MF5111 Cad Cam Lab

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CAD - Computer Aided Design

CAD technology makes use of the computer to create drawings of parts and assemblies on computer files,
which can be further analyses and optimized.


 To increase productivity of the designer

 To improve the quality of design
 To improve documentation
 To create a database manufacturing

Productivity Improvement in Design:

CAD helps in increased productivity by reducing the time for developing conceptual design,

Analysis and drafting. It is also possible to reduce the manpower.

This depends on,

 Complexity of the drawing.

 Degrees of repetitiveness of features in parts.
 Degree of symmetry in parts
 Extensive use of defined shapes

Shorter Lead Time:

Using CAD systems a finite set of drawings and documentations can be prepared in relatively short time.

Flexibility in Design:
CAD offers the advantages of easy modification of design to accommodate customer’s specific

Design Analysis:
The design analysis routines available in a CAD System help to optimize the design
Fewer Design Errors:
Interactive CAD Systems have built in capability for avoiding errors in design, drafting and

Standardization of Design and Drafting:

The single operating system in CAD provides a command basis for design, analysis and drafting
process. With interactive CAD, drawings are standardized.

Drawing More Understandable:

With the increase in the use of 3D views and solid modeling, it has become easier to comprehend the
features of the component readily. One does not have to reconstruct the solid shape from 2D objects. Many
software packages allow 3D view generation from a 2D model.

Improved Procedures of Engineering Changes:

Control and implementations of engineering changes can be significantly and improves with CAD.
Original drawings and reports are available and easily accessible.
Revised Information can be retained and new drawings with changes can be created without
destroying previous features.

Introduction to 3D Modeling Using Pro- Engineer

1.What is Pro/ENGINEER?

Pro/ENGINEER is a feature-based, parametric solid modeling system with many extended design and
manufacturing applications. As a comprehensive CAD/CAE/CAM system, covering many aspects of
mechanical design, analysis and manufacturing, Pro/ENGINEER represents the leading edge of
CAD/CAE/CAM technology.
2 Introduction to Pro/E WILDFIRE
This section is intended to briefly explain the Pro/E User Interface and get you started with a
simple modeling task. The steps needed to start Pro/E and to generate a part model is discussed in the
following tutorials.
2.1 Starting Pro/E
To start Pro/E on a Windows machine, there may be an icon on your desktop or you may have to
look in the Start menu at the bottom left of the screen on the Windows taskbar. The program takes a
while to load, so be patient. The start-up is complete when your screen looks like the following figure,
which is a default Pro/E screen.

Fig1The default Pro/E Wildfire screen

Now, look for the icon under your menu to start a new application. Press the icon; or you
may use the menu FILE > New. Either way, you should be able to launch the following window.
Fig2.The pop-up window to start a new application.

You may type the name [housing] to replace the default name “prt0001”. In this section, we are
going to create the first feature of a part called “housing”, which is one of the components of a disc
brake assembly that we are going to create in the lab. The focus of this section, however, is on the
introduction of Pro/E environment rather than the modeling techniques. More modeling techniques will
be described in later sections.
After clicking the OK button, you should see the window shown in Figure 3, which is pretty much self-
explanatory. You are encouraged to move your mouse cursor on top of each shortcut button and read the
description from the command description window.
The filter setting selection is for the convenience of picking a feature on the main graphics screen. The
default (or the lazy way) is to leave it as Smart.
Fig.3.A description of the Pro/E screen.

2.2 Begin to work in Pro/E

Now back to Figure 3 where we left off. The left side of the main window shows the model tree
of the empty part “housing”. The main graphics windows shows three orthogonal planes, named TOP,
FRONT and RIGHT, and a coordinate system. These planes are called datum planes, representing the 3-
D world. These planes are very useful as reference planes when creating features and assembling
components. Their advantages are not obvious when modeling simple parts, and in fact new users find
these planes annoying. Whatever you feel now, my advice is to get yourself used to these “annoying”
1) Prepare for sketching
Click the Extrusion button as shown in Figure 4.
Fig.4. The Sketched Features toolbar

Then you will see Figure 5 at the bottom of the main window. Figure 5 only explains the buttons
that will be referred to in the tutorial. You should exercise moving the mouse cursor again to each button
and read the description in the message window to find out about other buttons.

Fig 5 Extrusion dialog window

Click the Placement button as shown in Figure 5, then click Define. A pop-up window will
show up as Figure 6.
Figure 6 Sketch view set-up window

Now go to the main graphics window, click the FRONT plane either on the word “FRONT” or
any side of the plane. You will see the first blank in Figure 6 is filled with FRONT (ignore the words
after FRONT; the same applies for other blanks in this window). This plane is chosen as your paper that
you can sketch on. Image you are drawing a picture. After picking the paper, you have to place the paper
in the right orientation so that you are either in a portrait or landscape view. That is why there is a
reference plane as shown in the second blank in Figure 6. In this case, Pro/E should automatically fill in
RIGHT, which means the RIGHT datum plane is chosen as the reference plane and it faces the right of
your paper, which is filled in the third blank in the figure. Now, click Sketch button and you will be
brought to a new window environment. The Pop-up window named References appears and lists
RIGHT and TOP datum planes as references. In the mean time, the two planes are shown in the main
graphics window as two perpendicular lines and two brown infinite dotted lines override them. These
two references are used as references for dimensions. As you may appreciate, no matter what you draw
on the paper, you have to know the relative position of your drawing on the paper. This seems very
obvious in a real drawing because human beings do all these things intuitively. But computer needs you
to specify these. Of course, one may deliberately select a particular reference plane. As a starter, we just
accept the default choice and simply click Close on the window.
3) Sketch the geometry
For the sketch, you pretty much work with two groups of buttons. The first group is to control
the views of sketch, as shown in Figure 7. The second group is the sketch toolbar buttons, shown in
Figure 9.

The view control buttons can help you set the proper view, clean the view, assist sketching, etc. I
found the first button is very useful as I had the habit of using scroll ball to spin the geometry. So the
first button can always bring me back to the paper (the sketch view). The Grid On/Off is often used as
the grid can help the sketch. Now click on the button to turn the grid on. You should see Figure 8. The
second group of buttons shown in Figure 9 allows you draw different features. Some of these commands
are very obvious, e.g., creating lines, circles, etc. Some are not. These commands may be explained
Now click the right arrow beside the Create Arc button, as shown in Figure 9, choose the button
with the description “Create an arc by picking its center and end points”. Then click your cursor on
the bottom side of the vertical reference (the dotted line) as the center point, then click the left side of
the horizontal reference, and finish with the click on the upper part of the vertical reference. NOW
DRAWING MODE. The MMB is used for canceling the current drawing mode for other commands as
well. You should have drawn an arc. Don’t worry about the dimensions; just get the shape right at first.
Repeat the same step by clicking on the same center point but with different endpoints. The two
endpoints should right above the end points of the first arc, respectively. You should have a concentric
arc similar to the first one. Draw two lines to connect the respective endpoints. You should have an
enclosed profile with two concentric arcs and two vertical lines. The graphics window should look like
that in Figure 10 (don’t worry about the dimensions!).
Figure 8 The sketch plane with grid on.
3.1) Re-dimension the geometry
In Figure 10, there are some gray dimensions. If you don’t see these, click on the Dimension
On/Off button, as shown in Figure 7. These dimensions are automatically added by Pro/E. Now, re-
dimension the geometry and modify these dimensions to your desired ones. Click on the Dimension
button on your right toolbar as shown in Figure 9. We will specify two dimensions; one is the total
horizontal length and the other is the height of the left vertical line. Click the two vertical lines using
your LMB, and move your cursor to the middle of the two lines and click the MMB. You should see a
horizontal dimension, indicating the length of the profile. Then click on the left vertical line using LMB,
then click the MMB to place the second dimension. Click on the Modify Dimension right below the
Dimension button. Pick the horizontal dimension; you will then see a pop-up window. Deselect
Regenerate; enter the value [45]. Then click the line length dimension, enter [10]. Pick the gray radius
dimension for the arc, enter [210].
Then click the check mark button. The geometry will be regenerated with new dimensions, as
shown in Figure 11. The message window will show “Dimension modifications successfully

Figure 9 The sketch and datum toolbar.

Now, you can select the Accept button shown in Figure 9. The geometry turns pale yellow. Back
to the buttons shown in Figure 5, from the Extrusion depth control button, pick the alternative
“Extrude on both sides”, then enter [31] in the blank besides the button. You then click the Preview
button to see the geometry. Remember to practice your mouse functions to spin the geometry around! If
everything is fine, you can then click the Accept button. And yeah, you are done! The final screen

output should look like Figure 12. Though the geometry seems very simple, you should be very proud of
yourself because you have just learnt to….
 Understand tricky datum plane conventions
 Understand the significance of references planes and the sketcher, which is sometimes difficult
for new Pro/E users
 Understand the parametric basis of Pro/E, i.e., the dimension drives the geometry change
 Create an extrusion, which is the most popular command in Pro/E.
OK, you seem to be getting impatient. Well, fine, I may be very verbose when explaining the first
feature. After that, this tutorial will become sketchy and sloppy. Please be patient with me since the first
is always the hardest, and you won’t be able to enjoy this detailed information before long. Also if you
want save time at the beginning, you might end up spending more later.

4) Redefine the feature

In case you messed up the part and cannot get the one shown in Figure 12. Don’t panic. Click the
Extrude 1 feature (or even the sketch feature under this extrusion feature) in your Model tree window
using the RMB. You will then see a bunch of commands including Edit, Edit Definition, etc. The Edit
command allows you modify dimensions in 3D mode and the Edit Definition command brings you
back to the sketch and the extrusion definition environment. You can then correct the steps that have
been messed up with and follow the instructions in this section to get it right. Another way to modify a
dimension is to double click a feature in the main graphics window; all the dimensions relevant to the
feature will show up. You can double click the dimension you want to modify and enter a new number.
Then click the Regenerates Model button (To use this function, make sure the Filter Setting at the right
bottom corner of the window is turned to Features.).

5) Save, view, and print the model

Pro/E, unlike other Windows applications, does not automatically save your work. You have to
remember to do that. If you leave the program without saving your new work, it is basically gone!
Anyone who says that they have never lost work this way is probably lying! Click FILE> Set Working
Directory to change the default directory to a subdirectory under your home C:\25.353\start directory.
By doing this, you can keep the default Pro/E directory tidy and avoid someone else accidentally
deleting your file.

Fig.9. Groups in the top tool chest.

As shown in Figure 9, these buttons can be grouped to five groups. Buttons such as Regenerates
Model, Redraw the current view, and Refit object to fully display are commonly used ones. Can you
find them? Please note these toolbar buttons will change, depending which mode you are in. Examples
of different modes are part modeling model, drawing mode, assembly mode, sketch mode, etc.

6 Modeling a Complete Part

OK, assuming you
 Have familiarized yourself with the Pro/E environment and you did either view and/or try
all the buttons, icons, etc.
 have built the first feature alright, and
 can build the first feature again without reading the study
If the answers to the entire above are YES, then move on. Otherwise, go back to the previous
section until the answers are YES. Because the rest of tutorial will be sketchy and, maybe, sloppy. You
will be very frustrated if you didn’t do the first section well. The part, housing, that we are going to
build is shown below:
Figure 10 An illustration of the housing part.
6.1 Complete the Housing top

In the last section, you have modeled only a half of the housing top. Please open this part called
housing. Its file name suffix is “.prt”, which indicates that it is a part model. We are going to model the
other half of the feature by performing a command called “mirror”. The logic of the action is 1) Pick the
feature to be mirrored, and 2) pick the “mirror”. Choose EDIT > Feature Operations. Pick Copy from
the pop-up Menu Manager FEAT window. Click Mirror / Select / Dependent/Done. Pick the feature in
the main graphics window, then done. Then you see a pop-up window called SETUP PLANE window.
You pick the RIGHT datum plane in the main graphics window. The complete housing top should be
completed, as shown in Figure 11

Fig.11.The housing top feature

6.2 Build another extrusion: cylinder bracket
6.2.1Prepare for sketch
Since it is another extrusion feature, please review the steps talked in detail in the previous
section. Let’s review it. Choose the extrusion icon in your right tool chest. Click the “Create a section or
redefine the existing section” icon in your bottom left tool chest. Now, pick the long side plane of your
housing top as the sketch plan; accept the default reference plane (is it RIGHT plane? It should be).
6.2.2Draw a sketched section
Click the “Create an arc by 3 points” button . Locate the two endpoints in a horizontal
line below the horizontal dotted-line (turn on the Grids to help you position the endpoints). Locate the
center at the vertical dotted-line below the two endpoints.
Use the same button to draw another arc tangent to the arc and the horizontal reference line at the
left side. You may find that the arc is not shown tangent to the horizontal reference line (if they are

tangent, there should be a small symbol “T” close to the tangent point). Click the icon, and then

pick the . Select the new arc and the horizontal line. The small “T” should show up. This means
the two entities are now tangent. Then dimension the two arcs as shown in Figure
16. Draw a line to connect the tangent point with the left bottom point of the housing top feature.
In this exercise, we are going to practice using the “mirror” tool in sketch mode. First you should Sketch
a centerline which represents the “mirror” plane. Find and click the “Create 2 point Centerline”

button and draw a line coinciding with the vertical dotted-line (remember what is This?). Pick
the new

arc and the line (hold the <ctrl> key for multiple selections). Then click the mirror icon . These

two entities should be copied to the right hand side. Now, click the button , and then pick the top
curve of the housing top feature. You should see This curve turns yellow. Continue to pick the two sides
of the housing top feature. Close the popup Type window. By now, you should have a closed sketch
section. Dimension the section as shown in Figure 12.
Fig.12. the complete sketch section for the cylinder bracket.
Click the “Accept” button to finish the sketch. Then go the toolbar shown in Figure 5, enter the
extrusion depth [10]. Practice using the “Preview” button to preview the extrusion before accepting it; so
you can correct any mistakes. Also play with the “Extrusion direction button” and the “Add or cut
material” button, and use the “Preview” button to get a feel what happens. If the preview looks fine, then
click the Accept button.
The final model should look like Fig.13.

Fig.13. the housing top and the cylinder bracket

6.3 Build another extrusion: caliper bracket
Now we repeat the same process to build another extrusion. Get ready for sketch. This time, pick
the other side of the housing top surface as your “paper” (sketch plane). Remember to create a mirror
centerline during Step 4.
Fig.14 Steps for creating the caliper bracket sketch.

The steps in creating the sketch of the caliper bracket are shown in Figure 13. The extrusion depth is
The model so far should look like Figure 15.
Fig.15. The housing top with the two brackets.
6.4 Create a

The cylinder is another extrusion created from the surface of the cylinder bracket extrusion. Too
many extrusions, right? It is true that the extrusion tool is probably the most popular command. Get
bored with my explanation on creating an extrusion? Fine, I will leave this to you to figure out (The
diameter is 45 and depth is 25.)

Fig.16. Dimensions of the cylinder.

6.5 Create the hole

Now, you will do something different and have some fun. Click the button. Then pick the
axis of the cylinder that you have recently created (of course, you have to turn on the “Datum Axis
On/Off” button). You should now see a hole in pale yellow. Wait, you need another reference to fully
constraint the hole. Click the Placement button on your bottom left tool bar. Click the Secondary
References blank, and then pick the starting surface of the hole, which is the other side of the cylinder
bracket. Double click the dimensions, enter [30] for the diameter and [25] for the depth. You are done!
Please refer to Figure 10 to see the hole.
This is in fact the so-called featured-based modeling. Fancy name, eh? It simply means that
Pro/E allows you drag and play some simple features such as holes and chamfers to the model without
getting into the datum planes sketch defining cycle, as in the extrusion definition.

6.6 Create the two chamfers

Since we are in the feature-based modeling mood, let’s finish the chamfers and rounds before
modeling the last two slides. Referring to Figure 14, we are to create the two chamfers on the caliper

Click the Chamfer Tool button , a dialog window will appear at the left bottom window.

Fig.17. Dialog windows for chamfering.

Pick the line on the caliper bracket to be chamfered. Choose the options and enter data as shown
In Figure 17. Note that the dimensions D1 and D2 might be interpreted differently by Pro/E than what
you want. In this case, you’d change the value of D1 to [10] and the value of D2 to [3].
Repeat the same steps for the chamfer on the other side of the caliper bracket.

6.7 Create the rounds

There are in total 8 rounds to be created, namely, the four sides of the top surface of the housing,
the intersection curves formed by the two brackets with the housing feature, the outer edge of the
cylinder, and the intersection between the cylinder and the cylinder bracket. Click the Round Tool

button enter the round radius [2] in the dialog window at the left bottom window. Then pick the
eight curves. These rounds should be created accordingly. Refer to Figure 10 for illustration.
6.8 Create the two slides
Referring to Figure 10, the two slides, located at the two short sides of the “housing top” feature,
are for assembling, which will be discussed later in the Assembling section. Use the FRONT plane as
the sketch plan. You will see that the FRONT datum plane is exactly in the middle. What a coincidence!
(is it really a coincidence?) The section, an equilateral triangle, is shown below in Figure 22. The
extrusion depth is [18].

Fig.18. The sketch section of the slider.

Once the slide on one side is done. Use EDIT > Feature Operations. In the FEAT window,
choose Copy > Mirror / Select / Dependent / Done. Pick the slider for mirroring. Then pick the
RIGHT datum plane. The slider should be mirrored to the other side.

7.1 Build the disc-brake assembly

Use FILE > New, or click the button to launch an Assembly application. Name it [Disc
Brake], and uncheck the Use default template button. In the New File Options dialog window, choose
Empty. You should see an empty main graphics window with a few active buttons (comparatively).

Click the Add Component button to place the first component, which is the Housing part we
created before.
7.1.1 Assemble the disc pad on the caliper side

Click the button again to assemble. Choose the disc_pad.prt from the directory (if you
cannot find them, that means that you have not created them yet. If you prefer, you could ask your
TA/tutor for those components.)
HINT: If you could not see the disc pad part on the screen, oops, you probably used a different
unit system for the two parts. Open each part. For each part and the assembly to be created, choose
EDIT > Setup. In the menu window, click Units. Make sure all the parts have the same unit system. If
not, you can set them to be the same. When you do that, there are two options. You can either maintain
the actual size so that all the dimensions will be translated to new numbers (the first radio button), or
you can maintain the dimension numbers so that the size will
either shrink or enlarge (the second radio button).
The first two buttons at the top of the window shown in Fig.19 allow you either put the two components
in the same window or in two separate windows. HINT: If you want to assembly components as a
mechanism, you’d have to assemble them within the same window. This seems unreasonable but…we
have to live with it. Continuing to refer to Fig.19, in the Constraints section, choose Mate. Then pick the
inner side surface of the caliper bracket and the outer surface of the disc pad. Then pick Align, pick the
small bottom surface of the caliper bracket and the bottom surface of the disc pad. The default Offset
blank is Coincident. Click it and choose 0.0. Change it to number [2]. You should now see the dialog
window as shown in Fig.19. Down in the Placement Status section, the message says “Partially
Constrained”. It indicates more constraints are to be added. The Reference section tells the user what
are the features being picked for constraints. When you click any constraint in the Constraints section,
the features being picked will be highlighted in the main graphics window. You can also add or delete a
constraint by using the Plus or Minus sign button in the middle of the window. The window shown in
Fig.19 is the one that you have to use again and again for assembling each component.
Fig.19. The main dialog window for assembly.
Please refer to Fig.24 for the third constraint to complete assembling this component.
Fig.20. An illustration of assembling the first disc pad.
7.2 Assemble the piston
Click and select piston.prt.
1. Use the Insert constraint and pick the outer surface of the piston and the inner surface of the
hole in the part housing. 2. Use Align, pick the top surface (the open end) of the piston and the inner
surface of the cylinder bracket of housing. Key in the offset number [2.0].
7.3 Assemble the pad housing
Click and select pad_housing.prt. The assembly sequence is illustrated by Figure 39 (refer to
Figure 40). HINT: The sequence of constraints does matter. The tip is to bring the two components in
the same window. After one constraint is specified, the component will move its relative position. A
good sequence of constraints should bring the component closer (conceptually, not necessarily
physically) to its final position after a constraint is added.
HINT: Turn on the datum plane display to view and select the datum planes.
Fig.21. The procedure for assembling the pad housing.
7.4 Assemble the other disc pad
1. Mate the outer surface of the disc pad with the corresponding surface of the pad housing.
2. Align the RIGHT datum plane of the disc pad with that of the housing.
3. Align the bottom surface of the disc pad with that of the existing disc pad.
The final assembly show look like the following:

Fig.22. The disc-brake assembly.

8 Add Color and Create an Exploded View
Alright, since you have done the assembly, one common thing that engineers like to do is to add
colors to different parts, though they are often not good at colors. You may see mine in the electronic
version. Hopefully, there is at least one person who finds it pleasant.
Click VIEW > Color and Appearance. The rest should be straightforward. I will leave those to
you. An exploded view is useful when you create an assembly drawing. To create an exploded view,
click VIEW > Explode > Explode View. The default exploded view will show, which often does not
make sense. Then you should use VIEW > Explode > Edit Position to adjust the relative positions of
the components. In the dialog window, you are asked to pick the motion reference, which is like a guide
for your moving. Play with it until you get the position you like.
Fig.23 shows my exploded view and the colors assigned to the components.

Fig.23 The exploded view of the disc brake assembly with colored components.
8.1 Create a Cutout View
You might notice that there are some modeling tools such as extrusion in the right tool bar. These tools
allow you create assembly features on the spot. One example is that we can create a cutout view by
creating a cut feature in the assembly.
HINT: To do that, you just need to create one Extrusion feature. The sketch section is just a line
coinciding with one of the datum planes in the middle. The cut depth should be set to “Extrude to
intersect with all surfaces”.
Fig.24 The cutout view of the disc brake assembly.


CAD using PRO – Engineer has been studied.

2. Draw the given solid models using Pro-E Software.

Solid modeling

Fig Ex.3.a,I V- Block

Fig. Ex 3.a.ii(Rib)
Exercise 3 (b)

Fig Ex.3.b.i(Cut Holes with Rib)

Fig Ex.3.b,(Cut section with circular and
square hole cut out)

Fig 3.c.i (Revolved section)

Result: The solid models of 3D drawings have been done by PRO- E software

To create the flange coupling assembly as a 3D solid model.

1. Windows XP operating system
2. PRO-E
1. Identify various parts to be created.
2. First enter into part environment and create the main part and create the main part of
the assembly.
3. First identify whether the main part or the first to be created by protrusion or by
4. Select the sketch tool and then select the coincidental plane option and select any one
of the standard 3 planes (i.e. front, right &top).
5. Create the cross-section profile as a closed one using the 2D commands available
after completing the sketch, click open or return button and then click finish button.
6. For creating other parts, select sketch both parallel plane option or plane by 3points
option and then select the required plane.
7. Construct the full cross section for portion and construct the half of the cross section
and an axis line for revolution.
8. Do the protrusions by using protrusion command and the revolution by revolved
protrusion command.
9. For constructing holes and cutout, used hole command and cutout command.
10. If we use hole command, change the diameter of the hole by using modify menu,
resize hole option.
11. Use revolved cutout command whenever needed.
12. Use the distance between option to maintain accurate distance between one edge
and other edge or between one edge and to center the hole.
13. After constructing each part save it as a separate part file with extrusion* par.
14. Enter into assembly environment.
15. Assembly the various parts construct parts construct using the various
assembly constrains available (planer, design, mate, axial align, connect
16. After finishing assembly, check whether the various parts have been
connected properly or not by rotating the view.
17. Save the assembly.

Thus the 3D assembly of the flange coupling has been created on the software PRO-E
with accurate dimension and withal respects.
1. What is flange coupling?
This is a standard form of coupling. It consists of two cast iron flanges keyed to the end of shafts.
The flanges are tightened together by means of a number of bolts

2. What is use of protected type flange coupling?

In this coupling, each flange is provided with a projection. This projection covers the bolt
heads and nuts so that they do not catch the fingers or the clothes of workmen.

3. List out some of the modeling software currently

available? Solid works, CATIA, Pro-E, IDEAS

4. What is universal coupling?

A universal joint, universal coupling, U-joint, Cardan joint, Hardy-Spicer joint, or Hooke's
joint is a joint or coupling in a rigid rod that allows the rod to 'bend' in any direction, and is
commonly used in shafts that transmit rotary motion.

5. What are the parts of universal coupling?

It consists of a pair of hinges located close together, oriented at 90° to each other, connected by a
cross shaft.

6. What is coupling?
A coupling is a device used to connect two shafts together at their ends for the purpose of
transmitting power. Couplings do not normally allow disconnection of shafts during operation,
however there are torque limiting couplings which can splip or disconnect when some torque
limit is exceeded.

7. What are the types of couplings?

1. Rigid Couplings
2. Flexible or Compensating Couplings

8. What is knuckle joint?

A knuckle joint is used to connect the two rods which are under the tensile load, when there is
requirement of small amount of flexibility or angular moment is necessary. There is always axial
or linear line of action of load

9. What are the applications of knuckle joint?

Knuckle joint has it applications in the rods for roof, chain link, steam engine valve rod, eccentric
rods etc.

10. What is a screw jack?

Screw jack is a mechanical device that can increase the magnitude of an effort force.

To create the knuckle joint assembly as a 3D solid model.
1. Windows XP operating system
2. PRO-E
1. Identify various parts to be created.
2. First enter into part environment and create the main part and create the main part of
the assembly.
3. First identify whether the main part or the first to be created by protrusion or by
4. Select the sketch tool and then select the coincidental plane option and select any one
of the standard 3 planes (i.e. front, right &top).
5. Create the cross-section profile as a closed one using the 2D commands available
after completing the sketch, click open or return button and then click finish button.
6. For creating other parts, select sketch both parallel plane option or plane by 3points
option and then select the required plane.
7. Construct the full cross section for portion and construct the half of the cross section
and an axis line for revolution.
8. Do the protrusions by using protrusion command and the revolution by revolved
protrusion command.
9. For constructing holes and cutout, used hole command and cutout command.
10. If we use hole command, change the diameter of the hole by using modify menu,
resize hole option.
11. Use revolved cutout command whenever needed.
12. Use the distance between option to maintain accurate distance between one edge
and other edge or between one edge and to center the hole.
13. After constructing each part save it as a separate part file with extrusion* par.
14. Enter into assembly environment.
15. Assembly the various parts construct parts construct using the various
assembly constrains available (planer, design, mate, axial align, connect
16. After finishing assembly, check whether the various parts have been
connected properly or not by rotating the view.
17. Save the assembly.

Thus the 3D assembly of the knuckle joint has been created on the software PRO-E
with accurate dimension and withal respects.
1. What are the applications of CAD?
Design of machine elements, CNC machine tools, robotics etc
Panel design and circuit layout
Mapping, building plans, contour plotting and structural drawing
Interior design and modeling
2. Define absolute co-ordinates?
Values locating a point in space that describe its displacement from origin (0,0,0)point of the
3. Define polar co ordinates.
Values are locating a point in space that describes its location relative to the last point picked as
defined by an angle and distance.
4. Define angular dimension?
A dimension that measures the angle between two lines or the angle inscribed by an arc
5. Define aligned dimension?
A linear dimension measuring the distance between two points. The dimension line for an
aligned dimension is parallel to a line between points.
6. Define MIRROR?
A command that makes a copy of selected objects and flips the copy around a specified line to
produce a reciprocal image of those objects.
7. What are the advantages of CAD?
Greater productivity of the designer, improvement of design quality
Easier design, calculation and analysis, quicker rate producing drawings, more accuracy of
drawings, colour graphics is
8.What is the default position of the UCS icon ?
8. How can you create a cylinder by drawing a rectangular
shape By revolving the rectangular shape
9. Which information does the MASSPROP shortcut provide
Mass, Volume and Bounding box

To create the screw jack assembly as a 3D solid model.

1. Windows XP operating system
2. PRO-E
1. Identify various parts to be created.
2. First enter into part environment and create the main part and create the main part of
the assembly.
3. First identify whether the main part or the first to be created by protrusion or by
4. Select the sketch tool and then select the coincidental plane option and select any one
of the standard 3 planes (i.e. front, right &top).
5. Create the cross-section profile as a closed one using the 2D commands available
after completing the sketch, click open or return button and then click finish button.
6. For creating other parts, select sketch both parallel plane option or plane by 3points
option and then select the required plane.
7. Construct the full cross section for portion and construct the half of the cross section
and an axis line for revolution.
8. Do the protrusions by using protrusion command and the revolution by revolved
protrusion command.
9. For constructing holes and cutout, used hole command and cutout command.
10. If we use hole command, change the diameter of the hole by using modify menu,
resize hole option.
11. Use revolved cutout command whenever needed.
12. Use the distance between option to maintain accurate distance between one edge
and other edge or between one edge and to center the hole.
13. After constructing each part save it as a separate part file with extrusion* par.
14. Enter into assembly environment.
15. Assembly the various parts construct parts construct using the various
assembly constrains available (planer, design, mate, axial align, connect
16. After finishing assembly, check whether the various parts have been
connected properly or not by rotating the view.
17. Save the assembly.

Thus the 3D assembly of the screw jack has been created on the software PRO-E with
accurate dimension and withal respects.

1. Where did the dimension text is generally placed
Above the dimension line

2. Which dimension tool will place the length of an angled

line. Aligned

3. Which tolerance identify the maximum and minimum sizes of a feature


4. A typical set of mechanical working drawings includes

Exploded assembly, part details and parts list

5. The text used on a typical detail sheet should be .

placed horizontally

6. Which primary unit of measurement is used for engineering drawings and design in the
mechanical industries

7. What are the two main types of projection

Perspective and Parallel

8. What is flange coupling?

This is a standard form of coupling. It consists of two cast iron flanges keyed to the end of shafts.
The flanges are tightened together by means of a number of bolts

9. What is use of protected type flange coupling?

In this coupling, each flange is provided with a projection. This projection covers the bolt heads
and nuts so that they do not catch the fingers or the clothes of workmen.

10. List out some of the modeling software currently

available? Solid works, CATIA, Pro-E, IDEAS

To create the Plummer block assembly as a 3D solid model.

1. Windows XP operating system
2. PRO-E
1. Identify various parts to be created.
2. First enter into part environment and create the main part and create the main part of
the assembly.
3. First identify whether the main part or the first to be created by protrusion or by
4. Select the sketch tool and then select the coincidental plane option and select any one
of the standard 3 planes (i.e. front, right &top).
5. Create the cross-section profile as a closed one using the 2D commands available
after completing the sketch, click open or return button and then click finish button.
6. For creating other parts, select sketch both parallel plane option or plane by 3points
option and then select the required plane.
7. Construct the full cross section for portion and construct the half of the cross section
and an axis line for revolution.
8. Do the protrusions by using protrusion command and the revolution by revolved
protrusion command.
9. For constructing holes and cutout, used hole command and cutout command.
10. If we use hole command, change the diameter of the hole by using modify menu,
resize hole option.
11. Use revolved cutout command whenever needed.
12. Use the distance between option to maintain accurate distance between one edge
and other edge or between one edge and to center the hole.
13. After constructing each part save it as a separate part file with extrusion* par.
14. Enter into assembly environment.
15. Assembly the various parts construct parts construct using the various
assembly constrains available (planer, design, mate, axial align, connect
16. After finishing assembly, check whether the various parts have been
connected properly or not by rotating the view.
17. Save the assembly.
Thus the 3D assembly of the plummer block has been created on the software PRO-E
with accurate dimension and withal respects.
1. What is universal coupling?
A universal joint, universal coupling, U-joint, Cardan joint, Hardy-Spicer joint, or Hooke's joint is
a joint or coupling in a rigid rod that allows the rod to 'bend' in any direction, and is commonly
used in shafts that transmit rotary motion.
2. What are the parts of universal coupling?
It consists of a pair of hinges located close together, oriented at 90° to each other, connected by a cross
3. What is coupling?
A coupling is a device used to connect two shafts together at their ends for the purpose of transmitting
power. Couplings do not normally allow disconnection of shafts during operation, however there are
torque limiting couplings which can slip or disconnect when some torque limit is exceeded.
4. What are the types of couplings?
Rigid Couplings
Flexible or Compensating Couplings
5. What is knuckle joint?
A knuckle joint is used to connect the two rods which are under the tensile load, when there is
requirement of small amount of flexibility or angular moment is necessary. There is always axial or
linear line of action of load
6. What are the applications of knuckle joint?
Knuckle joint has it applications in the rods for roof, chain link, steam engine valve rod, eccentric rods
7. What is a screw jack?
Screw jack is a mechanical device that can increase the magnitude of an effort force.
8. What is the application of Screw jack?
screw jack it is commonly used to lift heavy weights such as the foundations of houses, or large
9. What are the constraints available for assembly?
mate constraint, angle constraint, tangent constraint and insert constraint

To create the universal coupling assembly as a 3D solid model.

1. Windows XP operating system
2. PRO-E
1. Identify various parts to be created.
2. First enter into part environment and create the main part and create the main part of
the assembly.
3. First identify whether the main part or the first to be created by protrusion or by
4. Select the sketch tool and then select the coincidental plane option and select any one
of the standard 3 planes (i.e. front, right &top).
5. Create the cross-section profile as a closed one using the 2D commands available
after completing the sketch, click open or return button and then click finish button.
6. For creating other parts, select sketch both parallel plane option or plane by 3points
option and then select the required plane.
7. Construct the full cross section for portion and construct the half of the cross section
and an axis line for revolution.
8. Do the protrusions by using protrusion command and the revolution by revolved
protrusion command.
9. For constructing holes and cutout, used hole command and cutout command.
10. If we use hole command, change the diameter of the hole by using modify menu,
resize hole option.
11. Use revolved cutout command whenever needed.
12. Use the distance between option to maintain accurate distance between one edge
and other edge or between one edge and to center the hole.
13. After constructing each part save it as a separate part file with extrusion* par.
14. Enter into assembly environment.
15. Assembly the various parts construct parts construct using the various
assembly constrains available (planer, design, mate, axial align, connect
16. After finishing assembly, check whether the various parts have been
connected properly or not by rotating the view.
17. Save the assembly.

Thus the 3D assembly of the universal coupling has been created on the software PRO-
E with accurate dimension and withal respects.
1. What is the use of RIB command?
Ribs are defined as the thin walled structures that are used to increase the strength of the entire
structure of the component, so that it does not fail under an increased load.
2. What is the extension SOLIDWORKS
file? sldprt
3.What are the difference between CAD and CAM?
Computer aided drafting (CAD) is the process of creating a design, known as drafting, using
computer technology. Computer aided manufacturing (CAM) is the use of computers and
computer software to guide machines to manufacture something, usually a part that is mass-
4. How to use Revolve command in SOLIDWORKS?
Using this tool, the sketch is revolved about the revolution axis.
5. What are the important modeling operation?
Extrude, revolve, sweep.

To create the machine vice assembly as a 3pD solid model

1. Windows XP operating system
2. PRO-E
1. Identify various parts to be created.
2. First enter into part environment and create the main part and create the main part of
the assembly.
3. First identify whether the main part or the first to be created by protrusion or by
4. Select the sketch tool and then select the coincidental plane option and select any one
of the standard 3 planes (i.e. front, right &top).
5. Create the cross-section profile as a closed one using the 2D commands available
after completing the sketch, click open or return button and then click finish button.
6. For creating other parts, select sketch both parallel plane option or plane by 3points
option and then select the required plane.
7. Construct the full cross section for portion and construct the half of the cross section
and an axis line for revolution.
8. Do the protrusions by using protrusion command and the revolution by revolved
protrusion command.
9. For constructing holes and cutout, used hole command and cutout command.
10. If we use hole command, change the diameter of the hole by using modify menu,
resize hole option.
11. Use revolved cutout command whenever needed.
12. Use the distance between option to maintain accurate distance between one edge
and other edge or between one edge and to center the hole.
13. After constructing each part save it as a separate part file with extrusion* par.
14. Enter into assembly environment.
15. Assembly the various parts construct parts construct using the various
assembly constrains available (planer, design, mate, axial align, connect
16. After finishing assembly, check whether the various parts have been
connected properly or not by rotating the view.
17. Save the assembly.
Thus the 3D assembly of the machine vice has been created on the software PRO-E
with accurate dimension and withal respects.
1. What is universal coupling?
A universal joint, universal coupling, U-joint, Carding joint, Hardy-Spicer joint, or
Hooke's joint is a joint or coupling in a rigid rod that allows the rod to 'bend' in any
direction, and is commonly used in shafts that transmit rotary motion.
2. What are the parts of universal coupling?
It consists of a pair of hinges located close together, oriented at 90° to each other, connected by a
cross shaft.
3. What is coupling?
A coupling is a device used to connect two shafts together at their ends for the purpose of
transmitting power. Couplings do not normally allow disconnection of shafts during operation,
however there are torque limiting couplings which can slip or disconnect when some torque limit
is exceeded.
4. What are the types of couplings?
1. Rigid Couplings
2. Flexible or Compensating Couplings
5. What is knuckle joint?
A knuckle joint is used to connect the two rods which are under the tensile load, when there is
requirement of small amount of flexibility or angular moment is necessary. There is always axial
or linear line of action of load
6. What are the applications of knuckle joint?
Knuckle joint has it applications in the rods for roof, chain link, steam engine valve rod,
eccentric rods etc.
7. What is a screw jack?
Screw jack is a mechanical device that can increase the magnitude of an effort force.
8. What is the application of Screw jack?
screw jack it is commonly used to lift heavy weights such as the foundations of houses, or large
9. What are the constraints available for assembly?
mate constraint, angle constraint, tangent constraint and insert constraint
10. What is the use of shell command?
Removes material from the selected face and creates a hollow block from a solid block

To create the stuffing box assembly as a 3D solid model.

1. Windows XP operating system
2. PRO-E
1. Identify various parts to be created.
2. First enter into part environment and create the main part and create the main part of
the assembly.
3. First identify whether the main part or the first to be created by protrusion or by
4. Select the sketch tool and then select the coincidental plane option and select any one
of the standard 3 planes (i.e. front, right &top).
5. Create the cross-section profile as a closed one using the 2D commands available
after completing the sketch, click open or return button and then click finish button.
6. For creating other parts, select sketch both parallel plane option or plane by 3points
option and then select the required plane.
7. Construct the full cross section for portion and construct the half of the cross section
and an axis line for revolution.
8. Do the protrusions by using protrusion command and the revolution by revolved
protrusion command.
9. For constructing holes and cutout, used hole command and cutout command.
10. If we use hole command, change the diameter of the hole by using modify menu,
resize hole option.
11. Use revolved cutout command whenever needed.
12. Use the distance between option to maintain accurate distance between one edge
and other edge or between one edge and to center the hole.
13. After constructing each part save it as a separate part file with extrusion* par.
14. Enter into assembly environment.
15. Assembly the various parts construct parts construct using the various
assembly constrains available (planer, design, mate, axial align, connect
16. After finishing assembly, check whether the various parts have been
connected properly or not by rotating the view.
17. Save the assembly.

Thus the 3D assembly of the stuffing box has been created on the software PRO-E with
accurate dimension and withal respects.
1. Define angular dimension?
A dimension that measures the angle between two lines or the angle inscribed by an arc
2. Define aligned dimension?
A linear dimension measuring the distance between two points. The dimension line for an
aligned dimension is parallel to a line between points.
3. Define MIRROR?
A command that makes a copy of selected objects and flips the copy around a specified line to
produce a reciprocal image of those objects.
4. What are the advantages of CAD?
Greater productivity of the designer, improvement of design quality
Easier design, calculation and analysis, quicker rate producing drawings, more accuracy of
drawings, colour graphics is possible
5. What is the default position of the UCS icon
6. How can you create a cylinder by drawing a rectangular
shape By revolving the rectangular shape
7. Which information does the MASSPROP shortcut provide
Mass, Volume and Bounding box
8. Where did the dimension text is generally placed
Above the dimension line
9. Which dimension tool will place the length of an angled
line. Aligned
10. Which tolerance identify the maximum and minimum sizes of a feature

To create the crosshead assembly as a 3D solid model.

1. Windows XP operating system
2. PRO-E
1. Identify various parts to be created.
2. First enter into part environment and create the main part and create the main part of
the assembly.
3. First identify whether the main part or the first to be created by protrusion or by
4. Select the sketch tool and then select the coincidental plane option and select any one
of the standard 3 planes (i.e. front, right &top).
5. Create the cross-section profile as a closed one using the 2D commands available
after completing the sketch, click open or return button and then click finish button.
6. For creating other parts, select sketch both parallel plane option or plane by 3points
option and then select the required plane.
7. Construct the full cross section for portion and construct the half of the cross section
and an axis line for revolution.
8. Do the protrusions by using protrusion command and the revolution by revolved
protrusion command.
9. For constructing holes and cutout, used hole command and cutout command.
10. If we use hole command, change the diameter of the hole by using modify menu,
resize hole option.
11. Use revolved cutout command whenever needed.
12. Use the distance between option to maintain accurate distance between one edge
and other edge or between one edge and to center the hole.
13. After constructing each part save it as a separate part file with extrusion* par.
14. Enter into assembly environment.
15. Assembly the various parts construct parts construct using the various
assembly constrains available (planer, design, mate, axial align, connect
16. After finishing assembly, check whether the various parts have been
connected properly or not by rotating the view.
17. Save the assembly.


Thus the 3D assembly of the crosshead has been created on the software PRO-E with accurate
dimension and withal respects.

1. A typical set of mechanical working drawings includes

Exploded assembly, part details and parts list

2. The text used on a typical detail sheet should be .

placed horizontally

3. Which primary unit of measurement is used for engineering drawings and design in
the mechanical industries

4. What are the two main types of projection

Perspective and Parallel

5. What is flange coupling?

This is a standard form of coupling. It consists of two cast iron flanges keyed to the end of shafts.
The flanges are tightened together by means of a number of bolts

6. What is use of protected type flange coupling?

In this coupling, each flange is provided with a projection. This projection covers the bolt heads and
nuts so that they do not catch the fingers or the clothes of workmen.

7. List out some of the modeling software currently

available? Solid works, CATIA, Pro-E, IDEAS

8. What is universal coupling?

A universal joint, universal coupling, U-joint, Cardan joint, Hardy-Spicer joint, or Hooke's joint is
a joint or coupling in a rigid rod that allows the rod to 'bend' in any direction, and is commonly used
in shafts that transmit rotary motion.

9. What are the parts of universal coupling?

It consists of a pair of hinges located close together, oriented at 90° to each other, connected by a
cross shaft.

10. What is coupling?

A coupling is a device used to connect two shafts together at their ends for the purpose of
transmitting power. Couplings do not normally allow disconnection of shafts during operation,
however there are torque limiting couplings which can slip or disconnect when some torque limit is

To create the safety valves assembly as a 3D solid model.

1. Windows XP operating system
2. PRO-E
1. Identify various parts to be created.
2. First enter into part environment and create the main part and create the main part of
the assembly.
3. First identify whether the main part or the first to be created by protrusion or by
4. Select the sketch tool and then select the coincidental plane option and select any one
of the standard 3 planes (i.e. front, right &top).
5. Create the cross-section profile as a closed one using the 2D commands available
after completing the sketch, click open or return button and then click finish button.
6. For creating other parts, select sketch both parallel plane option or plane by 3points
option and then select the required plane.
7. Construct the full cross section for portion and construct the half of the cross section
and an axis line for revolution.
8. Do the protrusions by using protrusion command and the revolution by revolved
protrusion command.
9. For constructing holes and cutout, used hole command and cutout command.
10. If we use hole command, change the diameter of the hole by using modify menu,
resize hole option.
11. Use revolved cutout command whenever needed.
12. Use the distance between option to maintain accurate distance between one edge
and other edge or between one edge and to center the hole.
13. After constructing each part save it as a separate part file with extrusion* par.
14. Enter into assembly environment.
15. Assembly the various parts construct parts construct using the various
assembly constrains available (planer, design, mate, axial align, connect
16. After finishing assembly, check whether the various parts have been
connected properly or not by rotating the view.
17. Save the
assembly. RESULT
Thus the 3D assembly of the safety valves has been created on the software PRO-E
with accurate dimension and withal respects
1. What are the types of couplings?
1. Rigid Couplings
2. Flexible or Compensating Couplings
2. What is knuckle joint?
A knuckle joint is used to connect the two rods which are under the tensile load, when there is
requirement of small amount of flexibility or angular moment is necessary. There is always axial or
linear line of action of load
3. What are the applications of knuckle joint?
Knuckle joint has it applications in the rods for roof, chain link, steam engine valve rod, eccentric
rods etc.
4. What is a screw jack?
Screw jack is a mechanical device that can increase the magnitude of an effort force.
5. What is the application of Screw jack?
screw jack it is commonly used to lift heavy weights such as the foundations of houses, or large
6. What are the constraints available for assembly?
mate constraint, angle constraint, tangent constraint and insert constraint
7. What is the use of shell command?
Removes material from the selected face and creates a hollow block from a solid block
8. What is the use of RIB command?
Ribs are defined as the thin walled structures that are used to increase the strength of the entire
structure of the component, so that it does not fail under an increased load.
9. What are the parts of universal coupling?
It consists of a pair of hinges located close together, oriented at 90° to each other, connected by a
cross shaft.
10. What is coupling?
A coupling is a device used to connect two shafts together at their ends for the purpose of
transmitting power. Couplings do not normally allow disconnection of shafts during operation,
however there are torque limiting couplings which can slip or disconnect when some torque limit is

To create the piston assembly as a 3D solid model.


1. CPU with Pentium IV processor.

2. A color monitor with highest 32 bit color display and with screen resolution
1024 by 768 pixels.
3. A scroll mouse.
1. Windows XP operating system
2. PRO-E
1. Identify various parts to be created.
2. First enter into part environment and create the main part and create the main part of
the assembly.
3. First identify whether the main part or the first to be created by protrusion or by
4. Select the sketch tool and then select the coincidental plane option and select any one
of the standard 3 planes (i.e. front, right &top).
5. Create the cross-section profile as a closed one using the 2D commands available
after completing the sketch, click open or return button and then click finish button.
6. For creating other parts, select sketch both parallel plane option or plane by 3points
option and then select the required plane.
7. Construct the full cross section for portion and construct the half of the cross section
and an axis line for revolution.
8. Do the protrusions by using protrusion command and the revolution by revolved
protrusion command.
9. For constructing holes and cutout, used hole command and cutout command.
10. If we use hole command, change the diameter of the hole by using modify menu,
resize hole option.
11. Use revolved cutout command whenever needed.
12. Use the distance between option to maintain accurate distance between one edge
and other edge or between one edge and to center the hole.
13. After constructing each part save it as a separate part file with extrusion* par.
14. Enter into assembly environment.
15. Assembly the various parts construct parts construct using the various
assembly constrains available (planer, design, mate, axial align, connect
16. After finishing assembly, check whether the various parts have been
connected properly or not by rotating the view.
17. Save the assembly.

Thus the 3D assembly of the piston has been created on the software PRO-E with accurate
dimension and withal respects.

1. Define MIRROR?
A command that makes a copy of selected objects and flips the copy around a specified line to
produce a reciprocal image of those objects.
2. What are the advantages of CAD?
Greater productivity of the designer, improvement of design quality
Easier design, calculation and analysis, quicker rate producing drawings, more accuracy of
drawings, colour graphics is possible
3. What is the default position of the UCS icon
4. How can you create a cylinder by drawing a rectangular
shape By revolving the rectangular shape
5. Which information does the MASSPROP shortcut provide
Mass, Volume and Bounding box
6. Where did the dimension text is generally placed
Above the dimension line
7. Which dimension tool will place the length of an angled
line. Aligned
8. Which tolerance identify the maximum and minimum sizes of a feature
9. A typical set of mechanical working drawings includes
Exploded assembly, part details and parts list
10. The text used on a typical detail sheet should be .
placed horizontally.
Study of CAM
Computer aided manufacturing (CAM) can be defined as the use of computer systems to plan,
manage, and control the operations of a manufacturing plant through either director or indirect computer
interface with the plant’s production resources. As indicated by the definition, the applications of
computer aided manufacturing fall into two broad categories:
1. Computer monitoring and control. These are the direct applications in which the computer is
connected directly to the manufacturing process for the purpose of monitoring or controlling process.
2. Manufacturing support application. These are the indirect applications in which the computer is used
support of the production operation in the plant, but there is no direct interface between the computer
and the manufacturing process.
Basic components of an NC system:

An operational numerical control system consists of the following three basic components:
1. Program of instructions
2. Controller unit, also called a machine control unit (MCU)
3. Machine tool or other controlled process.
The program of instructions serves as the input to he controller unit, which in turn commands the
machine tool or other process to be controlled. We will discuss the three components in the sections
Program of instructions:

The program of instructions is the detailed step-by-step set of directions, which tell the machine tool
what to do. It is coded in numerical or symbolic from on some type of input medium that can be
interpreted by the controller unit. The most common input medium today is 1-in-wide punched tape.
Over the years, other forms of input media have been used, including punched cards, magnetic tape, and
even 35-mm motion picture film.
There are two other methods of input to the NC system, which should be mentioned. The first is by
manual entry of instructional data to the controller unit. This method is called manual data input,
abbreviated MDI, and is appropriate only for relatively simple jobs where the other will not be repeated.
The second other method of input is by means of a direct link with a computer. This is called direct
numerical control, or DNC.

The program of instructions is prepared by someone called a part programmer. The programmer’s
job is to provide a set of detailed instructions by which the sequence of processing steps is to be
performed. For a machining operation, the processing steps involve the movement between the cutting
tool and the work piece.
Controller unit:

The second basic component of the NC system is the controller unit. This consists of the electronics
and hardware that read and interpret the program of instructions and convert it into mechanical actions
of the machine tool. The typical elements of a conventional NC controller unit include the taper reader, a
data buffer, signal output channels to the machine tool, feedback channels from the machine tool, and
the sequence control to coordinate the overall operation of the foregoing elements. It should be noted
that nearly all-modern NC systems today are sold with a microcomputer as the controller unit. This type
of NC is called computer numerical control (CNC).
The tape reader is an electromechanical device for winding and reading the punched tape containing
the program of instructions the data contained on the tape are read into the data buffer. The purpose of
this device of this device is to the store the input represents one complete step in the sequence of
processing elements.
The signal outputs are the observation to the servomotors and other controls in the machine tool.
Through these channels, the instructions are sent to the machine tool machine tool from the controller
unit. To make certain that the instruction have been properly executed by the machine, feedback data are
sent back to the controller via feedback channels. The most important function of this return loop is to
assure that table and work parts have been properly located with respect to the tool.
Sequence controls coordinate the activities of the other elements of the controller unit. The tape
reader is actuated to read data into the buffer from the tape, signals are sent to and from the machine
tool, and so on. These types of operations must be synchronized and this is function of the sequence
Machine tool or other controlled:
The third basic component of an NC system in machine tool or other controlled process. It is the part
of the NC system which performs useful work. In the most common examples of an NC system, one
designed to perform machining operations, the machine tool consists of the worktable and spindle as
well as the motors and controls necessary to drive them. It is also includes the cutting tools, work
fixtures, and other auxiliary equipment need in the machine operation,
NC machine range in complexity from simple tape-controlled drill presses to highly sophisticated
and versatile machining centers. The NC machining centre was first introduced in the late 1950s. it is a
multifunction machine which incorporates several time saving features into is capable of performing a
verity of different operations, drilling tapping, reaming, Milling, and boring. The tools are kept in a tool
drum or other holding device. When the tape calls a particular tool, the drum rotates to positions the tool
for insertion into the spindle. The automatic tool changer then grasps the tool and places it into spindle
chuck. The machine table can orient the job so that it can be machined on several surfaces, as required.
Finally, a fourth feature possessed by some machining centers is the presence of two tables or pallets on
which the work piece can be fixtures. While the machining sequence is being performed on one work
part, the operator can be unloading the previously completed piece, and loading the next one. This
improves machine tool utilization because the machine not has to stand idle during loading and
unloading of the work parts.
1. Vertical Machining Centres
2. Horizontal machining centres
3. Machining centres with indexing heads
4. Multi-axis machining centres
5. Unmanned machining centres
6. Head changer machines
7. Plano millers
8. Milling machines
9. Drilling machines
10. Horizontal Axis Turning machines
11. Vertical axis Turning Machines
12. Surface grinders
13. Cylindrical grinders
14. Tool and cutter grinders
15. Fixed RAM Electro Discharge machines
16. Wire EDM
17. Punching and nibbing machines with plasma arc or laser beam machining
18. Forming machine
 Pipe bending machines
 Sheets bending machines
 Stretch forming machines
 Flow forming machines
19. Gear cutting machines
 Gear hobbing machine
 Gear shaping machine
 Gear grinders
20. Coordinate measuring machines
21. Inspection systems
22. Welding systems
23. Packing equipment

Result:Thus the study of CAM has done.


NC part programming is concerned with the planning and documentation of the sequence of
processing steps to be performed on a Numerical Control machine. It is usually accomplished by a
person whose title is part programmer. The panning portion of part programming requires knowledge of
machining (or other processing technology for which the NC machine is designed) as well as geometry
and trigonometry. The sequence of processing steps in NC involves a series of movements of the
processing head with respect to the machine table and work part.

The documentation portion of part programming involves the input medium that is used to
transmit the program of instructions to the NC controller unit (the MCU). The most common input
medium is used over the last 30 years is 1” –wide punched tape. Recently other ways of entering the
program to the MCU have been developed. The use of magnetic tape and floppy disks has been growing
in popularity since they represent more modern storage technologies for numerical control. The
advantage of these input media is their much higher data density. For example, one floppy diskette is
capable of storing the equivalent of several thousand feet of punched tape.

In addition, techniques for transmitting the program directly from a central computer to the
individual machines in the factory have been introduced. This form of program input is called direct
numerical control (DNC)

Following is a list of the different types of words used in the formation of block. Not every NC
machine uses all the words. Also, the manner in which the words in a block are given in the order below:

SEQUENCE NUMBER (N-WORDS). This is used to identify the block


This word is used to prepare the controller for instructions that are to follow.

For example, the word G02 is used to prepare the NC controller unit for circular interpolation along an
arc in the clockwise direction. The preparatory word is needed so that the controller can correctly

interpret the data that follow it in the block. Come typical examples of G-words are given in the Table

Some Common G-Words


G00 Used with countering systems to prepare for a point to point operation

G02 Linear interpolation in contouring systems

G03 Circular interpolation, clockwise


These give the coordinate positions of the tool. In a two-axis system, only two of the words
would be used. In a four –or-five-axis machine, additional a-words, b-words would specify the angular


This specifies the feed rate in a machining operation. Units are mm/min or inch/min.


This specifies the cutting speed of the process, the rate at which the spindle rotates. Units are
revaluations per minute. In a machining operation it is usually desirable for the tool engineer to specify
the speed in terms of the relative speed of the tool and work. The units would be metre per minute. It is
there necessary for the part programmer to make the conversion from using the machining process
equations given.


This word would only be needed for machines with a tool turret of automatic tool changer. The t-
word specifies which tool is to be used in the operation. For example, T05 might be the designation of
6mm drill bit ion turret position 5 on an NC turret drill.

The m-word is used specify certain miscellaneous or auxiliary functions which may be available
on the machine tool. Of course, the machine must posses the function that is being called. A partial but
representative list of is given below. The miscellaneous function is the last work in the block. To
identify the end of instruction, an end of block (EOB) symbol is punched on the tape.

Some typical M-Words:


M03 Start spindle in clockwise direction

M04 Start spindle in counter clockwise direction

M05 Stop spindle


The organization of words within blocks is called the tape format. Three tape format seem to enjoy
the most widespread use:

1. Word address format

2. Tab sequential format
3. Fixed block format
The tape format refers to the method of writing the words in a block of instruction. Within each
format there are variations because of differences in machining processes, type of machine, features of
the machine tool, and so on.
In this format, a letter precedes each word and is used to identify the word type and to address the
data to a particular location in the controller unit. The X-prefix identifies an X-coordinate word; an
S- prefix identifies spindle speed and so on. The standard sequence of words for two-axis NC system
However, since the type of word is designed by the prefix letter, the words can be presented in any
sequence. Also, if a word remains unchanged from the previous block or is not needed, it can be deleted
from the block.

G Codes are instruction describing machine tool movements.

G00 Fast Traverse

G01 Linear interpolation (cutting feed)

G02 Circular Interpolation (clockwise)

G03 Circular Interpolation (counter clockwise)

G04 Dwell

G20 Imperial (Input in Inches)

G21 Metric (input in mm)

G28 Go to Reference

G40 Cutter Compensation Cancel

G41 Cutter Compensation Right

G42 Cutter Compensation Left

G50 Coordinate Setting

G70 Finishing Cycle

G71 Stock Removal in Turing

G72 Multiple Facing

G73 Pattern Repeating

G74 Peck Drilling

G76 Multiple Thread

G81 Drilling Cycle

G90 Turning Cycle

G94 Facing Cycle

G96 Const. Surface

G97 Var. Surface

G98 Feed per Minute

G99 Feed Per Rev


M Codes are instructions describing miscellaneous functions like calling the tool, spindle
rotation, coolant on etc.,

M00 Program Stop

M01 Optional stop

M02 Program end

M03 Spindle On

M05 Spindle Stop

M06 Tool Change

M08 Coolant On

M09 Coolant Off

M10 Vice Open

M11 Vice Close

M13 Spindle Forward, Coolant on

M15 Spindle Reverse, Coolant on

M25 Quill Extend

M26 Quill Retract

M30 Programme End

M38 Door Open

M39 Door Close

M98 Subprogram call

M99 subprogram exit


A G00 causes linear motion to the given position at the maximum federate from the current

Examples: G00 X0.0 Z0.0

A G01 causes linear motion to the given position at the last specified federate from the current position.

Examples: G01 X30.0 Z-1.0 F100.0

G01 X0.0
A G02 causes a clockwise arc to the specified position.

Examples: G01 X20 Z-10 F120

G03 X30 Z-15 R5.0

G02 X40 Z-20 I15


A G03 causes a counter clockwise arc to the specified position.

Examples: G01 X20 Z-10 F120

G03 X30 Z-15 R5

G02 x40 Z-20 K-5

A G04 causes the program to wait for a specified amount of time.

The time can be specified in seconds with the “X” or “U” prefix or in milliseconds with the “P” prefix.

Examples: G04 X1.5

G04 U1.5

G04 P1500

A G20 causes positions to be interpreted as being in imperial units. All the input values are inches.

This can only be at the start of the main program.

A G21 causes positions to be interpreted as being in metric units (mm). This is can only be at the start of
the main program.
A G28 causes a fast traverse to the specified position and then to the machine datum.

Examples: G28 X34.0 Z5.0

G28 U0 W0


A G40 Cancels tools nose radius compensation.


A G41 enables tool nose radius compensation to the right of the programmed path.


A G42 enables tool nose radius compensation to the left of the programmed path.


G50 enables tool nose radius compensation to the left of the programmed path

G50 has 2 users.

A coordinate setting block has as “X”, “Z”, “U” or “W” upon it.

A maximum spindle speed block does not.


A G70 causes a range of blocks to be executed, and then control passes to the block after the G70. The
“P” and “Q” values specify the “N” block numbers at the and end of the profile. Examples:
G70 P10 Q20


A G71 causes the profile to be roughed out by turning. Control passes on to after the last block of the
profile. Two G71 blocks are needed to specify all the values.

Examples: G71 U2 R1.5

Specifies a depth of cut (radius) of 2 and an escape of 1.5.

A G72 causes the profiles to be roughed out by facing. Control passes on to after the last block of the

Two G72 blocks are needed to specify all the values.

Examples: G72 W2. R1.5

Specifies a depth of cut specify the “N” block numbers at the start and end of the profile.

G72 P10 Q20 U1.0 W1.0

The “U” and “Q” values specify the “N” block numbers at the start and end of the profile.

The “U” and “W” specify the distance and direction of the finishing allowance on the X and Z axis.


G74 is a Z axis pecking cycle.

Two blocks are required.

Examples: G74 R1.0

G74 Z-40 Q5000 R0.5 F100

Z – depth, Q – depth of cut in Z direction, F – Feed rate.

The “R” in the first block is the return amount.


G76 is a multiple pass threading cycle. Two blocks are required.

Examples: G76 P031560 Q150 R0.5

G76 X17.96 Z-50 P1020 Q250 F1.5

The “P” value is: - 03 = No of Finishing passes

15 = Pull out angle

60 = Angle of thread

The “Q” is the minimum cutting depth times 1000, in this case 0.15mm.

The “R” is the finishing allowance, here its 0.15mm.

The 2 block is identified by specifying a coordinate.

G76 X17.96 Z-50 R0.0 P1020 Q250 F1.5

The “X” and “Z” are the end of the thread. The “R” must be 0.

The “P” is the height of the thread times 1000, here its 1.02mm.

The “Q” is the height of the thread times 1000, in this case 0.25mm.

The “F” is the thread’s Lead, Not the federate, here it is 1.5mm.


A G81 is a drilling cycle.

An explicitly specified G81 will

Linear to new position.

Fast traverse to start positions

A modally specified G81 differs in that it will first traverse to 1 mm short on the last drilling position.

If only an X axis value is entered then grooving will be performed.

If only a Z axis value is entered then drilling will be performed.

Examples: G81 U-4.0


G81 Z-2.0

A G90 is the diameter cutting cycle

It is the equivalent of

 Rapid to X position
 Fred to Z position.
 Feed to start X position.
 Rapid to start Z position.

I an “R” value is specified tapering will be performed. The initial rapid move will be to the X position
plus the “R” value (Radius)


G92 performs one threading pass.

The position specified is that of the end of the thread.

The “F” value specifies the pitch, not the feed.

Examples: G92 U-0.25 W-20 F1.5


A G94 is an end face cutting cycle.

It is the equivalent of

 Rapid to Z position.
 Feed to X position
 Feed to star Z position
 Rapid to start X positing.
If an “R” value is specified tapering will be performed. The initial rapid move will be to the Z position
pules “R” value.

Examples: G94 U-4 W-2.0 R8.0 F140




G96 Enables constant surface speed.

Examples: G96 S100

Sets the surfaces speed to 100 meters a minute.


G97 cancels constants surface speed.

The spindle speed all not change the next “S” value is reached.

Example: G97


G98 stets the feed per minute mode. This is the default.

Example: G98


G99 sets the feed per revolution modes.

M00 Program Stop

A cycle operation is stopped after a block containing M00 executed.

Examples: M00

M01 Optional Stop

Cycle operations is stopped after a block containing M01 is executed. This code is only effective when
the optional stop switch on the machine control panel has been pressed.

Examples: M01
M02 Program end
Stopes the spindle. Turns the coolant off. Terminates the CNC program.

Examples: M02

M03 Spindle Forward

Starts the spindle spinning forward at the last specified spindle rate.

Examples: M03 S1200

M04 Spindle Reverse

Starts the spindle spinning forward at the last specified rate.

Example: M04 S1200

M05 Stop Spindle

Stops the spindle without changing the spindle speed.

Example: M05.

M06 Tool change

The “T” prefix causes a tool change; it need not be paired with an M06”.

The left most digit of the “T” ignoring zeros selects the new tool.

Example: M06 TO200

And T20

And T2

All select tool 2.

M08 Coolant On

M08 turns the coolant on.

M09 Coolant Off

M09 turns the coolant on.

M10 Chuck Close

M10 opens the chuck.

M11 Chuck Close

M11 close the chuck.

M13 Spindle Forward, Coolant On

Sets spindle rotation forward and coolant on.

Example: M13 S1000.

M14 Spindle Reverse, Coolant On

Example: M14 S1000

M25 Quill Extend

Extends the quill (tailstock).

M26 Quill Retract

Retracts the quill (tailstock).

M30 Program End

Stops the spindle. Turns the coolant off. Terminates and resets the CNC program.

Example: M30

M38 Door Open

Opens the door, waiting until the door is open.

M39 Door Close

Close the door, waiting until the door is closed.

M98 Subprogram call

M98 causes another program to be executed.

The “P” value specifies the program number and the number of times to execute it.

The rightmost 4 digits are the program number.

The digits to the left are the number of repetitions.

There can be up to 999 repetitions, if the value is omitted it is called once.

Example: M98 P12 and M98 P10012 both execute cnc program 12 once.

M99 Subprogram Exit

Returns control to the program that called the current program.

If a “P” value is specified then execution begins from the block with the same “N” number, otherwise it
is from the block after the subprogram call.

If an M99 is specified in the main program then the execution is from the start of the program.

Example: M99

Returns to the block following the call.

M99 P10

Returns to the block with “N” value 10.


Result:Thus the study of M codes has studied.

1. Facing Operation: for 5 mm






G28 U0 W0

M06 T0202

M03 S1000

G00 X30 Z1

G01 Z-1 F45

G01 X0

G01 Z1

G00 X30

G01 Z-2

G01 X0

G01 Z1
G00 X30

G01 Z-3

G01 X0

G01 Z1

G00 X30

G01 Z-4

G01 X0

G01 Z1

G00 X30

G01 Z-5

G01 X0

G01 Z1

G00 X30

G28 U0 W0



Result:Thus the operation of NC Part has been done and simulate it.





G28 U0 W0

M06 T0101

M03 S1000

G00 X30 Z1

G90 X29 Z-30





G00 Z1

G28 U0 W0


To write the part programming and simulation them to the given lathe job


1. CNC simulation software

2. CNC milling software

3. Software Pentium IV


1. To write the program for given job.

2. To type G and M CODES.

3. To give the tool size and stock dimensions.

4. Finally to run the machine to the operation.

Result:Thus the operation of NC Part has been done and simulate it.


30 15 15




G28 U0 W0

M06 T0101

M03 S1000

G00 X30 Z1

G90 X29 Z-30 F35





G00 X25 Z1

G90 X24 Z-15 F35





G00 Z1

G28 U0 W0



Result:Thus the operation of NC Part has been done and simulate it.


30 25 25


G21 G98

G28 U0 W0

M06 T0101

M03 S1000

G00 X30 Z1

G90 X30 Z-30 R0.0 F30

X29 R0.5

X28 R1.0

X27 R1.5

X26 R2.0

X25 R2.5

X24 R3.0

X23 R3.5

X22 R4.0

X21 R4.5
X20 R5.0

G00 X30 Z-30

G90 X30 Z-55 R0.0 F30

X30 R-0.5






G28 U0 W0

M05 M30

Result:Thus the operation of NC Part has been done and simulate it.



10 101010 10


G21 G98

G28 U0 W0

M06 T0101

M03 S1000

G00 X30 Z1

G90 X30 Z-10 F30











G00 X10 Z-10

G02 X20 Z-20 R18 F30

G00 X30 Z-10

G90 X30 Z-30 F40






G00 X20 Z-30

G03 X30 Z-40 R14 F30

G28 U0 W0



Result:Thus the operation of NC Part has been done and simulate it.


15 30


G21 G98

G28 U0W0

M06 T0101

M03 S1000

G90 X20 Z-40 F45







G00 X13 Z1

M06 T0404
M03 S700

G92 X12 Z-30 F2




G00 X20 Z0

G28 U0W0



Result:Thus the operation of NC Part has been done and simulate it.





G28 U0 W0

M06 T0101

M03 S1000

G00 X30 Z1

G90 X30 Z-35 F45




G28 U0 W0

M06 T0202

G00 X0 Z1

G74 R2
G74 Z-25 Q500 F20

G28 U0 W0



Result:Thus the operation of NC Part has been done and simulate it.



[BILLET X100 Y100 Z20

G21 G94


M06 T0101

G28 X0 Y0 Z0

M03 S1000


G00 X15 Y15 Z5

G01 Z-2 F60

G01 X85 Y15

G01 X85 Y85

G01 X15

G01 Y15

G00 Z5


G28 X0 Y0 Z0



Result:Thus the operation of NC Part has been done and simulate it.

Make the object as shown in the following figure Using NC code G72


15 30


15 30 15

G21 G94


G28 X0 Y0 Z0

M06 T0101

M03 S1000


G00 X20 Y35 Z10

G01 Z-5 F60

G02 X35 Y20 R15

G01 X65 Y20

G02 X80 Y35

R15 G01 X80

Y65 G02 X65

Y80 R15 G01

X35 Y80 G03

X20 Y65 R15

G01 X20 Y35

G00 Z5


G28 X0 Y0

Z0 M05


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