MKT 301 Case Presentation Participate

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May I Start sir honorable /Teacher/ ladies and gentlemen

Assalamu alaikum Good afternoon everyone I am Mahmudul Hasan 10 th Semester Student of BBA
Department (Due to psychiatric problem i did not continue to my study 3 years in iubat)

Today I am Going to tell you Managing the trade marketing relationships of Texfin case study
solve. .

I will take approximately 7 minutes time .

The Aim of the presentation is to inform you that managing trade marketing relation of texfin . At first,
we have tried to detect finding of the research that was commissioned by texfin management

The sequences of my presentation would be

 Introduction
 Findings of the market research on issues affecting B2B trade marketing in
Texfin’s sector
 Recommended action Texfin’s senior management
 implications of this study on how we understand manufacturer/retailer IORs in

Ladies and gentlemen

I wants to tell you that

Introduction or summary of the study

Slide read

Then-- We shall analyze the findings of the research that was commissioned by Texfin
management in order to determine if promotion and branding had a role to play in the
effectiveness of their channel management strategies. Moreover there will be implications which
will be drawn from the Texfin case. Owing to the findings then we will be able to give the
recommendation necessary to Texfin.

Ladies and gentlemen

Now I wants to tell you

Findings of the market research on issues affecting B2B trade marketing in Texfin’s sector

Slide read

Findings of the market research on issues affecting B2B trade marketing in Texfin’s sector
In terms of relative importance of the issues affecting B2B trade
marketing in Texfin it was realized that despite the scores being quite uniform across the sample,
there existed disparities among different customer segment. Merchant apparently identified with
historical need to come in contact with their respective sales representative virtually every week.
As pointed out by one of the merchants, they relied heavily on the manufacturer sales support to
make their staff be up-to-date with what was going on in a given sector. As it was well noted
relationship marketing was found to be very indispensable to the retailers.. It was realized that
retain groups had so much information about
performance of the product and its movement in the market than the manufacturers themselves.
Rank Issue Classification that was commissioned to be investigated gave insightful pointers of
the real situation about the product and how it is performing in the market. Order completeness
logistics service gave an indicator of the satisfaction that the potential customers were drawing
from the products of Texfin in the way the specific orders were being acted upon. How well was
the product reaching the customer helping them to solve the intended purpose? It follows that the
retailers are the ones in the constant contact with the consumer on the ground
and consequently they will have more knowledge about the product movement more than any
one else. While the survey findings indicated that superior levels service of logistics offered
Texfin the
chance to have a competitive edge, if the rival manufacturers on the other hand improved their
tactics then the effort by Texfin will be futile and instead it will level out with that of the
competitors. Then Texfin was to look for alternative means to apt its performance owing to the
imminent entry of other competitors.

Ladies And Gentlemen

Also I explain that

recommend to Texfin’s senior management

Branding and promotion has a role to play in the effectiveness of the channel management
strategies. The brand management strategies are needed to sustain the need at the consumer end.
In trade marketing it relates to building demand and the middlemen such as the wholesalers,
retailers and distributors. The manufacturers may offer display allowances and promotional
support to retailers in exchange for additional space. The middlemen should be encouraged to
stock up the goods from a particular retailer. Trade marketing managers are in charge of
developing marketing programs targeted to distributors, wholesalers and retailers. For example
Texfin could advertise the product in the retailer’s magazine and moreover offer discounts to
retailers that give their product additional floor space. Trade marketing managers should
implement and coordinate marketing programs that increase the company brand presence and
subsequent its market share. In the long run there will be improved customer satisfaction.

effective coordination with the sales team to ensure that trade marketing strategies
are aligned with sales objectives and the revenue targets. Supply chain management is the
strategic and systematic coordination of the traditional business functions and tactics across these
particular business functions within a company and across businesses within the supply chain.
Considering that there are other competitors who are eying to enter the UK Market the Texfin
sector has to up their promotional activities and their touch with the final consumers through the
sales representatives and the retailers. The market research that was carried out had very low
response rate and consequent in future research there should be incentives to encourage more
participation by the correspondent

Ladies And Gentleman

I wants to answered that

The implications of this study on how we understand manufacturer/retailer IORs in


In this instance it can be said there was no smooth flow of

information between the manufacturer and the retailer (McDonald, 2007).The study indicates
that most of the manufacturers do not hold in high esteem their relationship with the wholesalers
and retailers. Generally the manufacturers will carry out their activities in marketing without
carrying the opinion of the retailers. The retailers, wholesalers and retailers stage their own
strategies without coordinating with each other. When the marketing promotions are staged
independently then their effective goal may not be realized fully. In order to optimize
performance, supply chain function should operate in an integrated manner. Some retailers will
cancel orders at the last meet disorienting the manufacturers (Dessy, 2010). Materials to the
manufacturers may not arrive on time delaying the production function and consequently the
good may not reach the willing customer in time

Now Conclusion

Business to business marketing is just important as the promotion

of the good to the final consumers. It is also important to carry out research in order to
determine how effective the marketing strategy is and get to know any hitches in the marketing
promotional program.

This is All About My Topic Do You Have Any Question Regarding My topic ? Fell Free to ask

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