Makalah. Inggris Group 3

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Di susun untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas Mata Kuliah BahasaInggris

Dosen Pengampu: Rully Khoerusolihin, M.Pd.

Disusunoleh :

1. PitriSulastri NIM : 19062

2. ElinHerlina NIM : 19049
3. EuisSartika NIM : 19050
4. DhevimaAlmafabilah NIM : 19048
5. Fuji Anggraeni NIM : 19051
6. PurnomoAjiPrayoga NIM : 19063
7. Pipit Fatmawati NIM : 19061



Jl.KasokandelTimur No.63,Kec. Kasokandel, Kab. Majalengka


Thank to Almighty God who has given His bless to the writer for finishing
the English paper assignment entitled “Describing Things, Feeling and Place in
English”. The writer also wish to express his deep and sincere gratitude for those
who have guided in completing this paper.

This English paper contains how to describing things, describing feelings a

spontaneous inner reaction to a person, place or situation and vocabulary for
describing people and talking about physical appearance Hopefully, this paper can
help the readers to expand their knowledge describing .

The author would like to thank all parties. Especially the English lecturers
who have guided in writing this paper as well as classmates and co-authors of the
paper. So that the paper can be completed properly. The author hopes that this
paper can be useful for readers.

Majalengka, December 07, 2020



KATA PENGANTAR.............................................................................................1
DAFTAR ISI............................................................................................................2
BAB I PENDAHULUAN......................................................................................3
1.1 LatarBelakang...........................................................................................3
1.2 Formulation of Problem............................................................................3
1.3 Purpose of the problem..............................................................................3
1.4 Benefits of papaers....................................................................................3
BAB II PEMBAHASAN........................................................................................4
2.1 Describing Things..........................................................................................4
2.2 Describing Feelings........................................................................................5
2.3 Describing People...........................................................................................6
2.4 Decribing Places...........................................................................................10
2.5 Language Function.......................................................................................14
BAB III..................................................................................................................15
3.1 Simpulan..................................................................................................15
3.2 Saran........................................................................................................15
DAFTAR PUSTAKA............................................................................................16



1.1 LatarBelakang

When we need to describe something, whether isis a thing, person or

event, we will always have to use adjectives, adjectives used in descriptions are
called opinion adjectives. Keep in mind that adjectives are always subjective, it
belong to each person and can not be objectified or generalized. An object may
have an A impression for one and B impression for others, it will never be the
same. Some adjective give a general opinion. We can use adjective to describe
almost any noun.

Therefore, if we are able to master this lesson well, we might later be a

great writer in the future.Furthermore, explanations and examples of describing
something could help who is or is still a long way to learn English. the more we
read the more we can understand and can write this text.

1.2 Formulation of Problem

1. How to describe things?
2. How to describe feelings ?
3. How to describeapeople ?
4. How to describe place?
1.3 Purpose of the problem
2. To understand how to describing things.
3. To understand how to describing ferlings.
4. To understand how to descring people.
5. To understand how to describing place .

1.4 Benefits of papaers

To add insight or knowledge about Describing Thing, Feelings People and Place.


2.1 Describing Things


 To learn some expressions used in describing an object.

 To practice describing an object.

1. Verb form (Simple present tense)

 Notice the underlined words. These sentences are taken from the previous
 This is my digital camera.
 My camera is very small and thin.
 It is very light and easy to carry.
 It is small enough to fit my pocket. 
 It also looks very attractive.
 The color is metallic light green.
 Its shape is rectangle, but it has rounded edges.
 I use my camera to take pictures and record video.
      The underlined words are the verbs (to be) in the simple present form. We
use this kind of verb to describe something. The form of to be is  
   as follow: 

2. Pronouns

     Study these sentences again

 My camera is very small and thin.

 It is very light and easy to carry.
 Its shape is rectangle, but it has rounded edges.

The underlined words are pronouns. The forms of pronouns differ

according to their position (function) in the sentence. Study the following

2.2 Describing Feelings

A feeling is a spontaneous inner reaction to a person, place or situation. It

can be a present situation or a situation which I am thinking about or picturing in
my mind. Feelings are neither right or wrong, good or bad. They can be pleasant
or unpleasant (or difficult). Feelings don’t mean anything. A feeling is what it is.
A feeling is a feeling is a feeling.

Example :

1. Happy – I want to make you happy!

2. Afraid – I hope I can find the one who is afraid for losing me.
3. Sad – This music always makes me sad.

4. Hot – She was hot and sweat dripped into her eyes.
5. Amused – I could see she was highly amused.
6. Bored – The boys were getting bored.
7. Anxious – He was anxious to preserve his reputation.
8. Confident – I am confident of my future.
9. Cold – She felt cold in her flimsy dress.
10. Suspicious – I’m very suspicious about her motives.
11. Nervous - I feel nervous. My heart is pounding, my palms are sweating
and my stomach is upset.

2.3 Describing People

Here’s some useful vocabulary for describing people and talking about
physical appearance. Remember that you need to be quite careful when you’re
describing people. At the bottom of this page are some tips for being tactful.

1. Age

 If you’re old you might have a pension, so you’re an old age

pensioner, or a senior citizen. An old person might be 65 years old
and over.

 Before you’re old (around 55, for example) you can be middle-aged.
If you have children when you’re this age, they can be young adult
(20-25 years of age) or teenager. (13-19).

 There are other words for younger children. For example, a toddler is
around 1-3 years old, while a baby is from 0-12 months old.

2. Build

People are built in all shapes and sizes. There are those who are
fat and overweight. Some people are extremely overweight and are obese.

Other people are naturally slim, but others look have absolutely no fat on
them and are thin, or skinny.

Other words for describing people and build are :

 Stocky = small, but well-built

 Tall

 Short

 Lean = with very little fat

 Wiry = quite thin, but muscular

 Athletic

 Well-proportioned

 Curvaceous (for a women) / an hour-glass figure (Like an 1940

film star)

 Fit = healthy / active. To be fit you should take plenty of exercise

 Flabby = when your muscles go soft

3. Colouring

You can describe someone as an English rose if they have fair

hair and fair skin. Someone with this complexion doesn’t tan easily and
has to be careful in the sun. You can also be blonde, with a fair

You are born with a colour – white or Caucasian, black or Asian.

You can also say person of colour (for example, a woman of colour, or a

man of colour) to describe anyone who is not white (but never use the
word “coloured”). People whose parents are of different ethnic origin are
mixed-race. Southern Europeans are sometimes described as

Other words for describing skin colour :

 Freckles = small brown dots on your face and arms from the sun

 Dark-skinned = a dark complexion which allows you to tan casily

4. Face

Faces, like build, vary a lot. Some people have oval faces – their
foreheads are much wider than their chins. Other people have heart-
shaped, square or round faces.

Here’s some more vocabulary for describing features :

 Bushy eyebrows = lots of thick hair on your eyebrows

 A hooked nose = a prominent nose (but not a wide nose)

 High cheekbones = prominent checkbones

 A broad nose = opposite of a narrow nose

 A snub nose = a nose which goes up at the end

 Even or regular teeth = teeth which are straight

 Crooked teeth = you need to wear a brace to make them straight

 Rosy cheeks = red cheecks

 Dimples = when you get little hollows in your cheeks or next to
your month when you smile

5. Hair

 Long,curly hair

 Short,straight hair

 Fine hair = it doesn‘t weigh very much, vs thick and heavy hair

 Wavy = between straight and curly

 Losing your hair/ going bald = when men start to lose their hair

 A receding hairline = when you lose your hair from your forehead

 A red-head = with red hair

Here are some ways you can describe hair styls :

 Cut in a bob = a short hair style, were the hair comes down to
your chin

 A fringe = where it is cut horizontally across her forehead

 A shaved head = where you hair is shaved off

 A ponytail = where you tie (long) hair behind your head, so it falls
down like a horse`s tail

 A Mohican = a punk style where your hair is shaved on the sides,

but long and spiky in the middle

People can be sensitive about their body shape or age, so be careful
when you’re describing people. In particular, three words that can cause
offense are “fat”, “thin” and “old”. Using “a bit” or “a little” before adjectives
can make what you say sound more tactful. For example, “He’s a little heavy”
or “She’s a bit overweight” are less direct (and more polite). Here are some
alternatives to fat, thin and old.

 Alternatives to “fat”
overweight / heavy / plump / a bit chubby (chubby is especially used for
curvy /curvaceous (for women) / statuesque (i.e. tall and well-built)
well-built / a big man (for men)

 Alternatives to “thin”
slim = no fat, but not skinny
slender / petite (especially for women)
wiry = without an inch of fat

 Alternatives to “old”
a pensioner / elderly (75+) / a senior citizen
middle-aged (50 +)

2.4 Decribing Places

Deskripsi tempat adalah penggambaran mengenai suatu tempat

berdasarkan kenyataan. Describing places membutuhkan 3 langkah atau yang
biasa kita sebut dengan generic structure, yaitu :

1. Introduction(Pengenalan)
Bagian ini merupakan pembuka dari sebuah text, yang memberikan

informasi singkat mengenai nama dan letak dari lokasi yang akan kita
ceritakan. Pada bagian introduction juga harus menyebutkan alasan kenapa
penulis memilih tempati untuk di ceritakan, contohnya seperti ; apa yang
membuat tempat itu terkenal, apa yang membuat tempat itu spesial, dan
lain sebagainya.
2. Main Body (Inti)

Main body merupakan bagian dari inti cerita yang memaparkan mengenai
tempat/bangunan yang diceritakan. Inti dari cerita ini biasanya dimulai
dari menceritakan dari bagian umum, kemudian baru menceritakan bagian
yang khusus sehingga akan menjadi cerita yang mengerucut. Misalnya
ketika kita menceritakan tentang suatu tempat, kita bias memulai dari
keseluruhan cirri dari sebuah tempat tersebut seperti bagaimana
pemandangannya, bangunannya, Cuacanya, dan lain lain, kemudian
merujuk ke detail yang khusus yang melengkapi penjelasan umum

3. Conclusion(Kesimpulan)
Conclusion ini merupakan kesimpulan dari penulis setelah mengunjungi
tempat tersebut. Yang manamenggambarkan perasaan kalian, atau opini
dari tempat tersebut, bias juga kalian memberikan rekomen dasi bagi para
pembaca yang akan mengunjungi tempat tersebut.

Kosa kata yang dapatdigunakanpada Describing Places

 Ancient = Kuno/langka
 Beautiful = Indah
 Boring = Membosankan
 Crowded = Penuhsesak
 Charming = Indah
 Exciting = Menyenangkan
 Expensive = Mahal

 Famous = Terkenal
 Fantastic = Fantastis
 Fascinating = Menarik
 Huge = Besar/luas
 Historic = Bersejarah
 Lively = Hidup
 Popular = Terkenal
 Polluted = Tercemar
 Touristic = Wisata
 Peaceful = Damai
 Stunning = Menakjubkan
 Noisy = Berisik
 Rural = Pedesaan
 Mountainous = Pegunungan
 Perfect = Sempurna
 Fertile = Subur
 Dry = Kering
 Alive = Hidup
 Amazing =  Luarbiasa
 Calm =  Tenang
 Creepy = Menyeramkan
 Deserted = Area Gurun
 Different = Berbeda
 Fresh = Segar
 Hot = Panas
 Incredible = Luarbiasa
 Interesting = Menarik
 Magnificent = Luarbiasa
 Modern = Modern

 Mysterious = Misterius
 Natural = Alami
 Pleasant = Menyenangkan
 Unique = Unik
 Unusual = Tidakbiasa
 Warm = Hangat
 Wild = Liar
 Traditional = Tradisional
 Tropical = Tropis
 Romantic = Romantis


Kiluan Bay

Kiluan Bay is located in Kiluan Village in the District of Tanggamus

in Lampung Province. This is the place where you can see the herds of wild
dolphins diving freely beneath the crystal sea, coupled with sandy white beaches
against a backdrop of a clear blue sky are key elements representing the
unabridged of it’s natural beauty.

Beaches around the bay are also nesting grounds for two species of sea
turtle; the green sea turtle and the hawksbill turtle. Kiluan has two species of
Dolphin, and they are much easier to spot due to their sheer number. Dolphins can
be seen weaving their way between the waves just 20 minutes from the coast. A
variety of boats can be chartered from the locals to take you out to sea, such as the
bercadik-a small boat that carries a maximum of 3 guests plus 1 guide/boatman.

Sea Turtles can also be seen gliding beneath the surface of the water. As a
nesting ground for turtles, depending on the time of year, visitors can observe the
turtles climbing the beach at night to lay their eggs, or watch as the tiny hatchlings
make the journey back to the ocean.

Famous for their tropical charm, most beaches in Lampung region have for
now managed to retain their natural beauty. Soft white sands followed by
sparkling turquoise waters, and though coral isn’t on the list of Kiluan’s delights,
you will find that it’s underwater park is still abundant in marine life. Swimming
and snorkeling can be done just off the shore, or simply relax on the beach,
enjoying the fresh air and tranquil surroundings with friends and family.

Get There

The closest Airport is the RadenInten II Airport in the city of Bandar

Lampung. This is a domestic only airport, serving Jakarta, Bandung and Batam
flights. Kiluan Bay is located about 80 KM from the city of Bandar Lampung.
Getting to Kiluan will take approximately 3-4 hours across winding and hilly

Some of the roads are not in good condition, so it is advisable to hire a

large car for the trip. Roads may flood during the rainy season, so visitors should
take note to travel during the dry season between April and September. Despite
the roads’ inadequate condition, the calming sights of rolling hills and stretches of
green paddy fields will help take your mind off the bumpy road.

2.5 Language Function

To describe things or nun, we use adjective can be in the form of adjective

clauses. Adjective is used to describe noun (things and people). For example:

 An old car
 A beautiful girl
 A rich businesswoman
 A red chair
 A flowery shirt

Adjective clauses ORDER:

The Wonderful Small old round Green German Wooden VASE
A Beautiful Large new Red Indonesian Cotton SKIRT

 Size  : Big, Small, Little, Huge, Middle,

 Shape : Round, Oval, Rectangular, Square
 Condition : Smooth, Hard
 Age  : Old, Modern, Ancient
 Color : Red, Yellow, Blue, Green
 Origin : Germany, American
 Material : Wooden, Metal, Iron, Paper
 Pattern : Checked, Flowery, Spotted, Striped,
 Opinion : Beautiful, Wonderful, Expensive, Cheap,Etc



3.1 Simpulan

Describe things is a expressions used in describing an object. Describe
feeling is A feeling is a spontaneous inner reaction to a person, place or
situation. It can be a present situation or a situation which I am thinking about
or picturing in my mind. Feelings are neither right or wrong, good or bad.
They can be pleasant or unpleasant (or difficult). Feelings don’t mean
anything. A feeling is what it is. A feeling is a feeling is a feeling. Deskripsi
tempat adalah penggambaran mengenai suatu tempat berdasarkan kenyataan.
Describing places membutuhkan 3 langkah atau yang biasa kita sebut dengan
generic structure, yaitu introduction, main body, conclusion. Language
Function.To describe things or nun, we use adjective can be in the form of
adjective clauses. Adjective is used to describe noun (things and people).
3.2 Saran
In this learning or discussion, understanding and memorization of
material describing things, feelings, people and place should be improved so
that it is easy for us to describe things, of course, in good and correct words.

tanggal 02 Desember 2020, pukul 14.13 WIB)

Gun/Describing-Things.html (diakses tanggal 02 Desember 2020, pukul 14.21
places-dan-contohnya/ (diakses tanggal 02 Desember 2020, pukul 14.44 WIB) (diakses tanggal 02

Desember 2020, pukul 16.00 WIB)

(diakses tanggal 02 Desember 2020, pukul 17.02 WIB)


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