People Vs Baluntong

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Appeals, dated 25 September 2007, in CA-G.R. CR No.

29633 is hereby AFFIRMED IN TOTO. No pronouncement
as to costs.

Carpio (Chairperson), Brion, Del Castillo and Abad,

JJ., concur.

Petition denied, judgment affirmed in toto.

Note.—The determination of whether or not the accused

acted in self-defence, complete or incomplete is a factual
issue. (Novicio vs. People, 563 SCRA 680 [2008])

G.R. No. 182061. March 15, 2010.*



Criminal Law; Murder; Arson; In cases where both burning

and death occur, in order to determine what crime/crimes
was/were perpetrated—whether arson, murder or arson and
homicide/murder, it is de rigueur to ascertain the main objective of
the malefactor: (a) if the main objective is the burning of the
building or edifice, but death results by reason or on the occasion
of arson, the crime is simply arson, and the resulting homicide is
absorbed; (b) if, on the other hand, the main objective is to kill a
particular person who may be in a building or edifice, when fire is
resorted to as the means to accomplish such goal the crime
committed is murder only; lastly, (c) if the objective is, likewise, to
kill a particular person, and in fact the offender has already done
so, but fire is resorted to as a means to cover up the killing, then
there are two separate and distinct crimes committed—
homicide/murder and arson.—In determining the offense





People vs. Baluntong

committed by appellant, People v. Malngan, 503 SCRA 294

(2006), teaches: [I]n cases where both burning and death occur, in
order to determine what crime/crimes was/were perpetrated –
whether arson, murder or arson and homicide/murder, it is de
rigueur to ascertain the main objective of the malefactor: (a) if the
main objective is the burning of the building or edifice, but death
results by reason or on the occasion of arson, the crime is simply
arson, and the resulting homicide is absorbed; (b) if, on the other
hand, the main objective is to kill a particular person who may be
in a building or edifice, when fire is resorted to as the means to
accomplish such goal the crime committed is murder only; lastly,
(c) if the objective is, likewise, to kill a particular person, and in
fact the offender has already done so, but fire is resorted to as a
means to cover up the killing, then there are two separate and
distinct crimes committed—homicide/murder and arson.
Same; Same; Same; Evidence; Right to be Informed; Variance
Doctrine; The only difference between a charge for Murder under
Article 248 (3) of the Revised Penal Code and one for Arson under
the Revised Penal Code, as amended by Section 3 (2) of
Presidential Decree No. 1613, lies in the intent in pursuing the act;
When there is variance between the offense charged in the
complaint or information and that proved, and the offense charged
is included or necessarily includes the offense proved, conviction
shall be for the offense proved which is included in the offense
charged, or the offense charged which is included in the offense
proved.—Absent any concrete basis then to hold that the house
was set on fire to kill the occupants, appellant cannot be held
liable for double murder with frustrated murder. This is
especially true with respect to the death of Celerina, for even
assuming arguendo that appellant wanted to kill her to get even
with her in light of her alleged desire to drive him out of the
neighboring house, Celerina was outside the house at the time it
was set on fire. She merely entered the burning house to save her
grandsons. While the above-quoted Information charged appellant
with “Double Murder with Frustrated Murder,” appellant may be
convicted of Arson. For the only difference between a charge for
Murder under Article 248 (3) of the Revised Penal Code and one
for Arson under the Revised Penal Code, as amended by Section 3
(2) of P.D. No. 1613, lies in the intent in pursuing the act. As
reflected above, as it was not shown that the main motive was to
kill the occupants of the house, the crime would only be arson, the
homicide being a mere 2/11


VOL. 615, March 15, 2010 457

People vs. Baluntong

consequence thereof, hence, absorbed by arson. When there is

variance between the offense charged in the complaint or
information and that proved, and the offense charged is included
or necessarily includes the offense proved, conviction shall be for
the offense proved which is included in the offense charged, or the
offense charged which is included in the offense proved.

APPEAL from a decision of the Court of Appeals.

   The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
  The Solicitor General for appellee.
  Public Attorney’s Office for appellant.

Ferdinand T. Baluntong (appellant) appeals from the
August 13, 2007 Decision1 of the Court of Appeals to which
the Court had earlier referred the present case for
intermediate review following People v. Mateo.2
In its challenged Decision, the appellate court affirmed
appellant’s conviction by the Regional Trial Court of Roxas,
Oriental Mindoro, Branch 43, of Double Murder with
Frustrated Murder, following his indictment for such
offense in an Information reading:


1 Penned by Court of Appeals Justice Mariflor Punzalan-Castillo with

the concurrence of Justices Marina L. Buzon and Rosmari D. Carandang.
2 G.R. Nos. 147678-87, July 7, 2004, 433 SCRA 640. The case modified
the pertinent provisions of the Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure, more
particularly Section 3 and Section 10 of Rule 122, Section 13 of Rule 124,
Section 3 of Rule 125 insofar as they provide for direct appeals from the
Regional Trial Courts to the Supreme Court in cases where the penalty
imposed is death, reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment and allowed
intermediate review by the Court of Appeals before such cases are
elevated to the Supreme Court.



People vs. Baluntong 3/11

“That on or about the 31st day of July 1998, at about 10:30 in

the evening at Barangay Danggay, Municipality of Roxas,
Province of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines and within the
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused,
did, then and there, with malice aforethought and with deliberate
intent to kill, set on fire, the house of Celerina Solangon, causing
the complete destruction of the said house and the death of
Celerina Solangon and Alvin Savarez, and inflicting serious
physical injuries on Josua (sic) Savarez, thereby performing all
the acts of execution which would produce the crime of murder as
a consequance (sic) but which, nevertheless do not produce it by
reason of causes independent of the will of the perpetrator.”3 x x x
x (underscoring supplied)

Gathered from the records of the case is the following

version of the prosecution:
At around 10:30 p.m. of July 31, 1998, while then 12-
year old Jovelyn Santos (Jovelyn) was sleeping in the house
of her grandmother Celerina Solangon (Celerina) at
Barangay Dangay, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro, she was
awakened by heat emanating from the walls of the house.
She thus roused her cousin Dorecyll and together they
went out of the house.
Jovelyn saw appellant putting dry hay (dayami) around
the house near the terrace where the fire started, but
appellant ran away when he saw her and Dorecyll.
Appellant’s neighbor, Felicitas Sarzona (Felicitas), also
saw appellant near Celerina’s house after it caught fire,
following which, appellant fled on seeing Jovelyn and
Dorecyll stepping out of the house, as other neighbors
repaired to the scene to help contain the flames. Felicitas
also saw Celerina, who was at a neighbor’s house before the
fire started, enter the burning house and resurface with
her grandsons Alvin and Joshua.
Celerina and Alvin sustained third degree burns which
led to their death. Joshua sustained second degree burns.


3 Records, p. 1.


VOL. 615, March 15, 2010 459

People vs. Baluntong

Upon the other hand, appellant, denying the charge,

invoked alibi, claiming that he, on his mother Rosalinda’s 4/11

request, went to Caloocan City on July 15, 1998 (16 days

before the incident) and stayed there until February 1999.
Rosalinda corroborated appellant’s alibi.
By Decision of February 28, 2003, the trial court found
appellant guilty as charged, disposing as follows:

“WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered as follows:

(a) The court finds accused Ferdinand Baluntong GUILTY
beyond reasonable doubt of the complex crime of Double Murder
with Frustrated Murder punishable under Article 248 of the
Revised Penal Code as amended by Republic Act 7659 in relation
to Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code and is hereby sentenced to
suffer the supreme penalty of DEATH to be executed in
accordance with the existing law;
(c) Accused Ferdinand Baluntong is also ordered to pay the
heirs of Celerina Suba Solangon the sum of P50,000.00 as
compensatory damages and the heirs of Elvin [sic] Savariz the
following: (I) the sum of P50,000.00 as compensatory damages (II)
the sum of P16,500.00 as actual damages; and (III) the sum of
P50,000.00 as moral damages.
SO ORDERED.”4 (emphasis in the original; italics and
underscoring supplied)

In affirming the trial court’s conviction of appellant, the

appellate court brushed aside appellant’s claim that the
prosecution failed to prove his guilt beyond reasonable
doubt. The appellate court, however, modified the trial
court’s decision by reducing the penalty to reclusion
perpetua in light of the passage of Republic Act No. 9346,5
and by additionally awarding exemplary damages to the
heirs of the victims


4 Id., at p. 134.
5 Otherwise known as “An Act Which Prohibits the Imposition of Death
Penalty in the Philippines,” June 24, 2006.



People vs. Baluntong

(Celerina and Alvin), and temperate damages to Joshua

representing his “hospitalization and recuperation.” Thus
the appellate court disposed: 5/11

“WHEREFORE, premises considered, the February 28, 2003 Decision

of the Regional Trial Court of Roxas, Oriental Mindoro, Branch 43, is
MODIFIED as follows:
1. Accused-appellant FERDINAND BALUNTONG y TALAGA is
found GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the complex crime of
Double Murder with Frustrated Murder and is hereby sentenced
to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua.
2. Accused-appellant is further required to pay the heirs of the
victims the amount of P25,000.00 as exemplary damages and
the amount of P25,000.00 as temperate damages for the
hospitalization and recuperation of Joshua Savariz.
3. In all other respects, the February 28, 2003 Decision of the
regional trial court is hereby AFFIRMED.”6 (italics and emphasis
in the original; underscoring supplied)

In his Brief, appellant raises doubt on prosecution

witness Felicitas’ claim that she saw appellant fleeing
away from the burning house, it being then 10:30 p.m. and,
therefore, dark. He raises doubt too on Jovelyn’s claim that
she saw appellant, given her failure to ask him to stop
putting dried hay around the house if indeed her claim
were true.
After combing through the records of the case, the Court
finds that the trial court, as well as the appellate court, did
not err in finding that appellant was the malefactor.
There should be no doubt on prosecution witnesses
Felicitas’ and Jovelyn’s positive identification of their
neighbor-herein appellant as the person they saw during
the burning of the house, given, among other things, the
illumination gener


6 Rollo, pp. 28-29.


VOL. 615, March 15, 2010 461

People vs. Baluntong

ated by the fire. Consider the following testimonies of

Felicitas and Jovelyn:
Q: Which portion of the house was on fire when you saw Balentong
(sic) for the first time?
A: The fire was at the rear portion going up, sir. 6/11

Q: How far was Balentong (sic) from that burning portion of the
A: He was just infront (sic) of the house, sir.
Q: How far from the burning portion of the house?
A: About two (2) meters away, sir.
Q: The two (2) meters from the front portion or two (2) meters from the
burning portion?
A: About two (2) meters, sir.
Q: From the burning portion?
A: Yes, sir.7 (underscoring supplied)
Q: How big was the fire when according to you, you saw the back of
this Ferdinand Balontong (sic)?
A: It is already considerable size, Your Honor.
Q: What effect has this fire in the illumination in that vicinity,
regarding visibility of that vicinity?
A: The surrounding was illuminated by that fire, Your Honor.8
(underscoring supplied)

Appellant’s alibi must thus fail.

In determining the offense committed by appellant,
People v. Malngan9 teaches:

“[I]n cases where both burning and death occur, in order to

determine what crime/crimes was/were perpetrated—whether
arson, murder or arson and homicide/murder, it is de rigueur to


7 TSN, June 9, 1999, pp. 23-24

8 TSN, September 1, 1999, p. 21.
9 G.R. No. 170470, September 26, 2006, 503 SCRA 294, 317.



People vs. Baluntong

the main objective of the malefactor: (a) if the main objective

is the burning of the building or edifice, but death results by
reason or on the occasion of arson, the crime is simply arson, and
the resulting homicide is absorbed; (b) if, on the other hand, the
main objective is to kill a particular person who may be in a
building or edifice, when fire is resorted to as the means to
accomplish such goal the crime committed is murder only; lastly,
(c) if the objective is, likewise, to kill a particular person, and
in fact the offender has already done so, but fire is resorted to as a
means to cover up the killing, then there are two separate and 7/11

distinct crimes committed—homicide/murder and arson.”

(emphasis and underscoring partly in the original; emphasis
partly supplied)

Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1613, “Amending the Law

on Arson,” reads:

“Section 3. Other Cases of Arson.—The penalty of Reclusion

Temporal to Reclusion Perpetua shall be imposed if the property
burned is any of the following:
2. Any inhabited house or dwelling;”

The Court finds that there is no showing that

appellant’s main objective was to kill Celerina and her
housemates and that the fire was resorted to as the means
to accomplish the goal.
In her Affidavit executed on August 11, 1998,10 Felicitas
stated that what she knew is that Celerina wanted
appellant, who was renting a house near Celerina’s, to
move out.
How Felicitas acquired such “knowledge” was not probed
into, however, despite the fact that she was cross-examined
Absent any concrete basis then to hold that the house
was set on fire to kill the occupants, appellant cannot be


10 Records, p. 6.
11 Vide TSN, June 9, 1997, pp. 16-18.


VOL. 615, March 15, 2010 463

People vs. Baluntong

liable for double murder with frustrated murder. This is

especially true with respect to the death of Celerina, for
even assuming arguendo that appellant wanted to kill her
to get even with her in light of her alleged desire to drive
him out of the neighboring house, Celerina was outside the
house at the time it was set on fire. She merely entered the
burning house to save her grandsons.
While the above-quoted Information charged appellant
with “Double Murder with Frustrated Murder,” appellant
may be convicted of Arson. For the only difference between
a charge for Murder under Article 248 (3) of the Revised 8/11

Penal Code and one for Arson under the Revised Penal
Code, as amended by Section 3 (2) of P.D. No. 1613, lies in
the intent in pursuing the act.
As reflected above, as it was not shown that the main
motive was to kill the occupants of the house, the crime
would only be arson, the homicide being a mere
consequence thereof, hence, absorbed by arson.12
When there is variance between the offense charged in
the complaint or information and that proved, and the
offense charged is included or necessarily includes the
offense proved, conviction shall be for the offense proved
which is included in the offense charged, or the offense
charged which is included in the offense proved.13
Under Section 5 of P.D. 1613, the penalty of reclusion
perpetua to death is imposed when death results. In the
light of the passage of Republic Act No. 9346,14 the penalty
should be reclusion perpetua.
A word on the damages awarded.


12 People v. Cedenio, G.R. No. 93485, June 27, 1994, 233 SCRA 456.
13 RULES OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, Rule 120, Section 4.
14 Supra note 5.



People vs. Baluntong

The appellate court affirmed the award of compensatory

damages to the heirs of Celerina. But entitlement thereto
was not proven.
The appellate court likewise affirmed the award of
compensatory damages, actual damages, and moral
damages to the heirs of Alvin. Compensatory damages and
actual damages are the same, however.15 Since the trial
court awarded the duly proven actual damages of
P16,500.00 representing burial expenses, the award of
compensatory damages of P50,000.00 does not lie. It is
gathered from the evidence, however, that Alvin was
hospitalized for five days,16 hence, an award of P8,500.00
as temperate damages for the purpose would be reasonable.
As for the award to Alvin of moral damages, the records
do not yield any basis therefor.
More. The appellate court awarded exemplary damages
“to the heirs of the victims,” clearly referring to the
deceased Celerina and Alvin. Absent proof of the presence 9/11

of any aggravating circumstances, however, the award does

not lie.17
When death occurs due to a crime, the grant of civil
indemnity requires no proof other than the death of the
victim. The heirs of Celerina are thus entitled to an award
of P50,000.00 as civil indemnity ex delicto.18 And so are
The appellate court’s award of temperate damages of
P25,000.00 to Joshua is in order.


15 Vide, Article 2199, Civil Code.

16 Vide TSN, Oct. 20, 1999, pp. 5-6.
17 Art. 2230 of the New Civil Code provides that in criminal offenses,
exemplary damages as a part of the civil liability may be imposed when
the crime was committed with one or more aggravating circumstances.
18 People v. Mokammad, et al., G.R. No. 180594, August 19, 2009, 596
SCRA 497.


VOL. 615, March 15, 2010 465

People vs. Baluntong

WHEREFORE, the assailed Court of Appeals Decision of

August 13, 2007 is REVERSED and SET ASIDE, and a
NEW one is rendered as follows:
Appellant, Ferdinand T. Baluntong, is found
GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of Simple Arson
under Sec. 3(2) of P.D. No. 1613 and is sentenced to
suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua with no
eligibility for parole.
Appellant is ORDERED to pay the amount of
P50,000.00 to the heirs of Celerina Solangon, and the
same amount to the heirs of Alvin Savariz,
representing civil indemnity.
Appellant is likewise ORDERED to pay the
amount of P16,500.00 to the heirs of Alvin as actual
damages for burial expenses, and P8,500.00 as
temperate damages for hospitalization expenses.
Appellant is further ORDERED to pay P25,000.00
as temperate damages to the heirs of Celerina.
Finally, appellant is ORDERED to pay P25,000.00
as temperate damages to Joshua Savariz.

Puno (C.J., Chairperson), Leonardo-De Castro,

Bersamin and Villarama, Jr., JJ., concur.

Judgment reversed and set aside.

Note.—Presidential Decree No. 1613 pronounces as

guilty of arson any person who deliberately burns another
person’s property, wherever located—the circumstance that
the property burned is located in an urban, congested or
populated area merely qualifies the offense and converts it
into “destructive arson.” (People vs. Omotoy, 267 SCRA 143

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