Resolución de Fallas Suavizador de Agua

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Hard Water

Problem Reason Solution

1. Water meter disc Non-conforming meter drive pawl Replace meter drive pawl
is not turning
Meter drive spring installed wrong Reinstall meter drive spring

No back pawl not installed Install no back pawl

Damaged tooth on the meter disc Replace meter disc

Damaged gear in the gearing stack Re-gear Level 1 Assembly and

check allowable flow rates

2. The unit will not Water meter disc is not turning See number 1 above
go into automatic
regeneration Control disc will not automatically Replace regeneration start pawl
advance out of service position

Damaged teeth on control disc Replace control disc

3. No vacuum in Check stems missing or not working Replace or add check stems
brine position correctly

Plugged venturi Clean out Level 3 venturi throat

and molded venturi nozzle (Do
not use a paper clip!)

Plugged backwash flow control Clean out backwash flow


Plugged brine elbow screen Clean out brine elbow screen

4. Short salting The brine drum is not level. The grid Level the brine drum.
system allows a water level no more
than 1" above the grid. If the brine drum
is not level, it may exceed this.

5. Bridged salt in the Salt has solidified in the drum Carefully move the salt around
brine drum to break up the mass of
solidified salt.

6. The by-pass is An open by-pass allows water to flow Close the by-pass
open around the system without any
treatment at all

CP Softener Series Owner’s Manual

7. The by-pass is This can be determined by testing the Repair or replace the by-
leaking water at a soft water tap. With the water pass.
still running, disconnect the brine line at
the valve and test the water. Water that
tests soft at the brine fitting and hard at
the tap indicates a by-pass that is leaking.

8. Brine drum does The brine valve is set incorrectly Set the brine valve according
not refill or to instructions on the brine
overfills valve installation sheet in the
owner's pack or tech manual

The brine valve is non-conforming Replace the brine valve

The brine drum is dirty Clean out the brine drum

The venturi nozzle is plugged Clean out Level 3 venturi

throat and molded venturi
nozzle (do not use a paper

The brine elbow screen is plugged. Remove and clean brine

elbow screen

Frequent Regeneration
Problem Reason Solution

1. The customer If customers previously owned an electric Explain to the customer how
does not unit with timer based regeneration, they the Kinetico softener works.
understand may not realize that Kinetico units can Emphasize that regeneration
Kinetico units regenerate at any time of the day or night is controlled by the
measurement of water use
rather than on an arbitrary
timed basis.

2. High water usage The customer may be using more water Obtain a water-bill (if
than he realizes customer is on a city water
system) and determine how
much water should be used.
Average water consumption
is 75 gallons per day per

3. The unit does Incorrectly labeled meter disc. Verify that Install the correct meter disc
regenerate too the number of slots on the disc match the
frequently number molded on the disc.

High Salt Consumption
Problem Reason Solution

1. Regenerates too See the section entitled Frequent See the section entitled
frequently. Regeneration Frequent Regeneration

2. Water level in the The brine valve is set wrong or non- Verify the brine valve setting.
brine drum is too conforming Replace non-conforming
high. brine valve.

The brine valve or the brine drum is dirty Clean brine valve and drum

The brine valve leaks Tighten the connectors on

the brine valve

Salty Treated Water

Problem Reason Solution

1. Restricted drain The drain is kinked or clogged Clear any obstructions. Make
line sure that the drain line flows
smoothly and unrestricted.

2. Low water The unit should not see water pressure Test the outlet pressure with
pressure drop below 15 psi on the outlet at any the unit in backwash and one
time. During the backwash portion of the faucet at high flow. Measure
regeneration cycle, it must hold at least the pressure by placing a
15 psi or the brine may not rinse out gauge on the brine fitting.
completely. Raise pressure if below 15

The prefilter cartridge is plugged Replace prefilter cartridge

3. The backwash flow Without enough backwash flow to the Clean the backwash flow
control is plugged drain, the unit cannot wash all the salt control
from the media tanks

4. The drain is Such drain runs can put back-pressure on Locate a closer drain or use a
extremely long or the unit and restrict the drain flow. This larger diameter drain line
placed higher than causes the same result as number 3
8 feet above the above.

5. The upper Foreign material that finds its way into the Clean upper distributors.
distributors are media tanks may be collected around the Install a prefilter
plugged. (This upper distributors during backwash,
does not apply to clogging them
High Efficiency

6. Water level in the The brine valve is set wrong or non- Verify the brine valve setting.
brine drum is too conforming Replace non-conforming
high brine valve

CP Softener Series Owner’s Manual

Iron Bleed-through
Problem Reason Solution
1. Customer Previous iron buildup inside existing Verify that customer plumbing
plumbing plumbing after the water softener is the problem by testing the
water quality at the brine
fitting with water running

2. The water meter The composition of raw water can change Check the hardness and iron
disc is not set with time content of raw water. Install
properly for the correct disc for current
current raw water raw water conditions.

3. The salt setting is The composition of raw water can change Check the hardness and iron
not set properly with time content of raw water. Set the
for current raw brine valve for current raw
water conditions water conditions

4. The iron may be Ferric iron is not removable by ion Verify by using the demo
ferric iron exchange softener to determine if iron is
removable by ion exchange.
Add additional equipment if

The iron may be finer than the micron Install a cartridge with finer
rating of the installed prefilter cartridge micron rating

5. The customer's A galvanized pressure tank will create Replace the galvanized
plumbing may oxidized iron pressure tank with a bladder
include a style pressure tank
pressure tank.

Pressure loss
Problem Reason Solution
1. Reduced pressure The prefilter is clogged Replace the clogged prefilter
entering the unit

2. The upper and/or Foreign matter from the input lines is Clean the distributors. Add a
lower distributors accumulating in the distributors prefilter to eliminate the
are plugged foreign matter before it
enters the unit.

Water Running to Drain
Note: With softeners and filter/softeners, start by testing the drain water. If the drain water is hard, the tank
currently in service has a problem with its drain valve. If the drain water is soft, start with number 1 below.

Problem Reason Solution

1. The balance piston Water will leak past an improperly seated Depress the actuator several
O-ring is not balance piston O-ring and out the drain times to seat the O-ring.
seated properly Replace worn or non-
conforming O-ring

2. Bad control disc A scored control disc will allow a fast drip Replace the control disc
to a pencil sized stream to flow through
the drain

3. The drain or Foreign matter under the seals will not Disassemble and remove the
control valve seals allow them to seat properly foreign matter from seals
are not seating

4. Low water If the water pressure is less than 15 psi Increase water pressure
pressure (CP208-210) or 25 psi (CP213-216) at the
brine fitting the system may not operate

Test Backwashing Filters with the unit in

Backwash and 1 faucet (cold) running

5. The Main Valve The quad rings may be rolled, pinched, Replace and re-silicone the
piston quad rings torn or just dirty. quad rings.
or Level 4 internal
quad rings are not The quad rings may be chloramine or Replace quad rings with
sealing. chlorine damaged if on a chlorine treated silicone seals. Order
water supply. chloramine kit, part number

CP Softener Series Owner’s Manual

Taste, Color & Odor

Problem Reason Solution
1. Treated water has See the section entitled "Iron Bleed-
a metallic or iron Through"

2. Treated water has This is due to heavily chlorinated raw city Install a carbon filter
chlorine odor water
and/or taste

3. Treated water has In high TDS (1000+) applications, salt Inform the customer of the
a salty taste taste may be present due to the ion Kinetico Drinking Water
exchange process or sodium chloride in System or Commercial RO
the raw water System

See the section entitled "Salty Treated


4. Treated water has The raw water may have traces of tannins If tannins are present, use
a yellow tint present tannin softener

See the section entitled "Iron Bleed-


5. Treated water has The magnesium rod in hot water tanks Remove this rod from the hot
an odor (hot water can cause a reaction that gives off an water heater. An alternative
only) odor of rotten eggs rod may be installed.

Problem Reason Solution
1. Water leaks from Main Valve screws are not tightened Depressurize the unit and
any of the tighten the Main Valve
assembly levels screws

One of the seals between assembly levels Replace the non-conforming

(Level 1 through Level 4) is pinched or seal

One of the screw holes is stripped or Replace the base


There is a crack on the seal area near a Replace the level

screw hole

2. Water feed No pressure regulator installed Install pressure regulator

pressure is too
high (125 psi The pressure regulator is broken Replace pressure regulator

3. Water leaks at the The base is not tightened properly Tighten base
main base or
remote base The O-ring on the base is pinched or Replace base O-ring

CP Softener Series Owner’s Manual

Equipment Noise
Problem Reason Solution
1. The unit makes a The control disc is not flat on the ceramic, Replace the control disc,
squealing noise causing the drain valve to flutter balance piston spring and the
balance piston O-ring. You
may also want to change the
drain valves and seals.

2. The unit makes a On new installations, there may be some Run through an entire cycle
gurgling, hissing air trapped in the unit initially to allow the air to escape
or bubbling sound
Air is being drawn into the plumbing Identify air leaks in the
plumbing and fix them

The brine line and/or the brine valve are Identify and replace the faulty
not air checking part(s)

Unit Sticks in Cycle

Problem Reason Solution
1. The unit sticks in The regeneration flow path is plugged at Clean the regeneration flow
regeneration or the regeneration nozzle or flow control path
backwash cycle
The regeneration drive pawl and/or spring Replace the regeneration
is weak or broken drive pawl

There is a damaged tooth on the control Replace the control disc


The eccentric pinion is worn Replace the eccentric pinion

(snap fit)

On backwashing filters, low pressure or Increase inlet pressure or the

poor backwashing may cause a plugged frequency of backwash. Unit
bed may need re-bedding.

2. The unit sticks in The regeneration start pawl is broken or Replace or install
service cycle missing regeneration start pawl

The control disc has a worn or missing Replace control disc


Complete Valve Level One

Cap Screw (8)..................... 1010

Cap ................................... 9044B

Actuator O-ring ................... 1460

Actuator ............................ 13688

Cap Seal ............................. 8628
Meter Disc 1 ...................... 1504
Disc 2....................... 1505
Disc 3....................... 1506
Disc 4....................... 1507
Disc 5....................... 1508
Disc 6....................... 1509
CP 208s OD .................................................................. 11203 Disc 7....................... 1510
CP 210s OD .................................................................. 11131 Disc 8....................... 1511
CP 213s OD .................................................................. 11156 Balance Piston O-ring......... 1070
CP 216s OD .................................................................. 11170 Balance Piston.................. 14927
Balance Piston Spring ........ 5448
Control Disc ........................ 5565

No-Back Pawl ..................... 7097

Meter Drive Pawl ................ 7014

Meter Drive Pawl Spring ... 7010A

Regen Start Pawl................ 1783

Eccentric Pin....................... 1520

Level 1 Filter ..................... 10781

Support Pin ......................... 1023

Regen Drive Pawl ............... 5511

Eccentric Pin....................... 1520

Regen O-ring ...................... 2657

Level 1 Screw (8)................ 1830

Level 1 Assembly
CP 208s OD ................... 11205
CP 210s OD ................... 11133
CP 213s OD ................. 11240A
CP 216s OD ................. 11242A

Level 1 Seal (Red LSR) ..... 8471

(not shown)

CP Softener Series Owner’s Manual

Gearing Nozzles
Regeneration Gearing

Micro Nozzle
0.05 gpm – 5 gpm ...........................10880B

½ Louver Nozzle
0.3 – 25 gpm ..................................... 11018

Meter Gearing

Unit (gallons) ............................. short hand Full Louver Nozzle

turbine (t) CP 208s (3171) ........................s-1-5-4-P4-t CP 213s OD
CC 210s (3829) ............... s-7-P23-P23-P6-t 0.7 – 40 gpm ..................................... 15127
CC 213s (8922)
.............. s-p2-p20-p14-p14-p13-p12-t
(c) (d) CC 216s (15, 192)
.............. s-p2-p20-p14-p14-p13-p12-t
(b) Open Louver Nozzle
(a) CP 216s OD
Part ....................................... Number 1.1 – 50 gpm ..................................... 15653
(s) stem gear
Gear Stem ................................... 1521
Gear 1 ......................................... 1522
Gear 2 ......................................... 1523
Gear p2 .................................... 7886A
Gear 4 ......................................... 1525
Gear 5 ......................................... 1526
Gear 6 ......................................... 1527
Gear 7 ......................................... 1528
Gear P12 .................................. 7892A Inlet / Outlet Adapters
Gear P13 .................................. 7893A
Gear P14 .................................. 7894A
Gear P20 .................................. 7898A
1½” - 1 ¼” Brass - Solder ................ 11048
Turbine (PP9) ...................................... 9258 (included with CP systems)
Turbine (PP6) CP213 & CP216 only 7855A
¾” Copper, Solder ............................ 10748

Regeneration Gearing
Unit (time) ................................. Short hand 1” Brass, Solder ................................ 11049
turbine (t) CP 208 (45 min.) ...................... s-2-1-5-4-j8
CP 210 (90 min.) ...................... s-2-3-4-4-j8
CP 213 (90 min.) ...................... s-2-3-4-4-j8 1 ¼” PVC, Glue .............................11615A
(c) (d) CP 216 (90 min.) ...................... s-2-3-4-4-j8
(b) 1 ¼” Noryl - MNPT ............................ 10739
Part ........................................ Number
(a) Gear Stem ................................... 1521 1 ¼” Noryl - BSP ............................... 11692
(s) gear stem Gear 2 ......................................... 1523 1” Noryl - MNPT ................................ 11691
Turbine (#8 jet) ....................... 11011A
Turbine (#10 jet) ........................8781F
1” Brass, FNPT ................................. 10749

Stem Gear ....................................................................... 1521

Washers .......................................................................... 1773
E-ring ............................................................................... 1022
Meter Turbine Retainer.................................................... 7859
Gear Alignment Clip ................................................... 11902B Adapter O-ring ................................. 10733

Adapter E-clip .................................11098A

Level 2 Level 5
Vent Tube ........................... 1480

Level 2 .............................. 13690 ....................... 208/210 .. 213/216

Brine Flow Control Drain Valve Quad Ring ... 1590 ......... 8187A
CC 208 (0.4 gpm) ............. 5156
CP 210 (0.7 gpm) ............. 5157 Drain Valve w Quad ........ 7871 ......... 15129
CP 213 (0.7 gpm) ............. 5157
CP 213 (0.7 gpm) ............. 5157
Interlock .......................... 9261 ......... 13697
Level 2 Seal (Red, LSR) ..... 8630

Level 5 (check stem).... 7866B ....... 13700A

Level 3
Drain Elbow (1/2”) ............... 7870
Drain Elbow (5/8”) ............... 7873 Drain Valve Seal . 7869 ..... 8193A

Level 3 (208/210) ............. 8914B

Level 3 (213/216) ............. 8917C

Brine Elbow ......................... 1840

(3/8” NPT x 3/8” Tube) Level 6

Level 3 Seal (Red, LSR) ..... 8631 Main Base Seal ...................... ............ 8620
Throat, CP 208 (tan) ........... 3343
Throat, CP 210 (white) ........ 1043 Check Stems ....................................... 8627
Throat, CP 213/216 (ylw) .... 6017
Main Base ...................................... 14602A
Venturi Throat O-ring .......... 1460

Regeneration Flow Control Main Base O-ring ................................ 8925

(0.2 gpm).......................... 9183B
Upper Distributor
208/210 ............................................ 2160A
Level 4 213 .................................................... 11193
216 .................................................... 11155
.................. 208/210 .......213/216
Main Piston with Quad Ring
..................... 15131 ..........15131

Main Piston Quad Ring

..................... 8186A ......... 8186A

Control Valve Quad Ring Remote Base

....................... 1590 ............1590
Remote Base .................................... 13705
Control Valve (w / Quad)
................... 13720A ....... 13720A

Level 4 ......... 5268A .......... 15128

Control Valve Seal Main Base O-ring ................................ 8925

..................... 8193A ......... 8193A
Upper Distributor
Backwash Flow Control 208/210 ............................................ 2160A
CP 208 (2.0 gpm) . ............1054 213 .................................................... 11193
CP 210 (3.0 gpm) . ............1055 216 .................................................... 11155
CP 213 (5.0 gpm) . ............1583
CP 216 (7.0 gpm) ............none

Main Valve Seat (w/ seal)

....................... 2465 ..........13696

Main Valve Seal

....................... 7865 ......... 8185A

Level 4 Seal (Red, LSR) .....8632

CP Softener Series Owner’s Manual

Media Tanks, Distributors and Riser Tubes Brine Valve

Upper Distributor ⅜” x ⅜” Tube Union ............................ 9210
208/210 .......................................... 2160A
213 .................................................. 11193 Bent Tube (18” x 35” Brine Tank) ....... 7802
216 .................................................. 11155

Flow Restrictor (main tank)

208/210 .......................................... 5567A
213/2116 ........................................... none

Media Tank Well Cover ........................................ 7815A

208 ................................................. 1091A
210 .................................................... 9823
213 .................................................. 13417
216 ............................................... 11174A
Rod Lock............................................. 7796
Distributor Tube
208 ................................................. 1087B
210 ............................................... 10526B
213 .................................................. 13424
216 ............................................... 11166A Float Cup ............................................ 7821

Float Cup Grommet ............................ 7789

Float Cup Retainer............................ 7820A

Rod Guide........................................... 7798

Adjuster Tube ................................... 7787B

Brine Valve Assembly ......................... 7786

Brine Valve O-ring .............................. 9804

Tank Connectors Brine Valve Body with connector ........ 7783

Connector Kit Connector, ⅜” Tube x ¼’ MNPT ......... 7780

208 .................................................. 14699
210 ............................................... 11029A
213 .................................................. 11042 Complete Brine Valve Assemblies
216 .................................................. 11167 18” x 35” Brine Tank............................................................ 7805
24” x 40” Brine Tank.......................................................... 10591
Connector Pin ..................................... 4742

Connector O-Ring ............................... 1328

Connector Pipe
208 (8”)......................................... 11097A
210 (10”)....................................... 11030B
213 (13”)......................................... 8081A
216 (16”)............................................ 9213

Connector Link
208 (8”).............................................. 2845
210 (10”)............................................ 2846
213 (13”)............................................ 8079 3
Softening Resin (1 ft bag) ................................................ 13672
216 (16”)............................................ 9212 3
Gravel (1 ft bag) .............................................................. 1226A


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