DEFCON - Red Team Village - Station 2

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The document discusses setting up a WebSploit environment to learn about web application penetration testing. It covers exercises on vulnerabilities like SQL injection, XSS, XXE and more.

Tools like nikto, Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP, dirb, Python, Linux commands like objdump and Ghidra are mentioned for recon and enumeration.

The process includes downloading Kali Linux, running the WebSploit install script to install tools and vulnerable containers, and accessing the vulnerable applications through Docker.

Table of Contents

Introduction 4
You Have Two Options 4
WebSploit Labs 4
Docker Containers 5

Exercise 1: Authentication and Session Management Vulnerabilities 6

Exercise 1a: Fingerprinting the Web Framework and Programming Language used in the
Backend 6
Burp CA Certificate 10
Intercepting requests and responses 10
Using the Proxy history 11
Burp Proxy testing workflow 11
Exercise 1b: Brute Forcing the Application 13
Exercise 1c: Bypassing Authorization 19
Exercise 1c: Discover the Score-Board 23

Exercise 2: Reflected XSS 25

Exercise 2a: Evasions 25
Exercise 2b: Reflected XSS 25
Exercise 2c: DOM-based XSS 25

Exercise 3: Stored (persistent) XSS 26

Exercise 3b: Let’s spice things up a bit! 28

Exercise 4: Exploiting XXE Vulnerabilities 32

Exercise 5: SQL Injection 35

A Brief Introduction to SQL 35
Exercise 5a: A Simple Example of SQL Injection 36
Exercise 5b: SQL Injection Level 2 - GDPR Data Erasure Issue 40
Exercise 5c: SQL Injection using SQLmap 41

Exercise 6: Exploiting Weak Cryptographic Implementations 45

Exercise 7: Path (Directory) Traversal 48

Exercise 8: Additional XSS Exploitation 50

Exercise 9: Bypassing Additional Web Application Flaws 50

Exercise 10: Additional SQL Injection Exercises 51

Exercise 10.1: Logging in as Admin 51
Exercise 10.2 Login as Bender 52
Exercise 11: Total Mayhem 53


This course starts with an introduction to modern web applications and immediately starts diving
directly into the mapping and discovery phase of testing. In this course, you will learn several
methodologies used and adopted by many penetration testers and ethical hackers. This is a
hands-on training where you will use various open source tools and learn how to exploit SQL
injection, command injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), XML External Entity (XXE), and
cross-site request forgery (CSRF).

Savannah​ and ​Omar Ωr​ will provide a brief introduction of the material and then you will
complete the hands-on exercises on your own (there are tons below).

You Have Two Options

1. If you are a beginner or an intermediate-level hacker, go through all the exercises.

2. If you are an expert, jump to the last exercise (which is a capture-the-flag-like exercise).
Feel free to post your own write-up and Tweet it to ​@VillageRedTeam​ with the hashtag
#RTV-Station2​ for a chance to win a prize.

WebSploit Labs
The following are the easy steps to setup your environment:
1. Download ​Kali Linux​ and install it on a VM. Use the hypervisor of your choice (e.g.,
VirtualBox, VMWare Workstation/Fusion, ESXi, Proxmox, etc.). Offensive Security
created several ​.OVA files​ that you can import in VirtualBox or VMWare.
2. Once you install Kali, run the following command from a terminal window to setup your
environment (this will install all the tools, intentionally vulnerable containers, and
numerous other resources):
curl -sSL | sudo bash

IMPORTANT​: Your VM now contains vulnerable software! DO NOT connect to a production

environment and use it with caution!!! The purpose of this VM is to have a lightweight (single
VM) with a few web application penetration testing tools, as well as vulnerable applications.

TIP​: The H4cker GitHub Repository (​​): Over 8,000 references and
resources related to ethical hacking / penetration testing, digital forensics and incident response
(DFIR), vulnerability research, exploit development, reverse engineering, and more.
Docker Containers
All of the vulnerable servers are running in Docker containers. The Docker service is ​not
started at boot time.​ This is to prevent the vulnerable applications to be exposed by default.
Please use the following command to start it:

service docker start

The following are all the Docker containers included in the WebSploit VM:

To obtain the status of each docker container use the ​sudo docker ps​ command.
Exercise 1: Authentication and Session
Management Vulnerabilities
An attacker can bypass authentication in vulnerable systems via several methods. The following
are the most common ways that you can take advantage of authentication-based vulnerabilities
in an affected system:
● Credential brute forcing
● Session hijacking
● Redirect
● Default credentials
● Weak credentials
● Kerberos exploits
● Malpractices in OAuth/OAuth2, SAML, OpenID implementations

A large number of web applications keep track of information about each user for the duration of
the web transactions. Several web applications have the ability to establish variables like access
rights and localization settings and many others. These variables apply to each and every
interaction a user has with the web application for the duration of the session.

Exercise 1a: Fingerprinting the Web Framework and

Programming Language used in the Backend
1. In this exercise you will try to determine what type of programming language and
backend infrastructure is used by looking at ​sessions IDs​. However, first you need to
configure your browser to send traffic to the proxy (you can use Burp Suite or OWASP
ZAP). Navigate to ​Preferences​:
2. Then navigate to ​Network Proxy > Settings​.

3. Configure the proxy as shown below. Make sure that the “​No proxy for​” box does not
have any entry on it.
4. Once you configure the proxy navigate to the ​Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA)​ . You may need to ​Create​/​Reset​ the Database.
5. When you are asked for a password use ​admin / password​.
6. Once you login to DVWA, launch Burp, navigate to ​Proxy > Intercept​ and turn on

7. Go back to DVWA and navigate to Brute Force, while capturing the requests and
responses. Identify the session ID and write down the web framework and programming
language used by the application below:

Answer: ___________________________

8. Familiarize yourself with ​Burp​, as we will be using it extensively throughout the course.
Click through each of the message editor tabs (Raw, Headers, etc.) to see the different
ways of analyzing the message.

9. Click the "​Forward​" button to send the request to the server. In most cases, your
browser will make more than one request in order to display the page (for images, etc.).
Look at each subsequent request and then forward it to the server. When there are no
more requests to forward, your browser should have finished loading the URL you

10. You can go to the ​Proxy History​ tab. This contains a table of all HTTP messages that
have passed through the Proxy. Select an item in the table, and look at the HTTP
messages in the request and response tabs. If you select the item that you modified, you
will see separate tabs for the original and modified requests.

11. Click on a column header in the Proxy history. This sorts the contents of the table
according to that column. Click the same header again to reverse-sort on that column,
and again to clear the sorting and show items in the default order. Try this for different
12. Within the history table, click on a cell in the leftmost column, and choose a color from
the drop-down menu. This will highlight that row in the selected color. In another row,
double-click within the Comment column and type a comment. You can use highlights
and comments to annotate the history and identify interesting items.

Burp CA Certificate

Since Burp breaks SSL connections between your browser and servers, your browser will by
default show a warning message if you visit an HTTPS site via Burp Proxy. This is because the
browser does not recognize Burp's SSL certificate, and infers that your traffic may be being
intercepted by a third-party attacker. To use Burp effectively with SSL connections, you really
need to ​install Burp's Certificate Authority master certificate​ in your browser, so that it trusts the
certificates generated by Burp.

A few additional details that are also documented at:

When you have things set up, visit any URL in your browser, and go to the ​Intercept tab​ in Burp
Proxy. If everything is working, you should see an HTTP request displayed for you to view and
modify. You should also see entries appearing in the ​Proxy history​ tab. You will need to forward
HTTP messages as they appear in the Intercept tab, in order to continue browsing.

Intercepting requests and responses

The ​Intercept tab​ displays individual HTTP requests and responses that have been intercepted
by Burp Proxy for review and modification. This feature is a key part of Burp's user-driven
● Manually reviewing intercepted messages is often key to understanding the application's
attack surface in detail.
● Modifying request parameters often allows you to quickly identify common security
Intercepted requests and responses are displayed in an ​HTTP message editor​, which contains
numerous features designed to help you quickly analyze and manipulate the messages.
By default, Burp Proxy intercepts only request messages, and does not intercept requests for
URLs with common file extensions that are often not directly interesting when testing (images,
CSS, and static JavaScript). You can change this default behavior in the ​interception options​.
For example, you can configure Burp to only intercept ​in-scope​ requests containing parameters,
or to intercept all responses containing HTML. Furthermore, you may often want to turn off
Burp's interception altogether, so that all HTTP messages are automatically forwarded without
requiring user intervention. You can do this using the master interception toggle, in the ​Intercept
Using the Proxy history
Burp maintains a ​full history​ of all requests and responses that have passed through the Proxy.
This enables you to review the browser-server conversation to understand how the application
functions, or carry out key testing tasks. Sometimes you may want to completely disable
interception in the ​Intercept tab​, and freely browse a part of the application's functionality, before
carefully reviewing the resulting requests and responses in the Proxy history.
Burp provides the following functions to help you analyze the Proxy history:
● The ​history table​ can be sorted by clicking on any column header (clicking a header
cycles through ascending sort, descending sort, and unsorted). This lets you quickly
group similar items and identify any anomalous items.
● You can use the ​display filter​ to hide items with various characteristics.
● You can ​annotate​ items with highlights and comments, to describe their purpose or
identify interesting items to come back to later.
● You can open additional views of the history using the ​context menu​, to apply different
filters or help test access controls.

Burp Proxy testing workflow

A key part of Burp's ​user-driven workflow​ is the ability to send interesting items between Burp
tools to carry out different tasks. For example, having observed an interesting request in the
Proxy, you might:
● Quickly perform a ​vulnerability scan​ of just that request, using Burp Scanner.
● Send the request to ​Repeater​ to manually modify the request and reissue it over and
● Send the request to ​Intruder​ to perform various types of automated customized attacks.
● Send the request to ​Sequencer​ to analyze the quality of randomness in a token returned
in the response.
You can perform all these actions and various others using the context menus that appear in
both the ​Intercept tab​ and the ​Proxy history​.

Since we are running the Docker containers in the same machine as Kali/WebSploit (all-in-one
VM), sometimes users may not be able to intercept traffic when pointing your browser to (x the port of each of the intentionally vulnerable containers). To avoid running
into this problem, you can just point to the IP address of your machine. For instance, you can
use the ​ip -c -brie a​ command to see a summary of your IP addresses. The following is the IP
address in my system (yours will be different!).
When you browse to the web application on each container, you can then use the IP address of
your NIC (​eth0​ is configured with the IP address ​​ in the example above). For
instance, let’s suppose that I want to navigate DVWA:

DVWA is running over port 8883 in WebSploit. In my web browser, I will use
Exercise 1b: Brute Forcing the Application
1. In this exercise you will try to bruteforce the admin password. This is a very simple
example and should not take you more than 2-3 minutes. Set the DVWA Security Level
to low, as shown below:

2. Navigate to DVWA and ​Brute Force​ again and type admin and any password.
3. Go back to Burp and right click on the ​Intercept​ window and select “​Send to Intruder​”.

4. Navigate to ​Intruder > Positions​ and click on the ​Clear​ button.

5. We can brute force any elements, but for this simple example we will just brute force the

6. Navigate to ​Payloads​. Due to the lack of time of this “​intense​” introduction class, we will
just use a simple list and cheat a little. In the real world, you can use ​wordlists.​
Note​: You can only use wordlists in the Pro version of Burp; however, you can use the
OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) to also perform this task. As described by OWASP, the
OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) “is one of the world’s most popular free security tools
and is actively maintained by hundreds of international volunteers.” Many offensive and
defensive security engineers around the world use ZAP, which not only provides web
vulnerability scanning capabilities but also can be used as a sophisticated web proxy.
ZAP comes with an API and also can be used as a fuzzer. You can download and obtain
more information about OWASP’s ZAP from​.
You will see other examples using ZAP later in the course.

7. Navigate to the ​Options​ tab and go under Grep Match. The “Grep - Match” option can
be used to flag result items containing specified expressions in the response. For each
item configured in the list, Burp will add a new results column containing a checkbox
indicating whether the item was found in each response. You can then sort on this
column (by clicking the column header) to group the matched results together. Using this
option can be very powerful in helping to analyze large sets of results, and quickly
identifying interesting items. In password guessing attacks, scanning for phrases such as
"password incorrect" or "login successful" can locate successful logins; in testing for SQL
injection vulnerabilities, scanning for messages containing "ODBC", "error", etc. can
identify vulnerable parameters. In our example, let’s add the word “Welcome”, as shown
7. Click “​Start attack​”. The window below will be shown -- and once the attack is successful,
you will see the “Welcome message” in the HTML, as shown below. You can even click on the
Render​ tab to show the page as if it was seen in a web browser.
Exercise 1c: Bypassing Authorization
In this exercise we will use the ​OWASP Juice Shop​ (​​) and the
OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)​. The OWASP Juice Shop is an intentionally insecure
web application written entirely in JavaScript which encompasses the entire OWASP
Top Ten and other severe security flaws.

1. BONUS POINT (in under 60 seconds): The OWASP Juice Shop is a

“capture-the-flag-like” application. Navigate to the OWASP Juice Shop
(​​) and try to find the hidden scoring board for the “CTF”. You only
need your browser.

Answer: _______________________________________

2. In the OWASP Juice Shop, navigate to ​Account​ > ​Login​ .

3. Create a new user to be able to interact with the vulnerable application. Do not use your
personal email, any fake email is ok.
4. Make a note of the password and username you used, since you will need it later.
5. Login​ to the Juice Shop using those credentials.
6. Open Burp Suite in by navigating to ​Applications > Web Application Analysis > Burp​,
or by just searching for “​burp​” as shown below:

7. Make sure that your browser’s proxy settings are configured correctly. Make sure that
Intercept​ is turned ​on​ (under the Proxy tab).

8. Add any item to your cart in the Juice Shop.

9. You should be able to see the GET request in Burp. It looks like the application is using
an API (not only from the URI, but also you can see the Authorization Bearer token). The
Basket ID (the number 6) is predictable! This is a bad implementation!

10. You should be able to change the ID from ​6​ to another number. In this example, I
changed it to number ​1​.

11. Click Forward in Burp.

12. You should now see someone else’s cart and the success message below should be
shown (after you forward all packets to the web application / Juice Shop).

Note​: There are several other authentication and session based attacks that you can perform
with the Juice Shop. Navigate to the scoreboard that you found earlier to obtain more
information about other ​flags​ / ​attacks​ that you can perform on your own.
Exercise 1c: Discover the Score-Board
Juice-shop contains a score-board that allows you to keep track of your progress and lists all
the challenges within this intentionally vulnerable application.
You can simply guess what is the URL of the score-board or try to find references to it by using
the development tools in Firefox.

A good place to start is by inspecting the Javascript files, as shown below:

The file ​main-es2015.js​ looks interesting… If you open the file and search for “​score​”, you
should be able to find the entry shown in the next screenshot.
Yes! The ​score-board​ path is ​score-board​ (I even have been telling you here from the start of
this exercise ;-) ).
Exercise 2: Reflected XSS
Tip​: ​Watch XSS and CSRF videos

Exercise 2a: Evasions

What type of vulnerabilities can be triggered by using the following string?
<img src=&#x6A&#x61&#x76&#x61&#x73&#x63&#x72&#x69&#


Exercise 2b: Reflected XSS

1. Launch the Juice Shop application/site.

2. Perform a Reflected XSS. You only need your browser for this attack. Find out how the
Juice Shop is susceptible to XSS.

You can use the following string:


Exercise 2c: DOM-based XSS

1. Find a DOM-based XSS in the Juice Shop application/site. You only need your browser
for this attack. Find out how the Juice Shop is susceptible to DOM-based XSS.

You can use the following string:

Exercise 3: Stored (persistent) XSS
1. Go to the DVWA in your browser and make sure that the ​DVWA Security​ is set to ​low​.
2. Navigate to the ​XSS (Stored)​ tab. There you can access a guestbook. Notice how the
page echoes the user input in the guestbook.

3. Test for XSS, as shown below:

4. You should get a popup message, as shown below:

5. Notice how the message will reappear after you navigate outside of that page and come
back to the same guest book. That is the main difference between a stored (persistent)
XSS and a reflected XSS.

Note​: These XSS exercises should not take you more than 2 minutes each. If you are done
early, familiarize yourself with other ways on how to perform XSS testing at:
Exercise 3b: Let’s spice things up a bit! 
Perform a persistent XSS attack with​ <script>alert(​"XSS2"​)</script>​ bypassing a 
client-side security mechanism." 

Add a new user with a P

​ OST​ to /​ api/Users​ and alter the transaction sending the following 

{​"email"​: ​"<script>alert(\"XSS\")</script>"​, ​"password"​:​""​} a JSON object. You will need to use Burp or the OWASP Zed Attack Proxy for this scenario.  

I am demonstrating the attack using Burp below. 


Well, ​Omar really sucks! ​Since he just gave you the incorrect syntax to get credit in the 
Juice-shop app 🥺. In the real world, you will be a little more creative and perform things like 
stealing cookies from a user’s browser, redirecting the user to a malicious site, etc. However, in 
this case Juice-shop is looking for “XSS” specifically. 

After sending this to the web application (Juice-shop) will give you credit for solving the 

There are thousands of ways that you can obfuscate your attacks to bypass many security 
mechanisms, web application firewalls (WAFs), and protections provided by different 
frameworks. I have hundreds of examples at the GitHub repository that can be accessed at:  
The following is another example where you can bypass some of these security protections. In 
Juice-shop a legacy library (sanitize-html 1.4.2) is used on the server that is responsible for 
sanitizing. The version used is vulnerable to masking attacks because no recursive sanitizing 
takes place. Find a place where you can obfuscate your XSS attack and bypass that protection: 


The “Contact Us” form is vulnerable!  

Exercise 4: Exploiting XXE Vulnerabilities
An XML External Entity attack is a type of attack against an application that parses XML
● This attack occurs when XML input containing a reference to an external entity is
processed by a weakly configured XML parser.
● This attack may lead to the disclosure of confidential data, denial of service,
server side request forgery, port scanning from the perspective of the machine
where the parser is located, and other system impacts. Attacks can include
disclosing local files, which may contain sensitive data such as passwords or
private user data, using file: schemes or relative paths in the system identifier.
● Since the attack occurs relative to the application processing the XML document,
an attacker may use this trusted application to pivot to other internal systems,
possibly disclosing other internal content via http(s) requests or launching a
CSRF attack to any unprotected internal services.
● In some situations, an XML processor library that is vulnerable to client-side
memory corruption issues may be exploited by dereferencing a malicious URI,
possibly allowing arbitrary code execution under the application account.
● Other attacks can access local resources that may not stop returning data,
possibly impacting application availability if too many threads or processes are
not released.

1. Access WebGoat using your browser (​​).

2. Register a new user (username: ​testuser​ and password: ​testing)​ .

3. Navigate to ​Injection Flaws > XXE​.

4. Feel free to read the explanation of XXE (which I copied and pasted above) from

5. Then navigate to the WebGoat ​Step 3​, as shown in the following figure.
6. Launch Burp and make sure that ​Intercept is on​. Make sure that your browser proxy
settings are set correctly.
7. Go back to ​WebGoat​ and enter a comment in the web form (any text) and click ​Submit​.

8. Go back to ​Burp​ and you will see the ​HTTP POST message​ shown below:

9. Let’s modify that message and type our own XML “code”.
10. Forward​ the ​POST​ to the web server. This should cause the application to show a list of
files after the comment “OMAR_WAS_HERE”, as shown below (of course, use whatever
text you want in your own example):

11. Now, in your own, try to list the contents of the ​/etc/passwd​ file using a similar

12. Try to access the contents of the ​/etc/shadow​ file. Were you successful? If not, why?

Exercise 5: SQL Injection

SQL injection (SQLi)​ vulnerabilities can be catastrophic because they can allow an attacker to
view, insert, delete, or modify records in a database. In an SQL injection attack, the attacker
inserts, or injects, partial or complete SQL queries via the web application. The attacker injects
SQL commands into input fields in an application or a URL in order to execute predefined SQL

A Brief Introduction to SQL

As you may know, the following are some of the most common SQL statements (commands):
● SELECT: Used to obtain data from a database
● UPDATE: Used to update data in a database
● DELETE: Used to delete data from a database
● INSERT INTO: Used to insert new data into a database
● CREATE DATABASE: Used to create a new database
● ALTER DATABASE: Used to modify a database
● CREATE TABLE: Used to create a new table
● ALTER TABLE: Used to modify a table
● DROP TABLE: Used to delete a table
● CREATE INDEX: Used to create an index or a search key element
● DROP INDEX: Used to delete an index

Typically, SQL statements and divided into the following categories:

● Data definition language (DDL) statements
● Data manipulation language (DML) statements
● Transaction control statements
● Session control statements
● System control statements
● Embedded SQL statements

Exercise 5a: A Simple Example of SQL Injection

1. Navigate to WebGoat (container running on port 8881). For instance,​ (your IP address will be different).

WebGoat is another amazing OWASP Project!

2. First, register a new user:

3. Navigate to ​(A1) Injection > SQL Injection (intro).
Read through the explanations of SQL injection and complete the first 8 exercises on your own
(these are just an introduction to SQL and SQL statements). Then navigate to exercise 9. You
are given a few hints about a database table called user_data. WebGoat guides you through
this exercise.

One of the first steps when finding SQL injection vulnerabilities is to understand when the
application interacts with a database. This is typically done with web authentication forms,
search engines, and interactive sites such as e-commerce sites.

You can make a list of all input fields whose values could be used in crafting a valid SQL query.
This includes trying to identify and manipulate hidden fields of ​POST​ requests and then testing
them separately, trying to interfere with the query and to generate an error. As part of
penetration testing, you should pay attention to HTTP headers and cookies.

As a penetration tester, you can start by adding a single quote (​‘​) or a semicolon (​;​) to the field
or parameter in a web form. The single quote is used in SQL as a string terminator. If the
application does not filter it correctly, you may be able to retrieve records or additional
information that can help enhance your query or statement.
You can also use comment delimiters (such as ​-- or /* */​), as well as other SQL keywords,
including ​AND​ and ​OR​ operands. Another simple test is to insert a string where a number is
SQL injection attacks can be divided into the following categories:
● In-band SQL injection: With this type of injection, the attacker obtains the data by using
the same channel that is used to inject the SQL code. This is the most basic form of an
SQL injection attack, where the data is dumped directly in a web application (or web
● Out-of-band SQL injection: With this type of injection, the attacker retrieves data using a
different channel. For example, an email, a text, or an instant message could be sent to
the attacker with the results of the query; or the attacker might be able to send the
compromised data to another system.
● Blind (or inferential) SQL injection: With this type of injection, the attacker does not make
the application display or transfer any data; rather, the attacker is able to reconstruct the
information by sending specific statements and discerning the behavior of the application
and database.
TIP​: To perform an SQL injection attack, an attacker must craft a syntactically correct SQL
statement (query). The attacker may also take advantage of error messages coming back from
the application and might be able to reconstruct the logic of the original query to understand
how to execute the attack correctly. If the application hides the error details, the attacker might
need to reverse engineer the logic of the original query.
There are essentially five techniques that can be used to exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities:
● Union operator: This is typically used when a SQL injection vulnerability allows a
SELECT statement to combine two queries into a single result or a set of results.
● Boolean: This is used to verify whether certain conditions are true or false.
● Error-based technique: This is used to force the database to generate an error in order
to enhance and refine an attack (injection).
● Out-of-band technique: This is typically used to obtain records from the database by
using a different channel. For example, it is possible to make an HTTP connection to
send the results to a different web server or a local machine running a web service.
● Time delay: It is possible to use database commands to delay answers. An attacker may
use this technique when he or she doesn’t get any output or error messages from the

It is possible to combine any of the techniques mentioned above to exploit an SQL injection
vulnerability. For example, an attacker may use the union operator and out-of-band techniques.
SQL injection can also be exploited by manipulating a URL query string, as demonstrated here: AND 1=2

This vulnerable application then performs the following SQL query:

SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_id=99 AND 1=2
The attacker may then see a message specifying that there is no content available or a blank
page. The attacker can then send a valid query to see if there are any results coming back from
the application, as shown here: AND 1=1

Some web application frameworks allow multiple queries at once. An attacker can take
advantage of that capability to perform additional exploits, such as adding records. The
following statement, for example, adds a new user called omar to the users table of the
database:; INSERT INTO
users(username) VALUES (​'omar'​)

Exercise 5b: SQL Injection Level 2 - GDPR Data Erasure Issue

Go back to ​Juice-shop​ (remember, running on port 8882).

There was a user (called Chris) that was erased from the system, because he insisted on his
"right to be forgotten" in accordance with Art. 17 GDPR. Let’s see if we can login as that user.
Yes, really. What if we apply SQL injection to do this? Since we do not know what is Chris’
email, we can try to trick the application by using the deletedAt SQL operation, as shown below:
Exercise 5c: SQL Injection using SQLmap
SQLmap​ is a great tool that allows you to automate SQL injection attacks. Let’s take a look at
an example of how powerful this tool is.
1. Navigate back to DVWA and go to ​SQL Injection​.
2. Enter any text in the User ID field (in my case, I just entered my name “​omar​”). You want
to intercept the transaction between your web browser and the application.

3. Once Burp intercepts the GET request, highlight the output, right click, and select “Copy
to file”. Save the contents to any file.
4. Open the terminal and enter the following command to try to enumerate the type of
database and the database name. In my case, I saved the contents of the HTTP GET
request to​ /home/omar/omar-get-request.txt​. Point yours to whatever file you created.

5. Accept all defaults.

6. We found the DVWA database (​dvwa​). Please pay attention to all the payloads that the
tool is using.

7. Now that we know the database name, let’s try to dump all the information from the
database. To do so, use the following command:
8. It looks like SQLmap was able to find a database table called
“guestbook”. It also was able to find a database table that contains usernames and
passwords. The tool allows you to store password hashes so that you can crack them
with other tools.

9. SQLmap can also do some basic dictionary-based attacks.

10. SQLmap was able to crack the passwords and dump the contents of the user table.
Exercise 6: Exploiting Weak Cryptographic
This exercise is for informational purposes only. If your machine does not have access to the
Internet. However, you can do this against any other systems you may have in your own lab.

1. You can use ​nmap​ to enumerate weak ciphers, as shown below:

nmap --script ssl-cert,ssl-enum-ciphers -p 443

2. There are many other open source and commercial tools that can be used to find weak
ciphers and cryptographic implementations. However, a very useful open source tool is (​​).
3. You can download this tool and run it against any web server running HTTPS, as
demonstrated below.

root@kali:~# ./

No engine or GOST support via engine with your /usr/bin/openssl
########################################################### 2.9.5-6 from
This program is free software. Distribution and
modification under GPLv2 permitted.
Please file bugs @
Using "OpenSSL 1.1.0h 27 Mar 2018" [~143 ciphers]
on kali:/usr/bin/openssl
(built: "reproducible build, date unspecified", platform: "debian-amd64")

Testing all IPv4 addresses (port 443):

Start 2018-07-28 23:18:27 -->>
( <<--

further IP addresses: 2400:cb00:2048:1::681b:b09a

rDNS ( --
Service detected: HTTP

Testing protocols via sockets except SPDY+HTTP2

SSLv2 not offered (OK)
SSLv3 not offered (OK)
TLS 1 not offered
TLS 1.1 not offered
TLS 1.2 not offered
SPDY/NPN h2, http/1.1 (advertised)
HTTP2/ALPN h2, http/1.1 (offered)

Testing ~standard cipher categories

NULL ciphers (no encryption) not offered (OK)
Anonymous NULL Ciphers (no authentication) not offered (OK)
Export ciphers (w/o ADH+NULL) not offered (OK)
LOW: 64 Bit + DES encryption (w/o export) not offered (OK)
Weak 128 Bit ciphers (SEED, IDEA, RC[2,4]) not offered (OK)
Triple DES Ciphers (Medium) not offered (OK)
High encryption (AES+Camellia, no AEAD) offered (OK)
Strong encryption (AEAD ciphers) offered (OK)

Testing robust (perfect) forward secrecy, (P)FS -- omitting Null

Authentication/Encryption, 3DES, RC4
Cipher mapping not available, doing a fallback to openssl

PFS is offered (OK)

Testing server preferences
Has server cipher order? yes (OK)
Negotiated protocol TLSv1.2
Negotiated cipher ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305, 253 bit ECDH
Cipher order
SSLv3: Local problem: /usr/bin/openssl doesn't support "s_client
Testing server defaults (Server Hello)
TLS extensions (standard) "renegotiation info/#65281" "extended master
secret/#23" "session ticket/#35" "status request/#5"
"next protocol/#13172" "EC point formats/#11"
"application layer protocol negotiation/#16"
Session Ticket RFC 5077 hint 64800 seconds, session tickets keys seems to
be rotated < daily
SSL Session ID support yes
Session Resumption Tickets: yes, ID: yes
<output omitted for brevity>
Exercise 7: Path (Directory) Traversal
1. Go to the Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) in WebSploit and navigate to ​File

2. Select any of the PHP file links.

3. Attempt to get the contents of the ​/etc/passwd​ file by manipulating the URL, as
demonstrated below:

You should see the contents of the ​/etc/passwd​ file, as shown in the example in the next page.
That was too easy… The next exercise (our final exercise) will not be this easy…
Exercise 8: Additional XSS Exploitation
Note​: This exercise will not be as easy as the previous ones. You will not be helped on
this exercise and you must figure out how to perform the attack with only a few ​hints

1. Launch the Juice Shop.

2. Perform a persisted XSS attack to bypass a client-side security mechanism and to add a
new user to the application.

● Try to find and interact with the API.
● The email address is checked on the client-side using JavaScript.
● You may want to brush up your JSON skills ;-)

Exercise 9: Bypassing Additional Web Application

Navigate to the Juice Shop and try to solve the exercise of posting some feedback in another
user's name.
● You already know how to use proxies like BurpSuite and the OWASP ZAP.
● Intercept client / server transactions to post feedback when logged on.
● The request contains the following information:
"UserId": 2,

Try to manipulate the request.

The next exercise will be a little harder… 🤔

Exercise 10: Additional SQL Injection Exercises

Exercise 10.1: Logging in as Admin

Access the Juice Shop application. The application is vulnerable to injection attacks
Data entered by the user is integrated 1:1 in an SQL command that is otherwise
constant. Different statements can be amended/extended as appropriate. The
Administrator is the first to appear in the selection list and is therefore logged on.

To quickly test, you can use the following string in the ​Email​ field in the Login screen.
You can use anything for the password.
You are now the administrator and you can see other fields in the system.

Exercise 10.2 Login as Bender

Exercise 11: Total Mayhem
Navigate to the Mayhem container.

This exercise is all about reconnaissance, enumeration, and being clever. I will not provide you
with all the answers. The Mayhem vulnerable application is full of decoys and fun challenges.

Tools that will be useful to solve the challenges:

1. nikto
2. Burp Suite
4. dirb
5. Python
6. Linux command: ​objdump
7. Ghidra​ for reverse engineering

What useful information did you get by inspecting the site?

Nikto is a good web application scanner. It can be very useful to enumerate directories and find
certain web application vulnerabilities. You can launch nikto against the container as
demonstrated below:
What useful information did you get from the OWASP ZAP?

Tip: Did you find the crypto page? Were you able to solve the crypto challenges?
How about with ​dirb​? What other information did you find?

Now, use your imagination and try to find the ​secret.bin ​file that is hidden on the system. Try to
reverse engineer it (should be very simple) using ​objdump​ and ​Ghidra​.
Ghidra is included with WebSploit. You can run it by using the command illustrated below:

Tip​: The Ghidra website (​​) includes a good introductory tutorial (video) on
how to run Ghidra and start a project to analyze/reverse a file.

Once you find the secret.bin, you can create a Ghidra Project and drag it to the project to
analyze it (as also demonstrated in the video you just watched).
Were you able to find something interesting in the file?
If you already had installed WebSploit before DEF CON Safemode, update the containers by
running the ​​ script from the command line using the following commands:

root@websploit​# wget

root@websploit​# bash

Once the container is instantiated, you should be able to browse to ​​ in

websploit and see the following website/landing page:

😈We will not guide you through this exercise.😈

However, you should be able to apply everything you learned in the previous exercises to find
the following issues:
1. SQL injection
2. XSS
3. Directory traversal
4. Insecure code repository configurations
5. Several well-known vulnerabilities against web frameworks
6. You should also apply a little reverse engineering while trying to fully compromise the

You have successfully completed the lab!

Enjoy the rest of DEF CON Safemode!

Check out additional stations, workshops, and briefings at:

Of course, you can continue ​playing​ with all the vulnerable applications within ​WebSploit​ and
others that I have listed in the GitHub repository (​​), as there are dozens
of other “flags” / challenges / exercises...

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