Topic Positive View Negative View Major View

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Nowadays, people become more aware that Topic is one of the most significant issues which
people are facing / is playing an increasingly important role in our daily life. While some people
believe that Positive view, others oppose / advocate / argue that Negative View. In my opinion,
Major View will be more beneficial in respect of this issue, which can be supported by the
reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that Major View 1, which is understandable because Point 1.
To be more specific, Point 1 Explanation. To further support the above statement, Example 1.

Besides / On the other hand, the second justification for this view is that Major View 2, Which
is reasonable because Point 2. Specifically, / For example, Point 2 explanation. A recent study
from Oxford University can prove this. This study pointed out that 78% of people Example 2.

Nevertheless / However, like two sides of the same coin, Negative View, Specifically, / For
example, Negative Point explanation. A recent study from Oxford University can prove this.
This study pointed out that 78% of people Negative Example.

In a nutshell, even though this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we
may safely conclude that Major View.
There are both problems and benefits for high school students study plays and
works of theatres written centuries ago. Discuss and use your own experience.

Nowadays, people have become more aware that learning about plays and works of theaters written
centuries ago is one of the most significant issues which high school students are facing. While some
people believe that they are beneficial for high school students, others argue that learning about them
may cause problems. In my opinion, there are both problems and benefits in respect of this issue,
which can be supported by the reasons as follows.

It reasonable for me to believe that learning about plays and works of theaters written centuries ago
can be beneficial for high school students, which is understandable because they can gain more
knowledge of classical literature. To be more specific, the plays and works of theaters inherit the art
and culture, and students would feel interesting in traditional culture by learning them. I have read a
recent study from Oxford University that can prove this. This study pointed out that 78% of students
are interested in traditional culture because they learn about the plays and works of theaters.

However, like two sides of the same coin, learning about the plays and works of theaters written
centuries ago may also cause problems, which is reasonable because it may affect students' academic
performance. Specifically, learning about the plays and works of theaters written centuries ago could
distract high school students from studying major subjects, lead to their grades in decline. To further
support the above statement, in the third year of high school, my academic performance has dropped
because I started to study some classical plays and works.

In a nutshell, even though this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may
safely conclude that there are both problems and benefits for high school students to study plays and
works of theaters written centuries ago.
Large shopping malls are replacing small local shops in cities and towns. In your
own experience, is it a positive development?

Nowadays, people have become more aware that the phenomenon of large shopping malls
replacing small shops is one of the most significant issues which people are facing. While some
people believe that this change can have beneficial effects on people's lives, others oppose that it
may harm the public. In my opinion, large shopping malls taking the place of small shops will
be more beneficial in respect of this issue, which can be supported by the reasons as follows.
The phenomenon of large shopping malls replacing small shops / this change can have beneficial effects on people’s
lives / it may harm the public / large shopping malls taking a place of small shops.
It is reasonable for me to believe that large shopping malls have more benefits, which is
understandable because they can improve shopping efficiency. To be more specific, large
shopping malls can display many various products in a multi-complex building, so consumers
can enjoy the one-stop shopping experience and save more time. To further support the above
statement, I can purchase daily goods and foods in a large shopping mall at the same time
without going to different small shops several times.
Large shopping malls have more benefits / they can improve shopping efficiency / large shopping malls can display
many various products in a multi-complex building, so consumers can enjoy the one-stop shopping experience and
save more time / I can purchase daily goods and foods in a large shopping mall at the same time without going to
different small shops several times.
Besides, the second justification for this view is that people will have more chances to buy cost-
effective products, which is reasonable because people can have more choices for the same
products with different brands in large shopping malls. For example, in large shopping malls,
consumers can compare prices and features, then purchase the most satisfactory products. A
recent study from Oxford University can prove this. This study pointed out that 78% of people have
a better shopping experience in large shopping malls than in small shops.
People will have more chances to buy cost-effective products / people can have more choices for the same products
with different brands in large shopping malls / consumers can compare prices and features, then purchase the most
satisfactory products.
In a nutshell, even though this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may
safely conclude that there are lots of benefits of large shopping malls replacing small shops.
Cashless society is becoming a reality. More and more people are using credit
cards for payment, and less people use cash. How realistic do you think it is? And
do you think it is beneficial or problematic?

Nowadays, people become more aware that a cashless society is playing an increasingly important
role in our daily life. While some people believe that it is becoming a reality, others oppose that it
still has many problems. In my opinion, a cashless society is realistic and also beneficial, which
can be supported by the reasons as follows.
A cashless society is realistic and also beneficial / it is becoming a reality / it still has many problems.
It is reasonable for me to believe that a cashless society is realistic, which is understandable because
the service supporting electronic payment is very common today. To be more specific, in our
daily consumption pattern, there are many services such as Apple Pay, mobile payment, and
POS machines that are very useful and popular. A recent study from Oxford University can prove
this. The study pointed out that 76% of living bills are paid online instead of cash.
A cashless society is realistic / the services supporting electronic payment is very common today. / in our daily
consumption pattern, there are many services such as Apple Pay, POS machines and mobile payment that are very
popular. / living bills are paid online instead of cash.
Besides, this phenomenon also has many benefits, which is reasonable because it can shorten
transaction time and improve the purchasing process efficiency. For example, people do not
have to wait for the change when pay by electronic consumption, so keep the queue moving
quickly. To further support the above statement, it took me five minutes to finish the transaction
in the supermarket when I paid by cash, while it only takes me thirty seconds when I pay by a
credit card now.
This phenomenon also has many benefits / it can shorten transaction time and improve the purchasing process
efficiency / people do not have to wait for the change when pay by electronic consumption, so keep the queue
moving quickly / it took me five minutes to finish the transaction in the supermarket when paid by cash, while it only
takes me thirty seconds when I pay by a credit card now.
In a nutshell, even though this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may
safely conclude that a cashless society is a reality and has many benefits.
The medical technology is responsible for increasing the average life expectancy.
Do you think it is a curse or a blessing?

Nowadays, people become more aware that the relationship between medical technology and
longevity is one of the most significant issues which people are facing. While some people believe
that it is good to extend human life by medical technology, others advocate that life is too long
can cause many problems. In my opinion, the extension of human life by advanced medical
technology is a curse.
The relationship between medical technology and longevity / it is good to extend human life by medical technology /
life is too long can cause many problems / the extensions of human life by advanced medical technology is a curse.
It is reasonable for me to believe that longevity due to advanced medical technology may cause
many problems, which is understandable because extending life expectancy by medical
technology will put financial pressure on the government. To be more specific, if there are more
and more people live longer, it will form an aging society. Therefore, the government may not
only need to build more elderly care centers but also more caregivers and services. To further
support the above statement, the budget for elderly care of the Japanese government increases by
80% as a result of its national life expectancy increases by two years.
Longevity due to advanced medical technology may cause many problems / extending life expectancies by medical
technology will put financial pressure on the government / if there are more and more people live longer, it will form
an aging society. Therefore, the government may not only need to build more elderly care center but also more
caregivers and services / the budget for elderly care of Japanese government increases by 80% as a result of their
national life expectancy increases by two years.
Besides, the second justification for this view is that using advanced medical technology to extend
lifespan worsens the shortage of resources supply. Specifically, since advanced medical
technology extends human life, the global population increases dramatically, so more resources
are needed to supply the increasing global population. A recent study from Oxford University can
prove this. The study pointed out that due to the growing residents' lifespan in Australia, the food
demand has increased by 20%.
Using advanced medical technology to extend lifespan worsens the shortage of resources supply / since advanced
medical technology extends human life, the global population increases dramatically, so more resources are needed
to supply the increasing global population / due to the growing residents’ lifespan in Australia, the food demand has
increased by 20%.
In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that the extension of human life by advanced medical technology is a curse.
Some people point that experiential learning (i.e. learning by doing it) can work
well in formal education. However, others think a traditional form of teaching is
the best. Do you think experiential learning is beneficial in high schools or

Nowadays, people become more aware that forms of teaching are playing an increasingly
important role in our education system. While some people believe that learning through
practice is a more effective way, others advocate the status of traditional school teaching is
unshakable. In my opinion, experiential learning can work well in schools and universities,
which can be supported by the reasons as follows.
Forms of teaching are playing an increasingly important role in our education system / learning through practice is a
more effective way / the status of traditional school teaching is unshakable / experiential learning can work well in
schools and universities
It is reasonable for me to believe that experiential learning can help students understand and
remember knowledge more deeply, which is understandable because students can understand
concepts by conducting experiments. To be more specific, do-it-yourself experiments and watch
the real test process can enhance students' memory and interpretation of knowledge. To further
support the above statement, compared with just studying book theory, I can remember knowledge
more deeply by doing experiments.
Experiential learning can help students understand and remember knowledge more deeply / students can
understand concepts by conducting experiments / do-it-yourself experiments and watch the real process can enhance
students’ memory and interpretation of knowledge
Besides, the second justification for this view is that it can help students to improve their
communication skills, which is reasonable because learning by doing provides students with
opportunities to socialize during school and share their ideas with others, such as doing a
group project. A recent study from Oxford University can prove this. The study pointed out that
76% of students who graduate from experiential learning programs show better
communication skills than others.
It can help students to improve their communication skills / learning by doing provide students with opportunities to
socialize during school and share their ideas with others, such as doing a group project / 78% of students who
graduate from experiential learning programs show better communication skills than others
In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that experiential learning can work well in schools and universities.
In the past 100 years, there have been many inventions, such as antibiotics,
airplanes, and computers. What do you think is the most important of them?

Nowadays, people have become more aware of many inventions in the past 100 years, such as
antibiotics, airplanes, and computers. In my opinion, computers have more impacts than others
in human history, which can be supported by the reasons as follows.
Many inventions in the past 100 years, such as antibiotics, airplanes, and computers / computers have more impacts
than others in human history
It is reasonable for me to believe that the computer can increase the productivity of society, which
is understandable because the computer equips people with multi-tasking abilities. Specifically,
the computer is based on an enormous database and has a much stronger ability in computing
and calculating, so it can help people finish work more efficiently than before. To further
support the above statement, I used to spend three days to complete my school homework. But I
only need 30 minutes to finish the electronic assignments by using the computer now.
The computer can increase the productivity of society / the computer equips people multi-tasking abilities / the
computer is based on an enormous database and has a much stronger ability in computing and calculating, so it can
help people finish work more efficiently than before / I used to spend three days to complete my school homework.
But I only need 30 minutes to finish the electronic assignments by using the computer now
Besides, the second justification for this view is that the computer can help to reduce the labor
cost of society, which is reasonable because it has a superior ability to process information than
human beings. To be more specific, it can complete complex works by itself to replace more
labor, which means it will reduce direct labor costs. A recent study from Oxford University can
prove this. This study pointed out that Apple saves 50% of the labor force due to comprehensive
electronic operations.
The computer can help to reduce the labor cost of society / it has a superior ability to process information than
human beings / it can complete complex works by itself to replace more labor, which means it will reduce direct
labor costs / Apple saves 50% of the labor force due to comprehensive electronic operations
In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that the computer can increase productivity and reduce the labor cost of society so, the
computer is the most important invention in the past 100 years.
In this technological world, the number of new inventions has been increasing.
Please describe a new invention, and determine whether it will bring advantages
or disadvantages.

Nowadays, people become more aware that the impact of lots of new inventions is playing an
increasingly important role in our daily life. While some people believe that these new inventions
are beneficial for humans, others oppose that they may cause some problems. In my opinion,
these new inventions, especially computers, have a lot of advantages for humans and society,
which can be stated by the reasons as follows.
The impact of lots of new inventions / these new inventions are beneficial for humans / they may cause some
problems / these new inventions, especially computers, have a lot of advantages for humans and society
It is reasonable for me to believe that the computer can increase the productivity of society, which
is understandable because the computer equips people with multi-tasking abilities. Specifically,
the computer is based on an enormous database and has a much stronger ability in computing
and calculating, so it can help people finish work more efficiently than before. To further
support the above statement, I used to spend three days to complete my school homework. But I
only need 30 minutes to finish the electronic assignments by using the computer now.
The computer can increase the productivity of society / the computer equips people multi-tasking abilities / the
computer is based on an enormous database and has a much stronger ability in computing and calculating, so it can
help people finish work more efficiently than before / I used to spend three days to complete my school homework.
But I only need 30 minutes to finish the electronic assignments by using the computer now
Besides, the second justification for this view is that the computer can help to reduce the labor
cost of society, which is reasonable because it has a superior ability to process information than
human beings. To be more specific, it can complete complex works by itself to replace more
labor, which means it will reduce direct labor costs. A recent study from Oxford University can
prove this. This study pointed out that Apple saves 50% of the labor force due to comprehensive
electronic operations.
The computer can help to reduce the labor cost of society / it has a superior ability to process information than
human beings / it can complete complex works by itself to replace more labor, which means it will reduce direct
labor costs / Apple saves 50% of the labor force due to comprehensive electronic operations
In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that the computer can increase productivity and reduce the labor cost of society so, the
computer can have a lot of advantages for humans and society.
People are moving from rural areas to big cities. Is it good or bad?

Nowadays, people become more aware that the phenomenon in which people are moving from rural
areas to big cities is one of the most significant issues which people are facing. While some people
believe that it is advantageous for urban development, others argue that it may cause some problems.
In my opinion, this phenomenon will be more beneficial in respect of this issue, which can be stated
by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that people move from rural areas to big cities will have more
benefits, which is understandable because big cities have an efficient public transportation network.
To be more specific, there are many well-developed transportation systems in cities such as tram,
train, and bus that can be used to commuting, which leads to saving people commuting time. To
further support the above statement, I spent more than an hour driving from my workplace to home
when I lived in rural areas. However, since I moved to Melbourne, it takes me just half a time than
before to commute by taking the train.

Besides, the second justification for this view is that it provides the labor force for urban
development, which is reasonable because cities need more people to speed up the process of
urbanization. Specifically, big cities have an increasing demand for labor force due to urbanization,
so the migration from rural areas to cities solves the problem of labor shortage in the city. A recent
study from Oxford University can prove this. This study pointed out that the labor force in the city
increased by 40% after 7000 people moved from rural areas to big cities in Australia in 2010.

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that the phenomenon in which people are moving from rural areas to big cities is a good
As cities expanding, some people claim governments should look forward to creating better
networks of public transportation available for everyone rather than building more roads for
vehicle owning population. What’s your opinion? Give some examples or experience to

Nowadays, people become more aware that the traffic problem caused by cities expanding is one of
the most significant issues which governments are facing. While some people believe that building
more roads is the solution, others advocate that public transport is what the official department
should promote. In my opinion, creating a better network of the public transportation system will be
more beneficial in respect of this issue, it can be supported by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that the public transportation system can reduce air pollution caused
by urban expansion, which is understandable because it operates on electricity. To be more specific,
most public transportation systems can decline the burning of fossil fuels and reduce carbon
emission, which is the main reason for air pollution. To further support this above statement, since
my hometown has improved the MRT system, carbon emission has reduced by 80%.

Besides, the second justification of this view is that it can decrease the congestion problem caused by
urban expansion, which is reasonable because more people commute by train, tram, and bus, there
would be fewer cars we have on the roads. Therefore, it will not only save the times which people
spend on the commute but also resolve traffic jams. To further support the above statement, in the
past few years, I spent more than an hour driving from my workplace to home. However, since
railways are built in my city this year, it takes me just half a time than before to commute by taking
the train.

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that there is a need for governments to put money on developing the public transport
network instead of building more roads.
Should parents be held legally responsible for the actions of their children? Do you agree with
this opinion? Support your position with your own study, experience or observations.

Nowadays, people become more aware that the action of children is one of the most significant
issues which parents are facing. While some people believe that parents should be legally responsible
for the actions of their children, others oppose that children have to take responsibility for their acts
themselves. In my opinion, parents should bear legal responsibility for the actions of their children,
which can be supported by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that parents have to bear legal responsibility for the actions of their
children, which is understandable because the behaviors of the children are greatly affected by their
parents. To be more specific, children are not mature and cannot think independently, and they
imitate their parent's doing and ways of thinking. Therefore, if children have any misbehavior,
parents are responsible because they are the principal source of the children's learning. A recent
study from Oxford University can prove this. The study pointed out that 90% of parents should bear
legal responsibility because children's habits and behaviors are imitating their parents.

Besides, parents should bear legal responsibility for the economic loss caused by the behaviors of
their children, which is reasonable because children do not have the independent financial ability.
Specifically, the law clearly states that parents are the guardians of children, so parents have the
responsibility to supervise their children. To further support the above statement, I always oversee
the behaviors of my children because I do not want to be punished by the law.

In a nutshell, while this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that parents should be held legally responsible for the actions of their children.

Some universities deduct students’ marks if assignment is given late. What is your opinion and
suggest some alternative actions for this problem?

Nowadays, people become more aware that some universities will deduct students' marks due to their
late assignment is one of the most significant issues which students are facing. While some people
believe that deducting marks can improve the bad habits of delaying homework, others advocate that
universities have other ways to remind students to submit assignments on time. In my opinion, the
deduction of students' marks because of their late homework will have a positive effect on their
studying, which can be supported by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that deducting students' marks due to late assignments can develop
their time management ability, which is understandable because it helps students to establish regular
habits. To be more specific, students begin to build the concept of punctuality to avoid the
punishment caused by late homework. To further support the above statement, since being deducted
from my marks because of late homework, I have developed the habit of handing in my assignment
on time.

On the other hand, there are some alternative actions to improve this phenomenon, such as setting up
a split schedule. For example, if the university can help students schedule their homework time, it
can remind them how much time it takes to complete their assignments to avoid missing the
deadline. A recent study from Oxford University can prove this. The study pointed out that 80% of
students can submit on time than others because they establish a split schedule for their assignments.

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may conclude
that the deduction of students' marks because of their late homework will have a positive effect on
their studying, and the best alternative action is to help students develop a split schedule.

In order to study effectively, it requires comfort, peace and time. So it is impossible for a
student to combine learning and employment at the same time because one distracts the other.
Is it realistic to combine them at the same time in our life today? Support your opinion with

Nowadays, People become more aware that how to make learning more efficient is one of the most
significant issues which students are facing. While some people believe that it is hard to achieve
combined both employment and study, others advocate that it can be a reality. In my opinion, it is
realistic to combine work and learning at the same time, which can be supported by the reasons as

It is reasonable for me to believe that it is a reality to combine learning and employment at the same
time, which is understandable because many schools offer internships related to the course. To be
more specific, school learning provides students with background knowledge of working tasks, and
employment allows students to deepen their understanding of school knowledge through real work
practice. To further support the above statement, 90% of Oxford University graduates can make their
work efficient by the knowledge they have learned from school because they had internships related
to their subjects when being in the school.

Besides, the second justification for this view is that modern advanced technology can make study
efficient, which is reasonable because online courses are prevalent in today’s society. For example,
online courses can not only enable people to plan their learning at a convenient time but also avoid
commuting. A recent study from Oxford University can prove this. The study pointed out that 76% of
students who choose online courses get twice of learning time than others.

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that it is realistic to combine work and learning at the same time.

The world’s governments and organizations are facing a lot of issues. Which do you think is the
most pressing problem for the inhabitants on our planet and give the solution?

Nowadays, people become more aware that there are many problems that the world's governments
and organizations are facing. While some people believe that global warming is the most urgent
problem on our planet, others oppose that the issue of food shortage should be solved immediately.
In my opinion, global warming is the most pressing problem for the inhabitants on our planet, which
can be supported by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that global warming brings huge threats to life on earth, which is
understandable because the rising global temperatures have led to catastrophic natural catastrophes.
To be more specific, these natural catastrophes, such as floods and storms, have severely affected the
ecological environment and destroyed natural habitats for wild animals and plants. A recent study
from Oxford University can prove this. The study pointed out that 80% of species face extinction due
to global warming.

However, the main answer to solve this problem is that governments should develop the public
transportation system, which is reasonable because it operates on electricity. Specifically, most public
transportation systems can reduce the burning of fossil fuels and carbon emission, which are the two
major causes of global warming and climate change. To further support this above statement, since
my hometown has built the MRT system, carbon emission has reduced by 80%.

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that global warming is the most pressing issue for the inhabitants on our planet, and the
world's governments and organizations should resolve it immediately.

How does the design of building affect, either positively or negatively, where people work and

Nowadays, people become more aware that the design of buildings is playing an increasingly
important role in people's life. While some people believe that the design of buildings can have
effects on people's work and live, others argue that the design of buildings does not affect our life. In
my opinion, the architectural designs affect people work and live either positively or negatively,
which can be supported by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that the design of buildings can affect people's safety, which is
understandable because modern buildings usually come up with safe facilities. To be more specific,
these facilities provide more protection for life safety when accidents happen. A recent study from
Oxford University can prove this. The study pointed out that the buildings with fire exits have a
much lower fire death rate than others.

Moreover, the design of buildings can also affect people's work efficiency, which is reasonable
because many buildings regularly use sound-proof building materials. For example, the sound
insulation of many offices is very well, so people can work in a quiet environment without being
disturbed. To further support the above statement, I can always concentrate on my work when in the
office because it has excellent sound insulation.

In a nutshell, while this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that the design of buildings can affect people's lives and work either positively or
Some people argue that experience is the best teacher. Life experiences can teach more
effectively than books or formal school education. How far do you agree with this idea?
Support your opinion with reasons and/or your personal experience.

Nowadays, people become more aware that the form of teaching is playing an increasingly important
role in our education. While some people believe that life experience is the best teacher, others
advocate that we cannot shake traditional teaching methods such as textbooks and formal school
learning. In my opinion, coursebooks and formal school education can teach more efficiently for
students, which can be supported by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that coursebooks and formal education can help students perform
logical reasoning, which is understandable because it offers them a systematic knowledge structure.
To be more specific, schools provide a solid knowledge base to help students have a basic
understanding of different academic fields, which cannot learn from our daily life. To further support
the above statement, what I learned in history classes is something I have never encountered in my
everyday life.

Besides, books and formal education have more reference values, which is reasonable because they
provide various real-life examples and cases. Specifically, by referring to the patterns in books,
people can solve problems more efficiently. A recent study from Oxford University can prove this.
The study pointed out that 76% of doctors prefer to get inspirations by reading when they face
challenges in their job.

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that textbooks or formal school education can teach more effectively than life experiences.

With the increase of digital media available online, the role of the library has become obsolete.
Universities should only procure digital media rather than constantly updating textbooks.
Discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of this position and give your own point of

Nowadays, people become more aware that the method of preserving knowledge and references is
one of the most significant issues which universities are facing. While some people believe that
universities should purchase digital material instead of traditional books, others oppose that the
existence of real books is necessary for the university. In my opinion, keeping references by using
digital media has both advantages and disadvantages, this can be supported by the reasons as

It is reasonable for me to believe that using digital media to save information and materials is
advantageous, which is understandable because it allows students to access it conveniently and
efficiently. For example, public networks and free Wi-Fi are quite common in universities, so
students can access digital materials regardless of time and place, which is more helpful for students
to learning and take notes.

On the other hand, digital media also increases the financial burden of universities, which is
reasonable because universities must spend more money on replacing hardware facilities. To be more
specific, the hardware of digital media is generally expensive and requires regular maintenance by
professionals, which is a large amount of expense for universities. A recent study from Oxford
University can prove that 76% of universities increase their annual budget for replacing digital

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that the advantages of using digital media in universities outweigh the disadvantages.

The time people devote to job leaves very little time for personal life. How widespread is the
problem? What problem will this shortage of time cause?

Nowadays, people become more aware that the time people devote to a job leaves very little time for
personal life is one of the most significant issues which we are facing today. While some people
believe that it is just an unusual case of certain groups, others oppose that it is a common
phenomenon around us. In my opinion, this phenomenon is widespread and causes some severe
problems, which can be supported by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that people spend too much time focusing on their job is a common
problem among middle-aged people, which is understandable because they usually face higher
economic pressure. To be more specific, most middle-aged people need to pay for home loans or car
loans, forcing them to work overtime, resulting in no individual breaks. To further support the above
statement, my father always works over 12 hours a day, because he needs to pay for our home loans.

Besides, this phenomenon has caused some critical problems, which is reasonable because it will
damage people's mental health. To illustrate, long hours of work without rest will accumulate
tremendous stress and negative emotions, thus cause some mental illnesses such as depression and
anxiety. A recent study from Oxford University can prove this. The study pointed out that 76% of
people get clinical depression because of the tremendous pressure at work.
In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that the time people devote to a job leaves very little time for personal life is widespread
and causes some serious problems.

Nowadays, it is increasingly more difficult to maintain the right balance between work and
other aspects of one’s life, such as leisure time with family members. How important do you
think is this balance? Why do people find it hard to achieve?

Nowadays, people become more aware that maintaining an appropriate balance between work and
other aspects of life is one of the most significant issues which people are facing. While some people
believe that it is necessary to balance work and life, others oppose that work is the most important. In
my opinion, maintaining an appropriate balance between work and other aspects of life is necessary,
which can be supported by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that maintaining an appropriate balance between work and other
aspects of life is necessary, which is understandable because it can maintain employee productivity.
To be more specific, appropriate leisure activities can relax the body and mind, and reduce the
pressure caused by work, thereby maintaining healthy and efficient work teams and improving the
efficiency of employees. To further support the above statement, I struggled on my essay for three
hours yesterday, but after having thirty minutes break, I got an idea then finished it.

However, due to the low salary and high cost of living, it is hard to achieve a balance between work
and other aspects of life. Specifically, as the consumer price index continues to rise, people need to
sacrifice their rest time to earn more money to maintain living standards. A recent study from Oxford
University can prove this. The study pointed out that 76% of people only desire to sleep after hard

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that an appropriate balance between work and other aspects of life is necessary but hard to
achieve because of financial pressure.
It is argued that getting married before finishing school or getting a job is not a good choice.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, people become more aware that getting married before finishing school or getting a job is
one of the biggest problems which people are facing. While some people believe that it can be
acceptable, others advocate that it may cause some issues. In my opinion, it is not a wise choice to
get married before finishing school or getting a job, which can be supported by the reasons as

It is reasonable for me to believe that getting married before finishing school or getting a job can
create a financial burden, which is understandable because young couples do not have a stable
income. To be more specific, all aspects of life incur costs when supporting a family, such as buying
a house or purchasing a vehicle, thus put lots of stress on young couples. To further support the
above statement, my brother got married when he was a second-year undergraduate student, but they
kept asking my parents for money because they were unable to afford their daily bills as they lacked
stable income.

Besides, the young couple is unable to take on family responsibilities under high pressure, which is
reasonable because they are mentally immature. Specifically, young people are not mature enough
and easily become sensitive and emotional when facing the stress of life, thus cause conflicts or
arguments. A recent study from Oxford University can prove this. The study pointed out that 76% of
young couple divorces because of quarrels caused by family chores.

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that getting married before finishing school or getting a job is not a reasonable choice.

Nowadays, people believe that the environment influences their accomplishments. Some people
think their success and accomplishment were influenced by the places where they grew up. Do
you think the environment does or does not affect people’s accomplishment and how it affects?

Nowadays, people have become more aware that the environment influences people's
accomplishments is playing an increasingly important role in our daily life. While some people
believe that their success and achievements are influenced by where they grew up, others oppose that
their accomplishments have nothing to do with the environment. In my opinion, people's success
relates closely to their growth environment, which can be supported by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that the growth environment has a profound impact on people's
accomplishments, which is understandable because when getting the advantage of financial support,
it will be easier to succeed. To be more specific, people who are born with a golden spoon have
taken the lead to gain an advantage, so they have higher economic-social status than ordinary people.
To further support the above statement, in my country, many rich second generations have the
financial appropriation from the government when they are ready to start a business.

Besides, the second justification of this view is that the educational environment can determine the
people's success or failure, which is reasonable because the well-organized education system can
provide rich educational resources. Specifically, the well-designed education system contains many
unique courses that allow people to broaden their horizons and expand social circles to achieve
personal accomplishment. A recent study from Oxford University can prove this. The study pointed
out that 76% of successful people have received a high-quality education.

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that the environment will influence people's accomplishments.

Some people think human behaviors can be limited by laws, others think laws have little effect.
What is your opinion?

Nowadays, people become more aware that the impact on human behavior by law is playing an
increasingly important role in our daily life. While some people believe that laws restrict human
behavior, others oppose that legislation has little effect on human behavior. In my opinion, human
behavior can be restricted by law, which can be supported by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that human behavior is limited by legislation, which is

understandable because the law has legal power. Specifically, anyone who disobeys the law will face
severe punishment, so people's actions are restricted because they are afraid to face the grave
consequences of breaking the law. To further support the above statement, the number of drunk-
driving people has decreased by 75% since the issue of the Australian Alcohol Law.
Besides, the second and most important justification of this view is that it provides social uplift for
the people, which is reasonable because it helps in less public inequality. To be more specific, laws
don't stop people from exercising their freedom rights, so people can grow, develop, and progress in
a very efficient and acceptable manner by maintaining just the right order. A recent study from
Oxford University can prove this. The study pointed out that 76% of countries where laws are strict,
the happiness index is much higher.

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that human behavior can be limited by laws.

Some employers involve employees in the decision-making process of products and services.
What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Nowadays, people become more aware that decision making is playing an increasingly important
role between employers and employees. While some people believe that getting employees in
decision making has enormous benefits, others argue that it may cause some problems. In my
opinion, getting employees in decision-making may cause both advantages and disadvantages, which
can be supported by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that getting employees involved in decision making boosts higher
motivation in them, which is understandable because it can make them feel that they are the valued
part of the team. For instance, when people feel important as a significant contributor to the success
of the group, they will put more effort into ensuring the success of the department or company. To
further support the above statement, I was highly motivated when I was working at Google because
my supervisor allowed me to make decisions that would influence the company's website design.

On the other hand, getting employees to participate in decision making may result in higher labor
costs, which is reasonable because it takes time and money to calculate and organize a large number
of opinions. Specifically, involving a large number of employees in decision making will generate
lots of ideas, so companies have to allocate and pay for more staff to collect and analyze these
propositions. For example, Apple started to involve employees in decision making related to
smartphone design in 2018, and they have received 500 ideas so far. Therefore, they have to allocate
five more senior managers, leading to a significant cost rise from salary payment and bonus.

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that there are both advantages and disadvantages of getting employees in the decision-

The formal written examination can be a valid method to assess students’ learning. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, people become more aware that how to assess students' learning is one of the biggest
problems which educational leaders are facing. While some people believe that the formal written
exam can be the best solution, others advocate that the formal written examination is not a valid
method. In my opinion, the formal written exam is not an effective way to assess students' learning,
which can be supported by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that the formal written examination is a lack of comprehensive
education, which is understandable because it only evaluates theoretical knowledge without practical
skills. To be more specific, the formal written exam can only assess the theory in the book, but
cannot estimate such as practical skills, verbal communication skills, and interpersonal skills. To
further support the above statement, there are many learning tasks such as hands-on exercises and
on-site internships, which are not available to students in the written examination.

Besides, the formal written examination is not so accurate, which is reasonable because the result is
partial. To illustrate, when defining students' abilities by only one test on a specific date, it cannot
show their long-term learning outcomes. A recent study from Oxford University can prove this. The
study pointed out that 76% of written test scores cannot assess long-term ongoing performance.

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that the formal written examination is not a valid way to assess students' learning.
It is often argued that studying overseas is overrated. There are many scholars who study
locally. Travel is or is not a necessary component of qualified education? To what extent do
you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, people become more aware that studying overseas is playing an increasingly important
role in students' learning planning. While some people believe that studying overseas is overrated,
others advocate that it is both positive and constructive. In my opinion, travel is a necessary
component of qualified education, which can be supported by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that studying oversea has many advantages, which is
understandable because it can broaden students' horizons. Specifically, students can learn about
different cultures by studying abroad, and they can build a grand and mature worldview to facilitate
their study in the process of exploring local culture and customs. A recent study from Oxford
University can prove this. The study pointed out that 76% of students are more receptive to different
cultures after studying overseas.

Besides, students can develop their critical thinking abilities, which is reasonable because they can
accept different teaching styles overseas. To be more specific, every country has a unique education
system and diverse curriculum, so students can look at things from different angles and then enhance
their critical thinking. To further support the above statement, after I finished my studies in Australia,
I learned to look at things from all aspects.

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that studying overseas is a necessary component of qualified education.

The disadvantages of tourism in less developed countries is as great as the advantages. What is
your opinion?

Nowadays, people have become more aware that the effects of tourism are one of the biggest
problems which less developed countries are facing. While some people believe that these effects are
advantages, others would argue that there still have some disadvantaged parts. In my opinion, the
impacts of tourism include advantages and disadvantages, which can be supported by the reasons as

It is reasonable for me to believe that there has an advantage of tourism in less-developed countries,
which is understandable because the booming tourism industry will bring many tourists and boost
consumption in less developed countries. To illustrate, tourists often spend lots of money when
traveling, thereby stimulating the local economy and increasing the gross domestic product. To
further support the above statement, India started to develop its local tourism in 2000, which has
dramatically increased the gross domestic product over the decades.

Nevertheless, like two sides of the same coin, it also has some adverse impacts, which is reasonable
because tourism may bring some environmental issues. In particular, those less developed countries
usually do not have sufficient waste disposal systems and lack funds to deal with a large amount of
waste brought about by tourists. A recent study from Oxford University can prove this. The study
pointed out that 76% of the scenic spots have been damaged and polluted by too many tourists.

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that there are both advantages and disadvantages of tourism in less developed countries.

In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of extreme or adventure sports?

Nowadays, people become more aware that the extreme-sport is playing an increasingly important
role in our daily life. While some people believe that such sports activity is dangerous, others argue
that it has some beneficial effects. In my opinion, extreme sports have both positive and negative
aspects, which can be supported by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that extreme sports are advantageous, which is understandable
because they can promote the regional economic development of a country. To be more specific,
governments can take advantage of extreme sports as a featured element for their tourism industries
to attract visitors, which can boost consumption and expand the market on a large scale. To further
support the above statement, skydiving and bungee jumping are both popular activities in New
Zealand, and the needs of the increasing demand for participating in these adventure sports, which
makes a 15% increase in GDP in 2010.
Nevertheless, like two sides of the same coin, extreme sports also have some negative aspects, which
is reasonable because such exercises may cause physical injury to human beings. Specifically,
although many extreme sports have protective equipment and professional guidance, these sports
involve high risks, which might lead to severe injuries or even death. A recent study from Oxford
University can prove this. This study pointed out that 76% of people injure in extreme sports due to
reacting too late.

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that participating in adventure sports can both drive economic development and cause
physical injury or even death. There are both advantages and disadvantages of extreme sports.

Nowadays, more and more people engage in dangerous activities, such as sky diving and
motorcycling. Are you in favor of them? Use examples to support your opinion.

Nowadays, people become more aware that the extreme-sport is playing an increasingly important
role in our daily life. While some people believe that such sports activity is dangerous, others argue
that it has some beneficial effects. In my opinion, extreme sports are advantageous, which can be
supported by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that extreme sports are advantageous, which is understandable
because they can promote the regional economic development of a country. To be specific,
governments can take advantage of extreme sports as a featured element for their tourism industries
to attract visitors, which can boost consumption and expand the market on a large scale. To further
support the above statement, skydiving and bungee jumping are both popular activities in New
Zealand, and the needs of the increasing demand for participating in these adventure sports, which
makes a 15% increase in GDP in 2010.

Besides, the second justification for this view is that extreme sports make people's lives more
diverse, which is reasonable because it can provide more entertainment options for leisure life. The
moment of surprise when doing extreme sports is a unique life experience. It can not only broaden
the horizons but also make life rich and fascinating. For example, I love skydiving. When in the
process of skydiving, I can see a world different from others.
In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that participating in adventure sports are advantageous.

The information revolution by modern mass media has both positive and negative
consequences for individuals and for society. To what extent do you agree?

Nowadays, people have become more aware that the information revolution led by modern mass
media is playing an increasingly important role in our daily life. While some people believe that it
has positive influences on individuals and society, others argue that it is harmful. In my opinion, the
information revolution by modern mass media has both positive and negative consequences for
individuals and for society, which can be supported by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that the information revolution led by the mass media has a positive
impact, which is understandable because it can keep people up to date with the latest information. To
illustrate, mass media such as TV and the Internet provides information in all aspects without a time
limit so people can get the most up-to-date news and society can connect more closely. To further
support the above statement, whenever and wherever I open the webpage, I can know the headlines
from all over the world.

Nevertheless, like two sides of the same coin, the information revolution led by the mass media may
harm interpersonal relationships, which is reasonable because people reduce face-to-face
communication. To be specific, some people are too addicted to the Internet and various electronic
products and become isolated, then take the virtual world as a part of the daily life of the whole
society, thus leading to the weakening of interpersonal relationships of society. A recent study from
Oxford University can prove this. This study pointed out that 76% of people reduce their social
activities due to their addiction to mass media.

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that the information revolution led by mass media has both positive and negative effects on
individuals and society.
The mass media, including TV, radio, and newspapers, influences our society and shapes our
opinions and characters. What is your opinion?

Nowadays, people become more aware of how the mass media influences our society is playing an
increasingly important role in our daily life. While some people believe that it has positive influences
on individuals and society, others argue that it is harmful. In my opinion, the mass media has both
positive and negative effects on shaping individuals' opinions and characters and society, which can
be supported by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that the mass media has a positive impact, which is understandable
because it provides a platform for people to get access to the latest information at any time, then
make people think critically. To illustrate, the mass media such as TV, radio, and newspapers help
people think deeply and generate multifaceted ideas, so help to improve their critical thinking. To
further support the above statement, I always watch the news to help me think more critically.

Nevertheless, like two sides of the same coin, the mass media may harm interpersonal relationships
of society, which is reasonable because people reduce face-to-face communication. Specifically,
some people are too addicted to the Internet and various electronic products and become isolated,
then take the virtual world as a part of the daily life of the whole society, thus leading to the
weakening of interpersonal relationships of society. A recent study from Oxford University can
prove this. This study pointed out that 76% of people reduce their social activities due to their
addiction to mass media.

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that the mass media has positive effects on individuals and society.
Mass media, including TV and newspaper, have a great influence on humans, particularly on
the younger generation. It has a pivotal role in shaping people's opinions. Discuss the extent
you agree or disagree. Use your own experience or examples.

Nowadays, people become more aware that mass media has a significant impact on humans is
playing an increasingly important role in our daily life. While some people believe that it has a
pivotal role in shaping the younger generation's opinions, others oppose that it does not affect young
people. In my opinion, the mass media has negative impacts on the younger generation, which can be
supported by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that the mass media influences the younger generation easily,
which is understandable because youth lacks judgment about the information they receive. To be
more specific, the mass media today is full of scenes related to sex and violence, so without correct
or enough parental guide, they cannot distinguish between right and wrong, and make poor judgment
easily. To further support the above statement, in countries with well-developed media, juvenile
crime rates are much higher than in countries with closed media.

Besides, the second justification for this view is that it may make a negative impact on teenagers'
academic performance, which is reasonable because teens who lack self-control are easily tempted.
Specifically, the mass media is everywhere in today's society and causes severe distractions, so youth
may devote more time to social networks instead of focusing on learning. A recent study from
Oxford University can prove this. This study pointed out that 76% of teenagers addicted to social
networks and ruined their studies.

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that the mass media has negative impacts on the younger generation.

Climate change is a concerning global issue. Who should take the responsibilities,
governments, big companies or individuals?

Nowadays, people become more aware that climate change is one of the biggest problems which all
human are facing. While some people believe that governments should take responsibility, others
oppose that big companies and individuals also be responsible for this problem. In my opinion,
governments should take the primary responsibility for climate change, which can be supported by
the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that governments have more power to solve this problem, which is
understandable because they have the legislative capability to set relevant rules and regulations. To
be more specific, the government has more power to change and ban these improper behaviors, thus
reducing the harm caused by climate change. To further support the above statement, the Taiwan
government set a rule to prohibit coal combustion, which has effectively reduced carbon emissions.

Besides, the second justification for this view is that governments have sufficient funds to make all
the plans into reality, which is reasonable because the funding is necessary to formulate regulations,
train relevant personnel, and conduct advocacy activities. A recent study from Oxford University can
prove this. This study pointed out that 76% of people consider that governments can best deal with
climate change.

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that governments can best address climate change because they have sufficient funding and
legislative power.

Nowadays television has become an essential part of life. It is a medium for disseminating news
and information, and for some, it acts like a companion. What is your opinion about this?

Nowadays, people become more aware that television is playing an increasingly important role in
our daily life. While some people believe that the importance of TV news is to inform people about
the things happening in the world, others advocate that it acts like a companion. In my opinion,
television is a medium for disseminating news and information, and it also acts like a companion in
daily life, which can be supported by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that television is a medium for disseminating news and information,
which is understandable because information spreads and updates quickly and timely. To be more
specific, TV can provide all kinds of information and news at any time, so people can access the
news happening all over the world on TV. To further support this above statement, I always know a
lot of recent headlines and knowledge from all over the world through news and documentary TV

Besides, the second justification for this view is that when people finish their busy work and return to
their sweet home, they can release heavy pressure and have a desire for relaxation. To illustrate, TV
entertainment programs such as talk shows and variety shows offer the most appropriate method. A
recent study from Oxford University can prove this. This study pointed out that 76% of people
choose TV as their indispensable way to relax.

In a nutshell, while this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that television is a medium for disseminating news and information, and it also acts as a
companion in daily life.

Should the market for consumer goods companies like clothing and food focus on reputation or
short-term strategies like discount and special offers? Why?

Nowadays, people become more aware that marketing strategy is one of the biggest problems which
the companies are facing. While some people believe that maintaining the companies' image and
reputation is most important, others advocate that companies should focus on promotions and
discounts. In my opinion, short term strategies and the company reputation are both important to the
company's operations, which can be supported by the reasons as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that a good company reputation can increase the loyalty of existing
customers and gain the trust of potential customers. To be more specific, providing excellent
products and services can earn a good reputation and a high-quality brand image for companies,
thereby increasing the number of customers and revenue. A recent study from Oxford University can
prove this. This study pointed out that 76% of consumers like to shop in stores with a good brand

On the other hand, short term strategies such as discounts and promotions are a necessary part of a
company's business strategy, the principal justification for this view is that promotional activities can
empty unnecessary inventory to ensure the company runs smoothly and can obtain cash flow to
reduce operating risks. To further support the above statement, during the year-end discounts in
December, most companies have accumulated tremendous profitability.

In a nutshell, although this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely
conclude that promotional activities and maintaining the company's reputation are both important for
the company's operations.
You are given climate change as the field of study. Which area would you prefer? Explain why
you pick this particular area of your study and give an example in the area you pick.

Nowadays, people become more aware that climate change is one of the biggest problems which
scientists are facing. In my opinion, studying climate change is both constructive and positive, and
the topic of global warming is the most important. I will explain why choosing to learn about the
field of global warming in this article as follows.

It is reasonable for me to believe that global warming is crucial in the field of climate change, which
is understandable because the rising global temperature has led to destructive natural disasters. To be
more specific, these natural disasters have severely affected the ecological environment and
destroyed the biological chain, which brings enormous risks to the creatures on earth. Therefore, we
should devote ourselves to studying how to slow down the rate of global warming and work for
survival. A recent study from Oxford University can prove this. This study pointed out that 80% of
species face extinction due to global warming.

Global warming has left the profound impacts on humans, and it will jeopardize the living of the
future generation if we do not deal seriously. To illustrate, the melting of glaciers and the rise of sea-
level caused by global warming pose an enormous threat to many coastal areas, resulting in severe
challenges for human habitation. A recent study from Oxford University can prove this. This study
pointed out that 76% of countries are facing the issue of sea-level rise.

In a nutshell, global warming is crucial in the field of study for improving human well-being, so I
would like to study this to rescue our planet.
What do you think are the strengths and weakness of the education system in your
own country. Use your own experience to support your idea.
Governments promise continuous economic growths, but it’s actually an illusion.
Some people think that governments should abandon this. Please discuss the validity
and the implications.
Space travel is fantastic these days, but there are many issues, such as
environmental problems, that we should be focusing on. What are your views on
the allocation of public funding?

Nowadays, it is increasingly acknowledged that the distribution of a sum of money of the public is
one of the biggest issues which the government is facing. While some people believe that it should
be used to develop space travel, others advocate that the funds of the public have to spend on
environment protection. As far as I am concerned, allotting the money of the public to develop space
travel will be more beneficial in respect of this issue, which can be supported by the reasons as

It is evidently reasonable for me to believe that the public funding should be allotted to space travel
on the exploration of outer space, which is obvious because the increasing population growth has led
to a crowded living space, and climate change and global warming have made people’s living
environment more difficult. This can be established by a recent study by Oxford University which
stated that 78% of people believe that developing space travel can discover new planets to live on for
future generations and solve the problem of overpopulation.

Moreover, the second reason for this view is that natural resources on earth seem to be rich, but are
not enough for humans to squander in fact. Therefore, we must develop space travel to explore
unknown areas and find available resources and energy.

In a nutshell, while this controversial topic never fails to attract public attention, we may safely reach
the conclusion that the funds of the public should be allotted to develop space travel.

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