Grade 7 Summative

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Name: ___________________________ Date: ________ III. (2 points each) Write W if the given set is finite and C if
Section: ______________________ it is infinite.

I. (2 points each). Choose the letter of the correct answer 1. The counting number less than 30.
from the box below. Write the CAPITAL letter of the 2. The counting number greater than 30.
correct answer. 3. The female presidents of the Philippines
4. The letters in the English alphabet.
A. Cardinality of a set I. Joint Set 5. The points on a given line.
B. Infinite Set J. Finite Set 6. The cities in Metro Manila.
C. Ellipsis K. Element 7. The distinct letters in the word MATHEMATICS
D. Universal Set L. John Venn 8. The set of points that lie on a given line.
E. Null Set M. Disjoint Set 9. {2, 4, 6, 8,…}
F. Set N. John Kerr 10. {a, b, c, d,…x, y, z}
G. Venn Diagram O. Roster method
H. Georg Cantor P. Equivalent Set IV. (2 points each) Write TRUE if the statement is correct,
otherwise, FALSE.
1. A group or collection of well-defined objects.
2. Two or more sets with no elements in common. Given A = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11}
3. The number of elements in a given set. B = { even numbers less than 14}
4. A set with no elements. C = { whole numbers between 8 and 14}
5. A way of defining a set by listing the elements and D = { prime numbers less than 15}
enclosing them in braces.
6. A set that is possible to write down the complete list 1. 1∈𝐷 6. n(A) = 5
of all elements of the set and we can count the 2. 14 ∈ 𝐶 7. n(C) = 7
number of elements 3. 5∉𝐵 8. n(B) = 6
7. A set that is not possible to write down a complete 4. 14 ∉ 𝐵 9. n(D) = 7
list of all elements of the set and counting the 5. 12 ∈ 𝐷 10. n(D) = 6
number of elements never comes to an end.
8. Two or more sets with common elements V. (2 points each) Write E if the given statement is empty
9. The three dots which indicates that the set set, otherwise, write W.
continues in that pattern.
10. An object that belongs to the set. 1. The set of polar bears living in the Sahara desert.
11. The first person who introduced the Venn diagram. 2. The set of even numbers in the set A = {prime
12. A set represented by letter U. numbers}
13. A set that consists of all the elements being 3. The set of cars with two doors.
considered in a problem. 4. The set of squares with five sides.
14. A diagram that shows relationship among different 5. The set of all female boxers in the Philippines
finite sets. 6. The set of whole numbers less than 0.
15. A set with the same number of elements. 7. A = ∅
8. The set of even numbers which are both odd and
II. (2 points each) Write POGI if the given statement is even.
well-defined set, if not write GWAPO. 9. The set of triangles with two obtuse angles.
10. The set of birds that can fly.
1. Collection of all cities in the Philippines
2. Collection of all rich people in Metro Manila VI. (2 points each) Let A= {5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} and B= {a, b, c,
3. Collection of all Math teachers of HIS. d, e, f, ..., k}. In each of the following statements, fill in
4. Collection of all tall girls in the campus. the blank with one of the symbols ∈, ∉, ⊂ , ⊄ in
5. Collection of books well-liked by my classmates. order to make the statement true.
6. Collection of colors in the rainbow
7. Collection of counting numbers greater than 20. 1. 0 ____A 6. {10}____A
8. Collection of beautiful teachers in your school 2. 2 ____B 7. i____B
9. Collection of intelligent teachers. 3. {6,9} ____A 8. {b,c,d}___A
10. Collection of whole numbers greater than 5 but less 4. {h} ____B 9. {9, 10} ___ A
than 12. 5. {f, g,h,i} ____B 10. 8____B

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