4.hollow Walls

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is Hollow walls?
• A wall that consists of two separate walls, joined by wall-
ties, with an air space between them.

• Also termed as a Cavity Wall

Cavity walls
• A cavity wall is two width of masonry,
separated by a cavity of varying dimension.

• The masonry width may consist of solid

brick, structural clay tile, or concrete
masonry units and are bonded together
with masonry ties.

• The cavity (ranging from 2 inches to 4 1/2

inches in width) may or may not contain
Cavity walls
• Combining these elements with a
good structural design, appropriate
details, quality materials and good
workmanship will result in high
performance cavity walls.

• These walls are generally exterior

walls, although sometimes used as
interior walls due to good sound.
Cavity walls
• The main purpose of constructing a cavity wall is to prevent the penetration of rain to
the internal surface of the wall. It is essential that cavity walls are not bridged in any
way as this would provide a passage of moisture.

• The masonry skins of a cavity wall can be brickwork, blockwork or similar. Different
masonry materials can be used on either side of the cavity. The cavity is initially empty
but can be filled with insulation by various methods.

• Cavity walls are more time consuming and therefore slightly more expensive to build
than walls with the two skins bonded together, but they provide better sound and heat
insulation and most importantly resistance to rain penetration.

• The main consideration in the construction of cavity wall above ground level damp
proof course of a brick or block which will give the required durability, strength and
Construction Details
• The two leaves of a cavity wall may be of equal thickness if it is a
non load bearing wall, or the internal leaf may be thicker than the
external leaf, to meet the structural requirements.

• The inner and outer skins of the wall are adequately tied together
by means of special wall ties at the rate of at least five ties per
square meter of wall.

• The cavity should neither be less than 40 mm nor more than 100 mm
in width.

• To prevent moisture to enter, it is essential to provide a vertical

damp proof course at window and door reveals. The damp proof course
should be flexible.
Construction Details
Construction Details
Elements of Cavity Walls
• Wall tie
• Cavity Insulator
• Weep holes / Air vent duct
Cavity walls – wall ties
• Wall ties are mostly mild steel
thoroughly galvanized or dipped
in hot tar and sanded to protect
from rust.

• Stainless steel is now used.

• These are various patterns; the

washer shown is to hold
insulation boards in position
against the inner leaf.
Cavity walls – wall ties
• These ties must be placed at
distances not exceeding 900 mm
horizontally and 450 mm
vertically, and should be

• Ties must be placed at 300 mm

vertical intervals at all angles and
door and window jambs to
increase stability.
Wall ties
Cavity walls Insulators
• Cavity wall insulation is used to reduce heat loss through a cavity wall
by filling the air space with material that inhibits heat transfer.

• The inner and outer wall should have at least 10cm thickness

• There are few most common types of cavity wall insulation used are :

• Blown mineral fiber.

• Polystyrene beads or granules.
• Urea formaldehyde foam.
• Lean concrete
Cavity walls Insulators
Clear cavity Filled cavity Partial cavity Solid
Weep holes in cavity wall
• It is typically found in the outer masonry leaf
of cavity walls, just above the flashing with
an interval of 1 m. They can also be found
above windows, doors or other penetrations.
• They should be provided at regular intervals so as to
allow any moisture collected by cavity trays to

• A flashing material in cavity wall construction needs

to act as a means to moisture collection, and then
more importantly to the diversion of it.
Weep holes in cavity wall
Weep holes in cavity wall
Advantages of Cavity wall
• Damp Prevention: cavity wall checks the prevention of dampness from
outside to inside of the building in the better way than a solid brick
wall of the same thickness.
• Heat Insulation: since air is a bad conductor of heat, a cavity wall
decreases the heat transmission considerably hence it is easier to
maintain uniform temperature inside the building.
• Sound Insulation: sound waves can travel faster in solid media than air,
the cavity wall constructions considerably dampens the external noise
and inside the building, external disturbances have little effect.
• Economical: The construction cost of a cavity wall is about 20% less
than the construction cost of a solid wall having the same thickness.
• Able to withstand a driving rain in all situations from penetrating to the
inner wall.
Advantages of Cavity wall
Disadvantages of Cavity wall
• Requires a high standard of design and workmanship to produce a
soundly construction wall
• Require good supervision during construction.
• The need to a vertical damp proof course to all openings
• Slightly higher cost than a standard one brick thick wall
Cavity wall
Cavity wall
Cavity wall
Cavity wall
Hollow Concrete blocks
• It is a large rectangular brick used in
• They are manufactured from lightweight
aggregates. They are light blocks and easy to
handle. It made out of mixture of Portland
cement + aggregate+ sand and fine gravel.
They are used in all types of masonry
• For Example: for below and above grade in
exterior load bearing walls, interior load
bearing walls, and partitions and panel
Hollow Concrete blocks
Hollow Concrete blocks
• Have one or more hollow cores.

• In general, a hollow-core concrete block is more than 50 % solid.

• Standard hollow concrete blocks come in full and half sizes.

• Full-size blocks are rectangular and have two cores.

• Half size blocks are cubical and have one core.

Advantages of Hollow Concrete blocks
• Highly Durable: The good concrete compacted by high pressure and
vibration gives substantial strength to the block. Proper curing
increase compressive strength of the blocks.

• Low Maintenance

• Fire Resistant

• Provide thermal and sound insulation

• Economical

• Environment Friendly
Advantages of Hollow Concrete blocks
Structural Advantages
• Reducing the vulnerability (exposed to damage) of disastrous
damage to the structure/building, during the natural hazards.

• Provide and offer better resistance under dynamic loading.

Advantages of Hollow Concrete blocks
Constructional Advantages

• No additional formwork or any special construction machinery is

required for reinforcing the hollow block masonry.
• Only semi-skilled labor is required for this type of construction.
• It is a faster and easier construction system, when compared to the
other conventional construction systems.
• It is also found to be a cost-effective disaster resistant construction
Advantages of Hollow Concrete
Architectural and Other Advantages

• This construction system provides better acoustic and thermal

insulation for the building.
• Faster construction: Easy to work with bigger in size.
• Recommended for earth quake resistance.
• Less water absorption:- Approx. 3 to 4%
• Environmental Eco-Friendly
• This system is durable and maintenance free.
• No leaching: - Reduction in maintenance.
Disadvantages of Concrete blocks
• style and design: the natural color of concrete block is grey in color so
sometimes it can be a problem with aesthetic.

• They have less resistance as compared to bricks, so they can be burnt


• Weak insulation.

• Durability: bricks can last for a longer time than concrete blocks
(hollow), that means some types of concrete blocks are less durable.
Hollow Concrete block wall
Hollow Concrete block wall
Hollow Concrete block wall
Hollow Concrete block wall
Hollow Concrete block wall
Hollow Concrete block wall

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