2 18 Inquiry
2 18 Inquiry
2 18 Inquiry
Pre-Algebra Teacher
(8:26-9:06) -iPad (Google Meet for students at home)
-Inequalities notes
Warrior Students
-iPads (notes will be shared to Showbie)
(8:20-8:56) Lesson Development:
To begin my lesson, I will present a bell ringer to the students. I will give them a word
problem that we had worked on when we were doing one-step equations. However, I will
change it and instead of using the word “is,” I will use the words, “it is at least.” I will ask
the students to write an equation for this word problem. This will challenge the students
and get them thinking before we begin the lesson on graphing inequalities. After giving the
students a few minutes to do this, I will explain the answer. I will then ask the students to
pull up the graphing inequalities notes that were shared to Showbie. I will work through
these notes with the students and share my screen so that they can see all of my work. After
doing some examples with the students, I will ask the students if they want to work on
some of the examples on their own (as long as they are doing well with the material.) If the
students work on some of the examples independently, I will go over the problems with
them when they finish. I will call on a volunteer to walk me and the class through their
steps and the solution that they got. I will write down what they explain on my iPad for the
rest of the class to see (my screen will be shared.) I will also jump in and assist if needed.
To assess if the students can graph one-variable inequalities with at least 80% accuracy
after taking teacher lead notes, I will present them with an exit slip. The exit slip will have
two problems on it that will ask the students to graph a one-variable inequality. The
students will submit their exit slips to me before they leave class, and I will look over their
exit slips before class tomorrow.
Period 1: Makenzie, Carmine, Wyatt, Michael, and Camren will be allowed to use a
multiplication chart and/or calculator during class. These students may also choose to go
with the special education teacher at the beginning of class for individualized instruction.
When independent practice is initiated, Makenzie may work with a partner.
Period 7: Krista, Jahzmier, Anthony, Donnie, and Tyler will be allowed to use a
multiplication chart and/or calculator during class. These students may also choose to go
with the special education teacher at the beginning of class for individualized instruction.