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October 2005


English Version

Heating systems in buildings - Design of embedded water based

surface heating and cooling systems - Part 3: Optimizing for use
of renewable energy sources

Conception des systèmes de chauffage et refroidissement

par le sol, le mur et le plafond - Partie 3 : Optimisation pour
l'usage des sources d'énergie renouvelable

This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 228.

If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language
made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same
status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to
provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and
shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels

© 2005 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 15377-3:2005: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Contents Page

Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................4
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................5
2 Normative references ............................................................................................................................5
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations .................................................................................6
4 Optimisation of systems for facilitating the use of renewable energy sources .............................8
5 The concept of Thermo-Active-Building-Systems (TABS) ................................................................9
6 Calculation methods ...........................................................................................................................13
Annex A (normative) Calculation method ....................................................................................................24
Annex B (Informative) Tutorial guide for assessing the model ................................................................32
Annex C (normative) Computer program .....................................................................................................36

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

This document (prEN 15377-3:2005) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 228 “Heating
systems in buildings”, the secretariat of which is held by DS.

This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.

The subjects covered by CEN/TC 228 are the following:

- design of heating systems (water based, electrical etc.);

- installation of heating systems;

- commissioning of heating systems;

- instructions for operation, maintenance and use of heating systems;

- methods for calculation of the design heat loss and heat loads;

- methods for calculation of the energy performance of heating systems.

Heating systems also include the effect of attached systems such as hot water production systems.

All these standards are systems standards, i.e. they are based on requirements addressed to the system as a
whole and not dealing with requirements to the products within the system.

Where possible, reference is made to other European or International Standards, a.o. product standards.
However, use of products complying with relevant product standards is no guarantee of compliance with the
system requirements.

The requirements are mainly expressed as functional requirements, i.e. requirements dealing with the function
of the system and not specifying shape, material, dimensions or the like.

The guidelines describe ways to meet the requirements, but other ways to fulfil the functional requirements
might be used if fulfilment can be proved.

Heating systems differ among the member countries due to climate, traditions and national regulations. In
some cases requirements are given as classes so national or individual needs may be accommodated.

In cases where the standards contradict with national regulations, the latter should be followed.

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

The aim of the present document is to give a guide for the design of water based embedded heating and
cooling systems to promote the use of renewable energy sources and to provide a method for actively
integrating the building mass to reduce peak loads, transfer heating/cooling loads to off-peak times and to
decrease systems size.

Part 1 of this series of standards provides methods for calculation of design heating and cooling capacity for
this type of systems under steady state conditions. Part 2 provides methods for dimensioning and installation
of this type of systems. A section in the present standard describes how the design and dimensioning can be
improved to facilitate renewable energy sources.

Peak loads can be reduced by activating the building mass using pipes embedded in the main concrete
structure of the building (Thermo-Active-Building-Systems, TABS). For this type of systems, the steady state
calculation of heating and cooling capacity (part 1 of this standard) is not sufficient. Thus, several sections of
this standard describe methods for taken into account the dynamic behavior.

The proposed methods are used to calculate and verify that the cooling capacity of the system is sufficient
and to calculate the cooling requirements on the water side for sizing the cooling system, including chiller.

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

1 Scope
This document is applicable to water based surface heating and cooling systems in residential, commercial
and industrial buildings.

The methods apply to systems integrated into the wall, floor or ceiling construction without any open air gaps.

The methods do not apply to heated or chilled ceiling panels or beams.

This standard is part 3 of a series of standards:

 Part 1: Steady-state calculation methods for determination of the heating and cooling capacity;

 Part 2: Method for design, dimensioning and installation;

 Part 3:Optimizing for use of renewable energy sources.

The aim of the present Standard is to give a guide for the design for use of renewable energy sources and for
the use of Thermo-Active-Building-Systems (TABS).

The tool allows calculation of peak cooling capacity of a thermo-active system, based on heat gains (solar,
internal loads, ventilation).

This method also allows calculation of the energy demand on the water side (system) to be used for sizing of
the cooling system, like chiller, fluid flow rate, etc.

Steady state heating capacity is calculated according to method B or E, ref. Part 1 of this series of standards.

The present standard requires input from the following standards: prEN 15377-1, prEN wi 16, prEN wi 17 and
prEN wi 031 (see 2).

The present standard provides input data to the following standards: prEN wi 12 (Calculation of room
temperatures and of load and energy for buildings with room conditioning systems) and prEN wi 28 (Thermal
performance of buildings – Calculation of internal temperatures of a room in summer without mechanical
cooling – simplified methods).

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

prEN 15377-1, Heating systems in buildings – Design of embedded water based surface heating and cooling
systems — Part 1: Determination of the design heating and cooling capacity

prEN 15377-2, Heating systems in buildings — Design of embedded water based surface heating and cooling
systems — Part 2: Design, dimensioning and installation

prEN wi 16, Thermal performance of buildings – Sensible room cooling load calculation – General criteria and
validation procedures

prEN wi 17, Energy performance of buildings – calculation of energy use for space heating and cooling –
General criteria and validation procedures

prEN wi 31, Specification of criteria for the internal environment (thermal, lighting, indoor air quality)

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations

For the purposes of this standard, the following apply:

3.1 Data referred to the circuit:

m& H , sp specific water flow, calculated on the area covered by the circuit [kg/ (m s)];

cw specific heat of the water [J/ (kg K)];

T pipes spacing [m];

da external diameter of the pipe [m];

sR thickness of the pipe wall [m];

LR length of the circuit [m];

λR thermal conductivity of the material of the pipe [W/ (m K)];

PWMax maximum cooling (<0) or heating (>0) power for a conditioning plant [W];

AFloor area cooled/heated by the circuit [m ];

θ w0 supply water temperature at the beginning of the simulation [°C];

θ wlim minimum (in the cooling case) or maximum (in the heating case) supply water temperature
obtainable by the machine [°C].

3.2 Data referred to the room geometry and the boundary conditions:
AWalls overall area of vertical walls, external facade excluded [m ];

Fv Floor-Ext Wall view factor floor-external wall;

Fv Floor-Ceiling view factor floor-ceiling;

Fv Floor-Walls view factor floor-walls;

Radd Floor additional resistance covering the upper side of the slab [(m K)/W];
Radd Ceiling additional resistance covering the lower side of the slab [(m K)/W];
RWalls resistance of the surface layer of internal walls [(m K)/W];
hAir-Floor convective heat transfer coefficient between the air and the floor [W/(m K)];
hAir-Ceiling convective heat transfer coefficient between the air and the ceiling [W/(m K)];
hAir-Walls convective heat transfer coefficient between the air and the internal walls [W/(m K)];
hFloor-Walls radiant heat transfer coefficient between the floor and the internal walls [W/(m K)];
hFloor-Ceiing radiant heat transfer coefficient between the floor and the ceiling [W/(m K) ];
CWalls average specific thermal inertia of the internal walls [J/(m K) ]

∆t calculation time step [s].

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

The following magnitudes shall be known for all the day, so their values during the n-th time step from the
beginning of the simulation have to be defined:

Tcomfort maximum operative temperature allowed for comfort conditions [°C];

Q& Sun
solar gain in the room in the present calculation time step [W];

incoming heat flux to the room from the external wall in the present calculation time step [W];

Q& Air
convective heat flux extracted by the air circuit [W];

Q& IntRad
internal radiant heat gain due to people or electrical equipment in the present calculation time
step [W];

Q& IntConv
internal convective heat gain due to people or electrical equipment in the present calculation
time step [W];
frm running mode (the value is 1 when the system is running and 0 when the system is switched
off) [dimensionless];

3.3 Data referred to the slab and its partitions:

s1 thickness of the upper part of the slab [m];

s2 thickness of the lower part of the slab [m];

J1 number of layers constituting the upper part of the slab [dimensionless];

J2 number of layers constituting the lower part of the slab [dimensionless];

As a consequence, J=J1+J2 and J sets of physical properties (ρj, cj, λj, δj, mj, Rj) shall be known or chosen,
ρj density of the material constituting the j-th layer [kg/m ];

cj specific heat of the material constituting the j-th layer [J/ (kg K)];

λj thermal conductivity of the j-th layer [W/ (m K)];

δj thickness of the j-th layer [m], δj = 0 if the layer is a mere thermal resistance;

mj number of partitions of the j-th layer [dimensionless];

Rj thermal resistance summarizing the j-th layer [m K/W], Rj > 0 if the layer is a mere thermal

J1 J1 + J 2

Obviously, ∑δ j = s1 and ∑δ
j = J1 +1
j = s2 .

3.4 Data referred to the initial temperature profile

The initial value of the supply water temperature ( θ w ) and the interface temperatures ( θ I ,i with 0 ≤ i ≤ i L )
0 0

shall be decided. As for the slab, a possible choice could be assigning the same value to all the interfaces,
equal to the mean temperature at the start of the simulation.

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

However, if the simulation covers more than one running cycle, the choice of the initial values is not decisive.
In fact, it will influence only the very first time steps of the simulation.

3.5 Calculation of the temperature profile and the heat fluxes in the generic time-step n

The temperature reached at a certain interface at the end of the previous time step is used for calculation of
the heat fluxes acting on the building structures and for calculation of the consequent temperatures at the end
of the time step in progress. These magnitudes are:

q&Conv global specific convective heat gains [W/m ];

q& Rad global specific radiant heat gains [W/m ];

θ Air
air temperature in the room in the present calculation time step [°C];

mean temperature of the walls in the present calculation time step [°C];

operative temperature in the room in the present calculation time step [°C];

θ wn −1 supply water temperature at the end of the previous time step [°C];

θ wn −exit
outlet water temperature at the end of the previous time step [°C];

θ In,−i 1 temperature of the i-th interface, with 0 ≤ i ≤ i L , at the end of the previous time step, [°C];

The results obtained at every time step are:

θ wn supply water temperature at the end of the time step in progress [°C];

θF n
, θs n temperature of the upper and lower sides of the slab at the end of the time step in progress [°C];

θ In,i temperature of the i-th interface, with 0 ≤ i ≤ i L , at the end of the time step in progress, [°C].

4 Optimisation of systems for facilitating the use of renewable energy sources

Transporting energy by water uses less auxiliary energy for pumps and less installation space than carrying
the same amount of energy by air. A further optimisation is to use water at a temperature close to room
temperature for heating and cooling, i.e. low temperature heating and high temperature cooling.

For normal embedded radiant floor, wall, and ceiling heating and cooling systems, decreasing pipe distance
and decreasing temperature difference between supply and return water result in water temperature closer to
room temperature. This increases pipe length and flow rate and leads to higher pressure losses, which again
increases auxiliary energy use for pumps. This can partly be compensated by smaller pipe circuits. These
factors shall be optimised by using Part 2 of this series of standards (Method for design, dimensioning and

For Thermo Active Building Systems, a further optimisation regarding use of renewable energy sources is
made by reducing the peak load, transferring the load to off-peak hours, downsizing of energy generation

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

systems and increased efficiency of energy generation due to water temperature level. This increases the
possible use of energy sources such as solar collectors, ground source heat pumps, free cooling, ground
sources heat exchangers, aquifers, etc.

5 The concept of Thermo-Active-Building-Systems (TABS)

A Thermo-Active-Building-System (TABS) is a water based heating and cooling system, where the pipes are
embedded in the central concrete core of a building construction (see Figure 1). The heat transfer takes place
between the water (pipes) and the concrete, between the concrete core and the surfaces to the room (ceiling,
floor) and between the surfaces and the room.

Figure 1 – Thermo-active radiant system

Looking at a typical structure of a thermo-active system, heat is removed by a cooling system (chiller, heat
pump, etc.), connected to pipes embedded in the slab. The system can be divided into the following elements
(see Figure 2):


PL = Pipes level

1 = Cooling system (machine)

2 = Hydraulic circuit

3 = Slab including core level with pipes

4 = Possible additional resistances (floor covering or suspended ceiling)

5 = Room below and room above

Figure 2 – Simple scheme of a thermo-active system

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Peak-shaving is the possibility to heat and cool the structures of the building during a period in which the
occupants may be absent (e.g. during night time), which also reduces the peak of the required power (see
Figure 3). In this way, energy consumption may be reduced and a lower night time electricity rate can be
utilised. The most important aspect of peak-shaving is therefore a reduction of the size of the cooling system,
including chiller.

Figure 3 – Example of peak-shaving effect (time vs. cooling power [W])

where: 1) heat gain, 2) power needed for conditioning the ventilation air,
3) power needed on the water side, 4) peak heat gain reduction

TABS may be used both with natural and mechanical ventilation (depending on weather conditions).
Mechanical ventilation with dehumidifying may be required depending on external climate and indoor humidity
production. In the example in Figure 3, the required cooling power needed for dehumidifying the air during day
time is sufficient for cooling the slab during night time.

The designer needs to know if the capacity at a given water temperature is sufficient to keep the room
temperature in a given range. The designer needs also to know the heat flow on the water side to be able to
dimension the heat distribution system and the chiller/boiler. The present document provides methods for this.

Some detailed building-systems calculation models have been developed, as for determination of the heat
exchanges under non-steady state conditions in a single room, determination of thermal and hygrometric
balance of the room air, prediction of comfort conditions, check of condensation on surfaces, availability of
control strategies and calculation of the incoming solar radiation. The use of such detailed calculation models
is, however, limited due to the high amount of time needed for the simulations. Development of a more user
friendly tool is required. Such a tool is provided in the present document, which allows simulation of thermo-
active systems in an easy way.

Internal temperature changes only moderately during the day and the aim of a good design of TABS is to
maintain comfort within the range of comfort, i.e. –0.5 < PMV < 0.5, during the day, according to prEN wi 31
(see Figure 4).

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Figure 4 – Example of temperature profiles (left axis) and PMV values (right axis) vs. time
where: θmr mean radiant temperature, θair air temperature, θf floor temperature,
θc ceiling temperature, θw exit water return temperature, PMV (Predicted Mean Vote)

The diagrams in Figure 5 show an example of the relation between internal heat gains, water supply
temperature, heat transfer on the room side, hours of operation and heat transfer on the water side. The
diagrams correspond to a concrete slab with raised floor (R=0.45 [m K/W]) and a permissible room
temperature range of 21 °C to 26 °C.

The upper diagram shows on the y-axis the maximum permissible total heat gain in space (internal gains plus
solar gains) [W/m ], and on the x-axis the required water supply temperature. The lines in the diagram
correspond to different hours of operation (8h, 12h, 16h, 24h) and different maximum amount of energy
supplied per day [Wh/m d].
The lower diagram shows the cooling power [W/m ] required on the water side (for dimensioning of chiller) for
thermally activated slabs as a function of supply water temperature and operation time. Further, the amount of
energy rejected per day is indicated [Wh/m d].
The example shows, that by a maximum internal heat gain of 38 W/m and 8 hour operation, a supply water
temperature of 18,2 °C is required. If, instead, the system is in operation for 12 hours, a supply water
temperature of 19,3 °C is required. In total, the amount of energy rejected from the room is appr. 335 Wh/m
per day. The required cooling power on the water side is by 8 hours operation 37 W/m and by 12 hours
operation only 25 W/m . Thus, by 12 hours operation, the chiller can be much smaller. The total heat rejection
on the water side is appr. 300 Wh/m per day.

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Figure 5 – Working principle of TABS

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

6 Calculation methods
The following calculation methods can be applied:

 rough sizing method based on knowledge of the maximum cooling load (or peak value of heat gains), see
6.1 (accuracy of this method 20-30%);

 simplified sizing by diagrams based on knowledge of the 24 hourly values of the variable external gains
(sun load) and internal gains of the room, see 6.2 (accuracy of this method 15-20%);

 simplified calculation model based on finite difference method and based on knowledge of the 24 hourly
values of the variable cooling loads of the room and the temperatures of the air, see 6.3 (accuracy of this
method 10-15%);

 detailed simulation model for the radiant system and the room, see 6.4 (accuracy of this method 6-10%).

6.1 Rough sizing method

The cooling system shall be sized for 70 % of the peak cooling load (ref. prEN 15377-1 and prEN 15377-2). In
this case, calculation of the cooling load has to be carried out using an operative temperature of 24°C.

6.2 Simplified sizing by diagrams

In this case, calculation of the heat gains has to be carried out by means of 24 hourly calculations with an
operative temperature of 24°C. If heat gains are approximated, 10% of the solar gain has to be added each
hour in order to take into account the gains due to external window. This method is based on the assumption
that the entire conductive slab is at a constant temperature during the whole day. This average temperature of
the slab is calculated by the method itself and is connected with the supply water temperature of the running
time of the circuit.

The following magnitudes are involved by the present method:

• Q, specific daily energy acting towards the room during the design day [kWh/m ]: it is the sum of the
above mentioned 24 hourly values of heat gains divided by the floor area. The shape of the load profile
shall to be known;

• θcomfort: maximum operative temperature allowed for comfort conditions [°C];

• Exposure of the room: determines when the peak of heat gains occurs [East (morning), South (noon) or
West (afternoon)];

• Kind of floor: distinguishes whether the slab works by both floor and ceiling or only by ceiling (see Figure

• h: number of running hours of the circuit [h];

• Rint, thermal resistance of the slab [m K/W]: this is the thermal resistance that connects the conductive
region of the slab near the pipes level to the pipes level (see Figure 7 and Figure 8). It is assumed, that
the conductive part of the slab maintains a constant temperature during the day;

• θs, above mentioned average surface temperature of the slab [°C]: it depends on the kind of slab (system
acting by both floor and ceiling or only by ceiling), the running mode (24h or 8 h) and the shape of the
internal load profile. The average temperature of the slab is determined by the equation:
θ s = θ comfort + coeff ⋅ Q , where values of the coefficient are given in Table 1 and Table 2;

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

• Rt, thermal resistance of the circuit [m K/W]: it is obtained by the Resistance Method and depends on the
characteristics of the circuit;

• θw, temperature of the supply water [°C]: it is determined by the equation θ w = θ s − Q ⋅ (Rint + Rt ) ⋅ 1000 .

where where where

1 = Concrete 1 = Wood 1 = Wood

2 = Reinforced concrete 2 = Air 2 = Concrete

3 = Reinforced concrete 3 = Fibreglass

4 = Reinforced concrete

Example of slab acting through 2 Example of slab acting through Example of slab acting through 1
surfaces 1 surface surface

Figure 6 – Number of active surfaces

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

where where where

1 = Concrete 1 = Wood 1 = Wood

2 = Reinforced concrete 2 = Air 2 = Concrete

3 = Reinforced concrete 3 = Fibreglass

4 = Reinforced concrete

Conductive region: Conductive region: Conductive region:

Materials 1 and 2 Material 3 Material 4

Figure 7 – Examples of conductive regions

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)


CR = Conductive region

UP = Upper part of the conductive region

LP = Lower part of the conductive region

ROS = Rest of the slab

PL = Pipes level

Figure 8 – Resistance diagram

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

The coefficients for calculation of the average temperature of the slab are given in two tables, Table 1 and
Table 2, depending on the shape of the internal heat gains profile.

Table 1: Constant internal heat gains from 8:00 to 18:00

Coefficient for calcu- Exposure of the room
lation of average slab
temperature Kind of floor EAST SOUTH WEST

Continuous running Floor and ceiling C2 -4.6816 -5.3696 -5.935

mode (24 h)
Only ceiling C1 -6.3022 -7.2237 -7.7982

Intermittent running Floor and ceiling I2 -5.5273 -6.1701 -6.7323

mode (8 h)
Only ceiling I1 -7.2853 -7.8562 -8.5791

Table 2: Constant internal heat gains from 8:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00
Coefficient for calcu- Exposure of the room
lation of average slab
temperature Kind of floor EAST SOUTH WEST

Continuous running Floor and ceiling -6.279 -7.1094 -7.3681

mode (24 h)
Only ceiling -7.9663 -8.7989 -8.7455

Intermittent running Floor and ceiling -8.1474 -8.758 -9.3264

mode (8 h)
Only ceiling -10.029 -10.685 -10.967

Once θcomfort is defined, the tables can be summarized by diagrams. For instance, if θcomfort = 26°C, the
diagram for constant internal heat gains from 8:00 to 18:00 is given in Figure 9.

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Figure 9 – Diagram for determining θs (y-axis) as a function of the specific daily energy (x-axis),
exposure of the room (E = East, S = South, W = West), operation condition of the circuit (C =
continuous, I = intermittent, 8 hours), and number of active surfaces (1 or 2) in the case of constant
internal heat gains during the day

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

• Q: 0.6 kWh/m ; shape of thermal loads: 2 peaks

• θcomfort: 26°C

• Exposure of the room: SOUTH

• Kind where
floor: 1 = Wood

2 = Air

3 = Reinforced concrete

• h: 8h

• Rint:

If λ of the conductive region

= 1.9 W/(m K), then
Rup = Rdown = 0.1/1.9 = 0.053 m K/W
and Rint = 0.013 m K/W

• θ s = 26 − 10.685 ⋅ 0.6 = 19.6°C

• Rt: 0.07 m K/W

0.6 ⋅ (0.013 + 0.07) ⋅ 1000

• θ w = 19.6 − = 13.38°C

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

6.3 Simplified model based on finite difference technique

Cooling system

The limited power of the cooling system shall be taken into account. In fact, it will not be able to keep a
constant supply water temperature, since it depends on the amount of heat flux previously exchanged with the
slab and on the maximum power of the chiller. A new inlet water temperature after each time step is
calculated by taking into account the heat fluxes at the end of the previous time step.

Hydraulic circuit

The Resistance Method is applied. It sets up a straightforward relation, expressed in terms of resistances,
between the inlet water temperature and the average temperature at the pipes plane, θ c . So the slab may be
split into two smaller slabs. In this way, the upper slab (which is above the pipes plane) and the lower slab
(which is below the pipes plane) are considered separately (see Figure 10).

Figure 10 – Background concept of the Resistance Method


The Resistance Method allows splitting of the slab into two parts, which are analyzed through an explicit finite
difference method.


An air node is taken into account coupled with the upward and downward surface of the slab and with a
fictitious wall-node, via three resistances. Besides, the two surfaces of the slab are coupled together via a
resistance taking into account the radiation exchange between them, and each slab surface is connected
through a resistance to the wall-node (see Figure 11, 12 and 13).

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Figure 11 – General scheme of the Resistance Method

where W is the node describing the internal walls

Figure 12 – Scheme of the heat loads network

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)


DWG = Design weather conditions

TES = Transmission through the external surface

SG = Solar gain

CIHL = Convective internal heat loads

RIHL = Radiant internal heat loads

Figure 13 – Heat loads involved acting on the room and how they take part in the calculations

Limits of the method

The following limitations shall be met:

 pipes distance: from 0.15 to 0.3 m

 usual concrete slab structures have to be considered, λ = 1.2-1.9 W/ (m K), with upward additional
materials, which might be acoustic insulation or raised floor. No discontinuous light fillings can be
considered in the structures of the lower and upper slabs.

If these conditions are not fulfilled, a detailed simulation program has to be applied for dimensioning the
thermo-active system (see 6.4).

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Under the above mentioned conditions, a cooling load calculation or a simulation for a convective system can
be carried out for an entire 24 h period and with an internal temperature of 24°C. The results of this calculation,
to be taken into account as input for the present simplified model, are the solar gains and the heat fluxes into
the room from the external surface.

6.4 Dynamic building simulations program

For all cases, which are not in the range of validation of the simplified methods, TABS calculations have to be
carried out by means of a detailed dynamic building-system model.

These TABS calculations have to take into account the water flow into the pipes, the heat conduction between
upward and downward surface of the slab and the pipe level, heat conduction of each wall, mutual radiation
between internal surfaces, convection with air, and the thermal balance of the air.

Whenever results of TABS calculations are reported, the computer program applied shall be specified.

Note: TC156WG6 may develop a verification method.

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Annex A

Calculation method

A.1. Pipes level

Rt is the total resistance [(m K)/W] between the inlet water temperature and the pipes level temperature,
determined by the Resistance Method. Rt can be calculated through the equation Rt = R z + Rw + Rr + R x ,

1 T 0.13  d a − 2 ⋅ sr 
Rz = Rw =  
2 ⋅ m& H ,sp ⋅ cw 8 ⋅π  m& 
 H , sp ⋅ L R 

 da   T 
T ⋅ ln  T ⋅ ln 
 d a − 2 ⋅ sr   π ⋅ da 
Rr = Rx =
2 ⋅ π ⋅ λr 2 ⋅ π ⋅ λb

Two conditions shall be fulfilled for application of these equations:

 the equation for Rx is valid only if s1 / T > 0.3, s2 / T > 0.3 and da / T < 0.2

 & H,sp ⋅ c w ⋅ (R w + R r + R x ) ≥
the equation for Rz is valid only if m

If both conditions are fulfilled, the equation Rt = R z + Rw + Rr + R x can be applied.

The machine model is expressed in an explicit way, so the inequality Rt ⋅ m

& H , sp ⋅ c w > 1 shall be fulfilled in
order to avoid calculations instability.

A.2. Subdivision of the slab

The slab is composed by J=J1+J2 material layers. As a consequence, J sets of physical properties (ρj, cj, λj)
shall be known. Besides, each layer has its own thickness, δj, thus, for geometrical consistency:

J1 J1 + J2

∑δ j = s 1 and ∑δ
j = J 1 +1
j = s2 .

For the calculations, each material layer is subdivided into a number of smaller layers. For each material layer,
the number of layers, mj, into which it is divided for the calculations, shall be decided.

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Figure A.1 – Example of subdivision of the slab, where D = Division, L = Layer, US = Upper part of the
slab, LS = Lower part of the slab, PL = Pipes level

Each division inherits the physical properties from the material layer to which it belongs. Thus, if the k-th
division belongs to the j-th layer, then λD , k = λ j , ρ D , k = ρ j and cD , k = c j .

Divisions are used as thermal nodes in this method. The heat fluxes and temperatures pertaining the divisions
are calculated for studying the capability of the system. In order to perform such calculations, each division is
characterized by four main physical magnitudes:

 thermal inertia C D , k , which is calculated by taking into account the thickness of the division τ D,k = :
C D,k = ρ D,k ⋅ c D,k ⋅ τ D,k = ρ j ⋅ c j ⋅

 thermal resistance RUD,k, which connects the present division with the boundary of the upper division:
 τ D,k 
 
 2  δj
RU D , k = =
λ D,k 2⋅mj ⋅λj

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

 thermal resistance RLD,k, which connects the present division with the boundary of the lower division;
 τ D,k 
 
 2  δj
RL D , k = RU D , k = =
λ D,k 2⋅mj ⋅λj

 heat transfer coefficient HCD,k between the present division and the circuit; the value is HC D , k = , if the
element borders on the pipes level, otherwise the value is 0.

As is seen, two divisions border on the pipes level and, thus, they share the thermal resistance Rt, and it is not
possible to determine the heat flux passing through Rt by means of a single division. In order to avoid this
difficulty, the two divisions bordering on the pipes level are joined together, and constitute one single division
in the calculations.

As a consequence, the divisions involved in the calculations are ∑m

i =1
j − 1 . For clarity, this sum of divisions is

named iL , thus iL = ∑ m j − 1 .
i =1

Where a mere resistance layer is present, only Rj shall be declared.


The division crossing the pipes level is the iP -th division, where iP = ∑m
i =1
j . The temperature of this division is

important for the connection between slab and circuit, as seen in A.1, where the pipes level temperature is

named θ Cn . As a definition, θ Cn = θ In,iP , so that only θ In, i P is used.

As a consequence, the slab of Figure A.1 can be converted into the following RC network:

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Figure A.2 – Equivalent RC network

Consequently, the following values characterizing the divisions are defined:

Division “i”, with 1< i < iL and i ≠ iP:

C D ,i = ρ j ⋅ c j ⋅

δj R j −1
RU D,i = + if D,i is the upper element of the j-th layer and the (j-1)-th layer is
2⋅mj ⋅λj 2
a mere resistance

RU D,i = if D,i is neither the upper element of the j-th layer nor the lower
2⋅mj ⋅λj
one, or if the (j-1)-th layer is not a mere resistance

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

δj R j +1
RLD ,i = + if D,i is the lower element of the j-th layer and the (j+1)-th layer is
2⋅mj ⋅λj 2
a mere resistance

RLD, i = if D,i is neither the upper element of the j-th layer nor the lower
2⋅mj ⋅λj
one, or if the (j+1)-th layer is not a mere resistance

HC D ,i = 0

Interface “iP”:

δ J1 δ J1 +1
C D ,iP = ρ J1 ⋅ c J1 ⋅ + ρ J1 +1 ⋅ c J1 +1 ⋅
m J1 m J1 +1

δ J1 R J1 −1
RU D ,iP = + if D,i is the upper element of the J1-th layer and the (J1-1)-th
2 ⋅ m J1 ⋅ λ J1 2
layer is a mere resistance

δ J1
RU D ,iP = if D,i is neither the upper element of the J1-th layer nor the lower
m J1 ⋅ λ J1
one, or if the (J1-1)-th layer is not a mere resistance

δ J1 +1 R J1 + 2
RLD ,iP = + if D,i is the lower element of the (J1+1)-th layer and the (J1+2)-th
2 ⋅ m J1 +1 ⋅ λ J1 +1 2
layer is a mere resistance

δ J1 +1
RLD ,iP = if D,i is neither the upper element of the (J1+1)-th layer nor the
m J1 +1 ⋅ λ J1 +1
lower one, or if the (J1+2)-th layer is not a mere resistance

HC D,iP =

A.3. Choice of the calculation time step:

The calculation time step shall be chosen in order to avoid calculations instability. A safe value of the
calculation time step is evaluated around 40 s.

A.4. Calculations for the generic n-th time step

The values of Q& Sun

n &n
,Q &n & n &n &n &n
Transm , QAir , Q IntRad and Q IntConv shall be known for the whole day. QSun and QTransm can
be calculated by other software (through commercial software enabling calculation of the cooling loads of a
room with a constant room temperature equal to 24°C). Q& IntRad
n &n
, Q &n
IntConv and QAir depend on the people and
the equipment in the room and on the possible air circuit, and are thus known.

For every time step, the running strategy of the circuit f rmn shall be decided before the simulation is started,

and the supply water temperature θ W is an input as well. These parameters are chosen by the designer and

by performing the simulation with different sets of parameters, it is possible to approach the best combination
of running strategy of the circuit and supply water temperature.

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

For beginning of the simulation, initial values of temperatures of the slab, θ D0 ,i (with 1 ≤ i ≤ iL ), temperature

θ Air , temperature of the walls, θWalls , supply water temperature, θW , and outlet water
0 0 0
of the air,

temperature, θW exit , shall be defined. These are only initial values and do not influence the subsequent

results, as long as the simulation time is sufficiently long.

The following shortcuts are useful in the subsequent calculations:

RCAC = + Radd Ceiling + RLD , i L
hAir − Ceiling
1 AFloor
RRWC = + Radd Ceiling + RLD ,i L + RWalls ⋅
hCeiling −Walls AWalls
RRFC = + Radd Floor + Radd Ceiling + RLD , i L + RU D ,1
hFloor − Ceiling
RCAW = + RWalls
hAir −Walls
1 AFloor
RRWF = + Radd Floor + RU D ,1 + RWalls ⋅
hFloor −Walls AWalls
RCAF = + Radd Floor + RU D ,1
hAir − Floor
hCeiling −Walls = 4 ⋅ σ ⋅ 3003 ⋅ Fv Floor −Walls
hFloor − Ceiling = 4 ⋅ σ ⋅ 3003 ⋅ Fv Floor − Ceiling

For the n-th time step, the following calculations shall be executed:

Determination of supply water temperature:

θWn = θWn −exit
+ , if θWn −exit
+ > θWlim
mH , sp ⋅ cw ⋅ AFloor
& mH , sp ⋅ cw ⋅ AFloor
θWn = θWlim , if θWn −exit
+ < θWlim
m& H , sp ⋅ cw ⋅ AFloor

Calculation of the heat loads acting towards the room:

Q& Conv
= 0.15 ⋅ Q& Transm
+ Q& IntConv

Q& n = 0.85 ⋅ Q& n

Rad + Q& n + Q& n
Transm Sun IntRad

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Calculation of the air temperature necessary in order to transfer all convective gains to the
surfaces surrounding the room:

Q& Conv
− Q& Air
n n −1
+ Walls ⋅ θ Walls + Floor ⋅ θ Dn−,11 + Floor ⋅ θ Dn −,i1L
θ n
AWalls A A
+ Floor + Floor

Calculation of the heat loads acting on the surfaces:

Q& RadW
= Q& Rad

2 ⋅ AFloor + AWalls
Q& RadF
= Q& Rad

2 ⋅ AFloor + AWalls
Q& RadC
= Q& Rad

2 ⋅ AFloor + AWalls

Q& RadWF
n −1
θWalls − θ Dn−,11 ) ⋅ AFloor

Q& RadWC
n −1
θWalls − θ Dn−,i1L )⋅ AFloor

Q& RadFC
θ Dn −,11 − θ Dn−,i1L) ⋅ AFloor

Q& ConvW
= Air
θ n − θWalls n −1
) ⋅ AWalls

Q& ConvF
θ Air )
− θ Dn−,11
⋅ AFloor

Q& ConvC
θ Air )
− θ Dn−,i1L
⋅ AFloor
Q& n + Q& RadWF n
− Q& RadFC
+ Q& ConvF
q& OnFloor = RadF
Q& n
+ Q RadWC + Q& RadFC
& n n
+ Q& ConvC
q& OnCeiling = RadC
Q& n
− Q& RadWF − Q& RadWC
n n
+ Q& ConvW
q& OnWalls = RadW

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Calculation of the temperature of the walls and the temperatures of the slab:

(Q& n
RadW − Q& RadWF
− Q& RadWC
+ Q& ConvW
⋅ ∆t n −1
+ θWalls
CWalls ⋅ AWalls
 n
 q& OnFloor +
θ Dn−, 21 − θ Dn−,11 ) 
 ⋅ ∆t
 RLD ,1 + RU D , 2 
θ Dn ,1 =  + θ Dn −,11
C D ,1

 θ Dn−,i1−1 − θ Dn−,i1
) (
θ Dn−,i1+1 − θ Dn−,i1 ) 
+ f rmn θWn − θ Dn−,i1 ⋅ HC D ,i  ⋅ ∆t )
 RLD ,i −1 + RU D ,i RLD ,i + RU D ,i +1 
 
θ n
D ,i = + θ Dn−,i1
C I ,i
 n
 q&
θ Dn −,i1L −1 − θ Dn−,i1L ) 
 ⋅ ∆t
OnCeiling +
 RLD ,iL −1 + RU D ,iL 
 
θ Dn ,iL = + θ Dn −,i1L
C D , iL With 2 ≤ i ≤ i L − 1
θ = n
q& OnFloor (
⋅ Radd Floor + RU D ,1 + θ ) n
D ,1

θ = n
q& OnCeiling (
⋅ Radd Ceiling + RLD ,iL −1 + θ Dn ,iL )
θWn = q& OnWalls
⋅ (RWalls ) + θWalls

Calculation of outlet water temperature:

θWn exit = θ Wn −
(θ n
W − θ Dn−,i1P ) ⋅ m& ⋅ c w ⋅ AFloor , if f rmn = 1
H , sp
θWn exit = θ Dn ,iP , if f rmn = 0

Calculation of operative temperature:

θ Fn ⋅ AFloor + θ Cn ⋅ AFloor + θWn ⋅ AWalls

θ Air
θ Op
(2 ⋅ AFloor + AWalls )

A.5. Sizing of the system

The allowed range for the operative temperature of the room is 20°C to 25.5°C, as the program
underestimates the temperature of the room. If the operative temperature is always in this range, the system
is well sized, otherwise the running strategy, the supply water temperature or the circuit characteristics have to
be changed.

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Annex B

Tutorial guide for assessing the model

The following values will be used:

∆t 60 s Input
m& H , sp 10 kg/(m s) Input

cw 4187 J/(kg K) Input

T 0.2 m Input

da 0.025 m Input

sR 0.0025 m Input
AFloor 15 m Input

LR 15/0.2 = 75 m Result

λR 0.35 W/(m K) Input

Rt 0.073 m K/W Result

1000 W Input

θ w0 19 °C Input

θ wlim 19 °C Input

AWalls 33 m Input

Fv Floor-Ext Wall 0.23 Input

Fv Floor-Ceiling 0.3 Input

Fv Floor-Walls 0.47 Result

Radd Floor 0.1 (m K)/W Input
Radd Ceiling 0 (m K)/W Input
RWalls 0.05 (m K)/W Input
hAir-Floor 1.5 W/(m K) Input
hAir-Ceiling 5.5 W/(m K) Input

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

hAir-Walls 2.5 W/(m K) Input
hFloor-Walls 2.88 W/(m K) Result
hFloor-Ceiing 1.84 W/(m K) Result
CWalls 10600 J/(m K) Input

Tcomfort 25.5 °C Input

Q& Sun
n 300 W Input

n 90 W Input

Q& Air
n 0W Input

Q& IntRad
n 400 W Input

Q& IntConv
n 600 W Input

frm 1 Input

s1 0.14 m Input

s2 0.1 m Input

J1 3 Input

J2 1 Input
ρ1 700 kg/m Input

c1 2300 J/(kg K) Input

λ1 0.17 W/(m K) Input

δ1 0.04 m Input

m1 2 Input
R1 0 (m K)/W Input
ρ1 0 kg/m Input

c2 0 J/(kg K) Input

λ2 0 W/(m K) Input

δ2 0m Input

m2 0 Input
R2 0.18 (m K)/W Input

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

ρ3 2000 kg/m Input

c3 880 J/(kg K) Input

λ3 1.9 W/(m K) Input

δ3 0.1 m Input

m3 3 Input
R3 0 (m K)/W Input
ρ4 2000 kg/m Input

c4 880 J/(kg K) Input

λ4 1.9 W/(m K) Input

δ4 0.1 m Input

m4 3 Input
R4 0 (m K)/W Input

n −1
θ Walls 24 °C Result of calculations at the
previous time step

θ Dn −,11 22.5 °C Result of calculations at the

previous time step

θ Dn −, 21 22.3 °C Result of calculations at the

previous time step

θ Dn −,31 21.5 °C Result of calculations at the

previous time step

θ Dn −, 41 21.4 °C Result of calculations at the

previous time step

θ Dn −,51 21.3 °C Result of calculations at the

previous time step

θ Dn −,61 21.4 °C Result of calculations at the

previous time step

θ Dn −,71 21.5 °C Result of calculations at the

previous time step

θ Walls
24.074 °C Result

θ Dn ,1 22.521 °C Result

θ Dn , 2 22.297 °C Result

θ Dn ,3 21.5027 °C Result

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

θ Dn , 4 21.4019 °C Result

θ Dn ,5 21.287 °C Result

θ Dn ,6 21.4019 °C Result

θ Dn ,7 21.54 °C Result

θ Fn 24.58 °C Result

θ Cn 21.94 °C Result

θ Wn 24.73 °C Result

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Annex C

Computer program

Program TC228_R5_RES_EL_OK


implicit none

! Definition of the Types in the main

Type Layer ! Definition of each layer

Character*1 Kind ! "M" if it is a material layer; "R" if it is a pure resistance

layer; Every "R" layer must be bounded by two "M"

Integer NElements ! Number of parts into which the layer must be divided
in order to perform the calculations

Real Thickness ! Thickness of the layer [m]

Real Lambda ! Conductivity of the material constituting the layer

[W/(m K)]

Real SpecHeat ! Specific heat of the material constituting the layer

[J/(kg K)]

Real Rho ! Density of the material constituting the layer [Kg/m3]

Real Resistance ! Resistance of the layer: to be compiled only if

Kind="R", otherwise its value is 0 [(m2 K)/W]

Integer InitialElement ! Upper element belonging to the layer

Integer FinalElement ! Lower element belonging to the layer

Real ElThickness ! Thickness of each element of the layer [m]

End Type Layer

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Type El ! Definition of each element constituting the slab

Real Capacity ! Thermal capacity assigned to the present element


Real ResistanceUp ! Resistance connecting the present element with the

upper one [(m2 K)/W]

Real ResistanceDown ! Resistance connecting the present element with the

lower one [(m2 K)/W]

Integer ExtH ! Possible connection of the present element with the

circuit [(m2 K)/W]: 1 if the present element is at the
pipes level, otherwise 0

End Type El

Type HeatLoadsAndCircuit ! Definition of the boundary conditions for loads, water

temperature and running mode

Integer Time ! Final time of the present time step [s]

Integer RunningMode ! Hydronic circuit running mode in the present time step

Real Twater ! Inlet water temperature in the present time step [°C]

Real RadiantHeatFlux ! Radiant heat flux imposed in the room in the present
time step [W]

Real ConvectiveHeatFlux ! Convective heat flux imposed in the room in the

present time step [W]

Real QAir ! Convective heat flux extracted by the primary air

circuit [W]

EndType HeatLoadsAndCircuit

! Definition of the variables involved by the main

Type (Layer):: Layers(1:20) ! Maximum number of layers constituting the slab = 20

Type (El):: Element(1:50) ! Maximum number of interfaces dividing the slab = 50

Type (HeatLoadsAndCircuit):: Boundary(0:320000) ! Maximum number of time steps for input of heat loads
and other boundary conditions = 320000

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Real FvFloorToCeiling

Real hFloorToCeiling ! Radiant coefficient Floor-Ceiling [W/(m2 K)]

Real hAirToFloor ! Convective coefficient Air-Floor [W/(m2 K)]

Real hAirToCeiling ! Convective coefficient Air-Ceiling [W/(m2 K)]

Real UpperResistance ! Additional resistance on the floor (such as carpets or

moquette) [(m2 K)/W]

Real LowerResistance ! Additional resistance covering the ceiling (such as

suspended ceiling) [(m2 K)/W]

Real WallsResistance ! Resistance related to the walls node

Real Rtot ! Resistance concerning the circuit and connecting the

average pipes level temperature with the inlet water
temperature [(m2 K)/W]

Real hAirToWalls ! Convective coefficient Air-Walls [W/(m2 K)]

Real hSlabToWalls ! Radiant coefficient Walls-Slab [W/(m2 K)]

Real FvSlabToExtWall ! Radiant coefficient Walls-Slab [W/(m2 K)]

Integer NLayersUp ! Number of layers constituting the upper part of the


Integer NLayersDown ! Number of layers constituting the lower part of the slab

Integer UpperElement ! Ordinal number characterizing the upper element:

imposed value = 1

Integer PipesLevelElement ! Ordinal number characterizing the pipes level element

Integer LowerElement ! Ordinal number characterizing the lower element

Real FloorArea ! Area of the floor [m2]

Real AreaWalls ! Area of the walls [m2]

Integer TimeStep ! Time step for the imposition of boundary conditions [s]

Real WallsInertia ! Walls thermal inertia per square meter [J/(m2 K)]

Integer NSteps ! Number of time steps used for the input of boundary

Integer NTimes ! Number of repetitions of the input loads cycle

Integer TimeCycle ! Time of a single input loads cycle [s]

Integer TotalTime ! Total time of the performed simulation [s]

Real Temperatures(1:50,0:640000) ! Temperatures of the elements constituting the slab

[°C] (maximum number of calculation time steps =

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Real Tair(0:640000) ! Temperatures of the room air [°C] (maximum number

of calculation time steps = 640000)

Real TWalls(0:640000) ! Temperatures of the walls [°C] (maximum number of

calculation time steps = 640000)

Real qsOnFloor(0:640000) ! Global heat fluxes acting onto the floor [W/m2]
(maximum number of calculation time steps = 640000)

Real qsOnCeiling(0:640000) ! Global heat fluxes acting onto the ceiling [W/m2]
(maximum number of calculation time steps = 640000)

Real qsOnWalls(0:640000) ! Heat fluxes acting onto the walls [W/m2] (maximum
number of calculation time steps = 640000)

Real qsToCircuit(0:640000) ! Heat fluxes extracted by the circuit [W/m2] (maximum

number of calculation time steps = 640000)

Real TOp(0:640000) ! Operative temperatures in the room (maximum

number of calculation time steps = 640000)

Integer CalcTimeStep ! Calculation time step [s]

Integer NCalcTimeSteps ! Number of calculation steps executed in the whole


Real TimeInHours ! Support value for the output of the results [h]

Real TsurfW(0:640000)

Real TsurfF(0:640000)

Real TsurfC(0:640000)

CHARACTER*32 OutputFile

Integer i ! Support counter

Integer j ! Support counter

Integer Deleted ! Support variable

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

! Main ________________________________________________________________________________

! Removal of the previous simulation output and creation of the new one (the output file name is ".ris")

! Formats for input and output commands

1 Format(x,f6.3,3x,f6.3,3x,f6.3,3x,f6.3,3x,f6.3,3x,f6.3,3x,f6.3,x,f6.3,x,f6.3)

2 Format(x,i2,3x,a1,3x,i2,3x,f6.4,3x,f6.4,3x,f7.2,3x,f7.2,3x,f7.4,3x,i2,3x,i2,3x,f6.4)

3 Format(x,i9,xx,f13.1,xx,f7.4,xx,f7.4,xx,i1)

4 Format(x,f9.3,x,i1,x,f4.1,x,f6.2,x,f6.2,x,f6.2)

5 Format(x,f9.3,x,f8.3,x,f8.3,x,f8.3,x,f8.3,x,f8.3,x,f8.3)

6 Format(x,f9.3,3x,f6.2,3x,f6.2,12x,f10.2,11x,f10.2)

7 Format(x,a6,6x,i3,6x,i3,6x,i3,6x,i3,6x,i3,6x,i3,6x,i3,6x,i3,6x,i3,6x,i3,6x,i3,6x,i3,6x,i3,6x,i3,6x,i3,6x,i3,6x,i3,6x,

8 Format(x,i3,6x,i3,6x, f4.1,6x, f4.1,6x,f10.1)

! Call of the three subroutines for reading data, creating interfaces and calculating the thermal behaviour of the

Call ReadSlabAndLoads (hFloorToCeiling, hAirToFloor, hAirToCeiling, UpperResistance, LowerResistance,

WallsResistance, Rtot, hAirToWalls, hSlabToWalls, NLayersUp, NLayersDown, Layers, UpperElement,
PipesLevelElement, LowerElement, FloorArea, AreaWalls, TimeStep, WallsInertia, NSteps, NTimes,
TimeCycle, TotalTime, Boundary, FvSlabToExtWall, FvFloorToCeiling, OutputFile, CalcTimeStep)

Deleted = DELFILESQQ (OutputFile)

Open(unit=2, file=OutputFile, status='new')

Call CreateInterfaces (UpperResistance, LowerResistance, NLayersUp, NLayersDown, Layers,

UpperElement, PipesLevelElement, LowerElement, Element)

Call CreateTempAndFluxesTables (hFloorToCeiling, hAirToFloor, hAirToCeiling, UpperResistance,

LowerResistance, WallsResistance, Rtot, hAirToWalls, hSlabToWalls, NLayersUp, NLayersDown, Element,
UpperElement, PipesLevelElement, LowerElement, FloorArea, AreaWalls, TimeStep, WallsInertia, NSteps,
NTimes, TimeCycle, TotalTime, Boundary, Temperatures, Tair, TWalls, QsOnFloor, QsOnCeiling, QsOnWalls,
QsToCircuit, CalcTimeStep, NCalcTimeSteps, TOp, TsurfW, TsurfC, TSurfF)

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

! Output printing_______________________________________________________________________

! Initial data printing

write(2,*) 'hF2C hA2F hA2C UpRes LowRes Rtot hA2W hW2S WallsResistance'

write(2,1) hFloorToCeiling, hAirToFloor, hAirToCeiling, UpperResistance, LowerResistance, Rtot, hAirToWalls,

hSlabToWalls, WallsResistance


write(2,*) 'NLayUp NLayDown AFloor AWalls WallsInertia'

write(2,8) NLayersUp, NLayersDown, FloorArea, AreaWalls, WallsInertia


! Main interfaces numbers and slab divisions printing

write(2,*) 'UpInterf PLevelInterf LowInterf'

write(2,*) UpperElement, PipesLevelElement, LowerElement


write(2,*) 'NLay Kind NParts LThick LLamb LSpecHeat LRho LRes InSurf FinSurf ElThick'

do i=1,20

write(2,2) i, Layers(i).Kind, Layers(i).NElements, Layers(i).Thickness, Layers(i).Lambda,

Layers(i).SpecHeat, Layers(i).Rho, Layers(i).Resistance, Layers(i).InitialElement, Layers(i).FinalElement,



write(2,*) 'i IntCapacity IntResUp IntResDown IntExtH'

do i=1,23

write(2,3) i, Element(i).Capacity, Element(i).ResistanceUp, Element(i).ResistanceDown, Element(i).ExtH



prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

! Printing of the time values involved by the calculations

write(2,*) 'TimeStep NSteps NTimes TimeCycle TotalTime NCalcTimeSteps'

write(2,*) TimeStep, NSteps, NTimes, TimeCycle, TotalTime, NCalcTimeSteps


! Boundary loads printing

write(2,*) 'Time Run Twat Rad Conv QAir'

do i=0,NSteps*NTimes

IF (MOD(i*CalcTimeStep,600).eq.0) THEN


write(2,4) TimeInHours, Boundary(i).RunningMode, Boundary(i).Twater, Boundary(i).RadiantHeatFlux,

Boundary(i).ConvectiveHeatFlux, Boundary(i).QAir




! Main temperatures printing

write(2,*) ' Time TFloor TCore TCeiling Tair TOp TWalls'

do i=0,NCalcTimeSteps

IF (MOD(i*CalcTimeStep,600).eq.0) THEN


write(2,5) TimeInHours, TSurfF(i), Temperatures(PipesLevelElement,i), TSurfC(i), Tair(i), TOp(i),





prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

! Main heat fluxes printing

write(2,*) 'Time QsOnFloor QsOnCeiling QsOnWalls QsToCircuit'

do i=0,NCalcTimeSteps

IF (MOD(i*CalcTimeStep,600).eq.0) THEN


write(2,6) TimeInHours, QsOnFloor(i), QsOnCeiling(i), QsOnWalls(i), QsToCircuit(i)



write(6,*) 'Fine'



! SUBROUTINES ________________________________________________________________________

! Subroutine "ReadSlabAndLoads": it reads the values of materials, characteristics of the circuit and boundary
conditions, according with an external file named "InitialData.txt" and enclosed in the present Standard

Subroutine ReadSlabAndLoads (hFloorToCeiling, hAirToFloor, hAirToCeiling, UpperResistance,

LowerResistance, WallsResistance, Rtot, hAirToWalls, hSlabToWalls, NLayersUp, NLayersDown, Layers,
UpperElement, PipesLevelElement, LowerElement, FloorArea, AreaWalls, TimeStep, WallsInertia, NSteps,
NTimes, TimeCycle, TotalTime, Boundary, FvSlabToExtWall, FvFloorToCeiling, OutputFile, CalcTimeStep)

Implicit none

! Definition of the Types involved by "ReadSlabAndLoads"

Type Layer

Character*1 Kind

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Integer NElements

Real Thickness

Real Lambda

Real SpecHeat

Real Rho

Real Resistance

Integer InitialElement

Integer FinalElement

Real ElThickness

End Type Layer

Type HeatLoadsAndCircuit

Integer Time

Integer RunningMode

Real Twater

Real RadiantHeatFlux

Real ConvectiveHeatFlux

Real QAir

EndType HeatLoadsAndCircuit

! Definition of the variables involved by "ReadSlabAndLoads"

Type (Layer):: Layers(1:20)

Type (HeatLoadsAndCircuit):: Boundary(0:320000)

Real hFloorToCeiling

Real FvFloorToCeiling

Real hAirToFloor

Real hAirToCeiling

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Real UpperResistance

Real LowerResistance

Real WallsResistance

Real Rtot

Real hAirToWalls

Real hSlabToWalls

Real FvSlabToExtWall

Integer NLayersUp

Integer NLayersDown

Integer UpperElement

Integer PipesLevelElement

Integer LowerElement

Real FloorArea

Real AreaWalls

Integer TimeStep

Real WallsInertia

Integer NSteps

Integer NTimes

Integer TimeCycle

Integer CalcTimeStep

Integer TotalTime

Character*32 OutputFile

Real Trash ! Support variable

Character*100 TrashC ! Support variable

Integer i ! Support counter

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

! Subroutine "ReadSlabAndLoads"___________________________________________________________

! Opening the input file and inizialization of the variables

Open(unit=1, file='ART_W_TS_CONT_KOS.txt', status='old')

hFloorToCeiling = 0

hAirToFloor = 0

hAirToCeiling = 0

UpperResistance = 0

LowerResistance = 0

FvFloorToCeiling = 0

FvSlabToExtWall = 0

Rtot = 0

hAirToWalls = 0

hSlabToWalls = 0

NLayersUp = 0

NLayersDown = 0

do i = 1, 20

Layers(i).Kind = 'N'

Layers(i).NElements = 0

Layers(i).Thickness = 0

Layers(i).Lambda = 0

Layers(i).SpecHeat = 0

Layers(i).Rho = 0

Layers(i).Resistance = 0

Layers(i).InitialElement = 0

Layers(i).FinalElement = 0

Layers(i).ElThickness = 0

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)


UpperElement = 0

PipesLevelElement = 0

LowerElement = 0

FloorArea = 0

AreaWalls = 0

TimeStep = 0

WallsInertia = 0

NSteps = 0

NTimes = 0

TimeCycle = 0

CalcTimeStep = 0

TotalTime = 0

do i = 0, 320000

Boundary(i).Time = 0

Boundary(i).RunningMode = 0

Boundary(i).Twater = 0

Boundary(i).RadiantHeatFlux = 0

Boundary(i).ConvectiveHeatFlux = 0

Boundary(i).QAir = 0


! Reading the input data from the file "InitialData.txt"




Read(1,*) OutputFile


prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

READ(1,*) FvFloorToCeiling, FvSlabToExtWall, hAirToFloor, hAirToCeiling, hAirToWalls, Rtot,

UpperResistance, LowerResistance, WallsResistance


hSlabToWalls = (1-FvFloorToCeiling-FvSlabToExtWall)*4*300**3*5.67/10**8*0.9

hFloorToCeiling = FvFloorToCeiling*4*300**3*5.67/10**8*0.9

Read (1,*) TrashC, NLayersUp

Read (1,*)

Read (1,*)

do i = 1, NLayersUp

Read (1,*) Layers(i).Kind, Layers(i).NElements, Layers(i).Thickness, Layers(i).Lambda,

Layers(i).SpecHeat, Layers(i).Rho, Layers(i).Resistance

if (Layers(i).Kind.eq.'R') then

Layers(i).NElements = 0

Layers(i).Thickness = 0

Layers(i).Lambda = 0

Layers(i).SpecHeat = 0

Layers(i).Rho = 0


if (i.eq.1) then

Layers(i).InitialElement = 1


if (Layers(i).Kind.eq.'R') then

Layers(i).InitialElement = Layers(i-1).FinalElement


Layers(i).InitialElement = Layers(i-1).FinalElement+1



if (Layers(i).Kind.eq.'R') then

Layers(i).FinalElement = Layers(i).InitialElement

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)


Layers(i).FinalElement = Layers(i).InitialElement + Layers(i).NElements-1


if (Layers(i).Kind.eq.'R') then

Layers(i).ElThickness = 0


Layers(i).ElThickness = Layers(i).Thickness/Layers(i).NElements



do i = 1, 6-NLayersUp

Read (1,*)


Read (1,*) TrashC, NLayersDown

Read (1,*)

Read (1,*)

do i = NLayersUp+1, NLayersUp+NLayersDown

Read (1,*) Layers(i).Kind, Layers(i).NElements, Layers(i).Thickness, Layers(i).Lambda,

Layers(i).SpecHeat, Layers(i).Rho, Layers(i).Resistance

if (Layers(i).Kind.eq.'R') then

Layers(i).NElements = 0

Layers(i).Thickness = 0

Layers(i).Lambda = 0

Layers(i).SpecHeat = 0

Layers(i).Rho = 0


if (i.eq.NLayersUp+1) then

Layers(i).InitialElement = Layers(i-1).FinalElement

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)


if (Layers(i).Kind.eq.'R') then

Layers(i).InitialElement = Layers(i-1).FinalElement


Layers(i).InitialElement = Layers(i-1).FinalElement+1



if (Layers(i).Kind.eq.'R') then

Layers(i).FinalElement = Layers(i).InitialElement


Layers(i).FinalElement = Layers(i).InitialElement + Layers(i).NElements - 1


if (Layers(i).Kind.eq.'R') then

Layers(i).ElThickness = 0


Layers(i).ElThickness = Layers(i).Thickness/Layers(i).NElements



UpperElement = 1

PipesLevelElement = Layers(NLayersUp).FinalElement

LowerElement = Layers(NLayersUp+NLayersDown).FinalElement

do i = 1, 5-NLayersDown

Read (1,*)


Read(1,*) TrashC, FloorArea, TrashC, TrashC, AreaWalls


prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Read(1,*) TrashC, TrashC, TimeStep, TrashC, TrashC, WallsInertia


Read(1,*) TrashC, NSteps

Read(1,*) TrashC, CalcTimeStep

Read(1,*) TrashC, NTimes



do i=0,NSteps


Read(1,*) Trash, Trash, Trash, Trash, Trash, Trash, Boundary(i).ConvectiveHeatFlux,

Boundary(i).RadiantHeatFlux, Boundary(i).Qair, Boundary(i).RunningMode, Boundary(i).Twater


! Creation of the total list of boundary conditions, taking into account the number of times the boundary load
conditions must be repeated

TimeCycle = NSteps*TimeStep

TotalTime = TimeCycle * NTimes

do i=NSteps+1,NTimes*NSteps

Boundary(i).Time = i*TimeStep

Boundary(i).RunningMode = Boundary(Mod(i,NSteps)).RunningMode

Boundary(i).Twater = Boundary(Mod(i,NSteps)).Twater

Boundary(i).RadiantHeatFlux = Boundary(Mod(i,NSteps)).RadiantHeatFlux

Boundary(i).ConvectiveHeatFlux = Boundary(Mod(i,NSteps)).ConvectiveHeatFlux

Boundary(i).QAir = Boundary(Mod(i,NSteps)).QAir



prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)


! Subroutine "CreateInterfaces": it uses the input data concerning the slab in order to define the characteristics
of each interface dividing the slab

Subroutine CreateInterfaces (UpperResistance, LowerResistance, NLayersUp, NLayersDown, Layers,

UpperElement, PipesLevelElement, LowerElement, Element)

Implicit none

! Definition of the Types involved by "CreateInterfaces"

Type Layer

Character*1 Kind

Integer NElements

Real Thickness

Real Lambda

Real SpecHeat

Real Rho

Real Resistance

Integer InitialElement

Integer FinalElement

Real ElThickness

End Type Layer

Type El

Real Capacity

Real ResistanceUp

Real ResistanceDown

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Integer ExtH

End Type El

! Definition of the variables involved by "CreateInterfaces"

Type (Layer):: Layers(1:20)

Type (El):: Element(1:50)

Real UpperResistance

Real LowerResistance

Integer NLayersUp

Integer NLayersDown

Integer UpperElement

Integer PipesLevelElement

Integer LowerElement

Integer NElementsUp

Integer NElementsDown

Integer i ! Support counter

Integer j ! Support counter

Integer k ! Support counter

! Subroutine "CreateInterfaces"___________________________________________________________

NElementsUp = Layers(NLayersUp).FinalElement

NElementsDown = Layers(NLayersUp+NLayersDown).FinalElement-

! Inizialization of the variables

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

do i = 1, 50

Element(i).Capacity = 0

Element(i).ResistanceUp = 0

Element(i).ResistanceDown = 0

Element(i).ExtH = 0


! Definition of the characteristics of the first element (starting from the floor)

Element(1).Capacity = Layers(1).ElThickness*Layers(1).SpecHeat*Layers(1).Rho

Element(1).ResistanceUp = UpperResistance + (Layers(1).ElThickness/2)/Layers(1).Lambda

if ((1.eq.Layers(1).FinalElement).and.(Layers(2).Kind.eq.'R')) then

Element(1).ResistanceDown =


Element(1).ResistanceDown = (Layers(1).ElThickness/2)/Layers(1).Lambda


Element(1).ExtH = 0

! Definition of the characteristics of the middle interfaces (starting from the floor)

do i = 2, NElementsUp-1

do j=1, NLayersUp

if (((i.ge.Layers(j).InitialElement).and.(i.le.Layers(j).FinalElement)).and.(Layers(j).Kind.ne.'R'))

Element(i).Capacity = Layers(j).ElThickness*Layers(j).SpecHeat*Layers(j).Rho

if ((i.eq.Layers(j).InitialElement).and.(Layers(j-1).Kind.eq.'R')) then

Element(i).ResistanceUp = Layers(j-1).Resistance/2+(Layers(j).ElThickness/2) /


Element(i).ResistanceUp = (Layers(j).ElThickness/2)/Layers(j).Lambda

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)


if ((i.eq.Layers(j).FinalElement).and.(Layers(j+1).Kind.eq.'R')) then

Element(i).ResistanceDown = Layers(j+1).Resistance/2+(Layers(j).ElThickness/2)
/ Layers(j).Lambda


Element(i).ResistanceDown = (Layers(j).ElThickness/2)/Layers(j).Lambda


Element(i).ExtH = 0

goto 10


10 enddo


Element(NElementsUp).Capacity =
Layers(NLayersUp).ElThickness*Layers(NLayersUp).SpecHeat*Layers(NLayersUp).Rho +

if ((NElementsUp.eq.Layers(NLayersUp).InitialElement).and.(Layers(NLayersUp-1).Kind.eq.'R')) then

Element(NElementsUp).ResistanceUp = Layers(NLayersUp-


Element(NElementsUp).ResistanceUp =


if ((NElementsUp.eq.Layers(NLayersUp+1).FinalElement).and.(Layers(NLayersUp+2).Kind.eq.'R'))

Element(NElementsUp).ResistanceDown =


Element(NElementsUp).ResistanceDown =


Element(NElementsUp).ExtH = 1

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

do i = NElementsUp+1, NElementsUp+NElementsDown

do j=NLayersUp+1, NLayersUp+NLayersDown

if (((i.ge.Layers(j).InitialElement).and.(i.le.Layers(j).FinalElement)).and.(Layers(j).Kind.ne.'R'))

Element(i).Capacity = Layers(j).ElThickness*Layers(j).SpecHeat*Layers(j).Rho

if ((i.eq.Layers(j).InitialElement).and.(Layers(j-1).Kind.eq.'R')) then

Element(i).ResistanceUp = Layers(j-1).Resistance/2+(Layers(j).ElThickness/2) /


Element(i).ResistanceUp = (Layers(j).ElThickness/2)/Layers(j).Lambda


if ((i.eq.Layers(j).FinalElement).and.(Layers(j+1).Kind.eq.'R')) then

Element(i).ResistanceDown = Layers(j+1).Resistance/2+(Layers(j).ElThickness/2)
/ Layers(j).Lambda


Element(i).ResistanceDown = (Layers(j).ElThickness/2)/Layers(j).Lambda


Element(i).ExtH = 0

goto 11


11 enddo


! Definition of the characteristics of the first element (starting from the ceiling)

Element(LowerElement).Capacity =

if ((LowerElement.eq.Layers(NLayersUp+NLayersDown).InitialElement) .and.
(Layers(NLayersUp+NLayersDown-1).Kind.eq.'R')) then

Element(LowerElement).ResistanceUp = Layers(NLayersUp+NLayersDown-

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)


Element(LowerElement).ResistanceUp =


Element(LowerElement).ResistanceDown = LowerResistance +

Element(LowerElement).ExtH = 0



! Subroutine "CreateTempAndFluxesTables": it calculates the values of temperatures and heat fluxes of air,
slab and walls

Subroutine CreateTempAndFluxesTables (hFloorToCeiling, hAirToFloor, hAirToCeiling, UpperResistance,

LowerResistance, WallsResistance, Rtot, hAirToWalls, hSlabToWalls, NLayersUp, NLayersDown, Element,
UpperElement, PipesLevelElement, LowerElement, FloorArea, AreaWalls, TimeStep, WallsInertia, NSteps,
NTimes, TimeCycle, TotalTime, Boundary, Temperatures, Tair, TWalls, QsOnFloor, QsOnCeiling, QsOnWalls,
QsToCircuit, CalcTimeStep, NCalcTimeSteps, TOp, TsurfW, TsurfC, TSurfF)

Implicit none

! Definition of the Types involved by "CreateTempAndFluxesTables"

Type El

Real Capacity

Real ResistanceUp

Real ResistanceDown

Integer ExtH

End Type El

Type HeatLoadsAndCircuit

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Integer Time

Integer RunningMode

Real Twater

Real RadiantHeatFlux

Real ConvectiveHeatFlux

Real QAir

EndType HeatLoadsAndCircuit

! Definition of the variables involved by "CreateTempAndFluxesTables"

Type(El):: Element(1:50)

Type (HeatLoadsAndCircuit):: Boundary(0:320000)

Real hFloorToCeiling

Real hAirToFloor

Real hAirToCeiling

Real UpperResistance

Real LowerResistance

Real WallsResistance

Real Rtot

Real hAirToWalls

Real hSlabToWalls

Integer NLayersUp

Integer NLayersDown

Integer UpperElement

Integer PipesLevelElement

Integer LowerElement

Real FloorArea

Real AreaWalls

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Integer TimeStep

Real WallsInertia

Integer NSteps

Integer NTimes

Integer TimeCycle

Integer TotalTime

Integer CalcTimeStep

Integer NCalcTimeSteps

Real Temperatures(1:50,0:640000)

Real Tair(0:640000)

Real TWalls(0:640000)

Real qsOnFloor(0:640000)

Real qsOnCeiling(0:640000)

Real qsOnWalls(0:640000)

Real qsToCircuit(0:640000)

Real TOp(0:640000)

Integer RunningMode ! Support variable

Real Twater ! Support variable

Real RadiantHeatFlux ! Support variable

Real ConvectiveHeatFlux ! Support variable

Real QAir ! Support variable

Real qOnFloor ! Support variable

Real qOnCeiling ! Support variable

Real RCAC ! Convective thermal resistance Air-Ceiling

Real RRWC ! Radiant thermal resistance Walls-Ceiling

Real RRFC ! Radiant thermal resistance Floor-Ceiling

Real RCAW ! Convective thermal resistance Air-Walls

Real RRWF ! Radiant thermal resistance Walls-Floor

Real RCAF ! Convective thermal resistance Air-Floor

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

Real QRadW ! Radiant heat loads acting onto the walls

Real QRadF ! Radiant heat loads acting onto the floor

Real QRadC ! Radiant heat loads acting onto the ceiling

Real QRadWF ! Radiant heat flux acting from the walls onto the floor

Real QRadWC ! Radiant heat flux acting from the walls onto the ceiling

Real QRadFC ! Radiant heat flux acting from the floor onto the ceiling

Real QConvW ! Convective heat loads acting onto the walls

Real QConvF ! Convective heat loads acting onto the floor

Real QConvC ! Convective heat loads acting onto the ceiling

Real TSurfW(0:640000)

Real TSurfC(0:640000)

Real TSurfF(0:640000)

Integer i ! Support counter

Integer j ! Support counter

Integer k ! Support counter

! Subroutine "CreateTempAndFluxesTables"___________________________________________________

! Calculation of the number of times the calculation must be performed


! Inizialization of the variables

do i = 0,640000

do j = 1,50

Tair(i) = 0

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

TWalls(i)= 0

Temperatures(j,i)= 0


TOp(i) = 0

TWalls(i) = 0

qsOnFloor(i) = 0

qsOnCeiling(i) = 0

qsOnWalls(i) = 0

qsToCircuit(i) = 0

TSurfW(i) = 0

TSurfF(i) = 0

TSurfC(i) = 0


do j=1,50



TOp(0) = 22.

Tair(0) = 22.

TWalls(0) = 22.

TSurfW(0) = 22.

TSurfF(0) = 22.

TSurfC(0) = 22.

do i=1, NCalcTimeSteps

do j=1, NTimes*NSteps

if ((i*CalcTimeStep.gt.Boundary(j-1).Time).and.(i*CalcTimeStep.le.Boundary(j).Time))

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)






goto 12


12 enddo

! Calculation of the involved resistances

RCAC = (1/hAirToCeiling + Element(LowerElement).ResistanceDown)

RRWC = (1/hSlabToWalls + WallsResistance*FloorArea/AreaWalls +

Element(LowerElement).ResistanceDown )

RRFC = (1/hFloorToCeiling + Element(1).ResistanceUp +


RCAW = (1/hAirToWalls + WallsResistance)

RRWF = (1/hSlabToWalls + Element(1).ResistanceUp + WallsResistance*FloorArea/AreaWalls)

RCAF = (1/hAirToFloor + Element(1).ResistanceUp)

! Calculation of the air temperature

Tair(i) = (ConvectiveHeatFlux + QAir + AreaWalls/RCAW * TWalls(i-1) + FloorArea/RCAF *

Temperatures(1,i-1) + FloorArea/RCAC * Temperatures(LowerElement,i-1)) / (AreaWalls/RCAW
+ FloorArea/RCAF + FloorArea/RCAC)

! Calculation of the heat fluxes acting on the internal surfaces

QRadW = RadiantHeatFlux * AreaWalls/(2*FloorArea + AreaWalls)

QRadF = RadiantHeatFlux * FloorArea/(2*FloorArea + AreaWalls)

QRadC = RadiantHeatFlux * FloorArea/(2*FloorArea + AreaWalls)

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)

QRadWF = (TWalls(i-1) - Temperatures(1,i-1)) / RRWF * FloorArea

QRadWC = (TWalls(i-1) - Temperatures(LowerElement,i-1)) / RRWC * FloorArea

QRadFC = (Temperatures(1,i-1) - Temperatures(LowerElement,i-1)) / RRFC * FloorArea

QConvW = (Tair(i)-TWalls(i-1))/RCAW * AreaWalls

QConvF = (Tair(i)-Temperatures(1,i-1))/RCAF * FloorArea

QConvC = (Tair(i)-Temperatures(LowerElement,i-1))/RCAC * FloorArea

qOnFloor = (QRadF + QRadWF - QRadFC + QConvF)/FloorArea

qOnCeiling = (QRadC + QRadWC + QRadFC + QConvC)/FloorArea

! Calculation of the temperatures of the walls and the slab interfaces

TWalls(i) = (QRadW - QRadWF - QRadWC + QConvW)*CalcTimeStep/ (WallsInertia *

AreaWalls) + TWalls(i-1)

Temperatures(1,i)=(qOnFloor+(Temperatures(2,i-1)-Temperatures(1,i-1)) /
(Element(1).ResistanceDown+Element(2).ResistanceUp))*CalcTimeStep/Element(1).Capacity +

do k=2,LowerElement-1

Temperatures(k,i)= ((Temperatures(k-1,i-1)-Temperatures(k,i-1)) /
(Element(k).ResistanceUp+Element(k-1).ResistanceDown)+(Temperatures(k+1,i-1) -
Temperatures(k,i-1))/(Element(k).ResistanceDown+Element(k+1).ResistanceUp) +
(Twater-Temperatures(k,i-1))*RunningMode/Rtot*Element(k).ExtH)*CalcTimeStep /


Temperatures(LowerElement,i)=(qOnCeiling+(Temperatures(LowerElement-1,i-1) -
Temperatures(LowerElement,i-1))/(Element(LowerElement).ResistanceUp +
Element(LowerElement-1).ResistanceDown))*CalcTimeStep/Element(LowerElement).Capacity +

prEN 15377-3:2005 (E)



TSurfW(i) = TWalls(i) + (QRadW - QRadWF - QRadWC + QConvW)/AreaWalls *


! Last outputs definition



qsOnWalls(i) = (QRadW - QRadWF - QRadWC + QConvW) / FloorArea


TOp(i)=((TSurfF(i)*FloorArea+TSurfC(i)*FloorArea+TSurfW(i)*AreaWalls) /





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