Introduction of Public Fiscal Administration

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Lesson 1


Governments perform multifarious functions like maintaining peace and order,

defence, quality education for the citizens, health, diplomatic relations, etc. Added
to these is its vital role in macro and microeconomics like fighting economic depression,
inflation, stagflation and unemployment, as well as poverty alleviation. Fiscal systems
are primarily focused on generating revenues and handling expenditures of political
agencies. But the inside-out of environments of these systems are in constant state of
flux. As the needs for funds become more urgent, as more demands are put on
government operations, concentration on sources of revenue gets more urgent. Its
relevance and value has gained the long over- due consideration. Amidst these
developments, students of public administration, administrators and administrations
must seriously understand the operation of public fiscal administration.

The need for economic growth and change in the quality of life makes government
plan of action unavoidable.

▪ Public Fiscal Administration has to focus on meeting demands of constitue

nts and to parallel the same with efficient efforts in putting up money resources
in its delivery systems. Fiscal administration depends largely upon the general
political organization. The type of administration and ideology vary from country
to country, thus financial administration would somehow be affected. But the
demand for sound finance management is compiled within every country, no
matter what the form of government is.

The primary issue remains whether the revenues and expenditures are
properly handled. The citizens have a right to demand the most capable management
of public funds. Government expenditures are eventually people’s burdens. The more
the funds are squandered, the greater are the burdens upon the citizens. Graft
and misappropriation of funds in government demand a stricter account of the
services performed by officials. The requirement to keep watch on revenues and
expenditures through the skilled accountants and auditors becomes a must. Proper
accounting and audit of government resources are prime methods of
safeguarding public funds. A budget system that finally implements the plan of
government operation offers the public a better opportunity to know what and how it is

A sound public finance creates sound government. A sound government

operates sound finance.

Science and Art of Public Finance

Science is the systematic study that looks into causal relationship between event
s and facts. On this basis, public finance may be considered a science when
it adopts the following features: ·
▪ scientific methods of investigation are applied
▪ principles are objective and measurable ·
▪ its facts and principles are orderly arranged ·
▪ a certain class of economics and political phenomena are foreseen
and explained ·
▪ human knowledge is definite and limited

➢ The study of public finance is a positive science. It offers information about

the problems of government revenues and expenditures, the composition of
budget, and the incidence of fiscal operations. The study of public finance tells
the kinds of taxes, constant rise in government expenditure, increase of
public debt, etc. All these are facts and knowledge. But such study prescribes
standards and norms like the standards on the different kinds of tax.

➢ Public Finance becomes an art when the output is learned and applied, or
when common sense and practicability are put into use whenever public
resources are generated, allocated and spent.

Public Fiscal Administration Relationship with Other Sciences

a. Economics is the science which deals with the management of scarce

resources to satisfy human wants. Public Fiscal Administration is the science
which deals with satisfying the needs of the citizens. The same economic laws
that govern the problem of the distribution of wealth affect the principles of
Public Fiscal Administration in dealing with government ‘s generation of
revenues and expending the same.

b. Ethics deals with good and bad behaviour of individuals. This is also observed
in fiscal principles.

c. History provides lessons of the past. It also provides facts, figures, and
illustrations of what and how problems in the government were treated which
maybe essential in the formulation of new fiscal policies.

d. Jurisprudence and Law the fundamental law of the country is the basis of
taxes imposed and funds allocated. Rights and obligations of people are
defined by laws. These have direct bearing on how fiscal decisions may be

e. Political Science revenues are secured to carry out government objectives.

Officials are concerned about the exaction and use of funds since the public will
always visualize with disfavour any misuse of public funds.

f. Psychology most of the problems of public finance are human problems which
is the subject matter of psychology. For example, increase in the tax on the
individual ‘s income will adversely affect the spirit of risk taking and makes
individual investments suffer.

g. Sociology is concerned with the results of government activities and compares

these results with what has been accomplished in terms of outcome on the
society. The problems of social reform and the issues of Public Fiscal
Administration are inseparably related.

h. Statistics information on income, expenditure, debt, financial health of the

public finances is prepared in the form of statistical data. Public Fiscal Statistics.
Information on income, expenditure, debt, financial health of the public finances
is prepared in the form of statistical data. Public Fiscal.

Public Finance and Public Fiscal Administration these terms are usually
interchangeable. Public finance is traditionally considered a branch of the field of
economics with specific reference to legal and constitutional aspect of revenue sharing
arrangements among spending government units. Public Fiscal Administration is a
sub-field of Public Administration where issues are examined not only from the point
of view of economics but from politics and administration as well.

Public Finance is a much older label than Public Fiscal Administration in the practice
of government and the academics. But the focus has not changed, it is still on
government delivering public goods and services to the people with the use of money
collected as taxes or borrowed from legal sources either domestic or international.

Distinction between Public Finance and Private Finance public finance is the study
of income, expenditure, borrowing and financial policy and administration of the
government. On the other hand, private finance investigates income, expenditure,
borrowing and financial management of individuals or private corporations.

Public Finance Private Finance

Adjustment of income to Adjustment of expenditure to
Expenditure income
Popular control Corporate control
Elastic resources Limited resources
Resource mobilisation through No such power
coercive power
Tendency towards deficit Tendency towards balanced Budgets
Direction of expenditure towards Towards profit maximisation
public service

Nature of Financial Administration

a. Traditional View
Advocates of this view conceive financial administration as a total of activities
undertaken in pursuit of generation, regulation and distribution of monetary
resources needed for the sustenance and growth of public organisations. They
emphasise upon that set of administrative functions in a public organisation
which relate to an arrangement of flow of funds as well as to regulating
mechanisms and processes which ensure proper and productive utilisation of
these funds. When one looks at this view from systems perspective, it
represents an integral sub-system of supportive system. A financial
administrator shoulders responsibility for ensuring adequate financial backing
for running public organisation in the most efficient manner. His job is to plan,
programme, organise and direct all financial activities in public organisations to
achieve efficient implementation of public policy

b. Modem view
The modem view considers financial administration as integral part of the
overall management process of public organisations rather than one of raising
and disbursing public funds. It includes all the activities of all persons engaged
in public administration, for quite obviously almost every public official takes
decisions which are bound to have some direct or indirect consequences of
financial nature. Further, it rejects the value-neutral stand of the traditional
theory. It combines three prominent theories of public finance, viz., the socio-
political theory as expounded by Wagner, Edgeworth and Pigou, the functional
theory of Keynesian perspective and activating view of modem public finance
theorists. According to this view financial administration has the following roles.

▪ Equalising Role: Under this role financial administration seeks to

demolish the inequalities of wealth. It seeks, through fiscal policies, to
transfer income from the affluent to the poor.
▪ Functional Role: Under normal circumstances the economy cannot
function on its own. Under this role, financial administration seeks to
ensure, through taxation, public expenditure and public debt, and proper
functioning of the economy. It evolves policy instruments to maintain
high economic growth and full employment.
▪ Activating Role: Under this role financial administration involves the
study of such steps that will facilitate a smooth and rapid flow of
investment and its optimal allocation to increase the volume of national
▪ Stabilising Role: Under this role, the objective of financial administration
is the stabilisation of price level and inflationary trends through fiscal as
well as monetary policies.
▪ Participatory Role: According to this view, financial administration
involves formulation and execution of policies for making the state a
producer of both public and private goods with the objective of
maximising social welfare of the community. It also seeks to promote
economic development through direct and indirect participation of the

Answer questions

1. Why is the study of Public Fiscal Administration important? Show examples

2. Why is Public Finance considered both a science and an art? Show example

3. In own perspective, what is accountability?

Next topic:
▪ Public Fiscal Administration history and evolution as a study
▪ Government Function
▪ Development of Public Fiscal Administration in the Philippines

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