A6V10866237 - Desigo Room Automation - Product Range Description

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The document discusses Desigo Room Automation products and their applications, functions, and operation.

The main sections covered include product range overview, connecting to different levels, applications, user roles, control functions, operation in rooms, and technical principles.

Room operating modes discussed include room operating modes, room operating mode determination, and plant operating mode determination.

Desigo Room Automation

Product Range Description

Application Guide

A6V10866237_en--_b_06 Building Technologies

Table of Contents

1 Product range overview ........................................................................ 9

2 Connecting to the automation level........................................................15
3 Connecting to Desigo CC .....................................................................16
4 Applications........................................................................................17
5 User roles ..........................................................................................19
6 Web server.........................................................................................20
7 Rooms and room segments..................................................................21
8 Central function with groups .................................................................24
9 Alarms ...............................................................................................26
9.1 System alarms on DXR2............................................................................ 26
9.2 Preconfigured system alarms..................................................................... 26
9.3 Process alarms on free inputs.................................................................... 26
9.4 Time response to system and process alarms............................................ 27
10 Trends ...............................................................................................28
11 Control function ..................................................................................29
11.1 Room operating modes..............................................................................29
11.2 Room operating mode determination ......................................................... 29
11.3 Plant operating mode determination........................................................... 31
11.4 Room controller and setpoints.................................................................... 33
11.4.1 Temperature setpoints ................................................................ 33
11.4.2 Temperature control: Direct or cascading .................................... 35
11.4.3 Air quality setpoints ..................................................................... 36
11.4.4 Setpoints for air volume tracking ................................................. 36
11.4.5 Setpoints for relative humidity ..................................................... 36
11.4.6 Room controller output signals .................................................... 37
11.4.7 Activate aggregates based on plant operating mode ................... 39
11.4.8 Controller operating mode for heating and cooling aggregates
based on the plant operating mode ............................................................ 40
11.4.9 Stage controller of aggregates .................................................... 41
11.5 Output signals to the aggregates ............................................................... 43
11.5.1 Staged output ............................................................................. 44
11.5.2 Modulating output ....................................................................... 44
12 Operation in room ...............................................................................45
12.1 Green Leaf ................................................................................................ 46
12.2 Room operator unit QMX3.P34 .................................................................. 47
12.3 Room operator unit QMX3.P74 .................................................................. 48
12.4 Room operator unit QMX3.P36 .................................................................. 50
12.4.1 Layouts for fan coil/heat pump applications ................................. 50
12.4.2 Layouts for radiators, ceiling heating/chilled ceiling, and chilled
beam applications ...................................................................................... 51
12.4.3 Layouts for VAV applications ...................................................... 52

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12.5 Room operator unit QMX3.P37 ..................................................................53
12.5.1 HVAC operator panel (upper half) ...............................................53
12.5.2 Electric operator panel (lower half) ..............................................54
12.6 Room operator unit QMX3.P02 ..................................................................55
12.6.1 Electric operator panel (lower half) ..............................................55
13 Room coordination functions ................................................................ 57
13.1 Room functions: Room coordination...........................................................58
14 Radiator application ............................................................................ 64
14.1 Hot water radiator application.....................................................................64
14.2 Electric radiator application ........................................................................66
14.3 Determination of heating/cooling state .......................................................68
14.4 Heating/cooling demand ............................................................................68
14.5 Preheating .................................................................................................69
14.6 Emergency mode.......................................................................................69
14.7 Reset setpoint............................................................................................69
14.8 Free inputs/outputs ....................................................................................69
14.9 Centrally override valves ............................................................................69
14.10 Presence control........................................................................................70
14.11 Application examples .................................................................................70
14.11.1 Radiator ......................................................................................70
15 Radiant/chilled ceiling application ......................................................... 71
15.1 2-pipe chilled ceiling ..................................................................................71
15.2 2-pipe heated/chilled ceiling with changeover system.................................72
15.3 4-pipe ceiling heating/chilled ceiling with changeover valves ......................73
15.4 4-pipe heated/chilled ceiling with 6-port valve.............................................74
15.5 4-pipe ceiling heating/chilled ceiling with 6-port valve (PL-Link) ..................75
15.6 2-pipe ceiling heating .................................................................................77
15.7 Actuators ...................................................................................................77
15.8 Valve protection .........................................................................................78
15.9 Determination of heating/cooling state .......................................................78
15.10 Heating/cooling demand ............................................................................78
15.11 Preheating .................................................................................................79
15.12 Emergency mode.......................................................................................79
15.13 Free cooling...............................................................................................79
15.14 Reset setpoint............................................................................................79
15.15 Free inputs/outputs ....................................................................................79
15.16 Centrally override valves ............................................................................79
15.17 Dew point temperature monitoring .............................................................80
15.18 Presence control........................................................................................81
15.19 Application examples .................................................................................82
15.19.1 Chilled/heated ceiling ..................................................................82
16 Ceiling heating/chilled ceiling application ............................................... 83
16.1 2-pipe chilled beams ..................................................................................83
16.2 2-pipe heated/chilled beam with changeover system ..................................84
16.3 4-pipe heated/chilled beams with changeover valves .................................85
16.4 4-pipe heated-chilled beams with 6-port valve ............................................86

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16.5 4-pipe heated/chilled beam with 6-port valve (PL-Link)............................... 87
16.6 Actuators ................................................................................................... 88
16.7 Valve protection ......................................................................................... 89
16.8 Determination of heating/cooling state ....................................................... 89
16.9 Heating/cooling demand ............................................................................ 89
16.10 Preheating ................................................................................................. 90
16.11 Emergency mode ......................................................................................90
16.12 Free cooling............................................................................................... 90
16.13 Reset setpoint ........................................................................................... 90
16.14 Free inputs/outputs .................................................................................... 90
16.15 Centrally override valves............................................................................ 90
16.16 Dew point temperature monitoring ............................................................. 91
16.17 Presence control........................................................................................ 92
16.18 Application examples ................................................................................. 92
16.18.1 Passive chilled/heating beam ...................................................... 92
17 Fan coil application .............................................................................93
17.1 Serial or parallel control strategy ................................................................ 93
17.2 Air volume flow in the dead zone ............................................................... 95
17.3 Control of staged fan ................................................................................. 96
17.4 Control of modulating fan ........................................................................... 98
17.5 Water register for 4-pipe system ................................................................ 99
17.6 Water register 2-pipe system with changeover ......................................... 100
17.7 Water register for 4-pipe system with changeover valves ......................... 101
17.8 Water register 4-pipe system with 6-port valve ......................................... 102
17.9 Water register 4-pipe system with 6-port valve (PL-Link) .......................... 104
17.10 Water register 2-pipe system, cooling only ............................................... 106
17.11 Water register 2-pipe system, heating only............................................... 107
17.12 Actuators ................................................................................................. 107
17.13 Valve protection ....................................................................................... 108
17.14 Determination of heating/cooling state ..................................................... 108
17.15 Heating/cooling demand .......................................................................... 108
17.16 Preheating ............................................................................................... 109
17.17 Emergency mode ....................................................................................109
17.18 Night cooling............................................................................................ 109
17.19 Free cooling............................................................................................. 109
17.20 Reset setpoint ......................................................................................... 109
17.21 Free inputs/outputs .................................................................................. 110
17.22 Centrally override valves.......................................................................... 110
17.23 Electric heating coil .................................................................................. 110
17.24 Electric reheater ...................................................................................... 113
17.25 Active chilled beam 2-pipe system ........................................................... 115
17.26 Room supply air cascade......................................................................... 117
17.27 Air quality control ..................................................................................... 118
17.28 Dehumidification control........................................................................... 118
17.29 Outside air damper control ....................................................................... 119
17.30 Presence control...................................................................................... 120

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17.31 Application examples ...............................................................................121
17.31.1 Fan coil unit ..............................................................................121
18 VAV application ................................................................................ 122
18.1 Serial or parallel control strategy ..............................................................122
18.2 Air volume flow in the dead zone..............................................................124
18.3 Volume flow setpoints heating/cooling......................................................126
18.4 Air volume control ....................................................................................127
18.4.1 External volume air flow control .................................................128
18.4.2 Internal volume flow control.......................................................128
18.5 Parallel supply air VAV or extract air VAV ................................................128
18.6 Outputs....................................................................................................128
18.7 Switch-off delay .......................................................................................128
18.8 Return air sensor .....................................................................................129
18.9 Locked by electric heating coils................................................................129
18.10 Start of air volume flow by heating demand ..............................................129
18.11 Water register for 4-pipe system ..............................................................130
18.12 Water register 2-pipe system with changeover .........................................131
18.13 Water register for 4-pipe system with changeover valves .........................132
18.14 Water register 4-pipe system with 6-port valve .........................................133
18.15 Water register 4-pipe system with 6-port valve (PL-Link) ..........................134
18.16 Water register 2-pipe system, cooling only ...............................................136
18.17 Water register 2-pipe system, heating only...............................................137
18.18 Actuators .................................................................................................137
18.19 Valve protection .......................................................................................138
18.20 Determination of heating/cooling state .....................................................138
18.21 Heating/cooling demand ..........................................................................138
18.22 Preheating ...............................................................................................139
18.23 Emergency mode.....................................................................................139
18.24 Reset setpoint..........................................................................................139
18.25 Free inputs/outputs ..................................................................................139
18.26 Centrally override valves ..........................................................................139
18.27 Electric heating coil ..................................................................................140
18.28 Electric reheater ......................................................................................143
18.29 Active chilled beam 2-pipe system ...........................................................146
18.30 Night cooling ............................................................................................147
18.31 Presence control......................................................................................148
18.32 Static calibration ......................................................................................148
18.33 Dynamic calibration .................................................................................148
18.34 Application examples ...............................................................................150
18.34.1 Variable air volume ...................................................................150
19 Fan-Powered Box ............................................................................. 151
19.1 Serial or parallel control strategy for the fan .............................................158
19.2 Air volume flow in the dead zone..............................................................160
19.3 Air volume control ....................................................................................160
19.3.1 External volume air flow control .................................................161
19.3.2 Internal volume flow control.......................................................161

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19.4 Outputs ................................................................................................... 161
19.5 Switch-off delay ....................................................................................... 161
19.6 Return air sensor ..................................................................................... 162
19.7 Locked by electric heating coils................................................................162
19.8 Start of air volume flow by heating demand .............................................. 162
19.9 Actuators ................................................................................................. 162
19.10 Valve protection ....................................................................................... 163
19.11 Determination of heating/cooling state ..................................................... 163
19.12 Heating/cooling demand .......................................................................... 163
19.13 Preheating ............................................................................................... 164
19.14 Emergency mode ....................................................................................164
19.15 Reset setpoint ......................................................................................... 164
19.16 Free inputs/outputs .................................................................................. 164
19.17 Centrally override valves.......................................................................... 164
19.18 Electric reheater ...................................................................................... 165
19.19 Night cooling............................................................................................ 165
19.20 Presence control...................................................................................... 166
19.21 Application examples ............................................................................... 166
19.21.1 Fan powered box ...................................................................... 166
20 Heat pump application ....................................................................... 167
20.1 Serial or parallel control strategy .............................................................. 167
20.2 Air volume flow in the dead zone ............................................................. 169
20.3 Control of staged fan ............................................................................... 170
20.4 Control of modulating fan ......................................................................... 171
20.5 Heat pump control ................................................................................... 172
20.6 Speed-controlled heat pump with reversing valve control ......................... 175
20.7 1-stage heat pump with reversing valve control ........................................ 176
20.8 2-stage heat pump with reversing valve control ........................................ 177
20.9 2-stage heat pump with reversing valve control and hot gas reheater ....... 178
20.10 2-stage heat pump with internal reversing valve control ........................... 179
20.11 2-stage heat pump with internal reversing valve control and hot gas reheater
20.12 Actuators ................................................................................................. 181
20.13 Valve protection ....................................................................................... 181
20.14 Determination of heating/cooling state ..................................................... 181
20.15 Heating/cooling demand .......................................................................... 181
20.16 Source demand ....................................................................................... 182
20.17 Preheating ............................................................................................... 182
20.18 Emergency mode ....................................................................................182
20.19 Night cooling............................................................................................ 182
20.20 Free cooling............................................................................................. 183
20.21 Reset setpoint ......................................................................................... 183
20.22 Free inputs/outputs .................................................................................. 183
20.23 Centrally override valves.......................................................................... 183
20.24 Central override of heat pump source enable ........................................... 183
20.25 Electric reheater ...................................................................................... 184
20.26 Room supply air cascade......................................................................... 186

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20.27 Air quality control .....................................................................................186
20.28 Dehumidification control ...........................................................................186
20.29 Outside air damper control .......................................................................187
20.30 Presence control......................................................................................189
20.31 Application examples ...............................................................................189
20.31.1 Heat pump ................................................................................189
21 Room pressurization and fume hood control ........................................ 190
21.1 Product range overview ...........................................................................190
21.2 Application types .....................................................................................194
21.3 Room and room segments .......................................................................194
21.4 Alarms .....................................................................................................195
21.5 Trends .....................................................................................................196
21.6 Other controls ..........................................................................................196
21.7 Pressurized room, temperature control ....................................................197
21.7.1 Pressurization control................................................................197
21.7.2 Ventilation control .....................................................................199
21.7.3 Temperature control..................................................................201
21.7.4 Air flow control ..........................................................................202
21.7.5 Parallel supply air VAV or extract air VAV .................................203
21.7.6 Presence control .......................................................................204
21.7.7 Dynamic calibration ...................................................................204
21.8 Pressurized room, advanced temperature control ....................................207
21.8.1 Temperature control..................................................................208
21.9 Fume hood ..............................................................................................209
21.9.1 Special operating modes ...........................................................211
21.9.2 Exhaust flow control strategy.....................................................212
21.9.3 Communication to room control .................................................213
21.9.4 Fume hood and ODP interaction ...............................................214
21.9.5 Stabilizing jet.............................................................................216
22 Lighting applications ......................................................................... 217
22.1 Manual switching or dimmed light ............................................................217
22.2 Stairwell lighting .......................................................................................219
22.3 Presence-dependent lighting control ........................................................222
22.4 Control for daylight based lighting and dusk/dawn switching .....................225
22.5 Constant lighting control with one light group in the room .........................227
22.6 Constant lighting control with multiple lighting groups in the room.............230
22.7 Operating strategy for light .......................................................................233
23 Blinds applications ............................................................................ 237
23.1 Local blinds operations ............................................................................237
23.2 Operating strategy for blinds ....................................................................239
24 Central applications .......................................................................... 241
24.1 Automation station for HVAC supply and demand signals and manual control
for lighting and blinds .........................................................................................242
24.1.1 Control room operating mode via onboard I/Os .........................243
24.1.2 Manual control of lighting & blinds via KNX PL-Link ...................244
24.1.3 HVAC supply chain chilled water over BACnet ..........................245

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24.1.4 HVAC supply chain hot water over BACnet ............................... 247
24.1.5 HVAC supply chain air over BACnet ......................................... 249
24.1.6 HVAC supply chain heat pump over BACnet ............................. 253
24.1.7 Room operating mode over BACnet .......................................... 254
24.2 Automation station for emergency controls for HVAC, light, and blinds ..... 255
24.3 Automation station for weather station ..................................................... 260
24.4 Automation station for facade control ....................................................... 265
24.5 Automation station for hierarchical grouping of central applications .......... 266
24.5.1 Automation station for HVAC supply and demand signals and
manual control for lighting and blinds, floor level (Cen-Flr) .......................267
24.5.2 Automation station for emergency controls for HVAC, light, and
blinds, floor level (Cen-Flr) ....................................................................... 268
24.5.3 Automation station for weather station, floor level (Cen-Flr) ....... 269
24.5.4 Automation station for facade control, floor level (Cen-Flr) ......... 270
24.6 Application examples ............................................................................... 270
24.6.1 Central function......................................................................... 270
25 Technical principles, terms ................................................................. 271

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Product range overview

1 Product range overview

Room automation The DXR2 room automation stations are perfectly suited for creating the ideal
station DXR2 comfort conditions for the room user. They measure room air temperature, air
quality (CO2), and humidity, and control fan coils, air volume flow, heat pumps,
chilled ceilings and ceiling heating, chilled beams, radiators, and floor heating.
Moreover, the DXR2.. can be supplemented with lighting and shading functions by
adding the KNX PL-Link module.

Figure: DXR 2 room automation stations

Applications The DXR2 automation station can be flexibly configured, regardless of available
inputs and outputs. The following tested and flexible applications are available,
needing only to be configured. The following applications are available:
● Air temperature control/variable air volume control (VAV)
● Fan coil units
● Heat pumps
● Chilled ceiling/ceiling heating
● Chilled beams
● Radiator/floor heating
All configurable DXR2s can also be combined with lighting and blinds applications.
Configurable applications meet the functional scope per VDI 3813 and permit
achievement of energy class A per EN 15232.
Central functions Information is centrally collected and evaluated to operate the entire system in an
energy optimized way. Each application is already set up to have all the relevant
information that can then be read without additional programming.
Energy relevant information includes:
● Ventilation system: Heating/cooling demand (optimum supply air temperature),
air demand (optimum supply air pressure or air volume)
● Heat pumps: Source demand
● Hot water/chilled water (2 pipe): Heat demand, cooling demand,
heating/cooling (changeover), etc.

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Product range overview

● Chilled water system: Cooling demand, etc.

● Hot water system: Hot demand
Engineering central control or central measured values is child's play: Simply
enable prepared functions already available in the applications (no additional
programming required).
The functions include:
● Central operation of operating mode
● Distribution of measured values from the weather station
● Central blinds control
Functional extension KNX Each DXR2 has an integrated KNX PL-Link interface. The interface integrated
PL-Link communicating room operator units and field devices. One device on the KNX PL-
Link is as easy to engineer and functionally integrate as the fixed inputs and
outputs on the DXR automation station. In the event a device fails on the PL-Link
and requires replacement, the new device operates immediately after mounting--no
additional effort required.
Flexible room occupancy How space is allocated is often flexible in a lot of buildings, rooms are occupied as
large open offices or individual ones. Walls are only added after consulting with
lessor, and are often rearrange during the occupancy phase.
The applications in the DXR2 are designed to adapted to current occupancy in a
flexibly manner. For example, control and operation automatically applies to the
entire room if two room segments are combined into one, as the responsible DXR2
automatically coordinates the changes over communications.
Open system All BACnet and KNX are fixed integrated on DR2 room automation stations and
thus support the two most important standards in building automation and control.
They can be integrated into a superposed system without additional with further
ado. And future changes and extensions are no problem thanks to the open
Even IT standards are supported, for example, to directly access the web server
integrated on the DXR2 using any standard web browser. Of course, a password is
required to operate data points and prevent authorized access.
Wall-mounted room All DXR2s support the QMX3 room operator units and room sensors for wall
operator units mounting. The devices, featuring KNX PL-Link communications, can acquire,
KNX PL-Link depending on the type, the room temperature, humidity, and air quality. Types are
available with or without display and operating elements, Green Leaf or air quality
So that you can compile customized operating concepts ranging from merely
acquiring measured values with indication (sensors), to comprehensive display and
operation of room conditions (HVAC), or combining the same with lighting and
shading to create a custom operating concept.

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Product range overview

Figure: Room operator units and room sensors for wall mounting

Flush mounted room All DXR2s support the QMX3 room operator units and AQR room sensors for flush
operator units KNX PL- mounting. The devices, featuring KNX PL-Link communications, can acquire,
Link depending on the type, room temperature, humidity, and air quality (CO 2). Types
are available with or without display and operating elements, Green Leaf or air
quality indicators.
All commonly used internal flush mounting formats are support, so that these
devices can be combined with virtually any switching program. So that you can
compile customized operating concepts ranging from merely acquiring measured
values with indication (sensors), to comprehensive display and operation of room
conditions (HVAC), or combining the same with lighting and shading to create a
custom operating concept.

Figure: Room operator units and room sensors for flush mounting

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Product range overview

Green Leaf The leaf symbol of the Green Leaf function tells the room user if the room is
operated efficiently.
● Leaf is green = Energy-optimized operation

● Leaf is red = Excessive energy consumption

Pressing the leaf symbol returns room control to energy-optimized operation.
The lower half of the device consists of one window for a designation sign. Labels
for the operating functions for the given capacitive buttons can be place in this
window. The 8 lower buttons operate the functions. The following electric operating
fields can be selected in the configurable Desigo room automation system.
4 x Light dimming
The operator panel manually operate of
4 KNX PL-Link light outputs. This requires
4 horizontal button pairs.
● Switch off + Dim lighting
● Switch on + Make lighting brighter

2 x Light dimming
2 x blinds This operator panel manually operates 2 KNX PL-
Link light outputs and 2 KNX PL-Link blinds
This requires 4 horizontal button pairs.
● Switch off + Dim lighting
● Switch on + Make lighting brighter
● Blinds down
● Blinds up

4 x Light switching
2 x blinds This operator panel manually operates 4 KNX PL-
Link light outputs and 2 KNX PL-Link blinds
Requires 4 individual buttons and 2 horizontal
button pairs.
● Switch on/off lighting
● Blinds down
● Blinds up

Air quality indication Sensor devices QMX3.P70 and AQR2535NNWQ indicate room air quality (CO 2
concentration) using a multicolor LED (air quality indicator) in green, orange, or red.

The indication can be displayed on all LCD versions as a value or symbol.

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Product range overview

Presence detector The UP 258D12 is both a presence and motion detector. It communicates with the
KNX PL-Link DXR2 over the KNX PL-Link. It is designed for mounting on the ceiling and be
targeted at the required detection area thanks to the movable sensor hear.

Figure: Presence detector UP258D12

Actuators The VAV compact controllers GDB181.1E/KN and GLB181.1E/KN are designed to
KNX PL-Link control a variable or constant air flow. The devices communicates with the DXR2
over the KNX PL-Link.
The rotary actuator GDB111.9E/KN is designed to control a 6-port control ball
valve. The devices communicates with the DXR2 over the KNX PL-Link.

Figure: VAV compact controller (left) and rotary actuator for 6-port control ball
valve (right)

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Product range overview

Light and blinds switch The DELTA i-system and DELTA style switch systems communicated with the
KNX PL-Link DXR2 using the bus transceiver module over KNX PL-Link. The button interface
UP220/31 integrates conventional switches to the DXR2 over the KNX PL-Link.

Figure: Light and blinds switch KNX PL-Link

Actuators for lighting and The switching actuators for lighting and blinds are available in various forms. In
blinds addition to installation in the room automation box, there are also flush mount
KNX PL-Link devices with mounting frames as a switch interface used to plug in buttons from
GAMMA i-system and style. There are also flush mount devices (UP) without
mounting frames. All these switching actuators communicates with the DXR2 over
the KNX PL-Link.

Figure: Actuators with KNX PL-Link for lighting and shading

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Connecting to the automation level

2 Connecting to the automation level

A Desigo PXC00-E.D (or another Desigo PXC…-E.D) is used to integrate the
configurable Desigo room automation.
The automation station takes over the scheduler system function. Scheduler object
in the PXC00-E.D control the room automation central functions and exchanges
demand signals with the primary plant.

As option, configurable Desigo room automation with DXR2 can also be integrated
in any other BACnet system. The demand signals of the central functions are
directly referenced to the automation level.

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Connecting to Desigo CC

3 Connecting to Desigo CC
Topology The system controller PXC00-E.D is preferred for integrating configurable room
automation on the Desigo CC management station.
The PXC00-E.D has two main tasks:
● Exchanging demand and supply data with the primary plant
● Running time schedulers

Figure: Integration of the configurable Desigo room automation system on the

Desigo CC management station
Operation Desigo CC runs central operation of Desigo room automation via operating
graphics for the room. Desigo CC automatically generates room graphics for
Desigo room automation, i.e. no additional engineering required.

Figure: Desigo CC operating graphics of a room with fan coil application

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4 Applications
Various application types can be used on each DXR2. They contain applications
for room conditions, lighting, and shading. It is the I/O mix of the DXR2 automation
station that determine characteristics of the application types. Each DXR2 can
operate one active and configured application type.
Preloaded At least one application type, suitable to the I/O mix is preloaded on each DXR2
automation station. This increases efficiency since there is no download.
Load A configurable application type can be replaced on the DXR2 by another
application type as needed. This is also true if you want to use a newer version of
an application type.
Template An application can be saved as a template in the project and reused after
configuring. A template is still fully configurable so that functionality can be adapted
even on a template.
Configuration of All application types can be configured. The system automatically enables the
on-board inputs and application function when selecting the on-board device configuration or
outputs configuration of KNX PL-Link devices. The sets made by the system can be
checked and changed as needed.

Figure: Example for configuring on-board outputs

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Configuration of All application types provide a selection of supported field devices. They can be
KNX PL-Link field devices selected and configured.

Figure: Example of selecting KNX PL-Link field devices

Engineering configured The parameters can be changed on all configured functions and field devices. The
functions and field devices system presets all parameters; they can be changed as needed.

Figure: Application configuration of on-board outputs

Template for a DXR2 Configured DXR2 applications can be saved and reused as templates. Desigo
application room automation already has a set of templates for the DXR2 as examples for
configurable room applications.

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User roles

5 User roles
DXR2 automation stations supports various user roles in the system. A user name
and password can be assigned to each user role. Access roles and passwords are
required to connect to the DXR2 automation station.

We suggest the following user roles as a standard in DXR2. They can of course be
● Administrator
● Balancer
● Specialist
● Desigo Basic Operator

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Web server

6 Web server
Access via web browser The DXR2 automation station has an integrated web server. Access to this web
server is password protected can takes place via the automation station IP address.
A web browser is required for access.
Online operation and The DXR2 web server permits online access to all configured BACnet data points
monitoring and their properties to the applicable DXR2 automation station.
The data points and properties can be operated in the web server and/or monitored.
User role view The various user roles ensures that the current user can only operate and monitor
relevant data points on the web server.
Favorites The web server has a favorites view the compile the most important data points for
communication and servicing HVAC, lighting, and blinds applications.

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Rooms and room segments

7 Rooms and room segments

Room Each DXR2 automation station can control one room. One segment also belongs
to the room in each DXR2. The DXR2 includes the control function for the room as
well as control function for the associated room segment. Room control includes all
functions that apply to the entire room including Green Leaf or, for example, room
temperature controller. The room segment includes all field devices and controls
and controllers for the individual disciplines, e.g. the room operator unit, control of
VAV actuators, or chilled ceiling control. A group ensures the connection between
room function and room segment function.
So that multiple DXR2 can be combined to form a larger room. They can also be
separated again at a later date to guarantee full flexibility.
Room segment Each DXR2 includes, in addition to the control for the room, control for the
associated room segment. A room segment is the smallest indivisible element in
the building. The room segment includes all field devices and controls and
controllers for the individual disciplines, e.g. the room operator unit, control of VAV
actuators, or chilled ceiling control. Each room segment requires a connection to
room control. Room control can take place on the same DXR2 or another DXR2.

Figure: Two rooms with one DXR2 automation station each for room automation
Multisegment Switching multiple DXR2s to one large room is referred to as a multisegment
application. One of the DXR2 assumes room control for all switched DXR2s. Room
control is disabled on the other DXR2s. In addition, all room segment functions, on
the various DXR2s, are connected through grouping with the still enabled room
function of the one DXR2.

Figure: Multisegment application with 2 DXR2 automation stations combined to

form one room

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Rooms and room segments

The given room function is once again enabled when dividing up a large room to
various smaller rooms and connected to the associated room segment functions.

The system ensures that there is only one active room function per room and
supports the switching of room segments with the same application types. The
following combinations are examples of possible multisegment applications for one
DXR2 with one fan coil application type:

Combination DXR2 DXR2

1 Fan coil application Fan coil application

2 Fan coil application with chilled ceiling and/or Fan coil application with chilled
radiator application ceiling and/or radiator

3 Fan coil application with chilled ceiling and/or Fan coil application
radiator application

4 Fan coil application with chilled ceiling and/or Chilled ceiling and/or radiator
radiator application application

5 Chilled ceiling and/or radiator application Chilled ceiling and/or radiator


The following combinations are examples of possible multisegment applications for

one DXR2 with one VAV application type:

Combination DXR2 DXR2

1 VAV application (supply and extract air) VAV application (supply and
extract air)

2 VAV application (supply air and/or extract air) with VAV application (supply air
chilled ceiling and/or radiator application and/or extract air) with chilled
ceiling and/or radiator

3 VAV application (supply air and/or extract air) with VAV application (supply and
chilled ceiling and/or radiator application extract air)

4 VAV application (supply air and/or extract air) with Chilled ceiling and/or radiator
chilled ceiling and/or radiator application application

5 Chilled ceiling and/or radiator application Chilled ceiling and/or radiator


Combinations of one DXR2 with fan coil application and one DXR2 with VAV
application cannot be configured.

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Rooms and room segments

Automatic control logic for Multisegment applications always ensure full coordination of individual electrical
HVAC and mechanical installations of jointly used room control in the room segment. All
HVAC controllers (e.g. temperature or fresh air) is automatically managed by the
system when rooms are combined or separated and interconnected with the
correct segments.
On VAV plants, supply air and extract air volume is correctly coordinated over all
segments to achieve the preset setpoints for the room.
In other words, it is possible to combine multiple supply air VAVs, with multiple
extract air VAVs to form one room. A maximum of one supply air and extract air
VAV can be connected to each DXR2 in this multisegment application.
The DXR2 responsible for room control recognizes a fault to one VAV actuators or
DXR2 controller in a multisegment application. If physically possible, the still active
VAV actuators will attempt to compensate in this case for the fault VAV actuators.
Room operator units Room operator units can be connected to various DXR2s on multisegment
applications. All displays and entries on room operator units are synchronized as
soon as the DXR2s are combined to one large room.
Assignment of light and Existing assignments of light and blind switches are retained when merging rooms
blind switches to multisegment applications. The same applies to dividing up the rooms. The
assignment can be reconfigured within a room as needed.

Rearrange rooms with The Desigo CC management platform can also be used to combine or divide
Desigo CC rooms. Desigo CC permits the user to combine the HVAC electrical and
mechanical installations to one room or divided them up again. Existing
assignments to light and blinds switches are unaffected.

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Central function with groups

8 Central function with groups

Central function A central function implements central control functions and coordinated demand
and forced signals. A central function acts through a group in the planned rooms or
wings. The central function can also collect and compile, via the group, demand
signals or state signals from the wings or rooms.
Hidden behind the central control functions are system functions such as operator
interventions (via BACnet clients, e.g. a management station or via local operator
units), schedulers, automatic reactions, data from a weather station, etc.
Central functions influence:
● Room operating mode (occupancy and use in room).
● HVAC control via various setpoint requirements dependent on the room
operating mode.
● HVAC setpoints via a weather-dependent adjustment.
Grouping can still be used to coordinate demand, operating, and forced signals, i.e.:
● Request signals for hot water distribution (heating circuit).
● Request signals for chilled water distribution (cooling circuit).
Central function Various source influence and control central functions:
control ● An external system or third-party device
● System user via BACnet client, e.g. Desigo CC
● Building user via BACnet client or local operator unit
● Scheduler or reaction program
● Commands from a higher, central control.
After evaluating signals and command, they are distributed via group by the group
master to the group members.
Groups A group combine various rooms, the entire building, a wing, floor, or facade. One
group member exists for the various category that forwards the resulting
information to all associated group members.

Figure: Building with central control functions

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Central function with groups

Grouping functions help structure and centrally control large numbers of different
system elements and data. Grouping can take place by organizational, geographic,
functional, or cross-discipline criteria. Group cooperation supports data exchange
between central control functions and individual system elements.
Hierarchical groups A group master can for its part be a group member of a superposed group master.
Grouping on multisegment The group function is also used to combine multiple DXR2s to large rooms to
applications coordinate room segments on the individual automation stations.

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9 System alarms on DXR2

9 Alarms
The DXR2 has internal alarms. The alarm concept for Desigo room automation
distinguishes between system alarms and process alarms.

9.1 System alarms on DXR2

System alarms monitor the reliability of data points or the state of networked
devices. This always occurs as a common alarm for the room, the room segment,
or central function. This information can be read and displayed via BACnet client,
e.g. a management station.
Notes ● Monitoring KNX PL-Link buttons is not possible.
● With regard to system limits (number of Event Enrollment objects) for a room
automation station: The state of networked devices is normally only monitored
if such a request exists.
● The state of networked devices is monitored indirectly via reliability of their data
points (common alarm).

9.2 Preconfigured system alarms

Common alarm A common alarm is formed by default in the room, room segment, and central
function based on reliability monitoring.
Monitoring operating state KNX PL-Link components can be connected to the room automation station. The
operating state of the bus is monitored via the Event Enrollment object "PL-
Link_1'EE". The operating state of the room automation station is also monitored
by default.

9.3 Process alarms on free inputs

Inputs and outputs can be configured as free inputs on all DXR2s. This permits the
querying of unused input and output switching states or directly controlling another
device over BACnet. The available or free inputs can be monitored with a process

The monitoring function must be configured to enabled these alarms.

Description Default value

Monitoring binary input 1…n 0:None

Monitoring analog input 1…n 0:None


The enable, limit values, and description text must also be configured for each
configured monitor.

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Time response to system and process alarms

Binary input
Description Name Default value
Monitoring binary input Enable event detection 1:No

State that trigger the alarm. Event parameters 0:Active


Time delay for alarm Time delay 0 [s]

Alarm description text Description Monitoring binary

input n

Analog input
Description Name Default value
Monitoring analog input Enable event detection 1:No

State that trigger the alarm. High limit 0

State that trigger the alarm. Low limit 0

Time delay for alarm Time delay 0 [s]

Neutral zone, covering the hysteresis between Nz 0

alarm/not alarm

Note The applicable system limits must be observed.

9.4 Time response to system and process alarms

DXR2 The common alarm in the application program on the room automation station
checks the reliability of the data points in each program cycle. The result is
outputted without delay from the common alarm data point.
Data points from networked devices are subject to additional delays based on the
typical properties of the bus in question.
KNX PL-Link A change in reliability of a KNX PL-Link data point is displayed after ca. 31 minutes.
The last value remains.
The automation station queries the state of devices on the bus every 15 minutes. If
a fault exists and it still remains after the next query (after an additional 15 minutes),
the field devices object is set to the corresponding state. A shorter update period is
not possible.

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10 Trends
Desigo room automation provides a series of trends in each room. Trends are not
enabled by default. The following trends can be enabled for each room (through
● Trend room temperature
● Trend room air quality
● Trend relative room air humidity
● Trend room operating mode
● Trend blinds command

The enable and trend type must be configured for each enabled trend.

Description Name Default value

Trend description text Description Trend for …

Type of trend Logging type. Queried.

0:Change-of-Value (COV)

Polling interval Logging interval 90 [s]

This information can be read and displayed via BACnet client, e.g. a management

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Control function
Room operating modes

11 Control function

11.1 Room operating modes

The operating states Comfort, Pre-Comfort, Economy, and Protection are available
to the application functions on the DXR2 automation station. The room operating
modes apply for the entire room and are superposed for the three disciplines
HVAC, lighting, and shading. In other words, the response of HVAC, lighting, and
blinds applications are taken from it. The response can be configured for each
room and each discipline. The response for any one discipline to a change in
operating mode can also be configured.
Comfort Comfort is the operating mode in an occupied room. The room temperature is
within the Comfort range. The room controller works in the heating and cooling
sequence with the effective Comfort setpoints. Lighting control is enabled and the
blinds automatic ensures anti-glare.
Pre-Comfort Pre-Comfort is the operating mode during regular building occupancy, but in an
unoccupied room. A scheduler enables this operating mode by default. The room
user or automatic switches to the Comfort state and back during occupancy. In this
operating mode, HVAC control uses setpoints that are slightly above the Comfort
setpoint for heating and slightly below for cooling. Lighting control is disabled. Blind
automatic is set to anti-glare in anticipation of pending occupancy.
Economy Economy is the operating mode outside building occupancy with setback level. In
the Economy room operating mode, HVAC control uses setpoints that are slightly
under the effective Pre-Comfort setpoint for heating and slightly above for cooling.
During night setback or over the weekend, the scheduler can control to the
Economy state and those strongly lower energy supply to the room. Lighting
control is disabled in this operating mode and the blinds are automatically deployed
to an energy-efficient position.
Protection If the building is unoccupied over an extended period of time (e.g. no renter,
vacation), the temperature setpoints can be reduced or raised even more so that
the building and all equipment are protected against heat or cold at any time. In
this operating mode, lighting control is disabled and the blinds are closed.

11.2 Room operating mode determination

The present operating mode of the room depends on the central scheduler and
local influences such as the room operator unit.
Presence control by room DXR2 applications support the use of the comfort button on the QMX3 room
operator unit operator unit as a presence function:
When configured for presence function, the application changes from Automatic to
Comfort mode when pressing the comfort button. Re-pressing the button will toggle
back to previous state, otherwise a default timer will time out after 120 minutes

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Control function
11 Room operating mode determination

Temporary Comfort by The comfort button on the QMX3 room operator units can also be used as a
room operator unit temporary comfort function:
When configured for temporary presence function, the room user can activate
Comfort mode for 120 minutes (configurable) by pressing the button. Pressing the
button again will re-trigger the timer for 120 minutes.
Control using the The configurable Desigo System does not provide a scheduler to DXR2
scheduler automation stations. It can be created, however, on a PXC00-E.D (or other Desigo
(on PXC00-E.D) PXC…-E.D) and combined with central functions of the configurable Desigo
As option, schedulers from BACnet third-party devices can be used to control
rooms or central functions.
The scheduler for room occupancy controls the operating mode of a room or group
of rooms. Each renter or area in a building can define its own occupancy and non-
occupancy times and influence in this way energy consumption.
The scheduler consists of one periodically controlled weekly program and an
exception day (holiday and vacation program) that overwrites the weekly program.
Under normal operations, the scheduler switches between operating modes
Economy (unoccupied) and Pre-Comfort as the occupancy times preset by the
operator. Comfort mode is enabled locally by pressing the comfort button on the
room operator unit (occupied).
The example below illustrates a scheduler program for three possible building
occupancy states and the preset, actual operating mode and describes its impact
on Hvac. (For its impact on lighting and shading, please refer to table in Example in
section Room control by switching the operating mode.) You can configure the
DXR2 to adapt the response:

Building occupancy state Description Room operating mode

Building used Full availability of all plants. per scheduler, room occupancy
Building enabled for use. or room operator unit

Impact of schedulers: Room

operator units are enabled.

Building not used Reduced availability of the Economy

Impact of schedulers: Room
operator units are locked.
No building occupancy
temporarily planned. The
building must reach the Comfort
temperature within hours.

Building Protection Setpoints are at levels required Protection

to protect the building.
Impact of schedulers: Room
operator units are locked.

Extended building vacancy.

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Control function
Plant operating mode determination

11.3 Plant operating mode determination

The present operating state of the HVAC plant in a room depends on room
operating mode, central supply signals, and local influences. Local influences here
include window contact or presence detector. In addition to room operating modes
Comfort, Pre-Comfort, Economy, and Protection, there is states Night cooling,
boost heating, and rapid cooling for the plant operating mode. The three additional
operating modes are controlled from the central functions and are used to optimize
energy and comfort.
Night cooling The plant operating mode cools a room using cooling outside air. The central
function sends a "Night cooling request" to the group member rooms. The decision
as to whether night cooling makes sense and is energy efficient is made at the
central function. Various coordination signals between the primary plant and room
automation do the following via central functions
● Switch on the fans,
● Set the mixed air dampers to 100% outside air,
● Lock all other equipment including heating coils, cooling coils, humidifier,
● And set the VAV boxes in the room to a defined value.

Night cooling only occurs under the following conditions:

● The room is vacant (Economy or Protection).
● The outside temperature is above an adjustable setpoint of 9 °C.
● The temperature difference is sufficiently large for cooling,
i.e. room temperature – outside temperature > 7 K.
● The temperature deviation from room temperature and temperature setpoint is
sufficiently large, i.e. room temperature > room setpoint + 2 K.
Free cooling The function free cooling to take advantage of cooling generated without effort to
cool the rooms to a room temperature setpoint. Dew point compensation is still
available for the chilled water temperature setpoint dependent on active dew point
detector via the grouping function.
This supply chain is continued accordingly, in other words chilled water generation
(chillers, refrigeration machines, etc.) are also controlled based on demand.
Preheating The central functions can trigger the preheating function to heat up a room at end
of the night setback period as quickly as possible to the Pre-Comfort setpoint.
Precooling To prepare an unoccupied room in Economy or Pre-Comfort for occupancy as
quickly as possible or take optimum advantage of available cooling energy from the
primary plant, can be resolved by the central functions, function precooling.
Start optimization Start optimization means that the room is heated in advance, so that the desired
Comfort conditions are met at the start of occupancy.
One or more rooms are defined as a reference room in the configurable Desigo
system. The room temperature and operating mode for the reference room is then
distributed via a central function to all assigned rooms.

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11 Plant operating mode determination

Control using window Heating and cooling output is reduced to a minimum when a window is opened.
contact The DXR2 automation station always switches to Protection operating mode. The
window contact is connected directly to the DXR2 digital input.
The table below displays the actual operating mode based on window contact:

Window contact state Plant operating mode

Window closed No effect

Window open Protection

Control using a presence A presence detector detects the presence of people in a room. It controls the
detector operating mode of a DXR2 during occupancy. Outside building occupancy, it is
locked for HVAC and blinds functions. Light always reacts to the presence detector.
The settings can be configured individually for each room.
The presence detector has two states:

State Description
Occupied Room is occupied, DXR2 switches room operating
mode to Comfort.

Unoccupied Room is occupied, DXR2 switches plant operating

mode to Pre-Comfort.

Together with supply signals night cooling, precooling, and preheating, result in the
following plant operating mode.

Room operating Presence Window contact Night cooling Precooling from Preheating from Resulting plant
mode signal from supply supply supply operating mode
- - Open - - - Protection

Protection - Closed - - - Protection

Economy - Closed False False False Economy

- Closed True False False Night cooling

- Closed - - True Heat up

- Closed - True False Cool down

Pre-Comfort - Closed - True - Cool down

- Closed - False - Pre-Comfort

Present Closed - - - Comfort

Absent Closed - False - Pre-Comfort

Absent Closed - True - Cool down

Comfort - Closed - - - Comfort

Present Closed - - - Comfort

Absent Closed - False - Pre-Comfort

Absent Closed - True - Cool down

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Control function
Room controller and setpoints

11.4 Room controller and setpoints

The DXR2 applications possess 5 different room controls:
● Temperature control for heating
● Temperature control for cooling
● Air quality control
● Air volume flow tracking control (for positive or negative pressure control in
room for VAV)
● Humidity control (for local dehumidification via the cooling coils on fan coils)

Enabled controllers communicate with one another. This ensures the simultaneous
use of multiple controllers in the same room.
Sensor as feedback Each enabled controller in the room requires a measured value provided to control
via a sensor.

11.4.1 Temperature setpoints

Each room has 8 different room temperature setpoints for the room temperature:
One heating and cooling setpoint each for operating modes Comfort, Pre-Comfort,
Economy, and Protection. The setpoints can be configured on the DXR2. The
heating and cooling setpoints for Pre-Comfort correspond to a configurable
difference for comfort setpoints.

Figure: Heating and cooling setpoints for various operating modes

Depending on the actual room operating mode, one setpoint each is selected for
heating and cooling and used for control.
Setpoint setting on room The room temperature setpoints can be operated on the room operator unit.
operator unit An increase in room temperature acts on:
● Both Comfort setpoints (heating/cooling)
● Both Pre-Comfort setpoints (heating/cooling)
An decrease in room temperature acts on:
● Both Comfort setpoints (heating/cooling)
● Both Pre-Comfort setpoints (heating/cooling)

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11 Room controller and setpoints

You can set the setpoint display as well as possible intervention by the room user
when configuring the room operator unit.
The room operator unit cannot influence the heating and cooling setpoints for
Economy or Protection.
Comfort setpoints as The Comfort setpoints for temperature control in the room is mapped in the central
seasonal compensation function for seasonal compensation. The central seasonal compensation (setpoint
shift based on outside temperature) causes a gradual increase in room
temperature as a function of the outside temperature. This prevents too great a
difference between the indoor and outdoor temperature in summer and increases
overall comfort in winter.

These values are transferred to the rooms via a group. In the room, the transferred
values are displayed on these two BACnet object:

Description Name
Heating setpoint for Comfort SpHCmf

Cooling setpoint for Comfort SpCCmf

Comfort setpoints A default command can be made on the BACnet objects listed above if setpoints
directly for the room for Comfort are to be set directly in the room without influence from the central

Description Name Default value

Default command for heating setpoint for Comfort DefCmd for SpHCmf 21 °C

Default command for cooling setpoint for Comfort DefCmd for SpCCmf 24 °C

Setpoint configuration The setpoints can be configured on the DXR2.

Description Name Default value

Heating setpoint Delta for Pre-Comfort DSpHPcf 1K

Heating setpoint for Economy SpHEco 15 °C

Heating setpoint for Protection SpHPrt 12 °C

Cooling setpoint Delta for Pre-Comfort DSpCPcf 1K

Cooling setpoint for Economy SpCEco 35 °C

Cooling setpoint for Protection SpCPrt 40 °C

Setpoint setting in The Comfort, Economy and Precomfort setpoints can be adjusted separately for
Desigo CC each room for the heating and cooling sequences centrally from the Desigo CC
management station. Adjusting the Comfort setpoint also changes the Pre-Comfort
The setpoints Economy and Protection as well as the set difference for Pre-
Comfort values can also be adapted in Desigo CC to the individual DXR2
automation stations.

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Control function
Room controller and setpoints

11.4.2 Temperature control: Direct or cascading

DXR2 applications support two forms of temperature control: Direct temperature
control and room supply air cascade.
Direct temperature control On direct room temperature control the room controller directly calculates the
output signal (0...100%) for the aggregates from the measured room temperature.
Room supply air cascade Room supply air cascade quickly achieves the room temperature setpoint. The
room controller calculates a setpoint from the room temperature as measured at
the air outlet of the air system. The temperature can be limited to prevent the inflow
of unpleasantly cool or warm air into the room.

Figure: Plant diagram for supply air cascade control

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11 Room controller and setpoints

11.4.3 Air quality setpoints

Each room has 4 different setpoints for air quality: One each for operating modes
Comfort, Pre-Comfort, Economy, and Protection. The setpoints can be configured
on the DXR2.
A setpoint is selected and used for control depending on the actual room operating
Setpoint configuration The air quality setpoints can be configured on the DXR2.

Description Name Default value

Room air quality setpoint for Comfort SpAQualRCmf 900 ppm

Room air quality setpoint for Pre-Comfort SpAQualRPcf 1100 ppm

Room air quality setpoint for Economy SpAQualREco 1500 ppm

Room air quality setpoint for Protection SpAQualRPrt 1500 ppm

11.4.4 Setpoints for air volume tracking

Both the room pressure operating mode as well as overflow air volume flow can be
configured to track air volume flow:
Setpoints for air volume
tracking Description Name Default value
Room air operating mode PRMod 1:Neutral
2:Positive pressure
3:Negative pressure

Overflow air volume flow AirFlTrn 10 m3/h

11.4.5 Setpoints for relative humidity

Each room has 4 different setpoints for relative humidity: One each for operating
modes Comfort, Pre-Comfort, Economy, and Protection. The setpoints can be
configured on the DXR2.
A setpoint is selected and used for control depending on the actual room operating
Setpoints for relative The setpoints for relative humidity can be configured on the DXR2:
Description Name Default value
Relative room air humidity setpoint for Comfort SpHuRelRCmf 60% r.h.

Relative room air humidity setpoint for Pre-Comfort SpHuRelRPcf 60% r.h.

Relative room air humidity setpoint for Economy SpHuRelREco 70% r.h.

Relative room air humidity setpoint for Protection SpHuRelRPrt 70% r.h.

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Control function
Room controller and setpoints

11.4.6 Room controller output signals

Room controller output The room controllers forward their output signals (0…100%) to all impacted
signals aggregates in all segments of the room. For example, the heat controller, that
control room temperature, always forwards its output signal to all enabled
aggregates including radiators, ceiling heating, and heating coils. In control for the
individual aggregates, the 0…100% signal is always converted to the configured
output signal.

Figure: Examples of room controllers with 0…100% output signal to the aggregate

R Room S Segment or segments

H Heating controller RAD Radiator controller

C Cooling controller CCG Chilled ceiling controller

V IAQ controller VAV Controller for VAV actuator

F Air volume flow tracking controller CCL Cooling coils controller

RH Humidity controller

Control sequences for The sequence for each heating/cooling aggregate can be configured in
temperature control temperature control of the DXR2 automation station. There is one sequence for
heating and one sequence for cooling.
The devices are then controlled in the cooling or heating sequence based on room
temperature and setpoint. The next sequence element is immediately controlled if
a device is currently unavailable (fault or out of service).

Figure: Sequence of control sequences for a VAV application

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11 Room controller and setpoints

Fan coil application The control sequences for temperature control in a fan coil application can be
adapted through the following parameters:

Description Name Default value

Outside damper cooling sequence DmpOaCSeq 1

Radiated ceiling cooling sequence RcgCSeq 2

Heating/cooling coils cooling sequence HCclCSeq 3

Cooling coil cooling sequence CclCSeq 4

Fan cooling sequence FanCSeq 5

Radiator heating sequence RadHSeq 1

Radiated ceiling heating sequence RcgHSeq 2

Heating/cooling coils heating sequence HCclHSeq 3

Heating coils heating sequence HclHSeq 4

Fan heating sequence FanHSeq 5

VAV application The control sequences for temperature control in a VAV application can be
adapted through the following parameters:

Description Name Default value

Radiated ceiling cooling sequence RcgCSeq 1

Heating/cooling coils cooling sequence HcclCSeq 2

Cooling coil cooling sequence CclCSeq 3

VAV cooling sequence VavCSeq 4

Radiator heating sequence RadHSeq 1

Radiated ceiling heating sequence RcgHSeq 2

Heating/cooling coils heating sequence HCclHSeq 3

Heating coils heating sequence HclHSeq 4

VAV heating sequence VavHSeq 5

Fan-Powered Box The control sequences for temperature control in a fan-powered box application
can be adapted through the following parameters:

Description Name Default value

Radiated ceiling cooling sequence RcgCSeq 1

Heating/cooling coils cooling sequence HcclCSeq 2

Cooling coil cooling sequence CclCSeq 3

Fan cooling sequence FanCSeq 4

VAV cooling sequence VavCSeq 5

Radiator heating sequence RadHSeq 1

Radiated ceiling heating sequence RcgHSeq 2

Heating/cooling coils heating sequence HCclHSeq 3

Heating coils heating sequence HclHSeq 4

Fan heating sequence FanHSeq 5

VAV heating sequence VavHSeq 6

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Control function
Room controller and setpoints

Heat pump application The control sequences for temperature control in a heat pump application can be
adapted through the following parameters:

Description Name Default value

Outside damper cooling sequence DmpOaCSeq 1

Radiated ceiling cooling sequence RcgCSeq 2

Heating/cooling coils cooling sequence HCclCSeq 3

Fan cooling sequence FanCSeq 4

Radiator heating sequence RadHSeq 1

Radiated ceiling heating sequence RcgHSeq 2

Heating/cooling coils heating sequence HCclHSeq 3

Heating coils heating sequence HclHSeq 4

Fan heating sequence FanHSeq 5

11.4.7 Activate aggregates based on plant operating mode

You can configure how a room is cooled or heated for the plant operating mode on
DXR2. The following options are available separately as setting values for heating
and cooling:
● Heating with radiators (radiator, ceiling heating)
● Heating with air handling only (heating coils, electric reheaters)
● Heating with both
● Cooling with radiators only (chilled ceiling/beams)
● Cooling with air handling only (cooling coils)
● Cooling with both

Description Name Default value

Heating Comfort CmfCnf 4:Radiator & air
1:None handling
3:Air handling
4:Radiator & air handling

Heating Pre-Comfort PcfCnf 4:Radiator & air


Heating Economy EcoCnf 4:Radiator & air


Heating Protection PrtCnf 4:Radiator & air


Heating warm up WarmUpCnf 4:Radiator & air


Cooling Comfort CmfCnf 4:Radiator & air


Cooling Pre-Comfort PcfCnf 4:Radiator & air


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11 Room controller and setpoints

Description Name Default value

Cooling Economy EcoCnf 4:Radiator & air

Cooling Protection PrtCnf 4:Radiator & air


Cooling cool down CoolDnCnf 4:Radiator & air


Cooling free cooling FreeCCnf 4:Radiator & air


11.4.8 Controller operating mode for heating and cooling

aggregates based on the plant operating mode
For the room operating modes, the controller operating mode can be configured on
DXR2 for all heating and cooling aggregates.

Description Name Default value

Cooling coils in Comfort CoilCmf 0:Modulating

Coil coils in Pre-Comfort CoilPcf 0:Modulating

Coiling coils in Economy CoilEco 0:Modulating

Cooling coils in Protection CoilPrt 0:Modulating

Coiling coils in cool down CoilCoolDn 0:Modulating

Chilled ceiling in Comfort RadDevCmf 0:Modulating

Chilled ceiling in Pre-Comfort RadDevPcf 0:Modulating

Chilled ceiling in Economy RadDevEco 0:Modulating

Chilled ceiling in Protection RadDevPrt 0:Modulating

Chilled ceiling in cool down RadDevCoolDn 0:Modulating

Heating coils in Comfort CoilCmf 0:Modulating

Heating coils in Pre-Comfort CoilPcf 0:Modulating

Heating coils in Economy CoilEco 0:Modulating

Heating coils in Protection CoilPrt 0:Modulating

Heating coils in warm up CoilWarmUp 0:Modulating

Radiator & heated ceiling in Comfort RadDevCmf 0:Modulating

Radiator & heated ceiling in Pre-Comfort RadDevPcf 0:Modulating

Radiator & heated ceiling in Economy RadDevEco 0:Modulating

Radiator & heated ceiling in Protection RadDevPrt 0:Modulating

Radiator & heated ceiling in warm up RadDevWarmUp 0:Modulating

Controller operating mode The controller operating mode modulating controls based on one PID controller
modulating (amplification, integral time, etc.).

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Control function
Room controller and setpoints

Controller operating mode Controller operating mode 2-position controls the output signal based on an
2-position hysteresis and delay.

Figure: Curve for controller operating mode 2-position


HysSwiOn Switch-on value TR Room temperature

HysSwiOff Switch-off value YctrMax Controller output maximum

SP Setpoint YctrMin Controller output minimum

SwiDly Delay when switching

11.4.9 Stage controller of aggregates

A stage controller can also be configured on the DXR2 for each aggregate
regardless of the room operating modes.

Description Name Default value

Controller type CtrType 0:PID controller
0:PID controller
1:Stage controller

Controller values for hysteresis, delay, and number of stages can be configured.

Description Name Default value

Switch-on value HysSwiOff 0.5 K

Switch-off value HysSwiOn 0.5 K

Delay when switching SwiDly 5 Min

Number of stages NumSts 1

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Control function
11 Room controller and setpoints

The following example illustrate the response of the output for a 4-position
controller compared to room temperature.

Figure: Example of a 4-stage controller

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Control function
Output signals to the aggregates

11.5 Output signals to the aggregates

The room controllers forward their output signal to the aggregate signal converter
as 0…100% signal. Each aggregate possess a signal converter that always
converts the 0…100% signal to the aggregate's configured output signal. Demand
and locking signals are coordinated between the individual controls with the
converters to ensure the proper functioning of the application.

Figure: Examples of aggregate converters with locking and demand signals as well
as output signals

AirFlHldH Locking signals for electric heating HCL Heating coil control
coils to prevent the electric heating
coils from overheating when the
fan coil plant is switched off

AirFlHReq Demand signal for heating coils to S Segment or segments

VAV requiring air volume for

AirFlSta Locking that ensures that heating V IAQ controller output

coils can only be enabled if volume
flow is available.

C Cooling controller output VAV VAV actuator control

H Heating controller output

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11 Output signals to the aggregates

11.5.1 Staged output

The stage converter associated with staged aggregates, e.g. a 3-stage ventilator,
is always enabled. The threshold values for the stage converter are fixed in DXR2
and cannot be changed. The stages switch based on the room controller in %.

Req Demand from room controller

Y Output signal

Figure: Characteristic curve and switching points of the 1-stage aggregate


Req Demand from room controller

Y Output signal

Figure: Characteristic curve and switching points of the 2-stage aggregate


Req Demand from room controller

Y Output signal

Figure: Characteristic curve and switching points of the 3-stage aggregate


11.5.2 Modulating output

The associated modulating converter is always enabled on aggregates without

Req Demand from room controller

Y Output signal

Figure: Characteristic curve of the modulating aggregate converter

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Operation in room
Output signals to the aggregates

12 Operation in room
The configurable Desigo room automation and control system supports QMX3
room operator units for wall mounting. The plug-and-play devices, featuring KNX
PL-Link communications, can acquire, depending on the type, the room
temperature, humidity, or air quality. Types are available for the various use cases
both with and without display and operating elements. So that you can compile
customized operating concepts ranging from merely acquiring measured values
with indication (sensors), to comprehensive display and operation of room
conditions (HVAC), or combining the same with lighting and shading to create a
custom operating concept. The QMX3 for flush mounting is also supported by
DXR2 with a selection of preconfigured display templates.

Figure: Room operator units QMX3

Green Leaf The leaf symbol of the Green Leaf function tells the room user if the room is
operated efficiently.
● Leaf is green = Energy-optimized operation

● Leaf is red = Excessive energy consumption

Pressing the leaf symbol returns room control to energy-optimized operation.
The lower half of the device consists of one window for a designation sign. Labels
for the operating functions for the given capacitive buttons can be place in this
window. The 8 lower buttons operate the functions. The following electric operating
fields can be selected in the configurable Desigo room automation system.

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Operation in room
12 Green Leaf

4 x Light dimming
The operator panel manually operate of
4 KNX PL-Link light outputs. This requires
4 horizontal button pairs.
● Switch off + Dim lighting
● Switch on + Make lighting brighter

2 x Light dimming
2 x blinds This operator panel manually operates 2 KNX PL-
Link light outputs and 2 KNX PL-Link blinds
This requires 4 horizontal button pairs.
● Switch off + Dim lighting
● Switch on + Make lighting brighter
● Blinds down
● Blinds up

4 x Light switching
2 x blinds This operator panel manually operates 4 KNX PL-
Link light outputs and 2 KNX PL-Link blinds
Requires 4 individual buttons and 2 horizontal
button pairs.
● Switch on/off lighting
● Blinds down
● Blinds up

12.1 Green Leaf

Desigo TRA offers room users interaction with regard to energy management via
an innovative operating and displaying concept. Pressing the Room Green Leaf
symbol returns room control to energy-optimized operation without sacrificing on
Function The "Room Green Leaf“ calculates in the background the room-wide impact of
manual interventions on energy efficiency. Here, all technical installations are
considered, i.e. HVAC, lighting and blinds. Various inputs from the disciplines
HVAC, lighting, and shading, as well as general room conditions form the basis.
The determined state "poor/excellent" is indicated by the Green Leaf symbol on the
room operator unit with a change in color to the Green Leaf. Pressing the Green
Leaf button on the room operator unit resets all manual interventions, runtimes, or
setpoint changes, there are classified as not efficient. The plant then continues to
operate in the automatic, energy-efficient operating mode via its control function.
The monitoring is referred to as the Green Leaf function or RoomOptiControl.

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Operation in room
Room operator unit QMX3.P34

12.2 Room operator unit QMX3.P34

Figure: Room operator unit QMX3.P34

Function The room unit QMX3.P34 is used in rooms
● to acquire the room temperature
● to operate Comfort and HVAC functions
The room operator unit communicates with the DXR2 room automation station via
the KNX PL-Link bus.
A segmented LCD display displays the HVAC states in the room. The various state
displays and associated operations on the room operator unit can be configured for
enable or disable. Up to 8 capacitive operating buttons are used to operate the
room. The buttons are assigned set functions.
In addition, the leaf symbol of the Green Leaf function tells the room user if the
room is operated efficiently.
Display and arrangement The top half of the device consists of one LCD display and capacitive buttons to
of the buttons operate HVAC room functions. The HVAC function selection and operation occurs
on buttons 1 through 8; the Green Leaf (green/red lead) is located in the upper
right-hand corner on button 5.

Figure: Configurable displays on the QMX3.P34 display

Displays The following displays can be configured:
● Window contact state
● Present measured room temperature or outside temperature
● Present measured room humidity (requires a separate humidity sensor in the
● Present measured room air quality in ppm or clear text (requires a separate air
quality sensor in the room)
● State heating/cooling
● Present setpoint for room temperature relative or absolute in °C
● Present fan stage
● Present operating mode for room

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12 Room operator unit QMX3.P74

● Display of present displayed data (temperature, humidity, or air quality)

● Present presence button state
Operation The following operating elements can configured to be available to the room user:

Green Leaf operation

Room setpoint. Room setpoint.

- Operation + Operation

Fan stage operation

Select display Operation of presence control or

temporary Comfort extension

12.3 Room operator unit QMX3.P74

Figure: Room operator unit QMX3.P74

Function The room unit QMX3.P34 is used in rooms
● to acquire the room temperature
● to acquire room temperature
● to acquire the room air quality
● to operate Comfort and HVAC functions
The room operator unit communicates with the DXR2 room automation station via
the KNX PL-Link bus.
A segmented LCD display displays the HVAC states in the room. The various state
displays and associated operations on the room operator unit can be configured for
enable or disable. Up to 8 capacitive operating buttons are used to operate the
room. The buttons are assigned set functions.
In addition, the leaf symbol of the Green Leaf function tells the room user if the
room is operated efficiently.

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Operation in room
Room operator unit QMX3.P74

Display and arrangement The top half of the device consists of one LCD display and capacitive buttons to
of the buttons operate HVAC room functions. The HVAC function selection and operation occurs
on buttons 1 through 8; the Green Leaf (green/red lead) is located in the upper
right-hand corner on button 5.

Figure: Configurable displays on the QMX3.P74 display

Displays The following displays can be configured:
● Window contact state
● Present measured room temperature or outside temperature
● Present measured room humidity
● Present measured room air quality in ppm or clear text
● State heating/cooling
● Present setpoint for room temperature relative or absolute in °C
● Present fan stage
● Present operating mode for room
● Display of present displayed data (temperature, humidity, or air quality)
● Present presence button state
Operation The following operating elements can configured to be available to the room user:

Green Leaf operation

Room setpoint. Room setpoint.

- Operation + Operation

Fan stage operation

Select display Operation of presence control or

temporary Comfort extension

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Operation in room
12 Room operator unit QMX3.P36

12.4 Room operator unit QMX3.P36

Figure: Room operator unit QMX3.P36

Function The room unit QMX3.P36 is used in the rooms
● to acquire the room temperature
● to operate Comfort and HVAC functions
The room operator unit communicates with the DXR2 room automation station via
the KNX PL-Link bus.
HVAC states are displayed on one LCD display on a page. Various layouts can be
selected on the Desigo room automation system for the QMX3.P36. The layouts
cannot be modified. Up to 8 capacitive operating buttons are used to operate the
room. The buttons are assigned set functions.
In addition, the leaf symbol of the Green Leaf function tells the room user if the
room is operated efficiently.
Display and arrangement The QMX3.P36 room operator unit consists of one LCD display and capacitive
of the buttons buttons to operate HVAC room functions. The HVAC function selection occurs on
buttons 1 through 8; the Green Leaf (green/red lead) is located in the upper right-
hand corner on button 5.

12.4.1 Layouts for fan coil/heat pump applications

The following layouts are available in the configurable Desigo room automation
station for fan coil/heat pump applications.

● Display of heating/cooling state

● Display and operation of the present setpoint
for room temperature, absolute in °C
● Display and operation of present fan stage
● Display and operation of present presence

● Display of heating/cooling state

● Display and operation of the present setpoint
for room temperature, relative in K or °C
● Display and operation of present fan stage
● Display and operation of present presence

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Room operator unit QMX3.P36

● Display of present measured room

● Display and operation of the present setpoint
for room temperature, relative in K or °C
● Display and operation of present fan stage
● Display and operation of present presence

12.4.2 Layouts for radiators, ceiling heating/chilled ceiling, and

chilled beam applications
The following layouts are available in the configurable Desigo room automation
station for radiators and ceiling heating/chilled ceiling and chilled beam applications.

● Display of heating/cooling state

● Display and operation of the present setpoint
for room temperature, absolute in °C
● Display and operation of present presence

● Display of heating/cooling state

● Display and operation of the present setpoint
for room temperature, relative in K or °C
● Present measured room temperature
● Display and operation of present presence

● Display and operation of the present setpoint

for room temperature, relative in K

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Operation in room
12 Room operator unit QMX3.P36

12.4.3 Layouts for VAV applications

The following layouts are available in the configurable Desigo room automation
station for VAV applications.

● Display of heating/cooling state

● Display and operation of the present setpoint
for room temperature, absolute in °C
● Display and operation of boost ventilation
● Display and operation of present presence

● Display of heating/cooling state

● Display and operation of the present setpoint
for room temperature, relative in K or °C
● Display and operation of boost ventilation
● Display and operation of present presence

● Present measured room temperature

● Display and operation of the present setpoint
for room temperature, absolute in °C
● Display and operation of boost ventilation
● Display and operation of present presence

● Present measured room temperature

● Display and operation of the present setpoint
for room temperature, relative in K or °C
● Display and operation of boost ventilation
● Display and operation of present presence

● Present measured air quality in ppm

● Display and operation of the present setpoint
for room temperature, absolute in °C
● Display and operation of boost ventilation
● Display and operation of present presence

● Present measured air quality in ppm

● Display and operation of the present setpoint
for room temperature, relative in K or °C
● Display and operation of boost ventilation
● Display and operation of present presence

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Operation in room
Room operator unit QMX3.P37

12.5 Room operator unit QMX3.P37

Figure: Room operator unit QMX3.P37

Function The room unit QMX3.P37 is used in rooms
● to acquire the room temperature
● to operate Comfort and HVAC functions
● to operate lighting and blinds applications
The room operator unit communicates with the DXR2 room automation station via
the KNX PL-Link bus.
A segmented LCD display displays the HVAC states in the room. The various state
displays and associated operations on the room operator unit can be configured for
enable or disable. Up to 8 capacitive operating buttons are used to operate the
room. The buttons are assigned set functions.
In addition, the leaf symbol of the Green Leaf function tells the room user if the
room is operated efficiently.

12.5.1 HVAC operator panel (upper half)

The top half of the device consists of one LCD display and capacitive buttons to
operate HVAC room functions. The HVAC function selection occurs on buttons 1
through 8; the Green Leaf (green/red lead) is located in the upper right-hand corner
on button 5.

Figure: Configurable displays on the QMX3.P37 display

Displays The following displays can be configured:
● Window contact state
● Present measured room temperature or outside temperature
● Present measured room humidity (requires a separate humidity sensor in the
● Present measured room air quality in ppm or clear text (requires a separate air
quality sensor in the room)
● State heating/cooling

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12 Room operator unit QMX3.P37

● Present setpoint for room temperature relative or absolute in °C

● Present fan stage
● Present operating mode for room
● Display of present displayed data (temperature, humidity, or air quality)
● Present room occupancy
Operation The following operating elements can configured to be available to the room user:

Green Leaf operation

Room setpoint. Room setpoint.

- Operation + Operation

Fan stage operation

Select display Operation of presence control or

temporary Comfort extension

12.5.2 Electric operator panel (lower half)

The lower half of the device consists of one window for a designation sign. Labels
for the operating functions for the given capacitive buttons can be place in this
window. The 8 lower buttons operate the functions. The following electric operating
fields can be selected in the configurable Desigo room automation system.
4 x Light dimming
The operator panel manually operate of
4 KNX PL-Link light outputs. This requires
4 horizontal button pairs.
● Switch off + Dim lighting
● Switch on + Make lighting brighter

2 x Light dimming
2 x blinds This operator panel manually operates 2 KNX PL-
Link light outputs and 2 KNX PL-Link blinds
This requires 4 horizontal button pairs.
● Switch off + Dim lighting
● Switch on + Make lighting brighter
● Blinds down
● Blinds up

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Operation in room
Room operator unit QMX3.P02

4 x Light switching
2 x blinds This operator panel manually operates 4 KNX PL-
Link light outputs and 2 KNX PL-Link blinds
Requires 4 individual buttons and 2 horizontal
button pairs.
● Switch on/off lighting
● Blinds down
● Blinds up

Templates for labeling The electrical operator panel uses labels. The labels are inserted from below into
the window for the electric operator panel on the QMX3.P37. A template is
available to create labels at www.siemens.com/download?A6V10424435

12.6 Room operator unit QMX3.P02

Figure: Room operator unit QMX3.P02

Function The room unit QMX3.P02 is used in rooms
● to acquire the room temperature
● to operate lighting and blinds applications
The room operator unit communicates with the DXR2 room automation station via
the KNX PL-Link bus.

12.6.1 Electric operator panel (lower half)

The lower half of the device consists of one window for a designation sign. Labels
for the operating functions for the given capacitive buttons can be place in this
window. The 8 lower buttons operate the functions. The following electric operating
fields can be selected in the configurable Desigo room automation system.
4 x Light dimming
The operator panel manually operate of
4 KNX PL-Link light outputs. This requires
4 horizontal button pairs.
● Switch off + Dim lighting
● Switch on + Make lighting brighter

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Operation in room
12 Room operator unit QMX3.P02

2 x Light dimming
2 x blinds This operator panel manually operates 2 KNX PL-
Link light outputs and 2 KNX PL-Link blinds
This requires 4 horizontal button pairs.
● Switch off + Dim lighting
● Switch on + Make lighting brighter
● Blinds down
● Blinds up

4 x Light switching
2 x blinds This operator panel manually operates 4 KNX PL-
Link light outputs and 2 KNX PL-Link blinds
Requires 4 individual buttons and 2 horizontal
button pairs.
● Switch on/off lighting
● Blinds down
● Blinds up

Templates for labeling The electrical operator panel uses labels. The labels are inserted from below into
the window for the electric operator panel on the QMX3.P02. A template is
available to create labels at www.siemens.com/download?A6V10424435

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Room coordination functions
Room operator unit QMX3.P02

13 Room coordination functions

Comprehensive, configurable applications for room automation are included in the
delivery for Desigo. Desigo room automation is based on proven application
functions per VDI 3813 as well as energy efficiency class A per DIN EN 15232.
Application functions
Room climate ● Temperature control (heating, cooling) with
radiators, chilled ceilings, fan coils, VAV
● Air quality control with VAV systems
● Room operating modes (Comfort, Pre-
Comfort, Economy, Protection)
● Start/stop optimization or boost heating
● Night cooling, downdraft compensation
● Etc.

Lighting ● Switching, dimming.

● Constant light control.
● Automatic lighting based on daylight
● Dusk/dawn switching.
● Stairwell lighting.
● Etc.

Shading ● Anti-glare protection with automatic solar

protection or slat adjustment.
● Automatic thermal function for day and night.
● Automatic dusk/dawn adjustment.
● Weather protection (rain, wind, frost).
● Etc.

Room functions ● Room-wide operating mode determination

● Energy optimization together with HVAC and
● Green Leaf function

Central functions ● Automatic start optimization

● Seasonal room temperature compensation
● Central operation and control of room
operating mode and setpoints
● Emergency controls for HVAC, light, and
● Demand-dependent hot water supply
● Demand-dependent chilled water supply
including condensation monitor using
● Control for free cooling and optimized use of
existing cooling energy
● Demand-dependent hot/chilled water
supply for 2-pipe systems with changeover
● Demand-dependent air supply for supply air
and extract air for optimized ventilation
operation (pressure optimized)
● Central weather station for all application

(Continued on next page)

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Room coordination functions
13 Room functions: Room coordination


Central functions ● Central facade control as per solar position

and brightness for anti-glare protection and
energy-optimized HVAC operation
● Central protection functions (wind, frost) for
the facades
● Delayed groups to control lighting and blinds
in large buildings

Sensor and actor

functions Sensor functions ● Presence detection
● Window monitoring
● Dewpoint monitoring.
● Temperature measurement
● Relative humidity measurement
● Brightness measurement
● Air quality measurement
● Wind speed measurement (central)
● Precipitation detection (central)

Actor functions ● Actuator

● Lighting actor
● Blinds actor

Local operating /display functions ● Set temperature setpoint

● Select room occupancy
● Operate fan coil
● Green Leaf function
● Switch/dim lighting
● Set solar protection

13.1 Room functions: Room coordination

The DXR2 applications guarantee the interaction of disciplines HVAC, lighting, and
shading, and provide the necessary coordination functions to this end.
Room operating mode The elementary room coordination function is the determination of the room
determination operating mode from the central scheduler and local presence/Comfort extension
entries on the room operator unit.
Green Leaf Desigo TRA offers room users interaction with regard to energy management via
an innovative operating and displaying concept.
The Green Leaf application function determines whether manual operations
negative impact HVAC energy efficiency. A red leaf on the room operator unit
informs the room occupant of just such a situation. The leaf returns to green by
activating the red lead as the Green Leaf returns the room to an energy efficient
state. A room operator unit with Green Leaf display is required to use the Green
Leaf application function.

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Room coordination functions
Room functions: Room coordination

Each discipline has its own rules for determining the influence of energy efficiency
that is evaluated in the room coordination function.
The criteria for evaluating energy efficiency are:
● The maximum tolerance to manually shift the room temperature setpoint can
be configured.

Description Name Default value

Maximum tolerance of room temperature setpoint shift TolMaxSpTRShft 2 [K]

● Fan speed: No configuration. A higher value than the automatic value is

classified as inefficient.
● Room operating mode: No configuration. A higher value than the automatic
value is classified as inefficient.
● Lighting: No configuration. Lighting setpoints cannot be less energy efficient
than the automatic values.
● Shading: No configuration. Shading positions cannot be less energy efficient
than the automatic values.
Thermal room load The application tracks the heating/cooling state of the room as well as average
analysis room temperature over 24 hours and notes the Comfort room temperature
setpoints for heating and cooling. And decides, based on the present comfort
setpoints for cooling and heating, the room temperature and heating/cooling state
whether shading supports heating and cooling. The information is provided to the
local shading elements in the room and processed as per the settings.
The application outputs the thermal room load condition with two states: Load
(heating) and discharge (cooling).
Dedicated lock/ Manual operation on all room operator units for HVAC can be locked based on the
enable of Comfort/ specified central operating mode. Manual operation for lighting and blinds is always
HVAC operations available and is not impacted by this function.
A parameter determines if manual operation can be locked for HVAC. Manual
HVAC operation is locked during the displayed room operating modes, i.e. Comfort
cannot be increased and energy efficiency cannot be changed.

Description Name Default value

Configuration lock manual operation ManOpLockCnf 3:Protection /
1:None Economy
2: Protection
3:Protection / Economy
4: Protection/Economy to Pre-Comfort

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Room coordination functions
13 Room functions: Room coordination

Room control by switching the operating mode

Trigger signals indicate The room operating mode can automatically control the various applications for
switch to energy efficiency HVAC, lighting, or shading. Two trigger signals are available in each room. They
or Comfort are sent to all disciplines on a configured change to room operating mode occurs.
The two triggers are "Energy efficiency condition" and "Comfort condition".
You can determine which trigger to send to the disciplines for each change in
operating mode.

Description Name Default value

Comfort/Pre-Comfort/Economy to Protection CmfPcfEcoToPrt 2:Energy efficiency
1:None condition
2:Energy efficiency condition
3:Comfort condition

Comfort/Pre-Comfort to Economy CmfPcfToEco 2:Energy efficiency

Enumeration see CmfPcfEcoToPrt condition

Comfort to Pre-Comfort CmfToPcf 2:Energy efficiency

Enumeration see CmfPcfEcoToPrt condition

Protection/Economy/Pre-Comfort to Comfort PrtEcoPcfToCmf 3:Comfort

Enumeration see CmfPcfEcoToPrt condition

Protection/Economy to Pre-Comfort PrtEcoToPcf 1:None

Enumeration see CmfPcfEcoToPrt

Protection to Economy PrtToEco 1:None

Enumeration see CmfPcfEcoToPrt

Repeat trigger The "Energy efficiency condition" trigger can be repeated automatically. The
number of repeats to the disciplines as well as the time between repetitions can be

Description Name Default value

Repeat time energy efficiency trigger; RptTiEefTrg 60 min
A repeat of the trigger overrides local, manual
commands. The parameter affects only the automatic

Number of repetitions energy efficiency trigger; The RptNumEefTrg 0

parameter affects only the automatic trigger

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Room coordination functions
Room functions: Room coordination

Example Reactions to the trigger can be configured for the specific discipline. The following
table provides an overview on a possible configuration.

Description Name Default value

Presence button CmfCndTrg HVAC: No impact
Eco → Cmf 3:Manual
Lighting: On/start
constant lighting

Shading: Stop
automatic function

Presence button EefCndTrg HVAC: Reset

Cmf → Eco 3:Manual setpoint offset

off/stops constant
lighting control

Shading: Enable
or manual
operation and
transition to
automatic position.

Central scheduler EefCndTrg HVAC: Reset

Cmf → Eco 2:Automatic setpoint offset

Lighting: Off with

prior flashing/stops
constant lighting

Shading: Enable
or manual
operation and
transition to
automatic position.

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Room coordination functions
13 Room functions: Room coordination

Impact of the trigger on A manually adjusted setpoint for HVAC applications can be reset using the trigger
HVAC for "Energy efficiency condition". Control is reset to automatic. The trigger acts on
both the temperature setpoint as well as the setpoint for the fan stage.
The application can also recognize whether the change to the room operating
mode from an automatic function or was the result of a manual operation. It can be
considered during configuration.

Description Name Default value

Fan command for the energy efficiency condition FanCmdEefAuto 2:Automatic
trigger on automatic
1:None. The manual fan stage is maintained.
2:Automatic. The manual fan stage is reset.

Fan command for the energy efficiency condition FanCmdEefMan 2:Automatic

trigger on manual

Operating command for the energy efficiency condition OpCmdEefAuto 2:Automatic

trigger on automatic
1:None. The manual temperature setpoint is
2:Automatic. The manual temperature setpoint is reset.

Operating command for the energy efficiency condition OpCmdEefMan 1:None

trigger on manual

For HVAC applications, rapid ventilation can be activated using the "Energy
efficiency condition" and "Comfort condition" trigger. This supplies a room with
rapid ventilation with fresh air for a configurable period.
The application can also recognize whether the change to the room operating
mode from an automatic function or was the result of a manual operation. It can be
considered during configuration.

Description Name Default value

Runtime rapid ventilation TiRnRpdVnt 60 min

Operating command for the energy efficiency condition OpCmdEefAuto 1:None

trigger on automatic
1:None. No reaction to trigger
2:Rapid ventilation. Rapid ventilation is enabled.

Operating command for the energy efficiency condition OpCmdEefMan 1:None

trigger on manual

Operating command for the Comfort condition trigger OpCmdCmfAuto 1:None

on automatic

Operating command for the Comfort efficiency OpCmdCmfMan 1:None

condition trigger on manual

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Room coordination functions
Room functions: Room coordination

Impact of the trigger on For lighting applications, lighting can be switched on, off, or reset to automatic
Light using the triggers "Energy efficiency condition" and "Comfort condition".
The application can also recognize whether the change to the room operating
mode from an automatic function or was the result of a manual operation. It can
also be considered during configuration.

Description Name Default value

Operating command for the energy efficiency condition OpCmdEefAuto 1:None
trigger on automatic
3:Lighting on
4:Lighting off
5:Lighting off/warning (reset)
5:Lighting off/warning (permanent)

Operating command for the energy efficiency condition OpCmdEefMan 1:None

trigger on manual

Operating command for the Comfort condition trigger OpCmdCmfAuto 1:None

on automatic

Operating command for the Comfort efficiency OpCmdCmfMan 1:None

condition trigger on manual

Impact of the trigger on For blinds applications, blinds can be held or reset to automatic using the triggers
blinds "Energy efficiency condition" and "Comfort condition".
The application can also recognize whether the change to the room operating
mode from an automatic function or was the result of a manual operation. It can
also be considered during configuration.

Description Name Default value

Operating command for the energy efficiency condition OpCmdEefAuto 2:Automatic
trigger on automatic
1:None. No reaction to trigger.
2:Automatic. Blinds are automatically reset to
automatic. It is used to deactivate any manual
operation of blinds, if the room is no longer occupied.
3:Hold. The blinds remains in the actual position and
are reset to manual. This prevents unintended
movement of blinds by the automatic functions when
the room is occupied.

Operating command for the energy efficiency condition OpCmdEefMan 2:Automatic

trigger on manual

Operating command for the Comfort condition trigger OpCmdCmfAuto 1:None

on automatic

Operating command for the Comfort efficiency OpCmdCmfMan 1:None

condition trigger on manual

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Radiator application
14 Hot water radiator application

14 Radiator application

14.1 Hot water radiator application

All DXR2 application types include a hot water radiator application. As a rule, each
DXR2 can control 2 hot water radiators via Triac or analog outputs. Hot water
radiators, the controller operating mode modulating or 2-point can be configured.
Plant diagram

Figure: Example of radiator application


DXR2… Automation station R1 Room operator unit

Rad Radiator D1 Presence

D2 Window contact


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve

Figure: Modulating heating sequence

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Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Radiator application
Hot water radiator application

Actuators The DRX2 automation station controls radiator valves via Triac or analog outputs,
regardless of available I/Os. 3-position actuators, thermal pulse width modulation
(PWM) actuators, PWM actuators with return spring can be connected to the Triac
A maximum of 1 thermal valve can be connected to each Triac on the DXR2
automation station with AC 230 V power. PWM actuators with spring return are not
Valve protection Valve actuators are operated from time to time to prevent them from seizing after
long periods of inactivity (e.g. heating valve during the summer). The valve
actuator is controlled to lose as little heating energy as possible.
The central function for the hot water supply chain performs the valve protection
function and can be changed in the parameters as needed.

Description Name Default value

Kick value KickVal 50%

Kick time TiKick 2 min

Kick cycle KickCyc 500 h

Downdraft compensation The downdraft compensation functions slows down sinking cold air current at large
window surfaces and prevents in this manner a cold wall effect on large, cold
surfaces. The function activates the radiator if the outside temperature drops below
a configured value by increasing the minimum radiator control to a higher value. A
linear reset function implements the downdraft compensation. The control
sequence is only active in the Comfort room operating mode. The following graphic
provides the factory settings for the downdraft compensation parameters.

Y Output signal TOa Outside air temperature

Y1 100 % X1 -5 °C

Y2 0% X2 10 °C

Figure: Downdraft compensation characteristic curve

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Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Radiator application
14 Electric radiator application

14.2 Electric radiator application

All DXR2 application types include an electric radiator application. As a rule, each
DXR2 can control 2 electric radiators via Triac or analog outputs. For electric hot
water radiators, the controller operating mode modulating or 2-point can be
Plant diagram

Figure: Example of radiator application


DXR2… Automation station R1 Room operator unit

Rad Radiator D1 Presence

OvrT Overtemperature protection D2 Window contact


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve

Figure: Modulating heating sequence

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Radiator application
Electric radiator application

Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint YH1 1-stage

YH Electric radiator

Figure: Example of radiator application

Actuators The DRX2 automation station controls electric radiator valves via Triac or analog
outputs, regardless of available I/Os. Single-stage and modulating electric radiators
are supported. Electric radiators, controlled via an analog output on the DXR2, can
receive an enable via a relay or Triac on the DXR2.
Safety thermostat A binary overtemperature (open contact) protection can be connected on the DXR2
for all versions of the electric radiator application. The application switches off the
radiator at device protection priority if overtemperature protection is enabled.

Description Name Default value

Enable overtemperature input EnOvrTDetIn 0:No

Electric heat coils require safety limit thermostat
Improper installation of electric heating coils can result in fire and cause
destruction of life and property.
● Install a high temperature cut-out switch on all electric heating elements.
● Ensure that all wiring and installation conform to applicable safety codes and

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Radiator application
14 Determination of heating/cooling state

Downdraft compensation The downdraft compensation functions slows down sinking cold air current at large
window surfaces and prevents in this manner a cold wall effect on large, cold
surfaces. The function activates the radiator if the outside temperature drops below
a configured value by increasing the minimum radiator control to a higher value. A
linear reset function implements the downdraft compensation. The control
sequence is only active in the Comfort room operating mode. The following graphic
provides the factory settings for the downdraft compensation parameters.

Y Output signal TOa Outside air temperature

Y1 100 % X1 -5 °C

Y2 0% X2 10 °C

Figure: Downdraft compensation characteristic curve

14.3 Determination of heating/cooling state

All DXR2 applications analyze heating/cooling state by comparing the present
room temperature against the setpoints and active control sequence. The present
state is displayed on the room operator unit and the BAC system.
A sequence controller prevent simultaneous heating/cooling.

14.4 Heating/cooling demand

Each DXR2 automation station calculates heating and cooling demand for a room
and makes the result available through a group of the central function (supply
chain hot water/chilled water).
Outside air temperature The hot water demand setpoint is calculated in the central function using a heating
dependent heating curve curve based on the outside temperature.

Sp Flow temperature setpoint TOa Outside air temperature

SpTFlDs 70 °C TOaDs -11 °C

SpTFlHi 25 °C TOaHi 15 °C

Figure: Characteristic curve for the outside temperature-dependent heating curve

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Radiator application

Demand correction by Valve positions in the various rooms correct the demand setpoint in the central
collected valve positions function based on the number of valves between a value of 70...100%.

Description Name Default value

Setpoint correction, if 100% of all consumers are within SpCorrTFlHi 5 [K]

Setpoint correction, if 0% of all consumers are within SpCorrTFlLo -5 [K]


14.5 Preheating
The central functions can trigger the preheating function to heat up a room at end
of the night setback period as quickly as possible to the Pre-Comfort setpoint. This
impacts the plant operating mode of the application.

14.6 Emergency mode

The setpoint for protection ensures that room temperatures do not change below or
above a critical limit.

14.7 Reset setpoint

The central function can reset a local change to a setpoint on the room operator
unit. The management station can manually reset the value or the reset can also
be automatic by a scheduler. Setpoints for room temperature, ventilator stage, and
room operating mode can be reset.

14.8 Free inputs/outputs

Inputs and outputs can be configured as free inputs on all DXR2s. This permits the
querying of unused input and output switching states or directly controlling another
device over BACnet.

14.9 Centrally override valves

Central functions permit the central override of all valve in the supply group. The
following parameters can be used.

Description Name Default value

Enable valve position override EnVlvPosOvrr 0:No

Valve position override VlvPosOvrr 100 [%]

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Radiator application
14 Presence control

14.10 Presence control

The HVAC application can also be controlled by presence through the use of a
presence detector.
The HVAC application can be configured for each room to react to presence for
each room and regardless of the room operating mode.

Description Name Default value

Presence operating mode for Comfort PscModCmf 4:Considered
1:None presence &
2:Considered presence absence
3:Considered absence
4:Considered presence & absence

Presence operating mode Pre-Comfort PscModPcf 4:Considered

presence &

Presence operating mode for Economy PscModEco 1:None

Present operating mode for Protection PscModPrt 1:None

The applicable delays for the HVAC application in a room can also be configured
for each room.

Description Name Default value

Switching delay for presence SwiDlyPrst 5 Min

Switching delay for absence SwiDlyAbst 5 Min

14.11 Application examples

These are the descriptions of HIT applications on http://hit.sbt.siemens.com.
Visit the Siemens Download Center www.siemens.com/bt/download for the latest
application configurations.

14.11.1 Radiator
RAD011 Hot water radiator on triac output A6V10662233 en de
RAD012 Hot water radiator on analog A6V10662231 en de

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Radiant/chilled ceiling application
2-pipe chilled ceiling

15 Radiant/chilled ceiling application

All DXR2 application types include a ceiling heating/chilled ceiling application. As a
rule, each DXR2 can control 2 ceiling heating/chilled ceilings via Triac or analog
outputs. For ceiling heating/chilled ceilings, the controller operating mode
modulating or 2-point can be configured.
The DXR2 application can control chilled ceilings in a 2-pipe system, ceiling
heating/chilled ceilings in a 2-pipe system or ceiling heating/chilled ceilings in a 4-
pipe system or ceiling heating in a 2-pipe system.

15.1 2-pipe chilled ceiling

Plant diagram

Figure: Example for a chilled ceiling application 2-pipe system


DXR2… Room automation station R1 Room operator unit

Rcg Chilled ceiling valve D1 Presence

CdnMon Condensation monitor D2 Window contact


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YC Cooling valve

Figure: Modulating cooling sequence

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Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Radiant/chilled ceiling application
15 2-pipe heated/chilled ceiling with changeover system

15.2 2-pipe heated/chilled ceiling with changeover

Plant diagram

Figure: Example for a heating/chilled ceiling application 2-pipe system


DXR2… Room automation station R1 Room operator unit

Rcg Heated/chilled ceiling valve D1 Presence

CdnMon Condensation monitor D2 Window contact


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

Chovr Changeover system

Figure: Modulating heating and cooling sequence with changeover system

Changeover system The central function for chilled water supply determines whether the water system
is used for heating or cooling based on heating/cooling demand of individual rooms
in this supply group. The evaluated result is send via grouping to the room
segment to enable the heating or cooling sequence in the room.
The changeover determination logic counts each the segments with heating or
cooling demand.
The cooling controller is disabled during heating and the heating controller during

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Radiant/chilled ceiling application
4-pipe ceiling heating/chilled ceiling with changeover valves

15.3 4-pipe ceiling heating/chilled ceiling with

changeover valves
Plant diagram

Figure: Example for ceiling heating/chilled ceiling application with changeover


DXR2… Automation Station R1 Room operator unit

YH Heating valve D1 Presence

YA Changeover valve heating D2 Window contact

YC Cooling valve CdnMon Condensation monitor

YB Changeover valve cooling


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

YA Changeover valve heating YB Changeover valve cooling

Figure: Modulating heating and cooling sequence

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Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Radiant/chilled ceiling application
15 4-pipe heated/chilled ceiling with 6-port valve

15.4 4-pipe heated/chilled ceiling with 6-port valve

Plant diagram

Figure: Example for a 4-pipe ceiling heating/chilled ceiling application with a 6-port

DXR2… Automation Station R1 Room operator unit

YHC 6-port valve D1 Presence

CdnMon Condensation monitor D2 Window contact


Y Control signal/rotational angle X Valve opening

Y2C Cooling open X2C Cooling valve open

Y1C Cooling begins X1C Cooling valve closed

Y1H Heating begins X1H Heating valve closed

Y2H Heating open X2H Heating valve open

Figure: Modulating heating and cooling sequence with 6-port valve positions

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Radiant/chilled ceiling application
4-pipe ceiling heating/chilled ceiling with 6-port valve (PL-Link)

Parameter settings
Description Name Default value
Chilled ceiling valve position X1C X1CcgVlvPos 0 [%]

Chilled ceiling valve position Y1C Y1CcgVlvPos 50 [%]

Chilled ceiling valve position X2C X2CcgVlvPos 100 [%]

Chilled ceiling valve position Y2C Y2CcgVlvPos 0 [%]

Ceiling heating valve position X1H X1HcgVlvPos 0 [%]

Ceiling heating valve position Y1H Y1HcgVlvPos 50 [%]

Ceiling heating valve position X2H X2HcgVlvPos 100 [%]

Ceiling heating valve position Y2H Y2HcgVlvPos 100 [%]

15.5 4-pipe ceiling heating/chilled ceiling with 6-port

valve (PL-Link)
Plant diagram

Figure: Example for a 4-pipe ceiling heating/chilled ceiling application with a 6-port
valve (PL-Link)

DXR2… Automation Station R1 Room operator unit

YHC 6-port valve D1 Presence

CdnMon Condensation monitor D2 Window contact

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Radiant/chilled ceiling application
15 4-pipe ceiling heating/chilled ceiling with 6-port valve (PL-Link)


Y Control signal/rotational angle X Valve opening

Y2C Cooling open X2C Cooling valve open

Y1C Cooling begins X1C Cooling valve closed

Y1H Heating begins X1H Heating valve closed

Y2H Heating open X2H Heating valve open

YN Valve closed. XN Valve closed.

Figure: Modulating heating and cooling sequence with 6-port valve positions (PL-
Setting parameters PL-
Link Description Name Default value
Ceiling heating valve position Y2H Y2HcgVlvPos 16 [%]

Ceiling heating valve position Y1H Y1HcgVlvPos 45 [%]

Valve position neutral YN VlvPosClsd 50 [%]

Chilled ceiling valve position Y1C Y1CcgVlvPos 55 [%]

Chilled ceiling valve position Y2C Y2CcgVlvPos 84 [%]

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Radiant/chilled ceiling application
2-pipe ceiling heating

15.6 2-pipe ceiling heating

Plant diagram

Figure: Example for a heated ceiling application 2-pipe system


DXR2… Room automation station R1 Room operator unit

Rcg Heated ceiling valve D1 Presence

CdnMon Condensation monitor D2 Window contact


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve

Figure: Modulating heating sequence

15.7 Actuators
The DRX2 automation station controls heated/chilled ceiling valves via Triac or
analog outputs, regardless of available I/Os. 3-position actuators, thermal pulse
width modulation (PWM) actuators, PWM actuators with return spring can be
connected to the Triac outputs.
A maximum of 1 thermal valve can be connected to each Triac on the DXR2
automation station with AC 230 V power.
Conventional 0…10V actuators as well as 6-port valves can be connected to
analog outputs.

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Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Radiant/chilled ceiling application
15 Valve protection

15.8 Valve protection

Valve actuators are operated from time to time to prevent them from seizing after
long periods of inactivity (e.g. heating valve during the summer). The valve
actuator is controlled to lose as little heating energy as possible.
The central function for the hot water supply chain performs the valve protection
function and can be changed in the parameters as needed.

Description Name Default value

Kick value KickVal 50 [%]

Kick time TiKick 2 min

Kick cycle KickCyc 500 h

15.9 Determination of heating/cooling state

All DXR2 applications analyze heating/cooling state by comparing the present
room temperature against the setpoints and active control sequence. The present
state is displayed on the room operator unit and the BAC system.
A sequence controller prevent simultaneous heating/cooling.

15.10 Heating/cooling demand

Each DXR2 automation station calculates heating and cooling demand for a room
and makes the result available through a group of the central function (supply
chain hot water/chilled water).
Outside air temperature The hot water demand setpoint is calculated in the central function using a heating
dependent heating curve curve based on the outside temperature.

Sp Flow temperature setpoint TOa Outside air temperature

SpTFlDs 70 °C TOaDs -11 °C

SpTFlHi 25 °C TOaHi 15 °C

Figure: Characteristic curve for the outside temperature-dependent heating curve

Demand correction by Valve positions in the various rooms correct the demand setpoint in the central
collected valve positions function based on the number of valves between a value of 70...100%.

Description Name Default value

Setpoint correction, if 100% of all consumers are within SpCorrTFlHi 5 [K]

Setpoint correction, if 0% of all consumers are within SpCorrTFlLo -5 [K]


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Radiant/chilled ceiling application

15.11 Preheating
The central functions can trigger the preheating function to heat up a room at end
of the night setback period as quickly as possible to the Pre-Comfort setpoint. This
impacts the plant operating mode of the application.

15.12 Emergency mode

The setpoint for protection ensures that room temperatures do not change below or
above a critical limit.

15.13 Free cooling

The function free cooling to take advantage of cooling generated without effort to
cool the rooms to a room temperature setpoint. Dew point compensation is still
available for the chilled water temperature setpoint dependent on active dew point
detector via the grouping function.
This supply chain is continued accordingly, in other words chilled water generation
(chillers, refrigeration machines, etc.) are also controlled based on demand.

15.14 Reset setpoint

The central function can reset a local change to a setpoint on the room operator
unit. The management station can manually reset the value or the reset can also
be automatic by a scheduler. Setpoints for room temperature, ventilator stage, and
room operating mode can be reset.

15.15 Free inputs/outputs

Inputs and outputs can be configured as free inputs on all DXR2s. This permits the
querying of unused input and output switching states or directly controlling another
device over BACnet.

15.16 Centrally override valves

Central functions permit the central override of all valve in the supply group. The
following parameters can be used.

Description Name Default value

Enable valve position override EnVlvPosOvrr 0:No

Valve position override VlvPosOvrr 100 [%]

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Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Radiant/chilled ceiling application
15 Dew point temperature monitoring

15.17 Dew point temperature monitoring

As a supplement to the condensation monitor, the primary chilled water
temperature is compared against the present dew point temperature in the room.
The chilled beam valve is closed if the chilled water temperature drops below the
dew point temperature at a configurable difference. The chilled beam valve is once
again released if the chilled water temperature exceeds the dew point temperature,
with consideration of a configurable difference and a dead zone.

HysTDiffDw Hysteresis minimum difference TDiffDwpCh Minimum difference dew point

pChw dew point temperature/chilled wMin temperature/chilled water
water temperature temperature

TChwPm Chilled water temperature TDwp Dew point temperature (calculated)

Figure: Dew point temperature monitoring parameters

Dew point temperature monitoring must be enabled.

Description Name Default value

Enable dew point temperature EnTDwp 0:No

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Radiant/chilled ceiling application
Presence control

15.18 Presence control

The HVAC application can also be controlled by presence through the use of a
presence detector.
The HVAC application can be configured for each room to react to presence for
each room and regardless of the room operating mode.

Description Name Default value

Presence operating mode for Comfort PscModCmf 4:Considered
1:None presence &
2:Considered presence absence
3:Considered absence
4:Considered presence & absence

Presence operating mode Pre-Comfort PscModPcf 4:Considered

presence &

Presence operating mode for Economy PscModEco 1:None

Present operating mode for Protection PscModPrt 1:None

The applicable delays for the HVAC application in a room can also be configured
for each room.

Description Name Default value

Switching delay for presence SwiDlyPrst 5 Min

Switching delay for absence SwiDlyAbst 5 Min

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Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Radiant/chilled ceiling application
15 Application examples

15.19 Application examples

These are the descriptions of HIT applications on http://hit.sbt.siemens.com.
Visit the Siemens Download Center www.siemens.com/bt/download for the latest
application configurations.

15.19.1 Chilled/heated ceiling

CCG011 Chilled ceiling on triac output A6V10662233 en de
CCG012 Chilled ceiling on analog output A6V10662231 en de
CCG021 Chilled ceiling with hot water A6V10662233 en de
radiator on triac output
CCG022 Chilled ceiling with hot water A6V10662231 en de
radiator on analog output
CCG061 Chilled/heated ceiling (2 pipe) A6V10662233 en de
with changeover on triac output
CCG062 Chilled/heated ceiling (2 pipe) A6V10662231 en de
with changeover on analog output
CCG081 Chilled/heated ceiling (4 pipe) A6V10662231 en de
with 6-way valve on analog output
INT061 Chilled ceiling with hot water A6V10662233 en de
radiator on triac output including
lighting and blinds operation

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Ceiling heating/chilled ceiling application
2-pipe chilled beams

16 Ceiling heating/chilled ceiling application

All DXR2 application types include a passive heated/chilled beam application. As a
rule, each DXR2 can control 2 passive heated/chilled beams via Triac or analog
outputs. The controller operating mode modulating or 2-point can be configured for
passive heated/chilled beams,
The DXR2 application can control passive chilled beams in a 2-pipe system,
heated-chilled beams in a 2-pipe system or heated/chilled beams in a 4-pipe

16.1 2-pipe chilled beams

Plant diagram

Figure: Example for a chilled beam application 2-pipe system


DXR2… Automation Station R1 Room operator unit

Rcg Chilled beam valve D1 Presence

CdnMon Condensation monitor D2 Window contact


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YC Cooling valve

Figure: Modulating cooling sequence

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Ceiling heating/chilled ceiling application
16 2-pipe heated/chilled beam with changeover system

16.2 2-pipe heated/chilled beam with changeover

Plant diagram

Figure: Example for a heated/chilled beam application 2-pipe system


DXR2… Automation Station R1 Room operator unit

Rcg Heated/chilled beam valve D1 Presence

CdnMon Condensation monitor D2 Window contact


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

Chovr Changeover system

Figure: Modulating heating and cooling sequence with changeover system

Changeover system The central function for chilled water supply determines whether the water system
is used for heating or cooling based on heating/cooling demand of individual rooms
in this supply group. The evaluated result is send via grouping to the room
segment to enable the heating or cooling sequence in the room.
The changeover determination logic counts each the segments with heating or
cooling demand.
The cooling controller is disabled during heating and the heating controller during

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Ceiling heating/chilled ceiling application
4-pipe heated/chilled beams with changeover valves

16.3 4-pipe heated/chilled beams with changeover

Plant diagram

Figure: Example for a heating/cooling application with changeover valves


DXR2… Automation Station R1 Room operator unit

YH Heated beam valve D1 Presence

YA Changeover valve heating D2 Window contact

YC Chilled beam valve CdnMon Condensation monitor

YB Changeover valve cooling


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

YA Changeover valve heating YB Changeover valve cooling

Figure: Modulating heating and cooling sequence

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Ceiling heating/chilled ceiling application
16 4-pipe heated-chilled beams with 6-port valve

16.4 4-pipe heated-chilled beams with 6-port valve

Plant diagram

Figure: Example for a 4-pipe heated/chilled beam application with a 6-port valve

DXR2… Automation Station R1 Room operator unit

YHC 6-port heated/chilled beam valve D1 Presence

CdnMon Condensation monitor D2 Window contact


Y Control signal/rotational angle X Valve opening

Y2C Cooling open X2C Cooling valve open

Y1C Cooling begins X1C Cooling valve closed

Y1H Heating begins X1H Heating valve closed

Y2H Heating open X2H Heating valve open

Figure: Modulating heating and cooling sequence with 6-port valve positions

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Ceiling heating/chilled ceiling application
4-pipe heated/chilled beam with 6-port valve (PL-Link)

Parameter settings
Description Name Default value
Chilled beam valve position X1C X1CcgVlvPos 0 [%]

Chilled beam valve position Y1C Y1CcgVlvPos 50 [%]

Chilled beam valve position X2C X2CcgVlvPos 100 [%]

Chilled beam valve position Y2C Y2CcgVlvPos 0 [%]

Heated beam valve position X1H X1HcgVlvPos 0 [%]

Heated beam valve position Y1H Y1HcgVlvPos 50 [%]

Heated beam valve position X2H X2HcgVlvPos 100 [%]

Heated beam valve position Y2H Y2HcgVlvPos 100 [%]

16.5 4-pipe heated/chilled beam with 6-port valve (PL-

Plant diagram

Figure: Example for a 4-pipe heated/chilled beam application with a 6-port valve

DXR2… Automation Station R1 Room operator unit

YHC 6-port heated/chilled beam valve D1 Presence

CdnMon Condensation monitor D2 Window contact

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Ceiling heating/chilled ceiling application
16 Actuators


Y Control signal/rotational angle X Valve opening

Y2C Cooling open X2C Cooling valve open

Y1C Cooling begins X1C Cooling valve closed

Y1H Heating begins X1H Heating valve closed

Y2H Heating open X2H Heating valve open

YN Valve closed. XN Valve closed.

Figure: Modulating heating and cooling sequence with 6-port valve positions (PL-
Setting parameters PL-
Link Description Name Default value
Heated beam valve position Y2H VlvPosHMax 16 [%]

Heated beam valve position Y1H VlvPosHMin 45 [%]

Valve position neutral YN VlvPosClsd 50 [%]

Chilled beam valve position Y1C VlvPosCMin 55 [%]

Chilled beam valve position Y2C VlvPosCMax 84 [%]

16.6 Actuators
The DRX2 automation station controls heated/chilled beam valves via Triac or
analog outputs, regardless of available I/Os. 3-position actuators, thermal pulse
width modulation (PWM) actuators, PWM actuators with return spring can be
connected to the Triac outputs.
A maximum of 1 thermal valve can be connected to each Triac on the DXR2
automation station with AC 230 V power.
Conventional 0…10V actuators as well as 6-port valves can be connected to
analog outputs.

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Ceiling heating/chilled ceiling application
Valve protection

16.7 Valve protection

Valve actuators are operated from time to time to prevent them from seizing after
long periods of inactivity (e.g. heating valve during the summer). The valve
actuator is controlled to lose as little heating energy as possible.
The central function for the hot water supply chain performs the valve protection
function and can be changed in the parameters as needed.

Description Name Default value

Kick value KickVal 50 [%]

Kick time TiKick 2 min

Kick cycle KickCyc 500 h

16.8 Determination of heating/cooling state

All DXR2 applications analyze heating/cooling state by comparing the present
room temperature against the setpoints and active control sequence. The present
state is displayed on the room operator unit and the BAC system.
A sequence controller prevent simultaneous heating/cooling.

16.9 Heating/cooling demand

Each DXR2 automation station calculates heating and cooling demand for a room
and makes the result available through a group of the central function (supply
chain hot water/chilled water).
Outside air temperature The hot water demand setpoint is calculated in the central function using a heating
dependent heating curve curve based on the outside temperature.

Sp Flow temperature setpoint TOa Outside air temperature

SpTFlDs 70 °C TOaDs -11 °C

SpTFlHi 25 °C TOaHi 15 °C

Figure: Characteristic curve for the outside temperature-dependent heating curve

Demand correction by Valve positions in the various rooms correct the demand setpoint in the central
collected valve positions function based on the number of valves between a value of 70...100%.

Description Name Default value

Setpoint correction, if 100% of all consumers are within SpCorrTFlHi 5 [K]

Setpoint correction, if 0% of all consumers are within SpCorrTFlLo -5 [K]


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Ceiling heating/chilled ceiling application
16 Preheating

16.10 Preheating
The central functions can trigger the preheating function to heat up a room at end
of the night setback period as quickly as possible to the Pre-Comfort setpoint. This
impacts the plant operating mode of the application.

16.11 Emergency mode

The setpoint for protection ensures that room temperatures do not change below or
above a critical limit.

16.12 Free cooling

The function free cooling to take advantage of cooling generated without effort to
cool the rooms to a room temperature setpoint. Dew point compensation is still
available for the chilled water temperature setpoint dependent on active dew point
detector via the grouping function.
This supply chain is continued accordingly, in other words chilled water generation
(chillers, refrigeration machines, etc.) are also controlled based on demand.

16.13 Reset setpoint

The central function can reset a local change to a setpoint on the room operator
unit. The management station can manually reset the value or the reset can also
be automatic by a scheduler. Setpoints for room temperature, ventilator stage, and
room operating mode can be reset.

16.14 Free inputs/outputs

Inputs and outputs can be configured as free inputs on all DXR2s. This permits the
querying of unused input and output switching states or directly controlling another
device over BACnet.

16.15 Centrally override valves

Central functions permit the central override of all valve in the supply group. The
following parameters can be used.

Description Name Default value

Enable valve position override EnVlvPosOvrr 0:No

Valve position override VlvPosOvrr 100 [%]

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Ceiling heating/chilled ceiling application
Dew point temperature monitoring

16.16 Dew point temperature monitoring

As a supplement to the condensation monitor, the primary chilled water
temperature is compared against the present dew point temperature in the room.
The chilled beam valve is closed if the chilled water temperature drops below the
dew point temperature at a configurable difference. The chilled beam valve is once
again released if the chilled water temperature exceeds the dew point temperature,
with consideration of a configurable difference and a dead zone.

HysTDiffDw Hysteresis minimum difference TDiffDwpCh Minimum difference dew point

pChw dew point temperature/chilled wMin temperature/chilled water
water temperature temperature

TChwPm Chilled water temperature TDwp Dew point temperature (calculated)

Figure: Dew point temperature monitoring parameters

Dew point temperature monitoring must be enabled.

Description Name Default value

Enable dew point temperature EnTDwp 0:No

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Ceiling heating/chilled ceiling application
16 Presence control

16.17 Presence control

The HVAC application can also be controlled by presence through the use of a
presence detector.
The HVAC application can be configured for each room to react to presence for
each room and regardless of the room operating mode.

Description Name Default value

Presence operating mode for Comfort PscModCmf 4:Considered
1:None presence &
2:Considered presence absence
3:Considered absence
4:Considered presence & absence

Presence operating mode Pre-Comfort PscModPcf 4:Considered

presence &

Presence operating mode for Economy PscModEco 1:None

Present operating mode for Protection PscModPrt 1:None

The applicable delays for the HVAC application in a room can also be configured
for each room.

Description Name Default value

Switching delay for presence SwiDlyPrst 5 Min

Switching delay for absence SwiDlyAbst 5 Min

16.18 Application examples

These are the descriptions of HIT applications on http://hit.sbt.siemens.com.
Visit the Siemens Download Center www.siemens.com/bt/download for the latest
application configurations.

16.18.1 Passive chilled/heating beam

CBP001 Passive chilled beam A6V10662233 en de
(2 pipe) with hot water radiator
on triac output
CBP002 Passive chilled/heating beam A6V10662233 en de
(2 pipe) with changeover
on triac output
CBP003 Passive chilled/heating beam A6V10662231 en de
(4 pipe) with 6-way valve
on analog output

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Fan coil application
Serial or parallel control strategy

17 Fan coil application

The fan coil application can be configured with a fan coil application type. Each fan
coil application type can also combine a heated/chilled ceiling (beam) or radiator
application. The image below provides an overview of the fan coil application type
with all possible HVAC components that can be configured for a fan coil application.
The configuration enabled the applicable (required) aggregate on the DXR2.
Plant diagram

Figure: Application types for fan coil applications


DXR2… Automation Station Q1 Fan

B1 Return air temperature sensor R1 Room operator unit

B2 Mixed air sensor YC Chilled water cooling coils

B3 Supply air sensor YH Hot water heating coils or electric

heating coils
D1 Presence

D2 Window contact YHC Heating/cooling coils

D3 Outside temperature sensor YM Damper actuator

17.1 Serial or parallel control strategy

You must select one of 2 different control strategies on all fan coil applications:
● Serial fan operation: The air volume is only increased if the valve's or
reheater's positioning signal is fully open and the room temperature exceeds or
breaches an additional offset.
● Parallel fan operation: The fan speed is increased in parallel to the valve's or
reheater's positioning signal.
The two strategies are illustrates in the following example using a modulating fan
and one heating and cooling valve. Both strategies can be used in the same
manner for staged fans.

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Fan coil application
17 Serial or parallel control strategy


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

FanSpMaxH Max. fan speed heating FanSpMaxC Max. fan speed cooling

FanSpMinH Min. fan speed heating FanSpMinC Min. fan speed cooling

OfsFanSttH Offset for fan start heating OfsFanSttC Offset for fan start cooling

Q Fan signal

Figure: Example of a serial control strategy using a modulating fan


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

FanEndSpd Fan end speed for parallel heating FanEndSpd Fan end speed for parallel cooling
PrlH PrlC

FanSpMinH Min. fan speed heating FanSpMinC Min. fan speed cooling

CoilVlVEnd Valve end position for parallel CoilVlVEnd Valve end position for parallel
PrlH heating PrlC cooling

CoilVlVSttPr Valve position start fan heating CoilVlVSttPr Valve position start fan cooling
lH lC

Q Fan signal

Figure: Example of a parallel control strategy using a modulating fan

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Fan coil application
Air volume flow in the dead zone

The control strategy can be configured in the application using the following
parameters for the cooling sequence and heating sequence.

Description Name Default value

Fan operation for cooling FanOp 1:Parallel

Fan operation for heating FanOp 1:Parallel


17.2 Air volume flow in the dead zone

The fan coil application configures a minimum supply air flow in the temperature
control dead zone. The function can be configured individually for all room
operating mode.

Description Name Default value

Minimum supply air Comfort CmfCnf 4:Minimum
1:Off ventilation &
2:Minimum ventilation demand-controlled
3:Demand-controlled ventilation ventilation
4:Minimum & demand-controlled ventilation

Minimum supply air for Pre-Comfort. PcfCnf 3:Demand-


Minimum supply air Economy EcoCnf 1:Off

Minimum supply air Protection PrtCnf 1:Off

Minimum fan speed for all room operating modes is also configured.

Description Name Default value

Minimum fan speed for ventilation FanSpdMinVnt 50 [%]

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Fan coil application
17 Control of staged fan

17.3 Control of staged fan

Fan coil applications in the DXR2 include one to three-stage automatic fan control.
The fan stages are switched on or off with potential free relay contacts.

Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

Q Fan signal Q1 First fan stage

Figure: 1-stage fan sequence

Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

Q Fan signal Q1 First fan stage

Q2 Second fan stage Q3 Third fan stage

Figure: 3-stage fan sequence

Outputs Staged fans are switched by relays or relays on the DXR2.
Minimum runtime. Each fan stage is always switched on for a specific minimum time before changing
over to the next higher stage. So that the room controller acquire control at this
stage. The time is fixed at 15 seconds on all DXR2 applications.
Switch-off delay The switch off of a fan is delayed for a specific period on applications that have
electric heating coils/reheaters. This cools down the electric heating coils/reheater
with circulating air. The switch-on/switch-off time can be configured.

Description Name Default value

Switch-off delay holding signal for air volume flow DlyOffAflHldH 30 [s]

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Fan coil application
Control of staged fan

Return air sensor The fan must be switched on if room temperature measurement is made using a
return air sensor in the fan coil system, to correctly acquire the actual room
temperature. A minimum air volume is enabled in the dead zone by default for the
operating mode Comfort on the DXR2. The parameter cannot be changed when
using a return air sensor to measure room temperature.
In this case, note that a conventional room temperature sensor must be configured
at the DXR2 input. The return are temperature sensor is then connected instead of
the room temperature sensor. The room is now temperature controlled per the
measured value from the return air sensor.
DXR2 does not support interval-type fan activities to periodically measure room
temperature with the return air sensor.
Also note that DXR2 temperature control in the room can only have one measured
return (temperature sensor) which is always configured and connected at the input
of the room temperature sensor. The available configuration for a return air sensor
is used for visualization on DXR2.

Locked by electric heating Locking is a binary signal to protect fan coil equipment. The application locks
coils electric heating coils even if no air flow is available through the fan. Or enabled if
air flow is available through the fan.
Start of fan by heating The fan is started for active heat or refrigeration demand in the room. The signal is
demand sent to the fan from the heat or refrigeration register.

Description Name
Display of heat/cooling request in the room. It AirFlHReq/AirFlCReq
starts the fan to meet the heat request.

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Fan coil application
17 Control of modulating fan

17.4 Control of modulating fan

The DXR2 fan coil applications can automatically control modulating fans (DC
0…10 V). In addition, the fan can be enabled or locked with a potential free relay

Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

Q Fan signal

Figure: Modulating fan sequence

Outputs Analog outputs on the DXR2 control modulating fans.
Switch-off delay The switch off of a fan is delayed for a specific period on applications that have
electric heating coils/reheaters. This cools down the electric heating coils/reheater
with circulating air. The switch-on/switch-off time can be configured.

Description Name Default value

Switch-off delay holding signal for air volume flow DlyOffAflHldH 30 [s]

Return air sensor The fan must be switched on if room temperature measurement is made using a
return air sensor in the fan coil system, to correctly acquire the actual room
temperature. A minimum air volume is enabled in the dead zone by default for the
operating mode Comfort on the DXR2. The parameter cannot be changed when
using a return air sensor to measure room temperature.
In this case, note that a conventional room temperature sensor must be configured
at the DXR2 input. The return are temperature sensor is then connected instead of
the room temperature sensor. The room is now temperature controlled per the
measured value from the return air sensor.
DXR2 does not support interval-type fan activities to periodically measure room
temperature with the return air sensor.
Also note that DXR2 temperature control in the room can only have one measured
return (temperature sensor) which is always configured and connected at the input
of the room temperature sensor. The available configuration for a return air sensor
is used for visualization on DXR2.
Locking Locking is a binary signal to protect fan coil equipment. The application locks the
electric heating coils if no air flow is available or enables if available.

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Fan coil application
Water register for 4-pipe system

17.5 Water register for 4-pipe system

Plant diagram

Figure: 4-pipe system fan coil applications


DXR2… Room automation station R1 Room operator unit

Q1 Fan D1 Presence

YC Chilled water cooling coils D2 Window contact

YH Hot water heating coils


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

Figure: Modulating heating and cooling sequence

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Fan coil application
17 Water register 2-pipe system with changeover

17.6 Water register 2-pipe system with changeover

Plant diagram

Figure: 2-pipe system fan coil applications with changeover


DXR2… Room automation station R1 Room operator unit

Q1 Fan D1 Presence

YHC Heating/cooling coils D2 Window contact


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

Chovr Changeover system

Figure: Modulating heating and cooling sequence with changeover system

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Fan coil application
Water register for 4-pipe system with changeover valves

17.7 Water register for 4-pipe system with changeover

Plant diagram

Figure: Example of water register 4-pipe system with changeover valves


DXR2… Room automation station R1 Room operator unit

YH Heating valve D1 Presence

YA Changeover valve heating D2 Window contact

YC Cooling valve Q1 Fan

YB Changeover valve cooling


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

YA Changeover valve heating YB Changeover valve cooling

Figure: Modulating heating and cooling sequence

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Fan coil application
17 Water register 4-pipe system with 6-port valve

17.8 Water register 4-pipe system with 6-port valve

Plant diagram

Figure: Example for a 4-pipe system fan coil applications with a 6-port valve

DXR2… Room automation station R1 Room operator unit

YHC 6-port valve D1 Presence

D2 Window contact

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Fan coil application
Water register 4-pipe system with 6-port valve


Y Control signal/rotational angle X Valve opening

Y2C Cooling open X2C Cooling valve open

Y1C Cooling begins X1C Cooling valve closed

Y1H Heating begins X1H Heating valve closed

Y2H Heating open X2H Heating valve open

Figure: Modulating heating and cooling sequence with 6-port valve positions
Parameter settings
Description Name Default value
Cooling coil valve position X1C X1CclVlvPos 0 [%]

Cooling coil valve position Y1C Y1CclVlvPos 50 [%]

Cooling coil valve position X2C X2CclVlvPos 100 [%]

Cooling coil valve position Y2C Y2CclVlvPos 0 [%]

Heating coil valve position X1H X1HclVlvPos 0 [%]

Heating coil valve position Y1H Y1HclVlvPos 50 [%]

Heating coil valve position X2H X2HclVlvPos 100 [%]

Heating coil valve position Y2H Y2HclVlvPos 100 [%]

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Fan coil application
17 Water register 4-pipe system with 6-port valve (PL-Link)

17.9 Water register 4-pipe system with 6-port valve (PL-

Plant diagram

Figure: Example for a 4-pipe system fan coil applications with a 6-port valve (PL-

DXR2… Automation Station R1 Room operator unit

YHC 6-port valve D1 Presence

D2 Window contact

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Fan coil application
Water register 4-pipe system with 6-port valve (PL-Link)


Y Control signal/rotational angle X Valve opening

Y2C Cooling open X2C Cooling valve open

Y1C Cooling begins X1C Cooling valve closed

Y1H Heating begins X1H Heating valve closed

Y2H Heating open X2H Heating valve open

YN Valve closed. XN Valve closed.

Figure: Modulating heating and cooling sequence with 6-port valve positions (PL-
Setting parameters PL-
Link Description Name Default value
Heating coil valve position Y2H VlvPosHMax 16 [%]

Heating coil valve position Y1H VlvPosHMin 45 [%]

Valve position neutral YN VlvPosClsd 50 [%]

Cooling coil valve position Y1C VlvPosCMin 55 [%]

Cooling coil valve position Y2C VlvPosCMax 84 [%]

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Fan coil application
17 Water register 2-pipe system, cooling only

17.10 Water register 2-pipe system, cooling only

Plant diagram

Figure: 2-pipe system fan coil applications, cooling only


DXR2… Room automation station R1 Room operator unit

Q1 Fan D1 Presence

YC Chilled water cooling coils D2 Window contact


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YC Cooling valve

Figure: Modulating cooling sequence

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Fan coil application
Water register 2-pipe system, heating only

17.11 Water register 2-pipe system, heating only

Plant diagram

Figure: 2-pipe system fan coil applications, heating only


DXR2… Room automation station R1 Room operator unit

Q1 Fan D1 Presence

YH Hot water heating coils D2 Window contact


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve

Figure: Modulating heating sequence

17.12 Actuators
The DRX2 automation station controls heating/cooling valves via Triac or analog
outputs, regardless of available I/Os. 3-position actuators, thermal pulse width
modulation (PWM) actuators, PWM actuators with return spring can be connected
to the Triac outputs.
A maximum of 1 thermal valve can be connected to each Triac on the DXR2
automation station with AC 230 V power.
Conventional 0…10V actuators as well as 6-port valves can be connected to
analog outputs.

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Fan coil application
17 Valve protection

17.13 Valve protection

Valve actuators are operated from time to time to prevent them from seizing after
long periods of inactivity (e.g. heating valve during the summer). The valve
actuator is controlled to lose as little heating energy as possible.
The central function for the hot water supply chain performs the valve protection
function and can be changed in the parameters as needed.

Description Name Default value

Kick value KickVal 50 [%]

Kick time TiKick 2 min

Kick cycle KickCyc 500 h

17.14 Determination of heating/cooling state

All DXR2 applications analyze heating/cooling state by comparing the present
room temperature against the setpoints and active control sequence. The present
state is displayed on the room operator unit and the BAC system.
A sequence controller prevent simultaneous heating/cooling.

17.15 Heating/cooling demand

Each DXR2 automation station calculates heating and cooling demand for a room
and makes the result available through a group of the central function (supply
chain hot water/chilled water).
Outside air temperature The hot water demand setpoint is calculated in the central function using a heating
dependent heating curve curve based on the outside temperature.

Sp Flow temperature setpoint TOa Outside air temperature

SpTFlDs 70 °C TOaDs -11 °C

SpTFlHi 25 °C TOaHi 15 °C

Figure: Characteristic curve for the outside temperature-dependent heating curve

Demand correction by Valve positions in the various rooms correct the demand setpoint in the central
collected valve positions function based on the number of valves between a value of 70...100%.

Description Name Default value

Setpoint correction, if 100% of all consumers are within SpCorrTFlHi 5 [K]

Setpoint correction, if 0% of all consumers are within SpCorrTFlLo -5 [K]


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Fan coil application

17.16 Preheating
The central functions can trigger the preheating function to heat up a room at end
of the night setback period as quickly as possible to the Pre-Comfort setpoint. This
impacts the plant operating mode of the application.

17.17 Emergency mode

The setpoint for protection ensures that room temperatures do not change below or
above a critical limit.

17.18 Night cooling

The plant operating mode cools a room using cooling outside air. The central
function sends a "Night cooling request" to the group member rooms. The decision
as to whether night cooling makes sense and is energy efficient is made at the
central function. Various coordination signals between the primary plant and room
automation do the following via central functions:
● Switch on the fans,
● Set the mixed air dampers to 100% outside air,
● Lock all other equipment including heating coils, cooling coils, humidifier.
Night cooling only occurs under the following conditions:
● The room is vacant (Economy or Protection).
● The outside temperature is above an adjustable setpoint of 9 °C.
● The temperature difference to cooling is sufficiently large, i.e. room
temperature - outside temperature > 7 K.
● The temperature deviation from room temperature and temperature setpoint is
sufficiently large, i.e. room temperature > room setpoint + 2 K.

Description Name Default value

Night cooling NgtCReq 0: Inactive
0: Inactive
1: Active

17.19 Free cooling

The function free cooling to take advantage of cooling generated without effort to
cool the rooms to a room temperature setpoint. Dew point compensation is still
available for the chilled water temperature setpoint dependent on active dew point
detector via the grouping function.
This supply chain is continued accordingly, in other words chilled water generation
(chillers, refrigeration machines, etc.) are also controlled based on demand.

17.20 Reset setpoint

The central function can reset a local change to a setpoint on the room operator
unit. The management station can manually reset the value or the reset can also
be automatic by a scheduler. Setpoints for room temperature, ventilator stage, and
room operating mode can be reset.

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Fan coil application
17 Free inputs/outputs

17.21 Free inputs/outputs

Inputs and outputs can be configured as free inputs on all DXR2s. This permits the
querying of unused input and output switching states or directly controlling another
device over BACnet.

17.22 Centrally override valves

Central functions permit the central override of all valve in the supply group. The
following parameters can be used.

Description Name Default value

Enable valve position override EnVlvPosOvrr 0:No

Valve position override VlvPosOvrr 100 [%]

17.23 Electric heating coil

One electric heating coil can be configured for fan coil applications. The DRX2
automation station controls electric heating coils via Triac or analog outputs,
regardless of available I/Os. Single-stage, 2-stage, and modulating electric heating
coils are supported.
Plant diagram

Figure: Example of a fan coil application with electric heating coils


DXR2… Automation station R1 Room operator unit

Q1 Fan D1 Presence

YR Electric heating coil D2 Window contact

T Over temperature contact

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Electric heating coil


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

YH1 1-stage SpH Effective heating setpoint

YH Electric heating coil

Figure: 1-stage electric heating coils

Y Output signal TR Room temperature

YH1 1-stage SpH Effective heating setpoint

YH2 2-stage YH Electric heating coil

Figure: 2-stage electric heating coils

Y Output signal TR Room temperature

YH Electric heating coil SpH Effective heating setpoint

Figure: Modulating electric heating coils

Actuators Electric heating coils, controlled via an analog output on the DXR2, can receive an
enable via a relay or Triac on the DXR2.

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Fan coil application
17 Electric heating coil

Safety thermostat A binary overtemperature (open contact) protection can be connected on the DXR2
for all versions of the electric heating coil application. The application switches off
the electric heating coils at device protection priority if overtemperature protection
is enabled.

Description Name Default value

Enable overtemperature input EnOvrTDetIn 0:No

Electric heat coils require safety limit thermostat
Improper installation of electric heating coils can result in fire and cause
destruction of life and property.
● Install a high temperature cut-out switch on all electric heating elements.
● Ensure that all wiring and installation conform to applicable safety codes and

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Fan coil application
Electric reheater

17.24 Electric reheater

DXR2 applications permit control of electric heating coils, in addition to control of
water heating valves and/or heating/chilled water valves. They are then operated
as reheaters and only enabled if the water heating valve is fully open.
Plant diagram

Figure: Example for a 2-pipe system fan coil application with electric reheater

DXR2… Automation station R1 Room operator unit

Q1 Fan D1 Presence

YHC Heating/cooling coils D2 Window contact

YR Electric heating coil T Over temperature contact


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

YR 1-stage electric reheater SpH Effective heating setpoint

YH Hot water heating coils

Figure: 1-stage electric reheater

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17 Electric reheater

Y Output signal TR Room temperature

YH1 1-stage electric reheater SpH Effective heating setpoint

YH2 2-stage electric reheater YH Hot water heating coils

Figure: 2-stage electric reheater

Y Output signal TR Room temperature

YR Modulating electric heating coils SpH Effective heating setpoint

YH Hot water heating coils

Figure: Modulating electric reheater

Actuators Electric heating coils, controlled via an analog output on the DXR2, can receive an
enable via a relay or Triac on the DXR2.
Safety thermostat A binary overtemperature (open contact) protection can be connected on the DXR2
for all versions of the electric reheater application. The application switches off the
electric reheater at device protection priority if overtemperature protection is

Description Name Default value

Enable overtemperature input EnOvrTDetIn 0:No

Electric heat coils require safety limit thermostat
Improper installation of electric heating coils can result in fire and cause
destruction of life and property.
● Install a high temperature cut-out switch on all electric heating elements.
● Ensure that all wiring and installation conform to applicable safety codes and

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Fan coil application
Active chilled beam 2-pipe system

17.25 Active chilled beam 2-pipe system

Plant diagram

Figure: 2-pipe system fan coil applications with active chilled beam

DXR2… Automation Station R1 Room operator unit

Q1 Fan D1 Presence

YC Chilled water cooling coils (active D2 Window contact

chilled beam)


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YC Cooling valve

Figure: Modulating cooling sequence

Dew point temperature As a supplement to the condensation monitor, the primary chilled water
monitoring temperature is compared against the present dew point temperature in the room.
The chilled beam valve is closed if the chilled water temperature drops below the
dew point temperature at a configurable difference. The chilled beam valve is once
again released if the chilled water temperature exceeds the dew point temperature,
with consideration of a configurable difference and a dead zone.

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Fan coil application
17 Active chilled beam 2-pipe system

HysTDiffDw Hysteresis minimum difference TDiffDwpCh Minimum difference dew point

pChw dew point temperature/chilled wMin temperature/chilled water
water temperature temperature

TChwPm Chilled water temperature TDwp Dew point temperature (calculated)

Figure: Dew point temperature monitoring parameters

Dew point temperature monitoring must be enabled.

Description Name Default value

Enable dew point temperature EnTDwp 0:No

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Fan coil application
Room supply air cascade

17.26 Room supply air cascade

Room supply air cascade quickly achieves the room temperature setpoint. The
room controller calculates a setpoint from the room temperature as measured at
the air outlet of the air system. The temperature can be limited to prevent the inflow
of unpleasantly cool or warm air into the room.

Figure: Plant diagram for supply air cascade control

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Fan coil application
17 Air quality control

17.27 Air quality control

The fan coil unit application can be used for air quality control. It requires an
outside air damper capable of supplying the room with fresh air and an air quality
sensor in the room. The application automatically enabled air quality control as
soon as an air quality sensor and an outside damper is configured.
Setpoints Air quality setpoints can be configured separately for each room operating mode.

Description Name Default value

Room air quality setpoint for Comfort SpAQualRCmf 900 ppm

Room air quality setpoint for Pre-Comfort SpAQualRPcf 1100 ppm

Room air quality setpoint for Economy SpAQualREco 1500 ppm

Room air quality setpoint for Protection SpAQualRPrt 1500 ppm

Minimum positions for The minimum outside air damper position can also be configured for each room
outside air damper operating mode.

Description Name Default value

Minimum outside air damper position for Comfort DmpOaPosMinCmf 50 [%]

Minimum outside air damper position for Pre-Comfort DmpOaPosMinPcf 40 [%]

Minimum outside air damper position for Economy DmpOaPosMinEco 30 [%]

Minimum outside damper position Protection DmpOaPosMinPrt 20 [%]

17.28 Dehumidification control

The application function for fan coil applications lowers the relative humidity by
overriding the coiling coil valve position and setting the fan to the correct speed for
dehumidification. The integrated PID controller compares relative room humidity
with the setpoint corresponding to the active room operating mode. The PID
controller operating mode is set to 2-point (off/dehumidification) to activate
maximum output if the temperature for dehumidification must be lowered.
The cooling coils are controlled with the command to dehumidify, while also
coordinating that state with the controller that the cooling coils are ready for
A humidity sensor in the room is required for dehumidification control. The
application automatically enables dehumidification control as soon as an humidity
sensor and cooling coils are configured.
Setpoints Dehumidification setpoints can be configured separately for each room operating

Description Name Default value

Relative room air humidity setpoint for Comfort SpHuRelRCmf 60 % r.h.

Relative room air humidity setpoint for Pre-Comfort SpHuRelRPcf 60 % r.h.

Relative room air humidity setpoint for Economy SpHuRelREco 70 % r.h.

Relative room air humidity setpoint for Protection SpHuRelRPrt 70 % r.h.

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Fan coil application
Outside air damper control

17.29 Outside air damper control

The outside air damper primary supplies the room with fresh outside air. It can also
be used for take advantage of cooler outside air to cool the room.
The outside air damper is only opened if the fan is running. This can be based on a
cooling request, dehumidification request, or fresh air request.
Ramp-up time outside air A configured limit prevents the damper from opening too quickly is the air is very
damper cool. Closing and manual commanded are not prevented.
The ramp-up function is enabled if the outside temperature is below the switch-on
point for the ramp-up damper or the outside temperature sensor is invalid.

Description Name Default value

Switch-on point for ramp-up function SwiOnPtRup 5 [°C]

Ramp-up time outside air damper TiRupDmpOa 2 [Min]

Outside temperature- The characteristic curve for the outside air damper can be limited by the outside
dependent limitation of temperature. The value can be adapted regardless of internal room load.
outside air damper
Description Name Default value
Output limitation characteristic curve for outside X1LmOutTOa 6 [°C]
temperature X1

Output limitation characteristic curve for damper Y1LmOutDmpPos 20 [%]

position Y1

Output limitation characteristic curve for outside X2LmOutTOa 18 [°C]

temperature X1

Output limitation characteristic curve for damper Y2LmOutDmpPos 100 [%]

position Y2

Economizer The Economizer function can be activated if the outside air is cold enough for
cooling. The temperature of the outside air is distributed via the weather station
central function to all rooms. The switch-on point for the Economizer can be
defined by a parameter:

Description Name Default value

Minimum difference room temperature/outside DiffTRTOaMinC 0 [K]
temperature for cooling

The Economizer is disabled and the outside damper is moved to the minimum
position if dehumidification uses the application. This dehumidifies more humid air
from the zone through the coiling coils.
Switch-on delay The outside damper switch-on delay can be configured for fresh air demand and
cooling demand.

Description Name Default value

Cooling request switch-on delay DlyOnAirFlCReq 30 [s]

Ventilation request cooling delay DlyOnAflVntReq 30 [s]

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Fan coil application
17 Presence control

17.30 Presence control

The HVAC application can also be controlled by presence through the use of a
presence detector.
The HVAC application can be configured for each room to react to presence for
each room and regardless of the room operating mode.

Description Name Default value

Presence operating mode for Comfort PscModCmf 4:Considered
1:None presence &
2:Considered presence absence
3:Considered absence
4:Considered presence & absence

Presence operating mode Pre-Comfort PscModPcf 4:Considered

presence &

Presence operating mode for Economy PscModEco 1:None

Present operating mode for Protection PscModPrt 1:None

The applicable delays for the HVAC application in a room can also be configured
for each room.

Description Name Default value

Switching delay for presence SwiDlyPrst 5 Min

Switching delay for absence SwiDlyAbst 5 Min

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Fan coil application
Application examples

17.31 Application examples

These are the descriptions of HIT applications on http://hit.sbt.siemens.com.
Visit the Siemens Download Center www.siemens.com/bt/download for the latest
application configurations.

17.31.1 Fan coil unit

FCU021 Fan coil unit with staged fan, A6V10662231 en de
heating/cooling coil (2 pipe)
on analog output
FCU022 Fan coil unit with variable fan, A6V10662231 en de
heating/cooling coil (2 pipe)
on analog output
FCU031 Fan coil unit with staged fan, A6V10662235 en de
heating/cooling coil (2 pipe)
on triac output and electric
FCU032 Fan coil unit with variable fan, A6V10662233 en de
heating/cooling coil (2 pipe)
on triac output and electric
FCU041 Fan coil unit with staged fan, A6V10662235 en de
heating and cooling coil (4 pipe)
on triac output
FCU042 Fan coil unit with variable fan A6V10662233 en de
speed, heating and cooling coil
(4 pipe) on triac output
FCU043 Fan coil unit with staged fan, A6V10662231 en de
heating and cooling coil (4 pipe)
on analog output
FCU044 Fan coil unit with variable fan, A6V10662231 en de
heating and cooling coil (4 pipe)
on analog output
FCU045 Fan coil unit with staged fan, A6V10662231 en de
6-way heating/cooling coil (4 pipe)
on analog output
FCU046 Fan coil unit with variable fan, A6V10662231 en de
6-way heating/cooling coil (4 pipe)
on analog output
INT201 Fan coil unit with staged fan, A6V10662235 en de
heating and cooling coil (4 pipe)
on triac output including lighting
and blinds operation
CBA002 Active chilled beam with variable A6V10662233 en de
fan, cooling coil and hot water
radiator on triac output

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VAV application
18 Serial or parallel control strategy

18 VAV application
The VAV application can be configured using a VAV application type. Each VAV
application type can also combine a radiant/chilled ceiling (beam) or radiator
application. The image below provides an overview of the VAV application type
with all possible HVAC components that can be configured for a VAV application.
The configuration enabled the applicable (required) aggregate on the DXR2.
Plant diagram

Figure: Application types for VAV applications


DXR2… Automation Station B4 Primary air temperature

B1 Return air temperature sensor R1 Room operator unit

B3 Supply air sensor D1 Presence

YC Chilled water cooling coils D2 Window contact

YHC Heating/cooling coils YS VAV supply air

YH Hot water heating coils or electric YE VAV extract air

heating coils

18.1 Serial or parallel control strategy

You must select one of 2 different control strategies on all VAV applications:
● Serial fan operation: The air volume is only increased if the valve's or
reheater's positioning signal is fully open and the room temperature exceeds or
breaches an additional offset.
● Parallel fan operation: The fan speed is increased in parallel to the valve's or
repeater's positioning signal.

The two strategies are illustrates in the following example using a heating and
cooling valve.

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VAV application
Serial or parallel control strategy


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

VavSuAirFl VAV maximum air volume flow VavSuAirFl VAV maximum air volume flow
MaxH heating MaxC cooling

VavSuAirFl VAV minimum air volume flow VavSuAirFl VAV minimum air volume flow
MinH heating MinC cooling

OfsVavSttH Offset for VAV start heating OfsVavSttC Offset for VAV start cooling

VAV volume flow

Figure: Example of a serial control strategy using modulating VAV


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

VavEndSpd VAV end speed for parallel heating VavEndSpd VAV end speed for parallel cooling
PrlH PrlC

VavSuAirFl VAV minimum air volume flow VavSuAirFl VAV minimum air volume flow
MinH heating MinC cooling

CoilVlVSttPr Valve position start fan heating CoilVlVSttPr Valve position start fan cooling
lH lC

VAV volume flow

Figure: Example of a parallel control strategy using modulating VAV

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VAV application
18 Air volume flow in the dead zone

The control strategy can be configured in the application using the following
parameters for heating sequence.

Description Name Default value

Operating variables volume flow system for cooling VavOp 1:Parallel

Operating variables volume flow system for heating VavOp 1:Parallel


18.2 Air volume flow in the dead zone

The VAV application configures a minimum supply air flow in the temperature
control dead zone. The function can be configured individually for all room
operating mode.

Description Name Default value

Minimum supply air Comfort CmfCnf 4:Minimum
1:Off ventilation &
2:Minimum ventilation demand-controlled
3:Demand-controlled ventilation ventilation
4:Minimum & demand-controlled ventilation

Minimum supply air for Pre-Comfort. PcfCnf 3:Demand-


Minimum supply air Economy EcoCnf 1:Off

Minimum supply air Protection PrtCnf 1:Off

Minimum air volume flow for all room operating modes is also configured.

Description Name Default value

Supply air VAV minimum air flow for ventilation VavSuAflMinVnt 0 [m3/h]
0.00 [l/s]

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VAV application
Air volume flow in the dead zone

Sequence with
modulating heating valve

Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

VavSuAirFl Maximum air volume flow heating VavSuAirFl Maximum air volume flow cooling
MaxH MaxC

VavSuAirFl Minimum air volume flow heating VavSuAirFl Minimum air volume flow cooling
MinH MinC

VAV volume flow

Figure: Serial control sequence for a VAV application with modulating heating

Sequence with a
2-staged heating valve

Y Output signal TR Room temperature

VAV volume flow SpH Effective heating setpoint

YH1 1-stage electric heating coils YH2 2-stage electric heating coils

VavSuAirFl Maximum air volume flow heating VavSuAirFl Minimum air volume flow heating
MaxH MinH

Figure: Serial control sequence for a VAV application with 2-stage heating valve

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VAV application
18 Volume flow setpoints heating/cooling

18.3 Volume flow setpoints heating/cooling

The volume flow setpoints for heating or cooling sequence can be defined
independent of one another. The values are not interdependent.
Volume flow

VAV volume flow TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

VavSuAirFl Maximum air volume flow heating VavSuAirFl Maximum air volume flow cooling
MaxH MaxC

VavSuAirFl Minimum air volume flow heating VavSuAirFl Minimum air volume flow cooling
MinH MinC

VavSuAflMi minimum air volume flow for

nVnt ventilation

Figure: Serial control sequence for a VAV application with different air volumes for
heating and cooling

Description Name Default value

Supply air VAV maximum air volume flow for cooling VavSuAirFlMaxC 100 [m3/h]

Supply air VAV minimum air volume flow for cooling VavSuAirFlMinC 50 [m3/h]

Supply air VAV maximum air volume flow for heating VavSuAirFlMaxH 100 [m3/h]

Supply air VAV minimum air volume flow for heating VavSuAirFlMinH 50 [m3/h]

Supply air VAV minimum air flow for ventilation VavSuAflMinVnt 0 [m3/h]

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VAV application
Air volume control

18.4 Air volume control

All explanation of volume flow control ignore air aftertreatment. In order words, the
supply air sequences start directly at the room temperature setpoints and not only
after air aftertreatment has reached maximum.
Temperature control Temperature control works with the actual room temperature setpoints for the
actual operating mode and calculates a set volume flow that moves between the
minimum and maximum setpoints.
The minimum and maximum air volume flows for a VAV actuator can be configured
for each actuator.
Air quality control The VAV application can be used for air quality control. The room must have an air
quality sensor. The application automatically enables air quality control as soon as
an air quality sensor is configured.
Air quality setpoints can be configured separately for each room operating mode.

Description Name Default value

Room air quality setpoint for Comfort SpAQualRCmf 900 ppm

Room air quality setpoint for Pre-Comfort SpAQualRPcf 1100 ppm

Room air quality setpoint for Economy SpAQualREco 1500 ppm

Room air quality setpoint for Protection SpAQualRPrt 1500 ppm

The minimum and maximum air volume flows for a VAV actuator can be configured
for each actuator.

Description Name Default value

Supply air VAV maximum air flow for ventilation VavSuAflMaxVnt 100 [m3/h]
27.78 [l/s]

Supply air VAV minimum air flow for ventilation VavSuAflMinVnt 0 [m3/h]
0.00 [l/s]

Air volume flow Air volume tracking can be configured on the VAV application if supply air VAV and
tracking extract air VFAV is used in a room. You can also define how much positive or
negative pressure can be created in the room.
In the room, parameter AirFlTrn distinguishes between the extract air volume flow
setpoint from the supply air volume flow setpoint.

Description Name Default value

Room air operating mode PRMod 1:Neutral
2:Positive pressure
3:Negative pressure

Overflow air volume flow AirFlTrn 10 m3/h

2.77 l/s

For example: In a room with negative pressure, the extract air volume setpoint =
500, for supply air = 600 and AirFlTrn = 100. In a room with positive pressure, the
extract air volume setpoint = 700, for supply air = 600 and AirFlTrn = 100.

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VAV application
18 Parallel supply air VAV or extract air VAV

18.4.1 External volume air flow control

A differential pressure sensor is typically connected to the VAV actuator for an
application with external volume flow control. Which in turns also implements
volume flow control. In this case, the application in the DXR2 controls only the
room temperature and forwards the setpoint for volume flow control to the VAV
The present damper position is determined in all cases by DXR2 and provided to
the central function for optimizing the supply air fan.

18.4.2 Internal volume flow control

A differential pressure sensor is typically connected to the DXR2 for an application
with internal volume flow control. It can be implemented using the integrated
pressure sensor on the DXR2 or an analog sensor. DXR2 then also operate
volume flow control in addition to temperature control.
The present damper position is determined in all cases by DXR2 and provided to
the central function for optimizing the supply air fan.

18.5 Parallel supply air VAV or extract air VAV

A maximum of one room can be configured on each DXR2. The room can consist
of a maximum of one supply air and extract air VAV. You must create a
multisegment application with multiple DXR2 automation stations if you need to
use multiple VAV for supply or extract air. Any combination of supply air and
extract air VAV can be created with DXR2. The VAV can even have various sizes
and nominal air volume flows.
The standardized room control with controller signals 0…100% always controls all
connected VAV actuators for supply and extract air as per their nominal volume
flow and provide the correct amount of volume flow..
Room control attempts to compensate for a loss of a VAV actuator by using
operational VAV to provide the missing volume flow.

18.6 Outputs
At the VAV outputs, KNX PL-Link VAV actuators, analog VAV actuators, analog
damper actuators (with supplemental differential pressure sensor) or 3-position
damper actuators (with supplemental differential pressure sensor) via Triac outputs.

18.7 Switch-off delay

The switch off of a fan is delayed for a specific period on applications that have
electric heating coils/reheaters. This cools down the electric heating coils/reheater
with circulating air. The switch-on/switch-off time can be configured.

Description Name Default value

Switch-off delay holding signal for air volume flow DlyOffAflHldH 30 [s]

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VAV application
Return air sensor

18.8 Return air sensor

The volume air flow must be available if room temperature measurement is made
using a return air sensor in the VAV system, to correctly acquire the actual room
temperature. A minimum air volume is enabled in the dead zone by default for the
operating mode Comfort on the DXR2. The parameter cannot be changed when
using a return air sensor to measure room temperature.
In this case, note that a conventional room temperature sensor must be configured
at the DXR2 input. The return are temperature sensor is then connected instead of
the room temperature sensor. The room is now temperature controlled per the
measured value from the return air sensor.
DXR2 does not support interval-type air volume to periodically measure room
temperature with the return air sensor.
Also note that DXR2 temperature control in the room can only have one measured
return (temperature sensor) which is always configured and connected at the input
of the room temperature sensor. The available configuration for a return air sensor
is used for visualization on DXR2.

18.9 Locked by electric heating coils

Locking is a binary signal to protect VAV equipment. The application locks electric
heating coils even if no air flow is available through the fan. Or enabled if air flow is
available through the fan.

18.10 Start of air volume flow by heating demand

Volume flow is started for active heat or refrigeration demand in the room. The
signal is sent to the fan from the heat or refrigeration register.

Description Name
Display of heat/cooling request in the room. It AirFlHReq
starts the fan to meet the heat request.

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VAV application
18 Water register for 4-pipe system

18.11 Water register for 4-pipe system

Plant diagram

Figure: 4-pipe system VAV applications


DXR2… Room automation station R1 Room operator unit

YS Supply air VAV D1 Presence

YC Chilled water cooling coils D2 Window contact

YH Hot water heating coils


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

Figure: Modulating heating and cooling sequence

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VAV application
Water register 2-pipe system with changeover

18.12 Water register 2-pipe system with changeover

Plant diagram

Figure: 2-pipe system VAV applications, with changeover


DXR2… Room automation station R1 Room operator unit

YS Supply air VAV D1 Presence

YHC Heating/cooling coils D2 Window contact


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

Chovr Changeover system

Figure: Modulating heating and cooling sequence with changeover system

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18 Water register for 4-pipe system with changeover valves

18.13 Water register for 4-pipe system with changeover

Plant diagram

Figure: Example of water register 4-pipe system with changeover valves


DXR2… Room automation station R1 Room operator unit

YH Heating valve D1 Presence

YA Changeover valve heating D2 Window contact

YC Cooling valve YS Supply air VAV


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

YA Changeover valve heating YB Changeover valve cooling

Figure: Modulating heating and cooling sequence

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VAV application
Water register 4-pipe system with 6-port valve

18.14 Water register 4-pipe system with 6-port valve

Plant diagram

Figure: Example for 4-pipe system VAV applications with a 6-port valve

DXR2… Room automation station R1 Room operator unit

YHC 6-port valve D1 Presence

D2 Window contact


Y Control signal/rotational angle X Valve opening

Y2C Cooling open X2C Cooling valve open

Y1C Cooling begins X1C Cooling valve closed

Y1H Heating begins X1H Heating valve closed

Y2H Heating open X2H Heating valve open

Figure: Modulating heating and cooling sequence with 6-port valve positions

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VAV application
18 Water register 4-pipe system with 6-port valve (PL-Link)

Parameter settings
Description Name Default value
Cooling coil valve position X1C X1CclVlvPos 0 [%]

Cooling coil valve position Y1C Y1CclVlvPos 50 [%]

Cooling coil valve position X2C X2CclVlvPos 100 [%]

Cooling coil valve position Y2C Y2CclVlvPos 0 [%]

Heating coil valve position X1H X1HclVlvPos 0 [%]

Heating coil valve position Y1H Y1HclVlvPos 50 [%]

Heating coil valve position X2H X2HclVlvPos 100 [%]

Heating coil valve position Y2H Y2HclVlvPos 100 [%]

18.15 Water register 4-pipe system with 6-port valve (PL-

Plant diagram

Figure: Example for a 4-pipe system VAV applications with a 6-port valve (PL-Link)

DXR2… Automation Station R1 Room operator unit

YHC 6-port valve D1 Presence

D2 Window contact

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Water register 4-pipe system with 6-port valve (PL-Link)


Y Control signal/rotational angle X Valve opening

Y2C Cooling open X2C Cooling valve open

Y1C Cooling begins X1C Cooling valve closed

Y1H Heating begins X1H Heating valve closed

Y2H Heating open X2H Heating valve open

YN Valve closed. XN Valve closed.

Figure: Modulating heating and cooling sequence with 6-port valve positions (PL-
Setting parameters PL-
Link Description Name Default value
Heating coil valve position Y2H VlvPosHMax 16 [%]

Heating coil valve position Y1H VlvPosHMin 45 [%]

Valve position neutral YN VlvPosClsd 50 [%]

Cooling coil valve position Y1C VlvPosCMin 55 [%]

Cooling coil valve position Y2C VlvPosCMax 84 [%]

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VAV application
18 Water register 2-pipe system, cooling only

18.16 Water register 2-pipe system, cooling only

Plant diagram

Figure: 2-pipe system VAV applications, cooling only


DXR2… Automation Station R1 Room operator unit

YS Supply air VAV D1 Presence

YC Chilled water cooling coils D2 Window contact


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YC Cooling valve

Figure: Modulating cooling sequence

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Water register 2-pipe system, heating only

18.17 Water register 2-pipe system, heating only

Plant diagram

Figure: 2-pipe system VAV applications, heating only


DXR2… Room automation station R1 Room operator unit

YS Supply air VAV D1 Presence

YH Hot water heating coils D2 Window contact


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve

Figure: Modulating heating sequence

18.18 Actuators
The DRX2 automation station controls heating/cooling valves via Triac and analog
outputs, regardless of available I/Os. 3-position actuators, thermal pulse width
modulation (PWM) actuators, PWM actuators with return spring can be connected
to the Triac outputs.
A maximum of 1 thermal valve can be connected to each Triac on the DXR2
automation station with AC 230 V power.
Conventional 0…10V actuators as well as 6-port valves can be connected to
analog outputs.

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VAV application
18 Valve protection

18.19 Valve protection

Valve actuators are operated from time to time to prevent them from seizing after
long periods of inactivity (e.g. heating valve during the summer). The valve
actuator is controlled to lose as little heating energy as possible.
The central function for the hot water supply chain performs the valve protection
function and can be changed in the parameters as needed.

Description Name Default value

Kick value KickVal 50 [%]

Kick time TiKick 2 min

Kick cycle KickCyc 500 h

18.20 Determination of heating/cooling state

All DXR2 applications analyze heating/cooling state by comparing the present
room temperature against the setpoints and active control sequence. The present
state is displayed on the room operator unit and the BAC system.
A sequence controller prevent simultaneous heating/cooling.

18.21 Heating/cooling demand

Each DXR2 automation station calculates heating and cooling demand for a room
and makes the result available through a group of the central function (supply
chain hot water/chilled water).
Outside air temperature The hot water demand setpoint is calculated in the central function using a heating
dependent heating curve curve based on the outside temperature.

Sp Flow temperature setpoint TOa Outside air temperature

SpTFlDs 70 °C TOaDs -11 °C

SpTFlHi 25 °C TOaHi 15 °C

Figure: Characteristic curve for the outside temperature-dependent heating curve

Demand correction by Valve positions in the various rooms correct the demand setpoint in the central
collected valve positions function based on the number of valves between a value of 70...100%.

Description Name Default value

Setpoint correction, if 100% of all consumers are within SpCorrTFlHi 5 [K]

Setpoint correction, if 0% of all consumers are within SpCorrTFlLo -5 [K]


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VAV application

18.22 Preheating
The central functions can trigger the preheating function to heat up a room at end
of the night setback period as quickly as possible to the Pre-Comfort setpoint. This
impacts the plant operating mode of the application.

18.23 Emergency mode

The setpoint for protection ensures that room temperatures do not change below or
above a critical limit.

18.24 Reset setpoint

The central function can reset a local change to a setpoint on the room operator
unit. The management station can manually reset the value or the reset can also
be automatic by a scheduler. Setpoints for room temperature, ventilator stage, and
room operating mode can be reset.

18.25 Free inputs/outputs

Inputs and outputs can be configured as free inputs on all DXR2s. This permits the
querying of unused input and output switching states or directly controlling another
device over BACnet.

18.26 Centrally override valves

Central functions permit the central override of all valve in the supply group. The
following parameters can be used.

Description Name Default value

Enable valve position override EnVlvPosOvrr 0:No

Valve position override VlvPosOvrr 100 [%]

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VAV application
18 Electric heating coil

18.27 Electric heating coil

One electric heating coil can be configured for VAV applications. The DRX2
automation station controls electric heating coils via Triac or analog outputs,
regardless of available I/Os. Single-stage, 2-stage, 3-stage, and modulating
electric heating coils are supported.
Plant diagram

Figure: Example of a VAV application with electric heating coils


DXR2… Automation station R1 Room operator unit

YS Supply air VAV D1 Presence

YR Electric heating coil D2 Window contact

T Over temperature contact


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

YH1 1 stage SpH Effective heating setpoint

YH Electric heating coil

Figure: 1-stage electric heating coils

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Electric heating coil

Y Output signal TR Room temperature

YH1 1 stage SpH Effective heating setpoint

YH2 2nd stage YH Electric heating coil

Figure: 2-stage electric heating coils

Y Output signal TR Room temperature

YH1 1 stage SpH Effective heating setpoint

YH2 2nd stage YH Electric heating coil

YH3 3-stage

Figure: 3-stage electric heating coils

Y Output signal TR Room temperature

YH Electric heating coil SpH Effective heating setpoint

Figure: Modulating electric heating coils

Actuators Electric heating coils, controlled via an analog output on the DXR2, can receive an
enable via a relay or Triac on the DXR2.

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VAV application
18 Electric heating coil

Safety thermostat A binary overtemperature (open contact) protection can be connected on the DXR2
for all versions of the electric heating coil application. The application switches off
the electric heating coils at device protection priority if overtemperature protection
is enabled.

Description Name Default value

Enable overtemperature input EnOvrTDetIn 0:No

Electric heat coils require safety limit thermostat
Improper installation of electric heating coils can result in fire and cause
destruction of life and property.
● Install a high temperature cut-out switch on all electric heating elements.
● Ensure that all wiring and installation conform to applicable safety codes and

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VAV application
Electric reheater

18.28 Electric reheater

DXR2 applications permit control of electric heating coils, in addition to control of
water heating valves and/or heating/chilled water valves. They are then operated
as reheaters and only enabled if the water heating valve is fully open.
Plant diagram

Figure: Example for a 2-pipe system VAV application with electric reheater

DXR2… Automation station R1 Room operator unit

YS Supply air VAV D1 Presence

YHC Heating/cooling coils D2 Window contact

YR Electric reheater T Over temperature contact


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

YR 1-stage electric reheater SpH Effective heating setpoint

YH Hot water heating coils

Figure: 1-stage electric reheater

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18 Electric reheater

Y Output signal TR Room temperature

YH1 1-stage electric reheater SpH Effective heating setpoint

YH2 2-stage electric reheater YH Hot water heating coils

Figure: 2-stage electric reheater

Y Output signal TR Room temperature

YH1 1-stage electric reheater SpH Effective heating setpoint

YH2 2-stage electric reheater YH Hot water heating coils

YH3 3-stage electric reheater

Figure: 3-stage electric reheater

Y Output signal TR Room temperature

YR Modulating electric heating coils SpH Effective heating setpoint

YH Hot water heating coils

Figure: Modulating electric reheater

Actuators Electric heating coils, controlled via an analog output on the DXR2, can receive an
enable via a relay or Triac on the DXR2.

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VAV application
Electric reheater

Safety thermostat A binary overtemperature (open contact) protection can be connected on the DXR2
for all versions of the electric reheater application. The application switches off the
electric reheater at device protection priority if overtemperature protection is

Description Name Default value

Enable overtemperature input EnOvrTDetIn 0:No

Electric heat coils require safety limit thermostat
Improper installation of electric heating coils can result in fire and cause
destruction of life and property.
● Install a high temperature cut-out switch on all electric heating elements.
● Ensure that all wiring and installation conform to applicable safety codes and

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VAV application
18 Active chilled beam 2-pipe system

18.29 Active chilled beam 2-pipe system

Plant diagram

Figure: 2-pipe system VAV applications, with active chilled beam


DXR2… Automation Station R1 Room operator unit

YS Supply air VAV D1 Presence

YC Chilled water cooling coils (active D2 Window contact

chilled beam)


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YC Cooling valve

Figure: Modulating cooling sequence

Dew point temperature As a supplement to the condensation monitor, the primary chilled water
monitoring temperature is compared against the present dew point temperature in the room.
The chilled beam valve is closed if the chilled water temperature drops below the
dew point temperature at a configurable difference. The chilled beam valve is once
again released if the chilled water temperature exceeds the dew point temperature,
with consideration of a configurable difference and a dead zone.

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VAV application
Night cooling

HysTDiffDw Hysteresis minimum difference TDiffDwpCh Minimum difference dew point

pChw dew point temperature/chilled wMin temperature/chilled water
water temperature temperature

TChwPm Chilled water temperature TDwp Dew point temperature (calculated)

Figure: Dew point temperature monitoring parameters

Dew point temperature monitoring must be enabled.

Description Name Default value

Enable dew point temperature EnTDwp 0:No

18.30 Night cooling

The plant operating mode cools a room using cooling outside air. The central
function sends a "Night cooling request" to the group member rooms. The decision
as to whether night cooling makes sense and is energy efficient is made at the
central function. Various coordination signals between the primary plant and room
automation do the following via central functions:
● Switch on the fans,
● Set the mixed air dampers to 100% outside air,
● Lock all other equipment including heating coils, cooling coils, humidifier.
Night cooling only occurs under the following conditions:
● The room is vacant (Economy or Protection).
● The outside temperature is above an adjustable setpoint of 9 °C.
● The temperature difference to cooling is sufficiently large, i.e. room
temperature - outside temperature > 7 K.
● The temperature deviation from room temperature and temperature setpoint is
sufficiently large, i.e. room temperature > room setpoint + 2 K.

Description Name Default value

Night cooling NgtCReq 0: Inactive
0: Inactive
1: Active

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VAV application
18 Presence control

18.31 Presence control

The HVAC application can also be controlled by presence through the use of a
presence detector.
The HVAC application can be configured for each room to react to presence for
each room and regardless of the room operating mode.

Description Name Default value

Presence operating mode for Comfort PscModCmf 4:Considered
1:None presence &
2:Considered presence absence
3:Considered absence
4:Considered presence & absence

Presence operating mode Pre-Comfort PscModPcf 4:Considered

presence &

Presence operating mode for Economy PscModEco 1:None

Present operating mode for Protection PscModPrt 1:None

The applicable delays for the HVAC application in a room can also be configured
for each room.

Description Name Default value

Switching delay for presence SwiDlyPrst 5 Min

Switching delay for absence SwiDlyAbst 5 Min

18.32 Static calibration

Under static calibration, the values are configured in the application function from
the data sheet on the VAV box. Per channel (supply air or extract air), enter two
values: Volume flow in m3/h and the associated box coefficient c.

Description Name Default value

Nominal air volume flow AirFlNom 100 [m3/h]

Supply air VAV box coefficient VavSuBoxCoef 150 [m3/hSqrtPa]

18.33 Dynamic calibration

Dynamic calibration can be only conducted during operation with a network and
switched-on VAV system.
The DXR2 web server during commissioning is used to conduct dynamic
calibration of a VAV box. The DXR2 web server must be connected. After logging
on, the use is provided a Favorites view for calibration. The overview includes all
relevant parameters and the data point for automatically conducting dynamic
calibration. The following list displays an overview of the parameters on dynamic
calibration for each VAV box.
A detailed guide on dynamic calibration and a video guide is available from the
Siemens download center www.siemens.com/bt/download.

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VAV application
Dynamic calibration

Description Name Default value

Supply air VAV calibration command VavSuBalCmd 0:Ready

Supply air VAV balancing state VavSuBalSta 1:Initial

Supply air VAV balancing operating mode VavSuBalMod 0: Maximum

0:Maximum cooling cooling
1:Maximum heating
2:Maximum ventilation
3:Minimum cooling
4:Minimum heating
5:Minimum ventilation

Supply air flow hood VavSuAirFlHood 100 [m3/h]

Supply air VAV recorded balancing operating mode VavSuBalModRec 1: Maximum

0:Maximum cooling cooling
1:Maximum heating
2:Maximum ventilation
3:Minimum cooling
4:Minimum heating
5:Minimum ventilation

Supply air VAV recorded air flow hood VavSuAflHodRec 0 [m3/h]

Supply air VAV recorded flow coefficient VavSuFlCoefRec 0

Supply air VAV initial flow coefficient VavSuFlCoefIni 0

Supply air VAV recorded air flow VavSuAirFlRec 0 [m3/h]

Variable air flow supply air recorded position VavSuPosRec 0 [%]

Supply air VAV duct surface area VavSuDuctArea 0.05 [m2]

Supply air VAV duct shape VavSuDuctShape 2:Round

Supply air VAV dimension A VavSuDmsnA 20 [cm]

Supply air VAV dimension B VavSuDmsnB 20 [cm]

Supply air VAV flow coefficient VavSuFlCoef 0.78

Supply air VAV smoke extraction air volume flow VavSuSpAflSmk 50 [m3/h]

Supply air VAV maximum air volume flow for cooling VavSuAirFlMaxC 100 [m3/h]]

Supply air VAV minimum air volume flow for cooling VavSuAirFlMinC 50 [m3/h]

Supply air VAV maximum air volume flow for heating VavSuAirFlMaxH 100 [m3/h]

Supply air VAV minimum air volume flow for heating VavSuAirFlMinH 50 [m3/h]

Supply air VAV maximum air flow for ventilation VavSuAflMaxVnt 100 [m3/h]

Supply air VAV minimum air flow for ventilation VavSuAflMinVnt 0 [m3/h]

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VAV application
18 Application examples

18.34 Application examples

These are the descriptions of HIT applications on http://hit.sbt.siemens.com.
Visit the Siemens Download Center www.siemens.com/bt/download for the latest
application configurations.

18.34.1 Variable air volume

VAV041 Supply and extract VAV A6V10662236 en de
with analog damper actuator,
heating and cooling coil on triac
VAV081 Supply and extract VAV A6V10662238 en de
with analog VAV controller,
heating and cooling coil and hot
water radiator on triac output
VAV082 Supply and extract VAV A6V10662238 en de
with KNX PL-Link VAV controller,
heating and cooling coil and hot
water radiator on triac output
INT151 Supply and extract VAV A6V10662238 en de
with KNX PL-Link VAV controller,
heating and cooling coil, hot water
radiator on triac output including
lighting and blinds operation
CBA001 Active chilled beam with KNX PL- A6V10662238 en de
Link VAV controller, cooling coil
and hot water radiator
on triac output

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Fan-Powered Box
Application examples

19 Fan-Powered Box
The fan powered box (a fan-supported VAV box) with two controlled air flows. The
primary air is controlled with an air damper; the fan is speed controlled. The fan
can be physically installed at two different locations: The serial fan and the parallel

● The serial fan powered box transports the overall volume flow
● The parallel fan powered box transports only the recirculating portion

The fan powered box application can be configured using a FPB (Fan Powered
Box) application type. Each FPB application type can also combine a
radiant/chilled ceiling (beam) or radiator application. The image below provides an
overview of the FFB application type with all possible HVAC components that can
be configured for a FFB application. The configuration enabled the applicable
(required) aggregate on the DXR2.
Plant diagram

Figure: Application types for FPB applications


DXR2… Automation Station B4 Primary air temperature

B1 Return air temperature sensor R1 Room operator unit

B3 Supply air sensor D1 Presence

B6 Differential pressure sensor (supply B7 Mixed air temperature sensor


YC Chilled water cooling coils D2 Window contact

YHC Heating/cooling coils YS VAV supply air

YH Hot water heating coils or electric Q1 Serial or parallel fan

heating coils

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Fan-Powered Box
19 Application examples

Change from parallel to The fan position must be configured in the application. The monitoring signal of the
serial fan powered box fan in the VAV is switched on and off:

Description Name Default value

Enable monitor fan state EnMonFanSta 0:No
0:No (Parallel mode)
1:Yes (Serial mode)

The serial fan powered In a serial FPB application, the supply air can be mixed from return and primary air
box transports the overall (cooling).
volume flow

YS VAV supply air P Primary volume flow

Q Serial fan R Return air volume flow

F Fan volume flow

Figure: Serial fan for a FPB application

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Fan-Powered Box
Application examples

An application with serial fan must transfer the fan state to the VAV controller so
that the VAV supplies only fresh air if the fan is also operating. This ensures that
no fresh air enters the room via the return air duct. The following image is a
diagram of the various locking and monitoring signals of a serial fan powered box

P Primary volume flow AirFlSu Supply air flow sensor

R Return air volume flow AirFlMx Mixed air flow sensor

F Fan volume flow TSu Supply air temperature sensor

AirFlSt Air flow state AirFlVavRe VAV request signal to fan


FanSt Fan state AirFlHReq Request signal from heating

register to fan

AirFlHldH Switch-off delay signal from

heating register to fan

Figure: Serial FPB application

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Fan-Powered Box
19 Application examples

Serial fan powered box The serial fan powered box control sequences are explained using the example
control sequences with an auxiliary heating register. The associated setting parameters are explained
in the following table that lists the preset values.

VlVPos Valve position heating register Hcl Heating register

VavSu Supply air VAV AirFl Supply air flow VAV

FanVarSpd Supply air fan FanSpd Fan air flow

P Primary volume flow AirFlVavRe VAV request signal to fan


R Return air volume flow AirFlHReq Request signal from heating

register to fan

F Fan volume flow

Figure: Serial FPB application sequence

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Fan-Powered Box
Application examples

Parameter settings
Description Name Default value
Supply air VAV maximum air volume flow for cooling VavSuAirFlMaxC 100 [m3/h]

Supply air VAV minimum air volume flow for cooling VavSuAirFlMinC 50 [m3/h]

Supply air VAV minimum air flow for ventilation VavSuAflMinVnt 0 [m3/h]

Fan start speed at the fan powered VAV box FanSttSpdFpb 50 [%]

Fan end speed at the fan powered VAV box FanEndSpdFpb 100 [%]

Maximum fan speed heating FanSpdMaxH 100 [%]

Minimum fan speed heating FanSpdMinH 50 [%]

The parallel fan powered Supply air is typically not mixed in a parallel fan powered box application. There is
box transports the either a primary (cooling) air flow by the central air flow system via the supply air
recirculating air portion damper or return air for general cooling and/or heating.

YS VAV supply air SA Supply air volume flow

Q Serial fan P Primary volume flow

F Fan volume flow

Figure: Parallel fan of a FPB application

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19 Application examples

The non-return damper ensures on an application with parallel fans, that no fresh
air can enter the room via the return air duct.
The fan receives demand signals from the VAV box and the auxiliary heating
register. The following image is a diagram of various locking and monitoring signals
of a serial fan powered box application.

P Primary volume flow AirFlSu Supply air flow sensor

R Return air volume flow AirFlMx Mixed air flow sensor

F Fan volume flow TSu Supply air temperature sensor

AirFlSt Air flow state AirFlVavRe VAV request signal to fan


ReDmp Return damper AirFlHReq Request signal from heating

register to fan

AirFlHldH Switch-off delay signal from

heating register to fan

Figure: Parallel FPB application

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Fan-Powered Box
Application examples

Serial fan powered box The serial fan powered box control sequences are explained using the example
control sequences with an auxiliary heating register. The associated setting parameters are explained
in the following table that lists the preset values.

VlVPos Valve position heating register Hcl Heating register

VavSu Supply air VAV AirFl Supply air flow VAV

FanPrl Parallel fan FanSpd Fan air flow

P Primary volume flow AirFlVavRe VAV request signal to fan


R Return air volume flow AirFlHReq Request signal from heating

register to fan

F Fan volume flow ReDmp Return damper

Figure: Serial FPB application sequence

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Fan-Powered Box
19 Serial or parallel control strategy for the fan

Parameter settings
Description Name Default value
Supply air VAV maximum air volume flow for cooling VavSuAirFlMaxC 100 [m3/h]

Supply air VAV minimum air volume flow for cooling VavSuAirFlMinC 50 [m3/h]

Supply air VAV minimum air flow for ventilation VavSuAflMinVnt 0 [m3/h]

Fan start speed at the fan powered VAV box FanSttSpdFpb 50 [%]

Fan end speed at the fan powered VAV box FanEndSpdFpb 100 [%]

Maximum fan speed heating FanSpdMaxH 100 [%]

Minimum fan speed heating FanSpdMinH 50 [%]

19.1 Serial or parallel control strategy for the fan

2 different control strategies can be selected for fan operation on the fan powered
box application:
● Serial fan operation: The air volume is only increased if the valve's or
reheater's positioning signal is fully open and the room temperature exceeds or
breaches an additional offset.
● Parallel fan operation: The fan speed is increased in parallel to the valve's or
repeater's positioning signal.

The two strategies are illustrates in the following example using a modulating fan
and one heating and cooling valve. Both strategies can be used in the same
manner for staged fans.

Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

FanSpMaxH Max. fan speed heating FanSpMaxC Max. fan speed cooling

FanSpMinH Min. fan speed heating FanSpMinC Min. fan speed cooling

OfsFanSttH Offset for fan start heating OfsFanSttC Offset for fan start cooling

Q Fan signal

Figure: Example of a serial control strategy using a modulating fan

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Serial or parallel control strategy for the fan


Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

FanEndSpd Fan end speed for parallel heating FanEndSpd Fan end speed for parallel cooling
PrlH PrlC

FanSpMinH Min. fan speed heating FanSpMinC Min. fan speed cooling

CoilVlVEnd Valve end position for parallel CoilVlVEnd Valve end position for parallel
PrlH heating PrlC cooling

CoilVlVSttPr Valve position start fan heating CoilVlVSttPr Valve position start fan cooling
lH lC

Q Fan signal

Figure: Example of a parallel control strategy using a modulating fan

The control strategy can be configured on the fan powered box application for the
fan with the following parameters for the heating sequence.

Description Name Default value

Fan operation for cooling FanOp 1:Parallel

Fan operation for heating FanOp 1:Parallel


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Fan-Powered Box
19 Air volume flow in the dead zone

19.2 Air volume flow in the dead zone

The fan powered box application configures a minimum supply air flow in the
temperature control dead zone. The function can be configured individually for all
room operating mode.

Description Name Default value

Minimum supply air Comfort CmfCnf 4:Minimum
1:Off ventilation &
2:Minimum ventilation demand-controlled
3:Demand-controlled ventilation ventilation
4:Minimum & demand-controlled ventilation

Minimum supply air for Pre-Comfort. PcfCnf 3:Demand-


Minimum supply air Economy EcoCnf 1:Off

Minimum supply air Protection PrtCnf 1:Off

Minimum fan speed for all room operating modes is also configured. The two air
flow specifications must be considered since the fan powered box application
supplies the room in the VAV dead zone and the fan for the room.

Description Name Default value

Minimum fan speed for ventilation FanSpdMinVnt 50 [%]

Supply air VAV minimum air flow for ventilation VavSuAflMinVnt 0 [m3/h]

19.3 Air volume control

All explanation of volume flow control ignore air aftertreatment. In order words, the
supply air sequences start directly at the room temperature setpoints and not only
after air aftertreatment has reached maximum.
Temperature control Temperature control works with the actual room temperature setpoints for the
actual operating mode and calculates a set volume flow that moves between the
minimum and maximum setpoints.
The minimum and maximum air flow from a fan powered box can be individually
Air quality control The FBP application can be used for air quality control. The room must have an air
quality sensor. The application automatically enables air quality control as soon as
an air quality sensor is configured.
Air quality setpoints can be configured separately for each room operating mode.

Description Name Default value

Room air quality setpoint for Comfort SpAQualRCmf 900 ppm

Room air quality setpoint for Pre-Comfort SpAQualRPcf 1100 ppm

Room air quality setpoint for Economy SpAQualREco 1500 ppm

Room air quality setpoint for Protection SpAQualRPrt 1500 ppm

The minimum and maximum air flow from a fan powered box can be individually
configured. Note however, that a fan powered box of VAV and the fan supplies the
room with air flow. So that both air flow specifications must be considered.

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Fan-Powered Box

Description Name Default value

Supply air VAV maximum air flow for ventilation VavSuAflMaxVnt 100 [m3/h]
27.78 [l/s]

Supply air VAV minimum air flow for ventilation VavSuAflMinVnt 0 [m3/h]
0.00 [l/s]

Maximum fan speed for ventilation FanSpdMaxVnt 100 [%]

Minimum fan speed for ventilation FanSpdMinVnt 50 [%]

19.3.1 External volume air flow control

A differential pressure sensor is typically connected to the VAV actuator for an
application with external volume flow control. Which in turns also implements
volume flow control. In this case, the application in the DXR2 controls only the
room temperature and forwards the setpoint for volume flow control to the VAV
The present damper position is determined in all cases by DXR2 and provided to
the central function for optimizing the supply air fan.

19.3.2 Internal volume flow control

A differential pressure sensor is typically connected to the DXR2 for an application
with internal volume flow control. It can be implemented using the integrated
pressure sensor on the DXR2 or an analog sensor. DXR2 then also operate
volume flow control in addition to temperature control.
The present damper position is determined in all cases by DXR2 and provided to
the central function for optimizing the supply air fan.

19.4 Outputs
At the fan powered box outputs, KNX PL-Link VAV actuators, analog VAV
actuators, analog damper actuators (with supplemental differential pressure
sensor), or 3-position damper actuators (with supplemental differential pressure
sensor) can be controlled via Triac outputs.
Analog outputs on the DXR2 control modulating fans.

19.5 Switch-off delay

The switch off of a fan is delayed for a specific period on applications that have
electric heating coils/reheaters. This cools down the electric heating coils/reheater
with circulating air. The switch-on/switch-off time can be configured.

Description Name Default value

Switch-off delay holding signal for air volume flow DlyOffAflHldH 30 [s]

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Fan-Powered Box
19 Return air sensor

19.6 Return air sensor

The volume air flow must be available if room temperature measurement is made
using a return air sensor in the FPB system, to correctly acquire the actual room
temperature. A minimum air volume is enabled in the dead zone by default for the
operating mode Comfort on the DXR2. The parameter cannot be changed when
using a return air sensor to measure room temperature.
In this case, note that a conventional room temperature sensor must be configured
at the DXR2 input. The return are temperature sensor is then connected instead of
the room temperature sensor. The room is now temperature controlled per the
measured value from the return air sensor.
DXR2 does not support interval-type air volume to periodically measure room
temperature with the return air sensor.
Also note that DXR2 temperature control in the room can only have one measured
return (temperature sensor) which is always configured and connected at the input
of the room temperature sensor. The available configuration for a return air sensor
is used for visualization on DXR2.

19.7 Locked by electric heating coils

Locking is a binary signal to protect FBP equipment. The application locks electric
heating coils even if no air flow is available through the fan. Or enabled if air flow is
available through the fan.

19.8 Start of air volume flow by heating demand

Volume flow is started for active heat or refrigeration demand in the room. The
signal is sent to the fan from the heat or refrigeration register.

Description Name
Display of heat/cooling request in the room. It AirFlHReq
starts the fan to meet the heat request.

19.9 Actuators
The DRX2 automation station controls heating/cooling valves via Triac and analog
outputs, regardless of available I/Os. 3-position actuators, thermal pulse width
modulation (PWM) actuators, PWM actuators with return spring can be connected
to the Triac outputs.
A maximum of 1 thermal valve can be connected to each Triac on the DXR2
automation station with AC 230 V power.
Conventional 0…10V actuators as well as 6-port valves can be connected to
analog outputs.

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Fan-Powered Box
Valve protection

19.10 Valve protection

Valve actuators are operated from time to time to prevent them from seizing after
long periods of inactivity (e.g. heating valve during the summer). The valve
actuator is controlled to lose as little heating energy as possible.
The central function for the hot water supply chain performs the valve protection
function and can be changed in the parameters as needed.

Description Name Default value

Kick value KickVal 50 [%]

Kick time TiKick 2 min

Kick cycle KickCyc 500 h

19.11 Determination of heating/cooling state

All DXR2 applications analyze heating/cooling state by comparing the present
room temperature against the setpoints and active control sequence. The present
state is displayed on the room operator unit and the BAC system.
A sequence controller prevent simultaneous heating/cooling.

19.12 Heating/cooling demand

Each DXR2 automation station calculates heating and cooling demand for a room
and makes the result available through a group of the central function (supply
chain hot water/chilled water).
Outside air temperature The hot water demand setpoint is calculated in the central function using a heating
dependent heating curve curve based on the outside temperature.

Sp Flow temperature setpoint TOa Outside air temperature

SpTFlDs 70 °C TOaDs -11 °C

SpTFlHi 25 °C TOaHi 15 °C

Figure: Characteristic curve for the outside temperature-dependent heating curve

Demand correction by Valve positions in the various rooms correct the demand setpoint in the central
collected valve positions function based on the number of valves between a value of 70...100%.

Description Name Default value

Setpoint correction, if 100% of all consumers are within SpCorrTFlHi 5 [K]

Setpoint correction, if 0% of all consumers are within SpCorrTFlLo -5 [K]


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Fan-Powered Box
19 Preheating

19.13 Preheating
The central functions can trigger the preheating function to heat up a room at end
of the night setback period as quickly as possible to the Pre-Comfort setpoint. This
impacts the plant operating mode of the application.

19.14 Emergency mode

The setpoint for protection ensures that room temperatures do not change below or
above a critical limit.

19.15 Reset setpoint

The central function can reset a local change to a setpoint on the room operator
unit. The management station can manually reset the value or the reset can also
be automatic by a scheduler. Setpoints for room temperature, ventilator stage, and
room operating mode can be reset.

19.16 Free inputs/outputs

Inputs and outputs can be configured as free inputs on all DXR2s. This permits the
querying of unused input and output switching states or directly controlling another
device over BACnet.

19.17 Centrally override valves

Central functions permit the central override of all valve in the supply group. The
following parameters can be used.

Description Name Default value

Enable valve position override EnVlvPosOvrr 0:No

Valve position override VlvPosOvrr 100 [%]

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Fan-Powered Box
Electric reheater

19.18 Electric reheater

Electric heating coils, controlled via an analog output on the DXR2, can receive an
enable via a relay or Triac on the DXR2.
Safety thermostat A binary overtemperature (open contact) protection can be connected on the DXR2
for all versions of the electric reheater application. The application switches off the
electric reheater at device protection priority if overtemperature protection is

Description Name Default value

Enable overtemperature input EnOvrTDetIn 0:No

Electric heat coils require safety limit thermostat
Improper installation of electric heating coils can result in fire and cause
destruction of life and property.
● Install a high temperature cut-out switch on all electric heating elements.
● Ensure that all wiring and installation conform to applicable safety codes and

19.19 Night cooling

The plant operating mode cools a room using cooling outside air. The central
function sends a "Night cooling request" to the group member rooms. The decision
as to whether night cooling makes sense and is energy efficient is made at the
central function. Various coordination signals between the primary plant and room
automation do the following via central functions:
● Switch on the fans,
● Set the mixed air dampers to 100% outside air,
● Lock all other equipment including heating coils, cooling coils, humidifier.
Night cooling only occurs under the following conditions:
● The room is vacant (Economy or Protection).
● The outside temperature is above an adjustable setpoint of 9 °C.
● The temperature difference to cooling is sufficiently large, i.e. room
temperature - outside temperature > 7 K.
● The temperature deviation from room temperature and temperature setpoint is
sufficiently large, i.e. room temperature > room setpoint + 2 K.

Description Name Default value

Night cooling NgtCReq 0: Inactive
0: Inactive
1: Active

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Fan-Powered Box
19 Presence control

19.20 Presence control

The HVAC application can also be controlled by presence through the use of a
presence detector.
The HVAC application can be configured for each room to react to presence for
each room and regardless of the room operating mode.

Description Name Default value

Presence operating mode for Comfort PscModCmf 4:Considered
1:None presence &
2:Considered presence absence
3:Considered absence
4:Considered presence & absence

Presence operating mode Pre-Comfort PscModPcf 4:Considered

presence &

Presence operating mode for Economy PscModEco 1:None

Present operating mode for Protection PscModPrt 1:None

The applicable delays for the HVAC application in a room can also be configured
for each room.

Description Name Default value

Switching delay for presence SwiDlyPrst 5 Min

Switching delay for absence SwiDlyAbst 5 Min

19.21 Application examples

These are the descriptions of HIT applications on http://hit.sbt.siemens.com.
Visit the Siemens Download Center www.siemens.com/bt/download for the latest
application configurations.

19.21.1 Fan powered box

FPB051 Fan powered box with series fan A6V10662238 en de
on analog output and staged
electric reheater on analog output

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Heat pump application
Serial or parallel control strategy

20 Heat pump application

The heat pump application can be configured using a heat pump application type.
Each heat pump application type can also combine a ceiling heating/chilled ceiling
(beam) or radiator application. The image below provides an overview of the heat
pump application type with all possible HVAC components that can be configured
for a heat pump application. The configuration enabled the applicable (required)
aggregate on the DXR2.
Plant diagram

Figure: Application types for heat pump applications


DXR2… Automation Station D2 Window contact

B1 Return air temperature sensor HP Heat pump

B2 Mixed air sensor Q1 Fan

B3 Supply air sensor R1 Room operator unit

B9 Outside temperature sensor YH/YR Hot water heating coils or electric

heating coils

D1 Presence YM Damper actuator

20.1 Serial or parallel control strategy

You must select one of 2 different control strategies on all heat pump applications:
● Serial fan operation: The air volume is only increased if the heat pump's or
reheater's positioning signal is fully open and the room temperature exceeds or
breaches an additional offset.
● Parallel fan operation: The fan speed is increased in parallel to the heat pump's
or reheater's positioning signal.
The following examples illustrate the two strategies based on a modulating fan and
modulating heat pump. Both strategies can be used in the same manner for staged
fans/heat pumps.

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20 Serial or parallel control strategy


Y Output signal heat pump TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heat pump heating YC Heat pump cooling

FanSpMaxH Max. fan speed heating FanSpMaxC Max. fan speed cooling

FanSpMinH Min. fan speed heating FanSpMinC Min. fan speed cooling

OfsFanSttH Offset for fan start heating OfsFanSttC Offset for fan start cooling

Q Fan signal

Figure: Example of a serial control strategy using a modulating fan


Y Output signal heat pump TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heat pump heating YC Heat pump cooling

FanEndSpd Fan end speed for parallel heating FanEndSpd Fan end speed for parallel cooling
PrlH PrlC

FanSpMinH Min. fan speed heating FanSpMinC Min. fan speed cooling

CoilVlVEnd Valve end position for parallel CoilVlVEnd Valve end position for parallel
PrlH heating PrlC cooling

CoilVlVSttPr Valve position start fan heating CoilVlVSttPr Valve position start fan cooling
lH lC

Q Fan signal

Figure: Example of a parallel control strategy using a modulating fan

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Heat pump application
Air volume flow in the dead zone

The control strategy can be configured in the application using the following
parameters for the cooling sequence and heating sequence.

Description Name Default value

Fan operation for cooling FanOp 1:Parallel

Fan operation for heating FanOp 1:Parallel


20.2 Air volume flow in the dead zone

The heat pump application configures a minimum supply air flow in the
temperature control dead zone. The function can be configured individually for all
room operating mode.

Description Name Default value

Minimum supply air Comfort CmfCnf 4:Minimum
1:Off ventilation &
2:Minimum ventilation demand-controlled
3:Demand-controlled ventilation ventilation
4:Minimum & demand-controlled ventilation

Minimum supply air for Pre-Comfort. PcfCnf 3:Demand-


Minimum supply air Economy EcoCnf 1:Off

Minimum supply air Protection PrtCnf 1:Off

Minimum fan speed for all room operating modes is also configured.

Description Name Default value

Minimum fan speed for ventilation FanSpdMinVnt 50 [%]

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Heat pump application
20 Control of staged fan

20.3 Control of staged fan

Heat pump applications in the DXR2 include one to two-stage automatic fan control.
The fan stages are switched on or off with potential free relay contacts.

Y Output signal heat pump TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heat pump heating YC Heat pump cooling

Q Fan signal Q1 First fan stage

Figure: 1-stage fan sequence

Y Output signal heat pump TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heat pump heating YC Heat pump cooling

Q Fan signal Q1 First fan stage

Q2 Second fan stage

Figure: 2-stage fan sequence

Outputs Staged fans are switched by triac on the DXR2.
Minimum runtime Each fan stage is always switched on for a specific minimum time before changing
over to the next higher stage. So that the room controller acquire control at this
stage. The time is fixed at 15 seconds on all DXR2 applications.
Switch-off delay The switch off of a fan is delayed for a specific period on applications that have
electric heating coils/reheaters. This cools down the electric heating coils/reheater
with circulating air. The switch-on/switch-off time can be configured.

Description Name Default value

Switch-off delay holding signal for air volume flow DlyOffAflHldH 30 [s]

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Heat pump application
Control of modulating fan

Return air sensor The fan must be switched on if room temperature measurement is made using a
return air sensor in the heat pump system, to correctly acquire the actual room
temperature. A minimum air volume is enabled in the dead zone by default for the
operating mode Comfort on the DXR2. The parameter cannot be changed when
using a return air sensor to measure room temperature.
In this case, note that a conventional room temperature sensor must be configured
at the DXR2 input. The return are temperature sensor is then connected instead of
the room temperature sensor. The room is now temperature controlled per the
measured value from the return air sensor.
DXR2 does not support interval-type fan activities to periodically measure room
temperature with the return air sensor.
Also note that DXR2 temperature control in the room can only have one measured
return (temperature sensor) which is always configured and connected at the input
of the room temperature sensor. The available configuration for a return air sensor
is used for visualization on DXR2.

Locked by electric heating Locking is a binary signal to protect heat pump equipment. The application locks
coils electric heating coils even if no air flow is available through the fan. Or enabled if
air flow is available through the fan.
Start of fan by heating The fan is started for active heat or refrigeration demand in the room. The signal is
demand sent to the fan from the heat or refrigeration register.

Description Name
Display of heat/cooling request in the room. It AirFlHReq/AirFlCReq
starts the fan to meet the heat request.

20.4 Control of modulating fan

The DXR2 heat pump applications can automatically control modulating fans (DC
0…10 V). In addition, the fan can be enabled or locked with a potential free relay

Y Output signal heat pump TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heat pump heating YC Heat pump cooling

Q Fan signal

Figure: Modulating fan sequence

Outputs Analog outputs on the DXR2 control modulating fans.

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Heat pump application
20 Heat pump control

Switch-off delay The switch off of a fan is delayed for a specific period on applications that have
electric heating coils/reheaters. This cools down the electric heating coils/reheater
with circulating air. The switch-on/switch-off time can be configured.

Description Name Default value

Switch-off delay holding signal for air volume flow DlyOffAflHldH 30 [s]

Return air sensor The fan must be switched on if room temperature measurement is made using a
return air sensor in the fan coil system, to correctly acquire the actual room
temperature. A minimum air volume is enabled in the dead zone by default for the
operating mode Comfort on the DXR2. The parameter cannot be changed when
using a return air sensor to measure room temperature.
In this case, note that a conventional room temperature sensor must be configured
at the DXR2 input. The return are temperature sensor is then connected instead of
the room temperature sensor. The room is now temperature controlled per the
measured value from the return air sensor.
DXR2 does not support interval-type fan activities to periodically measure room
temperature with the return air sensor.
Also note that DXR2 temperature control in the room can only have one measured
return (temperature sensor) which is always configured and connected at the input
of the room temperature sensor. The available configuration for a return air sensor
is used for visualization on DXR2.
Locking Locking is a binary signal to protect heat pump equipment. The application locks
the electric heating coils if no air flow is available or enables if available.

20.5 Heat pump control

DXR2 heat pump applications heating, cool, or dehumidify room air. The main
outputs are analog or binary outputs to control the compressor, binary output to
switch the reversing valve, optional output to activate hot gas reheater, and an
optional binary output to enable the local source (e.g. water pump).
Outside temperature- Heat pump availability is based on the outside temperature to avoid problems with
dependent setpoint icing and refrigerant and be configured.
availability of the heat
pump Description Name Default value
Enable heat pump lock at low outside temperature EnLockHpuTOaLo 0:No

Lock heat pump at low outside temperature LockHpuTOaLo 4 [°C]

Outside temperature hysteresis to lock heat pump HysTOaLockHpu 1 [K]

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Heat pump application
Heat pump control

Availability heating Heat pump availability for heating can be configured.

Description Name Default value

Control mode manual CtlModMan 1:Automatic

Configuration: 1:Automatic or 2:Heating

For efficient heating, you can configure heating based on outside temperature as a
supplement to availability.

Description Name Default value

Enable heating lock at low outside temperature EnLockHTOaLo 0:No

Lock heating at low outside temperature LockHTOaLo 4 [°C]

Outside temperature hysteresis to lock heating HysTOaLockH 1 [K]

Heating is unavailable if a dehumidification request is pending.

Availability cooling Heat pump availability for cooling can be configured.

Description Name Default value

Control mode manual CtlModMan 1:Automatic

Configuration: 1:Automatic or 3:Cooling

Cooling is unavailable if a dehumidification request is pending.
Availability Heat pump availability for dehumidification can be configured.
Description Name Default value
Control mode manual CtlModMan 1:Automatic

Configuration: 1:Automatic or 3:Cooling

Heat pump state Displays the actual operating state of heat pumps.

Description Name Default value

Heat pump state HpuSta ---

Configuration: 1:Automatic or 3:Cooling

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Heat pump application
20 Heat pump control

Reversing valve mode On heat pump versions with reversing valve, the position is based on configuration
by heat pump operating type.

Description Name Default value

Reversing valve activated for RvrVlvActv 1:Cooling

The reversing valve is always inactive on device operating mode "Off".

Compressor state during On heat pump versions with reversing valve, the compressor state is based on
changeover configuration by heat pump operating type during changeover.

Description Name Default value

Compressor state during reversing valve changeover CprStaRvrVlc 0:Off

Enable hot gas reheater The heat pump hot gas reheater is enabled for energy recovery on active
dehumidification and simultaneous room heat demand.
Enable heat pump source It is enabled after a demand request for heating/cooling/dehumidification based on
a configured source availability and state monitoring.
Minimum switch on/off Each compressor is switched on/off for a specific minimum on/off time.
compressor time
Description Name Default value
Minimum compressor time on TiOnMinCpr 3 min

Minimum compressor time off TiOffMinCpr 3 min

Fault inputs Multiple, different binary heat pump safety switches (open contact) can be
connected. The application switches off the heating pump at device protection
priority if a safety switch is enabled.

Description Name Default value

Enable fault input EnFltIn 0:No

Locking Locking is a binary signal to protect heat pump equipment. The application locks
the heat pump if no air flow is available or enables if available.

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Heat pump application
Speed-controlled heat pump with reversing valve control

20.6 Speed-controlled heat pump with reversing valve

Plant diagram

Figure: Speed-controlled heat pump application with reversing valve control


DXR2… Automation Station HP Heat pump

D1 Presence Q1 Speed-controlled fan

D2 Window contact R1 Room operator unit


Y Output signal heat pump TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heat pump heating YC Heat pump cooling

YRV Reversing valve heat pump

Figure: Modulating heating and cooling sequence with reversing valve

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Heat pump application
20 1-stage heat pump with reversing valve control

20.7 1-stage heat pump with reversing valve control

Plant diagram

Figure: 1-stage heat pump with reversing valve control


DXR2… Automation Station HP Heat pump

D1 Presence Q1 Fan

D2 Window contact R1 Room operator unit


Y Output signal heat pump TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heat pump heating YC Heat pump cooling

YH1 Heat pump heating 1 stage YC1 Heat pump cooling 1 stage

YRV Reversing valve heat pump

Figure: 1-stage heating and cooling sequence with reversing valve

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Heat pump application
2-stage heat pump with reversing valve control

20.8 2-stage heat pump with reversing valve control

Plant diagram

Figure: 2-stage heat pump with reversing valve control


DXR2… Automation Station HP Heat pump

D1 Presence Q1 Fan

D2 Window contact R1 Room operator unit


Y Output signal heat pump TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heat pump heating YC Heat pump cooling

YH1 Heat pump heating 1 stage YC1 Heat pump cooling 1 stage

YH2 Heat pump heating 2 stage YC2 Heat pump cooling 2 stage

YRV Reversing valve heat pump

Figure: 2-stage heating and cooling sequence with reversing valve

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Heat pump application
20 2-stage heat pump with reversing valve control and hot gas reheater

20.9 2-stage heat pump with reversing valve control and

hot gas reheater
Plant diagram

Figure: 2-stage heat pump with reversing valve control and hot gas reheater

DXR2… Automation Station Q1 Fan

D1 Presence R1 Room operator unit

D2 Window contact YR Electric reheater

HP Heat pump


Y Output signal heat pump TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heat pump heating YC Heat pump cooling

YH1 Heat pump heating 1 stage YC1 Heat pump cooling 1 stage

YH2 Heat pump heating 2 stage YC2 Heat pump cooling 2 stage

YRV Reversing valve heat pump

Figure: 2-stage heating and cooling sequence with reversing valve

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Heat pump application
2-stage heat pump with internal reversing valve control

20.10 2-stage heat pump with internal reversing valve

Plant diagram

Figure: 2-stage heat pump with internal reversing valve control


DXR2… Automation Station HP Heat pump

D1 Presence Q1 Fan

D2 Window contact R1 Room operator unit


Y Output signal heat pump TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heat pump heating YC Heat pump cooling

YH1 Heat pump heating 1 stage YC1 Heat pump cooling 1 stage

YH2 Heat pump heating 2 stage YC2 Heat pump cooling 2 stage

Figure: 2-stage heating and cooling sequence

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Heat pump application
20 2-stage heat pump with internal reversing valve control and hot gas reheater

20.11 2-stage heat pump with internal reversing valve

control and hot gas reheater
Plant diagram

Figure: 2-stage heat pump with internal reversing valve control and hot gas

DXR2… Automation Station Q1 Fan

D1 Presence R1 Room operator unit

D2 Window contact YR Electric reheater

HP Heat pump


Y Output signal heat pump TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heat pump heating YC Heat pump cooling

YH1 Heat pump heating 1 stage YC1 Heat pump cooling 1 stage

YH2 Heat pump heating 2 stage YC2 Heat pump cooling 2 stage

Figure: 2-stage heating and cooling sequence

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Heat pump application

20.12 Actuators
The DRX2 automation station controls heating/cooling valves via Triac and analog
outputs, regardless of available I/Os. 3-position actuators, thermal pulse width
modulation (PWM) actuators, PWM actuators with return spring can be connected
to the Triac outputs.
A maximum of 1 thermal valve can be connected to each Triac on the DXR2
automation station with AC 230 V power.
Conventional 0…10V actuators as well as 6-port valves can be connected to
analog outputs.

20.13 Valve protection

Valve actuators are operated from time to time to prevent them from seizing after
long periods of inactivity (e.g. heating valve during the summer). The valve
actuator is controlled to lose as little heating energy as possible.
The central function for the hot water supply chain performs the valve protection
function and can be changed in the parameters as needed.

Description Name Default value

Kick value KickVal 50 [%]

Kick time TiKick 2 min

Kick cycle KickCyc 500 h

20.14 Determination of heating/cooling state

All DXR2 applications analyze heating/cooling state by comparing the present
room temperature against the setpoints and active control sequence. The present
state is displayed on the room operator unit and the BAC system.
A sequence controller prevent simultaneous heating/cooling.

20.15 Heating/cooling demand

Each DXR2 automation station calculates heating and cooling demand for a room
and makes the result available through a group of the central function (supply
chain hot water/chilled water).
Outside air temperature The hot water demand setpoint is calculated in the central function using a heating
dependent heating curve curve based on the outside temperature.

Sp Flow temperature setpoint TOa Outside air temperature

SpTFlDs 70 °C TOaDs -11 °C

SpTFlHi 25 °C TOaHi 15 °C

Figure: Characteristic curve for the outside temperature-dependent heating curve

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Heat pump application
20 Source demand

Demand correction by Valve positions in the various rooms correct the demand setpoint in the central
collected valve positions function based on the number of valves between a value of 70...100%.

Description Name Default value

Setpoint correction, if 100% of all consumers are within SpCorrTFlHi 5 [K]

Setpoint correction, if 0% of all consumers are within SpCorrTFlLo -5 [K]


20.16 Source demand

Each DXR2 automation station calculates heat pump source demand and makes
the result available through a group of the central function (supply chain heat pump
The central function for its part, distributes source availability via the same group to
the rooms.

20.17 Preheating
The central functions can trigger the preheating function to heat up a room at end
of the night setback period as quickly as possible to the Pre-Comfort setpoint. This
impacts the plant operating mode of the application.

20.18 Emergency mode

The setpoint for protection ensures that room temperatures do not change below or
above a critical limit.

20.19 Night cooling

The plant operating mode cools a room using cooling outside air. The central
function sends a "Night cooling request" to the group member rooms. The decision
as to whether night cooling makes sense and is energy efficient is made at the
central function. Various coordination signals between the primary plant and room
automation do the following via central functions:
● Switch on the fans,
● Set the mixed air dampers to 100% outside air,
● Lock all other equipment including heating coils, cooling coils, humidifier.
Night cooling only occurs under the following conditions:
● The room is vacant (Economy or Protection).
● The outside temperature is above an adjustable setpoint of 9 °C.
● The temperature difference to cooling is sufficiently large, i.e. room
temperature - outside temperature > 7 K.
● The temperature deviation from room temperature and temperature setpoint is
sufficiently large, i.e. room temperature > room setpoint + 2 K.

Description Name Default value

Night cooling NgtCReq 0: Inactive
0: Inactive
1: Active

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Heat pump application
Free cooling

20.20 Free cooling

The function free cooling to take advantage of cooling generated without effort to
cool the rooms to a room temperature setpoint. Dew point compensation is still
available for the chilled water temperature setpoint dependent on active dew point
detector via the grouping function.
This supply chain is continued accordingly, in other words chilled water generation
(chillers, refrigeration machines, etc.) are also controlled based on demand.

20.21 Reset setpoint

The central function can reset a local change to a setpoint on the room operator
unit. The management station can manually reset the value or the reset can also
be automatic by a scheduler. Setpoints for room temperature, ventilator stage, and
room operating mode can be reset.

20.22 Free inputs/outputs

Inputs and outputs can be configured as free inputs on all DXR2s. This permits the
querying of unused input and output switching states or directly controlling another
device over BACnet.

20.23 Centrally override valves

Central functions permit the central override of all valve in the supply group. The
following parameters can be used.

Description Name Default value

Enable valve position override EnVlvPosOvrr 0:No

Valve position override VlvPosOvrr 100 [%]

20.24 Central override of heat pump source enable

Central functions permit the central override of the heat pump source enable for all
heat pumps in the supply group. The following parameters can be used.

Description Name Default value

Enable heat pump source override EnHpuSrcOvrr 0:No

Heat pump source override HpuSrcOvrr 0:Off

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Heat pump application
20 Electric reheater

20.25 Electric reheater

The DXR2 applications also permit electric heating coil control in addition to heat
pump control. They are then operated as reheaters and only enabled if the heat
pump positioning signal is fully open.
Plant diagram

Figure: Example for a heat pump with electric reheater


DXR2… Automation station HP Heat pump

D1 Presence R1 Room operator unit

D2 Window contact Q1 Fan

YR Electric heating coil


Y Output signal heat pump TR Room temperature

YR 1-stage electric reheater SpH Effective heating setpoint

YH Heat pump heating

Figure: 1-stage electric reheater

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Electric reheater

Y Output signal heat pump TR Room temperature

YH1 1-stage electric reheater SpH Effective heating setpoint

YH2 2-stage electric reheater YH Heat pump heating

Figure: 2-stage electric reheater

Y Output signal heat pump TR Room temperature

YR Modulating electric heating coils SpH Effective heating setpoint

YH Heat pump heating

Figure: Modulating electric reheater

Actuators Electric heating coils, controlled via an analog output on the DXR2, can receive an
enable via a relay or Triac on the DXR2.
Safety thermostat A binary overtemperature (open contact) protection can be connected on the DXR2
for all versions of the electric reheater application. The application switches off the
electric reheater at device protection priority if overtemperature protection is

Description Name Default value

Enable overtemperature input EnOvrTDetIn 0:No

Electric heat coils require safety limit thermostat
Improper installation of electric heating coils can result in fire and cause
destruction of life and property.
● Install a high temperature cut-out switch on all electric heating elements.
● Ensure that all wiring and installation conform to applicable safety codes and

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Heat pump application
20 Room supply air cascade

20.26 Room supply air cascade

The heat pump application does not support the room-supply air cascade.

20.27 Air quality control

The heat pump application can be used for air quality control. It requires an outside
air damper capable of supplying the room with fresh air and an air quality sensor in
the room. The application automatically enabled air quality control as soon as an
air quality sensor and an outside damper is configured.
Setpoints Air quality setpoints can be configured separately for each room operating mode.

Description Name Default value

Room air quality setpoint for Comfort SpAQualRCmf 900 ppm

Room air quality setpoint for Pre-Comfort SpAQualRPcf 1100 ppm

Room air quality setpoint for Economy SpAQualREco 1500 ppm

Room air quality setpoint for Protection SpAQualRPrt 1500 ppm

Minimum positions The minimum outside air damper position can also be configured for each room
for outside air damper operating mode.

Description Name Default value

Minimum outside air damper position for Comfort DmpOaPosMinCmf 50 [%]

Minimum outside air damper position for Pre-Comfort DmpOaPosMinPcf 40 [%]

Minimum outside air damper position for Economy DmpOaPosMinEco 30 [%]

Minimum outside damper position Protection DmpOaPosMinPrt 20 [%]

20.28 Dehumidification control

The application function for heat pump applications lowers the relative humidity by
overriding the heat pump cooling position and setting the fan to the correct speed
for dehumidification. The integrated PID controller compares relative room humidity
with the setpoint corresponding to the active room operating mode. The PID
controller operating mode is set to 2-point (off/dehumidification) to activate
maximum output if the temperature for dehumidification must be lowered.
The heating pump cooling is controlled with the command to dehumidify, while also
coordinating that state with the controller that the cooling coils are ready for
A humidity sensor in the room is required for dehumidification control. The
application automatically enables dehumidification control as soon as an humidity
sensor and heat pump are configured.

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Heat pump application
Outside air damper control

Setpoints Dehumidification setpoints can be configured separately for each room operating

Description Name Default value

Relative room air humidity setpoint for Comfort SpHuRelRCmf 60 % r.h.

Relative room air humidity setpoint for Pre-Comfort SpHuRelRPcf 60 % r.h.

Relative room air humidity setpoint for Economy SpHuRelREco 70 % r.h.

Relative room air humidity setpoint for Protection SpHuRelRPrt 70 % r.h.

Room temperature Availability in deviation of the heating setpoint/room temperature can be configured
based availability to avoid too much cool down caused by dehumidification.

Description Name Default value

Maximum heating deviation for dehumidification HDvnMaxDhu 3 [K]

Hysteresis for max. heating deviation for HysHDvnMaxDhu 1 [K]


20.29 Outside air damper control

The outside air damper primary supplies the room with fresh outside air. It can also
be used for take advantage of cooler outside air to cool the room.
The outside air damper is only opened if the fan is running. This can be based on a
cooling request, dehumidification request, or fresh air request.

Ramp-up time outside air A configured limit prevents the damper from opening too quickly is the air is very
damper cool. Closing and manual commanded are not prevented.
The ramp-up function is enabled if the outside temperature is below the switch-on
point for the ramp-up damper or the outside temperature sensor is invalid.

Description Name Default value

Switch-on point for ramp-up function SwiOnPtRup 5 [°C]

Ramp-up time outside air damper TiRupDmpOa 2 [Min]

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Heat pump application
20 Outside air damper control

Outside temperature- The characteristic curve for the outside air damper can be limited by the outside
dependent limitation of temperature. The value can be adapted regardless of internal room load.
outside air damper
Description Name Default value
Output limitation characteristic curve for outside X1LmOutTOa 6 [°C]
temperature X1

Output limitation characteristic curve for damper Y1LmOutDmpPos 20 [%]

position Y1

Output limitation characteristic curve for outside X2LmOutTOa 18 [°C]

temperature X1

Output limitation characteristic curve for damper Y2LmOutDmpPos 100 [%]

position Y2

Economizer The Economizer function can be activated if the outside air is cold enough for
cooling. The temperature of the outside air is distributed via the weather station
central function to all rooms or measured locally. The switch-on point for the
Economizer can be defined by a parameter:

Description Name Default value

Minimum difference room temperature/outside DiffTRTOaMinC 0 [K]
temperature for cooling

The Economizer is disabled and the outside damper is moved to the minimum
position if dehumidification uses the application. This dehumidifies more humid air
from the zone through the coiling coils.
Mixed air temperature In the event a mixed air temperature sensor is configured, the mixed air
control temperature is controlled for room cooling to the mixed air temperature setpoint.
The mixed air temperature setpoint can be defined by a parameter.

Description Name Default value

Mixed air temperature setpoint for cooling SpTMxC 12 [°C]

Switch-on delay The outside damper switch-on delay can be configured for fresh air demand and
cooling demand.

Description Name Default value

Cooling request switch-on delay DlyOnAirFlCReq 30 [s]

Ventilation request cooling delay DlyOnAflVntReq 30 [s]

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Heat pump application
Presence control

20.30 Presence control

The HVAC application can also be controlled by presence through the use of a
presence detector.
The HVAC application can be configured for each room to react to presence for
each room and regardless of the room operating mode.

Description Name Default value

Presence operating mode for Comfort PscModCmf 4:Considered
1:None presence &
2:Considered presence absence
3:Considered absence
4:Considered presence & absence

Presence operating mode Pre-Comfort PscModPcf 4:Considered

presence &

Presence operating mode for Economy PscModEco 1:None

Present operating mode for Protection PscModPrt 1:None

The applicable delays for the HVAC application in a room can also be configured
for each room.

Description Name Default value

Switching delay for presence SwiDlyPrst 5 Min

Switching delay for absence SwiDlyAbst 5 Min

20.31 Application examples

These are the descriptions of HIT applications on http://hit.sbt.siemens.com.
Visit the Siemens Download Center www.siemens.com/bt/download for the latest
application configurations.

20.31.1 Heat pump

HP001 Heat pump A6V10662238 en de
with variable fan, reversing valve,
2-stage electric heating, 1-stage
electric radiator and outside air

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Room pressurization and fume hood control
21 Product range overview

21 Room pressurization and fume hood control

21.1 Product range overview

Critical Environment Technology (CET) is a range of reliable air volume flow
controllers and supplementary components for the secure, precise and fast
measurement, control and monitoring of air volume flows and room pressures in
buildings. CET can be easily integrated into building automation systems. The
overall system thus provides maximum efficiency, cost effectiveness and security.
CET was basically designed for:
● Room ventilation and general extractions
● Room pressure control
● Laboratory fume hood control
● Room air conditioning

CET is suitable for the following areas of application:

● Chemistry room
● Clean room
● Laboratory room
● Operating room
● Patient room
● Production room
● Storage room
● Laboratory fume hood
● Canopy hoods and extractions
Pressurized room and The DXR2.E17C and DXR2.E17CX room automation stations are perfectly suited
fume hood automation for buildings requiring room pressurization and fume hood control. They measure
stations room pressurization, ventilation, and control supply airflow to the room and extract
airflow from the room.
The room control application types for the DXR2.E17C automation station (30 data
points) contains the controls for 1 segment. The room control application types for
the DXR2.E17CX automation station (60 data points) contains the controls for 2
The room pressurization application types in either room automation station can
coordinate multiple segments contained in other controllers and coordinates up to
8 fume hoods in one room.
The fume hood control application type for the DXR2.E17C automation station and
the fume hood application type for the DXR2.E17CX automation station contains
the control for 1 segment.

Figure: DXR2.E17C... room automation station

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Product range overview

Airflow pressure sensor The airflow pressure sensor (APS) is used to measure airflow for room
pressurization and fume hood control applications.

Figure: APS DXA.S04P1

Figure: APS DXA.S04P1 with IP54 Cover

Differential pressure The differential pressure sensor acquires differential, over and under pressure of
sensor air and nonaggressive gases if a high degree of measuring accuracy and quality is
It is also suited for measuring volume flow via differential pressure since the output
signal can be set to extracting-the-root.

Figure: QBM3020…

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21 Product range overview

Flow sensor The flow sensor is suited for accurate and long-term stable recording of the air face
velocity of fume hoods with horizontal and vertical sliding front doors.

Figure: QVE3001
Cable sash sensor A peripheral device to acquire the sash position of a laboratory fume hood for
Siemens laboratory fume hood controllers. The cable sash sensors are compact,
economical and water resistant devices with flexible cables, spring-loaded spools
and a potentiometer to detect and measure linear position. The cable sensor
measures a fume hood’s sash opening. The sensor unit consists of a string with
hook, roll, spring and potentiometer. The roll is inserted and attached to the
potentiometer shaft. The cable is wound on this roll and is unwound against the
spring force. The full length of the cable is proportional to the potentiometer's

Figure: DXA.B130

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Room pressurization and fume hood control
Product range overview

Fume hood operating The Operating Display Panel (QMX3.P87) is the interface between the fume hood
display panels operator and the control system. It includes a custom designed package for visual
and audible indication of fume hood operating conditions and push-buttons for
emergency mode operation, alarm silence and user defined auxiliary buttons. The
panel is mounted on the wall or fume hood in an easily accessible location. Up to
two operating display panels are supported per fume hood controller.

Figure: QMX3.P87-1WSC
The Operating Display Panel (QMX3.P88) includes a custom designed package for
visual and audible indication of fume hood operating conditions and push-buttons
for fume hood setpoint operation, alarm silence and a schedule override function.
The panel is mounted on the fume hood in an easily accessible location. Two
operating display panels are supported per fume hood controller.

Figure: QMX3.P88-1WSC

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Room pressurization and fume hood control
21 Application types

Fast running actuators for Electronic actuator for 2-position, 3-position, or modulating control, nominal torque
air dampers 6 Nm, at 2 s running time, self-centering shaft adapter, range mechanically
adjustable between 0...90°, prewired with 0.9 m long standard connection cables.

Figure: GAP191.1E

21.2 Application types

The DXR2.17C… automation station can be flexibly configured, regardless of
available inputs and outputs. The following tested and flexible application types are
available, needing only to be configured. The following application functions are
● Room pressurization, temperature control (HvacLgtShd14) - provides the
HVAC and pressurization functions for the room segment(s) belonging to one
HVAC zone.
● Room pressurization, advanced temperature control (HvacLgtShd15) -
provides the HVAC and pressurization functions for the room segment(s)
belonging to one HVAC zone.
● HVAC Fume hood (Hvac16) – provides all the application functions for fume
hood(s) belonging to a lab room zone.
All configurable DXR2s can also be combined with lighting and blinds applications.

21.3 Room and room segments

Pressurized room and This application type uses the TRA room/segment structure. The application type
pressurized room with handles multiple segments that can be connected to multiple controllers. It applies
thermal power room coordination functions, HVAC coordination functions, HVAC device
components and connects to central functions with TRA group data definitions.
The application architecture defines a “room” as equivalent to a temperature
control zone. Multiple terminals serve one pressurization control zone if they are
also in the same temperature control zone.
One segment may include a supply terminal, an extract terminal, or both. A
segment may not include two supply terminals or two extract terminals.
The DXR2.E17C contains controls one segment and the DXR2.E17CX contains
controls two segments. Both room automation stations can coordinate multiple
The room pressurization application types coordinates up to 8 fume hoods in one
Fume hood This fume hood control application type fits into the TRA application architecture as
a segment, not a full room/segment application. The application type implements
stand alone control for a fume hood and is designed for use with one automation
station dedicated to one hood.

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Room pressurization and fume hood control

Combination of DXR2 DXR2

1 Room pressurization Room pressurization

2 Room pressurization Fume hood

3 Room pressurization with thermal Room pressurization with thermal

power power

4 Room pressurization with thermal Fume hood


5 Chilled ceiling and/or radiator


21.4 Alarms
The controller is equipped with ventilation and pressurization alarms. The
controller’s alarms are designed to:
● Inform building operation personnel that the system is not functioning correctly.
● Supply data for documenting laboratory safety records through trending.
These alarms can be broadcast across a network.
Ventilation Alarm The ventilation alarm turns on when ventilation does not meet the required level.
● In a negative room, air flow ventilation is the total exhaust flow.
● In a positive room, air flow ventilation is the total supply flow.
The ventilation alarm does not respond directly to flow rates or flow loop errors at a
particular terminal. It applies to the calculated ventilation rate.
Pressurization alarm The pressurization alarm turns on when the calculated value of the transfer flow is
too far from the setpoint. The flow tolerance to set the transfer alarm, is set in
physical flow units.
● Disabled –alarm does not trip
● Alarm on high value – alarm trips only when transfer flow is more than the
setpoint plus the tolerance, more than the required amount of air moves into
the room
● Alarm on low value – alarm trips only when transfer flow is less than the
setpoint minus the tolerance, which means less than the required amount of air
moves into the room OR air moves in the wrong direction
● Alarm on high or low value - alarm when
The alarm function includes a delay to prevent nuisances.
The air flow transfer alarm can serve many needs. The alarm goes off due to
several conditions: flow loop can’t meet setpoint, flow loop unstable, damper
overridden, damper actuator disconnected, flow setpoint overridden, flow sensor
failed. With the customer, select a flow level and delay time. The delay time should
be large enough to avoid alarms during normal air flow transients. For example:
ventilation and temperature setpoints change with occupancy and the air flow
setpoint might make a large change, leading to a brief mismatch between supply
and exhaust.

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Room pressurization and fume hood control
21 Trends

21.5 Trends
The following trends can be enabled for each pressurized room (through
● Trend room temperature
● Trend room air quality
● Trend relative room air humidity
● Trend room operating mode
● Trend blinds command
● Trend for S7 program error
● Trend for ventilation alarm
● Trend for room supply air volume flow
● Trend for room extract air volume flow
● Trend for room fume hood air volume flow
● Trend for room transferred air volume flow
● Trend for room transferred air volume flow alarm
● Trend for supply air volume flow determination

The following trends can be enabled for each fume hood (through configuration):
● Trend for fume hood sash opening alert
● Trend for fume hood occupancy
● Trend for fume hood air volume flow alarm
● Trend for S7 program error
● Trend for fume hood face area
● Trend for fume hood exhaust air volume flow

21.6 Other controls

The following controls work with pressurized room applications:
Water register 2-pipe system, heating only [➙ 137]
Water register for 4-pipe system [➙ 130]
Water register for 4-pipe system with changeover valves [➙ 132]
Water register 4-pipe system with 6-port valve [➙ 133]
Water register 2-pipe system, cooling only [➙ 136]
Actuators [➙ 181]
Valve protection [➙ 181]
Determination of heating/cooling state [➙ 181]
Preheating [➙ 182]
Reset setpoint [➙ 183]
Free inputs/outputs [➙ 183]
Centrally override valves [➙ 183]
Electric heating coil [➙ 140]
Night cooling [➙ 182]
Static calibration [➙ 148]

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Room pressurization and fume hood control
Pressurized room, temperature control

21.7 Pressurized room, temperature control

The pressurized room application can be configured using a pressurized room
application type. Each application type can also combine a radiant/chilled ceiling or
radiator application. The image below provides an overview of the application type
with all possible components that can be configured for a pressurized room
Plant diagram

Figure: Application types for pressurized room, temperature control


DXR2… Automation Station B4 Primary air temperature

B1 Return air temperature sensor R1 Room operator unit

B3 Supply air sensor D1 Presence

YC Chilled water cooling coils D2 Window contact

P Pressure sensor YS VAV supply air

YH Hot water heating coils or electric YE VAV extract air

heating coils

YHC Heating / Cooling Coil

21.7.1 Pressurization control

Air volume flow Air flow tracking calculates flow setpoints for supply and extract terminals in a room
tracking to accomplish pressurization. The difference between supply and extract flows is a
fixed, configured value. The setpoints are selected to accomplish heating, cooling,
and ventilation within constraints of the minimum and maximum flow rates for the
Air flow balances room flows that are under its control (typically supply and extract
terminals) and exhaust flows that are independent (for example, fume hoods).
● Airflow coordination for pressurized rooms, including:
– Single tracking pair (one supply, one extract)
– Lab room with fume hood (one supply, one extract, and fume hood exhaust)
– Large lab with fume hoods (multiple supply, extract and fume hoods)

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21 Pressurized room, temperature control

● Coordination of airflow demands for heating, cooling, and ventilation

● Airflow monitoring and alarm values
● Multiple segment support
(A segment can include any of the following: supply terminal / extract terminal /
supply + extract pair / independent exhaust terminal - fume hood).

Description Name Default value

Room pressurization mode PRMod 1:Neutral
▶ Set the direction of pressurization for the room, and
the direction of net air transfer between the room and
surrounding spaces.
▶ Supply flow and exhaust are equal. Contamination is
not controlled. Alarm is disabled.
2:Positive pressure
▶ Supply flow is more than extract. Used to keep
contaminants out of the room.
3:Negative pressure
▶ Extract flow is more than supply. Used to contain
contaminants in the room.

Tracking mode TckMod 1:Supply air tracks

▶ Select the flow tracking algorithm according to project extract air
specifications. If it is not specified, select according to
1:Supply air tracks extract air
▶ Typically chosen for negatively pressurized rooms.
Controller calculates exhaust flow setpoint from room
demands and calculates supply flow setpoint from
2:Extract air tracks supply air
▶ Typically chosen for positively pressurized rooms.
Controller calculates supply flow setpoint from room
demands and calculates exhaust flow setpoint from

Transferred air volume flow setpoint SpAirFlTrn 10 [m3/h]

▶ Controller maintains this value as the difference
between supply and extract flow. Set as a positive

For example: In a room with negative pressure, the extract air volume setpoint =
600, for supply air = 500 and SpAirFlTrn = 100.
In a room with positive pressure, the extract air volume setpoint = 600, for supply
air = 700 and AirFlTrn = 100.
Differential pressure flow Differential pressure air volume flow cascade calculates flow setpoints for supply
cascade control and extract terminals in a room to accomplish pressurization. The difference
between supply and extract flows is dynamically adjusted to drive measured room
pressure to its configured setpoint. The setpoints are selected to accomplish
heating, cooling, and ventilation within constraints of the minimum and maximum
flow rates for the terminals.
Room pressure PID adjusts the transfer airflow to drive the measured pressure to
the setpoint. The range of adjustment for transfer airflow is set by two configuration
value objects, minimum transferred air volume flow and maximum transferred air
volume flow.

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Pressurized room, temperature control

21.7.2 Ventilation control

Ventilation in pressurized rooms can be defined as the rate of airflow through a
room to remove and dilute air contaminants. The application sets supply and
extract airflow rates to satisfy ventilation requirements. In a positive room the
ventilation rate equals supply flow; in a negative room, it equals extract flow. The
pressurized room application has three options for ventilation control:
Minimum ventilation collaborates with the room pressure control application for
ventilation purposes. The ventilation rate is selected from a set of configured
values based Room Operating Mode and HVAC Plant Mode.
Minimum ventilation and demand-controlled ventilation DCV collaborates with the
room pressure control application for ventilation and/or room air quality control
purposes. The current ventilation rate for a room is selected from a set of
configured values based Room Operating Mode, HVAC Plant Mode and measured
CO2 concentration. The minimum flow depends on occupancy. The DCV function
can be disabled according to occupancy.
Minimum ventilation and external demand-controlled ventilation DCV collaborates
with the room pressurization application for ventilation and/or room air quality
control purposes. The current ventilation rate for a room is based on occupancy
and a DCV signal generated by a separate controller, device or system (by others)
and written to an object in this application function. The minimum flow depends on
occupancy. The DCV function can be disabled according to occupancy.
The pressurized room application configures a minimum supply air flow in the
temperature control dead zone. The function can be configured individually for all
room operating mode.

Description Name Default value

Minimum room ventilation for comfort RVntMinCmf 0
▶ Do not leave at default - set according to job
specification. (Minimum room-ventilation setpoint for
This is the ventilation rate needed in the room during
Comfort mode. Value must come from ventilation
engineer’s specifications. May be specified as the
"occupied ventilation rate" or as the only ventilation rate
for the room.

Minimum room ventilation for pre-comfort RVntMinPcf 0

▶ Do not leave at default - set according to job
specification. (Minimum room-ventilation setpoint for
Pre-Comfort; might also be specified as "standby
ventilation rate")
If Pre-Comfort is not specified, the value for Comfort
mode might be used. This helps if the room operating
mode is set unexpectedly.

Minimum room ventilation for economy RVntMinEco 0

▶ Set according to job specification. (Minimum room-
ventilation setpoint for Economy; might also be
specified as "unoccupied ventilation rate")
If Economy is not specified, the value for Comfort mode
might be used. This helps if the room operating mode is
set unexpectedly.

Minimum room ventilation for protection RVntMinPrt 0

▶ Set according to job specification. (Minimum room-
ventilation setpoint for Protection)
If Protection is not specified, the value for Economy
might be used.

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21 Pressurized room, temperature control

Air quality control for The application can be used for air quality control. The room must have an air
minimum ventilation and quality sensor. The application automatically enables air quality control as soon as
demand-controlled an air quality sensor is configured.
ventilation DCV Air quality setpoints can be configured or disabled separately for each room
operating mode.
The maximum air volume flows for a VAV actuator can be configured for each air
terminal. The sequence diagram illustrates an example of possible relationships
between air flow level for the various HVAC functions. When the flow needed for
ventilation is more than the flow needed for heating or cooling, the ventilation
requirement takes effect.

Description Name Default value

Supply air VAV maximum air flow for ventilation VavSuAflMaxVnt 100 [m3/h]
27.78 [l/s]

Volume flow

VAV volume flow TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

VavSuAirFl Maximum air volume flow heating VavSuAirFl Maximum air volume flow cooling
MaxH MaxC

VavSuAirFl Minimum air volume flow heating VavSuAirFl Minimum air volume flow cooling
MinH MinC

VavSuAflMi minimum air volume flow for

nVnt ventilation

Figure: Volume flow setpoints

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Pressurized room, temperature control

21.7.3 Temperature control

Temperature control works with the actual room temperature setpoints for the
actual operating mode and calculates a set volume flow that moves between the
minimum and maximum setpoints.
The minimum and maximum air volume flows for a VAV actuator can be configured
for each actuator.
Sequence with
modulating heating valve

Y Output signal TR Room temperature

SpH Effective heating setpoint SpC Effective cooling setpoint

YH Heating valve YC Cooling valve

VavSuAirFl Maximum air volume flow heating VavSuAirFl Maximum air volume flow cooling
MaxH MaxC

VavSuAirFl Minimum air volume flow heating VavSuAirFl Minimum air volume flow cooling
MinH MinC

VAV volume flow

Figure: Serial control sequence for a VAV application with modulating heating
Sequence with a
2-staged heating valve

Y Output signal TR Room temperature

VAV volume flow SpH Effective heating setpoint

YH1 1-stage electric heating coils YH2 2-stage electric heating coils

VavSuAirFl Maximum air volume flow heating VavSuAirFl Minimum air volume flow heating
MaxH MinH

Figure: Serial control sequence for a VAV application with 2-stage heating valve

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21 Pressurized room, temperature control

21.7.4 Air flow control

The pressurized room operates a damper, using closed loop control to drive the
measured flow to an airflow setpoint that it calculates based on demand signals
received for heating, cooling and ventilation. It can control airflow with a settling
time of 1 to 2 seconds when applied with the right peripheral devices. It can also be
set up for slower operation.
The main output is a modulating output for damper position that is generated by a
PID or external airflow controller. Functions to support air balancing are included.
Flow control limits For each supply terminal, separate minimum and maximum flow rates exist for
heating, cooling, and ventilation. Each of these HVAC functions has its own set of
configuration objects and properties.
Airflow limits for the terminal are related to – but are not the same as – the airflow
levels required to ventilate the room. The room ventilation function sets a
ventilation demand level that maps to the terminal’s ventilation flow limits.

Type of airflow Normal use Other possible use

Max cooling flow Highest flow rate the designer allows for the terminal or space;
usually corresponds to design cooling load found on the box

Min cooling flow For this application, min cooling flow is usually not the value May be higher to support cooling coil or
found on the box schedule. Can be / should usually be set to chilled beam, or to ensure adequate air
zero. diffusion.
If the box schedule lists minimum cooling flow, it is probably a
ventilation limit and not the value needed here.

Max heating flow Highest flow rate the designer wants for reheat; energy codes In some rooms, increasing primary VAV
may require a flow level equal or less than half of max cooling airflow may not be a desirable way to
flow. add heat. In such cases airflow will not
vary with heating load (max heating flow
and min heating flow are set equal).
Follow the sequence of operation
specified for the project.

Min heating flow Below this flow rate, heating won’t function properly; the coil In certain situations, max heating flow
may overheat or the supply air won’t diffuse correctly. May be and min heating flow may be set equal.
higher or lower than ventilation flow. In special cases may equal zero.
If the box schedule or other HVAC design document specifies
a min heating flow, consult with the engineer to find out what
is the intended purpose: is it for heating or for ventilation.

Max ventilation flow Highest flow rate the terminal can apply to a DCV loop or a Can be set lower (than max cooling) if
ventilation level selected by room operating mode. Sometimes reheat equipment is too small to temper
equal to maximum cooling. full cooling flow. Can be set higher if
- or - primary airflow is not the main cooling
Highest flow rate needed to make-up exhaust (the rate of source.
supply airflow needed to maintain proper pressurization when
extract flow is at or near maximum). If maximum make-up
needed exceeds max cooling flow, set max ventilation high
enough to cover. This might happen in a room with lots of
fume hoods and not a lot of other equipment.

Min ventilation flow In this application, min ventilation flow is not the required
ventilation rate. Min ventilation flow can usually be set to zero.

Required In most systems, the required ventilation rate is a dynamic Might be set as the low end of the range
ventilation value driven by occupancy and possibly other things. In allowed by a DCV algorithm.
(dynamic value, not addition to occupancy, issues affecting required ventilation
configured) can include code requirements and standards, design
decisions, the type of space being used, air contaminants and
OA fraction to name several.

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Type of airflow Normal use Other possible use

Comfort ventilation RVntMinCmf represents the ventilation rate for the room, not a Might be set according to industry
(occupied) specific terminal. It may be set to comply with building codes standards for contamination control, or
RVntMinCmf that specify the rate expected / needed when occupants are to a client’s institutional standards.
present (Comfort mode).

Pre-Comfort The ventilation rate for rooms during a brief or scheduled

ventilation occupancy absence. If no such state is specified, configure
(standby) same as Comfort.

Economy The room ventilation rate during typically unoccupied periods,

ventilation such as overnight. Can be zero for many kinds of spaces.
(unoccupied) (May be specified as "unoccupied ventilation rate" for
RVntMinEco laboratories.)

Protection The ventilation rate for rooms with a defined operation for
ventilation long-term vacancy. For example, between semesters at a
RVntMinPrt university. If no such state is specified, configure same as
Economy. External volume flow control

A differential pressure sensor is typically connected to the VAV actuator for an
application with external volume flow control. Which in turns also implements
volume flow control. In this case, the application in the DXR2 controls only the
room temperature and forwards the setpoint for volume flow control to the VAV
The present damper position is determined in all cases by DXR2 and provided to
the central function for optimizing the supply air fan. Internal volume flow control

A differential pressure sensor is typically connected to the DXR2 for an application
with internal volume flow control. It may be the Airflow Pressure Sensor on the
SCOM bus, or another type of air flow sensor. DXR2 then controls volume flow in
addition to temperature.
The present damper position is determined in all cases by DXR2 and provided to
the central function for optimizing the supply air fan.

21.7.5 Parallel supply air VAV or extract air VAV

A maximum of one room can be configured on each DXR2. The room can consist
of a maximum of one supply air and extract air VAV. You must create a
multisegment application with multiple DXR2 automation stations if you need to
use multiple VAV for supply or extract air. Any combination of supply air and
extract air VAV can be created with DXR2. The VAV can even have various sizes
and nominal air volume flows.
The standardized room control with controller signals 0…100% always controls all
connected VAV actuators for supply and extract air as per their nominal volume
flow and provide the correct amount of volume flow.
The DXR2.17CX controller can accommodate two segments on one controller.

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21.7.6 Presence control

The HVAC application can also be controlled by presence through the use of a
presence detector.
The HVAC application can be configured for each room to react to presence signal
for each room according to the room operating mode.
The application is programmed to respond to presence and absence of occupants
in the room. Occupancy includes scheduled and unscheduled use of the room.
BAS scheduling features drive the Room Operating Mode to accommodate
scheduled use. An optional presence detector can accommodate unscheduled use.
The two sources of data are combined to set the operating state of the HVAC
application. The combination of data from two sources is configurable.
By default the application ignores the presence detector during Economy mode
and follows it during Comfort mode. For many critical spaces, the opposite
behavior is selected: ignore the presence detector during Comfort mode and follow
it during Economy. The applicable delays for the HVAC application in a room can
also be configured for each room.

Description Name Default value

Switching delay for presence SwiDlyPrst 5 Min

Switching delay for absence SwiDlyAbst 5 Min

21.7.7 Dynamic calibration

Dynamic calibration can be only conducted during operation with a network and
switched-on VAV system.
The DXR2 web server during commissioning is used to conduct dynamic
calibration of a VAV box. The DXR2 web server must be connected. After logging
on, a Favorites view is provided for calibration. The overview includes all relevant
parameters and the data point for automatically conducting dynamic calibration.
The following list displays an overview of the parameters on dynamic calibration for
each VAV box.
A detailed guide on dynamic calibration and a video guide is available from the
Siemens download center www.siemens.com/bt/download.

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Supply calibration
Description Object Default value
Supply air VAV balancing state VavSuBalSta 1:Initial
▶ Indicates the state of progress of the
balancing process for this VAV box; is written by
the controller in response to the user-entered
balance command; persists through a power

Supply air VAV balancing mode VavSuBalMod 1:Maximum cooling

▶ Air flow value set by the air balancer person to
select the air flow setpoint value used when the
balancing state = balancing.
1:Maximum cooling
2:Maximum heating
3:Maximum ventilation
4:Minimum cooling
5:Minimum heating
6:Minimum ventilation

Supply air VAV duct area VavSuDuctArea 0.05 [m2]

▶ Duct cross-sectional area, user-entered or 0.54 [ft2]
calculated by controller using the duct shape,
dimension A and dimension B values.
0…1 [m2], 0.0…10.76 [ft2]

Supply air VAV flow coefficient VavSuFlCoef 0.780

▶ The value used to calibrate span of air flow
measurement; the value of calc flow coefficient
is written to this object upon the Calibrate

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Exhaust calibration
Description Object Type Default value
Extract air VAV balancing state VavExBalSta MCnfVal 1:Initial
▶ Indicates the state of progress of the
balancing process for this VAV box; is
written by the controller in response to the
user-entered balance command; persists
through a power cycle.

Extract air VAV balancing mode VavExBalMod MCnfVal 1:Maximum

▶ Air flow value set by the air balancer ventilation
person to select the airflowsetpoint value
used when the balancing state =
1:Maximum ventilation
2:Minimum ventilation

Extract air VAV duct area VavExDuctArea ACnfVal 0.050 [m2]

▶ Duct cross-sectional area, user-entered 0.540 [ft2]
or calculated by controller using the duct
shape, dimension A and dimension B
0...1 [m2], 0.0...10.76 [ft2]

Extract air VAV flow coefficient VavExFlCoef ACnfVal 0.780

▶ The value used to calibrate span of
airflow measurement; the value of calc
flow coefficient is written to this object
upon the Calibrate command.

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Pressurized room, advanced temperature control

21.8 Pressurized room, advanced temperature control

The pressurized room with thermal power application is a separate application type.
Each application type can also combine a radiant/chilled ceiling or radiator
application. The image below provides an overview of the application type with all
possible components that can be configured for a pressurized room with thermal
power application.
The thermal power control function is a room temperature control algorithm that
includes a PID feedback controller and heat transfer calculations. It controls the
room temperature by adjusting the supply flow rate and supply flow temperature.
When the supply flow changes due to pressurization or ventilation demands, this
function adjusts the supply air temperature to balance the heat flow to the room.
Plant diagram

Figure: Application types for pressurized room, advanced temperature control


DXR2… Automation Station B4 Primary air temperature

B1 Return air temperature sensor R1 Room operator unit

B3 Supply air sensor D1 Presence

YC Chilled water cooling coils D2 Window contact

P Pressure sensor YS VAV supply air

YH Hot water heating coils or electric YE VAV extract air

heating coils

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21.8.1 Temperature control

Room temperature control When fume hoods open and close in a VAV laboratory, the resulting changes in
loop supply air flow can disrupt the room temperature. The thermal power sequence is
designed to reduce that disruption by calculating and applying a compensating
change in the supply air temperature. The calculation is based on a constant room
temperature, which is assumed to be the comfort heating setpoint.
In other modes, other temperature sequence applies and separate heating and
cooling setpoints are supported.

Room temperature The room temperature PID output is a percentage that goes above and below zero.
feedback The value represents a heat transfer rate to the room by the supply air terminal.
Supply air flow control Supply air temperature control loop maps the desired supply air temperature to the
loop supply air temperature range configured for the terminal. It is transmitted to the
terminal as percentage. The heating coil function maps that percentage back to
temperature to calculate the supply air temperature setpoint. The supply air
temperature PID calculates the valve opening needed to drive the measured
supply air temperature to the setpoint.
Calculate supply air The discharge temperature setpoint comes from scaling the feedback value up or
temperature heating and down according to the current supply airflow rate. Typically, it scales up because
cooling setpoint the actual flow is less than the maximum heating or cooling flow. If the flow rate is
low, it takes a greater temperature difference to deliver the same heating or cooling
Calculate supply flow When cooling is required, the value of the temperature loop is negative and is
setpoint for cooling and limited by the supply flow minimum and maximum. The output cooling demand, in
heating percent, is then calculated and mapped to the cooling airflow limits.
When heating is required, the value of the temperature loop is positive and is
limited by the supply flow minimum and maximum. The output heating demand, in
percent, is then calculated and mapped to the heating airflow limits. Thermal power active

Temperature control Thermal Power Control feature is used in Comfort mode. The supply terminal
sequence – thermal power functions as a single element.
active It selects flow and temperature setpoints to deliver the required heat flow at the
lowest airflow rate that satisfies configured flow and temperature limits.
Heating control sequence: 1) Supply terminal, 2) Radiator, 3) Heating ceiling,
4) Heating coil
Cooling control sequence: 1) Chilled ceiling, 2) Cooling coil Thermal power inactive

Temperature control Thermal Power Control feature is not used outside of Comfort mode. The feedback
sequence – thermal power controller for the terminal is disabled and the element does not participate in the
Inactive heating/cooling sequence.
Heating control sequence: 1) Radiator, 2) Heating ceiling, 3) Heating coil,
4) VAV heating
Cooling control sequence: 1) Chilled ceiling, 2) Cooling coil, 3) VAV cooling

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Room pressurization and fume hood control
Fume hood

21.9 Fume hood

The fume hood application type handles a fume hood or other laboratory exhaust
equipment. It functions independently, but coordinates with a pressurized room
control application. The diagram below shows the components and devices that
may be configured for use in a fume hood application.

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21 Fume hood

Description Parameter Default value

Switch delay after emergency to emergency setpoint SwiDlySpEmg 300 [s]
▶ If a time value other than 0 is used, then during an
emergency purge the fume hood exhaust damper
opens to 100% for that amount of time, after which the
damper will go to the emergency purge setpoint value
in the fume hood exhaust air setpoint AF (FhSpEhxx).

Low air volume flow alarm limit LoAirFlAlmLm 70 [%]

Low air volume flow warning limit LoAirFlWarnLm 85 [%]

High air volume flow warning limit HiAirFlWarnLm 135 [%]

▶ If the client chooses not to use the high flow warning
limit, set to a high value such as 500%.

High air volume flow alarm limit HiAirFlAlmLm 150 [%]

▶ If the client chooses not to use the high flow alarm
limit, set to a high value such as 500%.

Switch-on delay for alarms DlyOnAlm 5 [s]

▶ Set long enough to eliminate nuisance alarms, and
short enough to satisfy safety concerns.

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Fume hood

21.9.1 Special operating modes

Under Normal circumstances the fume hood operates according to the selected,
normal exhaust flow control strategy. Special modes may be implemented for
special circumstances that arise in a laboratory. Configuration and activation of any
special operating modes should be based on documented safety procedures for
the laboratory.
Fume hood Occupancy schedule source – Specifies whether the fume hood responds to its
own occupancy schedule or to one for the room.
Emergency Flow – In many laboratories, work procedures for handling a spill or
other problem in the hood is to close the sash and press the button to call for more
air flow. Details for increasing the flow level are configurable, and should be set
according to the safety procedures of the laboratory. The controller can indicate
this state to the BAS so it can be annunciated to selected personnel.
Unoccupied – The application may be programmed to respond differently
according to the presence of workers. Parameters for triggering sash opening
alarms may change. (Sashes should be closed when workers are absent.) If the
client’s safety policies support the practice, air flow levels or velocities may change
with occupancy. (As an energy conservation measure, this is inferior to closing the
Fire – Fire in a facility raises many issues related to ventilation systems. This may
lead the HVAC engineer to select special flow rates to be applied in a fire. The
application supports this function.
Decommissioned – The client’s activity may eliminate the need for a particular
fume hood for a long time. The application supports putting the hood completely
out of service for laboratories that have the necessary administrative procedures.
Several mode variables interact within the control application to determine the
operating mode, based on configuration data and dynamic inputs. Some of these
features help conserve energy in a laboratory, but might also affect safety.
Decisions about what to implement and how should always include input from
someone responsible for safety in the laboratory.
Fume hood sash Presence detector for sash alert – Defines whether presence detector has an effect
on sash alert. If presence detector alert is Inactive, then there is no effect.
If presence detector alert is active and the presence detector indicates presence,
then sash area / position is compared to the occupied alert area or occupied alert
position to determine if sash alert should be on or off. If presence detector
indicates absent, sash area / position is compared to unoccupied alert area or
unoccupied alert position to determine if sash alert should be on or off.
Occupied alert area – When the sash is open beyond this level and fume hood
occupancy is Occupied or Override to occupied, or, presence detection alert is
active and presence is detected, then fume hood sash open alert will be triggered.
Occupied alert position – When the sash is open beyond this level and fume hood
occupancy is Occupied or Override to occupied, or, presence detection alert is
active and presence is detected, then fume hood sash open alert will be triggered.
Unoccupied alert area – When the sash is open beyond this level and fume hood
occupancy is Unoccupied or Pending unoccupied, or, presence detection alert is
active and current detection indicates absence, then fume hood sash open alert
will be triggered.
Unoccupied alert position – When the sash is open beyond this level and fume
hood occupancy is Unoccupied or Pending unoccupied, or, presence detection
alert is active and current detection indicates absence, then fume hood sash open
alert will be triggered.
Maximum opening alert area – Defines maximum safe operating sash height.
When the sash is open beyond this level, fume hood sash maximum alert, is
triggered (Instant buzzer and yellow LED on ODP). This is not dependent on fume
hood occupancy state or presence detection.

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Maximum opening alert position – Defines maximum safe operating sash height.
When the sash is open beyond this level, fume hood sash maximum alert, is
triggered (immediate indication on ODP). This is not dependent on fume hood
occupancy state or presence detector.
Check low sash for low air volume flow – Defines whether the system checks sash
position upon a schedule change from occupied to unoccupied. If set to Inactive,
the fume hood occupancy is allowed to go to unoccupied regardless of sash
position / face area. If set to Active, sash must be lower than the unoccupied alert
area or unoccupied alert position before fume hood occupancy can change to
unoccupied. If set to Active and the sash is open during a schedule change, fume
hood occupancy goes to "Unoccupied pending".
Switch-on delay to low air volume flow – The amount of time that must elapse after
fume hood occupancy changes to Unoccupied, before fume hood operating mode
changes from Control to Low air flow. The ODP will indicate this impending change
if there are no alarms present.
Enable schedule override from ODP – (QMX3.P88 only) For a fume hood that
follows an assigned schedule, setting to 1: Yes will enable the fume hood operator
to manually override the schedule at the ODP. When the hand button on the ODP
is pressed by the hood operator, the fume hood will remain in occupied mode until
the command is released at the next scheduled occupancy state.

21.9.2 Exhaust flow control strategy

The fume hood application regulates exhaust flow to a setpoint selected according
to several selectable strategies. The strategies determine the required exhaust flow
setpoint using sensors and indications from the fume hood user at the ODP.
Sash sensing The application uses one or two sensors two indicate position of a sash or sashes
that move vertically. The modulating exhaust flow setpoint can be calculated
directly from sash position or through face area calculations for a constant face
velocity. Configurable minimum and maximum flow limits apply to either strategy.
Face velocity sensing The application uses a velocity sensor, installed through the wall of the fume hood,
to represent face velocity. A control loop modulates the exhaust flow setpoint to
maintain the indicated velocity at the face velocity setpoint. Configurable minimum
and maximum flow limits apply to either strategy.
Face velocity sensing may be combined with sash sensing. Exhaust flow control

A differential pressure sensor is typically connected to the DXR2 for an application
with internal volume flow control.
The application is optimized for use with a fast damper actuator (end to end stroke
in 2 seconds) and fast flow control performance, but can also operate more slowly.
The present damper position is determined in all cases by DXR2 and provided to
the central function for optimizing the supply air fan.

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Fume hood

21.9.3 Communication to room control

The fume hood controller communicates with a room controller through group data
The fume hood setpoint may need to be increased due to laboratory temperature
or laboratory airflow requirements. A fume hood demand request will be sent from
the laboratory room to maintain proper pressurization.
Variables collected by room:
● Air flow value for tracking (reflects flow or setpoint)
● Fume hood minimum provided air flow for exhaust
● Fume hood maximum provided air flow for exhaust

The fume hood minimum and maximum airflow provided signals are collected by
the room.
Variables distributed from room:
● Occupancy
● Fume hood exhaust air flow request from room
Exhaust setpoint The exhaust airflow request from the room will only change the exhaust airflow
determination setpoint when the exhaust setpoint selection is set to auto.
When the occupied exhaust airflow setpoint is higher than minimum, the exhaust
airflow request from the room will be evaluated against the maximum airflow
When the occupied exhaust airflow setpoint is equal to minimum setpoint, the
exhaust airflow request from the room will be evaluated against minimum airflow
When the unoccupied exhaust airflow setpoint is higher than minimum setpoint, the
room exhaust airflow request from the room will be evaluated against the max
airflow setpoint. If the exhaust request is higher than the unoccupied exhaust
airflow setpoint, the exhaust airflow setpoint will be set equal to the exhaust
When the unoccupied exhaust setpoint is less than or equal to minimum setpoint,
the exhaust airflow request from the room will be evaluated against the minimum
airflow setpoint. If the exhaust request is higher than minimum airflow setpoint and
higher than the unoccupied exhaust airflow setpoint, the exhaust airflow setpoint
will be set equal to the exhaust request.

Interface Description Type Ref. Owned by

FhVFace Fume hood face velocity AI ● Room
segment /

FhSpAirFlEh Fume hood exhaust air volume flow setpoint APrcVal ● -

FhSpAirFlRelEh Fume hood exhaust setpoint for relative air ACalcVal ● -

volume flow

FhVFaceEff Fume hood effective face velocity ACalcVal ● -

FhAirFlReqEh Fume hood exhaust air volume flow request ACalcVal ● -

from room

FhAflMinEffEh Fume hood exhaust effective minimum air ACalcVal ● -

volume flow

FhAflMaxPvdEh Fume hood maximum provided air volume ACalcVal ● -

flow for exhaust

FhAflMinPvdEh Fume hood minimum provided air volume ACalcVal ● -

flow for exhaust

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Interface Description Type Ref. Owned by

FhSpVFace Fume hood face velocity setpoint ACalcVal ● -

FhSpAirFlManEh Fume hood exhaust manual air volume flow ACnfVal ● -


FhUcdSpVFace Fume hood unoccupied face velocity ACnfVal ● -


FhOcdSpVFace Fume hood occupied face velocity setpoint ACnfVal ● -

21.9.4 Fume hood and ODP interaction

The fume hood controller communicates with a hood user through the Operating
Display Panel. The Operating Display Panel(s) are networked PL-Link devices.
The primary purpose of the ODP is to indicate to the user that the hood is or is not
drawing the proper air flow rate. The Fume Hood Flow Alarm state is the data used
to indicate sufficient flow. The ODP indicates the alarm state through three media:
● Text displayed on screen (QMX3.P87)
● Red, Yellow, green indicator lights
● Horn
The Horn Silence Button lets a hood user silence the horn temporarily.
The Emergency Button on the QMX3.P87 lets a user call for a high flow rate in
special circumstances that should be defined by the safe operating procedures for
the laboratory.
Additional ODP Features The ODP supports a rich set of secondary features that can be applied where they
are needed.
● Numerical display of flow or velocity
● Light switch
● Sash closer
● Manually select air flow or velocity
● Prevent scheduled mode change (QMX3.P88)
● Indicate over use of exhaust system capacity
● Indicate high exhaust flow temperature (according to EN 14175 Part 7)
● Energy Efficiency feature (Green Leaf)
● Alert user to excess sash opening

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Description Parameter Default value

Value to display DspyValue 2:Face velocity
2:Face velocity
3:Exhaust air volume flow
4:Exhaust level
5:Differential air pressure
▶ Alarms will still be displayed at the ODP if set to

Switch-on delay for sash opening alert DlyOnSashAlrt 300 [s]

▶ The length of time after FhSashOpnAlrt turns on
before the buzzer will start to beep. It is also the time
after the buzzer silence is pressed in response to a
sash open alert before the buzzer will start beeping

Enable sash tone EnSashTone 0:No

▶ Set to yes to allow the buzzer to be activated in the
event of a sash opening alert or in the event of a sash
maximum opening alert.

Switch-off delay for sash maximum opening buzzer DlyOffSshmBzz 0 [s]

▶ The buzzer will be immediately turned on in the event
of a sash maximum opening alert. The buzzer will be
automatically silenced after the time defined. The auto
silence feature is disabled when DlyOffSshmBzz is set
to 0.

Air velocity unit AirVUnit [m/s]

▶ Defined by selected engineering unit – do not [ft/min]

Air volume flow unit AirFlUnit [m3/h]

▶ Defined by selected engineering unit – do not [ft3]
change. [l/s]

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21 Fume hood

21.9.5 Stabilizing jet

The stabilizing jet feature is used to monitor and control a fume hood stabilizing jet
fan. The status of the stabilizing jet fan is shared with other functions to determine
exhaust volume setpoints and generate alarms. The stabilizing jet fan is turned on
and off based on fume hood sash position and, fume exhaust air volume flow.
A differential pressure switch is normally used to determine if the stabilizing jet fan
is operating properly. Occasionally a differential pressure switch is not installed.
The stabilizing jet alarm will always be off when the differential pressure switch is
not present.

Description Parameter Default value

Setpoint for stabilizing jet fan speed SpStbFanSpd 42 [%]
▶ The speed signal to the stabilizing jet fan when the
fan is operating. Set according to the fume hood
manufactures instruction.

Switch-off sash position for stabilizing jet fan SwiOffSshpFan 4.0 [cm]
▶ The stabilizing jet fan will be off when the sash is 1.6 [in]
below this position. Set according to the fume hood
manufactures instruction. Only used with FhSash15.

Switch-on sash position for stabilizing jet fan SwiOnSshpFan 8.0 [cm]
▶ The stabilizing jet fan will be on when the sash is 3.1 [in]
above this position. Set according to the fume hood
manufactures instruction. Only used with FhSash15.

Switch-off area for stabilizing jet fan SwiOffAreaFan 0.06 [m2]

▶ The stabilizing jet fan will be off when the face area is 0.65 [ft2]
less than this value. Set according to the fume hood
manufactures instruction. Only used with

Switch-on area for stabilizing jet fan SwiOnAreaFan 0.12 [m2]

▶ The stabilizing jet fan will be on when the face area is 1.29 [ft2]
greater than this value. Set according to the fume hood
manufactures instruction. Only used with

Switch-off point for exhaust air volume flow for SwiOffAflEhFan 150 [m3/h]
stabilizing jet fan 88.3 [ft3/min]
▶ The stabilizing jet fan will be turned off if FhAirFlEh < 41.67 [l/s]
SwiOffAflEhFan for a time longer than DlyOffFanAirFl.
Set according to the fume hood manufactures

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Lighting applications
Manual switching or dimmed light

22 Lighting applications

22.1 Manual switching or dimmed light

The application controls local switching and dimming of lighting in the room. It is
optimized for short response times between pushing the button and the response
by the lighting actuator.
The room occupancy has the following commands available to manually operate
● Switch on
● Switch off
● Dimming up
● Dimming down
Manual operation Manual operation by the user can override any existing automation in the room.
overrides automatic Any manual operation must be released to return to automatic mode.
DXR2 applications have the following methods to this end:
● A central scheduler program
● Presence detector detecting non-occupancy
● Central commands from the management station
● By manual operation (first-time switch on or appropriately configured button)

Description Name Default value

Enable brightness control by switch-on command EnBrgtCtlSwiOn 1:Yes

Burn-in function Each lighting application function possesses a burn-in function for newly installed
fluorescent lights that must be burned in. This ensures that the lights achieve their
maximum brightness and life expectancy:
● T5 fluorescent lamps require a burn-in time of 100 hours.
● T8 fluorescent lamps require a burn-in time of 20 hours.
Refer to manufacturer data on fluorescent lights for more detailed information.
You cannot dim fluorescent lights during the burn-in period. You can switch off
fluorescent lights during the burn-in period.
The burn-in function ensures that newly installed fluorescent lights are not dimmed
during the required burn-in period, either by a control algorithm or manual dimming.
The minimum actual value for the lighting output is set to the minimum burn-in
value. As a result, the connected lighting can only be switched on or switched on to
the minimum burn-in value during the burn-in period.
As soon as the hours of operation counter reaches the required number of hours
for burn in, the minimum value of the output lighting (BACnet Property Minimal
Actual Value) is set to the value OpMinVal; the maximum value of the output
lighting (BACnet Property Maximal Actual Value) is set to the value OpMaxVal.

217 | 276
Siemens A6V10866237_en--_b_06
Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Lighting applications
22 Manual switching or dimmed light

Description Name Default value

Burn-in operating hours OphBrnin 00:00:00

Burn-in minimum value BrninMinVal 100 [%]

Operating phase minimum value OpMinVal 0.5 [%]

Operating phase maximum value OpMaxVal 100 [%]

Prewarning during switch Each lighting application has a prewarning function. When enabled, the prewarning
off function does not immediately turn off lighting when the push button is manually
pushed. The light blinks in advance for a defined period. The room user can
permanently turn on the light again by pressing the button during the prewarning

Description Name Default value

Prewarning function PreWarnFnct 0:Disable

Prewarning time TiPreWarn 60 [s]

Operating hours counter Each lighting application has an operating hours counter. It indicates the time the
light was switched on since the last time the counter was reset. Always manually
reset the counter if exchanging luminaires. You can reset the counter via central
operation or on the DXR2 web server.

Description Name Default value

Operating hours Oph 00:00:00

Control of state LED The DXR2 can control KNX PL-Link push buttons or room operator units with
integrated LED state displays. The following state displays can be configured:

● Always off:
State LEDs are always switched off on push buttons/room operator unit.

● Lighting on:
The state LEDs for the push buttons (switch off/darker) are switched on if the
lights are switched on.

● Lighting off:
The state LEDs for the push buttons (switch on/brighter) are switched on if the
lights are switched off.

● Manual operation lock:

All state LEDs are switched on if the push buttons/room operator unit is locked
for manual operation.

● Lighting on, or manual operation lock:

The state LEDs of the push buttons (switch off/darker) are switched on if the
lights are switched on and all state LEDs are switched on if manual operation is

218 | 276
Siemens A6V10866237_en--_b_06
Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Lighting applications
Stairwell lighting

● Lighting off, or manual operation lock:

The state LEDs of the push buttons (switch on/brighter) are switched on if the
lights are switched off and all state LEDs are switched on if manual operation is

Description Name Default value

Room operator unit, LED indication RuLED Lighting off, or
manual operation

22.2 Stairwell lighting

The application provides scheduled switch off of lighting. Lighting is switched on
manually. After the overshoot time, it is automatically switched off. This function is
often used in stairwells and hallways. It is optimized for short response times
between pushing the button and the response by the lighting actuator.

The room occupancy has the following commands available to manually operate
● Switch on
● Switch off
● Dimming up
● Dimming down
Automatic switch off All light applications have an automatic switch-off function A parameter is used to
enable the function. A second parameters determines the switch-off time.
A manually switched light application is configured to create stairwell lighting with
the function switched on for automatic switch off.

Description Name Default value

Automatic switch-off function AutoOffFnct 0:Disable

Automatic switch-off time TiAutoOff 60 [s]

219 | 276
Siemens A6V10866237_en--_b_06
Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Lighting applications
22 Stairwell lighting

Prewarning during switch Each lighting application has a prewarning function. When enabled, the prewarning
off function does not immediately turn off lighting when the push button is manually
pushed. The light blinks in advance for a defined period. The room user can
permanently turn on the light again by pressing the button during the prewarning

Description Name Default value

Prewarning function PreWarnFnct 0:Disable

Prewarning time TiPreWarn 60 [s]

Manual operation Manual operation by the user can override any existing automation in the room.
overrides automatic Any manual operation must be released to return to automatic mode.
DXR2 applications have the following methods to this end:
● A central scheduler program
● Presence detector detecting non-occupancy
● Central commands from the management station
● By manual operation (first-time switch on or appropriately configured button)

Description Name Default value

Enable brightness control by switch-on command EnBrgtCtlSwiOn 1:Yes

Burn-in function Each lighting application function possesses a burn-in function for newly installed
fluorescent lights that must be burned in. This ensures that the lights achieve their
maximum brightness and life expectancy:
● T5 fluorescent lamps require a burn-in time of 100 hours.
● T8 fluorescent lamps require a burn-in time of 20 hours.
Refer to manufacturer data on fluorescent lights for more detailed information.
You cannot dim fluorescent lights during the burn-in period. You can switch off
fluorescent lights during the burn-in period.
The burn-in function ensures that newly installed fluorescent lights are not dimmed
during the required burn-in period, either by a control algorithm or manual dimming.
The minimum actual value for the lighting output is set to the minimum burn-in
value. As a result, the connected lighting can only be switched on or switched on to
the minimum burn-in value during the burn-in period.
As soon as the hours of operation counter reaches the required number of hours
for burn in, the minimum value of the output lighting (BACnet Property Minimal
Actual Value) is set to the value OpMinVal; the maximum value of the output
lighting (BACnet Property Maximal Actual Value) is set to the value OpMaxVal.

220 | 276
Siemens A6V10866237_en--_b_06
Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Lighting applications
Stairwell lighting

Description Name Default value

Burn-in operating hours OphBrnin 00:00:00

Burn-in minimum value BrninMinVal 100 [%]

Operating phase minimum value OpMinVal 0.5 [%]

Operating phase maximum value OpMaxVal 100 [%]

Operating hours counter Each lighting application has an operating hours counter. It indicates the time the
light was switched on since the last time the counter was reset. Always manually
reset the counter if exchanging luminaires. You can reset the counter via central
operation or on the DXR2 web server.

Description Name Default value

Operating hours Oph 00:00:00

Control of state LED The DXR2 can control KNX PL-Link push buttons or room operator units with
integrated LED state displays. The following state displays can be configured:

● Always off:
State LEDs are always switched off on push buttons/room operator unit.

● Lighting on:
The state LEDs for the push buttons (switch off/darker) are switched on if the
lights are switched on.

● Lighting off:
The state LEDs for the push buttons (switch on/brighter) are switched on if the
lights are switched off.

● Manual operation lock:

All state LEDs are switched on if the push buttons/room operator unit is locked
for manual operation.

● Lighting on, or manual operation lock:

The state LEDs of the push buttons (switch off/darker) are switched on if the
lights are switched on and all state LEDs are switched on if manual operation is

● Lighting off, or manual operation lock:

The state LEDs of the push buttons (switch on/brighter) are switched on if the
lights are switched off and all state LEDs are switched on if manual operation is

Description Name Default value

Room operator unit, LED indication RuLED Lighting off, or
manual operation

221 | 276
Siemens A6V10866237_en--_b_06
Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Lighting applications
22 Presence-dependent lighting control

22.3 Presence-dependent lighting control

The application switches lighting on and off based on occupancy of people in the
room. The presence detector switches to the state occupied when movement is
detected. The time between two movements is bridged with a presence detector
delay off. Each movement detected by the presence detector restarts the delay off
presence detector.

Symbol Description
Movement detected by the presence detector. Each movement restarts the delay off
presence detector (DlyOffPscDet).

In use

Description Name Default value

Lighting switch-off delay presence detector LgtDlyOfPscDet 300 [s]

The room occupancy has the following commands available to manually operate
● Switch on
● Switch off
● Dimming up
● Dimming down
Manual operation using The presence button is used to establish occupancy in a room. It is used in place
the presence button of a presence detector. Establishing occupancy with a presence button is not
automatic, but rather the result of a user action. When entering the room, the user
switches to occupied using a presence button. When exiting the room, the user
switches to "absent" using the presence button.
Manual operation Manual operation by the user can override any existing automation in the room.
overrides automatic Any manual operation must be released to return to automatic mode.
DXR2 applications have the following methods to this end:
● A central scheduler program
● Presence detector detecting non-occupancy
● Central commands from the management station
● By manual operation (first-time switch on or appropriately configured button)

Description Name Default value

Enable brightness control by switch-on command EnBrgtCtlSwiOn 1:Yes

222 | 276
Siemens A6V10866237_en--_b_06
Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Lighting applications
Presence-dependent lighting control

Burn-in function Each lighting application function possesses a burn-in function for newly installed
fluorescent lights that must be burned in. This ensures that the lights achieve their
maximum brightness and life expectancy:
● T5 fluorescent lamps require a burn-in time of 100 hours.
● T8 fluorescent lamps require a burn-in time of 20 hours.
Refer to manufacturer data on fluorescent lights for more detailed information.
You cannot dim fluorescent lights during the burn-in period. You can switch off
fluorescent lights during the burn-in period.
The burn-in function ensures that newly installed fluorescent lights are not dimmed
during the required burn-in period, either by a control algorithm or manual dimming.
The minimum actual value for the lighting output is set to the minimum burn-in
value. As a result, the connected lighting can only be switched on or switched on to
the minimum burn-in value during the burn-in period.
As soon as the hours of operation counter reaches the required number of hours
for burn in, the minimum value of the output lighting (BACnet Property Minimal
Actual Value) is set to the value OpMinVal; the maximum value of the output
lighting (BACnet Property Maximal Actual Value) is set to the value OpMaxVal.

Description Name Default value

Burn-in operating hours OphBrnin 00:00:00

Burn-in minimum value BrninMinVal 100 [%]

Operating phase minimum value OpMinVal 0.5 [%]

Operating phase maximum value OpMaxVal 100 [%]

Prewarning during switch Each lighting application has a prewarning function. When enabled, the prewarning
off function does not immediately turn off lighting when the push button is manually
pushed. The light blinks in advance for a defined period. The room user can
permanently turn on the light again by pressing the button during the prewarning

Description Name Default value

Prewarning function PreWarnFnct 0:Disable

Prewarning time TiPreWarn 60 [s]

Operating hours counter Each lighting application has an operating hours counter. It indicates the time the
light was switched on since the last time the counter was reset. Always manually
reset the counter if exchanging luminaires. You can reset the counter via central
operation or on the DXR2 web server.

Description Name Default value

Operating hours Oph 00:00:00

223 | 276
Siemens A6V10866237_en--_b_06
Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Lighting applications
22 Presence-dependent lighting control

Control of state LED The DXR2 can control KNX PL-Link push buttons or room operator units with
integrated LED state displays. The following state displays can be configured:

● Always off:
State LEDs are always switched off on push buttons/room operator unit.

● Lighting on:
The state LEDs for the push buttons (switch off/darker) are switched on if the
lights are switched on.

● Lighting off:
The state LEDs for the push buttons (switch on/brighter) are switched on if the
lights are switched off.

● Manual operation lock:

All state LEDs are switched on if the push buttons/room operator unit is locked
for manual operation.

● Lighting on, or manual operation lock:

The state LEDs of the push buttons (switch off/darker) are switched on if the
lights are switched on and all state LEDs are switched on if manual operation is

● Lighting off, or manual operation lock:

The state LEDs of the push buttons (switch on/brighter) are switched on if the
lights are switched off and all state LEDs are switched on if manual operation is

Description Name Default value

Room operator unit, LED indication RuLED Lighting off, or
manual operation

224 | 276
Siemens A6V10866237_en--_b_06
Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Lighting applications
Control for daylight based lighting and dusk/dawn switching

22.4 Control for daylight based lighting and dusk/dawn

The application automatically turns off lighting if sufficient daylight is measured in
the room and turns it back on for too little daylight. It requires a brightness sensor
in the room. The automatic function for turning off the lights can also be locked or
The application can also be used to implement dawn/dusk switching. The
application turns on lighting in the room at dawn/dusk. An outdoor brightness
sensor can be use instead of placing a brightness sensor in the room.

Description Name Default value

Enable daylight measurement EnDlgtMsm 1:Yes

Influence of daylight and The parameters luminance, correction factor daylight, and correction factor artificial
artificial light light must be determined by the corresponding brightness measurement in the
room and saved to the automation station to ensure daylight-dependent lighting in
the room is operating properly.
The room occupancy has the following commands available to manually operate
● Switch on
● Switch off
● Dimming up
● Dimming down
Manual operation Manual operation by the user can override any existing automation in the room.
overrides automatic Any manual operation must be released to return to automatic mode.
DXR2 applications have the following methods to this end:
● A central scheduler program
● Presence detector detecting non-occupancy
● Central commands from the management station
● By manual operation (first-time switch on or appropriately configured button)

225 | 276
Siemens A6V10866237_en--_b_06
Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Lighting applications
22 Control for daylight based lighting and dusk/dawn switching

Description Name Default value

Enable brightness control by switch-on command EnBrgtCtlSwiOn 1:Yes

Burn-in function Each lighting application function possesses a burn-in function for newly installed
fluorescent lights that must be burned in. This ensures that the lights achieve their
maximum brightness and life expectancy:
● T5 fluorescent lamps require a burn-in time of 100 hours.
● T8 fluorescent lamps require a burn-in time of 20 hours.
Refer to manufacturer data on fluorescent lights for more detailed information.
You cannot dim fluorescent lights during the burn-in period. You can switch off
fluorescent lights during the burn-in period.
The burn-in function ensures that newly installed fluorescent lights are not dimmed
during the required burn-in period, either by a control algorithm or manual dimming.
The minimum actual value for the lighting output is set to the minimum burn-in
value. As a result, the connected lighting can only be switched on or switched on to
the minimum burn-in value during the burn-in period.
As soon as the hours of operation counter reaches the required number of hours
for burn in, the minimum value of the output lighting (BACnet Property Minimal
Actual Value) is set to the value OpMinVal; the maximum value of the output
lighting (BACnet Property Maximal Actual Value) is set to the value OpMaxVal.

Description Name Default value

Burn-in operating hours OphBrnin 00:00:00

Burn-in minimum value BrninMinVal 100 [%]

Operating phase minimum value OpMinVal 0.5 [%]

Operating phase maximum value OpMaxVal 100 [%]

Prewarning during switch Each lighting application has a prewarning function. When enabled, the prewarning
off function does not immediately turn off lighting when the push button is manually
pushed. The light blinks in advance for a defined period. The room user can
permanently turn on the light again by pressing the button during the prewarning

Description Name Default value

Prewarning function PreWarnFnct 0:Disable

Prewarning time TiPreWarn 60 [s]

Operating hours counter Each lighting application has an operating hours counter. It indicates the time the
light was switched on since the last time the counter was reset. Always manually
reset the counter if exchanging luminaires. You can reset the counter via central
operation or on the DXR2 web server.

Description Name Default value

Operating hours Oph 00:00:00

226 | 276
Siemens A6V10866237_en--_b_06
Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Lighting applications
Constant lighting control with one light group in the room

Control of state LED The DXR2 can control KNX PL-Link push buttons or room operator units with
integrated LED state displays. The following state displays can be configured:

● Always off:
State LEDs are always switched off on push buttons/room operator unit.

● Lighting on:
The state LEDs for the push buttons (switch off/darker) are switched on if the
lights are switched on.

● Lighting off:
The state LEDs for the push buttons (switch on/brighter) are switched on if the
lights are switched off.

● Manual operation lock:

All state LEDs are switched on if the push buttons/room operator unit is locked
for manual operation.

● Lighting on, or manual operation lock:

The state LEDs of the push buttons (switch off/darker) are switched on if the
lights are switched on and all state LEDs are switched on if manual operation is

● Lighting off, or manual operation lock:

The state LEDs of the push buttons (switch on/brighter) are switched on if the
lights are switched off and all state LEDs are switched on if manual operation is

Description Name Default value

Room operator unit, LED indication RuLED Lighting off, or
manual operation

22.5 Constant lighting control with one light group in the

The constant lighting control application ensures seamless control of artificial light
based on room brightness. A brightness sensor mounted on the ceiling in a room
acquires the brightness in the room as a sum total of artificial light and daylight.
The previously defined brightness value in the room is maintained at a constant
level. Artificial light is switched off if not needed.

227 | 276
Siemens A6V10866237_en--_b_06
Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Lighting applications
22 Constant lighting control with one light group in the room

When adding presence detectors, lighting is controlled based on daylight and

A lighting group controls in the room:

Influence of daylight and The parameters luminance, correction factor daylight, and correction factor artificial
artificial light light must be determined by the corresponding brightness measurement in the
room and saved to the automation station to ensure daylight-dependent lighting in
the room is operating properly.
The room occupancy has the following commands available to manually operate
● Switch on
● Switch off
● Dimming up
● Dimming down
Manual operation using The presence button is used to establish occupancy in a room. It is used in place
the presence button of a presence detector. Establishing occupancy with a presence button is not
automatic, but rather the result of a user action. When entering the room, the user
switches to occupied using a presence button. When exiting the room, the user
switches to "absent" using the presence button.
Manual operation Manual operation by the user can override any existing automation in the room.
overrides automatic Any manual operation must be released to return to automatic mode.
DXR2 applications have the following methods to this end:
● A central scheduler program
● Presence detector detecting non-occupancy
● Central commands from the management station
● By manual operation (first-time switch on or appropriately configured button)

Description Name Default value

Enable brightness control by switch-on command EnBrgtCtlSwiOn 1:Yes

228 | 276
Siemens A6V10866237_en--_b_06
Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Lighting applications
Constant lighting control with one light group in the room

Burn-in function Each lighting application function possesses a burn-in function for newly installed
fluorescent lights that must be burned in. This ensures that the lights achieve their
maximum brightness and life expectancy:
● T5 fluorescent lamps require a burn-in time of 100 hours.
● T8 fluorescent lamps require a burn-in time of 20 hours.
Refer to manufacturer data on fluorescent lights for more detailed information.
You cannot dim fluorescent lights during the burn-in period. You can switch off
fluorescent lights during the burn-in period.
The burn-in function ensures that newly installed fluorescent lights are not dimmed
during the required burn-in period, either by a control algorithm or manual dimming.
The minimum actual value for the lighting output is set to the minimum burn-in
value. As a result, the connected lighting can only be switched on or switched on to
the minimum burn-in value during the burn-in period.
As soon as the hours of operation counter reaches the required number of hours
for burn in, the minimum value of the output lighting (BACnet Property Minimal
Actual Value) is set to the value OpMinVal; the maximum value of the output
lighting (BACnet Property Maximal Actual Value) is set to the value OpMaxVal.

Description Name Default value

Burn-in operating hours OphBrnin 00:00:00

Burn-in minimum value BrninMinVal 100 [%]

Operating phase minimum value OpMinVal 0.5 [%]

Operating phase maximum value OpMaxVal 100 [%]

Prewarning during switch Each lighting application has a prewarning function. When enabled, the prewarning
off function does not immediately turn off lighting when the push button is manually
pushed. The light blinks in advance for a defined period. The room user can
permanently turn on the light again by pressing the button during the prewarning

Description Name Default value

Prewarning function PreWarnFnct 0:Disable

Prewarning time TiPreWarn 60 [s]

Operating hours counter Each lighting application has an operating hours counter. It indicates the time the
light was switched on since the last time the counter was reset. Always manually
reset the counter if exchanging luminaires. You can reset the counter via central
operation or on the DXR2 web server.

Description Name Default value

Operating hours Oph 00:00:00

229 | 276
Siemens A6V10866237_en--_b_06
Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Lighting applications
22 Constant lighting control with multiple lighting groups in the room

Control of state LED The DXR2 can control KNX PL-Link push buttons or room operator units with
integrated LED state displays. The following state displays can be configured:

● Always off:
State LEDs are always switched off on push buttons/room operator unit.

● Lighting on:
The state LEDs for the push buttons (switch off/darker) are switched on if the
lights are switched on.

● Lighting off:
The state LEDs for the push buttons (switch on/brighter) are switched on if the
lights are switched off.

● Manual operation lock:

All state LEDs are switched on if the push buttons/room operator unit is locked
for manual operation.

● Lighting on, or manual operation lock:

The state LEDs of the push buttons (switch off/darker) are switched on if the
lights are switched on and all state LEDs are switched on if manual operation is

● Lighting off, or manual operation lock:

The state LEDs of the push buttons (switch on/brighter) are switched on if the
lights are switched off and all state LEDs are switched on if manual operation is

Description Name Default value

Room operator unit, LED indication RuLED Lighting off, or
manual operation

22.6 Constant lighting control with multiple lighting

groups in the room
The constant lighting control application ensures seamless control of artificial light
based on room brightness. Brightness of additional lighting groups is individually
calculated using the calculated brightness of the controlled main lighting group and
illumination fall-up characteristics, considered from the window to inside the room.
Each lighting group is individually controlled in the room which additionally lowers
energy demand for lighting.
A brightness sensor mounted on the ceiling in a room acquires the brightness in
the room as a sum total of artificial light and daylight. The previously defined
brightness value of the lighting group is maintained at a constant level. Artificial
light is switched off if not needed.
When adding presence detectors, lighting is controlled based on daylight and

230 | 276
Siemens A6V10866237_en--_b_06
Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Lighting applications
Constant lighting control with multiple lighting groups in the room

Multiple lighting groups control in the room:

Influence of daylight and The parameters luminance, correction factor daylight, and correction factor artificial
artificial light light must be determined by the corresponding brightness measurement in the
room and saved to the automation station to ensure daylight-dependent lighting in
the room is operating properly.
The room occupancy has the following commands available to manually operate
● Switch on
● Switch off
● Dimming up
● Dimming down
Manual operation using The presence button is used to establish occupancy in a room. It is used in place
the presence button of a presence detector. Establishing occupancy with a presence button is not
automatic, but rather the result of a user action. When entering the room, the user
switches to occupied using a presence button. When exiting the room, the user
switches to "absent" using the presence button.

Manual operation Manual operation by the user can override any existing automation in the room.
overrides automatic Any manual operation must be released to return to automatic mode.
DXR2 applications have the following methods to this end:
● A central scheduler program
● Presence detector detecting non-occupancy
● Central commands from the management station
● By manual operation (first-time switch on or appropriately configured button)

Description Name Default value

Enable brightness control by switch-on command EnBrgtCtlSwiOn 1:Yes

231 | 276
Siemens A6V10866237_en--_b_06
Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Lighting applications
22 Constant lighting control with multiple lighting groups in the room

Burn-in function Each lighting application function possesses a burn-in function for newly installed
fluorescent lights that must be burned in. This ensures that the lights achieve their
maximum brightness and life expectancy:
● T5 fluorescent lamps require a burn-in time of 100 hours.
● T8 fluorescent lamps require a burn-in time of 20 hours.
Refer to manufacturer data on fluorescent lights for more detailed information.
You cannot dim fluorescent lights during the burn-in period. You can switch off
fluorescent lights during the burn-in period.
The burn-in function ensures that newly installed fluorescent lights are not dimmed
during the required burn-in period, either by a control algorithm or manual dimming.
The minimum actual value for the lighting output is set to the minimum burn-in
value. As a result, the connected lighting can only be switched on or switched on to
the minimum burn-in value during the burn-in period.
As soon as the hours of operation counter reaches the required number of hours
for burn in, the minimum value of the output lighting (BACnet Property Minimal
Actual Value) is set to the value OpMinVal; the maximum value of the output
lighting (BACnet Property Maximal Actual Value) is set to the value OpMaxVal.

Description Name Default value

Burn-in operating hours OphBrnin 00:00:00

Burn-in minimum value BrninMinVal 100 [%]

Operating phase minimum value OpMinVal 0.5 [%]

Operating phase maximum value OpMaxVal 100 [%]

Prewarning during switch Each lighting application has a prewarning function. When enabled, the prewarning
off function does not immediately turn off lighting when the push button is manually
pushed. The light blinks in advance for a defined period. The room user can
permanently turn on the light again by pressing the button during the prewarning

Description Name Default value

Prewarning function PreWarnFnct 0:Disable

Prewarning time TiPreWarn 60 [s]

Operating hours counter Each lighting application has an operating hours counter. It indicates the time the
light was switched on since the last time the counter was reset. Always manually
reset the counter if exchanging luminaires. You can reset the counter via central
operation or on the DXR2 web server.

Description Name Default value

Operating hours Oph 00:00:00

232 | 276
Siemens A6V10866237_en--_b_06
Building Technologies 2017-07-01
Lighting applications
Operating strategy for light

Control of state LED The DXR2 can control KNX PL-Link push buttons or room operator units with
integrated LED state displays. The following state displays can be configured:

● Always off:
State LEDs are always switched off on push buttons/room operator unit.

● Lighting on:
The state LEDs for the push buttons (switch off/darker) are switched on if the
lights are switched on.

● Lighting off:
The state LEDs for the push buttons (switch on/brighter) are switched on if the
lights are switched off.

● Manual operation lock:

All state LEDs are switched on if the push buttons/room operator unit is locked
for manual operation.

● Lighting on, or manual operation lock:

The state LEDs of the push buttons (switch off/darker) are switched on if the
lights are switched on and all state LEDs are switched on if manual operation is

● Lighting off, or manual operation lock:

The state LEDs of the push buttons (switch on/brighter) are switched on if the
lights are switched off and all state LEDs are switched on if manual operation is

Description Name Default value

Room operator unit, LED indication RuLED Lighting off, or
manual operation

22.7 Operating strategy for light

Desigo room automation has various room operating modes available to efficiently
control lighting. The system can, depending on the selected room operating mode,
reduce light output in the rooms through the use of automatic light functions. This
generally occurs during periods of absence, at night, during holidays, when spaces
are not occupied.

Four different room operating modes are available that can execute control, via
central functions, management stations, schedulers, presence buttons in the room
or other BACnet participants in the system.

With Desigo room automation, the operating modes "Economy" and "Protection"
can determine how much light output is automatically reduced. In operating modes,
"Comfort" and "Pre-Comfort", lighting control is conversely not reduced using
automatic light functions, so that lighting can be controlled to the maximum.

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Lighting applications
22 Operating strategy for light

The reduced control for the corresponding operating mode refers to dimmable
lighting in the room. Moreover, the reduction to light output does not include
manual control of lighting using operator buttons in the room. A room occupant is
always able to control the full illuminance.

Room operating modes Four different room operating modes are available that can execute control, via
central functions, management stations, schedulers, presence buttons in the room
or other BACnet participants in the system.
Comfort: The operating mode Comfort refers to a room currently in use (occupied).
Pre-Comfort: The Pre-Comfort operating mode places control for an unoccupied
room in a state that can be quickly reset to the desired setpoints for an occupied
Economy: The Economy operating mode controls rooms that remain unoccupied
for an extended period, for example, at night or over the weekend.
Protection: The building is unoccupied over longer periods in this operating mode
(e.g. no renters, factory holidays).
The room occupancy has the following commands available to manually operate
● Switch on
● Switch off
● Dimming up
● Dimming down
Manual operation using The presence button is used to establish occupancy in a room. It is used in place
the presence button of a presence detector. Establishing occupancy with a presence button is not
automatic, but rather the result of a user action. When entering the room, the user
switches to occupied using a presence button. When exiting the room, the user
switches to "absent" using the presence button.
Manual operation Manual operation by the user can override any existing automation in the room.
overrides automatic Any manual operation must be released to return to automatic mode.
DXR2 applications have the following methods to this end:
● A central scheduler program
● Presence detector detecting non-occupancy
● Central commands from the management station
● By manual operation (first-time switch on or appropriately configured button)

Description Name Default value

Enable brightness control by switch-on command EnBrgtCtlSwiOn 1:Yes

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Lighting applications
Operating strategy for light

Burn-in function Each lighting application function possesses a burn-in function for newly installed
fluorescent lights that must be burned in. This ensures that the lights achieve their
maximum brightness and life expectancy:
● T5 fluorescent lamps require a burn-in time of 100 hours.
● T8 fluorescent lamps require a burn-in time of 20 hours.
Refer to manufacturer data on fluorescent lights for more detailed information.
You cannot dim fluorescent lights during the burn-in period. You can switch off
fluorescent lights during the burn-in period.
The burn-in function ensures that newly installed fluorescent lights are not dimmed
during the required burn-in period, either by a control algorithm or manual dimming.
The minimum actual value for the lighting output is set to the minimum burn-in
value. As a result, the connected lighting can only be switched on or switched on to
the minimum burn-in value during the burn-in period.
As soon as the hours of operation counter reaches the required number of hours
for burn in, the minimum value of the output lighting (BACnet Property Minimal
Actual Value) is set to the value OpMinVal; the maximum value of the output
lighting (BACnet Property Maximal Actual Value) is set to the value OpMaxVal.

Description Name Default value

Burn-in operating hours OphBrnin 00:00:00

Burn-in minimum value BrninMinVal 100 [%]

Operating phase minimum value OpMinVal 0.5 [%]

Operating phase maximum value OpMaxVal 100 [%]

Prewarning during switch Each lighting application has a prewarning function. When enabled, the prewarning
off function does not immediately turn off lighting when the push button is manually
pushed. The light blinks in advance for a defined period. The room user can
permanently turn on the light again by pressing the button during the prewarning

Description Name Default value

Prewarning function PreWarnFnct 0:Disable

Prewarning time TiPreWarn 60 [s]

Operating hours counter Each lighting application has an operating hours counter. It indicates the time the
light was switched on since the last time the counter was reset. Always manually
reset the counter if exchanging luminaires. You can reset the counter via central
operation or on the DXR2 web server.

Description Name Default value

Operating hours Oph 00:00:00

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Lighting applications
22 Operating strategy for light

Control of state LED The DXR2 can control KNX PL-Link push buttons or room operator units with
integrated LED state displays. The following state displays can be configured:

● Always off:
State LEDs are always switched off on push buttons/room operator unit.

● Lighting on:
The state LEDs for the push buttons (switch off/darker) are switched on if the
lights are switched on.

● Lighting off:
The state LEDs for the push buttons (switch on/brighter) are switched on if the
lights are switched off.

● Manual operation lock:

All state LEDs are switched on if the push buttons/room operator unit is locked
for manual operation.

● Lighting on, or manual operation lock:

The state LEDs of the push buttons (switch off/darker) are switched on if the
lights are switched on and all state LEDs are switched on if manual operation is

● Lighting off, or manual operation lock:

The state LEDs of the push buttons (switch on/brighter) are switched on if the
lights are switched off and all state LEDs are switched on if manual operation is

Description Name Default value

Room operator unit, LED indication RuLED Lighting off, or
manual operation

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Blinds applications
Local blinds operations

23 Blinds applications

23.1 Local blinds operations

This application control local operation of shading in the room. It is optimized for
short response times between pushing the button and the response by the lighting
The room occupancy has the following commands are available to manually
operate shading:
● Up
● Down
● Stop and step up
● Stop and step down
Manual operation Manual operation by the user can override any existing automation in the room.
overrides automatic Any manual operation must be released to return to automatic mode.
DXR2 applications have the following methods to this end:
● A central scheduler program
● Presence detector detecting non-occupancy
● Central commands from the management station
● By manual operation (first-time switch on or appropriately configured button)
LED indication on buttons The LED feedback to the KNX PL-Link pushbutton pairs can be used to provide the
room user with feedback as to whether manual operation for shading is enabled or
locked. The LED feedback can also be disabled in another operating mode. LED
feedback is then switched off.

Description Name Default value

0:Always off LED indication 0: LEDs switched
1:Manual operation locked off
operation enabled,
1=Man. operation

Group operation Multiple blinds can be manually raised and lowered with a pushbutton pair in the
room. The corresponding blinds can be assigned to the push button pair.

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Blinds applications
23 Local blinds operations

Protection functions
Safety of persons Blinds are opened during a fire to allow people to exit through a window or help
emergency responders access the facility.
Collision protection Collision protection prevents blinds from closing if a window or door is opened to
the outside.
Wind protection The protection function ensures that all blinds are commanded to a safe position
during strong winds.
Maintenance work The blinds are commanded to a defined position and blocked so that no person is
Delays central commands Delays to blinds start up are automatically considered when commanding all blinds
on a facade by a central function to prevent the start-up current for blinds motors
from negatively impacting or even overloading the building.
Monitoring blinds The function monitors communications with the blinds actuators of the Desigo
actuators for faults room automation. The management station sends a fault message is
communication fails between the Desigo room automation station and blinds
actuators. So that appropriate measures can be taken.
See central functions for additional information on protection functions.
Central functions Central functions for anti-glare protection, solar position tracking of slats, annual
shading and energy efficiency functions for blinds are included in the automatic
See description of central functions for additional information on automatic

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Blinds applications
Operating strategy for blinds

23.2 Operating strategy for blinds

Desigo room automation has various room operating modes available to efficiently
control shading. The system can efficiently control the room depending on the
selected room operating mode. This generally occurs during periods of absence, at
night, during holidays, when spaces are not occupied.

Optimum room shading must satisfy both energy and comfort-related demands.
The following factors are considered:
● Presence in the room
● Brightness value (glare, use of daylight).
● Global radiation (energy entry in room).
● Solar radiation angle on facade (basis for optimum slat angle and/or blind
● Heating and cooling demand of room.

See description Central Functions.

Room operating modes Four different room operating modes are available that can execute control, via
central functions, management stations, schedulers, presence buttons in the room
or other BACnet participants in the system.
Comfort: The operating mode Comfort refers to a room currently in use (occupied).
Pre-Comfort: The Pre-Comfort operating mode places control for an unoccupied
room in a state that can be quickly reset to the desired setpoints for an occupied
Economy: The Economy operating mode controls rooms that remain unoccupied
for an extended period, for example, at night or over the weekend.
Protection: The building is unoccupied over longer periods in this operating mode
(e.g. no renters, factory holidays).

Description Name Default value

Operating strategy for Comfort OpStrgyCmf 2:Anti-glare
1:Energy efficiency protection
2:Anti-glare protection

Operating strategy for Pre-Comfort OpStrgyPcf 2:Anti-glare


Operating strategy for Economy OpStrgyEco 1:Energy efficiency

Operating strategy for protection OpStrgyPrt 4:Down

Shading automation Shading automation includes the functions anti-glare protection, solar position
tracking of slats, annual shading, and energy efficiency functions. Curtains are
commanded to height and angle via shading automatic functions. All automatic
functions are controlled with Desigo room automation by central functions.
See description Central Functions.
Manual, local operation always overrides automatic. The local, manual commands
can also be reset, and automatic functions reactivated. It can occur using a time-
controlled reset command from the central functions. A presence detector can also
reset blinds to automatic after exiting the room.

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Blinds applications
23 Operating strategy for blinds

Figure: Overview of shading functions

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Central applications
Operating strategy for blinds

24 Central applications
Central functions The configurable DXR2 room automation provides the following central functions.
The functions are used to coordinate supply and demand signals for the entire
building or large sections thereof between the rooms and generation plants.
● Central operating groups including room operating mode, setpoints, and
seasonal compensation, lighting, shading, and emergency commands
● Demand-dependent hot water supply system with temperature setpoint
● Demand-dependent cooling water supply system with temperature setpoint,
adjustment to prevent condensation, and calculating free cooling
● Demand-dependent 2-pipe supply system for heating/cooling water including
temperature setpoint, changeover, and calculation of free cooling
● Demand-dependent air handling unit (supply and extract air) including
temperature setpoint, maximum humidity setpoint, pressure setpoint,
maintaining a minimum central air flow, calculating air flow deviation, and
cumulative air flow setpoints
● Demand-dependent heat pump supply system
● VAV emergency group including shutdown, fume hood, pressure development,
or purge
● Information of central weather station includes outside air temperature, outside
brightness, solar radiation, wind speed, and precipitation
● Central facade functions for shading, including brightness calculation, central
operating group for facade, or anti-glare protection calculation
● Central shading protection group for wind, precipitation, and frost protection,
staged distribution of blinds commands in large buildings

Load central functions on The central functions are available to the DXR2.E/M18. This application type is not
a DXR2.E/M18 preloaded at the factors, but rather must be downloaded for a specific project to
one or more DXR2.E/M18s.
As a rule, all central functions can be configured on a DXR2. All central functions
can be selected and configured on the application type for central functions.
Various aspects on a project define how many DXR2 are used with central
Required I/Os The planned use of onboard inputs for the applicable central functions (e.g. outside
temperature sensor for HVAC supply function, wind sensor for facade protection
function, etc.) determines possible distribution of central functions to multiple
automation stations.
Required supply groups One DXR2 with central functions can control the following number of supply groups:
● 4 x controls for a facade with 4 facade segments each (3 of which can be
● 4 x groups for distributing room operating mode to rooms
● 2 x hot water supply groups
● 2 x chilled water supply groups
● 1 x air supply group (based on demand)
● 1 x heat pump supply group
● 2 x HVAC emergency controls (off, positive pressure, negative pressure, or
● 2 x groups for central control of light and all facades with 4 facade segments
each (3 of which can be delayed)

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Central applications
24 Automation station for HVAC supply and demand signals and manual control for lighting and blinds

● 1 x group for emergency control of facades with 4 facade segments each

(3 of which can be delayed)
● 1 x group for protection function of facades with 4 facade segments each
(3 of which can be delayed)
● 1 x group for service function of facades with 4 facade segments each
(3 of which can be delayed)
● 1 x group for emergency control of all luminaires
Sensor placement Connect all sensors directly to the DXR2 for central functions via analog or digital
I/Os. A DXR2 for central functions may be required at multiple locations in the
building depending on the position of the sensors (e.g. wind sensors). The
functions belonging the sensors must be configured on each DXR2 to which the
corresponding sensor is connected.
Recommendation 4 different configurations for central functions are recommendation to simplify
configuration. The 4 configurations are described in the following sections. Each of
the configurations can be used and installed multiple times on a project (e.g. if
more HVAC hot water supply groups are required).

24.1 Automation station for HVAC supply and demand

signals and manual control for lighting and blinds
Room operating mode The DXR2 receives commands to change room operating mode via digital inputs
and takes over control of the electrical and mechanical installations light, facade,
and HVAC in the room.
The command to changeover room operating modes can be created using a
BACnet reference.
Central manual operation Each central automation station can manually operate 2 central groups for lighting
of lighting and blinds and 2 central groups for blinds via the KNX PL-Link switch.

HVAC supply and demand The HVAC supply and demand signals are available in the DXR2 system as
signals BACnet data points can be read and written by each BACnet primary plant. HVAC
supply and demand signals cannot be created via analog and digital inputs.
One DXR2 with central functions, can control a maximum of:
● 4 x groups for distributing room operating mode to rooms
● 2 x hot water supply groups
● 2 x chilled water supply groups
● 1 x air supply group (based on demand)
● 1 x heat pump supply group
If more supply groups are required, additional DXR2 automation stations can be
installed and operated for HVAC supply and demand signals.

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Central applications
Automation station for HVAC supply and demand signals and manual control for lighting and blinds

PAS Automation station for supply plant AS Room automation station

BI Digital signals for room operating CAS Central automation station for
mode emergency control

KNX PL- KNX PL-Link pushbuttons for central switching/dimming of luminaires and control of
Link facades

Figure: Plant diagram for HVAC supply/demand signal automation station

24.1.1 Control room operating mode via onboard I/Os

The following input signals can be read on DXR2 for central control of room
operating mode:

Command Inputs Information is used for

Room operating mode switch 1 Digital Application: Central operating
(No contact) mode determination

Room operating mode switch 2 Digital Application: Central operating

(No contact) mode determination

Room operating mode switch 3 Digital Application: Central operating

(No contact) mode determination

Room operating mode 4 Digital Application: Central operating

(No contact) mode determination

Digital commands can be used to change between 2 configured room operating

modes per group.

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Central applications
24 Automation station for HVAC supply and demand signals and manual control for lighting and blinds

Delay function on large Each of the central commands for the room operating mode can be delayed in the
facades building using three additional groups. It is used primarily in buildings with larger
facades if control influences act on facades for a change to the room operating
mode. The delay can be configured.

Description Name Default value

Central operating mode delay 1 CenOpModDly1 10 [s]
0...7200 [s]

Central operating mode delay 2 CenOpModDly2 20 [s]

0...7200 [s]

Central operating mode delay 3 CenOpModDly3 30 [s]

0...7200 [s]

24.1.2 Manual control of lighting & blinds via KNX PL-Link

The following input signals can be read to DXR2 for the central, manual control for
lighting and blinds:

Command Inputs Information is used for

Manual operation lighting 1 KNX PL-Link Application: Central manual
operation lighting

Manual operation lighting 2 KNX PL-Link Application: Central manual

operation lighting

Manual operation shading KNX PL-Link Application: Central operation of

products 1 shading products

Manual operation shading KNX PL-Link Application: Central operation of

products 2 shading products

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Central applications
Automation station for HVAC supply and demand signals and manual control for lighting and blinds

24.1.3 HVAC supply chain chilled water over BACnet

The following list includes all data points that can be read and written from a
BACnet primary plant. The items ensure coordination between primary plant and
the room. In addition, appropriate Desigo primary application for the given room
function is mentioned.

Data point name Description Desigo primary application

CReq The central function prepares PXC {CGrp65}
one chilled water demand
acquisition and evaluation to the
connected rooms for the primary
plant. The enumerate result can
2:Cooling demand
3:Free cooling
4:Cooling demand & free cooling
Values 3 and 4 set refrigeration
generation to free cooling on
primary chilled water generation.

SpCReq Setpoint for cooling request PXC {CGrp65}

FreeCAvl Free cooling available PXC {CGen10}


FreeCTChw Free cooling temperature chilled PXC {CGen10}


ChwTOa BACnet reference for primary Data point outside temperature

plant: Outside temperature of the of chilled water supply chain
chilled water supply chain

Setpoint for cooling Setpoint for cooling request influenced by:

request. ● Base setpoint for cooling
● Valve position(s) of cooling valve in the group
● Number of active condensation monitor in the group
● Dew points
The cooling request setpoint is influenced by the evaluation of valve positions.

ChwVlvPosEvl Supply chain chilled water valve position evaluation

▶Average of the largest valve position

ChwSpCorrTFlHi Supply chain chilled water setpoint correction for higher flow temperature

ChwSpCorrTFlLo Supply chain chilled water setpoint correction for lower flow temperature

Figure: Setpoint cooling request

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24 Automation station for HVAC supply and demand signals and manual control for lighting and blinds

Free cooling Under favorable condition (chilled water temperature = FreeCTChw), the central
plant can output the signal that free cooling is available (FreeCAvl) via grouping to
the rooms. The rooms take the offer and go to comfort condition to use free energy
for cooling with comfort setpoints. Free cooling demand is returned via the
enumerated chilled water demand signal.
Chilled water The central function can disable the chilled water equipment in the rooms based on
Deactivate sequences outside temperature. The cooling sequences in the group are locked as soon as
the configured value for the outside temperature is reached. Back and forth
switching can be prevented using a time constant and hysteresis.

Description Name Default value

Cooling limit CLm 14 [°C]

Time constant for cooling limit TiConCLm 2 [h]

Hysteresis for cooling limit HysCLm 1 [K]

Preventing Condensation in rooms can be prevented by shifting the chilled water temperature
condensation setpoint. Grouping records all active condensation monitors. The resulting
adjustment is based on the percentage of active condensation alarms.

SpTChwShftMax Maximum shift of setpoint chilled water temperature 10 K

SttActvCdnMon Setpoint shift starts at this percentage of active 10 [%]

condensation monitors

EndActvCdnMon The setpoint shift is set to the maximum value at this 50 [%]
percentage of active condensation monitors.

Figure: Condensation prevention characteristic curve

Valve protection The valve actuator is operated from time to time to prevent it from blocking after
longer periods of inactivity (cooling in the winter). The valve actuator is controlled
to lose as little heating energy as possible.
The central function for chilled water supply chain runs the valve kick function; the
configuration can be adapted as needed.

Description Name Default value

Kick value KickVal 50 [%]

Kick time TiKick 2 [Min]

Kick cycle KickCyc 500 [h]

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Central applications
Automation station for HVAC supply and demand signals and manual control for lighting and blinds

Centrally override valves Central functions permit the central override of all valve in the supply group. The
following parameters can be used.

Description Name Default value

Enable valve position overridden value EnVlvPosOvrr 0:No

Enable valve position overridden value VlvPosOvrr 100 [%]

24.1.4 HVAC supply chain hot water over BACnet

The following list includes all data points that can be read and written from a
BACnet primary plant. The items ensure coordination between primary plant and
the room. In addition, appropriate Desigo primary application for the given room
function is mentioned.

Data point name Description Desigo primary application

HReq The central function prepares PXC {HGrp65}
one hot water demand
acquisition and evaluation to the
connected rooms for the primary
plant. The enumerate result can
2:Heating demand

SpHReq Setpoint for heating request PXC {HGrp65}

HwTOa BACnet reference for primary Data point outside temperature

plant: Outside temperature of the of hot water supply chain
hot water supply chain

Setpoint for heating Setpoint for heating request influenced by:

request. ● Base setpoint for heating
● Valve position(s) of heating valve in the group
Heating curve based on Each DXR2 automation station calculates heating and cooling demand and makes
outside air the results available via a group of the central function to the hot water supply
The hot water demand setpoint is calculated in the central function using a heating
curve based on the outside temperature.

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24 Automation station for HVAC supply and demand signals and manual control for lighting and blinds

Sp Setpoint

TOa Outside temperature

SpTFlDs Flow temperature setpoint for design outside 70 [°C]


TOaDsgn Design outside temperature -11 [°C]

SpTFlHi Flow temperature setpoint for high outside temperature 25 [°C]

TOaHi Outside temperature high 15 [°C]

Figure: Characteristic curve for the outside temperature-dependent heating curve

The heating request setpoint is influenced by the evaluation of valve positions.

HwVlvPosEvl Supply chain hot water valve position evaluation

▶Average of the largest valve position

HwSpCorrTFlHi Supply chain hot water setpoint correction for higher flow temperature

HwSpCorrTFlLo Supply chain hot water setpoint correction for lower flow temperature

Figure: Setpoint heating request

Disable The central function can disable the hot water equipment in the rooms based on
hot water sequences outside temperature. The heating sequences in the group are locked as soon as
the configured value for the outside temperature is reached.

Description Name Default value

Heating limit HLm 16 [°C]

Time constant for heating limit TiConHLm 2 [h]

Hysteresis for heating limit HysHLm 1 [K]

Valve protection Valve actuators are operated from time to time to prevent them from seizing after
long periods of inactivity (e.g. heating valve during the summer). The valve
actuator is controlled to lose as little heating energy as possible.
The central function for the hot water supply chain performs the valve protection
function and can be changed in the parameters as needed.

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Automation station for HVAC supply and demand signals and manual control for lighting and blinds

Description Name Default value

Kick value KickVal 50 [%]

Kick time TiKick 2 [Min]

Kick cycle KickCyc 500 [h]

Centrally override valves Central functions permit the central override of all valve in the supply group. The
following parameters can be used.

Description Name Default value

Enable valve position overridden value EnVlvPosOvrr 0:No

Enable valve position overridden value VlvPosOvrr 100 [%]

24.1.5 HVAC supply chain air over BACnet

The following list includes all data points that can be read and written from a
BACnet primary plant. The items ensure coordination between primary plant and
the room. In addition, appropriate Desigo primary application for the given room
function is mentioned.

Data point name Description Desigo primary application

AhuDmd The evaluated demand signal of PXC {AHU80}
the rooms to central air handling
7:Cool down
8:Room low temperature
9:Condensation overflow
10:Free cooling
11:Night cooling
13:Equipment temperature
14:Air volume flow off
15:Smoke control positive
16:Smoke control negative

NumAirDmd Number of rooms with demand None

AQualDmd The evaluated air quality signal PXC {AHU80}

of the rooms to central air

SpHiTSu Setpoint high for supply air PXC {AHU80}


SpLoTSu Setpoint low for supply air PXC {AHU80}


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24 Automation station for HVAC supply and demand signals and manual control for lighting and blinds

Enable supply air supply On the DXR2. a threshold can be defined for the minimum number of collected air
demand messages from the rooms. The air demand to air supply is only enabled if
the minimum number of air demand messages is reached. The threshold and
hysteresis can be configured.

Description Name Default value

Number of minimum air demand plant mode AirDmdMin 4

Hysteresis for number of minimum air demand plant HysAirDmdMin 2


Select supply air Central air handling is designed for heating and cooling. The consumers in the
temperature rooms decided whether warm or cool air is to be supplied.
Heat and refrigeration demand is determined from the rooms, evaluated, and
decided, depending on the number, whether heating or cooling must be transmitted
to air handling. This occurs using a lower (heating) and upper (cooling) supply air
temperature setpoint to which the central air handling unit is controlled. As illustrate
in the following graph, demand (0...100 %) is determined via the grouping functions
for higher supply-air temperature for heating and demand (0…100 %) for lower
supply air temperature for cooling. The control setpoints for supply air temperature
control in the air handling unit is derived from this.
The changeover condition air reports whether the supply air can be used from the
air handling unit for heating or cooling to the individual rooms. The following
operating modes are supported:
● Changeover condition (ChovrCndAir) = Heating.
● Changeover condition (ChovrCndAir) = Cooling.
● Changeover condition (ChovrCndAir) = Neither.
● Changeover condition (ChovrCndAir) = Neutral.

YH Heating valve positions YC Cooling valve positions

Changeover condition heating

The supply air setpoint for heating resides, as depicted in the diagram, on the left
side, and is determined dependent on demand 0...100% accordingly. Conclusion
for the room: The air is warm so that the air volume can be increased for heating.
Changeover condition cooling
The supply air setpoint resides, as depicted in the diagram, on the right side, and is
determined dependent on demand 0...100% accordingly. Derived for the room: The
air is cold so that the air volume can be increased for cooling.

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Central applications
Automation station for HVAC supply and demand signals and manual control for lighting and blinds

Neither changeover condition

Heating and cooling in the VAV application is blocked and the setpoints are set to a
start setpoint for heating and cooling.
● High setpoint for supply air temperate (SpHiTSu) = Start value for cooling
● Low setpoint for supply air temperature (SpLoTSu) = Start value heating
Conclusion for the room: Neither heating nor cooling, the volume flow controller for
room temperature is not enabled.
Changeover condition neutral
Heating and cooling in the VAV application is enabled and the setpoints are set to
a start setpoint for heating and cooling.
● High setpoint for supply air temperate (SpHiTSu) = Start value for cooling
● Low setpoint for supply air temperature (SpLoTSu) = Start value heating
VAV evaluation for The following variants are available on the DXR2 to optimize fan speed on air
AirOptiControl handling units with speed-controlled fans:
● Speed optimization via damper positions
The 10 largest supply air and extract air damper positions are acquired and the
average calculated. The resulting value is used for fan speed optimization of
the AHU.
● Speed optimization via air volume deviation.
The deviation signals from the supply air VAV controllers are acquired from the
room segments. The air volume flow deviation is calculated as:

((air flow setpoint - measured air flow) / nominal air flow)) x 100[%]

The 10 largest deviations are evaluated and the average is used to optimize
the fan stage.
The number of deviations is counted between 5...20% for monitoring.
● Speed optimization via setpoint evaluation of volume flow. It is used is supply
air damper positions and measured air flows are not known. The setpoints of
the supply air and extract VAV boxes is added up and the AHU fan stage is
used as of this value for optimized air flow.
Relief function Relief function monitoring becomes active as soon as air supply is activated. It
calculates air demand for the AHU to ensure sufficient control stability of static
pressure in the AHU. A relief command is outputted to the VAV controller in the
group if room demand is too low; it reacts by increasing the air flow setpoint to
increase air demand.

Description Name Default value

Configurable min. number of air demand requests AirDmdMax 10
required for operational stability of the central AHU.

Hysteresis for number of maximum air demand plant HysAirDmdMax 2


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24 Automation station for HVAC supply and demand signals and manual control for lighting and blinds

Can configure whether the relief function can be activated in each room with supply
VAV for each VAV:

Description Name Default value

Enable relief EnRlf 0:No

Air volume flow relief AirFlRlf 50 [m3/h]

Central override of VAV Central functions can centrally override all VAV in a supply group. The following
parameters can be used.

Description Name Default value

Enable supply air VAV overridden value EnVavSuOvrr 0:No

Supply air VAV overridden value VavSuOvrr 50 [m3/h]

Enable extract air VAV overridden value EnVavExOvrr 0:No


Extract air VAV overridden value VavExOvrr 50 [m3/h]

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24.1.6 HVAC supply chain heat pump over BACnet

The following list includes all data points that can be read and written from a
BACnet primary plant. The items ensure coordination between primary plant and
the room. In addition, appropriate Desigo primary application for the given room
function is mentioned.

Data point name Description Desigo primary application

HpuSrcReq The central function prepares None
one heat pump demand
acquisition and evaluation to the
connected rooms for the primary
plant. The enumerate result can

HpuSrcCmd The central function prepares None

one heat pump demand
acquisition and evaluation to the
connected rooms for the hard
wired central heat pump source.
The enumerate result can

CenHpuSrcInAvl Hard wiring of the primary plant: None

Central heat pump source input
is available

CenHpuSrcAvl BACnet reference from the None

primary plant: Central heat pump
source is available

Source request The source request is pending if at least one room reports a source demand.
Heat pump source Central functions permit the central override of the enable heat pump source for all
Central override heat pumps in the supply group. The following parameters can be used:

Description Name Default value

Enable heat pump source override EnHpuSrcOvrr 0:No

Heat pump source override HpuSrcOvrr 0:Off

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24 Automation station for HVAC supply and demand signals and manual control for lighting and blinds

24.1.7 Room operating mode over BACnet

The room operating mode can handed over for distribution to the room using a
BACnet reference in the central function. 5 groups are available for central
functions in one DXR2 for distribution of the room operating mode.

Data point name Description Desigo primary application

CenOpModCmdv Central operating mode PXC {OpMSched3}
command value

Delay function on large Each of the four command groups for the room operating mode can be distributed
facades in the building with a delay using three additional groups. It is used primarily in
buildings with larger facades if control influences act on facades for a change to
the room operating mode. The delay can be configured.

Description Name Default value

Central operating mode delay 1 CenOpModDly1 10 [s]
0...7200 [s]

Central operating mode delay 2 CenOpModDly2 20 [s]

0...7200 [s]

Central operating mode delay 3 CenOpModDly3 30 [s]

0...7200 [s]

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Automation station for emergency controls for HVAC, light, and blinds

24.2 Automation station for emergency controls for

HVAC, light, and blinds
The DXR2 for emergency control, receives emergency signals (e.g. fire or
evacuation) via digital inputs and takes over control of the electrical and
mechanical installations for light, facade, and HVAC in a the building as long as the
various supply and room automation components remain undamaged.
CAUTION! It is the Danger management system, and not Desigo room automation, that is
responsible for fire detection and evaluation of the correct HVAC emergency
operating modes for a fire section and primary plants.

Desigo TRA is not approved by fire authorities. Fire can result in death or serious
As a consequence, TRA fire solutions are only used on non-critical applications
with a limited risk to health and risks,
For critical application, an individual permit by the fire authorities on site must be
acquired for a specific project.

CAUTION! The configurable Desigo room automation can switch all available luminaires to a
specified value at the highest priority during an emergency. This is not emergency
lighting or evacuation route control, but rather is only a supporting measure during
an emergency to supply all rooms with the maximum brightness.

The configurable Desigo room automation does not support emergency lighting
control with service and test functions for decentralized or centralized batteries.

The function is part of application types for central functions and can be loaded to a

Emg Emergency signal source for AS Room automation station

HVAC, lighting, and blinds
CAS Central automation station for
emergency control

Figure: Plant diagram for emergency control automation station

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24 Automation station for emergency controls for HVAC, light, and blinds

The following input signals can be read on DXR2 for emergency controls.

Command Inputs Information is used for

Facade emergency control Digital Application: Central emergency
(open contact) functions shading products
drives all facade products to a
configurable position at the
highest priority

Light emergency control Digital Application: Central emergency

(open contact) function lighting switches all
luminaires in the building at the
highest priority

HVAC emergency shutdown Digital Application: Central HVAC

(open contact) emergency mode switches off air

HVAC negative pressure Digital Application: Central smoke

(extract air) (No contact) extraction extract air

HVAC positive pressure Digital Application: Central smoke

(supply air) (No contact) extraction supply air

Facade emergency During an emergency, all facades can be deployed to a configurable position via
control an digital input. The command is executed at the highest priority and cannot be
locally overridden in the room or from another central operation.
The facade or individual parts thereof can only be manually or automatically
operating after resetting his digital command.
The emergency position of the facade can be configured.

Description Name Default value

Central emergency shading products command value: CenEmgShdCmdv 1:Open
2:Height 25%, angle undef
3:Height 50%, angle undef
4:Height 75%, angle undef
5:Height 100%, angle 0%
6:Height 100%, angle 25%
7:Height 100%, angle 50%

The application repeats the command cyclically at the highest priority as long as
the digital command for facade emergency control is active. The cycle can be

Description Name Default value

Cycle Cycle 15 [min]
0...60 [min]

The command for facade emergency control can be delayed with three additional
groups to control larger buildings or facades.
The delay can be configured for each of the three additional groups.

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Description Name Default value

Central emergency shading products delay 1 CenEmgShdDly1 10 [s]
0...7200 [s]

Central emergency shading products delay 2 CenEmgShdDly2 20 [s]

0...7200 [s]

Central emergency shading products delay 3 CenEmgShdDly3 30 [s]

0...7200 [s]

Light emergency control All luminaires can be controlled during an emergency via a digital command. The
command is executed at the highest priority and cannot be locally overridden in the
room or from another central operation.
Lighting can only be manually or automatically operated after this digital command
is reset.
The emergency lighting control can be configured.

Description Name Default value

Emergency lighting level EmgLgtLvl 8:On

The application repeats the command cyclically at the highest priority as long as
the digital command for lighting emergency control is active. The cycle can be

Description Name Default value

Cycle Cycle 15 [min]
0...60 [min]

HVAC emergency During an emergency, air HVAC devices in the room can be controlled via a digital
shutdown command. The command is executed at the highest priority and cannot be locally
overridden in the room or from another central operation.
HVAC plants can only be manually or automatically operated after this digital
command is reset.
All HVAC devices in the rooms are switched off if the digital command for HVAC
emergency shutdown is activated.
The function offers a test parameters that supports tests emergency reactions
regardless of digital input conditions on the fixed wired interface.

Description Name Default value

HVAC emergency test TstHvacEmg 1:None
2:Air volume flow off
3:Smoke control positive pressure
4:Smoke control negative pressure

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24 Automation station for emergency controls for HVAC, light, and blinds

HVAC negative pressure In addition to HVAC emergency shutdown, all extract air VAV in the rooms can be
used to extract smoke with negative pressure via another digital command. The
command is executed at the highest priority and cannot be locally overridden in the
room or from another central operation.
HVAC devices can only be manually or automatically operated after this digital
command is reset.
All extract air VAV is controlled in the room to a configured air flow if the digital
command is activated for this type of HVAC smoke extraction. The value can be
configured separately for all extract VAV in the room:

Description Name Default value

Extract air VAV smoke control air volume flow setpoint VavExSpAflSmk 50 [m3/h]
29.4 [ft3/min]
13.89 [l/s]

The function offers a test parameters that supports tests emergency reactions
regardless of digital input conditions on the fixed wired interface.

Description Name Default value

HVAC emergency test TstHvacEmg 1:None
2:Air volume flow off
3:Smoke control positive pressure
4:Smoke control negative pressure

This is not a safety function for extracting smoke from buildings
The function can only be used as a supplement to use the air supply system in
support of extracting smoke in the rooms with VAV extract air as long as the
associated components are still operational.

HVAC positive pressure In addition to HVAC emergency shutdown, all supply air VAV in the rooms can be
used to extract smoke with positive pressure via another digital command. The
command is executed at the highest priority and cannot be locally overridden in the
room or from another central operation.
HVAC devices can only be manually or automatically operated after this digital
command is reset.
All supply air VAV is controlled in the room to a configured air flow if the digital
command is activated for this type of HVAC smoke extraction. The value can be
configured separately for all supply air VAV in the room:

Description Name Default value

Supply air VAV smoke control air volume flow setpoint VavSuSpAflSmk 50 [m3/h]
29.4 [ft3/min]
13.89 [l/s]

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Automation station for emergency controls for HVAC, light, and blinds

The function offers a test parameters that supports tests emergency reactions
regardless of digital input conditions on the fixed wired interface.

Description Name Default value

HVAC emergency test TstHvacEmg 1:None
2:Air volume flow off
3:Smoke control positive pressure
4:Smoke control negative pressure

This is not a safety function for extracting smoke from buildings
The function can only be used as a supplement to use the air supply system in
support of extracting smoke in the rooms with VAV extract air as long as the
associated components are still operational.

HVAC purge All supply air and extract VAV in the rooms can be used to purge room air if both
digital commands are activated together for HVAC positive and negative pressure.
The command is executed at the highest priority and cannot be locally overridden
in the room or from another central operation.
HVAC devices can only be manually or automatically operated after this digital
command is reset.
All supply air VAV and extract VAV are controlled in the room to a configured air
flow if the digital commands are activated for this type of HVAC purge. The value
can be configured separately for all supply air and extract air VAV in the room.
HVAC emergency matrix
HVAC emergency HVAC negative HVAC positive pressure Resulting HVAC
shutdown pressure emergency function
On Off Off Emergency shutdown of
all rooms connected to
the group with VAV

On On Off Negative pressure in all

rooms connected to the
group with VAV plants

On Off On Positive pressure in all

rooms connected to the
group with VAV plants

On On On Purge in all rooms

connected to the group
with VAV plants

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24 Automation station for weather station

24.3 Automation station for weather station

The DXR2 for central weather station can process measured values for outside
temperature, precipitation, wind, and relative air humidity and provides the weather
information to the widest range of applications or room operator units.
The function is part of application types for central functions and can be loaded to a

WS Weather station AS Room automation station

CAS Central automation station for

weather station

Figure: Plant diagram for weather station automation station

The following weather information can be read on DXR2 for weather stations:

Sensor Inputs Information is used for

Outside air temperature LG-Ni1000 Application: Seasonal
0… 10 V compensation
NTC100k Display on the room operator
NTC10k unit
T1 (PTC)

Precipitation Binary input (NO contact) Application: Precipitation

protection for awnings
Application: Frost protection for

Wind 0… 10 V Application: Wind protection for

facade products

Relative humidity 0… 10 V Display on the room operator


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Automation station for weather station

Seasonal compensation The seasonal compensation application adjusts the room temperature setpoints for
Comfort heating and Comfort cooling based on outside temperature.

Sp Setpoint for comfort TOa Outside temperature

SpHiCCmf Setpoint cooling high for comfort TOaLoC Outside air temperature low for

SpLoCCmf Setpoint cooling low for comfort TOaHiC Outside air temperature high for

SpHiHCmf Setpoint heating high for comfort TOaLoH Outside air temperature low for

SpLoHCmf Setpoint heating low for comfort TOaHiH Outside air temperature high for

Figure: Seasonal compensation

Description Name Default value

Setpoint cooling high for comfort SpHiCCmf 26 [°C]

Setpoint cooling low for comfort SpLoCCmf 24 [°C]

Outside air temperature high for cooling TOaHiC 32 [°C]

Outside air temperature low for cooling TOaLoC 26 [°C]

Setpoint heating high for comfort SpHiHCmf 23 [°C]

Setpoint heating low for comfort SpLoHCmf 22 [°C]

Outside air temperature high for heating TOaHiH 31 [°C]

Outside air temperature low for heating TOaLoH 25 [°C]

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24 Automation station for weather station

Wind protection for all The application function reads the values from the wind sensor and smoothes the
facade products value using switch on and off delays. The resulting value is then compared to the
configured limit values. In the event a limit value is breached, the blinds products
are deployed to a configured position. A position can also be configured for a
sensor fault as well.
CAUTION! The permissible limit value for switch on and switch off point must be configured as
per the design value of the installed shading products.

Description Name Default value

Switch-on point SwiOnPt 7 [m/s]

Switch-off point SwiOffPt 5 [m/s]

Switch-on delay protection function DlyOnPrt 0 [min]

0...300 [min]

Switch-off delay protection function DlyOffPrt 20 [min]

0...300 [min]

Command on limit exceed CmdLmExc 2:Open

3:Height 25%, angle undef
4:Height 50%, angle undef
5:Height 75%, angle undef
6:Height 100%, angle 0%
7:Height 100%, angle 25%
8:Height 100%, angle 50%

Command on sensor fault CmdSenFlt 2:Open

3:Height 25%, angle undef
4:Height 50%, angle undef
5:Height 75%, angle undef
6:Height 100%, angle 0%
7:Height 100%, angle 25%
8:Height 100%, angle 50%

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Automation station for weather station

Frost protection for blinds The function is used to protect blinds or other facade products from mechanical
damage caused by icing. The application function reads the values of the outside
temperature sensor and precipitation detector. Frost protection is activated if the
outside temperature drops below a set limit and precipitation is reported.
In the event of a frost warning, the blinds products are deployed to a configured
position. A position can also be configured for a sensor fault as well.
Frost protection is automatically reset if no precipitation is reported during a
configured period and the outside air temperature is above the limit value during a
configurable period.

Description Name Default value

Switch-on point SwiOnPt 3 [°C]
▶Limit value to trigger frost protection, only when
precipitation is present.

Switch-off point 1 SwiOffPt1 7 [°C]

▶Reset temperature 1, only if there is no precipitation.

Switch-off point 2 SwiOffPt2 10 [°C]

▶Reset temperature 2, only if there is precipitation.

Switch-on delay protection function DlyOnPrt 100 [s]

Switch-off delay protection function ▶Frost protection DlyOffPrt 10 [h]

delay, if no precipitation exists and the reset
temperature 1 is exceeded.

Switch-off delay reset ▶Switch-off delay for frost DlyOffRst 10 [h]

protection if reset temperature 2 is exceeded.

Command on limit exceed CmdLmExc 2:Open

3:Height 25%, angle undef
4:Height 50%, angle undef
5:Height 75%, angle undef
6:Height 100%, angle 0%
7:Height 100%, angle 25%
8:Height 100%, angle 50%

Command on sensor fault (Frost protection monitor) CmdSenFlt 1:None

Note: Sensor fault precipitation must be configured at
3:Height 25%, angle undef
4:Height 50%, angle undef
5:Height 75%, angle undef
6:Height 100%, angle 0%
7:Height 100%, angle 25%
8:Height 100%, angle 50%

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24 Automation station for weather station

Precipitation protection Use the function to protect awnings and other facade products against moisture.
function for awnings The application function reads the values from the precipitation detector and
smoothes the value using switch on and off delays. The precipitation warning
resets automatically after the switch-off delay expires. In the event of a
precipitation warning, the awnings are deployed to a configured position. A position
can also be configured for a sensor fault as well.

Description Name Default value

Switch-on delay protection function DlyOnPrt 100 [s]
0...18000 [s]

Switch-off delay protection function DlyOffPrt 3 [h]

0...50 [h]

Command on limit exceed CmdLmExc 1:None

3:Height 25%, angle undef
4:Height 50%, angle undef
5:Height 75%, angle undef
6:Height 100%, angle 0%
7:Height 100%, angle 25%
8:Height 100%, angle 50%

Command on sensor fault CmdSenFlt 1:None

3:Height 25%, angle undef
4:Height 50%, angle undef
5:Height 75%, angle undef
6:Height 100%, angle 0%
7:Height 100%, angle 25%
8:Height 100%, angle 50%

CAUTION! The factory settings for DXR2 facade protection are designed for blinds products
with active frost protection (temperature & precipitation). As a result, the factory
setting for the precipitation function is switched off and switched on for frost
protection. The configuration must be changed as follows when using awnings:

Frost protection function. Command on limit CmdLmExc 1:None


Precipitation protection Command on limit CmdLmExc 2:Open


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Automation station for facade control

24.4 Automation station for facade control

Central facade control is used to protect room users in a building against glare.
The function also include thermal protection for the rooms. The measured global
radiation is analyzed together with the present HVAC values in the room to prevent
the room from overheating with the help of facade products.

WS Weather station AS Room automation station

CAS Central automation station for

facade control

Figure: Plant diagram for fassade control automation station

Anti-glare protection and The present solar angle can be calculated based on a building's geographical
solar position position as well as date and time and use a solar sensor to evaluate solar radiation.
tracking On facade segments (i.e. windows with the same conditions with regard to anti-
glare, thermal solar radiation, and brightness), this information can be used to
deploy blinds or lighting control to a defined position to prevent any direct solar
radiation from penetrating the room.

Calculation of the solar The position data for the facade are required to determine the solar radiation angle
angle as per the position on the facade. This permits deployment of blinds to the optimum position for anti-
of the building glare protection. Each facade possesses the following parameters for determining
the position.

Description Name Default value

North latitude Latit 47.17
- 90 ... 90

East longitude Lngit 8.52

- 180 ... 180

Facade azimuth angle FcdAzmth 180 (south)

- 360 ... 360

Facade angle of inclination FcdIncl 90 (vertical)

- 90 ... 90

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24 Automation station for hierarchical grouping of central applications

Measurement of solar Solar radiation is determined using a brightness sensor. The following brightness
radiation sensors can be read on DXR2 for anti-glare protection:

Sensor Inputs Information is used for

Outdoor brightness north 0… 10 V Application: Anti-glare protection

Outdoor brightness east 0… 10 V Application: Anti-glare protection

Outdoor brightness south 0… 10 V Application: Anti-glare protection

Outdoor brightness west 0… 10 V Application: Anti-glare protection

CAUTION! Measurements for anti-glare protection are typically made in three cardinal points
since most commonly available brightness sensors have a horizontal coverage of
90°. The following applies in general depending on the position of the building:

Sensor direction General position of the building

East, south, west North of the Equator

East, north, west South of the Equator

A more detailed consideration of the sensor orientation is required if the project is

located near the arctic circles. On common Internet search machines, a search for
"sun's course" provides useful information on the simply definition of sensor

24.5 Automation station for hierarchical grouping of

central applications
Hierarchical grouping The 4 different configurations for central functions can also be used for hierarchical
Reason and benefits of hierarchical grouping:
● Engineering and commissioning in stages
● Structured network topology

AS (Cen- Automation station at the building AS (R) Automation station in the room
Bldg) level

AS (Cen-Flr) Automation station at the floor level

Figure: Plant diagram for façade control automation station

The bundled exchange of data between the building level and floor level takes
place on the automation station at the floor level (Cen-Flr).
Sensor placement Additional sensors can be connected directly via analog or digital I/Os to the
automation on the floor level (Cen-Flr). The function belonging to the sensor must
be configured each time on the DXR2.

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Automation station for hierarchical grouping of central applications

Recommendation For simplification, the 4 configurations described in the following sections for
central functions also describe the application for hierarchical grouping. The 4
central function configurations are placed on the automation station at the building
level (Cen-Bldg). Also described is the data exchange on the required automation
station on the floor level (Cen-Flr).

24.5.1 Automation station for HVAC supply and demand signals

and manual control for lighting and blinds, floor level (Cen-
The DXR2 for HVAC supply and demand signals and manual control for lighting
and blinds, floor level (Cen-Flr), resumes commands and takes over control of the
electrical and mechanical installations lighting, facade, and HVAC in the building.
The function is part of application types for central functions and can be loaded to a
The following commands can also be read on the DXR2 for central "HVAC supply
and demand signals and manual control for lighting and blinds", floor level (Cen-

Command Inputs Information is used for

Room operating mode switch 1 None: ---
Superposed operation on the
automation station on the
building level (Cen-Bldg)

Room operating mode switch 2 None: ---

Superposed operation on the
automation station on the
building level (Cen-Bldg)

Room operating mode switch 3 None: ---

Superposed operation on the
automation station on the
building level (Cen-Bldg)

Room operating mode 4 None: ---

Superposed operation on the
automation station on the
building level (Cen-Bldg)

Manual operation lighting 1 KNX PL-Link: Application: Central manual

Last operation wins operation lighting

Manual operation lighting 2 KNX PL-Link: Application: Central manual

Last operation wins operation lighting

Manual operation shading KNX PL-Link: Application: Central operation of

products 1 Last operation wins shading products

Manual operation shading KNX PL-Link: Application: Central operation of

products 2 Last operation wins shading products

The HVAC supply and demand signals are compiled and exchanged in bundles.
There are no additional inputs on the floor level (Cen-Flr).

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24 Automation station for hierarchical grouping of central applications

24.5.2 Automation station for emergency controls for HVAC, light,

and blinds, floor level (Cen-Flr)
The DXR2 for central "Emergency control HVAC, lighting and blinds", floor level
(Cen-Flr), receives emergency signals (e.g. fire or evacuation) via digital inputs and
takes over control of the electrical and mechanical installations for light, facade,
and HVAC in a the building as long as the various supply and room automation
components remain undamaged.
The function is part of application types for central functions and can be loaded to a
The following emergency signals (e.g. fire or evacuation) can also be read on the
DXR2 for central "Emergency control HVAC, light and blinds", floor level (Cen-Flr):

Command Inputs Information is used for

Facade emergency control Digital Application: Central emergency
(open contact): functions shading products
drives all facade products to a
Local emergency control on the
configurable position at the
automation station, floor level highest priority
(Cen-Flr) wins against the
superposed emergency control,
building level (Cen-Bldg)

Light emergency control Digital Application: Central emergency

(open contact): function lighting switches all
luminaires in the building at the
Local emergency control on the
highest priority
automation station, floor level
(Cen-Flr) wins against the
superposed emergency control,
building level (Cen-Bldg)

HVAC emergency shutdown Digital Application: Central HVAC

(open contact) emergency mode switches off air
Local emergency control on the
automation station, floor level
(Cen-Flr) wins against the
superposed emergency control,
building level (Cen-Bldg)

HVAC negative pressure Digital Application: Central smoke

(Extract air) (No contact) extraction extract air

Local emergency control on the

automation station, floor level
(Cen-Flr) wins against the
superposed emergency control,
building level (Cen-Bldg)

HVAC positive pressure Digital Application: Central smoke

(Supply air) (No contact) extraction supply air

Local emergency control on the

automation station, floor level
(Cen-Flr) wins against the
superposed emergency control,
building level (Cen-Bldg)

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It must also be disabled through configuration if HVAC emergency shut down is
not used.

Description Name Default value

Enable fire detector: EnFireDet 1:Yes

24.5.3 Automation station for weather station, floor level (Cen-Flr)

The DXR2 for central weather station, floor level (Cen-Flr) can process measured
values for outside temperature, precipitation, wind, and relative air humidity and
provides the weather information to the widest range of applications or room
operator units.
The function is part of application types for central functions and can be loaded to a
The following weather information can also be read on the DXR2 for the central
weather station, floor level (Cen-Flr):

Sensor Inputs Information is used for

Outside air temperature None: ---
Superposed measurement on
the automation station on the
building level (Cen-Bldg) wins

Precipitation Binary input (NO contact): Application: Precipitation

Local measurement on the protection for awnings
automation station, floor level
(Cen-Flr) wins against the
superposed measurement,
building level (Cen-Bldg)

Wind 0…10V: Application: Wind protection for

Local measurement on the facade products
automation station, floor level
(Cen-Flr) wins against the
superposed measurement,
building level (Cen-Bldg)

Relative humidity None: ---

Superposed measurement on
the automation station on the
building level (Cen-Bldg) wins

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Central applications
24 Application examples

24.5.4 Automation station for facade control, floor level (Cen-Flr)

The DXR2 for central facade control, floor level (Cen-Flr) protects room users in a
building against glare.
The function also include thermal protection for the rooms. The measured global
radiation is analyzed together with the present HVAC values in the room to prevent
the room from overheating with the help of facade products.
The function is part of application types for central functions and can be loaded to a
No additional I/Os are connect on the DXR2 for central facade control, floor level
(Cen-Flr). Superposed facade control on the automation station on the building
level (Cen-Bldg) wins

24.6 Application examples

These are the descriptions of HIT applications on http://hit.sbt.siemens.com.
Visit the Siemens Download Center www.siemens.com/bt/download for the latest
application configurations.

24.6.1 Central function

CEN001 Central function weather station A6V10662238 en de
CEN002 Central function facade A6V10662238 en de
CEN003 Central function HVAC supply, A6V10662238 en de
lighting and blinds operation
CEN004 Central function emergency A6V10662238 en de
CEN005 Central floor scope A6V10662238 en de

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25 Technical principles, terms

Configurable Desigo room DXR2 room automation stations are perfectly suited to exclusively automate
automation system heating, ventilation and A/C plants.
Further, the DXR2 can be extended by adding devices with KNX PL-Link and
lighting and shading functions. The configurable Desigo room automation stations
offer solutions with a high level of functionality and flexibility that operate plants
optimized to energy use without sacrificing Comfort (energy efficiency class A per
DIN EN 15232).

Figure: Overview of configurable Desigo room automation system with BACnet IP

The DXR2 room automation station can automate heating, ventilation, A/C, lighting,
and shading in the room.
Depending on the model, communication among the stations or to other system
components takes place over BACnet/IP (DXR2.E…) or BACnet MS/TP

Figure: Overview of configurable Desigo room automation system with BACnet


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Room automation stations have a fixed number of I/O data points for connecting
field devices as well as an interface to KNX. The automation stations are supplied
with pre-loaded applications that only need be configured. A comprehensive library
with tested, standardized applications is available that can be used instead of the
pre-loaded applications. Buttons, sensors, and actuators for lighting and shading
are connected to the room automation station via the KNX PL-Link.
Both preloaded as well as tested standardized applications in the library are
configured in ABT Site and offer a high degree of flexibility, since, in addition to the
functions, even inputs and outputs on the DXR2… can be configured.
DXR2 DXR2 room automation stations:
● DXR2 assume the control functions for a room.
● DXR2s communicate with each other or other system components via
BACnet/IP or MS/TP. Scope and functionality of supported BACnet objects are
matched to the requirements of room automation.
● DXR2s provide a 2-port Ethernet interface for cost-effective cabling via line
● DXR2s receive bus power for the KNX PL-Link. Internal bus power can be
extended needed with an external supply module.
KNX PL-Link The KNX PL-Link (Peripheral Link) connects communicating room and field
devices (room devices, sensors, actors) to the DXR2 room automation station.
Plug&play allows for connecting selected Siemens field devices to the KNX PL-
Link using plug and play.
KNX PL-Link is not suitable for KNX subsystem integration, as communication is
not directly between field devices but field devices and room automation station.
The DXR2 has its own KNX PL-Link has bus-internal supply allowing for cost-
effective installation without requiring additional wiring. The 2-wire bus allows for
connecting up to 64 devices.
DXR2 applications include an optimum set of preconfigured devices. They support
simple engineering.
KNX PL-Link provides extended functionality and additional diagnostic functions
compared to direct connected field devices.
Groups In Desigo room automation, numerous system elements and system data are
grouped by means of grouping functions.
● Groups allow structuring and central control of system elements and data.
● Groups support data exchange between central control functions and individual
system elements.

System elements and data can be grouped by either geographical, functional, or

discipline-specific criteria.
Typical reasons for exchanging data within a group:
● Distributing common group data by central function.
● Collecting data from individual group elements.
● Calculating resulting group data via central function.
● Merging room segments to multiple DXR2s into one large room

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Room DXR2 can control one room. One segment also belongs to the room in each DXR2.
The DXR2 includes the control function for the room as well as control function for
the associated room segment.
Room segment Each DXR2 includes, in addition to the control for the room, control for the
associated room segment. A room segment is the smallest indivisible element in
the building.
Application types An application type includes all possible versions of an application. The application
type forms the starting point for configuring a DXR2 automation station. Functions
for the associated application functions are enabled or disabled by selecting or
clearing the function.

Figure: HVAC depiction of VAV application type

There are four application types on configurable Desigo room automations:
● VAV including radiators and heated/chilled ceilings
● Fan coil including radiators and heated/chilled ceilings
● Fan powered box including radiators and heated/chilled ceilings
● Central functions
Management station The Desigo management station graphics library supports the most important
DXR2 application data points.

Figure: Fan Coil application on the Desigo CC Management Station

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Alarms BACnet distinguishes for alarming between Intrinsic Reporting and Algorithmic
Change Reporting. Desigo room automation uses Algorithmic Change Reporting.
The BACnet object is not alarm capable on its own. Alarms and events
(notifications) are generated via an additional Event Enrollment object.
The event enrollment object references a value (property) for monitoring from
another BACnet object, e.g. analog input, analog value, or in the form of a binary or
multistate signal.
Details on monitoring are defined using the following event algorithms within the
event enrollment object.

Event algorithms Function

Wertänderung/ Monitoring for change of value of an analog value.
Change of value The change of value can be individually set.

Zustandsänderung/ Monitoring for a definable state, such as program

Change of state state, system state, load shedding state, silenced,
door state, security level, binary value, etc.

Bitstringwert verändert/ Monitoring a bitstring value for a specific state

Change of bitstring such as In Alarm, or fault.

Ausser Bereich/ Monitor Real value for a high/low limit value

Out of range including delay time and neutral zone.

Fehler bei der Befehlsausführung/ Feedback monitoring: Monitors, via two

Command failure references, whether a feedback to a switching
command occurs within a defined period.

Nicht feste Grenze/ Floating limits: Can monitor, via two references,
Floating limit whether the actual value is located with an
adjustable range around the setpoint.

You can still define prioritization, alarming (acknowledge and reset) as well as
response (alarm or event notification) on the event enrollment object (similar to
intrinsic reporting). In other words, all required properties are available on the
object and can be edited specific to the application during engineering as well as
from a BACnet client.

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Standard BACnet object Standard BACnet objects are compiled from a series of properties.
for alarms The functional response and state are displayed from these properties. BACnet
uses the following properties:

Property State Description

Zustandsflagge, In Alarm True process alarm, e.g. high
Status flag limit is exceeded or low limit
breached for an analog input of
value object.

In Alarm, fault System alarm for no sensor,

short circuit, interrupt, etc.

Out of service. When the object is placed out of


Overridden. Local override on an I/O module.

Reliability No error.
No sensor
Short circuit.
No output module
Over range
Under the range

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Issued by © Siemens Switzerland Ltd, 2016
Siemens Switzerland Ltd
Building Technologies Division Technical specifications and availability subject to change without notice.
International Headquarters
Gubelstrasse 22
CH-6301 Zug
+41 41-724 24 24

Document ID: A6V10866237_en--_b_06

Edition: 2017-07-01

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