We Should All Be Feminist

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Discrimination to women in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s

“We Should All Be Feminists”

C himamanda Ngozi Adichie is a female author
who apart from writing the book “We Should
All Be Feminists” - which was adapted from a very
admired TEDxEuston talk she made in 2012- is
the award winning author of Americanah and also
gave a talk named “The Dangers of the Single Sto-
ry”, which is also about stereotypes and African
women. She wrote the book aiming to make read-
ers know the reality of what it means to be a wom-
an today, by telling her own experiences. (Adichie,
2014, p.3) In this essay deals with how gender dis-
crimination is described in Adichie’s book, and the
fact that it is becoming normal.

In the book, she tells the story of her early life

when she wanted to be her class monitor (honor
given to whoever got the highest score) but she
found out it had to be a boy. Adichie mentions
that “if we do something over and over again, it
becomes normal. If we see the same thing over
and over again it becomes normal. If only boys
are made class monitors, then at some point we
will all think, even unconsciously, that the class
monitor has to be a boy. If we keep seeing only
men as heads of corporations, it starts to seem
‘natural’ that only men should be heads of corpora-
tions.”(Adichie, 2014, p.13) In this paragraph, she
explains that things that are wrong and should not
become normal are becoming normal because they
happen frequently. This happens, especially, with
stereotypes against women. We should all be able
to be heads of corporations because women have
the same abilities as men, but these stereotypes we
create “unconsciously” (as she explains), make ev-
eryone think women should not. First, discrimina-
tion should not happen frequently; and second, if
we were able to start it, we should be able to stop
it right now and make something about it. The fact
that these things are becoming normal make us un- presidents of a country, as a CEO of a company or argument: if we teach boys and girls about equality,
able to realize that the situation of women is unfair as political leaders doing a great job. we will live in a place without stereotypes and the
and has been for a long time. pressure to be someone else rather than yourself.
When Adichie was talking about boys having
After mentioning that women and men are to be masculine and hide their feelings, she men- As a conclusion, this essay supports the idea that
different in many ways, Adichie says that “in the tions this example: “In secondary school, a boy and discrimination becoming normal is wrong, and many
recent US elections, we kept hearing of the Lilly a girl go out, both of them teenagers with meagre people do not even notice it. I think it is important to
Ledbetter law, and if we go beyond that nicely al- pocket money. Yet the boy is expected to pay the change the mainstream way of thinking that a man
literative name, it was really about this: in the US, bills, always, to prove his masculinity. What if both is more important or valuable than a woman. In the
a man and a woman are doing the same job, with boys and girls were raised not to link masculinity end we are all human beings and, although most
the same qualifications, and the man is paid more and money? What if their attitude was not ‘the boy women have less physical strength than men, they
because he is a man. So in a literal way, men rule has to pay’, but rather, ‘whoever has more should are still capable of doing the same things. Although
the world.”(Adichie, 2014, p.17) Men and women pay’?”(Adichie, 2014, p.26) Nowadays, we can see we are starting to change, we still live in a world
are different because, normally, a man is physi- a lot of marriages where the man takes care of the where, in some places, if a woman goes out wearing
cally stronger than a woman, but why does that housework and his children, while his wife works to a skirt or a dress, men feel like they have the right to
mean that men have to be paid more if they both pay the bills. This would have been unimaginable touch them because they attract their attention and
have the same qualifications; which means they years ago because stereotypes change our way of that is completely unfair. We should live in a world
have the same intelligence and abilities to do that thinking. I think that boys deserve to express their where women feel safe and get the same opportu-
job? People even say that when a woman leads a feelings in the same way as girls, because they have nities as men. In my opinion we need to improve as
company, they are more humane, less corrupt, and the same emotions and not because of their gender. society and governments should protect the right of
manage it better than a man would. Unfortunate- They are not supposed to cry because it makes them women to be respected and should teach the new
ly, this is also something that is becoming normal feel vulnerable and they are supposed to hide those generations to treat each other equally.
because people think men should lead us and de- feelings. Girls deserve to earn their own money and,
serve to be paid more; but now, that idea does not in some cases, pay the same as boys. The fact that Source: Adichie, C. N. (2014). We should all be feminists.
make sense. This is discrimination that does not we think women should not pay makes me think New York: Anchor Books.
have a good reason to support it. It is an old way of that men want to feel superior; and that women
thinking because we have already seen women as should always be less than men. I support Adichie’s 7th grader Nicole Witt
How children’s education can affect their
future in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
We should all be feminists
T he author of “We Should All Be Feminists”
is Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. She has
award-winning and bestselling novels. Some of
a shiny lip gloss and a girly skirt, but I decided not to.
I wore a very serious, very manly and very ugly suit.”
(Adichie, 2014: page 38)
these are Half of a Yellow Sun, Americanah, and
The Thing Around Your Neck. The first book I men-
tioned is an adaptation of a TEDx talk. It is writ-
The quote above states that women have to
“prove” that they are capable, just because we are
The Memory and
ten in the author’s perspective, and the examples
are mostly from Nigeria, because she spent a long
time there. The topics analyzed in this essay are
women. Here the author proves that everybody is
vulnerable to this type of “idea”. So even she falls
into this stereotype of what we could say to be ac-
Tolerance Museum
the repercussions of the “ideas” that are implied cepted. Her purpose was for her to be taken serious-
on children’s every day education. Additionally, in
which ways Adichie says that all these stereotypes
can make you feel pressured, and wanting to be
ly and to prove her statement. However, she had to
prove that with her clothes first. Later on, she real-
ized that what she did was unnecessary. That she
H ello! I recently visited the Memory and Tol-
erance Museum for a school assignment and
for extra points. I went with my mate Vale and my
accepted by society. So, all the repercussions that liked to dress a certain way, but was taught to dress father, who drove us there and also stayed with us
these “ideas” or “beliefs” may cause in the future. that way. In consequence, she did the opposite. If to walk through the museum
this is done, women would like to prove their state-
The following quote supports the idea of how ment by doing the opposite from what it is expected On the way to the museum we discussed what we
the author has this “idea”, of how girls are mostly of them. The question is, however, what if they like knew about the museum, and we found out that we
raised, and how they are taught them to be. The fol- to dress as they are expected to? didn’t really know anything about it. So when we ar-
lowing are some examples of the things that society, rived, we didn’t know what to expect. We entered the
or even your mom tells you. This happens at a young The next quotes is about the notion of mar- museum and went directly to the 5th floor to work our
age, so females start learning how they “have to be”. riage that is being implanted into the minds of way down. The first floors where about the genocides
these Nigerian women. These are different cases, the Earth has had, although most of the museum was
“We teach girls shame. Close your legs. Cover your- but they are all related to such beliefs. The “ideas'' about the Nazis and about the Second World War and
self. We make them feel as though by being born fe- are given more importance when you are growing. all the killing, torture and, in general, violations of hu-
male, they are already guilty of something. And so When you are more or less ten years old, these man rights that occurred during that time. After that
girls grow up to be women who cannot say they have young women just hear about them. When they we got to the tolerance zone, that is about how we, as
desire. Who silence themselves. Who cannot say what grow, however, the notion gets stronger. Adichie a society, need to accept everyone no matter the differ-
they truly think. Who have turned pretense into an art says that, “[...] A young woman, told me that a ences we might have. It is also about hate crimes and
form.” (Adichie, 2014: page 33) friend had told her not to listen to my “feminist about some current issues in today’s world. Finally, we
talk”; otherwise she would absorb ideas that would were invited us to make a change.
This quote supports the argument of the author destroy her marriage. This is a threat, [...] the
that says that girls are raised with this way of think- possibility of not having a marriage at all that in I personally was interested in the whole muse-
ing. That they have to be oppressed when they are our society is much more likely to be used against um, although what specifically caught my attention
really young. That they have to accomplish, or to women than against men.” (Adichie, 2014: page was all the Nazi propaganda, how they managed to
reach certain standards in society. Moreover, that 25) Then she says, “I am a female, I am expected share their ideas and convinced people to think like
they cannot do this or that. So, if a girl grows up to aspire for marriage, and making my life choices them. I was also interested in Hitler’s picture after
with these “ideas”, that girl is going to become those always keeping in mind that marriage is the most having invaded France, mostly because I felt it was
“ideas”. If this is implanted into girls’ minds, they important.” (Adichie, 2014: page 29) Finally she ironically similar to some of the pictures and poses
will grow as oppressed women. These beliefs will mentions that, “The language of marriage is often we can see on Instagram today. I felt a personal con-
govern them, so they cannot do certain things. They a language of ownership, not a language of part- nection walking around the Guatemalan Genocide
won’t express themselves because of these concepts. nership. We use the word respect for something a exhibit, due to the fact that I’m from Guatemala, and
woman shows a man, but not often for something I believe that the actions taken by the government
The following quote shows that Adichie was a man shows a woman. We teach females that in during those times were completely wrong and unac-
eventually “educated” with these “ideas”. Further- relationships, compromise is what a woman is ceptable. The truth should be exposed, and I like the
more, they affected her at a certain time. We can more likely to do.” (Adichie, 2014: page 31) These path that the museum took with the interviews and
actually see a clear example of how these “ideas” last quotes state many of the “ideas'' that are im- memorial clothes. I really didn’t have any favorite
may affect women. planted into the minds of young women, that grow part, but I believe that the museum is not intended to
up aspiring for marriage. And, that accomplishing be artistic, appealing nor attractive, but rather to in-
“The first time I taught a writing class in graduate that would cost many things. In the book it is men- form and make people that visit it more open-mind-
school, I was worried. Not about the teaching mate- tioned that there are women who sell their houses, ed, respectful, and tolerant, as stated in its name.
rial, [...] Instead I was worried about what to wear. so their husbands do not feel intimidated. Another
I wanted to be taken seriously. I knew that because I example is that they give up a job, a goal, or a Although the museum deals with many harsh
was female, I would automatically have to prove my dream; just, “to have peace in their marriage”. An- topics and issues, there is no issue more relatable
worth. And I was worried that if I looked too feminine, other example that Adichie states is that a friend of to the current situation of Mexico than the Fem-
I would not be taken seriously. I really wanted to wear hers that is unmarried, wears a wedding ring to be icides, that are currently being brought to light
respected. Here, the woman has to prove her value more efficiently. People have been taking these
with a ring. This states that because of a man, they cases more seriously, and the community has taken
can be respected. If not, is the respect they receive measures to try and stop the problem. The recent
less? Do they have to prove their “value”, or the protest of March 9th, with the slogan “¡El 9 ningú-
amount of things they can or cannot do, with a na se mueve!”, not only shows why this issue needs
man? So, all these are just some examples of how to improve, but also makes us see what a world
hard or seriously females can take these “ideas” of without female human beings would look and feel
marriage, (in this case). like. Although in the museum this theme was only
explored briefly, I believe they might change that
The author refers mostly to Nigeria. In the rest soon to help the anti-femicide movement.
of the world this is still a problem. There are many
places that still have the same old-fashioned ideas I learned a lot of interesting facts about Nazi
about the women. There are other places where Germany, Rios Montt’s regime and genocide, and
change has been taking place. So, Adichie says that some facts about human rights, tolerance, and
one of the best solutions would be education. She respect in general. If you are planning on visiting
says that it would be changing little by little, just the Memory and Tolerance Museum, I would rec-
releasing all these “ideas” to “fit in” society, to be ommend you arrive there early to avoid traffic jams
accepted. Every young woman needs to start think- and long lines to enter the museum. Consider devot-
ing that all those notions are wrong, that they do ing, at least, 2 hours of your time to visit it. I would
not have to give up things for men, or to just feel also recommend you have an open mind, due to the
comfortable with themselves within society. fact that the museum deals with some harsh topics.
Therefore, I probably wouldn’t recommend you visit
Source: Adichie, C. N. (2014). We should all be feminists. the museum with kids under 13, because there are
New York: Anchor Books. some dark topics and graphic images.

7th grader Sofía Aragón Freshman Javier Crisostomo

Lessons by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
F irst, we must understand that women and men
are different and that we complement each
other. No gender has any superiority over the oth-
Y ou can change the mindset of a communi-
ty, but not from one day to another. It takes
men to make a real change. Education is the only
er. When we understand that, we are ready for the solution. If we can’t solve this issue because we
next step, that is understanding the real problem, can’t make people with ancient ideas disappear,
researching about it, and avoiding to be distracted what we can do is raise the new generation with
by other problems like the male death rate or abor- certain values and ideas that promote inclusion
tions, focusing only on the problem of inequality in every way. We should also create a culture of
between the two genders. Searching for statistics peace for the next generation. As a short-term
and real information and talking to experts is a solution, we can make the law harder to those
really good way to understand the problem. Then who commit horrendous crimes against women,
try to change the way the new generations think we can continue with these movements and acts
about these serious problems, starting with per- to make people more aware of the acts of “ma-
sonal changes, realizing the way one acts. chismo”. No matter how small they are, these
acts are contributing in maintaining the gap be-
The next step is to realize the people around tween genders. Of course it would be better to
you act and to explain to them how their actions just protest once and have immediate results,
may contribute to the problem. A good way to but the world doesn’t work like that. We have to
change can take place at home doing the same keep trying and slowly we will achieve our goal.
work your mom or sisters do. If you are a mother In the meantime, we can keep getting more peo-
or father, you have to implement the idea of equal- ple involved in the movement. It’s a long way,
ity of the two genders.  but we need to keep trying.

8th grader Alejandro Campos 8th grader Marina Chaparro

A dichie’s main lesson is to educate children

in a way they respect everyone no matter

A fter reading Adichie’s book, I felt empowered

by her words and the way she explained how
feminism affected her community and the people
their gender, social class, education, ethnicity or
religion. As we continue educating children, the
changes on Earth will become more evident. It is
A dichie believes that women and men are
equal and should be treated as such. She also
recognizes that a big step for the equality between
around her. We should use the strategy of teach- also very important to take into account serious- the genders is to have equal opportunities to devel-
ing children, at a young age, about equality and ly that some gender injustices have happened in op, to have financial comfort and safety. We must
respect, regardless of gender. Gender equality and the past, that most will be always a “black spot” in recognize, analyze, and understand that there’s a
feminism would be the norm for the new genera- someone’s life, and that those experiences could be big problem regarding gender. We need to evolve
tions, who are the future of our world. the main reason to fight for justice. They will teach as a society and change our mindset. We need to
us how it feels to be excluded or disrespected.  let people be themselves and not judge their ac-
The ideas of how women should be and how tions or tastes. We need to let people discover
they should act to be liked in a society should be The main problem in Mexico is the insecurity what they are good at and passionate about, and
changed by us. Being ourselves, without the stress that causes rapes and femicides. In most of the cas- let them work and develop their potential without
of being liked by society, the restraints to develop es, men are committing those injustices. The main cutting them off based on stereotypes and ideas
to our full potential will vanish. problem with them is the lack of education or em- that just make us go backwards as a society, in-
pathy given to them as kids. Adichie’s book taught stead of going forward regarding gender equality.
A big problem in Mexico is that some people me that all rights need to be taken in account; but, If we, as a society, change our mindset and our
are perceiving feminism as a threat and as an ag- especially, female rights because no one should way of teaching the new generations how to act,
gressive behavior. We should make sure people un- suffer from shame, rape or discrimination only we can make a powerful change. We should also
derstand what feminism is about. It is not about for being born a woman. She clearly states that help people understand that they should have the
hating men and creating more inequality between the word feminism needs to be cleaned from the same opportunities and that both genders can do
genders. It is about empowering both genders wrong ideas of male hatred, and that the world the exact same job, so they deserve the exact same
so they can reach their full capacity and live in needs to improve with educated people in power, recognition and paycheck. That should be a strong
healthier environments. regardless of their gender. start for a better Mexico with a sense of equality. 

8th grader Emilia Jiménez 8th grader Daniela Hollander 8th grader Renata González-Camarena

Memory and Tolerance Museum Report

H ello! I had wanted to go to this museum for
a long time, but I’d never found the time. So,
when our teacher told us that we needed to go and
model that shows the Jews being killed in gas cham-
bers. I had always heard that that was the most com-
mon way they were killed; but I could never really
they stated that every hour around 1,270 women
are rapped. So I think this specific part of the visit is
fundamental for us to reflect upon.
visit it, I was really excited, because I would finally imagine how it was done, so it gave me the complete
go see it. picture. Moreover, now I can confirm that the train In conclusion, I really liked visiting the muse-
wagon in which they transported the families to the um, yet it wasn’t as bad as some people had told
I didn’t exactly know what to expect because concentration camps were really small. me. Of course it shocked me, but not to an extreme
I had heard a lot of different things. For instance, level. I learned a lot about genocides. If you go,
my sister told me that it was very sad and that she Overall, my favorite part of all the museum is make sure you have at least 2 hours to visit all the
wasn’t prepared to go again. That really shocked the tolerance room. There are broken mirrors and exhibitions. Since they inform you a lot, it takes
me, but others told me it wasn’t that bad; so I was glass boxes with stereotypes written on them. As time to explore them all. Summing up, I would to-
really nervous. When I finally got there, I was really teenagers, we suffer a lot from our peers’ and even tally recommend you visiting the museum.
impressed by the video they played. I could already our friends’ prejudices. They would present forms
tell the museum was going to leave a mark on me, of discrimination and a sculpture for each one of Freshman Carlos Camargo Riquelme
and I was right. I am still thinking about it. Anyway, them. There was one for classism, another one for
I continued the visit. In the first room, there was gender inequality, and so on. I really liked that part
much information unknown to me about World War of the exhibition, because it shows a really big prob-
II. We were short of time, so we went through the lem our country has: how we discriminate against
other genocides quickly, but I could still appreciate others. For example, we discriminate indigenous
them all. In the tolerance room we spent more time, people. I think we are split due to our economic sta-
since the sculptures were amazing. tus and, of course, the clearer issue for me in this
regard is the gender inequality that Mexico suffers
I have always been curious about the Holocaust, at the moment. Women get paid less than men for
and I could finally see all the details and horrors of the same job. Plus all the violence in the form of fe-
it. The photos they had really shocked me. I felt like I micides and rape that many women have suffered.
was there with them. My favorite piece of art was the I even remembered a part in the exhibition where
Growing up in Nigeria and the Impact it had on Chimamanda while
she was Becoming a Feminist in the book We Should All be Feminists.
W omen in all the world are considered a mi-
nority. Sometimes it is clearer, but others it
is not. Some of the women that know with their
(Adichie. 2014, pp.15). It is obvious in Lagos that
the one who is paying and that has the actual money
is the man, even though that may not necessarily be
if they do not want to be like that? Women have to
cook even if they do not want to, have to do chores
even if they do not like them, and that leads women
heart and soul about this kind of inequality are true. However, that process of normalization, both to pretend to be someone they are not. When Chi-
still fighting for this equal-like-life-for-all genders. in Nigeria and in the world, is so wrong that Chim- mamanda wrote an article about being young and
Sometimes they do amazing stuff and great feats; amanda fights against it. She believes in feminism, female in Lagos, people told her it was too angry for
some stand up to fight oppression in their everyday actual amazing feminism, but no one can do a thing something a woman should write. That is precisely
life, even doing minor stuff like taking the lead of if it is normal to people, which was true especially on the stuff that Chimamanda fights against, and that is
a conversation only with men. These amazing and that occasion; believing women are inferior and do what makes her a feminist.
powerful women may change the world, they are not have actual money. Chimamanda is what she is
called Feminists. In this essay, Chimamanda Ngo- because she defies that normalization-based point of In conclusion, Chimamanda defied (and defies)
zi Adichie, becoming an African woman-feminist view and believes in the justice of genders, defying every single expectation in the name of feminism.
and her narration of it in her book We Should All what she has been taught her whole life. She decided she would not fit in, that it was not fair,
be Feminists, will be discussed. The objective is to and that she would never become what society asks
understand how her culture and growing up as a Another factor is that Chimamanda does not be- her to be. Being born in Nigeria is one of the things
woman in Nigeria may have changed the percep- lieve that women are meant to be what people say that changed Chimamanda, since Lagos (for exam-
tion of herself in comparison to men; and how this they should be. She talks about how, a long time ago, ple), has a lot of oppressed women and Chimamanda
is precisely what made her become different from the most important thing for survival was strength is expected to do the same; but she does not. She
many other white-skinned feminists. -which is practically the description of men, since defied her culture, learnings and the outside opin-
they are stronger. But now, “we live in a vastly differ- ions about her. She did what she believed was right
One of the main differences between feminists ent world. The person more qualified to lead is not and she still fights to be whatever she wishes to be in
around the world is that many are oriented or based the physically stronger person. It is the more intel- the hope that, with her actions, there will be more
on their culture. It is obviously not the same cul- ligent, the more knowledgeable, the more creative, equality. She is different from other young women in
ture for everyone in the world, and that is the main more innovative. And there is no hormones for those Nigeria because she chose not to quiet down. She is
difference among all feminists. In this quote, Chim- attributes.” (Adichie. 2014, pp.17). What Chimam- different from other feminists because she defied ev-
amanda Adichie speaks about what is the ideal of anda means is that maybe sometimes we depended erything she had been taught and shown her whole
women in her culture, and her opinion about it. on strength, but now we do not. We need intelligence life: she was practically born a feminist. There are not
and creativity, which is something both women and many white-skinned feminists that have to live with
“I am the child who is most interested in the story men can have, since intelligence is not defined by that. Besides, since Chimamanda represents every-
of who we are, in ancestral land, in our tradition. My gender. Women are also, supposedly, meant to treat thing a feminist should be, I do believe she is one of
brothers are not as interested as I am. But I cannot men as if they were superior and make themselves the greatest feminist of all time. She led me to believe
participate, because Igbo culture privileges men and smaller in comparison. Some women even give up that, as her, we should all be feminists.
only the male members of the extended family can dream careers to be likable to men. That is why Chi-
attend the meetings where major family decisions are mamanda never lets herself be intimidated by her Source: Adichie, C. N. (2014). We should all be feminists.
taken. So although I am the one who is most inter- own success and power, she is not afraid she might New York: Anchor Books.
ested in these things, I cannot attend the meeting. I scare a guy off because of that. Besides, why are
cannot have a formal say. Because I am female.” (Adi- women molded into perfect ideals of society, even 7th grader Ana Kamila Fucikovsky
chie. 2014, pp.45).

Chimamanda, since the beginning, showed a

feminist attitude; but as someone who has been
oriented by her culture for her whole life, she
Visit to the “Museo de Memoria y Tolerancia
needs to follow traditions and beliefs. It is amaz-
ingly brave how she defied a whole lifestyle of
beliefs just because she was not happy about it.
Just because it is not fair. Just because she does not
I ’ve just visited the “Museo de Memoria y Tol-
erancia” in Mexico City. I went there because
the museum showed lots of examples about intol-
believe culture (which is made by people) dictates erance during history, and that’s a very concerning
what she should or not do, as if she were a thing situation we all have to learn about. I went there at
and not an actual woman. a good time of the day, because the museum is in a
sketchy zone in the city, near Chinatown.
However, after all, even if culture changes the
perception of feminism among women, what makes I had never googled the museum, so I didn’t
Chimamanda special? Many women in Lagos, Nige- know it was about the genocides that have hap-
ria think it is normal, but why is growing up in a pened throughout history. The first thing I saw was
place with completely oppressed women so differ- a part of the Berlin Wall. Then, when we entered
ent in the author’s perspective? Some people may the museum, it all started with a two minute video
wonder why she did not think of that oppression as which showed us a brief summary of what geno- ask yourself how or why? There’s a very simple con-
something normal, as many of those women think it cide is and why it is an example of intolerance. So nection to that: as stated on some of the signs in
is. After all, Chimamanda grew up the same way as it first showed the Holocaust, then some examples the museum, the Holocaust happened because of
everyone else; but another factor about why she be- of other genocides like: Ruanda, the Tutsis’ death, the contempt Hitler created in Europe against the
came the feminist we see today is that she is against the genocide in Guatemala, Cambodia, and Darfur. Jewish communities, without caring about the eco-
normalization. Maybe all women believe everything Then we entered the Tolerance Room, which tries nomic impact. The femicides are happening just the
is normal, but Chimamanda does not. She never to make us avoid doing what happened in the past, same way: women are being killed not to take their
wanted to be normal; and, since the beginning, she and works as an inspiration by showing us famous money or anything like that, it’s just because the
showed this feminist attitude. Once when Chimam- humanists like Martin Luther King. contempt that some men have against women. I’m
anda was little, she wanted to be class monitor; she not saying that we all, as men, have that contempt
worked hard enough to get the highest grade on the What I most liked about the museum is how against women; but the few men who do have it,
exam so she would be chosen. After everything, she you can interact with certain stuff from the exhi- show it in a very horrifying way. It’s also not fair
actually got the highest grade on the quiz but, “to bitions, for example, you can peek into what was that the government isn’t sharing the same concern
my surprise, my teacher said the monitor had to be a common pit and see how the people who were about the situation as the civil society.
a boy. She had forgotten to make that clear earlier; sent there looked at the world. I also enjoyed the
she assumed it was obvious. A boy had the second tolerance room, because it showed many examples This indeed was a great, fulfilling activity. Why?
highest score on the test. And he would be moni- of injustice or lies we’ve been told. Further into that Because it showed me that even though there are
tor” (Adichie. 2014, pp.12), Chimamanda believes exhibition, there was a room with very big screens, good people in this world, there will always be bad
that something we do over and over again becomes which showed that not all the information we see people as well. Unfortunately, the ones who seem to
normal, obvious. Something she believes is that on social media like Instagram, Facebook, and influence the most are the bad ones. That’s a very
something that is obvious to her is not the same for YouTube is true. It showed us that before posting concerning situation; because, sometimes, the good
everyone else. And there it is the example of the nor- something, you have to verify you are using trust- people help put the bad ones in power by making
malization she is against. Once when she was in La- ed sources to avoid ill-informing people about any bad choices. I would recommend you going to the
gos, with her friend Louis, she saw a young man that topic. There was only one thing I didn’t like about museum as it is a very interesting and revealing
tried to find parking places for the people. She says the museum, it was that it showed lots of disturbing experience for us teens, who will one day lead the
that “And so as we were leaving, I decided to give images of dead people and the remains their bodies. world for better or worse. The museum is very well
him a tip. I opened my bag to get my money, and organized, and the tour is cleverly designed, as you
gave it to the man. And he, this man who was hap- Nowadays, we can relate the Holocaust to a have to visit the whole museum from top to bottom.
py and grateful, took the money from me, and then very specific situation happening in Mexico and in
looked across at Louis and said, “Thank you, sah””. the whole world, which is the femicides. You might Freshman Alain Tager Elhore
A visit to the Memory and Tolerance Museum
I am a sixteen year old girl who doesn’t know
what to do with her life. Visiting the museum
was a school assignment. I went with one of my
without even trying to get to know the other peo-
ple; which is why stereotypes and prejudices dam-
age people. You know that those comments are not
good friends, Regina Arenas, because we knew that accurate about yourself; but you also know, deep
it is a museum that people shouldn’t visit alone be- inside, that you use the same comments against
cause of the topics the museum presents. We went others, but for many other reasons, for example,
straight after school. There was a lot of traffic, but to protect yourself.
we didn’t mind because we spent the time blasting I saw an art piece of a woman carrying a huge
music and doing carpool karaoke, a ratchet version rock that had many things written on it, such as
since we’re not pros like James Corden, and we are domestic violence, rape, inequality and more. The
not artists. artwork was located in the discrimination room. It
relates to Mexico because women here do not feel
We arrived at the museum around 3:30 PM safe to go out in the streets. Women feel like they
and we got our tickets with a discount since we need to carry this huge rock that becomes a bur-
both had our student ID. Before the trip to the mu- den in our lives, because it doesn’t allow us to do
seum, I had expected it to have a huge impact on I loved the idea of interpreting a topic at the anything ordinary, like work. Everyday 10 women
me, since I had heard people talking about it. Our museum. Each piece is made in such a way that die in Mexico. It’s because of femicides that wom-
visit lasted almost two hours, since we stopped everyone can interpret it in a most unique and en feel insecure in the streets. This artwork shows
and read everything. We didn’t just walk around. personal way. The genocide exhibition is done it perfectly, a woman carrying the rock is being
We also saw some classmates at the museum, but amazingly. I was left in awe because the museum discriminated against. It’s a weight added on her
they went through it faster than us, not analyzing presented a way to see it from your own perspec- back, and people think she’s doing fine. They even
as much as we did. We first saw a two minute vid- tive and allowed you to reflect on what all those think she’s thriving in life, but they don't know she
eo and we went through the exhibition on geno- victims were suffering. Not only did they explain is being discriminated against every day.
cides which was very sad. It’s unbelievable some it, but showed pictures and receipts that make it
people are capable of doing that! That’s just plain look like it could happen to you any day. So, not In conclusion, during my trip to the museum,
wrong! Worst of all, genocides are still happening only did it bring my mind to actually reflect on I learned how people are treated during wartime
nowadays! I genuinely cried; because of my ideals, what people suffered during wars, but it allowed and how people feel whenever someone makes
I cannot tolerate such atrocities. Then we entered me to see that no one is safe from genocide caused mean comments about them. It really opened my
the exhibition the teacher asked us to visit, the tol- by racism. Only the upper classes have advantages eyes and made me feel ashamed of myself, because
erance section. We analyzed each sculpture and in this situation, not only because most of them are I never considered the other person’s feelings
artwork. Each of them has a very strong meaning white; but also because they have a lot of money whenever I made a comment. I’m sure I’ve hurt
and it is sad how many people can relate to them and nowadays money can buy anything. I really many people before that way, and it’s wrong. I
because it just shows pure cruelty in our society. loved the part of stereotypes and prejudices, be- would really recommend anyone to visit the muse-
The exhibition had many interactive polls, we an- cause I’m used to people judging me before get- um, because it gives you a new perspective on such
swered the ones that were adequate for our situ- ting to know me. Just because my resting face isn’t harsh topics. I would also suggest you go with an
ation, such as gender discrimination. Each room smiling that doesn’t mean I’m not happy. They used open mind, prepared to receive a lot of horrible in-
had a different topic: stereotypes and prejudices, mirrors in the artwork. I think it was a marvelous formation, because that’s the point of the museum,
discrimination in our society, human rights, and idea, because you could see yourself surrounded to spread the word about these topics so they can
many more. The rooms were made for each person by all the mean comments, and I could relate to be avoided. Intolerance is horrible and it makes
to reflect on the topics and to think about similar that. In the broken mirror you could also see that, people act the worst way possible.
scenarios they have been in or someone close to even though people use those mean comments
them has been in, previously. against you, you end up doing the same to others Freshman Ximena Rondon Bello

Not so long ago, I had an illusion
and I didn't know what to do with it.
I didn't know what to do
and it went away. 

Because I let it go away…

Why did I let it go away?
I don't know…
I only know that it's gone now. 

Since then, my heart cries day by day standing at

my home's gate because of it.
I didn't know what to do
and it passed me by
Why did I let it go? I don't know… 

I know that’s all that I wanted,

I left all I wanted behind.
Why couldn't I give myself a try
to live in happiness?

It's the illusion of his return

or what else that could make me happy. What else
could make me want to live?

Because of it, I didn't know what to do and it passed

me by.
Because I let it go away…
Why did I let it go? I don't know…
I only know that it's gone now. 

I know that all that I wanted,

I left all that I wanted behind.
Why couldn't I give myself a try to live this illusion
of happiness?

Sophomores Montserrat Djaddah

and Gonzalo Vázquez
C o u n t d o w n

C ountdown is a Ted initiative that promotes dai-

ly activities to contribute to saving the planet
in different ways, in order to reduce the greenhouse
A ccording to the Fifth Evaluation Report of the
Environment, emitted by the United Nations
(UN), “the world is now facing the biggest climate
of things. In fact, according to the Climate Change
Organization “40% of the world greenhouse gas
emissions are due to industries and another 10%
effect. Many US Congress people, celebrities, politi- emergency ever seen by human beings and if we are because of the garbage decomposing process,
cians, company owners such as Jeff Bezos, support don’t change the way we use and dispose resources noting that this last 10% could be eliminated if
Countdown, which fits with Amazon´s commitment by the year 2050 the environmental conditions will people separated and recycled their waste” If new
to become completely carbon neutral by 2040. As make life impossible on Earth.” laws appeared forcing citizens to separate and
Hiro Mizuno said: “We’re fully aware of our respon- recycle waste and forcing industries to go green,
sibility as the world’s largest asset owner to inspire So, we don’t even know if we´re going to make emissions could be cut down to 15%.
changes in the capital market. We’ll be actively en- it past 2050! Worrying is not enough, it is URGENT
gaging with all actors to move the needle”. for every single person to start taking action. Since After all, as Greta Thunberg says, “the power
August 2019 I’ve been perusing a “cero waste life- belongs to the people.” If we start demanding our
The truth is that we, as teenagers, don’t have style”. My goal is to create the least amount of governments for new regulations, sooner or later
the capacity to contribute in making a change, but waste possible and recycle properly. they will have to comply. Let everyone take care
there are some small changes that we can make. of our planet or pay a huge fine. Together we can
To begin with, we can contribute by starting to use On the other hand, new laws should appear save the world!
bar shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, and de- in every country to regulate the way industries
odorant as a way to reduce the use of plastic bot- work and the way citizens consume and dispose Junior Ximena Castro Maldonado 4010
tles. We can reduce our consumption of energy, as
well, by unplugging all of our chargers and turning
the light off when there is sunlight.

Our parents, however, are the ones who can

contribute in a more effective way (in terms of eco-
T o begin with, in Mexico, people produce more
than 103 thousand tons of trash per day. 300
thousand tons of non-recyclable Styrofoam are
S ingle-use plastics are commonly used for pack-
aging, for example grocery bags, food, bottles,
straws, and many other. Single-use plastic is one
nomic help), such as installing solar panels in our produced per year, and most of it is used just once. of the biggest factors of pollution. It affects every-
houses and changing all the light bulbs to energy It is then trashed; so, it is as unnecessary as straws. where. That's why I would like to share the idea
savers. Our homes can be an important factor to Styrofoam is mostly used for street food in Mex- of banning every single-use plastic food packag-
help reduce climate change. Although these contri- ico, since it is a cheap product and it keeps the ing. Instead, you should have to take your con-
butions aren't as big as others, they’re great to us. food or beverages warm; but it could be changed tainer and fill it with the product you want. Every
By this, we mean that our generation is learning to by biodegradable styrofoam that was just recent- super market would have to have all the product
grow in an eco-friendly environment. ly created by UNAM students who used tamarind in wholesale. As a result, there would be a lot of
seeds. So, instead of buying something that hurts plastic reduction.
Juniors Isabel Huerta, Alexa Herrera our Earth, you’ll buy something that doesn’t harm
& Julián Domínguez it, and you’ll contribute to help our local economy. Junior Paulina Escalante

Junior Sofía Castillo

I t isn´t new that our planet is facing rough

times. Let’s point out what the American Geo-
physical Union said, "Based on extensive scientific
evidence, it is extremely likely that human activi-
ties, especially emissions of greenhouse gases, are
T o begin with, we need to do what we have
already been told to do. For years we have
been told to be environmentally conscious and to
changing and will have a huge impact on the en-
vironment if plenty of industries use it. I propose
a circular economy. 
the dominant cause of the observed warming since reduce our waste, our gas emissions, and our out
the mid-20th century. There is no alterative expla- of control consumption of products. Let’s be hon- Circular economy, according to the Ellen
nation supported by convincing evidence." (2019) est, we don’t really follow these ideals to the dot. MacArthur Foundation, is “a framework for an
economy that is restorative and regenerative by
I am 17 years old and I am sure I have lots of Additionally, as much as we like to think that design.” Opposed to our current extract-produce-
experiences to live, but if we continue to be that it is up to us to make a real difference, it is really use-waste industrial and financial model, a circular
irresponsible, I will not be able to have a complete the choice of a few. See, most of the problems economy would use products designed to be re-
and worth living life. I am not able to control the come from industries, and their reckless, uncon- used and upgraded easily: extract-produce-use-up-
way people act, yet I have already started contrib- trolled growth. It comes from the financial struc- grade-reuse-upgrade-reuse and on and on. For
uting by not eating meat. Remember that animal ture (linear economy) that was imposed upon us. example, if you design a phone that instead of be-
agriculture and meat consumption are significant The thing is, as much as we want to diminish our ing obsolete when the new one comes out could be
contributors to global warming. They are a signifi- waste and consumption, we can’t and it’s not our upgraded, by the time the new design comes out,
cant source of greenhouse gases. For the production fault, as the media and the large corporations you would already have more than half the parts
of meat it is necessary to deforest a large number of have tried to tell us. Unfortunately, the world is you need for your new phone. That would have a
hectares. Much water is used in unnecessary quanti- a financial one; which means that everything re- huge impact because, for an upgrade, companies
ties. That is why leaving the consumption of meat or volves around money, easy money to be precise. need to extract way less material and the environ-
minimizing it will favor the environment. Until we don’t find an alternative to produce ment won’t suffer as much. If then we combine
money easily and environmentally friendly; well, it with waste recycling, and reusability, we could
Agu.org. (2019). AGU Position Statement on Climate we are not going to see a true difference. Taking start to see some significant change in our planet
Change. [online] Available at: https://www.agu.org/ this into account, I blame the system, not the us- in a matter of a few years. I’m not an expert, but I
Share-and-Advocate/Share/Policymakers/Position-State- ers; because the system is flawed. Nothing will encourage our leaders to swap to a circular econo-
ments/Position_Climate [Accessed 29 Jan. 2020]. change, unless we change the system. I propose my and make a significant change.
using a different type of financial structure. One
Junior Valeria Villa 4020 that still makes money, but will be literally life Junior Santiago Oliver Lanz
My School Camp
L ast week, my school took my class and me on a
camp to Punta Mita. At camp, we had a lot of
activities. The main reason for the trip was to take
C amps are really fun. Last week, our school camp
in Punta Mita wasn’t the exception. The place,
the activities, and my classmates made it the most
us to see and take pictures of humpback whales. It memorable camp of all times! We all had a lot of fun.
was the best camp ever!
First of all, there were two hotels in Punta
The first day, we met at the airport to take Mita. I stayed at The Coral. It was kind of small
the plane together. I can say that one of the best and not a lot of my classmates were there. Howev-
parts of all the camp was the moment we spent in er, the other hotel, Meson de Mita, was awesome.
the airplane, because we laughed all together and It had a big pool and an amazing view of the beach.
spent friendly time. When we arrived in Puerto Most of the activities took place there. We had to
Vallarta, we took a bus that arrived in the town we stay in rooms of three or four, and we could choose
spent all week at, called Punta Mita.  our roommates. My roommates were 3 of my best
friends. The food wasn’t really good; however, the
To begin with the interesting part of the camp, pancakes tasted quite well. I’m sure everyone who
these are all our activities during that week: The went to camp, even though they weren’t at the nice
first day, we didn’t have time to do anything but hotel, enjoyed it. I liked it because I’m not used to
stay at the hotel and eat, but the next day we woke hotels of that type, and it was a different but fun
up at 6 o’clock to take a boat to see the humpback experience.
whales. I can’t explain with words all the emotion I
felt while watching those whales. Even though the Additionally, the activities were amazing! The Finally, the best part of the camp was watching
first day on the boat, we didn’t see a lot of whales; first and second day, we took pictures and went to the whales. As I mentioned before, having expe-
the first time I actually saw them, I felt incredibly the beach. The third day was the busiest of all. We rienced that was truly amazing. I had never seen
happy and ecstatic. When we came back from our had to wake up at 6:00 am to go zip-lining, then whales, especially not that close. One day, a whale
boat trip, we spent time all together at the beach we made bracelets, went paddle boarding; and, in came really close to my boat, and we got to see it be-
taking pictures for our personal photo project.  the evening, we went looking for whales. The fourth low us. Watching the sunset listening to music were
day, we went to a school where I helped paint a mu- also some of my favorite activities. There was a point
The next day, we also went searching for ral for the kids there. That day, we also went to see where everyone was quiet, just enjoying the view and
whales, hoping they’d jump, so we would be able the whales and had a campfire at night where we smiling. I’m grateful I got the opportunity of going to
to take pictures of them. That day was one of the listened to music and hung out. Even though most Punta Mita with my classmates. All I can say from
best ones, because we spent time at the swimming of the days, we had to wake up pretty early, I can say this experience is that you don’t want to miss it.
pool having fun all together. The next day, we also I enjoyed having the opportunity of watching the
took a lot of pictures of the whales. Till that mo- whales really close. We had a lot of fun there, and In conclusion, the place, the activities, and
ment, I couldn’t explain the enthusiasm I felt while we took some pretty nice pictures. Besides, the ac- the company made those 5 days unforgettable. I
watching the whales having fun in their natural tivities at camp made me be closer to my classmates highly recommend younger generations to go to
habitat. That day, as part of a biology activity, we and get to know them better.  That was because ev- camp. You truly won’t regret it. The Punta Mita
went along the seashore looking for sea creatures, ery time we had a different activity, we were divided camp was amazing!
like sea stars and other types of plants and sea ani- into different groups. Camps can really make you
mals. We had a great time and took a picture of the get to know each other better. Sophomore Danna Domínguez
whole class. The best part of that day was when we
went zip-lining and paddle boarding. Even though
I fell from the board more than ten times, it was
one of the best moments of all of my school trips. 

Thursday was a great day! I went to a school to

L ast week, I went on my 4th school camp, since
I started attending the Bachillerato Alexander
Bain. This trip was nothing like the previous ones.
were, there is also the chance of finding mammals
such as dolphins and sea lions; and you can go with
Sergio to the “Islas Marias” where you can see dif-
do different activities with the elementary school This camp is special, not just because it is the most ferent species of birds. The most impressive bird we
children. I had a great time there, because I under- elaborate and popular one, but because it is also saw there was a species of blue legged duck. 
stood how our lives compared with theirs are so one where you actually have fun. This camp in
different. I loved seeing the smiles and laughs of Punta Mita is awesome! It is something to remem- During our camp, what I enjoyed most were
all of them having fun. That day ,we also saw a lot ber and to wait for if you haven’t gone yet. the boat trips, because each trip was a relaxing
of whales. Afterwards, we had our class woodfire, experience where you could just enjoy everything
we all spent time together having fun and chill- First of all, you can spend all the time you want around you: the wind, the sunrise, the sunset, and
ing. The last day, we got on the boats at sunrise. with your friends. The purpose of the whole camp all the animals around you. It was also enjoyable
We saw a beautiful landscape as the sun came out. is take photos of animals and other topics that each because you could be with some of your friends
When we returned, we had time to get our luggage one of us selects. So while given time to take photos, and while you waited for animals to jump or get
ready to go back home.  one can also socialize. You are also given free time to near the boat you could talk. 
do anything you want at the beach. So you can play,
To wrap up, I would definitely say that this talk, swim, or basically anything you want. There In conclusion, I will never forget this trip to Pun-
camp was the best trip I could ever make with all are also some recreational activities such as paddle ta Mita: all the special moments I experienced with
my friends, except for the food and the hotel. I had boarding and zip-lining, which are a lot of fun.  my friends and all the fun I had during the different
a lot of fun with all my classmates and friends; and activities. If you haven’t gone on this camp, I assure
I would definitely want to return right now and re- The whole point of the camp is to watch whales you it is a trip you should aspire to take, because
peat all the beautiful moments we spent together! and to photograph them, but that's not the only thing you’ll make memories that you will always treasure.
you can see. Although the whales were the main at-
Sophomore Joya Jeitani Abdallah  traction during our trip because of how many there Sophomore Otoniel Ochoa

F or starters, this camp was one of the best ex-

periences of my life! I had the opportunity to
watch whales jump and observe them for hours
they are quite different, since they are the largest
animals in the world.
Finally, the last few days, we had the oppor-
tunity to see the sunrise and sunset. We went to
a school to be with some children and to interact
and hours. It’s a most exciting feeling while you're So, it is a unique camp that is very worthwhile. with them. We did many activities with them, from
waiting for the whales to jump. Besides, spending Although the hotel is not the best, the experience making bracelets to playing Hide and Seek. After-
time with my friends was such a thrill; to be able is worth it. As the days went by, we learned new wards, we went back to the boat, but the tide was
to get to know them even better and to laugh with things from our friends and those around us. The very strong. So, we weren’t able see many whales,
them simply felt great!  first day at camp, we arrived from the airport and but we got to see dolphins in a herd jumping!
then we didn't change to go take some pictures for
Apart from that, I also had the opportunity to our photo project. We watched the sunset, and we To conclude, this camp was an unforgettable
see sharks and turtles. It was very interesting be- went to the sea and the pool. The second day, we experience for me and many more. I loved having
cause it is not very common to see them there. On had breakfast and went to the beach and got on gone and having had the opportunity to be with
the other hand, the whales are huge but extreme- the boats to see the whales and to wait for them my friends watching whales jump. Mexico has in-
ly intelligent marine animals that are capable of to jump. Unfortunately, it was not my turn to see credible places that everyone should know.
much. If we observe them well, we can see that the whales jump that day, but some of my friends
they have similar trait to other marine animals; yet were luckier. Sophomore Renata Herrera
My School Camp
L ast week was my generation’s camp. We went
on a trip to Punta de Mita in Nayarit. As every
other school camp it was amazing. We had many
A fter 5 months of anxiously waiting, the trip to
Punta Mita was finally here. Apart from the
stress of packing (throwing all my belongings into a
fun activities with our friends and classmates. suitcase), racing through the streets to try and get to
Some of my favorite activities were paddle surf, the airport on time, and lugging around a huge cam-
the zip lines, seeing many different types of wild- era; the trip was every bit as magical as we expected.
life and the campfire.
Despite having thought of this trip for months,
First of all, the main goal of going to that beach I had mostly thought it would consist of my best
was to take photos of the whales that migrate each friends, whales, and me. However, I hadn’t realized
year to Mexicans coasts. Every day we went either the opportunities I would be granted to connect
early in the morning (around 6:30 AM) or on the af- with other people. Whether it was on the boat, on
ternoon (around 5 PM) on trips to try and take good the ziplines, or an unlikely coincidence regarding
photos of these animals. Whales weren’t the only the seating at the lunch table, I was able to open
sights we could photograph. I also photographed up to so many new friends as well as make more
lively dolphins jumping out of the water, as well as amazing memories with the ones I already had.
the glorious sunsets and sunrises of Punta de Mita.
Whether it was an extravagant jump you saw, the
Moreover, I am an animal lover. I love every tail, or merely the tip of a fin, the excitement was all
single animal, no matter if it’s a spider or a bird. the same when you saw a whale. Being in the presence
They all give me the chills if I watch them in front of such majestic creatures was rather overwhelming,
of me. That is why I loved to have the opportunity and it only got better with every snap of the camera.
to see some bizarre sea creatures during the trip. I
was able to see amazing animals like: the sea spi- Finally, one of the best parts of the trip was being
ders, sea urchins, fireworms, sea cucumbers, and able to explore and get to know a different part of our
giant hermit crabs. Besides, in the zip lines they country. As someone who comes from Spain, the little
had a baby crocodile named Molochon. I was able stores in the corners and hats the locals wear, thrilled
to feed him. Here is a picture of baby Molochon. me. I especially had a good feeling when we went to
do social service with the kids at a school, where I
During our last night in Punta Mita, the whole could connect with kids with a completely different
generation made a campfire at the beach. The upbringing and culture than me. Despite me being
campfire was pretty small but the atmosphere was For the future generations who’ll come to this older, they were the ones who taught me much.
amazing! Everybody was either dancing or chill- camp, I can tell you it’s really one of the best ex-
ing with friends. It was a very special or romantic periences you can have with your friends. It real- In conclusion, this trip is a wonderful opportunity
moment, if your girlfriend was there. What I liked ly has been one of my best trips ever; and it was for students to connect with new people and with na-
the most were the smooth music, the sound of the even better because I was able to share it with my ture, exploring the amazing. I will never forget those
waves at the beach, as well as the night sky. Since friends! 5 days. I’ll carry them with me for the rest of my life.
there is very little air pollution in Punta de Mita,
the sky was beautiful! Sophomore Santiago Fernandez Mazón Sophomore Victoria Fernandez de Araoz

Conspiracy Theories:
Moon landing, 9/11 terror attacks and Area 51
C onspiracy theories are a series of assumptions
about what cannot be explained historically
or scientifically. However, conspiracy theories are
physicist Steven E. Jones, architect Richard Gage,
software engineer Jim Hoffman, and theologian
David Ray. In fact, there was melted steel in the in-
there. After such statements, it is clear that the con-
spiracy theories go way further than what we think.

an alternative to explain difficult situations in an cident: jet fuel burns at 800ºC to 1500º C and steel The moon landing, the 9/11 terror attacks and the
interesting and fun way. Conspiracy theories have melts at 2750º C, indicating that it was a demolition. Area 51 are conspiracy theories that are another alter-
gained popularity in the 20th and 21st century For instance, before the attack, United and American native to explaining things we can't explain or seem
among people, causing a long list of different con- Airlines had an uneasily ratio of calls. So, if the US impossible. These theories are the best examples of
spiracies to exist. The moon landing, the 9/11 ter- government could lie about the death of thousands how people suppose things all the time and are the best
ror attacks, and the Area 51 are conspiracy theories of people, what could they not do? at making up things. Therefore, we don't know if these
that are popular and interesting. These three the- conspiracy theories can one day turn out to be true.
ories are the most popular ones and many people Lastly, the alien conspiracy theories: people
believe them but, are they true or only theories? state that the US government is keeping aliens that Sources:
have been found in the Area 51. In fact, there was https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49568127
First, the moon landing could have been a con- a crash in New Mexico in 1947 and the government https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/a6384/de-
spiracy made by the US government to be the first said there were no aliens and it was a weather bal- bunking-911-myths-world-trade-center/
country to fly to the moon instead of Russia. Many loon; however, witnesses claim to have seen UFOs https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/jul/10/
people are convinced of that, because they have near the site. Another example is that, in 1989, Rob- one-giant-lie-why-so-many-people-still-think-the-moon-
found different proves.One of them is the video trans- ert Lazar claimed that he had worked on alien tech- landings-were-faked
mission they streamed live on TV. For example, in the nology in Area 51 and said he had seen photographs
video there are no stars, also the crater in the back of aliens and that the government examined UFOs Junior Chloe Ebright
doesn't show any blast and the shadows in the video
are strange. Apart from that, according to NASA em-
ployee Bill Kayoing, the technology that NASA had at
that time was not advanced or powerful enough to go
to the moon and back to Earth. Additionally, 20% of
Americans believe that the moon landing is actually
fake. In this case, is the moon landing of 1969 a com-
plete big lie to win over Soviet propaganda?

Under those circumstances, the 9/11 terror at-

tacks conspiracy theory says that the twin towers,
the pentagon, and the World Trade Center were a
controlled demolition by the government. Likewise
and for example, architects and engineers from
9/11 agree that this “incident” was planned because
an airplane doesn't have the force to demolish a
building (WTC), such as Brigham Young University
Watch “Sex Education”: a Netflix’s
work of art while quarantined
L ast year, in 2019, Netflix launched a new En-
glish TV series called Sex Education. As a first
impression, people tend to think it consists of a
know yet, it is completely okay, and there’s no rea-
son to hide it. Another incredible lesson is that saying
NO is okay! Whether it's with your partner, parents,
typical teenage drama; nevertheless, it is the com- or friends, you should understand that expressing
plete opposite. Yes, the plot is basically about a boy
in high school who discovers his sexuality along
the way and falls in love with a girl. However, it
that you are unhappy or uncomfortable with a sit-
uation can lead you to self-improvement and even
have a stronger and more honest relationship with
What to do while
is not just an entertaining series, it also provides
positive messages about identity and other valu-
that person. Talking about relationships, the show
demonstrates that best friends should always come quarantined
able life lessons. That is the reason why it became first, even if a current love interest can get in the
so popular. It is definitely one of the best and most
powerful TV series streaming today.
way. Best friends are always there, no matter what.
In addition, it is important while growing up and
maturing to start taking responsibility as the main
T he CoVid-19 pandemic is in the tip of every-
one’s tongue. It doesn’t matter if some presi-
dents do the right thing or not: this is a problem
The incredible characters within the story are character Otis does at the end. Even if it is hard and that concerns every human being on the planet.
young, curious, and still finding their feet. Through- takes a lot of effort, he finds the best way to act and What is recommended during this critical time, is
out this journey, they experiment, discover, and be responsible for his actions, like he did when he de- to be quarantined. These days of isolation can’t
learn a bunch of things every adult wishes they had fended his mom in front of the whole school, which be considered as vacations: the only difference
learned when they were young too. Some of the most is something considered embarrassing for a teenager. between now and before, is that work is being
valuable lessons the viewer can take from the series Talking about parents, the series shows you that they done from home. Here are some things you can do
are the next ones. First of all, sexual identity. The are people too! The characters seem to forget that (apart from work), while quarantined:
show encourages teenagers to explore one’s sexual their mothers and fathers also have emotional con-
identity and not be afraid to embrace who you are. flicts. Many teenagers don’t seem to have any respect 1. Read. It doesn’t matter if you read one or
Rather if you’re gay, bisexual, pansexual, or you don’t for their parents’ opinions or decisions. To grow we one hundred books this time, but definitely
must understand that we are all humans with flaws read. Literature is the ultimate source of en-
and problems, including our parents. Lastly, as the tertainment, acquirement of knowledge, and
name itself, the show tells you to educate yourself. self-growth. Humans have being reading for
Even if it seems obvious, you should always keep an centuries. Reading a good book can open your
interest in educating yourself, both emotionally and eyes and create a new perspective of life. Con-
sexually. This way, you will be able to understand sider reading books like “To Kill a Mocking-
yourself and your friends as well. bird” by Harper Lee or “A Tale of Two Cities”
by Charles Dickens.
Sex education is a fascinating TV show that ev- 2. Watch movies. Films are the definition of mod-
eryone should watch, specially teenagers. It is a funny ern-day entertainment, and can be an incred-
and entertaining way of learning new valuable lessons ible pastime while quarantined. It’s amazing
that will help every adolescent as they grow up and what people have achieved in a two-hour plot.
face new obstacles in life. Sex education is fun, don’t be Films can be also eye-opening, as some of
afraid to learn and discover new things about yourself! them have marked an era. Some recommen-
dations are: “Cinema Paradiso”, “Scent of a
Source: woman” or “Pulp Fiction”.
https://screenrant.com/sex-education-important-lessons- 3. Exercise. Even though some gyms are closed
wish-learned-young-age-netflix-series/ due to the pandemic, you are not exempt of
exercising. Consider doing home-routines,
Junior Alexa Mondragón 4020 which are good for you and don’t expose your-
self to any danger. Exercising is constructive
for both your mental and physical health: per-
fect during this world crisis.

Read while quarantined! As I’ve explained above, there are a lot of

things to do while quarantined. It is important
to self-quarantine, so that the number of infect-

O K, so a lot of people hate reading, and if you

are reading this then you might not be one
of them. I know it sucks when you are forced to
become a part of your life, you form connections
with them and you feel what they do. 
Reading is the ability to be someone else and
ed people does not go up any more. So, read a
book, watch a movie and exercise, so you won’t
go mad during quarantine, without being a
read or having to read things you don’t like, and feel better about yourself. To find a place where couch potato!
doing it on a short time period just for a grade. I you truly belong. So get up and find your book, it
know: “been there done that,” but we all just focus won’t be easy and it’ll take a while; but the min- Junior Santiago Gómez Pein
on that part of reading. However, imagine actual- ute you find it you can’t stop, and you don’t want
ly reading because you want to. Sounds dreadful to stop. Get up and read, or do you fear who you
doesn’t it? Yet, what if I told you a good book can could be?
save you? You’ll probably ask: “How?” or say that
there are other things that can save you like TV or Sophomore Fernanda Anzures Desquens
video games, or you just don’t need to be saved
from anything; but what if you do? 
Reading has become a responsibility. We do
it because we have to, not because we want to.
This is why we hate reading, but also because we
haven’t found our book. We are never pushed to
find the gender we like or the style of writing we’re
attracted to, nor the authors we like or dislike. We
never get the chance to be transported to a differ-
ent world. Sounds cheesy, right? It might be, but
it’s true. 
Reading allows you to do and be everything
you can’t. It takes you to a world no one has been The book observes from the shelve.
before, where you aren’t judged. Reading saves He awaits for his chance.
you from reality, a reality that’s killing us slowly. He’s looking straight at you.
It’s like disconnecting from the world and those He knows you want to grab him.
around you. The images you can create in your He’s full of interesting stories,
head, the experiences you live without even mov- where you could explore
ing, they save you from all the demons that chase the future, the past,
you. It’s a little heaven inside your mind. One you the mythical stories, and
can take everywhere with you and disappear in it the amazing characters!
whenever. One where you can identify and take He’s waiting for you to grab him and start reading.
part in it, where you don’t suffer at all, and if you
do suffer, you suffer with the characters. They Sophomore Juan Pablo Meade Corona
Have some fun while quarantined:

Which god or goddess are you?

Juniors Natalia Barreda and Ana Paola Reyes

☛ God of the underworld
☛ God of gods ☛ Sometimes you’re mean
☛ Tend to be arrogant ☛ Sometimes you feel
☛ Everyone likes you underestimated but you’re
☛ Extroverted actually quite powerful
☛ Strong ☛ Sometimes you’re
☛ You control the lob-
sters after they die

☛ Goddess of love
☛ God of the seas ☛ You’re very charming
☛ You can be really funny ☛ You always get your way
☛ You control the lobsters ☛ Kind and peaceful

☛ Goddess of the hunt ☛ Goddess of wisdom
☛ You’re quite wild ☛ You’re strategic
☛ You’re brave ☛ You’re logic
☛ Spontaneous ☛ You’re just
☛ You control when the ☛ You probably like math
lobsters die ☛ You are pretty skilled

Read while quarantined!

R eading can be very tedious and boring at
times, but when you find the right book, read-
How to play “The Game”
while quarantined
ing can be a wonderful experience. At school we
are compelled to read books we don ́t like or that
can be hard to find interesting; but when you look
for certain elements, reading can be enjoyable. A
great element to look for when you ́re reading a
book can be the different situations the main char-
acter may be going through and how it relates to
your daily life. I find that this is a great element to
T he Game is a psychological game that requires
you to forget that you are playing The Game.
Once you are reminded that you are playing The
find when you’re reading because: Game, you have lost The Game and must start
again. Everyone who knows about The Game is
a) you’re getting involved in what you’re reading, and playing The Game, it does not require consent, no
b) you’re getting a new perspective of the situation.  one can refuse to play The Game. So welcome to
The Game. Here are the rules: 
By getting involved with the story you’re read- 1. Now that you know about The Game you
ing, you can find a new interest to discover aspects must play.
of your personality you never knew you had. An- 2. If you think about The Game, you lose.
other important element to look for when you’re 3. Losses must be announced.
reading a book can be controversial topics or how 4. The Game will end when the Prime Minister
the author decides to handle certain controversial of the United Kingdom announces that The Game
topics. This can create debates among your friends is up. 
and classmates when discussing a book, this way
you can also learn about how people see topics and Good luck.
explore how your classroom perceives these topics.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Game_
Lastly, you should be interested in reading be- (mind_game)
cause it can help you gain more knowledge and
reading allows you to explore worlds you’ve never Sophomores Wilbert Arcila,
even imagined before. It also allows you to enjoy Rafael Cornu & Patricio Maldonado
the themes you love the most like romance, come-
dy, drama and more! 

Junior Roberta Suárez

Veux tu me connaître un peu ? Alors, je t'écris cette lettre. La vérité, tu peux t’ennuyer.
Alors lis si tu veux, mais je ne suis pas une personne très intéressante, à vrai dire.

Je m'appelle Sofía Aragón, je vais au collège. Voilà les choses générales : J'ai 14
ans. Mon anniversaire est le 19 janvier. La vérité c’est que mon anniversaire ne me
enthousiasme pas beaucoup. J'aime me souvenir de lui et le fêter, mais je m'en fiche
un peu. C'est comme un jour de plus.

Je vis avec ma mère, qui est très gentille et rousse (Karina / Ma), ma sœur, qui est
aussi rousse et un peu exaspérante (Regina); et ma grand-mère, très affectueuse
(Mercedes / Abu). Je ne suis pas rousse, mais j'aime mes cheveux.

J’ai 3 chiens : Lulú (French poodle, 13 ans), Lila (adoptée, 9 ans), et Leia, (adoptée,
Cher ami, comment vas-tu?
3 ans). Je les aime ! Je vais très bien. J'ai découvert que tu habites au Canada et que tu es canadien.
Je vais te parler du Mexique: le Mexique est un endroit très agréable et c'est très
J'aime mon école. Mon cours préféré c’est la biologie. Je la trouve très intéressante chouette à visiter, car il y a de la nourriture de chaque région : il y a des tacos,
et très facile à comprendre. Le cours que je déteste le plus c’est la formation civique des pains différents, des soupes, des choses épicées et des choses sucrées. La cuisine
et éthique. Je le trouve très lourd et les cours sont très longs. mexicaine traditionnelle est les Tacos, les tamales, le maïs, le pain de morts, les
tripes, le pozole, etc.
J'adore lire pendant mon temps libre et regarder Netflix. J'adore les séries, les films
et les livres intenses. J’aime les animés, ils sont meilleurs que les séries de Netflix. Nous avons beaucoup de choses à faire au Mexique, par exemple, aller dans des
Je n'aime pas ni les histoires romantiques ni les drames. Ils sont très ennuyeux. musées comme le musée d'art moderne, aller à l’avenue de la Réforme qui est
J'aime les histoires qui intriguent, quelque chose d'intense, quelque chose comme où l'ange de l'indépendance se trouve. Si tu veux t’amuser, tu dois aller à Six
une bataille ou un meurtre. Drapeaux.

La vérité, ma vie elle-même n'est pas intéressante, mais ça va. C'est bien ce que je te recommande de faire au Mexique, je dois y aller. Au revoir
et bonne vie.
Au revoir, sois heureux/heureuse. :)
Écris-moi !
Sofía Aragón 1ère année Andrea Martinez 1ère année

Je m’appelle Luciana. J’aime le choco- Je m’appelle Andrés. J’aime le choco- Je m’ appelle Aranza. J’aime la gym- Je m’appelle Juan Emilio. J’adore le
lat. J’adore ma famille. Je déteste le rap.  lat. J’adore les films.  Je n’aime pas les nastique. J’adore les sports . Je n’aime football. J’aime ma famille. J’habite
Je habite avec ma mère et mon père. J’ai 0 légumes. Je déteste la cuisine chinoise. pas le devoir. Je déteste les examens. avec mes parents. J’ai 1 frère et 1 sœur.
frères et 2 sœurs. Je n’ai pas de mascotte. J’habite avec mes parents. J’ai 1sœur. J’habite avec ma mère et mon père. J’ai Je n’ai pas des mascottes. Je me réveille
Je me réveille à 6h. Je me douche à J’ai un chat. 1 frère. Je n’ ai pas de mascotte. et je me douche à 5h. J’aime beaucoup
20h. Je ne prends pas de petit déjeuner. Je me réveille à 5 heures du matin. Je Je me réveille à 5h30 et je me douche. le sport. Je déteste l’art. Après l’école, je
Je vais au collège, mon père m’amène ne me douche pas le matin. Je prends Je prends le petit déjeuner. Je prends fais du foot. Je dîne à 9h. 
au collège. J’aime beaucoup mes co- le petit déjeuner. Je prends du lait, un des céréales. J’aime beaucoup le sport.
pains et copines. Je déteste l’art. Après œuf et une banane. Je vais au collège Je déteste la géographie et les maths. Écris-moi !
l’école, je fais de la gymnastique. en bus scolaire. J’aime beaucoup le Après l’école, je fais de la gymnastique, Juan Emilio García Valdecasas
Le weekend je vais à Cocoyoc et je me sport. Je déteste les maths. Pendant la du foot et du piano. Je dîne à 21h30. 1ère année
réveille à 10h. récré je mange des fruits, de l’eau, et Je regarde Netflix. J’aime bien Strang-
des céréales. Je bavarde avec mes amis. er Things et Riverdale.
Écris-moi ! J’aime la cuisine japonaise! Après je fais Pendant le weekend, je vais chez mes Je m’appelle Manuel. J’aime le basket. Je
Lucina Escamilla 1ère année de la natation. Je dîne à 8h. Je regarde grands-parents. Je me réveille à 9 h. déteste les maths. J’habite à Mexico. J’ai
Netflix. J’aime bien les animaux. Je vais une sœur. J’ai un chien. J’ai cours de bas-
au lit à 9h30. Je m’endors à 9h45. Écris-moi ! ketball l'après-midi après l'école. J'écoute
Je m’appelle Iñaki. J’aime les chiens. Aranza Espinosa beaucoup de musique mais, en général
J’adore les football. Je n’aime pas les Pendant le week-end, je vais à la mai- du rap et reggaeton. Dans quelques an-
chats. Je déteste les examens. J’habite son de mon grand-père. nées, quand j'aurai 15 ans, j'irai étudier
avec ma famille. J’ai un frère et une Je m’ appelle Renata Lejarza. J'aime à Los Angeles pour entrer dans l'équipe
sœur. J’ai un chien.  À bientôt, vraiment la natation mais j'aime courir de basket de mon école puisque, pour le
Je me réveille à 5h55 et je me douche. Andrés Espíndola 1ère année à l'extérieur. Je n'aime pas la citrouille moment, je joue dans les Capitaines de
Je prends le petit déjeuner. Je prends du et je déteste le cours d'histoire. Je vis à Mexico qui est l'équipe de ma ville. Ma
lait, un œuf et du jus d’orange. J’aime Mexico et j'ai 1 frère et 2 chiens. Je joue nourriture préférée est l’italienne, sûr
beaucoup le sport et déteste les maths. beaucoup avec mes deux chiens. L'été tout la pizza et les pâtes. J'aime jouer
Après l’école, je fais du foot. Je dîne un Je m’appelle Paula. J’aime la pizza. je vais aller au Québec parce que mon nba2k dans mon temps libre. Je me lève
sandwich à 19h. J’aime Harry Potter. J’adore le chocolat. Je n’aime pas les frère va y étudier. Mon cours préférée est tôt pour aller à l'école, je me lève à 5h00.
devoirs. Je déteste la géographie. la biologie car je suis très bonne en bi- J'aime vraiment aller au club. Dans mon
À bientôt, J’habite avec ma mère. J’ai un frère. Je ologie. J'ai des problèmes d'asthme, car club, je joue au basket aussi longtemps
Iñaki Gonzalez Salcedo 1ère année n’ai pas de mascotte. mes poumons sont plus petits qu'ils ne que possible. À mon âge au Mexique, il
Je me réveille à 5 h. Je me douche le devraient être. Je vis avec ma maman est très rare de mesurer ce que je mesure
l’après-midi à 4 h. Je prends le petit dé- parce qu'elle est divorcée de mon père puisque je mesure 1,76 m à 13 ans. De
Je m’ appelle Santiago. J’aime tous les jeuner. Un œuf, du jus d’orange, et des mais moi, je veux aller vivre avec mon retour au basket, mon équipe préférée est
sports. J’adore le football américain. Je fruits. père. Je joue au volleyball même si je les Lakers de Los Angeles et mon joueur
n’aime pas le devoir. Je déteste l’école. .J’aime beaucoup le sport. Je déteste la suis très mauvais, mais j'aime ça. Je préféré est Kemba Walker des Celtics de
J’habite avec mes parents. J’ai 1 sœurs. géographie. dessine bien, j’ai joué du piano, de la Boston. Mes artistes musicaux préférés
J’ai un chien. Après l’école, je fais du volleyball. Je guitare, de la flûte et du violon mais je sont Travis Scott et Lil Uzi Vert et j'aime
Je me réveille à 5h45. Je me douche à dîne à 8 h. Je regarde Netflix. J’aime l’ai arrêté. La musique que j'écoute est beaucoup leurs chansons. J'aime vrai-
19h30. Je prends du cacao et un œuf bien Club 57. pop en espagnol et en anglais et reggae- ment m'habiller avec des choses chères
brouillé. J’aime beaucoup les sports. Je Pendant le week-end, je vais à chez mon ton. Les séries que je regarde sur Netflix mais surtout j'adore les baskets comme
déteste l’art et le français. Après l’école, père. Je me réveille à 10 h. Je vais au sont de Jolis Petits Menteurs, Perdus les Jordans et les Yeezys et c'est presque
je fais du foot. cinéma avec ma mère. dans l'Espace, et En Train de Tourner.  toujours ce que je porte.

Écris-moi ! Écris-moi ! Écris-moi, s.t.p. À bientôt,

Santiago Muzquiz 1ère année Paula Meyer 1ère année Renata Lejarza 1ère année Manuel Guerrero 1ère année
Je m’appelle Luca. J’aime les sneakers.
Je m’appelle Fernando. J’aime le soccer.
J’adore le football américain. Je n’aime J’adore les frites. Je déteste quand ça pue !
pas les devoirs. Je déteste les pommes J’ai un chat qui s’appelle Figara.
de terre. J’habite avec mes parents. J’ai Mes classes préférées sont la biologie,
1 frère. J’ai 2 chiens.  l’histoire, le sports et la technologie.
Je me réveille à 5h28 et je me douche. Je prends le petit déjeuner. Je prends
Je prends le petit déjeuner. Je prends du lait, des gaufres, des céréales, des
du cacao, un œuf, des fruits. J’aime quesadillas ou un œuf.
beaucoup le sport. Je déteste l’histoire. J’ai un frère.
Après l’école, je fais du football améric- Je nage au club.
ain. Je dîne à 20 h. Je joue Fortnite. Je Je joue des jeux vidéo et mon jeux vidéo
m’endors à 21h30.  préféré c’est Call of Duty Modern Warfare.
Pendant le week-end, je vais à l’UNAM.
À Bientôt,
À bientôt, Fernando Orduña 1ère année
Luca Loza 1ère année

Bonjour, Je m'appelle Emilia, je suis mexicaine.
Quand j'ai entendu parler du sujet de la
Je m’appelle Antoine.  j’ai 12 ans. lettre, j'étais très enthousiaste ! Je pense
J’aime dormir et j’adore jouer aux jeux que c'est une activité intéressante. J'ai Bonne année 2020! Je veux te parler richesses et des gens qui travaillent dur.
vidéo. Je n’aime pas me réveiller tôt. Je treize ans, cette année je vais avoir qua- un peu de moi. Je m’appelle Cristina. Nous commençons notre travail très tôt,
déteste l’école.  torze ans. J'ai un chien appelé "Pika", J’habite à Mexico, je suis mexicaine. à 5 heures du matin pour aller à l'école
J’ai 1 frère. J’ai 1 chien. elle n'a que 10 mois. Elle est très mi- J’aime beaucoup de choses comme faire ou au travail. Les mexicains sont des
Je vais au collège en voiture avec ma mère.  gnonne ! Je vis avec ma maman et ma la peinture, apprendre de nouvelles gens qui sont fiers de ce que nous avons
J’aime la cuisine mexicaine et l’italienne . sœur. Je vois mon père 2 fois par mois. choses, jouer, les voyages et être con- accompli, de nombreuses choses, des Os-
Je dîne à 10h30. Je me lève à 5h30 tous les jours pour al- tente. J’adore le danse, et ma famille. cars, des Jeux Olympiques et aussi notre
Belle soirée, soir ou jour. ler à l'école, puisque nous commençons Je n’aime pas me réveiller tôt, mais je nourriture est délicieuse. Si un jour tu
à 7h00. Après l'école je vais chez moi déteste le bullying et la guerre. Bon, as la possibilité de venir au Mexique,
Un ami du Mexique, ou, dans certains cas, je reste en cours ma famille a mon mère, mon père, allez-y, tu ne le regretteras pas. De plus,
Antonio Piccolo 1ère année de théâtre. Chez-moi, nous mangeons mon petit frère, et mon chien. Il a 1 nous avons de nombreuses vues mag-
toujours de la nourriture mexicaine, car année, il est adopté. Je danse beaucoup nifiques et une excellente cuisine.
ma mère est une bonne cuisinière, bien de danses différentes : du jazz, de la
qu'elle se consacre à l'encadrement de danse moderne, des claquettes, du bal- Bon, merci pour lire cette lettre, J'es-
Je m'appelle Katy et j'ai douze ans. Je tableaux, elle a aussi un restaurant. Un let et mon style préféré : de l’irlandais. père que tu vas bien et que tu as une
vais au baccalauréat Alexander Bain et jour, tu devrais visiter le Mexique.            Je l‘adore ! bonne semaine. Au revoir!
j'aime les pâtes. J’aime voyager aussi.     Je veux te parler un peu de mon pays,
J'ai un chien nommé Kieffer que j'aime Bonne journée ! le Mexique. Le Mexique est fantastique. Christina Gonzalez de Aragón
beaucoup et je déteste le brocoli. J’habite   Emilia Perez 1ère année J’aime mon pays. Il y a beaucoup de 1ère année
avec mon père te ma mère. J’ai 2 frères,
mon frère Galo et mon frère Bruno. J'ap-
prends à jouer au volley-ball mais je ne Je m'appelle Katy et j'ai douze ans. Je Je m’appelle Fernando. J’aime ma fa- Bonjour,
suis pas bonne, en général je ne suis pas vais au baccalauréat Alexander Bain et mille. J’adore le hockey . Je n’aime pas Je m’appelle Valeria et je
bonne aux sport, mais j'essaie. :) Cet été, j'aime les pâtes. J’aime voyager aussi. les examens. Je déteste le brocoli. suis au collège. J’ai un frère de 20 ans et
j'irai à Barcelone avec mes parents et je J'ai un chien nommé Kieffer que j'aime J’habite avec mon père, ma maman et une sœur de 3 ans. J’ai un chien appelé
suis très enthousiaste. J'adore regarder beaucoup et je déteste le brocoli. J’habite mes 2 sœurs. J’ai 1 chien. flat et c’est un carlin. J’adore danser et
Netflix et ne rien faire tout l'après-mi- avec mon père te ma mère. J’ai 2 frères, Je me réveille à 5 h et je me douche. Je j’aime cuisiner. Je n’aime pas les champi-
di, parfois je suis très paresseuse et je mon frère Galo et mon frère Bruno. J'ap- prends le petit déjeuner. Je prends du lait, gnons et je déteste les fruits de mer. J’es-
n'aime pas les devoirs. prends à jouer au volley-ball mais je ne des céréales, un œuf et du jus d’orange. père que nous parlerons bientôt.
suis pas bonne, en général je ne suis pas J’aime beaucoup ma famille. Je déteste le
Cordialement, . bonne aux sport, mais j'essaie. :) Cet été, math. J’aime la cuisine italienne ! Salut!
Katya Marquez 1ère année j'irai à Barcelone avec mes parents et je Je dîne à 8 h. Je regarde Netflix. Valeria Vargas 1ère année
suis très enthousiaste. J'adore regarder Pendant le weekend, je me réveille tard.
Netflix et ne rien faire tout l'après-mi-
di, parfois je suis très paresseuse et je Écris-moi ! Comment ça va? Je m’appelle Paula
n'aime pas les devoirs. Fernando Silva1ère année Bákula et j’ai quatorze ans. Je suis née
le quinze mars, et je suis mexicaine.
Cordialement, . J’habite à Mexico, et c'est très pollué ici. 
Katya Marquez 1ère année Je m'appelle Nicole. Je déteste qu'on ne J’habite avec mon frère, ma sœur, mon
m'écoute pas. Je vis avec ma mère et ma père et ma mère. Mon frère s’appelle
sœur. Je n'ai qu'une sœur et c'est super cool. Juan et a douze ans, ma sœur s’appelle
Comment ça va ? Je m’appelle Dan- J'ai un petit chien de compagnie blanc. Je Inés et a huit ans, mon père s’appelle Mi-
iela. Le 14 décembre, j’ai eu 15 ans. ne suis allé au Canada qu'une seule fois guel, et ma mère s’appelle Valeria.
Pour mon anniversaire, j’ai voyagé en parce que mon cousin est allé étudier là- J’ai deux chiens appelés Tomás et Chucho.
croisière aux Caraïbes. Je suis mex- bas. Je suis aussi allé à Paris, en France, Tomás c'est un chihuahua marron avec
icaine et j’habite à Mexico. Mexique une fois. J'aime jouer au foot et la danse. du blanc. Et Chucho est un bouledogue
est incroyable. Le Mexique a une très La série que je regarde sur Netflix c’est Gos- blanc. Les deux chiens ne s'entendent pas.
riche nourriture et il y a de la couleur sip Girl. J'ai six meilleurs amis et jusqu'au J’aime le théâtre musical, et cette année,
partout. J’habite avec ma mère qui présent, je n'ai pas de petit ami. Je suis je participe à la pièce musicale de l'école.
s’appelle Marcela, mon petit chien qui l'une des plus petits mais parce que je suis La pièce s'appelle Hadestown, et je suis
s’appelle  Barbie et mon tortue Dorothy.  aussi l'une des plus jeunes de mon groupe. un personnage appelé « Fate ». Le per-
Bonjour, J’adore la musique! J’étudie musique sonnage chante beaucoup! Et j'adore
je m'appelle Emilio et j'habite à Mexi- classique, je joue de la guitare et du pi- J'ai une amie qui vit à San Diego et elle chanter. Nous répétons toute la semaine
co. J'adore la pizza et j'adore jouer au ano. Tous les jours, je étudie deux heures me manque beaucoup. Ma classe à l'école de 2h30 à 5h00.
foot. Je n'aime pas tellement le hockey et puis, je vais dans ma classe. Il y a deux préférée c’est les mathématiques parce Je fais de la natation le mardi et le jeudi, et
et je déteste la citrouille. Je pratique le ans, j’ai participé au concours de guitare, que c'est facile pour moi et je vais très je l'aime. Parfois je vais à des compétitions. 
basket l'après-midi. J'ai un petit frère et j’ai gagné. J’étais la meilleure. Depuis bien. La seule mauvaise chose c’est que je Je joue aussi du piano, et je joue des
et je n'ai pas d'animaux. Pour aller à ce moment, je suis invitée à jouer ma me réveille à 5h30 du matin et que je n'ai chansons classiques et modernes.
l'école, je me réveille à 5h et je prends guitare dans tout le monde, par exemple: pas le temps de prendre le petit déjeun- Je déteste les légumes, l’école et la phy-
une douche. Je prends des céréales pour Puerto Rico, Minneapolis aux États Unis er ,mais pendant la récré je mange une sique, sont très ennuyeux.
le petit déjeuner et du jus d'orange tous et dans différents endroits du Mexique.    sucette. Je m'endors à 9h30 le soir mais
les jours. Tu joues un instrument? Qu’est que tu adores?  parfois j'ai du mal à m'endormir.  Toi qu'est-ce que t'aime bien faire?

Écris-moi ! A bientôt, Je voudrais savoir de toi, Au revoir!

Emilio Ramos 1ère année ton amie Daniela García 2ème année Nicole Witt 1ère année Paula Bakula 2ème année
Je m’appelle Ximena. J’aime Kpop. Bonjour,
Salut! Je m’appelle Renata. J’aime les chiens. Je m'appelle Lucia. J'aime danser et
J’adore BTS. Je ne aime pas le collège.  C’est ton amie du Mexique, Je m’ap- J’adore mes amies. Je n’aime pas les je n'aime pas les maths. J'ai un chien
J’habite avec ma mère, mon père et pelle Ana. J’aime les tacos. Je déteste les devoirs. Je déteste ne pas pouvoir faire nommé Joy. Je vis avec ma maman,
ma sœur. champignons. J’habite avec mes parents d’exercice. J’ai une sœur et un chat.  mon père et ma sœur. Je me réveille à
Je n'ai pas de cours après l’école, mais, et ma sœur. J’ai un chien il y a 8 ans. J’aime beaucoup les maths. Je déteste la cinq heures du matin pour aller à l'école
je voudrais danser. Je fais mes devoirs, Je ne prends pas le petit déjeuner, parce physique. Après l’école, je fais du foot. “Bachillerato Alexander Bain”, le cours
j'en a beaucoup ! que je n’ai pas le temps. J’aime beaucoup que je déteste est la physique et j'aime
Samedi, j'ai cours de français, après, je la biologie. Je déteste les mathématiques. Au revoir, beaucoup l'anglais. L'après-midi je
sors avec ma famille, nous faisons beau- Après l’école, je fais de la danse le lundi Renata Armada 2ème année prends des cours de ballet et de danse.
coup de choses. et le mercredi. Les vacances de Noël, je suis allée à New
En vacances, je vais à Acapulco, c'est Pendant le weekend, je me réveille à 10h. York et mes parents, ils m'ont donné un
une plage proche. Pendant les vacances de Noël, je suis collier et un sac. Je me réveille à neuf
allée à Mérida. Je m'appelle Constance. J'aime le hock- heures le week-end et je sors avec des
C'est tout. Bisous. Ton amie, ey, j'aime les chiens. Je n'aime pas la amis ou en famille.
Ximena Aguilar 2ème année Ana Alfaro 2ème année mangue et je déteste me lever tôt. Ici, au
Mexique, on se lève à 5h car à 7h il y Au revoir! 
a déjà beaucoup de circulation. On va Lucía Ballesteros 2ème année
à l'école de 7h  à 14h05. Nous avons
Bonjour, ça va? Pour le petit déjeuner, je prends du lait, également le dîner ici à 21h, même s'il
4 œufs, des fruits, et du cacao parfois. Je est tard pour vous, c'est tôt pour nous.
Je m’appelle Mateo et j’adore le foot. Le vais au collège en bus scolaire. Dans le Nous mangeons non seulement des ta- Je m’ appelle Paula. J’aime le vol-
lundi et le mercredi je joue avec mon bus j’écoute de la musique. J’ai 8 cours cos ou la cuisine mexicaine typique, ley-ball.  J’adore le ballet. Je n’aime pas
école dans un tournoi. Mais c’est plus par jour. Je pense que c’est trop. J’adore nous aimons aussi la cuisine italienne le basket. Je déteste le céleri. 
facile ce tournoi ; le mardi et le jeudi le français et le mathématique, mais je ou le sushi. Ma classe préféré est l'an- J’habite avec mon frère, mon père et ma
je joue dans une équipe qui s’appelle déteste la physique. glais, mais ce que j'aime le moins c'est mère.
Cordobés. Cette équipe joue très bien. En 2020, on habite à Mexico, mais les la formation civique et éthique, car elle Pour le petit déjeuner, je prends un açaí
Je crois que je suis plus content avec pires problèmes ce sont la pollution et nous gronde trop. bowl, des fruits. J’aime beaucoup l’his-
cette équipe. J’habite avec ma sœur que c’est très dangereux.  De plus, l'une de mes classes préférées toire et le sport. Je déteste les maths et
s’appelle Camille, avec mon frère que Pendant les vacances d'hiver, je suis allé est le français, bien que je trouve cela la physique. 
s’appelle Diego et avec ma maman que chez ma tante à Miami, en Floride. Là difficile. Et toi l’espagnole ? Je danse ballet 2 heures par jour sauf
s’appelle Eulalia. Je déteste l’école mais j'ai fait beaucoup de choses amusantes. le vendredi.
j’aime la cuisine et le foot. Mon père Le cadeau du père Noël ? Il m'a apporté Constanza Zurita 1ère année Pendant le week-end, je me réveille à 10h.
habite dans un petit village qui s’appelle de l'argent et des pantalons. 
Aguascalientes. J’ai un chien que s’ap- Heureusement on va s’écrire ! Je veux Au revoir!
pelle Simona, elle est Golden Retriever, avoir de tes nouvelles. Paula Bravo 2ème année
mais le problème ce que elle habite avec
mon père.  Mateo Blanes 2ème année

Je m’appelle Regina. J’aime les chiens.
Je m’appelle Rodrigo. J’aime les jeux Bonjour, J’adore mes chiens ! Je n’aime pas les
vidéo. J’adore le football américain. Je Je m’appelle Pablo. J’aime voyager. chats. Je déteste les devoirs. J’ai 2
n’aime pas le rom-coms. Je déteste les J’adore l’école. Je n’aime pas travailler sœurs. J’ai 2 chiens. 
films lents. et je déteste les bouchons de voitures. J’aime beaucoup les mathématiques. Je
J’habite avec ma mère et mon père. J’ai J’ai 1 frère et 1 sœur. déteste le sport.
un frère. J’aime beaucoup l’histoire, je déteste les
Je déteste la géographie et j’aime beau- maths. Pendant le weekend, je vais à Valle de
coup les autres classes. Pendant la récré je joue au foot avec mes Bravo. 
En vacances d’hiver, je suis allé à Dallas, copains. Après l’école, je fais du piano.
Texas. Je regarde Netflix. Je aime bien Élite. Écris-moi !
Et toi? Qu’est-ce que tu aimes? Pendant le weekend , je vais à minuit au lit. Regina Cabral 2ème année

À plus tard !  Au revoir!

Rodrigo Cano 2ème année Pablo de la Fuente 2ème année Je m’ appelle Pauline. J’aime la lecture pour aller dormir. 
et les films. Les genres que j’aime le plus Pendant le weekend, je vais au cinéma
sont la science-fiction, la comédie et le ro- et au restaurant, et toi ? 
mance. Et toi? Je déteste l’école et étudier.  J’aime beaucoup la danse et arts mar-
Je m’appelle Fatima. J’aime mes chiens Je m’appelle Bernardo. J’aime le foot- Je vis au Mexique avec mes parents et tiaux, en particulier le May Thaï et le
Carlota, Max et Winnie. J’adore mes co- ball américain et chanter. Je n’aime mes frères. Les deux sont plus âgés que MMA. J’aime aussi lire. Je déteste la
pains. Je déteste les gens toxiques. J’ai pas le football soccer. J’ai un frère, deux moi. J’ai un chien qui s’appelle Atenéa. physique, l’histoire et le français parce
une sœur et un frère.  chats, et un chien. J’aime beaucoup les C’est une chihuahua.  qu’ils sont difficiles. Qu’est-ce que tu
J’adore l’histoire. Je déteste la physique. mathématiques et la physique. Je ne dé- Après avoir fini de manger, je fais les aimes et n’aimes pas? 
Je fais de l’exercice de 17h à 19h. J’aime teste aucune classe. Pendant la récré, je devoirs deux heures par jours et dès
regarder Friends, Greys Anatomy, Gos- mange un panini. Après mon cours de que j’ai fini je m’ entraîne de 19h00 Nous nous écrivons, OK ?
sip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, The Good théâtre, je rentre chez-moi à 5 heures et à 21h00. Je me douche et je suis prêt Ana Paulina Mejía 2ème année
Place, The Brooklyn Nine Nine. Et toi ? demie de l’après-midi.

À bientôt, Écris-moi !
Fatima Eggler 2ème année Bernardo Falomir 2ème année Je m'appelle Daniela. J'habite à Je m’appelle Maria. Je vis à Mex-
Mexico et j'adore ça. Mes matières ico avec mes parents et ma sœur.
préférées sont l'anglais, la physique J'aime mon chien.  J'aime les sports.
et l'art. L'après-midi, je vais à des je n'aime pas les devoirs. Je détes-
Je m’appelle Cassandra. J’aime les Je m’appelle Regina. J’aime BTS. J’adore cours de danse aérienne qui sont te l'oignon. Je prends des cours de
chiens. J’adore mon amie Regina. Je kpop. Je n’aime pas l’école. Je déteste le comme ce qu'ils font dans les cirques. mathématiques, espagnol, français
n’aime pas l’école. J’ai un frère. J’ai une sport. J’habite avec mes parents. J’ai 1 Ma couleur préférée est le rose et et anglais entre autres mais ceux que
mascotte.  sœur. J’ai un chien.  mon animal préféré est le dauphin. j'aime le plus sont les mathématiques
J’aime beaucoup l’histoire. Je déteste les J’aime l’anglais et je déteste la géographie. J'aime aussi peindre à l'huile et je et la physique. Après le déjeuner, je
maths. Pendant la récré je mange une gla- Après le déjeuner, je fais de la danse. suis très bonne. Je n'ai ni de frère fais mes devoirs. Ma meilleure amie
ce. Après le collège, je fais du foot. J’aime ni animal de compagnie. Le week- s'appelle Ivanna et je la connais
bien passer du temps avec mes amis. Pendant le vacances de Noël, je suis restée end, je vais à Valle de Bravo pour depuis qu’on était très jeunes. Le
Pendant le week-end, je me réveille à 12h. chez-moi et mes parents m'ont donné du me promener dans la forêt et nager. mardi et le jeudi, je reste à l'école
Pendant les vacances de Noël, je suis vinyle de Pink Floyd, My Chemical Ro- Mon endroit préféré est Acapulco car pour entraîner l'athlétisme. J'ai un
allée à Acapulco. mance et Green Day. j'adore la plage. chien appelé « Patitas ».

À bientôt, Au revoir ! Ravie de te rencontrer un jour ! Écris-moi,

Cassandra Flores 2ème année Regina Flores 2ème année Daniela Hollander 2ème année Maria Patron 2ème année
Je n’appelle Hugo Mesa. J’aime les jeux Je m’appelle Sofi. Je m’appelle Emilio Saldaña Markus.
vidéo et  le tennis. Je n’aime pas les Ma couleur préférée est le violet. J’aime J’aime le karaté. J’adore le Mexique. Je
légumes. J’habite à Mexico. C'est une la musique.  J’adore danse. Je n’aime n’aime pas la chaleur. Je déteste la pluie.
très grande ville chaotique. J’habite avec pas les mensonges.  Je déteste les fausses Je suis fils unique. J’ai un chien.
mes frères et mes parents. J’ai un chien personnes. Je vais au collège à pied. J’aime beau-
nommé Canela et c’est un beagle. J’aime J’ai un frère. Mon frère est la personne coup la physique. Je déteste l’espagnol.
beaucoup le français et je déteste la phy- que j'aime le plus dans ma vie. Il est mon Pendant la récré je joué au foot. Après
sique. L'après-midi, je fais du sport ou je meilleur ami et me soutient toujours en l’école, je fais du karaté.
joue au tennis. tout. Nous ne sommes pas les frères typ-
iques qui se battent, nous nous aimons Au revoir,
Écris-moi ! vraiment. Je n’ai pas de mascotte mais Emilio Saldaña Markus 2ème année
Hugo Mesa 2ème année j'ai toujours voulu un chien husky.
J'aime la nature et tout ce qui a à voir
avec le plein air.  J'adore lire et regarder Je m’appelle Ivanna Valdés Pino. J’aime
des films. J'aime aussi la plage, la mer préparer des desserts et J'aime dessiner,
Je m’appelle Camila. J’aime les chan- et les voyages. je n'aime pas aller à l'école, mais voir
sons de Mon Laferte. J’adore écrire des La danse est tout pour moi, c'est la façon mes amis me fait aimer l’école un peu
scripts de film, des chansons, des poèmes dont j’oublie tous les pauvres que je vois, plus. Mes matières préférées sont les
et des histoires de fiction. Je n’aime pas je danse depuis que je suis petite et je mathématiques et la physique, et mes
danser sur des points du ballet. Je détes- n'ai pas l'intention d’arrêter. cours les moins préférés sont l'espagnol
te le devoir. Après l’école, je fais du ballet, de la et l'éducation physique. En une journée,
J’ai un frère qui s’appelle Max et a 10 danse contemporaine, et du jazz. Je re- j'ai huit classes à partir de 7 heures du
ans. Je n’ai pas de mascotte. garde Netflix et des vidéos sur youtube matin et jusqu’à 14 h 10.
Après ma journée normale à l'école, je de ballet. J’aime bien Flash, Pretty Little À mon retour de l'école, je peux manger à
vais au ballet, j'aime le ballet parce que Liars et Friends.  la maison avec mes deux sœurs et mes par-
mon prof ressemble à un artiste que ents. Quand j'ai fini de manger, je vais dans
j'admire beaucoup. Puis je fais les de- Ce que je fais le week-end, c'est faire de mon bureau pour faire mes devoirs, puis je Je m’appelle Ainhoa. J’aime mes amies.
voirs. Je déteste les maths. Puis je me l'exercice et passer du temps avec ma fa- vais au gymnase, puis je rentre chez moi, je J’adore la littérature. Je déteste mon
douche. Parfois j'ai le temps de voir Les mille ou avec mes amis. prends une douche et je m'endors. gouvernement.
Magiciens en Prime Video. Le week-end, je pars parfois en voyage J’ai une sœur. J’ai deux chats.
Je fais toujours des choses différentes Écris-moi, dans d'autres États du Mexique ou à la J’aime beaucoup les maths, le sport,
comme aller au cinéma, aux concerts ou Sofía Olvera 2ème année plage. Et à d'autres occasions, je reste l’art, la physique et l’anglais. Je déteste
au théâtre le week-end. pour regarder Netflix chez-moi ou jouer le français. 
Écris-moi, avec mon chien qui est un bouledogue
Camila Geyne 2ème année anglais, gris aux yeux bleus. Il a un an.  Écris-moi.
Je m’appelle Renata. J’aime mes amis. Ainhoa Chozas 2ème année
J’adore la nourriture. Je déteste l’école. C'est ma vie en quelques mots.
Je m’ appelle Mariana. J’adore “Fifth  J’ai 2 sœurs. J’ai un chien. J’aime beau- Comme est ta vie?
Harmony” . Je détesté les mathématiques.  coup l’anglais. Je déteste l’art. Je parle J'attends ta réponse...
J’ ai 1 frère. J’ai un chien. avec mes amies entre les cours et aussi Bisous ;) Bonjour,
J’aime beaucoup l’histoire. Je déteste après quand l’école finit. Je m’appelle Ana Paula. J’aime ma fa-
les maths. Ivanna Valdés Pino 2ème année mille et j’adore dessiner au crayon. Je
Je fais mes devoirs parfois.  Je vais au Au revoir!  n'aime pas les examens. Je déteste la
gym. J'aime regarder Gossip Girl, Élite et Renata Valdes  2ème année physique. J’habite avec ma famille (ma
La Casa de Papel. J'aimerais être graphiste. Je m’appelle Jaime. J’adore le football maman, mon papa et ma sœur).
Je suis allée au concert de Camila Cabel- américain et le tennis. Je n’aime pas les J’aime beaucoup l’art et le sport. Je
lo le 26 août. concombres. jouerai maintenant au tennis. C’est
J'espère que tu as une belle vie. Je m’appelle Emilia. J’aime lire et J’habite avec ma mère, mon père, et ma l'après-midi et j’arrive chez-moi à 18h.
j‘adore faire de l’ukulélé. Je n’aime pas sœur. J’ai une sœur. J’ai un chien.
Écris-moi, le bruit et je déteste la chaleur. Mes cou- J’aime les maths et le sport. Je déteste la Écris-moi.
Mariana Ramirez 2ème année leurs préférées sont le bleu et le jaune. physique et l’art.  Ana Paula Palmero 2ème année
J’habite avec mes parents et mes deux Pendant la récré je joue au volleyball et
frères plus petits que moi. Ma famille est j’achète à manger dans la cafeteria.
très importante pour moi.  Après l’école, je joue au football américain.
Je m’appelle Renata. J’aime la danse. J’aime les cours de littérature et d'art. Bonjour !
J’adore lire, je n’aime pas l’école, je déteste Je déteste les mathématiques. C'est dif- Écris-moi ! Je m’appelle Romina, j’ai quinze ans et
les mathématiques. J’habite avec mes par- ficile pour moi d'apprendre le français. Jaime Cadaval 2ème année je suis actuellement au collège. J‘habite
ents. J’ai 1 frère, j’ai 2 chiens.  Quand je m'ennuie en classe j’ai les meil- à Mexico, au Mexique et j’adore vivre ici.
J’aime beaucoup l’anglais. Je déteste la leures idées et je dessin. Après l’école, je J’habite avec ma mère, et j’ai deux
physique. Pendant la récré je joue au foot fais mes devoirs et du ballet. Bonjour, Je m’appelle Aranza. Je suis mex- chiens qui s’appellent Laika et Luca.
et je bavarde avec mes amis. J’ai une cousine que j’aime beaucoup. icaine. J’ ai 16 ans. J’habite au Mexique à Une des choses que j’aime faire le plus c’est
Après l’école, je fais de la danse et du piano. Elle est ma meilleure amie. Nous fais- Mexico. J’ai un frère. Il s’appelle Sébastien. d’aller au cinéma le week-end et manger
ons tout ensemble et nous nous ra- Je vais au cinéma toutes les semaines et je dans un restaurant avec ma famille.
Au revoir ! contons des secrets. Nous aimons lire joue de la guitare. Mon sport préféré c’est J’aime aussi m’entraîner et faire du vélo.
Renata González Camarena Percy Jackson, Maze Runner et Bloom. la natation. Je vais nager tous les jours J’adore la crème glacée et les tacos.  Si
Seifer 2ème année J’aime l’anime et j’essayerai de t’aimer de la semaine sauf le lundi. Mon animal un jour tu viens au Mexique, tu dois
bien aussi.  préféré c’est le chien. J'ai deux chiens, l'un goûter la nourriture, c’est délicieuse.
J’aime les séries comme My Hero Ac- s'appelle Pach et l'autre c’est Luneta. Ma Comment t'appelles-tu? Qu’est-ce que tu
ademia, Black Butler’ Death Note, couleur préférée, c’est le rouge, presque aimes faire ? Parlez-moi de toi.
Violet Evergarden et Friends. Pen- tous mes vêtements sont de cette couleur.
dant mon temps libre, j’aime jouer Bisous, À bientôt,
de l’ukulélé, lire, et dessiner. En fait, Aranza Rodríguez 3ème année Romina Gameros 3 ème année
quand je serai grande, je veux travail-
ler pour Disney Pixar. J’ai commencé
à vouloir devenir animateur depuis Special thanks to everyone who helped 
que j’ai regardé les vidéos de Jaiden and contributed to making the last edition
Animations. J’aime la musique de of The Dragon!
Cavetown, Mxmtoon, Green Day, Ed The pandemic might seem overwhelming,
Sheeran, Chloe Moriondo, The Cure et but every one of us can help slow down the
Girl in Red.   spread of COVID-19. Social distancing and
self-quarantine are key. By doing your part,
Réponds-moi s’il te plaît! you can make a huge difference to your
À bientôt! health and that of those around you.
So, stay safe!
Emilia Jiménez 2ème année Our best wishes to you all!

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