Importance of Horizontally Loaded Movements To Sports Performance

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Importance of Horizontally Loaded Movements

to Sports Performance

Article in Strength and conditioning journal · February 2017

DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000272


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Michael Bryan Zweifel

Building Better Athletes


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Importance of
Horizontally Loaded
Movements to Sports
Michael Zweifel, MS, CSCS
Building Better Athletes, Dubuque, Iowa

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ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION may be beneficial to emphasize hori-

hree of the most popular meth- zontally based movements in strength
T ods to increase lower-body
strength and power are the
squat, deadlift, and the Olympic-style
and conditioning programs. This liter-
ature review addresses this contention
by (a) investigating the literature on the
STYLE LIFTS, ARE COMMONLY lifts (5,17,18). These methods are fre- back squat, deadlift, and Olympic-style
PRESCRIBED BY STRENGTH AND quently used by strength and condi- lifts, (b) investigating the literature on
CONDITIONING PROFESSIONALS tioning coaches to enhance the shortcomings of the back squat, dead-
TO ENHANCE THE PHYSICAL physical qualities of athletes in hopes lift, Olympic-style lifts, and potential
QUALITIES OF ATHLETES. THESE to transfer to sporting actions such as for horizontally loaded exercises, and
METHODS HAVE BEEN SUP- sprinting speed, change of direction (c) suggestions for coaches and future
PORTED AS EFFECTIVE MEANS, (COD) speed, and jumping perfor- research.
MAINLY FOR NOVICE SUBJECTS, mance. These lifts have been
BUT THEIR EFFECTIVENESS AND supported in many cases in past litera-
TRANSFER HAS BEEN QUES- ture (9–11,18–21,26,32,35,40,44,46–48)
The back squat is regarded as one of
TIONED IN MORE ADVANCED but may be limited in their transfer
the most effective exercises to enhance
ATHLETES AND IN TRANSFER TO in advanced athletes because of
athletic performance because of it
SPECIFIC PHYSICAL QUALITIES. their vertically loaded nature
being a multijoint movement that
THE EFFECTIVENESS OF VERTI- (1,6,12,14,23,41,43,49,50). A possible
strengthens the prime movers needed
CALLY LOADED EXERCISE TO shortcoming of these exercises is that
to express explosive athletic move-
ENHANCE SPRINTING SPEED AND they are all vertically loaded; the load is
ments (17). Recently, Seitz et al. (44)
CHANGE OF DIRECTION (COD) applied in a vertical manner to the
conducted a meta-analysis on the
SPEED IS EQUIVOCAL IN body. This differs from horizontally
transfer of back squat training to sprint-
ADVANCED ATHLETES, AND THE loaded movements, where the load is
ing. This meta-analysis included 15
USE OF HORIZONTALLY LOADED applied perpendicular to the body.
studies, consisting of 510 subjects [no
MOVEMENT MAY HAVE BETTER Horizontally loaded movements may
sex or age restrictions]. Inclusion based
TRANSFER FOR SPRINTING SPEED be beneficial for more horizontally
on (1) randomized control studies, (2)
based movements such as horizontal
AND COD SPEED. studies using instruments with high
jumping, acceleration, and sprinting
(2,6,12,41), whereas vertical-based
movements may be better for vertically
horizontal; back squat; deadlift;
oriented movements. Athletes must be
Olympic-style lifts; speed; change of
Address correspondence to Michael Zweifel, able to express strength, power, and
direction speed
[email protected]. speed in multiple directions, and it

Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association 21

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Importance of Horizontally Loaded Movements to Performance

reliability and validity, (3) studies and Rhea (40) investigated 54 men and OLYMPIC-STYLE LIFTS
where the sprint test was conducted women freshman collegiate athletes The Olympic-style lifts are pro-
pretraining and posttraining, and (4) (men’s and women’s basketball, base- grammed to improve power and speed
studies where the strength test was ball, softball, and volleyball) and com- as they are performed at very high
conducted using a free-weight [full, pared 1RM strength in the back squat speeds and produce high-power out-
parallel, or half ] back squat exercise) with vertical jump, standing broad puts that are thought to have good
and found that back squat strength sig- jump, cone t test, 20-yard acceleration, transfer to athletic movements
nificantly correlated (r 5 20.77; P 5 and 40-yard sprint. Peterson, Alvar, (18,21). A classic study by Garhammer
0.0001) with sprinting speed. The re- and Rhea determined that there was (18) determined that peak power out-
searchers concluded lower-body correlation between relative back squat put during the Olympic-style lifts, spe-
strength, via the back squat, should strength and all the performance tests. cifically the second pull, produced far
be a relevant training regimen for ath- Peterson, Alvar, and Rhea concluded greater peak power outputs (400%
letes (44). López-Segovia et al. (32) that the relative strength in the back greater) than the back squat, deadlift,
studied 14 under-21 soccer players squat and measures of power, jumping or bench press. Hackett et al. (19)
and showed power produced in the full ability, agility, linear sprint accelera- performed a systematic review to
squat is an important factor to explain tion, and sprinting speed were strong. compare the effects of weightlifting,
short sprint performance (r 5 20.79; traditional resistance training, and
P # 0.01). Also, McBride et al. (35) DEADLIFT plyometrics on vertical jump height.
performed a study with 17 male Divi- The deadlift is popular among power- The researchers included 232 subjects
sion I-AA football athletes and re- lifters and is regarded as an important (175 athletes and 57 physical education
corded 1-repetition maximum (1RM) exercise for athletes seeking to improve students) with resistance training expe-
in the back squat in comparison with strength and power (5). A recent study rience and concluded that weightlifting
sprint times in the 5-, 10-, and 40-yard by Laffaye et al. (28) examined 273 results in an average of 5.1% greater
sprints. The overall results suggest that elite (college and professional) athletes
vertical jump when compared with
athletes with a 1RM/body mass of 2.10 (primarily football, basketball, baseball,
traditional resistance training. Hoffman
or higher had significantly faster sprint and volleyball players) and the different
et al. (20) explored 20 Division III
times than those with a 1RM/body variables that make up a successful ver-
collegiate football players on the effects
mass of 1.90 or below. These findings tical jump. The researchers determined
of a 15-week training program of lifting
support other cross-sectional studies that concentric force and eccentric rate
compared with a program of powerlift-
showing a close association between of force development are the 2 most
ing on 40-yard sprint times, vertical
relative strength in the back squat important qualities to determine jump-
jump, agility, and strength. The research-
and sprinting speed (10,11,48). The ing height, and therefore, suggested the
ers concluded that the weightlifting
back squat has also been shown to be deadlift as being a major exercise in
group improved 40-yard sprint (0.07 6
effective at improving vertical jump improving concentric force develop-
and COD speed (9,11,26,40,48). Chelly ment. This supports Robbins (42) who 0.22 seconds versus 0.04 6 0.19 sec-
et al. (9) demonstrated training with concluded that peak muscle activation onds), vertical jump (6.8 cm 6 6.1 versus
heavy half back squats, twice a week in the deadlift is very similar to the peak 0.5 6 6.8), and lower-body strength
for 2 months, increased jump perfor- muscle activation of a countermove- (22.5 6 31.5 kg versus 18.9 6 33.1 kg)
mance, sprint performance (0–40 m), ment jump. Swinton et al. (46) studied to a greater extent than the powerlifting
and peak power output in junior soccer 30 male rugby union players and dem- group (20). In another study, McBride
players. Keiner et al. (26) studied 112 onstrated that relative strength in the et al. (34) recruited national level Olym-
soccer players, aged 13–18, in a 2-year deadlift was associated with faster pic weightlifters (n 5 6), powerlifters
long-term strength development pro- sprinting speeds and higher vertical (n 5 8), and sprinters (n 5 6) and tested
gram. Subjects in the control group on- jumps. In fact, the researchers con- each group in 1RM back squat, jump
ly participated in normal soccer cluded that for the 30-m sprints and squat tests, and vertical jumps with var-
training, whereas the experimental vertical leap, as much as 90% of the ious loads performed. The researchers
group performed strength training performance variation can be explained suggested that the weightlifting group
(back squats, front squat, and deadlifts) by relative strength and average/peak produced significantly higher peak
in addition to normal soccer training. power output in the deadlift. Last, forces, power outputs, velocities, and
After 2-years, the strength trained Thompson et al. (47) studied 34 novice jump heights in comparison with the
group showed significantly faster subjects through a 10-week, twice per powerlifting group and were significantly
COD times, and the researchers con- week, deadlift training protocol. stronger than the sprinter group (34).
cluded that long-term strength devel- Posttraining testing resulted in a 7.4% The researchers concluded that strength
opment in the squat is related to increase in vertical jump and an and power characteristics are specific to
improved performance in COD sprints 18.8–49.0% increase in rate of torque each group and are influenced by the
for adolescent athletes. Peterson, Alvar, development (47). training protocols used (34).


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SHORTCOMINGS OF VERTICAL players over the course of 1 year did A potential reason for the gap
EXERCISES not yield any improvements in sprint- between strength in vertically ori-
Direct transfer to improve sports ing speed. They concluded that while ented exercises, such as the squat,
performance using the back increasing strength is likely important deadlift, and Olympic-style lifts, is
squat, deadlift, or Olympic-style lifts for players with low training experi- the lack of specificity to horizontal
may be limited by the nature of ence, it may not have the same effect planar movement. Several research
the exercise and/or by the experience with highly trained athletes (1). When studies have concluded that horizon-
level of more advanced athletes it comes to transfer to sporting move- tal force application is related to fast-
(1,6,12,14,23,41,43,49,50). Young (50) ments such as COD speed, Jullien et al. er sprinting speeds (7,15,25,37,38,41).
reviewed the transfer of traditional (24) demonstrated that lower-body Buchheit et al. (8) analyzed the hori-
strength exercises, such as the back strengthening, via the back squat, failed zontal forces of 86 elite youth soccer
squat, deadlift, and Olympic-style lifts, to improve COD when compared with players during sprinting. The re-
on sports performance. Young (50) technique and coordination work in searchers found that horizontal force
stated that exercises involving bilateral young professional male soccer ath- was significantly correlated with
contractions of the leg muscles result- letes. These findings support the acceleration speed (10 m), suggesting
ing in vertical movement, such as Brughelli et al. (6) review of training that horizontal forces may be impor-
squats, deadlifts, and Olympic-style studies on COD ability. This review tant for acceleration performance.
lifts, have minimal transfer to perfor- concluded that traditional strength Lockie et al. (31) echoed this by sum-
mance in advanced athletes. Although and power training, performed bilater- marizing, in order to increase acceler-
general strength training might be ben- ally in the vertical direction, have ation speed, it is important to develop
eficial for athletes because of the poten- mostly failed to elicit improvements specific horizontal strength and
tial to enhance the force-generating in COD performance. Instead, utiliza- power. Randell et al. (41) highlighted
capabilities of muscle, direct transfer tion of exercises that more closely the concern to the possible shortcom-
to improve sports performance might mimic the demands of COD, such as ings of vertically loaded exercises,
be limited in experienced athletes (50). horizontal jump training, lateral jump such as the back squat, deadlift, and
To maximize transfer to on-field per- training, and specific COD training Olympic-style lifts, and noted that the
formance, training should be as specific have shown to be effective at improv- effectiveness of a gym-based lower-
as possible, especially with regard to ing COD performance (6). Hori et al. body resistance-training program
movement pattern and contraction (22) investigated whether the athlete with a horizontal component has
velocity (6,14,50). The efficiency and who has high performance in hang not been fully investigated, citing
effectiveness of bilateral, vertical exer- power clean also has high performan- a gap in strength and conditioning
cises have been questioned as it has ces in sprinting, jumping, and COD. research. This gap in the literature,
been shown that it takes exceptionally Twenty-nine semiprofessional Austra- potentially, means that horizontally
large increases in 1RM back squat lian rules football players were tested
loaded movements may have greater
strength (;23 to 27%) to only slightly for 1RM strength in the hang power
transfer and benefit for acceleration
increase sprinting speed (2–3%) clean and were separated into 2
and sprinting speed than vertically
(14,23). Rumpf et al. (43) performed groups—strongest 14 into the higher
loaded exercises.
a review looking at the effects of vari- performance group; weakest 14 into
ous types of training on sprint perfor- the lower performance group (excluded A training quality of both horizontally
mance in highly trained athletes the middle athlete). Overall, there was and vertically oriented exercises is full
(international level) versus recreational no significant difference between groups hip extension, which has been pro-
athletes. They grouped training meth- in 5-5 COD time. The researchers con- posed as a key factor for improved
ods into specific (sprinting or resisted cluded that strength characteristics of sprinting, jumping, and lateral move-
sprinting) and nonspecific (resistance the hang power clean differ from those ment speed (3,12,45). The gluteal and
training). Although nonspecific train- needed for successful COD perfor- hamstring musculature are the main
ing methods were found to be effective, mance (22). Young et al. (49) studied drivers of powerful hip extension, and
mainly for recreational subjects, they 15 males aged 18–28 and compared var- increasing strength and power in these
were much less effective for highly ious COD speed cuts with lower-body muscles, may help horizontal-based
trained athletes. Specific training meth- strength and power, measured by an movements (13). This may be of
ods proved to be superior for high-level isokinetic squat. The authors deduced importance because as sprinting speeds
athletes, leaving the researchers calling that there was no significant correlation increase, the activity of the gluteal and
for the use of specific training methods between the 2 measures and therefore hamstring musculature also increase
to enhance performance in highly suggested that training designed to (2,3,7,16,27,30). It is proposed that hor-
trained subjects (43). Barr et al. (1) increase leg strength and power as izontally loaded movements may be
showed that significant increases in a means to enhance COD is not con- superior to vertically oriented move-
power clean strength in elite rugby clusively supported (49). ments in eliciting gluteal and hamstring

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Importance of Horizontally Loaded Movements to Performance

activation, which may lead to greater unique horizontal loading pattern is related to faster sprinting speeds and
transfer to horizontal strength and during the KB swing puts forces on COD (7,15,25,37,38,41,45). This leads
power (12). Recently, a study recorded the spine which is opposite to tradi- to the need for further investigation
electromyography (EMG) in 13 tional lifts such as deadlift, back whether these relationships exist in
trained females during a horizontally squat, and Olympic-style lifts. This training studies with high-level athletes.
based exercise, the hip thrust, and a ver- may be why many individuals credit In conclusion, the effectiveness of
tically based exercise, the back squat KB swings with restoring and a gym-based lower-body resistance-
(13). The barbell hip thrust elicited sig- enhancing back health and func- training program with a horizontal
nificantly greater mean (69.5 versus tion (36). component has not been fully investi-
29.4%) and peak (172 versus 84.9%) gated (41). Further research needs to
upper gluteus maximus, mean (86.8 be conducted to determine whether
versus 45.4%) and peak (216 versus CONCLUSION
Although general strength training, recent EMG research showing
130%) lower gluteus maximus, and increased muscle activation during
mean (40.8 versus 14.9%) and peak such as vertically oriented exercises,
is beneficial for athletes because of horizontally oriented movements (13)
(86.9 versus 37.5%) biceps femoris leads to superior strength, power,
EMG activity than the back squat. the potential to enhance the force-
generating capabilities of muscle, the speed, and on-field transference com-
The researchers concluded the need pared with vertically loaded exercises.
for further investigation to see if this direct transfer of such exercises to
increased activation of muscle tissue improve sports performance might be
would lead to greater hypertrophy, limited in experienced athletes or ath- PRACTICAL APPLICATION
strength, and performance benefits letes requiring horizontally dominated The use of a horizontally based training
(13). McGill et al. (36) demonstrated movements (50). Young (50) reviewed regimen has yet to be investigated and
a horizontally based exercise, the ket- the transfer of traditional strength compared against a vertically based train-
tlebell (KB) swing, with just 16 kg eli- training on sports performance and ing regimen. Vertically oriented exercises
cited as a maximal voluntary stated that exercises in the vertical have been demonstrated to be effective
contraction of 80% for the gluteal plane, such as squats, deadlifts, and (9–11,18–21,26,32,35,40,44,46–48), but
muscles. The KB swing has also been Olympic-style lifts, have minimal trans- this effectiveness is diminished in
shown to be equally effective as fer to performance in advanced ath- experienced athletes and in transfer
Olympic-style lifts and squats at letes (50). To maximize transfer to to specific physical qualities
improving vertical jump, despite using on-field performance, training should (1,6,12,14,23,41,43,49,50). This does
lighter loads (29,39). Lake et al. (29) be as specific as possible, especially not mean that vertically loaded move-
determined that peak and mean power with regard to movement pattern and ments should be omitted. They are
during the KB swing were greater than contraction velocity (6,14,50). important and have their place in any
the back squat and comparable with It is proposed that horizontally ori- strength and conditioning program,
the jump squat. The KB swing also ented movements may be superior to but the use of horizontal-based move-
recorded the highest net impulse with vertically oriented movements in elic- ments may have greater transfer to
32 kg (276.1 6 45.3 N$s versus 60% iting gluteal and hamstring activation, certain aspects of sports performance.
1RM back squat: 182.8 6 43.1 N$s, which may lead to greater transfer to It should be noted that athletes who
and 40% jump squat: 231.3 6 47.1 horizontal strength and power (12). require specific performance in the
N$s). These findings indicate that the Contreras et al. (2015) demonstrated horizontal, vertical, lateral, and/or
large mechanical demand during the that a horizontal-based movement eli- rotational planes, engage in exercises
KB swing could make the KB swing cited significantly greater mean (69.5 containing those specific movements.
a useful addition to strength and con- versus 29.4%) and peak (172 versus The following are practical exercises to
ditioning programs that aim to develop 84.9%) upper gluteus maximus, mean maximize horizontal strength, power,
the ability to rapidly apply horizontal (86.8 versus 45.4%) and peak (216 ver- and speed. Further research needs to
force (29). Not only is horizontal hip sus 130%) lower gluteus maximus, be conducted in athletic populations
extension good for sagittal plane-based and mean (40.8 versus 14.9%) and to continue to distinguish differences
movements, but Shimokochi et al. (45) peak (86.9 versus 37.5%) biceps fem- in performance of horizontal move-
assessed 28 female college basketball oris EMG activity than the back ments versus vertical movements.
players and concluded that greater squat. This is important as several pre- These weight room exercises would
hip extension velocity explained better vious research studies have shown that be in addition to movement exercises
lateral cutting and sliding maneuvers, as sprinting speeds increase, the activity such as sprinting, bounding, horizontal
and training hip extension velocity of gluteal and hamstring musculature jumping, and sled pushing/towing.
may be crucial for better lateral accel- also increases (2,3,7,16,27,30). In addi- 1. Hip thrust/barbell glute bridge—
eration and deceleration. Finally, tion, several research studies have con- Contreras et al. (13) performed
McGill et al. (36) also noted that the cluded that horizontal force application EMG on the hip thrust and back


Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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