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Thermal Load Analysis

and HVAC System Design
for Oklahoma Air National
Guard Building
Ian Blanski
Rendra Heodinata
Matthew Hulsey
Chris Sanchez
MAE 4703
Table of Contents
Thermal Resistance of Walls........................................................................................................................1
Heating Load................................................................................................................................................1
Cooling Load................................................................................................................................................1
Air Flow Rates and Supply Temperatures....................................................................................................2
Air Distribution System................................................................................................................................3
Air Quality....................................................................................................................................................3
Energy Consumption...................................................................................................................................3

1.) Background

The group is tasked to develop a heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning system for the Oklahoma Air
National Guard Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The building is a 19,000 square foot facility with
offices, training rooms, showers, lockers, restrooms, and a vehicle maintenance bay. The building is a
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) silver certified facility. The major constraints for
the design are occupancy, the radio maintenance work center, and the maintenance bay. The front
offices are occupied year round, while the remainder is occupied one weekend a month and 2 weeks per
year for the guard members. The radio maintenance work center requires local exhaust for soldering.
The vehicle maintenance bay calls for only heating and ventilation.

2.) Zones
The preliminary task in the system design is to break up the building in zones, depending on the room’s
function, occupancy load, and locations. Figure 1 below shows the zone division for the entire building.
Zone 1, Zone 2 and zone 3 are all flight offices but they are broken down to three separate zones due to
the different occupancy they have during the same time of the day. Zone 4 is the main office where
people go in and out; hence it should have its own unique loading. Zone 5 is the simulation room where
occupants exhibit medium activity and requires medium air recirculation. Zone 6 characteristic is similar
to the main offices but because they are separated away, it has to have their own numbers. Similar case
can be examined for zone 7 and 12 (Mechanical room and radio maintenance bay) where only
ventilation is needed and has its own heating source. Zone 10 and Zone 9 exhibit similar characteristic
where no air circulation is desired. Yet because the gym (Zone 10) generates more loads due to the high
duty activity, it has to be separated from the locker room. Zone 8 and Zone 11 has its own characteristic
that has to be separated from other zones.

Figure 1 Zone division for entire building based on their function, distance, and loadings

3.) Thermal Resistance of Walls

The LEED certification is a rating system on how energy efficient a building is. To acquire such a
certification the building must limit the amount of energy transmitted through the walls, roof, and
foundation. Thus, insulating materials are used liberally creating a thermal network. The majority of the
walls are made up of 5/8” gypsum board, R-19 batt insulation with 6’ metal studs 16” on center, ½”
gypsum sheathing, an air space, and 4” face brick. The resistance for each material was found in HVAC
analysis and design [ CITATION McQ05 \l 1033 ] and ASHRAE Fundamentals. The overall heat transfer
coefficient was calculated using Error: Reference source not found and Error: Reference source not
found . All the resistance information for wall, roofs and floors can be found in Appendix A in the end of
the report

U= (1)
U t A t=U b A b+U f Af (2)

4.) Heating Load

Heating load during winter condition for the whole building is divided to several components as heat is
conducted through several different media. Heat is conducted through the wall, doors, windows, roof
and floor and is also infiltrated through the cracks between doors and windows. All the assumptions and
the heat transfer will be carefully explained in the next few subsection

4.1 Assumption and Outside Condition

Due to the existence of unknown variable and worst condition analysis, there are several assumptions
that are being made during heating load calculation in this project. Those assumptions are listed as
 Indoor comfort temperature was assumed to be 72°F and relative humidity of 40%. Outside
design temperature of 17°F is used from Table B-1a [ CITATION Mcq05 \l 1033 ]
 For pressure calculation during winter condition, outside wind speed is assumed to be 15 miles
per hour
 All the door are assumed to be tight fittings (new conditions)
 Outside relative humidity was assumed to be 0% for worst case condition
 Assume all surface of the walls experience a windward wind conditions with a Cp of 0.5 for
worst case analysis

4.2 Heat Conduction

Utilizing the resistance for walls, doors, windows and roof the heating conduction can be easily
calculated by using the equation 3 below

q̇ =UAΔT (3)

The floor conduction has its own unique equation by utilizing the exterior floor perimeter of the zone as
shown in equation 4 below. All the conduction heat through different media is then summarized and
called total transmission heat.

q̇ =UAΔT (4)

4.3 Heat Infiltration

The total infiltration is calculated by using the crack method where outdoor air infiltrates the indoor
space through cracks around doors and windows. It depends on a few variables such as the length of the
cracks, the pressure difference between two spaces, and the type of cracks. Since the building has only
one floor and under normal conditions, the only pressure difference included in the analysis is the
pressure change due to the wind while neglecting the stack and building pressurization pressure. Based
on the total infiltration, the sensible load and the latent load can be calculated by using equation 5 and
equation 6
q̇ sensible= ṁCpΔT (5)
q̇ latent =ṁ hΔω (6)
Cp = Pressure coefficient of the air
h = enthalpy of vaporization
Δω = absolute humidity difference between indoor space and outdoor condition

4.4 General Results

The heating load for each zone is calculated and is shown in Figure 2 below.

6212 8195

2680 11607 20142

24163 4

Figure 2 Heating load required for each zone in the building in btu/hr

It can be seen from figure 2 that the heating load is not distributed evenly in each of the zone in the
building due to its surrounding conditions. Zone that are located in the middle of the building and has
very few interactions with outside conditions require a small amount of heating load despite of its floor
area. For example room with larger area such as simulation room (Zone 5) has a smaller load of 10,672
btu/hr compared to the flight office (Zone 1) that has smaller area. Latrine and locker room require the
smallest load of 2,680 btu/hr. On the contrary, the front offices which have a lot of doors, windows and
exposed walls require the largest amount of heating load (32,690btu/hr). This means that the amount of
heating load depends on how much the room is exposed to the outside condition through the walls,
doors and windows. The total heating load for the entire building is found to be 174,537 btu per hour

4.5 Detailed Results

A sample heating load calculation from zone 11, which is the radio maintenance room, will be discussed
in this section to further illustrate the findings. The heat transmission load and the infiltration load are
shown below in Table 1 and Table 2 respectively. The calculation for other zones can be found in
Appendix C at the end of the report.

Table 1 Transmission heating load required in zone 11 due to walls, floors, roof, windows and doors

Total Exterior Wall Area (ft²) 506

Heating Load Wall(Btu/hr) 1235
Roof Area (ft²) 1533
Heating Load Roof(Btu/hr) 2638
Perimeter of the Floor (ft) 75
Heating Load Floor (Btu/hr) 5981
Heating Load Window (Btu/hr) 770
Total Transmission Heating Load (Btu/hr) 10625

Table 2 Infiltration heating load required in zone 11 due to doors and windows

Lc [ft] V/L [cfm/ft V [cfm] Q sensible [Btu/hr] Q latent [Btu/hr] Total Q [Btu/hr]
5 Windows [W1] 86.7 0.12 10.40 630.19 351.84 982.03

In this particular zone, the north and south walls are directly exposed to the outside surface while the
east and west walls are connected to other zones. Heat will be conducted through these walls as well as
the roof and the floor. There are also 5 windows that are being taken into account for infiltrations in this
zone. The total infiltrations for the zone are found to be around 1,355 btu per hour. With all the

transmission and infiltrations, the resulting total heating load in this zone is found to be 11,608 btu per

5.) Cooling Load

During the warmer parts of the year the facility will have to be cooled. There are several driving factors
for the cooling load: amount a radiation striking the building, internal heat gains, and infiltration from
outdoor air. To determine the maximum cooling load during the year, it was assumed to be worst case
on the summer solstice, July 21. For this project the Radiant Times Series method will be utilized. To
show the findings zone 1 will be looked at in detail, because it exemplifies every portion of the cooling
calculations well.

5.1 Solar Radiation

In order to determine the amount of radiation striking the surface one needs to determine the position
of the sun throughout the day. Time measured by the position of the sun is called the Local Solar Time
(LST). This time allows for the solar altitude angle, the solar azimuth angle, and the angle of incidence to
be calculated. These angles allow for one to exactly determine the sun in relation to the building. The
total amount of radiation striking a surface is given by equation 7.

G t =[max ( cosθ , 0 )+ C F ws + ρ g F wg ( sinβ+C )]G ND (7)

For zone 1 there are three outside surfaces in which radiation strikes, the south wall, the west wall, and
the roof. The radiation calculations for zone 1 are shown in Appendix D.1

5.2 Solar Heat Gain through Fenestration

Windows are great for allowing light into a building. However, they also allow for radiation to pass
through as well. The amount of solar radiation passing through the window determines the amount of
heat gain. To be able to account for the total amount of heat gained through fenestration the areas of
the glaze, the area of the frame, and the amount of solar irradiation needed. The solar heat gain
coefficient simplifies the process. It allows for a fraction of the incident solar energy to be calculated.
The coefficients for the glaze can be found in table 7-3 [ CITATION McQ05 \l 1033 ]. The solar heat gain
coefficients for the frame are found by using equation 7-31 [ CITATION McQ05 \l 1033 ]. The total solar
heat gain is then obtained by equation 8, where IAC is the interior solar attenuation coefficient. It was
assumed that there was nothing covering the windows from the inside, thus, IAC is one. It was also
assumed that there was no offset for the windows.

q̇ SHG=[ SHGC f A sl GDθ + SHGCf A f Gdθ ] + [ SHGC gD Asl , g GDθ + SHGC gd A g Gdθ ] IAC (8)

For zone 1 there are two small sets of windows on the south wall and two small windows on the west
wall for radiation to pass through. The calculations for the windows in zone 1 are shown in Appendix D.3

5.3 Internal Heat Gains

Internal heat gains are a significant component to the cooling load. They can be broken down into three
main categories for commercial buildings: people, lights, and equipment. For people the amount of heat
given off depends on the type of activity the people are participating in. Table 8-2 in McQuiston gives a
broad range of heat gains for people. The amount of heat given off by lighting is determined by the total
wattage of the lights itself. The amount of lighting was estimated by using ASHRAE fundamentals. The
amount of heat gain from equipment is given by the amount of power it uses. For safety and energy
efficiency reasons it was assumed that lights and equipment will be at twenty percent of full capacity
outside of business hours. It was also assumed that no one will be in the building outside of typical
business hours.

From the occupancy plan zone 1 will have twenty people doing sedentary light work. From Table 8-2 of
McQuiston the total sensible heat gain for zone 1 during business hours is 4900 Btu/hr. The total latent
heat gain for zone 1 during business hours is 3100 Btu/hr. The internal heat gain for the lights was
estimated using 1.4 W/sqft ASHRAE CH 18 T-2, yielding 8000 Btu/hr at peak load. All the information can
be found in Appendix D.4

5.4 Sol-air Temperature

The sol-air temperature is the effective temperature of outdoor air that would give an equivalent heat
flux.[ CITATION McQ05 \l 1033 ] It is given by equation 9 and the calculations are shown in Appendix D.2

t e =t o+(αG t )/ho−εδR/ho (9)

5.5 Conduction Heat Gain

The conduction heat transfer at the inside surface is given by equation 10. The periodic response values
were assumed to be Wall 2 and Roof 2 from table 8-18 in McQuiston, because of the similarity to the
walls and roof of the building.

q } rsub {conduction,in,j,θ= sum from {n=0} to {23} {{Y} rsub {pn} ( {t} rsub {e,j,θ-nd}

The conduction heat gain is given by equation 11.

q̇ conduction ,∈ , j , θ= A j q } rsub {conduction,in,j,θ ¿


The conduction heat gain for windows is given by equation 12.

q̇ conduction ,∈ ,window ,θ=(U f A f +U g A g )(t o −t i ) (12)


The conduction heat gains for zone 1’s three surfaces are in Appendix D.2. They were calculated by using
a nested loop in Microsoft Visual Basic.

5.6 Infiltration
Using the crack method the total flow rate of outside air was calculated. The total heat gain due to
infiltration is given by equation 13 and its calculation is shown in Appendix D.6

Q̇ c p
q̇ infiltration = ∗(t o −t i ) (13)

5.7 Radiant Time Series

The Radiant Time Series method estimates the cooling load due to the radiative portions of each heat
gain. [ CITATION McQ05 \l 1033 ] Each heat gain was split into radiative and convective fractions with
accordance to table 8-20 of McQuiston. The radiant time factors for medium weight wall one was
assumed from Table 8-21 of McQuiston. The radiative cooling load was then calculated using equation

q̇ θ ,cl =r o q̇θ +r 1 q̇ θ−δ +⋯+ r 23 q̇ θ−23 δ


The total cooling load was then found by summing the infiltration, radiative cooling load, and the
convective heat gain. The radiative time series calculations for zone 1 are found in Appendix D.6

5.8 Example Total Cooling Load

The total cooling load for zone 1 is shown in . It exemplifies that the two primary drivers for the cooling
load are people and lights. Infiltration and equipment heat gains are almost negligible during business
hours. The graph shows that the walls have a thermal mass because of the delayed drop in cooling load
after the people leave and the lights are turned off. All other zones were calculated in a similar manner

Cooling Loads for Zone 1

Cooling Loads [Btu/hr]


20000.0 Wall

1 6 11 16 21

Time (hr)

Figure 3 Cooling Load Profile for Zone 1

5.9 General Total Cooling Load

By using similar manner as previous example, the total cooling load for each zone is then calculated and
shown in Figure 4 below


9620 31094

25690 39472

Figure 4 Cooling load required for each zone in the building in btu/hr

By analyzing results in Figure 4, it is found the highest cooling load is required in the simulation room
(zone 5) with the offices and radio work being the second and the third. A lot of cooling is required in
zone 5 due to the huge amount of internal heat gain developed in the zone. There are simulators and
some computers that will produce an equipment load around 27,000 btu per hour. It is understandable
that offices required a lot of cooling load since a lot of exposed walls, doors and windows are located in
that area. The reason why radio work produce a lot of load is due to the infiltration and heat conduction
from the east wall that are connected to radio maintenance bay. During summer, cooling is not provided
in the radio maintenance bay and therefore, its temperature will be similar to outdoor design
temperature. The total cooling load for the entire building based on the calculation is found to be
298,519 btu per hour and its detailed calculation can be found in Appendix D.8

6.) Air Flow Rates and Supply Temperatures

6.1 Assumptions and Methods
After calculating the heating and cooling loads for each of the zones, the air flow rates required to size
ducts and diffusers for each zone were determined. By using assumptions provided by (McQuiston 68)
an initial supply temperature of approximately 20°F less than the dry bulb temperature of the room was
assumed. Once a good estimate supply temperature was known the corresponding enthalpies of the
room and the air entering the room were found using the Psychrometric Chart. Then using equation 15
the mass flow rate was found. Also using the Psychrometric Chart the specific volume corresponding to
the supply temperature was used to calculate the volumetric flow rate using equation 16. All the
Schematic from Psychometric chart can be found in Appendix E. The same procedure was done for the
heating flow rates however the supply temperature was assumed to be 20°F greater than the
comfortable air temperature of the room. Table 3 and Table 4 show the initial flow calculations with the
20 degree assumption for cooling and heating condition respectively.

( hroom −h supply )

Where m dot [lb/hr], is the mass flow rate, Q dot [Btu/hr] is the cooling load at peak conditions, h room
[Btu/lb] is the enthalpy of the dry bulb room temperature, and h supply [Btu/lb] is the enthalpy of the
dry bulb air being supplied to the room.

V̇ =v supply × ṁ (16)
Where V dot [cfm] is the volumetric flow rate and v supply [cft/lb] is the specific volume of the air being
supplied to the room.

6.2 Supply Temperatures

The 20 degree assumption is a good approximation because it accounts for all of the losses in the ducts
and assumes that energy from the fan is completely transferred to the air which results in a lower supply
temperature. In this design all of the recirculated air not exhausted is recirculated back to the main air
handler and cooling cool. This allows the supply temperature to remain at a constant 55 °F and the air
flow rates to be controlled by dampers to decrease or increase the flow based on whether the building
is operating in full load or part load condition

6.3 Flow Rate Results

Table 3 Cooling air flow rates for every zone in the building

There were no calculations for the Maintenance Room (Zone 7) and Mantenance Bay (Zone 12) because
the zones only require ventialtion during the summer conditions. The Simulation Room (Zone 5) has the
largest load due to all of the internal heat gains from the equipment and as a result has the largest air
flow requirements. The Multi-Purpose Room (Zone 8) and the Workout Room (Zone 10) are required to
handle the greatest about of bodies and activity so their loads in respect to their zone areas are high.
Zone 11, which is the zone right next the maintenance bay, also has a large air flow rate requirement
due to the infultration through the double doors that connect to the bay.

Table 4 Heating air flow rates for every zone in the building

The first Flight Office (Zone 1) and the Front Offices (Zone 4) have larger air flow demands for heating
because the heating load requirements are the largest for these sections. The first flight office has 4
windows and a large area connected to the outside wall. The front offices have a large amount of
windows and two sets of vestibule doors conncected to the outside so this confirms that the air flow
rate demand would be the greatest for this section.

7.) Diffusers
For diffuser selection each group member was responsible for knowing their own zone airflow rates and
characteristic lengths, two of the major variables for selecting diffuser types and locations in a given
zone. The first step in selecting a diffuser was to decide on a diffuser type and determine its
characteristic length L. For the majority of the building circular ceiling diffusers were selected based on
the climate that the building was located in. Because of Oklahoma’s hot summers and mild winters, the
HVAC system is forced to be cooling dominated, meaning that over the course of a year the majority of
the load will be cooling loads. For the system to effectively neutralize outdoor heat gains in addition to
internal heating caused by occupants, lighting, and equipment, circular ceiling diffusers were the best
choice. Circular ceiling diffusers provided a relatively even cooling profile minimizing stagnation during
cooling. After selecting a diffuser type and number for a particular room, a characteristic length could be
determined by looking at the given floor plans and Table 11-1 of the text book. In zone 6 (room 125) for
example the width of the room was 15ft and the diffusers were placed centrally making the
characteristic length 7.5ft. Next, values from table 11-4 allowed a size to be selected based upon flow
rate and the radius of diffusion. Zone 6 required three 10” diffusers with approximately 268cfm per
diffuser to neutralize the heat gain for the room. After selecting a size, actual values for radius of
diffusion, noise criteria (NC), and total pressure were determined by interpolation when a flow rate was
between two values in table 11-4. Table 5 shows the calculated values of throw (La), total pressure (Pt),
and noise criteria. Diffusers for the entire zone can be found in Appendix F

Table 5 Sample Diffuser Specification for Room 125

Room 125
Flow Rate 860
Lc 7.5
X50 6
Diameter selection 10"
La 8.6
X50/La 0.7
NC 12.7
Pt 8
Number of Diffusers 3

8.) Air Distribution System

Because of the building’s size and LEED requirements for efficiency, a variable air volume (VAV) system
was chosen to distribute air throughout the structure. Depending on loading conditions of individual
zones, VAV systems respond by “throttling” the volume of air supplied to each zone (McQuiston). For
the Oklahoma Air National Guard building only two zones are needed to be regulated year round and
the other ten are occupied one weekend a month and two weeks out of the year. Because of the
buildings occupation schedule the VAV system can close the dampers to the vacant zone, decrease the
fan’s speed, and reduce the cooling/heating coil load, thus improving the overall efficiency of the

system. Besides lower operation costs a VAV system also has lower initial costs compared to other
individual space control systems because it requires single runs supply duct (McQuiston).
Once a system type was selected, ducting had to be run from the roof top unit to the individual zones.
To achieve this, a main duct was used to supply all of the zones. From the main, single run ducting
branched off to supply air to the diffusers. After a schematic was drawn for the ducting system (shown in
Figure 5 below), calculations for duct diameter were performed by utilizing the equal-friction method.

Figure 5 Ducting system for the entire building

The equal-friction method assumes that there is a consistent pressure loss per foot of duct length for
the entire system. To estimate the pressure loss, the longest run or longest distance from the plenum to
diffuser needed to be considered for the calculation. Next equivalent lengths for the fittings along the
selected longest run were determined and summed with the longest run length to get a total duct
length. The total available pressure for the ducting was then divided by the calculated total length which
resulted in a pressure loss per unit length. Next the friction loss and supply flow rate were used to look
up duct diameters from Figure 12-21 in the HVAC analysis and design text book (McQuiston, 420). At a
standard duct size the actual pressure drop per 100ft section was obtained from the chart as well. With
the actual pressure drop and equivalent length a pressure drop could be calculated for each section of

ducting. The pressure drop for each run in the zone was then calculated. This process was repeated for
every zone in the building to determine fan sizing.
A sample zone 1, 2 and 3 is taken for pressure loss and equal friction analysis while those from other
zones can be found in Appendix G. Figure 6 below shows the ducting design for zone 1, 2, and 3 starting
from the plenum located near the simulation room.

Figure 6 Ducting system for the Zone 1,2 and 3

In Figure 6, the plenum is shown by the blue box and the longest run runs from section 1 to section 6. It
is seen that the ducting system is designed utilizing as less tee junction four way intersection as possible
to minimize pressure loss. By using the equal friction method, the duct size for every section in the zone
can be calculated and is shown in Table 6 below.

Table 6 Flow rate and Duct Diameter for each section in zone 1, 2 and 3

  Section Number Flow [cfm] D [in]

  1 4500 24
  2 2980 22
3 1530 16
Zone 1
4 879.75 14

5 229.5 8
6 114.75 6
7 114.75 6
8 114.75 6
9 382.5 10
10 382.5 10
11 108.75 6
12 217.5 8
13 108.75 6
14 362.5 9
Zone 2
15 833.75 14
16 108.75 6
17 362.5 9
18 1450 16
19 114 6
20 228 8
21 114 6
22 380 10
Zone 3
23 874 14
24 114 6
25 380 10
26 1520 16

From table 6, ducts diameter is consistent where the main ducts such as section 1 and 2 has a larger
diameter compare to the branch ducts connected to diffusers such as section 19. The largest diameter
for ducts coming out directly from plenum is 24 inch. By using the diameter and the air flow rate, the
pressure loss through every run can also be calculated. Figure 7 below illustrates the pressure loss for
the longest run in the zone (run 6).

Pressure Drop of Longest Run



Pressure in wg

0.3 Total Pressure

Static Pressure


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 7 Pressure losses on the longest run in Zone 1, 2 and 3

It is seen that pressure is decreasing steadily as air going further to the diffuser number 6. It is seen from
the figure that both static pressure and total pressure losses does not exceed the supply pressure in the
plenum. An ending static pressure of approximately 0 inch of water column also further indicates that
the room is in an atmospheric pressure. The pressure drop diagram for other zones can be found in
Appendix G on the end of the report.

9.) Fans Selection

With the calculated flow rate, it is possible to do a fan selection for the main unit and the rest of the air
handler to every zone. From previous section it is noted that around 15,000 cubic feet per minute is
required to be distributed to all zones inside the building. In order to compensate the flow rate required,
a suitable fan has to be selected. 3 major parameters that are used in fan selection is the size of the fan,
type of the fan and the efficiency of the fan.

9.1 Size of the Fan

The size boundary condition for fan selection is the ducting spaces that are located in the attic of the
building. The approximate attic height given from the architectural plan of the building is around 3-4
feet. Therefore fans selected for VAV unit and those in other air handler have to be smaller than the
specified space constraint. A parallel fan arrangement that substitute one large fan to multiple small
fans can be a one of the solutions to solve size problems. This arrangement is usually used whenever the
building has a wide attic area with a limited height

9.2 Type and efficiency of the fan

Generally, fans are divided into centrifugal and radial axis fan. Yet, centrifugal is the most widely used
fan in HVAC system due to its cheaper price and simpler construction. Centrifugal fan can have a
backward curve blade or a forward curve blade depending on its purpose. Backward fan is usually used
for medium flow rate and high static pressure application with maximum efficiency between 75 to 80% [
CITATION Yas06 \l 1033 ]. On the other hand a forward curved blade is usually to deliver a huge amount
of air flow rate with a small static pressure. It has a lower maximum efficiency that range from 60 to
68%. Therefore, a forward curved blade will have a lower rpm than the backward curved blade. For this
project application, forward curved blade will be a more suitable choice considering the small static
pressure of 0.5 inch of water column and a relatively high pressure of 15,000 cubic feet per minute.

9.3 Fan selections

Considering the three constraint mentioned from previous sections, the team did an online research to
find a suitable fans for the application. The first attempt was to select a single fan that operates under

the calculated air flow rate of 15,000 cubic feet per minute. Table 7 below shows the specification of the
largest forward curved blade fan available from Twin City corporation [ CITATION Twi12 \l 1033 ]. From
table 1, it is found that a fan of 36.5 inches in diameter is required for the application. This diameter is
within the size constraint but it is located on the edge of the range. Therefore smaller fans will be
preferable for such conditions. A low efficiency of 53% also indicates that this fan is undersized and will
be unstable during its operation.

Table 7 Specification of a single fan for main handler unit from Twin City Corporation

Fan Selection TOTAL SYSTEM

Total Flow rate in the Zone (cfm) 15472
Outlet Velocity (fpm) 2000
Total pressure (in-wg) 0.75
Total Static Pressure (in-wg) 0.5
Type of Fan FCV 365
Diameter Size (in) 36.5
rpm 249
Shaft Power (hp) 3.5
Static Power (hp) 1.2
Total Power (hp) 1.8
Total Fan Efficiency (%) 53
Static Fan Efficiency (%) 35
Total Power Main Fans (hp) 7.3

A parallel option is then used to obtain a more desirable result. With the parallel arrangement, the
supply air flow rate is reduced from 15,000 cubic feet per minute to 7,500 cubic feet per minute which
then allow us to select smaller and more efficient fans. Table 8 below depicts the specification for two
parallel fans inside the main unit. Specification for all the fans used in other sub air handler units can be
found in Appendix H.

Table 8 Specification two parallel fans arrangement for main handler unit from Twin City Corporation

Fan Selection TOTAL SYSTEM (2 parallels)

Total Flow rate in the Zone (cfm) 7736
Outlet Velocity (fpm) 1035
Total pressure (in-wg) 0.57
Total Static Pressure (in-wg) 0.5
Type of Fan FCV 330
Diameter Size (in) 33
rpm 226
Shaft Power (hp) 1.1
Static Power (hp) 0.6
Total Power (hp) 0.7

Total Fan Efficiency (%) 63

Static Fan Efficiency (%) 55
Total Power Main Fans (hp) 2.8

From Table 2 above, it can be seen that the efficiency is increased to 63% and is within the acceptable
theoretical range of a forward curved blade fan. The diameter of the fan is also reduced to less than the
attic height constraint of 3 feet. Another notable finding is the parallel arrangement requires less
operating power compare to a single fan unit. A combined power 7.3 horsepower is needed for a single
large fan while only 5.6 horsepower is needed for two smaller fans in parallel. This will provide a good
improvement in terms of power consumption and energy savings.

10.) Air Quality

10.1 Fresh air and Air recirculated

The occupancy for each zone was observed and using Table 4-2 in (McQuiston, p 103) the required flow
rate per person was calculated. The required flow rate per person of fresh air changes depending on the
activity and functionality of each zone. Once the Required Fresh Air in flow rate was found the
percentages of how much air needed to be fresh with respect to the air flow requirement to that zone
was calculated. The results are shown in Table 9.

Table 9 The amount of recirculation air needed for each zone in the building

Zone 7 and Zone 12 are ventilated so there is no recirculated air. Zone 9 and Zone 10 are going to
require 100% fresh air because of the functionality of the zone and the physical activity of the people.
The Radio Maintenance Rooms (Zone 11) require 20% of its total flow to be fresh air however due to the
quality of the air in the workshops all of the air will be exhausted and not recirculated back to the main
unit. The % of Recirculated air from Zones 1-6 and Zone 8 gave a good approximation of how much air

was going to be mixed with the outside air. Mixing the recirculated air with the outdoor air determines
how large the cooling coil needs to be. An illustration of the state points on the Phsychrometric Chart is
found in Appendix E.

10.2 Filters

With the amount of recirculation known the size of the filters were able to be calculated using a
pressure drop of 0.5 for each Plenum. Since all of the recirculation air from the zones are of similar
quality all of the filters can be assumed to be the same. The M-15 filter size 24 x 24 x 12 from Table 4-3
of (McQuiston pg 111) was selected based on its performance and fitted into position A in our
recirculation line (McQuiston, p112). Table 10 shows the result of the size of the M-15 for each plenum.
The recirculation ducting for the entire building is also shown in Appendix I on the end of the report

Table 10 Filter used during recirculation in each plenum of HVAC system


Air Quality

Energy Consumption


Appendix A (Gant Chart)


Appendix B (Resistance)

Wall Resistance

Wall Resistance Type Path 1 R (hr-ft^2-F/Btu) Wall Resistance Type Path 2 R (hr-ft^2-F/Btu)
Outisde Air 0.17 Outisde Air 0.17
WS 11 0 WS 11 0
WS 24 0.44 WS 24 0.44
WS 25 0 WS 25 0
WS 9 0.56 WS 9 0.56
WS 12 0.02 WS 12 0.02
WS 13 19 Metal Stud 0.02
WS 16 0.56 WS 16 0.56
WS 20 1.12 WS 20 1.12
Inside Air 0.68 Inside Air 0.68
Total 22.55 Total 3.57

Total U (Btu/hr-ft^2-F) 0.07

Roof Resistance

Roof Resistance Type R (hr-ft^2-

Outisde Air 0.17
WS1 0
WS2 0
WS5 0
WS3 30
WS4 0
WS20 1.12
Inside Air 0.68
Total 31.97

Total U (Btu/hr-ft^2-F) 0.031


Floor Resistance

Floor Resistance Type R (hr-ft^2-F/Btu)

Inside Air 0.68
WS 34 1
WS 44 0
WS 45 0
Outside Air 0.17
Total Resistance 1.85

Total U (Btu/hr-ft^2-F) 1.45


Appendix C (Heating Load)

Zone 1  
Rooms 111,112,113

Zone 1 Total Heating Load [Btu/hr] 24163

Lc [ft] V/L [cfm/ft V [cfm] Q sensible [Btu/hr] Q latent [Btu/hr] Total Q [Btu/hr]
4 Windows [W1] 69 0.12 8 504 281 786
1 Door [116D] 23 0.12 3 165 92 257

Exterior Wall Area (ft²) 988

Door Area (ft²) 30
Window Area (ft²) 75
Floor Perimeter (ft) 84
Heating Load Wall(Btu/hr) 2521
Heating Load Door(Btu/hr) 834
Heating Load Window (Btu/hr) 1027
Heating Load Floor (Btu/hr) 14926
Heating Load Roof (Btu/hr) 3822
Total Heating Transmission Load
(Btu/hr) 23120

Zone 2  
Rooms 115,116,117

Zone 2 Total Heating Load [Btu/hr] 17543

Lc [ft] V/L [cfm/ft V [cfm] Q sensible [Btu/hr] Q latent [Btu/hr] Total Q [Btu/hr]
2 Windows [W1] 35 0.12 4 252 141 393
1 Door [116D] 23 0.12 3 165 92 257

Exterior Wall Area (ft²) 360

Door Area (ft²) 30
Window Area (ft²) 37
Floor Perimeter (ft) 31
Heating Load Wall(Btu/hr) 919
Heating Load Door(Btu/hr) 834
Heating Load Window (Btu/hr) 513
Heating Load Floor (Btu/hr) 10805
Heating Load Roof (Btu/hr) 3822
Total Transmission Heating Load
(Btu/hr) 16893

Zone 3  

Rooms 115,116,117

Zone 3 Total Heating Load [Btu/hr] 18986

Lc [ft] V/L [cfm/ft V [cfm] Q sensible [Btu/hr] Q latent [Btu/hr] Total Q [Btu/hr]
2 Windows [W1] 35 0.12 4 252 141 393
1 Door [116D] 23 0.12 3 165 92 257

Exterior Wall Area (ft²) 1005

Door Area (ft²) 30
Window Area (ft²) 37
Floor Perimeter (ft) 83
Heating Load Wall(Btu/hr) 3357
Heating Load Door(Btu/hr) 834
Heating Load Window (Btu/hr) 513
Heating Load Floor (Btu/hr) 9810
Heating Load Roof (Btu/hr) 3822
Total Transmission Heating Load
(Btu/hr) 18336

Zone 8  
Rooms 145

Zone 8 Total Heating Load [Btu/hr] 10604

Exterior wall area (ft²) 1044

Window Area (ft²) 0
Heating Load wall (Btu/hr) 4239
Heating Load window(Btu/hr) 0
Roof Area (ft²) 905
Heating Load Roof (Btu/hr) 1239
Heating Load Floor (Btu/hr) 5125
Heating Load Total (Btu/hr) 10604

Zone 9  
Rooms 138, 139, 140, 141

Zone 9 Total Heating Load [Btu/hr] 2680

Exterior Wall Area (ft²) 104

Window Area (ft²) 0
Heating Load Wall (Btu/hr) 422
Heating Load Window (Btu/hr) 0
Roof Area (ft²) 1125
Heating Load Roof (Btu/hr) 1540
Heating Load Floor (Btu/hr) 717
Heating Load Total (Btu/hr) 2680

Zone 10  
Rooms 137

Zone 10 Total Heating Load [Btu/hr] 11043

Lc V/L V Q Sensible Q Latent Q Total

Window 3 53 0.12 6 388 216 604

Exterior Wall Area (ft²) 883

Window Area (ft²) 80
Heating Load wall (Btu/hr) 3586
Heating Load window(Btu/hr) 1112
Roof Area (ft²) 738
Heating Load Roof (Btu/hr) 1011
Heating Load Floor (Btu/hr) 4729
Heating Transmission Load
(Btu/hr) 10439

Zone 4  

Rooms 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109

Zone 4 Total Heating Load (Btu/hr) 32690

Lc V/L V Q sensible Q latent Q

2 Vestibule Doors 66.00 0.12 7.92 479.73 267.84 747.57
2 Frame (F1) 76.83 0.12 9.22 558.48 311.80 870.27
2 Window (W1) 34.67 0.12 4.16 251.98 140.68 392.66
3 Window (W4) 60.00 0.12 7.20 436.12 243.49 679.61

Exterior Wall Area (ft²) 1316

Heating Load Wall (Btu/hr) 3160
Heating Load Door (Btu/hr) 346
Roof Area (ft²) 1406
Heating Load Roof(Btu/hr) 2419
Perimeter of the Floor (ft)   134
Heating Load Floor (Btu/hr) 10686
Total Glass Area (ft²) 202
Total Frame Area (ft²) 93
Heating Load Window (Btu/hr) 13386
Total Transmission Heating Load (Btu/hr) 30000

Zone 5  
Rooms 110, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 136

Zone 5 Total Heating Load (Btu/hr) 10672

Lc V/L V Q sensible Q latent Total Q

2 Doors 40 0.12 4.8 290.75 162.32 453.07

Exterior Wall Area (ft²) 98

Heating Load Wall (Btu/hr) 4822
Heating Load Door (Btu/hr) 173
Roof Area (ft²) 3915
Heating Load Roof(Btu/hr) 4091
Perimeter of the Floor (ft)   14
Heating Load Floor (Btu/hr) 1132
Total Transmission Heating Load (Btu/hr) 10219
Zone 6  
Room 125

Zone 6 Total Heating Load (Btu/hr) 8195

Lc V/L V Q sensible Q latent Total Q

Door 20 0.12 2 145 81 227
Window (W2) 28 0.12 3 204 114 317

Exterior Wall Area (ft²) 429

Heating Load Wall (Btu/hr) 1031
Heating Load Door (Btu/hr) 86
Roof Area (ft²) 427
Heating Load Roof(Btu/hr) 735
Perimeter of the Floor (ft) 45
Heating Load Floor (Btu/hr) 3588
Total Glass Area (ft²) 36
Total Frame Area (ft²) 7
Heating Load Window (Btu/hr) 2209
Total Transmission Heating Load (Btu/hr) 7651

Zone 11  
Room 149, 150 151, 152, 153, 154

Zone 11 Total Heating Load (Btu/hr) 11608

Lc [ft] V/L [cfm/ft V [cfm] Q sensible [Btu/hr] Q latent [Btu/hr] Total Q [Btu/hr]
5 Windows [W1] 86.7 0.12 10.40 630.19 351.84 982.03

Total Exterior Wall Area (ft²) 506

Heating Load Wall(Btu/hr) 1235
Roof Area (ft²) 1533
Heating Load Roof(Btu/hr) 2639
Perimeter of the Floor (ft) 75
Heating Load Floor (Btu/hr) 5981
Heating Load Window (Btu/hr) 771
Total Transmission Heating Load (Btu/hr) 18062

Zone 12  
Room 155

Zone 12 Total Heating Load (Btu/hr) 20142

Lc V/L V Q sensible Q latent Total Q

2 Overhead Door 120 0.12 14 872 487 1359
2 Door (155a, 155d) 40 0.12 5 291 162 453

Total Exterior Wall Area (R2) (ft²) 1254

Total Exterior Wall Area (R3) (ft²) 203
Heating Load Wall (Btu/hr) 3591
Perimeter of the Floor (ft) 126
Heating Load Floor (Btu/hr) 10048
Heating Load Overhead Door (Btu/hr) 1591
Heating Load Door (Btu/hr) 173
Roof Area (ft²) 1700
Heating Load Roof(Btu/hr) 2925
Total Transmission Heating Load
(Btu/hr) 18330

Zone 7  
Room 124, 125

Zone 7 Total Heating Load (Btu/hr) 6212

Lc V/L V Q sensible Q latent Total Q

2 Door 66 0.12 8 480 268 748

Exterior Wall Area (ft²) 325

Heating Load Wall (Btu/hr) 781
Heating Load Door (Btu/hr) 346
Roof Area (ft²) 623
Heating Load Roof(Btu/hr) 1072
Perimeter of the Floor (ft) 40
Heating Load Floor (Btu/hr) 3264
Total Transmission Heating Load (Btu/hr) 5465
Solar Angles Zone 1
South Wall West Wall Door on W Wall N/A
Solar Surface Surface Surface Surface
Local Solar Incline Incline Incline Incline
Hour Hour Angle Altitude , β Azimuth Solar GND Solar GND Solar GND Solar GND
Time Angle , ϴ Angle , ϴ Angle , ϴ Angle , ϴ
Angle , Φ Azimuth , ϒ Azimuth , ϒ Azimuth , ϒ Azimuth , ϒ

1 23.40 171.1 -33.30 349.99 169.99 145.39 0.00 79.99 81.65 0.00 79.99 81.65 0.00 259.99 98.35 0.00
2 0.40 -173.9 -33.65 6.83 173.17 145.75 0.00 263.17 95.68 0.00 263.17 95.68 0.00 83.17 84.32 0.00
3 1.40 -158.9 -30.49 22.98 157.02 142.50 0.00 247.02 109.66 0.00 247.02 109.66 0.00 67.02 70.34 0.00
Appendix D (Cooling Load)

4 2.40 -143.9 -24.34 37.21 142.79 136.52 0.00 232.79 123.43 0.00 232.79 123.43 0.00 52.79 56.57 0.00
5 3.40 -128.9 -15.96 49.21 130.79 128.91 0.00 220.79 136.72 0.00 220.79 136.72 0.00 40.79 43.28 0.00
6 4.40 -113.9 -6.03 59.33 120.67 120.48 0.00 210.67 148.80 0.00 210.67 148.80 0.00 30.67 31.20 0.00
7 5.40 -98.9 4.93 68.11 111.89 111.80 39.75 201.89 157.59 39.75 201.89 157.59 39.75 21.89 22.41 39.75
D.1 Solar angles and irradiations for Zone 1

8 6.40 -83.9 16.56 76.12 103.88 103.29 180.33 193.88 158.52 180.33 193.88 158.52 180.33 13.88 21.48 180.33
9 7.40 -68.9 28.58 83.97 96.03 95.29 234.83 186.03 150.84 234.83 186.03 150.84 234.83 6.03 29.16 234.83
10 8.40 -53.9 40.79 92.43 87.57 88.16 260.57 177.57 139.15 260.57 177.57 139.15 260.57 2.43 40.85 260.57
11 9.40 -38.9 52.90 102.90 77.10 82.26 274.34 167.10 126.02 274.34 167.10 126.02 274.34 12.90 53.98 274.34
12 10.40 -23.9 64.34 118.78 61.22 77.97 281.81 151.22 112.31 281.81 151.22 112.31 281.81 28.78 67.69 281.81
13 11.40 -8.9 73.27 149.69 30.31 75.61 285.25 120.31 98.35 285.25 120.31 98.35 285.25 59.69 81.65 285.25
14 12.40 6.1 74.29 201.43 21.43 75.40 285.54 68.57 84.32 285.54 68.57 84.32 285.54 111.43 95.68 285.54
15 13.40 21.1 66.34 236.96 56.96 77.36 282.74 33.04 70.34 282.74 33.04 70.34 282.74 146.96 109.66 282.74
16 14.40 36.1 55.16 254.66 74.66 81.31 276.16 15.34 56.57 276.16 15.34 56.57 276.16 164.66 123.43 276.16
17 15.40 51.1 43.12 265.79 85.79 86.93 263.87 4.21 43.28 263.87 4.21 43.28 263.87 175.79 136.72 263.87
18 16.40 66.1 30.91 274.50 94.50 93.86 241.16 4.50 31.20 241.16 4.50 31.20 241.16 184.50 148.80 241.16
19 17.40 81.1 18.82 282.39 102.39 101.72 194.64 12.39 22.41 194.64 12.39 22.41 194.64 192.39 157.59 194.64
20 18.40 96.1 7.10 290.32 110.32 110.16 76.97 20.32 21.48 76.97 20.32 21.48 76.97 200.32 158.52 76.97
21 19.40 111.1 -4.01 298.91 118.91 118.83 0.00 28.91 29.16 0.00 28.91 29.16 0.00 208.91 150.84 0.00
22 20.40 126.1 -14.17 308.73 128.73 127.34 0.00 38.73 40.85 0.00 38.73 40.85 0.00 218.73 139.15 0.00
23 21.40 141.1 -22.89 320.33 140.33 135.17 0.00 50.33 53.98 0.00 50.33 53.98 0.00 230.33 126.02 0.00
24 22.40 156.1 -29.52 334.14 154.14 141.54 0.00 64.14 67.69 0.00 64.14 67.69 0.00 244.14 112.31 0.00
Total Solar Irradiation Zone 1
South Walls West Walls Door on W Wall N/A
Hour GD Gd GR Gt GD Gd GR Gt GD Gd GR Gt GD Gd GR Gt
1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 0.00 2.36 0.89 3.25 0.00 2.27 0.89 3.16 0.00 2.27 0.89 3.16 36.75 6.70 0.89 44.34
8 0.00 11.60 7.63 19.23 0.00 10.31 7.63 17.94 0.00 10.31 7.63 17.94 167.81 30.55 7.63 205.99
9 0.00 16.60 14.48 31.08 0.00 13.19 14.48 27.67 0.00 13.19 14.48 27.67 205.06 37.92 14.48 257.46
10 8.36 20.29 20.62 49.27 0.00 14.33 20.62 34.95 0.00 14.33 20.62 34.95 197.10 38.10 20.62 255.83
11 36.94 23.27 25.67 85.87 0.00 15.19 25.67 40.86 0.00 15.19 25.67 40.86 161.32 34.65 25.67 221.64
12 58.75 25.46 29.29 113.51 0.00 16.69 29.29 45.98 0.00 16.69 29.29 45.98 106.97 29.59 29.29 165.86
13 70.89 26.69 31.25 128.84 0.00 19.41 31.25 50.67 0.00 19.41 31.25 50.67 41.44 24.41 31.25 97.10
14 71.97 26.80 31.43 130.20 28.26 23.50 31.43 83.18 28.26 23.50 31.43 83.18 0.00 20.09 31.43 51.52
15 61.88 25.78 29.80 117.45 95.12 28.58 29.80 153.50 95.12 28.58 29.80 153.50 0.00 17.11 29.80 46.90
16 41.74 23.75 26.48 91.96 152.16 33.76 26.48 212.39 152.16 33.76 26.48 212.39 0.00 15.41 26.48 41.88
17 14.13 20.91 21.68 56.72 192.09 37.65 21.68 251.42 192.09 37.65 21.68 251.42 0.00 14.48 21.68 36.16
18 0.00 17.37 15.71 33.09 206.28 38.37 15.71 260.36 206.28 38.37 15.71 260.36 0.00 13.49 15.71 29.20
19 0.00 12.74 8.97 21.70 179.94 32.81 8.97 221.72 179.94 32.81 8.97 221.72 0.00 11.11 8.97 20.07
20 0.00 4.64 2.01 6.65 71.62 13.04 2.01 86.68 71.62 13.04 2.01 86.68 0.00 4.40 2.01 6.42
21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Incident Solar Irradiation Zone 1


Flux [But/hr-sqft]





0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (hr)

S Wall W Wall N Wall E Wall

Air and Sol-Air Temperatures/Periodic Response Factors Zone 1
South Walls West Walls Door on West Wall N/A
Outdoor Dry
q q q q
Local Solar - Bulb Temp PRF Wall 2 [Btu/hr- te [°F] Sol- Heat Gain te [°F] Sol- Heat Gain te [°F] Sol- Heat Gain te [°F] Sol- Heat Gain PRF Door (Wall-1)
Hour conduction conduction conduction conduction
Time (F) (Table 8- ft2-F] Air 2
[Btu/hr] Air 2
[Btu/hr] Air 2
[Btu/hr] Air [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr-ft2 -F]
[Btu/hr-ft ] [Btu/hr-ft ] [Btu/hr-ft ] [Btu/hr-ft2 ]

1 23.40 80.1 0.00052 80.09 4.06 1999.3 80.09 5.78 2098.1 80.09 1.38 42.6 80.09 4.16 0.0 0.000156
2 0.40 79.1 0.001441 79.12 3.80 1871.4 79.12 5.42 1968.1 79.12 1.01 31.1 79.12 3.87 0.0 0.005600
3 1.40 78.2 0.006448 78.15 3.51 1727.2 78.15 4.97 1804.2 78.15 0.75 23.2 78.15 3.55 0.0 0.014795
4 2.40 77.4 0.012194 77.38 3.20 1575.3 77.38 4.48 1626.5 77.38 0.58 18.0 77.38 3.22 0.0 0.014441
5 3.40 76.8 0.015366 76.79 2.89 1423.6 76.79 3.99 1448.7 76.79 0.47 14.5 76.79 2.91 0.0 0.009628
6 4.40 76.6 0.016223 76.60 2.59 1277.6 76.60 3.52 1279.4 76.60 0.39 12.0 76.60 2.60 0.0 0.005414
D.2 Air and Sol Air Temperatures for Zone 1

7 5.40 77.0 0.015652 77.50 2.32 1141.1 77.49 3.10 1123.4 77.49 0.33 10.3 83.97 2.33 0.0 0.002786
8 6.40 78.0 0.014326 80.99 2.07 1017.8 80.78 2.71 984.1 80.78 0.30 9.3 110.40 2.09 0.0 0.001363
9 7.40 79.7 0.012675 84.60 1.85 912.5 84.06 2.38 864.9 84.06 0.31 9.7 120.25 1.94 0.0 0.000647
10 8.40 82.2 0.010957 89.99 1.70 835.2 87.73 2.13 772.0 87.73 0.38 11.8 122.52 2.00 0.0 0.000301
11 9.40 85.1 0.009313 98.66 1.62 796.0 91.57 1.96 710.8 91.57 0.50 15.5 120.04 2.32 0.0 0.000139
12 10.40 88.4 0.007816 106.31 1.63 803.3 95.68 1.88 683.3 95.68 0.66 20.4 114.56 2.82 0.0 0.000063
13 11.40 91.5 0.006497 111.83 1.76 869.5 99.52 1.90 689.7 99.52 0.85 26.1 106.83 3.39 0.0 0.000029
14 12.40 93.9 0.00536 114.37 2.03 1000.3 106.97 2.01 729.1 106.97 1.05 32.3 101.98 3.93 0.0 0.000013
15 13.40 95.4 0.004395 113.92 2.41 1188.2 119.59 2.20 800.1 119.59 1.28 39.4 102.81 4.36 0.0 0.000006
16 14.40 96.0 0.003587 110.48 2.87 1413.4 129.45 2.50 905.8 129.45 1.59 49.1 102.60 4.64 0.0 0.000003
17 15.40 95.4 0.002915 104.35 3.35 1648.3 135.02 2.92 1058.6 135.02 2.02 62.3 101.11 4.80 0.0 0.000001
18 16.40 94.1 0.002362 99.27 3.78 1863.9 135.07 3.48 1263.3 135.07 2.49 76.9 98.66 4.88 0.0 0.000001
19 17.40 91.9 0.001909 95.34 4.13 2032.9 126.85 4.15 1507.9 126.85 2.90 89.4 95.09 4.91 0.0 0.000000
20 18.40 89.4 0.001539 90.45 4.34 2139.7 103.06 4.86 1764.0 103.06 3.13 96.3 90.41 4.88 0.0 0.000000
21 19.40 86.9 0.001239 86.88 4.43 2183.6 86.88 5.49 1993.0 86.88 3.03 93.2 86.88 4.79 0.0 0.000000
22 20.40 84.7 0.000996 84.75 4.40 2168.5 84.75 5.89 2138.3 84.75 2.55 78.5 84.75 4.64 0.0 0.000000
23 21.40 82.8 0.000799 82.81 4.27 2102.8 82.81 5.97 2166.9 82.81 1.91 58.9 82.81 4.43 0.0 0.000000
24 22.40 81.3 0.000641 81.26 4.06 1999.6 81.26 5.78 2098.3 81.26 1.38 42.6 81.26 4.16 0.0 0.000000

Sol Air Temperatures



T (degrees F)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (hr)

S Wall Sol Air W Wall Sol Air Door on W Wall


D.3 Window conduction for Zone 1

Window Conduction/Solar Heat Gains Zone 1

South Walls West Walls N/A N/A
Local Conducti Incline Angle , Solar Incline Solar Incline Solar Incline Solar
Solar on HG ϴ Heat Angle , ϴ Heat Angle , ϴ Heat Angle , ϴ Heat
1 23.40 289.87 145.4 0.1 81.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0.40 255.12 145.7 0.1 95.7 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 1.40 220.38 142.5 0.1 109.7 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 2.40 192.58 136.5 0.1 123.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 3.40 171.73 128.9 0.1 136.7 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 4.40 164.78 120.5 0.1 148.8 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
7 5.40 178.68 111.8 0.1 157.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
8 6.40 213.43 103.3 0.1 158.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
9 7.40 275.97 95.3 0.1 150.8 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
10 8.40 366.32 88.2 2.9 139.1 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
11 9.40 470.56 82.3 12.5 126.0 12.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
12 10.40 588.70 78.0 123.0 112.3 19.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
13 11.40 699.89 75.6 168.0 98.4 24.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
14 12.40 783.28 75.4 172.4 84.3 24.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
15 13.40 838.88 77.4 134.0 70.3 185.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
16 14.40 859.73 81.3 14.1 56.6 159.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
17 15.40 838.88 86.9 4.8 43.3 59.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
18 16.40 790.23 93.9 0.1 31.2 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
19 17.40 713.79 101.7 0.1 22.4 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
20 18.40 623.45 110.2 0.1 21.5 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
21 19.40 533.10 118.8 0.1 29.2 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
22 20.40 456.66 127.3 0.1 40.9 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
23 21.40 387.16 135.2 0.1 54.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
24 22.40 331.57 141.5 0.1 67.7 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Window SHG/CHG Zone 1

Heat Gain [Btu/hr]

600 South SHG
500 CHG
400 West SHG
1 6 11 16 21
Time (hr)
Sensible Internal Heat Gains Zone 1
D.4 Sensible Internal Heat Gain
Hourfor Zone
Lights1 People Equipment

1 0 0 665
2 0 0 665
3 0 0 665
4 0 0 665
5 0 0 665
6 0 0 665
7 0 0 665
8 7946 4900 3327
9 7946 4900 3327
10 7946 4900 3327
11 7946 4900 3327
12 7946 4900 3327
13 7946 4900 3327
14 7946 4900 3327
15 7946 4900 3327
16 7946 4900 3327
17 7946 4900 3327
18 0 0 665
19 0 0 665
20 0 0 665
21 0 0 665
22 0 0 665
23 0 0 665
24 0 0 665
Heat Gain Summary Zone 1
Window SHG Window Conduction Lights People Equipment

ative Convcetive Radiative Convcetive Radiative Convcetive Radiative Convcetive Radiative Convcetive
/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr]

63 0.37 1 0 0.67 0.33 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.8

.1 0.1 289.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 133.1 532.3
.1 0.1 255.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 133.1 532.3

D.5 Heat Gain Summary for Zone 1

.1 0.1 220.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 133.1 532.3
.1 0.1 192.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 133.1 532.3
.1 0.1 171.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 133.1 532.3
.1 0.1 164.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 133.1 532.3
.1 0.1 178.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 133.1 532.3
.1 0.1 213.4 0.0 5324.0 2622.2 3430.0 4570.0 665.4 2661.6
.1 0.1 276.0 0.0 5324.0 2622.2 3430.0 4570.0 665.4 2661.6
.6 2.1 366.3 0.0 5324.0 2622.2 3430.0 4570.0 665.4 2661.6
.8 9.3 470.6 0.0 5324.0 2622.2 3430.0 4570.0 665.4 2661.6
.0 52.9 588.7 0.0 5324.0 2622.2 3430.0 4570.0 665.4 2661.6
1.0 71.0 699.9 0.0 5324.0 2622.2 3430.0 4570.0 665.4 2661.6
3.9 72.8 783.3 0.0 5324.0 2622.2 3430.0 4570.0 665.4 2661.6
1.0 118.1 838.9 0.0 5324.0 2622.2 3430.0 4570.0 665.4 2661.6
9.6 64.3 859.7 0.0 5324.0 2622.2 3430.0 4570.0 665.4 2661.6
.5 23.8 838.9 0.0 5324.0 2622.2 3430.0 4570.0 665.4 2661.6
.6 0.4 790.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 133.1 532.3
.6 0.4 713.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 133.1 532.3
.6 0.4 623.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 133.1 532.3
.6 0.4 533.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 133.1 532.3
.6 0.4 456.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 133.1 532.3
.6 0.3 387.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 133.1 532.3
.5 0.3 331.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 133.1 532.3
Heat Gain [Btu/hr]

Total Wall Conduction


MW1 Table Radiative Convcetive
8-21 [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr]

Hour Factors 0.63 0.37

S Walls
1 0.51669 2608.2 1531.8
2 0.20833 2438.5 1432.1
3 0.10846 2239.4 1315.2
4 0.06232 2028.4 1191.3
5 0.03785 1818.7 1068.1

W Walls
6 0.02373 1618.4 950.5

7 0.01515 1433.1 841.7

Time (hr)
8 0.00977 1267.1 744.2
9 0.00634 1125.8 661.2
10 0.00413 1020.0 599.0
11 0.0027 959.0 563.2

Solar Heat Gain Zone 1

12 0.00177 949.4 557.6
13 0.00117 998.7 586.5

Door on W Wall
14 0.00078 1109.9 651.8
15 0.00052 1277.4 750.2
16 0.00036 1492.0 876.3
17 0.00025 1744.6 1024.6

18 0.00018 2018.6 1185.5
19 0.00013 2287.0 1343.1
20 0.0001 2520.0 1480.0
21 0.00008 2690.0 1579.8
22 0.00007 2762.7 1622.6
23 0.00006 2727.0 1601.6
24 0.00005 2608.5 1532.0
g Loads (Eq. 8-67) Zone 1
Load RTS
Window Conduction Lights People Equipment

e Radiative Convcetive Radiative Convcetive Radiative Convcetive Radiative Convcetive Infultration Total
] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr]
387.7 0.0 148.0 0.0 95.3 0.0 148.0 532.3 98.4 5548.6
330.5 0.0 96.9 0.0 62.4 0.0 142.9 643.2 86.6 5310.7
283.4 0.0 63.8 0.0 41.1 0.0 139.6 701.0 74.8 4997.6
244.8 0.0 42.4 0.0 27.3 0.0 137.4 734.1 65.4 4654.0
214.1 0.0 28.4 0.0 18.3 0.0 136.1 754.3 58.3 4305.6
194.5 0.0 19.4 0.0 12.5 0.0 135.1 766.9 55.9 3975.0
190.7 0.0 13.5 0.0 8.7 0.0 134.6 775.0 60.7 3680.7
205.0 0.0 2760.4 2622.2 1778.4 4570.0 409.2 801.0 72.5 15444.8
241.9 0.0 3866.8 2622.2 2491.2 4570.0 519.8 817.9 93.7 17209.2
303.6 0.0 4442.3 2622.2 2862.0 4570.0 577.4 828.8 124.4 18126.0
384.0 0.0 4772.8 2622.2 3074.9 4570.0 610.4 836.0 159.8 18705.7
481.0 0.0 4973.3 2622.2 3204.1 4570.0 630.5 840.7 199.9 19220.4
582.6 0.0 5099.0 2622.2 3285.0 4570.0 643.0 843.9 237.6 19655.5
673.3 0.0 5179.1 2622.2 3336.7 4570.0 651.0 845.9 265.9 20048.3
745.9 0.0 5230.7 2622.2 3369.9 4570.0 656.2 847.3 284.8 20526.5
793.2 0.0 5264.1 2622.2 3391.4 4570.0 659.5 848.3 291.9 20839.5
807.9 0.0 5285.7 2622.2 3405.4 4570.0 661.7 848.9 284.8 21147.3
793.6 0.0 2549.0 0.0 1642.2 0.0 388.1 849.0 268.3 9480.2
751.1 0.0 1449.3 0.0 933.7 0.0 278.1 849.1 242.3 7878.2
687.9 0.0 878.1 0.0 565.7 0.0 221.0 849.2 211.7 7150.1
D.6 Total cooling load in Radiative and Convective Components for Zone 1

614.2 0.0 550.4 0.0 354.6 0.0 188.2 849.2 181.0 6768.7
541.5 0.0 351.7 0.0 226.6 0.0 168.4 849.2 155.0 6499.2
471.5 0.0 227.3 0.0 146.4 0.0 155.9 849.3 131.4 6218.9
409.2 0.0 148.0 0.0 95.3 0.0 148.0 849.3 112.6 5902.0
[Btu/hr] Radiative [Btu/hr] [B
Window SHG















Wall Conduction


[Btu/hr] Hour


D.7 Total Cooling Load for Zone 1

Cooling Loads Summary

Wall Roof
Conduction Conduction Lights People Equipment Infultration Total
Hour [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr] [Btu/hr]
1 4288.3 1872.2 148.0 95.3 680.3 98.4 8921.7
2 4105.3 1703.9 96.9 62.4 786.1 86.6 8141.2
3 3853.1 1537.1 63.8 41.1 840.5 74.8 7338.5
4 3559.3 1376.2 42.4 27.3 871.6 65.4 6574.2
5 3247.8 1225.3 28.4 18.3 890.3 58.3 5877.0
6 2938.0 1089.1 19.4 12.5 902.1 55.9 5261.4
7 2645.7 972.2 13.5 8.7 909.5 60.7 4734.5
8 2383.2 3628.7 5382.7 6348.4 1210.2 72.5 16311.2
9 2167.2 4673.1 6489.0 7061.2 1337.7 93.7 17945.6
10 2025.6 5229.0 7064.6 7432.0 1406.2 124.4 18845.5
11 1968.1 5584.0 7395.0 7644.9 1446.5 159.8 19568.2
12 1982.4 5841.4 7595.6 7774.1 1471.2 199.9 20324.3
13 2058.4 6047.1 7721.2 7855.0 1486.9 237.6 21179.5
14 2187.7 6221.9 7801.3 7906.7 1497.0 265.9 22128.8

Cooling Load [Btu/hr]

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total

577.07 13306.19 6976.436 0 7849.003 2957.305 6897.923 6622.228 0 78209.83


12.323 12744.67 6347.354 0 7077.605 2513.08 6203.038 6018.078 0 71097.38

07.347 12241.67 5764.701 0 6384.398 2129.464 5549.98 5484.822 0 64483.18
53.732 11799.09 5249.246 0 5765.898 1809.179 4944.859 5025.073 0 58558.12
229.17 11413.38 4807.487 0 5218.923 1548.059 4399.578 4632.632 0 53374.59
18.263 11079.79 4477.912 0 4739.397 1338.703 3925.584 4305.16 0 48984.37

D.8 Total Cooling Load for Every Zone

03.125 10794.75 5165.901 0 4324.728 1173.665 3671.431 4318.095 0 46999.65
386.58 47631.94 18682.15 0 3978.516 1048.425 3551.137 22613.06 0 161700.3
866.16 51284.12 20499.94 0 25848.83 5022.844 15624.29 24287.4 0 214264.7
754.39 53535.04 21073.84 0 30089.88 5896.059 18319.75 25483.36 0 230767.8

449.61 55424.58 21401.78 0 32471.42 6477.641 20001.69 26509.08 0 242574.1

543.23 57166.91 22121.05 0 34122.51 7001.846 21307.19 27913.89 0 254392.5
415.98 58682.7 23332.63 0 35461.47 7541.376 22441.76 29130.23 0 265859.9

144.49 59849.24 24442.11 0 36644.65 8102.813 23465.86 30087.83 0 276472.8

675.72 60594.85 25298.53 0 37715.01 8661.778 24375.51 30705.71 0 286111.7
0437.8 60940.23 25697.61 0 38665.28 9180.864 25144.11 30803.83 0 292889

113.05 61016.68 25854.34 0 39471.53 9620.306 25760.07 31094.34 0 298519.1


522.97 23815.93 14772.97 0 17974.97 5891.691 13781.68 13464.21 0 151055.9

673.12 19954.82 13202.94 0 14062.57 5205.432 11550.36 12020.36 0 131422.2
391.63 17835.78 11741.79 0 12005.44 4775.83 10254.67 10754.19 0 118462.7

329.38 16487.93 10473.77 0 10675.26 4376.931 9144.28 9533.895 0 108088.7

729.52 15500.29 9454.697 0 9629.025 3931.986 8368.997 8769.142 0 99531.9
221.23 14679.8 8522.839 0 8699.792 3443.918 7639.217 8022.325 0 90969.16
11.031 13953.5 7693.039 0 7849.36 2957.344 6927.266 7295.876 0 82549.73
Zone 1 2 3
1 9159.986 6941.952 8921.733
2 8314.555 6225.436 8141.234
3 7462.707 5519.582 7338.509
4 6662.269 4874.576 6574.206
5 5939.385 4309.016 5876.96
6 5308.559 3829.552 5261.45
7 4777.113 3436.327 4734.511
8 16359.11 15138.17 16311.24
9 18006.04 16879.45 17945.64
10 18918.7 17851.33 18845.47
11 19659.72 18610.4 19568.16
12 20521.55 19370.01 20324.28
13 21475.93 20198.24 21179.54
14 22518.45 21088.56 22128.77
15 23715.6 22119.06 23249.9
16 24743.95 23013.11 24262.17
17 25690.03 23756.01 25142.74
18 14517.86 12392.14 13921.46
19 13214.05 10936.93 12601.57
20 12553.75 10181.09 11968.58
21 11997.75 9587.572 11481.96
22 11321.69 8927.284 10899.26
23 10466.27 8136.152 10137.63
24 9513.448 7284.435 9264.439

Appendix E (Psychometric Chart)

Cooling Condition

Supply Room Recirculation Out door

Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature
55 °F 74 °F 84 °F 96 °F

Heating Condition

Outdoor Recirculatio Supply

Temperatur n Temperatur
e 17°F Temperatur e 92 °F
e 72 °F
e 65 °F

Appendix F (Diffuser)

Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3

Room 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122
Flow Rate (cfm) 1071 114.75 114.75 229.5 1015 108.75 108.75 217.5 1064 114 114 228
Lc (ft) 5.25 5 5.25 5.5 5.25 5 5.25 5.5 5.25 5 5.25 5.5
X50 (ft) 4.2 4 4.2 4.4 4.2 4 4.2 4.4 4.2 4 4.2 4.4
Diameter selection (in) 10 6 6 6 10 6 6 6 10 6 6 6
La (ft) 7.8 5.7 5.7 5.7 7.5 5.6 5.6 5.6 7.7 5.7 5.7 5.7
X50/La 0.54 0.70 0.74 0.77 0.56 0.71 0.75 0.79 0.55 0.70 0.74 0.77
NC - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pressure / Diffuser (in-wg) 0.04 0.054 0.054 0.054 0.0359 0.053 0.053 0.053 0.0395 0.053 0.053 0.053
Number of Diffusers 4 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 4 1 1 2

Zone 4
Room 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
Flow Rate (cfm) 383 176 81 101 111 340 150 111
Lc (ft) 6 4 3 5.5 5 6.5 7.5 5.5
X50 (ft) 4.8 3.2 2.4 4.4 4 5.2 6 4.4
Diameter selection (in) 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6"
La (ft) 4.8 3.4 4 5 5.6 8.5 7.5 5.6
X50/La 1 0.94 0.6 0.88 0.72 0.61 0.80 0.79
NC - - - - 14 24.5 21 14
Pressure / Diffuser (in-wg) 0.038 0.032 0.026 0.041 0.051 0.116 0.091 0.051
Number of Diffusers 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 1

Zone 5 Zone 6
Room 127 128 130 110 131 &132 133 134 136 126
Flow Rate (cfm) 98 1182 463 424 195 617 292 363 860
Lc (ft) 5.25 18 5.25 6 5.25 5 5.25 6 7.5
X50 (ft) 4.2 14.4 4.2 4.8 4.2 4 4.2 4.8 6
Diameter selection (in) 6" 2' x 6" 8" 6" 6" 6" 8" 6" 10"
La (ft) 5 11.70 6.0 4.9 5 5 6.0 3.7 8.6
X50/La 0.84 1.23 0.7 1.0 0.84 0.80 0.70 1.29 0.7
NC - 13 15 - - - 15 - 12.7
Pressure / Diffuser (in-wg) 0.041 0.051 0.033 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.033 0.041 0.048
Number of Diffusers 1 4 3 4 2 6 2 4 3

Zone 8 Zone 9 Zone 10

Room 145 138, 139, 140, 141 137
Flow Rate (cfm) 1393 723 264
Lc (ft) 7.5 6 18
X50 (ft) 6 4.8 12.6
Diameter selection (in) 10 6 6 in 1 foot long linear diffuser
La (ft) 7.86 6 16.1
X50/La 0.7633588 0.8 0.782608696
NC - - -
Pressure / Diffuser (in-wg) 0.04 0.059 0.08
Number of Diffusers 6 6 6

Zone 11
Room 151 152 153 154
Flow Rate (cfm) 1075.8 358.6 179.3 179.3
Lc (ft) 7.62 6.76 5.01 4.86
X50 (ft) 6.1 5.4 4.0 3.9
Diameter selection (in) 8 8 8 8
La (ft) 9.2 7.2 7.2 7.2
X50/La 0.66 0.75 0.6 0.54
NC - - - -

Pressure / Diffuser (in-wg) 0.079 0.054 0.054 0.054

Number of Diffusers 5 2 1 1

Appendix G (Air Distribution)

Zone 11

Pressure Loss Longest Run (Run 12) Zone 11



Pressure (in-wg)

Total Pressure
Static Pressure


Plenum 1 2 3 5 18 16 6 12

Zone, 8,9 and 10


Zone, 4,5 and 6


Appendix H (Fans Selection)

Fan Selection Fan Zone 1-2-3

Total Flow rate in the Zone (cfm) 4464
Outlet Velocity (fpm) 1294
Total pressure (in-wg) 0.60
Total Static Pressure (in-wg) 0.5
Type of Fan FCV 245
Diameter Size (in) 24.5
rpm 320
Shaft Power (hp) 0.7
Static Power (hp) 0.4
Total Power (hp) 0.42
Total Fan Efficiency (%) 62
Static Fan Efficiency (%) 51
Total Power Main Fans (hp) 0.4

Fan Selection Fan Zone 4-5-6


Total Flowrate in the Zone (cfm) 5518

Outlet Velocity (fpm) 1317
Total pressure (in-wg) 0.61
Total Static Pressure (in-wg) 0.5
Type of Fan FCV 270
Diameter Size (in) 27
rpm 281
Shaft Power (hp) 0.8
Static Power (hp) 0.4
Total Power (hp) 0.53
Total Fan Efficiency (%) 64
Static Fan Efficiency (%) 53
Total Power Main Fans (hp) 0.5

Fan Selection Fan Zone 8-9-10

Total Flowrate in the Zone (cfm) 3700
Outlet Velocity (fpm) 1298
Total pressure (in-wg) 0.61
Total Static Pressure (in-wg) 0.5
Type of Fan FCV 222
Diameter Size (in) 22.25
rpm 353
Shaft Power (hp) 0.6
Static Power (hp) 0.3
Total Power (hp) 0.35
Total Fan Efficiency (%) 61
Static Fan Efficiency (%) 50
Total Power Main Fans (hp) 0.4

Fan Selection Fan Zone 11

Total Flowrate in the Zone (cfm) 1793

Outlet Velocity (fpm) 1142

Total pressure (in-wg) 0.58
Total Static Pressure (in-wg) 0.5
Type of Fan FCV 165
Diameter Size (in) 16.5
rpm 460
Shaft Power (hp) 0.3
Static Power (hp) 0.1
Total Power (hp) 0.16
Total Fan Efficiency (%) 57
Static Fan Efficiency (%) 49
Total Power Main Fans (hp) 0.2

Appendix I (Recirculation Duct)

Plenum Plenum
1 3 Main Air Handler


Appendix CODe
Function LST(ByVal hr As Double, ByVal ll As Double, _
ByVal sm As Double, ByVal eot As Double, ByVal dst As Double) As Double 'local Solar Time

Dim time As Double

time = hr - dst + ((-(ll - sm) * 4) + eot) / 60

If time < 0 Then

time = time + 24
LST = time
LST = time
End If

End Function

Function te_vertical(ByVal t0 As Double, ByVal alpha As Double, ByVal Gt As Double, ByVal ho As Double) As Double 'sol air temperatures

te_vertical = t0 + (alpha * Gt) / ho

End Function
Sub z1SHG_S()

Dim SHGC_f As Double 'Frame delcarations

Dim A_slf As Double

Dim G_dtheta As Double

Dim A_f As Double
Dim alpha As Double
Dim U_f As Double
Dim h_f As Double
Dim A_s As Double

Dim theta() As Double

Dim G_D() As Double
Dim SHGC_gD() As Double
Dim A_slg As Double
Dim A_g As Double
Dim q_shg(23) As Double

Dim IAC As Double

Dim i As Double
Dim j As Double
Dim arr(5) As Double

ReDim G_D(23)
ReDim SHGC_gD(23)
ReDim theta(23)

For i = 0 To 23
A_slf = Sheet6.Cells(2, 19)
SHGC_f = Sheet6.Cells(4, 19)
A_f = Sheet6.Cells(2, 19)
G_dtheta = Sheet6.Cells(13, 19)
A_slg = Sheet6.Cells(5, 19)
A_g = Sheet6.Cells(5, 19)
G_D(i) = Sheet6.Cells(46 + i, 2)
theta(i) = Sheet6.Cells(103 + i, 4)

For j = 0 To 5
arr(j) = Sheet6.Cells(7 + j, 19)
Next j

If theta(i) > 80 Then

SHGC_gD(i) = 0
ElseIf theta(i) < 80 And theta(i) > 70 Then
SHGC_gD(i) = arr(4) + (arr(5) - arr(4)) * ((theta(i) - 70) / (80 - 70))
ElseIf theta(i) < 70 And theta(i) > 60 Then
SHGC_gD(i) = arr(3) + (arr(4) - arr(3)) * ((theta(i) - 60) / (70 - 60))
ElseIf theta(i) < 60 And theta(i) > 50 Then
SHGC_gD(i) = arr(2) + (arr(3) - arr(2)) * ((theta(i) - 50) / (60 - 50))
ElseIf theta(i) < 50 And theta(i) > 40 Then
SHGC_gD(i) = arr(1) + (arr(2) - arr(1)) * ((theta(i) - 40) / (50 - 40))
ElseIf theta(i) < 40 And theta(i) > 0 Then
SHGC_gD(i) = arr(0) + (arr(1) - arr(0)) * ((theta(i) - 0) / (40 - 0))
End If

IAC = 1

'A_s = A_f + A_slg

'SHGC_f = alpha * (U_f * A_f) / (h_f * A_s)

q_shg(i) = (SHGC_f * A_slf * G_D(i) + SHGC_f * A_f * G_dtheta) + (SHGC_gD(i) * A_slg * G_D(i) + SHGC_gD(i) * A_g * G_dtheta) * IAC

Sheet6.Cells(103 + i, 5) = q_shg(i)

Next i

End Sub

Sub z1SHG_W()

Dim SHGC_f As Double 'Frame delcarations

Dim A_slf As Double
Dim G_dtheta As Double
Dim A_f As Double
Dim alpha As Double
Dim U_f As Double
Dim h_f As Double
Dim A_s As Double

Dim theta() As Double

Dim G_D() As Double
Dim SHGC_gD() As Double
Dim A_slg As Double
Dim A_g As Double
Dim q_shg(23) As Double

Dim IAC As Double

Dim i As Double
Dim j As Double
Dim arr(5) As Double

ReDim G_D(23)
ReDim SHGC_gD(23)
ReDim theta(23)

For i = 0 To 23
A_slf = Sheet6.Cells(2, 19)
SHGC_f = Sheet6.Cells(4, 19)
A_f = Sheet6.Cells(2, 19)
G_dtheta = Sheet6.Cells(13, 19)
A_slg = Sheet6.Cells(5, 19)
A_g = Sheet6.Cells(5, 19)
G_D(i) = Sheet6.Cells(46 + i, 2)

theta(i) = Sheet6.Cells(103 + i, 6)

For j = 0 To 5
arr(j) = Sheet6.Cells(7 + j, 19)
Next j

If theta(i) > 80 Then

SHGC_gD(i) = 0
ElseIf theta(i) < 80 And theta(i) > 70 Then
SHGC_gD(i) = arr(4) + (arr(5) - arr(4)) * ((theta(i) - 70) / (80 - 70))
ElseIf theta(i) < 70 And theta(i) > 60 Then
SHGC_gD(i) = arr(3) + (arr(4) - arr(3)) * ((theta(i) - 60) / (70 - 60))
ElseIf theta(i) < 60 And theta(i) > 50 Then
SHGC_gD(i) = arr(2) + (arr(3) - arr(2)) * ((theta(i) - 50) / (60 - 50))
ElseIf theta(i) < 50 And theta(i) > 40 Then
SHGC_gD(i) = arr(1) + (arr(2) - arr(1)) * ((theta(i) - 40) / (50 - 40))
ElseIf theta(i) < 40 And theta(i) > 0 Then
SHGC_gD(i) = arr(0) + (arr(1) - arr(0)) * ((theta(i) - 0) / (40 - 0))
End If

IAC = 1


'A_s = A_f + A_slg

'SHGC_f = alpha * (U_f * A_f) / (h_f * A_s)

q_shg(i) = (SHGC_f * A_slf * G_D(i) + SHGC_f * A_f * G_dtheta) + (SHGC_gD(i) * A_slg * G_D(i) + SHGC_gD(i) * A_g * G_dtheta) * IAC

Sheet6.Cells(103 + i, 7) = q_shg(i)

Next i

End Sub

Sub z1qconduction_sw()

Dim tr As Double 'room temperature

Dim te() As Double 'sol- air temperature
Dim Yp1() As Double 'nth response factor
Dim theta As Double 'number of hours
Dim qcond1 As Double 'qconduction
Dim HG() As Double 'heat gain
Dim Area As Double

Dim i As Double 'loop controlers

Dim j As Double

Area = Sheet6.Cells(4, 8)
tr = Sheet6.Cells(11, 4) 'inputs

ReDim te(23) As Double 'arrays to hold values for 23 hours

ReDim Yp1(23) As Double
ReDim HG(23) As Double

For i = 0 To 23 'takes inputs for every hour

te(i) = Sheet6.Cells(74 + i, 5)
Yp1(i) = Sheet6.Cells(74 + i, 4)

Next i

For j = 0 To 23 'outer loop calculates q conductance for ever

theta = j 'theta will equal every hour
qcond1 = 0 'resets qconduction for new hour
For i = 0 To 23 'inner loop calcualtes q conduction for that
If theta < 0 Then
theta = theta + 23
End If

qcond1 = qcond1 + (Yp1(i) * (te(theta) - tr))

theta = theta - 1

Next i

HG(j) = Area * qcond1

Sheet6.Cells(74 + j, 6) = qcond1 'ouputs

Sheet6.Cells(74 + j, 7) = HG(j)
Next j

End Sub

Sub z1qconduction_ww()

Dim tr As Double 'room temperature

Dim te() As Double 'sol- air temperature
Dim Yp1() As Double 'nth response factor
Dim theta As Double 'number of hours
Dim qcond1 As Double 'qconduction
Dim HG() As Double 'heat gain
Dim Area As Double

Dim i As Double 'loop controlers

Dim j As Double

Area = Sheet6.Cells(4, 9)
tr = Sheet6.Cells(11, 4) 'inputs

ReDim te(23) As Double 'arrays to hold values for 23 hours

ReDim Yp1(23) As Double
ReDim HG(23) As Double

For i = 0 To 23 'takes inputs for every hour

te(i) = Sheet6.Cells(74 + i, 8)
Yp1(i) = Sheet6.Cells(74 + i, 4)

Next i

For j = 0 To 23 'outer loop calculates q conductance for ever

theta = j 'theta will equal every hour
qcond1 = 0 'resets qconduction for new hour
For i = 0 To 23 'inner loop calcualtes q conduction for that
If theta < 0 Then
theta = theta + 23
End If

qcond1 = qcond1 + (Yp1(i) * (te(theta) - tr))

theta = theta - 1

Next i

HG(j) = Area * qcond1

Sheet6.Cells(74 + j, 9) = qcond1 'ouputs

Sheet6.Cells(74 + j, 10) = HG(j)
Next j

End Sub
Sub z1qconduction_nw()

Dim tr As Double 'room temperature

Dim te() As Double 'sol- air temperature
Dim Yp1() As Double 'nth response factor
Dim theta As Double 'number of hours
Dim qcond1 As Double 'qconduction
Dim HG() As Double 'heat gain
Dim Area As Double

Dim i As Double 'loop controlers

Dim j As Double

Area = Sheet6.Cells(4, 10)

tr = Sheet6.Cells(11, 4) 'inputs

ReDim te(23) As Double 'arrays to hold values for 23 hours

ReDim Yp1(23) As Double
ReDim HG(23) As Double

For i = 0 To 23 'takes inputs for every hour

te(i) = Sheet6.Cells(74 + i, 11)
Yp1(i) = Sheet6.Cells(74 + i, 17)

Next i

For j = 0 To 23 'outer loop calculates q conductance for ever

theta = j 'theta will equal every hour
qcond1 = 0 'resets qconduction for new hour
For i = 0 To 23 'inner loop calcualtes q conduction for that
If theta < 0 Then
theta = theta + 23
End If

qcond1 = qcond1 + (Yp1(i) * (te(theta) - tr))

theta = theta - 1

Next i

HG(j) = Area * qcond1

Sheet6.Cells(74 + j, 12) = qcond1 'ouputs

Sheet6.Cells(74 + j, 13) = HG(j)
Next j

End Sub

Sub z1qconduction_ew()

Dim tr As Double 'room temperature

Dim te() As Double 'sol- air temperature
Dim Yp1() As Double 'nth response factor
Dim theta As Double 'number of hours
Dim qcond1 As Double 'qconduction
Dim HG() As Double 'heat gain
Dim Area As Double

Dim i As Double 'loop controlers

Dim j As Double

Area = Sheet6.Cells(4, 11)

tr = Sheet6.Cells(11, 4) 'inputs

ReDim te(23) As Double 'arrays to hold values for 23 hours

ReDim Yp1(23) As Double
ReDim HG(23) As Double

For i = 0 To 23 'takes inputs for every hour

te(i) = Sheet6.Cells(74 + i, 14)
Yp1(i) = Sheet6.Cells(74 + i, 4)

Next i

For j = 0 To 23 'outer loop calculates q conductance for ever

theta = j 'theta will equal every hour

qcond1 = 0 'resets qconduction for new hour

For i = 0 To 23 'inner loop calcualtes q conduction for that
If theta < 0 Then
theta = theta + 23
End If

qcond1 = qcond1 + (Yp1(i) * (te(theta) - tr))

theta = theta - 1

Next i

HG(j) = Area * qcond1

Sheet6.Cells(74 + j, 15) = qcond1 'ouputs

Sheet6.Cells(74 + j, 16) = HG(j)
Next j

End Sub

Sub z1qRTS()

Dim r() As Double 'nth response factor

Dim theta As Double 'number of hours
Dim qwall() As Double 'qconduction for wall
Dim qpeople() As Double 'the conducion of people
Dim qwindow1() As Double 'the condcution for window SHG
Dim qwindow2() As Double 'the conduction for window c
Dim qlights() As Double 'lights
Dim qequip() As Double 'equipment

Dim qcond1 As Double 'qconduction wall

Dim qcond2 As Double 'qcondution for people
Dim qcond3 As Double 'for shg
Dim qcond4 As Double 'for conduction
Dim qcond5 As Double 'lights
Dim qcond6 As Double 'equipment

Dim i As Double 'loop controlers

Dim j As Double

ReDim qwall(23) As Double 'arrays to hold values for 23 hours

ReDim qpeople(23) As Double
ReDim qwindow1(23) As Double
ReDim qwindow2(23) As Double
ReDim qlights(23) As Double
ReDim qequip(23) As Double

ReDim r(23) As Double

For i = 0 To 23 'takes inputs for every hour

qwall(i) = Sheet6.Cells(133 + i, 14)

qpeople(i) = Sheet6.Cells(133 + i, 22)
qwindow1(i) = Sheet6.Cells(133 + i, 16)
qwindow2(i) = Sheet6.Cells(133 + i, 18)
qlights(i) = Sheet6.Cells(133 + i, 20)
qequip(i) = Sheet6.Cells(133 + i, 24)

r(i) = Sheet6.Cells(133 + i, 13)


Next i

For j = 0 To 23 'outer loop calculates q conductance for ever

theta = j 'theta will equal every hour
qcond1 = 0 'resets qconduction for new hour
qcond2 = 0
qcond3 = 0
qcond4 = 0
qcond5 = 0
qcond6 = 0

For i = 0 To 23 'inner loop calcualtes q conduction for that

If theta < 0 Then
theta = theta + 23
End If

qcond1 = qcond1 + (r(i) * qwall(theta))

qcond2 = qcond2 + (r(i) * qpeople(theta))
qcond3 = qcond3 + (r(i) * qwindow1(theta))
qcond4 = qcond4 + (r(i) * qwindow2(theta))
qcond5 = qcond5 + (r(i) * qlights(theta))
qcond6 = qcond6 + (r(i) * qequip(theta))

theta = theta - 1

Next i

Sheet6.Cells(162 + j, 2) = qcond1 'ouputs

Sheet6.Cells(162 + j, 10) = qcond2
Sheet6.Cells(162 + j, 4) = qcond3
Sheet6.Cells(162 + j, 6) = qcond4
Sheet6.Cells(162 + j, 8) = qcond5
Sheet6.Cells(162 + j, 12) = qcond6

Next j

End Sub


Text book

Ashrae Fundamentals 2009

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