Implication of Motivational Theories at Tesco

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Implication of Motivation Theories

Implication of motivational theories at Tesco:

Tesco was started in 1919 by, Jack Cohen, who was stall food salesman in
London. TESCO has been formed with merger with T.E. Stockwell, from whom
he bought the tea for sale stall. The first store opened in 1929. Since that time,
Tesco expanded worldwide. Currently, more than 2200 stores, including
supermarkets, Tesco Express to differentiate between the needs of customers.
Being a conglomerate store, Tesco also offer alternative products and services
insurance, banking and shopping online. A net profit around £ 3.4 billion has
made Tesco to become the largest British retail and one of the leading retail
locations around the world on three continents. Tesco growth has led to the
world and its number of employment has grown more than 468,000.
Tesco has opened the importance of trust and creating respect. It was found that
the assessment staff who finds objective and interesting environment for their
work, increase employee motivation. In Tesco motivated member staff work in
partnership with others to achieve individual and team goals, which results in
the employee focuses on customers, to treat people fairly and are determined
and dedicated to receive feedback from others.
Implication of Abraham Maslow theory:
Abraham Maslow claimed that people are motivated by five basic needs. He has
a pyramid to demonstrate these requirements what he calls a "hierarchy of
needs": The Pyramid bottom shows basic needs, those that motivate people to
work - food and shelter. Once those needs are met through paid to persons who
safety and security through, for example, good working conditions. Social needs
refer to the need to belong, to be part of the group. Self-esteem as a result of
promotion. Right at the top Self fulfillment - The field of creativity, concerns
and interests. Maslow suggested that achieving one prompts us to achieve the

Basic and Physical Needs:

Working place, continuous monthly pay, lockers to keep personal belongings
may be included in this category.
Security Needs:
Tesco has introduced for employees formal contracts, pension schemes, and
also an option to join a union which gives the employees a sense of belonging.
It also ensures safety and health inside a working place.

Social Needs:
Tesco promotes the concept of team working at different levels; it assesses
group work and individual work enabling the staff to work as a team. All of this
encourages long service.

Tesco gives importance to self respect and also to the respect of others , the self
respect assessments ,360 feedback systems and appraisal systems are able to
help to recognize employee individual contribution and also able to celebrate

It also offers recognition of skills, various development plans talent promotion
opportunity and also programme for career progression. Which are feed into
talent meeting plans. The fast-track management programme is able to provide a
route for the staff which are capable to reach high levels.

Implication of Frederick Herzberg theory:

Frederick Herzberg (1959) developed a two-factor theory motivation. His
research has shown that certain factors are true motivators or satisfiers. Hygiene
factors relatively created complain if they are absent or inadequate. Discontent
can be prevented by improving hygiene factors, but improvements not only to
provide motivation. Hertzberg have shown that truly motivate business should
create conditions that will make the employee fulfilled in the workplace.
Tesco to motivate their employees as paying attention to hygiene factors and the
also satisfiers. For example, motivation and opportunities for their employees
through appropriate and timely communication, by delegating responsibility and
staff decision-making. He holds forums every year, in which employees can be
part of the discussions on wage increases. This shows the recognition to the
people work and rewards them. Tesco staff may even influence which foods go
to its restaurant. Employees thus motivated by the choices that increase their use
of restaurants.
Implication of Mayo theory:
Internal or external factors can motivate people to change or development of
their actions. For example, one factor desire for a new skill to learn. It would
reward the person. Externally these factors include, for example, sales targets
and incentives. More negative motivation could not pay could rise if the goals
are achieved.
In early 1930, the theorist Elton Mayo's proposed motivation by his work and
contributed such factors as:
1. More communication
2. Good team work
3. To show interest in others
4. With others in the decision making process
5. The welfare of others
6. Provide job interesting and disposable.
In theory Mayo effect can be seen working in Tesco. Communication is a vital
factor in employee motivation. It can be accessed through the one-on-one
discussions with managers, company intranet or newsletters and through more
formal structures such as the assessment. Line Team leaders meeting their daily
work of employees that do during the day and spend Value Awards. These
Awards may be granted to any member of staff to another way of saying "thank
you" and celebration of achievements.
Tesco also help to motivate a lot of preparation and opportunities for
development. Everyone has access not only to training necessary for their job
well, but also for leadership training the development of the company. Tesco
offers a strategic career planning to help employees reach extraordinary. In
2009 it appointed 3,000 drivers - 80% from inside. As well as the annual Career
discussion with each employee, the company also emphasizes developing the
whole person and the system is 360 degree feedback. This helps people
understand their behavior, strengths and weaknesses in both others see. The idea
of ​​the program is to bring people and to get the hearts and minds of other
people in order to improve individual and to achieve its goal.
All employees have Personal Development Plan they are building a 360-degree
feedback and other tools. This allows Tesco managers to offer effective
feedback staff to help provide opportunities for further personal development.
This personal approach helps employees to achieve their full potential by
promoting self-esteem and providing advancement through continuing
education. It also allows people to responsibility for their development too. This
two-sided relationship ensures that the employee seeks to values ​​of the
company that they work in partnership with and assistance to businesses for

Conclusion and recommendation:

Companies now employees for having greater motivation and share in the
company they are working, as shown by Mayo. Maslow and Herzberg showed
that employees motivated by several factors. Tesco offers opportunities for
managers and employees to share and a greater interest in their own work. Since
each employee is an individual having different aspirations and needs, the
review process, Personal development plans may be recognition of their
abilities and productivity, as well as the potential for development. These
advantages also involve a career progression. In addition, Tesco also ensures
that the enterprise can deliver a high level customer service through its skilled
Management should be familiar with these theories and to understand the
difference between motivation and hygiene factors, assuming that once
employee has all their basic needs met, it will be ambitious for growth and
Surveys will be conducted from time to time, as data collection and analysis
assess employee and the customer's opinion on it. This will help the positive
decision in favor of the employee and business.
Managements should ensure it that communication flows within the company
either ways. This ensures that management are open to suggestions that
companies and employees will benefit from workshops feel valued so to self-

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