C1609-Flex Test For GFRC

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Designation: C1609/C1609M − 12

Standard Test Method for

Flexural Performance of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (Using
Beam With Third-Point Loading)1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1609/C1609M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last
reapproval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope* 1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
1.1 This test method evaluates the flexural performance of safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
fiber-reinforced concrete using parameters derived from the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
load-deflection curve obtained by testing a simply supported priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
beam under third-point loading using a closed-loop, servo- bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
controlled testing system.
2. Referenced Documents
1.2 This test method provides for the determination of
first-peak and peak loads and the corresponding stresses 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
calculated by inserting them in the formula for modulus of C31/C31M Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test
rupture given in Eq 1. It also requires determination of residual Specimens in the Field
loads at specified deflections, the corresponding residual C42/C42M Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled
strengths calculated by inserting them in the formula for Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete
modulus of rupture given in Eq 1 (see Note 1). It provides for C78 Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using
determination of specimen toughness based on the area under Simple Beam with Third-Point Loading)
the load-deflection curve up to a prescribed deflection (see C125 Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete Ag-
Note 2) and the corresponding equivalent flexural strength gregates
ratio. C172 Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete
NOTE 1—Residual strength is not a true stress but an engineering stress C192/C192M Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test
computed using simple engineering bending theory for linear elastic Specimens in the Laboratory
materials and gross (uncracked) section properties. C823 Practice for Examination and Sampling of Hardened
NOTE 2—Specimen toughness expressed in terms of the area under the Concrete in Constructions
load-deflection curve is an indication of the energy absorption capability C1140 Practice for Preparing and Testing Specimens from
of the particular test specimen, and its magnitude depends directly on the
geometry of the test specimen and the loading configuration.
Shotcrete Test Panels
1.3 This test method utilizes two preferred specimen sizes 3. Terminology
of 100 by 100 by 350 mm [4 by 4 by 14 in.] tested on a 300 mm
[12 in.] span, or 150 by 150 by 500 mm [6 by 6 by 20 in.] 3.1 Definitions—The terms used in this test method are
tested on a 450 mm [18 in.] span. A specimen size different defined in Terminology C125.
from the two preferred specimen sizes is permissible. 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
1.4 Units—The values stated in either SI units or inch- 3.2.1 end-point deflection, n—the deflection value on the
pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. The load-deflection curve equal to 1⁄150 of the span length, or a
values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents; larger value as specified at the option of the specifier of tests.
therefore, each system shall be used independently of the other. 3.2.2 first-peak load, P1, n—the load value at the first point
Combining values from the two systems may result in non- on the load-deflection curve where the slope is zero.
conformance with the standard.
3.2.3 first-peak deflection, δ1, n—the net deflection value on
the load-deflection curve at first-peak load.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C09 on
Concrete and Concrete Aggregates and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
C09.42 on Fiber-Reinforced Concrete. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2012. Published January 2013. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 2005. Last previous edition approved in 2010 as C1609/C1609M–10. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
DOI: 10.1520/C1609_C1609M-12. the ASTM website.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

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3.2.4 first-peak strength f1, n—the stress value obtained residual loads at specified deflections are identified on the
when the first-peak load is inserted in the formula for modulus curve, and are used to calculate flexural performance param-
of rupture given in Eq 1. eters.
3.2.5 load-deflection curve, n—the plot of load versus net
5. Significance and Use
deflection of a flexural beam specimen loaded to the end-point
deflection. 5.1 The first-peak strength characterizes the flexural behav-
3.2.6 net deflection, n—the deflection measured at mid-span ior of the fiber-reinforced concrete up to the onset of cracking,
of a flexural beam specimen exclusive of any extraneous while residual strengths at specified deflections characterize the
effects due to seating or twisting of the specimen on its residual capacity after cracking. Specimen toughness is a
supports or deformation of the support and loading system. measure of the energy absorption capacity of the test specimen.
The appropriateness of each parameter depends on the nature
3.2.7 peak load, PP, n—the maximum load on the load- of the proposed application and the level of acceptable crack-
deflection curve. ing and deflection serviceability. Fiber-reinforced concrete is
3.2.8 peak-load deflection, δP, n—the net deflection value influenced in different ways by the amount and type of fibers in
on the load-deflection curve at peak load. the concrete. In some cases, fibers may increase the residual
3.2.9 peak strength, fP, n—the stress value obtained when load and toughness capacity at specified deflections while
the peak load is inserted in the formula for modulus of rupture producing a first-peak strength equal to or only slightly greater
given by Eq 1. than the flexural strength of the concrete without fibers. In
other cases, fibers may significantly increase the first-peak and
3.2.10 D—nominal depth of the beam specimen in mm. peak strengths while affecting a relatively small increase in
NOTE 3—To simplify nomenclature, the nominal beam depth is shown residual load capacity and specimen toughness at specified
in units of mm for both the SI and inch-pound version of this test method. deflections.
3.2.11 L—span length or distance between the supports. 5.2 The first-peak strength, peak strength, and residual
3.2.12 residual load, P D600, n—the load value corresponding strengths determined by this test method reflect the behavior of
to a net deflection of L/600 for a beam of nominal depth D. fiber-reinforced concrete under static flexural loading. The
3.2.13 residual load, P D150, n—the load value corresponding absolute values of energy absorption obtained in this test are of
to a net deflection of L/150 for a beam of nominal depth D. little direct relevance to the performance of fiber-reinforced
concrete structures since they depend directly on the size and
3.2.14 residual strength, f D600, n—the stress value obtained shape of the specimen and the loading arrangement.
when the residual load P D600 is inserted in the formula for
modulus of rupture given in Eq 1. 5.3 The results of this test method may be used for com-
paring the performance of various fiber-reinforced concrete
3.2.15 residual strength, f D150, n—the stress value obtained
mixtures or in research and development work. They may also
when the residual load P D150 is inserted in the formula for
be used to monitor concrete quality, to verify compliance with
modulus of rupture given in Eq 1.
construction specifications, obtain flexural strength data on
3.2.16 specimen toughness, T D150, n—toughness of beam fiber-reinforced concrete members subject to pure bending, or
specimen of nominal depth D at a net deflection of L/150. to evaluate the quality of concrete in service.
3.2.17 equivalent flexural strength ratio, R T,D 150, n—the value 5.4 The results of this standard test method are dependent
obtained when the specimen toughness T D150 is inserted in Eq 3. on the size of the specimen.
NOTE 4—The equivalent flexural strength ratio is calculated as the ratio NOTE 5—The results obtained using one size molded specimen may not
of the weighted equivalent load up to a net deflection of L/150 over the correspond to the performance of larger or smaller molded specimens,
first-peak load multiplied by 100. The R T, 150 value is equivalent to the Re,3 concrete in large structural units, or specimens sawn from such units. This
value defined in the Technical Report No. 34 of the Concrete Society.3 difference may occur because the degree of preferential fiber alignment
becomes more pronounced in molded specimens containing fibers that are
4. Summary of Test Method relatively long compared with the cross-sectional dimensions of the mold.
Moreover, structural members of significantly different thickness experi-
4.1 Molded or sawn beam specimens having a square ence different maximum crack widths for a given mid-span deflection with
cross-section of fiber-reinforced concrete are tested in flexure the result that fibers undergo different degrees of pull-out and extension.
using a third-point loading arrangement similar to that speci-
fied in Test Method C78 but incorporating a closed-loop, 6. Apparatus
servo-controlled testing system and roller supports that are free 6.1 Testing Machine—The testing machine shall be capable
to rotate on their axes. Load and net deflection are monitored of servo-controlled operation where the net deflection of the
and recorded to an end-point deflection of at least 1⁄150 of the center of the beam is measured and used to control the rate of
span. Data are recorded and plotted by means of an X-Y increase of deflection. Testing machines that use stroke dis-
plotter, or they are recorded digitally and subsequently used to placement control or load control are not suitable for estab-
plot a load-deflection curve. Points termed first-peak, peak, and lishing the portion of the load-deflection curve immediately
after first-peak. The loading and specimen support system shall
be capable of applying third-point loading to the specimen
“Concrete Industrial Ground Floors—A Guide to Design and Construction,” without eccentricity or torque. The fixtures specified in Test
Technical Report 34, 3rd edition, Concrete Society, Slough, United Kingdom, 2003. Method C78 are suitable with the qualification that supporting

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C1609/C1609M − 12
rollers shall be able to rotate on their axes and shall not be are digitally stored, the test parameters may be determined directly from
placed in grooves or have other restraints that prevent their free the stored data or from a plot of the data. In the latter case, use a plot scale
similar to that recommended for an X-Y plotter.
6.2 Deflection-Measuring Equipment—Devices such as 7. Sampling, Test Specimens, and Test Units
electronic transducers or electronic deflection gages shall be
7.1 General Requirements—The nominal maximum size of
located in a manner that ensures accurate determination of the
aggregate and cross-sectional dimensions of test specimens
net deflection at the mid-span exclusive of the effects of seating
shall be in accordance with Practice C31/C31M or Practice
or twisting of the specimen on its supports. One acceptable
C192/C192M when using molded specimens, or in accordance
arrangement employs a rectangular jig, which surrounds the
with Test Method C42/C42M when using sawn specimens,
specimen and is clamped to it at mid-depth directly over the
provided that the following requirements are satisfied:
supports (Figs. 1 and 2). Two electronic displacement trans-
7.1.1 The length of test specimens shall be at least 50 mm [2
ducers or similar digital or analog devices mounted on the jig
in.] greater than three times the depth, and in any case not less
at mid-span, one on each side, measure deflection through
than 350 mm [14 in.]. The length of the test specimen shall not
contact with appropriate brackets attached to the specimen.
be more than two times the depth greater than the span.
The average of the measurements represents the net deflection.
7.1.2 The tolerances on the cross-section of the test speci-
6.3 Data Recording System—An X-Y plotter coupled di- mens shall be within 6 2 %. The test specimens shall have a
rectly to electronic outputs of load and deflection is an square cross-section within these tolerances.
acceptable means of obtaining the relationship between load 7.1.3 The width and depth of test specimens shall be at least
and net deflection—that is, the load-deflection curve. A data three times the maximum fiber length.
acquisition system capable of digitally recording and storing 7.1.4 When the specimen size is not large enough to meet all
load and deflection data at a sampling frequency of at least 2.5 the requirements of 7.1-7.1.3, specimens of square cross-
Hz is an acceptable alternative. After a net deflection of L/900 section large enough to meet the requirements shall be used.
has been exceeded, it is permissible to decrease the data The three times maximum fiber length requirement for width
acquisition sampling and recording frequency to at least 2 Hz. and depth may be waived at the option of the specifier of tests
This applies regardless of the rate of deflection used to load the to permit specimens with a width and depth of 150 mm [6 in.]
specimen. when using fibers of length 50 to 75 mm [2 to 3 in.].
NOTE 6—For X-Y plotters, accurate determination of the area under the
load-deflection curve and the loads corresponding to specified deflections NOTE 7—The results of tests on beams with relatively stiff fibers, such
is only possible when the scales chosen for load and deflection are as steel fibers, longer than one-third the width and depth of the beam may
reasonably large. A load scale chosen such that 25 mm [1 in.] corresponds not be comparable with test results of similar-sized beams with fibers
to a flexural stress of the order of 1 MPa [150 psi], or no more than 20 % shorter than one-third the width and depth because of preferential fiber
of the estimated first-peak strength, is recommended. A recommended alignment, and different size beams may not be comparable because of
deflection scale is to use 25 mm [1 in.] to represent about 10 % of the size effects. The degree of preferential fiber alignment may be less for
end-point deflection of 1⁄150 of the span, which is 2 mm [0.08 in.] for a 350 fibers that are flexible enough to be bent by contact with aggregate
by 100 by 100 mm [14 by 4 by 4 in.] specimen size, and 3 mm [0.12 in.] particles or mold surfaces than for rigid fibers that remain straight during
for a 500 by 150 by 150 mm [20 by 6 by 6 in.] specimen size. When data mixing and specimen preparation.

FIG. 1 Arrangement to Obtain Net Deflection by Using Two Transducers Mounted on Rectangular Jig Clamped to Specimen Directly
Above Supports

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FIG. 2 Arrangement to Obtain Net Deflection by Using Two Transducers Mounted on Jig Secured to Specimen Directly Above Supports

7.2 Freshly Mixed Concrete—Obtain samples of freshly 8. Evaporation Control

mixed fiber-reinforced concrete for the preparation of test 8.1 When the time between removal of test specimens from
specimens in accordance with Practice C172. a moist curing environment and the start of testing is likely to
7.2.1 Mold specimens in accordance with Practice C31/ exceed 15 min, minimize drying by covering with wet burlap,
C31M or Practice C192/C192M, except that consolidation applying a curing compound, or by other appropriate tech-
shall be by external vibration. Consolidation may be consid- niques.
ered to be adequate when entrapped air voids are no longer
observed rising to the surface of the specimen. Fill the mold in 9. Procedure
one layer by using a wide shovel or scoop parallel to the length 9.1 Molded or sawn specimens shall be turned on their side
of the mold to place the layer uniformly along the length of the with respect to the position as cast before placing on the
mold. support system. Specimens representing shotcrete shall be
loaded in the same direction as the specimen was shot.
NOTE 8—Make sure that the time of vibration is sufficient to ensure
adequate consolidation, as fiber-reinforced concrete requires a longer 9.2 Arrange the specimen and the loading system so that the
vibration time than concrete without fibers, especially when the fiber specimen is loaded at the third points in accordance with Test
concentration is relatively high.
Method C78. The span length shall be three times the specimen
7.2.2 When filling the mold, attempt to add an amount of depth or 300 mm [12 in.], whichever is greater.
concrete that will exactly fill the mold after consolidation. NOTE 9—If full contact cannot be reasonably assured between the
When screeding the top surface, continue external vibration to specimen, the load-applying devices, and the supports before loading,
grind the contact surfaces of the specimen so that full contact is achieved.
ensure that fibers do not protrude from the finished surface. Alternatively, use capping materials at the load or support points.
7.2.3 Curing shall be in accordance with Practice C31/
9.3 Operate the testing machine so that the net deflection of
C31M or Practice C192/C192M.
the specimen increases at a constant rate in accordance with
7.3 Hardened Concrete—Select samples of hardened fiber- Table 1. Up to a net deflection of L/900, the rate of increase of
reinforced concrete from structures in accordance with Practice net deflection shall be in accordance with the second column of
C823. Table 1. For net deflection beyond L/900 and up to the end
7.3.1 Prepare and condition sawn specimens in accordance point deflection, a higher rate of increase of net deflection is
with Test Method C42/C42M. permitted in accordance with the third column of Table 1.
When increasing the loading rate, the rate of increase of net
7.4 Prepare specimens from shotcrete panels in accordance
deflection shall be increased in increments not exceeding 0.05
with Practice C1140.
mm/min [0.002 in./min]. Subsequent increases of the rate of
7.5 Test Unit—Prepare and test at least three specimens increase of net deflection shall be at least 30 s apart. Include the
from each sample of fresh or hardened concrete. rate(s) of increase of net deflection in the test report.

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TABLE 1 Rate of Increase in Net Deflection 9.7 Further testing to a greater end-point deflection shall be
Beam size A
Up to net deflection Beyond net deflection specified at the option of the specifier of tests, and shall be
of L/900 of L/900 specified as the span divided by some whole number less than
100 by 100 by 0.025 to 0.075 mm/ 0.05 to 0.20 mm/min 150.
350 mm min
[4 by 4 by 14 in.] [0.001 to 0.003 in./ [0.002 to 0.008 in./
9.8 Make two measurements of the specimen depth and
min] min] width adjacent to the fracture (one on each face of the
specimen) to the nearest 1 mm [0.05 in.] to determine the
150 by 150 0.035 to 0.10 mm/min 0.05 to 0.30 mm/min
by 500 mm average depth and width.
[6 by 6 by 20 in.] [0.0015 to 0.004 in./ [0.002 to 0.012 in.
min] min]
9.9 Determine the position of the fracture by measuring the
distance along the middle of the tension face from the fracture
The initial loading rate up to deflection of L/900 for other sizes and shapes of to the nearest point of support.
specimens shall be based on reaching the first-peak deflection 40 to 100 s after the
start of the test. Beyond a net deflection of L/900, the rate of increase of net
9.10 When the fracture occurs outside the middle third of
deflection shall not exceed 8 times the initial rate. the span, discard the results.

10. Calculation
10.1 Values of load and deflection used in subsequent
NOTE 10—First-peak deflection for third-point loading is estimated calculations shall be obtained from the load-deflection curve,
assuming linear-elastic behavior up to first peak from the equation:
or from stored digital data.
δ1 5
23P 1 L 3
1296EI F11
216d 2 ~ 11µ !
115L 2 G 10.2 Determine the first-peak load as that value of load
corresponding to the first point on the load-deflection curve
where: where the slope is zero, that is, the load is a local maximum
δ1 = the first peak deflection, mm [in.] value. Determine the corresponding deflection value. See Figs.
P1 = the first-peak load, N [lbf] 3 and 4.
L = the span length, mm [in.] NOTE 13—Small ripples or fluctuations in the load-deflection curve due
E = the estimated modulus of elasticity of the concrete, MPa [psi] to electronic noise or mechanical vibration should not be confused with a
I = the cross-sectional moment of inertia, mm4 [in.4] definite change in the slope of the load-deflection curve in the vicinity of
d = the average depth of specimen at the fracture, as oriented for first peak load, particularly when the portion of the curve in question is
testing, mm [in.] and magnified.
µ = Poisson’s ratio
For a Poisson’s ratio of 0.20 and a d to L ratio of 1/3, the value of the 10.3 Calculate the first-peak strength using the first-peak
portion of the equation in brackets is 1.25. load determined in 10.2, the average specimen dimensions
NOTE 11—For a 350 by 100 by 100 mm [14 by 4 by 4 in.] specimen determined in 9.8, and the following formula for modulus of
size, the net deflection at first-peak load is approximately 0.04 mm rupture:
[0.0016 in.], and for a 500 by 150 by 150 mm [20 by 6 by 6 in.] specimen
size, it is approximately 0.05 mm [0.002]. PL
f5 (1)
9.4 If the rate of increase of net deflection cannot be bd2
controlled (see Note 12) during the test, it is permitted to where:
reduce the initial net deflection rate to 50 % of the limits in 9.3 f = the strength, MPa [psi],
until a net deflection of L/900 is reached. After a net deflection P = the load, N [lbf],
of L/900, the rate of increase of net deflection shall not exceed L = the span length, mm [in.],
8 times the initial rate until the specified end-point deflection is b = the average width of the specimen at the fracture, as
reached. When increasing the loading rate, the rate of increase oriented for testing, mm [in.], and
of net deflection shall be increased in increments not exceeding d = the average depth of the specimen at the fracture, as
0.05 mm/min [0.002 in./min].Subsequent increases of the rate oriented for testing, mm [in.].
of net deflection shall be at least 30 s apart. Include the rate(s)
10.3.1 Record the number rounded to the nearest 0.05 MPa
of increase of net deflection in the test report.
NOTE 12—The rate of increase of net deflection is out of control if a
[5 psi] as the first-peak strength, f1.
sudden acceleration of the net deflection of a beam occurs leading to a rate 10.4 Determine the peak load as that value of load corre-
at least 20 times higher than the rate specified in 9.3 and 9.4. The lower sponding to the point on the load-deflection curve that corre-
loading rate is permitted for brittle (higher strength) concretes to provide
better control of the increase of net deflection immediately after the peak sponds to the greatest value of load obtained prior to reaching
load. the end-point deflection. Determine the corresponding deflec-
9.5 When using deflection-measuring equipment for the first tion value.
time, or after alterations or maintenance, confirm the reliability 10.5 Calculate the peak strength using the peak load deter-
of the measured net deflection by comparing the measured mined in 10.4, the average specimen dimensions determined in
deflection at first-peak load with the value estimated from the 9.8, and Eq 1. Record the number rounded to the nearest 0.05
formula in Note 10. MPa [5 psi] as the peak strength, fP.
9.6 Unless otherwise required by the specifier of tests, 10.6 Determine the residual load values, P D600 and P D150 as
terminate the test at a net deflection of 1⁄150 of the span. appropriate for the specimen depth, corresponding to net

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FIG. 3 Example of Parameter Calculations for First-Peak Load Equal to Peak Load (Not to Scale)

deflection values of 1⁄600 and 1⁄150 of the span length. 10.3 and the toughness determined in 10.9. Record the number
10.7 Calculate the residual strengths, f and f using the
D D rounded to the nearest 0.5 % as equivalent flexural strength
600 150
residual loads determined in 10.6, the average specimen ratio, R T,D 150 as appropriate for the specimen depth.
dimensions determined in 9.8, and Eq 1. Record the numbers 150·T D150
rounded to the nearest 0.05 MPa [5 psi] as the residual R T, 150 5 ·100 % (3)
f 1 ·b·d 2
strengths, f D600 and f D150 as appropriate for the specimen depth.
10.8 When required by the specifier of tests, determine the 11. Report
residual load(s) and calculate the residual strength(s) at the
11.1 Report the following information:
values of net deflection required by the specifier of tests at
value(s) greater than 1⁄600 of the span length using the proce- 11.1.1 Type of specimen (molded or sawn) and specimen
dures in this section. Record the calculated value(s) rounded to identification numbers or symbols,
the nearest 0.05 MPa [5 psi] using the appropriate superscript 11.1.2 Average width and depth of specimen at the point of
and subscript(s) to indicate the specimen depth and net fracture to the nearest 1 mm [0.05 in.],
deflection(s) selected. 11.1.3 Span length to the nearest 2 mm [0.1 in.],
For a specified net deflection δ the subscript XXX is 11.1.4 First-peak load, P1, rounded to the nearest N (lbf),
calculated as: first-peak strength, f1, to the nearest 0.05 MPa [5 psi], and
L first-peak deflection, δ1, to the nearest 0.01 mm [0.0005 in.],
XXX 5 (2)
δ 11.1.5 Peak load, PP, rounded to the nearest N [lbf], peak
10.9 Calculate the total area under the load-deflection curve strength, fP, to the nearest 0.05 MPa [5 psi], and peak-load
up to a net deflection of 1⁄150 of the span length. Record the deflection, δP, to the nearest 0.01 mm [0.0005 in.],
number rounded to the nearest Joule [10 in.-lb] as toughness, 11.1.6 Residual loads, P D600 and P D150 rounded to the nearest N
T D150 as appropriate for the specimen depth. [lbf],
NOTE 14—If the load and deflection are measured in consistent units,
such as Newtons (N) and metres (m), or kilonewtons (kN) and millimetres 11.1.7 Residual strengths, f D600 and f D150 rounded to the nearest
(mm), the resulting measure of energy will be in units known as Joules (J). 0.05 MPa [5 psi],
10.10 Calculate the equivalent flexural strength ratio, R T,D 150 11.1.8 Toughness, T D150 rounded to the nearest Joule [10
according to Eq 3 using the first-peak strength determined in in.-lb],

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FIG. 4 Example of Parameter Calculations when Peak Load is Greater than First-Peak Load (Not to Scale)

11.1.9 Equivalent flexural strength ratio, R T,D 150 rounded to test method (see Note 15). The reproducibility of this test
the nearest 0.5 %, method is being determined.
11.1.10 When required by the specifier of tests, the residual NOTE 15—The repeatability standard deviations were developed from
load(s), P XXX
and corresponding residual strength(s), f XXX
, analysis of a database composed of 26 sets of three or four replicate test
specimens that were tested by one operator using a closed-loop, servo-
rounded to the nearest N [lbf] and 0.05 MPa [5 psi], controlled hydraulic universal-testing machine. A test result is the mean
11.1.11 Age of the specimens at the time of testing, in days, value for each set of replicate test specimens. The concrete mixtures tested
11.1.12 Curing history and moisture condition of specimen contained various steel fibers (10 sets) or synthetic fibers (16 sets) at
at test, different fiber contents. All test specimens had nominal dimensions of 102
mm by 102 mm by 356 mm [4 in. by 4 in. by 14 in.] and were tested on
11.1.13 Whether the specimen contact surfaces were ground a 305 mm [12 in.] span. The test specimens for each set were either
or capped, molded beams (19 sets) or beams cut from shotcrete panels (7 sets).
11.1.14 The rate(s) of increase of net deflection in mm/min
[in./min] and the net deflection(s) at which the change(s) in 12.2 Bias—This test method has no bias since the properties
deflection rate occurred in mm [in.]. determined can only be defined in terms of this test method.
11.1.15 Defects in specimen prior to test and abnormalities
in specimen behavior during test, and 13. Keywords
11.1.16 The load-deflection curve. 13.1 fiber-reinforced concrete; first-peak strength; flexural
12. Precision and Bias toughness; peak strength; residual load; residual strength
12.1 Precision—Tables 2 and 3 provide the repeatability
standard deviations for the various parameters measured in this

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TABLE 2 Single-Operator Standard Deviations (SI units)
Minimum Maximum Within-Batch COV,
Test Result Test Result Standard Deviation, %
P1, N 9868 27071 1543 7.7

f1, MPa 2.44 7.12 0.47 8.3

δ1, mm 0.03 0.06 0.01 20.0

Pp, N 9869 27071 1922 9.2

fp, MPa 2.44 7.46 0.57 9.7

δp, mm 0.03 2.44 0.52 71.1

P 100
150 ,N 5193 18588 2108 17.6

f 100
150 , MPa 1.29 5.41 0.60 17.8

P 100
600 ,N 4828 24076 2034 15.2

f 100
600 , MPa 1.20 7.00 0.63 16.4

T 100
600 ,J 10 42 4 16.0

TABLE 3 Single-Operator Standard Deviations (inch-pound units)

Minimum Maximum Within-Batch COV,
Test Result Test Result Standard Deviation, %
P1, lbf 2218 6086 347 7.7

f1, psi 354 1031 67 8.2

δ1, in. 0.0013 0.0023 0.0002 10.0

Pp, lbf 2219 6086 432 9.2

fp, psi 354 1081 82 9.7

δp, in. 0.0013 0.0960 0.0204 140.61

P 100
150 , lbf 1167 4179 474 17.6

f 100
150 , psi 186 784 87 17.8

P 100
600 , lbf 1085 5413 457 15.2

f 100
600 , psi 173 1015 91 16.4

T 100
600 , in.- 92 368 39 17.3

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu May 8 11:04:29 EDT 2014
Downloaded/printed by
MC MASTER UNIVERSITY pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
C1609/C1609M − 12

Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this test method since the last issue,
C1609/C1609M–10, that may impact the use of this test method. (Approved December 1, 2012)

(1) Revised 6.3.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu May 8 11:04:29 EDT 2014
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MC MASTER UNIVERSITY pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

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