General Instructions:: Retest SESSION (2018-19) Class: Xi Subject: Physics M.M.: 50 Time: 2 Hrs

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SESSION (2018-19)
M.M.: 50 TIME: 2 HRS.
General Instructions:
i) All questions are compulsory.
ii) Q1 to Q5 carry one mark each, Q6 to Q12 carry 2 marks each, Q13 to Q24 carry 3 marks
each, Q25 to Q27 carry 5 marks each.
iii) Use of calculator is not allowed. Use log tables if necessary.

Q1. Why does a cricket player lower his hands while catching a ball? [1]
Q2. Give dimensions of [1]
a. Rotational Kinetic energy
b. Strain
Q3. Two vectors A and B are directed along y-axis and z-axis respectively. What is the [1]
direction of the vector (B X A)?
Q4. Define coefficient of restitution or coefficient of resilience. [1]
Q5. The acceleration- time graph for a body is shown in the given figure. Plot the [2]
corresponding velocity-time graph.

Q6. A ball is dropped vertically from rest at a height of 12 m. After striking the ground, it [2]
bounces to a height of 9 m. What fraction of kinetic energy does it loose on striking the
Q7. The length of the rod as measured in an experiment was found to be 3.23 m, 3.25 m, [2]
3.27 m and 3.22. Find the absolute error.
Q8. The change in the value of g at a height h above the Earth is same as at a depth d below [2]
it. If h and d are compared to the radius of the earth. What is the ratio (h/d)?
Q9. The kinetic energy of a body is increased by 21%. What is the percentage increase in [2]
the linear momentum of the body?
Explain that gravitational force is a conservative force.
Q10. Three particles of mass m are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle. Find the [2]
position of centre of mass in terms of coordinates.
Q11. State perpendicular axis theorem. What is the moment of inertia of a ring of mass 2 kg [3]
and radius 0.5m about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its plane?
Also find moment of inertia about a parallel axis through its edge.
Q12. A particle executes SHM according to the equation x= A sin ωt. Draw graphs to [3]
represent the displacement, velocity and acceleration of the particle.
Q13. Two resistors of resistances R1 = 100 ± 3 ohm and R2 = 200 ± 4 ohm are connected (a) [3]
in series, (b) in parallel. Find the equivalent resistance of the (a) series combination, (b)
1 1 1
parallel combination. Use for (a) the relation R=R 1+ R 2, and for (b) ' = + and
R R1 R2
∆ R' ∆ R 1 ∆ R2
= 2 + 2 .
R' 2 R1 R2
Convert 1Kilojoule (KJ) into a system whose fundamental units are 1gm, 1min & 1
Q14. State and explain the Kepler’s Laws of Gravitation. [3]
Q15. A body is dropped from a height of 100m and simultaneously another body is thrown [3]
up with a speed of 25m/s. Find when & where the two bodies will meet?
Q16. What is the geometrical meaning of angular momentum? Explain with the diagram in [3]
Q17. Calculate the recoil velocity V of the gun of mass M when a bullet of mass m is fired [3]
with a horizontal velocity v.
Q18. State and prove Work-energy theorem. [3]
Q19. A body starts accelerating uniformly with acceleration ‘a’ with initial velocity ‘u’ and [5]
travels in a straight line. Derive an equation for the distance covered by it in n th second
of its motion.
Two identical springs each of force constant K are connected in (a) series (b) parallel,
so that they support a mass m. Find the ratio of the time periods of the mass in the two
Q20. Prove that in an elastic one-dimensional collision between two bodies, the relative [5]
velocity of approach before collision is equal to the relative velocity of separation after
the collision. Hence derive expressions for the velocities of the two bodies in terms of
their initial velocities before collision.

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