Peer Correction

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Albert Einstein “ Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of minds to think.

Plutarch “The Mind Is Not a Vessel That Needs Filling, But Wood That Needs Igniting”
what good feedback should do for students
(b) what good feedback shouldn’t do to students
(c) techniques that provide supportive feedback.
1. more students get the chance to use language in the class.
2. students learn to help each other
3. the teacher lets the authority go to students’
4. The involvement of peers in the correction process makes the classroom atmosphere more supportive and
5. Peer correction is less threatening than teacher feedback. Because students are more comfortable with their
6. The student, after getting corrected by a peer, might feel that s/he is worse tha his peers. In such cases,
students prefer to be corrected by the teacher gently.
7. Students might do not want their classmates to know about their errors. To such students’ peer correction
affects their self-esteem.
8. Sometimes students do not value their peers’ knowledge, but the same comments coming from their teachers
are taken into consideration

1. __________ is/are given to a person to inform them of what they are doing well and how they can improve.




2. Is this kind, yet honest, feedback?

You did a great job! You don't have to improve anything.

It is kind and honest.

It is kind but not honest.

It is honest but not kind.

It is not kind or honest.

3. The following feedback is an example of which part of the peer review process?

Consider capitalizing the first letter of every sentence.




The following feedback is an example of which part of the peer review process?

You might want to change the scene when the characters are riding bikes.



5. The following feedback is an example of which part of the peer review process?

I like the way you used descriptive details to describe the characters.




6. Choose the appropriate suggestion for this writer based on the line from their story.

Not too long ago, in the Winter of 1285. In the forest near the castle, where many nobleman liked to wander. He meet
with a boar who charged at him.

Use details that clearly set your story in the Middle Ages.

Write a beginning that establishes a character.

Use a variety of sentence structures.

What’s so tricky about feedback and error correction? Problem 1: Because we see giving feedback as a key teacher role,
aren’t criticizing—we’re just doing our job. However, learners will tend to perceive any feedback as a judgment on them.
Problem 2: Even when we try to be neutral in feedback, our reactions and body language may often reveal when we feel
students have “missed the mark. ” Problem 3: Failure to give correction when it is needed.

Group Work Let’s devise some principles for giving quality, meaningful feedback to students—in terms of our evaluations
during whole group classroom participation. Think about What good feedback should do for the student What good
feedback shouldn’t do TO the student Practices/techniques we can use to provide supportive feedback. .

Affective vs. Cognitive Feedback All feedback is both “affective” (about “feelings”) and cognitive (about “learning”). Some
examples: Primarily Affective: “What kind of idiot are you? “Wow, I like what you’ve done! Primarily Cognitive: “I think
you’ve made an error. ” “Yes, that’s correct. ” Note that both kinds of feedback can be positive, negative, or neutral.

Can You Think of an Example for Each Box? FEEDBACK VARIATIONS Positive Affective/Positive Cognitive Negative
Affective/ Positive Cognitive Positive Affective/Negative Cognitive Negative Affective/Negative Cognitive

Correction Sheets—Again

By carefully reading through solution sheets, and then evaluating the work of others,

students begin to understand what constitutes a good solution. Students may then reflect on their own

work and realize what is expected of them in the future.

Be a Good Critic!
I really like the way you…
I enjoyed reading the part
when …
How do you feel about…
I`m unclear with how you …
This is a good time to
correct …
Teaching methods for
inspiring the students
Researched based
teaching techniques
Teacher-centred class
Student-centred class
Critical thinking
Teacher correction
Peer correction
Collective correction
Ignoring the mistakes

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