B1 Grammar Test

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B1 Grammar Test


Read the instructions carefully.

A . Put the verbs into the correct form Present simple or present continuous.
1 I___________________________ (not/belong) to a political party.

2 Hurry! The bus________________ (come). I_________________ (not/want) to miss it.

3 The River Nile _____________________(flow) into the Mediterranean.

4 The river ____________________(flow) very fast today — much faster than usual.

5 __________________________(it/ever/snow) in India?

6 We usually ____________________(grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we____________________(not/grow) any.

7 A: Can you drive?

B: No, but I ______________ (learn). My father ________________(teach) me.

8 You can borrow my umbrella. I ________________(not/need) it.

9 (at a party) I usually ________________(enjoy) parties but I_________________ (not/enjoy) this one very much.

10 George says he’s 80 years old but I ______________________(not/believe) him.

B. Put the words in order to form a sentence.

1 (won / easily / the/ game/ he)

2 (again / please/ that /ask / question/ don’t)

3 (football / Ken / week-end / does / play /? / every)

4 (quietly / the / door / closed / I)

5 (a / name / after / his /minutes / I/ remembered/ few)

6 (a/ writes / to / letter / week / Ann / her / every / parents)

7 (at/ please /the /the/ page / top / name / of /write/ your)

8 (some / the / books/ we / interesting / in/ library/ found)

C. Choose the correct modal: Must/Can (pay attention you may have to use negatives)

B1 Grammar Test
1. We _______________ cross the road. There are no cars coming.
2. You _______________ throw them away. You need them for the class.
3. She _______________ do her homework alone. She needs help.
4. Hey! You ______________ swim here. It is dangerous.
5. __________________you play tennis?
6. John ____________ go to the park. He doesn’t have his mother’s permission.
7. You _____________ fill in all your details or you will be disqualified.

D. Decide which word is correct. Put the letter in the space provided.
1 You can see all the information _____the screen. a) at b) from c) in d) on

2 Are these pictures _______sale? a) at b) for c) in d) to

3 Could you let me know ______Friday at the latest? a) by b) to c) up to d) until

4 The audience clapped ______the end of the show. a) at b) for c) in d) to

5 I’ve lived here __________last year. a) after b) by c) for d) since

6 What’s the matter_________ your car? a) by b) for c) on d) with

7 We could see the balloon high_______ the town. a) above b) on c) onto d) up

8 There was a fall _________ten per cent in prices. a) at b) by c) in d) of

9 The house was burgled __________we were out. a) at b) during c) time d) while

10 What’s the difference_______ a boat and a ship? a) between b) from c) under d) with

11 Rupert’s new car looks more______ an airplane. a) as b) like c) near d) similar

12 We’re all bored __________this game. a) about b) at c) for d) with

E. Write questions for the underlined part of the answer.

1 They speak French and German

2 Mary is fifteen years old

3 That house is hers

4 David was born in South America.

5 Aunt Susy has got four children

6 She lived in England when she was a child

7 They paid fifteen pounds for the suit.

8 The train leaves at 11.30

9 Lucille likes dark colors.

10 Her favorite color is red.

11 The original price was over £50.

12 They did that work very well

B1 Grammar Test

F. In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form using will or going to.
1. A: I’ve got a terrible headache.

B: Have you? Wait there and I ______________(get) an aspirin for you.

2 A: Why are you filling that bucket with water?

B: I______________________ (wash) the car.

3 A: I’ve decided to re-paint this room.

B: Oh, have you? What colour ___________________(you paint) it?

4 A: Look! There’s smoke coming out of that house. It’s on fire!

B: Good heavens! I ___________________(call) the fire-brigade immediately.

5 A: The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe, does it?

B: No, it looks as if it _________________(fall) down.

G . Complete the sentences. Put in the correct form of each verb, Use the Past Continuous or
Past Simple:
1 I_________________________ (lie) in the bath when the phone_________________(ring)

It _________________(stop) after a few rings.

2 It _______________(be) cold when we_________________ (leave) the house that day, and

a light snow_________________ (fall).

3 Your friend who_______________ (come) here the other day seem very nice. I _____________(enjoy) meeting her.

4 When I______________ (see) the man, he____________________ (stand ) outside the bank.

He _______________________________(have) a black baseball cap on.

5 When I __________________(open) the cupboard door, a pile of books______________(fall) out.

G. Put the verb into the correct tense Past Simple or Present Perfect.
1 — You______________________ (not/ come) to see us since you left the office.

2— I______________________ (sell) a lot of my old pictures lately.

3— She _____________________ (keep) us waiting a long time last night.

B1 Grammar Test
4— She _______________________ (keep) us waiting for more than three hours.

5—It_______________________(not/train) yesterday and it_________________(not/rain)today, either.

6— I ________________(not/ see) the exhibition yet but Michael_____________( see) it last Saturday.

7— I________________(just/do) my homework but Peter_______________ (to/do) his a long time ago.

8— You’ll have to wait. I___________________________ (not/finish) yet.

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