A New Grid-Connected PV System Based On Cascaded H-Bridge Quasi-Z Source Inverter

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A New Grid-Connected PV System Based on

Cascaded H-bridge Quasi-Z Source Inverter

Dongsen Sun 1, Baoming Ge 1,2, Fang Zheng Peng2, Abu Rub Haitham4, Daqiang Bi 3, Yushan Liu1,4
School of Electrical Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA
State Key Lab of Power Systems, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University at Qatar, Doha, Qatar
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract- A new scheme for grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) under the equal DC-link voltages through neglecting the PV
interface by combination of a quasi-Z source inverter (qZSI) string voltage differences. References [7]-[10] introduce a
into cascaded H-bridge (CHB) is proposed in this paper. The
proposed scheme enables PV string voltage boost to a higher factor to express the different voltage and power of each PV
level, and solves the imbalance problem of DC-link voltage in string, but it cannot solve the DC-link imbalance problem. In
traditional CHB inverters. A multilevel voltage waveform of [11] an additional DC/DC converter is added to compensate
inverter output is generated by an improved phase shifted the imbalance of the DC-link voltage, but causing the whole
sinusoidal pulse width modulation (PS-SPWM) algorithm, which system complex and expensive.
introduces shoot-through states into the conventional zero states
to control qZS-CHB module. The effective control schemes are Nowadays, the Z-source inverter (ZSI) and the quasi-Z
proposed to regulate the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) source inverter (qZSI) have been widely applied for
of each string, and control the DC-link voltage of each H-bridge, renewable energy power generation system due to some
respectively. Grid injected power is controlled corresponding to unique features [12]-[16]. They can implement voltage boost
the proportionality factors of each PV string output power. A and power conversion simultaneously in a single stage, and
1.5 kW system is built in MATLAB/SIMULINK, and the
simulation results verify the proposed novel multilevel PV improve the reliability due to the shoot-through cases no
interface inverter and its control principles. longer destroying the inverter [12]-[14]. However, PV system
based on qZS-CHB multilevel inverter has never been
presented by now. Introducing a quasi-Z source (qZS)
As solar energy is one of the most promising renewable network into the CHB module, the system features several
energy, the photovoltaic (PV) systems are becoming more advantages, such as PV string voltage boost, independent
and more popular. In recent years applying multilevel tracking MPP of each PV string, and keeping an equal DC-
inverters to PV power systems is getting more and more link voltage for each H-bridge inverter module.
attention due to the large power-scale demands. Three This paper proposes a new PV system based on qZS- CHB
common multilevel inverters topologies are as follows: 1) multilevel inverter. Its whole control scheme including
diode clamped [1]-[3]; 2) capacitor clamped [4], [5]; and 3) independent MPPT control, independent DC-link voltage
cascaded H-bridge (CHB) inverter [6]–[11]. Among these control, and the grid injected power control is studied in this
topologies, the CHB inverter has unique advantages and is paper. Simulation results verify the proposed system and the
more widely used in PV system. control scheme.
Fig.1 shows a generic PV system using the CHB inverter.
The system offers some advantages such as the independent
maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of each string and
Module 1

the modulatity by cascading more H-bridge modules. In

addition, the CHB output voltage can reaches medium
voltage and has a high number of levels (2n+1, n=1, 2, …),
which results in no step up transformer and much smaller
scale filter [6]-[11]. However, with the PV string connecting
Module 2

to the inverter directly, a constant DC-link capacitor voltage

of each inverter module is impossible in this system, because
PV string voltage varies widely due to the changes of
temperature and solar irradiation, or some serious conditions
such as mismatch, partial shadows, etc. These cases will
Module 3

cause an imbalance DC-link voltage among different H-

bridge modules [6]-[10]. Moreover, a variable DC-link
voltage leads to a higher KVA rating for H-bridge module in
practical applications. In [6], a control method is studied
Fig. 1. Generic CHB multilevel inverter PV system.

978-1-4673-0158-9/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE 951

II. OPERATING PRINCIPLE OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM The details of operating principle have been illustrated in
many literatures [12]-[16]. Assuming T is one switching cycle,
A. Topology Description T0 is the interval of the shoot-through state, and T1 is the
interval of non-shoot-through states. Their relationship is
The configuration of the PV system based on qZS-CHB T0+T1=T, and the shoot-through duty ratio is D=T0/T. In
multilevel inverter is illustrated in Fig. 2. The system is steady state the following derivations can be obtained.
composed of three PV strings, three qZS H-bridge modules, Two capacitor voltages vC1 and vC2, and the peak voltage of
filtering inductance, and the distribution grid. Each PV DC-link v̂PN1 can be obtained as
string’s output connects to a qZS H-bridge module. ⎧ 1− D
⎪vC1 = 1 − 2 D vpv1
Comparing to the conventional H-bridge module, an ⎪
inductor-capacitor impedance network is introduced. The ⎪ D
⎨vC2 = vpv1 . (1)
output voltage of the qZS-CHB multilevel inverter is made of ⎪ 1 − 2D
the sum of all module output voltages, and it has seven levels. ⎪ 1
⎪ vˆPN1 = vC1 + vC2 = 1 − 2 D vpv1
The number of levels increases when increasing the series ⎩
number of the qZS H-bridge modules. where vpv1 is the PV string output voltage.
Two inductor currents iL1, iL2 can be calculated as
B. Quasi-Z Source Inverter iL2 = iL1 = P vpv1 . (2)
where P is the PV string output power.
Take one module in the proposed system as an example to
analyze the qZSI operating principle. The qZSI can be C. Improved PS-SPWM Algorithm
operated in two states, i.e., the non-shoot-through state and
the shoot-through state [12]-[15]. Fig. 3 shows the qZSI
The modulation method used in this proposed system is an
equivalent circuits operating in the two states and defines the
improved phase shifted sinusoidal pulse width modulation
polarities of all voltages and currents.
(PS-SPWM) algorithm shown in Fig. 4. As an qZS network
introduced into the conventional H-bridge, two shoot-through
modulation reference, which are denoted as 1-Dn and Dn-1,
are introduced into the conventional zero states. If the
triangular carrier signal is bigger than Dn or smaller than 1-Dn,
two switches of one leg in H-bridge module are turned on
simultaneously. But the PWM output voltage is still kept at
zero, the same as the conventional zero states.

Fig. 2. Configuration of the proposed system.

(a) (b)

Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit of the qZSI. (a) Non-shoot-through state.

(b) Shoot-through state. Fig. 4. Modulation scheme for the proposed system.

With the PWM shown in Fig. 4, each H-bridge module is a The independent MPPT control of each module is shown in
3-level inverter. We take the H-bridge module 1 as an Fig. 6. The output voltage and current of each PV string are
example, S1 and S2 (dashed line) are carriers for two legs detected and inputted to the MPPT controller. The controller
(left leg and right leg of H-bridge), respectively, which have a outputs a reference to the PV voltage close-loop regulator.
phase shift in 180° each other. The output voltage va1 of H- The PV voltage reference is refreshed every 0.0002 s by
bridge module 1 is a 3-level PWM signal. The carriers of using MPPT algorithm. By regulating the shoot-through duty
different H-bridge modules are shifted in 60° each other to ratio Dn the output voltage of each PV string will be
produce the multilevel stepped voltage waveform. By controlled at different values according to the environment
applying this method, 7-level PWM signal are generated as conditions.
shown in the Fig. 4.
III. CONTROL SCHEME B. Independent DC-link Voltage Control

Each qZS H-bridge module presents two independent

The DC-link voltage control scheme is illustrated in Fig. 6.
control freedoms: shoot-through duty ratio Dn and modulation
As the system has three independent DC-links, each one
index mn. Dn is independently used to control the each PV
should be controlled independently. The DC-link voltage vPN
string voltage and adjust the voltage to a desired reference
of qZS H-bridge changes between the peak value and zero.
given by the MPPT algorithm. While mn is used to control
While, the peak voltage v̂PN1 of DC-link will be controlled in
each DC-link voltage and the grid injected power. The
a constant value. As the expression shown in (1), vˆPNn is
following subsections describe the independent MPPT
made of the sum of vC1 and vC2. So vC1 and vC2 are measured
control, the independent DC-link voltage control, and the grid
and added together to produce vˆPNn . A proportional and
injected power control.
integral (PI) controller is employed to control vˆPNn by
adjusting the output power reference P*n. Although the
A. Independent MPPT Control reference of vˆPNn is set at the same value, the reference P*n
will be different according to each PV string output power.
In this paper Perturb and Observe (P&O) method is used to
fulfill the MPPT [16], [17]. The PV string in each module is C. Grid Injected Power Control
composed by the series connection of four KD135GH-2P PV
panels. Fig. 5 shows the P-V and I-V characteristics of the PV
The total power injected to the grid is the sum of each PV
strings, which are corresponding to different environmental
string output power. So the total power reference is
conditions, i.e., PV1: S=1.0 kW/m2, T=15 °C; PV2: S=1.0 3
kW/m2, T=35 °C; PV3: S=1.0 kW/m2, T=55 °C. From Fig. 5 P*total = ∑ P*n . (3)
we can see that the MPP voltage decreases with the n =1
environment temperature increasing. As the three qZS H-bridge modules are in the series
connection, the grid-injected current drawing from each
600 module is the same. So the peak value of the grid current is
* = 2 P total .
iˆgrid (4)
400 vˆgrid
Ppv (W)

PV2 To ensure unity power factor operation, the phase locked
200 PV3
loop (PLL) is performed to measure the phase of grid voltage.
The grid current is measured and fed back to the current
0 control loop regulator. The qZS-CHB multilevel inverter
0 20 40 60 80 100
vpv (V) output voltage vtotal is given by the current loop to produce the
(a) modulation index mn for each module.
10 As each qZS H-bridge module provides different power,
the proportionality factors can be calculated as follows [6],
ipv (A)

5 PV1 P*n
PV2 an = . (5)
PV3 P*total
Using SPWM modulation method, the modulation index mn
0 for each module can be calculated by
0 20 40 60 80 100
vpv (V) a v
mn = n total . (6)
(b) vˆPNn
Fig. 5. Characteristics of PV strings in different temperature. (a) P-V With the modulation index mn and the shoot-through duty
characteristics of three PV strings. (b) I-V characteristics of three PV strings. ratio Dn, the gate signals for three qZS H-bridge modules are

produced in PS-SPWM controller. The block diagram that inductor currents of three qZS H-bridge modules, which
performs the system power control is shown in Fig. 7. illustrate the operating principle in (1) and (2).
The DC-link voltage of each module is shown in Fig. 11.
With the independent DC-link voltage control, all their peak
values are kept at the reference 145 V. The output voltage of
qZS-CHB multilevel inverter is shown in Fig. 12. The 7-level
voltage verifies the correct operation of the improved PS-
SPWM techniques. Fig. 13 shows that the grid voltage vgrid
and the grid current igrid are in phase, which ensures unity
power factor operation. The modulation index of each module
is shown in Fig. 14. Module 1 has a higher modulation index
because it provides the most power. While module 2 and
vˆPNn module 3 have a lower modulation index, corresponding to
vˆPNn their lower output power.


vpv (V)
Fig. 6. Control scheme of qZS H-bridge module.
70 PV2
2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5
∑ Pn
n =1 2 600
v̂grid PV1
Ppv (W)

vˆPNn 500
Ptotal 400
2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5
t (s)
Fig. 7. Power control of the whole system.
Fig. 8. PV voltages and output powers of three modules.
In order to verify the proposed system and its control
vC1 and vC2 (V) vC1 and vC2 (V) vC1 and vC2 (V)

schemes, the simulations are performed by using MATLAB 150

vC1 Module 1
/SIMULINK. A 1.5 kW single-phase 7-level qZS-CHB 100
multilevel inverter system, as shown in Fig. 2, is built for vC2
simulation. The simulation parameters are as follows: carrier 50
frequency fc=2 kHz, L1=L2=3 mH, C1=C2=2 mF, C3=1 mF, 0
Lf=1 mH, and the resistances of L1 and L2 are r1=r2=0.1 Ω. 2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5
The grid voltage has a constant phase voltage of 220 V rms, 150
with a frequency of 50 Hz. The PV string is modeled and vC1 Module 2
simulated based on KD135GH-2P. To verify the proposed 100
control scheme in the case of PV strings outputting different vC2
voltage and different power, we assume the three PV strings
operating in different temperature conditions. The 0
2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5
characteristics of the PV strings in three modules are shown
in Fig. 5. The peak value of DC-link voltage of all three 150
vC1 Module 3
modules is controlled at 145 V. 100
Fig. 8 shows the voltage and power of PV string in three vC2
modules. All of the three PV strings operate at their MPPs, 50
and the voltage and power of PV 1, PV 2, and PV 3 are 71.5 0
V /545 W, 66 V/500 W, 60.5 V/455 W, respectively. And the 2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5
total power injected into the grid is 1500 W, which t (s)
corresponds to the grid-injected current with a peak value of
9.6 A. Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 show the capacitor voltages and Fig. 9. Capacitor voltages of three qZS H-bridge modules.

iL1 and iL2 (A) 20 400

vgrid (V)
Module 1
10 0
0 -400
2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5 2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5
iL1 and iL2 (A)

Module 2 20

igrid (A)
10 0

0 -20
2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5 2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5
20 t (s)
iL1 and iL2 (A)

Module 3

10 Fig. 13. Grid voltage and current of qZS-CBH multilevel Inverter.

0 1
2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5
t (s)

Fig. 10. Inductor currents of three qZS H-bridge modules.

200 -1
2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5
vPN1 (V)


2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5
200 -1
2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5
vPN2 (V)



2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5
200 -1
2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5
vPN3 (V)

t (s)
Fig. 14. Modulation index of each module.
2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5

Fig. 11. DC-link voltages of three modules.

A new multilevel inverter for PV power generation
systems is proposed. It is a combination of qZSI and CHB
500 multilevel topology, and has both advantages of them. This
enables independent MPPT control and independent DC-link
voltage control for each PV generation module. Moreover,
vH (V)

0 the proposed system effectively overcomes the DC-link

voltage imbalance problem.
The control methods of the proposed system including
independent MPPT control, independent DC-link voltage
-500 control, and the output power control are presented in detail.
2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5
A 1.5 kW simulation model is built to test the performance of
t (s)
the system. Simulation results verify the operating principle
Fig. 12. Output voltage of qZS-CBH multilevel Inverter.
and control strategies of the proposed system.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, APEC
2009, Washington DC, USA, pp. 918-924, 15-19 Feb. 2009.
Parts of this work, specifically Sections III and IV were [15] U. Supatti, F.Z. Peng, “Z-source inverter with grid connected for wind
supported by Education Development Program of Delta power system,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition,
ECCE 2009, San Jose, USA, pp. 398 – 403, 20-24 Sep. 2010.
Environmental & Educational Foundation under grant No. [16] Y. Li, F.Z. Peng, J.G. Cintron-Rivera, and S. Jiang, “Controller design
DREG2010001 and the State Key Laboratory of Control and for Quasi-Z-Source inverter in photovoltaic systems,” IEEE Energy
Simulation of Power System and Generation Equipments Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE2010, Atlanta, USA, pp.
3187-3194, 12-16 Sep. 2010.
under grant No. SKLD11KM01, Tsinghua University, [17] N. Femia, D. Granozio, G. Petrone, G. Spagnuolo, and M. Vitelli,
Beijing 100084, China. In addition, we also acknowledge “Predictive & adaptive mppt perturb and observe method,” IEEE Trans.
support from NPRP grant No. 09-233-2-096 from the Qatar on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 934–950, Jul.
National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation) for
Section II, and from the Beijing Jiaotong University
Foundation under grant No. 2009JBM093 for Section IV. The
statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the
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