Clil Multikey Lesson Plan

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CLIL MultiKey lesson plan


Subject: Biology

Topic: Digestion

Age of students: 16-18

Language level: B1/B2

Time: 45/60 min

Lesson 1: Human digestive system

Content aims:

After completing the lesson, the student will be able to:

List internal organs that take part in digestion.

Explain functions of internal organs that take part in digestion.

Illustrate the way digestive system works.

Conclude how we can improve the workout of the intestine.

CLIL MultiKey lesson plan

Language aims:

After completing the lesson, the student will be able to:

Use new vocabulary within the topics.

Describe the processes of digestion using new terms.

Analyze the main ideas and details in texts related to the topic ‘Digestion’.

Vocabulary: abdomen, alimentary canal, digest, digestion, digestive, ingestion, egestion, saliva, mouth cavity, crush, grind,
break down, chew, chyme, bolus, gullet(oesophagus), stomach, acid(ic), bile, peristalsis, intestine, mucus, villus/villi, colon,
anus, faeces, water-soluble, fat-soluble

Necessary resources: diagrams, texts, worksheets, internet resources .

Learning methods: work with texts, demonstration, visualisation, talk, brainstorm.

Procedure steps:

The teacher announces the topic ”Digestion. Human digestive system”

1.Introducing necessary vocabulary. The teacher discusses and writes on the board all words that could be derived from

2.Brainstorm activity in pairs: which internal organs take part in digestion?(mouth,teeth, gullet,stomach,small and large
intestine, liver,pancreas.)
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan

3.Students are offered a worksheet (handout 1) and fill in the missing words(organs of the digestive system). Then
students read out their answers.

4.Students watch a short video (3:48) on digestive system.”Digestive system for kids”.

5.After watching activities-students fill in the table.(handout 2)

CLIL MultiKey lesson plan

Handout 2.↑
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan

Key for the table:↑

Stomach-gastric juice/HCL-hydrochloric acid and protease,pepsi/food(protein molecules are broken down into smaller
chains)turns into liquid/bacteria are killed by acid;

Small intestine-bile and pancreatic juice/bile contains salt,pancreatic juice contains sodium hydrogencarbonate and
enzymes/starch is broken down to maltose, proteins –into polypeptides, fats-to fatty acids and glycerol/acid is neutralised
by sodium hydrogencarbonate, villi absorb the digested food

Large intestine-water is left/water,salts, mucus and rubbed off cells/water and salts pass into blood/undigested fibre exits
the alimentary canal.

6. Reflection/speculations on topic:

Teacher asks questions:

- what is the role of teeth?(They break down food physically, grind food)

- how can we improve the workout of the intestine?(We can eat more products containing roughage/fibre).

- why do we need villi in the intestine?(They enlarge the surface of the absorption).

*Source: Keith Kelly,Science.Macmillan,2008.

CLIL MultiKey lesson plan

Lesson 2 : The digestive system.

Content aims:

After completing the lesson, the student will be able to:

Illustrate the way digestive system works.

Evaluate presentation about the digestive system.

Explain the role of the teeth in digestion.

Language aims:

After completing the lesson, the student will be able to:

Use new vocabulary within the topics.

Describe the processes of digestion using new terms.

Analyze the main ideas and details in texts related to the topic ‘Digestion’.

Vocabulary: abdomen,absorb, absorption, alimentary canal, digest, digestion, digestive, ingestion, egestion, saliva, mouth
cavity, crush, grind, break down, chew, chyme, bolus, gullet(oesophagus), stomach, acid(ic), bile, peristalsis, intestine,
mucus, villus/villi, colon, anus, faeces, water-soluble, fat-soluble
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan

1.Students watch and listen to their peer’s presentation about the digestive system.(15min)

2.Students are asked questions by the presenter.

3.Students ask questions to the presenter.

4.Students evaluate the presentation.

5.Teacher’s evaluation and coments.

CLIL MultiKey lesson plan

Attachment *:
Presentation evaluation
Variant A
4 5 3 2 1
almost satisfactory Score
Criteria good e satisfactory unsatisfactory

Basic concepts / Has acquired allHas acquired most of theHas acquired some basic Has acquired only a few Hasn’t acquired none of the
basic concepts and principles
the basic concepts concepts and principles ofbasic concepts and basic concepts and principles
Principles of
and principles of the topic the topic principles of the topic of the topic
the topic

Elaboration Evaluation Well structured,Generally well structured,Sufficient explanation, with

Thea explanation shows The explanation is severly
correct and correct and adequate limited number of errors; major deficiencies in terms deficient in terms of logical
comprehensive explanation; good personal limited personal evaluationof logical structuring andstructuring and formulation;
explanation; evaluation no personal evaluation
excellent personal


Accuracy Consistent Good grammatical controlA few mistakes in grammar Systematically makes The systematic grammar
grammatical and generally appropriateand vocabulary use do notmistakes in grammar andmistakes and the narrow
control and use of vocabulary lead to misunderstandingvocabulary use but the range of vocabulary makes
message is generally clearthe message meaningless
appropriate use of
Fluency & Interaction Can express Can express him/her self Can
and express him/her self Can
and manage the discourse The communication is totally
him/her self withinteract
a interact
with a good degree with a reasonable
and the interaction with dependent on repetition,
natural flow andof fluency degree of fluency effort and must be helpedrephrasing and repair
interact with ease
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan

Variant B

Presentation quality (8points):

Content(glossary,number of slides,sources)2p

Design 2p

Language 2p

Feedback (tasks or questions to the audience) 2p

Presentation skills ( 8 points)

Language(accuracy) 2p

Posture and Gestures 2p

Contact with the audience 2p

Knowledge of the topic 2p

Questions (4 points) ( the audience asks the presenter questions))

Language(accuracy) 2p

Response (ability to answer listeners’ questions) 2p

Assessment scale (In Latvia – highest mark- 10)
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2 4 6 9 12 13 15 17 19 20

6. The teacher offers students to do tasks on worksheets.(Worksheet 1, By teacher’s choice)

7.The teacher and students compare answers.

8.The students are offered tasks (1.,2.,3. By teacher’s choice. Task 3 is extremely optional as it is too much in detail about
our teeth and demands the introduction of the new vocabulary. Option: it can be given to someone who is going to study


1. Worksheet for the topic “Digestive system”

(*Source: Keith Kelly,Science.Macmillan,2008.)

2.Handout 2.Tasks 1.,2.,3.)

(*Source: Keith Kelly,Science.Macmillan,2008.)

CLIL MultiKey lesson plan
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan

Tasks for vocabulary revision and sentence structure.(Can be used in tests as well)

1.Match the terms with their definitions(Can be cut and read out by students)

1 digestion A enzymes are also described with this term

2 the epiglottis B these are finger like projections which increase the
surface area of the ileum to increase the rate of
absorption of digested foods

3 the ileum and the duodenum C these are the four types of teeth humans have

the duodenum

4 the ileum D these are the organs which are part of the small

5 the villi E this is the instrument which prevents swallowed food

from entering the windpipe

6 defecation F this is the job of inhibitors

7 defecation G this is the name of the hard white coating on the teeth.

8 incisors, canines, premolars, H this is the only living portion of the tooth with nerves
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan


9 the pulp I this is where the absorption of digested food takes


10 biological catalysts K this is the process by which faeces are eliminated from
the body

11 to slow down biological L this is the process by which food is broken down to
processes smaller molecules, which the body can easily absorb.

CLIL MultiKey lesson plan



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


2.Open close

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

mouth anus gut enzymes small physical chemical

CLIL MultiKey lesson plan

Keys for Working with words A


a b c d e f g

gastric teeth Premolar enzymes Inhibitors(enzīmi,kaspalēninabioloģiskosprocesus) digested anus

juices food
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan

2. a teeth cut and grind food b tongue mixes food with saliva(siekalas) c epiglottis closes entrance to trachea when food is being swallowed d salivary glands
produce saliva e trachea(breathing tube into lungs) f oesophagus(barībasvads) g diaphragm h stomach mixes food with gastric juice I liver produces
bile(žults) j gall bladder(žultspūslis) stores bile k pancreas(aizkuņģadziedzeris) l duodenum(divpadsmitpirkstuzarna) m ileum(tievāzarnutraktanobeigums)
n small intestine(tievās zarnas) digests and absorbs food o large intestine(resnāszarnas) removes water from undigested food p caecum(aklāzarna) q
rectum(taisnāzarna) r appendix anus.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

human digestion incisors canine premolars crush grind molars jaw wisdom
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan

Lesson 3.The digestive system.(Cont.)

Content aims

After completing the lesson, the student will be able to:

List internal organs that take part in digestion.

Explain functions of internal organs that take part in digestion.

Language aims

After completing the lesson, the student will be able to:

Use new vocabulary within the topics.

Describe the processes of digestion using new terms.

Analyze the main ideas and details in texts related to the topic ‘Digestion’.
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan

Vocabulary: abdomen,absorb, absorption, alimentary canal, digest, digestion, digestive, ingestion, egestion, saliva, mouth
cavity, crush, grind, break down, chew, chyme, bolus, gullet(oesophagus), stomach, acid(ic), bile, peristalsis, intestine,
mucus, villus/villi, colon, anus, faeces, water-soluble, fat-soluble, swallow.


1.The teacher offers a text with gaps.(Handout 1, task 2) Students do the task, after read out loudly.
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan

Handout 1.↑
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan

2.Listening activity. Teacher hands out the sets of cut cards with vocabulary to pairs of deskmates(Handout 2).

Handout 2 ↑
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan

Students read what is written on cards.Teacher reads the „story” and students have to put the cards in the correct order
while listening.(Handout 3)

Handout 3.↑

3. Revision quiz. The teacher offers 10 questions to answer . (Handout 4- or to write on interactive whiteboard).

1) What is alimentary canal?

2)Which is its longest section?

3)How long does food travel through alimentary canal?

4)What does it depend on?

5)What is absorption?

6)What modes of digestion do you know?

7)What is ingestion/egestion?

8)What are the functions of mucus?

CLIL MultiKey lesson plan

9)What is the role of bile?

10)What is villi? Why do we need them?

To find answers to the questions they still cannot, students have to read the text. (Handout 5).(Clean variant-for students,
underlined-for teachers).(Text on pages 62-63 about teeth has been omitted).
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan
CLIL MultiKey lesson plan


1.A long tube which leads from the mouth to the anus.

2.The small intestine.

3.On average -10 hours.

4.On the amount of fibre. Other factors: Health problems, amount of food, water consumed.

5.The passage of food through the walls of the alimentary canal.

6. Mechanical and chemical.

7.Taking food into mouth. The removal of faeces from the body.

8. To help the food to slide along easily.

9.It helps to digest fats.

10.Small finger-like projections covering the walls of intestine.

They increase the surface area of absorption.

CLIL MultiKey lesson plan

*Optional activity-digestion song. Watch online-

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