACS, and the Google Scholar search system, from
2000 to 2018, following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
Meta-analysis (PRISMA) statement. According to the criteria established, a total of
22 studies were included.
Settings/Location: The study took place at the State University of Maringá,
Maringá, PR, Brazil.
Subjects: Male mice (Mus musculus) or rats (Rattus norvegicus).
Interventions: Highly diluted drugs.
Outcome measures: The parameters evaluated in the studies were parasitological,
clinical, immunological, histopathological and hematological.
Results: The studies demonstrated that the effects of highly diluted drugs are
related to their dynamizations, treatment regimen, and host susceptibility to T.
cruzi infection, and depend on the initial information transmitted to the treated
organism, making this information the "model" of how the treated organism will
react. Regardless of the mechanism of action, these drugs provide a decrease in
inflammation, which is one of the central phenomena of the pathogenesis of T.
cruzi infection.
Conclusions: This systematic review brings out the importance of the T.
cruzi infection model as a reliable and valid model for studying different effects
produced by highly diluted drugs. Considering the findings and in a broader
perspective, this study contributes to considering these drugs as a possible way of
dealing with "treatment" in general, presents the need to reexamine the
biochemical model and develop a model for the effect of high dilutions in
general, as well as for the treatment of parasitic infections.
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Pituitary Microadenoma Treated with Individualized Homeopathic
Medicine: A Case Report
Homeopathy. 2020 Nov;109(4):243-247.
Background: Pituitary adenomas are common benign tumors of the pituitary
gland with an overall estimated prevalence of 16.7%. As per the revised World
Health Organization (WHO) classification, these tumors are identified by their
histological subtypes and are designated by their pituitary cell lineage instead of
the hormone they produce. The lactotroph adenoma is the most common
subtype of hormone-producing pituitary adenoma. Surgery is the mainstay of
treatment, but complications are encountered. So far, there is no reported study
evaluating individualized homeopathic intervention in pituitary adenoma in peer-
reviewed journals.
Methods: This case study describes a case of functional lactotroph
microadenoma with history of failed surgical treatment and heavy intrasellar
hemorrhage occurring during the surgery. Phosphorus was prescribed as an
individualized homeopathic medicine on the basis of symptoms-hemorrhagic
complication during surgical procedure and aggravation of headache
Results: There was a marked subjective improvement along with complete tumor
regression, as evidenced by repeat magnetic resonance imaging scans. The
Modified Naranjo Criteria total score was +10 out of a possible +13, providing
some evidence to attribute the clinical outcome with the homeopathic
Conclusion: This case study reconfirms the association between increased
frequency of headaches and pituitary hemorrhage among cases of lactotroph
adenoma. It also suggests that individualized homeopathic treatment may be
helpful in pituitary adenomas with increased risk of complications such as
intrasellar hemorrhage.
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Multimorbidity After Surgical Menopause Treated with

Individualized Classical Homeopathy: A Case Report
Clin Med Insights Case Rep. 2020 Oct 19;13:1179547620965560.
Classical homeopathy was shown to be beneficial in climacteric syndrome in
many studies, but the clinical effect is unclear. To inspect if individualized
classical homeopathy has a role in treating complaints after surgical
menopause through real world case, we present a case of a 54-year-old
Russian woman treated with individualized classical homeopathy for
multimorbid conditions after surgical menopause examined for changes from
homeopathic treatment. We assessed changes in climacteric symptoms,
changes in comorbidities, and the general well-being of the patient. The
woman had severe climacteric syndrome, pelvic inflammatory disease,
dyslipidemia, obesity, hepatic steatosis, pancreatic lipomatosis, gall bladder
disease, and mild subclinical hypothyroidism to begin with. She was treated
with individualized classical homeopathy and followed up for 31 months. She
was relieved of the vasomotor symptoms and psychological disturbances of
climacteric syndrome, her weight reduced, the ultrasound scan showed
absence of lipomatosis/gall bladder disease/hepatic steatosis. Blood tests
showed reduction of thyroid stimulating hormone and a balance in the lipid
status. Individualized classical homeopathy may have a role in the climacteric
syndrome and comorbidities after surgical menopause. The efficacy of
homeopathic therapy in climacteric problems must be scientifically
investigated further.
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Evaluation of the Modified Naranjo Criteria for Assessing Causal

Attribution of Clinical Outcome to Homeopathic Intervention as
Presented in Case Reports
Homeopathy. 2020 Nov;109(4):191-197.
Objectives: The objective of this study was to establish the reliability and
content validity of the "Modified Naranjo Criteria for Homeopathy-Causal
Attribution Inventory" as a tool for attributing a causal relationship between
the homeopathic intervention and outcome in clinical case reports.
Methods: Purposive sampling was adopted for the selection of information-
rich case reports using pre-defined criteria. Eligible case reports had to fulfil a
minimum of nine items of the CARE Clinical Case Reporting Guideline checklist
and a minimum of three of the homeopathic HOM-CASE CARE extension
items. The Modified Naranjo Criteria for Homeopathy Inventory consists of 10
domains. Inter-rater agreement in the scoring of these domains was
determined by calculating the percentage agreement and kappa (κ) values.
A κ greater than 0.4, indicating fair agreement between raters, in conjunction
with the absence of concerns regarding the face validity, was taken to
indicate the validity of a given domain. Each domain was assessed by four
raters for the selected case reports.
Results: Sixty case reports met the inclusion criteria. Inter-rater
agreement/concordance per domain was "perfect" for domains 1 (100%, κ =
1.00) and 2 (100%, κ = 1.00); "almost perfect" for domain 8 (97.5%, κ = 0.86);
"substantial" for domains 3 (96.7%, κ = 0.80) and 5 (91.1%, κ = 0.70); "moderate"
for domains 4 (83.3%, κ = 0.60), 7 (67.8%, κ = 0.46) and 9 (99.2%, κ = 0.50); and
"fair" for domain 10 (56.1%, κ = 0.38). For domains 6A (46.7%, κ = 0.03) and 6B
(50.3%, κ = 0.18), there was "slight agreement" only. Thus, the validity of the
Modified Naranjo Criteria for Homeopathy tool was established for each of its
domains, except for the two that pertain to direction of cure (domains 6A and
Conclusion: The MO: dified NAR: anjo C: riteria for H: omeopathy-Causal
Attribution Inventory was identified as a valid tool for assessing the likelihood of
a causal relationship between a homeopathic intervention and clinical
outcome. Improved wordings for several criteria have been proposed for the
assessment tool, under the new acronym "MONARCH". Further assessment of
two MONARCH domains is required.
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Antimonium crudum in pediatric skin conditions: A classical

homeopathic case series
Clin Case Rep. 2020 Dec 16;9(2):818-824.
Homeopathic Antimonium crudum may be useful in many pediatric skin
conditions if prescribed on symptom similarity. It may especially be helpful in
reducing the use of antibiotics and steroids in this age-group if proven to be
effective through larger scientific studies.
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Fibromyalgia: A Report of 2 Cases Treated With Homeopathy

Altern Ther Health Med. 2021 Feb 20;AT6674.
Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that is characterized by widespread pain
and a multitude of other symptoms, including fatigue, sleep disturbances,
cognitive dysfunction, stiffness, and depressive episodes. Fibromyalgia is most
common in women, though it can occur in men as well. It most often starts in
middle adulthood but can occur in the teen years and in old age.
Fibromyalgia has also been termed central pain amplification disorder,
meaning the volume of pain sensation in the brain is turned up too high. This
study has been conducted to evaluate the role of homeopathic treatment in
fibromyalgia, a chronic pain disorder which a physician may come across
fairly commonly in their practice. Homeopathy has demonstrated great
efficacy in mitigating the symptoms of widespread pain, sleep disturbance,
and fatigue, which are the most commonly reported symptoms of
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Severe Acute Thromboinflammation: Case Report of

Individualized Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathy. 2021 Feb 22.
Thromboinflammation is a still not well-understood phenomenon,
which has recently come to the foreground as a function of its
relevance in the pathophysiology of coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19). The patient described in the present case report
exhibited acute fever, giant urticaria, elevated acute phase
reactants, and very high d-dimer levels, thus characterizing
thromboinflammation. She was diagnosed as a COVID-19 suspect
case, which was not confirmed; urticarial vasculitis was ruled out.
Homeopathic treatment was started with the earliest clinical
manifestations, resulting in rapid and drastic reduction of
inflammation and hypercoagulability within the first 12 hours, and
full recovery on 10-day follow-up assessment. This case
demonstrates the effectiveness of homeopathy in a severe acute
disorder, and points to the need to include laboratory testing in
homeopathic clinical assessment to achieve an accurate picture
of disease, and to avoid the risk of passing over life-threatening
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Appearance of Acute Inflammatory State Indicates Improvement

in Atopic Dermatitis Cases Under Classical Homeopathic
Treatment: A Case Series
Clin Med Insights Case Rep. 2021 Feb 11
The Continuum theory and the Levels of Health theory propound the idea that
return of efficient acute inflammation (high fever) heralds true improvement in
chronic inflammatory states. We present 6 cases of atopic dermatitis (AD),
which had stability in their improvement for 1 year or more, under classical
homeopathy. The cases were retrospectively assessed with selected based on
the Hanifin Rajka atopic dermatitis diagnostic criteria and the follow ups
evaluated according to changes on SCORing Atopic Dermatitis scale
(SCORAD) scale. The pictures are presented as evidence. Modified Naranjo
Criteria for assessing causal attribution of clinical outcome to homeopathic
intervention was used to assess the effect of homeopathy in these cases. All
the cases improved and stabilised with complete skin clearance (those that
relapsed within 1 year were not included). These patients had not suffered
high fevers/acute inflammatory diseases since onset/aggravation of AD. Five
of the 6 cases developed acute inflammatory diseases as the chronic
condition improved. The last case showed return of an old, lesser pathology.
The control cases - which were selected for non-improvement under classical
homeopathy also showed remarkable skin clearance when there was
appearance of acute inflammatory states. In this study, there is a mutually
exclusive relationship between efficient acute inflammation and chronic
inflammation, which is in accordance with the 2 theories considered here.
Further scientific studies are necessary to establish the phenomenon at tissue
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Homeopathic Treatment of Pododermatitis in Magellanic Penguins
(Spheniscus magellanicus)
Homeopathy. 2021 Feb;110(1):62-66.
Background: Problems with the feet are common in penguins, with a particular
predisposition to pododermatitis. This condition usually occurs due to the
changes in normal activity that result from being held captive, but its precise
pathogenesis is still undetermined.
Methods/patients: This veterinary case study reports the use of oral homeopathic
treatment on acute and chronic pododermatitis in five Magellanic penguins in a
zoological park setting. During treatment, the patients remained in the penguins'
living area, and the effect of the treatment on the progression of their lesions
was assessed visually once weekly. The treatment consisted of a combination
of Arnica montana and Calcarea carbonica.
Results: After treatment, the appearance of the lesions had noticeably
improved: in the majority of penguins there was no longer evidence of infection
or edema in the feet. The rate of recovery depended on the initial severity of the
lesion. Those penguins that still showed signs of infection nevertheless exhibited a
clear diminution of the size and thickness of the lesions. Homeopathic treatment
did not cause any side effects.
Conclusion: Homeopathy offers a useful treatment option for pododermatitis in
captive penguins, with easy administration and without side effects.
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Evaluation of the Efficacy of Crataegus oxyacantha in Dogs with

Early-Stage Heart Failure
Homeopathy. 2020 Nov;109(4):224-229.
Background: Myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) is the most common
cardiopathy in middle-aged dogs. When the dog is asymptomatic and has an
enlarged left atrium, treatment is beneficial; however, some allopathic drugs are
very costly and may produce side effects. To extend the duration of this
asymptomatic phase, complementary therapies such as herbal medicine and
homeopathy are available. Although herbal therapy with extract of Crataegus
oxyacantha is beneficial, there is a risk of adverse reactions-unlike with
homeopathy, where the risk is minimized with the administration of ultra-diluted
Objective: This study evaluated the efficacy of Crataegus oxyacantha, as
mother tincture (MT) and in 6 cH homeopathic formulation, in treating the initial
phase of heart failure due to MMVD in a veterinary clinic setting.
Methods: A total of 30 dogs with MMVD, 7 years or older and weighing up to 10
kg, were randomized into three groups as follows: Crataegus 6
cH, Crataegus MT, and hydroalcoholic solution (placebo). Animals were
evaluated through echocardiography parameters, laboratory blood tests, and
systolic blood pressure (SBP) measurements at 30, 60, 90, and 120 days after
initiation of therapy, for statistical analysis and monitoring of the blinded study.
Results: Patients who received Crataegus 6 cH showed a reduction in SBP 60
days after treatment, while those receiving Crataegus MT exhibited a reduction
90 days after the therapy was initiated. There was a significant linear regression
when evaluating the effect of treatment with Crataegus 6 cH on SBP
measurements over the evaluation intervals (linear equation: SBP = 176.57 mm
Hg - 0.21x, where x represents days of treatment). There was an increase in both
fractional shortening and isovolumetric relaxation time for those patients
receiving the homeopathic formulation.
Conclusions: Therapy with Crataegus was beneficial for hypertensive and
cardiopathic dogs with MMVD, extending the duration of the asymptomatic
phase. The reduction in SBP occurred more swiftly in the 6 cH group than in the
MT-treated dogs.
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Experimental infection with Escherichia coli in broilers: Impacts of the

disease and benefits of preventive consumption of a stimulator of
homeopathic immunity
Microb Pathog. 2020 Dec;149:104570.
Colibacillosis is a disease caused by Escherichia coli that manifests itself when there
are homeostatic imbalances or in the context of increased exposure, in which
case the organism displays opportunistic behavior. To control this problem in
poultry, antibiotics are used in the feed, because E. coli is component of the
intestinal microbiota of birds. However, because of the changing dietary habits of
the human population that seeks out healthier foods without antimicrobial residues,
there have been many studies of alternatives to replace conventional
antimicrobials as performance enhancers. Thus, the objective of the present study
was to determine whether daily consumption of a homeopathic product (immune
stimulator) by broilers stimulates immune responses and thereby minimizes the
negative effects of experimental E. coli infection. We used 320 1-day-old Cobb 500
chicks, distributed in two groups with eight repetitions each, and 20 birds per
repetition: control (CG) and homeopathy (HG). HG birds consumed doses of 0.02
mL/bird/day (1-7 d) via water, 0.01 ml/bird (8-21 d), 0.02 ml/bird (22-28 d), 0.01
mL/bird (29-35 d), and 0.02 mL/bird (35-45 d), as recommended by the
manufacturer. At day 22 of the birds' life, the two groups were divided into four
subgroups, with four repetitions per subgroup. On day 22, birds in CG1 and HG1
groups were infected intraperitoneally with 0.5 mL of inoculum containing 1.0 ×
108 CFU of E. coli/mL. During the experimental period, data were collected for
analysis of performance. On days 21 and 45 of age, we collected blood and
feces. During the first 21 days of the experiment, we found that birds that
consumed the immunostimulator had lower neutrophil counts and higher levels of
globulins, however without significant difference between groups in terms of
performance. Uninfected birds that consumed the homeopathic product in the
water had less feed conversion (HG2) between days 1-35 and 1 to 45 compared to
the other treatments. Mortality was higher in groups experimentally infected with E.
coli (HG1 and CG1) from 22 to 35 days of life. There were greater numbers of
lymphocytes in the HG2 group on day 45 than in CG1 and CG2; while numbers of
neutrophils were lower at 42 days in birds of groups HG1 and HG2 than in CG1.
Lower total bacterial counts, total coliforms and E. coli were observed in the feces
of birds in the HG2 group compared to the other groups. Taken together, these
findings suggest that inclusion of homeopathic product in the water of broilers had
positive effects on the modulation of the immune response and on feed conversion
in birds not challenged with E. coli. But the preventive protocol used in this study
was not able to minimize the negative effects caused by the experimental E. coli
intraperitoneal infection in broilers, featuring a substantial infectious challenge.
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The effects of road transportation with or without homeopathic

remedy supplementation on growth performance, apparent nutrient
digestibility, fecal microbiota, and serum cortisol and superoxide
dismutase levels in growing pigs
J Anim Sci. 2021 Mar 8;skab077.
The specialization of swine production and the market demand for pigs at
different growth stages makes road transportation inevitable. However, road
transportation usually causes a stress response in pigs. It is reported that
homeopathic remedies supplementation could alleviate the stress response in
pigs. This study investigated the effects of road transportation with or without
homeopathic remedy (Convermax) supplementation on growth performance,
nutrient digestibility, fecal microbiota, and serum cortisol and superoxide
dismutase (SOD) concentrations in growing pigs. A total of 180 49-day old
growing pigs [(Yorkshire × Landrace) × Duroc] with an initial body weight of 13.17
± 0.02 kg were randomly allotted to 2 groups based on the initial body weight,
containing 18 replicates with 5 pigs (mixed sex) in each. The pigs were fed
dietary supplementation of a homeopathic remedy (Convermax) (0 or 200
mg/kg of feed, as-fed) for 35 days. On day 21, forty-five pigs (70-day old; 25.25 ±
0.37 kg) were randomly selected from each group and assigned to either 2 hr of
road transportation or no road transportation, resulting in a 2×2 factorial design.
We found that road transportation led to an increase in the fecal coliform
bacteria counts (P = 0.023) and serum cortisol concentration (P = 0.039) and a
decrease in the serum superoxide dismutase (SOD) concentration (P < 0.001).
However, supplementing homeopathic remedy (Convermax) to the diet of
growing pigs increased gain to feed ratio (P = 0.042), apparent nitrogen
digestibility (P = 0.019), and serum SOD concentration (P = 0.007), whereas
decreased serum cortisol concentration (P = 0.022). In brief, road transportation
induced stress response for growing pigs and increased harmful bacteria counts
in their intestines. Dietary supplementation of homeopathic remedy
(Convermax) alleviated stress response, improved apparent nitrogen digestibility,
and increased gain to feed ratio. However, no significant interactive effects
between road transportation with or without dietary homeopathic remedy
(Convermax) levels were observed on the detected parameters in growing pigs.
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Effect of Homeopathic Preparations on Lettuce, Parasitized or Not

by Meloidogyne enterolobii
Homeopathy. 2020 Dec 24.
Background: There are relatively few scientific works on the use of
homeopathy to manage plant pathogens, particularly nematodes. A handful
of studies focused on Meloidogyne spp. parasitizing vegetables have brought
contradictory results on nematode control and enhancement of plant
tolerance to parasitism.
Objective: Our goal was to assess the effect of Cina-a well-known anti-
nematode ingredient-on Meloidogyne enterolobii parasitizing lettuce.
Methods: Cina was applied daily on nematode-inoculated plants, from the
seedling stage until harvest. We tested an evenly spaced range of
Hahnemannian concentrations (c), which were applied though irrigation with
a constant dose of the ingredient. Several absolute and relative controls
were employed to allow the assessment of the effect of Cina on nematode
reproduction and lettuce growth.
Results: Cina affected growth of non-parasitized plants, both positively and
negatively; this effect was modulated by the c applied and the thermal stress
suffered by the plants in one of the assays. The effect of Cina on the growth
of nematode-parasitized plants was neutral or negative. Cina reduced
nematode reproduction by 25-36%.
Conclusion: Based on the moderate negative effect of Cina on M.
enterolobii reproduction, it seems this ingredient may be useful as a
complementary strategy for Meloidogyne control. But Cina did not enhance
the tolerance of lettuce to Meloidogyne spp.
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Effects of Homeopathic Preparations of Mercurius corrosivus on the
Growth Rate of Moderately Mercury-Stressed Duckweed Lemna
gibba L
Homeopathy. 2021 Mar 10.
Background: A bioassay with severely mercury-stressed duckweed (Lemna
gibba L.) had revealed growth-inhibiting effects of homeopathically
potentised mercury(II) chloride (Mercurius corrosivus, Merc-c.). We
hypothesised that effects of potentised preparations are dependent on the
stress level of the organisms used in the bioassay. The aim of the present
investigation was to examine the response of duckweed to potentised Merc-
c. at a lower stress level.
Methods: Duckweed was moderately stressed with 2.5 mg/L mercury(II)
chloride for 48 hours. Afterwards plants grew in either Merc-c. (seven different
potency levels, 24x-30x) or water controls (unsuccussed or succussed water)
for 7 days. Growth rates of the frond (leaf) area were determined using a
computerised image-analysis system for day 0-3 and 3-7. Three independent
experiments with potentised Merc-c. and three systematic negative control
experiments were performed. All experiments were randomised and blinded.
Results: Unsuccussed and succussed water did not significantly differ in their
effects on duckweed growth rate. The systematic negative control
experiments did not yield any significant effects, thus providing evidence for
the stability of the experimental system. Data from the two control groups
and the seven treatment groups (Merc-c. 24x-30x) were each pooled to
increase statistical power. Duckweed growth rates for day 3-7 were
enhanced (p < 0.05) after application of Merc-c. compared with the controls.
Growth rates for day 0-3 were not influenced by the homeopathic
Conclusions: Moderately mercury-stressed Lemna gibba L. yielded evidence
of growth-enhancing specific effects of Merc-c. 24x-30x in the second
observation period (day 3-7). This observation is complementary to previous
experiments with severely mercury-stressed duckweed, in which a decrease
in growth was observed in the first observation period (day 0-3). We
hypothesise that the differing results are associated with the level of stress
intensity (moderate vs. severe).
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Systematic Review on the Use of Homeopathy in Dentistry: Critical
Analysis of Clinical Trials
J Altern Complement Med. 2021 Mar;27(3):214-224.
Objectives: The objective of this research was to systematically map the
literature on homeopathy and dentistry studies and to evaluate the
effectiveness of using homeopathy in dental practice through the critical
analysis of clinical studies.
Design: The search for scientific articles in any language, year, and place of
publication was made in the databases of Public Medline (PUBMED), Web of
Science, Cochrane, and Virtual Health Library; the articles selected were later
classified according to the type of study. Gray literature was accessed
through Google Scholar. Clinical trials were analyzed for methodological
quality. Two previously trained reviewers accomplished the entire process
Results: Of the 281 studies retrieved by means of the search, 44 met the
eligibility criteria, with prevalence of literature reviews (56.8%), followed by
clinical trials (34.1%), cross-sectional studies (6.8%), laboratory research (6.8%),
and longitudinal observational studies (4.5%). The clinical trials identified were
published from 1965 to 2019, using homeopathy in several dental specialties:
in Endodontics, Periodontics, Orofacial Pain, Surgery, Pediatric Dentistry, and
Stomatology, as well as in cases of dental anxiety. Qualitative failures, in all
criteria investigated, and positive influences of the individual prescriptions on
the results of treatments reported were observed.
Conclusions: There is still a scarcity of studies about homeopathy and
dentistry. The clinical trials selected showed positive effects on oral health;
however, when they were critically evaluated, it was possible to recognize
qualitative failures, mainly relative to double-blinding. It is necessary to
encourage research on the subject, using standardized methodological
procedures, to obtain better evaluation of the clinical applicability.
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Five Years of Practical Experience Using the Revised Proving
Guidelines of the Homœopathic Pharmacopœia Convention of
the United States
Homeopathy. 2020 Nov;109(4):230-237.
The Homœopathic Pharmacopœia of the United States (HPUS) is one of the
three officially recognized compendia of medical drugs in the United States.
A well-conducted homeopathic proving is one pathway to entry into the
HPUS. In 2013, guidelines for homeopathic drug provings were updated to
better assess the methodology of provings and improve the confidence in
the outcomes generated. In addition, the team who developed the revised
guidelines included a pragmatic approach to assess the quality of proving
outcomes in terms of their usefulness in determining the therapeutic profile.
The monograph review team, composed of homeopathic clinicians and
researchers, has evaluated 25 new homeopathic medicines for monograph
purposes. The team has noted that the guidelines have helped frame and
standardize the monograph review process. The revised structure for
monograph reporting has enhanced the reviewer's ability to ascertain the
therapeutic profile for a new substance. Sponsors have stated that the new
guidelines have helped increase their conformance with Good Clinical
Practices, helped improve the reporting and transparency of their provings,
and may help safeguard provings as a valid research method. Similar
harmonized guidelines have been adopted by the European Committee for
Homeopathy and the Liga Medicorum Homœopathica Internationalis.
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International Patent Survey of Products and Processes Concerning
Homeopathy. 2021 Feb;110(1):2-12.
Background: Homeopathy is a complementary medicine characterized by the
use of diluted and potentized medicines. Innovations in this area are
constantly being proposed in the relevant literature, such as scientific articles
and patents. The objective of this study was to carry out a patent survey of
homeopathic products and processes.
Methods: A free and international patent database, Espacenet, was used. The
search was carried out using the keyword homeop*, with two approaches: (1)
no date restrictions for the search and (2) a date limit for the publication years
2008 to 2018. The patents from the limited period were organized as depositor
countries, ownerships and groups, including homeopathic formulations,
equipment, packaging, production procedures, and analytical methods.
Results: Without date restriction, 601 patents were identified in the survey. Of
these, 174 were related to homeopathy and published in the period 2008 to
2018. Technologies come mainly from the following countries: United States (55
patents), Russia (24), Germany (15), France (13), India (12), Ukraine (11), Brazil
(6), and China (6). Among the ownerships, 69% of patent applications were by
independent depositors, 23% by companies, 7.5% by universities, and 0.5% by
company/university partnerships. New formulations represented 75.9% of
technologies, whilst the others comprised 14.3% for equipment, 3.8% for drugs
packaging, 3.8% for production procedures, and 2.2% for analytical methods.
Conclusions: The present review helps visualize the homeopathy-related
patents published in recent years, as well as the main countries and
researchers investing in the field of homeopathy.
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Data Collection during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Learning from

Experience, Resulting in a Bayesian Repertory
Homeopathy. 2021 Jan 4.
Background: A novel pandemic disease offered the opportunity to create
new, disease-specific, symptom rubrics for the homeopathic repertory.
Objective: The aim of this study was to discover the relationship between
specific symptoms and specific medicines, especially of symptoms occurring
frequently in this disease.
Materials and methods: Worldwide collection of data in all possible formats by
various parties was coordinated by the Liga Medicorum Homeopathica
Internationalis. As the data came in, more symptoms were assessed
prospectively. Frequent analysis and feedback by electronic newsletters were
used to improve the quality of the data. Likelihood ratios (LRs) of symptoms
were calculated. An algorithm for combining symptom LRs was programmed
and published in the form of an app. The app was tested against 18 well-
described successful cases from Hong Kong.
Results: LRs of common symptoms such as 'Fatigue' and 'Headache' provided
better differentiation between medicines than did existing repertory entries,
which are based only on the narrow presence or absence of symptoms. A
mini-repertory for COVID-19 symptoms was published and supported by a
web-based algorithm. With a choice of 20 common symptoms, this algorithm
produced the same outcome as a full homeopathic analysis based upon a
larger number of symptoms, including some that are traditionally considered
more specific to particular medicines.
Conclusion: A repertory based on clinical data and LRs can differentiate
between homeopathic medicines using a limited number of frequently
occurring epidemic symptoms. A Bayesian computer algorithm to combine
symptoms can complement a full homeopathic analysis of cases.
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Prevalence and Likelihood Ratio of Six Objective Signs among

Good Responders to Natrum muriaticum: Multi-centre
Observational Assessment
Homeopathy. 2021 Feb;110(1):36-41.
Background: The reliability of homeopathic prescriptions may increase through
resource to objective signs and guiding symptoms with significant positive
likelihood ratio (LR). We estimated LR for six objective signs attributed to the
homeopathic medicine Natrum muriaticum (Nat-m).
Methods: In this multi-centre observational assessment, we investigated the
prevalence of six signs in the general patient population and among good
responders to Nat-m in daily homeopathic practice. Next, we calculated LR
for these six signs.
Results: Data from 36 good responders to Nat-m and 836 general population
patients were compared. We found statistically significant positive LR (95%
confidence interval) for signs such as lip cracks (1.94; 1.15 to 3.24), recurrent
herpes (2.29; 1.20 to 4.37), hairline eruptions (2.07; 1.03 to 4.18), and dry hands
(2.13; 1.23 to 3.69).
Conclusions: Objective signs with significant positive LR might increase the
reliability of homeopathic prescriptions. Further studies are warranted to
confirm the validity of this approach.
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Trajectory of Patients Treated With Classical Homeopathy: A

Retrospective Analysis
Altern Ther Health Med. 2021 Jan;27(1):56-64.
Context: Controversy over the efficacy of homeopathic medicine is rooted in
the view that its methodology is implausible.
Objective: The study intended to explore the postintervention results for a
randomly selected group of patients in an actual practice.
Design: The study was a retrospective review of the charts of patients receiving
homeopathy, performed as a pilot study.
Setting: The study took place at a part-time, urban practice in the Mid-Atlantic
USA with an area population of about 600 000.
Participants: The charts of 53 patients were randomly sampled for later
abstraction and were included in the study. They were admitted between
August 2010 and June 2014 for first-time visits and took part in at least one
follow-up visit during the six months after the intervention.
Outcome measures: A standardized tool was used to abstract the data from
patients' charts. After exclusions and losses to follow-up, data from 40 charts
were analyzed. The actual number of visits after the initial visit that was
included in the analysis varied from one to five. The current status of up to five
diagnoses or problems were tracked for each patient and each visit as was
the number of allopathic medications in use and the overall trajectory based
on classical homeopathic analysis, evaluating whether the patient was better,
worse, or unchanged overall.
Results: The charts of 27 patients demonstrated overall improvement; the
charts of 12 patients demonstrated no overall change or a worsening of
problems or symptoms. The difference between the improved and the
nonimproved groups of participants postintervention were significant (P =
.0026). Data also demonstrated a significant reduction in the use of allopathic
medication and an increase in the number of improved individual conditions
or diagnoses (P < .05).
Conclusions: The current study of the treatment experience of 40 persons with
a variety of medical conditions found that a majority of patients, when their
charts were analyzed according to specific criteria, experienced
improvements while undergoing classical homeopathic treatment. The reasons
for these improvements can't be determined from available data, but the
results do pose important questions about how humans heal. While other
factors might account for this result, it's difficult to fully dismiss the idea that
homeopathic medicine may have had some impact on observed results.
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Use of Homeopathy in Integrative Oncology in Strasbourg, France:

Multi-center Cross-Sectional Descriptive Study of Patients
Undergoing Cancer Treatment
Homeopathy. 2021 Mar 4.
Context: The use of homeopathy in oncological supportive care seems to be
progressing. The first French prevalence study, performed in 2005 in Strasbourg,
showed that only 17% of the subjects were using it. What is the situation 12
years later?
Materials and methods: This is a descriptive study, using a questionnaire
identical to that used in 2005, on 633 patients undergoing treatment in three
anti-cancer centers in Strasbourg. The results of the "homeopathy" sub-group
were extracted and studied.
Results: Of the 535 patients included, 164 used homeopathy: that is 30.7%. The
main purpose of its use was to reduce the side effects of cancer treatments
(75%). Among the users, 82.6% were "somewhat" or "very" satisfied, against
"quite" satisfied for 15.5%, and "not at all" satisfied for 1.9%. The homeopathic
treatment was prescribed by a doctor in 75.6% of the cases; the general
practitioner was kept informed in 87% of the cases and the oncologist in 82%.
Fatigue, pain, nausea, anxiety, sadness and diarrhea were improved in 80% of
the cases. However, alopecia, weight disorders and loss of libido were the
least improved symptoms. The use of homeopathy was significantly associated
with the female sex.
Conclusion: With a prevalence of 30.7%, homeopathy is the most used
complementary medicine in integrative oncology in Strasbourg. Over 12 years,
we have witnessed an increase of 83% in its use in the same city. Almost all
respondents declare themselves satisfied and tell their doctors more readily
than in 2005.
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International Journal of High Dilution Research

Vol. 20 No. 1 (2021): Proceedings of COVID-19 meeting

• COVID-19: cases cured with Homoeopathy
• Therapy of coronavirus infection
• Survey COVID-19 first peak 2020 viewpoint of belgian homeopathic medical
• Preliminary analysis of the Clificol COVID-19 support project
• Updates from China: clinical and research experience of homeopathy in
the pandemic
• Homeopathy and the COVID-19 pandemic: quasi-experimental
observational study
• Homeopathy and emotional disorders in children during covidian-19
• Clinical study of China officinalis in the view of classical systemic
homeopathy during COVID-19 epidemic in São Paulo
• Homeopathic medicine as health promotion during COVID-19 pandemic
period in Niteroi city

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