Iqrar / Confession: Topic 5
Iqrar / Confession: Topic 5
Iqrar / Confession: Topic 5
• Def
• Authorities
• Types
• Elements
• Conditions
• Effect
• Retraction
• cases
Literal meaning
Comes from the root word ﻗر- means to become
stable / اﻻﺛﺑﺎت
Syariah terminology
i) To state the confirmation/notification of a right of
another against oneself.
ii) Mejelle art. 1572 :
“Iqrar is for someone to admit the right of another
against himself”
iii) S. 17 (1)
Juristic views
• Shafi’i
i) A testimony of the existence of a proved right against the
maker of the admission himself.
ii) May also be defined as recognition
• Hanafi
i) An admission of the existence of the right of another person
against the maker of the admission himself.
ii) Testimony of the existence of a right or interest for the
benefit of another person and detrimental to the right /interest
of the maker of the admission himself through the use of
specific wordings. It can be made orally, documentary /by
s. 44(1) of the Kelantan Syariah Criminal Code
Enactment 1993 : “the best evidence to convict the
accused and make him liable to hudud punishment is
his own confession”
(3) “the confession shall be admissible only against
the accused who makes it, and not to be used against
any other person; and to be a valid , the confession
must not be retracted confession”
Wahbah Zuhayli : if the legality of shahadah is
accepted by the Muslim jurist without any dispute,
by way of anology, to accept iqrar is much more
preferable – reason : no person will put himself into
difficulty unless it is true.
5) Practice of the companions
The companions did pass a judgement based
on iqrar.
e.g : Reported in al Muwatta’ that Safiah bt. Abi
Ubaid narrated that unmarried man who had
committed zina with a female servant came to
Say. Abu Bakar and made confession and
punishment imposed based on his confession.
S. 17 (1) :
i) Oral
ii) written
iii) sign or gestures
1) Oral
For those who can speak
The best and the most convincing than sign
Al Nisa : 135
2) Written / documentary
• Its validity can be found in:-
i) Art. 69 of the Mejelle
اﻟﻛﺗﺎب ﻛﺎﻟﺧطﺎب
ii) Al Baqarah : 282.
iii) Hadith of the Prophet ; Let the Muslim who has the
provisions to live for two nights to write down a deed
of will.
• Can be made either through official letter / unofficial
letter (ordinary).
• If made by an official letter – there is presumption of
authenticity .
• unofficial - subject to verification.
• To be admissible, it must free from any ambiguity
Ahmad Fathi Bahansi : “if an iqrar relating to hudud or
qisas have been made through a written document,
but during the trial, a contrary statement has been
made by the confessor, the written document is to be
rejected because it amount to some sort of
- Only admissible in civil cases and the maker cannot
write. Hudud and qisas – not acceptable
- Reason – doubts.
• Shafi’i and some of Malikis
- Admissisible in all cases including hudud and hadd
punishment can be imposed - Art. 70 of the Mejelle :
اﻻﺷﺎرة اﻟﻣﻌﮭودة ﻟﻼﺣرس ﻛﺎﻟﺑﯾن ﺑﺎﻟﻠﺳﺎن
“The well known sign of a dumb person is like an
expression by speech”
1) اﻟﻣﻘر- Confessor
2) ﻣﻘرﻟﮫ- the person for whom the iqrar is made
3) – ﻣﻘرﺑﮫSubject matter / fact admitted
4) – اﻟﺻﻐﺔLafz
1) Confessor / اﻟﻣﻘر
1) Sound mind - s. 18
- Hadith:
- Effects of iqrar made by the muqir who loses
his mind due to certain causes.
- Iqrar made by the muqir under the influence
of intoxicants.
- Juristic views.
i) Abu Hanifah
ii) Shafie:
- Extent of intoxicants.
Case : Mst. Bakhan v The State (PLD 1986 FSC 274)
- Art. 1575:
- Hadith :
- My ummah is excused in case of mistake, forgetfulness
and coercion.
What would amount to coercion?
2) Al-Sarakhsi:
“An act which a person does to another so as to deny his
consent or causing him to lose his right of choice”.
Conditions to constitute coercion as to invalidate
• Mustafa Batcha v Habeeba (1990) 7 JH 255
• Pegawai Pendakwa MUIS v Hj. Adib (1988) 6 JH 306
5) Muqir is not prohibited to administer her/his property.
• S. 18(1)(f)
• Art. 1576.
• E.g . Bankrupt
2) Criminal matters
Jumhur agreed that in hudud and qisas - void and
• No. of admission
i) Hanafi & Hanbali : 4X
- Maiz’s case. The Prophet avoided him for three times
by asking him to repent to Allah. It was after his 4th
confession, he was stoned to death.
• ii) Maliki & Shafi’e – single confession is sufficient
i) Nature of confession itself
ii) Aseef case – the decision made by the
Prophet did not specify any no. The Prophet
just ordered Unais to go to the woman, if
she confessed stone her to death.
iii) Woman from Bani Ghamid- Did not make more
than 1 confession before the Prophet.
1) No. of confession
i) Hanbali, Abu Yusuf & Zafer – 2X
ii) Jumhur & Zahiris - Single confession
1) No. of confession
i) Hanbali, Abu Yusuf & Zafer : 2X
• Qisas – Once
• Ta’zir - Once.
1) Criminal matters
• Not effected
• Authority:-
i)Hadith reported by Sa’d al Sa’idi
ii)Hadith related on the authority of Abu Hurairah
iii) Art. 78
iv) Art. 79
Case: Saiful Rehman and another v the State
Mst. Safia Bibi v The State
Mst. Zubaida Begum
• Civil Matters
• In certain situation it would affect indirectly the
interest of the people other than the confessor.
• 1) rights of individual/people
Cannot be retracted
Reason: Right of human being cannot be nullified by
doubt as the case of retraction.
• E.g Qisas : Cannot be retracted as it
involve the right of people.
Ariff Nawas Khan v The State
2) Hudud
• i) Pure right of Allah
Valid – Hadd will be commuted to ta’zir punishment.
e.g Zina
i) - Maiz’s case- The saying of Prophet when hearing
the attempt by Maiz to escape:-“ I wish you should
had left him and brought him to me.”
ii) - Retraction creates doubt.
ii) Combination of the right of Allah and mankind
Allowed, but retraction only removes hadd
punishment but man’s right remain unaffected.
- Hadith : It is incumbent upon the person to return
what he has taken out of others possession
3) Ta’zir :
X be retracted.
Anwarullah : in case of takzir, it cannot be retracted .
Ta’zir punishment still enforceable
although it has been retracted.
1) Theft case – shahadah + iqrar – retracted
•No hadd punishment – ta’zir- but mandatory to pay the
value of the property.
• Effect of ikrar
• S21 (1): ikrar made by a person is binding on the
person making the ikrar.
• (2) ikrar outside court only admissible if made before
2 witnesses adil
• (3) representative ikrar in a proceeding on behalf
of the person granting the representation made
before a judge is admissible
3) Sighah
•S23(5) Absolutely and voluntarily
•(10) Not be made during the state of intoxicantion
for cases involving hudud
• Ikrar in zina cases
• S24: the accused can be punishable or conviction by had
if the ikrar is made (a) before the court, (b) made orally,
(c) clear stating the commission of the offence, (d) made
on 4 separation occasions