Non-Toxic Certificate

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OWRAS Approval Number: 1906505 Test Report: M106675, APPROVED MATERIAL Water Regulations Advisory Scheme Li Unit 13, 14° February 2019 Wilow Road, Peny Fan indusral Estate, Jotun Powder Coatings Co. Lid ‘Crum, PO Box 10830, Gwent, Dammam 31449, Nett 4e6 Kingdom of Saud Arabia WATER REGULATIONS ADVISORY SCHEME LTD. (WRAS) ‘CONSECUTIVE MATERIAL APPROVAL ‘The matrial refered to in his letter is suitable for contact with wholesome water for domestic purposes having mat the requiments of BS5820-1:2000 andlor 2014 Suitability of non-metal product for use in contact with wat intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the qualty ofthe water ‘The reference roates solely to ts fect on the qual ofthe water with wich it may come inte contact and does not signify he approval ofits mechanical or physical properties for any use. COATINGS, PAINTS & LININGS - FACTORY APPLIED PIPE & FITTINGS COATINGS. 5030 Jotape IL 6001-1208: Factory apled, blue coloured fusion bonded epoxy coating. Apply as per manufacturer's TDS dated 22nd August 2018. Cure fr 35 minutes@200°C. For use with water up to 85°C, ‘This material is only approved forthe curing conditions that appear onthe approval. I he cure conditions are varied from those spectied on the approval then the matrials not covered by the soope ofthe aoproval APPROVAL NUMBER: 1906505 [APPROVAL HOLDER: JOTUN POWDER COATINGS CO. LTD. hiss a re-approval of 1405547 which s valid betwoon May 2014 and May 2019, ‘The Scheme reserves the right to review approval ‘Approval 1906505 i vad between June 2019 and June 2028 ‘An entry, as above, will accordingly be included in the Water Fitings Directory on-ine under the section headed, ‘Materials which have passed fl tess of effect on water quay’ The Directory may be found at: Yours faithfully { Hovey Jason Furnval Approvals & Enquties Manager Water Regulations Aevisory Scheme "es ag Soe age in agian Wf ow ie Gm Se HED WRAS MATERIAL APPROVAL - MATERIALS WHICH HAVE PASSED FULL TESTS OF EFFECT ON WATER QUALITY “The material reerred o inthis eter Issultable for contact with water for domestic purposes. Approval of this material does not signi the approval ofits mechanical or physical properties for any use. Manufacturers or apliants may only quote in the salos Merature terms which are used inthis later, namely that; the material a listed, having passed te tests of effect on water quality, i suitable for use in contact wth wholesome water “This may be abbreviated to "Water Regulations Advisory Scheme - Approved Material or WRAS Approved Materia “The scope of an Approval does not extend o rebanded materials unless otherwise agroed by the Scheme, Use of the WRAS Approved Material Logo ‘Approval holders may use the WRAS Approved Material ogo and make reference to any approval issued by WRAS Li. in respect ofa particular material or range of matrals provided the approval i, and remains vali ‘Approval holders are ented to use tne logo on the packing, promotional erature and point of sale advertising Approved Material. ‘Modifications to existing Approvals, Ini a conaltion of WRAS Material Approval that NO changes or madcations fo the Approved Material, be made without the Approval Holder rst notiying WRAS Lid. Full deals the proposed changes must be provided othe Seheme, Faure to comply wih this condition wil immediatly invalidate a previously granted Approval Be-Approval |WRAS wil wie to you 1 year belore the approval expires asking whether you would like to renew it. Please complete the relevant section ofthe MAS application form wich wil be Inludod with the lttar and return to WRAS (via e-mail or pos). Please note tis the responsiity ofthe Approval Holder to ensure the Approval remains valid, WRAS Ltd, accepts no lai for the delay in granting appcoval whore ths i caused by cvcumstances outside ofthe Scheme’s conta The War Fapistinshveny Sirona Rganesin Eger Gt gee ton 6D Lowchen, Nand Sve Soca HED

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