Guidance On The Safe Use of Quickhitches - Published Document Rev1

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Safe Use of Quick Hitches on


Strategic Forum for Construction

Best Practice Guide

Safe Use of Quick Hitches on

Strategic Forum for Construction

Best Practice Guide

Working in Partnership

Reference No. CPA 1001

First Published: February 2010

Published by:
Construction Plant-hire Association
27/28 Newbury St
Telephone: 020 7796 3366
Email: [email protected]

CPA Copyright – February 2010


Foreword …………………………………………………………………… 4
1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………… 5
2. Definitions …………….……………………………………………………. 6
3. Planning ……………………………………………………………………. 7
4. Types of Quick Hitch ……………………………………………………… 9
5. Selection of Equipment ….……………………………………………….. 12
6. Provision of Information .………………………………………………….. 15
7. Familiarisation …………………………………………………………....... 17
Supervisory and Operating Personnel – Attributes, Training and
8. 18
Assessment ………………………………………………………………...
9. Safe Use of Quick Hitches ………...……………………………………... 22
10. Review and Monitoring of the Safe Use of Quick Hitches…………….. 28
11. Maintenance and Inspection ……………………………………………... 33
12. Thorough Examination ………………………………………………….... 36
Annex A Incident Reporting …………………………………………………. 37
Annex B Example Risk Assessment ……………………………………….. 38
Example of Typical Requirements Included in a Method
Annex C 40
Statement ……………………………………………………………
Annex D Grey Imports ……………………………………………………….. 41
Annex E Daily (pre-use) Checks ……………………………………………. 43
Information to be contained in a report of Thorough
Annex F 44
Examination …………………………………………………………
Annex G Further Information and Guidance .……………………………… 45
Annex H Working Group Membership ……………………………………… 47
NOTE: Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the material contained within this booklet, no liability
is accepted by the Construction Plant-hire Association in respect of the information given.
No material from this booklet may be reproduced in any shape or form without the permission of the Construction Plant-
hire Association.

Every year, the construction industry is responsible for causing deaths and serious
injury. The industry has done much to improve its performance which I welcome,
but there is still room for improvement. Our industry is innovative and is constantly
evolving new equipment and processes to increase efficiency. This has consequences
for site management who must ensure that operators are competent, capable of
operating equipment safely and are following safe working procedures.
A quick hitch (also known as a quick coupler) saves time and makes an excavator a far
more versatile piece of construction equipment. When used safely, quick hitches
reduce the risk of injuries through manual handling and crushing during the bucket
changing process, whilst also giving benefits in improved productivity.
Unfortunately over the past few years there have been a significant number of
accidents involving the use of quick hitches, which have tragically included fatalities.
These could have been prevented by correct use, effective maintenance and adequate
inspection. In addition to the terrible cost in human suffering, accidents have a financial
cost. There is a very strong business case for improving safety performance.
This guidance has been prepared by the industry to provide clarity about the safe use
of quick hitches including planning, equipment selection, training of personnel,
provision of information, familiarization, safe use, maintenance, inspection and
thorough examination, together with monitoring of the whole process. The guidance is
straightforward, comprehensive and easy to adopt. It represents best practice.
I thank those who have been involved in its preparation and commend the guidance to
anyone who owns, supplies or controls the operation of quick hitches on excavators.
Please read the publication and turn the advice into action.

Phillip White
HM Chief Inspector of Construction
Chair of the Health and Safety Executive’s Construction Industry Advisory Committee

1.0 Introduction
The quick hitches fitted to excavators and other earthmoving plant make a valuable
contribution to the construction process by enabling buckets and other attachments to
be attached and detached rapidly, as required. Unfortunately there have been a
significant number of accidents involving the use of quick hitches, which have tragically
included a number of fatalities.
This document is intended to provide best practice guidance on the management of the
use of quick hitches on construction sites including planning, equipment selection,
selection and training of personnel, provision of information, familiarization, safe use,
maintenance, inspection and thorough examination, together with monitoring of the
whole process. It is essential that in managing the use of quick hitches, adequate
attention is paid to all aspects of the process – selection of the correct equipment for
the application, planning its use by competent people, monitoring the activity and
rectification of issues; if any one aspect is ignored the probability on an incident will
increase significantly, putting both the machine operator and people in the vicinity at
The advice given in this document is based on the current state of the art of quick hitch
design. As new designs are developed, this document will be updated to reflect any
such changes to the state of the art.
Whilst the document is aimed specifically at the construction industry, its guidance will
be of benefit to other sectors of industry where quick hitches are used.

Attention is drawn to the following statutory regulations:-

 The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974;
 The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER);
 The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER);
 The Management of Health Safety & Welfare Regulations 1999 (MHSWR);
 The Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008;
 The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 (CDM);
 Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 (PPE);
 The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
1995 (RIDDOR);

2.0 Definitions
bucket or other device which can be attached to the dipper arm of an excavator, either
directly or via a quick hitch

excavator operator
person who is operating the excavator for the purpose of excavation or carrying out
other tasks using attachments fitted to the excavator

exclusion zone
a zone which excludes all personnel from the area into which an excavator attachment
can fall
NOTE: This zone may include areas outside the working radius of the excavator

method statement
document produced to describe the safe system for the use of a quick hitch

non-destructive testing (NDT)

testing carried out on the structure of a machine to establish the presence, location and
extent of any defects that can affect the integrity of that structure
NOTE: The techniques employed for non-destructive testing are such that they do not damage or alter the
material under test. NDT is also known as non-destructive examination (NDE).

quick hitch
device to facilitate the efficient connection and removal of attachments to excavators

NOTE: Also known as Quickhitches, Quick Couplers or Attachment Brackets

site management
person or organisation responsible for operations on a construction site or part of a
construction site
NOTE: This includes Principal, package and sub contractors

person responsible to management for the day-to-day performance of a small group,
guiding the group toward its goals, ensuring that all members of the team are safe,
productive and resolving problems as they arise

thorough examination
examination by a competent person in such depth and detail as the competent person
considers necessary to enable them to determine whether the equipment being
examined is safe to continue in use
NOTE: The thorough examination is not part of the maintenance regime for the equipment but provides
owners with information which could be used to determine the effectiveness of the regime.

3.0 Planning

All operations on site should be planned to ensure that they are carried out
safely and that all foreseeable risks have been taken into account. Poor
planning is one of the major causes of accidents arising from the use of
quick hitches.

3.1 Identifying the task to be undertaken

As the first stage in the planning process, the task to be undertaken should be clearly
identified, together with the location and sequence.

3.2 Identifying the hazards associated with the task

The hazards associated with the task should be identified. These might be associated
with the location where the work is to be carried out, the nature of the quick hitch, the
people associated with the task or located in the vicinity.

3.3 Carrying out a risk assessment

Having identified the hazards associated with the task, a risk assessment should be
carried out to identify who might be harmed, the chance of them being harmed and the
consequences of any harm. This assessment should be recorded.
An example of a risk assessment is given in Annex B
NOTE: The assessment of language skills should form part of all risk assessment carried out
as part of the planning process for the safe use and maintenance of quick hitches.

3.4 Identifying control measures

Once the risk assessment has highlighted the risks involved in the task, the procedures
and measures required to control them should be identified.

3.5 Developing the method to be used

Having identified the hazards, evaluated the risks and worked out the control measures
required to carry out the task safely, these components should be developed into a
coherent plan. Any contingency measures and emergency procedures should be
included in the plan.

3.6 Recording the planning in a Method Statement

Once the plan has been developed it should be recorded in a Method Statement. The
length and detail of this document depends on the complexity of the task to be
undertaken and on the risks involved. The Method Statement should include the
following information:

 Equipment description;
 Sequence of operations;
 Requirements for Exclusion Zones and any sequencing of other activities to
maintain safe areas;
 Training for operator, banksman and supervisor;

 Authorisation of operator and supervisor;
 Communicate safe method of work;
 Arrangements for ensuring that equipment provided is maintained and fit for
 Arrangements for ensuring that equipment is examined and tested at
appropriate intervals;
 Arrangements for adequate supervision of operations.
An example of typical requirements included in a Method Statement is given in Annex

3.7 Communicating the plan to all persons involved

One of the most important aspects of successful planning is to ensure that the contents
of the plan are communicated effectively to, and between, all parties involved taking
account of language differences. Arrangements should be made to ensure that copies
of any Method Statements are given and explained to the appropriate people (including
the Principal Contractor) and that others involved in the job are fully briefed. Similarly
any changes to the plan should be communicated to all parties.

3.8 Reviewing the plan before the job starts

Immediately before a job starts the risk assessment and method should be reviewed to
check if any aspect of the job has changed and the effect that these changes could
have on the safety of the operation. If any modifications to the plan are required these
should be communicated to all those involved. The competent person should amend
the Method Statement and initial any significant changes.

3.9 The Use of Quick Hitches With Attachments Other Than Buckets
Quick hitches are generally used with buckets, where a number of different excavation
tasks are carried out during the working day and rapid bucket changing increases
productivity. They may however be used with other attachments such as hydraulic
breakers, heavy duty ripper teeth, clay spades, rakes, grapples and forks, when
permitted by the hitch, excavator and attachment manufacturer’s. Care should be taken
to ensure that the persons fitting the attachments are fully familiar with the attachment
to be fitted.
In every case the use of the quick hitch must be planned in accordance with 3.1 to 3.8.
NOTE: Many quick hitch and breaker manufacturers recommend that where a hydraulic breaker
is fitted to an excavator for more than 50% of its operating time, the breaker should be direct
mounted and not via a quick hitch. This will avoid excessive wear of pins and other components
which could lead to failure of the quick hitch.

3.10 Further guidance

Further guidance on planning is given in:
 HSE Leaflet INDG218 – Guide to Risk Assessment;
 HSE Leaflet INDG163 – Five Steps to Risk Assessment.

4.0 Types of Quick Hitch
When hydraulic excavators were first developed, buckets and other attachments were
connected to the end of the dipper arm by two round pivot pins held in place by lynch
pins or nuts and bolts. To remove a bucket the pivot pins had to be withdrawn by hand,
this could often be a time consuming procedure with pins being difficult to remove due
to wear and rust and the consequent risk of hand and eye injuries to persons knocking
out the pins. Buckets frequently need to be changed for ones of a different size several
times a day to meet the needs of the construction process and so quick hitches were
developed to speed up the process and reduce unproductive time.
Quick hitches fall into two broad categories:–
 Dedicated quick hitches
The dedicated quick hitch is specific to a particular machine or series of
attachments and has the advantage that the original bucket geometry of the
machine is generally maintained, with the characteristic that specific buckets
with matching engagement lugs must be used with the system.
 “Pin system” quick hitches
Pin system quick hitches attach to the standard pivot pins on the bucket, which
has the advantage of allowing a wide range of buckets to be attached and the
disadvantage that the original radius of bucket movement is altered, due to the
thickness of the quick hitch, causing a change of bucket tip radius and
breakout force. The majority of quick hitches sold and used in the UK are of the
“pin system” type.
All quick hitches have to engage with the pins or lugs in the attachment and then retain
the engagement with a latching mechanism which must then be secured to ensure that
inadvertent disconnection does not occur. Quick hitches are further subdivided into
three types, depending on their method of operation:-

4.1 Manual Quick Hitches

Manual quick hitch systems require the operator to manually operate the latching
mechanism. This may be by a variety of means such as winding a screw thread or
using a bar to open a spring operated latch. Once the attachment has been connected
the latching mechanism should be locked (e.g. a safety pin inserted manually) to
prevent inadvertent disconnection.
Although a manual quick hitch is faster than changing an attachment which is directly
connected to the dipper arm, it is still quite slow, requires the operator to get down from
the machine cab and relies on the operator to install the locking device.

Manual Key Lock

Figure 1 – Spring Latch Mechanism Figure 2 – Ratchet Operated Mechanism

4.2 Semi Automatic Quick Hitches
Semi-automatic quick hitches utilise a hydraulic cylinder to operate the latching
mechanism which means that this part of the operation can be carried out quickly from
the machine cab. Once the quick hitch has been connected to the attachment the
operator must get down from the cab and manually insert a locking pin which will hold
the latching mechanism in its closed position. This pin cannot be inserted unless the
latching mechanism is in its fully closed position.
The semi-automatic quick hitch is significantly faster than the manual type but has the
possibility that the operator, having carried out the latching operation from the cab may,
deliberately or inadvertently, not get out of the cab to manually insert the safety pin.
There is also a possibility on some quick hitches with multiple pin holes, of inserting the
pin into the wrong hole.

Figure 3 – Semi-automatic Quick hitch

4.3 Fully Automatic Quick Hitches

Fully automatic quick hitches are designed be operated completely from the cab as
they normally incorporate an independent locking system to secure the latching
mechanism once it is fully closed. These systems should also have an indicator on the
quick hitch so that the operator can verify from the cab that the locking system has fully
engaged. Some fully automatic quick hitches have a fixed front claw which is engaged
on the bucket front pin, the rear movable claw is then engaged with the bucket rear pin
by a hydraulic cylinder, operated from the cab and is then automatically locked in place
by a gravity locking bar or other means.
Other designs of fully automatic quick hitches have an additional front coupler claw
which is engaged over the bucket front pin and locked in place by a gravity device or
other feature.

Figure 4 - Single Claw Lock Type Figure 5 - Double Claw Lock Type

The fully automatic quick hitch enables attachments to be changed very quickly. As
however, the securing or locking of the latching mechanism relies on automatic devices
rather than the manual insertion of a locking pin, it is essential that these quick hitches
are regularly inspected and maintained to ensure that wear, damage or the ingress of
foreign bodies does not prevent the locking mechanism from functioning correctly.
It is essential that operators get out of the cab to physically ensure that all quick
hitches are securely locked before starting work with a newly attached

5.0 Selection of Equipment
It is important that when the use of quick hitches is being considered, the correct
equipment is selected to ensure compatibility between the quick hitch and the
excavator to which it is to be fitted. The selection process should at least take into
account the following points:-
 Which make and model of excavator is the quick hitch going to be fitted to?
 What attachments will be fitted to the quick hitch?
 Are the attachments, including buckets, compatible with the quick hitch?
 Which type of quick hitch is the excavator operator both familiar with and
competent to operate?
 Who will be carrying out fitting and removal of the quick hitch?
 Are there particular hazards associated with the location and/or the task to be
carried out?
 Which type of quick hitch is best suited to the application? (See 4.0)
 Will the quick hitch be sourced from the excavator manufacturer, from a quick hitch
manufacturer or from a third party?
 Will the quick hitch be sourced from the excavator owner’s own stock?

It is important that the end user is consulted during the selection process.

5.1 Host Excavator

The make and model of the excavator to which the quick hitch will be fitted must be
established so that the correct size and type of quick hitch can be selected. The
excavator’s hydraulic and electrical systems must be compatible with the control and
actuating system of the quick hitch if it is either of the “semi-automatic” or “fully
automatic type”.

5.2 Attachments to be fitted to the Quick Hitch

The attachments that are intended to be fitted to the quick hitch must be considered at
the selection stage, as not all attachments will fit all quick hitches. For example, a
“dedicated” quick hitch supplied by the excavator manufacturer will generally only fit
attachments supplied by the excavator manufacturer and not those manufactured by
third party attachment suppliers.

5.3 Location and Task

The location where the quick hitch is to be used and the task for which it is required will
have a bearing on selection. If buckets or attachments are required to be changed
frequently, a semi-automatic or fully automatic type may be more appropriate, whereas
if buckets or attachments need to be changed less frequently, a manual quick hitch
may be appropriate.

5.4 Hazards
The task and location where the quick hitch is to be used may have hazards associated
with them which may influence the selection of the quick hitch. For example:-
 Uneven ground or areas of water increasing the risk of slips, trips and falls;
 Restricted access due to other activities or limited clearances;
 Hazardous environments such as dust.

5.5 Operator Familiarity

If the quick hitch chosen is not one with which the operator is familiar, additional
instruction, information, familiarisation, training and supervision will be required.

5.6 Quick Hitch Type

The type of quick hitch will depend on a number of factors such as operator familiarity,
frequency of attachment changes and user (Principal or Sub Contractor) preference.

5.7 Quick Hitch Source

There are four main sources of quick hitches for excavators:-

5.7.1 Excavator Manufacturer

The majority of excavator manufacturers supply both quick hitches and attachments for
their ranges of machines. The advantage of sourcing the quick hitch from the machine
manufacturer is single sourcing and compatibility. The machine manufacturer will have
designed the excavator, quick hitch and attachments to work together and there should
not be any issues with fitting or control systems. Dedicated systems have the
advantage that the original bucket geometry of the machine is maintained and there will
also be a single point of contact for any warranty issues. The disadvantage may be that
a “dedicated” quick hitch will limit the choice of attachments that can be fitted.

5.7.2 Quick Hitch Manufacturer

Most quick hitch manufacturers supply quick hitches which are fitted to the standard
bucket attachment pins on the dipper arm. This has the benefit of allowing a particular
model of quick hitch to be fitted to a wide range of excavators from different
manufacturers and for a wide range of attachments to be attached to the quick hitch.
The pin system has the disadvantage that the original radius of bucket movement is
altered, due to the thickness of the quick hitch, causing a change of bucket tip radius
and reduction in breakout force.
The fitting of a third party quick hitch will, on “semi-automatic” and “fully automatic”
units, require a quick hitch hydraulic supply and control system to be fitted to the
excavator. This will involve tapping into the excavator’s hydraulic and electrical
systems, and the fitting of steel pipes and hoses to the booms, often by welding. If this
installation work is not carried out in an approved manner, it may be unsafe, raise
compatibility issues with the hydraulic system, cause damage to the machine or hitch,
and invalidate warranties.

5.7.3 Third Party Sources

Quick hitches can also be sourced from third party suppliers who offer a wide variety of
new and second-hand units. The purchase of second-hand units should be approached
with caution as they may be worn, faulty or be incomplete and are unlikely to come with
the original manufacturer’s fitting kit or instructions. If units are purchased from outside
the European Union they may well not comply with the Machinery Directive and meet
the standards required for use in the UK (See Annex D).

5.7.4 Excavator Owner’s Stock
Excavator owners may well have built up a significant stock of quick hitches over time
and these are often “recycled” between machines. A stock of quick hitches should be
treated as a valuable asset with adequate records to ensure that the type, location and
maintenance history of individual quick hitches can be easily established. Quick hitches
work in arduous conditions and will suffer damage and wear over time. Owners should
ensure that before a quick hitch is taken from existing stock that it is in a safe condition
for use.

6.0 Provision of Information
6.1 Introduction
The wide variation of designs and the increasing complexity of quick hitch technology
make it essential that supervisors and operators are supplied with adequate information
to enable them to carry out their duties effectively and safely. Information comes in
various forms and from several sources.
Excavator/quick hitch owners must ensure that a robust system is in place to provide
adequate up to date information to users and maintenance personnel. This may be
achieved in a number of ways including:-
 Provision of paper manuals using a system which will ensure frequent updating
is taking place;
 Provision of electronic manuals using a system which will ensure frequent
updating is taking place;
 A central technical information function which can be contacted for up to date
information whenever maintenance is taking place.
NOTE: It is essential that a system is in place to ensure that manual updates, safety alerts and
other information are communicated speedily to those who need to know.
NOTE: It is essential that information is provided in appropriate languages for non English
speakers. The assessment of language skills should form part of all risk assessment carried out
as part of the planning process for the safe use and maintenance of quick hitches.

6.2 Manufacturer’s Information

Information supplied by both the excavator and quick hitch manufacturers will be the
main source of instructions and specifications when fitting, using and maintaining quick
hitches. The primary document will be the maintenance manual for the specific quick
hitch model (and in some cases serial number), supplemented by technical information
Care should be taken to ensure that the information is up to date and relevant to the
quick hitch that is being fitted, used and maintained.
Manufacturer’s manuals are not always complete and in the case where a particular
task is not covered, the manufacturer must be contacted for information BEFORE the
task is undertaken.

6.3 Overlaps and Shortfalls

The combination of an excavator and a quick hitch may not have been supplied by one
manufacturer. Frequently the quick hitch will have been supplied by a specialist quick
hitch manufacturer for retrofitting to an existing excavator. Consequently the
information covering the excavator/quick hitch combination will have come from at least
two sources and there is the danger that information may either overlap in a conflicting
fashion or have gaps where a significant piece of information is missing from both
sources. In this case the user must consult both manufacturers to ensure that any
shortfalls in information are rectified.

6.4 Instruction and Warning Labels

Most excavator/quick hitch manufacturers provide short form instructions on adhesive
labels which should be fitted to the excavator’s cab in a position where it can be clearly
seen by the operator. Care should be taken to ensure that the instruction labels are
current and apply to the model of quick hitch being used. Warning labels such as those

shown in Figure 6 are frequently fitted to the dipper arms of excavators fitted with quick
hitches. The condition of all labels should be part of the daily checks and replaced as
soon as they are found to damaged or illegible.

Figure 6 – Typical Warning Labels on Dipper Arms

6.5 In-House Technical Information

Some excavator/quick hitch owners will have their own technical information dealing
with specific issues relating to the quick hitches in their fleet. This can be a useful
source of information for personnel but care should be taken to ensure that information
is current and all out of date information has been withdrawn.

6.6 Machine History

The history of the repairs and maintenance carried out to a quick hitch is often very
helpful when trying to diagnose faults and repeated failures. Maintenance personnel
should be encouraged to contact their manager or supervisor to request relevant
machine history details when appropriate.

6.7 Information Formats

Paper information such as manuals and bulletins is rapidly being replaced by electronic
formats such as CD-ROM and website downloads. This has the advantage that
physical storage space is kept to a minimum and, in the case of website downloads;
information should be up to date at the point of access. However the use of electronic
display devices, such as laptop computers, during maintenance is not always easy or
practical. Information may therefore have to be printed out for use on site, in which
case, care should be taken that for any subsequent use the data is still current and

6.8 Management of Information

Information should be managed effectively if it is to be of maximum benefit to those
involved in the maintenance process. Outdated information can at best waste time and
at worst may well affect safety. It is therefore essential that organisations carrying out
maintenance on quick hitches ensure that they have robust systems and procedures to
ensure that maintenance personnel are supplied with adequate information that is both
up to date and accurate.

7.0 Familiarisation
Quick hitches come in a variety of shapes and sizes with significant differences in
operating characteristics. It is therefore essential that operators and supervisors are
given adequate familiarisation on an unfamiliar type or model of quick hitch before they
begin operations.
Familiarisation is generally carried out by an experienced person employed by the
excavator owner but may also be carried out by a representative of the quick hitch
manufacturer. The person giving familiarisation should have been assessed to ensure
that they are competent to do so.
All familiarisation should be recorded.
Familiarisation for the operator of a quick hitch should include the following:-
 Identification of all areas of risk whilst using quick hitch devices;
 Understand the legal ramifications for plant operators using quick hitches, ie,
 Demonstrate the safe working procedures for the use of the quick hitch in
accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
 Demonstrate the safe working procedures for connection and disconnection of
 Demonstrate when and how to undertake visual inspections of the quick hitch
 Demonstrate "pre start checks" and maintenance requirements as
recommended by the manufacturer.
 Practically demonstrate the safe method by which a connection of an
attachment can be tested.

8.0 Supervisory and Operating Personnel
8.1 General Work Related Competence for Quick Hitch Operations
An often used definition of a competent person is “a person who has such practical and
theoretical knowledge and experience as is necessary to safely carry out the function to
which the term relates in each particular context”. A person who is competent to carry
out one task will not necessarily be competent to carry out another with the same
Employers must ensure that their managerial, supervisory and operating personnel are
generally competent to work safely with Quick-hitch operations. Employers must
therefore assess the competence of their staff and, where necessary, provide training
to achieve the level of competence required. The training needs to reflect the ability
and level of responsibility of the individual, degree of complexity of the task and the
risks involved.
Competence requirements for the various roles involved in the procurement and use of
quick hitches are shown in Table 1.

8.2 Attributes and Selection

It is essential that both supervisory and operating personnel involved with the selection,
fitting and use of quick hitches have the necessary attributes to ensure that they will be
able to carry out their duties both effectively and safely. The necessary attributes for
both supervisory and operating personnel are set out below.

8.2.1 Supervisor Attributes

 Understand how the hitch works;
 Understand what the hitch can and can’t be used for;
 Understand how to attach and detach an attachment in the prescribed manner;
 Understand how to carry out checks to ensure that the attachment has been
correctly engaged;
 Understand which checks and inspections are required on a daily or weekly basis;
 Understand what day to day cleaning and lubrication is required;
 Understand what can happen if the hitch is incorrectly attached;
 Understand what can happen if the hitch is poorly maintained;
 Understand that the hitch must not be used to move attachments without being fully
 Understand that work must be carried out to the Method Statement unless it is
unsafe to do so in which case work must stop;
 Be aware of accidents and incidents caused by incorrect operation;
 Be aware of the increased risk when operating in the vicinity of other people and
ensure/maintain an exclusion zone wherever possible;
 Carry out an effective observation and know what to look for;
 Able to communicate effectively with operators and line managers;
 Recognise bad practice and unsafe behaviour;
 Develop good working relationships;
 Active in raising H&S standards;
 Consistent and persistent;
 Not afraid of conflict where an issue needs to be raised and addressed;
 Understand his responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act.

8.2.2 Operator Attributes

 Understand how the hitch works;
 Understand what the hitch can and can’t be used for;
 Able to attach and detach an attachment in the prescribed manner;
 Able to carry out checks to ensure that the attachment has been correctly engaged;
 Understand he must physically leave the cab and check the quick-hitch before work
commences or recommences following attachment.
 Able to carry out the required checks and inspections on a daily or weekly basis as
 Able to carry out the day to day cleaning and lubrication required;
 Understand what can happen if the hitch is incorrectly attached;
 Understand what can happen if the hitch is poorly maintained;
 Understand that the hitch must not be used to move attachments without being fully
 Understand that he must work to the Method Statement unless it is unsafe to do so
in which case he must stop;
 Understand that if he is concerned or unsure about anything he must stop;
 Aware of accidents and incidents caused by incorrect operation;
 Aware of the increased risk when operating in the vicinity of other people;
 Understand his responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act.

8.3 Assessment of Training Needs

Following selection, or as part of it, an assessment should be made of the extent of
training which is needed for an individual, bearing in mind that this could be influenced
by any previous training and experience. When supervisors or operators are recruited it
is essential that employers check that their qualifications and experience relate to the
job they are to do. Where the type of quick hitch to be used is outside the employee’s
previous experience, additional training should be provided. In any event, some further
training is likely to be necessary to familiarize the employee with specific requirements
of the new job.

8.4 Training
Once a supervisor or operator has been selected, any deficiencies in their knowledge,
skills or understanding must be remedied by suitable training. This may be carried out
in-house or by an external training provider. At the end of the training period the trainee
should be assessed to ensure that the training objectives have been met.
An example of a nationally and industry recognised training schemes for the selection,
fitting and use of quick hitches is the Construction Plant Competence Scheme (CPCS)
short course on Connecting and Disconnecting Attachments using Quick Hitch
Coupling Systems.

8.5 Assessment
Employers should ensure that personnel are assessed to establish that they are
competent to carry out the tasks they are required to undertake. This applies equally to
personnel completing training and those experienced workers who have been recently
Assessment should contain both practical elements to demonstrate the skills and
standards achieved and the answering of questions to demonstrate relevant
underpinning knowledge. The assessment should be carried out by occupationally
competent and authorised assessors.

Compilation of Information


Competences Activity

Available devices - How they work, benefits,

  

Provided components - How they work, benefits,

     

Particular combination - How they work together      

Maintenance & Inspection - Daily, weekly, periodic      
Knowledge &
Recent developments - Modifications, working
Understanding of
     

Accidents & Incidents - Causes, actions/ remedies,

     

Company procedures      
Work context - Environment, people, tasks      
Behaviour - Operator, others      
Effective observation      
Decision making      
Skills Good communication      
Relationships      
Analytical      
Actively H&S positive      
Consistent      
Attitude Persistent      
Sees competence as a range      
Not afraid of conflict      

Table 1 – Competence Matrix

9.0 Safe Use of Quick hitches
9.1 General
The safe operation of a quick hitch starts with site management. The decision to buy or
provide a specific quick hitch may well have been made as a corporate decision, or the
equipment hired in, but it is the site management who are ultimately responsible for it
being put to into use. The site management must therefore ensure that the operation to
be carried out has been effectively planned (See Section 3.0) taking into consideration
all the safety issues which can arise, even where these are as a result of predictable
misuse. The following points highlight some of the potential issues:-
 When there is a quick hitch accident the plant operator is immediately
implicated. It is therefore essential that he is given sufficient training and
information to enable him to know how to operate and check the quick hitch. He
also needs to be authorised to do so.
 As all equipment on an excavator is subject to wear and deterioration it is
important that the quick hitch is adequately inspected and maintained to avoid
failure of the quick hitch or its mechanism.
 All fatalities involving quick hitches have occurred when a bucket or other
implement has become detached and struck someone. To do this the victim has
to be in an unsafe position either under the implement, or on its path as it
becomes detached whilst slewing, lifting and or lowering. The site management
needs to make sure no-one is required to be beneath the bucket or implement
at any time, and to segregate high risk activities such as bucket changing
preferably in clearly defined exclusion zones.
 Different types of quick hitches and quick hitches from different manufacturers
have very different characteristics, with some providing a secure grip on both
pins, and others which rely on a single grip. Some use a high pressure system
and some a low pressure. Some can be used with a bucket or implement
mounted off-face where others are potentially unstable when used in this way.
The site management needs to consider the range of uses to which the hitch is
to be put, and to ensure that the hitch is compatible with its intended use.

9.2 Supervision
Where an operator fails to operate a quick hitch correctly, such as omitting to insert a
pin into a semi-automatic quick hitch, this may be for a number of reasons such as:-
 It is the first time this has happened;
 It has happened before but has never been observed by others;
 It has been observed, but due to complacency, lack of knowledge or concern
has not been acted upon;
 It has been acted upon but has been repeated.
These alternative scenarios can be applied to any safety failure such as moving
buckets without engaging the quick hitch at all (hooking), or failing to swap buckets in a
safe area. Poor performance in one area may indicate a general neglect for health and
To ensure that unsafe acts are minimised it is essential that supervision is effective and
ensures that forgetfulness is prevented from developing into habit. The supervisor is
critical in this respect. With a semi-automatic quick hitch there is a clear indicator of
diligent operation of the hitch, the presence of the pin/bar. This can help the supervisor,

so long as periodically the hitch is checked for abuse. Unfortunately fully automatic
quick hitches are less easily checked and so a more intrusive check involving the
stopping of the machine needs to be made.
The supervisor therefore needs to:
 Check that the Method Statement is being worked to;
 Check that the method is as safe as possible;
 Check that people are kept clear of hazardous areas;
 Check that quick hitches are being used correctly;
 Check that tasks are carried out by authorised people;
 Take people to task for not working safely and correct poor or bad practice;
 Report unsafe behaviour.

9.3 Fitting of Buckets

When fitting buckets to a quick hitch the following points should be observed:-
 The bucket should be compatible with the quick hitch;
 The operator should be familiar with the attachment process for the specific
make and model of quick hitch;
 Bucket fitting/removal should be carried out in an area designated for the
purpose, from which other personnel are excluded;
 Before lifting the quick hitch and bucket the operator should ensure that any
locking device (this will depend on the type and make of quick hitch) is in place
and secure. This will generally involve the operator getting out of the cab to
physically ensure that the quick hitch is securely locked before starting work
with a newly attached attachment. In the case of certain types of fully automatic
quick hitches in limited and closely defined circumstances, to carry out visual
verification from the cab providing that the operator has a clear view of the
latching indicator and can determine, unambiguously, whether the attachment is
securely attached;
 After the bucket has been attached, locked and physically checked, the quick
hitch should be crowded out and shaken vigorously to ensure that the bucket is
secured to the quick hitch.

9.4 Fitting of Other Attachments

When fitting other attachments such as hydraulic breakers, piling hammers, heavy duty
ripper teeth, clay spades, rakes, grapples and forks the points detailed in 9.3 should be
observed. In addition care should be taken to ensure that the size of the attachment
does not exceed the limits specified by the excavator/quick hitch manufacturer.
Not all quick hitch manufacturers approve their use with attachments such as breakers.
The quick hitch manufacturer should always be consulted

It is essential that attachments are always fitted to both jaws of a quick hitch.
Attachments must never be attached to the quick hitch by a single pin.

Attachments requiring the freedom to articulate such as breakers, piling hammers and
grabs should be attached to a two pin adaptor, which is in turn fitted to the quickhitch.
This adaptor should be fully compatible with the make and model of quick hitch being
used. Figure 7 illustrates typical adaptors.

Figure 7 – Examples of Swivel Adaptors

9.5 Removal and Re-installation of a Quick Hitch on an Excavator

Always wear safety gloves, safety glasses and safety boots when
installing, removing or during maintenance operations due to the
possibility of sharp edges, residual oil pressure in the hydraulic system
when disconnecting hoses and involuntary movement of heavy
components. Both operators and service personnel must be fully
conversant with the correct installation and operating procedures for the
specific Quick hitch and Excavator.
Ensure Excavator is placed on firm and level ground away from site

The following procedure covers the removal and reinstallation of most quick hitches,
however the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific quick hitch and excavator must
be obtained and followed whenever a quick hitch is being removed or re-installed.

9.5.1 Removing the Quick Hitch from the Dipper of the Machine.
Remove the bucket or attachment from the quick hitch in a safe location. DO NOT
remove the quick hitch from the dipper of the machine whilst still connected to a bucket
or attachment. This may cause damage or injury if the combination moves
unexpectedly when disconnected from the dipper end of the machine.
Lower the quick hitch in a level position onto a pallet or similar structure and stop the
machine using the relevant SAFETY SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE. Ensure that all
hydraulic pressure has been released from the hydraulic circuit.

Disconnect the clamps securing the quick hitch hoses to the dipper of the machine.
Disconnect the quick hitch hoses from the machine circuit and immediately plug the
hoses and cap the relevant pipe work on the machine. This will prevent contamination
from entering both the quick hitch hydraulics and the machines hydraulic circuits and
preventing internal damage. It will also minimise the risk of hydraulic oil being spilt and
contaminating the surrounding area.
Remove the pivot pins from the end of the dipper and the tipping link and disconnect
the quick hitch. Retain any shims that may have been fitted to the pivot to reduce
lateral movement. Restart the machine and carefully move the dipper away from the
quick hitch unit, ensuring that the hoses do not become trapped or damaged during the
movement of the excavator end. Re-install the hose clamps to the dipper to prevent
Ensure that any safety pins or locks are re-fitted to the quick hitch prior to storing the
unit. Do not leave them loose with the unit to prevent loss.
If the quick hitch hoses are to be removed from the unit, immediately cap off the hose
connections on the hitch ram to prevent ingress of contamination into the system and
plug the hoses to prevent oil spillage. Check the hoses for damage and if they are to
be disposed of, ensure all relevant disposal regulations are followed. If they are to be
stored, then place them in an area that will prevent any accidental damage occurring to
the hoses.
If the hoses are to remain connected to the quick hitch, wrap them and secure them to
the body of the unit is such a way as to prevent accidental damage during storage of
the unit (Also any pivot shims). Remove any dirt or debris from around the operating
mechanism of the quick hitch before placing in storage.

9.5.2 Re-installing the Quick Hitch to the Dipper of the machine.

Position the quick hitch on the ground in front of the host machine, with the lifting eye
orientated away from the machine. (See Figure 8)

Figure 8 - Positioning the Quick Hitch

Check that the quick hitch is complete with all the required safety pins or locks in place.
The hitch must not be used if any of these items are missing.
If the hoses need to be refitted or new hoses fitted, check for any damage to the hoses
and connections, remove the protective plugs and caps and connect the hoses to the
quick hitch mechanism connections. If the plugs or caps are missing from the
connections or hoses then do not assemble together until you are sure that no
contamination has entered hydraulic components. The hoses need to be connected to

the quick hitch at this stage because in many cases the connections are not accessible
once the quick hitch is fitted to the dipper of the machine.
Check for any dirt or debris in the mechanism of the quick hitch and remove if
Start the machine and carefully manoeuvre the dipper into position in the quick hitch,
apply grease to the pivot pins before installing and fit into position ensuring the locking
holes are correctly aligned. If required, fit pivot shims whilst installing the pivot pins to
reduce lateral movement of the quick hitch at the dipper end and tipping link. Fit the
locking bolts or clips.
NOTE: Use original specification hardened pivot pins to connect the quick hitch to the machine. Use the
dummy pins for the bucket or attachment only. DO NOT USE THE DUMMY PINS TO MOUNT THE

Figure 9 – Checking Hose Clearance

Carefully raise the quick hitch from the ground by 500mm and then fully extend the
bucket ram of the machine and switch off the engine. Ensure the hydraulic safety lock
is in the lock position to prevent accidental movement in the hydraulic system.
Feed the hydraulic hoses around the nose of the dipper and secure the hoses to the
first clamp on the dipper. Ensure that there is some play in the hoses as they pass
around the dipper nose when the hitch is fully crowded (See Figure 9).
Route the hoses along the dipper to the connection point, remove the hydraulic plugs
and caps and make the required connection. Secure the hoses to the dipper using
cable ties or clamps as appropriate.
Restart the engine and slowly rotate the quick hitch around the dipper and check that
the hoses do not become trapped or kinked at any point during the rotation or foul the
tipping link.
Operate the circuit hydraulics and check that the operating mechanism is operating
fully and correctly. Repeat this process a number of times to ensure that:
 Full system pressure is entering the circuit;
 The quick hitch ram/pins are operating to full extent;
 Any air in the circuit is purged out.
Check the connections for any hydraulic oil leaks.
Engage the quick hitch to the required bucket or attachment and fully check the
operation. Ensure that all relevant locking pins/ clips are fitted and secured.

The quick hitch and bucket/attachment are now ready for use.

9.6 Use of Lifting Eyes

Many quick hitches are fitted with a lifting eye but should only be used for lifting if the
excavator to which they are fitted is rated and equipped for lifting duties, as required by
the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER), and, together
with the quick hitch, has a current report of thorough examination (See Section 12).
Under no circumstances should lifting be carried out with a quick hitch that is not fitted
with a lifting eye.
Any lifting eye on a quick hitch should be marked with a Rated Capacity (Safe Working
Load) which must not be exceeded; the Rated Capacity of the quick hitch may be less
than the Rated Capacity of the excavator or vice versa. It is important that the lower of
the two values is used to determine the Rated Capacity of the combination. When
working out the total weight of the load to be lifted the weight of the quick hitch and any
lifting accessories (shackles, slings etc.) must be taken into account.
NOTE: The retro fitting of a quick hitch will affect the Rated Capacity information supplied with
the excavator.
Lifting with a quick hitch must always be carried out with the coupler vertical so that the
load can hang free without contacting the hitch body and the lifting accessories are not
subjected to loads for which they were not designed.
Further detailed guidance on the use of quick hitches and excavators for lifting is given
 Guidance on Lifting Operations in Construction When Using Excavators.
Construction Plant-hire Association

10.0 Review and Monitoring of the Safe Use of Quick hitches
10.1 General
Review and monitoring of the safe use of quick hitches is an ongoing process and
involves a number of parties.

10.2 Management systems (directly supervising organisation)

The organisation directly supervising the works involving the use of the quick hitch may
be a sub-contractor, contractor or principal contractor dependent on the contractual
arrangements. They must have in place suitable management processes for the
planning and implementing of safe systems of work when using quick hitches. These
processes must include details for;
 The selection of equipment / quick hitches
 Inspection and maintenance of quick hitches
 The development of safe systems of work and communication
 The appointment of trained competent persons as operators, supervisors and
other relevant operatives.
The organisation must review these management processes to ensure their
completeness, effectiveness and the implementation by staff /employees at all levels,
including management (onsite or off site) and supervision.
It is suggested that the organisation’s management systems are reviewed at least
annually, or before, if significant incidents occur, and that implementation at site level is
monitored via site visits / reviews at maximum monthly intervals. Any necessary
corrective actions should be recorded and closed out.

10.3 Site management (directly supervising organisation)

The site management (based on or off site) of the organisation directly supervising the
works must ensure that;
 The works are adequately planned and co-ordinated.
 The equipment and quick hitch selected is appropriate for the specific task to be
 Equipment is inspected and maintained correctly.
 Safe systems of work are developed for the specific quick hitch to be used in
the specific task, have been communicated and are implemented
 Competent persons have been appointed to undertake the specific works (plant
operators and others).
 Competent persons have been appointed to supervise the works.
 An effective monitoring and review process is in place for the above.
The supervising organisation’s site management must, by observation, monitor site
activities and employee actions including supervisors, operators or others, to ensure
the safe system of work is adhered to and continually assess the competency of all

10.4 Pre-work reviews / monitoring.
Before using an excavator, quick hitch or attachment, the operator’s training and
experience must be checked to assess their competency. Training must include
adequate familiarisation training on the specific equipment and quick hitch to be used.
Formal certification of training together with entries in the operator’s log book,
countersigned by their supervisor / manager may assist in this assessment.
Observation of a new operator or an operator using new equipment, in a safe location
away from other personnel, may also help those making the competency assessment.
Before commencing any task for the first time the operator together, with other relevant
parties, must receive a safe system of work briefing from the supervisor. Immediately
following this briefing, the operator and others involved should be closely monitored to
ensure they understand and are working to the safe system of work.

10.5 Supervisor responsibilities

Each day the supervisor should re-brief the operator and others on the task and ensure
they are put to work safely. The supervisor should take this opportunity to;
 Reinforce the key elements of the safe system of work including
o Strict adherence to exclusion zones
o The correct safe methods when fitting/removing attachments with the
quick hitch.
o Consult the operator and others regarding any issues/comments they
have in adhering to or the effectiveness of the safe system of work, and
where appropriate instigate changes.
 Check that the operator has undertaken the relevant daily checks
 Check the required maintenance has been undertaken.
 Inspection/maintenance log/check sheet has been completed and signed. The
supervisor’s signature on the check list/log may be used as verification that they
have carried out the check.
As part of the supervisor’s ongoing duties, they must throughout the day monitor that
the safe system of work is being adhered to including, maintenance of exclusion zones,
that no one is working below attachments at any time and quick hitches are being used
as manufacturer’s recommendations including the correct use of any safety pins or
locking devices.
The Supervisor should regularly check that the manufacturers manual for operating the
hitch is in the cab, that any relevant decals regarding hitch operation are displayed in
the cab and or dipper arm and that the next service date by a fitter has not expired and
that the quick hitch has a current certificate of thorough examination. The daily check
list (See Annex E) will provide evidence of some of these points.

10.6 Monitoring by the contractor / principal contractor

When the organisation directly supervising the works is not the main contractor or
where the project is notifiable under CDM the principal contractor, then the contractor /
principal contractor must undertake suitable monitoring to enforce the safe use of quick
This should include, before a task or individual commences on site, the review of;
 Any safe systems of work before work commences and any subsequent

 Operators and supervisors training and competency before commencement.
 Equipment thorough examination certification before the equipment is put to
The contractor / principal contractor should also monitor the following, which may be
done during normal management site inspections / tours;
 That safe systems of work are being implemented.
 That only competent operators are using the equipment / quick hitch.
Random questioning of the operators and sight of training records may assist
in this.
 That daily and weekly checks and maintenance are being undertaken, and
that manufactures documentation is in the cab, by random inspection of the
cab and records.
 Pre-start task briefings must also be monitored to ensure they are taking
place and are adequate; this may be done by random auditing of records and
ad hoc attendance at briefing talks.
Any unsatisfactory issues found should be recorded and the necessary actions and
time scales for rectification agreed with the organisation directly supervising the works.

Quick Hitch Safe Use Monitoring Guide
Item to be monitored/ Monitoring / review by
Senior management of Site level management Supervisor Operator Contractor / principal contractor
organisation directly of organisation directly
supervising the works supervising the works
Overall Management Reviews and monitors overall Assesses as part of pre order competency
systems for the management system at max 12 check.
planning and monthly intervals or after an
implementation of the incident or reason to believe
safe use of quick review is required.
Management systems Monitors at maximum monthly Reviews at maximum Reviews as part of pre-start on site checks.
at specific site level for intervals by auditing of weekly intervals by site
the planning and documentation and site inspection / observation of
implementation of, the inspection activities and review of N/A N/A
safe use of quick documentation taking into
hitches. account potential changes
to risks.
Equipment selection. May assist in selection Operator advises
process- supervisor if they feel
Observes suitability of equipment is not correct
Ditto Ditto for task or faulty.
equipment in use and
advises management if
Equipment checks Checks at max weekly Undertake daily and Reviews relevant documentation before
inspection and intervals that operator is weekly checks as safe equipment used on site, i.e. current thorough
maintenance. carrying out daily and system of work / examination.
weekly checks. manufacturers’ Once operations commence, undertakes
Ditto Ditto recommendations and random sample checks off equipment
records. Advises documentation / inspection/ maintenance
supervisor of any faulty records.

Quick Hitch Safe Use Monitoring Guide
Monitoring / review by
Item to be monitored/ Senior management of Site level management of Supervisor Operator Contractor / principal contractor
reviewed organisation directly organisation directly
supervising the works supervising the works
Safe system of work Monitors at maximum monthly Reviews at maximum May assist in development. - May assist management Reviews before implementation and after
development. intervals by auditing of weekly intervals by site Observes on site suitability in development. any changes
documentation and site inspection / observation of of Safe System of Work as
inspection activities and review of part of normal daily
documentation taking into supervisory role. Stops work
account potential changes if inadequate and advises
to risks. management.
Safe system of work Observes operatives Adheres to safe system of Reviews as ongoing process during site
implementation. working as part of normal work. Advises supervisor tours.
daily supervisory role. Stops of any areas of
Ditto Ditto
work and takes corrective improvement.
action if not fully
Initial task safety Undertaken by Supervisor Carries out random sample checks of
Ditto Ditto N/A
briefings documentation and attendance at briefing.
Daily task re-briefs. Undertaken by Supervisor Carries out random sample checks by
Ditto Ditto N/A
questioning operators.
Manufacturers Checked weekly by Ensures they are Carries out random sample checks of
instructions and Ditto Ditto supervisor available in cab. documentation
information in cab
Operator competency Checks made by site May assist in initial checks. Carries out random sample checks of
management and reviewed Monitors via normal daily documentation and observation /
Ditto N/A
as above. observation of operator. questioning of operators, or after an
Supervisor Reviews competency at On going process via site tours- adherence
Competency maximum weekly intervals on sit of teams to Safe System of Work,
by site inspection / random checks of maintenance
Ditto observation of activities and N/A N/A documentation, reviews of site incidents.
review of documentation

11.0 Maintenance and Inspection
11.1 General
The effective maintenance of a quick hitch is an essential part of safe operation. As
with all machines the quick hitch wears and deteriorates over time and the
maintenance process, including checks and inspections, both monitors, prevents and
rectifies this deterioration. It is important that the personnel asked to carry out these
tasks have the necessary machine-specific training, experience and competence in
both periodic and breakdown maintenance.
Both the user and owner of the quick hitch and the excavator, on which it is mounted,
have a responsibility to ensure that the quick hitch is maintained in a safe working
condition. In practice the maintenance is normally undertaken by the excavator owner.
Quick hitches require the manufacturer’s preventative maintenance instructions to be
strictly complied with, if safety is to be maintained in use. Checks and inspections
should be carried out taking account of the frequency of use of the quick hitch and the
environmental conditions in which it regularly works. If the operator is considered to be
competent, they may be authorized to carry out routine pre-use and weekly checks.
The employer of the person carrying out these checks should ensure that the machine
is taken out of use for the period of time required to carry them out. Also, the employer
or authorized person carrying out the checks should ensure that a safe system of work
is in place to prevent personnel from being exposed to risk, for example from the
inadvertent operation of the equipment.
Basic checks and inspections should be carried out in accordance with company
instructions and the manufacturer's recommendations:
 Daily Pre-use Checks - these are carried out at the start of every shift (or day)
and include checks for damage, build up of dirt and correct functioning of the
quick hitch (See list in Annex E)
 Weekly Inspections - these are additional inspections to the pre-use checks.
(See Annex E).
These checks and inspections should be recorded
If there is a defect that affects the safe operation of the quick hitch it must be reported
and repaired immediately. If it does not affect the immediate safe operation of the
quick hitch the defect should be reported to the supervisor so that repairs may be
carried out in a timely manner.

11.2 Precautions
Extreme care must be taken when carrying out maintenance procedures on quick
hitches. On hydraulic models care must be taken to ensure that maintenance personnel
do not place their hands on or into the quick hitch (See Figure 10) before first ensuring
that the hydraulic circuit is de-activated. Even with the excavator’s engine switched off
the hydraulic system may still be pressurised, consequently the replacement or repair
of hydraulic hoses or fittings should be approached with extreme caution.

11.3 Modifications
Quick hitches should not be modified without the express written permission of the
quick hitch manufacturer. Unauthorised modifications will affect the warranty and may
compromise safety.

Figure 10 – Do Not Place Hands in the Quick hitch

11.4 Scheduled Lubrication

Operators may be required to carry out lubrication of certain items, such as the
greasing of sliding parts, at specified intervals. They should only undertake such tasks
if they are competent to do so and should be provided with the necessary equipment
and instructions to carry this out safely.

11.5 Scheduled Maintenance

It is the responsibility of the site management to ensure that all excavators/quick
hitches are adequately maintained in efficient working order and in a state of good
repair. A scheduled preventative maintenance program helps to meet these
requirements. The frequency at which the maintenance activities are carried out must
take into account the machine usage and the working environment. A record of
maintenance should be kept for each quick hitch.
The excavator/quick hitch owner should inform the site management at the time the
hire contract is placed of the intervals at which maintenance will take place and the
length of time the machine will be taken out of service on each occasion.

11.6 Breakdowns
Breakdowns should be avoided by adequate inspection and preparation of the quick
hitch prior to delivery on site. Repairs on site should only be undertaken following a
thorough job and site specific risk assessment and the implementation of a safe system
of work, including inspection of the work following completion.

11.7 Replacement Components

Replacement components should be in accordance with the quick hitch manufacturer’s

11.8 Actions in the Event of Defects and Breakdowns

 All defects that make the quick hitch unsafe for use should be recorded and
immediately reported to both the quick hitch owner and site’s appropriate
representative (such as service manager, site manager, or supervisor), and
work with the excavator and quick hitch should cease. Steps should be taken to
ensure that the excavator and quick hitch cannot be used by others in the
absence of the nominated operator;
 All other defects should be recorded and reported as soon as possible;

 All breakdowns should be reported promptly to the quick hitch owner and steps
should be taken to ensure that the excavator and quick hitch cannot be used by
others in the absence of the nominated operator;
 Following a breakdown or identification of a significant defect, steps should be
taken to ensure that the excavator and quick hitch cannot be used until repairs
have been carried out or the defect has been assessed by a competent person;
 Repairs or adjustments should only be carried out by authorised persons;
 The record of all defects and breakdowns should be signed by the person
rectifying the defects and breakdowns on completion.

11.9 Non Destructive Testing

Checks and inspections of quick hitches may reveal indications of cracking or other
defects which require further investigation to determine the extent and nature of these
defects. This is normally carried out using NDT techniques such as dye penetrant
examination, magnetic particle examination or ultrasonic examination. The technique
chosen will depend on the design of the structure and location of the defect. NDT
techniques should be carried out by appropriately qualified personnel.
NOTE: Further information on NDT is available from the British Institute of Non-destructive Testing at

12.0 Thorough Examination
The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) require that all
lifting equipment is thoroughly examined by a competent person at specified intervals.
In the case of an excavator fitted with a quick hitch having a lifting eye, it should be
thoroughly examined as follows:-
 When the quick hitch is first installed on the machine (LOLER Reg. 9(2)(a))
 When the quick hitch is reinstalled on the machine (LOLER Reg. 9(2)(b))
 At regular intervals of:-
o a period not exceeding 12 months if the quick hitch is permanently
attached to the excavator (LOLER Reg. 9(3)(a)(i));
o a period not exceeding 6 months if the quick hitch is easily removable
from the excavator (LOLER Reg. 9(3)(a)(ii));
NOTE: It is best practice for all quick hitches to be thoroughly examined at intervals not
exceeding 6 months.
 After any major alteration or damage (event) (LOLER Reg. 9(3)(a)(iv)).
All quick hitches subject to thorough examination must be marked with a unique
identification number. If a quick hitch does not have such a number, the owner/user
must ensure that one is applied.
Reports of thorough examination should contain the details required by Schedule 1 of
LOLER (See Annex F).
Thorough examinations should be carried out by competent persons who are
sufficiently independent and impartial.

12.1 Thorough Examination of Lifting Accessories

LOLER requires that lifting accessories are thoroughly examined at intervals not
exceeding six months.

12.2 Further guidance

Further detailed guidance on the thorough examination of quick hitches is given in:-
 BS 7121 Code of practice for safe use of cranes – Part 2: Inspection, testing
and examination.
 Guidance on Lifting Operations in Construction When Using Excavators.
Construction Plant-hire Association.
 L113 Safe Use of Lifting Equipment - Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment
Regulations 1998 Code of Practice - ISBN 0 7176 1628 2.
 HSE Contract Research Report 429 – Thorough examination of particular items
of lifting equipment – Annex 14 – HSE Books.

Annex A – Incident Reporting
If you are an employer, self-employed or in control of premises, you have a duty to
report some accidents and incidents at work under RIDDOR (the Reporting of Injuries,
Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995).
You must report:
 deaths;
 major injuries;
 over-3-day injuries – where an employee or self-employed person is away from
work or unable to perform their normal work duties for more than 3 consecutive
 injuries to members of the public or people not at work, where they are taken
from the scene of an accident to hospital;
 some work-related diseases;
 some dangerous occurrences – a near miss, where something happens that
does not result in an injury, but could have done.
It is advisable to ring and report the incident as soon as possible, by calling the HSE
Contact Centre (ICC) on 0845 300 9923 (Monday to Friday 8.30 am – 5.00 pm)
Alternatively, online or e-mail forms can also be completed 24 hours a day on .
Deaths, major injuries and dangerous occurrences must be notified without delay,
however only the following need to be notified out of normal working hours:
 fatal accidents at work;
 accidents where several workers have been seriously injured;
 accidents resulting in serious injury to a member of the public;
 accidents and incidents causing major disruption, such as evacuation of
people, closure of roads, large numbers of people going to hospital etc.
Over-3-day injuries must be reported within ten days.
Further detailed guidance on the reporting of injuries is given in:
 A guide to the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences
Regulations 1995, HSE Books.
NOTE: This may be down loaded free of charge from

Annex B – Example Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment
Working with Quick Hitches

Location: Date: Ref no:

 Work Equipment  Plant movement
 Lifting devices  Warning devices on equipment
 Ergonomics  Noise
 Entanglement  Vibration
 Crushing.  Fumes
 Access/egress  Access/egress
 Slip, trip and fall  Environmental
 Hand rails and guard rails  Temperature
 Warning signs  Dust
NOTE: This list is not exhaustive
People Affected YES NO N/A
Involved in activity
Close to activity
Everyone on site
Members of the public
Expected Precautions YES NO N/A
Has the operator been adequately trained on the use of Quick
Hitches in general?
Is the operator competent to use the specific hitch on the
machine they use?
Is the manufacturer’s specified retaining pin available on the
NOTE: Operators should only use pins which have been designed for this
specific use
Is there a system for checking that the pin is in place on the
hitch prior to work start every time a different attachment is
Is the operator aware they must not operate the machine
unless they are satisfied that the quick hitch is secured in
Can the operator see from the cab in poor weather that the
quick hitch is secured in place?
Are the pins or clips retained or attached to the quick hitch?
Is the area around the safety pin insertion holes painted to
make it clear where they should be inserted?
Does the quick hitch have a current Thorough Examination
Expected Precautions continued YES NO N/A

Is there a risk assessment for the bucket detachment?
Is there a checklist of daily, weekly inspection and
Is there a written procedural system for checking manual safety
pins are in place?
Is there a manual and/or instruction card available in the cab for
the type of quick hitch system?
Is all information available in a language appropriate for the
language skills of the person requiring that information?

Risk Rating HIGH MED LOW Action By





Hard Hat Hi Vis Vest Safety Boots Gloves

Ear Protection Safety Glasses Other


Pre Start briefing

Assessed By Reported To
Name: Name:

Date: Position: Date:

Annex C – Example of Typical Requirements Included in a Method

Applicability Item Requirement

1. All personnel will maintain safe distance from excavator when
2. Site supervisors will ensure that all personnel maintain safe working
3. The equipment owner will provide daily & weekly checklists with the
4. The equipment owner will supply instructions for the safe operation
of the hitch with the equipment.
5. The site management (user) will ensure that the operator has been
provided with the information detailed in Items 3 and 4, together with
a clear briefing on the task to be carried out and the method to be
6. The operator’s employer and the site management (user) will ensure
that the operator is trained, competent and authorised to use the
specific quick hitch.
7. The operator will check the quick hitch daily at the start and end of
each shift and record that the check has been carried out.
All Types of 8. The operator will inspect the quick hitch weekly & record all findings.
Quick Hitch
9. Daily check and weekly inspection records will be kept with the
instructions in the excavator cab.
10. The site management (user) will arrange for maintenance of the
quick hitch to be carried out at recommended intervals
11. The site management (user) will arrange for thorough examination
of the quick hitch to be carried out:-
 At initial installation;
 At reinstallation;
 At 6 month intervals;
 After any major alteration or damage (event).
12. The operator must get out of the cab to physically ensure that the
quick hitch is securely locked before starting work with a newly
attached attachment.
13. The operator will check proper engagement of the quick hitch using
the shake test and following the manufacturer’s instructions.
14. Site supervisors will check that operator is complying with all
15. The equipment owner will supply the safety pin c/w securing device,
for the quick hitch.
16. The site management (user) will ensure, through supervision, that
Semi- the safety pin is available for use at all times.
Quick Hitches 17. The operator will manually insert the safety pin at all times, in
accordance with instructions.
18. Site supervisors will check that operator is complying with
requirement to insert the safety pin at all times.

Annex D – Grey Imports
Standards for 'Grey Import' Quick hitches

This annex is based on guidance and advice given by the HSE to their inspectors on
the controversial issue of “grey import” machines coming from outside the EU. This
advice is reproduced, (apart from a few changes to clarify the meaning,) to help
readers understand the standards that the inspectors look for when inspecting any
quick hitches imported from outside the EEA (European Economic Area – EU States
plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein), in particular those that do not meet EU

There is concern in the UK about the safety of machines manufactured and imported
from outside the EU that were not originally designed and constructed to meet
European standards.
These machines, some of which are quick hitches, should meet the same essential
health and safety requirements (EHSRs) as any other machine under the Supply of
Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008 (SM(S)R).
Under SM(S)R all new quick hitches are presumed to comply with the EHSRs if they
have been made to the European Standard BS EN 474-1 or equivalent standards, and
are safe to use. The design, hazard analysis and material specification for the machine
has to be kept in a technical file that is normally held by the manufacturer, and is
required by whoever carries out the conformity examination.
In order to meet the standards of safety under SM(S)R, the Provision and Use of Work
Equipment Regulations 1998, the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations
1998 and the Noise at Work Regulations 1989, machines must comply with the
following requirements:
(1) All quick hitches should be supplied with installation, operator and routine
maintenance instructions in English. Operating instructions are needed for routine
maintenance and all written directions in the cab must also be in English.
(2) Controls must be appropriately marked to indicate their function and mode of
operation, and must be positioned, and protected so that the desired effect, where
a risk is involved, cannot occur without intentional operation.
(3) Any quick hitch that has a lifting eye with a rated capacity in excess of one tonne
must only be used for lifting with an excavator that:
(a) has a rated capacity indicator fitted to it, providing visual warning to the driver
before the safe working load (SWL) is reached, with both visual and audible
warning to the driver and anyone else in the vicinity of the machine, when the
SWL is reached;
(b) is fitted with hose burst protection valves on at least the boom raise
(b) has provision for switching off the indicator when the machine is operating in
the excavator mode;
(c) be clearly marked with their SWL (eg 2 tonne). This marking should be clearly
visible to the operator and be positioned either on the boom or in the
operator’s cab.
There are additional requirements in BS EN 474-1 that may well not be met by quick
hitches imported from countries outside the EEA.

CE Marking Issues
With the recent introduction of the new Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and the
implementing UK regulations, the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008, the
position of quick hitches is currently unclear. Once the situation has been clarified, this
guidance will be revised to include guidance on this issue.

Annex E – Example of a Daily (pre-use) and Weekly Check List

Quick hitch Pre-use Check Sheet



Items to be checked by Operator before and during Operation – MARK or X



In Cab
Quick hitch Operating Controls
Operating Instructions (labels)
Operator's Manual

Hydraulic System
Wear or Damage to Hoses or Fittings
Security of Hoses
Hydraulic Oil Leaks

Quick hitch
Damage to Quick hitch
Correct Functioning of Safety Device (include springs,
clips and cylinder)
Build up of Dirt and Debris from around Safety Device
Build up of Dirt and Debris from Hooks
Wear on Quick hitch Hooks
Wear on Mechanism
Wear and Damage to Bucket/Attachment Pins and
Security of Mounting Pins, Locking Bolts and Nuts

Is the quick hitch safe to use? Y/N

Greasing in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions


Operator’s Signature …………………………… Manager’s Signature …………………………...

Annex F – Information to be contained in a report of a thorough
The following is an extract from the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations.
Schedule 1 of Regulation 10 is quoted here in full. It details information to be contained in a
report of a thorough examination.
1) The name and address of the employer for whom the thorough examination was made.
2) The address of the premises at which the thorough examination was made.
3) Particulars sufficient to identify the equipment including where known its date of
4) The date of the last thorough examination.
5) The safe working load of the lifting equipment or (where its safe working load depends on
the configuration of the lifting equipment) its safe working load for the last configuration in
which it was thoroughly examined.
6) In relation to the first thorough examination of lifting equipment after installation or after
assembly at a new site or in a new location:
a) that it is such thorough examination;
b) (if such be the case) that it has been installed correctly and is safe to operate.
7) In relation to a thorough examination of lifting equipment other than a thorough examination
to which paragraph 6 relates -
a) whether it is a thorough examination:
i) within an interval of 6 months;
ii) within an interval of 12 months;
iii) in accordance with an examination scheme;
iv) after the occurrence of exceptional circumstances;
b) (if such be the case) that the lifting equipment is safe to operate.
8) In relation to every thorough examination of lifting equipment:
a) identification of any part found to have a defect which is or could become a danger to
persons, and a description of the defect;
b) particulars of any repair , renewal or alteration required to remedy a defect found to be a
danger to persons;
c) in the case of a defect which is not yet but could become a danger to persons –
i) the time by which it could become such a danger;
ii) particulars of any repair, renewal or alteration required to remedy it;
iii) the latest date by which the next thorough examination must be carried out;
9) Where the thorough examination included testing, particulars of any test;
a) The date of the thorough examination.
b) The name, address and qualifications of the person making the report; that he is self-
employed or, if employed, the name and address of his employer.
10) The name and address of a person signing or authenticating the report on behalf of its
The date of the report.

Annex G – Further Information and Guidance
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. London: The Stationery Office.
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER).
L22 Safe use of work equipment, HSE Books.
The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER).
L113 Safe use of lifting equipment, HSE Books.
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 as amended
Work at Height Regulations 2005 (WAHR).
The Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008 (SM(S)R).
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 (CDM).
Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 (PPE).
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995

BS 6166-3:1998, Lifting slings — Part 3: Guide to the selection and safe use of lifting
slings for multi-purposes
BS 6210:1983, Code of practice for the safe use of wire rope slings for general lifting
BS 6968:1988, Guide for use and maintenance of non-calibrated round steel lifting
chain and chain slings
BS 7121-1:2006, Code of practice for safe use of cranes — Part 1: General
BS 7121-2:2003, Code of practice for safe use of cranes — Part 2: Inspection, testing
and examination
BS 7262:1990, Specification for automatic safe load indicators
BS EN 474-1:2006+A1:2009, Earth-moving machinery. Safety. General requirements
BS EN 474-4:2006+A1:2009, Earth-moving machinery. Safety. Requirements for
backhoe loaders
Other Publications
HSE Leaflet INDG218 – Guide to Risk Assessment;
HSE Leaflet INDG163 – Five Steps to Risk Assessment.
HSE publication L73 - A guide to the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous
Occurrences Regulations 1995, HSE Books.
HSE Contract Research Report 429 – Thorough examination of particular items of
lifting equipment – Annex 14 – HSE Books
Guidance on Lifting Operations in Construction When Using Excavators, Construction
Plant-hire Association
Guidance on the Safe Use of Excavator Quick-hitch Devices, OPERC
Code of practice for the safe use of lifting equipment. Lifting Equipment Engineers’

Useful Websites

Construction Plant-hire Association


Health and Safety Executive

Lifting Equipment Engineers Association

Off-highway Plant and Equipment
Research Centre

Safety Assessment Federation

Strategic Forum for Construction

UK Contractors Group

Annex H - Working Group Membership
Strategic Forum for Construction Plant Group –
Safe Use of Quick hitches – Best Practice Guide Working Group

Member Employer Representing

K Minton - Chairman CPA SFfC Plant Safety Group
L Barnes Engcon UK Ltd Engcon UK Ltd
C Bushell National Construction College CSkills
A Crago Hydrex Rail Plant Association
M Dix National Construction College CSkills
A Dodman Barhale Construction CECA
J Hallows ConstructionSkills CSkills
M Norton BEM Norton Training and Testing Norton Training and Testing
M O’Connor HSE HSE
G O’Neill Jim Ennis Construction Ltd North West Safety Initiative
R Taylor Rob Taylor Plant Hire CPA
S Vickers Hewlett Civil Engineering Hewlett Civil Engineering
I Wallace Bovis Lend Lease UKCG
I Watson Bovis Lend Lease UKCG
R Wells Balfour Beatty Rail Plant Association
P Wright CLM Delivery Partners Olympic Delivery Authority
T P Watson - Editor CPA SFfC Plant Safety Group

Working in Partnership
Reference No. CPA 1001
First Published: February 2010
Published by:
Construction Plant-hire Association
27/28 Newbury St
Telephone: 020 7796 3366
Email: [email protected]
CPA Copyright – February 2010


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