McConnachie G. Et Al. Waterlogged Archaeological Wood. 2008
McConnachie G. Et Al. Waterlogged Archaeological Wood. 2008
McConnachie G. Et Al. Waterlogged Archaeological Wood. 2008
1. Conservation Manager, The Mary Maximum moisture content (U max) “profiles” were produced
Rose Trust, College Road, H M Naval
throughout cut cross-sections of waterlogged archaeologi-
Base, Portsmouth, PO1 3LX, U.K.
2. Deputy Head of Department (retired), cal oak, poplar and pine timbers, and the distribution of
School of Biological Sciences, University values compared to visible degradation patterns. Attempts
of Portsmouth, King Henry Building,
were then made to classify the degree of degradation in
King Henry I St, Portsmouth, PO1 2DY,
U.K. each timber. Where appropriate, comparisons were made
3. Head of Collections, The Mary Rose with the established classification scheme of de Jong
Trust, College Road, H M Naval Base,
(1977), for waterlogged archaeological oak. Numerical clas-
Portsmouth, PO1 3LX, U.K.
sification schemes were investigated after statistically
corresponding author:
[email protected]
analysing U max data ranges for each of the three species.
1 Introduction
been shown to be useful indicators of the preser- of U max values are also examined, in an attempt to
vation state of waterlogged wooden objects. provide a numerical classification scheme that
relates to a visual or physical assessment of
One simple and routinely employed technique is degradation patterns. Similar data is examined for
the determination of moisture content. Values rise a selection of poplar and pine timbers from the
in line with increases in the porosity of the wood Mary Rose , to assess how degradation patterns,
cell wall, resulting from microbiological degrada- U max ranges and potential classification schemes
tion 11-13 and to a lesser extent from physicochemi- might vary for timbers of other species. The aim is
cal processes 14-16 before and / or during burial. to produce reference data describing typical
Hoffmann 1 stressed the importance of using maxi- degradation patterns and U max ranges for the three
mum, rather than actual moisture content meas- species, which can then be used to aid the asses-
urements. By initially placing submerged samples sment of similar timbers, where destructive samp-
cyclically under partial vacuum, any trapped air is ling is not possible.
expelled. This ensures a maximum moisture con-
tent reading is obtained, that reflects the full
extent of the voids that have resulted from degra-
2 Materials and Methods using a band saw. Each slice was further cut to
produce approximate 1cm × 1cm × 1cm cubes
Source material for investigations comprised oak (Figure 2). For each of these, a note was made of
( Quercus robur L. or Quercus petraea (Matt.) its visible physical state (well preserved or degra-
Liebl.), poplar ( Populus tremula L. or Populus ded) and its maximum moisture content determi-
nigra L.) and Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) tim- ned.
bers from the Tudor warship Mary Rose . Species
identifications were confirmed microscopically Cubes were numbered and weighed in the water-
using the keys of Schweingruber 21 and Hather. 22 logged state using a digital balance accurate to
0.001 g, then placed in an oven at 103 ± 2 °C for
Initial tests compared actual moisture content 48 h and reweighed. Maximum moisture content
values to maximum (U max ) values. Six, 2cm × 2cm values were calculated using the following
× 2cm samples were cut from homogeneously equation: 23
degraded regions of each source timber (Table 1),
three of which were immersed in water and placed U max %=((W wet -W dry ) / W dry )) 100%
cyclically under partial vacuum to expel any trap-
ped air. The moisture content of all six samples where, W wet = weight of fully waterlogged sample
was then determined by the oven dry method as and W dry = weight of sample after complete desic-
described below. Negligible differences were cation.
found between actual and maximum moisture con-
Calculated U max values were plotted on a two-
tent values, indicating timbers were fully waterlog-
dimensional representation of each slice to illu-
ged. All subsequent measurements were therefore
strate their distribution. Collective data ranges for
made without first placing samples under vacuum
all three timber slices of each species were arbit-
and all figures given should be considered maxi-
rarily divided into four bands (Figure 3), which
mum values.
were used to colour-code the profiles.
To illustrate U max distributions throughout individu-
Average maximum moisture content values were
al timbers, profiles were produced from one centi-
also calculated for six 2cm × 2cm × 2cm replicates
meter thick “slices”, cut transversely from timbers
of modern samples of oak ( Quercus robur L.), pop-
lar ( Populus alba L.) and pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.)
heartwood, which were artificially waterlogged
under vacuum, to allow direct comparisons.
3.1 Oak
Mean 97 118 127 108 Collective moisture content data from all three oak
timber slices are presented as a histogram in
S.D. 26 49 39 38
Figure 4. Most values fall within a narrow range
Variance 658 2434 1513 1416 (70% to 150%), and were derived from the large
Moisture content profile “bands” calculated from combined data sound cores of the sections (Band A). A second,
and Fig. 3
less well defined population with higher range
Band 1 <96 (151% to 365%), is made up of data from degraded
Band 2 96 - 121 outer layers (Band B). A potential classification
scheme based on these data ranges is given in
Band 3 122 - 146
Table 4.
Band 4 >146
Maximum 988 1162 817 1162 Band A (160% to 400% moisture content) is made
Mean 777 689 304 563 up of data from the sound “pockets” of timbers
“Poplar 1” and “Poplar 2” and the sound core of
S.D. 137 263 161 258
“Poplar 3”. Band B (401% to 1180% moisture con-
Variance 18799 69026 25853 66712
tent) was derived from highly degraded areas.
Moisture content profile “bands” calculated from combined data
and Fig. 3
Band 1 <204
Table 6: Poplar timber slices and their corresponding moisture
content profiles. Band 2 204 - 283
Degraded >400% Table 8: Statistical data and moisture content profile bands for
pine slices. U max obtained for modern waterlogged pine ( Pinus
Table 7: Proposed classification scheme for poplar. silvestris L.) = 178% . S.D. = standard deviation.
U max ranges for archaeological oak, poplar and 13. R.A. Blanchette, P. Hoffmann, Degradation process in water-
pine timbers. Data can then be used to comple- logged archaeological wood , in: P. Hoffman, T. Daley, T. Grant,
Eds., Proceedings of the 5th ICOM Group on Wet Organic
ment and aid in the interpretation of findings obtai- Archaeological Materials Conference , ICOM, 1994, 111-142.
ned from less destructive sampling techniques.
14. P.D. Evans, W.B. Banks, Degradation of wood surfaces by
water , Holz Roh-Werkst., 1990, 48, 159-163.
It should be noted however, that data presented
here are for a limited group of timbers, all of the 15. P. Hoffmann, A.M. Jones, Structure and Degradation process
for waterlogged archaeological wood . in: R.M. Rowell, R.J.
same age and from just one burial site. A broader Barbour, Eds., Archaeological Wood. Properties, Chemistry and
sampling strategy should ensure the full range of Preservation , American Chemical Society, Washington D.C., 1990,
degradation states has been explored for each 35-65.
species, and further studies are underway at the 16. Y.S. Kim, Chemical characteristics of waterlogged archaeolo-
Mary Rose Trust, assessing timbers from a wider gical wood , Holzforschung, 1990, 44, 169-172.
range of burial environments. Other species, inclu- 17. B. Christensen, The conservation of waterlogged wood in the
ding English Ash ( Fraxinus excelsior ) and Elm National Museum of Denmark , The National Museum of Denmark,
Copenhagen, 1970.
( Ulmus procera ) are also being examined.
18. J. de Jong, Conservation Techniques for old archaeological
wood from shipwrecks found in the Netherlands , in: A.H. Walters,
Ed., Biodeterioration Investigation Techniques , London, 1977,
5 References 295-338.
1. P. Hoffmann , Chemical wood analysis as a means of characte- 19. M.H. Rule, The Mary Rose : The excavation and raising of
rising archaeological wood , in: D.W. Grattan, J.C. McCawley, Henry VIII’s flagship , Windward, Leicester, 1983.
Eds., Proceedings of the ICOM Group on Wet Organic
Archaeological Materials Conference, Ottawa 1981 , ICOM, 1982, 20. P. Marsden, Sealed by Time. The loss and recovery of the
69-72. Mary Rose , The Mary Rose Trust, Portsmouth, 2003.
2. D.W. Grattan, C. Mathias, Analysis of Waterlogged Wood : the 21. F.H. Schweingruber, Microscopic Wood Anatomy , Swiss
value of chemical analysis and other simple methods in evaluating Federal Institute of Forestry, Switzerland, 1990.
condition , Somerset Levels Papers, 1986, 12, 6-12. 22. J.G. Hather, The Identification of the Northern European
3. E.A. Mikolajchuk, N.G. Gerassimova, A.A. Leonovich, A.V. Woods. A guide for archaeologists and conservators , Archetype
Obolenskaya, I.Yu. Levdik, S.Yu Kazanskaya, Examination of Publications Ltd, Great Britain, 2000.
waterlogged archaeological oak wood , in: I.D. Macleod, Ed., 23. C. Skaar, Wood - Water Relations , Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
Conservation of wet wood and metal. Proceedings of the ICOM 1988.
conservation working groups on wet organic archaeological mate-
rials and metals, Fremantle, 1987, Western Australian Museum, 24. A.M. Jones, M.H Rule, E.B.G. Jones, Conservation of the tim-
Perth, 1989, 95-107. bers of the Tudor ship Mary Rose , in : S. Barry, D.R. Houghton,
G.G. Hewellyn, C. O’rea, Eds ., Biodeterioration VI , CAB and
4. R.J. Barbour, The condition and dimensional stabilisation of Biodeterioration Society, London, 1986, 354-362.
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Eds., Waterlogged Wood : Study and Conservation. Proceedings 25. A.M. Jones, M.H. Rule, Preserving the wreck of the Mary
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5. Y.S. Kim, Microscopical and chemical characteristics of archae-
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