Review Questions 39

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Review Questions 39

to simply using it, see [43, 80, 127, 328, 354]. Additional computer exercises and
projects can be found in [89, 94, 130, 155, 167, 170, 200, 203, 205, 294, 353, 418].

Review Questions

1.1. True or false: A problem is ill-conditioned 1.15. Explain the distinction between absolute
if its solution is highly sensitive to small changes error and relative error.
in the problem data. 1.16. Explain the distinction between computa-
1.2. True or false: Using higher-precision arith- tional error and propagated data error.
metic will make an ill-conditioned problem better
1.17. Explain the distinction between precision
and accuracy.
1.3. True or false: The conditioning of a prob-
1.18. (a) What is meant by the conditioning of
lem depends on the algorithm used to solve it.
a problem?
1.4. True or false: A good algorithm will pro- (b) Is it affected by the algorithm used to solve
duce an accurate solution regardless of the condi- the problem?
tion of the problem being solved.
(c) Is it affected by the precision of the arithmetic
1.5. True or false: The choice of algorithm for used to solve the problem?
solving a problem has no effect on the propagated
1.19. If a computational problem has a condition
data error.
number of 1, is this good or bad? Why?
1.6. True or false: A stable algorithm applied to
1.20. Explain the distinction between relative
a well-conditioned problem necessarily produces
condition number and absolute condition number.
an accurate solution.
1.21. What is an inverse problem? How are the
1.7. True or false: If two real numbers are
conditioning of a problem and its inverse related?
exactly representable as floating-point numbers,
then the result of a real arithmetic operation on 1.22. (a) What is meant by the backward error
them will also be representable as a floating-point in a computed result?
number. (b) When is an approximate solution to a given
1.8. True or false: Floating-point numbers are problem considered to be good according to back-
distributed uniformly throughout their range. ward error analysis?
1.9. True or false: Floating-point addition is as- 1.23. Suppose you are solving a given problem
sociative but not commutative. using a given algorithm. For each of the follow-
ing, state whether it is affected by the stability of
1.10. True or false: In a floating-point number
the algorithm, and why.
system, the underflow level is the smallest positive
number that perturbs the number 1 when added (a) Propagated data error
to it. (b) Accuracy of computed result
1.11. True or false: The mantissa in IEEE dou- (c) Conditioning of problem
ble precision floating-point arithmetic is exactly 1.24. (a) Explain the distinction between for-
twice the length of the mantissa in IEEE single ward error and backward error.
precision. (b) How are forward error and backward error re-
1.12. What three properties characterize a well- lated to each other quantitatively?
posed problem? 1.25. For a given floating-point number system,
1.13. List three sources of error in scientific com- describe in words the distribution of machine num-
putation. bers along the real line.
1.14. Explain the distinction between truncation 1.26. In floating-point arithmetic, which is gen-
(or discretization) and rounding. erally more harmful, underflow or overflow? Why?
40 Chapter 1: Scientific Computing

1.27. In floating-point arithmetic, which of the (b) Does the occurrence of cancellation imply that
following operations on two positive floating-point the true result of the specific operation causing it
operands can produce an overflow? is not exactly representable in the floating-point
(a) Addition system? Why?
(b) Subtraction (c) Why is cancellation usually bad?
(c) Multiplication 1.38. Give an example of a number whose deci-
mal representation is finite (i.e., it has only a finite
(d ) Division
number of nonzero digits) but whose binary rep-
1.28. In floating-point arithmetic, which of the resentation is not.
following operations on two positive floating-point 1.39. Give examples of floating-point arithmetic
operands can produce an underflow? operations that would produce each of the excep-
(a) Addition tional values Inf and NaN.
(b) Subtraction 1.40. In a floating-point system with base β, pre-
(c) Multiplication cision p, and rounding to nearest, what is the max-
(d ) Division imum relative error in representing any nonzero
real number within the range of the system?
1.29. List two reasons why floating-point number
systems are usually normalized. 1.41. Explain why the cancellation that occurs
when two numbers of similar magnitude are sub-
1.30. In a floating-point system, what quantity tracted is often bad even though the result may be
determines the maximum relative error in repre- exactly correct for the actual operands involved.
senting a given real number by a machine number?
1.42. Assume a decimal (base 10) floating-point
1.31. (a) Explain the difference between the system having machine precision mach = 10−5
rounding rules “round toward zero” and “round and an exponent range of ±20. What is the result
to nearest” in a floating-point system. of each of the following floating-point arithmetic
(b) Which of these two rounding rules is more ac- operations?
curate? (a) 1 + 10−7
(c) What quantitative difference does this make (b) 1 + 103
in the unit roundoff mach ? (c) 1 + 107
1.32. In a p-digit binary floating-point system (d ) 1010 + 103
with rounding to nearest, what is the value of the (e) 1010 /10−15
unit roundoff mach ? (f ) 10−10 × 10−15
1.33. In a floating-point system with gradual un- 1.43. In a floating-point number system having
derflow (subnormal numbers), is the representa- an underflow level of UFL = 10−38 , which of the
tion of each number still unique? Why? following computations will incur an underflow?

(a) a = b2 + c2 , with b = 1, c = 10−25 .
1.34. In a floating-point system, is the product √
of two machine numbers usually exactly repre- (b) a = b2 + c2 , with b = c = 10−25 .
sentable in the floating-point system? Why? (c) u = (v × w)/(y × z), with v = 10−15 , w =
10−30 , y = 10−20 , and z = 10−25 .
1.35. In a floating-point system, is the quotient
In each case where underflow occurs, is it reason-
of two nonzero machine numbers always exactly
able simply to set to zero the quantity that under-
representable in the floating-point system? Why?
1.36. (a) Give an example to show that floating- 1.44. (a) Explain in words the difference between
point addition is not necessarily associative. the unit roundoff, mach , and the underflow level,
(b) Give an example to show that floating-point UFL, in a floating-point system.
multiplication is not necessarily associative. Of these two quantities,
1.37. (a) In what circumstances does cancella- (b) Which one depends only on the number of dig-
tion occur in a floating-point system? its in the mantissa field?
Exercises 41

(c) Which one depends only on the number of dig- of positive terms in the natural order, what stop-
its in the exponent field? ping criterion would you use to attain the maxi-
(d ) Which one does not depend on the rounding mum possible accuracy using the smallest number
rule used? of terms?
(e) Which one is not affected by allowing subnor- 1.49. Explain why an infinite series with alter-
mal numbers? nating signs, such as
1.45. Let xk be a monotonically decreasing, finite x2 x3
sequence of positive numbers (i.e., xk > xk+1 for ex = 1 + x + + + ···
2! 3!
each k). Assuming it is practical to take the num-
bers in any order we choose, in what order should for x < 0, is difficult to evaluate accurately in
the sequence be summed to minimize rounding er- floating-point arithmetic.
ror? 1.50. If f is a real-valued function of a real vari-
1.46. Is cancellation an example of rounding er- able, the truncation error of the finite difference
ror? Why? approximation to the derivative
1.47. (a) Explain why a divergent infinite series, f (x + h) − f (x)
f 0 (x) ≈
such as h

X 1
, goes to zero as h → 0. If we use floating-point
n=1 arithmetic, list two factors that limit how small a
can have a finite sum in floating-point arithmetic. value of h we can use in practice.
(b) At what point will the partial sums cease to 1.51. List at least two ways in which evaluation
change? of the quadratic formula
1.48. In floating-point arithmetic, if you are com- √
−b ± b2 − 4ac
puting the sum of a convergent infinite series x=

X may suffer numerical difficulties in floating-point
S= xi

1.1. The average normal human body tempera- lowing quantities?
ture is usually quoted as 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, (a) 3
which might be presumed to have been determined (b) 3.14
by computing the average over a large population
(c) 22/7
and then rounding to three significant digits. In
fact, however, 98.6 is simply the Fahrenheit equiv- 1.3. If a is an approximate value for a quan-
alent of 37 degrees Celsius, which is accurate to tity whose true value is t, and a has relative error
only two significant digits. r, prove from the definitions of these terms that
(a) What is the maximum relative error in the a = t(1 + r).
accepted value, assuming it is accurate to within 1.4. Consider the problem of evaluating the
±0.05◦ F? function sin(x), in particular, the propagated data
(b) What is the maximum relative error in the error, i.e., the error in the function value due to a
accepted value, assuming it is accurate to within perturbation h in the argument x.
±0.5◦ C? (a) Estimate the absolute error in evaluating
1.2. What are the approximate absolute and rel- sin(x).
ative errors in approximating π by each of the fol- (b) Estimate the relative error in evaluating

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