ME 4122 - Thermo Fluids Lab

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ME 4122 – Thermo Fluids Lab

Air Conditioning Lab

 Experimentally establish the performance of the Hilton Air Conditioning Laboratory

 P.A. Hilton Air Conditioning Laboratory Unit A660 with optional Temperature Upgrade
Kit A660A
 Control Company Model No. 14-648-51 Aneroid Barometer
A schematic of the Hilton Air Conditioning Laboratory Unit and the key for the schematic are
shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. The duct for the air side of the lab unit shown in Figure
1 consists of an intake, a heating section (electric heaters and steam injection), a cooling section
(evaporator), another heating section (electric heaters), and an outlet. An orifice plate
(obstruction-type flow meter) and inclined manometer are used at the outlet to determine the
flow rate of air through the duct. Thermocouples are used to measure the wet-bulb and dry-bulb
temperatures at locations A, B, C and D (see Fig. 1). The temperatures are output to the digital
temperature indicator mounted on top of the evaporator section. Additional specifications for the
laboratory unit are listed at the end of this document.

Note: The Hilton Air Conditioning Lab Unit used in this lab utilizes R134a as the refrigerant.
Properties will be found with EES, software available on the desktop of our computers.

One set of data will be taken at a “medium” air flow rate with boilers and one re-heater
energized. Steam will be injected into the air before the air enters the evaporator region. The air
will then be heated using a re-heater (1st re-heater). The steam will be generated in the boiler by
energizing the Lower Boiler Heater (2 kW) and the Boiler Heater (1 kW). Use the following
procedure to record the required data on a Hilton Air Conditioning Laboratory Unit Data Sheet:
 Start the system and set the desired flow rate using the fan speed control on the front
panel of the unit.
 Note that the system may exhibit transient behavior for about 10 or 20 minutes,
depending on the number of heaters energized and the magnitude of the flow rate.
 Measure the atmospheric pressure at the start of the test using the aneroid barometer
 When the temperatures T1 through T8 have stabilized (steady state), record all of the
required values on the data sheet at time-intervals of 0, 5, and 10 minutes after steady
 Measure the atmospheric pressure at the end of the test using the aneroid barometer

Lab Safety:
 CAUTION: The section of duct at the exit of the apparatus is not supported. Please do
not lean on the apparatus or place anything on it as this may cause the duct to fail.

Air Conditioning Lab 1

Determine the following:
1. The Coefficient of Performance (COP) for the air conditioner
2. The COP based on fluid properties, (the relevant enthalpy values)
3. The Carnot COP.
4. Comment briefly on the significance\meaning of 1-3.
5. Refrigeration Effect/Capacity
6. T-s Diagram for the refrigeration cycle
7. Estimate the entropy production, ΔSu for each component
8. Based on 7, comment on how you would begin improving the COP for the air
conditioning unit with a limited development budget.
9. The state (specific humidity, relative humidity, and dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures)
of the air/water vapor mixture at all points along the duct.
When performing the above analysis, assume the pressure drop in the evaporator piping is
negligible. Thus, the evaporator inlet pressure and the compressor inlet pressure are equal to the
measured value for the evaporator outlet pressure. You should take care to evaluate the R134a
properties in a manner consistent with the expected state of the R134a. Inherent measurement
errors could result in a combination of pressure and temperature that predicts a completely
incorrect state. This is particularly true for states that are close to the vapor dome (e.g.
evaporator outlet and condenser outlet).

Psychrometrics (Air-Side)
 Use the time-averaged values in your calculations
 Plot the data on a psychrometric chart (charts are available on the web site) and place the
plot in the Appendix.
 Create a table of data that contains the following information for the air/water vapor
mixtures at points A, B, C and D in the system: dry-bulb temperature, wet-bulb
temperature, specific humidity, relative humidity (%), specific volume and mixture
enthalpy. Place the table in the Results section.
 Between A and B, the air passes through the fan and over the steam injector.
 Between B and C, the air passes over the evaporator coils. Calculate the mass flow rate
of air and estimate the rate of heat transfer from the air to the refrigerant in the
evaporator. The orifice at the exit of the duct has been calibrated, and the mass flow rate
of dry air ( m
 a ) in kg/s is given by:
 a  0.0517
ma  mass flow rate of dry air in duct (kg/s)
z  orifice differential pressure (mm H 2 O)
vD  specific volume of air at D (m 3 /kg)
 Between C and D, the air passes over the re-heaters.
o The fan power is shown in Figure 3 as a function of the fan supply voltage (VF).
This same figure is also shown on the front of the apparatus.

Air Conditioning Lab 2

o The actual power output of each of the heaters can be calculated using the supply
voltage (VL) and the heater resistance (R). The heater resistances are listed in
Table 1 and on the front of the apparatus. The heater power is given by:
W htr  L
 In this report, you are not required to write abstract and conclusions (highlight your major
findings in bullet points). Instead you practice writing description of the experimental set-
 Write a description of the experimental set-up from the point of view that the motivating
question for the experimental work was the following: "What is the COP for the
refrigeration unit and how does it compare with ideal values.?"
 The report is a mix between a group effort on calculations and an individual effort at
writing the description of the experimental set-up.

[1] “Experimental Operating and Maintenance Manual: Air Conditioning Laboratory Unit
A660”, P.A. Hilton Ltd., May, 2003.

Air Conditioning Lab 3

Air Conditioning Lab
Figure 1 – Hilton Air Conditioning Laboratory Unit [1]
Air Conditioning Lab 5
Air Conditioning Lab
Figure 2 – Key for Figure 1 [1]
Figure 3: Fan power versus fan supply voltage [1]

Table 1: System heater resistances

Boiler, Lower 2kW Rb 24.8 
Boiler, Upper 2kW Rb 24.8 
Boiler, 1kW Rb 59.0 
1st Pre-heater, 1kW Rp 47.2 
2nd Pre-heater, 1kW Rp 46.6 
1 Re-heater, 1kW Rr 46.8 
2 Re-heater, 1kW Rr 47.1 

Air Conditioning Lab 7


Centerline length: 2298 mm
Material: Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP)
Thermal Conductivity: 0.16 W/m K
Maximum Temperature: 70°C

Air Throughput: 0.14 m/s (max)

Extended fin electric heating elements: 2 x 1.0 kW (nominally) at 220V
Effective length: 1.414 m
Exposed tube surface area: 0.0355 m2
Exposed fin surface area: 0.287 m2

Direct expansion, extended fin coil: Cooling rate approx. 2.0 kW
5/8” o.d. copper tube, 20 swg.
4 rows deep x 5 rows high: 0.253 m2 exposed to air flow
61 fin plates: 4.227 m2 exposed to air flow

Extended fin electric heating elements: 2 x 1.0 kW (nominally) at 220V
Effective length: 1.414 m
Exposed tube surface area: 0.0355 m2
Exposed fin surface area: 0.287 m2

Radial acting axial flow (variable speed): Power input approx. 210 W at 240 V 50 Hz
R.P.M.: 0-2400 - Power: 0-0.9 A, 210 W - Volts: 220-240

Electrically heated and working at atmospheric pressure
Fitted with water level float switch and in line solenoid valve
Heaters: 1 x 1.0 kW and 2 x 2.0 kW at 220 V (nominally)
Volume: 2.5 liters (to mid-sight glass) under control of level control float switch
Overflow protection: A second float valve will open circuit at 4 liters

Hermetic unit with air cooled condenser
Refrigerant: R134a Tetrafluoroethane CF3CH2F
Compressor speed: 2700-3000 rpm at 50 Hz according to load, 3300-3600 rpm at 60 Hz
Swept volume: 25.95 cm/revolution
Nominal rating: 3/4 HP at 32°C ambient, 2171 Watts at +5°C evaporating temperature

Air Conditioning Lab 8

Air Conditioning Lab 9

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