Report of Suspected Childs Abuse

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Record of Suspected Child Abuse

Childs name ABC

Date of Birth 01/04/2012 (Age 4)
Reason for concern Justin was settled down well after the boyfriend of
her mother left. But, now a days,
he seems very quiet and withdrawn. And,
yesterday when Justin mother came to pick up
him, I saw Justin mother saying that, she doesn’t
want Justin to tell anyone that Paul is back for his
new job.
What are the family circumstances Justin mother is a single mother. She used to live
with her boyfriend who was violent to Justin. And,
had a history of abuse which child protection
agency was involved and his mother’s boyfriend
left the town.
Record of the staff members Last week: Justin was settled down well and he
had smooth transition and was happy.
Yesterday: Justin was quiet and withdrawn, and
staff member noticed Justin mother saying that,
Paul her boyfriend is back.
Today: When we asked Justin, he told that, Paul
was angry with him and was blaming him that, he
is the main reason that he is couldn’t live with his
mother and started crying.

Record of conversation disclosure Me: Hi, Justin. Why are you so upset baby?
Justin: Paul came back to the house last night
when my mum was out to buy some cigarettes. He
was drunk and was angry because my mother
wasn’t in the home.
Me: Did, you do anything?
Justin: No, Paul was yelling at me.
Me: Did he tell anything to you?
Justin : He was telling me that, it is my fault that he
could not live with my mom.
Me: Don’t worry Justin I am with you.
Justin: (Started crying) I don’t want to talk

Assessment of risk of harm to child now Child has high risk of harm because Paul is back.

Current location At the childcare service- due to be picked up at

4pm this afternoon.
Information of any known history of abuse Yes, Justin had history of abuse long time ago
which was resolved by child protection agency.
Other relevant information (if applicable) I believe that, mom is trying to hide that,Paul is
back and was telling Justin to keep that secret.
Record of Suspected Child Abuse

Name of the person recording information


Date ( Make an estimate of when this information should

be recorded- date of Justin’s disclosure and report
to supervisor ( Lan) was morning of 4 April 2016)

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